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ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049


1. Grid Computing.
2. Types of Clouds.
3. Cloud Computing Service Models.
4. Components of Mobile Computing.
5. How Mobile Computing Works.
6. Limitations of Mobile Computing.
7. Issues in Mobile Computing.
8. Green Computing Best Practices.
9. Advantages of BYOD.
10. Web 3.0.

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
Grid Computing:
• Grid Computing is a collection of computers (CPU & other resources), often
geographically dispersed, that are coordinated in such a manner that all machines
function as one large computer to solve a complicated task, a common goal.
• To make grid computing work, large computing tasks are broken into small
chunks, which can then be completed by individual computers. After processing has been
completed, the results from the application are reassembled from the participating servers.
• Grid computing is managed with a kind of software such as middleware, in
order to access and use the resources remotely.

• Grid Computing provides many benefits to organizations. Specifically,

1. It has the ability to make of unused computing power. For example, in

each country, many of the resources are idle during the night hours, often
more than 12 hours per day. This method saves the project both money and
2. This enables heterogeneous resources of computers to work
cooperatively and collaboratively to solve a complex problem.
3. With grid computing a company can work faster or more efficient,
providing a potential competitive advantage & additional cost savings and
thus, it is a cost-effective solution.

Similarity Between Grid Computing and Cloud Computing:

SCALABILITY (the capability to Cloud computing and grid computing
increase or decrease resources based on both are scalable due to access to
the needs) additional resources.
MULTITENANCY (Available on a Multi-tenancy increases resource
subscription basis to all) utilization and lowers costs.
Cost Saving (by resource sharing) Sharing resources among a large pool of
users assists in reducing cost.
SLAs (for guaranteed uptime service If the service slides below the level of
availability, say, 99%) the guaranteed uptime service, the
consumer will get service credit.

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
Difference between GRID Computing and CLOUD
AREA Differences
Data Storage Grid Computing is well suited for data-
intensive storage, it is not economically
suited for storing smaller objects.
Computation Task Grid computing are often used for
processor intensive task. It divides piece
of programs among several computers,
if one piece of software on a node fails,
other piece of the software on other
nodes may fail.

Cloud Computing: It is a network technique which helps organizations to

use resources using internet. A cloud is a collection of servers, applications,
database, documents etc which allows organizations to use these resources from
anywhere. Cloud services allow individuals and businesses to use software and hardware
that are managed by third parties at remote location.

Example: storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of
your computer's hard drive. Cloud computing provides services to customers using
principle of: “Use what they need on internet and pay only for what they use”.
In cloud Computing:

• The consumer no longer has to be at a PC i.e. user can use any device for using
• The consumers do not own the infrastructure, software, or platform in the
cloud, this leads to lower upfront costs.
• The consumer does not care how servers and networks are maintained in the

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
Pertinent issues in cloud computing:
These are the issues which cloud service providers need to take care while designing cloud

• Threshold Policy: Let us suppose we had a program that did credit card
validation in cloud. Use of credit card will rise sharply during the festival seasons
and will decrease significantly after the festival season is over. The program
processing the credit card should have the capability to provide more processing capabilities
during buying seasons and de-allocate these processing for other work when buying season
is over i.e. working out threshold is really a matter of concern.

• Hidden Costs: Cloud computing service providers do not reveals hidden cost such as
higher charges for data storage and use of applications during peak time and companies
could experience slow services particularly during heavy traffic.

• Unexpected Behavior: Companies may get unexpected results or outputs

while using cloud services. Therefore it is necessary that before migrating to cloud the
companies should test the cloud services for correct output particularly during heavy traffic.

• Security Issues: Cloud Computing presents an added level of risk because

essential services are often outsourced to a third party. Outsourcing makes it harder
to maintain:
1. Data Security and privacy.
2. Support data and service availability.

Goals of Cloud Computing:

• To access services and data from anywhere at anytime.
• Reduce cost related to IT energy/ Power consumption.
• Improve Anywhere Access (AA) for ever increasing users.
• Costs are aligned to what actual resources are used i.e. pay only for what actually
• Provide easy, scalable access to computing resources and IT services.

