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Watercolor Skulls - Rebel Skull MC Book Two

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Watercolor Skulls

Watercolor Skulls

Rebel Skulls MC Book Two

LM Terry
Watercolor Skulls

Copyright © 2020 LM Terry

Published by LM Terry

All rights Reserved

No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form,

either electronically or by mechanical means without prior written consent
from the author. Brief quotes are permitted in the instance of reviews or
critical articles. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

This book is intended for readers 18 and older, due to adult content and
language. This is a work of fiction. Any names, places, characters, events,
or incidents come from the author’s imagination and are used in a fictitious
manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events
is purely coincidental.

Cover Design by Amanda Walker


This one is dedicated to all the dark romance readers out there. Thank
you for keeping an open mind and an open heart. Without you my passion
would fall flat. Every writer needs a reader. Thank you for being mine.
Table of Contents
Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Forty-Four


About the Author

Chapter One

Staring out across the blue water, I recognize the beauty of the scene before
me. I wonder how everyone else sees it. My gaze falls to the people around
me. Most are looking at the world through a lens.

The sun is shining brightly over us. I reach up with cold, shaking hands
to feel the top of my head. I smile, remembering my aunt and warm
summer days spent here in the bay. My hands drop back to the cold railing.
The noise from the traffic behind me seems fitting. The soundtrack to my
life. Shuffled here, shooed there, always going wherever I was told. The
force of my father’s life paving the way for me.

A man in uniform spots me, tilting his head in concern. I quickly climb
over, clinging to the side of the bridge, my feet perched on a pipe beneath
me. The wind whips my hair around my cheeks, the air salty and wet. All I
have to do is let go and fall backwards.

“Hey, sweetheart,” a man’s voice says calmly above me. “Let me help
you back over and we can talk. Whatever is bothering you, it can be fixed. I
promise.” I glance up at him briefly. It’s the officer I saw staring at me. His
hand is extended over the railing, reaching out to me. A second man is
standing by his side nervously.

I’m way past the point of fixing anything. Nothing can be fixed. Nothing.
If I let him pull me up he will find out who I am. My father will be angry.
Benjamin will be angry. There is no going back.
I turn my head to admire the beauty of the bridge one last time. A
dragonfly lands on a steel bar beside me, a sign it’s time to go. The man
continues to plead with me.

I close my eyes, lean back and... let go.

My body falls at a speed I was not prepared for.

What have I done?

What have I done?

I don’t want to die.

I want to live.

I want to live.

And then a pain like I’ve never felt before explodes through my body.

Darkness swallows me whole as the current pulls against my battered

frame. Water fills my lungs as I struggle to rise to the surface.

And then I see it…

The bright light. It shines above me. The beautiful amber glow pulls me
closer and closer. The dragonfly darts back and forth between me and the
light. It’s like I’m stuck beneath a piece of glass. Nothing unusual there. I’m
always on the other side looking out. But this time I break through.

My hands rise to the surface first and then I feel the air on my face as I
gasp for breath, choking. A man in the water pulls me to him. “She’s alive,”
he yells.

The pain I feel tells me he is correct.

I lived.

I lived.
As the coast guard loads me onto their boat I stare at the clouds. The
dragonfly makes one final appearance before darting away. My eyes follow
him until he blends into the scenery.

“Do you know how lucky you are?”

I blink at the young man hovering above me.

“You’re the first one I’ve pulled out alive,” he pants from exhaustion, his
wet hair dripping over my face.

I close my eyes, knowing I’m now part of the one percent. The one
percent who survive.

Everything after that becomes a blur. Doctors, nurses, beeping

machines…it all runs into one endless sentence.

When consciousness returns I hear my father whispering harshly to my

mother. She is crying. She never cries out loud, but I can tell by her sniffles.
“Get control over yourself, Margaret.”

“You know who is responsible for this. She made Lily question the path
we’ve laid out for her. If not for her, Lily would have accepted her life
without complaint.”

She’s wrong. I’ve never complained. Not once.

My mother hiccups, still unable to control her emotions. “What are we

going to tell people?”

“We are having a press conference in twenty minutes outside the hospital.
Doctor Hodges is going to announce that Lily had been taking a medication
for a minor illness. He is going to say that an adverse side effect caused a
temporary mania, which lead to her jump.”

Fall. It was a fall.

“Do I have to speak?” my mother asks.

“No. You just have to stand there and pretend to be a caring mother for
five minutes. Do you think you can handle that?”

She sniffles again. “Yes, of course. You know I care about our daughter. I
don’t have to pretend.”

“Sure, whatever you say, Margaret.”

The door opens. Benjamin, my fiancé, tells my father that everything is

set up outside.

“Margaret, wait for us in the waiting room.”

I hear shuffling and then the door opening and closing. Squeezing my
eyes shut tight, I pray they all left, but I know that’s not true. I feel their

“What a fine mess you’ve made, Lily,” my father says in disgust.

Reluctantly I open my eyes, the light in the room is bright, too bright. I
blink a few times, trying to sit myself up but the pain in my ribs prevents it.
My gaze falls over my dad and Benjamin. Both stand stoically in their
designer suits with their hair combed back into a perfect slicked back
gentlemen’s style. No hint of emotion on their faces.

Benjamin, my fiancé, is almost a carbon copy of my father. Disturbing,

isn’t it?

I don’t say anything. He didn’t ask me a question, so there’s no need. In

fact, he prefers it that way.

“The hospital will be releasing you tomorrow, early afternoon. I’ve

arranged a car to pick you up.”

“Yes, sir,” I manage to croak out. My mouth is so dry. I could use a sip of
water. My eyes go to the cup and pitcher on my bedside table. My father
follows my gaze and pushes the tray beyond my reach.

I close my eyes and bite the inside of my cheek to keep my tears at bay.
“Do not speak to anyone. We will discuss this when you get home.” He
turns and walks out of the room.

Benjamin lingers by the door. He runs his hand through his hair before
settling his gaze on me. “The wedding will not be delayed. I advise you rest
up.” He winks before turning to leave me alone.

A nurse bounces into my room next. She pushes my tray back by my

side, checks my I.V. and leaves. I’m sure she has been instructed not to
speak to me.

My hand unconsciously searches for the pendant around my neck, my

only source of comfort. It’s gone. My heart breaks as I realize it probably
washed out to sea.

Gingerly, I try to sit up again. My ribs scream in pain but slowly I right
myself, pulling my gown up to my chin to access the damage. Bruises cover
my upper thighs and around my rib cage but otherwise it looks like I’m in
one piece. I lower the gown and stare at the door that is sure to be guarded
by one of my father’s security men.

Scouring the room for answers, my eyes land on the phone sitting on a
little table by the bed. I lean over, grabbing my mid-section for support as I
search the drawer for a phone book. Oh, thank god they still have these. My
finger runs down the page of transportation services. Finding the one my
father uses, I make the call. When the receptionist picks up I take the first
step towards my new life.

“Yes, I need to change the arrangements that were made for Ms. Lily
Ramsey’s pickup tomorrow at Mercy Medical.”

“Of course.”

I finish the call and then lay back against the pillows.

When the nurse comes in with my supper I take the opportunity to push
my plan. “Excuse me, could you tell me where my belongings are?”
The nurse walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a bag my parents must
have brought for me and then she reaches in for my purse. Oh, thank god.
“Your clothes were pretty torn up from the accident, so your parents
brought you something to change into. An officer brought your purse. I
guess you left it behind on the bridge.” She doesn’t make eye contact, her
face turns pink, clearly embarrassed on my behalf. “There was also a
necklace.” She reaches in my purse and pulls out a clear bag to show me.
“It’s right here in the front pocket.”

When her eyes finally meet mine, I nod. “Thank you. My father called a
few minutes ago.” I point to the phone. “He said my ride will be here
sooner than originally planned, two hours earlier. Could you let someone
know to have my dismissal papers ready by then?”

The nurse puts my things back in the cupboard. “Yes, I’ll make a note on
your chart.” She pauses before walking out of the room. “Is there anything
else I can get you?”

“No. I’m fine, thank you.”

She nods sadly before closing the door.

I spend the rest of the evening alone with my thoughts.

In my mind the dragonfly was a sign to let go and maybe it was, just not
in the way I thought. Maybe it’s time to let go of being my father’s
daughter. Maybe it’s time to find myself.

My aunt had a plan. I should have followed it but the thought of putting it
into motion without her just didn’t seem possible.
Chapter Two

If I thought I hurt yesterday it’s nothing compared to today. The nurse

brought my release papers in early so everything would be ready when my
ride arrived. She told me the doctor had prescribed some pain medication
but due to my circumstances she was entrusting those to the security guard
still posted outside my door. Great, he’s still here.

After she removes the I.V. she sets my bag and purse on the end of my
bed. “If you need any help just push your call light,” she says cheerfully. At
least this one isn’t looking at me like I’m a freak of nature.

“I’ll let you know when your ride arrives,” she adds before walking out.

I reach for my bag, sighing when I see what my mother sent for me to
wear. A bright cheerful sundress with tiny pink flowers all over it. I roll my
eyes. At least it should be comfortable. I slip the dress over my head and
push my feet into the matching flats.

I pull the clear bag out of my purse and dump the necklace in the palm of
my hand. “I don’t know where to go,” I whisper to the charm. My finger
brushes over the silver dragonfly.

A knock on the door interrupts me. “Come in,” I say as I clasp the
necklace around my neck.
My father’s security guy, Rudy, steps inside my room. “The car is here.”
He checks his watch before narrowing his eyes on me.

“They’re early,” I say, not taking my eyes off his.

“They are.” He runs his thumb over his eyebrow. “There must have been
a misunderstanding. But it looks like you’re ready?”

“Yeah.” I stand, grimacing as I straighten. He rushes to my side to help


“The nurse is bringing a wheelchair.”

“That might be best,” I tell him. “Before we head to the estate I need to
pick up something I left at the bridge. Well, not at the bridge but in a locker
near the bridge.”

The nurse comes in with the wheelchair before he can respond.

I notice they don’t take me out the main exit. We leave the building
through what looks like a service entrance. I suppose the media is still
hanging around, hoping for a glimpse of the Senator’s crazy daughter.

When we get in the car Rudy stares at me for a long time. “What is it you
need to pick up?”

“My bag.”

He looks at the bag on the seat beside me, raising an eyebrow in


“This is the bag mother brought up for me. I had one with me the day I
fell. I left it at Bay Storage.”

He shifts awkwardly in his seat. “Okay.”

He instructs the driver where to go. I watch the scenery out the window.
Nothing much has changed. I’m still staring through the glass observing
everyone else live. When we pull up at Bay Storage, Rudy gets out with me.
He is clearly uncomfortable being so close to the bridge.

I stop in front of locker twenty-one, searching my purse for the key. After
I locate it I open the metal door and smile. My aunt’s bright blue bag is
waiting for me, ready to take me on a great adventure.

I turn to Rudy. “Thanks for letting me grab this.”

He shrugs his shoulders like it isn’t a big deal and walks me back to the
car, visibly relieved to be leaving. I almost feel bad for what I’m about to
do. He will face my father’s wrath because of my actions.

I bite my lip as we drive. “Could we stop at a pharmacy?”

He sighs. “Sure, I’ll go in for you. Make me a list.”

“No, that’s okay.” I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear shyly. “I need
some, um, some girl items.”

His face heats as he turns to tell the driver to stop at the closest

As we pull into the parking lot I grab the blue bag and my purse. He eyes
me suspiciously but doesn’t say anything. He does, however, get out of the
car with me. My pulse picks up a notch. Rudy follows me inside but when I
turn down the feminine product isle he tells me he will wait for me by the
checkout. I nod, pretending to look at the boxes on the shelf. As soon as he
disappears I make a beeline for the back. A few store employees give me a
funny look when I push through the doors, but nobody stops me. When I
break through to the outside world my heart thumps a little happier.

As quickly as my aching body will allow, I get as far away from the
pharmacy as I can. I’m sure Rudy is freaking out about now. As soon as I
find a residential area I open the bag my aunt left for me and find the burner
phone we purchased so many years ago. As it powers on I look at the
number on the front of the house I’m hiding behind. When the cab company
picks up I rattle off the address, telling them to send a car as soon as

When the cab arrives, I have him take me back to Bay Storage, knowing
I don’t have much time. When I open the locker, I drop the key into my
purse and shove it inside, slamming the door shut on my old life. I rush out
and head towards the bridge. Before I get there I stop at a public restroom.

Hastily I strip out of my sundress. I grab the sea blue hair dye out of the
bag and follow the instructions on the box. It’s time to change from Senator
Ramsey’s daughter to Lily Gladstone, the girl on my fake I.D. The one with
a whole new life ahead of her.

I clip the fake piercing in my nose while the dye sets and place the fake
tattoo of a dragonfly on my left forearm. After I rinse my hair I dress in torn
blue jeans and a tight fitting black V-neck t-shirt. Pulling a pair of black
chucks out of the bag, I stare in the mirror for a few seconds, wondering
where I found the courage to do all of this. Honestly, falling off the bridge
was easier.

Okay, I can do this. I can. It’s what my aunt wanted. After cleaning up
the bathroom and turning the bag inside out so that it’s now yellow, I shove
everything back inside. I glance around, making sure no trace of me exists
before stepping outside. The breeze teases my newly colored hair around
my cheeks.

I keep my face turned down as I make my way to a local restaurant then I

call for another cab. This one will take me to the train station.

So far so good.

Once I’m on the train I breathe a sigh of relief, happy to be able to sit still
for a while. My body hurts so bad it brings tears to my eyes. I think about
what I need to do next. My aunt told me not to stay on the train too long. At
least get over the mountains she had said. I look at the map I picked up in
the train station and decide I’ll hop off in Reno. It’s a large town and maybe
I can pick up a vehicle there.
My aunt and I opened an account at a national bank chain so we could
access our account from anywhere. I’ve been pulling cash out of my dad’s
account every day since I was sixteen. He didn’t care. As long as I was
being his perfect princess all was well. I would purposely show him a new
outfit every now and then so he wouldn’t get suspicious of my cash
transactions. He thought I preferred to use cash over his card. I’ve deposited
over two hundred thousand dollars over the years. I’m not sure what I’ll do
with it all. I only need enough to get set up somewhere new. My Aunt Jenny
put some of the cash in the bag so we wouldn’t have to find a bank right

The next step will be finding a landing spot. I don’t know where I want to
go. I don’t know where I belong. Definitely not where I was. I rub the
dragonfly pendant praying for direction.

Seven hours later I’m standing in the train station in Reno. A cab ride
soon after and I’m in a hotel lobby scouring the classified ads for a vehicle.
And there it is, my sign. I find a light blue 1964 Volkswagen Beetle for sale.
It looks rough but as long as it runs I don’t care what it looks like. My aunt
always wanted a Volkswagen Bus, this is the next best thing, right?

Besides, it’s just me now. I swallow down the tightness in my throat. It’s
fine. I’m fine. I’m alive. I’m alive. I don’t have time to cry right now. I’m
sure the tears will come but not now.

I call the lady about the beetle. She and her husband offer to drive it to
the hotel the very next day.

I trudge back to my room incredibly tired, falling asleep the minute my

head hits the pillow.

The next morning the elderly woman and her husband show up as

“I’ve had this car since college. Let me tell you, she’s seen things,” the
grey haired woman jokes.

“It’s beautiful,” I tell her, running my hands over the hood gently.
Her husband laughs and shakes his head. “Well, Annabelle, I think we
found your baby a new owner.”

The old woman smiles at him before turning her kind eyes on me. “I
hope she brings you as many wonderful adventures as she did me.”

I pay them for the car, and she signs the title over. I hold it to my chest.
This is my first purchase as Lily Gladstone. “I love it so much!” I exclaim,
bouncing on the balls of my feet. The elderly couple both shake my hand,
wishing me the best of luck.

Soon enough the beetle and I are headed down the road. I’m not sure
where I’m going. I just drive. Windows down, radio up, and the wind
wiping my wild blue hair around my face.

This, this is what Aunt Jenny wanted for me…for us. I wipe a stray tear
away and turn the music up louder.

I drive until I need to stop for gas. The town I stop in is settled in the
foothills. It’s beautiful here. Inside the gas station I notice a board with all
kinds of papers tacked to it. One stands out to me. Houses/Apartments for
rent, call RS Rentals. I ask the clerk for a pen and write the number down
on the back of my hand.

Maybe I’ll drive around and check out the town. I pull the wrapper off
the stale turkey sandwich I purchased and take a bite. It’s a cute little town.
Seems to have everything one might need. Several businesses line the main
street. I drive slowly, taking everything in.

Children and their parents are out riding bikes and walking their dogs. It
looks safe enough. Nothing like the big city. My gaze falls on the number
scribbled on my skin. I guess it’s worth a shot. If I don’t like it here I can
always move on. I pull my burner phone out and call the number. A woman

“Yes, I’m calling about your rentals. I’m looking for a house to rent.”
“Cool, we got a few open right now. Would you like to set up a time to
look at them?” she asks.

“Well, I’m kind of needing something right away if that’s possible.” I

glance at the time on the bank. It’s still early afternoon.

“Sure thing. Give me thirty minutes to wrap up what I’m working on.
How many bedrooms are you looking for?” she asks, I can hear her pop her
gum over the receiver.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe one or two.”

“Okay, I’ll text you an address. See you in thirty.”

“Thank you so much.”

“No problem,” she says before hanging up.

I get a text a few seconds later. It takes me a few minutes but eventually I
find the address she sent. I pull up in front of the house. It looks nice but it’s
right in the middle of town. I guess I envisioned myself in a more rural
setting. I don’t know, maybe it would be best to be in town. I tap my fingers
on the steering wheel, waiting for the rental lady.

A loud hot rod pulls into the driveway and a woman steps out. Holy cow.
I blink a few times, taking her in. Surely this is not the woman I spoke to on
the phone. She notices me and smiles wide. She starts towards me as I
slowly get out of my beetle.

She thrusts her tattooed arm out to me, her green eyes sparkling in the
sun. “You must be the one who called? I’m Jesse.”

“Uh, yeah. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Lily…Lily Gladstone.” I push my
hand out and she latches on to it, shaking my hand firmly.

I notice her gaze travels down my arm, landing on the bandage from my
I.V. When I pull away I cover it with my hand. “I had a bad fall. I’ve been
in the hospital,” I say, hugging myself.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to draw attention. I check everyone’s arms for
track marks. We have a zero tolerance policy on drug use in our rentals.”

“Well, you’re in luck, I’ve never tried any drug.”

The woman narrows her eyes on me.

I hold up two fingers. “Scouts honor.”

She laughs and waves for me to follow her into the house. Her hair is jet
black and hangs to her waist. She is strikingly beautiful. She walks through
the house pointing out all the details. The house is cute, but I was really
hoping for something a little more remote.

“I have a few apartments open on the east side of town. If that interests
you we can go take a look.” Her phone dings and she pulls it out of her
back pocket. She rolls her eyes as she types a response. “Sorry, it’s my

“No problem. Um, do you have anything on the edge of town. I was
hoping to find something more rural,” I tell her, glancing around the living
room. I’m trying to picture myself here, but it doesn’t feel right.

“Well, I do have a place a few miles away but it’s not really ready to be
rented. My dad and I were always going to fix it up, but we just haven’t had

“Is it livable?”

She sighs. “It is but I’m telling you it’s rough.”

“That’s okay.”

Her phone dings again and she shoots off another text. Her fingers fly
over the screen. “Let me tell you, protective men are nice but Jesus Christ
he needs to get off my dick.”

My eyes go wide at her language and then they drop to her crotch.
She notices and laughs, stuffing her phone back in her pocket. “Don’t
worry. I don’t have a dick. Just a figure of speech.”

My cheeks heat at my naivety. “I didn’t…ugh, I’m sorry. You could say

I’ve lived a sheltered life.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” she says, offering me a kind smile. “I’ll try to
watch my language.”

I put my hand out to stop her. “No. No, please don’t. It’s…it’s

“That’s good, cause I don’t really have a filter.” She laughs lightly,
looking around the room. She nods her head as if making up her mind about
something. “Follow me. We’ll go take a look.”

“Great. Thank you.”

She gets back in her rusty looking rod and I notice the skull painted on
the door. This woman is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. She is uniquely her. I
follow her out of town and down the dusty road, large trees line both sides.
Now this is more like it. The tension in my chest uncoils slightly.

When the house comes into view I almost cry out loud. The house has a
small porch on the front which gives it a cozy appearance but it’s the
windows I notice. There are so many of them. Jesse pulls up in front and
parks. I slide in behind her.

“So, what do you think? It’s kind of out in the boonies but maybe that’s
what you’re looking for?” She tilts her head, studying me closely.

“It’s beautiful. I love all the windows,” I say in awe, my eyes dancing
over the home.

“They are new. It’s the one thing we got done.” She unlocks the door and
steps inside. “It still needs painted and the flooring needs a little work.”

I cover my mouth with my hands. It’s perfect. The living room runs along
the whole front of the home. Windows line all three walls. To the left it
opens to a kitchen with tall old style cabinets. On the right is a set of stairs,
the railing made out of a crooked looking branch, perfect in its
imperfection. “I’ll take it.”

Jesse laughs, tipping her head back, her hair fans out behind her,
revealing a tattoo of a rose behind her ear. “You haven’t even seen

“I don’t need to see more. It’s perfect.”

“It will be a couple of weeks before I can get my guys over here to fix it
up for you.”

“That’s okay. I can fix it up myself. I’m really needing something today
if possible.”

A flash of concern rushes over her face. “Are you sure?” She looks out
the window at my beetle.

“I’m sure. Just let me know what color you want the rooms and I’ll get
the paint,” I plead with her.

She scratches her head. “As long as you don’t paint anything baby shit
yellow I’m good.” Jesse rests her butt against the counter that separates the
living room from the kitchen. “Are you in some sort of trouble?”

My head drops. I’m a terrible liar. That’s why my aunt and I decided to
use my real first name and fake last one. We thought it would be easier for
me to tell half a lie than a whole one. Maybe that’s what I need to do here,
half lie. “I had a bad breakup. I’m looking for a fresh start.”

Her eyes go back to the band-aid on my arm before perusing over the rest
of my body. She points to the fake tattoo on my arm. “Ever think about
getting a real one?”

It’s already peeling from my shower this morning. I laugh lightly. “Oh, I
don’t know.”
“I’ve got a tattoo shop in town. Stop by sometime. Actually, I think my
partner has a bad ass design of a dragonfly.”

“Yeah, I’ll think about it.” I scratch at the stupid thing, suddenly feeling
very insecure in front of this woman.

She smacks her hands on the counter before pushing herself away. “Rent
is due the first of every month. I’ll wave the first few months if you paint
the rooms. I’ll have my guys come work on the floors. You can switch the
utilities over in the next day or two, I’ll get you the numbers to call them.”

“Oh, my gosh, thank you. Thank you so much.”

She shrugs off my thanks. “Do you have a moving truck coming with the
rest of your stuff? Maybe we can get the floors done before they arrive.”

I tuck my blue hair behind my ear. “No, everything I own is in my car.”

Her gaze goes back to the windows. “So, you plan on staying here

I nod.

“No bed?”

“I’ll be fine. Tomorrow I’ll go into town and get what I need.”

She pulls her phone out of her pocket. “Let me call my husband. We have
a bed at our old house. I’ll have him bring it over.”

My mouth falls open. This woman doesn’t even know me, yet she is
going out of her way to make sure I’m comfortable my first night here.
“Oh, I don’t want to be any trouble. I’m fine really.”

Her eyebrow cocks up. “I insist.”

I bow my head, letting her make the call.

“Hey, I need you to go over to the old house and pick up the bed in
Rachel’s room and bring it over to the house on Windflower Road.” She
pauses, chewing at her nail. “Yeah, I rented it to someone, and she needs a
fucking bed, okay.”

My mouth opens to tell her I don’t need it, but she puts her hand up to
stop me. I snap my mouth shut, admiring her strength. This woman is a
force in itself.

“Tell Raffe to get off your sister and help or… I could call Jeremy and
see if he can help me load it up.” She winks at me, a wicked smile playing
out over her flawless face.

“See you soon, love ya,” she makes a kissy sound into the phone and
then hangs up.

“The guys will be here soon.” She spins around, tapping the side of her
head in thought. “We should get some cleaning supplies. Oh, and groceries.
Have you eaten today?”

“Um, yeah.”

Her eyes run down my body as mine do the same to her. She is curvy in
all the right places. I am too but my parent’s put me on a stringent diet so
that I didn’t plump up any farther…their words not mine. In fact, the gas
station turkey sandwich was the first meat I’ve had since my aunt was alive
and to be honest, it’s not sitting very well. My hand rubs over my belly
lightly, careful not to push too hard on my bruises.

“Let’s run into town.” She walks towards me and drapes her arm around
my shoulders. My heart beats wildly in my chest. I bite my bottom lip to
stop it from trembling. My Aunt Jenny was the last person to touch me…to
really touch me. Jesse reminds me of her.

She guides us back out onto the porch, leaving the door unlocked in case
her “guys” make it back before us. I’m tired but it would be nice to get a
few more things done today. And, honestly, a bed sounds wonderful right
now. I just have to keep going. If I stop…or rather when I stop, I’ll have to
face the facts of everything that’s happened.

Jesse will be a good distraction.

Chapter Three

Lily has a problem. I’m not sure what it is but it’s written all over her like a
damn math equation on a white board.

Let’s start with her ride. It’s not plated which tells me it’s either stolen or
recently purchased. Her demeanor indicates recently purchased.

Next, let’s take a close look at her person. Her nails are perfectly
manicured, eyebrows painfully sculpted, flawless complexion, and last but
not least her teeth are perfectly straight and blindingly white. Okay, so
there’s all that going on but then add a cheap box of hair dye, phony nose
ring and a god awful fake tattoo. Like what the fuck?

I can’t figure it out. I can’t figure her out. So, I simply need more time.
Which is why I offered to take her grocery shopping. Well that and there’s
something else.

She’s lonely.

I recognize it as I would a long lost friend.

She reminds me of a seed that blew out of a flower bed only to land
randomly along the fence line. The seed is forced to watch the other flowers
grow and bloom together in a mixture of texture and color. While the lonely
seed sprouts unnoticed, without nurture, wilting in the summer sun.
I know because I’ve been there.

I watch her out the corner of my eye. She is timid, shy, but holds herself
in a quiet, poised sort of way. Coming here, renting this house is big for her.
It’s more than just a move, it’s spiritual journey.

“So, where are you from?”

“The west coast.”

She shifts the bag she brought behind her legs nervously. She gave me a
vague answer. I’m assuming it’s the truth, but she doesn’t want to pinpoint
an exact location. Interesting.

“Are you going to live at the house alone? No boyfriend? Husband?

Kids?” I rattle off the possibilities, paying close attention to her reaction to
each. Nope none of the above, she didn’t even flinch.

“It’s just me.”

She keeps her answers short, showing me she doesn’t want to risk
revealing anything extra about herself.

As we pull up in front of the local grocery store, I realize I didn’t learn a

fucking thing about her other than she is alone, which I already figured, and
that she’s from the west coast.

“I’ll grab the cleaning supplies while you load up on groceries.”

She nods, bending over to unzip her bag. She pulls out a wad of cash,
handing me the amount we agreed on for the deposit. Then she shoves a
few bills in her pocket. She’s carrying an awful lot of cash around. I sigh
out loud. This girl isn’t very street smart.

When we meet up at the checkout I notice she hardly bought any

groceries. There are a few containers of fat free yogurt, some sort of grainy
cereal and milk that comes from a nut. Milk should come from a cow as
Gabriel’s god intended.
I glance at the time on my phone, we have thirty minutes before the
hardware store closes. “Let’s go grab some paint. That way you can get
started whenever you want.”

Lily surprises me by the colors she picks. I like them. She would look at
a few color tiles and then close her eyes before nodding her head and telling
me which one she liked. We may have gotten a little carried away, but I can
always use the leftover paint at our other rentals. We grab a few more
supplies and then head back to the house.

“Are you an artist?” I ask. She has a good eye for colors.

She laughs. “No, I’m a kindergarten teacher.” Her hand flies to her mouth
like she revealed something without meaning to.

“Hmm, you have good taste in colors. Besides tattooing, I paint, mostly
murals but I dabble in other art forms.”

She relaxes when I don’t mention the teacher gig. “Being an artist sounds
wonderful,” she says wistfully, her eyes scanning the scenery beyond the

“You should give it a try. Just paint something. You don’t have to show
anyone. Do it for yourself.”

She smiles wide, dimples I hadn’t seen before gracing her cheeks. Lily is
cute as all get out when she smiles. “I just might do that.”

I spot my dad’s truck in the driveway when we pull in. Lily glances
nervously at it as well. “My dad is here. He’s the one whose really in charge
of the business. He likes to meet all our tenants.”

“It’s a family business?”

“Yeah, well, sort of a club business. RS Rentals stands for Rebel Skull
Rentals, but we found people were reluctant to rent from us if we revealed
the whole name.”

Her brown eyes go wide. “Rebel Skulls as in the motorcycle gang?”

Sighing loudly, I decide to answer honestly. More than likely I made Dirk
bring that bed for nothing. She is going to be running for the hills here soon.

“I wouldn’t say gang, club is the better word. We’ve evolved over the last
decade or so. We’re not nearly as dangerous as we once were.” I wink at

She drops her head and stares at her hands in her lap for a few seconds
before raising her eyes to me. “Sounds interesting.”

I pull my head back. Not the response I thought I would get from this
timid little mouse. I chuckle and open my door. “Oh, you’re about to see
how interesting.”

She follows me into the house, our eyes dart to the ceiling from all the
thumping and cursing going on upstairs. Dirk yells down the stairs, “What
fucking room do you want this thing in, Jess?”

I laugh and jog up the stairs, Lily following slowly behind. “Chill out,
she hasn’t even had the chance to look at the upstairs.”

Dirk, Raffe and my dad are all leaning against the bed frame in the
hallway. Lily stops at the top of the step frozen in her spot. Her eyes dart
over the men and her face turns a pasty white.
Chapter Four

Oh. Oh, maybe this was a mistake. What have I gotten myself into? A big
guy with greying hair steps away from the bed frame and wraps Jesse up in
his arms. “Baby girl, you didn’t tell me you decided to rent this place out.
It’s not ready.”

Jesse hugs him tight before kissing him on the cheek. “I didn’t intend to,
but she fell in love with the place. She needs it today.”

He glances at me over her shoulder and smiles. He looks like Jesse. They
have the same intense green eyes. “Is that so?” He steps around her, heading
straight for me. I hold my ground, forcing myself not to back away.

“I’m Bill, Jesse’s dad.” He smiles proudly when he calls himself her dad.
It makes me happy for her, yet sad for me. He thrusts a big hand out
towards me, so I reach out to take it. He shakes my hand and pulls me in for
a hug.

He hugs me.

Jesse clears her throat. “Dad,” she says quietly.

He releases me at once. “Oh, sorry. I’m a bit of a hugger.” He laughs.

“That’s okay,” I say, wrapping my arms around my aching ribs. Shoot

that hurt.
I glance at the other two men. My heart stops. A pretty, edgy looking one
winks at me in greeting. He seems harmless but the other one makes me
pause. He is scary with a capital S. I take a step back. Of course, he notices
and smirks.

Jesse walks over and smacks him in the arm. “Lily, this is my husband,
Dirk, and our best friend, Raffe.” She points to the pretty one.

“It’s nice to meet all of you. I’m sorry to be a bother. Jesse insisted.” I
place my hand over my heart, letting them know how grateful I am.

Raffe laughs. “Jesse insisting. You don’t say.” He pats Dirk on the back.

I quickly look at the two empty rooms and point to the smallest one.
“This room will work.”

Jesse steps in front of me. “The other room is bigger.”

“I don’t mind the small room. I like the window in that one.”

“You heard her boys,” she says, clapping her hands together to get them

We leave Raffe and Dirk alone to get the bed set up. Bill, Jesse, and I
head back downstairs. She heads over to the refrigerator and starts to wipe
it down with the cleaner she bought.

“I can do that. Please, you’ve done so much for me already.”

“I feel bad, this isn’t our usual standard of rental,” she says, scrubbing

Her dad leans against the counter, turning his eyes on me. “Will you be
looking for a job around here?”

I hop on the counter, wincing at the pain that radiates up my spine. His
eyebrows pull together as he watches me. “I guess. I haven’t thought much
about it. Everything is happening so fast.”
Jesse hollers from the fridge, her head still inside, “She had a bad
breakup, she’s a teacher.”

“Oh,” he says, pulling himself away from the counter and stretching.
“Well, you probably wouldn’t be interested then.”

“I don’t know. I’m kind of looking for something different. What were
you thinking?”

“I just opened a bar in town. I’m needing another bartender. Business has
been picking up and my wife and I are having a hard time keeping up. Jesse
is busy with her tattoo shop and our other daughters just turned eighteen, so
they are still too young to give us a hand, not that either of them would
want to.”

“I don’t know anything about bartending,” I admit honestly.

“Well, most of our customers are beer drinkers so as long as you can run
a bottle opener you should be good. I’m down to give you a shot.” He
knocks his knuckles on the counter. “So, what do you say?”

My mind rolls it around, these people have been so nice to me and I’m a
complete stranger. It just doesn’t make sense. But I like them. They don’t
sugar coat things. They tell you how it is right from the get-go.

“Okay.” I hold my hand out to shake on it.

“How old are you?” he asks as he shakes my hand.


“Ah, same age as Jesse.” He releases my hand and spins around to face
her. She is standing with a wet sponge in her hand, smiling at him. She
looks happy that he asked me to work for him.

“I think it’s clean enough for your groceries now.”

I jump down and double over. Gosh darn it. Why do I keep forgetting I
fell off a bridge and fractured my ribs? It shouldn’t be that hard to

Bill rushes to my side, grabbing me under the elbow to help me upright.

“You okay there, honey?”

“I’m…I’m fine. I had a fall last week. It’s nothing.”

He glances at Jesse and she gives him a look that says don’t push the
subject. Just as he’s about to ask me about it Raffe and Dirk clomp down
the stairs, pulling his attention away from me.

“Thank you all for your help but really I can take it from here.” I don’t
want to sound like I’m dismissing them, but I really need to lay down.

Jesse grabs her dad’s arm and pulls him away from me. “I’ll check on
you tomorrow on my way home from the shop.”

I nod, wrapping my arms around my mid-section. “Thank you again. You

went above and beyond.”

“Please, we brought a bed, and I cleaned the fridge. Hardly above and
beyond.” Jesse rolls her eyes and then surprises me by giving me a quick
peck on the cheek.

The guys wave goodbye as they head out. The scary one lingers, staring
at me intently before closing the door behind him.

My hand rubs over my cheek. I watch as they drive away, the sun
vanishing with them. I shove the few groceries I bought in the fridge. I’m
too tired to try and eat anything. I pull a blanket out of my aunt’s bag and
sluggishly trudge up the stairs, exhausted. I lay down on the bed and cover
myself up, head and all.

Only then do I allow the tears to come. The pain in my body…and in my

mind, sucks the air from my lungs. I let out everything I’ve been holding in
the past few days.

“I’m sorry it took me so long,” I cry out to my dead aunt. “I should have
done what you told me to from the start.”
Soon sleep prevails and snuffs out my pain.
Chapter Five

"So, is she our newest project?”

Jesse gives me a dirty look. “I don’t like it when you call them projects.
They are people.”

Quietly we both tip toe into our daughter’s room to check on her. She is
sleeping peacefully just like the little angel she is. “Katie said they played
hard today,” she whispers.

I kiss my fingers and then touch them to her soft black hair before we
step out of the room.

Once the door clicks I pick Jesse up off her feet and carry her to our room
dumping her on the bed.

“I’m tired,” she says, yawning.

I flip her over onto her stomach and smack her ass. “The hell if you are.”

She giggles and wiggles her cute little ass in my face as I crawl over her.
She rolls under me, so we are face to face. “I like her.”

“She has smurf hair.”

“Says the guy who looks like a psychotic tattooed killer,” she tosses

“At least I’m living my truth. She on the other hand is not. She’s hiding

“She is,” Jesse agrees easily. “She’s hurt, physically at least. She said she

I stare into my wife’s eyes. Pain from her past rises to the surface.

“She reminds you of yourself?” My hand trails along the side of her face.

She nods, biting back tears.

“Okay, then she’s the next project.”

Jesse bites my bottom lip. “Not project. She’s the next friend we help.”

“You don’t have any friends that are girls.”

“That’s not true.

“How many friends do you have that are girls?”

She thinks about it for a minute. “I’m friends with Penny.”

I laugh in her face. “Penny is hundreds of miles away. It’s easy over the
damn phone. This will not be easy, and you know it.” I tap the side of her

“Haven’t you ever met someone, and you just know they’re meant to be
in your life?” she asks.

“I think you already know the answer to that.” I roll my hips, pressing
my hard cock against her. Her lips part slowly, releasing a tiny groan of
desire. Damn, I never get tired of this.
This new girl is going to be work. But, I can’t say no to my wife so here
we are. Jesus Christ. One thing about being married to Jesse, life is never

She’s always bringing home strays.

Her legs wrap around me, pulling me closer to her and it seals the deal.

I will definitely be helping smurf girl.

Hope she’s ready for her exorcism.

Chapter Six

Iopen my eyes finding the sun high in the sky. Holy cow, how long did I
sleep? I glance at the clock on the phone. Shoot its noon. I’ve never slept
this late in my entire life. My fingers dance over my dragonfly pendant.
“It’s a new day,” I whisper to my aunt.

I lie in bed for a few more minutes enjoying the thought of the day being
entirely mine. My stomach grumbles so I decide to head down and find
something to eat. I grab a yogurt and plastic spoon before gravitating
towards the porch. A swing dangles precariously from the rafters above. I
don’t think I’ll chance it. My ribs can’t take another blow. Perching myself
on the top step I take in the scenery around me.

The tightness in my chest eases a tiny bit more. Every day it loosens, and
my heart beats a little freer. It’s so beautiful here I almost worry I’m
dreaming. The birds chirp happily, carrying my soul to higher ground. I
smile as the breeze kisses my cheeks. I’m free.

I’m free.

I stand up as the realization slams into me. I spin in circles, the world
swirling around me before I fall into the grass, dizzy with happiness. The
sun shines brightly above me. I shield my eyes noticing a dozen or so
dragonflies darting overhead. I sit up, wiping tears from my eyes.

I’m home.
Somehow, despite everything, I found my home.

The next step is finding me.

I pull myself from the ground, feeling more hopeful than I’ve felt since
my aunt passed.

Deciding to explore the property, I set out to look around. There’s a tiny
greenhouse out back along the tree line. I pull the door open, it’s empty but
I notice it’s set up with a watering system. It even has temperature controls.
I don’t know anything about gardening but I’m willing to learn. I’ll have to
see if there is a library in town. I close the door and make my way over to a
storage shed.

When I open the door the sun cuts into the space, dust motes dancing in
the rays. A glint of something shiny catches my eye. I step inside, squatting
down to inspect the object. It’s a window. I glance around, spying dozens of
old windows lining the walls of the shed. All different sizes.

My hand brushes the dust off the frame. Jesse did say they put in new
windows. These must be the originals. They are beautiful. It’s sad they are
out here in the dark.

“Do you miss the sun?” I whisper.

I decide to pull a few of them out, taking them inside. Surely I can think
of a new life for them. I lean them against the wall and decide I should get
to work on painting. I crack open a can of rosewood colored paint and start
on the living room. It’s not a very bright color but I think it will reflect the
natural lighting in the room perfectly.

Hours go by as I paint in silence. I set the paint brush down on the side of
the can. It’s so quiet. I’m used to that, nothing new there. Being alone is
something I’m accustomed to. But, in this moment I realize I’m not liking
it much. Which isn’t like me at all…it’s unusual and a little crazy.

My parents were never home. My dad was usually in D.C. and my

mother was who knows where with her trophy wife friends. Sure, there
were always other people in our home but no one who actually gave a care
about what I was doing.

The four years my aunt came to live with us were the best years of my
life. When she was around I never felt lonely. She was my someone.
Someone who had my back no matter what. Aunt Jenny is the only person
in the world who saw me as more than Senator Ramsey’s daughter.

I grab a granola bar and sit down on the floor. I’m happy with the
progress I’ve made. I notice a drip of paint on the glass of one of the
windows I brought in. Frowning, I set the granola bar down and pick up the
window, leaning it against the kitchen cabinet by the sink. I grab a
washcloth to clean the paint off. When I lift my eyes to the blob I drop the
cloth on the floor.

My heart kicks its heels up. I know what I’m going to do with the
windows. I grab my keys and head into the hardware store and then to the
craft store.

I’m so engrossed in all the colors of paint they have to choose from I
don’t notice Jesse standing beside me.

“Boo,” she says.

I jump a foot. “Holy moly! Jesse,” I say breathlessly. “You scared me.”

She laughs, her green eyes twinkling with mischief. “Whatcha doing?”

“Oh, I found the old windows in the shed out back and I had an idea of
how to use them…if that’s okay?” I ask hesitantly.

“Yeah, that’s cool,” she says, grabbing a few cans of spray paint off the
shelf behind me.

Dirk comes around the corner, tossing a tiny little girl with dark pigtails
in the air. He catches her and kisses her cheek obsessively, making her
giggle. He stops when he sees Jesse and me.
Jesse smiles. “This is our daughter, Billie Rose. She’s almost three and
her daddy carries her everywhere. He hasn’t figured out she has two feet.”

“Can you say hi to our new friend? Her name is Lily.” Dirk turns so she
can see me.

My heart swells a little at his term for me…new friend, that sounds
wonderful. The little girl waves at me shyly before tucking her face in the
side of Dirk’s tattooed neck.

“You have such a pretty name,” I tell her. She peeks at me and giggles.

“She likes to pretend she’s shy but trust me once she gets to know you,
she will talk your ear off. Not that you will be able to understand any of it.”
Dirk chucks her under the chin and she tugs at the scruff on his face. He
pretends to be hurt which makes her giggle even more.

They are so adorable I find myself staring.

When I finally turn back to Jesse I see she is staring at her little family
too. A look of contentment over her features.

Jesse’s focus shifts back to me. “So, I was thinking. I’m going to round
everyone up this Saturday and we are coming over to help with the painting
and repairs. If you need any furniture picked up we could do that too.”

“Oh, Jesse, really I’m fine. I have nothing but time.”

“Not once Bill gets you trained at the bar. He’ll have your ass working all
the damn time. He’s a slave driver.” Dirk smirks when Jesse smacks his

She turns her head back to me. Her eyebrow cocked.

“Oh, okay, I suppose I could use the help.”

She drops the eyebrow and smiles triumphantly. “I’ll arrange everything.
Plan on a bunch of bikers showing up at your house early Saturday
I nod nervously. One or two bikers I can handle but a whole mess of
them? I mean I have nothing against them it’s just I don’t know their
culture. I worry they won’t like me. I’m not sure I’ll fit in.

She looks at my arm where my fake tattoo had been. It’s red from all the
scrubbing I did to get it off this morning. “Stop by my shop tomorrow at
one. You can’t miss it, it’s right on main street. We’ll get you a real
dragonfly tattoo.”

“Oh. Oh, like tomorrow, tomorrow?” My eyes wander over my virgin

skin, it’s a stark contrast to the two people standing beside me.

“Yep. That way you don’t have time to chicken out.” She runs her finger
over the pendant around my neck. “Dragonflies are special to you?”

“Yes. I thought I lost this not too long ago,” I whisper.

“Well, you can never lose a tattoo,” she says softly.

My eyes lock on hers. “That is true. Okay, tomorrow at one.”

She nods once before wrapping her arm around Dirk’s waist. “I’ll see you

Dirk tips Billie Rose into Jesse’s arms. “I’ll meet you at the truck.”

He watches her walk away before turning back to me. “So, what are you
hiding?” he asks.

I take a step back. “W-what? I’m not hiding anything.”

He narrows his eyes, his eyebrow popping up just like Jesse’s does.
“Okay, let me lay this out for you. If you are going to be our friend…my
daughter’s friend, then I need to be able trust you.”

My hand rests over my heart, it’s thumping so darn hard. This guy is
crazy, but I get it. He wants to protect his family and for that reason alone I
like him. “I don’t know what I could say that would put your mind at ease.
I’m truly here to start a new life for myself.”


“Been abused?”

“No.” I drop my head starring at the floor.

“No?” he questions.

I look him in the eye. “No, in fact most would say I’ve had a charmed
life. My family is well off.”

He huffs at this. “Doesn’t matter how much money people have. Evil
loves money.”

I laugh lightly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“I’m always right.” He looks down the aisle, making sure no one is
eavesdropping. “You got a record?”

Confused I shake my head.

“The fact you don’t know what I’m talking about would indicate the
answer is a no.” He flips the ring in his lip with his tongue, studying me
intently. “Okay, I’m going to let you in but be prepared for future
interrogations. I’ll see you this weekend.” He grabs my hand and squeezes
it. “You’re not alone anymore.”

I stare at him, blinking. He smiles kindly, he doesn’t look nearly as scary

when he smiles. He releases my hand and starts to walk away.

“Wait.” I drop my head, sighing. “Wait. I am hiding something.”

He walks backwards. “I know you are. I’m giving you a free pass…for
now.” He throws a wink my direction then spins around on one foot and
walks away.
I brush tears from my cheeks. I’ve never had anyone interested in my
life. No one has been so willing to offer me their help and these two don’t
even know me.

What if they get to know me and they don’t like me? What if I don’t like
myself? I know my dad wouldn’t like the woman I’ve buried deep down

I decide to make a quick pass by the tattoo shop, so I’ll know where it is
tomorrow. I’m equal parts excited and terrified. I really don’t know why I
agreed to get one. Will it hurt? My tummy does a little flip at the thought. It
will be fine. Jesse and Dirk have beautiful artwork on their skin. I know she
won’t steer me wrong.

I find it no problem. The bright neon sign flashes Big D and Little J’s
tattoos. My dad would hate it if he knew I was thinking about marking my
skin. Aunt Jenny had a tattoo of a butterfly on the back of her neck. One
time when we were out by the pool I caught him staring at it. I’m sure he
hated it. God forbid you did anything to set yourself apart from someone

I thought it was cute on her and come to think of it, Aunt Jenny would be
proud of me for doing this. I brush my hands together, it’s settled. I’m
getting my very first tattoo tomorrow.

There’s one more stop on my agenda for today. The thrift shop. My aunt
told me thrift shops were shopping centers for the soul. I agree. My fingers
dance over the hangers on a rack of old t-shirts. Time to find my style.

I only pick out things I like. I don’t think about what is appropriate, what
will match my hair or eyes, I just pick what makes my heart pump faster.
I’m giddy by the time I leave the store. The guy at the counter probably
thought I was nuts but hey I needed a whole new wardrobe.

There were so many old and wonderful things there. I found some real
treasures and a few nice pieces of furniture that just need a little love and a
new home. The clerk said he would hold the furniture till Saturday. I feel
bad I’m going to have to take Jesse up on her offer to help but now I’m
happy she offered.

When I pull into my driveway I smile.

Home sweet home.

It takes several trips back and forth but eventually I lug everything inside.
My poor little beetle was packed down tight.

After digging through all of my bags I find the little am/fm radio I
bought. I plug it and turn the music up as loud as it will go. Time to get to

The day quickly fades into night. It’s funny how fast time can go when
you are enjoying yourself. I know I’ve been working but it doesn’t feel like
it. It feels like I’m…like I’m living.

Before heading to bed, I do one last thing. I hang the window I painted
on a wall in the living room. The bright yellow flowers make my heart skip

I’ve always felt I’ve been trapped on one side of the glass, watching
everyone else live on the other side. I was stuck in a life that wasn’t mine.
Today I looked beyond the glass and saw what I wanted to see. And not
only did I see it, but I also created it. A field of bright and beautiful

Today was good. Today I feel…well, I feel a little more human.

Chapter Seven
Senator Ramsey

Jenny is responsible for this. I know she is. Everything was fine until I
moved the little bitch in. Not only did she entice me, but she obviously got
under Lily’s skin as well. She was my one weakness. I’ll never admit that to
anyone but there was just something about her.

Anyhow, Lily has always been an amenable daughter. I’ve never had any
problems with her, until the day Benjamin proposed. That night she came to
my office with tears in her eyes and told me she didn’t want to marry him.

He is the perfect match for her. Benjamin just completed law school and
he comes from a political family. I recognize the hunger in his eyes, he
wants to rise to the top. We have a lot in common and I enjoy his company.
He likes all the things I do, hunting, golf, fine cigars, expensive liquor, and
beautiful women.

Lily knows how it works. I molded her into the perfect wife for him. She
is sweet, quiet, and poised. I even encouraged her to go into elementary
teaching. Having a teacher in the family is good for my image.

So, I sent her to bed that night without discussion. It was a ridiculous
request. Of course, she’s going to marry him. His father and I set this up
when she was still in middle school. They’ve been dating since high school.

Now, I know it must hurt her tender young heart to see him in the media
carousing with other women, but she will just have to get thicker skin. Her
job is to stand by and keep this family in good light. Benjamin has a great
future ahead of him. She needs to help nurture that. That is a woman’s
place. Like it or not, I don’t care. It’s my world and in my world she does as
told. Or she used to that is.

I didn’t ask why she jumped off the bridge. It doesn’t matter. It was a
stupid, stupid thing to do. My people had to work overtime to squash the
rumors. And now, now she is missing.

If I could have gotten away with it I would have put a bullet in Rudy’s
head myself. But I can’t risk any more negative attention. It’s an election
year after all. My only regret in all of this was that I didn’t get rid of Jenny
sooner. Actually, I shouldn’t have let her come to stay with us at all.
Doesn’t matter now, the problem took care of itself. It was fun while it
lasted though. She was a feisty little thing.

I run my palm over my cock, thinking about her. Jesus I need to take
some pressure off. I click the intercom on my desk.

“Can I help you, sir?” my assistant answers.

“Call John and have him send someone over. Oh, tell him to make it a

“Yes, sir. Benjamin has returned, would you like me to send him in.”

“Yes.” I lean back in my chair and kick my shiny black dress shoes up on
the desk.

Benjamin walks in, smirking at my laid back state. “Drink?” he asks as

he helps himself to my best bourbon.

I nod, patiently waiting for him to tell me what he found out.

He sets a glass on the desk in front of me before he takes a seat. He takes

a long drink before letting his gaze lock on mine. “They think she jumped
I sigh loudly, checking my watch. I hope that whore gets here soon.
“What do you think?”

He leans forward, resting his arms on his knees, his drink dangling
between his legs. “Well, they found her purse in that locker Rudy told us
about. She may have slipped the cameras. They told me it happens. Not
every suicide is noticed.”

