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Alpha Wolf An Enemies To Lovers Paranormal Romance (Silvercoast Wolves Book 1) by Ruby Knoxx PDF

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An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance

Silvercoast Wolves Book 1

Ruby Knoxx

Copyright © 2021 by Ruby Knoxx.

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the
book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in
any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written
permission from the publisher, except for brief quotations in a book review.
Chapter 1 - Ryel
Chapter 2 - Mila
Chapter 3 - Ryel
Chapter 4 - Mila
Chapter 5 - Ryel
Chapter 6 - Mila
Chapter 7 - Ryel
Chapter 8 - Mila
Chapter 9 - Ryel
Chapter 10 - Mila
Chapter 11 - Ryel
Chapter 12 - Mila
Chapter 13 - Ryel
Chapter 14 - Mila
Chapter 15 - Ryel
Chapter 16 - Mila
Chapter 17 - Ryel
Chapter 18 - Mila
Chapter 19 - Ryel
Chapter 20 - Mila
Chapter 21 - Ryel
Chapter 22 - Mila
Chapter 23 - Ryel
Chapter 24 - Mila
Chapter 25 - Ryel
Chapter 26 - Mila
About the Author
Books by Ruby Knoxx
Chapter 1 - Ryel

The worn, soft-black leather seat was hot between Ryel’s muscular
thighs, his dark denim jeans hugging his legs as his red vintage Harley
vibrated along the rough backroad on his way home. Dust flew up around
him and giant pines flew by. Ryel knew he was going fast, too fast, but he
lived for the thrill. Any thrill. A lump rose in his throat despite the speed and
adrenaline — he’d been due home days ago, and he feared his return
wouldn’t be met with a party. It was his choice to run off to the city for a few
months. Ryel felt it was justified. After everything their people had been
through, after losing his father, it just felt like too much pressure pushing
down on his shoulders. He needed to clear his head, to be, at least for a while,
something other than what he was: a wolfman, a shapeshifter.
He couldn’t say his animal magnetism didn’t come in handy when he
was in the city. Ryel smirked thinking about all the women that fell for his
charms and striking looks. Sure, he’d had a few drinks thrown in his
handsome face, and a couple of firm slaps across his face in fits of jealousy,
or when he was just being an asshole. He knew he could be a jerk. As bad as
he felt about hurting these women, the idea of being tied down to one woman
felt worse, like being suffocated by plastic, or being chained up in a dark and
dingy hole. It was the obvious predictability of happy-ever-after that scared
him. It was a life sentence. Ryel glanced down at his forearm and regarded
the scar one girl had given him when she walked in on him with three
Russian tourists. He couldn’t blame her, he wasn’t innocent at all, but that’s
how he liked it. He just never thought she’d bite him! It might have been
sexy, under different circumstances — wolflike even. He often wanted to bite
the women he was intimate with, mark them as his. He never did, because to
bite a mate was as good as a wedding to his people, a sign to all other men
that she belonged to one wolfman. Even though his fangs often sharpened
when he was with those beautiful creatures, and his saliva filled his mouth
with the longing to plunge his fangs into their smooth and delicate skin, some
things were too sacred even for him to desecrate.
Ryel barely heard the expensive sounding roar of the Ducati before it
was passing him, kicking up dirt and rocks, blinding him and causing him to
suck up an uncomfortable amount of dust. Ryel slammed on the breaks as
much in frustration as for safety. He swore he heard a faint laugh as the bike
sped past him. A string of curse words left his mouth, and anger
overwhelmed his senses — an anger that quickly turned to surprised curiosity
when he noticed the shapely female body clad in tight, shiny leather in the
saddle of the bike, a hint of red hair peeking out of the helmet. He’d always
had a thing for gingers. He barely caught the sight of perfectly rounded
breasts bobbing as the bike’s tires hugged the bumps and divots in the road.
Now Ryel was curious, and he had to admit, a little turned on. As much as the
stunt this unknown woman pulled was downright dangerous, her cockiness
and willingness to dance with Death made his loins tingle. With a
mischievous smile, he revved his engine and hoped she was going the same
way as him.
Chapter 2 - Mila

Mila knew it was Ryel from miles away, if only from his strong
shoulders and the cocky way he sat on his 1980 Harley Shovelhead. She
doubted he even knew the name or year of his perfect red vintage bike. She
knew she could run circles around the young boy who used to tease her
mercilessly, with her bike and automotive skills. Hell, she could probably
out-fish and out-hunt him too. Ryel had always been a showoff when they
were kids, being the finest young man, both in human and wolf form, not to
mention an obvious prospect for alpha after the previous alpha, Marc, had
left. If not for his offensive aura and his womanizing ways that made her
embarrassed for the ladies who flocked to his long, chiseled arms, she
probably would’ve had a crush on him too.
But every time she’d started to find Ryel attractive, or her heart
quickened in his presence, he promptly shattered that attraction by calling her
names or comparing her to other girls. Mila was a geek through and through
as a child, always the top of the class, always the most talented. She would
never apologize for her gifts, but even years later, the popular kids picking on
her and relentlessly taunting her left a slight stinging pain in her core, like a
small, smoldering cigarette burn.
Mila didn’t know exactly what she was doing when she hit the throttle
and started zooming Ryel’s way. All she knew was she wanted to embarrass
him, and maybe scare him a little. What was more embarrassing to an
assumed alpha than a strange girl leaving him in her dust? Mila knew he
wouldn’t recognize her; it had been ten years since they were fifteen and her
family left their coastal town to move inland to the city, where Mila could
pursue her academic goals. Mila knew she wasn’t the same scrawny fifteen-
year-old with a bad haircut and braces she was back then. She was now a
sophisticated engineer and, to her surprise, had filled out to be a curvaceous
woman the men continuously took stalk of. Mila was picky when it came to
men, but the attention she got from them never failed to perk her ego a little.
It felt good to be wanted; she knew there wasn’t a person on earth who could
argue that notion. That was the height of power, Mila now knew: to be
wanted but unattainable. Men would move mountains for a chance with her .
Yet, even at twenty-five years of age, Mila had never let a man have her
body. Have control of her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like men, or find them
attractive, she’d just never found a man who drove her to that point of wanton
Mila passed Ryel at full speed. She’d never met a man that made her
feel the way speed and danger did. She tingled with ecstasy as she sped by
Ryel, knowing the dust she was kicking up would force him to brake, or at
least pull to the side and slow down. Mila couldn’t help but let out a
victorious laugh as she sped by. She also couldn’t help admiring the broad,
stunning man on the bike for just a second.
Mila felt a glow of power as she left him in her dust, knowing he
would try to follow her, and that she was going exactly where he was
heading. At this speed she’d have at least twenty minutes on him. The perfect
amount of time to wait and plot just what to say to annoy the notorious Ryel.
She knew the whole town was waiting for his return, so to have any control
over him, even for a minute, was a delicious win to Mila.
A few people knew Mila was returning, but sadness overcame her
knowing that there would never be a welcome wagon for her the way there
would be for Ryel. Mila knew what the town had been going through over the
years. How they had to flee for many moons, moving from place to place,
trying to thwart the trolls. So many had died trying to protect the pack. Her
heart ached thinking of all the wolves she’d known and loved who were now
gone. Ryel’s father, her father’s best friend, had kept in touch over the years,
and when Mila heard he’d passed, it had hurt almost as violently as her own
parents’ passing. Now that Marc was gone too, there was a gaping hole in the
pack. Someone had to be alpha. Mila wondered how different the town would
feel after being abandoned for years and then being rebuilt. She wondered if
it would still feel like home. No matter where her life had taken her the last
decade, nothing had ever fit the missing piece inside her that longed for her
childhood town and her people. She only wished her parents were alive to see
it, to return with her after all the sacrifices they’d made for her. Sometimes,
the guilt was overwhelming.
She continued down the mostly unused road before her. Mila
reckoned she would arrive just around dusk, right when the bonfire was
usually lit on a Friday night and the town let loose. Even though she’d been
gone for almost ten years, nowhere else had ever felt as much as home as
here, the little town of Silvercoast. The large howling rock, a massive gray
granite boulder that resembled a wolf howling to the north, was a familiar
signal that she wasn’t far now. Mila hit full throttle, and her heart sang
knowing that home was close.
Chapter 3 - Ryel

Just as the sun started to disappear behind the Coastal Mountains,

casting hazy hues of burnt orange and fuchsia to dance down the hill from
their village, Ryel rolled into town. Despite what he’d been running from, a
tinge of nostalgia and familiarity filled Ryel’s heart. He was never one to be
outwardly sentimental, but he knew there really wasn’t a place on earth that
felt quite like home, and given the recent history of their pack, having a home
was a rare treat. There had been so many years that they couldn’t be here, in
their town, always on the run from the trolls. But now that it was safe to
return to their village, Ryel felt a piercing sadness. So many couldn’t return
home, his father included. Ryel wove along the path, following the tell-tale
plume of the weekly Friday night bonfire. As a young man, it’d been just a
bit of fun, a way to relax and unwind, down a couple brews, but after the
attack on their village, it felt different. It was the cement that held the
villagers together, a way to party as much as it was a way to bring them
together and strengthen their bonds . When a town loses so many of its own,
celebration becomes more precious, more urgent.
After his father died, it took Ryel a long time to find that joy again.
Even in the city, it took months before the thrill of being alive crept back into
his body. Although the feeling of mourning was still as palpable as a rock
sitting in his mouth, heavy and sour, he knew his father wouldn’t want him to
run away from his responsibilities and his people. He felt guilty and feared
some ridicule after his sudden disappearance. Even his best friends, Finn and
Axel, didn’t know he’d been planning to leave. He hoped everyone would
understand. When he’d phoned his mom three days ago and told her he was
coming home, he heard immense happiness and relief in her voice, even
through the tears. It would be a relief if everyone had that same sentiment
about his return.
Everything looked the same, but he knew it wasn’t. They may have
been able to return to their town after years of running, but so many would
never come back. How could it be home without the old alpha, Marc, without
so many loved ones, without his dad? How could he return to his childhood
home when he’d run away right when they returned, too scared to face the
aftermath, too scared to rebuild his past and face his future? He knew he was
expected to be the next alpha, but, deep down, he didn’t know if he had the
strength, or the courage.
Ryel parked his bike in the dirt lot away from the bonfire, the
communal gathering spot the community colloquially termed “the pit.” His
heart sank when he saw his old parking spot. The parking space in front of an
old log that had once been struck by lightning had another bike in front of it.
When he saw the flashy Ducati that had passed him earlier parked neatly in
his spot, he felt annoyance mixed with yearning to meet the mystery
stuntwoman swirling inside him. His heart felt a little jumpy, knowing she
was here. He reminded himself that she was just a woman, like the many
others he’d played in his life. Besides, she might not be that hot underneath
the helmet.
Ryel made his way to the fire. Even before he was close, he felt eyes
on him and heard boisterous conversations drop into hushed whispers.
Usually cool, Ryel felt moisture forming on his brow. He was beyond
nervous, and afraid of who was going to cast the first verbal stone. Silence,
except for the comforting crackle of the fire, filled the air. It felt like hours
before his mother, Deanna, stepped forward from the darkness, her hair long
and gray. Ryel felt ashamed, wondering if the death of his father and his
disappearance were responsible for the dramatic change to her locks. Despite
that, she still was the beautiful, statuesque matriarch she’d been since before
Ryel was a pup.
Deanna held her arms outstretched, a teary smile overwhelming her
face, the many bangles she always wore dangling on her wrists. “Ryel, my
only child, my son. Welcome home. There has been a hole in the soul of this
village since you’ve been gone.” Ryel took his mother in his arms, the
familiar scent of her filling his nostrils. Deanna stepped back and cupped his
face in her long, elegant fingers. She smiled and then addressed the crowd.
“Let us rejoice and bury our grievances. Ryel is here, and this is his home.
Remember the turmoil of the last year and let celebration and love fill your
hearts. Community is family. Let tonight be about that.”
Ryel felt immense relief as the crowd offered smiles and cheers.
Familiar faces greeted him, and friends and family embraced him. He heard
the familiar whoop of greeting from his two best friends, Axel and Finn.
They stood, as they usually did, near the snack table with beers in hand.
Those two had hallow legs, Ryel was sure of it, and it appeared in the last
few months in his absence they’d grown even taller and gained muscle all
over their frames. Ryel was making his way to his friends when he noticed
the bodacious, leather clad body that had left him coughing up dirt talking to
his friends. From behind, with her long waves of fiery hair hanging to her
tiny waiste, she looked even sexier than Ryel had remembered. His friends
looked hungry as she spoke, interested in the new meat in town, but Ryel had
already decided that, due to their little incident earlier, not only did he have
claim to her, but he’d also have to teach this woman a lesson. His groin
stirred with passion at the thought of making her apologize. Pulling that
mesmerizing mane and whispering in her ear.
“Long time no see, boys!” Ryel exclaimed with confidence as he
strode up to his comrades and his next conquest. “Hello,” he said, turning to
the red head. “I believe we weren’t properly introduced when you almost ran
me off the road earlier.”
The stranger turned around, revealing one of the most stunning faces
Ryel had ever seen. The woman looked him up and down and smirked. “Oh, I
know you alright. Hello, Ryel.” Ryel was hit with sudden confusion. How
could he have stumbled across a woman this entrancing and forgotten? “You
really don’t remember me, do you? Let me refresh your memory: you used to
pull my hair and call me a freak.”
Ryel felt his stomach drop. There is no way this could be nerdy little
Mila, the ignorant girl who acted so superior and was the bane of his school
years. Why was she back here? It couldn’t be her.
“Mila?” was all he managed to produce, her name coming out in a
tripping whisper.
“Oh, so you do remember the little nerd that you so loved to torture.
Surprise, I’m back. Funny how we decided to come back on the same day,
isn’t it? So, tell me, they say you bolted and disappeared to the city. Why
come home now?” Mila’s voice was tinged with confrontation.
Ryel felt embarrassment fester inside him at the mocking tone of her
voice. Although her voice was silky and buttery, it irked him that the old
town nerd would dare show up to taunt him, let alone in front of his friends
and looking this spectacular.
“Not that it’s any of your business, Mila.” He forced her name out
with intentional disdain. He felt his temperature rising. This little bitch was
making him mad, and he hated a sexy woman teasing him unless she was
cruising for a lesson in the bedroom. “After my father died, I needed some
perspective. Why would you care anyway? Your family abandoned us years
ago. You weren’t here when we were attacked. You weren’t here when Marc
led us all over the state, trying to protect us. You’re a traitor. Is this even your
home anymore? Tell me where your parents are now, Mila?”
“Hey, not cool, bro.” Axel stepped in front of her, placing a large
hand on Ryel’s chest, trying to calm him down before he got too angry and
shifted. “Mila was born here. Her parents were born here. They gave her a
chance. You know we never turn our back on a pack member.” Axel had a
pleading look in his dark honey eyes. Ryel saw a hint of wolf emerge in
them, ready to change if things got out of hand. Ryel felt guilty, but his anger
over her words was grander than he cared to admit. Mila had gotten under his
“If they are a part of the pack, where were they when the trolls came?
Where was Mila’s mighty father Kane when the trolls overtook my father?
He left his best friend to die.” Ryel knew he’d gone too far even before the
slap met his face, hard and fast. That bitch could slap like a man. Amidst the
sharp sting of the pain, Ryel was impressed.
“Not that you’d know because you’ve never cared about anyone
except yourself, Ryel, but my parents are dead. They died last year in a car
accident. A drunk driver crashed into them, and they plummeted into a frozen
lake. I came back here to what I thought was my home, my family. I guess I
was wrong though, right Ryel?” Ryel saw the tears welling up in her emerald
eyes. Before he could mutter a sheepish apology, she was off, running
towards the woods. He thought about going after her, wondering whether she
would be safe out there. He decided a woman like that could take care of
“What the fuck, Ryel? I get that you’re hurting, but look around.
We’re all hurting. We all lost someone. I was so excited to see you back
tonight, but now I don’t know. Maybe you should’ve stayed longer in the
city.” Finn looked genuinely hurt. He shook his head in disappointment,
letting out a deep sigh. His long black hair hanging in his face, blocking his
amber eyes. Finn reached for Ryel and gave him a hug. “We all love you
here, but if you keep acting like this and don’t get your anger under control,
you’ll never be the wolf I know you can be.” With that, Finn walked back
towards the party, joining the others at the fire.
“I’m sorry, Axel. I don’t know what came over me.”
Axel regarded his friend sadly and gave him a halfhearted smile. A
pity smile, Ryel knew. Axel felt bad for him. His friends and he had been
bonded since birth, they could almost read each other’s thoughts.
“I know what’s wrong with you, my friend. You never face anything.
You run and you use people. You use women to fill that void inside you that
was there long before your father died. You can’t use people anymore. You
can’t do whatever you want. You are a pillar of this community. Whether you
become the alpha or not, you will be a head wolf. It’s time you settle down.
Find a mate. Get serious, Ryel. It’s time.” Axel gave him a pat on the back
and returned to the party, taking his spot beside Finn.
Ryel felt ashamed. His first reaction had always been to run, and
lately, lose himself in any beautiful broad he could seduce. Not that he had
any issues in that department. The idea of settling down repulsed him, but he
wondered if maybe Axel was right. Maybe he was just being a coward.
Ryel watched the woods for a few minutes, half hoping that Mila
would return. That he could offer an apology. He knew he could never be
friends with that girl, not when they were kids and certainly not now. Ryel
took a deep breath and closed his pale, intense eyes, breathing in the cedar
smell of the damp woods around him. Somewhere in the distance he heard a
wolf howl, soft and low. Not like a male wolf. A thick fog was rolling in, as it
often did on colder nights here. Ryel fought the urge to go find Mila, more
out of pity than want. But the sound of laughter and storytelling was too
strong a tide. He turned and joined the party, at least feeling relief to be
home. He knew he had to turn over a new leaf, but he decided it wouldn’t be
Chapter 4 - Mila

