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INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY listens. Decoding is the process where the listener or
receiver processes the message of the source and then
Communication is defined as the act or process of using words, sounds, responds accordingly.
signs, or behaviors to express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings among 5. Noise is known as the interference that keeps the
others to someone else. It is the exchange of information and the message from being understood or accurately
expression of feeling that can result in understanding. In other words, interpreted. The interference can be internal or external
communication refers to the process of transmitting messages or ideas between the sender and the receiver.
from one person or group of persons to another. It may be a face-to-face 6. Situation or Setting is the time and place in which
conversation between two people or a large number of people called the communication occurs. Communication adapts to the
audience using various media. setting.
7. Feedback is the receiver’s message that he/she sends to
Types of Communication the source in response to the sender’s message. It can
be in the form of a verbal or non-verbal response.
A. According to channels used:
1. Verbal Communication refers to the form of The process can be simplified through communication models.
communication in which a message is transmitted 1. Lasswell’s Communication Model. This model describes who
verbally. The communication is done by word of mouth is saying something, which channel is used to convey the
and a piece of writing. Spoken words are used which messages, who the message is aimed at, and what effect the
include face-to-face conversations, speech, telephone message has. It describes verbal communication and consists
conversation, video, radio, television, voice-over the of five elements. Who says What, in Which channel, to Whom,
internet. Likewise, written symbols are used to with What effect? This model is also called a ‘linear model of
communicate. A written message may be printed or communication’, ‘uni-directional process’ or ‘action model,
handwritten that can be transmitted via email, letter, because it describes a one-way process within communication.
report, memo, etc.
2. Non-verbal Communication is the sending or receiving
of wordless messages. The communication is done by
gestures, body language, and posture, tone of voice, or
facial expression. It is all about the body language of the
2. Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication. This has
B. According to Purpose and Style been called the “mother of all models.” This model was
1. Formal Communication takes place in professional designed to develop effective communication between the
settings. This type of communication is practiced in sender and receiver. Also, a factor affecting the communication
corporate meetings, conferences, academic seminars, process is called “Noise.” It deals with various concepts like
political sessions, and judicial proceedings. information source (sender), transmitter, noise, channel,
2. Informal Communication is the most commonly used message, receiver (listener), channel, information destination,
form of communication. It takes place in the daily encode and decode.
interaction with and between friends, family, classmates,
and anyone who wishes to speak with another.

The Communication Process

Communication is described as a process because
sender-decoder needs other elements to be able to complete the method.
To achieve effective communication, you must be familiarized and
understood the different elements and their roles in the communication
3. Osgood-Schramm Model of Communication. This model is a
The elements are the following: circular experience rather than a linear experience that involves
1. The sender (speaker) is also known as the source or a sender, who encodes a message, and a recipient, who
origin of information or message. He is in charge of the decodes it. The sender and the receiver hold both roles in the
encoding process of the communication. He is the one model.
who conveys the message. The goal of the sender is to
ensure that his/her intended message is the message
that is communicated.
2. Message pertains to any information, ideas, and feelings
that are passed on through communication. This is
whatever the sender communicates to the receiver, or the
information received by the receiver from the sender.
3. Channel refers to the medium or means on how the 4. Westley and MacLean Model of Communication. This model
message is transmitted or being transmitted. The primary can be applied in two contexts: interpersonal and mass
channel is the use of five sense organs. Moreover, communication, the point of difference being the feedback.
television, radio, records, newspapers, and magazines Feedback is direct and fast in interpersonal communication
are examples of media channels. and indirect and slow in mass communication. The model also
4. The receiver is known as the listener. He is in charge of differentiates the message as purposive and non-purposive.
the decoding process of communication and he who

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Responsible Use of Media and


