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Approximate NoC and Memory Controller Architectures For GPGPU Accelerators

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5, MAY 2020 1021

Approximate NoC and Memory Controller

Architectures for GPGPU Accelerators
Venkata Yaswanth Raparti , Student Member, IEEE and Sudeep Pasricha , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—High interconnect bandwidth is crucial for achieving better performance in many-core GPGPU architectures that execute
highly data parallel applications. The parallel warps of threads running on shader cores generate a high volume of read requests to the
main memory due to the limited size of data caches at the shader cores. This leads to a scenarios with rapid arrival of an even larger
volume of reply data from the DRAM, which creates a bottleneck at memory controllers (MCs) that send reply packets back to the
requesting cores over the network-on-chip (NoC). Coping with such high volumes of data requires intelligent memory scheduling and
innovative NoC architectures. To mitigate memory bottlenecks in GPGPUs, we first propose a novel approximate memory controller
architecture (AMC) that reduces the DRAM latency by opportunistically exploiting row buffer locality and bank level parallelism in memory
request scheduling, and leverages approximability of the reply data from DRAM, to reduce the number of reply packets injected into the
NoC. To further realize high throughput and low energy communication in GPGPUs, we propose a low power, approximate NoC
architecture (Dapper) that increases the utilization of the available network bandwidth by using single cycle overlay circuits for the reply
traffic between MCs and shader cores. Experimental results show that Dapper and AMC together increase NoC throughput by up to 21
percent; and reduce NoC latency by up to 45.5 percent and energy consumed by the NoC and MC by up to 38.3 percent, with minimal
impact on output accuracy, compared to state-of-the-art approximate NoC/MC architectures.

Index Terms—GPGPU, approximate computing, network-on-chip, memory controller

today’s high-performance computing workloads, gen- components of a GPGPU when executing data parallel
eral purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) have
become highly popular due to their support for massive
CUDA applications from the CUDA SDK sample code suite.
For memory intensive applications that generate high vol-
thread and data level parallelism. GPGPUs typically have umes of memory requests, the NoC and MC together dissi-
many computational units within their streaming multiproc- pate up to 30 percent of the overall chip power.
essors (SM) [1] (also known as shader cores) that execute Thus, there is a need for innovative NoC and MC architectures
thousands of threads simultaneously. Libraries such as that can support the high volumes of data generated and con-
OpenCL [2], and CUDA [3] have enabled programmers to sumed in GPGPUs, while dissipating low power (and energy),
efficiently parallelize a program and reap the best perfor- and without sacrificing application performance.
mance out of the available computational resources on a Recent works [4], [5] have demonstrated the impact of a
GPGPU. However, parallel applications often generate large new paradigm called approximate computing that trades-off
volumes of memory requests to memory controllers, result- computation accuracy for savings in energy consumption.
ing in a rapid influx of reply data from DRAM to be transmit- Many emerging applications in the domains of machine
ted from MCs to SMs, which creates memory bottlenecks. learning, image processing, and pattern recognition are
Traditional MCs use first-ready first-come-first-serve (FR- today exploring approximate computing techniques to save
FCFS) that is not designed to handle such requests that may energy and also improve application performance while tol-
have high row buffer locality (RBL) and bank level parallel- erating a small range of output errors. One of the main goals
ism (BLP) simultaneously. Also, traditional mesh based NoC of our work is to exploit data approximation intelligently to
architectures are not designed to handle the high volumes of increase the throughput of data movement between MCs and
reply traffic between MCs and cores. To support the high traf- shader cores (SMs) to speed up application execution and also
fic rates of GPGPUs, NoC channel widths should be minimize the energy consumed during application execution on
increased multifold compared to conventional NoCs, but this GPGPU platforms.
leads to a significant increase in GPGPU power dissipation. In a typical many-core GPGPU platform, the NoC traffic
Fig. 1 gives a breakdown of power consumed by various consists of load/store (LD/ST) data with LD replies forming
a majority of the traffic that causes MC bottlenecks [6]. Typi-
 The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, cally, the traffic in a NoC is skewed with memory requests
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. that follow a many-to-few pattern from cores to MCs and
E-mail: {yaswanth, sudeep} replies that follow a few-to-many pattern from MCs to cores.
Manuscript received 11 June 2019; revised 24 Sept. 2019; accepted 1 Dec. With high volume of LD reply data at MCs, a bottleneck is cre-
2019. Date of publication 9 Dec. 2019; date of current version 20 Jan. 2020. ated which leads to high wait times for the thread blocks exe-
(Corresponding author: V. Y. Raparti.)
Recommended for acceptance by K. Mohror. cuting on shader cores, and hence a slowdown in overall
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2019.2958344 performance. Hardware designers have come up with high
1045-9219 ß 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tp:// for more information.

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[35], [36] complex-network based application scheduling

and mapping mechanisms have been proposed to minimize
inter-cluster communication in heterogeneous platforms.
These works are orthogonal to the proposed approximate
NoC and MC architectures. Further, these techniques perform
well in CPU based platforms under lighter traffic conditions, but
they cannot be used to minimize the bottleneck caused at MCs in
GPGPU platforms.
In [37], [38] heterogeneous NoC architectures have been
proposed to address many-to-few traffic patterns in CPU-
Fig. 1. Breakdown of power dissipated by different components of a GPU heterogeneous architectures, but, they have not
GPGPU when executing various parallel workloads. addressed the bottleneck caused by few-to-many traffic
between the last level caches (LLCs) near MCs and the cores.
radix NoCs with intelligent routing schemes [7], or com- Further, [39] and [40] discuss the benefits of mesh based NoC
plex warp scheduling schemes [8] to minimize the MC bot- topologies such as scalability, simplicity and ease of imple-
tleneck. However, these techniques incur high power/area mentation. Hence, in this work we customize the mesh based
overheads. NoC topology for few-to-many traffic pattern in GPGPU pro-
In this paper, we conjecture that several applications that cessors. The memory bottleneck issue in many-core CPUs
use GPGPUs generate high volumes of data with redundant or and GPUs has been addressed in a few prior works. In [29] an
similar values that can be approximated to reduce the number of application-aware staged memory scheduling mechanism is
packets transmitted from MCs to cores. We leverage this obser- proposed that creates batches of requests to maximize row
vation and propose an approximate MC architecture and a buffer hits and bank level parallelism (BLP) in the DRAM,
high-speed circuit overlay based NoC architecture that and to minimize the inter-application bandwidth interfer-
together overcome the MC bottleneck issue and minimize ence. In [30], an MC that uses BLP-aware prefetching is pro-
energy consumption more aggressively than state-of-the-art posed, to increase MC and DRAM throughput. But these
techniques, with minimal application accuracy degradation. works ignore the adverse impact of NoC latency on the mem-
Our novel contributions are summarized as follows: ory bottleneck issue. In our work, we address the memory bottle-
neck issue from a perspective of both intelligent memory scheduling
 We introduce a novel approximate memory control- and minimizing NoC latency.
ler architecture that incorporates approximate data- In [33] a high performance wireless NoC architecture with
aware memory scheduling in the request channel, to short ranged wired links and long-range wireless links is
increase MC throughput by intelligently leveraging proposed to address NoC congestion due to multicast pack-
row buffer locality and bank level parallelism of ets arising from cache coherence traffic. However, this work
DRAM requests; we extend the AMC with support cannot be directly adapted to GPGPU traffic conditions
for flagging read reply data arriving from DRAM for where the reply path has much longer packets (64 B each)
potential approximate transmission over the NoC; compared to cache coherence traffic. In [34] an encoding
 We introduce a data-aware approximate NoC archi- scheme along with a deadlock free corridor routing and
tecture (Dapper) that utilizes asynchronous fast overlay adaptive flit dropping mechanisms are proposed to improve
circuits for transmitting both general and approximate the throughput and latency of NoC under high multicast
data between MCs and cores in 3 cycles; we also traffic conditions. In this work as well, the size of the packets
design a novel NoC router architecture, and an arbitra- is smaller with lower injection rates compared to GPGPU
tion mechanism that uses a global overlay manager traffic between memory controllers and cores. This tech-
(GOM) to share the overlay circuits between different nique has the potential to give some improvement in GPGPU
MCs and cores; NoC throughput in the reply network with applications of
 We conduct rigorous simulation-based experimenta- lower memory intensity; however, it incurs high power and
tion of our proposed Dapper NoC and AMC architec- area overheads at MCs and NoC routers. Unlike the above two
tures for various CUDA applications to compare the works, DAPPERþAMC is more lightweight and is designed to
performance and energy consumption against the improve the performance of GPGPUs specifically in the commonly
state-of-the art. observed many-to-few and few-to-many GPGPU traffic conditions.
Approximate (or inexact) computing has been studied by
several researchers to save energy by sacrificing the correct-
2 RELATED WORK ness of the output to an acceptable extent. A few works [19],
Several prior works have addressed the issue of NoC [20] have demonstrated the use of compiler support to label
throughput and energy consumption for traditional many- and treat approximate variables differently from other vari-
core processors. In [9], the authors propose a small world ables and enabling inexact computing on those variables at
NoC that utilizes machine learning to establish fast connec- the hardware level. Other works have used approximate
tions between cores that generate high volumes of data. In computing at the circuit level [12], [13] to trade-off accuracy
[10], the authors propose an application criticality-aware of the logic circuits for shorter critical paths and low operat-
packet routing scheme that prioritizes memory requests of ing voltages that save power and area footprint. A few other
time-critical applications. In [11], [26], [27], [28] fault-tolerant works have introduced approximate last level caches [14],
and energy-aware NoC routing schemes are proposed. In [15]. In these works, the authors reduce the amount of data