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud computing system can be divided

into two sections, one is front-end and other is backend. The front-end is the interface for
the user and the backend is the cloud section. Front end and Back end are connected with
each other via network like Internet.

Front End: The front end of the cloud computing system comprises the client’s
device such as laptop, ipad, smart phone, pc etc. These devices need some application

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
for accessing the clod computing system. All the cloud computing systems do not give same
interface to users. Web services like Email can use existing web browsers such as fire fox,
IE as interface. Other types of systems have some unique application and interface which
provides the network access to its clients.

Back End: Back End primarily consists of servers which provide services. In cloud
computing back end is cloud itself and consists of various computer machines, data storage
systems and servers. In general any cloud computing system can include practically any
type of computer machine program that can be imagined by a human being such as video
games, data processing software, data sharing programs etc generally, in cloud computing,
every application will have its individual dedicated server for services.

In addition, a central server is established which is used for administering the

whole clod system. IT is also used for monitoring client’s demand as well as traffic to
ensure everything of the system runs without any problem. There are some set of rules
generally called as protocols which are followed by this server and it uses a very special
type of software called middleware. Middleware allows computers that are
connected on network to make communication with each other. Also a backup and
recovery system of data is maintained for security purpose.

Cloud computing Environment (Types of Cloud)

There are primarily three types of Cloud:

• Public Cloud (External Cloud): In Public cloud the computing

infrastructure is hosted by the cloud vendor at the vendor’s premises. The customer
has no visibility and control over where the computing infrastructure is hosted. The
computing infrastructure is shared between any organizations i.e. the cloud
infrastructure is provisioned for open use by general public.

Characteristics of Public Cloud:

1. Highly scalable: It is considered to be scalable as it allows cosumers to

increase or decrease computing resources such as storage etc based on need
and amount the customer is willing to pay.

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
2. Affordable: In public cloud, customers are never required to manage,
upgrade hardware or software. Customers pay only for the resources they use.
3. Less Secure: Public cloud is less secure because it is offered by third party
and they have full control over cloud.
4. Stringent SLAs: All public cloud service vendor work with service level
agreement that describes the availability of their services and any penalties
that might accrued in case the SLA is not met.

Advantages of public cloud:

1. There is no need for establishing infrastructure.

2. There is no limit for the number of users.
3. Strict SLAs are followed.
4. It allows organizations to deliver highly scalable services rapidly at more
affordable costs.

Security and Uptime might not meet enterprise compliance standards.

• Private Cloud (Internal Cloud): The computing infrastructure is

dedicated to a particular organization and not shared with other organizations. Some
experts consider that private clouds are not real examples of cloud computing. Private
clouds are more expensive and more secure when compared to public clouds.
Private clouds are of two types: On-premise private clouds and externally hosted
private clouds (Outsources Private Cloud). Externally hosted private clouds are also
exclusively used by one organization, but are hosted by a third party specializing in cloud
infrastructure. Externally hosted private clouds are cheaper than On-premise private clouds.

Characteristics of Private Cloud:

1. Secure: Private Cloud is secure because sensitive information does not

flow out of the private infrastructure.
2. Central control: Private cloud is managed and controlled by the
organization itself.
3. Weak Service Level Agreements (SLAs): In Private Cloud, either formal
SLA does not exist or are weak as it is between the organization and user
of the same organization.

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
Advantages of Private Cloud:

1. Private cloud provides high level of security and privacy.

2. Supports specific workloads.
3. Optimized Computing resources and server’s utilization.

Limitations: More expensive to deploy and maintain since hardware is dedicated to single

Difference between On-Premise and Outsourced Private

Basis On-Premise Private Outsources Private
Cloud Cloud
Management Managed by organization Managed by third party.
Network Network Issue resolving Dedicated Internet
are easier. connection is needed to
connect third party site.
Security and Data It is more resistant to It is relatively less secure.
Privacy attack. Security attacks Security threat may be
are possible from an possible from third party &
internal user only. internal employee.
Location An On-Premise private The cloud is located off
cloud resides in the site at third party’s
owner’s computer room or location.
data center.
Performance The performance can be The performance can be
controlled by network controlled by third party.
management team.

