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• INSOLVENT – refers to the financial
FRIA’s Declared Policies condition of a debtor that is generally
unable to pay its or his liabilities as they
• Expresses the policy of the State to
fall due in the ordinary course of
encourage debtors, both juridical and
business; OR
natural persons, and their creditors to
collectively and realistically resolve and • his liabilities are greater than his assets.
adjust competing claims and property
• Refer to monetary claims against a
• The State ensures a timely, fair and
debtor, including stockholder’s
transparent, effective, and efficient
advances that have been recorded in the
rehabilitation or liquidation of debtors.
debtor’s audited financial statements as
• Main Factors: (a) ensure or maintain advances for future subscriptions
certainty and predictability in
commercial affairs; (b) preserve and
maximize the value of the assets of these • Refer to transactions in the pursuit of the
debtors; (c) recognize creditor rights; (d) individual debtor’s or debtor’s business
respect priority claims; and (e) ensure operations prior to rehabilitation OR
equitable treatment of creditors who are insolvency proceedings and on ordinary
similarly situated business terms.
• When rehabilitation is not feasible, it is KEY DEFINITION – CREDITOR
in the interest of the State to facilitate a
speedy and orderly liquidation of the -Refer to a natural or juridical person which has
debtor’s assets and the settlement of a claim against the debtor that rose on or before
their obligations. the commencement date.


refers to: -Refers to the date on which the court issues the
Commencement Order, which shall be
(a) sole proprietorship duly registered with the retroactive to the date of the filing of the petition
DTI; for voluntary or involuntary proceedings.
(b) partnership duly registered by the SEC COMMENCEMENT ORDER
(c) corporation duly organized and existing • Among others, appoints the
under Philippine Laws rehabilitation receiver, and includes a
stay order which shall suspend all
(d) individual debtor who has become insolvent
actions or proceedings for the
INDIVIDUAL DEBTOR enforcement of claims against the
debtor, as well as actions to enforce any
 Refers to a natural person who is a
judgment or attachment or provisional
resident and citizen of the Philippines
remedy against the debtor; prohibits
that shall become insolvent.
disposition or encumbrance of property
GROUP OF DEBTORS except in the ordinary course of business
and prohibit debtor from making any
 Refer to and can cover ONLY: payment except when authorized by the
(1) Corporations that are financially related to rules. The rationale of the stay order is
one another as parent corporations, subsidiaries to enable the rehabilitation receiver to
and affiliates; focus on the rehabilitation of the debtor
unhampered by court suits.
(2) Partnerships that are owned more than fifty
percent (50%) by the same person; and KEY DEFINITIONS – SECURED
CREDITOR-refers to a creditor with a secured
(3) Single proprietorships that are owned by the claim
same person
1) Secured Claim – claim that is secured by
a lien.
2) Lien – refers to a statutory or contractual REHABILITATION PLAN
claim or judicial charge on real or
- Refers to a plan by which the financial
personal property that legally entitles a
well-being and viability of an insolvent
creditor to resort to said property for
debtor can be restored using various
payment of the claim or debt secured by
means including but not limited to debt
such lien.
forgiveness, debt rescheduling,
KEY DEFINITIONS – reorganization or quasi-reorganization,
GENERAL UNSECURED CREDITOR dacion en pago, debt-equity conversion
and sale of the business, or setting up of
 Refer to a creditor whose claim or a
a new business entity or other similar
portion thereof is neither secured,
arrangements as may be approved by the
preferred nor subordinated under the
court or creditors.
• The Rehabilitation Plan confirmed by
1. Banks
the court shall be binding upon the
2. Pre-Need Companies debtor and all persons who may be
affected by it, including creditors,
3. Insurance Companies whether or not such persons have
4. National and Local Government Agencies or participated in the proceedings, opposed
Units the Plan or whether or not their claims
have been scheduled.
- Refers to the restoration of the debtor to
a condition of successful operation and - Suspends all actions and proceedings,
solvency, if it is shown that its including the enforcement of claims
continuance of operation is against the debtor;
economically feasible, and its creditor - Suspends the enforcement of any
can recover by way of the present value judgement and other remedies against
of payments projected in the plan. the debtor;
Rehabilitation of SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP, - Prohibit the selling, encumbering,
PARTNERSHIP and CORPORATION – transferring or disposing any of its
thru a petition properties;
A. Voluntary Rehabilitation – must - Prohibit the debtor from making any
establish the insolvency of the debtor payment of its liabilities outstanding
and the viability of its rehabilitation “as of the commencement date”
B. Involuntary Rehabilitation – a creditor SUSPENDED CLAIMS – includes, but not
or group of creditors may initiate limited to:
voluntary proceedings against the debtor
with the court if: 1. All claims of the government (national
or local)
(a) no genuine issue of fact or law on the
claim/s of the petitioner/s and that the due 2. Claims against directors and officers of
and demandable payments have not been the debtor arising from acts done in the
made for at least 60 days OR that the discharge of their functions falling
debtor has failed generally to meet its within the scope of their authority
liabilities as they fall due; OR
(b) A creditor, other than the petitioner/s,
General Rule: The existing BOARD and/or
has initiated foreclosure proceedings
MANAGEMENT of the debtor shall continue.
against the debtor that will prevent the
debtor from paying its debts as they Exception: Management can be replaced. Upon
become due or will render it insolvent Motion, the court may appoint either
“Rehabilitation Receiver” or a “Management
Committee” to undertake the management of the
debtor in the following cases:
1. Actual or imminent danger of
dissipation, loss, ow wastage of debtor’s
assets or properties
2. Paralyzation of the business operations
of the debtor
3. Gross mismanagement by the debtor, or
fraud or other wrongful conduct or
violation of the FRIA Law and Court
• The Court may either: DISTINCTIONS:
Suspension of Payment v. Rehabilitation
1. Give due course to the petition
2. Dismiss the petition
3. Convert the proceedings to liquidation
• Only an individual debtor may file a
petition for suspension of payment.
1) The debtor has sufficient properties to
cover all his debts but foresees the
impossibility of meeting his debts when
they respectively fall due
2) The purpose is to suspend or delay the
payment of debts
3) The amount of indebtedness is not
affected (not reduced or discharged)
4) The number of creditors is immaterial
Suspension of Payment v. Liquidation