“But you don’t think she did it?”

He laughs lightly. “No, I don’t think she did it. I think she ran.”

Running a palm over my freshly shaved face, I think about it. “Rudy said
she picked up a bag and that she had it with her when she took off. Did they
find a bag?”

“Nope.” He smacks his lips and leans back, staring at the ceiling. “The
wedding is only two weeks away, should we postpone?”

Damnit this girl made a mess. I hope Benjamin punishes her good for this
little stunt. “Let’s put out a press release saying we have decided to have a
private family ceremony with a reception to follow at a later date. If we
don’t find her by then we will pretend the ceremony took place even if it
doesn’t. It shouldn’t surprise anyone, especially since she just had an

“So, your confident we will find her?” he asks.

“Oh, I’ll find her. It’s time to call in a few favors.”

He taps his empty glass on his knee. “I didn’t do anything to her.” He

runs his hand through his hair. “I mean I’ve always treated her like a lady.”

“Don’t worry, we will get her back before she tarnishes either of our
reputations.” I lean forward, staring him straight in the eye. “But make sure
once we get her back she learns her lesson and learns it well.”

He nods his understanding.

Chapter Eight

This might have been a mistake. I grip the wheel of my beetle tightly. I’m
so nervous I think I might get sick. I couldn’t even eat my lunch. The neon
sign taunts me as I park. I know, I know. I want to do this. I do.

It’s just Jesse, so it will be fine. If I chicken out she won’t care. It’s fine.
Everything is fine. I check my appearance in the rearview mirror, flipping
my hair into a messy bun. I run a finger under my eyes, hoping it erases the
dark circles that seem to be a permanent feature lately. No luck. Oh well,
here goes nothing.

A little bell dings at my entry. I take a deep breath as I get my bearings.

It’s so wonderful. It smells good too. The walls are covered in paintings and
there are shelves lining them. They hold all sorts of unique trinkets. Mostly
skulls. Skulls are everywhere, some scary, some beautiful. Bluesy southern
rock plays quietly in the background.

“I’ll be right there,” a gruff voice calls from somewhere in the back. My
eyes dart around the room looking for Jesse. Where is she?

A big guy steps out. Oh, oh my. He fills the entire doorway.

He steps forward, coming to the counter to greet me. “You must be

Jesse’s one o’clock?”
“Y... yes, my name is Lily,” I stutter, still thrown off by the enormous size
of this man.

He sits down at the counter, pointing to the stool across from him. “I’m
Dan. It’s nice to meet you. Please have a seat.”

Reluctantly I sit down, hoping Jesse shows up soon.

“Jesse had a family emergency.”

My eyes go wide.

He laughs. “Let me rephrase. Her daughter fell and scratched her knee.”
He rolls his eyes. “She’s one of those crazy helicopter moms if you know
what I mean.”

No, I don’t know. I’ve never had a mom who cared. I fell off a bridge and
she didn’t even stay at the hospital long enough to ask me how I was
feeling. His chair creaks and I realize he is waiting for some sort of
response from me.

Slowly I raise my eyes to his. My heart flips clean upside down. He has
amber eyes. The same color as the sun reflected through the murky water I
fell into. They pull me to the surface just like the sun did that day. I smile
shyly and tuck a strand of my blue hair behind my ear. “She’s a lucky little
girl,” I finally say.

He studies me closely. “Yeah, she is,” he agrees. “So, Jesse said you were
interested in one of my designs. She asked me if I could draw it up for you.
Which one was it?”

“She said you had one of a dragonfly.” I bite my bottom lip when he
gives me a funny look. He stares at me for a long, long time. His eyes run
over my hair, my face, my figure. I swallow hard and shift in my chair. Did
I upset him? Does he not want his design on my body? “Um, maybe this
was a mistake.” I shake my head and stand.
He reaches across the counter and locks his hand around my arm. “No,
don’t go. I do have a dragonfly design. It’s just not in the book. Jesse must
have been snooping through my stuff,” he says gruffly.

I stand there awkwardly not sure if I should sit back down or leave. “I
was just wanting a dragonfly. She must not have known it was special to
you,” I say softly, staring at his hand on my arm.

“Why a dragonfly?” he asks.

The same feeling comes over me that I had on the bridge. Climb back
over the railing or let go and fall. My eyes go to the door and then they
skitter over the man sitting across from me. His amber eyes are so sincere.
He really wants to know why I chose a dragonfly.

My eyes drop back to his warm hand still clamped on my arm. My

tummy does a little flip. He follows my gaze and seems surprised to find he
is still holding on to me. He pulls his hand away, nervously running his
fingers through his beard.

His hair is warm chestnut brown with a few grey hairs showing at his
temples and a speckling in the very middle of his beard. His beard is full,
and it looks soft not wiry like most men. His hair is cut short at the sides,
the top is longer and combed to the left in perfect waves. I want to run my
fingers through it and mess it up. And his eyes…oh, I’ve already told you
about those. I could stare at them all day. They warm me up, like sitting in
front of a crackling fire in the fall.

He sits forward, making me jump. “Easy now,” he says in a deep voice

that sparks a burning low in my belly.

I sit down…yes, I’m choosing the fall.

He smiles, lines crinkle around his eyes. I like them. I want to see them

“My aunt told me dragonflies have two sets of wings so they can carry
angels on their backs.”
He blinks at me. His lips part as if he is going to say something, but he
snaps them shut and turns away from me.

I watch as he pulls a piece of paper out of a drawer. His pencil scratches

across the sheet, an image coming to life with each stroke. He peeks up at
me briefly before turning his eyes back to his drawing. “I do have a design
of a dragonfly, but I think this one will fit you better.”

“What did the other one look like?”

“It was a skull, dragonfly and roses.”

“Sounds beautiful. I guess I never thought of getting a skull.” My eyes

dart around the room. “Will this one have a skull?”

A wicked grin spreads across his face. “Oh, this one will definitely have
a skull.”

I bite my lip, a bit giddy that this guy is drawing something just for me.
Something dark and…well I guess I don’t know exactly, I guess we’ll just
have to wait and see.
Chapter Nine

Iforce myself not to grip my pencil too hard. There is no way Jesse could
have known. No way. She must have been looking for something on my
desk and spotted my drawing.

God, it’s all so fucking stupid I don’t even want to think about it.

Okay, you want to know, and I see you’re not going anywhere so here it
is…I drew the fucking thing when I was lonely. Okay? Shut up.

Raffe told me the same thing as her aunt told her. That dragonflies have
two sets of wings to accommodate angels on their backs. See? It’s silly.

I was missing home. Missing something. I don’t know. And I thought to

myself wouldn’t it be nice if a goddamn dragonfly brought me an angel.
Fuck. I need Dirk to take me to his cabin and unfuck my head.

Ever since Jesse came into my life I’ve been changing. Jesse made me
soft. I don’t want to be soft.

She’s watching me draw. Not like some people do. No, she is intently
watching my hands. She curled her legs under her so she could lean in
closer. With each new line her breathing changes. She’s excited, scared,
intrigued, mine. Fuck, no, she’s not mine. I don’t even know who the fuck
this girl is. Okay, and there’s that. She is young. Like Jesse’s age young.
She seems younger than Jess though. Maybe it’s her innocence.
She is cute as all get out. I allow myself another little glimpse. Shit, she
smiles at me. Two dimples greet me and guess what else they do? They
wake my fucking dick up. No, no, no this isn’t happening. I’ve never,
NEVER, had an inappropriate response to a client and I’ve had some pretty
fucking hot chicks in my chair.

Lily reminds me of a Disney fairy. Her blue hair is piled messily on her
head. Big brown eyes peek out from beneath lashes so long they brush her
cheeks every time she blinks. Her skin is fair and flawless. I want to spank
her just to see if fairy dust falls out of her ass. And, speaking of that ass, I
think it would fit perfectly in my goddamn hands.

Jesus, I can’t help myself.

It’s like there is an invisible pull between the two of us. I wonder if she
feels it. No, of course not. She probably thinks I’m an old man. Not that I’m
old. Well, it depends on what you think is old. I’m only a year older than
Dirk, not even a full year. Christ, I gave him and Jesse so much shit for their
age difference. I didn’t get it. Jesse’s like a daughter to me.

But, this little creature, she makes me understand Dirk a little better.

“Where are you wanting this?” I ask.

She sits back down on her bottom, uncurling her legs. “Oh, I guess I
haven’t thought that far ahead.”

I laugh. “Doesn’t seem like you’ve thought much about this at all. You
hadn’t seen the design and you don’t even know where you want it. Is this
your first tattoo?”

She blushes, her skin turning a pink color that makes my cock stiffer than
it already was.

“Yep. I have virgin skin.” Holy hell. She walks her fingers down her arm.
Then she peeks at me from under her eyelashes. “Where do you
I lick my lips, thinking of all the possibilities. It makes my blood pump
hot. “Well, that depends. Some people don’t want them visible to others,
because of their job or other things.”

“I’m going to be bartending at Bill’s bar and I doubt he cares much about
tattoos, seeing as he’s covered in them.”

Lord fucking help me.

She tips her head, watching my reactions with an amused look on her
face. “But it’s going to be special to me so maybe somewhere more

“Well, you could put it on your back but personally I think it would look
sexy as hell on your hip.”

This makes her really blush. She covers her face with her hands.

“What? Don’t like either of those ideas?”

“No, it’s not that, it’s just no one’s ever referred to me as sexy.” She
drops her head to the counter with a thud. “Oh my god I can’t believe I just
admitted that.”

“Hip it is,” I tease. “And for the record I think you’re sexy, tattoos or
not.” I go back to drawing, excited that I’m going to get to see her hip.
Wait, Jesse is coming back. She’s Jesse’s client I remind myself.

Lily’s phone dings. When she pulls it out I notice it’s a cheap burner
phone. “It’s Jesse.”

“Is she on her way back?”

Lily is furiously typing a message, her eyebrows drawn together. “No,

I’m telling her I’m fine and she should stay with her daughter.” She stops
and looks up at me. “I mean if your free today that is.”

I shake my head yes and go back to work. Focus, you big dumb fuck.
When I’m finished I push the drawing in front of her. “It won’t look quite
like this. I’m thinking of doing it as a watercolor.”

Her dainty fingers dance over the image. “It’s beautiful,” she whispers,
not taking her eyes off the drawing. “I don’t know what watercolor is, but I
trust you to do whatever you think is best.”

My eyes fall closed. She is putting herself in my hands. Oh, what that
does to me. This woman is enticing me into thoughts I haven’t allowed
myself to have. When I open my eyes, she is staring at me.

“I’ll get this worked up.” I grab the drawing and take it to the back to
make a stencil. My hands are shaking. Fucking shaking.

My cell rings, I glance at the screen as the stencil prints. It’s Jess.

“How’s Billie Rose doing?” I ask.

“She’s fine. It was just a scratch, but you never know. I would rather be
safe than sorry.”

“Jesse, you’re going to give yourself a coronary over that girl. It’s okay
to let her fall once in a while. It will toughen her up.”

“Yeah, yeah. Hey, I’m sorry about rushing out. Is Lily doing okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t she be?” I ask gruffly.

“She’s new to town. She moved into the house over on Wildflower. She
doesn’t have much and well you know.”

I laugh lightly. “Yes, I know. She’s another one of your projects.”

“Why the fuck do you guys keep saying that?”

“Cause it’s true. You’re always helping someone.”

“Just. Just don’t scare her off, okay?”

“I’m not going to scare her off.”



“Dan, I mean it. Be. Nice.”

“Oh, I’m being very nice.”

She sighs. “Maybe I should come back to town.”

“We’re fine. I’m just about to get started.”

“Did she like your design?”

Now I sigh. “That one wasn’t supposed to be for clients.”

“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“I know you didn’t. It’s fine. Anyway, I drew one up that fits her better.”

“Oh, I’m super excited to see. Send me a picture when you’re done.”

“We’ll see. Give Billie Rose a kiss for me.”

“I will. Love ya.”

“Love ya too, doll.”

Chapter Ten

I’m sitting here in my underwear. My dad would kill me. Benjamin would
kill me. Stop, Lily. They don’t control your life anymore, you do.

Dan put a screen around us for privacy, but still.

He can see me.

I secretly like that he can see me.

Except I forgot one thing. My bruises. They are a nice shade of purpley
blue today. Great.

He’s busy getting everything ready. Oh god I’m so nervous. My body is

trembling and no matter how much I beg it to stop it won’t.

“You ready?” he asks while snapping on a pair of black latex gloves.

“N-no, I mean yes. Yes.” My teeth are chattering, I bite down hard trying
to stop it.

“Are you cold? Personally, I think it’s warm as fuck in here.”

“N-no, not cold. I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous I guess.”

He wheels his stool over to me, stopping between my legs. “Hey, we can
take this slow. I don’t have any other appointments today.”
I nod, fighting the urge to squeeze my legs closed. This feels intimate.

“What has you scared? Is it the pain?”

“No, I’m not scared of the pain. I guess it’s just the fear of the unknown.”

His amber eyes pull me back to a calm surf. “You just tell me if you need
me to stop. I promise I’ll get you through it.”

“Okay.” I offer him a big smile, letting him know I’m ready.

“Here stand up.” He scoots away, letting me drop to my feet in front of

him. His eyes roam over my bruises, his eyebrows pinch together but he
doesn’t say anything. He places the stencil high on my hip, half of it
covering my butt.

He’s careful to avoid the bruising on my leg. “How’s this look.” He

points to a mirror on the wall.

“I like how you used lilies instead of roses.” I shift back and forth in
front of the mirror.

“A girl named Lily should have them tattooed somewhere on her body.”

My eyes catch his in the mirror. He smiles so I smile back. He is so

handsome. Rugged yet refined. He pats the table, so I turn back and hop up
beside him.

He helps me to lay on my side and shifts my legs to the position he wants

me in. I keep my muscles loose so he can mold me however he sees fit. His
hands are rough, his touch sure, and it makes me feel funny things.

“Okay, are you comfortable?”

I nod, taking a deep breath as he settles over my hip.

“Here we go. Just try to hold as still as you can and if you need to stop let
me know.”
I nod again. I’m too nervous to speak.

The gun buzzes and he presses it to my hip. It hurts but nothing like I was
expecting. He stops after a minute. “What do you think? You doing okay?”

“Yeah, it’s not so bad.”

“Good.” He focuses back on my leg. “So, tell me about your aunt.”

A warmth spreads throughout my chest. I jump at the chance to talk

about her. “She passed away five years ago.”

“Oh, shit. I’m sorry.”

“She was only six years older than me. She came to live with us for a few
years. They were the best four years of my life. I loved her so much.”

Dan continues to work but I know he is listening.

“She was a free spirit. My dad called her a crazy hippie, and she was, but
I always admired her for being herself. Aunt Jenny didn’t let anyone dictate
who she was supposed to be.” I laugh, tears springing to my eyes. “She was
the first person that told me I could be anything I wanted to be. I miss her.”

“And what do you want be?” he asks, turning his gun off to look at me.

“I just want to be me.”

His gaze lingers on me for a second before he goes back to work.

My eyes fall closed as a warm feeling starts at the top of my head and
rushes down my entire body. I feel like I’m floating. Maybe it’s his strong
hands, his warm breath over my skin, or could it be the pain? Whatever it is
I want to feel it again and again and again.

She’s in the zone. You never know how someone will respond to the
pain. Some of us love it and others avoid it at all costs. I’ve been studying
the bruises on her thighs. I saw red the minute I saw them, assuming
someone hurt her. Upon further inspection I don’t see any fingerprint
bruising so maybe she was injured some other way.

When she stretched her arm over her head her t-shirt road up, I saw more
bruising along her mid-section. It’s not like I was being creepy, it’s simply
hard to miss. It looks painful. She took quite the blow. I want to ask but it’s
really none of my business.

Her eyelids flutter as I change position. She moans when I slide my hand
between her legs to shift them slightly. My gaze darts to her face, but her
eyes remain closed.

Goddammit, this girl is waking up a part of me I’ve tried hard to bury. I

let my fingers trail lightly up her leg until I reach her panty line. Her skin
pebbles beneath my touch. I pull my hand back quickly. Shit. Not
appropriate. I didn’t spend years building this business to have it taken
away by a sexual harassment charge.

Her eyes are still closed. Not that she didn’t notice. I’m sure she did.
How could she not have?

I go back to work on the tattoo, keeping my mind out of the gutter. For
the most part.

Mid-way through I stop and ask her if she would like to take a break. She
doesn’t open her eyes just shakes her head no.

She’s so beautiful.

I shove my face a little closer to her skin, to inspect my work of course.

My eyes fall closed as I inhale. She smells like spun sugar. I drag my nose
along her leg, careful not to touch her. Okay, so maybe this is getting a little
You’ve got to understand. I haven’t been with a woman in a long, long
time. It’s not like I’m immune to the opposite sex. I’ve been with plenty of
women over the years, but it was always awkward. Hard to explain. It’s like
no one “fit” me.

I mean, look at me. I’m a big guy and I’ve always been aware of my
strength. So, I hold back. I’ve always held back. I don’t know, it just never
felt right.

Comical right? Cause this girl is tiny, curvy, but tiny. Maybe five, five. I
could break her easily. Oh, and do I want to break her. Fuck. No. I don’t
want to break her…but I do.

See…see what I mean? I’m all sorts of fucked up. This is why I’ve
stayed single. I don’t date. I fuck once in a great while but that’s it. Makes
for a lonely life but I can’t complain. I have the shop, the club, and my
friends. That’s all I need.

But my fucking dick thinks it needs her. Not possible. Too young. Too
innocent. Too goddamn delicious. She’ll just end up giving me a sweet

When I wipe the final bit of ink away I stare at the art adorning her pale
skin. My mark. A little bit her, a little bit me and the one thing that brought
us together…a dragonfly. Fuck me.

“Okay, sweetheart. I think we’re all finished here.” I pull my gloves off
and reach over to brush the hair out of her face. She blinks her big brown
eyes at me. Just so we all know, I’m fucked. Literally fucked.

“You’re done?”

I nod, as my mind takes a snap-shot of her face. She looks so relaxed, so

much more so than she did when she walked through my door.

She sits herself up with my help and twists so she can take her first look.
Her hand flies to her mouth and her entire body starts to tremble. Now, I’ve
seen lots of reactions over the years but this one, this one is different.
Her fingers hover over the colorful ink, wiggling in the air, wanting to
touch but knowing she can’t. Kind of how I feel about her. Now that I’m
done I can’t touch her but oh how I want to.

She slides off the table to look at it in the mirror. “It’s the most beautiful
thing I’ve ever seen,” she whispers.

“So, you like it?”

She walks over to me as I sit on my stool and hugs me. She hugs me
tight. “Thank you for giving me a piece of my soul back,” she says softly,
her breath hot on my ear.

Slowly I wrap my arms around her, hugging her back. This tiny little
thing, standing between my legs in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of panties
makes the angel on my shoulder drop to his knees in surrender. The devil,
however, licks his lips and whispers, “Take her. Make her yours. You know
she wants you.”

But does she?

She pulls away slowly. “I’m sorry. God, I’m so, so, sorry. I just, I’m just
so overwhelmed. It’s perfect. You don’t know how much this means to me.
And not just the tattoo, the experience. I’m alive. I’m alive.” She laughs and
spins in a circle in front of me.

I’m going to hell. I’m sure of it.

She stops, staring in the mirror a bit longer. “I didn’t know what you
meant by watercolor but this…oh my gosh this is better than I ever

Wow, lots of compliments with this one. My chest puffs up a little more
with each smile. Her eyes seem brighter, her complexion glowing a tad bit
more than when she walked in. I did this. Me. I want to see if I can do

But that is impossible. She’s a client. A paying client.

She shimmies her jeans on, careful to keep the wrap I put over her new
tattoo in place.

After she pays me my heart does this weird sort of nosedive right into my
stomach. I don’t want this to be over. I should ask her out. No, she’s a

Client. Client. Client.

Chapter Eleven

As I’m paying I feel the loneliness creeping back in. I don’t want to leave.
My eyes roam over Dan. I’m trying to memorize everything about him. He
is so different than the clean shaven suits I’m used to.

He’s all man. He even smells manly. Like earth and trees. When I hugged
him, I realized just how big he is and solid. I found myself fantasizing about
things I haven’t let myself think about for a long time. It’s a part of me that
I’ve tucked away.

Benjamin made it perfectly clear in the beginning what I was to him. I

was the girlfriend that made him look good. I would eventually be the wife
that stood by his side and popped out a few babies. That was it. He had sex
with me, yes. I really don’t want to talk about it. It wasn’t good, for me
anyhow. I don’t know about him. No, that’s not entirely true. He made it
clear that he had women to give him the dirty sex he craved. I was just
someone he used when it was convenient. Basically, I was there for the
photo ops.

But Dan…I felt every touch of his fingers, every pulse of the needle as he
drug it across my skin. It felt good. I know that’s weird to say and I’d never
say it out loud but it’s true.

“So, what are we going to do next?” I hear myself ask. What am I doing?
He tips his head back and laughs. When his gaze drops, he pins me with a
look that makes me clench my thighs together. “Ready for me again?” he
asks, his voice gravelly and deep.

I clear my throat and drop my gaze to my feet. He senses my shyness and

leans over the counter, chucking me under the chin with his knuckle. “Hey,
I’m sorry that was rude of me.”

“No, no it wasn’t.” I force myself to face him head on. Big Dan excites
me, and I haven’t been excited in…well ever. He’s woken something up in
me and I want more. I crave more of him. “I think I can handle it.”

His eyebrows twitch, his mouth turning up on one side. “Well, then. I
look forward to you becoming a regular. Call me once that heals up.”

Slowly I make my way to the door, I don’t want to leave. My hand

pauses on the handle. The tattoo on my leg stings reminding me I’m alive.
You only get one life, Lily, and it’s yours. Never forget that. My aunt’s words
echo through my mind.

I spin around, catching Dan ogle me. Was he looking at my butt? I think
he was.

“Dan, would you like to have a drink with me Friday night?”

His mouth falls open for a brief second, but he recovers quickly.

“I thought you would never ask.” He grins at me in a way that makes my

insides quiver, and not in a bad way. “You want to meet me over at the Grey
Wolf Bar at seven?”

Biting my bottom lip, I nod, then stumble out the door.

The bright blue sky greets me. I throw my hands out and take a deep
breath. My little beetle waits for me, ready to take me on another adventure.

Feeling a burst of inspiration, I head to the hardware store. The young

man at the counter laughs when he sees me. “You must have a big project.
This is the third day you’ve been in.”
“Point me in the direction of your power tools.”

He shakes his head and leads the way.

After a brief tutorial on how to use the darn things I’m on my way back
home. I look at the bag of wooden skulls I bought. I saw them yesterday
and they reminded me of Jesse’s club. Today I thought of a way to use

My front yard becomes my work area. I want to be outside. The tattoo

still stings on my hip and my mind wanders to the big man who put it there.
My stomach does a little flip as I drill each fist sized wooden skull, placing
one on top of the other until they are the length of a coffee table leg.

I grab the old window I brought in the house yesterday. This one is made
up of six small panes. It’s my favorite. I measure it and then I grab the
smooth cherry wood I bought and cut it down to make a small box that I’ll
place the window on.

My mind puts it all together like a jigsaw puzzle. I’ve never used any of
these tools, but everything comes to me naturally. It’s almost spooky but I
go with it. I’m having so much fun as the sun slides across the sky. The
wind and birds are my only source of music today and that is okay.

After I’m finished building my shadow box coffee table I run inside to
get my paints. I tape over the glass, so I don’t get any paint on it. Then with
Dan heavily on my mind I begin to splash over the wood, splattering all
different colors with no rhyme or reason. A beautiful, colorful mess.

I stand back and admire my creation.

I’ll let it dry overnight and give it a clear coat tomorrow. Then all I need
to do is install the hinges and clasp. As I’m cleaning up the rumble of an
engine steadily grows near. A motorcycle pulls up with two riders. When
they pull their helmets off I see it’s Jesse and Dirk.

Jesse waves a bag in the air. “You like burgers?”

My stomach grumbles as the smell of greasy fries wafts my way. I forgot
I haven’t eaten anything but a yogurt cup today. My stomach was so
nervous before my tattoo that I didn’t eat lunch. I nod and smile.

“Great.” She sits on the step and pats the spot beside her, so I sit down
next to her. She hands me a burger and my stomach growls loudly. I place
my hand over it, slightly embarrassed. Jesse laughs. “I was worried you
might be a vegetarian.”

My eyes follow Dirk as he circles my coffee table. “No, I’m not a

vegetarian. My parents tried to make me one but…” I let my words trail off.

Dirk squats down, inspecting my handiwork. “Did you do this?” he asks.

Jesse turns just now noticing what has her husband’s attention.

She jumps off the step to join him. “Lily, this is so cool.”

I take a bite of my burger, remaining silent.

Dirk picks up the hardware that will attach the window to the top of the
table. “It’s going to open?”

“Yeah, like a shadow box.”

He nods and then grins. “We’re rubbing off on you.” He points to the
skulls. The satisfaction on his face makes me blush.

“My new tattoo inspired me.”

Jesse straightens, turning to me. “Oh, that’s why we are here. I wanted to
apologize; I didn’t mean to ditch you today.”

“It’s okay. Billie Rose needed you.” I shove a fry in my mouth, savoring
the taste of salt on my tongue.

“Well let’s see it,” Jesse says. “Dan was supposed to send me a picture,
but he never did.”
I set my fries back in the bag, brush the salt off my fingers and pop the
button on my jeans before I realize what I’m doing.

My eyes slowly rise to Dirk and Jesse. They both stand there, staring at
me. Jesse rolls her hands, encouraging me to continue.

“Um, it’s on my hip.”

She spins me around, pushing me into the house. Dirk follows us in. “I
don’t think the birds would have minded but if this makes you feel better.”

My eyes flit from Dirk back to her. They are patiently waiting. She is a
tattoo artist, so I guess showing a little skin doesn’t bother her. I shimmy
out of my jeans and turn so they can see Dan’s work of art.

Jesse drops to her knees by my side, her hands gripping my thighs. Oh.
Oh. I’m not used to all this attention. My gaze crashes with Dirks. He
smirks, his tongue teasing the ring in his lip. My eyes drop to Jesse. She is
studying Dan’s work intently.

“Wow, just wow. I’ve never seen Dan do anything like this. The lines are
so fine. Jesus, it’s beautiful.”

Dirk crouches down beside her. His eyes aren’t on the tattoo. He is
looking at something else. His gaze climbs up my frame and he drills me
with a long look that makes me turn away.

“What’s this from?” His calloused finger pushes on one of my bruises,

making me wince. Jesse shoves his hand away and pulls him to his feet.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I fell.” I reach down, grabbing my jeans and quickly
pull them up. Enough show and tell for today. “We should probably eat. Our
food is getting cold.”

He narrows his eyes but drops the subject. Jesse’s gaze flits around the
room. “You did a great job painting. Seems you have a talent for this sort of
thing.” She walks over to my sunflower window and smiles at it. “I’m
happy you found a use for the old windows.”
We all go back outside and finish our supper. “Thank you for this,” I say,
covering my mouth with my hand as I chew. “It’s so good.”

Dirk is leaning against his bike smoking a cigarette, watching us.

“I’m a bit of a foodie,” she admits. “We are having a grill out next week.
You should come. The guys make the best burgers and steaks.”

“If it’s as good as this, count me in,” I tease, bumping her shoulder with

She smiles and pauses as if deep in thought. “I do feel bad I wasn’t there
today, but I guess it worked out. Your tattoo really is beautiful. It’s so you.”

I think about it.

It is me.

It’s like Dan saw me, really saw me. I trace the image over my jeans. It’s
a skull with lilies covering one side of its face, a dragonfly flying over
them. But it’s done in watercolor. The color is random, splashed outside the
lines. It’s a beautiful chaotic mess. Sweet, scary, intriguing. It’s me…no, it’s

My heart stops at the realization. I hide a smile behind my hands.

“He was nice to you wasn’t he? Sometimes the big guy can be quite the
asshole,” Jesse says, waving a hand in front of my face to get my attention.

“Oh yeah, yeah, he was nice.” I blush and turn way. Dan is her partner.
Should I tell her about our date? I kind of want to keep it to myself. It’s
exciting. It’s the first date I’ve had where the guy actually wanted to go
with me on his own accord.

“Well, I hate to eat and run but we need to get back to Billie Rose.”

“Yeah, thanks for supper it was so good.” I rub my stomach.

Jesse pulls me in for a hug and then makes her way over to Dirk. He
swings his leg over his bike, saluting me. “See you Saturday, Smurf,” he
says. She climbs on behind him, hugging his waist tight. They are a
stunning yet terrifying site. I wouldn’t want to piss them off.
Chapter Twelve

Yesterday I spent the day cleaning and painting. My ribs are feeling better
each day and so is my soul. Physically and mentally I feel stronger than I
have in a long time.

This morning I woke up feeling good but then I remembered my date. I.

Have. A. Date.

I went to the thrift store three times. Nothing feels right. I’m sitting on
the floor with my legs crossed, staring at all the clothes scattered
everywhere. I have no clue what to wear to a bar. Just then an idea pops in
my head. Seems my creative juices are running over.

Ripping material with my teeth, I find my style.

After I shower, curl my hair, and do my makeup, I stand naked in front of

the mirror in my bedroom. I allow myself a moment to stare at the woman
in front of me. I’m her, she’s me. We smile at each other. I grab the dress I
hand stitched and hold it up against me. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Lily,”
I whisper to my reflection.

When I step into the bar all eyes turn, staring at me. Oh, lord. My knees
begin to tremble. Shit, maybe this outfit was a bad idea….

“Jesse,” Bill yells from behind the bar. “Hey, guys, this is Lily. She’s
going to be my new bartender.” He comes around and takes my hand,
pulling me farther inside. All the men sitting up at bar whistle and whoop
their approval.

Oh. Maybe they do like the outfit.

“I was hoping you would stop in after you got settled.” He runs his eyes
up my frame before pulling a bar stool out for me.

I tuck a runaway curl behind my ear. “Actually, I’m here for a date. I
mean drink. I’m here for a drink,” I say nervously.

“Awe, I see. Well I’m glad you’re here. I wanted to see when you’d be
interested in starting.”

“Oh, anytime. After this weekend I should be good to go.”

“How about Monday?”

“Yeah, sure. I’m excited,” I tell him.

“You want a drink?”

“Not at the moment. I’ll wait for my friend.”

He nods, grabbing a couple of empties from the guys sitting beside me.
After he sets two fresh ones in front of them he turns his attention back to

Bill leans against the counter. “A date huh?”

“Drink. I misspoke.”

“So, you must be meeting new people then?”

“A few.”

The door opens behind me and Bill’s eyes lift over my head. A lopsided
grin forms on his face. I spin on my stool and there stands the giant of a
man. “He came,” I say breathlessly.
“Wait. What? Dan is your date?”

I swivel to face Bill. “Drink. We are having a drink.”

He laughs. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

I give him a dirty look before I can stop myself. He only laughs harder.

Sliding off the stool I walk over to where Dan remains frozen in his spot.
His eyes run up and down my body. His nostrils flare and I notice him
clench his hands into fists. His eyes pull away from me to stare at the men
behind me. The look he gives them makes even my balls shrivel up.

What? I shake my head at my own thoughts. These people are changing

me. I run my hand down my makeshift dress. Or maybe they are just giving
me the space to evolve into me. My tongue runs along my teeth.

Dan looks good. He is in a tight fitting pair of black jeans, black boots on
his feet. A chain hangs heavily at his side. The grey t-shirt he’s wearing
clings to his muscular frame. His hair is messy today, not combed smooth
like it was at the shop. It looks like he’s been tugging at it. Was he at war
with himself on whether to come here or not? My eyes lock on his amber

His muscles tense, veins popping on his tattooed forearms. “Lily,” he

murmurs quietly.

“Dan.” I dip my head, clasping my hands in front of me.

He reaches out and grabs my hand. A jolt races up my arm. My eyes fall
closed as I blindly let him lead me to a booth in the back corner of the bar. I
open my eyes when we stop, he is waiting for me to sit. So, I do. When he
doesn’t move I slide farther down, he follows in right beside me.

Immediately I feel trapped by his big body.

And. I. Love. It.

His warm leg brushes against mine.

“I don’t like the way those guys are looking at you,” he states, a tad bit

My stomach flips a three sixty.

Glowing amber eyes dart over my face. “You look nice,” he says before
turning away from me.

Bill saunters over and sits down across from us. “So…”

Dan drills him with a stare, effectively telling him to shut up.

“What can I get you two,” Bill finishes, chuckling lightly.

They both look at me. “Um, oh I don’t know. I don’t drink…much,” I

add quickly so I don’t look like a complete lame ass. I mean butt. Lame

“Beer?” Dan questions.

“Yeah, I’ve never had a beer, but sure.”

His face softens. He likes that I’m innocent. Or at least I think that’s what
I’m reading. “Get us a pitcher,” he tells Bill, shooing him away with the
wave of his hand.


Jesus Christ, I want to corrupt her. Break her innocence down bite by
delectable bite. Her blue hair brushes against my arm. Soft, so fucking soft.
I want to grab a handful and rub it all over my cock. God, fucking, dammit.

I’ve been thinking of her and nothing else for the past two days.
Counting the hours, the fucking minutes till I could see her again.
When she turned and stood up from that bar stool I just about came in my
pants. Trouble is, so didn’t every other motherfucker in this bar.

At the shop she was a cute little fucking blue haired fairy. Today, today
she’s a hot as fuck blue haired biker chick. One that belongs on the back of
my bike. The angel on my shoulder has vanished. The devil is cracking his
whip, ready to play.

Her hair is down today, curled in long beachy waves that stretch down
her back to the tip of her tailbone. She’s in a long black rolling stones t-shirt
dress, with a small silver chain draped across her shapely hips, showing off
her hourglass figure. The red lips and white teeth on the front of the dress
match her own. Jesus, her lips are so fucking kissable. Images of her
painting my cock red with her lipstick make me almost groan out loud.

The t-shirt is ripped down the front, giving me an incredible view of her
firm tits, they’re shiny, reflecting the light from above. It also has a slit up
the side providing me a sneak peek at the tattoo I did a few days ago.

I scoot back so I can see under the table. The dress is riding up now, it
looks like the tattoo is healing well. I probably should get a closer look
before the night is over.

She has on a pair of black, fuck me, high heels to top it off. I wonder if
she wore them so she didn’t feel so short next to me. Even with the heels
she’s still a good foot shorter.

Her big brown eyes blink at me slowly. I wonder what she’s thinking. I
shouldn’t have been so possessive. She probably thinks I’m a nut job.

A few beers in and I find out exactly what she thinks. Her hand wraps
over my thigh as she leans towards me. “I think I’m getting a little tipsy,”
she hiccups.

Alcohol is like a truth serum. I find out she’s from San Francisco, she has
no siblings, her parents are assholes that are never home, they sound like
Dirk and Rachel’s parents. When she tells me she had been a kindergarten
teacher before coming here my dick gets hard. What? So, fucking sue me.
Her innocence mixed with that intoxicating sex appeal does it for me.

“Where did you get the bruises?” I ask since we are on a roll.

Her demeanor changes. She turns away from me, taking a sip of her beer.
“Oh, I just fell.” She waves her hand. “Hey, you haven’t told me anything
about yourself. I feel like I’m doing all the talking.”

“You are. I like it that way.”

She licks her lips and I notice she shifts her ass on the seat.

“You’re not lying to me are you?” I ask, tipping my head down, staring
at her.

She blinks those fucking big brown doe eyes up at me. “No,” she says a
bit breathlessly.

“You fell?”

Lily nods slowly.

“Cause I had a friend who told me she fell once and what really
happened was someone hurt her. Hurt her real bad. If someone gave you
those, tell me.” I lean into her space putting my mouth to ear. “I’ll snap
their fucking head from their body.”

I hear her swallow. “No. Nobody hurt me,” she says quietly. “I really did

Leaning back, I grill her with a look, letting her know I mean business.
“I’ll spank that little ass of yours if I find out your lying.”

Her pupils go wide and her lips part slightly. Her eyes bounce over my
face. I think she likes me this way. Other women run. They run fast and
they run far. Like I said, no one has “fit” me.
A grin spreads across her face. “Jesse warned me you could be an

“Oh, did she?” I note this is the first time I’ve heard her curse. She’s
getting more comfortable with me.

Lily nods, her chest rising and falling, the t-shirt giving me a sweet peek
at the curve of her breast with each exhale.

“Jesse has never seen this side of me. And she never will.” I crowd her
again. She tips her head back. My lips crash into hers. She moans quietly
into my mouth. When I pull away I keep her trapped, one arm braced on the
seat behind her head and the other on the table.

Just then a song on the jukebox starts. Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie
Money plays loudly. Fucking Bill. The fucker laughs as he walks over to
our table. Slowly I back away from her to tell Bill to fuck off.

He’s standing by our table an amused look on his face. I reach for my
wallet, but he stops me. “Drinks are on me tonight.”

Lily leans around me. “Thank you, Bill. I’ll see you Monday,” she tells

Is our night coming to an end? I don’t think so and what the fuck does
she mean she’ll see him Monday.

Bill explains, noticing the confusion on my face. “Lily is bartending for

me starting Monday.”

I glance at her. She nods, an excited look on her face. “Remember, I told
you I was going to be working here.”

“No. No fucking way.”

She shoves me in the back. Good luck, little girl, that won’t work.

Bill laughs and slaps his hand down on the table. “I knew this was going
to be good.” He pats me on the shoulder and walks away shaking his head.
“What do you mean no way. I am working here.”

I turn slowly in the booth to stare her down. “Let’s go.”

She huffs, sending blue strands of hair fluttering around her face. “Dan.”

“Lily. I’m taking you home. You’ve had too much to drink to drive

“I’ve had as many as you,” she says still trying to push me out of the
booth. Isn’t that cute.

“Look at me and then take a look at yourself.”

She glances down her tiny frame and sticks her bottom lip out in a pout.
Oh, hell that’s sexy. I’m going to love giving her things to pout about.

“Let’s go.” I grab her arm and drag her out of the booth. I kick the door
open, holding her with one hand while my other points to the men in the bar
ogling my girl. “Look at her again and I’ll rip your eyeballs from your
skulls.” I shove her out the door and towards my bike.

“Wait. Wait, I can’t leave my beetle here.”

“Your beetle?” I question, then I spot her Volkswagen. I smile, picturing

her cute little ass in the tiny clown car. She digs her heels into the dirt,
pointing at the car.

“Calm down. We can come back and get it tomorrow. It will be safe for
the night.”

“But will I?” she asks.

My hand drops from her arm.

“Do you want to be?”

Her eyes dart around the parking lot, turmoil skewing her beautiful face.
“I…I don’t know,” she whispers.
The back of my finger traces along her jaw line. Her big eyes search
mine for reassurance. She isn’t going to find what she’s looking for. I don’t
know what will happen when I get her home. Maybe I’ll drop her off at the
front door with a kiss goodnight. Maybe I’ll rip her clothes off and fuck her
right there on the porch. It’s truly a tossup at this point.

And, she only has the dragonfly to blame. The dragonfly brought me an
angel and I sure as fuck am not about to let her go.
Chapter Thirteen

Oh fudge. Oh fudge. Oh fudge.

What have I done? What was I thinking, coming to a bar, dressed like
this? Like me.

My heart skips and trips and sidesteps and fucking just about keels over
as I think about what will happen when we get to my house.

I’m not a virgin. But I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never had
anyone look at me with hungry eyes like Dan is giving me. He’s possessive.
Benjamin was possessive but in a different sort of way. He owned me like
one would own a car or a boat. He took me out of the garage every once in
a while to show me off but then he parked me neatly back inside until the
next time he needed Senator Ramsey’s perfectly poised daughter on his

Dan wants me. Me. The real me.

I want him too.

“No, I don’t want to be safe. I want to be reckless, and crazy and I want
someone to watch over me while that happens.” I’m breathing hard. It’s
scary being honest with him, but I think he might be the only person I can
be candid with at this point.
He holds a helmet out. “I’ll watch over you. If you trust me.”

I reach out to take it, bowing my head slightly. “I trust you.”

Dan swings his leg over his bike, kicking up the stand. He nods to the
seat behind him. I shove the helmet on and as lady like as I can with my
dress, straddle the seat. As soon as I settle behind him he runs his palm up
my leg before pulling my hands around his torso. “Hold on tight.”

Sliding as close to him as I can, which feels pretty darn good, I hold on to
his t-shirt, feeling his hard muscles twitch beneath my hands. The moment
he starts the bike something shifts inside me. It’s…oh gosh. Wow. I could
get used to this.

He takes off slowly out of the parking lot. As he picks up speed on the
open road I wonder how the hell I got here. Oh, yeah, a little dragonfly. I
rest my head on Dan’s back, a small smile on my lips. This feels good. So
good. It’s an adventure.

I don’t know what will happen when we get to my house and honestly it’s
kind of exciting not knowing. Will he come in? Will we talk? Will he want
to do more than talk? Will I?

A sane woman would be scared of this big brute of a man. I’m not. I
don’t know why. Especially with the way he treated me back there. He
literally told a whole bar full of men to keep their eyes off me as he dragged
me out the door. It should have pissed me off, not warmed my heart.

I like that he is possessive, even though I’m not his. He’s not mine. I
wish he were, but I don’t know how someone like me holds onto someone
like him. I’m okay with whatever it is. Jenny told me sometimes people
come into your life for a short period, sometimes only minutes but that
doesn’t diminish the importance of them.

Whatever Dan is in my life, I’ll accept it. Not only that, but I’ll also
cherish it. It’s been a great journey so far. If it ends after tonight so be it.
Dan drives right to my house. I didn’t tell him where I lived, but maybe
Jesse did. He pulls up in front and shuts the engine off. I slide off and hand
him his helmet back. I grab my keys from my purse, heading up the stairs. I
listen to see if he follows. He does. My heart is beating wildly in my chest.

When I open the door and step inside I realize he stopped on the porch.
Slowly I turn around to find him leaning against the door jamb casually. He
doesn’t say anything he just watches me as I set my purse down on the
coffee table.

“Um, I don’t have much…yet, but would you like to come in?” I’m
suddenly nervous. This is all so new to me.

His amber eyes glow as they move across the room, taking in what little
there is in my space. When they land back on me he grins. “You should
never invite a vampire into your house, silly girl, it renders you powerless.”

My eyes drop to the threshold and I laugh. “Are you telling me you are a

“No, I’m worse.”

My laughter faulters, he’s trying to scare me. But I think it’s his own
hesitation keeping him on the other side of the door. I toe off my heels as I
think about it. “What if I want to be powerless.”

He growls. Literally growls.

It makes me shiver and not in fear. Taking a deep breath, I look him in
the eye. “Would you please come in.”

He glances over his shoulder once before turning back to me. “You sure
this is what you want?”

I nod.

Dan takes two big steps inside and kicks my door shut with the bottom of
his boot, slamming it shut. The noise echoes through the entire house.
My pulse kicks into overdrive. Holy shit. I mean…oh to hell with it, I
mean holy shit!

He takes his leather jacket off and drops it on the coffee table by my
purse, not taking his eyes off me. “Do you have a bed or are we going to do
this right here?”

Oh. Oh.

This is really happening.

My finger points to the floor above us. I’m so stunned I can’t speak. He
picks me up, my legs automatically wrap around his waist and my arms
drape around his neck. Dan walks us upstairs slowly, never letting me look
away from him.

His hands are on my ass. On my ass. Oh my god. Oh my god.

When we get in my bedroom, he sets me gently on my feet and turns

back to close the door, quietly this time.

My body begins to tremble. No. No. Not now. I’m not scared. I’m not.

He leans his back against the door, studying me closely. “Cold?”

Biting my lip, I shake my head no. I stare at the floor, watching him in
my peripheral.

When he moves I jump. Dammit. I don’t want him to think I’m a scared
little rabbit.

“I’m going to ask you this once so listen closely because I’m not going to
have any restraint left after this. Understand?”

I nod my head.

“Do you want me here? And, by here I mean in your bedroom and in
your bed?”
He’s given me several chances to back out and I can tell by his tone this
is my last one. I don’t want to give him mixed messages. I decide honesty is
the best policy.

“I want you here.” I take a few steps closer to him. “I’ve…well, I’ve only
been with one person and it wasn’t…” my words trail off.

How do you tell someone you’ve only had obligatory sex? Benjamin
only had sex with me because it was expected of us. It was humiliating and
I hated every minute of it. He wasn’t nice. Benjamin treated me like I was
nothing more than a sex doll. In fact, that’s all I’ve ever been to any of
them. Just a stupid doll.

“It wasn’t good?” Dan finishes for me.

“No, it wasn’t good. I’m sorry. I just don’t want to give you the
impression that I’m experienced…I’m not.”

“Are you on birth control?”

I nod.

He walks across the room and sits down on my bed. “When you say it
wasn’t good,” he pauses, a pained look crossing his features.

“I wasn’t forced,” I quickly interrupt, seeing where he was going.

Dan lets out a long breath.

“It’s hard to explain.”

“I’m intense, Lily. Not, to mention a whole lot older than you. And bossy.
Very bossy. Maybe I’m not the right guy for you to try new experiences

I sit down beside him and pull his hands into mine. “I trust you Dan. I
want this. I really, really want this.”
He sighs brushing his thumb back and forth over my fingers. “You saw
how possessive I was at the bar.”

“I’m good with that.”

“Are you? Cause most women would kick me in the nuts for that sort of

I giggle which makes him smile.

“It did things to me, Dan.” I shove my face into the side of his arm,
embarrassed to admit it.

His hand runs down my hair, making me shiver against him.

“Okay,” he whispers, kissing the top of my head. “We go slow, and you
tell me if anything makes you uncomfortable.”

I nod against his skin. Still unable to look at him.

He pushes me back so he can look into my eyes. Whatever he sees must

give him the green light. “Stand up.”

So, I do.

He pulls me into the space between his legs. Dan unclasps the chain
around my hips, dropping it to the floor. He grabs the hem of my dress and
pulls it up and over my head. The moon pours in through the window
illuminating my skin, making it look paler than it already is.

Dan reaches around and with one hand flicks the clasp on my bra. It
slides down my arms and I let if fall to the ground. He hooks his thumbs
under the edge of my panties and slides them down my legs. My breath
catches in my throat.

I struggle not to cover myself with my hands. His gaze slides over every
inch of me. His breath the only touch to my skin. A shiver starts at my head
and ripples all the way down my body.
Dan rolls his eyes up to mine. “Do you like it when I look at you like

“Yes,” I whisper.

His hand reaches out slowly. I make a demand to my feet to hold strong,
don’t back away. When his fingers wrap around my hips I moan. I don’t
know why. They just feel so good and they’re so warm.

He chuckles and leans forward kissing me lightly above my belly button.

His kisses trail higher and higher until he pulls my nipple into his mouth.
My head drops back. His mouth is fire. It’s scorching, leaving a clean slate
for my nerve endings to experience something new.

He pulls me onto his lap so I’m straddling him. When my bare pussy rubs
against the course material of his jeans, a hiss escapes my lips. Mindlessly I
grind myself over the hard length of him. Dan groans into my mouth. His
fingers wrap in my hair, giving him total control of my movements.

My body reacts in a way which seems to surprise him.

“Do you like the feel of my cock?”

“Mmhhmm,” I moan into his mouth.

He stands and turns, dumping me onto the bed. I watch as he grabs the
back of his shirt, ripping it over his head in one smooth motion.

I’ve never been much of a religious person but good god. I want to drop
to my knees and worship this man.

“Touch yourself,” his voice is low and demanding.

In front of him? He wants me to touch myself now. Right here!

“Now, Lily,” he growls.

My knees fall open and I gently lay my hand over myself. My cheeks
must be stained bright red, I can feel the heat radiating off them.
He pulls his belt from the loops of his jeans. The sound makes me draw
my knees back together, my hips rising from the mattress. A smirk falls
across his mouth. He taps the belt on my knees gently, a warning. “Uh, uh,
keep em open. I want to watch,” he tsks.

I let them fall open again. I’m so embarrassed by how wet this is making

“That’s it, baby. I want to see how slick your pussy is.”

Hesitantly I run my hand over my clit. My head falls back, my eyes

dropping closed. It’s because he’s watching me. I’ve never been so turned
on in all my life.

I feel the bed dip beside me. His hair tickling the side of my leg as he
moves in for a closer view. “Beautiful,” he whispers.

He sits up against the headboard and spreads his legs. “C’mere,” he


I climb up between his legs, swallowing hard at my first glimpse of him.

My cunt clenches in response. Even it knows this is going to be a challenge.

He shifts me so that my back is pressed against his chest and he drapes

my legs on either side of this thick thighs. “I’m going to drive you mad,” he
whispers in my ear.

“What if I’m already mad?” My chest is rising and falling fast as my skin
melds against his.

“Are you straight jacket mad?”

“Some would say so.”

A throaty chuckle rumbles deep in his chest, making my stomach flip.

“Well, buckle up, baby.”

His hands grope my breasts before one sneaks away, sliding slowly down
my torso. I dip my head to watch it. It’s like coming upon a snake in the
grass. You freeze but it raises its head and slithers closer. You know it’s
about to strike, but you can’t move.

When his fingers glide through my folds my head falls back against his
chest. He circles my clit ever so slowly. My hips rise to chase his fingers
each time they move away.

“Oh, I think you really like this,” he whispers into my ear, his teeth
sinking into my ear lobe gently but effectively holding me in place.

“Don’t stop,” I pant.

I’m so close, so close and then his hand is gone, running lightly up my

This happens over and over again until I’m so wound I can’t take it
anymore. I growl in frustration.

“Is there something you want?”

“No, I neeeed it,” I grind my hips upwards, crushing my pussy into the
palm of his hand.

“But there’s more.” He runs his tongue along the shell of my ear.

I dig my nails into his thighs, whimpering for more. Give it to me. Please
give it to me.

His finger taps over my entrance and I freeze. Yes. Yes. That’s what I

When he inserts one finger into me my head presses hard against his
solid chest. “Does that feel good, baby?” He slides a second one in before I
have a chance to answer.

“Yes, yes, please,” I beg, pressing my heels into the bed trying to rock
myself on his hand.
He lifts his knees so my feet cannot touch the mattress. “So, so very

“It feels so good.”

“Do you want it to feel even better,” he teases, his gravelly voice sending
my heart into arrhythmia.

“Not. Possible,” I grit, so close to exploding my legs are shaking.

He curls his fingers, pressing the palm of his hand firmly against my clit.
His hand pumps into me at a rhythmic pace, never taking the pressure off
my clit.

Tears spring to my eyes as I fight the urge. Oh. Oh. What the fuck?

What in the fuck?!