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stored in the caches, and increase the cache hit rate by asso-
ciating tags of multiple approximately similar blocks to the
same data line. In [17], the authors use approximate com-
puting with spatial and temporal locality to increase the
benefit of instruction reuse in GPGPUs. None of these techni-
ques can be applied for resolving the problems arising in MCs and
NoC due to the heavy influx of memory requests that cause MC
bottlenecks in GPGPUs.
In [18], the authors have proposed a NoC centric approach
to minimize the latency caused by congestion in many-core
CPUs by introducing approximate compression and decom-
pression of packets at network interfaces, to reduce the number
of flits entering the NoC. This work utilizes a dictionary-based
compression/decompression technique that consumes high
energy and leads to performance overheads when the network
traffic is high. However, this work ignores the challenges with
MC scheduling to minimize the memory access latency, in
GPGPUs. In contrast to these works, in this article, we provide a Fig. 2. (a) Example image showing similar data values in pixels; (b) RGB
holistic solution to the memory bottleneck problem in GPGPUs, with values of the marked locations as stored in texture memory.
a multi-pronged solution that uses approximate computing design
principles with smart resource adaptation at both the MC and NoC 3.2 Data Value Approximability
architecture levels. Several types of data parallel applications are typically exe-
cuted on GPGPU platforms. Many of them belong to the
domain of image processing, signal processing, pattern rec-
3 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION ognition, and machine learning. There also exist other scien-
3.1 Baseline Configuration tific and financial applications that use GPGPUs that operate
We consider a heterogeneous accelerator-based system with on large input data sets. The data used for executing image
an x86 CPU and a grid of shader-cores of GPGPUs that have and signal processing applications in many cases is highly
private L1 caches (instruction and data) to support data approximable. For example, as shown in Fig. 2a, the areas in
parallel multithreaded application execution. A shader core boxes contain pixels that are very similar to their adjacent
consists of parallel integrated pipelines with a common pixels. The RGB values of two pixels for each box are shown
instruction fetch unit that executes a single instruction on in Fig. 2b. These values (for each box) are quite similar and it
multiple data (SIMD) simultaneously. Each integrated pipe- is not energy efficient to save and transmit cache lines con-
line has an integer arithmetic logic unit and a floating-point taining similar RGB values separately from DRAM to the
unit. A shader core also has several load store units that fetch cores. Instead, if cache lines with same (or similar) data can
data from a private L1 cache or from the main memory. A be identified at the MCs, we can avoid their repeated trans-
GPGPU based accelerator has an L2 cache that is shared missions to the cores, to save energy. Dapper and AMC are
across the shader cores. Each shader core also has a texture designed to realize this idea.
cache and a scratchpad memory. All shader cores and MCs The next logical question one may ask is: how approx-
are connected to an on-chip interconnection network. imable are typical applications that run on GPGPUs?
Typically, there is little to no direct communication Fig. 3a shows the percentage of approximable data in dif-
between the shader cores on the chip, as there is no data ferent parallel CUDA applications, while still generating
shared between shader cores that are executing thread acceptable results. Applications such as Discrete Cosine
blocks. Hence, the L2 is used to cache the contents of private Transformation, Convolution Texture, and Raytrace can have
memory of each shader core. The communication between up to 78 percent of approximable input data that can be
CPU and GPU cores takes place through main memory. The exploited to mitigate the memory bottleneck issue and
shader cores send read/write requests (via LD/ST instruc- save NoC energy. By making use of the programming par-
tions) to MCs over the NoC. A memory reply takes several adigm proposed in [19], it is possible to specify approxim-
cycles based on the location of and availability of data in the able variables using the @approx keyword as highlighted
L2 or DRAM. The baseline NoC architecture between the in green in Fig. 3b. Such approximable variables will have
shader cores and the MCs has a channel width of 128-bits, a distinct set of instructions for load and store that are
twice the size of 64 bit NoC channels in traditional CPU used when compiling the Cþþ code to machine code.
based platforms, and consists of 4-stage routers (stage 1: These instructions can be used by cores and network inter-
buffer write; stage 2: route computation, stage 3: virtual- faces to identify approximable data and accept inexact val-
channel/switch allocation; stage 4: switch/link traversal). ues for them from main memory.
There are 5 virtual channels (VCs) per input port and 4 flit
buffers for each VC. Flits are routed along the XY path from 3.3 Memory Scheduling in GPGPUs
source to destination. DRAM is organized into a hierarchy of modules as follows:
In this work we focus on optimizing the MC as well as the each MC has a dedicated channel to access DRAM DIMMs
network between shader-cores and MCs. Henceforth, the that each consist of two ranks. Each rank typically has 8 or
term cores implies shader-cores for the remainder this article. 16 DRAM chips depending on the data bus width (8 or 16

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Fig. 5. A 4 x 4 NoC showing overlay circuits for two MC’s read reply
paths, in a few-to-many traffic scenario.

Most of the applications have high spatial locality leading to

high RBL of around 3. CUDA applications also have a high
BLP of above 3 in some applications due to their inherent
data parallelism. However, prior work [29] shows that RBL
and BLP is not easy to harness at the same time, making
designers choose among the two options to increase DRAM
performance. In contrast, in AMC we propose a novel credit-
based request scheduling mechanism that leverages both
RBL and BLP based on the runtime application characteris-
tics, to increase NoC throughput and leverage the spatial
locality of the approximable DRAM requests.