• Hybrid Cloud: It is a blend combination of above two clouds.

Organizations may host critical applications on private clouds and applications
with relatively less security concerns on the public cloud. The usage of both
private and public clouds together is called hybrid cloud.

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049

Characteristics of Hybrid Cloud:

1. Scalable: The hybrid cloud with the help of its public counterpart is also
2. Partially Secure: The private cloud is considered as secure and public
cloud has high risk of security breach. The hybrid cloud is thus partially
3. Complex Cloud Management: Cloud management is complex as it
involves more than one type of deployment models and also the numbers
of users is high.

1. It provides better security than public cloud.
2. It is highly scalable and gives the power of both public and private cloud.

Limitations: Maintaining security is big concern and it is complex to manage.

• Community Cloud: A community cloud is one that is shared by many

organizations. Organizations utilizing this cloud service have shared missions,
governance, policies. Community cloud is hosted on the public internet but it is shared
between a restricted community of firms or users.

Characteristics of Community Cloud:

1. Collaborative Maintenance: No single company has full control over the
whole cloud. It requires a central body to manage the cloud service.
2. Partially Secure: There is a possibility that data can be leaked from one
organization to another, though it is safe from the external world.

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
3. Cost Effective: Community cloud is cost effective since it is shared by several
organizations or community.

Limitations: It is not suitable in the cases where there is no collaboration.

Cloud Computing Service Models:

Cloud computing providers offer their service according to several fundamental models.

• Software as Service (SaaS): Software-as-a-Service is software

which is deployed over the internet and used by someone on a personal computer
or local area network. Customers can often use software “pay-as-you-go” by
using the cloud provider’s licenses, rather than buying licenses themselves –
which is why Software-as-a-Service is sometimes called “software on demand”. As
well as removing the need to buy, install and manage software at the user’s end, it also has
the advantage of the software being accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
Example: one can make his/her own word document by using Google docs online.

SaaS provider may provide the following services:

1. Business Services: SaaS providers provide a variety of business services to

startup companies that include CRM, billing, sales etc.
2. Social Networks: since the numbers of users of the social networking sites is
increasing, cloud computing is the perfect match for handling the variable load.
3. Document Management: Most of the SaaS providers provides services to
create, manage, and track electronic documents.
4. Mail services: Most of the email providers offer their services as SaaS
services to handle the unpredictable number of users and the load on e-mail

Characteristics of SaaS are as follows:

1. Web Access: SaaS services allow the end users to access the application
from any location with any devices that is connected to internet.
2. High availability: SaaS services ensures 99.99% availability of user data
as proper backup and recovery mechanism are implemented.
3. On to Many: SaaS services are delivered as one to many models where a
single instance of the application can be shared by many customers.
4. Centralized Management: Since SaaS services are hosted and managed
from the central location, the SaaS providers provides the automatic
updates to ensure that each customer is accessing the most recent version
of application.
5. Multi-device support: SaaS services can ne accessed from any end user
devices such as desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet and thin client.

The different instances of SaaS are as follows:

1. Testing as A Service (TaaS): This provides users with software testing

capabilities such as generation of test data, generation of test cases, execution
of test cases and test result evaluation on a pay per use basis.

ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
2. API as Services (APIaaS): This allows users to explore functionality of Web
services such as Google Maps, Payroll Processing etc.
3. Email as a Service (EaaS): This provides users with an integrated system of
emailing, office automation, and record management.

• Platform as a Service (PaaS): As the name suggests, provides

you computing platforms which typically includes operating system, programming
language execution environment. Software Developers can develop and run their
software on a cloud platform without the cost and complexity of buying and managing
underlying hardware and software layers. Platform as a Service allows users to create
software applications using tools supplied by the provider.

