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OP-TKR-04 Cargo Operation Checklist Handbook

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BLANK PAGE CARGO OPERATION CHECKLIST HANDBOOK FOR MARPOL ANNEX 1 CARGO OP-TKR08 Guidelines/ | Pagans. | Revo. [Date 1. Revision Log . seen sven 12 Checlist 2. Handbook Structure ves 131014 |. How touse the Handbook ves FAO LT 4. Guidelines and Checklist 1) Pre-Arival Checklist ~ Generic (Loading, Discharging etc) (0P-T¥R-044).. 7 211028 1) rearaal Load Port checkst (oP-T¥R-048) . 311032 ii) Presrval Discharge Port Checks (op-Ter-04c) eel 1942 IN) Before Cargo Operation Checklist (0-Tke-040) oe 511052 During Cargo Operation Checklist (o> Tee-08e) G1toe4 vw Congleton Crs Open ches (0 TeR-04F) sss 711072 vi) Presrival COW Checkst (0-18-0868) oe B11OB2 vil) Before COW Operation Checklist (0 Tee-08H) s1tes2 ix) During COW Operation Checkise (0 TkR-04) “ 104110 10-2 1X) Completion of COW Operation Checklist (OP TKR-04)) sate CARGO OPERATION CHECKLIST HANDBOOK Purpose and Scope ‘The cargo operation checklet handbook le desgne to eatr safe cargo ‘operations in ie withthe company’s cage ol tanker manual and industry standards. This handbook is applicable oll he Synergy managed tankers whe carving MARPOL Anne cargo. This handbook does nt remove the need for experience and commen sence, Aza crgo officer’, you must always asec and elt the rt specs ofthe operation and determin the actions which ae deemed to be theses. "(Cargo officer - ll deck officers including the Master) Handbook Structure This handbook adiresss ey cargo oltanker mani procedures and presets them in asimpitied format of: "Chee and "Guidelines". ‘Chests const oy acon pots hat af requed tobe comleted bye caren ofa. CARGO OPERATION CHECKLIST HANDBOOK Cargo ofcers using the handbook ae suggested to revs the guidelines ‘everytime, forthe ation pains tobe checked Both “Checkist” and “Guidelines are provided in the laminated format ‘and ae tobe used with whiteboard marke. ‘This chests ramen a “you styl format, having a command verb, ‘The command verb orders you todo an action which you must comply wth, How to use the handbook ‘The handbook consists of vatous cargo operation checsts an thelr asscited guidelines. [At the beslnning of the chectls, ks conforming cargo officers are mentioned, e4. “Before Cargo Operations checklst ~ (OP-TKROAO)” i ‘equted tobe completed bythe Chit Offer and Deck ofcer Whereas, ‘Guidlines elaborate the “Checks” action points and are wed 9 ar ado complete the choc (estar 18 Revo Dated Nor 205) pac ‘The checklist ands associated gullies ae arranged in the same sequence, for 235 reference ‘The bores gen after each checklist step shall be answered after vercaton as "Yes" or "No" or"N/A [ssi ‘CARGO OPERATION CHECKLIST HANDBOOK Certain checks requir sional aon by the arg fern terme of logbook enres. These checks ate Mente nthe handbook va action pine mantoned as Recorded” Adetonally the guidlines or these Checks are colored in “PINE ink Note: Thee entries are tobe lneed inthe relevant oebooks CARGO OPERATION CHECKLIST HANDBOOK ‘oncomplation of the checks the compliant parties must sign the laminated checks, mentioning the date and me of completion. Some checklists inthe handbook ar included with 2 section “shi Specie choo’ Adina checks