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Lecture Notes 2-FRIA

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Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance

2nd Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024


I. BASIC CONCEPTS they fall due in the ordinary course of business.
Actual insolvency means the debtor has
Individual insolvent debtor liabilities that are greater than its or his assets.
An individual insolvent debtor may file a petition
for suspension of payments and/or may also Commencement Order
file, or be the subject of, a petition for Commencement Order refers to the order
liquidation. issued by the court under Section 16 of the law
and after it finds that the petition for
An individual debtor refers to a natural person rehabilitation is suZicient in form and
who has become insolvent. substance.

Juridical insolvent debtor Rehabilitation

A juridical insolvent debtor may file, or be the Rehabilitation shall refer to the restoration of
subject of, a petition for rehabilitation or the debtor to a condition of successful
liquidation. operation and solvency, if it is shown that its
continuance of operation is economically
Under the FRIA, a juridical insolvent debtor feasible and its creditors can recover by way of
refers to a sole proprietorship duly registered the present value of payments projected in the
with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), plan, more if the debtor continues as a going
a partnership duly registered with the Securities concern than if it is immediately liquidated.
and Exchange Commission (SEC), or a
corporation duly organized and existing under There are three types of rehabilitation:
Philippine laws. This does not include banks, 1. Court-supervised rehabilitation
insurance companies, pre-need companies, a. Voluntary
and national and local government agencies or b. Involuntary
units. The rehabilitation of distressed banks and 2. Pre-negotiated rehabilitation
insurance companies are governed by other 3. Out-of-court or Informal Restructuring
special laws. Government financial institutions Agreement or Rehabilitation Plan
other than banks and government-owned or -
controlled corporations are covered by FRIA Rehabilitation Plan
unless their specific charter provides otherwise. Rehabilitation Plan shall refer to a plan by which
the financial well-being and viability of an
Insolvent insolvent debtor can be restored using various
There are two types of insolvency under the means including, but not limited to, debt
FRIA: (1) actual insolvency; and (2) technical forgiveness, debt rescheduling, reorganization
insolvency. or quasi- reorganization, dacion en pago, debt-
equity conversion and sale of the business (or
Technical insolvency means the debtor has parts of it) as a going concern, or setting-up of
assets that are greater than its liabilities but is new business entity as prescribed in Section 62,
generally unable to pay its or his liabilities as

1 Unless otherwise indicated, all references to sections pertain to the Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act.

or other similar arrangements as may be court of the performance bond filed

approved by the court or creditors. by the rehabilitation receiver;
b) prohibit, or otherwise serve as the
II. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS legal basis for rendering null and void
the results of any extrajudicial
The proceedings under the FRIA shall be in rem. activity or process to seize property,
Jurisdiction over all persons aZected by the sell encumbered property, or
proceedings shall be considered as acquired otherwise attempt to collect on or
upon publication of the notice of the enforce a claim against the debtor
commencement of the proceedings in any after the commencement date
newspaper of general circulation in the unless otherwise allowed in this Act,
Philippines in the manner prescribed by the subject to the provisions of Section
rules of procedure to be promulgated by the 50 of the law;
Supreme Court. c) serve as the legal basis for rendering
null and void any set-oZ after the
The proceedings shall be conducted in a commencement date of any debt
summary and non-adversarial manner owed to the debtor by any of the
consistent with the declared policies of FRIA debtor’s creditors;
and in accordance with the rules of procedure d) serve as the legal basis for rendering
that the Supreme Court may promulgate. null and void the perfection of any
lien against the debtor’s property
III. REHABILITATION after the commencement date; and
e) consolidate the resolution of all legal
A. Court-supervised rehabilitation proceedings by and against the
debtor to the court.
The eZectivity date of the Commencement
Order shall be retroactive to the date of filing of Attempts to seek legal or other recourse
the petition for voluntary or involuntary against the debtor outside these
proceedings. proceedings shall be suZicient to
support a finding of indirect contempt of
Unless earlier lifted by the court, the court.
Commencement Order shall be eZective for the
duration of the rehabilitation proceedings for as 2. EZects of a Stay Order
long as there is a substantial likelihood that the
debtor will be successfully rehabilitated. The issuance of a Stay or Suspension
Order shall have the following eZects:
1. EZects of the Commencement Order
a) Suspend all actions or proceedings,
a) vest the rehabilitation receiver with in court or otherwise, for the
all the powers and functions under enforcement of claims against the
the law, such as the right to review debtor;
and obtain all records to which the b) Suspend all actions to enforce any
debtor’s management and directors judgment, attachment or other
have access, including bank provisional remedies against the
accounts of whatever nature of the debtor;
debtor, subject to the approval by the