A typical PaaS provider may provide the following service:

1. Programming Languages: PaaS providers provide a wide variety of

programming languages like Java, PHP etc for the developers to develop
2. Application Frameworks: PaaS vendors provide application development
framework like Joomla, WordPress for application development.
3. Other Tools: All the tools that are required to develop, test and deploy an

Characteristics of PaaS as follows:

1. All in One: Most of the PaaS providers offer services like Programming
language to develop, test, deploy and maintain applications in the same
integrated Development Environment (IDE).
2. Built-in Scalability: PaaS services provider built in scalability. This ensures
that the application is capable of handling varying loads efficiently.
3. Diverse Tools: PaaS providers offer a wide variety of tools like When User
Interface, Application Programming Interface.
4. Offline Access: The developer can develop an application locally and deploy it
online whenever they are connected to the internet.
5. Web access to the development platform: PaaS provides web access to
the development platform that helps the developers to create, modify, test and
deploy different applications on the same platform.

• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Infrastructure typically

refers to the tangible hardware components that are required in order to create a
computing environment. IaaS is the virtual delivery of computing resources in the form
of hardware, networking, and storage services. Rather than buying and installing the
required resources in their own data center, companies rent these resources as needed.

Example: Google Compute Engine, Amazon Web Services (AWS).

A typical IaaS Provider may provide the following services:

1. Compute (Computing as a Service or CaaS): It includes virtual CPU

that are provisioned to the end users.

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2. Storage (Storage as a Service or STaaS): It provides various forms of
data storage.
3. Network (Network as a Service or NaaS): It provides vitual networking
components such as virtual bridge, router.
4. Load Balancers (Load balancing as a Service or LBaaS): It may
provide load balancing capability. For example if there are four identical
servers A, B, C, D and whose relative load are 80%, 60%, 40% and 20%
respectively. After load balancing, all servers would end with the same
load-50% of each server’s capacity.

Characteristics of IaaS are as follows:

1. Centralized management: The resource distributed across different parts

are controlled from any management console that ensures effective resource
management and effective resource utilization.
2. Metered Services: IaaS allows the IT users to rent the computing resources
instead of buying it. The services consumed by the IT user will be measured,
and the users will be charged by the IaaS providers based on the amount of
3. Web Access to the resources: IT user need not get physical access to the
servers. They access infrastructure resources over the internet.
4. Shared Infrastructure: IaaS follows a one-to-many delivery model and
allows multiple IT users to share the same physical infrastructure and thus
high resource utilization.

The different instances of IaaS are as follows:

Network as a Service (NaaS):In this cloud model, network services are

delivered virtually, over the internet and pay per use basis, to customers that do
not want to build their own networking infrastructure.

Storage as a Service (STaaS):

In this model, data storage service provider rents space to people and
organizations, on pay per use basis.
End user can store and backup their data without requiring a major investment on
their own data storage infrastructure. They can access their rented data storage
via internet at any time from any place.

Database as a Service (DBaaS): In this model the database is stored on

service provider’s servers and end user can access the database through web user
interfaces provided by service provider.

Backend as a Service (BaaS): It provides mobile app developers a way to

connect their applications to backend cloud storage with added services such as
push notifications, social network services integration using custom software
development kits.

Desktop as a Service (DTaaS): In this model customers are provided with a

remotely hosted desktop operating system, commonly Microsoft Windows or
Linux. This service provides a virtualized desktop-like personal workspace, and

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sends its image to users real desktop. Instead of a local desktop, the user can
access their own desktop on cloud from different places, without buying and
managing own infrastructure.

• Other Cloud Services Models:

1. Communication as s Service (CaaS): This is similar to SaaS but is more oriented
towards communication services like video Conferencing and voice communication
etc. The CaaS vendor is responsible for all software and hardware management and
offers QOS. Example Videoconferencing application.

2. Data as a Service (DaaS): In this model, cloud service provider hosts a large
centralized repository of data. DaaS consumers pay a fee to search for and access all
of this data in the cloud. However, as the data is owned by the providers, users can
only perform read operations on the data. DaaS is highly used in financial data

3. Security as a Service (SECaaS): In this model, cloud service provider gives

security service to the end user on pay per use basis. Vendors providing antivirus
software offer their products as a service. These vendors include McAfee, Avast etc.
Four mechanisms of cloud security that are currently provided are Email filtering,
Web Content Filtering, Vulnerability Management and Identity management.