The media and information literate individuals understand,

inquire, create, communicate, and think critically while engaging in a
5. Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication. This model focuses digital society. They access,
on encoding and decoding which happens before the sender organize, analyze, and construct media in a variety of platforms. Likewise,
sends the message and before the receiver receives the they do not believe easily but rather evaluate thoroughly the accuracy and
message respectively. Likewise, it has mainly, four adequacy of the presented information. Discriminating facts, opinions,
components to describe the communication process. They are assertion, and blended statement will guide them in making well-informed
the sender, message, channel, and receiver. Each of the decisions.
components is affected by many factors.
Being a media and information literate individual refers to being
a responsible user and competent producer of media and information.
He/she should have the following characteristics:
1. He/she must be curious. A media and information literate
individual satisfy curiosity by seeking the truth, asking tough
and important questions, and gathering details and information.
2. He/she has the general knowledge. A media and information
literate individual are well-knowledgeable on the information
and confidently affirm correct information.
3. He/she can write. A media and information literate individual
know how to catch readers’ attention by writing what is true and
● Literacy. The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,
correct and by how articles are written.
communicate and compute, using printed and written materials
4. He/she shows professionalism. A media and information literate
associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a
individual act in lieu of professionalism in any way. It means
continuum of learning, wherein individuals can achieve their
he/she is a provider of correct information because it is what
goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and participate
the public is expected of them. That is to tell the truth and
fully in their community and wider society.
respect other’s ideas.
● Media. The physical objects used to communicate with, or the
mass communication through physical objects such as radio,
Information today comes from everywhere. Thus, plagiarism is
television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical
quite common among students and even professionals. According to the
object used to communicate messages.
Meriam-Webster online, to “plagiarize” means to steal and pass off (the
● Media Literacy. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
ideas or words of another) as one’s own, to use (another’s production)
create media in a variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens
without crediting the source, to commit literary theft, and to present as
by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and skills)
new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
necessary to engage with traditional media and new
Committing plagiarism results to many consequences such as expulsion
from your academic institution, tainted or damaged integrity, payment of
● Information. A broad term that covers processed data,
fines and penalties and even imprisonment due to violation of Republic
knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals,
Act No, 8293 or also known as Intellectual Property Code of the
or symbols.
● Information Literacy. The ability to recognize when
information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively
How to be a responsible user of media and information?
communicate information in its various formats.
1. Avoid posting inappropriate photos.
● Technology Literacy. The ability of an individual, either
2. Avoid making derogatory comments on individual or
working independently or with others, to responsibly,
appropriately, and effectively use technological tools. Using
3. Avoid swearing or using inappropriate language.
these tools an individual can access, manage, integrate,
4. Keep your opinions to yourself.
evaluate, create, and communicate information.
5. Avoid making allegations to others.
● Media and Information Literacy. The essential skills and
6. Do not disclose your location.
competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and
7. Never add phone number or address.
other information providers effectively, as well as develop
8. Avoid giving password clues.
critical thinking skills and life-long learning skills to socialize and
9. Never fully rely on privacy settings.
become active citizen
10. Be careful with what you like and share.
11. Communicate positively. Participate sensibly

Lesson 3: how the Evolution of Media from Traditional to New Media through music and dance. For example, the oyayi or hele of the early
Shaped the Values and Normsof People and Society Filipinos represent a mother’s care and love by singing her child to sleep.
Meanwhile, dance was used to express a tribe’s religious beliefs. The
tribes from the Cordillera Administrative Region perform the Cañao as a