required are tobe carried out as per the ship's design, operational and the che office's requirements ae Yo be added thie socio using 3 permanent marke These addtional checks, when added form a mandatory part ofthe checiist and are to be compiled with (eon 10 vo, ates 80 Nov 20) ects Prompters where appleble are glen st the end of each check to provide a sense of ease forthe ust in terms ofthe net checklist tobe comalied with vo (eon 20,9 DnedsoNee2E) rae ‘Situation 1: Vessel arving at load por wil ned to comply wth BLANK PAGE ‘Situation 2: Before commencing cargo operation nthe land port, the ‘vessel ill eed to comp wth ate Crs Open (ORTER OD) 9 arg ‘Situation 3: Vessel asving at chong port wil ee! comply ith ‘Stuztion 4: sefoe commencing a cargo operation in the dicharge por, ‘the veto wll ned to comply wth ake crs Operon (OPE 00) 9 ure ree OpetnsORTHROME > see cow in es ‘gC gens CPT HE dl be Sos asl Soa con Gan (Pe (cen. ecm 2005) pect 4. tee ermine enue impo formsten _Ssreneuces prepay rte tomserng ope 2 Seven nat srt usoea em hope mowing es an gs Ents moon ns pepneo os enn USMDreguitemene and Aled wel ne Uatethe aoing manning ln the cage en) andro ak sheen seorsee iettanene ceeiene » “Ler linpcon ETA and ee We, rat heya or Aloynent 5 tt gis gg ube eed i gn were lone wees rm alone partes wth he quant ans rere 7% gana test oolong Te wet Ene they bonded an Inston ersten Deploy tpn equi pe SOPEDNRE Sura tte a pete Agios ere itp ay, ey pase | Teste ne for rope pean, hector etter an hee oti fepemesione cont ane syn ten use seey Prepac cargfapr rece requea rhe fthomig oer. ec ead a etn cna on opera wee, ‘eeting tele snob tower a 3 of thPA ebsowe {ota at sad Pa ced nsonage ‘erie eng sens poe cog nd cc nin 18. Wg yor tod vlc oa ang"OM rd. ond th bestseller he apse 12, Canta al ergs acopeines ein utr bg oe Abies Poke eat papery deed anateat Te ee Appraise the verses Marine Superintendent immediately chould any. soncern/defect is Mentied, Chief Officer to complete andl Master to review ths checklist 4 Terminal information Bool 2. Moorings and tings 2. Winches and Windlass 4A, Fe Wire Inspected 5. Gauging and Sampling equipment cs. Checked 5. 080 and Tank Wachings Ascertsined nd Recorded 8. Hose handling eauipment oven 8. Manel... 10, Mast Riser, PV Valves and brea 18. Deck Seat vo 2, carg tank vn lose With no leaks ening o00000000000 13, Testargotanks hgh ee ane vert - Alo a Val ars fr al the tanks Nets: where Hor lam sconigured as apart of agp rect Monon Dem g Sabb needa be testes Ena the rms se sea sence Facrdcopletion of astm th pot logbook ‘the VOC manual Tet the Alles alarms though smulaten to ensure tha Pope penton. 15, Testthe emergency ps tC Shpng TS om al oan. forthe et nthe pot gto 18 Comply wen BWs mers requremants for pearl emg inelsng arth result the port took, {7 Osta theloel esther erect ane nl generation forthe vee por ‘and share ask assessmert for any expected unfavorable weather conitons, inlting te enpct of es on morng and erg operons. 18 Ear tat the wens tty a, mand aren ine wih ep and ‘theese tb boot equa. 49, Maenngatencees The aster fo eathe math) l desk ofes (OW t> [Eo tr by chet fen Cet agen Desk Cadets ond Dek cow en, undarstand, and sen he cargo sn Fact the mecting dat and tn the dec agbook She ch ngreer mu deve the pores exes aperanonwth he age room pesca. 