Mila took just enough strides into the dense woods before she let the
tears flow freely. She took a few more strides, until she was just out of sight,
and transitioned into a wolf. She knew she was an exceptional wolf in size
and skill. Not quite as big as her male counterparts, but sturdy enough to
stand her ground, if need be. Mila loved her wolf form: a beautiful auburn
coat that was shiny and soft, her emerald eyes staying green in transition. A
very rare trait, just like her father had. Mila knew in wolf form she could
outrun any male, even Ryel, who she knew was an exceptional wolf. He
always had been.
Ryel was the first to be able to transition when they were young. Even
then he was a striking white wolf with almost as white eyes. Everyone
stopped to gaze at him, whether in human or wolf form. Even she did,
although she hated herself for it almost as much as she hated him. Especially
after tonight.
The moon was half-full and waxing, a thin veil of milky clouds
running over its face, creating an eerie ambiance. Mila always thought the
wolf lore of the average human amusing: terrifying creatures who were slaves
to the full moon and who ripped from their clothes and had no recollection of
their traipsing as terrifying and bloodthirsty creatures. If she really wanted to,
she could rip violently out of her clothes during transition, but then her
beautiful Italian leather motorcycle garb would be wasted. Besides, the
feeling of stripping naked under the moon in the forest was euphoric, sensual
even. Almost as good as being a wolf. Plus, she’d never heard of a wolf that
enjoyed cannibalism.
The pain of Ryel’s words hung heavy in her body. How could Ryel
not know that she had grieved his father’s passing deeply? He was such a
large part of her childhood, a pillar of the community that treated every
member of their brethren as his own kin. That was why her father had loved
him so. They had been friends since they were little, she was always told,
inseparable in human and in wolf form. Because of that bond, Ryel had been
an inescapable nuisance for all of Mila’s childhood. Everyone had always
joked they would end up together. When she was young, Mila would roll her
eyes and exclaim her horror at the thought. She still felt that way, especially
after hearing how he used women and ran away from them. He might be a
mighty wolf, but Mila knew he could be a coward.
Yet none of that stopped her lady-parts from reacting to him when he
was near. Even in anger, the smell of him and the sound of his voice made
Mila feel something no man had ever made her feel. Even now, as she
thought about him, she throbbed with desire. But it wasn’t enough to erase
the pain of his words. As the tears ran down her face, she stripped naked,
allowing the cool, foggy air to embrace her curves. In three measured strides,
she was a wolf.
Mila ran to burn off the pain she was feeling. Trees whipped past her
as she quickly glided through the thick brush, her paws aware of everything
underfoot and her keen nose absorbing every scent around her. Mila smelled
a rabbit and thought about chasing it. Sometimes she indulged in her wolf
cravings and hunted small rodents and mammals, even the odd bird. But
tonight, she just wanted to run, to forget the pain of losing her parents,and the
words that had branded her heart tonight. Even if she lost herself in her wolf
form for the evening, it felt exquisite to not be Mila for a while and leave
Ryel far behind as she ran.
Tomorrow, she would pull herself together and face Ryel. But tonight,
she would fall apart.
Chapter 5 - Ryel

Ryel was awoken by the harsh sound of his mother’s ancient coffee
grinder. Ryel placed a pillow over his head to try and block out the grating
sound. He couldn’t believe that after all these years, after all the running and
the death, she still had that grinder. At least they still had the house, which
looked the same as it always had. His sheets here had been the same since
high school—pale blue with white stripes. His pillows were old and lumpy.
Between the harsh light of day, the loud noise, his childish décor, and the
horrific hangover creeping over his body, Ryel felt downright geriatric and
lame. He hated feeling lame.
He looked at the clock next to him. It read 8:18am. Not that early, but
earlier than Ryel liked to get up on a weekend. His mother had never had the
ability to transition into a wolf, and Ryel was sure that was why she was
always an early bird. It had always driven him andhis father bonkers. His
father had always joked that wolves were creatures of the night, but Deanna
had never listened. She was a creature of habit, but at least she was reliable.
Everyone’s mother and everyone’s confidante, that was his mom.
Ryel slipped on a pair of pajama pants and made his way down the
old, creaky oak stairs to the kitchen. Ryel had never really liked coffee, but
with the pounding headache that was setting in he figured it couldn’t hurt.
Deanna stood back and turned to Ryel in the spacious yellow kitchen. The
wallpaper had faded over the years, and where the light hit it through the
kitchen windows, Ryel noticed rust forming on the hinges of the white
trimmed windows. He made a mental note to fix that for his mother. Deanna
turned around and beamed as he came in, until she saw the state of him, her
smile turning into a displeased grimace.
“What time did you stumble in last night?” she asked in a sarcastic
manner, handing over a large mug of coffee. Ryel noticed it was black. He
hated black coffee.
“Why does it matter?” Ryel asked, moving over to the fridge and
pouring cream into the coffee, annoyed at her prying.
“It matters, young man, because you just came back after
disappearing for months. Also because you’re living under my roof rent free,
without a job that I know of, and I am still you mother,” Deanna said smugly.
Ryel felt embarrassment creep over him. He tried to think of a
rebuttal, but had nothing. He knew she was right. He hadn’t achieved much
in his life, and that made it more humiliating. “You’re right. Around three, I
“That’s fine and dandy. You can drink all you want. But there’s much
to be done, Ryel. Starting off with a big one today,” Deanna scolded.
“What do I have to do today?” Ryel wondered.
“You have to apologize to Mila.” Ryel let out an audible groan at the
demand. He had every intention of apologizing at some point. Maybe just not
today, while hungover. “You better do it soon too, because I’m inviting her
over for dinner.”
“Fine,” was all he could mutter, knowing that any argument with his
mother would prove futile. Ryel downed his coffee and slumped off, back
upstairs to take a shower.
Ryel stepped into the almost-too-hot shower. He loved the fogged
glass and the way the heat felt on his skin. As he showered, he thought about
the words he’d exchanged with Mila the night before, and felt guilt gather in
his throat. He knew he’d gone way too far. He hadn’t known about her
parents. They were wonderful people, like an aunt and uncle to Ryel growing
up. But still, her cockiness and tormenting comments made him angry,
especially since he found her so sexy. Despite his shame and anger, his body
reacted in lust. Ryel figured she’d never know if he fantasized about her in
the shower just this one time. He needed to calm his mind before he
apologized, and the thought of her body bouncing on her bike was as
intoxicating as the steam coating the washroom.
Despite Ryel’s best efforts, that little bitch was under his skin, and he
didn’t know what he was going to do about it.
Chapter 6 - Mila

When Mila awoke, she was naked and in a shed. Panic immediately
set in as she tried to piece together the steps of her wolf run last night that led
her here. Mila had passed out in some hay and an old blanket. Next to her
was a lawnmower, its sharp blades inches from her feet.
“Fuck,” Mila muttered under her breath, getting up in a hurry and
wrapping the old blanket around her for some modesty. The blanket was an
old flannel, red and burnt orange with small yellow ducks all over it, and the
odd hole, products oftime or vermin.
Mila tried to remember where she’d been last night right before
transitioning. She remembered a hollow log not far from the firepit. She
knew exactly how to get there, she just had to find a way to avoid anyone in
her indecent state. Mila wedged the shed door open just enough to peep
outside to case her surroundings. By the sun in the sky, it couldn’t be later
than 9am. With a little luck, most of the pack was sleeping off the party from
last night. Wolves, including Mila usually, treasured sleeping in, but today
she had to find her way to her belongings, and then figure out what to do
from there.
Mila was halfway across the lawn when Axel spotted her. “If you
wanted to spend the night, you didn’t have to crash in my shed!” he called
across the grass. Mila blushed crimson. She was sure he was getting too
much pleasure from her almost nude escape.
“You’d love that wouldn’t you?” she began, not knowing what her
next move was, just that she had to get out of there as quickly as she could
and get to her clothes.
“Who are you talking to?” another voice carried across the lawn. A
female voice, soft and melodic. Out the door popped a woman. It took Mila a
second to recognize her, but her long, black spirals gave her away. “Mila, is
that you?” she asked, a teasing laugh in her voice.
“Hi, Fallon. I’m sure this looks worse than it is,” Mila assured, happy
to see her old friend after all these years. “I didn’t see you at the party last
“That’s because you ran off before I got there,” Fallon teased. Mila
walked over to her, Fallon wrapping her in her long olive arms. As beautiful
as always, her hazel eyes like pools of honey in the morning light. “Come
inside. Have some coffee. Let me guess, you ran all night and lost track of
your bearings?”
“Yeah,” Mila admitted sheepishly. “I guess everyone heard about the
thing with me and Ryel?”
“Oh yeah, that. Some things never change, eh?” Fallon poked her in
the rib as she said it. “You two have always been like an old married couple.”
Axel laughed at that, which irked Mila all the more. The idea of her and Ryel
being anything more than estranged acquaintances sent her blood boiling.
“As if,” was all Mila could manage to say. She knew she was crimson
from the teasing. Sometimes she hated her fair complexion — it gave away
everything she was feeling.
Fallon only laughed some more. “Oh Mila, always so serious. Come
on. Have a shower and some food. You can borrow something of mine to
wear. I don’t want you running through the woods naked in the daylight.
What will the elders say?” Mila smiled at her kindness and her bugging.
“Plus, we wouldn’t want you running off with this priceless family
heirloom,” Axel teased, motioning to the old flannel blanket wrapped around
“Oh, I’m sure. Maybe I would have brought it back,” Mila replied.
“But, let’s not talk about this again, shall we?”
“Haha, deal,” Fallon replied. “The shower is up the stairs, first door
on the left. There are plenty of clean towels, and you can use any of my
“Thanks. I didn’t know you guys were living together. I guess I don’t
know anything around here anymore. But I am happy to be back,” Mila said
as she started up the stairs, suddenly very excited for a refreshing shower.
Mila turned on the shower and slipped in, the smell of sweat and
woods washing off her milky skin. She soaped up, using some fruity scented
body wash of Fallon’s, a scent she would never use, yet it was nice. Mila
always preferred the smell of mint; she was simple that way. Never one for
extravagant bath routines or products. She found some shampoo and lathered
up her long red hair. As she closed her eyes, images of Ryel flashed before
her. Angry, mean images, but also shirtless, happy ones. Mila hated that he’d
gotten under her skin. She wanted to be immune to Ryel. As she rinsed her
hair, she thought of him naked, and hated how much it turned her on. She
figured if she just thought about it here, it wouldn’t cause any trouble. She
could get it out of her system and wash it down the drain with last night’s
At least that’s what she told herself.
Chapter 7 - Ryel