Fig. 3. (a) Normalized percentage of approximable data transmitted from 3.4 Overlay Circuits for Low Latency Traversal
main memory to cores in different CUDA applications; (b) Example of
marking approximable variables using EnerJ [19].
As discussed earlier, in GPGPUs, read reply data is the
main source of MC bottlenecks. Minimizing read reply
latency is crucial for application performance. Also, read
bytes). Each chip has up to 32 banks that activate rows of reply data comprises most of the traffic from MCs to cores
data to be accessed, which are then buffered in each bank. in a few-to-many traffic pattern. To ensure that MCs do not
An MC sends requests to access specific rows and columns get clogged by a heavy influx of reply data, it is intuitive to
within those rows across banks to read/write data. Once design a NoC with all-to-all connections. However, power
accessed, a row is either kept open (to enable fast accesses and wire routability constraints in modern chips limit such
for future requests to the same row) or closed (written back architectures. Hence, researchers have come up with smart
to its respective bank before a new request arrives). Memory solutions in [6], [7] where they propose intelligent NoC
accesses that hit the rows that are already buffered are said routing schemes in tandem with MC placement to create
to have row buffer locality (RBL). The performance of conflict free paths in NoCs for packets to traverse from MCs
DRAM is enhanced by scheduling requests intelligently to to cores. However, the complex router design in such archi-
increase the utilization of rows by maximizing RBL. If the tectures adds to NoC power overheads.
subsequent accesses are not in the same row, they have to In our work, we make use of the few-to-many traffic pat-
wait until the next row is buffered. tern of the reply packets and utilize an overlay circuit topol-
To minimize access latency, DRAMs today also support ogy that forms dedicated circuits for each MC. An overlay
bank level parallelism where accesses to multiple banks are circuit connects an MC to all the cores, forming return paths
scheduled in parallel. Fig. 4a shows the average RBL of mem- for read reply packets. Fig. 5 shows how the circuits are estab-
ory requests waiting in the MC input queue at any instance, lished from two MCs (represented as colored circles) to cores.
and Fig. 4b shows the average BLP in memory requests wait- These overlay circuits are established from each MC to all the
ing in the MC input queue, for different CUDA applications. cores, on a 2D mesh-based NoC topology. An overlay circuit
formed between an MC to the cores stays for a fixed time win-
dow during which it transmits the reply packets of that MC,
before switching to the next overlay circuit (for another MC).
On overlay circuits (shown with red and green colored
arrows in the figure) each MC transmits flits of packets wait-
ing in its queues that reach their destination cores in 3 cycles
(or less) using asynchronous links and repeaters that bypass
one or more NoC routers. Flits traverse in X and Y directions
in one cycle each, stopping only at the turns. Hence, flits tra-
versing over overlay circuits do not need switch arbitration
Fig. 4: (a) Row buffer locality in memory requests and (b) Bank level par- and route computation at every hop. This leads to a low
allelism for memory requests across CUDA applications. energy consumption NoC that establishes high-throughput,

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congestion-free paths for read reply packets. More details

about how overlay circuits are established and used for data
traversal are discussed in the following sections.


In our approximate memory controller, we enhance GPGPU
MC throughput by exploiting the inherent parallelism in
request packets, and the approximability of the read reply
data. In Dapper we reduce the latency of on-chip transfers
by optimizing for the few-to-many pattern of the approxim-
able read reply data packets between AMCs and cores.
The AMC consists of two key components: (1) Approxi-
mate data-aware memory scheduling in the request channel Fig. 6. Overview of approximate data-aware memory scheduling in
that intelligently switches between BLP or RBL with a credit- approximate memory controller.
based throttling mechanism, and (2) Data approximation
support in the reply channel of the memory controller, that approximable data is located in nearby memory addresses
identifies approximable data waiting in its output queues leading to a higher row buffer locality, as shown in Fig. 4a.
and marks them for coalescence. The overlay circuits of Dapper For these applications, it is preferable to send those requests
then broadcast the flits of coalesced packets to their destina- in a burst in consecutive clock cycles so that the replies
tions over fast overlay circuits that are established for each arrive in consecutive DRAM cycles, and can be stored in
AMC. We define coalescence as grouping of DRAM replies adjacent output queues in the AMC, which facilitates higher
whose data from AMCs are approximable and within an packet coalescing in the output queue. However, it is also pre-
error_threshold. These replies are then coalesced into a single ferred to support bank level parallelism to reduce the wait-
packet, to reduce the number of packets transmitted into the ing time of the high volumes of parallel memory requests in
NoC for delivery to multiple destinations. GPGPU applications. To leverage both RBL and BLP, we
Dapper employs a 2D-mesh based NoC topology to create propose a credit-based scheme that prioritizes RBL burst
overlay circuits between cores and AMCs. The network is commands when there is a high influx of approximable
divided into two planes (request and reply) each with 64-bit requests into the AMC’s input queue, and BLP otherwise.
channel width, to avoid protocol deadlock. The NoC routes To facilitate this, we divide the input queue of an AMC into
packets with an XY turn-based routing scheme to avoid rout- n parallel queues as shown in Fig. 6.
ing deadlock. The request packets are transmitted on a The incoming requests are stored in one of the n parallel
request plane and the reply packets are transmitted via fast queues based on the bank number of the memory request.
overlay circuits on the reply plane. A majority of the reply An input queue is allocated to each memory request by per-
plane traffic consists of read reply packets. Hence, Dapper forming a modulo operation on its bank number with the
performs packet coalescing using approximation only on read reply total number of input queues ðqueue id ¼ bank number %
data that is received from DRAM. The reply plane of the NoC total queuesÞ. For each input queue, the scheduler assigns a
contains a novel router architecture that enables establishing fixed and equal number of credits at boot up time. For each
and tearing down of the overlay circuits. More details of incoming request processed from a queue, a credit is
these modules are discussed in the following sub-sections. deducted. The queues are processed only when their avail-
able credits are > 0. The total number of credits is equal to
4.1 Approximate Memory Controller (AMC) the total available input command queue depth at the inter-
AMCs are connected to the NoC through a network interface face between the AMC and DRAM. The AMC receives a
(NI) and a router. An AMC receives memory requests from signal from the DRAM after a command is processed inter-
cores and creates commands to send to DRAM. Before send- nally to replenish the credits back to the queues. Fig. 6
ing a request to an AMC, a core sets an approximable flag for shows an overview of the approximate data-aware sched-
the memory request, if the load operation is on an approxim- uler in AMC. The input queues are processed by the credit
able variable. The NI that connects the core to the router gen- manager that decides if RBL or BLP should be selected for
erates flits from the memory request packet and adds an the next DRAM command and controls the round-robin
approximable flag to the header flit. The receiver NI connected (RR) arbiter to choose the next queue. The RR arbiter then
to the AMC generates a memory request from these flits and signals a queue mux that selects a queue to fetch the mem-
sets an approximable flag for the memory request before send- ory request from and forward the next command to DRAM.
ing to the memory subsystem, as shown in Fig. 6. Algorithm 1 describes the functionality of the scheduler.
The algorithm takes number of approximable requests wait-
ing in each queue (num_approx_reqs), and check_depth as
4.1.1 Approximate Data-Aware Memory Request inputs. At every cycle, the scheduler selects a queue and
Scheduling checks if the total number of waiting approximable requests
On the request channel, the AMC has a novel scheduler to is below a threshold (line 4). It then checks if that queue has
intelligently leverage RBL and BLP of the arriving approx- at least one credit to process a request (line 5). If both condi-
imable requests. An important observation is that in some tions are true, then the input queue does not contain suffi-
applications such as DCT, ConvTex, and RAY, most of the cient requests to hit the same row buffer, thus the credit