4. Identity as a Service (IDaaS): In this cloud model, the end users; typically an
organization; to access the authentication infrastructure that is built, hosted,
managed and provided by the third party service provider.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing:

Important Characteristics of Cloud Computing are as follows:

• High Scalability: Can meet any level of business requirements for storage and
processing etc immediately.

• Pay Per Use Mode: Provides services on pay per use basis without setting up costly
infrastructure and this helps to reduce cost for users.

• Maintenance: Maintenance of cloud computing applications is easier, because they

do not need to be installed on each user's computer.

• Multi Sharing: Allows sharing of resources to multiple users from anywhere and
thus reduces costs.

• High Availability: Provides services on 24*7 basis.

• Virtualization: It allows sharing multiple servers on the fly i.e. without permanent
storage and processing allocation which help in optimum use of resources.

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ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049
Advantages of Cloud Computing: cloud computing provides large
number of benefits:

• Cost Efficiency: Cloud computing is highly cost efficient method to use. The
traditional desktop software costs companies a lot in terms of finance. Adding up license
fees for multiple users can prove to be very expensive. The cloud on the other hand is
available at much cheaper rates and it significantly lowers the companies IT expenses.

• Unlimited Storage: storing information in cloud gives us almost unlimited storage

capacity. Hence no more need to worry about running out of storage space or increasing
the current space availability.

• Easy Access of Information: One can access the information and applications from
anywhere by using internet.

Challenges relating to cloud Computing: Cloud computing

provides large numbers of benefits but there are some issues for managing cloud
computing systems. Maintaining security and confidentiality of data is one of key challenges
for cloud computing:

• Confidentiality: Cloud is used through internet or public network. Thus maintaining

data confidentiality i.e. preventing unauthorized disclosure of data is a big issue. Data
Confidentiality is maintained using data encryption technique.

• Availability: Providing data availability on 24*7 basis is another big issue for cloud
service provider. They need to implement BCP, DRP and controls for denial of service attack
etc such that the data is available in any situation to its owner when required.

• Privacy: It describes that personal information of individuals should not be disclose

accidentally or intentionally to others. Additionally, if data is exchanged between different
servers for transactions then level of disclosure should follow the data privacy rules.

• Integrity: This refers to prevention of unauthorized modification of data. Maintaining

data integrity is a big challenge for cloud service provider. Strong data integrity controls
such as digital signature and authorization control for data access should be implemented to
maintain data integrity.

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• Trust: Trust is an important issue in Cloud. Various clients’ oriented studies reveals
that cloud still failed to build trust between client and service provider.

• Audit: Auditing is type of checking about “What is happening in the Cloud

environment”. Cloud application security should be stronger than one built in organization
individual software and application. Audit of cloud computing model is always a big
challenge as this requires understanding and implementing virtualization.

• Incident Response: It ensures to meet the requirements of organization during an

incident. It ensures that the cloud service provider has a transparent response processing
place and sufficient mechanisms to share information during and after an incident. The
cloud service providers should have infrastructure in place to meet organizations
requirements during any incident.

• Governance: Every organization has their own governance rules and policies to
meet their business objectives. Extending theses governance rules, policies and business
objectives to cloud service provider system is also an issue or big challenge.

• Application Security: In cloud computing the application for data processing are
stored on cloud thus face the issue of application security.

• Data Stealing: Data stored in cloud is accessible from anywhere at any time. In
such cases data stealing can arise particularly when cloud service provider outsource the
data storage to other service provider servers. In such cases, there is a probability that the
data is less secure and is more prone to loss from external servers.

Mobile Computing: It refers to technology that allows transmission of data via

mobile device (such as laptop, tablet , smartphone) without having to be connected to a
fixed physical link. Mobile data communication has become very important and rapidly
evolving technology as it allows users to transmit data from remote locations to other
remote location or fixed location. This proves to be the solution of biggest problem of
business people to move i.e. mobility.

Mobile computing allows using data and data processing services from anywhere while on
move i.e. while moving from one location to another. There are many popular mobile
computing devices:

• Smart phone

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• Tablet Computer
• IPad.
• Iphone.