2. keg the ago tomage ls, MEDS, Cow and Emergency Conia Ltn prominent cans sch asthe re pan box, gangny box, note bod ete 2, Chackthe remote operation of yravivaeselohgverfn the cal Ensure that he tes vate ing racer ts posted nthe Co Eure the yaa olin the tank at a oma level considering man. ans pum ar operons ancy foro 22, Ensure that he cago a als a! emote mentoring sites ate Fenctonngorcty drt the ak scunngs lage trp, presnre son oelgnigng snd resongs hearst rust Por Racor the resus nthe port ogbook ches No. oFHR OU teen 19, Reon SORE) pees 15, cargo tant evel slarme ~ | O i i 000000000 14, Cargo tank remote pressure alarm setOng. 15. Tips/Emergeney stops so Tested and Recorded 16, BWTS/Pumps Tested and Recorded 17, Weather forecast and a range nn evened 15, Stal condom nnn Checked and adjusted 12. Cargo lan. Discussed and Recorded 20, cargo stowage plan, MSDS, Emergency contact it Posted 21, Cargo and Blinc related valve anit estan ono Chace 22, Cargo remote monitoring sytem nn Checked ects oP NA ton Lo, ev, ats N20) ree ee 25. compare andl COT I presurreadout GER PY bear nd ‘har emote ston onto Recrd esn the port logbook and math the 1S ecard paper th, Nowe Tereconder mute nus ning allege tanked operon 24 Capo tans ice elle pre ape pa ana oe onc (The kay sate te cstayof the he fee) ‘Be poaten tatu hll be pase onthe mimi pay tha Ce (autos sins P waves can become ocd when high pour po caro. 2. Ensue chet cot between ages an esse’ coups malaines Fersampie when the boning renga les metalic nes, hey ees tobe chacad for tha cond snd conan, urge ro Pumps tmnt eer sending Ue Gripen record Za Ener at he ago ss ston and aeroars ves re oss en nd 2A. Vey hal tb tcl eis on Seen stores, cammodaten in punpreom, ec) ar eperstena Aso chek the epasin rode gue tgnt Penge cag the boning ae Nowe reser of moinureor cnc onthe lgstenur inte dfenne Rang nds scetale 2. Cefn tat the pump om fas ae wart EXTRACTION and iow Sion ‘ery that the tlesaeCeon and dry and sston wales aein og ndlecked onchio, nsuethtnseucns a emegeny big umpire WR ate lable nd that the ptr operational 3a Chacall fed pretenses the pir room 2nd aeconmadaton spall to eure ey pay erect reac. (brats porate as mesure struments an earth esis ate as lia sopy of pie gassing tester 31. Vevaly sper alt ars fer of orate allan. Ince whee the Salle srs enor ele thrugnthe inne por por fal bls tons, Smear ic as ana pss, tact wae Samp a se hig paste onimesuneng, ect the nspcton resus nthe Pot goo it No GPR MAE 190 Oe N25) meee 28, Presire and eer 26, Nova 8 nnn 25. Ppctines fanges/eupings 26. Frame mos where ited on 27. Cargo sea suction and Overboard valves. sss Sha, sled and Recorded (—) 28. nisl sae ahs !werkng and inorder (—) 29, PUMPROOM and BILGES Fans and Damper ~ nn Wong Ala semen cron Operas {lean and By snare Suction Vales ssn Open and Locked 30, Fue, Portable Gas measuring devices... Checked and Recorded 21, Balla Suf8 nes sv Chacha and Recorded 00 0000 hc No. OF TRAN 10,0, NONE res 12, Ens tht gangways MO cafety nts and ak rn god eaneton snd certain, mate aval cost eoete tne betel gro any 32, Se R208 secs gpa ‘ther obarenone 3, Test walls nclg ley optons where equ) and other ‘omuneatonsstens fom he cago sete loatow ee, Pmproo fre font mon br noone) 5H. Complete ship Sor oley Chest