• Upon motion filed by the individual
debtor, the Court may issue an order
suspending any pending execution
against the individual debtor.
a) Properties held as security be secured
creditors shall not be the subject of the
suspension order
b) The suspension order shall lapse when 3
months shall have passed WITHOUT
the proposed agreement being accepted
by the creditors or as soon as such
agreement is denied
c) Creditors cannot sue or institute
proceedings to collect his claim from
from the debtor from the time of the
filing of the petition for suspension of
payments and as long as the proceedings
remain pending.
1) Creditors having claim for personal labor,
maintenance, expense of last illness and funeral
of the wife or children of the debtor incurred in
the 6o days immediately prior to the filing of the
Involuntary Liquidation of Individual
2) Secured Creditors Debtors vs. Involuntary Liquidation Business

Instances when rehabilitation proceedings

may be converted into liquidation
1. The debtor is insolvent
2. No substantial likelihood for the debtor
to be successfully rehabilitated;
3. It no rehabilitation plain is confirmed
within 1 year from the date of the filing
of the petition for rehabilitation
4. If the termination of the rehabilitation
proceedings was due to failure of the
rehabilitation or dismissal of the petition
for reasons other than technical grounds
5. If the court determines that the debtor or
creditor supporting the Rehabilitation
Plan acted in bad faith, or that the
objection is not curable
6. AT any time pending the court-
supervised or pre-negotiated
rehabilitation proceedings, the debtor
may file a motion in the same court
where the rehabilitation proceedings are
pending to covert the proceedings into LIQUIDATION PROCESS
one for liquidation
• This is the proceeding where claims are
7. Upon recommendation by the filed and the assets of the insolvent
rehabilitation receiver debtor are disposed and the proceeds are
divided among the creditors.
Liquidation of INDIVIDUAL DEBTORS may
be (1) Voluntary OR; (2) Involuntary • The rules apply to individual debtors,
sole proprietorship, partnership,
• Applies as well to both original
liquidation proceedings and proceedings
that are originally rehabilitation
proceedings but converted into
liquidation proceedings.
LIQUIDATION ORDER contains: 2.  Preference doesn’t create an interest
in property. It creates simply a right of one
1. Declaring that the debtor is insolvent
creditor to be paid first the proceeds of the sale
2. Ordering the liquidation of the debtor of property as against another creditor. 