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manager selects the BLP scheme for scheduling to leverage

parallelism in DRAM commands. In the BLP scheme, an
input queue is serviced in a round robin manner in each
cycle to schedule the next command (lines 5-9). The RR arbi-
ter sends the queue id as input to the queue mux to select a
single request from this queue to create the next DRAM
command (line 6), and a credit is deducted (line 7). The RR
arbiter then points to the next queue in a round robin man-
ner for the credit manager to process in the next cycle (line
8). If the queue does not have at least one credit, the credit
manager invariably selects the next input queue in an RR
manner for processing in the next cycle (line 9). However, if
the queue has more approximable requests than the thresh- Fig. 7. Overview of approximation done within the approximate memory
controller in the reply channel.
old (line 10), the credit manager selects the RBL scheme for
the next check_depth DRAM commands (lines 11-17). In RBL,
the DRAM commands are sent to hit the same DRAM row Algorithm 1. Approximate data-aware scheduling
buffer to get the maximum approximability in the read
reply data. Hence, in each cycle the credit manager pro- Inputs: num_approx_reqs (for each queue), check_depth
1: next_queue_id 0
cesses the same input queue till it reaches check_depth to
2: burst_count 0
make sure that all the subsequent commands are sent in a
3: for each cycle do
burst (lines 11-13). The credit manager notifies the RR arbi-
4: if next_queue_id!num_approx_reqs < Threshold then
ter to select the same queue until the burst mode is com- //BLP block
pleted. As a result, the queue mux selects requests from the 5: if next_queue_id!credits > 0 then
same queue for check_depth number of times. The queue’s 6: queue_mux_sel next_queue_id
credits are also deducted by check_depth (line 15). This can 7: next_queue_id!credits––
lead to negative credits for the queue. The queue is not eligi- 8: end if
ble to send any requests until it replenishes its credits back 9: next_queue_id ! next_queue_id þ 1 mod total_num_-
to at least 1. After sending commands in a bursty manner queues // RR
from the same queue, the command manager sends an 10: else // RBL block
input to the RR arbiter to select the next queue for process- 11: if burst_count < check_depth then
ing in the next cycle (line 17). The credits are replenished in 12: queue_mux_sel next_queue_id
a round robin manner when DRAM notifies the AMC that it 13: burst_count þþ
has completed processing a command (line 20). The credit 14: else
replenishment stops if a queue receives its quota of credits 15: next_queue_id!credits ¼ credits - check_depth
that are assigned at boot up time. The AMC has an internal 16: burst_count 0
staging buffer as shown in Fig. 6 that stores the requests 17: next_queue_id ! next_queue_id þ 1 mod total_num_-
before processing them to DRAM commands. When this queues //RR
queue is full, the scheduler stops processing any memory 18: end if
requests until it is cleared. 19: end if
20: increment queue credits by 1 in a RR scheme if notified by
4.1.2 Data Approximation in Reply Channel 21: end for
Whenever a reply is received from the DRAM, it is
matched with the corresponding request and saved in the Algorithm 2 describes the steps involved in the data
output queue. In the reply channel, the AMC is equipped approximation phase in the reply channel. The algorithm
with a data approximator which parses through each of the takes two parameters (error_threshold, check_depth) as inputs.
read reply data units waiting at the output queue of the The check_depth is the same as check_depth in Algorithm 1,
AMC, finds the approximable data among the waiting data, because it signifies the number of requests processed in the
and checks if any data can be coalesced before sending to input queue for sending an approximable burst of commands
the NI for delivery to the destination cores. The granularity to DRAM. The data approximator iterates over each entry in
of approximable data waiting in the output queue is an L1 the output queue and checks if the data is approximable (line
cache line because a read reply from AMC contains a cache 5). If the data is not approximable, it sends the data unaltered
line with the address that led to a cache miss. The data to the NI for delivery (line 6). If the data is approximable, the
approximator tries to coalesce cache lines waiting in queue entries algorithm iterates through subsequent data entries to find
only if each of the variables contained in the cache lines is approx- other approximable data (lines 8-9). If an approximable data
imable and contains similar data values in all the cache line is found, the difference between the first approximable data
entries. Fig. 7 shows an overview of the data approximator. If and the found data is calculated (lines 10-11). If the difference
the output queue has some approximable reply data, the is within the error_threshold, the found data entry is erased
data approximator coalesces them into a single read reply data from the output queue, and its destination address is saved
unit based on their data values to minimize the number of (lines 12-13). This iteration process stops once it reaches the
replies injected by the NI into the NoC. check_depth, which also signifies the maximum number of

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packets that are coalesced if their data values are within an error_threshold, can be updated by GPGPU firmware accord-
error_threshold. The list of destination addresses along with ing to the needs of the application.
the original address is appended to the first reply (line 18).
The approximated data and the list of addresses are then 4.2 Data Aware Approximate NoC (Dapper)
sent to the NI (line 20) to generate a packet that is broadcast The request plane of Dapper is a conventional 2D mesh based
to the list of destination nodes on the overlay circuits as NoC with XY routing as mentioned in Section 3.1. In the reply
explained in the following sections. The cleared entries in the plane, Dapper establishes dedicated overlay circuits from
output queue are then released for incoming data from AMCs to cores. Each AMC’s overlay circuit is a predefined
DRAM. The data types considered for approximation mapping of input and output ports in the reply plane NoC
include both integer and floating-point types. For floating routers, during which flits traverse from source (AMC) to des-
point data, only the mantissa is approximated for a faster tinations (cores) in 3 cycles or less. An overlay circuit assigned
computation. to an AMC lasts for a time duration determined at run-time.
To establish overlay circuits, the reply plane NoC is equipped
Algorithm 2. Data Approximator with (i) a global overlay controller that decides the time dura-
tion for which an overlay circuit is established, and (ii) modi-
Inputs: error_threshold, check_depth
fied routers called bypass routers through which flits traverse
1: while Output_queue.size() > 0 do
2: + 1 in X or Y axes in a single cycle, stopping only at a turn.
3: dest_list Ø
4: reply_data Output_queue. front() 4.2.1 Global Overlay Controller (GOC)
5: if reply_data.approximable ¼ ¼ 0 then The primary function of the global overlay controller (GOC)
6: send_to_NI(reply_data) is to determine and assign time durations for overlay circuits,
7: else for each AMC. The execution time is divided into epochs,
8: while + < check_depth do and each epoch is further divided into time windows which
9: nxt_data Output_queue.get(+) are computed at the beginning of every epoch by the GOC. A
10: if nxt_data.approximable ¼ ¼ 1 then // coalesce the data time window for an AMC is determined at run-time based
11: if (reply_data – nxt_data)/reply_data < error_threshold on the number of reply packets waiting at the AMC output
then queues, and the reply arrival rate at the AMC from the previ-
12: dest_list. add(nxt_data.dest) ous epoch. Each AMC sends the stats collected during an
13: Output_queue.erase(+) epoch to the GOC at the end of that epoch, using the overlay
14: end if circuits. The GOC uses this received information to compute
15: end if
a weight function as shown in equation (1):
16: +þþ
17: end ðmÞ ¼ a:AðmÞ þ g:BðmÞ; (1)
18: reply_data.add_dest(dest_list)
19: end if where AðmÞ is the reply arrival rate and BðmÞ is the average
20: send_to_NI(reply_data) queue occupancy at the mth AMC in the previous epoch. a
21: Output_queue.pop() and g are coefficients of the weight function. The GOC com-
22: end while pares ’s of each AMC and computes time window dura-
tions T1 ; T2 ; T3 . . . ; Tm for the next epoch as:
Ti ¼ K  ðiÞ=½ð1Þ þ ð2Þ þ ð3Þ þ . . . þ ðmÞ; (2)
4.1.3 Overheads
The power and area overheads involved in approximate where Ti is the time window of the ith AMC overlay and ðiÞ
data-aware scheduling in the request plane, and data is its weight function. The ratio of the weight functions is then
approximation in the reply plane are minimal compared the multiplied by a constant K which is equal to the periodicity of
power consumed by the computing shader-cores. Algorithm the time windows in an epoch. The time windows repeat peri-
1 needs n additional counters to keep track of the credits, odically for E/K iterations in an epoch, where E is the epoch
where n ¼ total number of input queues, an additional com- interval duration and K is the periodicity of the time window
parator, and queue mux. The credit manager operation takes set. By having the time windows repeat and overlay circuits
place in 1 cycle, which is pipelined with the other stages of switch multiple times in an epoch, AMCs send flits in multiple
the AMC to reduce the overall latency. Algorithm 2 takes bursts across an epoch. The time window durations are
check_depth number of cycles for execution, and requires broadcast by the GOC at the beginning of an epoch, which is
logic for division, a comparator, and registers to store the saved by the reply plane routers in dedicated registers, and
parameters check_depth and error_threshold. The NI connected then used for the setup and tear down of circuits. At the end
to an AMC is often fully occupied at run-time, resulting in a of each epoch, the arrival rate AðmÞ and buffer occupancy
wait time for data at AMCs in most cases, before they are BðmÞ of each AMC are sent to GOC using the corresponding
sent to the NI. This wait time helps to mask the overhead overlay circuits. This requires 2 additional cycles at the end of
involved in data approximation. A packet is only sent to the each epoch (which is 10000 cycles in duration).
NI after it passes the data approximation stage. We consider
all of these performance and power overheads when model- 4.2.2 Bypass Router Architecture
ing the AMC for our experiments (Section 5). Note also The reply plane NoC is made up of bypass routers that sup-
that the parameters used in AMC, such as check_depth and port flits passing through them without stopping at each