wsmaton spor SCOTT (OF-TERG) 24: Vowels and Terminals Prearivainfs exchange 35. Cargo documents ike Ship sore safety checKlst cargo request form, lage sheets samples toe landed te se hep ready wth lean secre comet 3 Kep al ogcks (08, CR, CBW, Pot up a date aa ave he 135, cargo document signed bythe Cappo Commence cee ested sm» Completed Prepared 00 0 00 136, togbocke an — Upto dote DateTime: hie officer Master: Marigot ame with OPT 08 Pe Ar oad pr Cee Maneg Desh on 9 Caney ath OFC res Dahge seca cow Panel comply wth Pot [reser Pre-Arrival Load Port Checklist 1. rswethat go ans are pepred orang, cui compnce wth tank Stmowphre queens (62 18, Note Ao adbereto the Scat equiterents, Conduct ais esesimetit ‘ese ase cee he TEL Ennai gsine pee nt cap nce ow nk ‘nea. esi complance ath the eget ofthe charterer the termi and ‘Secon e mor tegen eae) 2 ()Vouslynpect thes ne oiler Phen wester condone are nenunered pay dose atenton on se and ‘expen pts ofthe pines (ain cargo steam 1 tes inching anol: ‘acer, bw through and blakstea co, urgent sytemert av hasbeen repens hecho 48 on 0 Re, Oe New 22) pace ‘Appratee the veze's Marine Superintendent immediately should any concern/defect is dentieg Jef Officer to complete and Maser to review this checls A. cargotanis v-Prepared and Recorded (—) | Alleargo related ppeines, ballot stam ‘snd hyde ines including pipe ducts se Inepected (—) 1 Uee/ Speers _---Purged/Orsined () DateTime: hie office: Master DPI woes caro woh 8.0 te crs Oman cht “ect a oe TenaHs tatoo Levee seam rages rt Checklist ee 1. ersurethe vessel complies th the cera for 2, Meraptan and other aes 3, coutinedn te terminal gules Very thatthe caro tnt stmospher, uarg ‘Sang 2, meets he easements ofthe ternal charterer or company Note Aaj astereto th ses equvemets Conduct ask ssssment | [mes eed the VEL Matron aicent poste pesuetn the arg tank for SS tant pruprgconddennganyerangs mn mbier teperture Bec the cata tank stmoapere the or lngbook 2 ressuretest ego nes, nlsng WARPOL ines tthe Nowal worig pSSTE (msarmim erected dchorge resis beore each chars operation. foreseen regen charg persons Oe eng een at -erencourtang heavy weather tng the sage, py Specalatentonto deck ‘ery the proper anchoring of restr gauges on manélls charge nes tank str ines acre rein tho prt hook. 3 wsval spec hese nes for wt. anges ona expansion Jans ofppeines " Daan cag stam 2ytarSnerincing mani "ese, low through and bar ta cal Durge yeasts har bee opened {4 Erne tht respestve supra fees and confi athe ots ‘monterng eure crs are aly apron ‘© Check the sealing tank of AUS or lr apt cum po any iy ‘ery the functeraty of remoteopeconevahes nding thes atmosehen: otra ae Icotalulr tthe deck snide vate onthe eek Erste tht the scrbber pump sung and confi eres adeust wae 1 Compy win OF e-46 Pre-ArnalCrate Washing hac ‘aero OPT Ean 19 Rv Eater) pees Aamcnnn vans Mari Sectended rainy hal a, -soncernsidefcts nti, ‘it Ofer to comolte and Mace to rave thi cece, Ae Cao tthe ene ached and Recorded 2. Gangoond MARFOL ne pes ting. Pesfrmed ad Revered 3. other piptines 16, Balls, dauliete nected 4. Cargo siping pug systems and monitoring struments hacked 5. AUS (orsimargptem) Ready 6 165ystem and Srbber checked 7. COW Preach complied O g00000 ej confer oer ord cmoir mth OPTERON ee Car Onsen chee) DPM crstmet com wror