Ryel was washed, fed and on the road long before he desired to even
be awake. He had no idea where he was going, no clue where she was staying
or with whom. The idea that maybe she had spent the night with someone
occurred to him. Ryel almost felt jealousy blossom, but then reminded
himself he didn’t care what Mila did. He couldn’t stand that little bitch. But at
the same time, he couldn’t help but care about her wellbeing, since he had
known her forever. The jealousy, however, he could do without—he’d never
been jealous before and hated the new sensation settling in his stomach.
Ryel decided, after doing a few loops around the main block of town,
he would try some friends’ houses. Nothing was open yet. The town usually
didn’t get going until noon on a Saturday, and only a select few shops opened
their doors on a Sunday. The café, the grocer and the tackle supply shop were
the only ones open every day except Christmas. The town was only two short
streets. Along them were business fronts in vibrant colors with grand
windows, like any coastal fishing town. Ryel smiled at his town. While the
flash of the city and all its trimmings had its appeal, nothing beat the
familiarity and quaintness of home. It was an immense relief to see it was
almost as he remembered it, except for the odd small rebuild.
But where was that aggravating girl?
Ryel turned on the radio and AC/DC filled the air, Highway to Hell
ringing in his ears. Ryel let out a laugh. He felt like he was on that highway
right now as he looked for Mila. He’d tried to rehearse what to say to her, but
nothing came to mind except the curves of her body and the way her full
cupid’s bow lip taunted him. Juicy and sharp. By the time Ryel focused on
where his old blue Chevy was heading, he was turning onto the road to
Axel’s house. The last dirt road before the inlet, right on the edge of town. As
he pulled up to the old brick house with the yellow door, he hoped that after
last night, he and Axel were okay. Ryel knew he could be an asshole; he’d
always had a tendency to run his mouth or show off when his pride felt
threatened. He’d always chalked it up to his alpha mentality. But now with
the position of the next alpha looming and no guarantee that he was an
obvious choice, he wondered if maybe he just had a problem, like his friends
had said.
Ryel thought about turning around, going home and hiding under the
covers for a few more hours before chasing this horrific hangover with a
couple of beers. He thought about just lying to his mom, when he
remembered Mila was coming over for dinner.
“Darn you, Deanna,” Ryel muttered as he pounded on Axel’s door.
There were no doorbells here—their sound was too harsh on wolf ears. Ryel
was relieved when the door opened, and Axel gave him a huge smile. Ryel let
out a breath, knowing all could be salvaged.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in. Or I guess I should say she-
wolf?” Axel said, playfully embracing Ryel and pulling him into the house as
if they hadn’t seen each other just last night. His grip was so strong it even
crushed Ryel a little. Axel had gotten very strong and Ryel suddenly
wondered if he should’ve been training these last few months.
“Have you been working out?” Ryel asked, giving Axel’s large bicep
a friendly bump. “Wait, what do you mean by she-wolf?” He was confused
by the sentiment.
“Hello, Ryel,” the voice he knew so well, laced with dry sarcasm,
crept up behind him before Axel could answer.
Ryel turned around to find Mila on the bottom step, her long red hair
wet and dripping, her body wrapped only in a white towel just long enough to
cover her privates. Ryel was taken aback by how soft and touchable her
curvy body was. Her impossibly small waist turned into full hips and strong
muscular thighs. Her pale, freckled skin was like marble, and he yearned to
touch it. He imagined under his tongue it would be cold and smooth like
rock. The stirring in his groin started again, much to his chagrin.
It suddenly dawned on Ryel that Mila was practically naked, here, in
Axel’s home early on a Saturday morning. The sickly acid of jealousy
instantly started to wear away at his stomach and his mind blurred. Of course,
Axel could do whatever he wanted, but Ryel had never imagined he would go
for Mila. But why wouldn’t he? She was immaculate and he had been
nothing short of atrocious to her.
“Oh, I see how it is.” Ryel was embarrassed to hear his voice come
out in a bitter manner. He hadn’t meant to give away any of his inner
Mila broke out into a laugh. The same laugh she’d uttered when she’d
cut him off yesterday and taunted him by the fire. “Ryel, not that it’s any of
your business, but Axel and I aren’t, well anything. But friends. Not that I
would owe you an explanation if we were.” She said it with a tone so defiant
it reminded Ryel of the small, sassy girl he once knew. Everything about the
interaction made him furious. He didn’t like being belittled, especially by a
“So, you’re just fucking then?” Ryel was furious and could hardly see
straight. Even to his ears his accusation sounded harsh and blunt.
“Axel, who’s here?” A familiar voice sounded from the kitchen.
Around the corner came Fallon, her wild black curls especially unkempt in
the morning. “Axel!” she cried, coming in for a big hug. “I didn’t get a
chance to say hello last night. I mean, by the time I did you were totally
Ryel looked at Mila and then Fallon. Axel slid his arm around Fallon
in a familiar manner, and she was resting her round face against his shoulder.
It suddenly dawned on Ryel how wrong he’d been and how much he had
missed in the months he was gone. He looked back at Mila, who crossed her
arms and tilted her head, her bright green eyes narrowing in a manner that
said I told you so, you stupid oaf.
“Still doesn’t explain why you’re naked!” Ryel couldn’t believe his
ears, he sounded like a petulant child who wasn’t getting his way.
“How about I get you some clothes to borrow,” Fallon jumped in,
walking over to Mila and putting her hand on the small of her back, a signal
to move upstairs and away from Ryel’s nuttiness. He couldn’t help but
wonder what the small of her back felt like. “Axel will fill you in, okay,
Ryel?” With that the two girls went upstairs.
Ryel turned to Axel. “I know I could have handled that better.”
“You don’t say?” Axel replied with a laugh. “What has gotten into
you, mister I-don’t-ever-wanna-settle?”
“I’m not settling.” His voice was practically a yell. “Ahem, I mean,
I’m not interested in Mila—I’ve just known her forever, you know? She’s
like an annoying younger cousin.”
“Well, then you won’t mind giving her a ride to get her clothes in the
woods?” Axel asked. Ryel knew it was a test.
“Of course not,” Ryel said, swallowing all his pride and trying to act
calmer than calm. He regretted the decision already. The thought of them
alone in the truck was already giving Ryel a bigger headache than the one he
already had. “Now, how about a cup of coffee?”
“Of course. You want some food too? You look like you could use
it.” Ryel followed Axel into the kitchen. Axel plated Ryel some breakfast;
eggs, pancakes and bacon. Ryel’s mouth salivated at the sight. As soon as the
plate was sat down in front of him, he doused the pancakes in syrup and dove
in. “So, what’s the deal with you and Mila? Just ask her out already.”
Ryel almost choked on his food at the suggestion. “What the hell are
you talking about? I don’t want to be with her. That pest has been a pain in
my butt since we were babies.” Ryel scoffed at the idea of asking her out on a
date. Sure, he was oddly attracted to her, but it was just her newly developed
body, he told himself. Her personality drove him up a wall. The vision of her
curvy white flesh in just a towel flooded his brain again and he felt a pulse he
didn’t want to feel in his groin.
“Oh please. You guys have practically been flirting since before you
could walk. You can’t keep away from each other,” Axel stated matter-of-
factly. Taking a large slurp of orange juice, his eyes sparkled with the playful
“We don’t flirt. That little bitch pokes me and knows just what to say
to get my blood boiling.” Ryel felt flushed. He never blushed, and felt
betrayed by his own body that he was doing it in front of his best friend.
“Say whatever you want, Ryel. But let me ask you something. Out of
all your conquests and wild nights, was there ever a woman who got you as
riled up as Mila? Did any other girl bicker with you as your equal and drive
you crazy?” Axel asked, his eyes searching Ryel’s for answers.
Ryel felt stumped. He had always picked women who were easy to
talk to, subdued even. He liked a chase, but he liked a woman who yielded to
him. Who obeys him in the bedroom. It was his alpha instinct. He never
wanted to get pushed around by any female. But then why had he, for all
these years, kept allowing Mila to get under his skin and tease him? Why did
he always go back to where she was, knowing full well nothing would
change? Was there a part of him that didn’t want to admit that he liked it?
Ryel shook his head. “We don’t let women push us around. We are
wolves.” Ryel crossed his arms, a huffy move of a child, but he didn’t
appreciate being on trial by so many people not even twenty-four hours after
coming home.
“Speak for yourself.” Axel laughed. Fallon walked into the kitchen,
her full hips swinging as she walked, as if there was a melody only she could
hear. She smacked Axel’s ass hard as she walked by to get another cup of
coffee, and gave him a firm kiss. Axel winked at Ryel. “Some of us don’t
mind getting bossed around now and again.” Fallon and Axel laughed, and
Ryel could tell they were madly in love. As Fallon laughed, her head fell
back and Ryel could see the tell-tale marks of being bitten on her long neck.
Axel had failed to mention that he was bonded for life.
“So, you guys are bonded?” Fallon brought her hand up to her neck in
self-consciousness as Ryel said it, her face looking guilty, like a teenager
caught in a car with her boyfriend by her dad.
“Please don’t say anything to anyone…yet,” Fallon pleaded, her
beautiful eyes suddenly wet with worry and her full lips trembling as if she
was moments away from tears. “It’s not that we’re hiding it… well, I guess
we are. But we will have a ceremony soon, we’re just waiting to announce it.
We rushed into it and you know how judgmental the elders can be.” Her
beautiful and exotic face carried a world of worry. Fallon was griping Axel’s
strong hand so tightly, Ryel wondered if it was crushing his hand. Axel didn’t
wince, just stared at Ryel with pleading eyes.
“Your secret is safe with me. Mazel tov!” Ryel joked, embracing both
of them in his arms. He was happy for them. He could feel their immense
love for each other, and was moved by their worry. Even the cynical part of
him melted when they looked at each other. Ryel wondered for a split second
if it really was as blissful as it seemed. Axel really had never looked better.
“What secret?” Mila came into the kitchen, her long crimson hair still
wet and hanging down her back. She wore clothes now, a pair of black yoga
pants and a fitted pale pink long-sleeved shirt. Fallon’s clothes were a little
tight on Mila’s voluptuous curves, the shirt straining against her ample
breasts. Ryel could tell she was braless, her nipples teasing just a little
beneath the fabric. Ryel could only imagine how that ass would look
straddled by the tight fabric of the pants. He wondered if she had panties on
or not. He had never seen Mila in anything so feminine, but the pale pink
complimented her soft, milky skin, almost as if she was naked.
“There’s no secret. Your ears are playing tricks on you,” Ryel replied,
trying to act cool in the knowledge that his friends were bonded, and the fact
that he found Mila beyond irresistible at this moment.
Images flashed in his mind of him picking her up and pushing her up
against the wall, tearing the thin fabric of her shirt open and baring her
gorgeous tits to him. She wasn’t a tiny girl, but Ryel was strong. Besides, he
had always preferred curvy women. He didn’t want anything bony in his
hands. He never would have imagined that scrawny, awkward Mila would
blossom into such an ample, beautiful creature. It dawned on Ryel that he
must be staring at Mila like a dumb, pubescent boy.
“We better hit the road then.” Ryel snapped out of his daydream.
“Thanks for breakfast. See you guys later, I’m sure.” Ryel gave a cool wave
and turned to leave, signaling for Mila to head towards the door too.
“I’ll see you bright and early,” Axel stated. “For the alpha trials?”
This was the first Ryel had heard about this. He thought he would have weeks
to prepare.
“Tomorrow? Really? What time?” Ryel was already perturbed at the
thought of getting up early again tomorrow.
“Yes, I guess you’re the only one that didn’t get the memo,” Mila
said, crossing her arms and leaning against the kitchen doorframe, teasing
him so effortlessly it made Ryel want to growl. “8 am, at the old arch. You
better set an alarm so you’ll be on time to show off those muscles.” She
laughed and headed towards the door. Shoeless and with a cocky demeanor,
she headed outside. “Thanks again, Axel and Fallon,” she yelled, and with
that she slammed the door behind her.
“You better go get your girl,” Axel poked, as Ryel made his way to
the door and slipped his shoes back on. Ryel gave a grunt of annoyance. “See
you tomorrow. Oh, and Ryel? Good luck with Mila today.”
Ryel gave Axel the best death stare he could. The last thing he wanted
was the notion spreading around their small seaside town that he and Mila
were an item. Ryel slammed the door behind him to make a point. He never
liked being bugged, and hated the idea that people thought he could be
pinned down by the very woman who made his blood boil. Across the yard
she waited, leaning against his old blue truck, looking at him like she was
planning her next verbal attack. She gave him a small smile, something that
indicated she was both appreciative of his rescue and looking forward to
bugging him. Despite his best attempt to remain unnerved, Ryel smiled back.
Chapter 8 - Mila

The backroads were bumpy under the wheels of Ryel’s old pick-up
truck. The same one he’d had since he was fifteen and drove illegally on
those same backroads. Mila remembered how eager he was to share his bad
boy antics with the class. No one here really cared about kids driving
underage. There were only a couple of cops in town, but being wolves
themselves, they had always been laid-back and let the kids have fun. As long
as they weren’t caught drinking and driving, there was a lot of freedom in
their small town. Mila wondered whether, if she’d stayed, she would have
found herself partying in the woods — drinking cellar wine and taking
unlabeled substances, dancing in fuzzy elation while the breeze teased her
hair until the sun started to peak up from behind the mountains and the kids
made their sneaky exits back home. Slipping into their windows and
backdoors before their parents rose. Mila remembered how children always
started out brave at nightfall and ended cowardly at sunrise.
But never Ryel. Even when they were young, he was always brave,
never fearing a challenge, a rival or even the wrath of his parents. Mila
always envied his cockiness when she was young. Now that she had
harnessed self-confidence and a backbone, she couldn’t shake the feeling that
maybe Ryel had always just been overcompensating for something.
The truck lurched through a large hole in the road, causing Mila to
bounce around in the seat. She suddenly felt very aware that she wasn’t
wearing a bra, her large chest bouncing haphazardly with every dip and
swerve of the truck. She knew Ryel was looking out of the corner of his eye.
On the one hand, she didn’t mind. She loved her body as it was. But on the
other, it was uncomfortable to feel so exposed in such a small, inescapable
space. Mila looked at the clock: 10:07am. They hadn’t spoken a word to each
other in four minutes. It felt like forty.
“Um,” Mila said, clearing her throat. In the small space, it sounded
too loud, too sudden. “I, uh, well thanks for coming to find me. I know
maybe I said a couple of things I shouldn’t have last night. But so did you.”
More than anything, Mila just wanted to get the awkwardness behind them.
Ryel may not be her favorite human in the world, but she still couldn’t
stomach the idea of him not being on speaking terms with her.
Ryel was silent for a moment, as if pondering what she said. “No,
Mila. I’m the one that should apologize.” Mila felt shivers trace her body like
delicate fingers at the mention of her name tumbling from his full, heart-
shaped lips. His lips had always been dark, as if someone had just chewed on
them. Mila had a vision of herself chewing on those lips and her stomach
fluttered. Ryel’s hand found hers. It was small and dainty under his warm,
calloused hand. It felt like lightning when he touched her. Mila didn’t like
how out of control he made her feel. “I was way out of line. You know how
much I cared for your parents. I, well, of course you’re welcome here. It will
always be your home. Even if I want to strangle you sometimes.” A laugh
erupted from Ryel, and he gave her hand a small squeeze and put his back on
the steering wheel. Mila laughed too, but it felt forced. As the car made its
way to the main road, she wondered what his hands would feel like wrapped
around her throat. She could feel herself blushing and pushed it out of her
“I appreciate that, Ryel. My clothes should be close to the firepit. You
can just take me there.” Mila looked at Ryel, seeing that he looked stiff and
uncomfortable. It dawned on her that she was still the annoying little girl that
was a waste of Ryel’s precious space. Her heart sank. She didn’t know what
she’d expected — it wasn’t like she was overly fond of him either. Mila saw
her bike in the lot, her bags still firmly attached. Thank goodness this was a
town where theft was unheard of. “You can just let me off here. I’ll see you
later I guess.” Mila hated how saddened her tone was. Why was Ryel’s
opinion of her suddenly weighing on her so much?
Ryel pulled up beside Mila’s beautiful bike. It was the most expensive
thing she’d ever owned, and she loved the feeling of hot leather and a
powerful engine between her thighs. The only thing that had ever given her a
similar jolt was the feeling of Ryel’s hand on hers. She hated herself for it.
Mila jumped out of the truck as soon as it came to a screeching halt.
All she wanted was to get her own clothes on, find some food and hide out
until she had to see Ryel again later that evening. She always loved seeing
Deanna and tasting her amazing food. Mila didn’t mind being a curvier girl
because she’d always had a healthy appetite. She gave Ryel a halfhearted
smile and a wave, turned towards the forest, and practically bolted.
Mila started to tear up as soon as she reached the woods. “This is not
like you. What do you care what he thinks? Remember how miserable he
used to make you?” she yelled at herself as she gathered up her clothes, damp
from the mist that always covered the town at night. Mila did something she
hadn’t allowed herself to do over a man, or anyone really, since her parents
died: she collapsed to the ground, her soiled, wet leather suit in her hands,
and she cried.
She knew tonight she would have to make an entrance.
Chapter 9 - Ryel