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coordinates of the AMC that utilizes the overlay circuit on

the NoC along with its own coordinates. With the given
inputs, the selection unit creates connections for an overlay
circuit between input ports, input latches and output ports.
At the beginning of each time window, the selection unit
compares the coordinates of the current router and the AMC
for which the overlay is being established. Based on the loca-
tion of the router, there are 4 possible scenarios for each
AMC as shown in Fig. 8. Scenario 1: If the router and AMC are
at the same NoC coordinate, the local input port is connected
to the east and west output ports and local latch (line 6).
Scenario 2: If the router and the AMC are along the same
X axis, the east and west inputs are connected to the west
and east output ports, and to their corresponding latches
(line 8). Scenario 3: If the router and AMC are not along the
same X axis and the router’s Y coordinate is greater than
Fig. 8. Overview of bypass router architecture. the AMC’s Y coordinate, the north input is connected to the
south output and north latch (line 10). Scenario 4: If the router
hop for arbitration or route computation. Fig. 8 shows an and AMC are not along the same X axis and the router’s Y
overview of a bypass router architecture. A bypass router coordinate is less than the AMC’s Y coordinate, the south
has asynchronous bypass links connecting output ports to input is connected to the north output and south latch (line
input ports and latches via a crossbar. Each input port is con- 12). At the end of a time window, the selection unit imple-
nected to a dedicated latch to save the flit that is coming over ments connections for the overlay circuit of the next AMC
the X axis. The router also saves time windows of each over- and its corresponding time duration. This entire operation
lay circuit received from the GOC in a local overlay controller takes 2 cycles at the beginning of each epoch. Fig. 8 shows an
as shown in Fig. 8. The crossbar is configured at the begin- example of such a configuration where green lines represent
ning of each time window and reset at the end of the window the configuration made by the selection unit to connect the
to establish a different overlay configuration. The crossbar east input to east latch and west output.
configuration of a router is based on its location on the 2D
NoC and is selected by the selection unit based on the current Algorithm 3. Overlay controller operation
overlay circuit. The output ports of a bypass router are con-
Inputs: {time windows}, epoch_duration
nected to either input ports or input latches to enable flit
1: e_counter 0; // reset counter value
transmission. In the first cycle, a flit traverses the bypass 2: fT1 . . . Tk g ftime windowsg // initialize time window
routers along the X axis through asynchronous links and durations
gets latched at the input latches. In the second cycle, when 3: selection unit ðfT1 . . . Tk gÞ
the output ports are connected to input latches, the flit traver- 4: for every cycle do
ses along the bypass routers in the Y direction and gets 5: if e _counter < epoch_duration then
latched again at the input latches. In the third cycle, the flit is 6: e counter þ þ;
sent from an input latch to the local (core) port. Thus, flit 7: else if e _counter ¼ ¼ epoch_duration then
transmission can take 1 to 3 cycles. Two key components of a 8: fT1 . . . Tk g read valuesðGOC inputÞ // save time
bypass router are the overlay controller and selection unit. The windows
overlay controller keeps track of the time windows and calls 9: selection unitðfT1 . . . Tk gÞ
the selection unit to dynamically configure the crossbar to 10: e _counter 0; // reset counters
establish the overlay circuits. The crossbar dynamically 11: end if
makes connections between input latches to output ports, 12: end for
and turns flits from X axis to Y axis, and from Y axis to local
out ports as explained in the subsequent sections Routing: For conflict free routing using bypass routers,
Algorithm 3 gives an overview of the overlay controller each row in the 2D NoC should only have one AMC. A
operation. The controller gets a list of time window durations packet that is approximable might have more than one desti-
and epoch duration as inputs from the GOC. It sends the list nation based on the check_depth parameter of the AMC. To
of time windows to the selection unit as input (line 3). At accommodate more than one destination, the header flit of
every cycle, it increments a local counter to keep track of the the packet has more than one destination fields, and a desti-
epoch duration (lines 5-6). At the end of an epoch duration, nation length field. When a packet is ready to be transmitted
updated time window values are received from the GOC at the NI of an MC, it is sent to the NI interface buffer based
which are sent to the selection unit, and the local counter is on the availability of the buffer space. At each cycle, the
reset (lines 8-10). Algorithm 4 gives an overview of the selec- router transmits flits via the asynchronous links along the X
tion unit operation. The inputs to the selection unit are the direction and saves them at the corresponding input latches
time window durations fT1 . . . Tk g for k overlay circuits (cor- of each bypass router (shown via the green line in Fig. 8). The
responding to the k AMCs). In algorithm 4, fN; E; W; S; Lg Y-compare unit (Fig. 8) then compares the destination Y
means North, East, West, South, and local port. Also, La is coordinates of the flits with its own coordinates and sends a
the latch. The selection unit possesses knowledge of the 2D signal to the crossbar to establish hinge connections between