Components of Mobile Computing:

• Mobile Communication: This would include communication technologies.

• Mobile hardware: These include mobile devices that receive or access the service of
mobility. They would range from portable laptop, tablet, PDA.
• Mobile Software: It is the operating system of that appliance and is the essential
component that makes the mobile device operates. Mobile applications popularly
called Apps are being developed by organizations for use by customers but these
apps could represent risks such as access to personal information of mobile owner.

How Mobile Computing Works?

1. The user enters or access data using the application on handheld computing device.
2. Using one of several connecting technologies, the data are transmitted from
handheld to sites information system where files are updated.
3. Now both systems (handheld and site’s computer) have same information and are in
4. The process work the same way starting from other direction.

Mobile Computing Benefits: It provides the following tangible and

intangible benefits:

• It helps to provide mobile workforce with remote access information from anywhere,
such as order details, complaints details etc.
• It enables mobile workforce to update information in real time from anywhere,
facilitating excellent communication

• It facilitates access to corporate services and information at anytime and from


• It enables to improve management effectiveness by enhancing information quality,

information flow and ability to control.

Limitations of Mobile Computing:

• Health Hazards: Use of mobile devices while driving is considered dangerous due to
its potential for causing distracted driving and traffic accidents. The cell phone signals
may cause health problems.
• Power consumption: Portable handheld devices have limited battery power. Due to
compact size, unusually expensive batteries are used to obtain the necessary battery
life. Mobile computing should also look into Green IT in such a way that it saves
power or increases the battery life.
• Human Interface with device: Screens tends to be small, which may make them
hard to use.

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• Insufficient Bandwidth: Mobile internet access is generally slower than direct cable
connections using technologies such as GPRS (General packet radio service), 3G, 4G
networks. These networks are usually available within a range of commercial cell
phone towers.
• Transmission Interference: Weather; and the range from nearest signal point can
all interfere with signal reception. Reception in tunnels, some buildings and rural
areas is often poor.
• Security Standards: With working mobile, one is dependent on public networks,
requiring careful use of VPN. Security is a major concern while concerning the mobile
computing standards.

Issues in Mobile Computing and Required Measures to Resolve
• Security issues: Wireless networks need more security than wired network. To
ensure security, following security measures including the use of encryption may be
1. Confidentiality: Preventing unauthorized users from accessing to
critical information.
2. Integrity: Ensures unauthorized medications cannot takes place.
3. Availability: Ensures authorized users getting the access they require.
4. Legitimate: Ensuring that only authorized users have access to
• Bandwidth: Wireless networks provide lower bandwidth compared to wired
networks. For improving network capacity, techniques such as data compression,
splitting large applications into smaller ones are commonly used.
• Power Consumption: Mobile computers will rely n their batteries as the primary
power source. Batteries should be ideally as light as possible but the same time they
should be capable of longer operation times. Power management can also help to
resolve this issue. Individual Components, be powered down when they are idle.
• Technical Architecture: Complete connectivity among business mobile iser is
necessary. To achieve this, the current communication technology must be revised to
incorporate mobile connectivity.
• Reliability, coverage, capacity and cost: At present; wireless network is less
reliable, have less geographic coverage and reduce bandwidth, slower and cost more
than the wired line network services. It is important to find ways to use this new
resource more efficiently by designing innovative appliances.
• Location Intelligence: Mobile devices encounter varied network conditions as a
result of their mobility. This can increase the network latency as well as risk of
disconnection. In mobile computing, there is a need to switch interfaces while moving
from one region to another, which requires changing the access protocol for different
networks. Thus these lead to complexity of mobile communication compared to
tradition computing. Therefore service connections must be dynamically transferred
to the nearest server. However when load balancing is a priority this may not be

BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices): BYOD refers to business policy

that allows employees to use their preferred computing devices, like smart
phones and laptops for business purposes. It means employees are welcome to use
personal devices (laptops, smart phone, tablet etc) to connect to the corporate network to

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access information and application. The BYOD policy has rendered the workspace flexible,
empowering employees to be mobile and giving them right to work beyond their required
hours. The term is also used to describe the same practice applied to students using
personally owned devices in education institutes.