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to live during the time B. INDUSTRIAL AGE
where a language has not yet been developed? Or perhaps in a time
where messages were sent through couriers such as birds or messengers An industrial city pertains to a place where
on foot? Can you live without your smart phone or internet? Let us several factories are located or built.
discover the life and the different means of communication as we unfold
the development of media from the very first up to the present. The Industrial Age began in the 18th
century in Great Britain when the country
A. PREHISTORIC AGE made drastic reforms to improve their
economy. During this period, technology
Prehistoric refers to the time before the existence of written or shifted from using hand tools to operating
recorded history. According to archeologists, the Prehistoric Age occurred power-driven machines. Examples of these machines are the power loom
some 4.5 years ago or approximately 30,000 years ago. This era is and steam engine, which made the production and operation of factories
divided into two periods: The Stone Age and the Metal Age. They are faster and more efficient.
called as such because of the kind of tools that the prehistoric people
used during those times. As the tools were relatively crude, archeologists Selling of goods boosted during the Industrial Age. The concept
believe that a system of writing had not yet existed during this era. As of mass production or manufacturing goods in large quantities was
prehistoric men learned how to sharpen their tools and use them for introduced, increasing the demand for bigger and better machines.
hunting, they also acquired the Special equipment was fabricated to meet the specific needs of different
knowledge on how to use these materials in carving stones. Eventually, factories.
this paved the way for them to create a system of writing, which marked
the start of the historic period. When steam press was invented, the printing of materials like
newspapers became much faster,
Prehistoric Art as the Earliest Form of Traditional Media easier and cheaper. Before this development, publishers used to receive
financial support from political parties and rich patrons so the latter can be
By using sharpened tools made of stones, prehistoric men also featured in the newspaper. When the printing cost was marked down,
learned how to sketch on caves. These caves served as their big canvas publishers started to print articles for the common interest of the public.
while the sharpened tools became their pen. Prehistoric men drew on The earlier injustices experienced by the laborers were also published in
caves what they see around them, such as animals and nature. the newspaper.
Communication during the industrial age also
During the Stone Age prehistoric people also use the crude become viable because of the invention of the
stone tools to create objects, which are now considered rock art. Two telegraph. A telegraph is a system used for
kinds of rock art during the Stone Age are petroglyphs and pictographs. transmitting messages from a distance along a
wire. In 1837, William Cooke and Charles
Petroglyphs can be carvings or engravings in rocks or caves Wheatstone patented the first commercial electric
while pictographs represent words or phrases through images or symbols. telegraph. By 1840, new railways were built using
Pictographs used to refer to sketches or paintings that usually depict the CookeWheatstone System and in 1866, a
nature, giving us a glimpse of the early people’s way of life. For example, telegraph cable was successfully laid across the Atlantic.
the images of some wild animals and men carrying hunting tools make an
impression that most people during the Stone Age used to be hunters. C. ELECTRONIC AGE
Moreover, cave paintings that show men on boats or holding jars imply
that they also practiced other forms of livelihood aside from hunting. Electronic refers to an object that has electronic components,
such as sensors and microchips, which functions once it is connected to
The Manunggul jar was excavated from the Tabon an electrical outlet.
Caves in Palawan. This artifact dates back from 890 to
710 BC. Archeologists believe that the Manunggul jar The Industrial Age and the Electronic Age are quite similar in
represents the beliefs of the early Filipinos about death. the sense that they thrived in the manufacturing industries in a faster and
The two figures at the top of the jar’s handle represent more efficient way with the help of equipment that are operated by
the journey of the soul in the afterlife. machines. However, they can also be different because the equipment in
the Electronic Age are more complex as they run on electricity instead of
Apart from the cave paintings, prehistoric
men also created megalithic art. This art The Electronic Age marked the beginning of modernization
involves the process of arranging or since electronic equipment are more functional and reliable. For example,
stacking together artistically the stones or the first train invented during the Industrial Age is more efficient mode of
big rocks for a certain purpose, which still transportation than a horse-drawn carriage that can carry only a few
remains a mystery to most archeologists. passengers and take days to travel. However, the vehicles that we have
today are even faster as their engines are powered by electricity.
There is no concrete system of writing during
the Prehistoric Age so people communicated D. INFORMATION AGE
their way of life, beliefs, and other practices

Information has been defined as the specific data acquired for As a result, in September 21, 1972, President Ferdinand E.
a specific purpose. Gaining information is a vital part of people’s lives Marcos, declared Martial law in hope of restoring the peace and order in
because it makes them knowledgeable and enhances their understanding the country. Instead, this dictatorial government had taken over the mass
of the world. Due to this, more inventors want people to have an easier media. Some editors and journalists were arrested and detained to control
access to information. the dissemination of negative news against the government, particularly
the president.
The Information Age is also labelled as Computer Age or the
New Age because it gave birth to new media and digital technology. During the tenure of President Joseph Estrada on the other
Although most devices still run on electricity during this time, their hand, the media reported about his involvement in illegal gambling and
multifunctional capabilities make them different from the machines used in adultery. This led to a call for an impeachment trial where President
the Electronic Age. Estrada was accused of plunder, betrayal of public trust, and culpable
violation of Constitution as cited in Article XI. Television and radio stations
The information age has upgraded what it can offer to made a live coverage of its court proceedings as the entire nation took
consumers in terms of gadgets and devices like having a wired telephone interest in this issue. When the second envelope, which allegedly
to having mobile phones or smart phones that can do much more than contained incriminating evidences against president Estrada, was not
just making or receiving calls. Bulky and heavy books, same as opened based on the senators’ majority vote, the prosecutors walked out.
newspapers, are now in digital platforms, making them more portable and Also, the people who were watching it since the first day of the trial
easier to share. These devises can make our way of life not only believed that the truth had been compromised.
functional and comfortable, but also offer endless possibilities.
Going to the present time, media is now not limited to radio,
2. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRADITIONAL MEDIA AND NEW newspapers and Televisions. It expanded to greater, more massive
MEDIA platforms which provides immediate information and requires less
expense in access and production such as social media, online news and
In the present time, new media is undeniably very useful, but other digital platforms.
this does not mean that traditional media has already become obsolete.
Traditional media is still valuable and influential because it has wider Unlike before where production and transmission were limited
reach and market. For example, some people still live in remote areas only to professionals like journalists, columnists, news reporters and the
where there is no electricity. Due to this, they cannot use the internet to like, the availability of new media platforms paved its way in giving
look for the latest news. Despite of this, they can still become informed freedom and access to public and private individuals where almost
and updated by listening to the radio or reading newspapers. everyone can give their opinion or insights on a certain issue, share
information, create and manage their own video logs (VLOG) or web logs
As a matter of fact, some people from the older generation still (BLOG) with the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
prefer the use of traditional media as they find the old-fashioned YouTube, Instagram and more. This resulted to the greater awareness,
newspapers as trusted source of information written by veteran more active participation of the citizens and bigger need for transparency
journalists. On the other hand, some older people also enjoy the new of information.
media by using the latest gadgets and going to state-of-the-art movie
houses. The choice of media is based on one’s needs, interests, lifestyle, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte passed Executive Order No. 2,
as both traditional media and new media can carry out their purpose of Series of 2016, which implemented the Freedom of Information (FoI)
keeping the people informed and helping everyone to stay connected. Program in the executive branch. It refers to the right of the people to
information on matters of public concern.
However, the freedom of the people to express their ideas and
Democracy comes from the Greek word demo (people) and share information also entails big responsibility in delivering accurate,
kratos (rule). In a democratic society like our country, the welfare of the reliable and non- malicious information to the public. The lack of
public is important and our rights are protected by the government. responsibility, reliability and capacity of people to filter accurate
information led to spread of “fake news”.
Looking back at our history, there have been instances when
people had been restricted to express their ideas and fight for their rights. Senator Joel Villanueva filed the Anti-Fake News Bill on June,
For example, some of our heroes use pen names in their writings which 22 2017 that gives stiffer penalties
criticizes the colonial Spain. Some of them were Dr. Jose Rizal who used to individuals “who maliciously offer, publish, distribute, circulate, and
the pen name Laong Laan and Dimasalang, Marcelo H. Del Pilar used spread false news or information in print, broadcast or online media.”
Plaridel, and Graciano Lopez Jaena wrote under the name of Diego
Laura. The roles and functions of media never changed. As time
passes, it only grows. With the massive
Our country’s 1986 and 2001 People power revolution perfectly reach of media, it can greatly influence people’s views and actions. This
showed the importance of the role of media in today’s society. proves that in a democratic society, the media’s role is very crucial as it
becomes a reliable source of information.
Prior to People Power I, local newspaper, such as Manila Times
and its sister-paper Daily Mirror, Manila Chronicles, Philippines Press,
and many others, reported about the pervasive protests of people against
the government because of its inability to respond to issues regarding
labor, poverty, and education. Hence, news reporters from TV and radio
stations exposed illegal abductions of citizens who were tortured for
criticizing the government.

