MCQs - CS 303
MCQs - CS 303
MCQs - CS 303
MCQs CS303
1. BIOS is
(a) a collection of I/O driver programs
(b) part of OS to perform I/O operations
(c) firmware consisting of I/O driver programs
(d) a program to control one of the I/O peripherals.
5. A CPU consists of
(a) ALU, Control Unit, and registers (b) ALU, Control Unit, and Hard Disk
(c) ALU, Control Unit (d) ALU, Control Unit, and Key Board
7. When signed numbers are used in binary arithmetic, then which one of the following
notations would have unique representation of zero?
(a) Sign magnitude (b) 2’s complement (c) 1’s complement (d) 10’s complement
8. Instruction cycle is
(a) Fetch?decode?execution (b) Fetch –execution?decode
(c) Decode?fetch?execution (d) Decode? Execution?Fetch
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11. The largest integer that can be represented in signed?2’s complement representation using n bits
(a) 2n?1 (b) 2n (c) 2n?1?1 (d) 2n ?1
12. With 2's complement representation, the range of values that can be represented on the data bus of an 8 bit
microprocessor is given by
(a) ? 128 to + 127 (b) ? 128 + 128
(c) ? 127 to* 128 (d) 0 ? 255.
13. A decimal number has 30 digits. Approximately how many digits would the binary representation have?
(a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 120
18. If the multiplier Q is 1101 (?3 in decimal) and 4 bit registers are in use, then in Booth’s technique for
multiplication, the number of additions and subtractions required are
(a) 0 addition and 2 subtraction (b) 1 addition and 2 subtractions
(c) 1 addition and 1 subtraction (d) 2 addition and 1 subtraction
20. The least negative value that the product of two 8?bit two’s complement numbers can take is
(a) ?214 (b) ?215 (c) ?216 (d) ?220
22. A IEEE single precision floating point number with E’=255 and M=0 represents
(a) Exact 0 (b) +∞ (c) ?∞ (d) Not a Number
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23. A IEEE single precision floating point number with E’=255 and M≠0 represents
(a) Exact 0 (b) +∞ (c) ?∞ (d) Not a Number
24. If you convert (+46.5) into a 24 bit floating point binary number following IEEE convention, what would be
the exponent?
(a) 0011100 (b) 0000011 (c) 1100010 (d) none of these.
25. The immediate addressing mode of instruction provides the operand in the memory location
(a) pointed by PC (b) next to that opcode
(c) pointed by PC+1 (d) pointed by PC?1
26. In instruction fetch phase, the instruction is fetched from the memory location whose address is in the
(a) Program Counter (b) Instruction Register
(c) Stack register (d) Memory Address Register
27. The register that keeps track of the next instruction to be executed is
(a) Program Counter (b) Instruction Register
(c) Stack register (d) Memory Address Register
29. Which of the following addressing modes is used in the instruction PUSH B?
(a) Immediate (b) Register (c) Direct (d) Register Indirect
33. PUSH is a
(a) Zero address Instruction (b) One address Instruction
(c) Two address Instruction (d) Three address Instruction
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35. A memory device, in which a bit is stored as charge across the stray capacitance
(a) SRAM (b) DRAM (c) ROM (d) EPROM
38. In content addressable memories all the words in the memory are compared
(a) Sequentially (b) Simultaneously (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) parallel
39. A microprocessor has a data bus with 64 lines and an address bus with 32 lines. The maximum number of
bits that can be stored in this memory is
(a) 32 X 232 (b) 32 X 264 (c) 64 X 232 (d) 64 X 264
40. How many address line are needed to address each memory location in 2046 x 4 memory chip?
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12
41. How many address bits are required for a 1024 X 8 memory?
(a) 1024 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 13
42. Maximum number of directly addressable locations in the memory of a processor having 10 bits wide
control bus, 20 bits address bus and 8 bit data bus is
(a) 1K (b) 2K (c)1M (d) None of these.
43. How many RAM chips of size (256 K x1) are required to build 1 MByte Memory?
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 24 (d) 32
44. What is the width of data bus and address bus for 4096 X 8 memory?
(a) 16 & 12 (b) 8 & 12 (c) 12 & 32 (d) 32 & 16
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51. In which cache mapping technique, the chance of thrashing is quite high
(a) Set associative mapping (b) Direct mapping
(c) associative mapping (d) All of these.
52. In which cache mapping technique, the replacement policy is very easy
(a) Set associative mapping (b) Direct mapping
(c) associative mapping (d) All of these.
53. The hit ratio for cache memories is in ascending order for
(a) associative, direct and set?associative
(b) direct, associative and set?associative
(c) set?associative, direct and associative
(d) set?associative, associative and direct.
54. In the IEEE 754 floating point representation standard, the base is
(a) 23 (b) 127 (c) 16 (d) 2
60. Physical memory broken down into groups of equal size is called
(a) page (b) tag (c) block / frame (d) index.
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61. A recently executed instruction is likely to be executed again very soon, is a property called
(a) Temporal locality of reference (b) Total locality of reference
(c) Spatial Locality of reference (d) None of these
64. For RISC system design, which control unit design technique is more suited?
(a) Microprogramming (b) Hardwired (c) Mixed (d) Software.
65. Repeated occurrence of an identical interrupt during servicing of the similar interrupt will result in:
(a) A program error (b) A hardware error due to stack overflow
(c) Save stack overflow and system crash (d) None of these.
68. In Daisy?chaining priority method, all the devices that can request an interrupt are
connected in
(a) Parallel mode (b) Serial Mode
(c) Both serial and parallel (d) Bidirectional.
71. Delayed branching are used to minimize the penalty incurred as a result of
(a) Conditional branch instructions (b) Unconditional branch instructions
(c) Both of these (d) None of these.
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72. Pipelining is
(a) used to let each processing unit work faster
(b) used to reduce branch instruction hazards
(c) used to utilize the maximum number of logic subunits in the processor
(d) used to run the maximum number of instructions in parallel.
74. For BIOS( Basic input / output System) and IOCS( Input Output control System) which
one of the following is true
(a) BIOS and IOCS are same
(b) BIOS controls all devices and IOCS controls only certain devices
(c) BIOS ia not a part of Operating System and IOCS is a part of Operating System
(d) BIOS is stored in ROM and IOCS is stored in RAM.
75. Memory mapped I/O scheme for the allocation of address to memories and I/O device is used for
(a) Small systems (b) Large systems
(c) Both large & small systems (d) Very large systems.
77. The time required for a disk arm to position itself over the required track is called
(a) seek time (b) latency time (c) access time (d) rotational delay.
78. The time required for the required sector to position itself under a read/write head is called
(a) seek time (b) latency time (c) access time (d) rotational delay.
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