Then it happens. My body seizes against his. I grip his forearms and

I scream.

After a few minutes he gently shifts from behind me. He waits patiently
as I try to catch my breath. Gently he pushes my knees apart and settles
himself between my thighs. His thumbs brush the tears from the corner of
my eyes. “You want more?” he asks, quietly.

His amber eyes are so sincere, so concerned for my well-being. I nod,

smiling at him.

He leans back and grips his cock, giving it a few long strokes before
lining it up with my entrance. We both watch as he slides in. Once he is
fully seated his eyes roll to mine. “I think we’re a perfect fit.” His hips pull
back before pushing in slowly. His gaze settles to where we are joined.

He pumps in again and again, mesmerized at the sight before him. I’m
mumbling words that are in no way forming complete sentences. The
outside world completely forgotten.
Every now and then I crack my eyes open to study the god taking his
pleasure from my body. His arms are braced on each side of me, veins
bulging from the careful restraint he is taking with me. What the heck
would it be like if he let loose?

His hips pick up pace, and he drops his weight on me, no longer able to
hold back. He chases his pleasure and just when I think I’m done he hits a
place inside of me that cracks me clean open. He groans, bringing his lips
down on mine. He kisses me through my orgasm just as his begins. He rests
his forehead against mine, staring deep into my soul as he comes.

When his eyes drop closed and his muscles tighten, I think I’ve died and
gone to heaven. My body made this happen. Me. How wonderful.

He drops his face into my neck, his body slowly relaxing on top of me.
Suddenly, he pushes himself up. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to crush you.”

“You’re not crushing me.” I wrap my arms around him and pull him back
down. “I like it. I like the feel of you on me. It makes me feel safe.”

He stares at me for several long minutes before rolling us over. I rest my

cheek on his shoulder, happily running my fingers through the hair on his

His voice suddenly breaks the silence, “You okay?”

I nod. He reaches up and grips my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“Really, I’m good.”

“Then why are you crying?”

I sit up quickly, wiping my eyes. I’m crying?

“Hey.” He sits up too, placing his arm around my shoulders.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was crying. I’m okay, really I am.” I’m so
embarrassed, I try to turn away from him.
“It’s okay to cry. I just want to make sure you’re not hurt or sad or…
regretful?” he questions, keeping his arm braced around me.

“No, it’s none of those things. I don’t know what it is.”

He dips his head, catching my eyes. “It was powerful.”

I think about it. He’s right. It was powerful. I felt powerful. I laugh
lightly. “I thought you were supposed to render me powerless.”

“That’s just an illusion. You’ve always held the power. From the moment
I laid eyes on you.” He brushes tears away with his thumbs and kisses my
forehead. “I’m going to grab you some water.”

Nodding my head, I watch him climb out of bed. He is so gentle with me,
with my fragile heart. I know I said I would be okay with this being a one-
time thing…

I think I lied.
Chapter Fourteen

Itold myself I would be okay with this being a one night stand.
Nope. Not good enough.

She is a perfect fit.

I grab two waters from the fridge, noting how little food she has.
Cracking the lid on one, I take a long drink as my eyes scan her house.
There is nothing here except paint cans, power tools, a ladder, and a coffee
table. Oh, and she has a bed.

A bed I’ll be spending a fair amount of time in if I have it my way.

Holy shit, that was the best sex I’ve ever had. I was a little worried when
she started to cry but hell, I felt like crying. It was…different. It was

Fuck, she’s so tiny I thought I might break her, but I didn’t. Her body
accepted every part of me. And I like the fact she talked to me. She might
not always know what she’s feeling but she does her best to communicate.
That is huge. That I’ve never had. I don’t like playing guessing games. Tell
me straight up how it is.

I hear her little feet pad across the hall to the bathroom. She’s so fucking
I’m about to head upstairs when a painting on the wall catches my
attention. It’s a field of sunflowers painted on an old window. It reminds me
of home. I glance up the stairs as the toilet flushes. I continue my way up,
stopping to look back at the painting one more time.

She makes a beeline, streaking naked back to her bed. When I walk in
she is buried in the blankets, sitting up in the middle of the bed, holding
them to her chin.

How adorable.

I hand her the bottle of water and she takes it, drinking greedily as soon
as she has the cap off.

“Did you paint the picture downstairs?”

“Yeah, I found the old windows in a shed out back.” She caps the water,
wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

“It gave me an idea,” I tell her, climbing back into bed. I slide under the
covers, my leg bumping against hers. Folding my arms behind my head, I
settle against her pillows.

“What’s the idea?” She looks surprised that I laid back down. Did she
think I was going somewhere? Not a chance.

“An idea for our next date.”

This makes her smile, and oh how that smile lifts my lonely soul. I’m
going to do my best to see it every. single. day.

“So, you want to go out with me again?” She nibbles on her bottom lip.

“Oh, you’re going to have a hard time getting me to leave your side.”

She blushes and lets her hair fall across her face. “I like the sound of
that,” she says quietly.
“Good, then get your cute little ass over here so we can get some sleep,
tomorrow’s not far away.”

Lily sets her water on the floor and then snuggles down beside me,
resting her face against my chest. Her leg curls over the top of mine and I
feel her smile against my skin. She falls asleep soon after, giving me a
chance to revel in the feel of her body pressed to mine. I’ve avoided women
for so long I almost forgot how good they smell; how soft they are. I
squeeze her closer and she murmurs in her sleep like a little kitten, rubbing
her cheek over me.

Tomorrow I’m going to do something I’ve never done. I’m going to take
her home with me. I know I just met her, but I want to show her who I am.
What I’m really hoping is she will show me who she is.

When I wake up I find the little thing sitting up, staring at me. Her eyes
are running down my body, then slowly back up again. When they snag on
mine she realizes she’s been caught, she quickly looks away.

I grab her hand and pull her over the top of me. “Good morning, Lily,” I
whisper in her ear.

She giggles as she tries to steady herself over the top of me. “Good
morning.” She sighs, folding her hands on my chest and resting her chin on

“Hungry? How about we head into town for breakfast.”

“I could make you something.”

“With what? I saw your fridge last night, remember?”

She smiles sweetly. “I have yogurt.”

“Yogurt is not breakfast. I need bacon, woman.” I smack her on the ass
lightly and she laughs.

“Let me shower first.” She jumps off me and hurries to the bathroom
across the hall.
I wait a few minutes until I hear the water turn on. Pushing the covers
aside, I decide a shower does sound good, the bacon can wait.
Chapter Fifteen

Dan stayed. All night. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.
Nobody has stayed with me this long, besides Jenny. My parents came
and went so fast, our home was just another hotel to them. And Benjamin
stayed long enough to get points with my dad. Sure, he might take me out
and show me off for a few hours but then he dropped me off without a
second glance. Some evenings he stayed long enough to make me hate my
life a little more than I already did. I loathed those nights.

The door to the bathroom opens, making me jump. I watch as Dan walks
in, he braces one hand on the wall behind the toilet and the other grabs
his...oh, oh, he’s peeing. In front of me! I’ve never seen a man pee. My face
heats to an alarming level as I stare at him like he’s a wild animal in a
nature preserve.

One side of his mouth kicks up in a sexy smile. I turn away from him,
embarrassed. God, I’m such a freaking child. I mean come on. I’m twenty-
five. Little Miss Bland. That’s who I am. Why did I think an experienced
sexy man like Dan would want to be with me? I wring my hands nervously,
thinking I should just cancel on breakfast. I’ll never be able to keep up with

I mean just look at him. I sneak another quick peek. He’s definitely out of
my league. Dan has a dark dangerous look about him. I bet people give him
a wide berth and women probably fall at his feet.
The shower door opens, the cool air brushes over my wet skin, making
me shiver. Dan presses against my backside, walking me into the shower
wall. “Why are you crying again?” he asks as my chest presses against the
cool tile.

“I’m not.”

He bends down whispering, his lips brushing lightly over the shell of my
ear, “You are.”

“It’s…it’s just the spray from the shower,” I say with a tiny bit of sass.

Whack. The sound of his palm slapping against my wet ass cracks loudly
in the shower. “Why. Are. You. Crying?” he demands.

I drop my head to the wall, letting the tears fall freely now.

“Talk to me,” he says more gently.

“It will sound crazy and I don’t want to sound crazy.”

“Are you regretting last night?” he asks, insecurity laced in his words.

“No,” I answer without hesitation. “I didn’t expect you to stay this long.
I’m not used to people wanting to spend so much time with me.

He stills behind me as he processes my words. “Does it feel like I don’t

want to spend time with you?” He presses his hard cock into my back.

A tiny puff of air escapes my lips. I roll my head to the side. “What do
you see in me?”

His nose runs over my cheek. “I see an opportunity to experience the


This makes me smile.

“What do you see in me?” he counters, his hips dipping so that his cock
glides between my legs.
“I see an opportunity to explore the dark.”

He throws his head back and laughs, the sound vibrating through my
entire body. “Well I guess we will balance each other out then.”

He squeezes my breasts in his hands as he slides into my body. Oh, god.

My head falls back into his chest. He fucks me slowly as if we have all the
time in the world, peppering kisses along my shoulders and the back of my
neck. “You feel so fucking good, baby,” he groans.

His hand lifts my leg, his fingers gripping me tightly under the knee,
driving his cock deeper inside of me.

Oh, right there. I swear he has known my body in a previous life. His
thrusts begin to quicken. He is pressing into me so deeply that each stroke
lifts me off my toes.

He brushes his face next to mine, so we are cheek to cheek. “Come for
me, baby.” He slides his hand between me and the wall, pinching my clit as
he rocks into me.

My fingers curl against the tiles as I obey his wish. I convulse in his arms
as he holds me tight against him. His hard body stiffens behind me as he
succumbs to his own pleasure.

We stand there for a minute unaware that the water has turned cold. Then
it hits us at the same time. “Shit!” I squeal as we both dance around trying
to wash as quickly as we can.

“You need a bigger hot water heater.”

“I’ll ask my landlord to get right on that,” I joke as we step out. “Oh,
wait. Technically you’re my landlord.”

He tips his head to the side.

“So, after you get that done, I have a few other things I need you take a
look at,” I tease, backing slowly out the door.
He waits until I’m a step outside before he chases. I run down the stairs,
dripping water all over the floor without a care in the world. His heavy
footsteps follow close behind. “Oh, I’ll take a look all right,” he says as he
catches up to me.

We are both laughing, trying to catch our breath as the front door swings
wide open.

Dan and I both freeze as Jesse, Dirk, Bill, Raffe and two women I
haven’t met before walk in. Dan quickly pulls me in front of him and wraps
one of his big arms over my breasts and splays a hand over my crotch.

I finally brave a glance up to find all their mouths hanging wide open as
they stare at us.

“Oh, oh shit! Its Saturday!” I squeal.

Bill starts laughing. “Oh, hell, I knew this was going to be good, but this
takes the fucking cake.” One of the women slap him in the chest but he only
doubles over wheezing he is laughing so hard.

My new boss just saw me naked. Great.

“I’m so…” I shake my head back and forth. “I’m so sorry, I forgot about

“I see why you forgot.” Jesse dips her eyes suggestively towards Dan.

Dirk growls and pokes her in the ribs. She giggles and looks past me to
Dan. “Dan, what are you doing here?” She looks a little dumbfounded that
he is naked, and in my kitchen.

“Well, we were just about to go to breakfast,” he says not a hint of

awkwardness in his voice.

Jesse pushes two big boxes out in front of her. “Want a donut?” she asks,
her eyebrow quirking up. “Go on, don’t be shy,” she teases.
Just then I hear more bikes roaring down the road. How did we not hear
them? Oh, yeah, the shower. Crap.

“Um, well, if you’ll excuse me, I mean us…” I look up at Dan and he
smiles down at me. He’s smiling. Not a hint of guilt on his handsome face.
Unlike me who is acting like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“If you will excuse us, we will go put some clothes on before the whole
club gets here.”

Bill roars with laughter again, Dirk and Raffe joining him this time.

“Come on,” the older woman says, shooing everyone outside. “Let’s give
them a minute.”

Everyone walks out except Jesse and Dirk.

Dan taps his foot in annoyance. “Go on, you heard Mama Bear.”

“I don’t take orders from her,” Dirk says, popping an unlit cigarette
between his lips. Jesse leans into him. His eyes run up and down my body,
making me shiver against Dan. My eyes drop to the floor. I don’t think I’ve
ever been more embarrassed in my whole life.

“You know, you two look sexy as hell together,” he says, taking the
cigarette out of his mouth to point at us.

“For the love of my goddaughter I won’t kill you but so help me, cousin,
if you don’t take your eyes off my girl you’re going to find my fist in a
place you won’t like,” Dan says, his tone deadly serious.

Dirk smirks and turns around to give us a chance to dart upstairs. Jesse
doesn’t move. She’s still smiling at us. Dirk clears his throat, and she rolls
her eyes before turning around too.

“You all are no fun,” she pouts.

I make a mad dash for the stairs, hearing Dan right behind me. When we
get to my room I start throwing my clothes on in a rush. “I can’t believe I
forgot it’s Saturday,” I grumble, struggling to get my jeans up over my still
wet legs. I throw Dan his t-shirt as I stumble around.

Dan stops me. “Hey, chill, it’s not that big of deal. So, they saw us

I shake my head and sit on the bed, placing my face in my hands. “They
are going to think I’m easy. I slept with you on our first date. Oh my god,
what was I thinking, I’m not that sort of girl.”

Dan sits down beside me. “Lily, they are going to think no such thing.
They are my family. If I chose to be here with you they know you are
something special. I don’t sleep around.”

Peeking out between my fingers I study his face. I drop my hands in my

lap. “I didn’t mean to sound like I was regretful. I’m not. I just…I’ve never
done anything like this.”

“I know. Neither have I.”

My eyes bounce between his. Then we both burst out laughing, the
humor in the moment finally hitting us now that we are dressed.

He wraps me up in his arms. “They are going to tease us but it’s only
teasing, don’t take it personally. The club is full of assholes.”

“I’m so embarrassed. Seriously, I don’t know how I forgot they were

coming today.”

“So, I’m assuming the club is here to work on the house?”

I nod. “She didn’t tell you?”

Jesse hollers from the other side of the door, “I wrote it on the white
board in the kitchen.”

Dan chuckles but throws his boot at the door. “Go away,” he tells her.
Jesse laughs on the other side.
She doesn’t go away. “Are you two fucking decent?”

“Yeah.” He sighs.

Jesse opens the door, resting her hip on the door frame. “Like I said it
was on the white board at the warehouse.” She crosses her arms over her
chest, her eyes dancing from Dan to me and back again.

“I guess I didn’t see it.” He smacks his hands on his knees before
standing. “Well, I guess our date will have to wait until tomorrow. Where
do want me boss?” He pulls me to my feet, his eyes on Jesse.

“I’ve got a crew to finish the painting and one working on the floors.
Why don’t you go with Raffe and Dirk to get the furniture that Lily needs
picked up in town?”

“Will do.” He leans down and kisses me soundly on the mouth. When he
pulls away he offers me an encouraging smile before he heads out leaving
Jesse and I alone in my room.

“I’m so, so, sorry, Jesse.”

She sits on my bed, pulling her long blue-back over her shoulder. “Lily,
you don’t have to apologize. You forgot. It’s no big deal. Besides, it was a
good laugh.”

My face heats as I sit down beside her. “I didn’t plan on bringing Dan
home last night. It just sort of happened.”

“You like him?” she asks, tipping her head to study me.

I nod, smiling shyly. “He’s not like anyone I’ve ever met.”

She chuckles, sighing as she lays back on my bed. “Dan is special.” I lay
down, turning to face her. I tuck my arm under my head for a pillow. “He
isn’t like most guys.”

“I’ve noticed.” I wrap my finger around my dragonfly necklace. “I think

my dragonfly led me to him,” I whisper, knowing how silly that must

“Hmm, I get you. The universe led me to Dirk when I needed him most.”
She rolls on her side. “Maybe Dan can help you get over your bad

A knot forms in my throat, I’ve missed having someone to talk to. I miss
Jenny so much.

“There really isn’t anything to get over. My family sort of arranged for
me to date the guy. We were only together as an obligation.”

My eyes roam over the ink on her skin. It’s all dark, no color anywhere
on her body. I wish I were tough like her. I bet nobody walks on Jesse. She
marches to the beat of her own drum. I’ve done nothing but march to the
beat of my dad’s. I bet Jesse would have been able to save Jenny…and the

She props herself up on an elbow. “Is your family from another country?
Because that sounds a bit archaic.”

“No, my family is just wealthy and in their world, money marries


She curls her lip up in distaste. “So, even if the guy was a complete
jackass your parents would have made you date him?”

I laugh sadly. “I never argued with my dad about it until wedding plans
started to take place. I told him I didn’t want to marry the guy, but it was
never my choice.”

“So, you left?”

“Yep. Hoped on a train to Reno, bought the beetle and ended up here.”

She lays back down and stares up at the ceiling. “You need to name her.”

“Your car. She’s got to have a name.”

I giggle. “I’ve never heard of naming your car.”

“My rod is Sylvia. Her and I have been through some shit let me tell

I think about it. “How about Blueberry,” I say jokingly.

“It is blue and small.” She laughs. “Blueberry it is.”

We both giggle. Being silly feels good.

“So, about Dan.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“Ugh.” I roll over on my back and cover my eyes. “I can’t go out there
and face everyone.”

“Oh, no one’s going to say a word to you about it. Well, maybe Dirk. Or
Raffe. Okay and my dad. No one else is ballsey enough to mention it. I’m
sure Dan has already threatened everyone with bodily harm if anyone
upsets you.”

I peek at her. “You’re kidding?” She raises an eyebrow. I sit up. “No, of
course you’re not kidding. He is a bit protective.”

“All the men in this club are. The women too.”

“Is it terrible that I like that?” I whisper.

She sits up beside me, shrugging her shoulders. “Some women like their
men sweet and some like assholes.”

“But he’s a good asshole right?” I ask, even though I’m quite sure I know
the answer.

“He’s one of the best.” She traces over a tattoo on her arm. “He’s like a
second dad to me.”
“So, I’m going to take it you don’t want to hear about last night then?” I

Her eyes shoot to mine. “I should say no. I really should say no.” She
leans over, speaking in hushed tones, “But, holy cow he’s um…”

“He is and, he knows how to use it,” I finish for her.

We both fall back on the bed, giggling like a couple of schoolgirls.

“Okay, okay, I don’t want to hear anymore,” she gasps.

Jesse stands up, wiping her eyes. She pulls me to my feet. “Ready to
meet the club?”

I grab my brush and run it through my hair quick. “Ready.”

Hammering, paint fumes and laughs are all around us. “These are my
sisters, Katie and Ally,” Jesse says. “They are the designated babysitters of
the club.” She points to the two kids playing in the living room. “You’ve
met Billie Rose. The ornery little boy with her is Jackson. He’s our nephew.
Raffe and Rachel are his parents. You met Raffe the other day.”

“The pretty guy?” I ask.

“Yep. Rachel is Dirk’s sister.”

“And Dan is Dirk’s cousin?” I say slowly, trying to figure out who is

She nods and continues through the house introducing me to so many

people. I’ll never remember all of their names. In the kitchen we find the
two women who saw me naked this morning. “This is my step-mom,
Candice, everyone calls her Mama Bear.” Mama Bear pulls me in for a
quick hug.

“And this is Raffe’s wife, Rachel,” Jesse finishes.

“It’s nice to meet you both.” I shake Rachel’s hand. “Sorry about this
morning.” I give them both an apologetic smile.
“Oh, girl, I should be apologizing to you for the way my husband acted.
He’s enjoying teasing Dan,” Candice says, going back to the big pot she is
stirring on my stove.

I chuckle, nervously. “Yeah, seems like Dan and I have been giving him
plenty of opportunity for that.”

“We should have known Dad was up to something when he started

laughing the minute he saw Dan’s bike in the driveway,” Jesse adds.

Deciding to veer the conversation, I turn to Candice. “Whatever you’re

making smells wonderful,” I tell her.

“Rachel and I are in charge of lunch today. When we put the men to work
we like to feed them good.”

“This is just like a barn raising in the pioneer days,” I say, a bit in awe
that these people are so willing to help someone they don’t know.

“Kind of. You can get a lot done if everyone pitches in. It’s one of the
best things about being a part of the club,” Rachel says, wrapping her arm
around me. “And, since Dan informed all of us that you are his girl, I guess
that makes you one of us. Welcome to the family.”

Another part of my heart thaws at her words. Tears form in the corner of
my eyes. She notices and hugs me a little tighter. “It’s a lot to take in but
you’ll get used to us.” She studies me as I rub my neck. “Jesse told me you
had a bad fall. I’m a physical therapist maybe I can help you work out your

I drop my hand and wipe at my eyes. “I’m feeling better, I’m just a little

“Well, let me know. My hands are like magic.” She wiggles her fingers in
front of me. Just then a loud crash comes from the living room, drawing her
attention away from me. “Jackson,” she yells. “What did you break now?”
Jesse rushes out and scoops Billie Rose up in her arms before she cuts
herself on the glass that is all over the floor.

Jackson looks up at Rachel with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry, momma.”

“What did I tell you about playing ball in the house. Tell Lily you’re
sorry for breaking her pretty painting.”

“I’m sorry,” Jackson says, looking at the floor.

I bend down so I can get him to look me in the eye. “It’s okay, it’s only a

“I’m so sorry.” Rachel grabs a broom, quickly trying to sweep up all the

My eyes stay locked on Jackson’s. “Do you know how many windows
there are in the world?” I ask him.

He shakes his head no, wiping a finger under his nose.

“There are billions and billions,” I tell him throwing my hands out for
effect. “How many of you are there in the world?”

He tips up one side of his mouth and holds up one finger.

“One. You’re right. I can always get more windows, but I’ll never get
another friend like you.” I poke him in the tummy, and he laughs. His
brown eyes sparkle brightly with unshed tears. “You want to help me paint
another one?”

He nods excitedly.

I stand up noticing Rachel is staring at me. “Is it okay if Jackson and I go

outside and paint another window? There are more back in the shed.”

She nods at me, tears in her eyes. I grab her hand. “It’s okay Rachel. It’s
just a window.”
“It’s not that, it’s just…Jackson has ADHD and…”

“It’s hard,” I finish for her.

She nods, fighting back tears. Rachel bends down in front of Jackson.
“You be good for Lily, okay?”

He shakes his head as he tugs at my hand, pulling me outside. “If anyone

wants to join us, we will be out back,” I yell over my shoulder as the little
guy pulls me out the door

Jackson and I drag a few windows out and I crack open my paints. “What
is one of your favorite things?” I ask as he hops around me.

“Bugs. I like bugs. Black ones, yellow ones, red ones…” he stops to
watch a bird swoop down in a tree. “Did you see that?” he asks, but before I
can respond he is sticking his finger in bright red paint.

I laugh, pulling him down gently onto the ground with me. “Since you
already got paint on your fingers I’m going to show you something cool.” I
take his finger and press it to the glass.

“It’s just a red dot,” he grumbles.

“Just wait.” I take some black paint and turn his fingerprint into a

His eyes go wide. “More,” he says, pressing his finger against the glass

“Okay, we’ve got the ladybugs.” I wipe his finger off on a paper towel.
“How about caterpillars? Do you like them?”

“I like all bugs.”

We spend the next hour creating bees, butterflies, lighting bugs,

dragonflies, and flowers all out of his fingerprints. I add some grass and a
bright sun in the corner of the pane.
When his painting is done, I prop it up for him. He scrunches his nose.
“My mom won’t like the bugs, but she will sure like the flowers,” he says,
tipping his head back and forth as I hold the window up for his inspection.

“After it dries you can take it home,” I tell him. “It’s a really cool

“You can hang it in your house since I broke yours.” He drops his eyes to
the ground, his cheeks turning pink.

“I would love to hang your painting in my house.”

He peeks at me through the hair that has fallen over his eyes. “Really?

“Absolutely. I’m going to hang it right were my old one was. This one is
way better.”

He smiles brightly at this.

“Do you have a bug catcher at home?” I ask.

“What’s a bug catcher?”

“Oh, every bug lover needs one. Let’s go in and get my tools and I bet we
can build one.”

He jumps around, following me inside. We grab everything we need,

stopping to borrow some leftover scraps from the new wood flooring.

Once outside we get to work. He adorably sticks his tongue out in

concentration to nail two pieces of wood together.

We find some old screen in the shed to keep the bugs safely inside our
new bug catcher and then I let him paint it. He knows what to do now and
gets right to work, dipping his fingers in paint to create all the different

When he’s done he smiles proudly. “Now I just need to find some real
bugs!” he exclaims.
“Lunch time!” Candice yells out the back door.

I look at Jackson and poke him in the tummy. “After lunch we will go on
a great bug expedition. Maybe we can bring Billie Rose with us.”

“Okay,” he says, grabbing my hand while clutching his bug catcher in the

“I like you,” he says quietly as we walk up to the house.

A pain clenches in my chest as I think about how I almost missed all of

this. Jenny would be so proud of me. “I like you too, Jackson.” I squeeze
his hand in mine.

Jenny’s baby would have been the same age as Jackson. Somehow she
talked my dad into letting her have it. He was even going to allow her to be
part of the adoption process. I remember the day they came home from the
agency, she told me she had found the perfect couple. It was a chapter wrote
by the fates themselves she had said.

I’d never seen her happier. Her unexpected pregnancy delayed our escape
plan but we both promised each other that as soon as the baby was safe in
his or her new home we would run.

We had already been putting it off until I graduated college, but we knew
it was risky. My dad was tiring of her. She and I both realized it. Once the
baby came we knew we would have to leave straight away.

But then she had her accident, before the baby was born.

“Oh look, a dragonfly.” Jackson points to the sky above us.

I shade my eyes against the sun, squinting into the bright light.

“Dragonflies are my favorite,” he tells me. “There are lots and lots of
them at the lake.”

I smile down at him. “You know Jackson I think you and I are meant to
be best friends because dragonflies are my favorite too.”
He and I smile at each other.

These people and this little boy are slowly bringing blood back to my
empty heart.
Chapter Sixteen

No one says a fucking word to me about Lily while we pick up the used
furniture she bought. I’m going to have to help her restore some of this shit.
Dirk mentioned that she had told him she had a privileged life before
coming here. Evidently she doesn’t have the privilege now.

When we get back with the furniture the women are all gathered in the
kitchen. All the women except mine. “Where is she?” I ask gruffly.

“Hello to you too, big guy,” Jesse smarts off.

I grab her and pull her into my arms, tickling her. “Okay, okay, Jesus.
She’s outside with Jackson.”

Rachel wraps her arm around Raffe’s waist. “Jackson broke her window
painting.” Raffe grimaces as Rachel continues her story. “Lily handled it so
well. Jackson responds to her in a way I’ve never seen before.”

Raffe and I both move to the window. My blue-haired girl is sitting in the
grass with Jackson. He is focused on what they are working on. “What are
they doing?”

“They painted another window but now they are making a bug catcher,”
Rachel tells us. “When they came in to grab the tools he was talking a mile
a minute. He was pretty excited.”
“Well she was a kindergarten teacher,” I tell them.

“I bet she was a good one. She should look around here for a teaching
job,” Raffe says.

“She told me she’s looking for something different,” Jesse chimes in. Her
and Dirk are leaning on each other, watching them out the back door.

“Damn, I’m hungry, Mama Bear, is it lunch time yet?” Raffe asks,
kissing Candice on the cheek. She swats him on the ass before shooing
everyone out of the kitchen.

“How do you not weigh three hundred pounds. You’re always hungry,”
she mutters. She opens the back door. “Lunch time!” she yells to Lily and
Jackson. They both look up, smiling and nodding at the same time.

I watch as she talks to Jackson. He grabs her hand, and they start walking
towards the house. Both of them pause to squint at the sky. God she is
fucking beautiful. Seeing her holding Jackson’s hand makes me ache to see
her with my child…our child. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Maybe it’s just my
biological clock ticking.

I wait for them by the back door. Candice studies me as she dumps salad
in several large bowls. “You know Bill and I are going to watch out for her
at the bar.”

Grunting, I don’t take my eyes off Lily.

“She really has caught your eye, huh?” she asks.

“She’s more than caught my eye, she stolen my heart,” I admit.

Candice walks over and puts her hand on my shoulder. “I’ve seen the
way the women in the club treat you. You deserve more than that.” She
looks out the window as Lily and Jackson approach. “Lily isn’t one of
them, remember that.”

I nod in understanding as the door swings opens.

“Uncle Dan.” Jackson barrels into me, climbing up my legs like a
goddamn spider monkey. “Look what I made.” He shoves a wooden box
with a screen covering it in my face. “Do you know what it is?”

“Hm, a cage for trolls that like to come out at night and nibble on your
toes.” I grab his feet, flipping him upside down, pretending to eat his toes.

He giggles, struggling to catch his breath. “No, Uncle Dan, stop,” he


Lily grabs him under his arms and pulls him upright, so she is holding his
torso while I still bite at his feet.

He starts to kick so I let go.

Jesse helps him to stand. “Uncle Dan. It’s a bug catcher,” he says,
exasperated with me.

“Oh, I see it now.” I get down on one knee to inspect his creation.
“Where are the bugs?”

“Lily and I are going on a bug hunt after lunch. She promised.”

I glance up at Lily and she smiles at me. “Do you want to go with us?”

“Yes.” I pull myself to my feet and reach out to take her hand but Jackson
steps between us, grabbing it first. He pulls her away from me. She grins
over her shoulder as they head out the front door.

That little shit.

The food is set up on a long table. Some of the guys are pulling picnic
tables out of a few pickup trucks. The club always comes prepared. Jackson
breaks away from Lily to show off his new bug catcher. Jackson is a
handful but everyone in the club loves him.

Without Jackson by her side, Lily looks a little uncomfortable. I grab her
from behind, making her yelp.
“Dan, you scared me,” she scolds.

“I thought I better make my move before your little sidekick comes back
and steals you away from me.”

She laughs up at me. “He’s a really great kid. I had fun with him this

“Hungry?” I ask, wrapping my arms around her waist and walking us to

the food table.

“Yes, everything smells divine.”

I chuckle at her choice of words. She’s definitely grown up in a different

culture than the rest of us but it’s refreshing. We load up our plates then find
an empty spot at the end of one of the tables. I sit down and swing my knee
out, patting it for her to sit down.

She glances around nervously. Her face is an open book. She’s worried
about how this will look but when she sees Candice sitting between Bill’s
legs on the steps she visibly relaxes and carefully perches herself on my

“So, I was thinking, why don’t you let me buy you some nicer things for
your place. Some of that furniture looked pretty rough.”

Lily pops a chip in her mouth shaking her head. “No thank you. I like the
stuff I picked out. I’m going to fix it up.”

Jeremy and JD are sitting across from us. They both fidget nervously. No
one has ever had the balls to tell me no.

“Lily, the dresser is missing knobs and one drawer is about to completely
fall apart.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “I’m going to fix it.”

JD who is usually as quiet as a damn church mouse speaks up. “Do you
like old things?”
She sets her sandwich down and faces him. “I like the idea of taking
something that people have no use for and resurrecting it. I’ve always had
new things.” She scrunches her cute little nose up. “New things are boring.”

Jeremey chuckles and pats JD on the back. “Well, Lily, JD is going to be

your new best friend. He owns a junk yard, hence the name JD, Junkyard
Dog.” JD shifts anxiously. The reason JD owns a junk yard is because he
prefers things over people.

Lily claps her hands together like a kid at Christmas. “Oh, can I look
around your yard? Maybe I can find some things for the house.”

He rubs his hand over the back of his neck. “Yeah, sure. I’m not sure my
junk is what you’re looking for though.”

She hands him her phone. “Give me your number and I’ll call you
sometime this week.”

He looks at the phone in her hand as if it’s going to bite, but he takes it
from her and types his number in before handing it back.

I don’t even have her damn number. Fucker. But I can’t be mad. None of
the ladies give him the time of day. Owning a junk yard isn’t most girl’s
jam. They usually get turned off the minute someone mentions it. But Lily
is different. She speaks to him just like she does everyone else and I like

“I’m actually looking for a tailgate.”

This perks him up. “Oh, shit, girl, I got a ton of tailgates. Chevy, Ford,
you name it I got it.” He smiles at her. Come to think of it, this may be the
first time I’ve seen the man smile.

“Cool, I’m excited to see what you have.” JD blushes. Lily turns her
attention to Jeremy “What do you do?”

He leans back and stretches. “Well mostly women.” He chuckles and

winks at her. “Just kidding. I’m a mechanic. I work in the shop at the
warehouse. My passion is custom paint jobs.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting.” She leans forward. “Jesse told me I had to
name my car. I’d never heard of that. Is that a club thing?”

We all laugh. Jeremy answers, “Don’t tell Jesse but none of the rest of us
have a name for our rides.”

“Oh.” Lily frowns. “I thought it was a great idea.”

He chucks her under the chin, almost earning him my fist in his face but
he removes it quickly. “What do you drive, sweetheart?”

“A 1964 Volkswagen Beetle,” she says proudly.

He looks around the driveway for it.

“Oh, it’s not here,” she tells him. “I left it at the bar last night.” Lily
glances at me shyly.

Jeremy raises his eyebrows towards us, but he is a good guy, and he sees
she is embarrassed, so he doesn’t question it. “If you’re coming to the
barbeque next week maybe I can take a peek under the hood, give her a
tune-up if need be.”

“She?” Lily teases.

“Cars are basically female,” he deadpans.

“So, it’s okay for cars to be referred to as female but not okay to name
them?” She arches an eyebrow in challenge and damn if it doesn’t make my
dick hard.

He smacks his hand on the table, laughing and looks over his shoulder at
Jesse. “Where did you find this girl.”

“She found me,” Jesse yells back winking at Lily.

“Lily. Lily. Lily.” Jackson tugs on her arm. “Let’s go find bugs.”
She laughs popping the last bite of her sandwich in her mouth.

He drums his little fingers impatiently on the table.

“Did you eat your lunch?” I ask him.

He nods, not taking his eyes off her.

“What all did you have?”

He sighs and turns to look at me. “One pickle and two carrot sticks.”

Lily giggles and Jackson’s gaze slides back to her. His ornery eyes
twinkle mischievously. He has big brown eyes and a floppy head of hair
that is usually hanging over one if not both of his eyes.

“How about you have a piece of fried chicken or a sandwich and then we
can go look for bugs.”

He sticks his tongue out at me then runs away, looking over his shoulder
to see if I’ll chase him. Grumpily, he grabs a plate and tosses a sandwich on
it. He walks back over to us and settles by my side. He rubs his face over
my arm as an apology for sticking his tongue out. I ruffle his hair. “Where’s
your mom and dad?”

He shrugs his shoulders while shoving half the sandwich in his mouth.

Lily grabs our empty plates. “I’m going to go help clean up and then we
can go on our bug hunt.”

He shoves another large bite in his mouth. “Okay,” he says, crumbs

falling all over his shirt.

This kid.

After Lily finishes helping clean up, she says a quick good-bye to
everyone who helped work on her place this morning. Dirk and Raffe are
moving the last of the furniture in. I’d help but we have to go find some
damn bugs.
Jackson bounces ahead of us as we walk, Billie Rose on my shoulders.
It’s peaceful in the woods behind her house. “So, what did you think about
the club?”

Lily smiles up at me. “Everyone is so unique. I loved having them all


“Well this was just a handful. Next weekend several chapters are coming
down for a fundraising run. I’d love it if you’d ride with me.”

“It sounds fun. What are you raising money for?”

“Victims of sexual assault. We do a couple of runs every year. We have a

few survivors in the club, it’s important to us.”

Lily focuses on the ground.

“So, will you go with me?” I ask, slowing my steps.

She gnaws on her bottom lip but shakes her head yes.

I stop, grabbing her arm and pulling her to face me. Billie Rose pats my
head wanting down. I set her gently on her feet. “Jackson why don’t you
stop and look for bugs around here.” Jackson drops to the ground,
scrounging through the fallen leaves. Billie Rose runs over to help him

“What’s going on up here?” I tap Lily’s temple.

She stares into my eyes for several minutes. An unforeseen force propels
me to hold my hand out to her. She takes it and squeezes as if she’s afraid I
will slip away. Her lips part and she gasps as if she had just been
underwater and is coming up for air.
Chapter Seventeen

Ithought my anxiety had left me, turns out I had been so busy with my new
surroundings it just hadn’t an opportunity to pounce. What am I doing here?
These people are helpers. I’ve never been a helper in my entire life. I’ve
never been anything other than a damn doormat or worse an enabler.

Dan says something to me, but it sounds muffled like I’m underwater.
My eyes clamber around his frame until I find his amber ones. They pull me
back to the surface, back to reality.

“I’m…I’m sorry what did you say?” I don’t look away; afraid I’ll slip
back under.

He places his warm palm against the side of my neck, letting his fingers
naturally curl behind. “Are you feeling okay?” he asks.

“Yeah.” I shake my head, finally able to remove my gaze from his. “It’s
been a long day. I think I’m just a little sleepy.”

“Lily,” he warns.

“Dan.” I wrap my arms around his waist and stare into his handsome
face. “You did keep me up most of the night.”

The lines around his eyes soften. “Or was it the other way around?” He
wiggles his eyebrows at me.
I lay my head on his chest and watch the kids sift through leaves on the
ground. “I love it here,” I whisper.

Jackson bops his head up. “I found something,” he yells.

Billie Rose sticks her nose down where he is pointing, giggling.

Whatever it is she must not be scared of it. I’m sure she’s as strong as her
mother. Dan and I walk towards them hand in hand and crouch down to see
what they found.

It’s a furry little caterpillar. “Good find, Jackson,” I praise. “Let’s get him
in the bug catcher.”

We pick up the leaf he is perched on and carefully place it inside. We add

part of a branch and some other foliage to make him feel more at home.

Jackson is patient as Billie Rose helps add some of the items. “Good job,
Rosie,” he tells her.

Dan grins down at them. The fondness he feels for the two of them is
clearly evident on his face. “We should get back. Your mom and dad will
want to be getting back to the warehouse.”

“I can’t wait to show them,” Jackson says excitedly.

Dan scoops Billie Rose up. She tucks her face under his chin and my
heart literally starts to melt. Drip, drip, drip. Seeing such a big brute of a
man with a tiny child in his arms is too much for my ovaries to take.

I take Jackson’s hand and we walk back to the house together. A great
end to a great day. If this is what family feels like then I want in. I’m not
sure if there is a place for me but if there is I want it more than I’ve ever
wanted anything.

Back at the house Jesse, Dirk, Raffe and Rachel are relaxing on the
porch, waiting for us. Jackson lets go of my hand and runs ahead to show
them his caterpillar. Dan sets Billie Rose down and she rushes to join him.

“The mission was a success,” I tell them.

Raffe ruffles his son’s hair and comes to stand by me. “Thank you for
hanging with Jackson today. He really seems to like you. I’m sorry about
the painting he broke.”

“Oh, no worries. It was just an old window. I had fun with Jackson today.
He’s a great kid.”

Raffe’s eyes drift over my face, he’s studying me carefully. “Jesse said
you used to be a teacher?”

“Yeah, I’m used to being around kids Jackson’s age.”

“Maybe you could spend some time with him each week. You seem to be
able to keep him interested in things. Rachel and I struggle with that. He is
always bored and getting into trouble.” He runs his hand through his blond
hair. “I mean we would pay you.”

“Awe, you don’t have to pay me. I would love to spend time with him.
Besides, you all have done so much for me.”

“We fixed the floors and did a little painting on a house we own.” He
pulls his cigarettes out and lights one up. “Come on let us pay you.”

“No. Absolutely not. You guys have all been so nice and that alone is
enough for me.”

“Rachel and I will talk about it and maybe we can meet up next weekend
and come up with a time that would work for all of us.”

“That would be wonderful.”

Jackson runs up and wraps his arms around my legs. “Thank you, Lily.”

Crouching down I tip his chin with my finger. “Thank you for my
painting. I’m going to hang it up tonight so the next time you come over
you can see it.”

He jumps excitedly.
“Now, you take good care of your caterpillar. Maybe put some fresh
grass in his cage in a few days. Okay?

He nods and pulls the cage up between us. We both look at the furry little
caterpillar before locking eyes with each other through the screen. He
smiles and so do I.

When I stand up Raffe’s eyes catch on my necklace. He frowns. “We’ll

see you next weekend, Lily,” he says, his eyes darting back to the dragonfly
around my neck.

“Yeah, thank you for helping me today.” I wrap my hand around the

“Come on Jackson, we better get home.”

Jackson waves as they climb in their truck. Rachel pauses by me. “It was
so nice meeting you, Lily. I look forward to next time.”

“Me too.” I hug myself as they back out and head down the road.

Dirk and Jesse tell us they are leaving too.

“Next weekend.” Jesse points to me.

“She’ll be there,” Dan answers for me.

Jesse smiles at him. “Didn’t think I’d ever see the day Dan let a chick
ride on the back of his bike.”

“I let you ride with me.” He crosses his arms across his chest.

“Not the same thing,” Jesse sing songs as she sets Billie Rose in her car

Dirk knocks on the side of his truck before giving us a one finger salute.
“See you motherfuckers next weekend.”
I burst out laughing. The way these people interact is befuddling, yet the
most endearing thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Dan and I watch them drive away and then it’s just the two of us. The
only sound is the wind whistling through the trees and the soulful song of
the crickets.

Dan is the first to speak. “I suppose I should take you back into town to
get your car.”

“Yeah, I suppose,” I say quietly.

We walk back into the house and I slowly spin in a circle. “I can’t believe
how hard everyone worked today. Everything looks beautiful and now that I
have some furniture the place feels even cozier than it did the first time I
walked in.”

Dan glances around the room. “Do you need me to help organize any of
this stuff?”

“No, I’m not sure where I want everything. I’m sure it will come to me.
But thank you for the offer.”

His eyes stop on the place where my painting was hanging. “Sorry about
that.” He points to the wall.

“Don’t be. When Jackson shattered the glass, it enlightened me.”

Dan plops down on my couch. Which by the way looks comfy as all get
out. The furniture in my parent’s home was definitely not comfortable, but
it was showroom beautiful.

“How did it enlighten you?” Dan asks as he stretches his muscular

tattooed arms along the back of the couch.

I sit down, turning to face him. “I’ve spent my whole life looking out a
window, watching everyone else live. When Jackson broke that window, it
made me think maybe I’d finally found something that was on the same
side of the glass as me.” My heart pounds at my admission.
His amber eyes bore into me. “I’m right here. We are on the same side of
the glass. Don’t ever feel that we are not.” His hand wraps gently around
my throat as he pulls me close to him. His beard tickles the side of my face
as he leans in. “You’ll never be alone on one side. Do you know how I’m
sure of this?” he growls lightly in my ear.

I shake my head no.

His grip tightens around my throat. “Because I will hurt anyone who puts
you there and then I’ll shatter the glass. I’ll never let you feel that way

I close my eyes. Falling. Falling. Falling.

Dan’s lips graze my neck. His tongue sneaks out to taste me as he makes
his way down. He places a gentle kiss at the juncture of my neck and
shoulder. When he pulls away, his eyes are a blaze of amber.

“What is happening?” I whisper across his face.

“I think you know,” he says before he pulls me to my feet. “Let’s go get

your car.”

I nod numbly as I ponder his words. Do I know what’s happening? No.

No, I don’t. All I know is that it’s easy to talk to Dan. It’s as if I’ve known
him my whole life. I also know I hate the thought of being away from him.
It’s frightening. It can’t be real. I pinch myself just to make sure this isn’t a
dream. Men don’t say things like Dan just said to me.

Dan chuckles as he shuts the light off and locks the door.

When he throws his leg over his bike I finally regain my voice. “So, you
feel it too?” I ask. Whatever this is I need to know it’s not just one sided.

“I think you know the answer to that question too. But, if you need to
hear it then yes, I feel it.”

“I’m a little scared,” I say, giggling nervously.

He pushes a helmet into my chest. “You should be.” He grins at me

I shove the helmet over my head and climb on behind him. My heart
beats happily even though I know I don’t deserve any of this.

The bar is hopping tonight, the entire parking lot is full. Dan shuts the
engine off and helps me off his bike. We stand silently, staring at each other,
our arms wrapped around each other. The beat of the jukebox filters outside
every time someone opens the door.

“I feel like a fucking teenager again,” he mumbles. “I don’t want to say


A smile breaks out across my face. “Are we still going on that date you
were talking about?”

“Of course. I’ll pick you up at nine. Pack an overnight bag.”

Raising my eyebrows, I tease him, “Oh, I don’t know. I’m not the kind of
girl that sleeps with a guy on the second date.”

He throws his head back and laughs heartily. I place it all to memory.
Every laugh line, the tooth that is slightly crooked, the way his beard is
greying in the middle, the hair that brushes across his brow in such a sexy
way, the….

Dan interrupts my thoughts. “Tomorrow, nine, pack that bag and dress
comfortably. We’ll be on the bike for a few hours.”

I suck my bottom lip between my teeth and nod shyly. “I can’t wait.”

He shakes me in his arms. “Damn, why is this so hard?” He leans down

and kisses me. The old saying, he made my knees weak, yeah I thought that
was a myth too. Turns out it is possible. Holy moly.

When he pulls away he opens my door. “Go on. Get out of here before I
keep you up all night again.”
I get in the driver’s seat and smile up at him. “I didn’t mind.”

He bites his knuckles before shutting my door. He kisses the tips of his
fingers and presses them to my window before waving me away.

What an amazing day. The only thing that would have made it better
would have been if Jenny had been here.
Chapter Eighteen
Jenny ~ Nine Years Earlier

Sometimes in life we live for other people. That’s what I did. I lived solely
to keep my friend safe. Day in and day out I lived. But, on the inside I was
dead. My body went through motions while my mind lingered in the past.
Back to when I was safe and sound. Back to when the world still looked
innocent in my eyes.

I walked around freely, nobody realizing who I was. It was almost as if I

was invisible. Sometimes I wondered if I were already dead. How could
person after person walk by me on the street and not see me. I guess it was
for the best because if they had, my friend would be dead.

But, then the Senator moved me into his home, and my faux freedom

For six days he didn’t leave my side. When he finally did he said he
would be back in a few days. My faux freedom was temporarily returned to
me, as long as I abide by his rules.

I walked out the front door as soon as his car pulled out of the driveway
and I kept walking until I found myself here, looking out across the bay. It’s
so beautiful. So different from Los Angeles.

My fingers wrap around my necklace, fond memories rising to the

surface of my mind. I quickly climb over the railing as a faint mist rolls in
across the water. I can end the pain. Soon it will all be over.
“I like your necklace,” a quiet voice says above me.

I glance up to see Lily leaning over the railing. Her father introduced us a
few days ago. It’s the first time she’s spoken to me. She must have followed
me out of the house. “Thank you,” I reply, my teeth chattering as the mist
seeps into my bones.

Slowly she lowers her hand down to me. “Did someone give it to you?”
she asks calmly.

I nod. “A friend of mine gave it to me. He told me dragonflies have two

sets of wings so they can carry angels on their backs.” I’m shaking all over
as fear filled adrenaline surges through my veins.

Lily lowers her other hand, wiggling her fingers in the air. “Maybe we
could be each other’s angel.”

“Why do you need an angel,” I gasp as the cold wind whips my hair in
my face. She looks like a princess. Then again every princess has a villain
in their story.

“Because I’m dead inside,” she answers.

Same as me.

Lily’s big brown eyes stare down at me.

She sees me.

And I see her.

I reach out and let her help me back over the railing.

We stare at each other for a long time, both of us struggling to catch our

“We run,” I say, holding my hand out to her.

She wraps her dainty fingers around mine. “We run.”

Chapter Nineteen

Being with Dan almost makes me forget everything that happened back
home. Almost. I hug him around the waist, reveling in the way his hard
body feels pressed against mine. The rumble of the bike, the wind, the open
road, and him. Him. Him. Him. I take a deep breath catching his masculine
scent on the breeze.

We drive for a few hours, stopping once to use the restroom and to give
me time to stretch my legs. When we get to our destination my heart stops.
It’s a farm. Sunflower fields surround us.

“The Fall Festival has been going on here since I was a little kid,” he tells

“I’ve never seen anything like this.” My gaze roams over the parking lot.
Families are pulling strollers out the back of their cars, children dancing
around excitedly. It’s contagious.

Dan takes my hand and pulls me inside the gate. “Two please,” he tells
the woman in the ticket booth.

When I notice a big barn and what’s outside I squeal, “Baby goats!”

He laughs. “I guess we go see the goats first.”

We walk hand in hand through the festival, stopping to pet all the
animals. As the day winds down, we buy some kettle corn and find a quiet
bench to sit and rest for a while.

“Thank you for bringing me here. I love it.” My eyes dance over the
fields as the sun drops low in the sky.

“You’re very welcome,” he says, leaning over to kiss me on my temple.

He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close.

“Did you come here a lot as a kid?” I ask, shoving a handful of popcorn
in my mouth.

“Every year.”

“Do you have any siblings?”

“Nope but Dirk and Rachel are like siblings to me. Where was your
favorite place to go as a child?” he asks, digging in the box for a handful of

My eyes scan the horizon as I try to think of something, anything to tell

him. “I liked to go to the bay.”

“San Francisco Bay?”

“Yeah, my aunt and I used to hang out at the bridge.”

“I’ve never been there. Maybe we should make a date of it.” He squeezes
my shoulder lightly.

“Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll ever go back there,” I tell him sadly.
I decide to change the subject before I spoil the day. “What’s your favorite

He laughs. “Black.”

I wrinkle my nose up.

“What’s yours?” he asks.

“All of them.”

“Why does that not surprise me?” He chuckles. “I thought you would say

My hand pulls at a stray hair, I curl it around my finger. “What is your

favorite food?”

“Easy. Steak. You?”

“I don’t have a favorite. I’m still looking.” I grin at him as the sun dips
lower, making his eyes glow so much it warms me up.

“Interesting,” he says, staring out at the fields. “It’s good to be back here.
I’ve missed it. My mom used to bring me here every year. She would have
loved you.”

“I’m sorry.” I lay my hand on his leg.

“She’s not gone. Well she is and she isn’t. She has early onset dementia.”
He stares out at the fields, the sun kissing the flowers with pink and purple
highlights. “The last time I was here she sat with me on this very bench and
told me about her condition. I was so upset, so lost.”

He pauses, clasping his hands in front of him. “Anyhow, she told me a

story about sunflowers and how they always face the sun. I asked what
happened when it was cloudy. She didn’t hesitate. She said they face each
other, becoming one another’s sun.”

“Oh, that’s lovely.” I place my hand over my heart.

He stares straight ahead. “You are my sunflower, Lily. When you walked
into my shop you turned my cloudy day into a bright sunny beautiful one.”