Lesson 4: The Different Types of Media and its Impact on People 3. Magazine. A magazine is also a periodical publication
released weekly, monthly, or quarterly. It contains articles on various
A. TYPES OF MEDIA topics depending on the subject or area the magazine covers. For
example, an entertainment magazine features articles about celebrities
Newspapers, magazines, television, and the Internet are some while a health magazine contains tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle.
types of media that we use tocomplete our daily activities. Which among A magazine looks more attractive than a newspaper in terms of its
those types of media do you often use? What do you use them for? The cover, design, layout, and quality of paper used.
following discussion will help you identify print media, broadcast media,
and new media. 4. Journal. Similar to a newspaper, a journal contains informative
articles and provides accurate reports on specific topics, such as
PRINT MEDIA medicine. It can also be compound to a magazine as it targets a particular
type of audience. For example, a medical journal is intended for medicine
Print Media refers to paper publications such as books, students or medical practitioners.
newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, and other materials that
are physically printed on paper. At present, some forms of print media 5. Newsletter. Organizations or companies release new letters
have digital versions and are available for download through applications for special purposes. A newsletter is published either weekly or monthly. It
or websites. can be a bulletin where a company or an organization informs its readers
about the updates and happenings in their institution or community. A
We use different kinds of media every day. Which among the newsletter can also contain special features on topics that might be of
following do you often read or use? interest or value to its targeted readers.

1. Book. It is a reading material that can either be fictional or 6. Gazette. A gazette pertains to the official publication of a
nonfictional. In the past, texts were written on parchment paper using a government organization or an institution, which is intended for public
quill, then the pages are sewn together to form a book. Today, texts are notices or listing of appointments.
encoded and laid out using a computer, then sent to the printing press for
mass production. Students use books in school as reference materials, 7. Pamphlet. A pamphlet can be a small booklet, a leaflet, or a
such as almanac, dictionary, and atlas, which are commonly found in the primer. It contains a detailed, yet easy to understand, text with images. It
library. is released by an organization or company to inform the public regarding
special topics or issues.
Published every year, the almanac contains detailed information
about topics of special interest like the countries around the world. It also 8. Brochure. It is a small book or magazine that contains pictures
highlights statistical, tabular, and general facts and figures. and information about the products or services offered by a company.