Emerging BYOD Threats: Every Business Decision is accompanied with a set

of threats and this is there with BYOD program also. A BYOD program that allows access to
corporate network, emails, client data etc is one of the top security concerns for
enterprises. Overall, these risks can be classified into four areas as outlined below:

• Network Risks: It is also known as LACK of Device Visibility risk in the

network. When company owned devices are used by all employees within an organization,
the organization’s IT practice has complete visibility of the devices connected to the
network. This helps to keep check on each and every device on company’s network. AS
BYOD permits employees to carry their own devices the IT practice team remained unaware
about the number of devices being connected to the network. It is possible that some of the
devices may cause the destructive operation such as inserting viruses etc.

• Device Risks: It is known as “LOSS of DEVICES” risks. A lost or stolen device

can result in an enormous financial and reputation embarrassment to an organization as the
device may hold sensitive corporate information. Data lost from stolen or lost devices ranks
as the top security threats. With easy access to company emails company secrets can be
easily retrieved from a misplaced device.

• Application Risks: It is known as “Application Viruses and Malware” risks. It

is possible that employee’s phones and smart devices which can be connected to the
corporate network may not be protected by security software and may cause issues with
applications of organization. Mobile phones and smart devices normally have high
vulnerabilities for different risks and it is also not clear “Who is responsible for device
security” the organization or the user.

• Implementation Risks: It is known as “Weak BYOD Policy”. It is important that

the organization should have a strong BYOD policy; this policy should be effectively
implemented as well. Any weakness in this implementation may result in big loss to

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Advantages of BYOD:
1. Happy Employees: Employees love to use their own devices when at work.
This also reduces the number of devices an employee has to carry; otherwise he
would be carrying his personal as well as organization provided devices.
2. Increased Employee Efficiency: The efficiency of employees is more when
employee works on his/her own device. In an organization provided devices,
employees have to learn and there is learning curve involved in it.
3. Lower IT Budgets: The employees could involve financial saving to the
organization since employees would be using the devices they already
possess, thus reducing the outlay of the organization in providing devices to
4. IT reduces support requirement: IT department does not have to provide
end user support and maintenance for all the devices resulting in cost
5. Early adoption of new Technologies: Employees are generally proactive in
adoption of new technologies that result in enhanced productivity that helps to
overall growth of business.

GREEN IT: This is related to computers in environmental friendly manner.

Green IT practices include implementation of energy efficient CPU, Servers, Peripheral
Devices which help to reduce power consumptions and other resources consumptions like
paper etc. The work habits of computer users and businesses can be modified to
minimize adverse impact on the global environment.

Relevant Facts about Green IT:

In general, most businesses waste resources in the form of energy, paper, and money.
These wastages can be avoided or reduced and the saving could be invested to develop new
products or services, or to hire and train employees.
There are many simple steps one can take to do this, no matter what the size of business is
Legal Validity of Electronic message and email is also helping in this direction and helping to
reduce paper wastage. Indian Railways accept SMS or Email as valid ticket and request

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users not to take printout of tickets to avoid wastage. In addition, making computers with
more environment friendly materials and designing them to consume less energy,
developing virtualization are some initiative for Green IT.

Green Computing Best Practices:

• Reduce Paper Consumption:
1. By use of Email and electronic archiving.
2. Properly recycle waste paper.
3. Use online marketing rather than paper based marketing.
4. While printing documents; make sure to use both sides of the paper, use
smaller fonts and margins to reduce paper consumption.

• Recycle e-waste:
1. Dispose of e-waste according to central, state and local regulation.
2. Manufacturer must offer safe end of life management and recycling options
when product become unusable
3. Recycle computers through manufacture’s recycling services.

• Make environmentally Sound purchase decisions:

1. Purchase of desktop computers, notebooks and VDU based on
environmental attributes.
2. Use server and storage virtualization that can help to improve resource
utilization, reduce energy costs and simply maintenance.
3. Electronic devices may contain environmentally sensitive materials like lead
mercury. It is important to reduce, if not eliminate, these material both in
the device and in its manufacturing process.