My heartbeat slows in my ears as I stare at the side of his face. When his
amber eyes turn my way, I hold my breath. The amber color reminds me so
much of the sun that pulled me from the murky depths of the bay. “Dan,” I

He runs his fingers through his beard and then looks at his hands. “You
must think I’m a goddamn lunatic.”

“No.” I place my hand on the side of his face, pulling it towards me. “I
don’t think you’re a lunatic at all.”

“Are you sure because I feel like one. Goddammit, Lily, I’m so fucking
high on you right now.”

My hand falls away from his face.

“I’m sorry, shit, I shouldn’t have said that.” He stands ready to walk

“Well, if you’re a lunatic then so am I. Last night after we said goodbye, I

missed you terribly. But there’s a lot you don’t know about me.” I bite my
lip and turn away from him.

He sits back down, pulling me into his lap, not giving a care who might
see us. “I want to know everything about you.”

“I don’t know, Dan. I want to forget everything before coming here.”

“That can’t be true. You wouldn’t want to forget about your aunt would

I snuggle into him, reveling in the warmth he provides. “No, I suppose

not. She was my bright spot.”

“It’s been two years since I’ve been home. Meeting you made me want to
come back. I don’t know why, like I said you are my sunflower on a cloudy
day. I felt like I could do it with you by my side.”

“Is that where we are going after this? To your parents?” I wrap my arms
around his neck, placing my forehead to his.
“If you’ll go with me?” he asks hopefully.

“Yes, I’ll go with you. Your mother sounds lovely.”

“She won’t recognize me,” he says, pain etched into the space between
his brows. I lean in and kiss him there, wanting to erase his hurt. My kisses
become frantic as I place them all over his face. He grabs the hair at the
base of my neck to stop me. He stares deep into my eyes. “You think you
can kiss me better?”

A grin spreads across my face. “Is it working?”

The corner of his mouth turns up. “It’s working too well.” He grabs my
hand and moves it over his growing erection.

“Oh, oh shit. I’m sorry,” I yelp, pulling my hand away. “I didn’t mean…”

He kisses me soundly on the mouth to shut me up.

Breathless, he leaves me breathless.

We finish the day with a hayrack ride out to the pumpkin patch. We
purchase a few smaller ones, hoping we can fit them in his saddlebags.

When we get to his childhood home I shake my hands out. I’m so

nervous. Before we even get to the door it swings open. A big guy as huge
as Dan bursts through. He wraps his son up in his arms, picking him off the

“Goddamn, boy, it’s good to see you.” He puts Dan on his feet and then
turns to me. I brace myself for what’s coming. Yep, soon I’m wrapped up in
strong arms, my feet dangling in the air.

“Oh, she’s a tiny thing like your mother,” he tells Dan, setting me back
on my feet.

“Dad, this is Lily. Lily, this brute is my dad, Ray.” Dan’s eyes shine
proudly over his father. A pang of jealousy sticks me in the heart.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I say softly.

Ray let’s his eyes roam over my body, taking me in. When he’s finished
with his assessment his gaze travels back to his son.

“How’s mom?” Dan asks nervously.

“She’s good, her health anyway. Mentally, well it depends on the day.”
He motions for us to come inside. “Come on let’s go in and have supper.
Your mom made all your favorites.”

“She remembered?”

His dad pauses. “I may have nudged her in the right direction.” He places
his arm around Dan’s shoulders when he notices the disappointment on his
son’s face. “She did remember how to make it. That’s something to hold
onto, kid.”

“Yeah,” Dan says sadly.

The house is cozy. There is a lot of biker memorabilia hanging on the

walls. I pause to look at a photo of a small boy on a Harley, a young couple
standing beside him with big grins on their faces. Awe, Dan was such a

“Don’t be asking to see any butt naked pictures of me because there

aren’t any,” Dan says over my shoulder, laughing.

“You were so cute,” I tease.

The house is warm and smells like cinnamon. I close my eyes and try to
imagine what growing up here would be like.

He grabs my hand and walks us into the kitchen. A petite woman with
the most beautiful white flowing hair turns to look at us as she sets the
table. Dan’s father walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her
waist. He whispers something in her ear. She smiles and dips her head.
Dan seems frozen in his spot, he gulps loudly. I squeeze his hand and we
turn to face each other. Slowly a smile grows on his handsome face. “Thank
you, sunflower,” he whispers. I nod and step forward.

“Everything smells so wonderful,” I say to his mother.

She pulls herself away from her husband to move closer to me. Her eyes
are the same color as Dan’s and they bounce over my face, pausing on my
hair. She reaches out and runs a stray piece through her fingers. “Your hair
is beautiful,” she says, not taking her eyes away from it.

“I think yours is beautiful too.”

Her eyes dart to mine and she drops my hair to pat at her own. “I’ve
thought about dying it, but he likes it this way.” She glances over her
shoulder shyly to look at her husband.

“I think he’s right. It’s beautiful just the way it is.”

She suddenly notices Dan. “Who is your friend?” she asks me.

My heart breaks into a million shards when I realize she doesn’t know
her own son. I quickly recover, reaching back to grab Dan’s hand and pull
him forward.

“This is my boyfriend, Dan. Isn’t he handsome?”

She studies him for a moment. “He is very handsome.” She raises her
eyebrows to me, smiling. “Nice to meet you, Dan.” She holds her small
hand out to him.

He takes it in his. “Lily is right supper smells wonderful.”

“I hope you like steak and potatoes.” She pats his arm.

“Yes, ma’am, I sure do.”

The meal is wonderful, and the conversation light. Dan’s mom strays
away from the conversation often, staring blankly at the wall opposite her.
Then it’s like someone flips a switch and she will comment on whatever we
are talking about.

“Dan and I spent a wonderful day at the Harvest Festival,” I tell her.

She blinks a few times. “The Harvest Festival?” she asks.

“Yes, it was gorgeous with all of the sunflower fields. My favorite thing
was the baby goats.” I feel Dan’s eyes on me, making me nervous. I hope I
don’t upset her in some way.

“Did you go for a hayrack ride?” she asks.

I notice Dan set his fork on his plate, sitting up taller in his chair.

“We did. Dan told me it was a family tradition to finish the day with a
hayrack ride out to the pumpkin patch.”

Her eyes slide to Dan and it’s as if she just noticed him there. “Dan, when
did you get home?” she asks, standing up and rushing to his side. Tears
form in the corners of his eyes as he stands slowly.

He wraps her up in his arms. “Hi, mom, Lily and I just got here,” he says

My eyes meet Ray’s across the table. He is watching his wife and son
embrace. He turns to me, nodding his head in thanks. It wasn’t me. I didn’t
do anything.

Dan’s mom turns back to me. “Oh, honey, I don’t think anyone properly
introduced us. I’m Angela, it’s so nice to meet you.” She removes herself
from Dan to shake my hand. “You’re such a pretty little thing. Dan’s never
brought a girl home before. You must be special.”

She reaches up and pinches his cheek. He blushes. Full out.

Angela pushes him back down in his seat. “I think I have chocolate cake
for dessert. Eat, eat.” She motions for him to keep eating. Rushing around
the kitchen she comes back with the cake, setting it down beside him. “It’s
your favorite,” she coos, patting him on the head.

She sits back down and picks up her fork to finish her meal. Her eyes
keep going back to him though, like she can’t get enough of him.

The look of happiness on Dan’s face brings me so much satisfaction. I

want to make him happy like this every day.

Angela asks him a million questions. She even asks about Dirk and
Rachel. Dan answers her excitedly like he’s a kid home from college. Not
that I know what that would be like, but that’s how families act on tv. I
guess he’s had two years of stuff he’s been dying to share with her.

My hand rubs over my chest, drawing her attention back to me. “Do you
like the cake, sweetie?”

“Oh, it’s wonderful. Would you mind sharing the recipe with me? I know
I’ll never be able to make it as good as yours, but I would love to try.”

She hops up and grabs a pen and paper. Quickly her hand glides over the
paper as she tells me exactly how to do it. “The trick is to pull it out a few
minutes before you think it’s done.”

When she slides it over to me she glances from Dan back to me. “When
is the wedding?” she asks, a serious look on her face.

I choke on my tea. Dan stutters, “Mom, we just met a week ago.”

His dad laughs and leans over to give his wife a kiss. “How long did it
take for you to marry my ass?” he asks her.

She giggles like a schoolgirl. “Two days,” she says, staring longingly at
her husband.

“Wow. You must have known right away.” I lean back in my chair, my
eyes darting to Dan who looks embarrassed by his mom’s comment.
They stare at each other. “We did. The minute I saw this woman I knew I
wanted to spend the rest of my days with her. I didn’t know what family
was until I met her.”

A lump forms in my throat as I watch them.

Dan takes my hand under the table. When I feel like I can keep the tears
at bay I glance at him. He smiles warmly before nodding his head towards
them. “They used to embarrass me with all their public displays of
affection, but I think I get it now.”

Ray laughs and his mom blushes prettily at Dan’s admission. “Were we
that bad?” she asks.

“Yes. Yes, you were but it’s fine. I grew up knowing what love looks

Where did this man come from? He says the most thought provoking,
deep things. It’s not normal. I’ve never met a man like him.

“I think a winter wedding would be wonderful,” his mom teases.

“Mom,” he scolds. “You’re going to scare her off.”

I laugh at this. “If I was going to get scared off I think it would have
happened when you threatened to rip body parts off of anyone who looked
at me.”

His dad roars with laughter.

Angela tsks, “So, much like your father.” But she smiles at him with so
much love that even I can feel it.

“In my defense men were ogling her like a bunch of vultures. I was only
trying to protect her.

His mom’s eyes soften at the corners. “I know you’ll protect her, you’re a
good boy, Dan.”
We finish the evening off by carving pumpkins. While Dan and his mom
are out lighting them on the porch his dad pours us a glass of wine. “I’m
glad Dan finally found his way home.”

I shift nervously on the couch. He hands me a glass.

“I know it’s hard on him when she doesn’t remember.” He takes a drink
and sighs. “She may not notice his absence but boy I sure do.”

“Maybe he’s finally coming to terms with her condition,” I offer, not sure
what to say.

“Maybe it’s you.” He taps his glass on his knee.

“Oh, I can’t take the credit. He asked me to come with him. I didn’t
suggest it.”

His gaze slides over my face. “You haven’t mentioned your family?”

Wringing my hands nervously in my lap I think of how to respond. “I

don’t really have a family.”

He nods his head slowly. “Does Dan feel like family?” he asks me

Tears escape my eyes without permission. “He feels like home.”

“And home is family,” he says quietly. The screen door creaks open. Dan
and his mom’s laughter wafts down the hallway. “You know even on the
days she doesn’t remember me she never seems frightened. Her mind might
not remember me, but her soul sure does.”

Okay, now I see where Dan gets it. I wipe at my eyes as they join us. Not
only does my heart want Dan, but it also wants his friends, his family…I
want it all.

After we each finish our wine I notice Angela starting to stare off again.
“You ready for bed, sweetheart,” Ray asks her.
“Do I sleep here?” she asks him, confused.

Dan tenses next to me.

Ray kneels down in front of her, taking her hands in his. “You do. I’m a
lucky guy because you and I are roommates.”

Her head drops and she hides behind her silver hair, giggling. “I don’t
even know you,” she says shyly.

“But you want to don’t you?” he asks, full out flirting with his wife.

She nods, holding her hand out to him. He pulls her out of the chair and
twirls her around the living room a few times, leading her in a silent dance.
Her eyes lock on his and I see what he means. She may not remember she is
married to this man, but she loves him none the less.

Ray hollers over his shoulder, “See you two in the morning.”

“Goodnight,” I answer as they disappear into their bedroom.

Dan doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t even move. After several minutes
of silence, I slide onto his lap, straddling him. I wrap my arms around his
neck and hug him tight. His body trembles as he tries to keep his emotions
from spilling out. “I’ve got you,” I whisper in his ear. “I won’t let you fall.”

He tightens his grip around me. We stay like this for a long, long time.
Eventually, he pushes me off his lap gently. We quietly make our way into
his room. He closes the door behind us. It’s dark as we undress each other.
Both of us needing to feel the other, skin to skin, soul to soul.

We slide into his bed and cling to each other. Whatever is happening
between the two of us is strange, it’s powerful, it’s wonderful. I left home,
hoping to forget the past, to find a new home, maybe discover who I was…I
never expected this. Please, please don’t take it away from me.
Chapter Twenty

Sometimes you go through life on autopilot. That was what I did until I met
Jesse. She opened up my heart a tiny bit. Just enough for Lily to slip
through. Now it’s been blown clean open. I’m fucking terrified.

If I hadn’t met Jesse first I don’t know that I would have paid Lily much
attention. I had a one track mind. Work, work, work. Then Jesse reminded
me how much I needed people in my life. Friends and family.

It was not quite a year ago that I sat on the dock, watching dragonflies
dart over the lake. I pulled out my sketch book and went to work, thinking
about the dragonfly story Raffe had once told me. I wished and prayed I
would meet someone. Maybe someone as sweet as my mother.

Then Lily showed up wanting a dragonfly tattoo. If that’s not fate then I
don’t know what the fuck is. Lily has a kind soul. She has a way with
people. Especially people who are different. Jackson, JD…my mom. God,
seeing how she interacted with my mother made my chest ache.

I need to learn everything there is to know about her. Bits and pieces are
all I get. I want more.

My crazy ass wants to storm the walls around her heart and then stick my
flag in it, effectively claiming it for myself.
When we woke up this morning she insisted I go to breakfast with my
dad. She stayed at the house with my mom and they baked cinnamon rolls.
My dad was ecstatic to spend the morning with me. I guess I hadn’t really
thought about how all this affected him.

I found Lily and my mom going through scrapbooks when we returned.

They were both laughing and drinking coffee at the table. I thought maybe
my mom would remember me, but she didn’t. That’s not entirely true, she
remembered, but she thought I was ten. She kept asking my dad if it was
time to pick me up from school.

When we left I promised my dad I would come home more often. He said
he wanted to come visit me too but wasn’t sure how mom would react away
from her familiar surroundings.

If it weren’t for Lily I don’t know if I would have went home. With her
by my side I felt like I could do it. I can’t explain it. Just know that she
brings a peace to my heart.

“You sure you’re okay?” she asks as I drop her off at her house.

“Yeah, thanks for going with me.”

“It was so much fun, and I loved meeting your family.” Her smile drops,
she turns away from me, hoping I don’t notice but I do. I notice everything
about her.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I wish I had a family for you to meet.” Her big brown eyes swim in
sadness. It breaks my big fucking heart.

“Maybe someday you’ll feel strong enough to go back home. It took me

two years to visit my parents.”

She shakes her head furiously back and forth. “No. No, I’m never going
back there. I’m sorry you’ll never meet them. I’ll never share you with
them. They don’t deserve to know someone like you.”
The night we spent at the bar she told me a little about them. How they
were never home. There seems to be more going on than absent parents.
Something that scares her. I don’t like it.

“I’m perfectly okay with you keeping me all to yourself,” I tease,

grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close to me. “Can I come
over tonight?” I whisper in her ear.

She giggles. Thoughts of her family long gone. “Yes, but I have to work
till nine.”

I growl, biting her neck. She leans her head to the side to give me more
access. Her hands fist my shirt, and she makes the cutest little mewling
sound. “I hate that you’re working at the bar,” I tell her honestly once I
remove my teeth from her flawless skin.

“Dan, I need something to do for a while. I can’t sit here all day doing
nothing.” She puts her hand on her hip, stomping her little foot.

“Okay, but if I don’t think it’s safe then that’s it, you’re done.”

Her eyes narrow. “Why wouldn’t it be safe?”

I laugh and back away from her. “It’s a bar, sweetheart, they’ll be all
kinds of jokers in there.”

She chews on her nail, thinking about it. “I love that you are worried
about me, but I want to do this. At least until I find my passion.”

“How bout I come at closing to make sure you get home safe?” I dip my
head to catch her eyes.

She smiles and holds out her hand. “Deal.” I take her hand but instead of
shaking on it I jerk her close and lean down to kiss her, putting as much as I
have into it. God she tastes like heaven.

When I pull away her fingers dance across her lips. “Jesus, Dan,” she
says breathlessly. “What were we talking about?”
I swat her on the ass. “See you tonight.”

She leans against the door frame, waving as I pull out of the driveway.

Raffe and Jesse both look up when I enter the shop.

Pointing to Raffe, I drop my leather jacket on the hook by the door.

“Soon you’re going to run out of room like Dirk.”

He shrugs. “I needed some relief.”

Jesse gives me a look as I lean over to see what they are doing.

“What’s going on?” I ask him.

“I don’t know, man.” He lays his head back on the chair, watching Jesse
trail her needle over the empty space above his knee. “I’ve been thinking
about the past a lot lately.”

I sit down, concern creeping up my spine. Raffe has an ugly past. He’s
one of the reasons we do our run a couple of times a year. He was a victim
of trafficking.

“Anything I can help with?”

“Naw, I’m sure I’ll pull myself out of the funk. Being here is already
helping.” He closes his eyes, so I leave him to his thoughts and busy myself
drawing up a design for a customer I have coming in later today.

Jesse smacks her gum between her teeth. “How was your date?”

Raffe’s eyes open, suddenly interested in our conversation again.


“Where did you take her?” she asks while focusing on Raffe’s leg.

She stops her gun and both she and Raffe stare at me with their mouths
hanging open.


“You took her home? Like to your parent’s house?” Raffe asks, rubbing
his hand across the stubble on his jaw.

I nod, concentrating on my work. I’m slightly embarrassed, I don’t know


“Dan, that’s great. How’s your mom?” Jesse asks, scooting her stool over
to me. She pulls her gloves off and places her hand over one of mine,
effectively forcing me to stop what I’m doing

Reluctantly I face her. “She’s okay.” I try to go back to my work, but she
isn’t having it. She keeps her eyes locked on me, waiting for more.

“She’s doing as good as can be expected. My dad was really happy to see

Jesse senses my guilt. “We all have to go at our own speed, Dan.”

I nod. “Lily told them how we had spent the day at the Harvest Festival,
and it sparked something in Mom. She remembered me.”

Jesse puts her hand over her heart, glancing back at Raffe. He blinks,
swallowing hard.

“Dan, how wonderful for you,” Jesse says in awe.

“It was amazing. I talked her leg off. I gave her a condensed version of
the past two years.” I smile, thinking about how good it felt to have my
mom listen to me again.

“Jesus, Dan, I’m so happy for you,” Raffe says quietly.

“Anyhow, I’m going to try to go home more. We even talked about them
visiting here.”
Jesse smiles. “That would be fucking awesome.”

“Get back to work,” I grumble, done talking about this.

She laughs but obeys, going back to work on Raffe. The rest of the
afternoon drags on. I find myself watching the clock. Minutes never moved
so fucking slow.

But, as soon as I pull into the parking lot at the bar time seems to go back
to its normal speed.

When I step inside Lily immediately turns her head my way, still talking
to the customer in front of her. A beautiful smile breaks out over her face.

I walk over and take a seat at the end of the bar, nodding at the patrons
I’m familiar with. Lily finishes with the customer she was helping then
makes her way down to me. “Hey, stranger. What can I get for you?” She
winks at me, sending blood pumping straight to my cock.

I growl, leaning over the bar, inhaling her sugary scent. “I’ll take one of
these.” I place my lips to hers, not giving a fuck who is watching.

She smiles against my lips. So fucking sweet.

When I pull away and settle back on my stool, she swipes a bar towel
over the counter, giving me the most tantalizing view of her tits. That’s
great and all but everyone else is getting the same view. “That will be
twenty dollars.” She smirks, narrowing her eyes at me. Her tongue sneaks
out to run over her top lip.

Laughing, I look down the bar towards Bill. He shakes a finger at me in

warning. I ignore him and turn back to Lily. “What time do you get off,

She looks at her imaginary watch. “In five,” she says, tossing the bar
towel over her shoulder. She grabs a beer out of the cooler, pops the cap,
and slides it in front of me.
Lily braces her arms on the counter, watching as I bring the bottle up to
my lips. She blinks slowly, her lashes brushing seductively over her soft

“How bout I give you a ride home?” I run the pad of my thumb over my
bottom lip. Her eyes trace the movement, her breath slowing.

“I don’t usually let strangers take me home.”

“No?” I tip my head, carefully studying her reactions. She likes this. The
role playing is turning her the fuck on.

“What if I fuck you in the parking lot, then we won’t be strangers


Her eyes widen, clearly unused to such crass talk. She recovers quickly.
She walks away from me, but I can tell she is still playing the game as her
hips swing from side to side. Lily glances at me over her shoulder offering
me an innocent smile. It fucking makes my balls ache. Jesus.

Lily takes her apron off as she speaks to Bill. He nods, smiling. He hands
her a timecard and she writes on it, pausing to give me a quick once over
before she goes back to it. She hands it Bill. He gives her a quick hug,
looking at me over her shoulder. I see him whisper in her ear. When he
releases her, her cheeks are rosy red. Fucking Bill.

She grabs her keys off the back counter and heads out the door not saying
a fucking word to me. Bill shrugs his shoulders before roaring with
laughter. Glad we’ve been a source of entertainment for the fucker.

I place a twenty on the bar and follow her outside. She is fumbling with
the keys of her car. Is she trying to run from me? Then I see the corner of
her mouth tip up. She’s fucking playing with me.

We’ll see how far she wants to take this. I sneak up and grab her from
behind, wrapping my hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. My arm
sneaks around her middle like a vice, pinning her to my hard body.
I lean down whispering into her ear, “This is why they teach little girls
like you not to talk to strangers.”

Lily breaths heavily through her nose. Her pulse jumping visibly in her

She shifts her feet, gravel crunching beneath her sneakers. My cock
strains painfully against her ass. I close my eyes, savoring the feel of her
helpless in my arms. “If I uncover your mouth are you going to scream,

She shakes her head no.

I slide my hand down from her mouth, dropping it lightly across her
throat. Thump. Thump. Thump. Her pulse beats beneath my palm.

“I’m going to fuck you, just like I promised. Then I’m going to take you
home and fuck you some more.” I feel her swallow and my cock jerks in
response. Sweet little Lily is perfect. Fucking perfect.
Chapter Twenty-One

Fuck this is hot. The fact that this turns me on is somewhat humiliating.
Especially since…fuck don’t think of that now. Dan growls in my ear as he
drags me to the back of my car. He grabs my hands, pulling them to the top.

“Don’t you dare fucking move them,” he tells me.

My pussy clenches at his demand. He kicks my feet, forcing me to spread

my legs wide for him. His big hands slide up my thighs, pushing my jean
skirt over my hips. I glance around suddenly worried someone might see us.

He tsks in my ear as he unbuckles his belt. “Eyes closed,” he demands,

pushing my panties aside with a finger. His beard brushes across my cheek.
“Mmm,” he moans. “So fucking wet for me.”

My legs shake, his praise sending an abundance of endorphins through

my system. I wonder if anyone is watching but my eyes are closed so I
don’t know. Fuck if that doesn’t excite me.

I’m living. I feel so fucking alive. I moan rolling my forehead over the
back window as he slides into me from behind. He thrusts hard and fast,
rolling my clit between his finger and thumb. It feels so fucking good.

He grips my hip almost painfully as he comes inside of me. I come right

along with him, groaning my release against the window, my breath
steaming over the glass.
“Fuck, Lily.” He rests his forehead between my shoulder blades, bracing
his arms on either side of my head.

When I glance around to see if anyone saw us he raises his head from my
back. “I wouldn’t have let anyone see you,” he says, turning my face
towards him.

“I know,” I whisper, turning in his arms. I wrap my fist in his t-shirt and
tug on it. “I guess we’re not strangers anymore.” He laughs and swats me
on the ass.

“Go on.” He steps away from me, tucking himself back in his pants. He
waves his hand towards my beetle as I yank my skirt back into place. “I’ll
follow you.” He waits until I get inside my car before tossing his leg over
his bike.

Dan kept his word, fucking me all night long. When he finally lets me
rest, I fall into a deep sleep.

I stretch happily in my bed and then I hear one of them. Oh no. I get up,
tiptoeing across the house to the other wing. The crying gets louder the
closer I get to the locked door. It’s always locked, but I still check every time
on the off chance it will open.

Of course, it’s locked. My heart beats loudly as I stand in my princess

jammies listening to the girl whimper on the other side of the door. I want to
help her. I’d go wake daddy to help but he’s never in his room and the
servants just shoo me back to my bed, telling me I’m hearing things.

Maybe I am dreaming. It’s the same dream, that’s all. I turn to run back
to my room when I hear him.

He’s in there with the girl? I drop to my knees on the plush carpet, trying
to peek underneath the door. I can’t see anything.

“Shh, stop crying, sweetie,” my daddy says. He makes a weird sound.

I don’t like it.

I don’t like it.

Jumping to my feet, I cover my hand over my mouth, trying to stop the

vomit that seeps through my fingers.

The door swings open. Daddy only has a pair of pants on, unbuttoned
and hanging loose. He closes the door quickly, not giving me a chance to
see who is crying. “What are you doing up, Lily?” he scolds. He’s angry.

“I…I don’t feel so good.” I pretend I didn’t hear anything.

He sighs, turning me towards the bathroom. He busies himself, turning

on the shower as I wash my hands in the sink. “Get in the shower and rinse
yourself off.” He walks out of the bathroom not looking at me.

When I finish I see he has placed a clean set of pajamas on the counter
for me. I dress quickly. When I open the door, he is leaning against the wall,
running his hands through his hair. It makes him look scary. I’ve never seen
him with a hair out of place.

“Feeling better?” he asks.

I nod, dropping my eyes to the floor. My ears strain for any sign of the
crying girl but it’s quiet now.

“Let’s get you back to bed.”

I startle awake, running for the bathroom. Leaning over the toilet, I cover
my ears trying to silence the crying. It never goes away. It’s become a white
noise in the background of my life. Sometimes it’s quiet but it’s never gone.
Rocking back and forth I try not to get sick. “Stop crying, stop crying, stop
crying,” I whisper my chant to the porcelain.

A warm hand touches my back, making me jump. “It’s just me, Lily,”
Dan says quietly, removing his hand from my back.

Shit, I forgot he was here. My eyes drop back to the toilet, praying for
this to be part of my nightmare. But it’s not. His warm hand lands on my
back again. He rubs circles over it until my heartbeat slows, the nausea
retreats and the crying crawls back to the corner of my mind.

I sit back on my haunches and take his hand, allowing him to pull me
upright. I scoot over to the sink and splash some cold water on my face.
When I stand to pat my face dry my eyes connect with his in the glass.

He frowns. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I shake my head no. “It was nothing just a nightmare,” I tell him, tucking
the towel back onto the rack I pulled it from.

When we climb back into bed he pulls me into a spooning position. His
hot breath rushes over my ear as he leans in. “Lily, I want to know
everything about you. Not to punish you but so I can understand how to
love you.” He squeezes me, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “I want to
love you. Please let me love you.”

I choke on a sob, letting him comfort me in his arms. “I want to tell you
everything. I just don’t know how,” I murmur softly into my pillow.

“That’s okay,” he says quietly. “As long as you don’t shut me out.”

“I’m afraid you’ll hate me.” Another sob escapes me.

He presses his mouth to my temple, speaking against it. “I could never

hate you.”

I try to shake my head and pull away from him, but he doesn’t release
me. Instead he growls and wraps one of his big legs across me. “I. Will.
Never. Hate. You,” he says almost angrily, seemingly insulted that I could
even think such a thing.

He relaxes when I cease my struggle. “Tell me what your nightmare was

about?” he suggests softly.

I close my eyes and fall. “When I was young I heard girls,” I pause,
thinking about it, “sometimes women, crying.”
“Why were they crying?” he asks, holding me tight.

“I think my dad was hurting them.” He stiffens behind me, but he doesn’t
move away.

“Lily, why do you think that?” His finger brushes over my stomach in a
relaxing motion. He’s trying to keep me calm and talking.

“He was the only one in there with them.” I bite the inside of my cheek.

“Did he hurt you?” he asks gently.

I shake my head no.

“You’re wrong,” he whispers, turning me over so he can stare down at

me. “He did hurt you. By hurting them, he hurt you.” He closes his eyes and
when he opens them I see how much he hurts for me. So much pain…will it
ever end?
Chapter Twenty-Two

JD seemed surprised that I called. I need something to take my mind off

things. “So, this is my tailgate section.” He points to a piece of land lined
with tailgate after tailgate. All types, colors, and condition.

“Wow.” I glance around the junkyard. Everything is so organized. Not

what I expected a junkyard to be.

“See anything you like?”

I step between them, looking for the perfect one. When I find a gold Ford
tailgate I point to it, jumping up and down. “This is it!” I exclaim.

He laughs and helps me carry it up to the front. As we are walking I

notice some cool gear looking thingies. We set the tailgate down and I ask
him, “What are those?” I point to the box filled with them.

“Sprockets. They go on motorcycles.” He walks over and picks one up.

“They turn the chain.”

“I love them,” I say, running my finger over the cold metal.

He laughs. “You’re a strange girl.”

I smile up at him.
“I mean that in a good way,” he adds quickly.

As I stare at the sprockets an idea comes to mind. “Hey, Dan told me

there is an auction this weekend, after the run. He asked me to paint a
picture and donate it, but I think I have a better idea. Do you know anything
about electricity?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

“Enough to not get myself zapped. Let’s hear this idea.”

I tell him my idea and we set to work. “These are so fucking cool, Lily. I
might even bid on them myself.”

“Why? We can always make more,” I tell him, wiping my brow with the
back of my hand.

He stops what he is doing to stare at me. “Yeah, we could, couldn’t we?”

J.D. smiles shyly, turning his ballcap on backwards. He dips his head and
gets back to work. He glances at me from time to time, like he can’t believe
I’m really working beside him.

The rest of the week flies by. The excitement of the run not only pulsing
through my veins but through the entire club. I’ve gotten to know a few of
them as they come into the bar for a drink or to grab a burger. I tell you
Mama Bear makes the best burgers I’ve ever had.

I bet I’ve gained fifteen pounds since coming here. Dan seems to
appreciate it. He comes every night to make sure I get home safely.
Sometimes he stays with me, other times he walks me to the door and kisses
me goodnight.

We both struggle on those nights. I hate being away from him and I know
he feels the same. It’s only been a few weeks, but I feel like I’ve lived here
my entire life. I never want to leave and if I had it my way, Dan would be in
my bed every single night.

Jesse knocks on my door early the morning of the run. “Hey, Jesse, what
are you doing here?” I wave to Dirk who is sitting on his bike smoking a
“I wanted to bring this by.” She drops a leather jacket in my hands.

My fingers curl around the soft leather. “Jesse,” I whisper. I don’t know
much about the biker culture but I’m sure this must be a great honor.

“JD brought over the sprocket lamps you guys made. He was gushing,
Lily. JD doesn’t gush.”

I laugh lightly. “He was pretty proud of them.”

“They are perfect. I’m sure they’ll bring a pretty penny. Bikers love that
kind of shit,” she says, looking over her shoulder at Dirk before turning her
eyes back to me. “Anyhow, you’re part of this club and you deserve it.”

“Oh, Jesse. I don’t even know where I would fit into the club. I’m
honored but…” she cuts me off.

“You don’t have to be like us to be one of us.” She shrugs her shoulders.
“You’re the color, Lily.” She turns, taking a step off the porch. “See you on
the road.”

I watch as she shoves a helmet over her long silky black hair. Dirk salutes
me and they are off.

My eyes drop to the jacket in my hand. I hold it up, smiling at the patches
on the back. There are two. One says Property of Big Dan, the other is the
Rebel Skull logo. Dan pulls in as I’m standing there, squeezing the life out
of it like an idiot. How embarrassing.

He laughs as he shuts the bike off. “You know I was supposed to give
you that.” He points to my new prized possession. “Jesse said she found
you, so it was her right.”

“You don’t agree?”

Climbing the steps slowly, he regards me. “This is a big deal in our club.
It’s equivalent to a marriage.”

I swallow, staring at him. “But…”

He holds up his hand. “I don’t care about your past. We’ll get through all
that eventually. Nothing you tell me will change anything.”

“Aren’t you supposed to get down on one knee or something?” I tease,

shyly pulling the jacket up to cover my mouth.

He takes the last step and drops to one knee. Dan hugs me around the
waist, pressing his face into my stomach. “Will you please wear my patch?”
he mumbles into my t-shirt.

Sliding my arms through the sleeves of the jacket, I answer him. He

gazes up at me, happiness swimming in the amber liquid of his eyes.

As I’m riding on the back of Dan’s bike I allow my mind to run through
my life these past few weeks. I’m changing. I feel the shift. I’m on the other
side of the glass, living, breathing, loving. I cut the last tie to my father

I drove to a bank in a neighboring town and transferred every last penny

into Jesse’s charity account. I didn’t want anyone to know it was from me.
JD asked Jesse for the account information, promising me he wouldn’t tell
anyone who made the anonymous donation. I didn’t tell him how much I
was donating. I told him I had a little money left over from my previous life
and I really wanted to help. I downplayed it as best I could. He seemed to
accept I didn’t want the attention and that is true, so it wasn’t really a
deception. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

Being on the back of Dan’s bike is freeing. I let go of Dan for a second,
spreading my arms out wide. I’m free yet secure in the fact I have Dan and
his entire club at my back. I pull my arms in and grab him around the waist
tightly. Insecurity takes over my thoughts.

Do I really have them? Is it an illusion? What if they knew who I was?

What if they learned my secrets?
Chapter Twenty-Three

The charity run ends at the warehouse. I’ve never seen this many bikes in
one place before. Dan drapes his arm around my shoulder as we walk
through the items that are up for auction. The whole day has been about
having fun and raising as much money for Jesse’s charity as we can.

Dirk stands up on the back of a flatbed trailer. Before he starts the auction
he invites any survivors of sexual assault up on stage. I blink back tears as
people start forward, Dirk reaches down to help pull them up beside him.
Raffe and Jesse go up right away. Then Jesse’s little sister, Katie, joins

Dan’s gaze rests heavily upon my face. I don’t dare turn towards him. My
feet are frozen in place, my heart about to burst out of my chest. Dirk’s eyes
graze the crowd, stopping on me. I lower my head. I know what he thinks,
what Dan thinks, but no one hurt me.

I wait until the bidding starts before I excuse myself to use the restroom.
Dan walks me up to the warehouse. It’s beautiful inside. “Is this where you
live?” I ask him.

“Yep. Some of us live here. A few come and go. Dirk is the president, so
he and Jesse are here most of the time.

I follow him upstairs. He opens the door to what I am assuming is his

room. “The bathroom is right there.” He points to a door on the right.
Dan is so organized. Everything has a place. I stifle a giggle as I take in
the skull toothbrush holder. When I walk out he is sitting on his bed,
waiting for me. “Ready to go back down?” he asks, tipping his head. My
gaze travels over the ink on the side of his neck. I want to lick him there.

He smirks as if he can read my mind. “You want to stay here with me

tonight, honey?” He pats his bed.

My heart rejoices with the thought of staying here with him. I nod,
smiling shyly.

He stands, taking a step towards me. He grabs my hand and squeezes it.
“We better get back down there. I want to be first in line for the food.”

JD runs up to us as soon as we walk out onto the patio. “Lily, our lamps
brought a hundred dollars each!” he exclaims.

“Awe, that’s great,” I tell him as he picks me up off my feet, hugging me

tight. When he sets me down everyone is staring at us, but he doesn’t even
notice he’s so excited.

“Hey, I’m going to go grab a bite, but I’ll see you tomorrow morning and
we can work on your porch swing.”

“That sounds great. See you then.” I watch as he grabs a hot dog off a
tray before darting inside.

Dan rubs his jaw. “You sure have him fired up. I’ve never seen him so
excited about anything.”

“He and I see the world the same. Where some see junk, we see beauty.”
I sit down in one of the lounge chairs, looking out towards the lake. It’s so
beautiful here.

Dirk comes out of the warehouse his eyes homed in on Dan. He waves
him over. “You okay here for a minute? Looks like Dirk is calling a
meeting. Shouldn’t be long.”
“Yeah, I’m perfect,” I tell him, kicking my feet up on the rail surrounding
the patio. Rachel walks over and hands me a glass of wine.

Dan shakes his finger. “Don’t get her drunk,” he warns, winking at her.

“Boo.” She flips him the bird before taking her boots off and tucking her
feet under her.

Dan kisses me on the forehead and then disappears inside the warehouse.

“Did you have fun today?” Rachel asks, taking a sip of her wine,
smacking her lips together.

“I had the best time,” I say dreamily.

Jackson runs up to us, holding his bug catcher. He thrusts it in my face,

tears running down his chubby little cheeks. “It’s gone,” he cries.

My feet drop to the patio. I sit forward peering into the catcher. “Oh,
Jackson, he’s not gone. He’s just in a chrysalis.”

Jackson sets it on the table between his mom and me. He chokes on a
sob, wiping snot all over the sleeve of his shirt. “What’s that?” he says,

“See right there, hanging on the branch?”

He nods, lowering himself onto his knees to peer inside.

“The caterpillar is in there. It protects him while he grows.”

He looks at his mom and she nods in agreement.

“How long is he going to be in there?” he asks, his interest piqued.

“At least ten days, maybe a little longer.” I smile at him. “You must have
taken good care of him.”
He nods proudly, his brown hair flopping over his eyes. My fingers brush
it away. “He isn’t going to look the same when he comes out though. He’s
growing into a butterfly.”

Jackson’s eyes go wide. “That sounds like magic,” he says in awe.

“Not magic. It’s science,” I correct but then I add, “It is pretty amazing
though isn’t it?”

He nods. “I’m going to go show daddy.” He hops up, grabs the catcher
and zips inside.

Rachel watches him before turning her eyes back to me. “He talked about
you non-stop for the first two hours we were home the other night. Lily this,
Lily that.” She laughs lightly before bringing her glass to her lips.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be sorry. We haven’t seen Jackson stay on one thing for more
than two seconds. One afternoon with you and he’s been carrying that bug
catcher with him everywhere.”

Raffe joins us, laughing. “Your son needs his mom,” he says, plopping
his butt down in the chair on the other side of me.

Rachel drops her feet to the ground, shoving them back into her boots.
She sticks her tongue out at him.

“Hey, it’s your turn.” Raffe rubs his hands together like he won the

Rachel starts to walk away but stops. “What am I getting myself into?”

“It’s better if it’s a surprise,” Raffe answers, blowing her a kiss.

She huffs and walks off.

He raises his eyebrows and leans over, whispering, “Jackson opened a

new box of cereal and that shit went every fucking where.”
I laugh, covering my mouth.

He continues, “We take turns cleaning up after him. It’s pretty much a
twenty-four-seven job.”

I hear Rachel yell from inside, “Jackson!”

He comes running out, hiding under the table, shoving a handful of dry
cereal into his mouth.

Chuckling I turn back to Raffe. He is staring at my necklace again. He

glances away quickly. “Hey, Rachel and I were talking. Would Wednesday
evenings work for you to hang out with Jackson? We could meet here or
bring him over to your place.”

My fingers trail over the silver dragonfly. “Yeah, that would work fine
for me. I’m excited. I have some ideas of things we can work on together.”

He watches my fingers. “Great. We’ll plan on it.” He leans forward to get

a better look at my necklace.

I shift uncomfortably in my chair.

“I’m sorry. My friend had one just like it. I’ve never seen another.” He
rubs his hand over his chest, his face dropping.

My heart stutters as I study him. No. Nope. Couldn’t be. I shake my head
to clear my thoughts.

“Maybe it’s just because I’ve been thinking about her a lot today with the
charity run and all. She and I were trafficked. I haven’t seen her since the
day they separated us,” he says sadly.

I swallow hard as I listen to his story. He is heartbreakingly beautiful.

Blond hair, blue eyes, straight nose, high cheek bones. Doesn’t mean
anything though. No. Nope. Can’t be.

“I gave her the necklace on her fourteenth birthday. She had it on

when…” his words trail as he watches Katie and Bill head down to the dock
with fishing poles in their hands. “Anyhow, she was such a free spirit. I’ve
looked for her, but I’ve hit a dead end every time.”

I’m blinking back tears, hoping he doesn’t notice. This can’t be

happening. There is no way. No way. There are over three hundred twenty
eight million people in the United States. For me to end up here…

I run my finger over my little flip phone.

I could show him.

Then he would tell me it’s not her.

It can’t be her.

He leans forward again. “May I?” he asks.

I nod slowly, dropping my hand from the pendant. Raffe reaches out and
traces his finger over it. “Damn, I miss her,” he whispers. He’s caught up in
his own emotions, not noticing the turmoil running through my veins.
“Jenny, where the fuck are you?” he asks the little dragonfly. He rubs his
hand over his eyes, sliding back into his seat.



My heart beats wildly in my chest.

Jackson runs up. “Lily. Lily. Lily. Let’s go see the dragonflies,” he begs.

Raffe opens his eyes, locking on my tear filled ones.

Hastily, I rise from my chair, stumbling. Jackson grabs my hand and pulls
me down the hill towards the lake. I glance back at Raffe. He stands slowly
as his gaze trails us.

“There are so many, Lily. You will see,” little Jackson rambles on.
We walk past Bill and Katie. They smile at us.

“I’m showing her the dragonflies,” Jackson tells them, proudly puffing
up his chest.

He jumps up and down, pointing over the water when we reach the end
of the dock. “See! I told you,” he squeals excitedly.

My heart squeezes painfully as my eyes drop to the little boy beside me.
Oh god. I choke on a sob, anxiety flooding my system.

The dragonflies dart over the dark water of the lake. I close my eyes,
trying to stop my racing thoughts but it’s too much. I open my eyes, seeing
a different time, a different day.

The water looks so peaceful. Wouldn’t it be easier?

I barely notice Jackson tugging on my hand.

That’s why she left. It was easier. Maybe I should join her. I thought I
could hide but where do you hide from memories?

“Uncle Bill, somethings wrong with Lily,” Jackson yells, it’s muffled…
he sounds so far away.

Far away.

Far away.

I lean forward wanting to reach out and run my hands through the ripples
in the water when someone wraps an arm around me.

“Katie, take Jackson back up to the house and get Dan,” Bill rasps.

I struggle to free myself so I can fall. All I need to do is fall. Please just
let me fall. Maybe this time it won’t hurt.

“Lily, honey, look at me,” Bill says, trying to turn me away from the
My body feels heavy, my mind foggy, my heart broken, my soul lost.

“I wasn’t jumping,” I whisper to the dragonflies. “I was falling, falling,

falling,” I repeat.

Someone grabs my face, turning it towards the sun.

My sun.

Amber eyes draw me closer and closer until I come up for air, gasping.

Dan pulls me into his chest, allowing me to collapse in his arms. “What
is going on?” he breathes into my hair.

I roll my head back and forth over his solid chest.

Jesse runs her hand over my hair, standing behind me. “Lily, talk to us,

“I…I’m not feeling very well. Can you take me home, please?” I sob into
Dan’s shirt.

“No,” Dirk says from somewhere to the side of us. “She stays.”

Oh god. They are going to hate me.

“I agree,” Raffe says quietly in the background.

I cry harder.

Dan squeezes me. “Let’s go up to my room, baby.”

“No, I just need to go home,” I hiccup.

“Not happening, sweetheart.” Dan scoops me up in one swift motion and

carries me inside. It’s alarming he can carry me like I weigh nothing more
than a feather. I hide my face in his neck, so I don’t have to see their faces.
They must think I’m crazy.
I am. I am crazy. I cry and cry and cry until he dumps me on his bed.

Scurrying to the headboard I curl myself up in a little ball.

I tap on the wood of his headboard with my finger as I listen to the voices
murmuring in the hallway. None of what they say makes it clearly to my

If I can get Dan to take me home then I can pack and be on the road by

Why would she have led me here? Why?

The door clicks shut quietly. The bed dips with his weight. He doesn’t
say anything.

I wipe furiously at my eyes, angry that I let myself fall apart in front of
everyone. Every fucking one.

“I’ll always be your sun, Lily,” Dan says, breaking the silence.

“Please take me home, Dan,” I plead.

“Is this about your dad?”

My head falls against the headboard. “Dan, please.”

“Did he hurt you?” he asks, deadly calm.

“He didn’t hurt me!” I yell, jumping from the bed. “Don’t you see? He
hurt them. He hurt them and I didn’t’ do anything to help.”

I grip my hair tightly. Wanting it to hurt. Needing it to hurt.

“He hurt her,” I scream, falling to the floor. The pain is too much. Too

Dan sits down on the floor, leaning his back against the bed. He pulls me
onto his lap. I try to push away but his tree trunk sized arms lock me down
tight, my back pressed against his chest. He speaks gently into my ear, “I’m
not going anywhere, Lily. We are going to get through whatever this is

“He hurt her.” I moan. There is nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Dan is
forcing me to succumb to the pain. It’s almost unbearable.

A knock on the door makes my heart stop. It’s him. I know it’s him.

“It’s not locked,” Dan hollers over his shoulder.

The door creaks open and soft footsteps come to a stop beside us. Raffe
lowers himself to the floor in front of me. He doesn’t say anything right
away, he just looks at me as I try to reign in my emotions.

“Do you know Jenny?” he asks after I’ve settled down.

I don’t answer. My heart is being torn to shreds as I think about losing

these people, this place. But I can’t lie. I’m a terrible liar. Jenny always said

Before I can speak, Dan answers Raffe’s question. “Jenny is her aunt.”

Raffe glances from Dan back to me. His brows furrow in confusion. His
pain is raw and visible as he reconciles with the fact that his Jenny and mine
are not the same person.

But they are.

Oh god they are.

Chapter Twenty-Four
Jenny ~ 9 years earlier

"Will you tell me what he does to you?” Lily asks me.

“Never,” I answer simply, drawing the brush over the nail on her ring
finger. I cap the bottle then reach for the next color.

“Maybe I could go to the police.” She watches me shake the bottle before
I reach for her hand again.

She lays her dainty hand in my palm. I glide the bright purple color over
the next fingernail in line. “He told me has the police in his pocket.” I
glance up briefly, searching her eyes for confirmation of his threat.

Lily bites her lip and nods.

“We’re sticking to the plan. It’s a good one. We can keep padding our
account with his money until you finish college and then we will run.”

“Why wait so long? I don’t need to go to college.”

“One of us needs an education and I haven’t been to school since eighth

grade.” I blow on her nails, trying to decide on what color to use next.

“For not going to school you give the best advice,” she says kindly.

Lily has such a soft heart.

“You are more of a mother figure to me than my own,” she continues,
smiling at the color on her nails. “I should call you Momma Jenny.” She

I dig through the bag of nail polish. “Ugh, don’t call me that. How about
Aunt Jenny. I could be like a long lost cool aunt or something.”

She thinks about it, tapping her finger over her mouth. “I like it. It will
definitely make it less awkward when my friends ask about you. Not that I
have many.” Her head drops.

I reach out and tip her chin with my finger. “I’m your friend and now
your aunt.” We continue to laugh and joke as I finish her nails.

The door swings open and Senator Ramsey steps inside. His eyes look at
her rainbow colored nails in disgust. “Take that off, Lily. Benjamin will be
here to pick you up in an hour.” He snaps his fingers, making her scurry for
the polish remover.

“Yes, sir,” she says, her voice quivering.

I narrow my eyes at him as his roam over my bare legs. Asshole.

“I’ll allow this for now but if Lily can’t keep up with her family
obligations, I’ll have to separate the two of you.” His threat makes her scrub
at her nails at warp speed.

“Yes, sir,” she says again. In fact, those are the only two words I’ve ever
heard her utter to him.

He snaps his fingers at me like a dog. I follow him out of the room.

As we head to the other wing he informs me that he likes me as me and

her as her. “She isn’t free to have your personality,” he says, opening the
door to my room. I step inside, dropping my head in obedience.

It’s never good to fight him behind closed doors. God, I hate him.
I could probably run on my own. He might not know about my friend
Raffe. My previous “owners” did, and they threatened to hurt him every
time I thought about disobeying.

Senator Ramsey has never threatened my friend. He threatens me with

pain or worse.

So, I could run.

He shoves me face down onto the mattress.

I should run but I can’t leave Lily behind.

Lily is innocent and beautiful and everything I once thought about

myself. If I save her, it’s like saving the me I was before meeting my

Several hours pass before the Senator puts himself back together and
walks out of my room, telling me he is headed to Washington and will be
back in a few weeks.

Just as I’m starting to doze a sound pulls me from my bed. Someone is

crying. I walk the halls slowly, stopping in front of Lily’s door. I knock
lightly, the sobbing pauses. I push the door open and peek inside. Lily is
laying on her bed facing the windows.

“Lily, are you okay?” I ask, tiptoeing closer to her.

She’s shaking so hard I decide to crawl in behind her. When I pull the
covers up to slide in I see a bright red spot on the sheets. My eyes slowly
roll up her body. “Oh, Lily,” I whisper.

“I told him I wanted to wait but he said it was my duty,” she spits out, her
tears coming faster now.

My blood boils. Benjamin is the spitting image of her fucking father. And
from the looks of it, heading down the exact same path.

Well fuck this. Lily isn’t going down that path with him. Fuck. That.
“Come on, sweetie. Let’s get you in the shower and I’ll get you some
clean sheets.”

She stares at me as I set the temperature of the water. “I’m so sorry,

Jenny,” she cries, tears streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry if my dad
hurts you that way.”

I pull her into my arms. “You are my bright spot, Lily. Don’t ever think
you need to apologize for him.”

She sniffles before whispering, “I didn’t like it.”

Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, I kiss her forehead gently. When I
pull back I look her straight in the eye. “Someday you will find someone
who loves you.”

She shakes her head, wanting to disagree with me.

“You will and when you do please let him heal you, Lily. Let him love
you and allow him to show you how good it can be. Promise me.” I grip her
chin, forcing her to look at me.

She nods.

“Say it,” I demand.

“I promise.”

“Good. Now get in the shower and I’ll change the sheets.”

She steps in closing the door behind her.

My heart breaks for her. I don’t think she realizes what it is that just
happened to her. She thinks it was simply her first time. It was more than
that. She told him she wanted to wait. He didn’t listen. There’s one word for

As I’m changing the bedding I think about my first time. I guess I have a
hard time with that word myself. Anyhow, I was scared, then that fear
turned to anger. My first time was supposed to have been with Raffe. Not
that he knew that. In his eyes we were just friends. He didn’t know how
hard I crushed on him.

It was my fault I never got the chance to tell him.

Some guy had approached me at the mall one day and asked if I had ever
thought about becoming a model. He gave me his card and told me if I was
ever in the city to look him up.

So, I convinced Raffe to go with me and we hitched our way from the

He was beautiful and rebellious.

I was fresh and carefree.