entre om cpt ce feats oe eRoKC eaten avo Sd 3.40223) parce 1 vey me ater derstand actual depth at th bar to determi the abe ‘he cargo calelstone soul there be change and fcr theo, score the rsunths pot Igbo 2. when allasne Con the wate rund the vse or sheen ad other Bolutans belo conmenatg balan operations thes bassline contr the sin tan water ayer foro heen and thar polutans prc commending debasing operons Fecora the reson nthe pot lets 2 Euute oe ety peor standby a the hare mand while commanding ‘4 Otley te haar assoktd wh the cargo andthe peed Seo Level Ensure ‘atthe secuy measures te leven ce ae inplereied Paces aesgrstesifebioy neath ship shove access ol and ig salty net as requred 6 largo systm wales, 1G ahs and tank apou/vntgarangemert (Pv beke, ‘esl et sper she argo pon Nole: The ves shoul ep cd, ath they nthe ce Omea's eso) ‘peat heats of theca system ans ve postorsonthemimi dyn fpeccnte tact enn sat Dar hase vorestonsSeeethe tat of args operons tr mand coonecnn) and teach change oars eae by ny deck ofa (icing the Mase oan abated Taner Crest’ Wade, Rectda clad ery ofthe doutleverteation nthe pot ogook heludeg the ames dar oth inva no conducted te ndependet roe ches. 2._Goni tarsi 9-TERO8 Sahar aay Check are compl. ‘hin pers tobe mantand ung th cng opener 1d onygen arayers ono system o be tested carated ord ress recoded Inthe pot logo 2 Diconec the Fed Gs Detson Site in balls ans where balstng é panned esr the saconneststanis ine pongo 1 Waterdensin/drat/depth alongite 3. offre Mano ©. Cargo syste vie, 16 system, vapour and ven range Veit fo two person), mimi slay updted and checks Recorded 17. Ship shore alot conference nnn Completed inn presse nnn Ate and Reconed 1 stem Ongen sen alate and Recorded oG 000 Q0000 2 allt tanks Fd Gas Detection System, Diconneted atime cnt omean beck omar DDI cxescomnece-> con wth 04 Ding cnet} ‘otra OF ok (amen, fev at 392022) reese | Note: When the checkist columns ate completed erace the carist entry | fomaios fresh ont {nein that ech hme the Duty Office complatee a check column 20 een s| mm | com | 1 cette ero cpetin pag seed ut ear conference, and that ship/shore repetitwe checks are conducted and signed at the 1 ship/shore safety checitist | Complied sent 7 eochrmcteg ota Ee a + | enwconnnacoane ) wa 5 feglny monte westerns ress an et of, doy —= ees eee «| reenm rsa | Os 2 enya pena and tos nas be nad anil ne tects toner ofrtns teeta ee oe rah TERE >| ewe | emee Coe eS aia *| “ements {ie 2 tea eunprons ono Bt mee Serf he epee ie | ea Sacco aavenrscmmar sel sentenced edit : ~~ Heuemtoameniarinsenteparsamones = . >| pecaeeceenn | OS 2 CRIT scones oman vasa” | Se Semen oe esa rariae Borel oer - tems naeooteg © | mere ener | tes eee oe med sacra a 1 Corp wn O01 pry Sl pop ening eo 2 Se neteu opener ne 7S - Yeuneutig ls enogaie easel apg ad = oe Sane ne cen enon soo | viens [ears chanced tess sor mest cat ore sn owes 1 vent st th water avin te ak eel ttn nvm 45. Upaste the satus ofthe cago syste pups, aves, etc and IG va ostons tule beupdts ont mam lay ta conto ratte cn ae 16 Ente the communeaton ik between CCR/ER/Dec, Manl/Pumproom ahd Layee ky elective and workngsatiacolynculing a Sahay ‘emmuneation srageren. on ‘age and ic atom Seplay nc eitng ne | YorRod "tl stat of ge Note: Atcach hangs of eo rade eae that