A dictionary is a reference material used to find the word’s 9. Leaflet and flyer. A leaflet and a flyer refer to a printed sheet
definition, etymology, pronunciation, forms, and syntactical and idiomatic of paper that contains information about a product for advertising
uses. purposes. Leaflets and flyers are distributed and given free to targeted
customers to promote a product.
Words in the dictionary are arranged alphabetically.
Merriam-Websters, Random House, and Oxford Dictionary are some BROADCAST
famous examples of dictionaries. Similar to a dictionary, the word entries
in a thesaurus are also arranged alphabetically, each containing the Broadcast Media consists of programs produced by television
meaning based on its synonyms and antonyms. networks and radio stations. Contrary to print media, broadcast media airs
audio and video materials for the public’s information, interest, or leisure.
An atlas is a collection of maps showing geographic features, Radio, television, and films are three forms of broadcast media.
political boundaries, including the climatic, social, and economic statistics
of a specific area. It also contains informative tables, charts, or plates. 1. Radio. The first known radio is attributed to the Italian inventor,
The word atlas is derived from Greek mythology. Atlas is a Titan who Guglielmo Marconi, when he made
revolted against the gods. As punishment, Atlas has to carry the word on the wireless telegraph in 1895. Using radio waves, he
his shoulders. was able to transmit Morse code using the instrument
he made. With the use of a small device called the
2. Newspaper. Printed on a daily or weekly basis, a newspaper transistor, the flow of electricity in radios and other
contains a wide range of articles that appear on the different sections, types of broadcast media can be controlled.
such as news, business, lifestyle, sports, and entertainment sections. It
also has an editorial page where editors of the newspaper share their Radio announcers or DJs deliver the news or play music through
views and opinions on relevant and current issues. Most newspapers also electric currents or frequencies between about 3000 hertz to
have a comic page. Publishers allow advertisers to post classified ads, job 300gigahertz. A radio can be set in an AM or FM mode. AM stands for
openings, and other announcements to help finance their publication amplitude modulation, while FM stands for frequent modulation. In an AM
needs. mode, the amplitude of the radio signal encodes information, while the FM
mode uses a change in frequency to encode information.
A newspaper has two types: the broadsheet and the tabloid. The
target readers of a broadsheet are usually the professionals who prefer 2. Television. The television is one of the most visible appliances
reading formal news and indepth analysis of issues. On the other hand, a at home. It is equipped with an electronic system capable of sending
tabloid is pegged for those who prefer reading condensed news and images and sounds by wire or through space. A television can receive
entertainment articles that use informal language. and project transient images of fixed or moving objects with sound.

Through its complex electronic system connected by wires, the 2. Hypertext. The information arranged in a computer database
television can transmit data through the apparatus, which is a cable of can easily be accessed through a hypertext, which allows a user to get
converting light and sound into electrical waves, and reconverts them into information and go from one document to another by clicking on
visible light rays and audible sound back to the viewers through the TV highlighted words or pictures. In short, hypertext is a list of information
screen and speaker. that can be displayed and accessed directly by users.