By the time Ryel woke up from his nap, he could smell food cooking
downstairs. Ryel stretched and yawned. He hadn’t meant to sleep this long.
He rolled over and grabbed his phone. It was already after four, and his
stomach turned when he saw he had three missed calls. He checked to see
who had called him. The call log said Amanda.
“Shit,” Ryel muttered, getting up and putting on a pair of jeans and a
clean t-shirt.
He looked at himself in the long mirror on the back of his bedroom
door. The black V-neck was a little tight on his large frame, the fabric
hugging his muscles. His hair was messy, but he decided it was fine. He
wasn’t trying to impress Mila, right? On the top of the mirror were stickers
he’d collected over the years, different wolf stickers of different designs he
had picked up whenever he went somewhere. He lifted his shirt and looked at
the tattoo on his ribs only he knew he had. A small, detailed wolf over a
moon looked back at him. Underneath, the name Zion and the date of his
father’s death were written in delicate italic. He’d gotten it in a moment of
sadness and loneliness in Seattle. The weight of his father’s death still hung
around his heart like the rusted anchors in the harbor of their town.
Sometimes he wondered whether he would sink and rust too if he just walked
into the water, forgotten, but content with his thoughts in the dark, icy waters,
only small fish and crabs vying for his attention.
“You awake?” his mother called up the stairs. Ryel heard Abba float
up from downstairs, along with the smell of a roast cooking. His mother
always cooked to Abba. His father used to come in when she was preparing
one of her elaborate feasts and dance with her. Spin her around in her apron
and look at her with so much love, even Ryel felt their connection.
Ryel smoothed his hair down quickly and opened the door. “Yeah,
I’m up!” he called and made his way down the stairs. His mother, as
predicted, was dancing in the kitchen to Dancing Queen, her floral apron tied
tightly around her waist, her comfortable cooking shoes on. “Smells
delicious. How can I help?”
“Says the man who slept away the whole day.” Deanna laughed,
offering Ryel a piece of carrot she was cutting. He popped it in his mouth and
chewed it. “I think everything in the kitchen is taken care of. I even made
your favorite dessert.” Deanna motioned to the blueberry pie that was cooling
on the sill. “Oh, I know! Be a doll and make up the guest bed, will you? The
clean sheets are in the dryer.”
“Yeah, no problem. Who are we expecting to stay? Is Aunt Marie in
“No, silly. For Mila!” Deanna stated as she tossed the chopped
veggies in oil and herbs.
Ryel felt instantly stressed at the prospect of the torturous girl in the
same house as him. “What, why?” he asked, sounding like a child who was
being denied candy at the cornerstone. He was starting to resent his own
reactions toward her.
“Because she’s practically family and has nowhere to go. What did
you think, she’d break into her old family home and crawl into bed with the
new owners?” Deanna said with humor in her voice. She looked at her son,
her eyes narrowing. “Oh, for Christ’s sake Ryel, don’t tell me after all these
years you can’t leave poor Mila alone and get along with her? I figured last
night was just your grief erupting, but now I’m not so sure. What did she ever
do to you?” Deanna crossed her arms, a soiled spoon in one hand dripping
into a delicious-looking sauce.
“You know how she is, Mom!” was all Ryel could think to say.
“You mean brilliant, funny, caring and not to mention incredibly
beautiful. What is it? Does she scare you? Are you intimidated by women
who are more successful than you? Is she the first woman besides your
mother to stand up to your bullshit? I can’t imagine the pushover women you
were with in Seattle.” Deanna was mad. Her silver eyes were alight with
anger. It was rare that she got like this, and Ryel felt the same way he had as
a youngster, being scolded by his mom when he had really messed up.
“Why are you being so mean?” Ryel almost shouted. He felt like a
cornered animal, his fangs sharpening in his mouth in response.
“Mean? You think I’m mean? Look, I didn’t say anything when you
ran away and gallivanted around the city doing Lord knows what with
however many women.” At that moment Ryel’s pocket buzzed. Probably a
text from Amanda. He didn’t want to deal with that now. “I know you were
hurting. But did it ever occur to you that we were all hurting? We were left to
pick up the pieces while Prince Ryel got to escape. And just like always,
everyone allowed it. Because everyone loves you here, and you can’t seem to
see that. You can’t let anyone in. You can’t even be nice to someone you’ve
known your whole life, whose biggest crime is calling you out on your
selfishness. I love you, but the alpha trials start tomorrow, and regardless of
what happens, it’s time for you to grow up.” His mother had tears forming at
the corners of her eyes, giving them a sheen that made them look like the
eyes of a doll.
“I’m sorry. I… I guess I never realized how easy it is to hurt people.”
Ryel dropped his hands to his side. He knew most of what his mother said
was true. He’d always felt like he was running. He feared being a leader,
scared of losing again, scared of how vulnerable he would have to be to really
love a woman. Maybe he was just a coward who hid behind good looks.
“It’s okay. I just want you to be okay. I won’t be around forever, and I
can’t stomach the notion that you’ll be alone forever.” Ryel had never seen
his mother so worried about him. He could feel himself biting the inside of
his cheek, a habit he’d always had when thinking, or worried.
“I will try harder. I can’t guarantee Mila won’t drive me up a wall.
But I will never go off on her again like I did last night.” Ryel was honest
when he said it. He knew he had gone way too far. He turned and went to the
laundry room, grabbing the warm lilac-colored sheets from the dryer,
bringing them up to his nose and inhaling the soothing lavender scent his
mother always used.
Ryel bounded up the stairs and headed towards the guest room. Once
he was alone, he pulled his phone out and opened the message from Amanda.
We need to talk. You just disappeared. You didn’t even give me a
chance to say goodbye. I miss you. Xoxo.
Ryel had felt bad about leaving the way he did. He had never been
good with goodbyes, and he didn’t think Amanda would be that sad about
him leaving. He hadn’t thought they were that serious. He knew, though, that
ghosting was never the kind thing to do. He made the bed, thinking of just the
right thing to say to Amanda. The perfect Dear John text that would release
her. All he could think of as he smoothed the sheets was Mila’s soft and
creamy skin caressed by the soft cotton. He felt himself getting hard at the
“Not the right time. Definitely NOT the right girl,” he told himself
sternly, pushing the lustful thoughts from his mind.
He sat on the freshly made bed and looked out the guest window. In
the distance the sun was getting low, casting golden lights on the inlet. The
last of the boats were coming in for the evening. Ryel stared at the text
message, trying to craft some response. Anything. The doorbell rang,
startling him and causing his heart to leap in excitement at the same time. He
took a deep breath, reminding himself that he didn’t have to worry about
Mila. She was just the annoying girl from his past. He slid his phone back in
his pocket and decided a few more hours wouldn’t make a difference.
Chapter 10 - Mila

Mila felt nervous when she got to the door, but much less nervous
than earlier in the day, because she knew she looked good. No, not good,
phenomenal. Thank goodness for Fallon’s assistance this afternoon. Mila had
never been amazing at fashion or makeup, so she appreciated the skillful
hand and eye of her friend today. It was just the confidence boost she needed.
The door opened to a smiling Deanna, a woman who had always been
happy to see her and had felt like a second mom for much of her life. Deanna
gathered her into a bear hug, her tall, wide frame enveloping her. She smelled
like butter and meat. Mila was so excited for a home cooked meal; it had
been too long.
“Helllllloooo!” Deanna exclaimed. She leaned back and gripped
Mila’s shoulders, studying her in her form fitting dress, heels, and makeup.
Not too much makeup, but enough to make her emerald eyes smolder. “My,
my, don’t you look stunning. You didn’t have a hot date before this did you?”
Deanna winked.
“Oh, me? God no. Your cooking is reason enough to bust out my
Sunday best.” Mila felt herself flush at the thought that she looked like she
was dressed to impress a man. She hoped she hadn’t overdone it.
“There’s no way you’re looking that gorgeous without a guy on the
line. Or at least a dozen men drooling over you. Please come on in, let Ryel
grab your bags.” Deanna motioned for her to come in. Mila felt thankful for
the diversion of topic.
At the bottom of the stairs stood Ryel. Mila saw him size her up, his
eyebrows raising momentarily in appreciation. Good, she thought.
“Hi, Ryel.” Mila made sure her voice was smooth as honey. She bent
down slowly to undo the straps on her heels. Part of her argued against her
antics in her mind. The man didn’t want her, and she didn’t particularly like
him, so why the elaborate performance of sexual appeal?
Mila was surprised by the casual tone of her voice, like she was one
of the boys. Mila was happy her face was pointed down and away from him.
Then again, it made sense to be seen as one of the guys. Didn’t she want to
just be one of the guys? The internal panic of uncertainty began to fester
inside her.
Ryel sounded distracted to her keen ears. “I’m good. Fine. You?”
Mila stood up, making sure to flip her hair on the way up. She knew
her hair was her crowning glory, something that everyone noticed wherever
she went. “Oh, I’m fine.” Mila wanted to sound nonchalant, like the mere
presence of the giant blonde wolfman didn’t make her stomach flutter — not
to mention the fluttering between her legs. A sensation totally new to Mila.
“Smells delicious in here. Do you mind showing me where I can put my
bags? I can carry them myself.”
“Nonsense. Ryel will grab them,” Deanna called from the kitchen.
“Do you prefer white or red? Or something else? I have beer and cider.”
“Red is fine,” Mila called back as Ryel retrieved her bags.
“Figures you’d drink red, Red.” Ryel ruffled her perfectly done hair
as he went by, something he always used to do as a kid, mocking her fiery
locks. “I’ll take these heavy bags up the stairs, if I survive it. Women… who
knows what you stuff in these bags. God, I could throw my back out.” He
made a strained noise as he lugged her bags up the stairs.
“Men really are the weaker sex,” she called up the stairs before going
into the kitchen where Deanna was waiting with a too-large glass of wine in
her hand. “Now that looks like exactly what I need.” Mila took a deep sniff of
the wine as she swirled it around in the glass, smelling black currants and
raspberries. “Merlot?” she asked Deanna.
“Oh, you wolves have such good noses. Yes, a 2017 from France.”
Deanna showed her the bottle. Mila wasn’t usually much of a drinker, but she
figured the liquid courage would take the edge off.
“Where’s my glass?” Ryel remarked as he entered the kitchen. The
sight of him in his almost too tight shirt causing a warmth down below that
she had never experienced in her life. It was hard to think of anything else
besides the growing, exquisite agony in her womanhood. She took a huge
swig of the wine, barely tasting the flavor on the way down.
“You know where everything is. Besides, you’re not a guest,” Deanna
responded, stirring something that smelled spectacular on the stove.
“We’ve both been back the same amount of time!” Ryel argued,
grabbing a glass and pouring himself a glass of white.
“Oh, so the blonde man drinks white wine. I think I recall someone
chirping me about my wine choice in the hallway.” Mila smiled as she called
him out.
To her surprise Ryel smiled. A true smile that showed his sharp white
teeth, making her warm inside. “Turnabout is fair play.” He raised his glass
to her and clinked their wine glasses together. “To Mila, who found her way
home.” At that he took a big gulp before making a sound of satisfaction.
“To home!” Mila agreed, taking a sip, and feeling herself relax.
Maybe Ryel wasn’t going to be a jerk from now on?
“Dinner is almost ready. Why don’t you show Mila her room?”
Deanna suggested as she busied herself over the last details of dinner.
“Yeah, sure,” Ryel replied and started towards the doorway and up
the stairs, Mila knew he wanted her to follow him by his body language.
Up the stairs they went, the old wood complaining with each step just
as it had when they were children. Memories of running up and down these
stairs played in her mind, Ryel taunting her from the top, calling her “carrot
head” or “Ronald McDonald” and Mila getting so fired up she would charge
up the stairs at full speed. Even then, she was faster than Ryel. She laughed
when she remembered how she’d tackled him a few times.
“What’s so funny?” Ryel asked when they were at the top of the
“Remember when I tackled you?” she asked, laughter still in her
“Remember? You tackled me a few times, you big bully.” Ryel pulled
up the sleeve on his right arm, revealing a small crescent shaped scar. “I have
a permanent mark to prove it. Five stitches, and a very teary eyed little boy in
the ER. Remember that?”
Mila brought her fingers up to the scar, tracing the slightly raised,
rough skin with the delicate skin of her fingertips. The electricity she felt
course through her body felt delicious as she traced what she had done to
him. Part of her loved that he had a piece of her on him forever, even if the
memory wasn’t so fond.
“Something by which to remember the little girl you loved to taunt
and torture,” she whispered, finding his eyes and getting lost in the silver
pools that met hers.
“I was a real asshole, wasn’t I?” Ryel whispered back, his gaze
meeting hers. “Mila, I never realized how miserable I must have made you.”
Ryel looked guilty for a moment. Then he pulled away, heading down the
hall to the guestroom.
Mila followed him, the feeling of electricity still pulsating through her
body. The guest room was the way it had always been: airy and bright with a
huge, white trimmed bay window and soft floral wallpaper. Lilacs and
lavender sprinkled across a cream backdrop. The queen bed was dressed in
purple bedding, and the whole room smelled like lavender. It was cozy. Ryel
placed her bags on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair as if he was
nervous. Mila couldn’t help but stare at his ass in his jeans. She had never
found a flat ass appealing on men, and so badly wanted to give Ryel’s strong
bum a firm squeeze. Her mind really was in the gutter.
“I hope you’ll be okay here.” Ryel shuffled as he said it, motioning
with a hand around the room. “You know where everything is. We’ll have to
share a bathroom, so don’t leave your makeup and hair stuff all over.” A
small jab of playfulness.
“Ha, me with tons of makeup?” Mila snorted. The thought of her with
so much product that it littered the counter humored her. She was a bare-
minimum kind of girl, just a little lip gloss or mascara.
“Oh, well I just thought...” Ryel gestured towards her and her fancy
attire and full face of makeup. “I mean, it looks nice. You — you look nice.”
“Is that a compliment, from Ryel?” Her whole body felt warm at the
suggestion that he thought she looked nice. She was going for hot, but she
would settle for nice.
To her shock, Ryel blushed. “I, uh… Look, I’m not always an
asshole.” He pushed her playfully, and she automatically pushed him back.
She imagined what it would be like to push that giant man on the bed. To
climb on top of him and feel his solid mass of a body under hers. Her heart
rate quickened.
“Careful, or I’ll have to tackle you. Again.” The playful banter felt
both fresh and like they were children again. It was the first time in a long
time that Mila felt what it was like to be with her people. To be somewhere
Deanna called up the stairs that dinner was ready. Mila gave Ryel one
more playful shove, a little harder than before, and with intention.
“Last one downstairs is a loser,” she said and took off towards the
She hoped he was checking out her ass in that tight dress as she
wiggled down the hallway in front of him.
Chapter 11 - Ryel