We could have traveled the world, experiencing all the wonderful things.
Instead I led us straight to hell.

Sitting on the bed waiting for Lily, I wrap my fingers around the
dragonfly necklace Raffe gave me. “Please let him be okay,” I pray quietly.
“And, if possible, help me find a way to make it up to him, to make up for
all the pain I brought upon him.”

I make the sign of the cross, my fingers dragging lightly across my chest.
Finishing the prayer, I hope that the big man comes through this time.
Chapter Twenty-Five

The necklace dangling around Lily’s neck has haunted me since the day I
noticed it. In my mind I knew it was too good to be true. Now I know for
certain. Lily knows a Jenny but not my Jenny.

Doesn’t matter. Lily is hurting and she is one of us. I need to focus on

She blinks at me. Big crocodile tears cling to her lashes for dear life.

Dan is holding her arms to her sides, hugging her like he is worried she
will fall into a million pieces if he lets go. I reach over to wipe the tears
from her face. Her lips part as my hand brushes them from her cheeks.

“She’s not my aunt,” she whispers.

I wipe my hands on my jeans as I sit back down.

“What do you mean?” Dan asks. He looks at me, confused.

I’m confused too, buddy.

“Jenny isn’t my aunt,” she says more clearly this time. Lily closes her
eyes and when she opens them again she has a look of determination on her
face. “It was a joke between her and I. She wasn’t my aunt. She was my
friend. She was yours too.”
I glance at her, my heart beating out of my chest. She knows Jenny. Fuck.
She knows Jenny!

But as I watch her face and process her words my heart begins to

Was. Was. Was. She was your friend.

Oh god, no.

Please, no.

The world closes in around me.

Dan releases Lily from his arms and she crawls over to me. “I’m so
sorry,” she says quietly.

She reaches up and unclasps the necklace from around her neck. “She left
this for me, but I think it should go back to the person who gave it to her.”
Lily takes my hand, turning it over and tenderly placing the chain in my
palm. I close my fingers around it and pull her into my arms.

We hold each other tight. Both grieving our free spirited friend.

Dan places his hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently before walking

Chapter Twenty-Six

Dirk eyes me the minute I step out of the room. I hold my hand up to him
before he has a chance to grill me. “Drink,” I simply state. He nods and we
head to the bar downstairs. He reaches for the good stuff on the top shelf.

He pours us each two fingers of whiskey before taking the seat across
from me. Jesse joins us, taking the seat beside me.

“Rachel took Jackson home and Billie Jean is down for the night.” She
reaches over and wraps her fingers around my arm. “What can we do?” she

“I don’t know. I have no fucking clue what is going on.” I shake my head
before downing the drink in my hand. Fuck the burn feels good. I slam the
glass down, sliding it back to Dirk for a refill.

“You left her alone?” Jesse pushes.

“She’s with Raffe.” I close my eyes tightly, trying to forget the look of
pain on their goddamn faces.

“Do we need to load her up and take her to the cabin?” Dirk asks,
flipping that fucking ring in his lip. God help me, I want to rip it out of his
face right now.

“No.” I slide my glass back to him again.

He smirks but fills it up. “Then what’s your fucking plan? Bill barely
snagged her from nose diving right into the fucking lake.”

That image will never leave my mind. When Katie came to me frantic I
ran down the hill only to find Bill holding Lily around the waist, fighting to
keep her on the dock. She would have plunged herself in if he wouldn’t
have been there.

She was so lost, her eyes unfocused as I turned her to face me. When
they eventually snagged on mine, clarity slowly returned to her.

“I don’t know if she’s mentioned her Aunt Jenny, but I guess she isn’t
really her aunt.” I tap the bottom of the glass on the counter, waiting for the
liquor to dull my senses.

“Yeah, she’s mentioned her. She gave her the necklace Lily loves so
much. It’s why she got the tattoo,” Jesses says, leaning forward to study my

“Well, like I said she’s not her aunt. I guess it was an inside joke between
the two of them. They were friends.”

Dirk stands up slowly. “You’ve got to be fucking me. Is this Raffe’s


I nod, not taking my eyes from the bar. “You ready for the drop kick?” I
glance at Dirk and then Jesse. They both nod, stunned.

“I think they met through Lily’s dad. She’s scared of him. If you get what
I’m trying to lay down here.” I swallow hard, struggling to keep the bile
from rising in my throat.

“I’m going in,” Dirk says, leaving Jesse and I alone.

Dirk saved Raffe’s life. He pulled him out of the trafficking world and
gave him a new life, here with us. It was pretty rough for a while. Once
Raffe pulled his shit together we helped him look for his friend, Jenny, but
we never found her.
Until now. And fuck…it’s too late.

“How?” Jesse mumbles next to me. She grabs the glass out of my hand,
filling it for herself.

“I don’t know. Coincidence.” I shrug my shoulders.

“That’s one hell of a coincidence,” she says, coughing. Jesse rarely

drinks but I think we can all agree the occasion calls for it.

“Maybe I should go up there. I don’t want Dirk scaring her.” I look

towards the stairs.

Jesse lays her head on my shoulder. “Give them some time. He isn’t
going to scare her. He’s going to reassure her she’s right where she

I turn and kiss the top of her head.

She raises her face to me and smiles. “You can tell her till you’re blue in
the face and she won’t believe you. She knows she’s stolen your heart. If
Dirk tells her it will sink in. Trust me.”

I chuckle lightly, feeling a little better. Jesse’s right, my family won’t let
me down. They know how much she means to me.
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Inever knew his name. Jenny was scared someone would overhear us. The
people who had her before she came to live with us threatened her family
and her friend. He’s just as she described except he isn’t a boy, he’s a man.

Raffe pinches the bridge of his nose as we both pick ourselves up off the
floor. He sits down on Dan’s bed, so I take a seat beside him. “Okay, so I’m
going to assume by your reaction this is as much a revelation to you as it is
to me,” he says, leaning over to rest his forearms on his knees.”

“I’m sorry I lost my shit. There’s just so much…”

Someone knocks on the door and opens it without waiting for a response.
Dirk stands in the doorway his gaze roaming over Raffe, assessing him
before turning to me. He takes a deep breath and steps into the room.

“I’m here to mediate,” he says, pulling up a chair directly in front of us.

My eyes slide to Raffe. The corner of his eyes soften as he watches Dirk.
I hadn’t noticed before but now I clearly see how close they are. I hug
myself, feeling a bit odd man out.

Dirk notices my attempt to close myself off. He leans forward, pulling

my arms away from my body. “I understand there is a lot to talk about but
first things first, do you know where Jenny is right now.”
I shake my head yes.

“She’s gone, Dirk,” Raffe answers for me. He takes my hand in his and
offers me a small sad smile.

Dirk slides forward and pulls us both into a group hug. “I’m so sorry,

This is uncomfortable, awkward, strange, and so wonderful. Tears start to

fall down my cheeks again. I’ve never had anyone to grieve Jenny’s death
with. My father didn’t shed one tear for her.

Wait, maybe I can help Jenny get home now. The thought of giving her
and her family peace gives me a burst of newfound purpose.

“We need to get her home.”

They both look at me.

My fingers tingle and stomach knots as I prepare myself to let the

floodgates open. For seventeen years I’ve wanted to confide in someone. I
had thoughts of telling my teachers, and then my professors. My fear of him
always won out. I can’t say why that fear is so great. He never hurt me. It
was just a look, something I saw in his eyes that scared the hell out of me.

I’m not alone anymore. With their help I could do this. My dad would
never know.

“You know where she is?” Raffe asks, his eyes bouncing frantically over
my face.

I nod, pulling his hands into mine and dragging them to my chest. “We
will need her family to help though.

“She’s a Jane Doe?” Dirk asks.

My gaze falls to him. He is running his hand over the scruff on his face,
his eyebrow pitched high in thought.
“There’s so much to explain but yes, she is buried in a public cemetery in
San Francisco as Jane Doe.”

Raffe grabs my arm, forcing me to face him. “If you know where she is
why haven’t you told someone who she was?”

I grimace as his grip tightens on my arm. Dirk reaches out and taps his
hand. Raffe drops his gaze, pulling away quickly once he realizes he’s
hurting me.

“I’m sorry,” he scoots away from me.

He’s getting angry but I understand. It’s only going to get worse,

Rubbing the sting he left behind, I explain. “I didn’t know who she was.
In fact, I still don’t know.”

“What do you know?” Dirk asks, tipping his head slightly.

Sighing, I stand and walk over to the window, staring out over the lake. I
can’t see the dragonflies from here, but I know they are there. She loved
Raffe. I can trust him…them.

“I know she was an amazing soul who had the misfortune of catching my
dad’s eye. We were going to run away together but we waited too long,
there was always a reason to wait, then some things happened.” I pause as
the memories of those final months crawl their way to the forefront of my

Dirk stands and walks me back to the bed, handing me a bottle of water.
“Is this the first time you’ve talked about this?” he asks.

I nod after taking a small sip.

“What happened to her?” He takes the bottle from my shaking hands and
caps it.
That stupid knot climbs up my throat, threatening to close off my oxygen.
“She took her own life,” I say quietly. “Jenny didn’t have any
identification. If I had known her last name maybe I could have went to the
police and they could have contacted her family before my dad found out.”
I shake my head, the hopelessness I felt floods my system.

Raffe stands abruptly and storms out of the room. I flinch as the door
slams shut behind him.

“Don’t worry, he’s just processing.”

My hands shake as I press them over my thighs. I rub over the coarse
material of my jeans, back and forth, not realizing I’m rocking myself as I

Dirk takes Raffe’s spot on the bed. He grips my hands, stopping me. “Do
you believe in fate?” he asks.

“I don’t know what I believe, Dirk. This is…why? Why would she lead
me back here to him? I’m hurting him. I feel like I just stuck a knife in his

He wraps his arm around me and tugs me close. He talks over my head,
his breath ruffling my hair. “That’s not how I see it. Sometimes you have to
hurt people to help them move on. He’s been hurting for years, Lily. You
just handed him a key, not a knife. Now he will be able to get some closure.
He just needs to get past the shock, okay?”

Dirk pulls back a tiny bit so he can look into my eyes. When I don’t
respond he continues, “Her parents are going to get closure. Do you
understand just how important that is?”

“Anyone ever tell you that you would make a heck of a therapist?”

He chuckles darkly.

“Not exactly.” He smiles at me. “Why don’t we go back down to the

party. We can hash this out tomorrow when emotions aren’t so high.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin the day. You go on, I think I’ll have Dan
take me home.” I give him a smile, hoping he will let it go. I can’t go
downstairs and face everyone. I just can’t.

The door swings open and Dan storms in. He immediately crouches
down in front of me, his eyes frantically running over my face. “Are you
okay?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m good,” I tell him, pulling out of Dirk’s embrace.

“Chill, cousin. Raffe just needs a little time to process what your girl laid
on him.”

“He tore out of here.” Dan cradles my face in the palm of his hand before
continuing, “I was worried he lost control.”

“That’s why I’m here, brother.” Dirk lays his hand on his shoulder,
standing. “Take care of your girl. I’ll find Raffe.”

He stops at the door, knocking on the jamb. “Tomorrow evening, we hash

this thing out.” He points to me. “We lay it all on the table.”

“Tomorrow,” I repeat.

He closes the door quietly behind him.

Dan climbs up on the bed, pulling me into his arms. “I only have one
question and then we put everything on the back burner till tomorrow.”

I nod once.

“Did you know he was here? Is that why you came?”

“No. She never even told me his name, but she told me so much more.
He is kind, funny and sweet. She loved him, Dan.”

My eyes trail his thumb as it brushes back and forth over my thigh. I
remember the promise I made to her the night Benjamin stole my virginity.
It’s time to make good on it.
I tuck my face in the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of pine
trees and man. “Will you make love to me, Dan?” I mouth against his skin.

He shivers at my touch, making me sigh, happy that he is still responding

to me. I’m sure I don’t deserve him, but I want him none the less.

“After you eat,” he says in faux gruffness, dumping me on the bed. “Give
me ten minutes.”

My heart thumps wildly. When he comes back he has a plate piled high.
He sets it on his bedside table then pulls me back onto his lap. He grabs a
grape, biting it in half before bringing it to my lips. Oh, he’s going to feed
me. “Close your eyes,” he whispers against the shell of my ear.

I obey and as my eyes fall closed the fruit touches my lips. His finger
pushes it into my mouth slowly. He drags it over my bottom lip as he pulls
his hand away. Oh fuck. The flavor glazes over my tongue, making me

Dan continues to gently push food into my mouth. Sometimes with one
finger, sometimes two. Part of me wants to be a brat and bite him. The other
wants to be his good girl and take everything he offers.

When he’s satisfied I’ve eaten enough he grabs the bottom of my shirt
and pulls it up over my head. It lands softly on the floor. His warm
calloused hands run over me lightly. A tremble courses through me,
enticing a chuckle out of him.

“Keep your eyes closed,” he says as he reaches behind me to flick the

clasp on my bra. Dan shifts me so that I’m lying in the middle of the bed.
My shoes come off next and then his hands are at the button on my jeans. I
swear I can feel them tremble as he releases it.

Soon enough I’m lying on the bed completely naked in front of him. I
listen as he removes his own clothes. A delicious tingle of anticipation
swims happily through my system. I need this, just a moment to forget, for
the outside world to melt away.
The bed shifts and that alone makes me moan out loud. He presses his
body up against mine, lying beside me. He nudges my head to the side with
his nose so that he can have access to my neck. He kisses me there, oh god
his mouth is so warm.

When he places his hand on my stomach I jerk at the touch. He chuckles

low, sending a surge of blood to a place I now need him to touch. I shift my
hips off the bed in invitation. His fingers drag lightly in that direction but

My bottom lip pops out in a pout. He captures it between his teeth. Holy
shit. He releases it, tapping his finger over my lips. “So impatient, love.”

“I need you,” I mouth against his finger.

“And, you have me.”

I open my eyes. He’s staring at me, a smile spreads across his handsome
face. “Do I?”

“You do. Now shut up and close your eyes.”

So, I do. He places a gentle kiss over each of my eyelids and then he
gives me everything I asked for and more. He slides a hand under my head
and grips my hair tightly, pulling my head back to expose my throat. His
mouth descends there, kissing, sucking but it’s his other hand that has me

It snakes down my torso, and when he reaches the promise land I moan
loudly. He grips my hair tighter as he kicks a leg over one of mine,
effectively holding me right where he wants me. His warm hand covers me
and then he presses the base of his palm over my clit firmly.

“Yessss,” I hiss as my eyelids flutter. I want to open my eyes and watch

so badly, but I also want to please him and do as he asks.

His warm mouth moves lower. When his tongue flicks at my hardened
nipple I begin to writhe in his grip. “Dan,” I say breathlessly.
One finger slides into me and I begin to tremble. His palm rocks against
me in a slow rhythm. More, oh god I need more. When a second finger
joins the first, I try to wiggle against his palm seeking more friction, but his
heavy leg keeps me pinned. His mouth works its way back up to my ear.

His breath is hot on my neck. “Are you ready for me, baby?”

I try to nod but I can’t. “Please.” I almost cry, I want him so bad.

Without releasing my hair, he shifts over the top of me, nudging my legs
apart with his knee. When he settles himself, his cock bumps against me,
and I almost come from that alone.

“Dan, please, I need you,” I rasp, raising my hips, groaning as his length
glides over me. “Oh, shit, Dan, I’m going to come.”

“Open your eyes,” he says, his voice rough and demanding.

When my eyes lock on his I still my hips. There’s so much there. He

stares back at me. He tugs on my hair, driving his point home. “We come

I swallow, his eyes dipping to my neck to watch the movement. He licks

his lips. “I’m going to fuck you into tomorrow.”

My back arches off the bed as he slides in. He pumps slowly until tears
are running out the corners of my eyes. “You’re mine, Lily. You can’t
escape me. No matter how far you run, I will follow.” He picks up his pace,
shifting his hips slightly.

“Oh, god,” I moan.

“Your body is mine, your mind, your secrets…” his thrusts become more
demanding. My thighs begin to tremble around his hips. “You will give
them all to me, won’t you, baby?” he asks.

“I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours,” I chant mindlessly.

When his eyes snag mine, they are blazing amber. I hold my breath,
treading quietly in his rhythmic motions. “Come,” his one word command
brutally yanks me to the surface. I gasp, every muscle in my body locking
around him. I convulse in his arms as his body tightens. The tension pours
from our bodies. He drops his head in the crook of my neck, struggling to
catch his breath.

Immediately, silent tears fall from my eyes. More years of bottled up

emotions, released once again by this brute of a man. My man. He has me.
Dan raises his head and licks the tears away, our bodies still connected. He
kisses me in a way that lets me know I’m safe, that we are good, more than

After a few minutes he reluctantly lifts himself off of me and walks into
the bathroom, turning the shower on. I try to sit up, but my body is
completely drained after the day I’ve had. He comes back into the room and
scoops me up. I don’t even have the energy to fight him.

He sets me gently on my feet and begins to wash me head to toe then I

watch as he washes himself. God, he’s beautiful. Dan is built like a Greek
god. Chiseled out of stone. He’s combing his fingers through his beard
when he notices me studying him. He smiles, a brilliant white smile that
melts my heart.

“I’m falling,” I whisper.

His smile falters and he pulls me into his chest. “Don’t be scared, we are
falling together,” he says softly, running his fingers through my wet hair. He
pushes me back so he can look me in the eye. “And we will land together.”

“Promise?” I run my hands over his chest, still uncertain that a man like
this could possibly be mine.

“I promise and I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” He taps the end of
my nose, making me giggle.

I hug him tight around the waist, believing for the first time in my life
that things will be okay.
We fall asleep minutes after our heads hit the pillow, his arm wrapped
protectively around me. But, like every night their cries wake me up. I sit
up, blinking, trying to get my bearings. The crying starts again. I shove the
blankets aside and quickly make my way down the hall. Oh, god, please
stop crying. Please stop.

A light bleeds out into the hallway from an open door. Quietly I creep
towards it. When I peek inside I see Jesse pulling Billie Rose from her bed.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” her voice soothes the crying child.

She walks over to a rocking chair and begins to sing lightly to her
daughter. A sob escapes me, the love in Jesse’s eyes stealing my breath
away. Her head bops up. “Lily, you scared me.”

I push the door open a little more. “I’m sorry, you two look so beautiful

Jesse smiles, waving me into the room. “She wakes up at least once a
night. Some of our friends with kids tell me I should let her cry herself back
to sleep, but I can’t do it.”

Billie Rose rubs her eyes, trying her hardest to fight sleep, but she isn’t
winning the battle. Two blinks, one blink and she’s out.

I take a seat on the floor by Jesse’s feet. “I don’t think you should let her
cry.” My gaze roams over the mural painted on the wall. “Some children
don’t have anyone to answer their cries.”

Jesse stops rocking to stare at me. “You are right. My grandmother

always came to me when I was a child. After she died I lost that. Maybe
that’s why I’m so adamant about being here for her.”

Billie Rose stirs, prompting Jesse to resume rocking. “Did you have
someone to answer your cries?” she asks hesitantly.

“I don’t remember crying in the night.” I glance at her briefly, deciding to

open up. “I was the one who was forced to listen to others cry. I tried to get
to them, but the door was always locked. My mom was usually gone and
my dad...he was the one causing the anguish.”

Jesse doesn’t say anything. When I stop there, she gives me a push, “Lily,
nothing you say will surprise me. I’ve survived the ugliest of men. Your dad
is not you. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“But I do. I should have done something.”

“How old were you the first time you remember hearing them?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t remember a time I didn’t hear them.” I rise

from the floor to get a better look at the mural behind Billie Rose’s bed.
“Jenny was the first one I saw though. My dad was good at keeping them

“What was she like? Raffe told me she was beautiful.”

“She was.” I sit back down on the floor, wrapping my arms around my
legs. “Jenny loved Raffe. She kept going because they said they would hurt
him if she didn’t. When they sold her to my dad I think she thought she was
free. She was going to end it all, but I stopped her.”

I groan quietly. “God, Jesse, she suffered for so many years after that. I
was so selfish. She stayed for me.”

Jesse lays Billie Rose down before sitting on the floor beside me. “It
helps when you have someone to live for. She had Raffe, then she had you.
If she didn’t think you were worth it she would have split.”

“This is all so crazy,” I say quietly.

“Not going to lie, it is.” Jesse flips her hair over her shoulder.

My eyes roam over the ink on her skin then back to the mural on the
wall. “I don’t like that Raffe is hurting.”

She hums in agreement.

“Will you help me with something?”

Jesse cocks an eyebrow. “Hell, yeah.” She stands, pulling me to my feet.

“What do you need?”

“Your artistic ability.”

She grabs me, excited as we make our way down to a small room in the
basement. She flips the light on. “This is my painting room.”

Spinning in a circle I grin widely. Jenny would have loved Jesse. Both
strong free souls. Jenny was free even though she wasn’t if that makes any
sense. She never let anyone steal her essence.

“So, what are we painting?”

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I flip it open slowly, remembering

the day we bought it. We took a selfie in front of my bedroom windows
before she tucked it away for safe keeping. When the image pops up I cover
my mouth. I hadn’t been able to open it until now.

Jesse wraps her arm around my shoulder, taking the phone from me. “Oh,
wow, she was beautiful. Raffe is going to love this, Lily.”

“I thought he might like to see what she looked like as a woman.”

She hugs me tight. Wiping tears from her face, she backs away, setting
the phone down so she can see the image while she paints. I move to sit in a
nearby folding chair. “Oh, no. Come here, we’re doing this together.” She
snaps her fingers, beckoning me to her.”

When we emerge from the basement several hours later Dan rushes to
me. “Goddammit, Lily.” He hugs me to him.

“Chill, big guy. We were downstairs painting.”

Dirk smirks as he sits down to his breakfast.

Dan walks with me to the table, forcing me into a chair gently.

“Tonight, six o’clock we meet here for supper,” Dirk informs all of us.

Jesse sits down beside him. “That should work. Dan and I have a few
clients today, but we should be done by five.”

“I’m cancelling,” Dan chimes in as he leans into the refrigerator.

“No, you’re not.” I swivel in my chair to look at him.

“Baby, you had a rough day yesterday. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine and JD is coming to the house today to help me on a project.”

Dan brings a gallon of milk to his lips, draining half of it in seconds. He

caps it and puts it back in the fridge. Why was that so hot?

“Seriously, Dan. I’ll be fine. You can pick me up after you’re finished at
the shop.” I fan myself; the temperature having risen several degrees in the
last few minutes.

Dirk and Jesse both laugh under their breath, neither taking their eyes off
their plate.

“Okay. Okay, I’ll go to the shop, but you call if you need me.” He wraps
his arms around me from behind, kissing me on the head.

“Did you find Raffe?” I ask Dirk. “Is he okay?”

Dirk nods, standing to rinse his plate. “He’s chill. Like I said once the
shock wears off, the anger will fade. He’s not mad at you. He’s upset with
the situation.”

I pick at the eggs and toast in front of me. “We painted a portrait of Jenny
this morning. If he’s ever ready to see it.”

“He will be. Eventually.” Dirk gives Jesse a quick peck on the cheek. His
eyes run a quick assessment. “You good?”
“I’m great,” she smiles at him. He leans in and kisses her for a long
minute. I sit back in my chair afraid I’ll catch fire from the sparks they emit.
These two are combustible.

When they finally pull away I hide my face, certain I’m all sorts or red.
“See you all tonight,” Dirk says before leaving the room.

Jesse cleans up and leaves a few minutes behind him. “I need to go get
Billie Rose up for the day.”

“Thank you for helping me with the portrait.”

“No problem, hun. He’s going to love it.” She smiles assuredly. “I know
I’ve said this before, but I am really glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”

Dan waits until she leaves us. “I didn’t hear you leave the bed. I was
worried you ran away.

“I heard Billie Rose crying.” I go back to picking at my breakfast.

“Ah, Lily. Why didn’t you wake me?” He runs his hand over the back of
my neck, kneading away the tension.

I moan and relax my shoulders. “I need to learn to face my fears and I


“I’m happy you could do that but don’t ever be afraid to ask for my

Smiling, I lean forward, tugging at his beard to pull him nose to nose
with me. “You are my sun, and I am yours. When it gets cloudy I will turn
to you, I promise.”

He visibly relaxes, giving my neck a gently squeeze. Dan then drags me

up to his room, showing me just how sunny living in his presence can be.
He makes love to me slow and with so much intensity that he heals a little
more of the damage done to my fragile heart.
Chapter Twenty-Eight

JD and I work the morning away. “Okay, she’s ready,” he says, standing
back to appraise the job we did.

“It’s so cool.” I run my hand over the seat, the wood smooth beneath my

“Give it a try.”

Gingerly, I sit down on my new porch swing. I bounce a tiny bit, making
JD chuckle. “It’s not going to fall.”

I lean back, pressing my back into the Ford tailgate we resurrected. He

sits down next to me.

“Fuck, this is awesome.” He gives us a gentle push.

A grin spreads across my face. “We should make more and sell them.”

He grins at me. “You know, we should. I bet we could get at least a solid
Benjamin out of one of these.”

I nod, turning my face to the sun, closing my eyes. “Coming here was the
best thing to ever happen to me.”
He pats my leg. “I’m going to grab another glass of that lemonade you

“Help yourself.” I keep my eyes closed, reveling in the comforting

motion of the swing and the warmth on my face.

The screen door swings closed behind him. It’s then I hear a car
approaching. I peek my eyes open, shielding them from the sun to see who
it is. A black car comes into focus.

A dark cloud slowly shifts over the sun, stealing the warmth and blocking
out all the goodness I felt only moments ago.

Calmly I stand and head into the house. JD is leaning against the counter.
“Want a glass?” he asks.

“No. Um, JD, I need you to listen to me closely.”

He straightens, hearing the car himself. His eyes dart from me to the

“I don’t have much time. That car is here for me. It’s my dad’s men.” He
quickly shoots for his jacket, where I assume he has a weapon. “Stop, you
can’t fight them alone. They will have their own weapons.”

I glance out the window, seeing they are almost here. “Listen, tell Dan I
will get back. Somehow I will get back. Just please stay inside. Please don’t
let them see you.”

“Lily.” He hugs me to his chest. “You’re scaring the fuck out of me right

My fingers lock around his back. I don’t want to let go but I have to. “I’ll
be fine. Just please tell him I’ll find my way back.” Before I have time to
change my mind I rush out.

“Lily,” I hear him yell before I shut the door firmly behind me.
I jog down the driveway to meet the car. It stops beside me, idling

Oh god. He found me.

The back door opens and Rudy steps out.

“Hello, Rudy,” I say dutifully.

“Lily.” He bows slightly. We stare at each other for a moment. His

muscles tense as he prepares for me to run. He shakes his head sadly. “I’ve
got to take you back.”

“I know.”

I glance over my shoulder, thankful that JD did not run out guns a-

My heart sinks as the realization of what is happening settles into my

bones. Rudy holds the door open, ushering me inside with the swoop of his

The drive back is quiet. I watch the world pass me by, stuck again on one
side of the glass.

As the sun sets we pull inside the gates of my father’s estate.

Rudy opens my door and escorts me inside. One of the maids greets us.
“He’s in his office,” she says politely, avoiding my gaze completely.

I glance up the stairs nervously.

Rudy places his hand at the small of my back and escorts me into my
father’s office. He doesn’t look up from his work. “Lily, go to your room.
Benjamin will join us shortly.”

Stand up to him. Tell him you’re done listening to his every word. Put an
end to this so you can get back to Dan.
When I don’t jump on his order his fingers pause over the keyboard. I
straighten my shoulders as his eyes meet mine over his laptop. “Did your
jump off the bridge damage your hearing, Lily?”

“Can we please have a conversation?” I ask nervously.

“Take her to her room.” He waves his hand over me in dismissal.

Rudy grabs my arm and spins me from the office. “What are you doing?”
he hisses in my ear.

He drags me up the stairs, tossing me into my room roughly.

I spin on him. “I can’t do it anymore.”

“Lily, your father gets what he wants, you know this.” He runs his hand
through his hair, clearly upset by the entire situation.

My eyes roam around my room, the thought of spending another minute

here makes my skin crawl. I need out of here. “How did you find me?”

He grimaces. “Your father got the FBI involved. They put two and two
together and realized you dyed your hair and took the train to Reno. Then
they found a bank account associated with the same name you bought your
ticket with. They’ve been watching it.” He runs his hand over his face.

“And when I made a transfer they had me,” I say softly, sitting down on
my bed. Why did I think I could outsmart him?

The door to my room opens and the two men who haunt my nightmares
step through. “That will be all for today, Rudy,” my dad says, removing his
jacket off and draping it over the loveseat.

Rudy tips his head and backs out of the room. His eyes plead with mine
before he shuts the door.

Benjamin sits down, resting his arm along the back of the loveseat, his
mouth cocked in a lazy smirk. I look away from him.
My father walks slowly around my room, trailing his finger over all of
my things, his things. “Have you ever wanted for anything under my care?”

I begin to shake, the answer I want to give him on the tip of my tongue.
There’s no going back from this. Everything is about to change. “Yes,” my
voice cracks as I push the word from between my lips.

He stills, his control slipping. It’s this look that terrifies me. This is why
I’m scared of him.

“What did you want that you did not have?”

I stand up and turn to face him. “Peace, love, safety.” I lift my hands,
gesturing around me. “All this…I didn’t want any of this. I don’t want this.”

Just like I thought, everything changes. Two long steps and he reaches
me, his hand rearing back before landing against the side of my face. My
head whips violently, sending me skittering across the carpet.

I bring my fingers to my mouth as copper erupts over my tongue. When I

pull my hand away they are tipped in blood. Smiling, I laugh at him.
“Finally, the monster crawls out of the shadows.”

He flexes his fists, towering above me. He cracks his neck from one side
to the other before taking a step away from me. Bringing his phone to his
ear, he glares at me. “Get me a fucking hair stylist. Now!” he barks before
hanging up.

“The wedding is tomorrow evening. We’ve moved it to a private

ceremony that will take place here, at home.” He walks over, snagging his
jacket from behind Benjamin.

He shifts his focus to him. “It’s time son. Put her in her place or she will
be a thorn in your side from here on out.” My father’s eyes roam over my
face and he winces. “Learn from my mistake, boy. Stay away from her
face.” He flicks his wrist my way, regret for the mark he left behind, not the
fact he put it there.
My father is a handsome man. A man with charm and charisma. A man
who gets what he wants.

When will he get what he deserves?

For several minutes Benjamin and I sit in silence before he rises to his
feet and comes to stand beside me. I flinch when he holds his hand out for
me to take. He waits patiently for me to take his offer.

He pulls me gently to my feet when I finally put my hand in his. He

walks me into the bathroom, tipping my head to inspect my father’s
handiwork. The harsh light reveals the beginnings of a bruise. “Nothing a
little makeup won’t hide,” he says, his voice void of emotion.

Someone just hit his fiancé, in front of him and this is his response.

He turns the shower on. “Get undressed,” he orders, blocking the

bathroom door with his body.

“W-what?” My mouth falls open, stunned.

“Get. Undressed.”

I stare at him. He stands with his arms folded across his chest. His
clothes pressed to perfection. Not a hair out of place. So handsome yet so
ridiculously callous. I can’t marry him. I won’t marry him.

“I’m not doing this, Benjamin. We can’t get married. You don’t even
want me.”

“I don’t want you. You’re a spoiled, boring little brat. But…” he holds up
a finger, stepping closer. “That doesn’t matter because while I may not want
you, I do need you. Being married to Senator Ramsey’s daughter is like a
golden admission ticket to the inner circle of politics.”

I shake my head back and forth. “You don’t need me. If you work

His laugh is loud and harsh and cruel.

“If I work hard,” he shakes his head, amused. “Hard work isn’t what gets
you ahead. It’s who you have in your back pocket, whose secrets you keep
and whose you reveal. It’s a game of chess, Lily. It’s. A. Game. And you
my dear are nothing more than a pawn.”

He grabs my shirt and begins to lift it over my head. “No,” I say softly,
trying to pull it back down.

Benjamin backs me into the wall, ripping the shirt out of my hands and
roughly tugging it off of me.

“No!” I say louder, the panic I’m trying to control evident in the cracking
of my voice.

He grabs me by my throat and slams me against the wall not once but

While my hands are desperately trying to remove his hand from my

throat he takes the opportunity to unbutton my pants and shove them down
my thighs. When he finally releases me it’s only to grab me around the
waist and toss me over his shoulder.

He drops me under the spray of the shower. The oxygen scurries from my
lungs as the stinging cold rushes over my face. Benjamin holds me there by
his hand which is once again wrapped around my neck. I claw at him,
trying to get out from the freezing cold water. My jeans tangle around my
ankles as I struggle in his grasp.

Trapped. Shivering. Humiliated.

Benjamin is winning.

I am losing.

My mind.


He doesn’t need to beat me to get me to submit. There are other ways.
Ways that leave no marks. Not on the outside anyway.

I don’t know how long he holds me there. My lips match my hair by the
time he pulls me out. If the hairdresser hadn’t shown up maybe I would still
be there.

My decision has been made. Now I understand. Once you’ve lived in the
sun it’s hard to accept the shade. I can’t live in the shadows, too much light
has been shown there. It’s ugly and cold and not life at all. It wasn’t for
Jenny and it’s not for me. If I can’t have the sun then I want nothing at all.

The hair dresser works her magic, transforming my beautiful carefree

watercolor beginning into a restrictive black and white rendition of my

Tomorrow my father will force me to marry Benjamin. No one will stop

him. My protests will fall on deaf ears. Why? Because he is either paying or
blackmailing those around us for their selective hearing.

Just like all those poor girl’s cries…all fell on deaf ears, except mine. I
heard them. I felt their hopelessness, their fear. All I could do for them was
pray. Pray that it would be over soon and that someday maybe they would
get justice.

The Rebel Skulls were the first group of people I’d met that had banded
together to raise money, to actually help victims get justice. I wish I could
give that to the girls my father hurt. Just getting Jenny home would have
been amazing.

I open the door to find not one but two security men sitting outside my
door. They both turn their heads towards me. “Do you need anything Ms.
Ramsey?” one asks.

“No. No, thank you.” I close the door quietly, pressing my head to the
cool wood. What am I going to do? I have to get out of here before
Benjamin touches me. If he touches me it’s over. I’ll never be able to look
Dan in the face.
If I do find a way back, what prevents my father from coming for me
again? What if he already knows about Dan? Would he hurt him? Them?
This is why Jenny was so careful. I need to be careful. My father can never
know about any of them.

I’ve never felt more alone than I am right now.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Thirty minutes after JD sounded the alarm was all it took to get everyone
gathered around.

Dirk sits at the head of the table, Jesse, and I on either side of him. Even
Bill is here. He semi-retired from the club after he bought the bar but for
Lily he is here.

“So, what do we know?” Dirk asks, leaning back in his chair.

JD shakes his head. “We finished up her porch swing, I went inside for a
drink and she came in a few minutes later saying her dad’s men were
coming for her and to tell Dan she would find a way back.” His sad eyes
meet mine briefly before he continues. “I went for my gun, but she stopped
me and said they would be packing as well.”

Dirk focuses his intense eyes on me. “Do you know where her father

“I’m guessing San Francisco.” I bang my hand on the table. “Honestly, I

don’t know a fucking thing other than I’m going to kill someone if she’s

Jesse leans across the table, placing her hand over mine. “We’ll find her.”

“How? We don’t even know her fucking real name.”

Our resident computer geek, Travis, bops his head up over the laptop he’s
been furiously tapping on since we all sat down. “The name on her ID says
Lily Gladstone but it’s no surprise that is not her real name. Wait, I found

He tips his glasses down on his nose. “Looks like she made a large
transfer from her bank account a few days ago.

“How large?” I ask.

“Over two hundred grand.” Travis scratches his nose, before looking at
Jesse. “The transfer went to your charity account.”

JD’s attention snaps to Travis. “Two hundred thousand dollars!”

“Yep.” Travis whistles. “That’s a hefty sum.”

The room grows silent, all of us deep in thought.

Raffe speaks up first. “We go there, ask around. She has to be there
somewhere. We know she comes from a wealthy family. What else do we

“She was a teacher,” Jesse pipes up.

“Her favorite place was the bay,” I add sadly.

Dirk stands up. “Let’s roll. Travis, call the Nor Cal Chapter and tell them
we might need assistance. Book us rooms and keep digging.” He claps his
hands, sending everyone scurrying to obey his orders.

I shove my shit in my bag as quickly as I can. My mind is going over

every detail of every conversation Lily and I have had. Where the fuck do
we even start?

Dirk pokes his head in my door. “Got your shit together, man?”

“Yes and no,” I answer honestly.

“What do you know about her old man?”

I pause after zipping my bag. “She’s scared of him.”

Dirk cracks his knuckles. “We haven’t gotten to play in a long, long

Smiling, I toss my bag over my shoulder. “I’m going to destroy this


Jesse walks us out to our bikes. “I wish I could go.”

Dirk picks her up, kissing her soundly on the mouth. He swats her ass.
“You just take care of my baby girl.”

She hugs me. “Be careful, big guy.”

“I will.”

“Tell her thank you. You know for the donation.” Jesse kicks a rock,
sending it skittering across the pavement.

“You can tell her yourself because I’m not leaving San Francisco without

Jesse smirks. “You going to go caveman on her?”

“If that’s what it takes.”

“She needs us, Dan. She needs you. Don’t give up on her.”

“I didn’t give up on you, did I?”

Jesse glances at Dirk before settling her gaze on me. “She’s not me, Dan.
Not that she’s not strong. She is. Coming here took a lot for her. Going back
has to be a kick in the gut. Whatever she grew up with…it hurt her.”

“I’ll do what needs to be done.”

She gives me a kiss on the cheek, then hands me my helmet.

When we get to San Francisco we break off going our separate ways. Bill
and Raffe will start with the schools. We’re hoping Raffe still has his
charm. Dirk and I are heading down to the bay. The rest of the crew along
with some of the Nor Cal Chapter are going to go ruffle some feathers with
the elite of this godforsaken city.

Dirk and I decided to split up to cover more ground. I walk out on the
bridge, thinking we don’t even have a picture of her. This is going to be
tough. No name, no photo, we literally have nothing to go on.

Fuck it is beautiful here. It’s no wonder it’s one of her favorite places.

She told me she would never come back here but what if she changed her
mind? What if discovering Raffe was Jenny’s friend was too much for her.
Lily is harboring a lot of guilt for her father’s sins. Maybe it’s more than she
can carry.

An officer approaches me. “Are you doing all right today, sir?” he asks.
Funny question for an officer to ask.

“Yeah, just looking for a friend. She told me she used to hang out around

The sun is setting, bringing a close to the day. We should have been
having supper as a family, hashing this whole Jenny thing out. But now I
realize I know just as much about Lily as I do Jenny. Which is nothing.
Both are a mystery.

“Ah, I saw the look on your face. I was worried you might be here to
jump.” His gaze roams over the others on the bridge before resting back on
me. “What’s her name? I’ve been walking this bridge for almost two
decades, maybe it will ring a bell.”

He thought I was going to jump. What the fuck? I peek over the edge of
the bridge. No fucking thank you, it’s a long way down a one way street.
Dirk walks up. He shrugs. No luck on his end. I turn back to the officer.
“Yeah, my friend’s name is Lily.” If that’s even her real name.

The man stares at the water below. “The girl who jumped a few weeks
ago?” He blinks a few times as if he’s seen a ghost.

“Well if it were the same Lily I would think I would have better luck
searching the graveyard. I just saw my Lily this morning so not the same
girl. Thanks though.” I start to head back the way we came, disappointed
we didn’t find anything.

“She lived.”

I stop dead in my tracks.

Dirk lights up a cigarette. “You mean someone jumped off this thing and
fucking lived?”

The officer nods, staring straight ahead. “Not many do. She is one of the
one percent.” He takes off his hat to wipe his brow. “I watched her for a few
minutes before I approached. They get this far off look on their face. That’s
why I noticed you.” He points at me before continuing. “She looked so lost,
so alone. I reached for her. Told her I could help. She looked at me but then
a dragonfly caught her attention. It was the darndest thing. She watched it
land on the cable beside her, smiled and then she just let go.”

Dirk grips my shoulder hard, pinning me in place. It can’t be her. She


the bruises…

the dragonfly…

she said she had a fall…

a fucking fall…

“The girl who jumped, her name was Lily?” Dirk asks the officer.
“Yeah, Lily Ramsey, the Senator’s daughter. Is she the one you’re
looking for?”

“Our Lily has a class A asshole for a father, so Senator’s daughter sounds
about right,” Dirk answers, his fingers digging into my shoulder, keeping
me grounded.

Everything slowly clicks into place. I force myself to look over the edge

She stood here, hopeless, alone and she fell. Oh god. I think I’m going to
be sick.

“You know I’ve never liked that guy. He’s disgusting. Everyone knows
what he’s about.” The officer throws his hands up. “Pricks like him always
seem to walk. You know he’s been accused of some pretty nasty shit, but
not once has he ever been charged. He’s got big names in his pocket.” He
taps the side of the railing. “Poor girl. I didn’t know it was her until after
they pulled her out. I tried to visit her a few times but didn’t even get inside
the gate. They told me she wasn’t feeling well. She must be feeling better
though. I read in the paper that she’s getting married tomorrow.”

Dirk drops his cigarette on the ground, stomping it out with his boot.
“Let’s go.”

I thank the officer, shaking his hand. He gives me his card. “If you talk to
her, let her know I’ve been thinking about her. I didn’t get to her in time
that day…” he sighs, “but, if there is anything she needs, you tell her to call

I tap the card in my palm before pocketing it. “Could it have been an
accident? I mean did she just fall?”

He shakes his head sadly. “It wasn’t an accident. I’m sorry.”

Nodding, I turn away from him.

Dirk calls everyone back to the hotel. We gather in the attached
restaurant. He explains what we know. I’m not listening. Hearing it once
was enough.

“What are we going to do?” JD asks.

Dirk signals the waitress to bring another round of drinks. “Well I guess
that’s up to Dan.”

I down my drink, slamming the empty glass on the table. “I’m going to
kidnap the bride.”

Cheers ring out across the bar. The men are antsy for a fight. We haven’t
had one in a long, long time.

Later that night Raffe and Dirk find me sitting on the ground outside my
room. They each take a seat beside me. Dirk lights up a joint and hands it to
me, cocking an eyebrow. “You need to take the edge off, brother.”

I take a hit, passing it to Raffe.

“Today at the bridge, that was some heavy stuff.” Dirk leans over to take
the joint from Raffe.

“I’m…I don’t know.” And I really don’t know. Lily dropped into my lap
and in a few short weeks became my everything. I miss her.

Raffe blows smoke rings above us. “I’ve been going to a therapist since
my accident.”

Dirk releases a huff of air but doesn’t say anything.

Raffe continues. “After my accident I…I didn’t want to live. Shit, I didn’t
even know where to begin.” He runs his lighter over his jeans over and over
again, the flame licking at the denim. “When we get her back she needs to
talk to someone.”

Dirk tries to speak but Raffe interrupts him. “Not to us. She needs to talk
to someone who is trained to deal with this sort of thing. Her wounds are
deep. I know that we’ve all had our share of shit to deal with, but Lily was
to the point where she couldn’t see past it. She gave up.”

“But she lived.” I lean back against the cool rough bricks of the hotel.
The thought of her not living almost too much to bear.

He nods slowly. “She did and I think she found the space to breathe with
us. All I’m trying to say here is we cannot mess this up. We can’t miss
anything. She needs us no doubt, but she also needs professional help.”

“I can’t think past my need to have her in my arms.” I burry my face in

my hands.

“I know, brother. We’ll get her back and then we go from there.” He
pushes off my shoulder as he rises, giving it a squeeze before he walks

Dirk snuffs out the joint. “He’s right. Lily has a lot of shit to unpack. We
can’t risk missing something. A fresh pair of eyes, ears, whatever a
therapist might offer is not a bad idea.”

I run my hand over my face and stand. “I’ll talk to her about it. Along
with the five million other things we need to discuss.”

“She’s worth it. You know this. I know this. We all know this. It’s like
that shit she’s been resurrecting from the junkyard.” He jumps to his feet.
“Her own fucking family left her to sit and rot. We aren’t going to do that.
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Do you think the prick she’s
being forced to marry tomorrow thinks of her as a treasure…fuck no. If he
did she wouldn’t have jumped off that fucking bridge.”

Jesus he’s right. She was so desperate to escape them she tried to kill

I knew she saw the world differently.

She looks past the exterior and homes in on what lies beneath. Like the
way she talked with my mother. She didn’t hide the fact that my mother
didn’t remember me. She rolled with the punches. She introduced me to my
mother as her handsome boyfriend and my mother agreed. She thought I
was handsome as her son and she thought I was handsome when I wasn’t
her son. It made me feel good, like my mother still saw me and I guess she
did…she does. Is one better than the other? Not really. It’s all how you look
at it.

Then there’s Jackson. She didn’t shy away from him when he broke her
painting. She made sure he knew he was more important than any material
thing. Then she went above that and took time out of her day to embrace
Jackson’s restlessness. She marveled in it and showed him how to turn it
into something productive. She made an impact on him.

She sees the world differently because she knows what it’s like on the
other side. She said so herself. That she felt stuck on one side of the glass,
watching others live. She’s so good at it, she notices things others overlook.

I jump when I notice Dirk still at my side. He shoves me towards the

door to my room. “Hit the hay, brother. Tomorrow is a big day. Smurf is
going to see what being a Skull is all about.” He waits for me to unlock my
door and stumble inside.

“What if she doesn’t want to go with me?” I hate being insecure, it

doesn’t look good on me.

“Dan, that girl looks at you like you are some kind of knight in shining
armor. Tomorrow she’s going to have proof of it.” He lights up a cigarette,
backing out of my room. “Don’t you ever fucking tell Jesse I said shit like

I laugh, then slam the door in his face. Fucking asshole. I fall face first
onto the bed, the last couple days finally catching up. I’m coming for you,
baby. Please don’t worry. I’m coming.
Chapter Thirty

Ispent the last night I’ll ever spend in this room, staring at the ceiling.
I’m grieving. For him.

His big arms. I miss them. His beard. I miss it. My hand rises to my
cheek, remembering the scratchy feel of it against my skin. His voice. God
how I miss the sound of his voice.

I know you must think I’m the biggest doormat on the planet and maybe
I am.

What do I do? Stand up to him? I’ve tried. Plead with someone to help
me? Yep, done that.

My entire life has been molded by my father. Until I fell.

He didn’t plan for that. He didn’t seem surprised though. Maybe because
of Jenny he expected it.

A knock on my door begins a rush of chaos that I can’t even wrap my

head around.

It’s my wedding day.

My heart digs its heels in the ground, skidding against the gravel as I’m
drug through the sham of the day.

The hair stylist that “fixed” my hair last night is back and she’s pinning
and pinning until all of my hair is away from my face, trapped in a tight
chignon at the base of my neck. I watch her in the mirror as she animatedly
talks to the girl who’s here to do my makeup.

Both oblivious to the horrors that have taken place in this house.

When I was little I loved it when my dad would have someone come to
do my hair. I would watch the girl in the mirror just as I’m doing now.
Sometimes it would be the only touch I would get for weeks, months. I
loved it.

Today not so much. Not now that I know what being touched by
someone who really cares about you feels like. A friend’s arm draped
around your shoulder, a high five given for a job well done, a hug from a
little boy who appreciates your friendship. The touch of a man who loves
you. Big warm hands grabbing you around the waist, pulling you to him.
His breath fluttering over your cheek as his body comes inside of yours.

The makeup lady scolds me, but I don’t listen. “Girl, you’re ruining your

Am I crying? I don’t know. I’m numb.

She huffs, leaving the room. When she returns my father is by her side a
big grin on her face. I catch the wink he throws her way. “See what I
mean?” She points to my face in the mirror. I don’t turn around.

“Can you ladies please give my daughter and I a minute?”

They both scurry out of the room. If only they knew.

He lays his hand on my shoulder. “Would you like me to have your

mother come up and help you finish?”

“No, thank you. Is she here?”

“She is.” His eyes search mine.

Figures. What kind of mother doesn’t help her daughter get ready for her
big day. I’ve seen movies of brides surrounded by their friends and family.
The mother of the bride is always fret with finishing touches, tears in her

He reaches around my shoulder, a tiny pill in his palm. “Take this. It will

I stare at it. Fear tingles up my spine.

My eyes meet his in the mirror. I had forgotten this part.

“I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” I drop my eyes. Every cell in body screams at me
to pull away. His hand is hot and heavy on my shoulder. Unrelenting.

“I insist.” He pulls the glass of water on my dressing table closer to me.

Again, opening his palm.

The pill sticks in my throat on the way down. I cough lightly. He pats me
on the back. “There’s my girl,” he says softly. “Benjamin bought a home a
few miles away. You will be comfortable there and once you meet some
other wives your age you’ll see it’s not so bad.”

“You want me to have a life like mother’s?”

“It’s not a bad life.”

I shake my head sadly. That’s not life at all.

My eyes meet his again. This man has so much power. He could have
used it for good. He could have chosen to help people like Jenny. Instead he
used it to hurt her. I sigh loudly, ready for him to remove his hand and his

“Good?” he asks.

“Yes, sir.”
He leans down and brushes his dry lips across my cheek. I close my eyes,
swallowing the bile that rises up my throat.

The girls come back in giggling. I’m sure my dad said something
charming to them. Smoke in mirrors. All smoke in mirrors.

I let them do their worst. My body relaxes as the pill my father gave me
kicks in.

After my father found me in the hall as a child, with a hand full of vomit,
the tiny pill became a bedtime snack. I think he gave it to me to keep me in
my bed and most importantly away from the other wing.

I’m not sure when the practice ended. I suppose when Jenny came. He
didn’t hide her because she was so wonderful even he saw it. He wasn’t
content with only one night. His greed with her ultimately led to his demise
with me.

Jenny told me I could have more.

And then a group of Skulls showed me just how much more.

More wonder, more magic, more love…

I can’t live without it.

The girl who did my makeup snaps in front of my face. “Hello, earth to
Ms. Ramsey.”

When I focus on her she laughs.

“You act like you’re going to a funeral. It’s your wedding. You’re
marrying one of the top ten most eligible bachelors in the country. Smile for
god’s sake.”

“Fuck you,” I say blandly.

Her mouth falls open. The other girl pulls her away from me. “We’ll tell
them you’re ready.”
I walk to the window, sliding it open. My eyes take in my father’s
beautiful flower garden with brightly colored bird feeders scattered amongst
the blooms. It’s his little space, no one else is allowed to feed the birds. Yet
he never sits out there to enjoy them.