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input latches, and the north/ south/local output ports based output queue out-of-order. Based on the request type (read/
on the Y coordinates of the current router at which the flit is write) the addresses of the missed request and the subse-
latched and the destination router. Once the hinge connections quent request are compared before the next packet is selected
between latches and output ports are established, the flits for transmission into the NoC to avoid read-after-write
traverse in the Y direction (shown via the red line in Fig. 8) (RAW) or write-after-read (WAR) errors. Further, to avoid
and reach the destination router where they are sent to the starvation of long waiting packets, the output queues in the
local output port. When the tail flit passes the bypass router, AMC are designed as cyclic buffers so that all the waiting
the hinge connections are reset to tear down the connections packets are processed in a round robin manner. Thus, this
between latches and output ports. flow control mechanism ensures that packets at the head of
the queue at the AMC do not block the subsequent packets
Algorithm 4. Selection unit operation that can use the available overlay circuit. To facilitate data
Inputs: fT1 . . . Tk g; fMC1 . . . MCk g
loss detection, we assume the presence of a simple XOR-
1: Ý 0; i 1 based parity bit error detection mechanism.
2: for each cycle do
3: if ݼ ¼ ¼Ti then 4.2.3 Overheads
4: i ði þ 1Þ mod k The overheads involved with implementing the overlay con-
5: if local:ðX; Y Þ ¼¼ MCi :ðX; Y Þ then // scenario 1 troller, selection unit, and Y-compare are minimal. The over-
6: Lin ! Eout ; Wout ; LaðLÞ
lay controller uses a counter, and a register to store the time
7: else if local:ðY Þ ¼¼ MCi :ðY Þ then // scenario 2
window values received from the GOC, while the selection
8: Ein ! Wout ; LaðEÞ and Win ! Eout ; LaðW Þ
unit uses a counter, a cyclic register, and five 3-bit comparator
9: else if local:ðY Þ > MCi :ðY Þ then
10: Nin ! Sout ; LaðNÞ == scenario 3 circuits. The bypass router also has an additional Y-compara-
11: else if local:ðY Þ < MCi :ðY Þ then // scenario 4 tor, and logic to establish hinge connections. All of these compo-
12: Sin ! Nout ; LaðSÞ nents together take up a very small fraction of the power and
13: end if area of a router. The bypass routers also do not have input
14: else buffers to save incoming flits, VCA, SA, and route computa-
15: Ýþþ tion logic. Hence, a bypass router consumes up to 50 percent
16: end if less power compared to a traditional router. However, we
17: end for increase the output buffer capacity of AMC by 50 percent as it
takes at least 6 cycles for the complete read-reply transaction.
Flow control: Since Dapper has lower latency than tradi- All of these performance and power overheads are consid-
tional NoCs, it fills up the receiving cores’ queues much ered in our experimental analysis, presented next.
more rapidly than a traditional, 4-stage hop-by-hop, router.
Hence, it is crucial that a robust flow control mechanism is
integrated to ensure that the receiving queues of cores do 5 EXPERIMENTS
not fill up quickly and start creating backpressure. Unlike 5.1 Experimental Setup
the wormhole switching scheme where the intermediate We target a baseline 16-core GPGPU based accelerator to
routers at each hop save flits for re-transmission, in Dapper test the performance, energy consumption, network latency,
the flits are only saved at the receiving core. As a result, if and output error of Dapper þ AMC compared to the state-
there is any data loss on the asynchronous links, they may of-the-art. We also test the scalability of our proposed archi-
be undetected at the receiving core. Hence, there is also a tectures on a 64-core GPGPU. Table 1 lists the platform con-
need for a mechanism to ensure lossless transmission of figurations. We used GPGPU-Sim [21] to collect detailed
packets traversing on overlay circuits. application traces and simulated the network and memory
To meet these goals, we use an acknowledgement-based traffic on a customized Noxim NoC simulator [22] that inte-
flow control mechanism where the receiving cores send grates our Dapper þ AMC architecture model. We obtained
ACK signals back to the AMC when the packet is completely traces for 9 CUDA-based applications [1]. Table 2 gives an
received. We establish ACK circuit using dedicated links of 7 overview of each application and the approximable regions
bits width to send ACK signal back to AMCs. Bypass routers of their working data sets.
establish an ACK circuit using ACK links for each overlay As mentioned earlier, we use the programming paradigm
circuit. These ACK circuits are not shared with data packets. proposed in EnerJ [19] to specify the variables in these appli-
A core does not send an ACK signal when its input queues cations that are potentially approximable. We set the epoch
are already full or when there is data loss in the packet. To duration in Dapper þ AMC as 10,000 cycles. We performed
facilitate fast transmission of the ACK signal from the cores experimental sensitivity analysis for parameter values (not
to an AMC, each bypass router has an ACK in and ACK out included for brevity) and accordingly set the values of a; g
port (Fig. 8), which are connected using asynchronous links, coefficients of the weight function from equation (1) to 0.6,
switch, and a selection-unit similar to the fast overlay circuit 0.4, and K ¼ 1000 in equation (2) as they give the best NoC
to relay the ACK message back to the AMC from the cores in throughput for the applications we considered, in both 16
1-3 cycles. The AMC, upon receiving the ACK signals from and 64 core platforms. We have also considered that the
the destination cores releases its output queue for the read Threshold (line 4) in Algorithm 1 is equal to half of the check_-
reply data coming from DRAM. If the AMC does not receive depth parameter value because having a threshold larger
an ACK signal, it services the next waiting packet in the than check_depth/2 leads to poor approximability as the

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GPGPU-SIM Parameters Configuration of Comparison Works

Parameters Value MC configuration NoC configuration

Shader Cores/AMCs 12 / 4 (16-core), 56 / 8 (64-core) Baseline FR-FCFS scheduler in request 1-plane, 128-bit
Shader core pipeline 1536 threads/core, warp size ¼ 32 channel. FCFS in reply channel. wide channel.
Shader registers 32768 per core Baseline þ SMS [29] Staged memory scheduling in 1-plane, 128-bit
Constant / Texture Cache 8 KB / 8 KB per core request channel. FCFS in reply wide channel.
L1, L2 cache 16 KB L1 per core, 128 KB L2 per MC channel.
NoC Topology 4  4 (16-core), 8  8 (64-core), XY Routing Approx-NoC [16] FR-FCFS scheduler in request 1-plane, 128-bit wide
Channel width 128 bits channel. FCFS in reply channel. channel. Approx -NI
Base case router architecture 4-stage router, 5 VC/port, 4 buffers/VC MACRO [31] FR-FCFS scheduler in request 2 planes, 64 bits each.
channel. FCFS in reply channel. Overlay circuits in
reply plane.
request scheduler prioritizes BLP over RBL even when half of DapperþAMC Approximate data-aware 2-plane, 64 bits wide.
scheduler in request channel. Data Fast overlay NoC in
the requests are approximable. Conversely, a smaller thresh- approximator in reply channel. reply plane with
old might favor RBL over BLP even when the ratio of packets packet broadcast,
that could be coalesced is lower which adversely affects the and fast ACK
DRAM utilization. The power, performance, and area values
for our NoC architecture, modified MCs, and cores at the
22nm node are obtained using the open source tools DSENT drawbacks of MC scheduling without NoC latency optimiza-
[23] and GPUWATTCH [24], and gate-level analysis. tion, we compare our work with staged memory scheduling
We compare our proposed Dapper þ AMC architecture (SMS) [29] that proposes an application aware bank level
with several alternatives, as shown in Table 3. The baseline parallelism to minimize the wait time of packets in the MC
NoC has a channel width of 128-bits which is the size of the input queue. However, [29] does not have a latency opti-
L1 cache line, to provide high throughput to MCs. We also mized NoC like Dapper þ AMC. Table 3 summarizes the
compare with the prior work that utilizes dictionary-based NoC and MC configuration of all five comparison works.
approximate compression and decompression at each net- The size of the AMC output buffer is set to accommodate 66
work interface, called Approx-NoC [16]. Approx-NoC uses dic- data packets, as used in GPGPU-Sim, for all the comparison
tionary-based inexact compression using approximation at works. We also consider 4 parallel input queues in the AMC
the sending network interface to reduce the number of flits as the average bank level parallelism of the requests is
that are injected into the NoC and save the overall energy around 3.5 as shown in Fig. 4b.
consumed. We additionally compare our work with the
memory-aware-circuit-overlay-NoC, MACRO [31]. MACRO 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis
has a fast overlay circuit network in the reply plane from We first conduct experiments to determine the best values of
MCs to cores similar to that of the current work but lacks buffer check_depth and error_threshold parameters used in our
packet broadcast capability, as well as fast broadcast ACK data approximation stage in the AMCs in Algorithm 1 and
system for fault tolerance, and the data approximator in its Algorithm 2. We compare Dapper þ AMC with different
MC. The Baseline NoC, Approx-NoC, and MACRO have first check_depths and error_thresholds to analyze the tradeoffs
row first come first serve (FR-FCFS) memory scheduling between NoC throughput improvements and the output
scheme in the request channel of their MCs. To analyze the error observed at the end of the application execution. Out-
put error is computed using equations (3) and (4):

TABLE 2 e ¼ ðV  V 0 Þ=V (3)