Vladimir Kosma Zworykin, a Russian – born American inventor, 3. Instant messaging. Through instant messaging (IM), a user
and Philo Taylor Farnsworth from Utah are credited as the inventors of can interact with another user through online chat in real-time. An IM can
modern television. Zworykin is acknowledged as the Father of Modern transmit in real-time a text, image, emoji, document, and video file, among
Television as he owns the patent rights, but it was Farnsworth who is others.
credited for the successful demonstration of the transmission of television
signals. 4. E-mail. Through an e-mail or electronic message, a user can
send information to other people in any part of the world. The information
3. Film. A film is similar to a television show as it offers a variety can be encoded in the message area or attached as a document.
of themes and genres. It can be about drama, comedy, horror, action, an Applications like Google Drive and Dropbox are designed to allow users
animation, or a documentary. Films, also called movies or motion pictures, to link and synchronize e-mail attachments that have big files, such as
are shown in theaters. They are a series of still images captured on film images and videos.
and screen. The first films were the silent, movies in black and white, as
color and sound technology back then were not yet introduced. Some 5. Distance education. With distance education, students
equipment used in making a film is video cameras and lighting systems. can now study online in any part of the world. The student will receive
materials from the facilitator or instructor through e-mail or from a
On December 28, 1895, the world’s first commercial movie portal where the student needs to sign up for an account. Once the
screening titled,” Arrivée dunon train à la Ciota’ (‘Arrival of a Train at La personal account is activated, the lesson in the virtual classroom can
Ciotat’)” took place at the Grand Cafe in Paris. Shooting their 50- second now be accessed. Some educational institutions, like the University of
presentation reportedly frightened audiences, who believed the the Philippines, have taken the initiative to provide distance education
locomotive would leave the screen and run over them. through their open university. ESL (English as a Second Language)
schools that teach English to foreigners online through Skype is
The film was made by Louis and Auguste Lumiere, two French considered a form of distance education, too.
brothers who developed a camera-projector called the Cinematographe.
6. E-book. An e-book refers to a digital or electronic version of a
TV AND MOVIE CLASSIFICATION RATINGS printed book, which can be accessed with the use of a computer or a
With cable channels providing a wide range of shows, most
children nowadays prefer to watch the television during their leisure time 7. Online shopping. In the past, people need to go to the
instead of playing and outdoors. However, not all shows are suitable for supermarket or department store to buy something. But with the use of
children. In the Philippines, the Movie and TV Ratings Classification the Internet, consumers can now shop online. Buying online allows
Board (MTRCB) releases a classification rating for the information of consumers to shop at their convenience because they can purchase while
parents. at home and charge the items to their credit cards. The purchased
products are then delivered directly to the buyer’s doorstep through
● G rating means that the show is for general patronage. shipment. Online shopping provides consumers more choices of products
● PG rating means that the show requires parental guidance. with a new or unique concept. This is beneficial for budding entrepreneurs
● SPG rating means that strict parental guidance is required as the as they can advertise their products easily and reach out to more
show may have themes that involved violence, horror, and consumers, even to those who live overseas. Internationally, eBay and
inappropriate language that are not suitable for young audiences. Amazon. com are popular websites for online Shopping. In the
Philippines,,, and are some
NEW MEDIA (INTERNET) examples of popular online shopping sites. Shopping online may be
convenient, but consumers and entrepreneurs alike should be careful
Students of today’s generation are lucky that they can access when transacting business online to ensure that they are dealing with
information quickly and easily because of the Internet. When the Internet legitimate persons or entities.
was not yet introduced, gatherings information for research took much
effort as one needs to visit the library to look for the appropriate reference 8. Media convergence. It interconnects information with
materials. Today, the Internet allows users to browse different websites communication technologies, computer networks, and stable and reliable
and communicate with other people through the web. The Internet is an Internet connection. In the past Internet connection is established
electronic communications network that connects computer users through employing a dial-up where a modem is connected to a phone line.
various networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. Nowadays, the Internet is much faster as there are varied modes of
The following are some features of the Internet. connection like broadband, cable, and wireless connection (Wi-Fi)

1. Web page. The Internet is also called the worldwide B. THE INFLUENCE OF MEDIA IN THE WORLD WIDE WEB
communication network of computers. The web is the most widely used
service on the Internet. It consists of many web pages joined by Have you tried making a home video and uploading it in
hyperlinks. These web pages contain information about a person or an YouTube? Do you ever wonder how a video or a message becomes viral
organization and are made available online by any individual, institution, or trending? When we say that something has gone viral or trending on
and organization. Some web pages require the user to sign up first before the Internet, it means that a video or message has massively and quickly
gaining access to the page. gained high popularity. A viral video, for example, should have been
viewed, liked, and shared countless times. Apart from videos, a meme
can also go delete viral trending. A meme can be a funny image, video, or

text that has been shared, copied, and tweaked by Internet users and has
spread rapidly on their social media account. Information becomes
trending once it has spread all over the Internet and becomes
phenomenal among netizens (citizens of the internet).

Lesson 5: Indigenous Media and Common Sources Information Scholarly Journals that provide highly specific information for
scholars and researchers.
A media source pertains to any means of communicating to a Trade publications aim towards professionals in a specific
general, public audience. discipline.

Example Magazines show summaries of issues published regularly,

Read an article in the newspaper. But on television, viewers weekly or monthly about a specific topic for a general audience.
typically remember how a news story made them feel, rather than the
details of the story. Social media users can create and share content or participate
in social networking.
A material is indigenous when it exists naturally in a particular
region or environment using indigenous materials or resources, reflecting Blog or a weblog is similar to an editorial column where the
community needs and interests, visions and aspirations, and independent editor expresses his or her opinion on a certain issue of interest.
from vested interest groups.
Video logs or vlogging where instead of writing, they post
An ethnic tribe who has preserved and still practice the culture videos sharing their travels,adventures, and other experiences in which
and tradition of their ancestors. one may find substantial information