For a split second, Ryel felt like a boy again. The girl still drove him
crazy, but there was an air of fun to the situation. He felt like the boy he was
twelve years ago, taunting and poking the ginger girl who was always
around. Except now, he wanted to do more than taunt her. Ryel fought the
urge to imagine her naked, wrapped around him—the feel of her full mouth
on his. As she ran down the hall in front of him, he couldn’t help but be
captivated by her round, juicy ass wiggling under the sheer fabric of the
dress. He longed to give it a bite, but at the same time, he wanted to pull her
hair like a frustrated child. Ryel had never felt so conflicted, physically and
emotionally. He let her win, as much for the sake of letting her revel as he
wanted to watch that ass all the way to the kitchen.
The food looked incredible: roast beef surrounded by vegetables, and
a luscious gravy sat on the table along with his mom’s famous salad. “This
looks amazing,” Ryel said, pulling out a chair and sitting down at their round
walnut table. His mother’s yellow placemats were set as they always were for
“Thank you for making such a beautiful meal, Deanna.” Mila plopped
down beside Ryel, her leg so close to his he could feel the heat radiating from
“Don’t thank me until you dig in. What were you two doing up there?
It sounded like having two little kids running around the house again.” There
was a knowing smile on Deanna’s face. Ryel felt like a teenager caught red-
handed at the suggestion that they were being playful.
Everyone dug in, not wanting to touch on the playful encounter that
had taken place upstairs. The food was amazing. Ryel had always loved his
mother’s cooking way more than any restaurant. Nothing compared to the
magic his mother whipped up in the kitchen.
“You know, I love to cook. While I’m here, I would love to chip in on
groceries and make some dinners for you guys. It would be the least I could
do,” Mila offered in between bites.
“That would be wonderful. It’s so nice to have someone in the house
who offers!” Deanna elbowed Ryel as she said it, and Ryel felt taken aback.
Maybe he was lazier than he thought?
Ryel felt challenged suddenly. “Oh, I’ll cook. You know what? We’ll
both cook, and after a few meals, you can judge who’s the better cook.” Ryel
doubted Mila’s cooking skills were anywhere close to his mom’s. She was
renowned for it in the pack, after all. Ryel didn’t want to feel useless, or have
any woman deem him lazy or talentless. He knew he wasn’t, but his
competitive edge always came out when Mila was around.
Mila let out a laugh, throwing her head back. “Oh, you are so on.”
She continued to laugh as she held out a hand to shake on the deal.
“You two are like twitterpated teenagers,” Deanna mumbled between
bites of salad.
“Anyway, tomorrow, I’ll make us a nice Sunday dinner, if that’s
alright with you Deanna?” Mila asked.
“Are you kidding? I can’t remember the last time someone cooked me
dinner, let alone in the comfort of my own home.” Deanna smiled.
As everyone settled back into feasting, Ryel couldn’t help but let his
leg wander, allowing it to hover closer and closer to Mila’s leg, feeling the
warmth radiate off her. He was so close they could have been touching. He
let his legs widen under the guise of reaching for the salad. To his surprise,
Mila did nothing once their legs were touching. She just continued to eat
happily. Ryel loved the way she ate so enthusiastically. He had dated so
many women who were afraid to chow down for fear of looking like a pig.
Ryel liked women in any form they came in, so a big appetite never scared
him. He was a wolf after all, and wolves had tremendous appetites.
Everyone was comfortably quiet, only the soft sounds of eating filling
the air. When everyone was finished, Mila and Ryel got up and naturally
started cleaning up, Mila bumping into him playfully with her hip or
shoulder, trying to catch him off balance or annoy him. Ryel loved it as much
as it irked him. He hated how he couldn’t make up his mind about her. So
much of his life had been spent being inconvenienced by her presence and
going out of his way to make her miserable. But why had he, he wondered?
Her only crime was that she was smart, outspoken and sure of herself. Maybe
as a child Ryel had been jealous of her, or worse, enamored by her, not
knowing how to process the emotions in the tumultuous days of his youth.
Besides, she was an ugly duckling back then, wasn’t she?
Not anymore, Ryel thought, watching her move smoothly around the
kitchen. Her hair reminded him of a Phoenix. It was so long that it hit her
waist and shone under the kitchen lights. Ryel longed to run his fingers
through it, wondering if it would be warm to the touch. It glowed. As she
bent over to put the dishes into the dishwasher, her round ass was on display.
Ryel felt like a deer in the headlights, he couldn’t pull his eyes off it. The
urge to sink his teeth into it, or do more, flooded his brain. His member grew
hard and large, startling him at the sudden change.
“Just gotta, uh, use the bathroom,” he muttered, scurrying upstairs to
hide until his body decided to simmer down. “You don’t even like her,” he
muttered to himself in frustration as he headed for the bathroom. On the way
up he heard his mom saying something about how typical it was for a man to
hide in the bathroom until the work was done.
Ryel shut the door behind him and leaned over the counter, gripping
the edge with his mighty hands. He looked at himself in the mirror, seeing
that he was flushed, something that never happened to him. He felt foolish.
He had never, ever let any woman get into his head or under his skin. His
breathing felt labored. Ryel looked down at his pants, the sign of attraction
obvious even in his jeans.
“Well, maybe I do like her a little,” he said to himself, not knowing
what he was going to do.
Chapter 12 - Mila

After pie and tea, Mila got ready for bed. She washed the layer of
makeup off her face, feeling plain when her bare face met her gaze in the
mirror. Mila wondered if someone as perfect as Ryel found her attractive.
Most days she knew she was beautiful, but self-doubt was creeping over her
like a fungus she couldn’t shed. She knew Ryel had probably been with
dozens of women, and she knew how beautiful and put together Seattle
women were. Mila looked at her body in the mirror before she slipped into
her pajamas. Her body was round and curvy. Not in any way fat, but she was
very womanly.She would never have a flat stomach and her hips were wide,
but she loved that about herself. She reminded herself of the fertility
goddesses worshiped in ancient times. She was strong and feminine, and
couldn’t imagine feeling better, but all the same, she was concerned with how
she was perceived by Ryel’s icy eyes..
After slipping into her satin pajamas and brushing her teeth, Mila
slipped down the stairs, wanting to quench her thirst. She’d always gotten
thirsty at night, and restless. It was the wolf in her.
Mila flipped on the lights and was startled by Ryel sitting at the table.
“Oh my God, you scared me!” she exclaimed after letting out a scared little
Ryel stood up. “Sorry. I have a hard time sleeping early. I was just
having a glass of milk.”
Mila moved to the sink, grabbing a mug from the nearby cupboard.
“Same. Except I don’t drink milk. I’m not a baby.” She gave him a cheeky
smile as she filled her water glass.
“Well, when was the last time you tried hot milk before bed?” Ryel
crossed his arms.
“Never.” Mila thought about it, and it was true. No one had ever
warmed her milk before bed. She had never been a big milk drinker.
Ryel moved to the fridge, pulling out the milk. “That’s about to
change, missy.” He grabbed a small pot from a drawer, filling it almost to the
brim with milk before turning the element on. “Trust me, I’m about to blow
your mind.”
Mila felt the parts between her legs warm up at the suggestion of him
blowing her mind. An aching longing filled her lower body, making her feel
uncomfortable, like it was hard to stand. Ryel stirred the milk, adding a pinch
each of cinnamon and nutmeg. He wore nothing but loose pajama bottoms
that sat low on his hips, his broad, muscular back facing her. Mila wanted to
run her fingernails over that back, marking it. She made herself snap out of
the daydream.
“Those are some interesting spice additions.” Mila slinked over to the
stove beside Ryel, leaning in very close to him and smelling his creation.
“Maybe I should be more worried about your culinary prowess.” Mila let her
head fall on his shoulder for a second.
Ryel laughed and gave her a dirty stare. “I told you I was a force to be
reckoned with.” A look of doubt covered his face.
“What is it?” Mila tried to read his face. His strong jaw was sharp
from this angle, his pale eyelashes barely visible in the faint stove light.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m not enough,” he confessed, giving the
heating milk a stir with an old wooden spoon, the smell of cinnamon wafting
up to Mila’s nose.
“I don’t know how the infamous Ryel could ever perceive himself as
anything less than enough.” Mila brought a hand to his shoulder. She had
never seen him like this, and hoped against hope her presence wasn’t the root
of his new worry.
“It’s just tomorrow.” He started looking away from Mila. “It’s such a
big deal and I feel like there’s a huge expectation for me to do well. I don’t
even know if I want to be an alpha. I know I must try, but sometimes I don’t
know who or what I am. Like I might be going nowhere.”
Mila felt heavy with his worry. “You are not going nowhere.”
Ryel looked at Mila. “Easy for you to say. You have a degree. You’re
smart. You’ve always been incredible.”
“So have you...”
“No. Not like you. God, I mean, no one in town has ever been smarter
than you. And look at you, you’re stunning!” Mila felt the breath leave her
body. Ryel found her stunning? All the other compliments were nice too, but
the way he described her as stunning stayed in her body like warm air, or a
Despite loving the compliment, Mila’s shyness pushed her to shut it
down. “I’m not all that.” She felt silly as she argued his compliment, knew it
made her look weak or like she may be fishing for more attention. Why
couldn’t she accept that maybe she was at least some of the things he’d said?
“Oh my God, Mila. There is no one like you,” Ryel continued. Mila
was unable to meet his gaze. She felt unsure of what to do with her body,
what to do with her hands. Ryel grabbed her face, forcing her to look into
those icy eyes that lit fires inside her. “You drive me crazy, but you are the
most amazing creature that has ever tortured me.”
Their faces were so close that Mila could feel his warm breath, and
smell the unique smell that was him: cedar, musk and rain. It was
intoxicating. Mila looked at him, his lips, the shape of his face. Her heart felt
loud and heavy in her chest, her knees weakened by the proximity and the
small chance that a kiss may be imminent. Mila didn’t know whether to look
into his eyes or close them. She had only ever kissed a couple of boys in
university, usually drunk, and stopping after a brief make-out session as she’d
felt nothing even when their lips locked. Now, just with his hands on her
face, Mila felt more than she had ever felt in her life. It was addictive.
Ryel got a little closer, she could feel it, a moment she didn’t know
she wanted so badly until it was right here. A sound of boiling filled her ears,
causing Ryel to let go immediately.
Ryel quickly took the boiling milk off the element. “That was a close
call. The milk is ready.” He poured two mugs of piping hot milk as if what
had almost happened was a mirage Mila had cooked up out of lust-filled
Mila took a mug, smelling it and smiling kindly. If Ryel was going to
brush off the moment, then so was she. At least she was going to try. She
took a sip of the spiced drink, the soothing sensation of flavors coating her
mouth and instantly giving her a feeling of comfort.
Mila licked some milk off her lip. “Okay, I’ll admit it’s good.” She
took another sip. “But you will be shaking in your boots after the storm I
cook up tomorrow.” She couldn’t let him have too many victories, as he was
prone to cockiness.
“Well, I’m sure I’ll be hungry after the trials. I should get some
sleep.” Ryel shot back his milk and headed for the stairs. He turned in the
doorway. “I meant what I said, you know.” And up the stairs he went.
“You too,” Mila said, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear her.
Mila washed out her mug and Ryel’s and put them in the dishwasher
before heading up to her room. The almost kiss kept playing over and over in
her head like a skipping record making her doubt her perception of reality.
She wondered if she had read the whole situation wrong and the feelings in
her body were just the response of a woman who’d been untouched for so
long. For the first time in her life, she longed to know what it was all about;
lust, passion, sex. Love. The word love hung in her head. The thought of her
being in love with the very man who she wanted to humiliate and who made
her so miserable seemed such a foreign idea, but somehow plausible. Her
mother always used to say that love and hate were two sides of the same coin.
Perhaps it hadn’t always been hate when they were young either.
In bed, Mila forced her eyes closed, vying sleep to overtake her and
erase the torture from her mind. All she could think of was him: his bare
shoulders, the way his hands felt on her face, his smell, imagining the ecstasy
of kissing him. Mila couldn’t help it, her imagination got the better of her,
turning into a fantasy of them, and Mila into a wanton woman who knew
what to do with a man’s body. Her hand crept lower and found her moist sex,
playing with herself as she imagined it was him between her legs, teasing her
with his hands, his lips, his tongue. Mila had never climaxed so quickly in her
life. She wondered, as she lay there in a post-orgasm haze, if it wasn’t just
fantasy. Maybe Mila was a free, sexualwoman, and maybe it was time to let
out her inner goddess. Sleep overcame her, and she felt like perhaps a new
Mila was blossoming.
Chapter 13 - Ryel