My hands shake as I bunch this stupid dress in my fist and lower one leg
and then the other to ledge outside my window. I sit down and scoot so that
I’m out of reach, my feet dangling over the edge. Tiny wisps of hair tickle
the side of my face, but I don’t brush them away, scared I might fall.

You are wondering if I’m going to jump. I don’t know what I’m going to
do. This is my only escape. Maybe I’ll just sit here till I waste away.

“Lily!” My mother’s shrill voice screeches to my left. I turn my face

towards her. “Lily, get back in here, right now!”

I smile at her. “Hello, Mother.”

“Lily, right now.”

“Have you ever been free?” I ask her, kicking my feet back and forth, my
fingers locked around the cool cement of the ledge. Euphoria sets in from
dad’s little pill. It’s working its magic.

“Lily. You’re leaving me no choice. I’m going to have to go get your


I laugh. “So, that’s a no then?”

She stares at me, her lips parted.

“It’s wonderful mother. Have you ever let your hair whip in the wind
while driving down a lonely road? Have you ever had a man whisper dirty
things in your ear while bringing your body the most pleasure it’s ever
known? Have you looked in a child’s eyes and wondered how the world
could get any more perfect?” She stares at me like I’ve grown two heads.

I chuckle sadly. “No? Hm, didn’t think so.” I continue to swing my legs
precariously. “Well I have. I lived more in the last two weeks than I have in
my entire twenty five years.”

She pulls her head back inside.

My imagination must be playing tricks on me. The rumble of bikes call

to me. I imagine myself on the back of Dan’s bike. Home. I want to go
home. I let myself slip into my memories of the past few weeks. The best
weeks of my life and even if this is it…I can now say I’ve known what it’s
like to have had a friend, a lover, a family.
Chapter Thirty-One

Dirk really came through last night. He got another three chapters to ride
with us today. I thought I would be nervous but I’m not. I’m here for one
thing. Her. I don’t give a fuck about anything else.

When we pull up to the gate two guards stop us. It only takes two
seconds to disarm them and drive right on in. That was easy.

Looks like we’re just in time for the festivities. It’s a small affair. Maybe
twenty or so guests. They all stand from their white fold up chairs, shocked
expressions on their faces, as we park in the grass behind their little

Two men stand out as I swing my leg off my bike, reaching into my
saddlebag for one thing, her jacket. I grab it and walk up to the man
standing at the end of the isle, assumingly her father, as he waits for the

Dirk whistles. “She must really love your dumbass to leave all this
behind.” He smirks knowing the true evil behind the artificial beauty.

“What in the hell is this?” her father demands. A large body guard moves
to his side.

I light up a cigarette. Haven’t had one in years but I think the occasion
calls for it. “We’re here for the wedding.”
He blinks, a confused look on his face.

A few of the guys take a seat in empty chairs, making women in big hats
blush and quickly scoot away. Some of the others help themselves to the
food that’s spread out across a few tables to the side. A cake that stands at
least three fucking feet high topples over as JD dives in with his whole
hand, fisting a giant piece for himself. “Good fucking cake,” he says,
laughing, cake crumbs falling into his beard.

A woman comes running out from the side of the mansion. She stops
dead in her tracks when she sees us. Lily’s father glares at me before taking
a few steps to meet her. “Where is she?” he asks angrily, his eyes darting
over the bikers taking over his zillion dollar home.

“She’s sitting on the ledge outside her window. I think she’s going to
jump!” the woman wails.

I tip my head, studying her, this must be Lily’s mother. The Senator snaps
at her. “You had one job, Margaret.” He storms towards the house. “Rudy,”
he hollers to the bodyguard who has been standing by quietly. “Call the

Dirk pulls out his pistol. “You don’t want to do that, Rudy.” He spins in a
circle. “Everyone please have a seat.” He moves to the front, shoving a
frightened minister into a chair.

I glance around, seeing some of the other Skulls pull their weapons to
keep people off their cell phones. The groom rushes towards the Senator.
“What the hell is going on?”

The Senator looks at me, ignoring the groom. “I don’t know who you
men are, but I need to get to my daughter. She’s not well.”

I motion for him to lead the way. He huffs not wanting the likes of me in
his home but that’s too fucking bad. “You stay.” I point to the groom.

When he starts to follow us, JD grabs him around the throat. “I got him,”
he says, smiling like a kid in a candy store.
Raffe joins me as we escort Senator Ramsey and his wife inside.

“What is this about? Why are you here?” he asks, climbing the stairs. He
still hasn’t figured out we’re not here for him or his money. It hasn’t even
crossed his mind we might be here for his daughter.

“Let’s just say Lily is a friend of ours.”

Both her parents stop to stare at me. Mrs. Ramsey grips the pearls around
her neck. I continue up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I can feel her.
She’s close.

Mr. Ramsey storms ahead of me. He pushes a door open and runs to an
open window on the other side of the room. I scan the room quickly. It’s her
room but it’s not her. Not even close.

“Lily, honey, come here, please, please take my hand,” he coaxes. The
sentiment sounds phony even to me.

I don’t hear any response from her. I snap my fingers, indicating he

should get the fuck out of my way. He turns his head towards me and steps
away from the window, whispering harshly, “You don’t know anything
about Lily. She needs help. She’s a very unstable girl.”

“Get the fuck out of my way, asshole.”

A click sounds over my shoulder, Raffe’s gun is pointed straight at the

Senator. I cock an eyebrow. “Looks like it’s decision or collision time,
buddy.” I toss my cigarette to the floor, stomping it out with my boot,
putting a hole in the white carpet. Who the fuck has white carpet?

The Senator swallows and slides away from the window, grabbing his
wife and pulling her in front of him. I roll my eyes at the chicken shit

Raffe motions for them to take a seat on Lily’s bed.

I step to the window, popping my head out into the warm evening breeze.
Lily is sitting just out of reach. God she’s a beautiful bride. Her eyes are
closed, her knuckles white as she holds onto the ledge, her feet swinging

Kicking a leg out the window so I am straddling the sill I light up another
cigarette to get her attention without spooking her with the boom of my
voice. Her eyes pop open and her head slowly rolls to the side. Her eyes
lock on mine.

“Hey, baby,” I say softly, taking a drag off my smoke.

A faint smile forms on her angelic face. “This is such a good dream,” she
whispers, swaying slightly on the ledge.

Somethings off. I poke my head back inside. “What is she on?” I ask the
asshole sitting nervously on Lily’s bed.

“I…I gave her a valium. She had wedding jitters.”

The mother’s mouth drops open, but she clamps it shut.

These motherfuckers. I crack my knuckles, letting him know just how

displeased I am about what he just said.
Chapter Thirty-Two

When the roar of bikes quieted in my ears, I filled the minutes watching
birds dart from one feeder to the next in my dad’s flower garden.

He was just here, trying to coax me from the window. I didn’t even turn
to look at him. I’m not coming down from this ledge for anyone. I’m not
marrying Benjamin. Not today. Not ever.

The click of a lighter catches my attention. I turn to see a mirage of Dan,

smoking a cigarette. “Hey, baby,” he says to me.

I smile, happy that my mind conjured him. Even if it didn’t get it quite
right. Dan doesn’t smoke. “This is such a good dream,” I tell the mirage.

He ducks back inside before returning to me.

Dan leans forward, holding the cigarette out to me. I’ve never smoked
but why not. I snag it from him. My lips wrap around it and I take a small
puff. I cough a little. This seems….


The cigarette falls from my hand. I watch it fall to the grass below.

I turn back to the apparition. He smiles. He’s real.

Oh god.

“You didn’t think I’d really let someone steal my girl did you?” He tips
his head, running his fingers through his beard.

Immediately my hand reaches out to him. He grabs me and holds on

tight. I quickly slide my butt down the ledge towards him. He helps me
inside, wrapping me up in his arms. The smell of man and pine trees
envelopes me. Home. I’m home.

He pushes me back slightly, keeping my hand locked in his. He spins me

around, whistling low. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says in awe. “But
you’re missing something.”

I glance down at my dress. Fuck. What must he think? I hope he doesn’t

think I want to marry someone else. Then big hands shove something black
in my arms. My heart melts.

Never should I doubt anything with him. He knows me. He knows me.
Tears stream down my cheeks.

Bringing the jacket up to my face, I place my lips over the patch that says
Property of Big Dan. My eyes slowly roll up to meet his. He grabs me
forcefully, crashing his lips to mine. “I love you,” he mumbles against my
mouth. “I love you,” he says over and over again as our teeth click together,
his passion unleashed.

He’s a man obsessed. A man searing his love to me, an everlasting

imprint that leaves no room for doubt. I’ll die with his love stamped across
my lips.

“Um, not to interrupt this little reunion but can we get the fuck out of this
creepy fucking mansion,” Raffe says from somewhere behind Dan.

Dan quickly helps me slide into the jacket. He looks me straight in the
eye. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m getting you out of here.”
I nod. The way Dan says this I know my parents must be in the room. “I
need something,” I whisper.

“Raffe, take the Senator and his wife downstairs. We’ll be right behind.
Lily just needs a minute to get herself together.”

My mother sniffles and my dad says nothing. This is bad. This is so bad.
He knows about Dan now.

When the door closes I wait a few minutes before rushing to my dresser. I
drop to the floor and pull the bottom drawer out, revealing my hiding spot. I
grab the journals, mine, and Jenny’s. I hand them to Dan, making sure I
have them all. When I stand he is tucking the final one in the waistband of
his pants.

I nod once. “I’m ready.”

He kisses me again before grabbing my hand in his. We jog down the

stairs. When we walk out onto the east lawn I stop dead in my tracks. Oh
my god. I double over, my hand over my mouth. I’ve never felt so loved in
my entire life.

Skull men are everywhere. It’s like a scene straight out of an action
movie. My wedding cake is toppled over. Bikers have their feet kicked up
on the tops of chairs. The smell of weed permeates the air. This is…this is
fucking great.

My dad rushes over to me. “Glad you’re finding this so amusing,” he

hisses. “Do you care to explain who these hoodlums are?”

Dan shoves him away from me.

“These hoodlums are my friends,” I wave my hand out, my eyes stopping

on JD. He has his arm wrapped around Benjamin’s neck. He winks at me as
he tightens his grip, making Benjamin dance on his toes.

I let my gaze land on my parents. My dad is glaring daggers at me.

“Goodbye,” I say simply. What else is there to say.

My mother’s eyes bounce from Dan to me.

“Lily. If you walk away, that’s it. You’ll never see a penny of my money.”
My father’s threat falls flat. I’ve already told him. I don’t want any of this.
He remembers that as the words leave his mouth.

Dirk walks up, dropping his arm around my shoulders. “Hey, Smurf.” He
wraps a tattooed finger around one of my brown curls.

My dad bristles. Dirk leans forward, holding his hand out. “It’s nice to
meet you, sir,” he says.

When my dad doesn’t take his hand, Dirk laughs, turning to look at Dan.

Dan is studying my face closely, oblivious to what is going on around

him. Dirk’s gaze comes back to me, a scowl forms on his face when he
notices what has Dan so shook up. His arm falls off my shoulder and he
takes a step back.

Dan is in front of me in a flash, his fingers wrapping gently around my

neck. He tips my chin from side to side as his eyes roam over every inch of
my face. Even the best makeup money could buy didn’t erase the bruise my
father left behind. “Who did this?” he asks, deadly calm.

I shift nervously. Dan is really pissed.

“I asked you a question, Lily.”

I nod my head towards my father. Seconds is all it takes before my

mother is crying louder than I’ve ever heard her wail. People are screaming
and all hell breaks loose. Dirk and Raffe fight to pull Dan off of my dad.
When they finally get him off I glance at the ground. My dad is lying there,
blood gushing from his nose. His handsome face is pummeled.

It happened. He finally got some of what he deserved.

Dirk hands Dan a white cloth napkin. Dan wipes his hands on it, his eyes
never leaving my fathers. “Try to take her away from me again and see
what happens.” He tosses the napkin on my father’s chest.
He wraps me up in his arms and walks us towards Benjamin and JD.
Benjamin cowers against JD’s chest, clearly not wanting some of the dish
Dan just served my father.

“She is mine. You hear that, numb nut?”

Benjamin nods.

Dan looks down at me. “Ready, baby?”

I stare into Benjamin’s frightened eyes for a second. They beg me not to
tell Dan what he did to me last night. What he did to me in the past.

JD’s eyes soften as he sees the turmoil play out across my face. He gives
me an encouraging smile.

I turn in Dan’s arms, giving Benjamin a full view of the back of my black
leather jacket. Rising to my tippy toes I tug on Dan’s beard, pulling him to
me. I kiss him with abandon, wanting everyone at this fucking fake ass
wedding to see where my allegiance lies. Where it will always lie.

The entire club erupts in cheers, claps, and whistles. I don’t give
Benjamin or my parents a second glance. Dan scoops me off my feet and
carries me to his bike.

Dirk yells, “Let’s head out boys!”

Bikes roar to life one by one. My tribe…my family. They came for me.
My heart bursts clean open as I wrap my hands around my man. My savior.
My knight in shining armor.
Chapter Thirty-Three

We pull into a hotel on the edge of town, right off the highway. The men
are beginning to gather, beers being cracked open. A party comes to life
right before my eyes in the parking lot. I slide off the back of the bike,
dropping the train of my dress onto the dirty pavement.

Dan sets his helmet down. His eyes are everywhere but on me. He grabs
my hand and silently leads us through the throng of bikes towards the stairs.
Once we reach what I assume is his room he pulls a keycard out of his
pocket, sliding it through the lock. When the little light turns green I glance
behind me, suddenly scared to be alone with him.

My eyes land on Dirk’s. He’s watching us like a hawk. Dan tugs on my

hand, forcing me to follow him over the threshold. I catch him flip Dirk off
before closing the door.

He turns a light on over the table, tossing his billfold and keys onto it. He
drops his jacket in one of the chairs and then carefully pulls the journals out
of his waistband, setting them gently on the table.

Only after all that does he allow his gaze to fall over me.

He reaches for me, spinning me so I’m facing away from him. His big
fingers work deftly over the buttons on the back of my dress. Soon it pools
around my feet, a puddle of expensive white silk. He finishes undressing
me until I’m standing bare for him.
His fingers brush down my arms. I shiver at the sensual feel of his warm
hands on me.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, shifting to face him.

“Shhh.” He wraps his fingers around my arms, stilling me. “No


My heart slows as he leisurely unpins my hair. The pins clink against the
table as he tosses them one by one. When my hair falls, tickling the top of
my bottom, he runs his fingers through it. “So, beautiful,” he whispers over
my shoulder. His breath is close and hot on my skin.

He walks us to the bed, giving me a little shove onto the cheap mattress. I
lay perfectly still as I listen to him remove his own clothing. I’m thankful
he is taking control and not expecting me to talk. My mind is still clinging
to the ledge outside my window. If I think about everything that just
happened it will send me into a panic. I’m terrified of what my father might
be planning.

The bed dips, Dan’s knee pressing into the mattress between my legs. He
reaches under and pulls me to my knees. His hands roam over my entire
body. Gently he caresses my breasts, my arms, my stomach, my legs. Kisses
fall down my spine softly.

I groan into the bed when his hand finally lands over the ache he has
stoked between my thighs. “Baby, you’re always so wet for me.”

His. His. His.

The world evaporates as his fingers sink into me. I try to glance at him
over my shoulder, but he grabs my hair, stopping me. “I want you to listen
to me, Lily.” His fingers glide in and out of me, my need building with each
stroke of his hand.

“I’m listening,” I pant, lifting my bottom for him.

“The only fall I’ll ever allow you to make is the one we are currently

I still.

“Do you understand what I am saying to you?” He leans forward, his

chest pressing into my back, his cock rubbing against my ass.

I nod, my hair still wrapped in his fist.

“Never again.” He smacks my ass and I feel the sting clear down to my

Tears rush to free themselves. Yes. I need this. To be exposed, flayed

open so the poison can flow from my body.

Another smack and then another. I can feel his fear in the heat of his

I scared him.

And he knows.

Somehow he knows.

My eyes roam to the bedside table. A newspaper is carefully folded to an


Senator Ramsey’s Only Daughter Jumps from the Golden Gate

Bridge and Survives

His palm continues to lash across my skin. My pain hurts him. His pain
hurts me.

An apology is on the tip of my tongue, but he won’t allow it. That’s not
what he wants. He doesn’t want an apology he wants a promise.

“I promise,” I cry. “I promise. I promise. I promise.”

His assault stops and his fingers kneed the sting away, dipping lower,
stirring my desire to a combustible level.

“Never again,” he rasps, struggling to regain his control.

“Never again,” I repeat.

He releases his grip on my hair and I turn to look at him over my

shoulder. His amber eyes reassure me that he is with me. He’s always going
to be with me. “I love you, Dan.”

He slides into me in one smooth motion, dipping down to capture my

mouth with his.

Dan makes love to me. Fucks me. Ravages me. The entire night. What
was supposed to be my wedding night. I’ll never doubt this man. Never.

Dan is a real man.

And he is mine.

All mine.
Chapter Thirty-Four

My hands run through her hair mindlessly as she sleeps, draped across my
body. I didn’t want to talk last night. I wanted her to feel what I had to say. I
think she got the message loud and clear.

Sunlight slips in through the curtains, dancing across us. I let the ray cut
through the strand of hair between my fingers. Her natural color. I didn’t
mind the blue, but this is the real her and I love it.

I bring the strand to my nose and groan.

She stirs, wiggling her little button nose. Her ass flexes as she stretches.
Hot. So. Fucking. Hot.

Her eyes open to mine.

I hold my breath. Last night was…intense and I’m not quite sure how’s
she’s going to feel about it today.

She smiles, making my own mouth pull up at the corners. What she feels,
I feel. She’s happy. Content. Mine.

“Morning, baby.” I run my foot over the back of her calf.

“Morning.” She lays her hands on my chest, resting her chin on them.
“Want to go for breakfast and then do a little site seeing?”

Her smile falters and she sits up. “Yeah, sure.” She shrugs her shoulders
as her eyes roam over the newspaper I left lying out on the bedside table.

I ignore her reluctance. “I’ll go see if I can find you something to wear.
One of the local wives might have something.” I slip my legs into my jeans.

She nods, heading into the bathroom. The door clicks quietly behind her.
I know she doesn’t want to do this but it’s time.

Shoving my keys and billfold into my pocket, I eye the journals on the
table. I want to pull the cover back and peek inside, but the angel is on my
shoulder whispering feverishly, “Show her she can trust you, you big dumb
fuck. Don’t even think about it.”

The little bitch on my shoulder is right. Lily will show me when she’s

I open the door almost tripping over a paper bag left on our doorstep.
Scanning the parking lot, I notice Raffe sitting under a tree. He salutes me. I
grab the bag and peer inside. Clothes. One step ahead of me. I shake my
head and wave to him.

He stands and walks towards me, stopping at the bottom of the steps. “I
called the coroner’s office. Jenny’s parents faxed her dental records.” He
drops his eyes to the ground, tapping his hand on the railing a few times.
Eventually he reigns in his emotions, his focus back on me. “I’m meeting
him at four this afternoon, if she wants to go along.”

“I’ll tell her.”

“Be easy on her, Dan.”

“I am.”

“Are you though?”

“I needed her to know she can’t…” a wave of nausea washes over me as
I picture her sitting on that ledge, her eyes glazed over by the drugs her
father gave her. How easily she could have fell.

“Dan, for what this is worth I think yesterday was her putting herself out
of their reach in the only way she knew how. She doesn’t want to leave
you.” His gaze shifts behind me.

Hands slide around my mid-section. Her face presses against my bare

back, her cheek wet with tears. I grab her hands, giving them a gentle
squeeze. “I never want to leave you,” she whispers against my skin.

I turn, forgetting all about Raffe. She is standing behind me in a towel,

freshly showered, and oh so beautiful. Placing the bag in her hands, I lean
down and kiss the top of her head.

“I’m sorry I scared you,” she says, self-consciously running her free hand
over her hair.

Pushing her hand away, I run my own down the length of it. I grab a
strand, reveling in the softness. “I lost my mind when JD called me, but that
was not your fault.”

She watches my fingers lovingly caress the lock of hair. “That’s not what
I mean.”

“I know. Will you help me understand?”

Lily sucks her bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling on it for a brief
moment. “Okay.”

We ride down to the bay, stopping at a little bagel shop for breakfast.

As we walk towards the bridge she slows. Logically or not, I grip her
hand tighter. My fear of her running and plunging herself over the edge is
increasing the closer we get. She stops. Her eyes sweep the entire area.

I’ve decided to let her lead from this point forward. There is nothing
worse than being drug toward your greatest fears. Her father has done
plenty of that. I will not.

“When I was sixteen my dad came to my room and told me that there
was a young woman who would be staying with us.” Lily stares at her feet.
“She was the first one he acknowledged.”

She takes a few steps before stopping again. Her eyes raise as she looks
down the length of the bridge. “I waited six days for her to leave that
room.” She turns to face me now. “When she did she walked out of the
house and this is where she came.”

She takes a deep breath and pulls us forward a few more steps. Her
fingers tremble in mine as she continues to walk slowly.

“I remember being struck by her beauty. A fresh face just like on the
cover of a magazine. An All-American girl. When she swung her leg over
the railing I froze. I didn’t understand what she was doing.” Lily stops now
and stares at a section of the bridge, ghosts of the past reflect in the pools of
her eyes.

Bravely she walks us forward, hand in hand. Then she stops abruptly and
turns to face the water. We both stare at the spectacular view.

“When she lowered herself, I rushed forward, leaning over to see her
perched on the pipe below.” Her hand trembles as she lays it gently on rail.
I place a hand on each side of her, standing with my chest pressed to her
back. Cautiously she leans over, we both stare at the churning water below.

Her hand dangles over the rail, reaching. “I didn’t know what to say.”
She wiggles her fingers in the air. “It was then I noticed her necklace. I
asked her about it.”

She pulls her hand back quickly.

“You saved her that day.”

Her face raises to the sky, she closes her eyes. “No, she saved me that
We stand quietly, the world rotating around us.

“My father sent me away the week she died. Demanded that I accompany
my mother on a trip to Paris.” Her body trembles against me. “She…she…”
Lily cannot get the words out. Her heart is exposed, bloody and raw.

“She came back,” I finish for her.

She nods, her hands scramble along the railing seeking mine. I lift my
hands and place them over the tops of hers, pressing them securely over the

“I’ve got you, sunshine,” I reassure her.

“We had a plan…we had a plan. I don’t know why she changed her

Lily breaks down in my arms. I protect her from onlookers with my body.
No one really pays much attention except for one person. The officer I met
yesterday. He watches from afar. A frown upon his face. The man must
have the soul of a saint, to walk this bridge every day, looking for broken

I tip my chin to him in reassurance. He nods back.

“After she left I tried to follow through on my own, but I just couldn’t do
it. The thought of running alone was too much. Then my father announced
my wedding.” She sucks in a ragged breath. “I begged him to reconsider
and when he wouldn’t…”

“You came here,” I finish again.

Her head turns left, then right as she takes in the length of the bridge. “I
came here,” she repeats, she straightens her shoulders. As the salty breeze
nips at her hair I sense a shift in her demeanor.

“I came here,” she says again. “And I lived. I lived.” She tilts her face to
the sun, a beautiful smile forming on her face. “I lived.” She laughs. Then
she surprises me by turning in my arms. “I lived.” She wraps her tiny hands
in my beard and pulls me close to her. She mumbles over my lips, “I lived.”

Lily kisses me, her tongue diving into my mouth. She kisses me with the
kind of sheer abandon that only someone who has hit rock bottom can. The
wind picks up, whipping her hair around our heads. She giggles as she pulls

My shoulders drop, the sun suddenly shining brighter, warming me from

the inside out.

She stares into my eyes as I drown in hers. It took twenty shades of

brown for God to come up with the sheer perfection of her eyes. Warmer
than a cup of cocoa in the dead of winter, richer than a sip of coffee first
thing in the morning.

“I promised her I would let you love me.” She blinks, and a tear rolls
slowly down her cheek. I brush it away with my thumb, then press it against
her plump bottom lip. I drag my thumb across her lip before leaning down
and kissing her.

When I pull away I ask, “Are you going to let me?”

“Yes.” She smiles before turning back to look out over the bay. “The
minute my hands left the bridge I regretted it.” Lily drops her head. “I don’t
want to die, Dan.”

“But you did?” I ask sincerely, no judgement in the question.

Her gaze roams over the glittering water. “I wasn’t thinking about
dying.” A crease forms between her brows. “I just couldn’t figure out how
to live.”

Sighing, I hug her from behind.

“When I fell,” she stumbles on the word. “I realized I had made a terrible
mistake. One I didn’t think I would come back from.”

“I’m so glad you got a second chance.”

“Me too.” She lays her head back on my chest, relaxing fully into me.

I let her take all the time she needs as she processes everything. Several
hours pass before she looks at me. “I need him to pay for everything he’s

“We’ll find a way,” I say, feeling exactly the same way.

“I’m ready to go.” She tucks her hair behind her ear shyly. “Thank you
for coming here with me today.”

I drink her in, my beautiful little fairy. “I don’t think you see it.”

Her brow wrinkles as she tries to decipher my statement. “You are a

splash of color in a dark world. That’s why they want to keep you. It’s why
I want to keep you.”

She tips her head to the side, pondering my words.

I reach out and trail a finger down the side of her face, over the bruise
that bastard left behind.

“They don’t deserve you.”

“Do you?” she smirks.

“No,” I answer honestly.

Her eyes soften. She places her hand over mine as I cup her face. She
turns her face and presses her lips to the center of my palm. “This hand
would never hurt an innocent human being.” Her eyes lift to mine. “But it is
strong enough to hurt those who are evil. When you came for me,” she
pauses, blinking back tears, “when you came for me I thought I was
dreaming.” She closes her eyes. “I feel safe with you, Dan.”

We leave the bridge behind. A chapter laid to rest. From here on out we
are together. There is more to discuss, much more but I think I understand
her better now. She didn’t want to die; she just didn’t know how to live.
We stop for lunch before heading back to the hotel. I watch her carefully
as I bring up the next topic for discussion. “Raffe contacted Jenny’s family.”
She freezes, a french-fry paused mid-air. “They sent her medical records to
the county. He has a meeting with the coroner at four today.”

She sets the fry down before slouching against the booth.

“He wanted me to ask if you’d like to go with him.” I comb my fingers

through my beard as I wait for her response. The click of silverware and
soft murmurs of other patrons the only thing breaking the silence.

She scratches her head and leans forward, then back again. She wants to
say something but doesn’t know how to say it.

“Lily, just say what you’re thinking.”

“I’m scared,” she leans forward, whispering, her eyes dart around the
café. “He…” she shakes her head. “He is very powerful.” She makes a fist,
banging it on the table. “I don’t want to see you or anyone in the club get

I lean forward too, our faces inches apart. Her eyes search mine as I
speak. “You listen to me. I made a choice and so did the club. We chose
you, Lily. This isn’t the first time we’ve faced a threat and I’m sure it won’t
be the last. We get mean, Lily. We get mean and we protect what is ours.
It’s our motto. Never forget that.”

She felt that.

I felt it.

We definitely understand each other now.

I close the distance, stealing her breath. When I pull back I give her a
final warning. “I will kill for you. I will die for you.”

Her bottom lip trembles. “I love you,” she whispers.

Chapter Thirty-Five

I’m shaking all over, a bead of sweat slowly rolls down my spine. Looking
to my right, I watch Raffe’s knee bounce. We haven’t had a chance to really
talk but he isn’t angry like the last time we were together.

A man with grey hair combed over a bald spot takes the seat across from
us. He pushes his glasses up on his nose as he opens the folder he brought
with him. “I’ve had a chance to compare the dental records of our Jane Doe
to your friend, Ms. Jenny Martin.”

He tips his head slightly, peering at us over the rim of his glasses. When
neither of us say anything, he continues. “They are a match. Please accept
my sincere condolences. I hope this at least brings you and her family some
peace. I see she has been missing for many years?”

My head turns towards Raffe. He glances at me before focusing on the

coroner. “Yes, she was fourteen when she went missing.”

The coroner frowns, deep wrinkles creasing the sides of his mouth. “How
very sad.” He steeples his fingers in front of his face. “If you give me a
minute I will gather the paperwork for her family. There is a process we
must go through to have her moved.”

Raffe nods and the elderly gentlemen rises and begins rifling through file
“I need a minute,” Raffe tells me, standing and excusing himself.

I wait for the door to close behind him. “Sir?” I quietly interrupt the man
in his search.

He looks at me briefly before focusing once again on the files. “Yes?”

“Was…I mean was she pregnant when she was found?”

He stops, his fingers paused on a bright blue folder. “No.” His brows
furrow. “I thought she had been missing. Why would you ask about a

“She was missing, yes, but not to me. I had met her a few times, here in
San Francisco.”

“I see.” He pulls the file from the cabinet and takes a seat, not taking his
eyes off me.

“You look familiar. Do I know you?”

“Perhaps. I’m Senator Ramsey’s daughter.”

He taps the folder on the desk.

I need to be smart here so I offer him the best explanation I can. I don’t
need him getting suspicious and alerting anyone.

“I met Jenny while I was working with a charity. My hopes were to

reunite her with her family. She was pregnant at the time. We lost touch
before…” I leave my thoughts there. It takes longer to tell a lie than the

He smiles at me sadly. “No need to explain. I understand. It’s too bad she
couldn’t have held on a little longer.”

Raffe walks back into the room. His eyes wandering from the coroner to
me. The coroner stretches an arm forward. “If you could get these to her
family, we cannot start the process until they are returned to us.”
“Thank you,” Raffe tells him. The coroner rises from his chair to shake
Raffe’s hand.

Dan and Dirk are waiting for us outside, leaning against the building.
Both are smoking.

“Get it all squared away?” Dirk asks.

Dan stomps his smoke with his boot before wrapping me up in the safety
of his arms.

“Yeah, it was a match.” Raffe slaps the papers the coroner gave him
against his thigh.

Dirk grabs the back of Raffe’s head and pulls him in for a hug. Not a
quick bro hug but a real one. One that tells me they’ve been through a lot

“You okay?” Dan asks me.

“Yeah, fine.” I’m not. I’m far from fine. There are so many questions. So

Dirk releases Raffe.

Raffe walks over to me and tugs me out of Dan’s embrace, pulling me

into his. My arms hang awkwardly at my side. “Thank you,” he whispers
against my hair, tucking his face into my neck. I stare at Dirk over his
shoulder. He nods his head. Slowly I bring my arms up and wrap around
him. When he pulls away he brushes tears from his eyes. “Fuck, I’m ready
to go home.” He folds the papers in his hand in half, shoving them in his
back pocket.

“Hell, yeah. I miss my girls.” Dirk pats him on the back as they walk
towards their bikes.

My eyes drift after them.

“What about you?” Dan asks, spinning me to face him. “You ready to go

I nod shyly.

He smiles bright, making me feel like all is right with the world. It’s not.
Everything feels wonky and uncertain but that smile, it’s my bright spot.
Jenny used to tell me that I was hers. She had definitely been mine. As long
as I have one I think I’ll be okay. No, I know I’ll be okay.

We follow Dirk and Raffe out of the parking lot back towards the hotel.
When we get close I see the others waiting for us on their bikes. We don’t
pull in but as we pass they file out one by one behind us. This will never get
old, being part of a group like this. It makes me feel warm and safe.

Long hours pass before we finally arrive back at the warehouse. Some of
the guys broke off earlier, headed to their homes. Soon there are just a small
group of us, those who live at the warehouse. Dan helps me off the bike.
Everyone else heads inside, excited to hit their beds.

He tilts his head, studying me. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I thought maybe we would go to my house,” I admit, wrapping my

arms around myself.

He cradles the side of my face in his big palm. “I’ll get you home
eventually. I promise. But, for now I think it’s safer if we stay here.”

My gaze roams over the building. It’s not that I don’t like it here, it’s
just…my dad is still controlling my damn life.

Dan reads the emotions I’m battling in my head.

“The security here is probably better than what your dad has set up at his
estate. We had some shit go down a few years ago. Raffe was hurt badly.
I’m telling you we are safer here than anywhere. Dirk spared no expense.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, I do. It’s just…I simply wanted to go
home but I understand. I trust you.”
He leans in and kisses me on my forehead, letting his lips linger there for
a moment before pulling away. “We’ll go back to your place as soon as I’m
sure it’s safe.”

I nod as he takes my hand, ushering us inside. The warehouse is quiet.

Again, I’m struck by the beauty of the place. That warm, cabin in the
woods, feel makes me sigh in relief. He steers us to the kitchen, loading my
arms with snacks and drinks, it makes me giggle.

“I’m sorry but I’m hungry.”

“Me too,” I admit.

When we get to his room we shower, washing away the dust from our
travels. He inspects every inch of me, looking for more bruising. When he
doesn’t find anything other than the one on my face he drops his shoulders.
Tension eases from his muscles.

He gives me one of his white t-shirts to sleep in. It smells like him and
it’s soft and warm. I smile to myself as I slip it over my head. Dan watches
with an appreciative glint in his eye.

“I promised myself no funny business tonight,” he says, biting his

knuckle. “Jesus, help me.”

I laugh, plopping down on his bed. It’s nice to have a man who
appreciates my body. “I don’t mind your funny business,” I say shyly,
hiding behind my hair.

He chuckles as he begins unpacking his bag. “I don’t mind it either, but I

think we need to talk, then we should get some sleep.”

Collapsing back on the bed, I roll to my side to pick through the snacks
we brought up. “All we’ve done today is talk,” I pout.

The bed dips as he sits down beside me. Dan lays the journals in front of
me. “Out of everything in that house you could have taken, you chose these.
My gaze flits across them, landing on the two that have doodles all over
the covers. I sit up and pull them to my lap. “These two were Jenny’s.” My
finger traces over a smiley face she drew.

Dan pulls his legs up on the bed, sitting cross legged in front of me.

“The rest are mine. I’ve journaled for as long as I can remember.” I pick
one up and hand it to him.

He flips it over in his big hands. I break out in a sweat, seeing someone
else hold my thoughts, my dreams. His eyes roll up to mine. Slowly he
hands it back.

I don’t accept it, pushing it away from me. “I want you to know

“Lily, you don’t have to do this,” he says, tapping the book on my knee.

Setting Jenny’s journal in front of me, I pull my legs up to hug them. “I

know I don’t have to. I want to share them with you. That is the first one.
My mother gave it to me on my tenth birthday. I want you to know me. The
good, the bad, the ugly. You said you wanted me to help you understand.
This is how I can do that.” I motion a hand over the journals.

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” I nod.

He smiles at me before leaning over and claiming my lips. My eyes fall

closed. I wasn’t sure I would ever see him again, but he came for me. He
really does love me.

When he pulls away he frowns. “You’re crying again.”

I laugh and wipe the tears from my face. “It’s a happy cry. I promise.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“You, and how much you love me.” I tuck a piece of my hair behind my
ear before gathering the journals and placing them on the nightstand.
“You’re the first man to say that to me.” I busy myself, turning all the binds,
so they are lined up and facing the same way.

He reaches past me, shutting the light off then he grabs me and pulls me
to lay down beside him. Once he has us in a spooning position, cuddled
under the covers he whispers in my ear, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
He squeezes me tight.

God there is no better place in the world than right here in his arms. “I
love you too.”

“I’m going to make up for all the times you should have heard it but
didn’t.” His beard scratches against my cheek.

I raise my hand and hold his face to mine so he can’t move away. “I
missed you so much and we were only apart one night. How can that be?”

“We are just one of those lucky love at first sight couples.”

Turning in his arms, I snuggle into his broad chest. “I was scared I’d
never see you again.”

He kisses me slow and deep, making my toes curl before pulling away
from me. “I wouldn’t have let that happen.” He kisses me once more before
running his hand over my face. “Let’s sleep. I’m fucking beat.”

Laughing lightly, I close my eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Ikeep my eyes closed, forcing myself to go back to sleep, fighting the urge
to get up and take a piss. Lily’s head lands on my stomach, making me
grunt lightly. My hand roams down to cup the back of her head. “It’s still
dark out,” I murmur sleepily.

She giggles, turning her face to press a kiss against my stomach. I flinch
and stifle the grin that is forming on my face.

“You haven’t even opened your eyes,” she teases.

I peek one eye open then the other. “Why are you up so early?”

“I don’t know.” She traces circles lightly over my chest. Suddenly she
jumps to a sitting position. “Oh, I know what I could do.” She climbs off
the bed, scrounging around for her clothes.

Propping myself up on an elbow, I watch her, amused. “What are you

doing?” I ask.

“I’m going to go down and make everyone breakfast.” She shimmies one
leg into her jeans and then the other, tugging them over her ass with a little

Shit, that was hot. I lick my lips as I stare at her, my fingers itching to
touch her. My eyelids droop right before I lunge for her.
“Dan, no, I’ve got to get started,” she says breathlessly. I suck the
sensitive skin under her ear in my mouth. “Please, I need to thank them
somehow,” she pleads

I release her neck with a pop and sigh. “Fine, but you can show me your
thanks after breakfast.” I smack her ass before pushing her away from me.
“I’ll come downstairs and help you.”

She bites her nails, shifting anxiously on her feet. “How do you want me
to thank you?” she asks shyly. I’m not fooled, she’s not that shy around me
anymore. Maybe a little. But right now, I think Lily is messing with me.
She likes these little games we play.

Tipping my head, I pretend to think about it. I tap my finger over my lips
when it stops she squeezes her thighs together. She is getting turned on.
“How about you let me do something to you no one else has ever done.”

Her lips part, a tiny puff of air escaping her. She shivers and her nipples
poke delightfully against my white t-shirt. “Like what?”

“Well, sweetheart, what haven’t you done?”

She opens and closes her mouth. I’m sure there are things that come to
mind but she’s a little scared to voice them. My cock swells. Fuck, we are
never going to get downstairs at this rate. A thought comes to me. It’s a
little evil. Should I?

Another shiver runs up her spine as if she can read my thoughts.

“I don’t know what you want me to say?” She shifts nervously.

I shrug my shoulders. “Well, there’s no hurry I guess, maybe you can

think about it through breakfast?”

It’s then she realizes what I’ve just done. She whines as she rips my shirt
over her head. Oh, she so did that on purpose.

Her eyes meet mine, checking to see if she has any chance of winning
this round. Nope. Not a chance. Hey, I know my balls are going to ache
over this too, but a little anticipation is good for the soul.

She huffs a stray piece of hair out of her eyes as she leans over to snag
her bra from the floor. She glares at me but in a playful, yet I want to kill
you sort of way. I chuckle to myself as I begin getting dressed myself. This
is my Lily. She’s back. With each passing minute she is morphing back into
the Lily I met at the tattoo shop, leaving the Lily I found clinging to a ledge

“I’ll meet you down there,” she says, standing on her tip toes to give me
a peck on the cheek.

She bounces out of the room. An evil smile forms on my face. I grab the
little clit vibrator I bought. I was going to torture her with it the night of the
run but that all went to shit after she almost dove head first into the lake.
Pocketing it, I whistle my way downstairs.

She’s washing her hands in the sink. I walk up behind her and press her
into the counter. She grunts, instantly pressing her ass into my groin. When
she turns her head, she’s smiling. “About time you showed up. I thought
you were going to ditch,” she says over her shoulder.

“I’d never ditch you.” I pull the clit vibrator out of my pocket. “I’ve got
something that might help stimulate your mind. Maybe it can help you think
of something that has never been done to you.” I lean in and nip at her

She stills in my arms as my hands slide around, popping the button on

her jeans. I shove the rubbery stimulator inside her panties, completely
covering her clit. It has a tail of beads that I align right down to her asshole.
She hisses, making my cock jump in my jeans.

Once I’m content with the placement I gently pull my hand out of her
pants and button her back up. I kiss her cheek before taking a step away.

She doesn’t move. Not an inch. “Dan,” she says, unsure of what is
I slide the bar on my phone, giving her a little buzz. Lily jolts forward,
grabbing the counter tightly. “Oh. Oh shit.” She starts to double over so I
pull back on the control.

Slowly she rights herself, cautious for it to begin again. She spins
towards me. “W-what is that?” she asks unsteadily.

“This?” I shake my phone in my hand. “Just a little item I picked up.

Thought we’d give it a try.” I put it in my pocket, wash my hands and head
to the cupboard to retrieve the griddle. “Should we make pancakes?”

She rotates in place, her eyes not leaving my pocket. “Dan, everyone will
be up soon,” she warns, her eyebrows raised to her hairline.

“Well then you better come before they do.”

“Dan,” she squeals, stomping her foot.


“Oh. Oh.” She leans back then forward again, trying to get the thing to
ease off her.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

She is glaring daggers at me now, but I see the lust…so we continue to


I hand her a dozen eggs. “You can whip these up and I’ll start on the
pancakes.” My eyes trail over her ass as she leans over the counter, cracking
an egg in a bowl. I drag my gaze away and focus on the task at hand, which
is making her squirm.

“So, have you ever given a blow job?”

She stills, bracing herself for the kick to come. And it does.

She nods her head feverishly, answering quickly, hoping to escape the
vibration. “Yes. Yes, I’ve given a blow job.”
I pull my hand from my pocket, pleased she answered truthfully. Leaving
the griddle to warm, I grab the bacon out of the fridge. Lily is eyeing me

Setting the bacon on the counter, I turn towards her. “It’s been
scientifically proven that the first sizzle of bacon causes Raffe to wake from
the dead.” I cock an eyebrow and she swallows hard, getting my message
loud and clear.

I run a knife along the package. “Okay, blow jobs are not a first for you.
Hm, let’s see? Have you ever had your pussy feasted on?”

When she doesn’t answer I swivel my head towards her. She’s biting her
lip nervously.

“Well?” I think I know the answer and suddenly I want to beat her ex into
the ground. What kind of man takes pleasure without giving it? Asshole.

Deciding to let her off the hook on this one because I feel like shit for
even asking, I pop off another question. “Ever had someone fuck your ass.”

Her eyes go wide the previous question forgotten. Good. She blinks slow,
her lips parting. This question intrigues her.

“No,” she whispers.

Her answer sends a surge of blood to my cock.


She thrashes against the counter, turning to face me. Her eyes beg me to
stop, beg me to keep going. “Jesus, oh God, Jesus,” she pants. Lust kisses
her skin, making it glow, and look. Oh so. Fucking. Sexy.

I shut it off.

Chuckling, I drop the bacon in skillet. My eyes are on hers as I go back

to the pancakes. She reluctantly breaks eye contact and stumbles to the
stove, pouring the eggs into a pan. She reaches for the salt and pepper on
the rack over the stove. A portion of her creamy skin is revealed to me.
God, my fucking balls ache more than I thought they would. I hope
breakfast goes fast.

She rubs her legs together obviously trying to ease the ache between her
thighs. I give it a few short bursts to keep her going. Lily lets her head fall
back. “I…I can’t do it here,” she grits out.

I walk over and swat her ass with the spatula. “Yes, you can.”

The first sizzle of bacon crackles on the griddle. Both of our heads turn
towards it in unison. Then they go to the ceiling as footsteps sound the

I smirk as she presses her back into the counter, staring at me. “Please,”
she begs prettily.

Holding the phone up to where she can see it, I slowly slide the bar
higher and higher. Her eyes open wide as she rises to her tippy toes. The
sounds from upstairs get louder. A bead of sweat runs down her neck. Fuck
that’s hot.

Taking two big steps towards her, I press my hand against her jeans,
pushing the vibrator firmly against her. “Come,” I growl low in her ear. She
instantly convulses against me, throwing her head back. After, a long
minute I let off the control, bringing her back down. She breathes heavily,
dropping her head to my chest. Once I’m sure she won’t fall over I step

“Goddamn, I love bacon,” Raffe says as he steps into the kitchen.

Lily’s eyes dart to mine, a flush still kissing her cheeks and rushing down
her neck. She swallows hard, struggling to control her breathing.

Raffe pats my back as I flip the pancakes. His eyes roam from the bacon
to Lily. She turns away, sticking her head in a cupboard. I laugh out loud.
She throws me one of her, I’m going to murder you in your sleep, looks
before promptly sticking her head back in the cupboard.
Raffe shakes his head in amusement, pulling a piece of bacon off the
stove and chomping on it.

Lily huffs when she realizes she can’t hide in the cupboard all day. She
stomps her foot and turns to face Raffe. “I’m making you all breakfast as a
thank you,” she says, tossing her hip into him to get him to move away
from the stove.

He chuckles, pointing his bacon at her. “She’s been spending too much
time with the dark one.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven

They both laugh as the dark one walks into the room. Jesse cocks an
eyebrow, making them quickly smother their enjoyment.

I smile to myself. Jesse is badass. I love her.

Everyone has a wonderful breakfast. All of the tension from the past few
days washes away. My eyes fall over each of my new friends, lingering
longer on the one who makes my heart beat faster. Dan makes life fun. He
is never in a rush. He truly lives in the moment. Sensing my eyes on him he
turns, an ornery grin spreads across his face. He winks at me before turning
back to listen to Billie Rose who is babbling in the chair next to him. She’s
so tiny compared to him. My chest gives a little squeeze.

Jackson happily chomps on a piece of bacon as he sits on my lap. His

focus on the little chrysalis hanging on the branch in his bug catcher. Raffe
nudges me. “Hey, I was going to ask if you want to drive down to Vegas
with Rachel, Jackson and me? I wanted to give Jenny’s parents the news in
person, you know?”

I bounce Jackson on my leg. “Oh, I don’t think I’m ready for that,” I
answer hesitantly.

Raffe doesn’t push me. “Hey, that’s okay.” He rubs his hand over my
shoulder. “They are interested in meeting you. But no rush. We can take it
slow.” He leans back in his chair.
“I guess I hadn’t thought of meeting them.”

“Like I said, no hurry, okay?”

I nod, grateful he isn’t pushing this.

“One more thing.” He glances around as if he is making sure no one is

listening to us. He turns back to me. “I don’t want you take this the wrong
way. It’s just a suggestion. I…well, I was once where you were, on the
bridge.” He tips his head, silently asking if I understand what he is trying to
tell me. My eyes dip to Jackson before rising to his. I nod. I understand.

“Anyhow, I started seeing someone. You know to talk.”

“Like a therapist?” I wrinkle my nose, not liking the idea.

He takes my hand in his. “Could you go just once? If you don’t like it
you don’t have to go back. Please give it a chance. For me?”

My eyes glide over his blue ones. Blue and still and genuine. Just like
Jenny said.

My mind chants this is a bad idea as my head bobs a yes.

He smiles and suddenly it’s worth it. It’s just one time. It’s made him so
happy. Just once. For him. For Jenny.

“Thank you. I’ll set it up. I’ll even drive you to your first appointment,”
he says enthusiastically.

“My only appointment,” I reiterate, making sure he’s clear on the terms.

“If you don’t like it,” he adds before changing the subject. “Jackson did
you tell Lily you’re going to the big city?”

Jackson turns to look at me. “Grandpa and grandma live there,” he tells

My eyes go back to Raffe. He answers my question before I ask.

“My parents have passed and so have Rachel’s so I’ve kind of adopted
Jenny’s parents as my own.”

My heart swells and my thoughts leave my mouth without thought.

“Jenny would have loved you keeping in touch with her parents, let alone
claiming them as your own. You don’t know how happy that makes me,” I
gush. Jenny would be ecstatic with this bit of news. She always worried that
they would never get the chance to be grandparents, being she was an only

He taps his fingers over his heart. “Awe, Lily, it makes me happy to hear

Jackson’s little fingers turn my face towards him. I chuckle. “Grandma

and grandpa don’t like bugs but they like birds,” he informs me.

“Birds huh?” I tip my head, an idea coming to mind. “How about you
and I build them a birdhouse on Wednesday? We can paint it and
everything,” I tell him.

He bounces on my leg. “Yes, I want to make a birdhouse.” He jumps off

my lap, running over to Rachel to tell her all about our plans. She looks up
and smiles at me.

“You’re amazing,” Raffe says.

I shake my head humbly. “I’m far from amazing, Raffe.”

I almost come out of my chair as the little vibrator erupts, torturing me at

a lazy hum. My eyes dart to Raffe. He didn’t seem to notice, his focus on
his wife and son.

My gaze slides to Dan. He points a finger at me. Shoot, he overheard me

putting myself down. I grit my teeth as he gives me another warning buzz.

Raffe looks at me. “The fact you don’t recognize how amazing you are is
something you probably need to talk to someone about.”

Well, I guess he has me there.

After we finish breakfast Dan and I rush upstairs. As soon as he closes
the door to his room we are all over each other. “You are such an asshole,” I
mumble into his mouth as we both fumble with our clothes, trying to get
naked as fast as we can.

I’m so wound up I want to climb him like a tree. So, I do.

Once our clothes are off I scramble up his frame as he grabs me under
my ass and walks us to the wall. My breath leaves me for a moment as he
slams me against it. “You love this asshole,” he grunts as he thrusts into me,
effectively shutting me up. And I do love him. I do. I do. I do.

He fucks me fast and furious until I come undone. Tension builds and
builds and builds until I’m….

Spiraling down…



“Holy, fuck,” I clench my teeth, clinging to this big beast of a man like
he’s my salvation. “I hate you and I love you,” I speak into his mouth,
grabbing his face in my hands.

He chuckles as he continues to pound into me. The small of my back

presses into the wall with each thrust. “Oh, oh, fuck, don’t stop,” I grit.

“I bet you’re loving me right now,” he grunts, his muscles tensing. His
head drops to the crook of my neck as we come together, our bodies
vibrating from the explosion.

“We’re going to kill each other.” His breath is hot on my skin, his voice

“In the best of ways.” I lay my head against the wall. Sighing heavily,
feeling light and airy.
We spend the rest of the day lying around lazily. Dan has started reading
my journals. He flies through them. It’s as if he’s binging a series. I guess
he is.

I take a bite of my apple, staring at Dan. I could stare at him for days and
days. I’ve had time to inspect all of the ink on this side of him and I’m
contemplating asking him to come lay face down beside me so I can inspect
his backside. My eyebrow raises at the thought of his tight ass.

“I love you,” Dan calls my eyes to his. When they make contact, he
smiles. I blush shyly. He stops every once in a while to tell me he loves me.
Sometimes he doesn’t take his eyes from the page when he says it. It’s like
whatever he read broke his heart and he can’t bring himself to show me the
pain in his eyes.

“I’ve got a question for you?”

Leaning over, I drop my apple core in the little trash can on the floor, my
mind racing. Question. He is going to ask me a question. I swallow down
my panic.


When I turn to the sound of my name amber eyes keep me tethered to the
shore. I bob there nervously; afraid I’m going to drift into full blown panic.