3. In case of juridical person, declaring it 3.  The law doesn’t give the creditor who has a
as dissolved preference a right to take the property or sell it
as against another creditor.  It is not a question
4. Prohibiting payments and/or transfer of who takes or sells, it is one of the application of
property by the debtor; and the proceeds after the sale—of payment of the
5. Directing all claims to be filed with the debt
liquidator 4.  The right of preference is one which can be 
made only by being asserted and maintained.
If the right claimed is not asserted or
RIGHTS OF SECURED CREDITORS: maintained, it is lost. 
• The Liquidation Order shall not affect 5. Where a creditor released his levy, leaving
the right of a secured creditor to enforce the property in possession of the debtor,
his lien in accordance with the thereby indicating that he didn’t
applicable contract or law. The secured intend to press his claim further as to that specifi
creditor may: c property, after that act, his claim to preference,
if one had been asserted y him, could not exist
a. Waive his right under the security or
because he had ceased to contest.
lien, prove his claim in the liquidation
proceedings and share in the distribution WHEN RULE OF PREFERENCE
of the assets of the debtor APPLICABLE 
b. Maintain his right under the security or • Apply only where two or more creditors
lien have separate and
distinct claims against the same debtor 
who has an insufficient property 
• The assets of the insolvent debtor shall
• Is applicable when the debtor is
be divided among the creditors in
insolvent—having more liabilities than
accordance with the Liquidation Plan
his assets
submitted by the Liquidator and
approved by the Court. • It is a matter of necessity and log that 
the question of preference should arise
• The rules on Concurrence and
only when the debtor’s assets are
Preference of Credit under the New
insufficient to pay his debts in full
Civil Code shall be observed in the
The debtor is liable with all his property, present
• CONCURRENCE OF CREDITS  and future, for the fulfillment of his obligations,
subject to the exemptions provided by law.
Implies  the  possession  by  two  or  more 
creditors  of  equal rights  or  privileges 
over  the  same  property  or  all  the GENERAL CATEGORIES OF CREDIT 
property of a debtor 
  1.   Special preferred credits listed in Articles
2241 and 2242 
Right held by a creditor to be preferred in 2.   Ordinary preferred credits listed in Article
the payment of his claim above others out of 2244 
the debtor’s assets 
3.   Common credits under Article 2245
1. A preference is an exception to the gene
ral rule. For this reason, the law as to
preferences is strictly construed. 
(7) For expenses of salvage, upon the goods
NATURE  OF  CLAIMS  OR  CREDITS  IN  (8) Credits between the landlord and the tenant,
ARTICLES  2241  AND 2242  arising from the contract of tenancy on shares,
on the share of each in the fruits or harvest;
• Articles 2241 and 2242 apply only when 
(9) Credits for transportation, upon the goods
there is a concurrence of credits when carried, for the price of the contract and
the same specific property of incidental expenses, until their delivery and for
the debtor is subjected to the claims of s thirty days thereafter;
everal creditors and the value of such (10) Credits for lodging and supplies usually
property is insufficient to pay in full all furnished to travelers by hotel keepers, on the
the creditors  movables belonging to the guest as long as such
movables are in the hotel, but not for money
• In such situation, the question of prefere loaned to the guests;
nce will arise, (11) Credits for seeds and expenses for
there will be a need to determine which  cultivation and harvest advanced to the debtor,
of the creditors will be paid ahead of the upon the fruits harvested;
others (12) Credits for rent for one year, upon the
personal property of the lessee existing on the
PREFERRED    CREDITS    WITH    RESPECT    TO    immovable leased and on the fruits of the same,
SPECIFIC MOVABLE PROPERTY but not on money or instruments of credit;
• Articles 2241 and 2242 don’t give the (13) Claims in favor of the depositor if the
order of preference or priority of depositary has wrongfully sold the thing
payment  deposited, upon the price of the sale.
• They merely enumerate the credits
which enjoy preference with respect to Art.  2242.  With reference to specific
specific movables or immovable    immovable  property and   real   rights   of  
• With respect to the same specific the   debtor, the   following   claims, mortgages
movable or immovable, creditors with and liens shall be preferred, and shall constitute
the exception of the State, merely an encumbrance on the immovable or real right: 
• REMEMBER (1) Taxes due upon the land or building; 
that preference is only given to #1 and t       (2) For the unpaid price of real property
he rest shall be treated equally  sold, upon the immovable sold; 
      (3)  Claims  of  laborers,  masons, 
Art. 2241. With reference to specific movable mechanics  and  other workmen,   as    well   as  
property of the debtor, the following claims or of   architects,   engineers   and contractors,
liens shall be preferred: engaged in the construction, reconstruction or
repair  of  buildings,   canals   or  other   works, 
(1) Duties, taxes and fees due thereon to the upon   said buildings, canals or other works; 
State or any subdivision thereof;       (4)   Claims   of   furnishers   of   materials  
(2) Claims arising from misappropriation, used   in   the construction,  reconstruction,  or 
breach of trust, or malfeasance by public repair  of  buildings,  canals or other works,
officials committed in the performance of their upon said buildings, canals or other works; 
duties, on the movables, money or securities       (5)   Mortgage   credits   recorded   in   the  
obtained by them; Registry   of Property, upon the real estate
(3) Claims for the unpaid price of movables mortgaged; 
sold, on said movables, so long as they are in the       (6)  Expenses  for  the  preservation  or 
possession of the debtor, up to the value of the improvement  of real  property  when  the  law 
same; and if the movable has been resold by the authorizes  reimbursement, upon the immovable
debtor and the price is still unpaid, the lien may preserved or improved; 
be enforced on the price; this right is not lost by       (7)  Credits  annotated  in  the  Registry  of 
the immobilization of the thing by destination, Property,  in virtue  of  a  judicial  order,  by 
provided it has not lost its form, substance and attachments  or  executions, upon the property
identity; neither is the right lost by the sale of affected, and only as to later credits; 
the thing together with other property for a lump       (8) Claims of co-heirs for warranty in the
sum, when the price thereof can be determined partition of an immovable   among   them,  
proportionally; upon   the   real   property   thus divided; 
(4) Credits guaranteed with a pledge so long as       (9)  Claims  of  donors  or  real  property 
the things pledged are in the hands of the for  pecuniary charges or other conditions
creditor, or those guaranteed by a chattel imposed upon the done, upon the immovable
mortgage, upon the things pledged or donated; 
mortgaged, up to the value thereof;       (10) Credits of insurers, upon the property
(5) Credits for the making, repair, safekeeping insured, for the insurance premium for two
or preservation of personal property, on the years. (1923a)  
movable thus made, repaired, kept or possessed;
(6) Claims for laborers' wages, on the goods
manufactured or the work done;

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