The nagging sound of his alarm jerked Ryel from a deep sleep. The
room was still dark, the sun not yet filling the sky with color. Ryel let out a
mighty groan and stretched to slam his alarm silent. He hated the sound and
decided it was time to get a new alarm tone. Fresh out of his sleep, he
meditated on the dreams he’d had all night. Dreams of Mila, but not just
sexual. Her scent, her voice, the way it felt when she walked into a room. He
put a pillow over his face and moaned in annoyance. This Mila thing had
gotten out of hand, and was not only encroaching on every waking thought,
but also his dreams. There was no mistake. He thought about last night in the
kitchen, how close they got, how intimate it felt. He should have just kissed
her. He felt like such a coward.
Ryel looked at his phone, already knowing that there were going to be
more messages from Amanda. Ryel knew he had to deal with them, but he
didn’t know how. Reason told him to just pick up the phone and call her, like
a man, and tell her that he was gone, that he never thought they were serious
but was sorry he didn’t take her feelings into account. Instead, he opened his
phone and wrote a text even though he knew was iffy.
I’ve left the city. Gone home. I’m sorry, I didn’t know we were
serious. All the best, Ryel.
Ryel felt guilty as he sent it. “You are a coward,” Ryel told himself,
throwing the phone on his unmade bed and heading to the bathroom to
freshen up. He crept out of his room, careful not to wake anyone in the house.
He was surprised to find the light already on in the bathroom, the smell of
shower gel wafting down the hall — fruity and minty. The door opened, and
Mila, freshly washed with her hair up in a towel, looked startled to find him
in the hallway.
“Are you going out of your way to scare me?” she asked, pulling the
towel closer around her body. Ryel could see the steamed glass behind her.
“You like to scald yourself, dontcha?” Ryel leaned against the
doorframe, enjoying purposely blocking her way, and intrigued that she too
liked showers that were a little too hot. “Why are you up so early?”
Mila shoved past him, giving him a nudge with her hip. “For the
trials, obviously,” she said as she made her way to the door.
“Wait!” Ryel said, knowing it sounded more like an order than a
request. “Why are you coming? Are you going to be my personal
cheerleader?” He found it endearing that she cared enough about him to brave
dawn and support him. He thought about last night, telling her that he was
Mila let out a small laugh. “You wish. I’m going to the trial to try for
alpha,” Mila said, shutting the door behind her. Ryel knew she did that just to
torture him. His searing disdain for her made a triumphant comeback, even if
she looked more than doable in that towel.
Ryel turned on the shower — she had it at the perfect temperature —
and scrubbed himself clean. The idea of Mila thinking she could be Alpha
made his blood boil. Sure, the town was accepting of powerful female
wolves, but as a sidekick to a man. He got a kick from thinking about how
the other guys would respond to her showing up for the trials, so eager.
Female wolves were strong, but their strengths were always less than a
male’s. It was just the way it was. How it had always been.
Ryel got ready and headed downstairs to put some food in his belly
before the trials of the day. Mila was already in the kitchen, coffee, toast and
fruit laid out for them both. Ryel didn’t know if she was playing games at this
point. However, he wasn’t one to ever turn down food. Mila sat at the kitchen
table, reading a novel and sipping her coffee, not even batting an eye at his
presence. God, she could rub him the wrong way in an instant.
Ryel filled his coffee mug almost to the brim. “What are you reading?
How to destroy ancient traditions?” Ryel put a splash of cream in his coffee,
and some sugar. He stirred it a little too vigorously.
Mila set down the book and shot him a glance. “Firstly, I need no help
breaking down archaic patriarchal practices. Secondly, it’s Kasimov. If you
must know.” She stood up, not daring to make eye contact with him, and
filled her coffee cup beside him with an air of nonchalance.
Ryel’s patience was wearing thin. “Look, I am all for feminism and
women having opportunities. But you are an engineer, you’ve already
bypassed most men here. This isn’t the workplace; this is a tradition.
Traditions aren’t meant to be tampered with, Mila.” Ryel gave her a stern
look, hoping she would sense that showing up was a bad idea.
Mila downed her coffee and took a bite of toast. “I guess that is a
chance I will have to take, and the consequences are mine to shoulder.
Right?” Mila gave him a shove as she went by, heading for the stairs.
“So, you really think you’re coming?” Ryel asked before she hit the
Mila leaned against the rail, crossing her arms. “Oh, I’m coming. If
you don’t want me to come, I have my own wheels. Actually, I’m sure I
could outrun your old truck. Then again, I wouldn’t want to waste my energy
before the trials. Either way, see you there, bud.” Mila took off up the stairs.
Anger flooded Ryel. Just when that annoying girl had gotten on his
better side, she went and pulled a stint like this. Ryel remembered Mila had
always been sticking her nose in places it didn’t belong. Ryel picked up his
now empty coffee cup and threw it hard into the sink, smashing it to pieces
against the cold steel. The sound made Ryel snap out of his anger, but not
enough to subdue the bitter feeling inside him. His fangs were formed, and he
knew before he looked down that his bare arms were covered in thick white
fur. A primal growl escaped his throat in annoyance. He didn’t know what
bugged him the most, her thinking she could change the very foundation of
their community or her doing it when he explicitly asked her not to. If there
had been a dead animal or a punching bag, he knew he could have destroyed
it in seconds.
He heard the floorboards squeak behind him. “Oh no.” Ryel turned to
find Mila in exercise wear, her long crimson hair piled into a high bun on top
of her head. Her clothes showed off every curve and dip of her body. This
made his blood boil even more. The thought of all the other alpha candidates
fawning over her was a rotten cherry on top of his grievances.
“What?!” Ryel barked. He heard his voice. It was loud, scary even, in
the small space of the kitchen. He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing
like his father had taught him, his broad chest falling and rising in slow,
measured breaths, begging his body to soothe.
He heard Mila stumble back, clearly scared. “I’ll…should I just meet
you there?” Her footsteps were growing softer as she made her way to the
door, and he finally heard the door creaking open and shutting softly.
The sound of heavy footsteps echoed down the hall above him, and
then rapidly down the stairs. “What the hell is going on?!” Deanna
exclaimed, a mix of anger and worry coating her voice.
Ryel felt a hand on his back and he turned around, his hot, angry
breath blowing the front of his mother’s hair. Regret started to bloom in the
place of anger, growing as the sun started to fill the sky in warm, subtle
colors. Ryel felt in control of his transitioning once again, his body returning
to full human form under the worried gaze of his mother.
Deanna shook her head and sighed. “What in the world could have
gotten you this worked up before the sun is even up?”
Ryel moved towards the door, knowing he had to get going. “Just
Mila being such a little bitch!” He howled, slamming a fist on the doorframe
and hearing his mom groan in anger as she headed towards the door.
“If you don’t learn to control your temper, you’ll be lonely forever!”
Deanna shouted after him, stopping Ryel in his tracks. A searing pain coated
his chest knowing she was right, but it hurt that she’d said it out loud.
Ryel turned to look at his mother. She looked defeated, small and
delicate in her robe, standing in the faint kitchen light. “She’s trying out for
alpha, Mom. alpha!” Ryel waited for the look of understanding to settle onto
her face or the shock he felt to register in her features.
Deanna laughed. “You’re that angry over that? Do you even hear
yourself?” She looked at Ryel with a look that said she didn’t know who she
was staring at. “Are you that short sighted?”
Ryel thought about saying more, forming arguments to support his
anger. His mom just shook her head and pushed past him and back up the
stairs. Deanna stopped at the top step and turned around, regarding her son.
Ryel felt like a little boy again, headstrong and stubborn but knowing he
wasn’t always right. He shoved on his shoes and grabbed the doorknob.
His mother cleared her throat as he pulled the door open. “You know,
you’re not far from losing Mila forever with this attitude.”
Ryel leaned his head against the edge of the door, willing himself not
to look at his mother. “Why would I worry about that?”
“I think we both know the answer to that,” was all Deanna said before
heading down the hall, back to bed, leaving Ryel to contemplate her heavy
Ryel went outside, the fresh morning air hitting him with a crisp slap.
September was always a beautiful month; the leaves had started to turn
autumnal hues of crimson and copper. Like her hair, he thought. Even when
angry at her, she consumed his mind. He saw her everywhere, in the leaves of
the season, in the scent of the air.
Against his truck she leaned, arms crossed, obviously waiting for him
to see the folly of his ways and apologize. Apologizing had always been the
hardest thing for Ryel to do. As he walked towards her, the sound of rocks
and fall leaves crunched beneath his shoes and Mila turned her pretty face to
him. Her green eyes squinted to see him in the fresh morning sun, and she
offered him a small smile that, despite her plans and her defiance, softened
his heart and temperament for just a moment.
Ryel leaned on the truck beside her. “You can come. I can’t stop you.
I don’t know how the others will react, but I will give you a ride either way.
Okay?” It was the closest thing Ryel could cough up to an apology. He knew
he could do better, but he also knew if anyone would let it slide, it might be
Mila held out her hand to shake. “Deal. I won’t blame you if the
others ostracize the talented wolf lady who intimidates them. Just wait until
you see me run.” Mila gave him a wink, her soft, warm hand slipping out of
his, and climbed into the truck.
Ryel took a second to himself, his hand feeling empty after the brief
contact with hers. He had told her she was on her own, but Ryel could never
let anyone hurt her. The thought of the other men ganging up on her made
him feel something he never had in his life — protective. Ryel took a breath,
determined to keep his cool and do his best at the trials today. Ryel still had
no idea if he wanted to even be an alpha, the weight of the responsibility
bigger than anything he had ever felt in his whole existence. The only thing
he knew while getting into his car was that no matter what, he would always
try to protect Mila, even when she was the most aggravating creature in the
Chapter 14 - Mila

At first, everyone laughed at Mila when she announced why she was
at the trials to participate. Old Hudson Gray, an elder wolf who had been
doing trials since he was a young man, looked at her wide eyed and head
cocked as if Mila had just sprouted antlers or told him she was going to turn
into a Unicorn. The dozen or so other wolves, all male Mila noted, protested
angrily, shouting out reasons why she should be excluded from the try-out for
alpha. She’s a girl, it goes against tradition, it’s not biologically correct for a
woman to lead a pack, the list went on. Finally, Hudson confronted an old
manual he carried in his vehicle. Dusty and lined, it looked like no one had
opened it for at least twenty years. After scouring the manual with furrowed
brows for a good ten minutes, he finally announced with an air of
disappointment that there was nothing in any of the rules that stated a female
could not partake. Mila hated when men said female instead of woman, or
even girl. It felt dehumanizing. She wanted to yell out, just call me what I
really am, a bitch!
Mila heard footsteps approach her as she was stretching. “You know,
I think it’s kind of rad you’re here.” Finn said, his friendly, booming voice
overwhelming in the still-cold air of the morning. His breath fogged as he
smiled at her.
Mila grabbed her foot, stretching her hamstring. “Well, you seem to
be the only man here who thinks so. You should have seen your friend this
morning.” Mila motioned her head over to Ryel who was talking to Axel by a
makeshift coffee station, a sour look still on his face.
Finn folded his arms and regarded Ryel intently. “It’s hard to say,
he’s always been miserable in the morning. That might just be his face. Or it
could be you. You have a way of getting under his skin, and I suppose now,
his fur.” Finn smiled at his own joke.
Mila felt provoked by the suggestion that she easily provoked him. “I
do not. He’s always had a temper.”
“Say what you want, but he doesn’t react to anyone the way he reacts
to you. Never has.” Finn shrugged, his lovely face looking as playful as it did
inquisitive, as if he was trying to study Mila, figure out what it was about her
that made his best friend so prickly. Mila felt naked.
“Let’s grab a coffee.” She suggested, bounding over that way before
Finn could even reply.
Mila watched Ryel as she bounded over, making sure to sway her hips
a little more than usual and to take her long wavy hair out of the elastic it was
in and allow it to cascade down her back as she walked. Mila felt his icy eyes
on her, penetrating her presence so intently Mila wondered if he could hear
her thoughts, feel her heart. She felt like prey walking freely, willingly and
blindly into the den of a wolf. She savored it. The feeling of his eyes glued to
her, even though his face read agony or annoyance, was a power Mila knew
she could get addicted to.
Mila filled up a coffee cup near him. “I should really cut down on my
intake.” She joked, looking more at Axel and Finn than Ryel.
“You’re going to need extra caffeine to even have a chance at keeping
up with us.” Ryel said between sips, giving his friends a cheeky wink. It
bugged Mila that he was joking about her with his friends, hated how she
wanted him to protect her.
Mila smiled confidentially. “I could run laps around men, sleep
deprived and drunk.” Mila wanted to get under his skin. She hated how much
she loved to get a rise out of him. Anything. She knew no reaction meant no
Hudson blew a whistle. Mila knew she’d been saved by the bell. She
hadn’t wanted to hear Ryel’s response anyway. Even though her confidence
was growing, she often felt nervous and lesser around him. Mila suddenly felt
nervous about the trials too, the opposite of how she’d been this morning; full
of herself and, frankly, quite cocky. Mila knew she could be cocky and
arrogant —full of herself to the point where it must be a mood killer for men.
A boner killer, she thought with a smile. But that was the last thing she
wanted to be, wasn’t it? Mila wanted to scream lately when she was around
Ryel. It was like she didn’t even recognize herself. She’d gone from not
caring to feeling like she had to go out of her way to win his praise. It was
“Everybody, line up!” Hudson yelled at the group. Mila and the rest
got into formation, Ryel settling in to her left.
Ryel leaned over. “Scared yet?” he whispered in her ear, the feeling of
his warm breath on her neck in the cool morning air sending shivers down
her body.
Mila gave him a small smile. “I’m never scared.” She said, crossing
her arms and squinting her eyes at him, hoping he couldn’t sense her heart
was beating so quick it felt like a drum in her chest.
He held her gaze a little too long. “No, I know you aren’t, Mila.
Sometimes I wish I knew what does scare you.” He said, barely audible. Mila
was caught in his eyes to the point where everything else around her was
nonexistent, unimportant.
Before Mila could think of a response to his odd musings, another
whistle sounded. A sign to pay attention. The instructions were clear: you
couldn’t leave the starting line until you were transformed completely, you
couldn’t lose your form or else you’d be out, it wasn’t a race per se, but the
last five to cross would be automatically disqualified. Mila was thankful that
she could change so rapidly that the men wouldn’t see any of her human
naughty bits. But then, she wondered what Ryel would do if he saw her
ample bottom running along in front of him…could he resist her? The
thought of him pouncing her was almost tempting enough to try it.
Mila took a deep breath before the next whistle, readied herself to
change, and waited. As soon as the shrill whistle filled the air, she focused all
her energy on shifting. She quickly shed her clothes, her red fur already
sprouting over her body. She wanted so badly to look over at Ryel, to catch a
glimpse of him partly naked, partially wolf. The thought of him caught mid-
transition was appetizing. Within seconds, Mila was in full wolf form, her
fangs sharp and large in her mouth. She felt the rush of being in her animal
form. She gave a mighty howl and, with a flash, was off running.
Chapter 15 - Ryel