“You wrote this so…” He suddenly jerks out of the chair, coming to sit
beside me. He talks excitedly. “You wrote with such detail. It’s like you
were dropping bread crumbs.”

I shake my head, confused.

“You left clues, Lily, clues. You mention several times that the day after
you heard the crying your father would flip something black between his

My mind instantly conjures my father, his fingers threading a piece of

black plastic between them effortlessly. Mindlessly.
I always watched him closely after a night of hearing them. He reminded
me of the lions I used to see in the zoo. He would grump around for days,
throwing things, slamming doors and then I would hear them and the next
day he would be calm. Just like the lions after being fed. It was as if he was
finally satiated. It scared me.

Oh god.

“What was it he flipped in his hand, Lily?”


“Because this is how you get justice.”

“You mean they get justice.”

“No. I meant exactly what I said.”

I blow him off. I don’t need justice, they do. “It was a flip drive.” And
the minute the words leave my mouth I understand where he’s going with

“He recorded it, Lily,” he says, cupping my tiny hands in his.

I blink quickly as images flip thought my mind like a rolodex. Yes. Yes.
The morning after he always had one. Always.

Jumping from the bed, I spin to look at Dan. “It’s proof.”

He nods his head slowly. “It would be proof, baby.”

“But where would he keep them? He’s been accused before…law

enforcement searched.”

“He’s either got a hell of a hiding space or he has someone high up in his

“I’m going to find them.” I stand taller, determined.

“We, baby. We.” Dan stands, running his thumb over my bottom lip.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

He smiles before leaning in close. “Bread crumbs, baby. This was all

I let him kiss me slowly, our tongues agreeing that we make a

surprisingly good team. When he pulls away we smile at each other. This
man has my back and he’s going to have it while I tear my father’s world
down around him.
Chapter Thirty-Eight

I’m not sure why I agreed to this. My eyes dart to Raffe who is sitting on
the couch beside me. The therapist’s eyes bounce over the two of us. “So,
Raffe tells me that Jenny is a mutual friend of yours.”

“Yes.” Keep it short and sweet and this will all be over soon.

He smiles. He has kind eyes. But kind eyes aren’t always kind.
Sometimes they’re tricky. He will try to trick me into saying something I
shouldn’t. I glance at Raffe again. He is smiling too.

Maybe they are both going to trick me. I mean sure Raffe is here because
I said I couldn’t, or maybe it was wouldn’t do this without him.

“It’s an amazing story,” the young therapist says.

I mean shouldn’t he be older? I was expecting someone older. Wiser.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I don’t say anything.

He chuckles. “Lily, I’m not here to trick you. Relax, please.”

Oh, he thinks he’s so good he can read minds. I cross my arms over my
chest. Unsure why I’m being so bratty. Why am I being a brat?
The answer makes me drop my eyes in shame. I’m scared and I don’t
know if I can trust him.

Again, the fucker reads my mind. Did I just think the word fucker? I
don’t have time to contemplate my use of profanity at the moment.

“Lily, did you hear me? Whatever we talk about stays in this room. You
have my word. And Raffe can stay as long as you like. If you decide you’re
ready for him to leave that’s fine. Just ask him to leave.”

I rub my hands over the top of my jeans, my palms sweating. “I don’t

really know why I’m here.”

He nods. “Well, Raffe is concerned about the attempt you made at taking
your own life.”

Facts. No bullshit. Fuck. I don’t like the facts. They suck.

“I did but…” I pause. “I did.”

“He said you jumped off the golden gate bridge?”

I nod, wiping a bead of sweat from my temple. It’s so hot in here.

“It’s amazing you survived. I’m curious to know your thoughts after you

My eyes dart to his. “I regretted it. I immediately regretted it.”

“That’s what I’ve read. You know there are only a handful of survivors,
but they’ve all said the same thing.”

Maybe this guy will understand me after all. I rush to explain, “I…god I
thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life. When I realized the fall
didn’t kill me it was like I had been born again. I knew I had to do
something drastic.”

“What did you do?” he asks, his pen scratching over the notepad on his
I turn to Raffe, reaching over to squeeze his hand. “Thank you but I think
I’m okay now.”

He smiles wide and stands. “I’ll wait in the lobby.”

When the door closes behind me I turn to the therapist and purge myself
of the day I jumped, the day I ran, and the day I met Jesse.

He shakes his head. “I think it’s a very lucky thing you met her that day.”

“Me too. She’s amazing. I’m sure Raffe’s spoken about her.”

He gives me what I’m assuming is a rare smirk. “He has.”

“Then you already know how amazing she is. All of them actually.
They’re the family I’ve always dreamed of. Well not exactly.” I laugh
lightly. “Truthfully, they are more than anything I could have imagined.”

“You must be something special too, for them to take you under their
wing the way they have.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” I say, embarrassed. “I’m nothing like
them. I would love to be brave like Jesse but I’m nothing like her.”

“You don’t think of yourself as brave?” he asks, setting his pen down and
focusing all his attention on me.

I laugh. “Um, no. I’m the farthest thing from brave there is.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because it’s true. If I would have been brave I would have been able to
help those girls.”

“What girls?”

I tap my finger on my leg. He is a trickster. I thought maybe Raffe had
told him about them.

I take a deep breath and give him a quick non-descript version, my eyes
glancing up at the clock. My time is just about up.

He picks up his pen and points to the clock. “I’ve scheduled you for two
hours today.” He tips his head. “I find first time patients need a little extra

I drop my head against the loveseat. Great.

“If you could go back what would you do differently.”

My mind clatters around as I look for an answer to his question. What

would I do differently?

When several minutes pass he answers for me. “The reason you can’t
answer that is because you aren’t the same person you were then. You were
a child when this started. Experiencing something as a child is completely
different than experiencing the very same thing as an adult.”

His words roll around in my head. Some of the guilt eases a bit. A tiny
bit but it’s a start.

“We all have our strengths, Lily. You are not Jesse and Jesse is not you.
You are brave in your own way.”

“I’m trying to find a way to give them justice…to stop him if he’s still
doing those things.” I glance out the window, watching white fluffy clouds
glide over the bright blue sky.

“That sounds brave to me.”

“Well, I have help.”

“Having help or even asking for help doesn’t negate the bravery.”
We spend the next hour talking about my dad and the flip drives. The
time flies by as I voice my fears, my hopes.

“Do you feel better than you did before you came?”

“Yes,” I admit.

“Good. I’d like to see you again next week.” He stands, setting the pen
and pad on his chair. I rise with him, taking a few steps towards the door.

“I guess that would be okay.”

“I’ll have the receptionist put you down for the same time next week.”
His hand rests on the doorknob. “Could you promise me one thing?”

I shrug. “I never like to promise anything before I hear what it is.”

He laughs. “Smart.” Tipping his head, he studies me. “When you feel
anxious, promise me you will let Raffe know.”


“He will be able to relate and he will alert me if he thinks you need more
help than he can give. We’re going to explore your anxiety next week but
for now just promise me. I don’t feel comfortable prescribing anything at
this point, but I would like to part ways knowing you will reach out to him.
I don’t want you suffering unnecessarily. Anxiety is no fun.”

“No. No it’s not.” I’ve always hidden my anxiety, running off by myself,
which only intensifies the sensation. I look him in the eye. “I promise.”

Smiling, he opens the door for me. “I’ll see you next week, Lily. Thank
you for trusting me today.”

Raffe is ecstatic that I stayed for the entire session. “I’m so glad today
worked out.”

“Yeah, I guess it wasn’t so bad.” I tuck my hair behind my ear, glancing

out the window, excited to be going to see Dan at his shop. Raffe is
dropping me off there and then I’m going to ride with Jesse to the bar. Dan
will take me home after my shift. They are all being overprotective after
what happened with my father.

It might look stifling to some but to me it’s wonderful. It shows me how

much they love me.

I wave to Raffe as he waits for me to go inside. So sweet.

When I get inside the shop my happiness quickly turns to unease. Dan is
bent over a girl with long blond hair. He’s tattooing something on her chest.
She is looking over her head, speaking to a girl that looks just as perfect as
her. Her friend is swinging her legs back and forth as she sits on a stool,
watching Dan work. They both laugh and he glances at them briefly before
going back to his design.

The blond winks at her friend and wiggles her eyebrows before allowing
her gaze to settle on Dan.

Jesse looks up from the guy she is working on. Her gun pauses. “Hey,
Lily.” She smiles, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. “I’ll be ready in
a minute.”

Dan glances up when he hears my name, giving me a sexy smile. My

heart squeezes and I push my ugly thoughts about the two girls to the side.

He nods his head for me to come to him. His eyes go back to his work,
not waiting for me to obey. He knows I will.

Slowly I saddle up to his side. The blond gives her friend a questioning
look. They are trying to decide who I am to him.

He pauses the gun. “How did it go today?”

“Good,” I tell him, looking over his shoulder at the tattoo he is doing on
this bimbo.

I roll my eyes. Typical.

Dan catches my annoyance and chuckles. Hmph. I saunter away from
him going over to inspect Jesse’s piece. She smiles up at me. “Going to let
me lay stake to some of that flawless skin you have,” she says, smacking
her gum between her teeth.

The blond huffs behind me.

Jesse winks, fueling me to play along with her.

“What spot do you want?” I pull my shirt up, giving her and the guy she
is working on a glimpse of side boob.

Jesse’s eyes light up, a mischievous grin on her face. “Oh, baby, yeah. I’ll
take it all.”

“Girls,” Dan warns.

We both giggle.

Jesse wipes the excess ink off her current canvas, finishing up.

“You know your skin belongs to me, right?” Dan says. The blond literally
lets out an exasperated sigh.

Good, she’s getting it now.

I turn around slowly with my shirt still raised. “Can’t she have this little
spot right here?” I let my finger trail over the side of my breast, running
down my ribs.

“No,” he says, firing up his gun and going back to work.

I pretend to pout. The blond shoots daggers at me as I fight the smile

trying to curve my lips upward.

Jesse’s customer pays and she grabs her keys. “Ready?”

“Sure.” I turn one last time to Dan. “So, I guess I’ll see you tonight?” I
can’t help but look at the blond and her friend, making sure they know he
has plans for the rest of evening

Dan shuts his gun off and sets it down on the tray. He stands up, all eyes
slide to him. His body takes up so much space he towers over all of us.
Then quick as a goddamn viper his hand strikes, his fingers wrap around
my neck. He drags me to him, making me dance on my toes. When we’re
chest to chest, his mouth crashes down on mine.

Every woman in the shop groans out loud.

My body jolts as he claims my mouth. White sparks break behind my

eyes as my core clenches hard. I find myself grinding against the thigh he
shoved between my legs. He pulls away slow and deliberate, his eyes
telling me I’m the only woman he wants. Jesus. The corner of his mouth
tips up slightly. “I’ll be seeing all of you tonight.” His voice rumbles all the
way down to my cunt. He releases me with a smack on the ass, before
sitting back down, focusing once again on his work. I sway slightly before
Jesse grabs my hand and pulls me from the shop.

I don’t even look at the faces of the two girls I was jealous of. Dan
effectively chased the green eyed monster away.

“Jesus Christ, you two are making me horny,” Jesse says, rubbing her
hand over her groin, not giving a fuck who sees her.

Quickly I slide into the passenger seat of her rod. My ass feels like it’s
dragging on the ground as we peel out.

“Dirk better be on his A game tonight.” She laughs, lighting up a

cigarette. “You bring out a side of Dan I’ve never seen and goddamn it’s

The bar is only a few minutes from the shop, so it takes us no time to get
there. The bar is hopping tonight. When we get inside I see a lot of the club
members here tonight. Jesse leaves me as I clock in behind the bar. I watch
as she walks over and wraps herself around Dirk. I smile, he looks happy
she’s all wound up.
Bill comes out from the back, setting his sights on me. “Lily, I’m glad
you’re back.” He kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll only need you a couple hours
tonight. Susan is coming in at eight.”

“However long you need me I’m yours,” I tell him, grabbing a towel to
wipe down the bar. Sliding easily into my normal routine, I hum, happy to
be working again.

The evening is going great and everyone seems to be enjoying

themselves. I glance at the clock. It’s almost time for Susan to come in and
relieve me. Dan should be here soon too. My tummy does a little flip,
thinking about the night to come.

The door opens and a group of people walk in. They look…my heart
plummets. It’s Benjamin, his friends, and their whores. I don’t know if
they’re actually hookers but some of his friends are married and none of the
women with them are their wives. Benjamin’s floozy is hanging on his arm.
Fuck. Me.

“You okay, sweetie?” Bill sidles up beside me. Looking from me to the
group, back to me.

“It’s…” I turn to face him. “It’s the guy I was supposed to marry.”

Bill pulls his head back, craning his neck to see the group as they shove
two table next to each other so they can sit together. “I’ll take their orders,”
he tells me.

“No. No.” I hold my hands up. “I refuse to let him win.”

JD has noticed the group as well and sits down in front of me, forcing me
to look at him. “You got this, girl?”

“I got it.”

I grab my pad and walk over to them. They all look up and the entire
group bursts into laughter.

Smile. Remember to smile.

“What can I get for you?”

The girl with Benjamin squeals, “Oh my god I thought you were lying.
She really does work here. In a biker bar.”

“It’s not a biker bar,” I inform her. My eyes dart around the room. Okay,
there are a lot of bikers in here and a biker does own it, but still. My gaze
snags on Dirk’s and his scary eyebrow pops up. I take a deep breath
focusing on my customers.

Benjamin speaks for the group. “We’ll start with four pitchers of beer
since I doubt there is much else to drink here.”

I nod, ignoring his insult. “Anything else?”

His eyes run over my outfit. I’m in black ripped skinny jeans and a white
tank top. My hair is pulled into a high pony tail. My makeup is on point and
honestly I feel pretty damn good about myself. “That’s it…for now,” he
adds in a creepy voice.

I’m pouring the pitchers when I overhear Bill on the phone. “She’s
holding her own, but you better get over here.”

Great, he called Dan. I can handle this. I can. Dan will kill Benjamin.
Especially since he’s read my journals. I don’t exactly remember everything
I wrote but I’m sure it didn’t portray Benjamin in the best of light.

I take the group glasses and four pitchers of beer. They waste no time
gulping them down. Benjamin and his four friends rev up their asshole
game as the alcohol settles in their systems. They keep calling me back to
the table for little things, harassing me more and more by the minute.

I feel the guys from the club bristle, waiting for me to say the word. I
know Bill would kick them out if I asked but I’m not letting them win. I just
don’t know how to one up them.

I’m standing by their table, waiting for them to decide what they want
next. They are looking over the drink menu, making fun of some of the shot
names. “You know you should add a drink called runaway bride.”
Benjamin’s best friend tells me.

My eyes narrow and I’m just about to lose my cool when a slender arm
slithers around my neck. I look down, seeing a feminine inked hand trace
along the top of my tank top. Jesse leans into me, looking at the group over
my shoulder. “Hey, Lily,” she says seductively.

The assholes stop making fun of me, a much different look appearing on
their faces. Her fingers continue to trail over my skin. I close my eyes,
playing along.

“Susan is here. Why don’t you let her take care of these…” she pauses to
look at the group, “let her take care of them.” She flicks an inked finger at
them in disgust. The men don’t seem to mind the insult, busy watching her
fingers trail across my pale skin. The girls stare at their drinks. Yeah, Jesse
isn’t someone you mess with.

Jesse’s other hand wraps around me, landing right above my pubic bone.
Oh. I jerk in her arms. This feels…um.

“Let’s dance,” her green eyes sparkle with mischief. “Susan,” she sing
songs over her shoulder. “Can you help these city folks out?”

“On it,” Susan says, coming over, a no nonsense look on her face. Bill
just hired her. She’s a mom of five boys. I think she can handle them.

Jesse laughs, pulling me over to the juke box. As we look over the
selections I whisper a thank you to her.

She taps her fingers over the selections. “You dodged a fucking bullet,
girl. That guy looks like an asshole.”

“He is,” I agree.

I notice Dan walk in. His eyes slide to mine before roaming over the
group of intruders. He’s tense, ready for a fight. Jesse watches him for a
minute too. “Ready to show that asshole what he lost?” She starts to pull me
out onto the dance floor. I say dance floor but her and I are the only ones
out here.

The music starts and Jesse smiles. It’s American Woman by Lenny
Kravitz. I want to laugh but she’s looking at me funny, a flirty smirk on her
face. She takes my hand and wraps herself around me like I’ve seen her do
to Dirk.

I close my eyes and let her lead me into the rhythm. We move and grind
to the music, our hands roaming over each other intimately. It’s kind of
weird to touch a woman this way. But it’s Jesse and she’s smoking hot.
“Everyone is staring at you,” I whisper in her ear.

“No, they’re staring at us.” She flips me around so that my back is

pressed against her chest. Her nipples are hard. I glance down at my own,
shit. Her hands slide up my thighs as I grind my ass into her. When the song
is almost over she releases me, shoving me towards Dan. “Show that prick
of an ex what he can never have.” She swats my ass. Our friends all clap
and whistle when our little show ends.

I focus on one thing and one thing only. Dan. Jesse has my libido kicked
up to an unbearable level.

Dan is standing at the end of the bar. I slide between him and the bar,
picking up his beer and taking a big gulp. He leans down and chuckles in
my ear. “That might have been the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he

Bill grabs two more beers, sliding them down to us. He tosses me a wink.

Dirk and Jesse disappear to the back somewhere.

Dan’s eyes slide across the room with mine. Benjamin is staring at me.
At us. Dan growls, a sound that only stokes the fire Jesse started. “Did
dancing like that make you wet?” His breath is hot on my neck. I shiver in
delight. I love his dirty mouth. He braces one hand on the counter as his
other slides to the front of my pants.
I glance around nervously but no one can see us tucked behind the end of
the bar. We’re in a dark corner and Raffe is standing a few feet away,
blocking anyone from taking the seat next to us, so…

The sound of my zipper pulls me from my anxious thoughts. I swallow

hard. “Dan,” I say trying to hide the unease in my voice.

He chuckles low. His hand slides in my panties, finding the answer he

seeks. I’m soaking wet. My cheeks heat in embarrassment but when his
warm mouth finds the crook of my neck I relax. Dan loves me, no matter
what. He loves my kinky side.

His eyes slide over to Benjamin. “He’s still watching you. I want him to
watch you come on my fingers, baby.” His voice is hypnotic, and so I have
no choice but to chase my orgasm for him. Only him.

I grind myself against the palm of his hand as he slides one then two
fingers into my drenched cunt.

“Keep your eyes open and on him. Let him see what he’s been missing,
how beautiful you are when you come.”

“Only for you,” I whisper, not wanting to look at Benjamin.

“Look at him,” he demands. “I want you to have the satisfaction of

witnessing the moment he’s realized his mistake.”

Dan pumps into me harder and I toss my head back against his chest, my
lips parting. Oh, god. My eyes lock with Benjamin’s. He has a scowl on his
face. Oh. Oh. “Dan,” I whimper.

“You ready, baby?”

I nod slightly and he curls his fingers. He’s relentless in his pursuit to
make me come and I do. I see a flare of lust in Benjamin’s gaze before I
allow my eyes to fall closed, riding out my orgasm.

“That’s it, baby. Show him how good you come for me.” He kisses my
temple. “Such a good, sweet, girl,” he praises, pulling his hand out of my
panties. I open my eyes in time to see Dan slide his fingers in his mouth,
licking my juices from his fingers.

I glance around the bar, no one is watching except Benjamin. Well, him
and his slut. She is literally seething by his side, but he doesn’t notice, his
eyes are still on me.

Dan’s hands are braced on each side of me. I turn in the corral of them
and he finally drops his gaze to mine. My tongue snakes along my top lip
and then slowly I lower myself to the ground, his eyes following me.

Quickly, I tug on his belt before popping the button on his blue jeans. His
amber eyes burn with desire as I pull his monster cock from his pants.
Gripping him tightly, I slide my hands up and down his length. I’ve never
done this with Dan before, he’s so big and I’m a little unsure how I’m going
to manage.

His head bops up, his eyes scanning the room before they tumble on me
again. I run my tongue over the tip of his dick, teasing him. One hand
leaves the bar and wraps around my pony tail, subtly taking charge. I smile
around him. A sound I’ve never heard falls over my ears, inspiring me to
take more in my mouth. Inch by glorious inch I push him in, until it reaches
the back of my throat. I gag a little and he rocks his hips back. My hands
pump what I can’t fit in my mouth, my tongue pressing against the
underside of his hard smooth cock.

“Jesus, Lily,” he groans, making my core clench tight. His voice alone is
enough to make me come. My eyes raise, locking on his. His cock jerks and
hardens in my mouth. I’m making him feel good. The power that comes
with that knowledge spurs me on. I want his orgasm. I want it now.

His fist tightens in my hair, he’s losing control. I never take my eyes off
his, until he looks up, staring across the room. I have no doubt where his
attention is. I flick my tongue over his tip when I pull back before slamming
him in my mouth as far as I can.

His whole body jerks once, twice. His eyes fall closed as his cum shoots
down my throat. I hum, satisfied by his reaction. He opens his eyes and
smiles at me as I let him slip from my lips. “Open your mouth,” he
whispers. I dutifully do as he asks, sticking my tongue out for his

“Fuck,” he says hoarsely.

I quickly buckle him up before sliding up his frame. He grabs the back of
my head and kisses me slow, tasting himself on my lips. His tongue licks
the roof of my mouth, along my teeth, it’s like he can’t get enough. When
he pulls away we are both breathless.

“Go clean up, then we’re taking this back to the warehouse. I’m not
finished with you.”

I shiver in anticipation. Yes. More. I need more. I’ll never get enough of
this man.

Not looking at anyone, I drop my head and slide behind the bar, heading
for the bathroom. As I’m washing my hands I smile at myself in the mirror.
I look flushed, sexy, satisfied. Hurrying to get back to Dan, I hit the button
on the hand dryer and rub my hands together.

I’m flying high until Benjamin’s floozy steps through the door. We make
eye contact briefly before she busies herself reapplying her lipstick. I’m
about to walk out when she speaks. “You know your father is still planning
on you marrying Benjamin so you better get your kicks while you can.”

Leaning against the wall, I inform her my father doesn’t make decisions
for me any longer. “I’m not marrying Benjamin.” I cross my arms across
my chest.

She eyes me up and down and laughs. “You do know who your father is
don’t you? He’s trying to get you committed as we speak. Sounds like the
white coats will be coming for you soon.”

My heart stutters. He wouldn’t. Of course, he would.

“And you know this how?” I ask as unenthused as possible, not wanting
her to know she is getting to me.

She drops her lipstick in her bag, turning to face me. “You know you’re
just as sick as he is.”

I shake my head in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Your little public display of affection. You get your rocks off knowing
someone might be watching.”

I blink at her, saying nothing.

“Benjamin told me about how your dad taped the two of you. Sick if you
ask me.”

A ring begins low in my ears, my heart skips a few beats. “W-what did
you just say?”

She stares at me, realizing all of this is news to me.

“Oh, honey, how sad. Poor little rich girl has a sick daddy. He likes to
tape her and her boyfriend doing the nasty. Do you think he jacked off when
he watched it?”

I grab her by the front of her shirt, twisting it in my hand. “What the fuck
are you talking about?”

She smiles, her red lips pull back to reveal her lipstick stained teeth. “He
taped the two of you to make sure Benjamin was holding up his end of the
bargain. When you ditched out on your wedding Benjamin was furious and
told your dad he was done with you. The next day he received a flip drive in
the mail with the videos. He’s blackmailing him. He told Benjamin he
would get you to pull your head out of your ass yet and that you would still
be getting married. Fucking weird…all of it.” She throws her hands up in
the air.

I back up against the wall, grabbing for something, anything to hold on

to. I’m…I’m going to be sick.
The girl cackles as she witnesses my demise. “Do you and the big dirty
biker make videos too. I bet so…”

One of the bathroom stall doors comes crashing open and Jesse flies out,
grabbing the girl by her throat, slamming her into the wall. Dirk wanders
out behind her a bored expression on his face.

Oh god they heard. They know.

I push Dirk to the side so I can slide into the now abandoned stall and
purge myself of everything I’ve eaten for the last week. I can’t stop
throwing up.

A commotion erupts outside the stall, but I don’t care. I don’t care! Dirk
crouches down beside me, hugging me around the waist. “I’ve got you,
Smurf. I’ve got you.”

I can’t breathe. I think my lungs are collapsing. I’m dying. I should go to

the emergency room. I’m dying!

Dirk wipes my mouth as Dan fills the doorway. When he looks at me I

die a little inside. I’m so…so…embarrassed. How could my father...

They all know. What must they think? Oh, god my chest hurts. I can’t
breathe. I need to get out of here.

I’m dizzy, and nauseous, and dying and…Raffe. I need Raffe.

“Raffe,” I croak out, hurling myself back over the toilet bowl for round

Dirk still has me gripped around the waist. “Go get Raffe,” he orders Dan
and surprisingly he listens.

I want to cry but I’m afraid if I start I won’t be able to stop. What if I
never stop. Can you die from crying? My brain starts to roll an image of
Benjamin and me…stop, don’t think about it. Oh god.
Raffe skids to a stop in front of the stall as Dirk is trying to get me on my
feet. “Come on, sweetheart.” He tosses my arm around his shoulder, Dirk
on the other side. Dan holds the door open. My pain is slashed across his
face. My hurt is his hurt.

“Let’s take her out back,” Raffe suggests.

Raffe picks me up and sets me on a picnic table behind the bar. “Lily,” he
says calmly, taking my shoes off and then my socks. What the fuck is he
doing? I’m dying. I need to go the hospital.

Once I’m barefoot he helps me over to the grass that runs along the fence
line. “Deep breath, Lily.”

“I can’t,” I cry, holding my chest. “I can’t breathe, Raffe.” I claw at his


He takes my hands in his. “Look at me.” So, I do. “Wiggle your toes.”

“W-what,” I gasp.

“Do it. Wiggle your toes.”

The grass and soil are cool on the soles of my feet.

“That’s it. Focus on the ground and the feel of it. It’s solid beneath your

I drop my eyes and stare at my toes in the grass.

“Deep breath,” he says, holding my hands tight in his.

Taking a deep breath, I shift my foot, running it over the grass, letting it
tickle the bottom of it.

“Another one,” he orders.

After we do this for several minutes, Raffe instructing my every breath, I

begin to feel better. My heart starts to beat regularly again. My lungs inflate
without restriction. But my mind still knows the news that set my body off
and it’s devastating.

I risk a glance around, it’s just the two of us, both barefoot, standing in
the grass. When my gaze stumbles on Raffe’s he smiles. “It’s called

He seems proud of himself for talking me down. “Thank you,” I mumble,

dropping my eyes.

Raffe taps me under the chin with a finger. “Look at me. I know your
world feels likes its spinning out of control right now. It’s not. I promise it’s

I choke back my tears, refusing to cry in front of him. We stand together

just breathing for what seems like a long time. I hear bikes and cars leaving
the parking lot. I wonder what is going on inside, but I can’t bear the
thought of going in to see for myself.

The back door swings open and Jesse steps out. She walks towards us but
Raffe stops her.

“Uh, uh, take off your socks and shoes,” he tells her.

She looks at her feet before raising a questioning scowl to Raffe.

“We’re grounding,” I say softly, then I giggle.

Jesse smiles and sits down in the grass, leaning against the fence. She
takes her shoes off, rubbing her feet over the earth.

Raffe motions for me to sit next to her, then he plops to the ground on the
other side of me.

Jesse sighs before speaking. “I’m going to give you the low down on
what went on inside. I’m going to be honest with you, Lily. Can you handle
that right now?”
I glance at Raffe. He smiles sadly. “It’s best to rip the band-aid off. I’ll be
right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Okay, let me have it. It can’t be any worse than what I just learned.”

Jesse looks past me to Raffe. Their eyes transmit a silent conversation

before she directs her attention to me.

“I, um, may have broken that bitch’s nose,” she starts.

I laugh, pinching the bridge of mine. God how I wish I would have seen

“All hell broke out. Dad kicked everyone out except for a few members
of the club and your ex.”

My laughter faulters. “What? Why did he let him stay?”

“He didn’t let him. They forced him to stay.” She scratches her head,
gathering her thoughts. “Dan had questions for him.” She sucks her bottom
lip between her teeth.

“What kind of questions?” I ask, not sure I want to know the answer.

“He asked him about the flip drives.” She looks up at the stars. “And he
asked about the video your dad took of the two of you. I’m sorry. I had to
tell him.”

“What did he say?” I ask quietly. So quiet I’m not sure she heard me.

“He wanted to know how a video of the two of you could be used as
blackmail. Because you had been in a relationship and you were of age. It
wouldn’t have been abnormal to have had sex with him.”

I cringe and curl myself into a little ball. “Well, because it’s
embarrassing, that’s why. Benjamin wouldn’t want everyone to see us
together like that.”
Jesse stares at me for a long, long, moment. She wraps her arm around
me, pulling me close. “Lily, Benjamin told Dan the truth.”

“What truth?”

She takes a deep breath. “That he raped you.”

“He…he didn’t rape me.” I pull my head back, staring at her.

“He said the first time you were together you told him you wanted to
wait. You fought him…” her thought trails off.

I shake my head back and forth trying to stand up. “No, it wasn’t rape. I
just wanted to wait but we had been dating and…”

Jesse doesn’t release her hold on me. Raffe scoots closer, wrapping his
arm around me too.

“Our first time might have been a little rough, but it was just the one

“Dan asked him how many times he raped you. He said he didn’t have to
after the first time. He said you just laid there and...” She stops as I burst
into tears.

“It wasn’t rape,” I tell them over and over again, sobbing uncontrollably.
It wasn’t. It just wasn’t.

Raffe speaks to me calm and quiet. “Lily, you told him you wanted to
wait, he didn’t wait. That is the very definition of rape.”

I sniffle, looking at him. “We,” he motions between him and Jesse, “we
both know what it’s like. I’m sorry it happened to you.”

Jesse pulls me into her chest, letting me weep in her arms. She rocks me
back and forth, holding me tight.

As my tears dry a fat raccoon meanders out from behind a tree. It

waddles over to the trash bins. Raffe laughs quietly. “Mama Bear has been
trying to catch that damn thing for months.”

Jesse laughs too. “Just wait. Dad leaves him sandwiches every night.”

Sure enough it reaches behind the can and pulls out a sandwich. He sits
down and eats it leisurely.

“Well I’ll be damned,” Raffe says. “I didn’t know Bill was such a softy.”

I roll my head, staring at Jesse. “You are lucky to have a dad like Bill.”

She nods. “I am. My dad didn’t come into my life until I was seventeen. I
didn’t even know who he was until then. But he came into my life at just
the right time. It was after I had been raped by several men.” She pauses,
chewing on her lip. “I tried to deal with it on my own, just like you.” She
runs her hand over the back of my hair. “It’s easier if you let the people who
love you help. Just because we’re not your blood family doesn’t make us
any less family.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you guys,” I say sadly, rubbing my
hand over my eyes.

“Lily, you have to stop acting like you don’t deserve to be here. You do.”

“Where did everyone else go?” I finally ask. I’ve been dying inside,
wondering where Dan is at. Why he’s not here by my side. Now that he
knows what happened to me do I repulse him?

“Dirk and Rachel went home to put the kids to bed and Bill and Dan
went to the gym. I told him I would get you home.”

My heart cracks clean down the middle.

“Lily, it took everything inside him not to kill your ex. He was trembling
with rage. Dad took him to the gym so he could take out his frustration.”

“I don’t want Dan to get in trouble for me. I’m glad Bill took care of
him.” I sniffle.
“That’s what we do. We take care of each other,” Raffe says as he stands
to get our shoes.

We drive back to the warehouse in Jesse’s rod. She drives and I sit on
Raffe’s lap in the passenger seat. He hugs me around the waist. “We’ll get
through this, Lily. We’re going to find those damn flip drives. For you and
for Jenny.”

When we pull in I notice right away that Dan and Bill haven’t returned.
Raffe suggests we have a drink, but the thought of drinking makes my
stomach turn. “I think I’m just going to hit the hay,” I say tiredly. He nods
and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

It’s weird walking into Dan’s dark room alone. I begged Jesse to take me
to my house but with the threat of my dad coming for me again she
wouldn’t budge. I’m so sacred of what he’ll say. How he’ll look at me.

I decide it best if I just shut the lights off and pretend to be asleep when
he comes in. Which he does several minutes later. He’s quiet as he shuffles
around. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying my best to control the tremor
running through my body.
Chapter Thirty-Nine

When Bill and I get back to the warehouse we find Dirk waiting for us.
“Hey, man.” I try to slide past him. He places a hand against my chest.

“We need to talk.”

“I’m sorry I left Raffe and Jesse at the bar with her.” I drop my head in

Bill walks past us. “I’m going to bed. You two hash this out and then get
your asses to bed.”

“Yes, sir.” Dirk salutes him.

Bill chuckles and jogs up the steps disappearing down the hall. Dirk took
over as president of the club a few years ago when Bill decided it was time
for him to retire. But Dirk still looks to Bill as his president.

Dirk walks behind the bar and reaches in the fridge, tossing me a bottle
of water. I gladly accept it, downing it in two seconds. He laughs, throwing
me another. I catch it and lean against the counter. “I had to hit something.”

“I know.” He glances at my knuckles.

“Again, I’m sorry I left. Raffe and Jesse shouldn’t have had to pick up
pieces that were meant for me to collect.”
He shakes his head. “You don’t get it. That was part of their healing.”

I dig my finger and thumb into my eyeballs. Too much fucking pain in
this world. Sometimes I forget what my best friends have been through.
Fucking Christ, how many sick fucks are there in this world.

“They handled it. That’s what we do.” Dirk lights up a cigarette, blowing
smoke rings over his head. “I get what you’re going through. This talk is for

“I don’t need any of your shrink shit, cousin.”

His eyebrows crawl up his forehead, telling me I’m going to hear what he
has to say whether I want to or not.

“Lily disagreed with what that scumbag told you,” he says.

Blinking at him slowly, I try to figure out what that means.

“She said it wasn’t rape,” he deadpans.

“But…” I don’t fucking understand.

“Dan, she doesn’t get it. Or…” he holds up a finger, coming around the
bar to stand beside me, “she doesn’t want to get it. It’s a hard word to wrap
your mind around.”

“I don’t understand. The fucker admitted it.”

Dirk’s face softens, he gives me a rare glimpse at the man beneath all the
dark ink and intimidating snarls. “Some victims blame themselves. Maybe
she thinks she led him on.” He shrugs his shoulders. “It could be anything
actually, but she doesn’t see it as rape.”

“How do you think she sees it?” I ask, confused.

“Honestly, I think she sees it as something that was expected of her,

something that would eventually happen, and it did. She wasn’t ready, but
in her mind she thinks her reluctance was some silly thing and that he had a
right. Predators have a way of making their victim carry all the shame.
Make them feel like they are being ridiculous and overreacting.”

When I don’t say anything he straightens, preparing to go back to his

room. “I just wanted to give you a heads up, cousin.”

“Thanks.” I don’t know what else to say.

Dirk heads upstairs, leaving me alone to wallow in my thoughts.

I can’t deny that Lily has brought chaos to my life. But she’s also brought
splashes of color that make my heart pump faster. I’ve never felt more alive.
Tonight, that color was red. I was so angry I couldn’t see straight. I’ve
never wanted to strangle someone more in my whole life. I hope I made it
clear to the asshole that if I ever see him again he is as good as dead.

I’m sure it will be fresh in his mind for a little while anyway. I smile,
thinking of how humiliating it must have been for him to have stumbled out
of the bar covered in his own blood and urine. He was a mess, but I didn’t
kill him. Oh, how I wanted to.

Finishing the bottle of water, I crumble it in my hand, the plastic makes a

horrible sound. I toss it in the trash as I make my way to the stairs. I take
them slowly as my mind clears. Calm, I need to be calm.

As much as this sucks I can’t wish it to be any other way. I mean I hate
she had to go through all that shit but if she hadn’t…if she hadn’t would she
have fell into my lap?

It’s these thoughts that make me quicken my steps. I need to see her. To
feel her. I didn’t want to leave her, but I had to. I wasn’t myself. It would
have frightened her. I’ve never felt so out of control in all my life. But my
club came through. Just like always. We protect what’s ours. They took care
of me and her.

It’s dark when I push the door to my room open. A tiny lump is buried
under the covers, facing away from me, scooted as far as possible to the
edge of the bed. As I undress I watch as she trembles beneath the blanket.
She’s not fooling anyone.

“Have you showered?” my voice cuts through the silence.

She stills.

“Come shower with me, baby,” I try again. My words calm, hopefully

She takes in a big shuddery breath before pushing the covers aside and
sitting herself upright. Another deep breath and she follows me into the
bathroom, refusing to meet my eyes.

Grabbing the hem of her shirt, I tug it over her head. Then I slide her
panties down her slender legs, letting my hands run back up them in a
calming motion. After I get the water adjusted I take her hand and pull her
into the shower with me.

The minute the warm water hits her back she lets out a whimper. I pull
her into my arms and hug her tight. “Let it out, baby. Let it all out.” I rub
circles over her back as she cries it out.

After several minutes I begin to slowly wash her. As I run my soapy

hands over her arms I notice she still hasn’t looked me in the eye. I stop
abruptly and grip her chin. She inhales sharply, bracing for what’s to come.
I force her head back. “Look at me, Lily.”

She pinches her eyes shut tight. “I can’t. Oh, god I can’t,” she cries.
“I’m…I’m so embarrassed, Dan.”

“Nonsense. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. But I understand

why you feel that way.”

My understanding must be the magic key that unlocks something inside

her because she opens her eyes. She opens them and they literally suck my
soul clean from my body. How could anyone look into those big brown
eyes and hurt her. It’s unfathomable.
“Do…do you think I’m like him?”

This knocks me on my ass. I stutter, “Like who?”

“Like my father?”

Wait. I thought she was upset about Benjamin, but she’s been living with
that for some time. It wasn’t as much a revelation to her as it was to me. But
her father’s involvement was. I take a deep breath, reigning in my

“You are nothing like him.” I grip her chin tighter. I shove my nose to
hers. “Nothing.”

“But I like…” she closes her eyes.

“What you and I do is consensual. It’s between us and if we like a little

risk in our play that’s our business. What your father does is entirely
different. Never compare yourself to him.”

She cracks one eye open then the other.

“I will not let you feel bad about what we do. It pisses me off to no end
that you had to hear those things from that little bitch.”

The corner of Lily’s mouth tilts up into a small smile.

“Maybe she was jealous. I mean you did give me a pretty intense

Oh, this little creature.

Her humor is short lived, the mood turning solemn once again. “I hate
that we even have to talk about this. I…I just wish we didn’t have all this
hanging over our heads.”

“It’s not. It’s under our goddamn feet and we are going to stomp the shit
out it. Mark my words, Lily, your dad’s house is going to burn.”
Her eyes sparkle up at me. “I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure
out where those flip drives could be.”

“We’ll figure it out.” I pull her to my chest. “So, not to change the subject
but were you a little jealous today?”

She pulls back, giving me a warning scowl, shoving away from me. “I
didn’t like the way they were drooling over you.”

“Now you see how I feel when the guys at the bar drool all over you.” I
laugh at the haughty look on her face. “But in all seriousness, you never
have to worry about that. You’re all I want. You’re my sun.”

A shy smile forms on her face. She twirls a piece of wet hair on her
finger. “I don’t know what you see in me.”

“Well, I’ll tell you.” I take a step towards her digging my fingers into her
waist. “I see my girl, my future wife, the mother of my children. I see it all,

She stares up at me. “You may be a little crazy,” she chuckles nervously.

“Crazy for you.” Then I drop to my knees, pushing her back against the
shower stall. Her eyes open wide as my tongue swirls around her belly
button. I’m going to show her just how crazy I am.

This is a first for her and I’m going to make it good. When my tongue
teases her clit, she drops her head against the shower wall. “Dan,” she
breathes, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

I swirl my tongue a few more times before sucking her clit into my
mouth, she shudders, her legs going weak. I pull back. “Go lay on the bed,

She hurries from the shower, quickly drying off and practically running
to the bed. I take my time. She’s wound up, and like I said, anticipation is
all a part of the process.
When I walk out of the bathroom I stop dead in my tracks. She’s laid out
across the bed, spread open for me, a teasing smile on her face. I climb
between her legs, lowering myself to the space between her thighs. I run my
nose along the inside of one of them, making her shiver.

“Dan,” she pleads. My name like a prayer on her tongue.

“Do you want me to lick your pretty little pussy?” I ask.

Her face turns red but she nods. A tiny nod. Not good enough.

She huffs, blowing hair from her eyes. “Please lick my pussy,” she says

“You forgot something.” I roam over to her other thigh, kissing my way
down to that delectable spot where thigh meets the promise land. She
giggles, oh yes, she’s a little ticklish there. Mental note made.

“Say it, Lily.”

She huffs again. “Please lick my pretty little pussy.”

I give her what she asks for. I’m going to get this girl to love herself
eventually. I want her to realize just how much I love her. Every part of her.
She has nothing to be ashamed of. Not her thoughts, her body, her kinks.

She squeals, pulling me out of my thoughts. I ease up a bit as she grips

the sheets. “You taste so good, baby,” I say, leaning back to admire her
perfection. She watches me as I slide a finger inside her. Her eyes roll back
into her head when I add another and then another. When my tongue
touches her lightly she screams. So sensitive. So mine.

Her fingers slide into my hair. God I love that. I tease her until her fingers
tighten, pulling, pushing. She’s lost now. There’s nothing holding her back.
She’s completely submerged in what I’m doing to her body. Good. I’m
going to fucking erase him from her mind. One orgasm at a time.

“Dan, oh, Dan, somethings, oh, god.”

I’m curling my fingers, pressing, pressing till she’s completely at my

Tears stream out the corners of her eyes, she can’t move, she can’t do
anything but lie here and take what I’m giving her. I’ve found the magic
spot and she can’t do anything about it. Her eyes are wide as she stares at
me. She wants me to stop, she wants me to go, she doesn’t know what’s
about to happen.

Almost there. I don’t let up, I rock my fingers into that spot, never letting
up. A little flick of the tongue and holy shit, she comes. Her muscles lock
up as she presses her cunt into my face, exploding on my fingers, drenching
my beard. Fuck yes.

I sit up, grabbing the towel she abandoned on the end of the bed, wiping
her arousal from my face. She blinks, her eyes unfocused as she struggles to
catch her breath. Her cheeks are red with embarrassment.

I never want her to be embarrassed around me. “That was fucking

amazing,” I tell her. “I love that you don’t hold back with me.”

She smiles lazily. “I love that you don’t let me.”

Laughing, I crawl up beside her and pull her into my arms. I hug her to
me. “I love you, Lily.”

She tips her head, her fingers playing mindlessly in my beard. “Jenny
told me one day I would find someone who loved my body, my mind and
my soul. I didn’t believe her. I was never able to picture anything other than
what I had been programmed for. But anyhow, she made me promise I
would let that someone love me. I’m trying, Dan. I really am.”

“I wish she were here so I could thank her for loving you.”

Lily stares at me and I sense another shift in her. “Jenny was my angel,”
she says quietly.
“And you are mine.” I drag my finger down her face and across her jaw
before placing a gentle kiss to her lips.
Chapter Forty

I’ve spent hours agonizing over where those flip drives could be. Like I
said my father has had accusations made against him. They never went
anywhere. It’s like this sort of behavior is acceptable in the world of the rich
and powerful.

It shouldn’t be but it is.

Raffe startles me out of my head, wrapping his arms around me from

behind. “Raffe, what are you doing here? It’s not five is it?” I look at the
clock in the kitchen where I’ve been silently brooding over flip drives for
the last three hours.

“I decided to come early to keep you company. Rachel is bringing

Jackson over later.”

“Oh, I have something for you.” I grab his hand, dragging him down to
the basement.

He laughs. “Should I be worried?”

Glancing at him over my shoulder, I giggle. “I’m not a serial killer, if

that’s what you’re worried about.” I push the door open to Jesse’s art room
and drag him to the portrait Jesse and I painted. That seems so long ago.

“What’s this?” He points to the easel, a sheet covering the painting.

Now I’m nervous. “I…okay, so I thought you might like to see what
Jenny looked like as an adult.” He blinks at me. “But, I’ve been thinking,
maybe you could give this one to her parent’s when you visit them
tomorrow and Jesse and I can paint you another one.” I pull the sheet off,
letting it fall to the floor.

Raffe slowly turns his head towards it. He covers his mouth with his
hand, taking a step forward. “Lily,” he whispers.

“I…I have a picture too if you’d like to see?” I ask hesitantly.

He swivels to face me, his eyes lighting up. “I would love to.”

I pull my phone from my back pocket and click on Jenny and I’s selfie.
Both of us smiling brightly.

He takes the phone from me.

“She’s just as beautiful as I remember,” he says wistfully. “She looks


“She was. We had just completed another part of our plan. Buying the
phone.” I point to it.

He flips it over in his hands. “Her parents are going to love the painting,

“It’s the least I can do. Like I said I’m sure Jesse will help me do another

“You don’t have to do that.” He runs his hand over his mouth. “Could,
could I have a copy of this instead?”

He shows me the photo. I laugh a little. “Yeah, sure, but I’m in it.”

“I know, that’s why I want it.”

My eyes rake over him. He’s so beautiful and kind and exactly like Jenny
described him. God, it should be her standing here not me. I drop my head
unable to look at him any longer, guilt creeps in like a virus, infecting me,
unseen to the naked eye.

But he sees it. Because fuck, he is perfect just like the rest of them.

“Lily, she isn’t here. You are and you cannot feel guilty about that. She
wouldn’t want you to and you know this. She made a choice. We have to go
on without her. You’ve brought me so much peace already. I don’t think you
see how much we all needed you.”

“I’m the needy one. All I’ve done is bring chaos and confusion.”

“Stop. We all come with those things. It’s called life. Do you think I
came to this family all sunshine and roses? No, I came in full of self-
loathing and you guessed it, my own version of chaos.” He laughs, turning
to stare at the portrait again. “And Jesse, my god the chaos that girl brought.
Sometimes what begins as a chaotic mess turns into a beautiful love story.
Mine did. Jesse’s did and I’m sure yours will too. So please try to tamp
down those feeling of guilt. Okay?”

I nod, picking up the painting and handing it to him. He gives the picture
on my phone one last look before trading me. He hugs the painting to his
chest as I click a few buttons on my phone. When his phone dings he

“Thank you, Lily.”

I brush him off with a wave of hand. “We should go upstairs I need to get
ready for Jackson.”

Raffe helps me compile all the stuff I will need to help Jackson build the
bird house for Jenny’s parents. It’s so sweet that he thinks of them as his
grandparents. Jenny would be happy to know he’s filling the void she left

When Rachel and Jackson show up he comes running up to me. “Lily.

Lily. Lily,” he pants, trying to catch his breath. I laugh.
I hug him as he barrels into my legs. “I’m so happy you’re here,” I tell

He looks up at me with his expressive brown eyes. “Are we building a

bird house today?” he asks excitedly.

“Yes, and a bird feeder.”

“What’s a bird feeder?” He pulls away from me to touch everything I

have on the picnic table.

“We’ll leave you two to it,” Rachel says, wrapping her arms around

“Yeah, you guys go on. Go to dinner or something. Dan and I can feed

Rachel looks up into Raffe’s eyes, hopeful.

Raffe smiles down at her. “That sounds wonderful.” He kisses the end of
her nose before turning to me. “You sure?”

“Of course, everyone should be home soon. You know how it is. They
make enough food to feed an army.”

They both laugh, nodding. “Okay, we’ll be back in a few hours.” He

slaps Rachel on the ass, making her squeal. “See you soon.” They turn
leaving Jackson and I to our woodwork.

JD stops by and joins us. Jackson loves working with his hands. He
listens intently to what JD tells him. Time passes quickly and before we
know it we have a brightly painted bird house and one bird feeder.

My mind wanders to my childhood and the flower garden at my fathers.

The bird houses were exquisite. But nothing compared to the one I just built
with my friends. Jackson rests his chin on his hands, peeking into the little
door on the bird house. He’s so darn cute.
“This would make a great hiding place,” he says in awe, opening one eye
and then the other as he stares into the dark hole.

I blink at him, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

“It would but soon a bird will be living in there,” JD tells him.

My gaze roams over the bird house not really seeing it. What I do see are
my father’s bird feeders. He never let anyone else put feed in them. It was
expressly prohibited. All the staff knew this rule. He didn’t even like
anyone sitting out there. I thought it was just like the rooms my mom
deemed “for guests only”. Except the flower garden wasn’t for guests, it
was for him.

I stumble back, falling into one of the deck chairs.

“You okay, hun,” JD asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

Jackson climbs up on my lap noticing my distress as well. “You okay,

hun?” he mimics JD.

I look him in the eye. “I’m perfect. I’m just thinking about how happy
your grandparents are going to be when you give them the gifts you made
them.” He smiles, jumping off my lap. “I’m going to go check on my
caterpillar,” he tells me, running inside the house.

“Come right back,” I holler after him.

He waves to let me know he heard.

Once he’s inside JD kneels down in front of me. “What’s going on?”

“Jackson just helped me figure out where my dad might have hid those
flip drives.”

JD turns his head to look at our projects. When his eyes meet mine, he
smiles. “Looks like we’re going on a run.”
I nod numbly. If I’m right and my father hid those flips drives in his
precious flower garden… my god, could it really be that easy? I cover my
mouth, tears stinging my eyes.

JD hugs me. “I got you, girl. We’ll know soon enough.”

Jackson comes running out with his bug catcher. JD pulls away from me
slowly. Jackson yells, “Lily. Lily. Lily,” in his usual excited way.

He shoves the bug hut in my face and inside is a beautiful Monarch

butterfly. His wings open and then close as he shows off for us.

“Oh Jackson,” I croak.

“Why are you crying?” Jackson asks, confused by the tears streaming
down my face.

I hug him to me. “Sometimes people cry when they are happy and
spending the afternoon with you has made me so happy. It is running over.”

“I’m happy too.” His hair falls over his eye. “But I don’t feel like
crying.” He’s still confused.

“It’s a girl thing,” JD tells him.

“Oh,” Jackson says seriously. “Now I get it. My mom does that too.
Sometimes she just looks at me and cries. She says it’s because I’m the best
gift she’s ever gotten.”

“You are pretty special,” I say, wiping my face with the palm of my

Later that night when everyone is there we release the butterfly down by
the lake. “He can be friends with the dragonflies,” Jackson says, jumping up
and down.

Dan pulls me into his side, hugging me tight. We watch it fly away over
the water. Everyone cheers and pats Jackson on the back. He’s so happy.
Everyone is happy. Life is good.
Chapter Forty-One

"Why are we doing this again?”