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c) Prohibit the debtor from selling, b) It must be approved by creditors

encumbering, transferring or representing at least 67% of the
disposing in any manner any of its secured obligations of the debtor;
properties except in the ordinary c) It must be approved by creditors
course of business; and representing at least 75% of the
d) Prohibit the debtor from making any unsecured obligations of the debtor;
payment of its liabilities outstanding and
as of the commencement date d) It must be approved by creditors
except as may be provided under the holding at least 85% of the total
FRIA. liabilities, secured and unsecured, of
the debtor.
Under the Rehabilitation Rules, stay
order is not automatic upon filing of a 2. Standstill Period
petition for rehabilitation. The court has
to issue a stay order. And, the court can Standstill Period is the period that may
issue the stay order only if it finds the be agreed upon by the parties pending
petition “suZicient in form and negotiation and finalization of the out-of-
substance.” court or informal restructuring/workout
agreement or Rehabilitation Plan
3. Cram Down contemplated herein shall be eZective
and enforceable not only against the
The court may approve a rehabilitation contracting parties but also against the
plan over the opposition of creditors, other creditors:
holding a majority of the total liabilities of
the debtor if, in its judgment, the Requirements:
rehabilitation of the debtor is feasible a. such agreement is approved by
and the opposition of the creditors is creditors representing more than
manifestly unreasonable. 50%of the total liabilities of the
The court shall have the power to b. notice thereof is published in a
approve or implement the Rehabilitation newspaper of general circulation in
Plan despite the lack of approval, or the Philippines once a week for two
objection from the owners, partners or consecutive weeks; and
stockholders of the insolvent debtor. c. the standstill period does not exceed
120 days from the date of eZectivity.
B. Out-of-court or Informal Restructuring
Agreements or Rehabilitation Plans The notice must invite creditors to
participate in the negotiation for out-of-
1. Minimum Requirements of Out-of-Court court rehabilitation or restructuring
or Informal Restructuring Agreements agreement and notify them that said
and Rehabilitation Plans: agreement will be binding on all creditors
if the required majority votes prescribed
a) The debtor must agree to the out-of- in Sec. 84 of the law are met.
court or informal
restructuring/workout agreement or IV. CONVERSION BY THE COURT INTO

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5. no foreclosure proceeding shall be

During the pendency of court-supervised or pre- allowed for a period of one hundred
negotiated rehabilitation proceedings, the court eighty (180) days.
may order the conversion of rehabilitation
proceedings to liquidation proceedings Acts of insolvency
pursuant to: (a) Section 25 (c) of this Act; or (b)
Section 72 of the FRIA; or (c) Section 75 of the Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim of,
FRIA; or (d) Section 90 of the FRIA; or at any or with claims aggregating, at Php500,000.00
other time upon the recommendation of the may file a verified petition for liquidation with
rehabilitation receiver that the rehabilitation of the court of the province or city in which the
the debtor is not feasible. Thereupon, the court individual debtor resides.
shall issue the Liquidation Order mentioned in
Section 112 the FRIA. The following shall be considered acts of
insolvency, and the petition for liquidation shall
V. LIQUIDATION set forth or allege at least one of such acts:

ECects of the Liquidation Order a. That such person is about to depart or

1. the juridical debtor shall be deemed has departed from the Republic of the
dissolved and its corporate or juridical Philippines, with intent to defraud his
existence terminated; creditors;
2. legal title to and control of all the assets b. That being absent from the Republic of
of the debtor, except those that may be the Philippines, with intent to defraud his
exempt from execution, shall be creditors, he remains absent;
deemed vested in the liquidator or, c. That he conceals himself to avoid the
pending his election or appointment, service of legal process for the purpose
with the court; of hindering or delaying the liquidation or
3. all contracts of the debtor shall be of defrauding his creditors;
deemed terminated and/or breached, d. That he conceals, or is removing, any of
unless the liquidator, within ninety (90) his property to avoid its being attached or
days from the date of his assumption of taken on legal process;
oZice, declares otherwise and the e. That he has suZered his property to
contracting party agrees; remain under attachment or legal
4. no separate action for the collection of process for three days for the purpose of
an unsecured claim shall be allowed. hindering or delaying the liquidation or of
Such actions already pending will be defrauding his creditors;
transferred to the Liquidator for him to f. That he has confessed or oZered to allow
accept and settle or contest. If the judgment in favor of any creditor or
liquidator contests or disputes the claimant for the purpose of hindering or
claim, the court shall allow, hear and delaying the liquidation or of defrauding
resolve such contest except when the any creditor or claimant;
case is already on appeal. In such a g. That he has willfully suZered judgment to
case, the suit may proceed to judgment, be taken against him by default for the
and any final and executory judgment purpose of hindering or delaying the
therein for a claim against the debtor liquidation or of defrauding his creditors;
shall be filed and allowed in court; and h. That he has suZered or procured his
property to be taken on legal process

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with intent to give a preference to one or

more of his creditors and thereby hinder
or delay the liquidation or defraud any
one of his creditors;
i. That he has made any assignment, gift,
sale, conveyance or transfer of his
estate, property, rights or credits with
intent to hinder or delay the liquidation or
defraud his creditors;
j. That he has, in contemplation of
insolvency, made any payment, gift,
grant, sale, conveyance or transfer of his
estate, property, rights or credits;
k. That being a merchant or tradesman, he
has generally defaulted in the payment of
his current obligations for a period of 30
l. That for a period of 30 days, he has failed,
after demand, to pay any moneys
deposited with him or received by him in
a fiduciary capacity; and
m. That an execution having been issued
against him on final judgment for money,
he shall have been found to be without
suZicient property subject to execution
to satisfy the judgment.

The petitioning creditor/s shall post a bond in

such sum as the court shall direct, conditioned
that if the petition for liquidation is dismissed by
the court, or withdrawn by the petitioner, or if
the debtor shall not be declared an insolvent,
the petitioners will pay to the debtor all costs,
expenses, damages occasioned by the
proceedings, and attorney's fees.

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