the args tanks ales re \estflag by two-person Ideperset check whic cn be pete yy deck ‘fcr (eledng the Mase) ra Ackanced Taner Cerest’ hole such 3 pumpmen. ‘etated entry othe double vrtatin should be recorded inthe pot logbook, Ineudngthenaner sd ran of hence he conducted te noependent. CVECRDek Mat | cine coapneepnon cm, eck fart ‘hata No caine en 20 v9, Se sa Noe 380) rage 6 pp Sheeran te, ‘cowinrrgese > cnaiyntn ah roiurngcoW cpeseene ee eee: 1 enny athe carga nesta be sane, open she eleven net care rans ae ly hand anole. lve he ean vas fopene for rang) on oh te mal pene gauge cack Ensure the pty te Stared and hoses sci 3 sure thatthe nO srvey (Ugg a Sampling) a arid ovt line wth ‘artereyermenlgcis/company py ‘Slatin to onl checks to be cae ut naa ost 4 cles shore samples here pronded ota mae a ety the sal oe Sore hem tha sample ce 5 Eos thatthe cage args request ch hominem 6 presrreane erg tempentire, ne asheredo, nnn te ships a ‘cate OPERA ton 0, eva 30a 205) reer 1. Unesclered and dined - -~-Peormed () 2. Vabved and manifold 2. RoBsumey A. Shore Sample. Caller ana Recorded (—) 5. Corpo carsage requirements. an Contmed (] Date/Time nie officer: Deck Ofer: ‘hecat Ne. OP NA ton 12 0a 30 Nor 205) rae INTENTIONALLY LEFF BLANK. bit fcer and master his chee 2 ery the sutabinty of cago for COW erence can be made tthe COW muna dou rach ots he vassals Marie Supeirtnden forty Prepare + COW pon with died ues espns Eure ta he ln fan {arses he egret for COW performancect te cago tans ended er > compe ‘rrape ct tet teal 23 ofraing spe ton sotto aee, waver son ane nee 0 Cow” more tan ones neve ourmonne Te plan 4. Trends shots rm he teat (ot ote ship dg nS wns] tf encerton to prior COW at ea 24 hous ates eae 35 Cargo suitaiey for cow ee a Verte Prepared, Discussed and Portd 13. Intention to perform COW. - - Terminal informed and consent received rege he emia 4 Tank washing line pressure testing... Performed and Recorded {COW shel onl be anducted afer the formal appro om the terminal (or ests) mn 15. Tank washing line ester lucated | Eeore arg ata pot where COW is rtended ob pros te tank (6 Tankewashing hydrants Seshng stones Sosa be pesre ested athe arg presse a nce Record the et nd resto the pot boo 7. nkehing em ter abt es —— st 5 sure mat the nk est ine syed Wom the re Heater gine foam spe 2 peat. {&_Erare alte hye on te tank wasn ner ve ned '& Tank washing machines. 5a en he Wa anhalt ave ofthe tse em 9. Pressure Gouge! ns Chee {spect ond rte al ean ming machines. nmrallvshiertathe ose tankelasning macnes or ht Inet be cormated and in good conto. Hremste readouts ae provses, compare tem for scr Thea be were dug COW ne resare aS ts ppc ee COW hc el et pm ar 430, Test th portable dive unser tank washing $1 Cec the merieringequtent rte etph en whee ae or “Tank aching portable drive unite - ected 000000000 00 1. Stripping system monitoring equipment... checked thevese Date/Time: Chief Ofer Maren DA re8-> conoty win on-rs-o¥4 (Store cow operation cheat) he. oF HONE Ese Reve) Eats) pee ‘pectin oP ene Eton 189 Cees 30.OV202) paces een 4. Ensre tnt pan rt oFe.08 pst Case comptes 21 CON abort condition and pacers have een dissed and aes by Bath sip 4 Checkina aka wring sco adhe Gees oxygen corte selon 5m byl 4 emure at CO have ule poste 6 pressure ad very that the angen ‘ontan oftants tobe cide ol wasted below 84 rena than 90 mites Frorcommencng COM} The ayes content abe haces ate lta cre Ferd the COT) nen contin the por og 5 The chef omee tosupense open, a aol pd espns ot ‘the deck eam ave been assigned to erst sath COW open. {6 Emure tat the fae tank machines are setup forthe reques ashing 32, pen spans patie re unteareto ates, nese they are maura (efgted ecg, 7. iat starg COW, ction he cago ste ie pis ved bys aon ndeerdert check wach an be pred ary deck of cdg ‘the wae ora havones Tanger caren’ mole seh a8 pump ates cette ety ofthe ute vernston athe prt gnok cladg te ‘EG o slecreiti aad the tank sod be de toed by meta bore strung cow Sloe that have been usa fo ud ontp purges must nc bese, hey ‘Solbedechpe fst nthe reed eh ry fom anther tank 1 Noniythetenmng ara cotanthe enfrmann tear commenong he COW paaten rit No OF 10 eon 00D NE 205) pee 93 1. ship shore alaty shocks OP-HR.08) 7B Combed (—] 2. COW bor codons and prsedires..Disesad and agreed () 3.105) sn Woking sotto 4 Taeprenare s-thacad and ecoras: (T) 5. Duties 1 Tonk leaning machines. 7. Une up nana Verified (by two perzone), mimic deploy updated & checks recorded (—] 5. Decotteming of tae 9. Terminal ne atetine OW conmnces- Cone wth FT: (ig COW Opa ch 208 ‘ee eugene) hac No OFT thon, etd 828 page Seen Ba | Gai [aed | Sale (Sinfoccomlaneimouediihefatbeboc es sown | OE ‘ime | “ia, 1 eniy hatte COM operation in progress. pr the Discharge/COW Plan OP Teer, z cow regress | Asplemed 2 Ensure thatthe n/t igs wth he ides in th COW Marland [avin condons | Gackt Confort the condone otined in pecreefCOW plano. TRR 1 Cons tat he cow opsranon bing erred athe gears 3 he Frese heck peste specie inte Oschage/COW pan 7 [ea wines | Ghee {Menthe proper fonconing of he COM machine, edn checking he de Lntnahine er pth /spendage a ecu proper operation. Store the tanks tended or wating are etree owes Tonistergwainad | vated eye beets a ee eat + Tioiaraara ere 7 ontr te vel go COo EEF a pO aT - punpreom _| noteaagee Chae he gah HET ag head a eS A OP ARS a so Eqs tht the ge contr of spas tan byl S| serves | ed 4% EEhnd ears ea tenn ese one s oe sc 40, very nt tne tn ang eh corny apa een 3 | cow arkarngpng | REITER Note hss ot presen goto be dchrges reset and Tp ose won| tncow tus ber pero Cont the ecommerdea tank dang matod as ote the COW manu tel flowed forthe tank big we | eaucersirppingsyton | Oveket 12. Check the caro eeucer/stippigsystem foes ad performance Dock Orne | cowrane sing mathos | conrad > la checklst must be used forthe ene dustin of the COW operations Sndthe compliance most be recorded in the por logbook > ‘Anrsefsts o concen tli during compliance chscks must be seco in the Pot oooh. ‘ete Na OBI stan 15 ave Sted 30.2028) ge to chee eRe Eten 18 avo ste S0soe302) e102 Beenie 4 Conta al vas ating the dschargeline fromthe COW te fy 4 Tank washing and discharge line {LSet the COW maces tora lation onsen debate 2. Tank washing machines 4._pos sce drag, mae sire to cle ll COW machine wes. {bran the COW tins upon carpleton fhe ete COW operation, 2. Tankwashing machine individual valves. 44 Tonk washing lines, COP! and tanks Date/Time: hie offer: Deck ofc: ‘cat. oF. een La ev Deo) Pace Chet No. OP. Eon 18 er Dt 02025) pee 2

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