Jesse cocks an eyebrow at me which is scarier than it normally is because
she looks like a skeleton. “We don’t want anyone to recognize us,” she says,
like I should already know this.

I don’t think this is her first time breaking the law. We are about to break
into my father’s estate.

“Hold still,” she says as she draws a line across my face. “This is so
exciting. Dirk hasn’t let me out to play in a long, long time.” She licks her
lips. “I hope I get to knock someone out.”

Chuckling, I shake my head and she scolds me again.

“We go straight to the fucking flower garden. If we don’t find anything

we’re leaving. Don’t get any ideas while we’re in there. I’m not going to
risk my best friend getting locked up. If your father thought you were crazy
before he will definitely think you’re nuts if he sees you like this.” She
stands back, smiling at her work.

I walk over to the mirror in the hotel room. Jesse joins me. Our faces
match. The only difference is our eyes. “I used to paint myself up like this
when I was a teenager.”
“So no one would recognize you?”

“That and because it gave me bigger balls. Don’t your balls feel bigger?”

I giggle. “Actually, I think this is the first time I’ve felt them.”

She hugs me around the shoulders. “It’s going to be okay, Lily. Whatever
we find or don’t find, it’s going to be okay. We’re never going to let anyone
take you away from us.”

Biting my lip, I swallow back tears, not wanting to ruin the bad ass
makeup job she just did on me. “I love you.”

She hugs me tight. “I know you think you only need us, but we need you

The door bangs open and Dirk leans against the doorway. His jaw
clenches when he sees us. “Dan,” he hollers over his shoulder. His eyebrow
is cocked at an alarming level.

Jesse steps away from me. “We are going in.” She tosses a thumb out,
indicating the “we” are her and I.

“Is that so.” He lights up a cigarette. The doorway beside him is soon
filled with Dan. He runs his eyes over my face then Jesse’s.

“No. Absofuckinglutely no.”

I step in front of Jesse. “I’m going in. I don’t want this, Dan. I fucking
need it.”

“Fine, but we all go in together.”

“Sorry, big guy, we already decided that the men are in charge of
watching the perimeter,” Jesse says, resting her chin on my shoulder.

Dan looks at Dirk and shrugs.

“Dan, we will be in and out in minutes. It will be easier with fewer
people. Jesse can watch my back while I search the flower garden.”

He steps into the room, pulling a gun out of the back of his pants. A gun.
A fucking real life gun. Sure, I’ve seen them. My dad’s guards have them,
but I guess I…well, I don’t know what I thought. Dan gives me a quick ten
minute tutorial on it before thrusting it in my hand. “Just in case,” he says.

I swallow. This is becoming real. Can I do this? I have to. I just have to.

When we get to my father’s estate we circle around to the back side of

the property. Jenny and I used to sneak in and out here. It’s the one weak
spot in my father’s security. We climb over the fence and then shimmy
between the bushes, leaving the guys behind to watch the perimeter.

Now comes the risky part, we will have to move closer to the house
where the cameras are. It’s late enough maybe none of the security will
notice. Jesse holds up one finger, two then three. Go. We rush over to the
flower garden. I immediately start searching the bird houses and feeders.
Nothing, nothing, nothing. Goddammit, I can’t be wrong. I can’t be.

Then I notice a bird feeder that has a large metal bottom on it. It looks
odd. I rush over to it and push on it. Sure enough it slides out. I glance back
at Jesse, she is watching the yard, her eyes sliding left and right. Her hand is
poised on the gun in her pants. Returning my focus back to the bird feeder, I
reach in the and pull out a wooden box.

When I get it in my hands, I push the drawer back. “Let’s go,” I say
excitedly, turning to face Jesse only to find her in a headlock. Fuck.

“Rudy, please let her go,” I plead.

“Lily?” He drags Jesse closer to me. “What the fuck?” he hisses.

“Please let her go. We’ll leave. I just needed to grab something.”

He looks at the box in my hands. Jesse gives me a look of

encouragement. She doesn’t even look worried.
“I’ll let her go but I’m sorry I’m going to have to take you to your father.
It’s for the best.” He shakes his head like he doesn’t even believe that’s true.

“You know it’s not. Please Rudy.”

He takes a big step, dragging Jesse with him.

I pull the gun from my pants, pointing it at him. He stops dead in his
tracks, his eyes wide. “Lily?”

“Don’t make me shoot you, Rudy. Please don’t do that. I can’t go with
you and I think you know why. This,” I nod to the box under my arm. “this,
is my freedom.”

“But, he says you need treatment,” Rudy says in hushed tones. His eyes
bounce from me to the house.

“Rudy, I’m not going to lie to you. I’m far from being fine but I’m seeing
a therapist. I will get better, but I can’t do that under my father’s thumb and
like I said I think you know why. Everyone in this fucking house knows

He drops his head shamefully, letting go of Jesse. “Go. Go now before I

change my mind.”

Jesse and I waste no time getting the hell out of there.

Dan catches the box when I toss it over the fence then he grabs my hips
as I slide myself over. He hugs me tight before we climb in the truck and
drive away. Dirk calls JD, “They’re out.”

Everyone heads back to the hotel. I’m quiet as I run my hands over the
simple wooden box. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

“You should have seen your woman, Dan. She pulled your gun,” Jesse
says excitedly beside me.

Dan swivels in his seat and Dirk glares at me in the mirror.

“It was nothing.”

“A security guy had me in a headlock.”

Dirk steps on the breaks right in the middle of the road. “What?” His
head swivels to her.

“Fuck,” she whispers under her breath.

His eyes slide to me. “Thank you,” he chokes, before turning back to the

Jesse leans over to me. “I’m going to pay for this tonight,” she whispers
in my ear.

I mouth an, I’m sorry.

She shrugs, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

My laugh comes out in a snort and both guys give us a warning glare.
Neither finding this near as funny as we are.

I’m not sure why Rudy let us go. I’m equally not sure if I would have
shot him if he hadn’t. I’m glad I didn’t have to find out.

Back at the hotel we all gather in Travis’s room. He has a computer set
up ready to check the files. Everyone nervously waits as he slips the flip
drive in. I can’t do this. Anxiety is tingling across my chest, making it feel
tight. Raffe isn’t here. He’s in Vegas at Jenny’s parents’ house. Shit.


He crouches down in front of me.

“I…I can’t be here.”

Nodding, he pulls me to my feet. “I’m taking Lily back to our room.”

“I’ll take her,” JD chimes in. “If that’s okay with Lily.”
I nod, smiling. “Actually, that might be best. One of us should see what
we’re dealing with.”

“Okay.” He kisses my head, looking me in the eye one more time to

make sure I’m okay.

JD and I leave the room. We chat about the dresser I’m restoring. I found
these old window cranks of all different designs and I’m using them as
drawer knobs. It’s going to be cool when I’m finished.

I don’t know how much time passes. JD is good at keeping me company.

He’s easy to talk to. Before I know it Dan steps through the door.

JD quickly excuses himself. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lily. Dan,” he nods
before leaving the room.

Dan sits down beside me, pulling a business card out of his pocket. He
rests his forearms on his legs, flipping the card in his hands. He takes a deep
breath before turning towards me. My world crumbles from the look on his

“I said I’d never lie to you, but I want to. God do I want to,” his voice
cracks and there are tears in his eyes. “If we turn this over it’s going to be
hard on you. It’s…it’s really bad, Lily.”

My eyes bounce over his face, my heart fighting to break free of my

body. “I don’t care about me, Dan.”

He nods in understanding. “It’s your call, baby.”

“I don’t care.” I repeat, swinging my arm across the table, sending

everything including the lamp crashing to the ground. “I don’t care. He has
to pay,” I cry.

Dan stands, hugging me from behind, holding my arms across my chest.

“Shhh, it’s okay. You’re not alone. I’ll be by your side every step of the

He sits down on the bed, pulling me with him.

“We got him, baby. He will go to jail for the rest of his life. I promise.”

“But who are we going to tell. How will we know who to trust?”

He pushes the card he has been holding in front of my face. “We can trust
this guy.”

My eyes scan the card. “Who is this?” I ask, suddenly feeling like I’m in
a fog.

“Do you remember the day you fell?”

I still on his lap. “What does that have to do with this?”

He shakes the card in my face. “This is the officer who reached down to

I pluck the card from his hands, studying the picture of the officer on the
card. “How did you get this?” I turn on his lap, straddling him.

“He gave it to me. That’s how I found you. I went there hoping to find
clues, anything. You had told me you loved the bay. Anyway, he saw me
looking lost, sad. I was missing you…he thought I was there to jump. He
approached me and we got to talking. I asked if he knew a Lily. He told me
about you. And your dad. He didn’t seem to be a big fan of his. We can trust
him, Lily. He even went to your house to check on you, but they never let
him past the front gate.”

“How can all this be…it’s too…like it’s weird, right?”

“Maybe life is pre-destined,” Dan says rubbing the back of my neck.

“This is going to work?”

“It’s going to work but it isn’t going to be easy or pleasant,” he answers


“That’s okay because it will be worth it.”

“It’s going to bring down others. Important others.”

“Benjamin told me it was all a game. I’m ready for the game to end, but
first I’m going to win.”

Dan agrees with me by flipping me onto the bed. I laugh. “What are you

“If you think I’m going miss an opportunity to fuck you like that, you’re
sadly mistaken.” He points to my face.

Fuck, I forgot I still had the makeup on. My eyes roll up to his and holy
hell, I think he likes it.

“Right now, we’re playing our game,” he smirks.

I jump up, making a dash for the bathroom but he snags me around the
waist. This is one game I’m willing to lose.
Chapter Forty-Two
Lily ~ 2 months later

"Lily, you did a great job today,” Jesse says.

My family sat with me as we watched the arrests play out on the news
yesterday. Today I did a press conference. Dan stood by my side the entire
time. He’s been my rock.

“I’m just glad it’s over,” I grumble, helping her set up for Jackson’s
birthday party.

It’s been a rollercoaster the past few months, but things seem to be
working out the way they were supposed to. Not everyone was charged.
Some of the video was disputable, it was either too dark or too grainy but
most of the videos led to arrests. Now we have to wait to see who will be

My attorney has told me my father will spend the rest of his life in
prison. I haven’t spoken to him nor do I plan to. My mother called, wanting
to come stay with me. I refused. I can’t allow any negativity in my life.
Maybe I’m a terrible daughter but I have to look out for my mental health
first and foremost.

I don’t know what will happen with my father’s finances. Right now,
everything is frozen. If I do receive anything it will all go to Jesse’s charity.
I’ve been helping her with that. She’s made me the spokesperson. She says I
have great public speaking skills which I guess is one thing I can thank my
father for. Whatever helps, I’ll do.

Anyhow, things are going well. Raffe drives me to therapy once a week.
I’ll admit that there were a few weeks I had to go twice. Our therapist
always makes time for any emergency visits I might need. So far I haven’t
had to take anything for my anxiety. Dan has been so sweet. He’s bought
me a weighted blanket, candles, oils, anything he can think of that might
help. Like I said he is my rock.

Jenny has been moved to a nearby cemetery. Her parents are moving here
in a few months. They say Vegas is too much hustle and bustle for them.
Yes, I finally found my balls to meet them. I thought they might hate me for
what my father did to Jenny. I was wrong about that. They are grateful
Jenny and I had become friends. I’ll get to see them today. They are coming
to Jackson’s birthday party.

I spend a lot of time visiting Jenny. Most days I go and sit with her and
talk. It’s quiet there. I still haven’t done anything with her journals. Maybe I
should give them to her parents. I guess they aren’t hurting anything. They
are still on the bedside table in Dan’s room.

My gaze falls on Dan. He is filling balloons with helium for the party. He
turns my way as if he can sense my eyes on him. He smiles, winking at me.
My tummy does a little flip.

The club is all here, and my mouth is watering as the smell of Mama
Bear’s cooking wafts through the warehouse all the way out to the patio.

JD steps out, his eyes roaming over the activity going on. When he spots
me he grins, rushing my way. “Guess what I have here?” he sing songs,
slapping some papers on the picnic table in front of me.

I jump up and down and squeal. JD and I are going into business
together. We’re renting the building right across the street from Dan and
Jesse’s tattoo parlor. The name of our business is Junkyard Creations.
He picks me up off my feet and swings me around. Bill grunts. “You
stole my best bartender,” he grumbles. But we both know he’s only joking.
He’s happy for us.

Dan walks over. “What’s going on here?” He pulls me out of JD’s grip,
giving him the hairy eye.

JD ignores him, laughing. Nothing can burst the happy bubble we’re in.

“It’s the lease papers for the shop across from yours. We’re going to be

Dan kisses me on top of my head. “Good, I can keep an eye on you

there.” He looks over my shoulder, giving JD a teasing scowl.

I’m so happy my heart is going to explode.

Once Jenny’s parents show up we are ready to get this little boy’s party
started. We are all sitting around, waiting for him to open his mountain of

“Lily. Lily. Lily.” Jackson runs up to me with a large envelope in his

hand. “Will you read my birthday story.” I glance at Dan confused.

He laughs. “Jackson why don’t you tell Lily what it is first.”

Jackson climbs up on my lap. “It’s a birthday story. My angel mom sends

me one every year.”

Now I am confused. Dan explains, “Jackson is adopted. After Raffe’s

accident he was unable to have children, but an angel sent Raffe and Rachel
this little guy.” He chucks Jackson under the chin, making him laugh.

“Oh, how lucky they are to have gotten you,” I tell Jackson. “Of course,
I’ll read it. If it’s okay with your mom and dad.”

“My mom already said you could,” he tells me as he excitedly opens it.

Everyone quiets down to hear the story as Jackson hands it to me.

It is wrote in beautiful handwriting like someone put a lot of love into it.
I glance up to make sure everyone is listening as Jackson settles
comfortably on my lap.

I clear my throat before beginning.

To my special little boy,

How exciting it is that you are celebrating your sixth birthday. Now
you’ll have to use two hands to count the years.

We all laugh as Jackson holds up six fingers.

Today I’m going to tell you the story of how I picked the perfect parents
for you.

I glance up catching Raffe and Rachel smile at each other.

You see I searched through dozens and dozens of folders, looking for just
the right couple. But when I opened your parent’s folder I knew that the
dragonfly had struck again. It had brought me two more angels.

I was lucky indeed because a dragonfly had already given me one angel,
my best friend. She was there the day I found out that you were in my
tummy. We cried on her bedroom floor for hours, happy tears, because we
knew you were going to be special. You were our bright spot.

My heart pumps faster as I continue to read.

A dragonfly will bring you an angel at just the right time. It’s why they
have two sets of wings so they can carry them on their backs.

You’re not going to believe this but not only did that dragonfly bring me a
best friend and two parents for you, he brought you an entire family. Isn’t
that incredible? That’s why I chose them. You see your parents showed me
who they were in that folder. There was a picture of them, pictures of your
grandma and grandpa, and pictures of your motorcycle club family.
I liked that they showed me everything. They held nothing back. The
picture of your family radiated love. It exploded right out of that photo and
struck me in the heart. I knew they were a perfect fit for you.

I hope you’re getting to spend the day with them. Remember to cherish
every moment. They may not be your family by blood, but they are your
family by choice and that is even better.

I want you to know how much I love you. I hope you have the best
birthday ever.

Love, Your Angel Mom

Tears are pouring down my cheeks. Jackson takes the letter from me and
hugs it to his chest. “My angel mom always writes about dragonflies. That’s
why I love them so much.” He takes his chubby little hands and wipes my
face. “It’s okay, Lily. Don’t cry. You are my family now too.”

He hops off and runs over to his parents showing them the letter.

Dan wraps an arm around me. “I know that hit a little close to home with
the dragonflies and all. Are you okay?”

Sniffing back tears I nod. He keeps me cuddled up by his side as we

watch Jackson rip into his presents.

You know, this could all be just another one of those weird coincidences.
I mean I’m sure there are lots of girls who sit and cry on the bedroom floor
when one of them gets pregnant. Right? Right?

Oh god. Jackson smiles at his dad as he helps him rip the wrapping paper
off a package. His smile is like hers. No. No. It can’t be. Because if it is
then that means Jackson is my….

“Dan, I’m not feeling very well. Could we maybe go up to your room for
a minute?”

His face falls. “Yeah, baby. Of course.”

“I…I don’t want to take you from the party.”

He waves me off, leaning over to whisper something in Dirk’s ear. Dirk’s

eyes slide to mine, and he frowns, nodding his head.

Dan and I quietly leave the patio and head to his room.

When he closes the door behind us I lose my shit.

Are they going to hate me for keeping her pregnancy a secret?

Oh, god.

Dan is sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard as he watches me

pace back and forth.

I pause at the foot of the bed. “I…I have to tell you something.” Oh god.
I can’t lose Dan. I just can’t.

“Baby, whatever is tearing you up, let it out. I’m reading you like an open
book. You’re never going to lose me. What’s wrong?”

I tap my fingers over my lips. “Okay.” I pace a little more, trying to find
my balls.

“Come here.”

My eyes roam up the bed. He’s patting the spot between his legs. I shake
my head. I can’t be close to him, I’ll cry, and I can’t cry right now. I just
need to tell him.

Or I could keep this a secret for the rest of my life. I mean I don’t know if
I’m right about any of this.

Dan waits patiently for me to talk to him. “What can I do to help you,

I plop down at the end of the bed, turning to face him. “God, I don’t
know where to start.”
He sits up, looking a little nervous now.

“I’ve had a bit of a secret but please know I only kept it because I didn’t
want to cause any more heartache than necessary.”

He slides down to the end of the bed, taking my hands in his. “I love you,
baby. Whatever this is it changes nothing between you and I.”

“Jenny had been pregnant.”

Dan doesn’t flinch he just listens, his thumb brushing over my knuckles.
Calm and steady. My rock.

“I thought the baby perished with her but when the coroner didn’t
mention she was pregnant I was confused. I waited until Raffe left the room
and I asked him. He said she wasn’t carrying a child. I...I didn’t understand
but the more I thought about it I assumed she had the baby while I was in
Paris with my mother.” I pick at a string on his comforter.

“Go on,” he says quietly.

“My dad let her pick the adoption couple. We were both surprised he was
even letting her have the baby let alone allowing her to decide where the
baby would go.” I rub my hand over my forehead, a headache pushing in
behind my eyes. “Jenny was his one soft spot, if you could call it that.”

I stand up, walking over to the window to look down at the party still
going on. Jackson must have gotten a new kite for his birthday. He and
Rachel are running with it trying to get it into the air. I laugh lightly before
turning back to Dan, resting my butt on the window sill.

“She was so happy the day she picked a couple. She told me it was as if
the fates themselves had wrote the chapter.”

Dan stands up. “You mean…you think…” His eyes roam to the window
behind me.

“I don’t know, Dan, but the math is right.”

He walks over to the journals on the nightstand. He grabs them and hands
them to me. “I know you’ve been reluctant to read her private words but…
but Jesus, Lily, we need some answers here before we go to them.”

I take the books. “I’m scared to find out. Because if it is what I think it is
how can I stay here?”

“What do you mean?” He dips his head capturing my eyes.

“He…he can’t know who I am because he can’t know who his father is.”

Dan stands up straight, running his hand through his hair. “Jackson would
be your…”

I slide down to the floor, laying the books in my lap.

He joins me, pressing his body close to mine. “This isn’t a bad thing,
baby. Read, maybe she wrote about it in her journal.”

Picking up the journal she last wrote in, I glance at Dan. He nods once.

As I open the journal an envelope slips out. It lands on my lap face up

with my name on it and all I can do is stare at it.

“Lily, it’s okay. Take a deep breath.”

Dan takes the journal out of my hands that are paused mid-air. They
shake as I pull the letter out of the envelope. My heart is beating painfully
against my ribs as I unfold it.

Dear Lily,

I wonder how long it took for you to open my journal. I hope not long.
There was no way I was leaving a letter lying around for him to find.

I’m sorry I left you behind, but it was always going to end this way. The
only reason I stayed was for you. I let you pull me back over the railing
because you needed me. I wanted to help you get away. We may have talked
about running together but I knew that was never going to happen. My
heart and soul are too broken. No matter how far we would have traveled it
would have never been far enough to hide from my memories.

But it’s okay because I stayed long enough to fulfill two of my dreams.
One, to leave something behind that was pure and good. Two, to make
amends to my friend for the pain I caused. I’m sorry I could never tell you
his name. It’s been the hardest part of all this. Not being able to share
everything with you. Please know that I wanted to. I really did. But for his
safety and that of my family I couldn’t risk it.

My purpose has been served and it’s time for me to go. I know you may
never understand and I’m sorry for that. But, Lily, I need you to listen to
me. You need to run. Go. The plan will work and if it doesn’t run again and
again but don’t stay here. Please don’t stay.

You deserve a life. A life you choose. Go out and find love. Find a family.
Make a family. Do whatever Lily wants. Just please, please do it. My
greatest fear isn’t what I’m about to do, it’s that you will stay.

I also wanted to let you know that I had the baby. A boy. He’s so
beautiful, Lily. I got to spend two whole days holding him. It was the best
thing that has ever happened to me.

He’s going to have a good life. Please don’t worry about him. Like I said
this chapter was wrote by the fate’s themselves. His parents are amazing.
They wrote a letter, telling me about their past tragedies, their biker family,
everything. They held nothing back, Lily. That’s why I picked them…well
that and one other reason I can’t share, but just know that it was destined to

I stole the picture of their family. I shoved it right down my pants when
the adoption lady wasn’t looking. I’ve stared at it for days, memorizing
every face. I’m giving it to you, so you can remind yourself how much our
little boy is going to be loved. I hope you get a family just like his. Go. Do it
now. What are you waiting for?

Follow the dragonfly.

Love always and forever,


When I look up I stare into space. I don’t know what to think. How?

Dan wraps me up in his arms. “What did it say, baby?”

I pick up the envelope unable to speak. Pulling the photo out, I hold it so
we can both see it together.

“Holy hell,” Dan whispers, his breath ruffling my hair.

It’s her baby’s family. My family. Or at least it was…

Dan takes the picture from me and flips me around on his lap, so we are
facing each other.

“This changes nothing.” He stabs his finger over the photo. “I’m not
losing you, Lily. Not now. Not ever. You are mine. If you run, so help me
god I will find you.”

“But how?” I choke on a sob.

“We talk to Raffe and Rachel. Tonight. We do it tonight.”

“I can’t.”

“You can, baby. You can.” He takes my face in both hands and places
kisses all over it. “This is wonderful news. It’s not bad.”

“He can’t know.”

“We let Raffe and Rachel decide what they tell Jackson. Jenny trusted
them. We can too.”

He pulls me into his chest, and I curl up under his neck, his beard tickling
my cheek. I want to stay here forever and ever.
“This is amazing. It’s a goddamn miracle, Lily.”

His voice rumbles in my ear and the more I think about it rationally, I
agree. I mean, it’s like life has come full circle. She gave Raffe the baby he
couldn’t have. That was what she meant by making amends to him.

I lean back as everything catches up in my brain. “That means the people

he calls grandma and grandpa are really his grandparents by blood.” I cover
my mouth with both my hands, trying to keep control of my emotions.

“I told you this isn’t a bad thing, Lily. Everyone loves Jackson. When
Raffe and her parents find out Jackson is Jenny’s son they are going to love
him even more, if that’s possible.” His hands rub circles over my back.

I pick up the photo, staring at it. “She saw you before I did. How crazy is

“No one can resist the allure of a Skull, baby.”

This makes me giggle. “Oh, is that right?”

“That’s right. Now let’s go back down to the party. Jackson is going to
wonder where we disappeared to.”

My head drops. He chucks me under the chin.

“Even when it’s cloudy you can look to me. Let me be your sun.”

I bite my lip and nod.

Chapter Forty-Three

My friends took the news as I expected. They were shocked sure, but they
were ecstatic. Jenny’s parents were through the moon. Finding out Jackson
was their daughter’s son had to have been an incredible feeling of joy.

I’m going to be honest here. Lily wasn’t the one who told any of them. I
did. She chickened out the day of Jackson’s birthday party. She told me she
would tell them the next day. No big deal right? But then that day came and
went. Along with the next and the next and the next.

She agonized over it. Lily paced back and forth while I watched
helplessly, unable to get through to her. I thought she was going to wear a
hole in the new flooring. So, after two weeks passed I decided to take
matters in my own hands because that’s what I do.

We are planning a big party tomorrow to celebrate so I guess it’s time to

tell her I let the cat out of the bag. Honestly, I’m a little nervous about it
now. I hope I didn’t make a big mistake.

Lily comes bounding out of the house. We are going on a ride. First stop
the cemetery to visit Jenny.

“You want to stop out to the cemetery today?”

“Yeah, that would be nice. Maybe it will give me some insight on this
whole thing.” She wraps her arms around me. I pat her hands and take off.
The closer we get the more nervous I am. Did I overstep? I’m sure it will be
fine. Yeah, everything will be fine.

We park and walk hand in hand to where Jenny’s grave lies.

“I love it here. It’s so peaceful,” Lily says. A gentle breeze blows wisps
of hair into her face, she brushes it behind her ear. So beautiful.

Lily walks up to Jenny’s stone, kneeling before it. Her eyes trail over the
flowers others have left. Then they land on the framed letter and photo
Jackson left for his mom. It’s our most recent family picture. The one we
took at Jackson’s birthday party, one that includes her.

Dear Angel Mommy,

Thank you for sending me the best birthday present ever. I’ve always
wanted a brother or a sister and now I have one. Lily is the bestest sister in
the whole wide world. I love her.

I’m sorry you died but mommy and daddy said I will meet you someday.



She stops breathing.

I crouch down beside her. “Lily, it’s okay. Everything is going to be


She stands abruptly, pushing away from me.

“What did you do?” she whispers.

“Lily, I keep telling you this is not something bad. It’s good, it’s

She shakes her head, retreating from me.

“You shared my secrets,” she accuses.

I reach for her, but she backs up almost tripping on a headstone. A storm
of panic is brewing behind her eyes. Her hands shake as she glares at me.
“I…I can’t…”

Before I can grab her she is gone. My big dumb ass tries to keep up but
her tiny frame dodges stones much more easily than mine. The last glimpse
I caught was of her slipping behind a mausoleum. Then she was gone. Just
like that.

“Lily, please come here. We need to talk. Running solves nothing,” I yell
as I search high and low for her.

After an hour or so I realize she isn’t in the cemetery anymore and I’m
going to need help. It’s possible she slipped behind the shelter belt of trees
and headed into town or home or who the fuck knows where. God I’m

I group text the club, telling everyone how it went.

Dirk: You’re telling me you let a girl out run you?

Me: Fuck you.

JD: I’ll go check the junkyard.

Jesse: Girls can run fast too, Dirk.

Rachel: Raffe and I will check the house. Oh, and Jesse’s right. Girls can
even be faster than boys.

Dirk: Okay ladies you can get off my dick now.

Jesse: Not a chance.

Me: All of you shut up. We need to find her!

Bill: I’ve got her.

Me: Thank god.

Bill: No. Thank Jose Cuervo.

Bill: She came in for one drink. That was eight drinks ago.

Me: Don’t let her leave.

Bill: Wouldn’t think of it.

Jesse: Let us know if you need us, big guy.

Me: I got it. We’ll see you all tomorrow.

Dirk: You sound pretty confident about that.

Me: Because I am.

I stop at the warehouse to grab my truck and then head into the bar but
before I get there I get a text from Bill.

Bill: She’s on the move. I tried, man, but fuck she’s quick. I turned my
back for one second and she was gone.

Fuck! I slam the palm of my hand into the steering wheel.

Me: Thanks for trying.

As I’m about to turn around I see something, or I should say someone up


Me: I found her. Thanks, Bill.

Dirk: Tie her up this time.

I’m about to type no fucking way but then I glance out the windshield.

Is she trying to hitch a ride? She wouldn’t. She’s carrying her boots in
one hand and yep her goddamn other one is sticking straight out towards the
road. Thumb fucking up.

After I pull up behind her I text Dirk.

Me: Consider it done.

Jesse: Really, Dan?

Me: I’ll spank your little ass too if you want to argue with me.

Jesse: I’d like to see you try.

Me: Dirk.

Dirk: I’m on it.

Jesse: I hate you both.

Lily heard me pull up behind her and is wandering towards the truck not
even looking to see who she’s getting in with. Her eyes are trained on the

I lean over and push the door open. “Need a ride, little girl?”

She raises her head in slow motion, confusion gracing her beautiful face.
Her eyes are unfocused but only for a second. Seeing me sobers her up real

“I…” she glances behind her.

“Think you can outrun me with half a bottle of tequila in you?”

Her head whips towards me. “Can’t anyone in this fucking town keep a
secret!” she shrieks, throwing her hands up in the air as she backs away
from the truck.

Quickly I get out, slamming my door shut and rounding the truck. She
rushes me, beating her tiny little hands on my chest. “Why did you have to
go and tell them? Why?” she screams.
Damn if she isn’t a firecracker when she’s mad.

“Better question is why wouldn’t you tell them?”

Her fists pause on my chest as she stares up at me. The stars reflect
against the pool of tears in her eyes.

“Why, baby?”

She steps away, her gaze fixed on the ground. “I didn’t want Jackson to
know I was his sister.”

“He loves you, Lily.”

“It doesn’t matter. Don’t you see…” her teeth sink into her soft bottom

“Help me see.”

“If he knows I’m his sister eventually he’s going to learn who is father

“Rachel and Raffe will help him navigate that when the time comes.
They will be there for him. We will be there for him.”

Lily hugs herself. “It’s not that easy.”

“It can be.”

Her eyes flash with anger, the alcohol burning a fire in her belly. “It’s not.
It’s fucking not!” she screams.

I’m stunned. I’ve never seen her so angry. But then I realize she has
every goddamn right to be and maybe this is what has been holding her
back. She needs to let it out.

“Jackson will be fine because he has loving parents, grandparents, uncles

and aunts. And once his sister wakes up to see she’s not responsible for her
father’s sins she will be able to help him too.” I point a finger in her face.
She gapes at me, her mouth hanging open.

“I’m sorry you didn’t have anyone by your side growing up, but Jackson
will. He won’t have dreams of crying girls. Your father won’t drug him or
use him the way he did you. Jackson will never see Senator Ramsey as his
father the way you do. Raffe is his father.”

“I hate him,” she says quietly. Then her face raises to the heavens and she
screams, “I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.”

Her face turns red, tears streaming down her cheeks. If her father were
standing in front of her right now I have no doubt she would wrap her tiny
hands around his neck and squeeze the life right out of him.

A raindrop lands on my cheek. What the hell? It was clear just a few
minutes ago.

Lily continues to berate the heavens as a flash of light races across the
sky, a rumble of thunder following.

Soon the entire sky lets loose. Rain begins to come down harder and
faster. “Lily, we can talk about this in the truck.”

She stops screaming and stares at me. Her body trembles as she falls to
her knees. I walk over and crouch down beside her. It’s hard to tell where
rain begins and tears end.

Her hand reaches up and cradles my cheek. “You are my sun,” she rasps,
wet hair sticking to her face.

“Always,” I promise.

“I’m sorry I ran…I wasn’t running. I just needed…”

“A drink?” I smirk.

The corner of her mouth turns up, a grin slowly spreading across her
face. “Or two.”
I laugh. “More like eight.” I tilt my head down, giving her a look that has
her clenching her thighs together.

“Again, can no one keep a secret around here?”

“No. We have no secrets in the club. I’m sorry I told yours though. I
didn’t mean to hurt you. I only wanted to show you what I already knew.
That my family, our family, would embrace you. You and Jackson are
incredibly lucky to have found each other.”

She places her other hand on my cheek, pulling me close. Lily presses
her lips to mine, her tongue pushing into my mouth hesitantly. She tastes
like tequila and rain.

When we pull away from each other I smile. “I think that was our first

Lily leans forward, burying her face under my beard. She nips lightly at
my neck, licking and sucking her up to my ear. Jesus. “I guess it was. Can
we make up now?” she purrs seductively.

“Let’s continue this at home.” I quickly try to jump to my feet, but holy
shit it got muddy fast. I slip, falling back on my ass. She laughs at me but
when she tries to stand the same thing happens to her, mud splattering

We both roar with laughter. I’ve heard Lily laugh before but this is
different, it’s free, unrestrained. It’s…goddamn amazing.

I crawl to her, stopping when I’m hovering over her face. “You look good

She stares up into my eyes, my body shielding her from the rain. Those
big fucking brown eyes blink up at me innocently. “Do I?” she says quietly.
Other than our breathing the only sound is the patter of rain against the
earth and an occasional rumble of thunder.
“Oh, you look so good. So good I think I’m going to fuck you right

Her eyes widen, her lips part and those gorgeous hips rise to grind against
me. I trace a muddied hand along her bottom lip, smearing the wet soil
across her face. Lily is a wet dream come to life and she’s mine.

“Please,” she whimpers. She wants this as much as I do. I glance around
knowing anyone who drives by could see us.

Fuck it. I pull her up and flip her, so she is on all fours. Quickly I tug her
pants down, spreading mud all over that beautiful ass of hers. She looks
over her shoulder. So dirty, so beautiful, so mine. I tug my aching cock out
of my pants, rubbing it all over her wet pussy before sliding in balls deep.

She cries out, her face pointed towards the heavens. I watch my dick
glide in and out of her tight hole as she makes the sexiest noises I’ve ever
heard. Lily pushes back against me, matching me thrust for thrust. So
perfect. So. So. Perfect.

Her hands slip in the mud as I pound into her faster, my balls tightening.
I grab her around the waist with one arm, my hand sliding down between
her legs, I roll her clit between my finger and thumb. She cries out as she
finds her release. Her head drops, wet hair hanging around her face.

I slam into her one, two, three times more before I come harder than I’ve
ever come in my entire life. I drape my body over hers, panting into her ear.
“I love you.”

She drops to her forearms, exhaustion taking over.

That was…that was intense. The rain has all but stopped. Lingering
clouds pass lazily over the moon.

Lily starts to tremble under me. Fuck, is she crying again?

She falls to the ground and rolls herself under me, staring up at my face.
She’s laughing. “Oh, god, Dan. Life is never going to be boring with you, is

I give her my best smile, leaning down to rub our noses together. She
giggles. “Never.”

God what a mess we have now. Her pants are still bunched around her
thighs. I stand, pulling her with me, helping her tug them over her muddy
ass. She sways a little on her feet, so I leave her standing against the truck. I
pull a tarp out of the back to drape over the seats. If you’re wondering if it
was worth it…fuck yes, it was worth it.

I help her into the truck and drive home. “There’s a party tomorrow.” I
don’t want to ruin our make-up session, but I need to tell her before we get
home. I want everything on the table before we fall into our warm bed for
the night.

“Do you guys throw a party for everything?” she asks, still in her teasing

“Yes,” I deadpan.

She laughs, running a muddy finger over her window, staring out at the
dark trees passing us by.

When we pull into her driveway I see Dirk’s truck sitting in front of the
house. We get out and walk up to the porch. Dirk and Jesse are swaying
gently on her swing. Billie Rose is sleeping soundly on Dirk’s chest a
thumb in her mouth.

Jesse laughs quietly. “What the fuck happened to the two of you?”

We both look down at our muddy clothes before looking at each other.

Dirk stops the swing. “Jesus Christ, you two are fucking something else.”
He stands, carrying Billie Rose over to the truck and placing her gently in
the car seat. She smiles at him sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

He leans in and kisses her cheek, making her giggle. When he leans away
she is already sticking her thumb back in her mouth. Soon her eyes drop
closed again. He turns to face us. “We just wanted to make sure you didn’t
need any help with this one.” He points at Lily.

She blushes prettily, muddy hair and all.

“Well thanks for stopping by but as you can see we’re just fine.”

Jesse laughs, tossing her black hair over her shoulder. “You might want
to shower before coming to the party tomorrow,” she teases, rounding the
truck and hopping in.

Dirk walks over to Lily chucking her under the chin. “Don’t run from
him again,” he warns, and trust me, it is a warning. He loves me and he
knows how much she scared me. We may have jested earlier in our text
conversation, but he knows it would kill me if I lost her.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.

His eyes slide to me before going back to hers. “Don’t be sorry. Next
time just fuck it out first. Don’t run.”

She nods, dropping her eyes.

“See you both tomorrow.”

And then they’re off, leaving us standing muddy and alone in the

“If I hurt you I am truly sorry.” She says, not looking at me. “I…I was
just so angry. Not at you but at my dad. I’m sorry I took it out on you.”

I grab her hand, accepting her apology. “I’m sorry too. I should have
waited for you to come around to the idea of telling them.”

She doesn’t say anything, she also accepts my apology.

We strip our muddy clothes on the porch before heading upstairs to

The two of us stand under the stream, watching the muddy water swirl
down the drain. She turns in my arms. I grip her waist, holding her close to
me, our wet bodies pressed together. “I love you,” she says, pressing kisses
across my chest.

“I love you too.” I place a kiss on top of her head. “Do you know I
wished on a dragonfly for you. It was when I drew up the tattoo that Jesse
told you about.”

She hugs me around the waist, brown eyes blinking at me slowly. “It was
Jackson’s fifth birthday. I was down by the lake, watching the dragonflies
darting over the water, remembering what Raffe had told me years before.”
I run my finger over her bottom lip as it wobbles.

“I was surrounded by my family, but I was lonely. There was something

missing from my life. So, I wished for that something to come to me.”

She lays her head against my chest. Squeezing me tight. I’ve never told
her this. Never told anyone but tomorrow is a fresh start for us, and I want
everything on the table.

“You…you are a wish come true, Lily Ramsey.”

She sniffles. “Thank you for telling me that story. I really needed it.”

“Tomorrow is a new start for us. Everything is out in the open. No more
secrets. No more threats hanging over our heads. It’s time to celebrate you,
us, friends, family, Jackson…everything. It’s time to celebrate our new
life…together. Yeah?”

Lily lifts her big brown eyes, gracing me with a beautiful smile. “Yeah.”
Chapter Forty-Four

The minute I step into the warehouse Jackson is running to me. He throws
himself in my arms, hugging me tight. Instantly he melts away the last bit
of doubt I’d been harboring in my heart.

I set him down ruffling his unruly brown hair. His big brown eyes, much
like my own, stare up at me. “Hey, little brother,” I murmur quietly.

He smiles big. “I always wanted a sister,” he says before dragging me

away from Dan. “Aunt Jesse helped me paint a picture. You can hang it by
the other one I made for you.”

I laugh. “I love your paintings.”

He makes me sit down in a chair and close my eyes. “Okay, you can open

It’s beautiful. His gift to me is a watercolor portrait of Jenny and I

laughing, it’s the selfie from my phone. But in the painting Jackson is
between us, smiling big. Our little family. My mind wanders to Jenny.

“I bet the baby will have your eyes,” Jenny tells me.

‘‘And your craziness,” I counter.

We laugh as I lay my head on her stomach, facing her. The baby shifts,
making Jenny grunt. I smile at her. “This one’s going to be a go getter, I can
tell. Does it ever sleep?”

She rubs her hand over my cheek, brushing hair away from my face.
“Not much.”

I close my eyes and trace circles over her swollen stomach. “Shh, little
one. You need to sleep,” I whisper. The baby seems to settle at my words.
When I open my eyes, Jenny is staring at me intently.

Jenny and I stay like this for a long time. It’s just the three of us. Trapped
in this big house. Able to walk outside but not really free in any true sense
of the word.

We gaze lazily into each other’s eyes, as comfortable with each other as
any two people can be.

“Sometimes I pretend this baby is yours and not his,” she whispers.

My heart squeezes painfully. I sit up and she leans forward, pressing her
lips to mine. She tastes like sunshine and rainbows. Fresh and soft and so
unlike Benjamin that it makes my toes curl. “Thank you for loving me,
Lily,” she says as she pulls away. She tucks my hair behind my ear. “I never
thought I’d be loved again.”

“You’re the only person I’ve ever loved.”

“But you will love someone else someday,” she says, reminding me of the
promise she forced me to make.”

“I don’t need anyone else as long as I have you,” I tell her.

“There’s a man out there for you. I know it. You’ll feel safe in his arms.
He’ll laugh at your silly jokes. I bet he’ll even put up with your snoring.”

“I don’t snore.” I shove her leg lightly.

“And I bet he gives you the best orgasms.”

I laugh, rolling away from her. “I’ll never let another man touch me.”

She gives me a serious look. “Take that back right now,” she orders

“Okay, fine. I take it back.”

She sighs in relief, laying against the pillows. “I bet he’s out there right
now wishing for you.”

“Do you like it?” Jackson asks, jumping up and down, pulling me from
my memories.

I laugh. “I think it’s the best gift I’ve ever received.”

“Grandma and grandpa are here too!” he exclaims. “I’m going to go

show them.” He wraps his arms around the painting, toting it outside.

When my eyes turn to Dan I find him, Rachel and Raffe all crying. What
the hell?

“What?” I ask, wondering how long I had spaced out while thinking of
Jenny. God I miss her.

Dan stumbles on his words, “It’s just…wow…the love in your eyes as

you stared at him. It’s a beautiful thing to witness.”

Rachel and Raffe walk over, wrapping me up in their arms. It feels good
and strange and everything Jenny promised having a family would be. “Can
I call you guys mom and dad now,” I tease, trying to lift the mood.

Raffe’s body shakes with laughter as they pull away. “Fuck. No,” he says,
his eyes bright with amusement.

I shrug my shoulders. “It was worth a try.” I pretend to pout.

Rachel hugs me one last time before her and Dan leave the room so Raffe
and I can talk. Raffe’s knee bounces a few times before he stills and turns to
“You know I had the biggest crush on her.” He shakes his head. “That’s
why I gave her the dragonfly necklace.”

“She had a crush on you too,” I tell him.

He gives me a beautiful boyish grin. “I always wondered.” He shakes his

head again.

“Jenny was so happy when she found you and Rachel. She didn’t tell me
who you were, but she did say that giving you her baby was going to make
amends for all of the pain she caused in this life.”

Raffe inhales deeply. He holds it in so long I’m afraid he’s going to pass
out. When he finally releases it, his breath blows wisps of hair away from
my face. “I never blamed her.” His eyes shine bright blue with unshed tears.

“I’m sure you didn’t but it doesn’t change her regret. She was sorry for
getting you into that situation. She didn’t talk about it much. And I didn’t
ask. I knew whatever had happened broke something inside her. Something
I could never fix.”

He nods, wiping at his eyes. Raffe slaps his hands down on his thighs,
shoving his emotions aside. “Okay, today is about moving forward.” He
reaches into his pocket.

Raffe takes my hand and slowly releases a chain, letting it pool in my

open palm. “I’ve come full circle, Lily. You’ve given me closure I never
thought I’d get.” He closes my fist around the necklace. “I want you to
have this, not because it was hers but to recognize something new. It’s a
fresh start. A new friendship.”

I pull my fist to my mouth, pressing it to my lips. I nod, unable to speak.

“Let’s go celebrate. It’s what she would have wanted.”

I drop my hand. “You’re absolutely right.”

We walk out to the patio, letting our gaze settle over our family. Today
I’m seeing them in a whole new light.
Jenny has not only been my angel, but she’s also been Jackson’s, Raffe’s,

His amber eyes snag on mine. My tummy does a little flip when he
smiles at me.

Okay, you were right, Jenny. He’s just as wonderful as you described.

I smile as a dragonfly flits by.

Oh, now you’re just showing off.

The End

My eyes dance in the mirror, taking in the people who are mingling behind
me. Dan’s mom. Jenny’s mom. Candice. Rachel. And Jesse. I watch her
fingers whip my hair around the curling iron. She cocks an eyebrow at me.
“You sure you want to do this? I mean the guy is kind of an asshole.”

“I’m sure.” I smile smugly at her through the glass.

I run my finger under my lip, straightening my lipstick line, smacking my

lips together.

“Okay, if you say so.” She shrugs, letting my hair fall away from the
iron, a curl falling softly at my shoulder.

I watch as she runs her fingers through my hair. My mind wanders to the
last time someone did my hair. Stop. Deep breath. Focus on something real.
My eyes go to my dragonfly pendent. Deep breath. The wave of anxiety
passes. It’s getting easier and easier. My therapist and Raffe have given me
so many good tips to keep it under control. I control it, not the other way
around. It makes me feel powerful.

“All done,” Jesse says.

Jenny’s mom is up next, her fingers fret over the tiny pearl buttons on the
back of my dress.
Dan’s mom walks towards me. She’s been doing so good. We’ve got her
on a new experimental drug for dementia. It hasn’t improved the disease,
but it has kept it from progressing. That in itself is amazing.

“Is it your wedding day, dear?”

“It is,” I reach out and take her hand in mine.

“Oh, I remember my wedding day. My husband and I ran off to Vegas.”

I smile. She’s told me this story many times. But I love it each and every
time. Knowing Dan’s parents love each other gives me hope for my own

“Where are we?” she asks, looking around as if she’s just arrived.

“We are at the Harvest Festival,” I tell her.

“Oh, Dan loves the Harvest Festival. He will be so happy.”

I turn to Jenny’s mom. “Go get Dan.”

“The groom isn’t supposed to see the bride…”

Cutting her off. I pull Dan’s mom with me out the door and down the
hall. I don’t even knock I just barge into the room set up for the groom and
his men. Dirk raises an eyebrow at me in passing. Dan is standing in front
of a long mirror, his chin lifted high as he tightens the bow on his tux. I stop
dead in my tracks. Fuck me, he’s sexy. His eyes drop to mine. Slowly he
turns. “Lily?” he rushes to me in concern.

I nod my head to the side, raising my eyebrows at him. His gaze shifts to
his mom. Instantly he smiles. “Hey,” he says, not sure if he should call her

“Hey, baby.” She reaches up and pinches his cheek. “Don’t you look so
handsome on your wedding day.” Her hands slide over the front of his
white shirt.
“Thank you, mom.” He leans down and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

“And look at your bride.” She pulls away from him, gesturing over me.

He turns in slow motion, realizing this is the first time he’s seeing me in
my wedding dress. The muscle in his jaw twitches.

“Jesus Christ,” he whispers hoarsely.

His mom swats him in the stomach, making him flinch. “Mouth.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He smiles at me wickedly. “You look good enough to

eat.” He nips the air, earning him another swat to the stomach.

His mom pushes me from the room. “Enough of this nonsense. We’ll see
you at the ceremony.” She stops to give Dirk a kiss on the cheek on our way
out, making him blush. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the man blush.

Amazingly she remains lucid the entire day. Our angel must be looking
over us. I’m sure she is.

Jenny’s dad walks me down the aisle. I wanted to ask him, but turns out I
didn’t have to, he offered.

All I can say is that I thank Jenny every day for them.

The rest of the ceremony is a blur. I literally have hearts in my eyes for
the man I’m marrying. He’s all I see as we recite our vows.

Later that evening Jackson finds me sitting on a bench alone, staring

up at the sky. My feet are killing me. The guys have kept me dancing all
night long. He sits down beside me, watching my face intently. I drop my
eyes to him, and he smiles shyly.

“I made you something.” He kicks his feet back and forth and I notice
he’s hiding something behind his back.

“You did?”
He nods. “JD helped me.”

Jackson hands me his gift.

“Jackson. I love it.”

I run my hand over the wooden frame. It’s a map of the United States.
There is a box attached to the side filled with push pins. One is already
pinned on the map. It’s a special pin, a tiny little dragonfly. It’s stuck on

“You can put the pins in all the places you visit,” he tells me, running a
finger under his nose.

“Jackson this is a very thoughtful gift. I love it.”

“I’m going to miss you,” he says, sniffling sadly.

Dan and I are taking a month long honeymoon. We are road tripping
across the United States. I know that seems excessive but soon we won’t be
able to travel. We have a secret…well two little secrets. Yes, I know Skulls
aren’t supposed to keep secrets, but Dan and I want to keep the news to
ourselves for a while. At least until my second trimester begins.

“I’m going to send you lots and lots of postcards and we can facetime
any time you want.”

“Really?” he perks up a little.

“Really. I’m going to miss you just as much as you miss me.”

He smiles, scooting closer to me. We both turn our faces back to the
heavens. I’m hoping Jenny can see us. Maybe Jackson is wishing for the
same thing.

Before I know it, it’s time to leave. Everyone gathers around to wave us
goodbye. I laugh, curls whipping around my face as Dan pulls me past the
rows and rows of sunflowers to our vehicle.
I stop, skidding in the gravel. “Dan,” I squeal, jumping up and down like
Jackson does when he’s excited.

It’s a Volkswagen Bus. Holy shit! This is perfect.

“This is a gift from the club,” he tells me as he scoops me up and sets me

in the passenger seat.

I swivel, looking behind me. It’s so amazing. We can camp right here in
our own little world. I love it!

Dan slides in beside me.

“Where to first, wife?” He smiles big and bright. His amber eyes sparkle
with an excitement that mirrors my own.

“Let’s go to the Grand Canyon.”

He shifts into gear. “That sounds like the perfect place to begin.”

I bounce in my seat. This is our first drive as a married couple.

We drive all night, chatting the entire way. I don’t think we will ever run
out of things to talk about. We finally reach our destination in the wee hours
of the morning. I brew a pot of coffee as Dan sets our lawn chairs outside
the van. Instead of sitting in my own chair I perch on his lap. We wrap up in
a big blanket, sipping our coffee.

There’s a peaceful quiet here. No traffic. No people. Just him and I and
this magnificent canyon.

The clear sky turns pink, then yellow, then orange, gracing us with the
colors that you can only find in the sun’s unique palette. It’s beautiful,
making my heart sing with happiness. Actually, now that I think about it, I
can’t remember the last time it was cloudy. Or maybe I haven’t noticed
since my sun is always by my side.

When the sun glints on the horizon like the diamond in my ring, we both
stop breathing. This feels like a dream. But it’s not.
It’s real life.

My life.

“I love you, baby.” Dan snuggles his face in the crook of my neck, his
hands wrapping protectively around me.


“Hmm?” he hums, sleepy yet happy.

“Thank you for loving and protecting me.”

“I’ll always protect you, baby. You’re mine and as a Skull…

I cut him off, laughing. “And as a Skull, you’ll always protect what’s

“Always,” he says against the shell of my ear, making me shiver.

Sometimes the world in which we’re born is not the one we’re meant to
inhabit. I’m lucky to have found the perfect world for me. All thanks to a
dragonfly and the angel he carried on his back
About the Author

LM Terry is an upcoming romance novelist. She has spent her life in the
Midwest, growing up near a public library which helped fuel her love of
books. With most of her eight children grown and with the support of her
husband, she decided to follow her heart and begin her writing journey. In
searching for that happily ever after, her characters have been enticing her
to share their sinfully dark, delectable tales. She knows the world is filled
with shadows and dark truths and is happy to give these characters the
platform they have been begging for. This is her sixth novel.

Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

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