Approximable Cuda Benchmark Applications
1 XM
Application Domain Approximable data error ¼  jei j; (4)
M i¼0
Black Scholes Stock price evolution Stock price,
predictor CDF data
Convolution Image texture denoising 512  512 image
where for each point in the output that comprises of images
Texture filter using convolution or matrices, V and V 0 are the actual and inexact points and
Discrete Cosine Image compression technique 256  256 image M is the total number of output points. Equation (4) gives
Transform 4  4 used in JPEG codec the value of output error obtained at the end of the simula-
DXTC Image texture compression 256  256 image tion using approximation.
technique Fig. 9a shows the plots of normalized NoC throughput
Fast Warshal Faster version of discrete FFT 1024  1024 matrix and normalized output error observed with Dapper þ AMC
Transform across different values of output buffer check_depths (4, 8, 12).
Histogram Image color segregation 512  512 image The bars represent normalized average NoC throughput
into bins observed, and dots represent the normalized output error
Merge Sort Highly parallel sorting 1MB input data across different benchmark applications. Check_depth is
defined to be the maximum number of input queue entries
Neural Network An advanced machine Training and
learning technique testing data sets
that are processed by the approximate-data aware scheduler of
Raytrace Image 3D rendering algorithm 512  512 image
AMC in the RBL scheme. Check_depth is also defined as the
maximum number of reply data units that can be coalesced in

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Fig. 9. Comparison of average NoC throughput and output error observed

with DapperþAMC across (a) check_depths, and (b) error_thresholds. Fig. 10. NoC throughput analysis of DapperþAMC with Baseline NoC,
Baseline NoC with SMS memory scheduling [29], Approx-NoC [16],
MACRO NoC [31] for (a) 16 core and (b) 64 core GPGPU accelerator,
the reply channel of AMC. In this manner, the approximation across various CUDA applications.
knob in the request and the reply channels are controlled by a
single parameter. All the results are normalized to the result volume of approximable variables present in the memory
for the check depth ¼ 4 configuration of Dapper þ AMC. reply data. For memory intensive approximable applications
From Fig. 9a, on average, a check_depth of 12 gives up to such as ConvTex and Hist, NoC throughput increases by
3.5 percent higher throughput in Dapper þ AMC with mini- around 10 percent if the error_threshold is increased from 10
mum increase in output error compared to check_depths of 4 to 15 percent. For memory intensive applications that do not
and 8. Dapper þ AMC leverages the check_depth parameter have highly approximable data such as BlackScholes, FWT,
for opportunistic burst of approximable RBL requests that and MergeSort, the NoC throughput remains the same even
increases the number of coalescable packets. The benefits of with increase in error_threshold. On an average an error_thres-
increased check_depth can be seen better in applications that hold of 10 percent leads to 15 percent increase in output
are both memory intensive and contain higher ratio of app- error and 9 percent increase in throughput compared to an
roximable input data (e.g., ConvTex, Hist). Dapperþ AMC error_threshold of 5 percent. For error_thresholds of 15 and 20
also shows throughput improvement at higher check_depths in percent the output error observed is 2:3 and 2:7 higher
applications with lower ratio of approximable data (Black- compared to error_threshold of 5 percent. This eventually
Scholes, FWT, MergeSort) due to its intelligent memory sched- leads to poor application output quality. We have also
uling. For the applications DCT, DXTC, RAY and NN, NoC observed that on average, an error_threshold of 5 percent gives
throughput does not increase rapidly with higher check_depth, no performance gains compared to an error-free execution.
and the output error also remains constant across different For this reason, for the rest of our experimental analysis we
check_depths. This is because these applications are either com- use the error_threshold of 10 percent with Dapper þ AMC
pute intensive or execute in a manner that does not fully con- when comparing with other architectures as it gives an
gest the NoC. Hence, for the rest of our experimental analysis, acceptable application output error with better throughput
we use check depth ¼ 12. If the AMC has less than 12 buffers than error_threshold of 5 percent.
filled at any point, it uses the maximum buffer depth avail-
able. Also, check depth > 12 leads to a higher output error in 5.3 NoC Throughput Analysis
applications such as FWT and DXTC along with additional Fig. 10a shows the average NoC throughput observed across
processing time latency in AMC for both request scheduling different NoC and MC architectures in a 16-core accelerator.
and data coalescing which adds to the AMC bottleneck. On average Dapper þ AMC shows 21 percent improvement
Fig. 9b shows the plots of normalized average throughput compared to baseline, and 21.5 percent improvement com-
and output error values observed Dapper þ AMC across dif- pared to base þ SMS. Although base þ SMS tries to maxi-
ferent error_thresholds (5, 10, 15, and 20 percent). All results mize the number of RBL and BLP hits by forming memory
are normalized to the result for the 5 percent error_threshold request batches, it does not dynamically modify the RBL and
configuration. The applications that are compute intensive BLP intensity of the commands like our scheduling scheme
and highly approximable, such as DCT, DXTC, NN, and does. Secondly, it does not have a fast overlay NoC.
RAY, show a slight increase in NoC throughput at higher Dapper þ AMC outperforms Approx-NoC that uses dictio-
error_thresholds. However, for DCT, and RAY the increase in nary-based encoding and decoding at NIs by 68 percent, as
output error is high at higher error_thresholds due to the high the encoding and decoding process takes an additional 2-3

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Fig. 11. NoC latency analysis of Dapper þ AMC with Baseline NoC, Fig. 12. Comparison of application execution times for baseline NoC,
Baseline NoC with SMS memory scheduling [29], Approx-NoC [16], baseline NoC with SMS memory scheduling [29], Approx-NoC [16],
MACRO NoC [31] for (a) 16 core and (b) 64 core GPGPU accelerator, MACRO NoC [31] and Dapper þ AMC for (a) 16 core and (b) 64 core
across CUDA applications. GPGPU accelerator, across CUDA applications.

cycles at both the sending and receiving nodes of a NoC for Dapper þ AMC, the ACK based flow-control mechanism
all packets. Dapper þ AMC outperforms MACRO by around together with the cyclic output buffer ensures that MCs utilize
7 percent. These benefits are due to the joint optimization of their share of overlay circuits efficiently. Approx-NoC has a
request scheduling and reply packet coalescing in AMC that higher latency compared to the baseline due to its slower
is absent in MACRO. For memory intensive and high encoding and decoding steps at the NIs.
approximable workloads such as ConvTex, DCT, and HIST Fig. 11b shows the comparison of NoC latency in 64-core
the throughput improvement of Dapper þ AMC reaches up accelerators. The baseline NoC latency in 64-core platforms
to 40 percent compared to the baseline. For minimal approx- is up to 3 higher than the 16-core platforms because of the
imable benchmarks like MergeSort, the throughput benefits increased NoC traffic due to the higher number of cores in
of Dapper þ AMC are diminished, however it achieves same the platform. Dapper þ AMC shows up to 78.7 percent
throughput as the baseline. Fig. 10b shows that Dapperþ improvement compared to the baseline, and 85 percent
AMC is highly scalable with average throughput improve- improvement compared to base þ SMS. The NoC latency in
ment of up to 15.7 percent compared to the baseline and up base þ SMS is higher than baseline due to the waiting time
to 15.34 percent compared to base þ SMS. The improve- (at the incoming buffers of the MC) needed to create batches
ments are slightly diminished in Dapper þ AMC in the 64- of requests according to the SMS scheduler. This impact is
core platform compared to the 16-core platform due to the higher in a 64-core platform than a 16-core platform. In
higher number of cores sending more requests at the MC Approx  NoC, the latency degradation is reduced from
which increases DRAM latency for memory requests that 50 percent to around 22 percent compared to the baseline. As
worsens the MC bottleneck issue. Unlike Dapper þ AMC, the ratio of MCs to cores decreases from 16-cores to 64-cores,
Approx-NoC loses up to 50 percent of its throughput in this the overhead of encoding/decoding is hidden in the packet
configuration. Dapper þ AMC has up to 5.35 percent better traversal latency, allowing the approach to recover some
throughput than MACRO. This shows the importance of of its lost latency. Dapper þ AMC performs better than
approximate data-aware request scheduling and data coalescing MACRO by 4.8 percent in 64-core platform which is better
with the AMC. than improvements of 3 percent in 16-core platform due to
the higher ratio of approximable packets in Dapper þ AMC
5.4 NoC Latency Analysis in a 64-core platform.
Fig. 11a shows the average NoC latency observed from the
source to destination in a 16-core accelerator. Dapper þ AMC 5.5 Application Execution Time Analysis
is much faster than baseline and base þ SMS by up to 45.5 Fig. 12a shows the application execution times observed in
and 46 percent, respectively. This is one of the key contribu- 16-core GPGPU accelerators for the various architectures.
tors of increase in throughput. The AMC’s approximate data- The throughput and latency improvements observed in the
aware scheduling scheme is responsible for Dapper þ AMC0s previous sections are translated into shorter application exe-
2.5 percent improvement compared to MACRO due to the cution time for Dapper þ AMC compared to baseline, and
increased approximable and coalesced read reply data that base þ SMS. In 16-core platforms, Dapper þ AMC achieves
reduces the MC bottleneck and NoC congestion. Also, in around 9.5 percent improvement compared to both baseline