● Indigenous Knowledge or community media refers to Lesson 6: How to Present an Issue in Varied ways to Disseminate
knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or society. Information Using Codes, Convention, and Language of Media
● Indigenous media or the means of transmitting indigenous
knowledge is practiced as an oral tradition Genre comes from the French word meaning 'type' or 'class’. It
can be recognized by its common set of distinguishing features (codes
It is not written down and is orally passed from one generation to and conventions). Media codes and conventions are like the building
another in the form of storytelling. In this way, our ancestors were able to blocks of all the media around us.
narrate their beliefs, history, culture, and tradition. A library is a place in
which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books, Codes are a system of signs which create meaning. They
manuscripts, recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale. generally have an agreed meaning, or connotation to their audience.
Codes can be divided into three categories – technical and symbolic and
A library is a place in which literary, musical, artistic, or written codes.
reference materials (such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films) are
kept for use but not for sale. ● Symbolic code shows what is beneath the surface of what we
see. For example, a red rose may symbolically convey
FOUR MAJOR TYPES OF LIBRARIES: romance, or a clenched fist may be used to communicate
● Public library serves cities and towns of all types. danger.
● Academic library serves colleges and universities. ● Technical Codes are all how equipment is used to tell the story
● School library serves students from Kindergarten to Grade 12. in a media text. For example, the camera work in a film like high
● Special library are in specialized environments, such as angle camera shots to create a feeling of power in a
hospitals, corporations, museums, the military, private photograph, or lighting to communicate danger in a feature film.
businesses, and the government. ● Written codes are the formal written language used in a media
product. Just like technical and symbolic codes, written codes
The Bibliotheque Nationale de France (National Library of can be used to advance a narrative, communicate information
France) built-in 1368 is considered the oldest public library in the world about a character or issues and themes in the media product.
Written codes include printed language which is the text you
On August 12, 1887, a royal order from the Spanish government can see within the frame and how it is presented, and also
established the Bibliotheca Nacional de Filipinas, which was later spoken language, which includes dialogue and song lyrics.
called the National Library of the Philippine Islands. To date, it is known as
the National Library of the Philippines. Conventions are accepted ways of using media codes. Conventions are
closely connected to the audience expectations of a media product.
It is located in Ermita, Manila, near Rizal Park and fronting T.M. Different types of conventions include form conventions, story
Kalaw Avenue. conventions, and genre conventions.
Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo, and Mi ultimo adios.
● Form conventions are the certain ways we expect types of
Internet is a global computer network providing different media’s codes to be arranged. For instance, an audience
information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected expects to have a title of the film at the beginning, and then
networks using standardized communication protocols. credits at the end. Newspapers will have a masthead, the most
The Internet is by far the most popular source of information important news on the front page, and sports news on the back
and the preferred choice of most people nowadays. page. Video games usually start with a tutorial to explain the
mechanics of how the game works.
EVALUATING INFORMATION ● Story conventions are common narrative structures and
● First, check the accuracy of the content. understandings that are common in storytelling media products.
● Second, look for the author. Examples of story conventions include: Narrative structures,
● Third, do not forget to check for the currency of the information. Cause and effect, Character construction, and Point of View.
● Lastly, The information should be relevant. ● Genre conventions point to the common use of tropes,
characters, settings, or themes in a particular type of medium.