Ryel was annoyed to see Mila transitioned quicker than him. He was
also annoyed that it was so quick he couldn’t catch a glimpse of her body. He
knew that was naughty, but his attraction to her was at a level he’d never
experienced before. Even when she was being insufferable, he didn’t want to
take his eyes off her beautiful face, her curvy body or her glorious hair. He
thought about consuming her, every inch of her. He felt a burning need to
have every ounce of her for himself. He tried to push these notions out of his
mind, but in two days, Mila had come to feel like a part of his body, an organ,
or the blood running through his veins, vital for survival. He had no idea how
he was going to deal with this. But for now, he knew he didn’t want her to
win. Her well-being was his top worry, but all the same, he wasn’t going to
be humiliated by a woman.
But the bitch was fast. So fast, he would have to exert everything he
had to keep up. Ryel didn’t know a lot of she-wolfs. Yes, they were around,
but the ones he had known were a couple of years older, closer to his
mother’s age. He had never been this close to one his own age. For some
reason, in all his years being a wolf, no one had ever warned him that the
smell of a female wolf is like a drug when you’re transitioned.His goal was to
cross the line first, but his nether regions were swelling almost instantly at
her scent. As he ran behind her, her privates were on display. It was a torture
of pure lust, stronger than Ryel had ever experienced. Ryel focused on the
path in front of him, and the scent of cedar and ferns, it was barely enough to
occupy his mind, but he had to make it to the end.
Ryel was aware that he was second in the race, but there were at least
five wolves right on his heels. He could smell Axel and Finn. He was happy
they were right there with him. He would be happy if either of them became
alpha. He could smell a couple unfamiliar scents, boys he’d grown up with
but was never close to. Suddenly, his intuition tingled; impending trouble was
thick in his senses. Ryel kept his eyes on Mila, and it dawned on him that if
her musk was intoxicating to him, it must be just as potent to the others. In
wolf form, instincts were harder to stifle. Many often gave in to their basic
Ryel’s suspicions were correct. From his right, a large brown wolf
with the obvious sign of lust was gaining on them, heading right for Mila.
Everything in Ryel’s mind blurred.
It happened so fast. In the blink of an eye, the large brown wolf had
lunged at Mila, knocking her down, his swollen sex ready to insert by any
means necessary. The wolf knocked Mila down hard, her head hitting a
boulder and knocking her unconscious, leaving her form vulnerable and
exposed. The wolf mounted her, but Ryel was quicker than him. Ryel
followed his instincts, and leapt at the wolf, teeth bared and snarling,
knocking him off Mila and pinning him down with his mighty body. Ryel
looked into the eyes of the brown wolf, and was met with dark blue eyes. It
was Tibor, a man who often kept to himself, but Ryel had never really
trusted. His anger at what he’d attempted to do to Mila, his Mila, got the
better of him, and he let out a thundering roar. With a powerful swipe of his
paw, he left a deep gauge in the wolf’s cheek. Tibor turned into his human
form, scared and naked. He stood, trying to cover his still-erect manhood,
shame covering his face. Ryel saw Mila was still unconscious, blood pooling
under her head. The rest of the wolves had stopped as well. Ryel wondered if
it was in solidarity or just for the show.
Finn rushed up beside him, his large black frame a menacing sight
even to fellow wolves. He let out an angry growl. Raising his haunches and
lowering his head, he stalked towards Tibor. Axel was right behind him.
They gave Ryel a look that he knew meant he was to get Mila out of there,
and they would take care of the creep. Tibor took off in a run, turning back
into a wolf. The other wolves weren’t far behind. This would be an odd
situation to explain to Hudson.
Ryel rushed to Mila’s side. He was surprised to find his eyes felt wet.
The thought that she might not wake up suddenly came to mind, and his
breath was knocked from his center. He felt like a failure. He couldn’t do the
one thing he’d told himself he would do: protect her at all costs. He had never
felt as broken up inside as he did now. It was like his soul was shattering.
He nudged her face with his and listened for breath. A huge weight
lifted from his body when he heard the sound of soft breathing from her
snout. Even though he knew she was alive, he didn’t know if she was ok. Hot
tears fell on the soft red fur of her cheeks, and Ryel gently laid his head on
her, thinking over and over: please be ok, please be ok. He didn’t know why
he was compelled to do it, but Ryel touched his nose to her nose and gave her
face a small lick,; the wolf equivalent of a kiss. Mila’s eyes shot open,
meeting his. A look of profound confusion crossed her face.
She lifted her head in response, but let out a whimper. Ryel knew he
couldn’t get her out of here in wolf form. Although he was a lot larger, it was
very hard for a wolf to carry another. She would have to turn into a woman,
and he would have to carry her. All thoughts of the race were erased from his
mind. He couldn’t care who would be alpha, as long as Mila was ok. He
knew he had to explain to her what happened, and there was only one way to
do that. He took a deep breath and transitioned back into his human form,
knowing he would be naked in front of her. And as much as that made him
nervous, terrified even, he would do anything for the bleeding she-wolf in
front of him and the girl inside her. Ryel focused on any calmness he could
find inside of him and transitioned. This was the first time he was ever
nervous to be naked in front of a woman, and he felt like he was sixteen all
over again, unsure and inexperienced.
Mila looked shocked at first, but Ryel kneeled beside her in his naked
form. “I need you to try and turn back into Mila. You’re hurt. I’ll carry you as
a wolf, but I can’t carry you as you are now.” He petted her face softly, tears
still in his eyes.
Mila nodded and closed her eyes. On the soft, mossy ground of the
forest, she slowly transformed back into a woman, her pale skin a startling
contrast against the deep greens and browns. Her head was bleeding worse
than Ryel thought. He had the feeling she might need stitches.
Mila brought her hand up to her bleeding wound. “Did I trip?”
Ryel shook his head. “You were attacked. The others chased him off,
and I stayed here to help you.”
Mila tried to sit up, but laid back down. “I’m so dizzy. Was it a troll?”
“No, it was another wolf. One of us. He tried to…” Ryel looked into
the dark emerald of her eyes that mirrored the flora around them. “He tried to
mount you against your will. He knocked you down and you were
unconscious, I got him off just in time.” The tears were forming again in his
eyes. He felt transparent.
Mila looked so sad. He could tell she was in a lot of pain and felt sick.
“Thank you. Before you transition, can you lean down to me?”
Ryel leaned down, expecting her to whisper, thinking she was feeling
too weak. To his surprise she grabbed his face, hard and with intent, her eyes
burning with an emotion Ryel couldn’t quite place. She pulled his face down
to hers and kissed him, hard and long. Like it might be the last thing she’d
ever do. Even though it was an intimate moment between two naked bodies,
Ryel didn’t feel a sexual urge or the need to run his hands all over her. Ryel
felt something just as powerful, but foreign to him until now. The kiss felt
like romance, care and need. It was a kiss on the edge of love.
Chapter 16 - Mila

As Mila clung to the thick white fur of Ryel’s back, the world around
her felt fuzzy and distant. Like she’d drank too much, but with the throbbing
agony of hitting her head. Everything felt like a dream, just out of touch. Her
vision was not right and everything in her body hurt. Above her, a bird sang a
melodramatic tune, and Mila felt weak, like she was falling further and
further down a well. She looked into the bird’s eyes, and the song felt farther
away with every note. Mila closed her eyes. The only tangible feeling was
Ryel underneath her. Somehow, that made her feel like everything was going
to be ok.
Chapter 17 - Ryel

Ryel paced back and forth in the hospital as he waited for an update.
As soon as he emerged from the woods with her, he, Finn and Axel had
wrapped her up in a blanket, loaded her in Ryel’s truck, got dressed and
started the twenty-minute drive to the next town, where there was a hospital.
Ryel sat in the back with her, her head on his lap the whole time. He wasn’t
worried about the blood , only her. She was conscious, but she wasn’t in good
shape. The whole time, tears kept flooding his eyes. He caught his friends’
worried looks in the rearview mirror. It was the longest twenty minutes of his
Ryel heard rushed footsteps coming up the hall. “Ryel!” His mother
rushed up to him with clean clothing for him, clothing for Mila, and some hot
coffee. “How is she?”
Ryel felt he had to stay stoic for Deanna. “I don’t know yet. She was
in a stable condition, but she…” The tears came to his eyes again, hot and
worried, falling down his cheeks. Ryel could see the look on his mother’s
face. It held worry mixed with heartbreak.
Deanna grabbed Ryel, enveloping him in her arms. She let him cry.
Ryel had only ever cried twice in his life; when his father had died, and now.
Ryel didn’t know how to put his emotions into words, but he knew he felt
hopeless and like a failure. If anything horrible had happened to her, he
would forever blame himself.
“What happened?” Deanna asked, muffled in Ryel’s heaving chest.
He didn’t realize he was squeezing his mother so tight until now.
Ryel pulled back. “We were running in wolf form, and her scent was
so strong. One of the wolves… he went into heat and attacked her. He tried to
take advantage of her.”
Deanna looked appalled. “I suppose that’s always a threat when
you’re a she-wolf. I’ve had friends get attacked like that in the past. It never
crossed my mind that it could happen during an alpha trial.” Deanna looked
down as painful memories resurfaced. “But is she going to be ok?”
“I don’t know.” Ryel admitted.
“Deanna!” Finn’s happy voice boomed. Axel was right behind him.
They all exchanged a hug and took seats in the waiting area. All of
them sipped their coffee in silence except for the odd comment on something
happening in the hospital, or snippets of small talk. Ryel could barely focus
enough to form a sentence. All he could think about was what had happened,
and the sickly uncertainty that was the elephant in the room. The more he
thought about what happened in the woods, the more his guilt flourished like
a wildfire inside him. He knew she should never have tried for alpha, but he
wished he’d based his argument on safety rather than vanity. He thought
about how she’d kissed him. It dawned on him that that may have been a kiss
“It’s all my fault.” Ryel blurted. Surprising even himself at the sudden
“No, it isn’t.” Axel said. “We were all there, we saw what happened.”
“We should have known better.” Ryel told them, regret fueling his
words. “I smelled her pheromones, didn’t you?”
Finn and Axel shook their heads. Axel drummed his fingers
nervously. “You can only smell the pheromones of a wolf you’re compatible
with. We smell it on human women who aren’t wolves as well. We’re most
attracted to the women our pheromones love.” He told Ryel. “That’s why
Fallon and I are bonded for life. I can’t resist her in wolf form. I can’t resist
her in human form either, actually. I adore her.”
Finn looked shocked. “Wait, wait, wait. You and Fallon are bonded,
and she’s also a wolf? Why didn’t I know about this?”
Axel looked guilty. “She doesn’t like people knowing because it’s
more dangerous to be a she-wolf. Plus, we didn’t want to make a big deal out
of the bonding, you know how the elders can be.”
“But it is a big deal.” Deanna chimed in. “She-wolves shouldn’t be
afraid to be who they are. I know it’s rarer, but who knows how many women
in our village have hidden their true identity because they’re scared? What
Mila did today was incredibly brave. And, no, you couldn’t have stopped it,
Ryel. You can’t think like that.” She grabbed his hand and gave it a
comforting squeeze.
“I should’ve been protecting her…” Ryel began.
“But did she ask you to?” Deanna asked.
Ryel knew the answer was no. He had never expressed his feelings for
Mila. In fact, he still wasn’t sure what those feelings were. He was shattered
about her being hurt, but she still annoyed him more than anyone on earth.
He knew he held no claim on her, but why did he want to so badly? Did a
woman as bright and forward thinking as Mila really need someone watching
over her?
Finn let out a laugh. “You’re doing the Ryel Overthink.”
“What? No, I’m not.” Ryel responded in annoyance.
“Yes, you are.” Finn said. “Look, I saw your face in the truck. You
were torn up over her getting hurt. Why can’t you just admit to yourself and
everyone that you feel for her what Axel feels for Fallon? What I feel for
“You’re with Penny?!” Ryel asked. “Since when? Also, I’m not in
love with her.”
“Since a few months back, which you would know if you stuck
around and ever asked what was going on with anyone except yourself.” Finn
told him. “Oh, and I never said the word love, you did.”
Ryel’s face burned red hot. “I don’t want to be tied down.” He
Deanna let out an annoyed sound. “You’re just scared.” She accused.
Ryel felt the accusation like an arrow to the lungs. Yes, he was
scared. He’d always feared being tied to one woman forever. Of the myth that
his kind falls hard for one woman, and it is an unbreakable bond. It isn’t a
myth, he told himself. His friends were in love. Men who were once
womanizers like him. But was he truly capable of love? He didn’t know what
was worse, being in love, or the idea that he wasn’t capable of true love.
“You’re right, mom.” He spoke. “But that doesn’t mean I know what
to do.”
“There is only one thing to do. Listen to your heart.” Deanna took his
hand and squeezed it. She turned to Axel and Finn. “So, when are the
ceremonies?” she asked with a laugh.
Axel smiled. “Let’s say three weeks from now?” They all nodded in
“Mr. Beckett?” A Doctor’s voice asked, making them all jump. “Who
is Mr. Beckett?” It dawned on Ryel that the Doctor assumed one of the young
men sitting together must be Mila’s husband. He hoped she assumed him.
“Yes.” Ryel stood up before thinking it through. “I mean, I’m not Mr.
Beckett, she’s not married.”
The doctor looked at her notes. “But you are responsible for Mila?”
The question made Ryel’s heart swell. Even though Mila had never
asked for his protection, Ryel had never wanted to be responsible for
anything more in his twenty-five years.
“Yes, I am.” He beamed a little too proudly and followed the doctor
down the hallway.
Chapter 18 - Mila