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Fig. 13. Comparison of energy consumption between baseline NoC,

baseline NoC with SMS memory scheduling [29], Approx-NoC [16], Fig. 14. Comparison of output error values between Approx-NoC [16]
MACRO NoC [31] and Dapper þ AMC for (a) 16 core and (b) 64 core and Dapper þ AMC for (a) 16 core and (b) 64 core GPGPU accelerator,
GPGPU accelerator, across CUDA applications. across various CUDA applications.

and base þ SMS. The improvements for applications such as energy due to the higher power dissipated in its routers that
DXTC, and MergeSort the application execution time are not need additional logic and content addressable storage (CAS)
proportional to the NoC throughput and latency. These based registers for saving the most used values for compres-
applications are also compute intensive where they have sion and decompression. In Dapper þ AMC; energy savings
enough kernels to execute while waiting for data. The faster are observed for all the applications including those that have
NoC latency can reduce the number of kernels concurrently lower to medium ratio of approximable data such as Merge-
scheduled on the cores that could potentially increase the Sort, FWT, and Blackscholes, due to the low power NoC used
execution time in these applications. In these applications, in the reply plane and faster execution times. However, the
Approx-NoC performs similar to Dapper þ AMC. The same energy savings are higher when applications have a higher
trends are observed in the 64-core platform as shown in ratio of approximable packets, such as in ConvTex, DXTC
Fig. 12b. On average Dapper þ AMC shows 5.4 percent and DCT.
improvement compared to baseline, and 4.5 percent Fig. 13b shows the energy consumption of different archi-
improvement compared to base þ SMS. In the MergeSort tectures for a 64-core platform. In the 64-core platform, the
application, base þ SMS gives 35 percent improvement com- energy savings follow the same trend as in the 16-core plat-
pared to baseline in a 64-core platform due to the batch- form. On average, Dapper þ AMC consumes up to 30 percent
based memory scheduling that is optimized for highly data lower energy compared to the baseline, and 27.5 percent
parallel applications. However, most of the contemporary lower energy compared to base þ SMS. However, Dapperþ
applications that are highly approximable perform better AMC consumes slightly higher energy while scheduling req-
with Dapper þ AMC. uests and coalescing reply packets than MACRO by around
1.5 percent. But this is not a major drawback given the
5.6 Energy Consumption Analysis improvements in NoC throughput and latency given by the
Fig. 13a shows the energy consumption of Dapper þ AMC addition of AMC in Dapper þ AMC.
compared to the prior works across different benchmarks in a
16-core platform. On average, Dapper þ AMC consumes up 5.7 Output Error Percentage Analysis
to 38.3 percent less energy compared to the baseline and 38.1 Obviously, it is important to analyze the error in applications
percent less energy compared to base þ SMS architectures. that are subjected to approximation. Fig. 14a shows the com-
MACRO and Dapper þ AMC consume lower energy due to parison of output error percent for Approx-NoC at 10 percent
their low power router architectures in the reply plane. Even error_threshold and Dapper þ AMC at 10 and 15 percent
though Dapper þ AMC has energy overhead involved in the error_threshold. Note that the baseline, base þ SMS, and
AMC architecture, AMCs are fewer in number compared to MACRO NoC are not shown, as they have no output error.
NoC routers and NIs. Also, the overall reduction in the num- The error percentage is computed as 100  error from
ber of packets injected from the AMC into the NoC reduces equation (4). Approx-NoC shows high percentage of error
the total energy consumption of Dapper þ AMC compared to in its output due to a flaw (right shift division) in its error_-
the baseline. Approx-NoC on the other hand consumes higher threshold computation which is used for identifying the

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computation components (e.g., using approximate adders)

to further expand the design space of trade-offs between
application output error, energy costs, and execution time.

This research is supported by Grant from NSF (CCF-
Fig. 15. DCT output: (a) original (no error), (b) with 10 percent error_-
threshold (c) 15 percent error_threshold in DapperþAMC.
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[21] A. Bakhoda, G. L. Yuan, W. W. Fung, H. Wong, and T. M. Aamodt, Venkata Yaswanth Raparti (S’15) received the
“Analyzing CUDA workloads using a detailed GPU simulator,” in bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engi-
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“Noxim: An open, extensible and cycle-accurate network on chip ing toward the PhD degree from Electrical and
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dark silicon era,” in Proc. 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Des. Autom. Conf., tectures in multicore computing. He is in the edito-
Jun. 2018, pp. 1–6. rial board of various IEEE/ACM journals, such as
[28] N. Kapadia, and S. Pasricha, “VERVE: A framework for variation- Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Inte-
aware energy efficient synthesis of NoC-based MPSoCs with grated Circuits and Systems, Transactions on
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mance and scalability in heterogeneous systems,” ACM SIGARCH Excellence for a mid-career researcher. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
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[30] C. J. Lee, V. Narasiman, O. Mutlu, and Y. N. Patt, “Improving mem-
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42nd Annu. IEEE/ACM Int. Symp. Microarchit., 2009, pp. 327–336. please visit our Digital Library at
[31] V. Y. Raparti and S. Pasricha, “RAPID: Memory-aware NoC for
latency optimized GPGPU architectures,” IEEE Trans. Multi-Scale
Comput. Syst., vol. 4, no. 4, pp: 874–887, Oct.–Dec. 2018.
[32] V.Y. Raparti and S. Pasricha, “DAPPER: Data aware approximate
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[33] K. Duraisamy, Y. Xue, P. Bogdan, and P. P. Pande, “Multicast-aware
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[34] Y. Xue and P. Bogdan, “User cooperation network coding
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inspired optimization framework for exascale multicore systems:
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[36] Y. Xiao, S. Nazarian, and P. Bogdan “Self-optimizing and self-
programming computing systems: A combined compiler, com-
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[37] B. K. Joardar, R. G. Kim, J. R. Doppa, and P. P. Pande, “Design and
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emerging interconnect technologies: Promises and challenges,” in
Proc. Des. Autom. Test Europe Conf. Exhib., 2019, pp. 138–143.
[38] J. Lee, S. Li, H. Kim, and S. Yalamanchili, “Design space explora-
tion of on-chip ring interconnection for a CPU–GPU heteroge-
neous architecture,” J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., vol. 73, no. 12,
pp. 1525–1538.
[39] Z. Xu, X. Zhao, Z. Wang, and C. Yang, “Application-aware NoC
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[40] X. Cheng, Y. Zhao, H. Zhao, and Y. Xie “Packet pump: Overcom-
ing network bottleneck in on-chip interconnects for GPGPUs,” in
Proc. 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Des. Autom. Conf., 2018, pp. 1–6.

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