Genre conventions are closely linked with audience Gender role – the set of behaviors that society considers
expectations. Genre conventions can be formal or thematic. appropriate for each sex
Gender stereotype – an oversimplified or distorted
generalization about the characteristics of men and women
Headline – the short lines of emphasized text that introduce detail
information in the body test follows
Ideology – the doctrines, opinions, or way of thinking of an
individual, class, etc.; specifically, the body of ideas on which a particular
political, economic, or social system is based; a set of beliefs about the
Jingle – verse or song that repeats sounds or has a catchy
Jolt – a new jolt occurs each time a camera shot changes
HOW CODES AND CONVENTIONS APPLY IN MEDIA STUDIES? Line extension – new products in the same product category
using the same brand name
Codes and conventions are used together in any study of the Media text - any form of reproduced communication, from a
genre—it is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera book, film or CD, to an ad, a toy, or a T-shirt.
work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre. Mass Media – the methods of communication used to reach
large numbers of people at the same time – TV, newspapers, radio,
For example, the technical code of lighting is used in some way magazines, films, books, and the internet
in all film genres. It is a convention of the horror genre that side and Marketing – the process of promoting and selling a product or
backlighting is used to create mystery and suspense – an integral part of service based on decisions about what the product image should be and
any horror movie. who is most likely to buy it
Parity product – products in which all most of the brands
To delve deeper into common codes and conventions, explore available are identical
this glossary of terms from PSA – public service announcements\ Psychographics – an analysis of people’s attitudes, beliefs,
desires, and needs.
Appeal to emotion – an advertising technique when Popular culture – mainstream culture – the arts, artifacts,
advertisers appeal to those emotional needs experienced by all humans entertainments, fads, beliefs, and values shared by large segments of the
Association – an advertising technique whereby products are society
associated with the people, values, and lifestyles depicted in the ads Positioning – based upon what the product does and who it is
Brand extension – extending the brand name to other for
products Public Service Announcement – PSAs are part of the
Brand equity – money earned by brand name listening agreement of every commercial television and radio station and
Camera angles – the angle, high, straight, or low that a shot is produce no advertising revenue. PSAs sell ideas, such as donating to
taken charity, or awareness campaign
Camera shots – the distance between the camera and the Read – to analyze to meaning
subject Representation – the groups are presented in the media and
Camera movement – the movement of the camera position popular culture, often through stereotypical images that affect our views of
from left to right, forward or backward, up or down, stationary left or right, gender, race, class, age, and ability
and zoom in or out. Slogan – short, memorable advertising phrase. When a
Caption – phrase, sentence, or short paragraph describing the product or company uses a slogan consistently, the slogan can become
contents of an illustration such as photos or charts. Photo captions are an important element of identification in the public’s perception of the
usually placed directly above, below, or to the side of the pictures they product
describe. Sex role – a person sex’ role is defined partly by genetic
Claim – the verbal or print part of an ad that makes some claim makeup but mainly by the society and culture in which the individual lives
of superiority for the product Codes and convention: the familiar and Signature – contact information
predictable forms and techniques used by the media to communicate Stereotypes – an unvarying form or pattern: specifically, a fixed
certain ideas or to convey a desired impression. or conventional notion or conception, as of a person, group, idea, etc.,
Constructed - built, formed, or devised by fitting parts or held by some people, and allowing for no individuality, critical
elements together systematically. judgment, etc.; over-simplified images or representations of people or
Copy – text including advertiser’s name, sales message, groups of people based on race, gender, occupation, or age which can be
trademark or slogan Deconstruct – to take apart, analyze, or break down used to justify our popular attitudes and beliefs
a media text into its parts to understand how and why it was created Storyboard – a series of sketches of the frames of an event,
Demographics – common characteristics used for population with the corresponding audio information, and shot list
segmentation (or intended/target audience) including age, gender, Subheads – mini-headlines that appear lower in the print ad
postcode, and income making the copy easier to read making the ad more appealing, helping
Fada custom, style, etc., that may people are interested in for a direct the reader’s attention
short time: passing craze Tag line – a phrase that follows the brand name and it is often
Fear tactic – an advertising technique whereby products are at the end of a commercial or the bottom of an ad
sold based on our fears Target audience – specific groups of people that media
Genre – kind or type producers or advisers want to reach
Gender Identity- the sex group (masculine or feminine) to Text – anything that is read, listened to, or viewed
which an individual biologically belongs Trend – to have a general tendency: said of events, conditions,
opinions, etc.

Visual – photo or graphic

Go over the list of magazine terms then get a popular magazine

and refer to the items on the list to mark the parts or sections of the
magazine. Use small sticky colored notes as markers on the
corresponding parts.

Box out – a colored box behind some text, usually used to

make the text stand out.
Byline – name of the reporter
Caption – the text underneath an image explaining it
Credits – the name/s of the photographer/s indicated below
photographs; authors are usually credited in the form of a by-line
Crosshead – a subhead that shows in the body of the text and
is centered above the column of text; if it is set to one side then it is called
a side-head
Exclusive – this means that the magazine solely covered the
story; the publication pays the interviewees and buys the story so it
cannot be used by another publication; also called a “special”
Feature – an article with a human-interest angle presented as a
spread, but not necessarily a news item (current affairs)
Headline – main statement, usually in the largest and boldest
font, describing the main story; banner headline spans the full width of the
Kicker – this is a story designed to stand out from the rest of
the page by using different font (typeface) and layout.
Lead story – usually a splash; its main story
Lure – it’s usually a word or phrase that entices the reader to
read the inside articles; can be used as a marketing device
Masthead – the title block for the magazine; usually this is the
most eye-catching convention on a page and has to be distinct.
Menu – the list of contents inside the paper
Pugs – this is where the logo of the magazine, the price, and a
promo are placed to catch the reader’s eye; it is usually on the top left
hand or right-hand corner of the magazine
Secondary lead – a sneak preview of an inside article or story:
usually a picture
Sidebar – an additional box next to the main feature of the
Splash – main story of the front page accompanied with the
headline and a photograph
Spread – a story that covers more than one page.
Standfirstcodes – sentence after a headline and before an
article begins that ‘sells’ a feature to a reader
Strapline – subheading (heading below the initial headline)
Tag – categorizing the reader’s interest in a story by using a
word or phrase to engage them (e.g., sensational, new, exclusive

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