• Conserve Energy:
1. Power down the CPU and all peripherals during extended periods of
2. Use notebook computers rather than desktop computer whenever possible.
3. Power up and Power down energy intensive peripherals such as laser
printers according to need.
4. Use LCD monitors rather than CRT monitors.
5. Use the auto power management features to turn off hard disk and display
after several minutes of inactivity.
6. Minimize the use of paper.
7. Employ alternative energy source for computing servers, workstations and
data centers.

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Green IT Security Services and Challenges:

Social Media and Web 2.0:

I believe we are all part of one or other social network these days. We are connected with
our friends, relatives and experts by using one or other form of social media.

There are two types of networks: Physical and Logical Network. Physical network is
network of computers and devices whereas logical network is network of
communities and human being to exchange ideas and information with each
other. Such logical networks are known as social media or social network.
Physical networks compromised of computers, communication channels,
communication devices etc whereas social network is comprised of human beings.

Social media refers to the means of interaction among people in which they
create, share and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and
A social network is usually created by a group of individuals who have a set of common
interest and objectives. In the internet space large number of social networks is formed but
only a few have achieved their true objectives.

The large scale computerization and the powerful advent of E-Commerce and internet have
given new dimension and a structured form to these networks. Web 2.0 has been one of
the greatest contributors in this area and called Technology diminishing the human

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Web 2.0: Web 2.0 is an advance form of web access. It is an extension of web
1.0 which was a read only platform to read/write platform. Web 2.0 allows online
community to meet, exchange information, collaborate and communicate using
web based tools and social networking sites.

These tools are now main components of the Web. Web 2.0 basically refers to the transition
from static HTML web pages to a more dynamic Web that is more organized and is based on
serving Web application to users. Blogs, facebook are the examples of Web 2.0.

Components of Web 2.0 for Social Networks:

Major components that have been considered in Web 2.0 include the following:

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Types and behavior of Social Networks:

There are different types of social networks which are developed based on needs and
required objectives. Following are the key social network types:

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Life Cycle of Social Network: Let us see how Web 2.0 is linked with entire
life of social network. Consider the diagram below for social life cycle:

Web 2.0 provides excellent communication mechanism concepts like blogging to keep
everyone in the network involved in the day to day activities.

Impact of Social Network Using Web 2.0:

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Future Scope of Web 2.0 in Social Networks:

Benefits for Social Networks using Web 2.0:

People are coming much closer to another and all the geographical boundaries are being
reduced at lightning speed which is one of the biggest sustenance factors for any social
Challenges for Social Networks using 2.0:

Web 3.0: Web 3.0 is the next step in the evolution of the internet and web
applications. Sometimes this is referred to as a Semantic Web. Semantic means if
focuses on applications that automatically prepare personalized content for users
Example: Google now uses data from the web, searches for interrelationships among data,
and automatically present relevant information to the users filtered by contextual factors
such as time, location etc. One goal of web 3.0 is to tailor online searches and requests
specifically to user’s preferences and needs.

Components of Web3.0:
Semantic Web: It is an intelligent software program that understands content of
web pages. It allows computers to be able to understand the meaning of the content and
search engines will be able to give richer and more accurate answer.

Web Services: It is a software system that supports computer to computer

interaction over the internet.

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ISCA BY: SAURABH VIG (MCA) +91-9897095049

• What is cloud computing? Explain the similarity and difference

between cloud and grid computing?

• Explain the major goals of cloud computing?

• Describe Frontend and Backend Architecture with reference to

cloud computing?

• What do you understand by public cloud? Also discuss the

advantages and limitations.

• What do you understand by private cloud? Also discuss the

advantages and limitations.

• Explain the following:

1. IaaS
2. PaaS
3. SaaS

• Explain the Security Issues in Mobile Computing?

• Discuss Green Computing Best Practice in Brief?

• What do you understand by Community cloud? Also discuss its


• Write Short Notes on Storage as a Service (STaaS).

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