When Mila opened her eyes in the unfamiliar room, the first thing
they scanned around the room for was him. She couldn’t remember when the
soft fur she was gripping disappeared, or when she slipped away into the dark
and twisted dreamland she just awoke from. The sound of the birdsong never
left her nightmares, turning from melodic to dooming, to a sound so
foreboding it was sour. As she woke, the birdsong became rhythmic and soft,
eventually turning into the sound of the health monitor beside the bed. She
gathered she was in the hospital, but could not remember how she’d gotten
there. She tried to think. Only the sensation of fur, the sound of a bird and the
throbbing pains in her body came to mind, and remained still.
“Glad to see you’re awake, sugar.” A nurse had come into the room, a
middle-aged woman with dark hair, pulled back, and kind, dark honey eyes.
Her hands felt firm but comforting as she checked Mila’s vitals. “Quite the
fall you must have had. I can imagine your poor head is pounding.”
Mila felt groggy. “Everything hurts.” She admitted, her voice heavy
with drugs and pain.
“Well, rest assured, you’re in good hands. You’re lucky those three
fine young men were so quick to rescue you. The white haired one, he must
be your partner. He was so distraught when they brought you in. How lucky
you are to be so loved.” The nurse changed out the bag on the IV.
Mila knew she should feel embarrassed, but the thought of Ryel being
mistaken for her man caused a happy sensation amidst the pain. “Well, we
aren’t really a thing.” Mila confessed to the nurse.
“Well, whatever you are, that boy adores you. I think losing you
would have done him in.” The nurse looked at Mila’s head, peeking
underneath the bandage.
“So, what is wrong with me exactly?” Mila asked.
“You must have taken a mighty fall, because you needed 12 stitches
on your head, and have two broken ribs, and I suspect a black eye forming.”
The nurse told her, in a matter-of-fact tone, but Mila appreciated the honesty.
“But I’ll be ok?” She asked.
“Of course, you will, you are talking to me, aren’t you?”
“Will I have a scar?”
The nurse thought about her answer for a moment. “Yes, but most of
it was in your hairline, it will only be an inch or two on your forehead. It
won’t take away from that beautiful face of yours.”
A knock sounded on the door, making Mila jump and causing her to
wince in pain. Ryel stood in the door, looking tired, dirty, and sad. Mila had
never seen him look so defeated, without any of his usual cockiness. Mila felt
guilty. She knew his current mood was her fault. But at the same time, seeing
the proof of how much he cares for her sent a feeling through her so warm
and new she could’ve cried.
Ryel walked over to her. He walked so gently, as if he would shake
the ground underneath his large frame and hurt her further. “Mila,” was all he
said, taking her hand. She could see tears forming in his eyes. She didn’t
want him to cry, or else she would too.
“I fell?” Mila asked. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe the nurse, she
just knew she was so sure-footed when she ran.
Ryel looked down and took a deep breath. Mila knew somehow the
news he was going to impart would be hard to stomach. Mila had tried to
remember anything other than the feel of fur underneath her, and the haunting
birdsong. But the throbbing of her head seemed to vanquish any memory of
her accident.
The nurse left the room as if sensing the conversation would turn
private. Ryel took a seat on the edge of the bed. “No, you didn’t fall. You
were attacked.”
It suddenly all came back to Mila: getting knocked down, Ryel naked
in front of her, her naked too, the kiss. When she thought of the kiss, her lips
felt hot, and even though she was hurt, her sex pulsed with the memory and
desire flooded her folds. She felt both ashamed and aroused, Ryel’s effect on
her so strong even in her state.
“I remember.” She told him. “I remember the kiss.”
Ryel’s eyes lit up at the mention of the kiss. Good, Mila thought, it
meant it had been good for him too. She worried that even though she was
fraught with desire right now, Ryel might not find a bruised and drugged up
woman beautiful. Self-consciousness suddenly took hold of her.
“I’ll never forget that kiss.” Ryel told her, his voice low and gravelly.
“Mila, I…”
Another knock sounded at the door; a doctor stood at the door,
waiting to be invited in. Mila nodded at her. The doctor entered the room and
stood at the end of the bed.
“Hello again, Ryel.” The doctor gave him a friendly smile. Mila
wondered if all the women in the hospital found him attractive. “Mila, my
name is Dr. Brave. I took care of your injuries and just wanted to have a little
chat about recovery and what to expect.”
Ryel stood up. “I’ll give you ladies some privacy. I’ll be back later.”
He gave her hand another squeeze and was off.
As soon as Ryel was gone, the room felt empty, like some vital organ
was missing in her body. She let her body enjoy the bit of warmth left by
him, absorbing everything she could. The Doctor gave her all the details, how
she had a concussion and broken ribs and would need to be under hospital
watch for a night. How she would be exhausted and need care for a couple
weeks. Mila heard the words, but it didn’t sink in. She was in another world,
a world of thought, a world that was consumed by Ryel. She felt a feeling in
the pit of her stomach that their kiss changed everything forever, but the
uncertainty of what that change was nagged at her far more than her injuries.
After the doctor left, she let herself fall into dreams, hoping she would
meet Ryel in them and create the world she wanted for them, free of the
realities she may have to face in the near future.
Chapter 19 - Ryel

For the last two weeks, taking care of Mila had become Ryel’s
existence. His purpose. He slept only when he knew she would be down for a
while, made her soup and tea. He made sure her pain was tolerable and
watched for dangerous signs of brain trauma. After the first few days, he
started to relax. It seemed she would be just fine. She told him over and over
that she was ok, that she just needed rest and darkness, because everything
hurt her head.
While his mother went to work or ran errands, Ryel filled his
weekends with looking up recipes, cooking and thinking about his future.
Almost losing her had changed him. Something had been lit in his core when
she kissed him in the forest, and he carried her limp and pained body out of
the woods. Everyone called him a hero, celebrated him throwing a race to
help a fellow wolf out. But she wasn’t just a wolf. Yes, Ryel knew he would
do the same thing for Axel or Finn, but the worry would not be the same. The
searing pain he felt at the thought of losing her left a scar inside him, a scar
he would never lose. It had changed everything. He had to be a better man for
Mila. Even if she broke his heart and rejected him, she was the reason he
finally wanted to be something. He wanted to work. He wanted to be alpha.
He wanted to be a man that Mila would be proud to be seen with.
Ryel was making tomato soup. His mom had joked he had become
quite domestic over the last couple of weeks. Mila loved the soups and meals
and joked that he was loving this because it ensured he would win their bet..
Even in her recovery, Mila never lost her sass and fire. She still loved to
annoy Ryel. Except now, it made him smile.
He heard footsteps behind him as he stirred the soup. “Mmmmm.
Smells divine.” Mila stood in the doorframe, freshly showered, and looking
almost like her normal self. Even with the tired cast to her face and her small
scar, and a couple bruises on her face, Ryel still found her the most beautiful
girl in the world.
“Oh sure, you come down just for my spectacular cooking.” Ryel
joked, but he was so happy to see her up. “It’s good to see you out of the
“Yeah well, I feel really good, actually. Just don’t make me laugh too
hard. I still have a broken rib or two, you know.” She smiled.
Ryel suddenly felt very nervous. “Lunch?” He offered.
“Well, I assume you weren’t making a cauldron of soup for one.”
Mila took a seat at the table. “There better be grilled cheese with that soup.”
Ryel laughed. “You are a very demanding patient, miss. But for you, I
suppose I can whip some of those up. Just this one time.”
Mila stood up and headed to the fridge. “I’ll make the grilled cheese.”
“No, you have to rest.” Ryel started towards the fridge to help her.
Mila held up her hand. “Please. I feel fine, I promise. I’m sick of
resting and being treated like a patient. You’ve been wonderful. Beyond
wonderful actually. But I want to be treated like me. Ok? I feel too guilty for
you to continue like this.”
Ryel contemplated what she’d said. “Fine. Miss bossy pants can make
the grilled cheese. Won’t be as good as mine would’ve been, but you can
try.” He ruffled her hair and went back to the soup. What he wanted to say is
he couldn’t stop caring even if he tried for a hundred years.
Ryel preferred this Mila anyway. They made their sandwiches and
bantered back and forth over the stove. It reminded Ryel of the night they
made warmed milk and how badly he’d wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss
her now, with every fiber of his being. To kiss her bruises better, to hold her
in his arms and never let anything bad happen to her ever again.
Between bites of grilled cheese, Mila and Ryel talked. “I hope I
wasn’t too gnarly a sight.” Mila said.
“Even with no eyes, you still wouldn’t be gnarly.” Ryel assured her. It
was true, in his mind.
Mila gave him a smile that indicated she didn’t believe him. “Is there
a fire tonight?” She asked. “I need to get out of the house. Live a little for a
change.” She smiled a cheeky smile at him.
“It’s Sunday.” Ryel replied, happy it was, because the thought of her
out and about gave him anxiety.
“No, it’s Saturday. I was hurt thirteen days ago.” She replied, so
confidently Ryel felt ever more nervous that she was right.
He stood up and looked at the calendar. “Well, it appears you’re right.
I guess all the days blend together for a caretaker.” Ryel laughed at his joke,
and Mila let out a pained chuckle.
“Some nurse you are, making your patient laugh.” Mila laughed some
more. “So, will you take me to the fire tonight? Please?” Mila asked.
Ryel looked into her emerald eyes. They pleaded with him. Saying no
would be impossible, and she had asked him to take her. He was excited to be
asked. He wondered if this is what it felt like to be a woman waiting around
for a guy to ask her out.
“How could I say no to you?” He told her.
Mila stood up, put her plates in the sink and headed for the stairs. “It’s
a date,” she said, and made her way up the stairs.
The word date hung in Ryel’s body and made his heart beat faster. He
honestly couldn’t think of anything he wanted more than a date with Mila.
Well, maybe a few other things, but he knew they would be more than worth
the wait. If he could wait.
Chapter 20 - Mila

As Mila applied her makeup in the mirror, she couldn’t pull herself
away from the bruises and the scar on her face. She knew the bruises would
fade in time, but the scar would remain forever, a horrible reminder of a
horrible encounter. Thank goodness Ryel got there in time. Mila couldn’t
imagine the horror of being deflowered in that manner. She wasn’t ashamed
of being an untouched woman, but all the same, she wanted that moment to
be special. She knew it sounded cliché, but she didn’t want just anyone
having access to her body. Mila finished her face off with some tinted balm
— the last thing she wanted was sticky lips if Ryel was going to do what she
wanted him to do tonight.
Mila heard Ryel in the kitchen from upstairs. He had always been so
loud, even as a boy. Mila had put more thought into her outfit than she
probably should have, but she wanted to look right, like she’d given it some
thought, but not too much. She decided on a pair of jeans that hugged her
body in all the right places, her combat boots and a form fitting sweater. She
knew she would have to wear a jacket on this cool autumn evening, even by
the bonfire, but she figured feeling sexy underneath was also important. At
the least, her confidence would be boosted.
Mila came into the kitchen to find Ryel’s back turned to her, talking
to someone on the phone. “Ready to rock and roll?” She asked.
He jumped at her presence. “I uh, I gotta go,” he said in a rushed
manner and hung up.
“Everything ok?” She asked him, sensing that something was
stressing him out.
Ryel gave her a smile. “Everything’s just fine. You look lovely.” He
told her. “Shall we go?”
Mila nodded, but an uneasy feeling was blooming inside her. He had
looked so worried on the phone, and so ashamed. Like she had caught him in
the middle of something. But what? She didn’t want to press him, for fear
that this beautiful evening may be spoiled, and Mila so desperately wanted to
get out of the house. To let loose. She knew she’d earned it.
Mila slipped on her army green jacket and headed out the door. Ryel
followed her and they made their way to his truck. His hand touched her
lower back as she left the door, igniting a fire inside her. The air of
anticipation was thick with what could be. For the first time in her life, she
felt like she wanted a man, or even needed one, in every sense of the word.
But more than anything, she needed him sexually.
The ride to the fire was short, and Mila was somewhat relieved to get
there. The ride wasn’t awkward like it had been in the past, but Mila was
having a hard time knowing what to say. These last two weeks had been so
easy, but now that they were on a date, she felt lost. She wanted to tell him
everything, and at the same time climb on top of him and devour him. She
felt wetness between her legs, and her breath felt labored. At least at the fire
there would be social buffers.
“Mila!” Fallon called out, running over and giving her a big hug.
“You look hot, girl.” She whispered in her ear. Mila blushed.
She gave her a wink. “So, do you drink?”
“Ooohh, my girl wants to party.” Fallon exclaimed. She looked at
Ryel and gave him a playful smile. “Think you can keep up with Mila, big
Ryel laughed. “I think she might be the only woman who gives me a
run for my money, in every sense.” Ryel gave Mila a huge, flirty smile and
her knees felt weak.
They made their way to the bonfire, and enjoyed some drinks,
catching up with everyone around them. Mila felt happy, being somewhere so
familiar with so many familiar faces. She loved it here, always had. Ryel
stood next to her, brushing up against her all night, sending shivers down her
body, even with the heat of the roaring fire. Stories of the past flowed
effortlessly through the crowd, and laughter was abundant. But even with all
the comradery and commotion around her, all Mila could think about was
Ryel’s hand found hers, her whole world homing in on their joined
hands. Mila could feel her heart skip a beat, and a warmth spread from her
fingertips, up through her arm into her core. Mila had had a few drinks, and
although her nerves were calmed, the burning desire in her sex was the
opposite of calm. If anything, the libation had given her a liquid courage
somewhere in her being that fanned the flames of sexual desire, threatening
to overwhelm her. She now understood the actions of her female friends and
the great lengths people go to to be intimate with another. It was this feeling,
this wetness between her thighs that longed to overrule her. She wanted Ryel
in every way. But her inexperience felt like heavy barbwire around her body,
holding her back.
Ryel leaned down to her ear, his hot breath grazing her ear. “Wanna
go for a walk?” Ryel asked. Mila looked into his eyes; a mysterious need
coated them.
Mila couldn’t have forced herself to say anything, but the need in her
core answered for her with a resounding yes in the form of a nod. Ryel was
still gripping her hand possessively, in a way that melted Mila’s heart.
Ryel led her into the woods. For a couple minutes, they said nothing,
just holding hands and offering shy smiles that sent Mila further and further
into Ryel’s web, but she felt no need to escape. She loved the feeling of being
captured. She hoped that Ryel felt as entranced as her and wanted her as
badly as she needed him.
Ryel broke the silence. “You know you look incredible tonight, don’t
you?” He asked her, tucking her hair behind her ear.
Mila’s heart caught in her throat. “So do you.” Her voice came out in
a whisper, unsure but heavy with lust.
Mila could feel how the air around her stilled. They became so quiet,
the sound of Ryel’s heavy breathing filled her senses. She wondered if that
was the sound of a man who wanted a woman. It sounded like his breath was
out of his control. His large hands found her face and his face inched closer, a
look of tenderness on his face that made her legs feel like jelly underneath
her. Mila closed her eyes, ready for him. Ryel’s mouth found hers, hot and
tender at first, an uncertainty in his kiss like a boy discovering love for the
first time. Mila’s arms easily found his shoulders and she wrapped herself
around him, her hands stroking his neck and her body leaning into his. Their
kisses grew more urgent. Hands caressed her neck and groped her ass. She
was putty in his hands and every sensation was a sexual jolt of ecstasy that
enraptured her being. She felt the wetness between her thighs, threatening to
drown her.
Ryel pulled back, his hands still holding her face firmly. “You have
no idea what you do to me.”
Mila suddenly felt confident in his desire for her. “Tell me, just what
do I do to you, Ryel?” She bit her lip in a slow tease.
Mila could see Ryel turn to putty at her teasing. He grabbed her hair
and kissed her neck and ear, nibbling her ear lobe. “I’ve never wanted anyone
as bad as I need you right now.” He whispered with hot, raspy breath into her
Mila found his ear and mimicked his biting and kissing, reveling in
the soft groans that escaped those full, sexy lips that felt so divine on hers. “I
need you, Ryel.” She whispered back. She meant it. She had never needed
anything more in her life. Ryel let out a low growl, primal and sex charged,
that sent tremors deep into her pussy.
Ryel kissed down her neck and started to take off her sweater and
shirt. Even wearing a bra, her nipples puckered, both from the cool forest air
and from sexual urge. Ryel took her hand and laid her down on a soft, mossy
spot, and gently laid on top of her, still clothed, his body a welcome weight
on top of hers. He continued to kiss her passionately, and Mila felt so
enraptured in his being that anything could happen around them at this very
moment and she wouldn’t be the wiser. She had a feeling this was the
definition of bliss.
Chapter 21 - Ryel

Ryel was so turned on, it was like he wasn’t himself — he was a new
and primal Ryel, overcome with the strongest sexual desire in the world. He
also felt another emotion, one he’d never experienced before. As he was
falling into her, her body, her kisses and movements, he was also falling in
Underneath him lay the most beautiful sight Ryel had ever laid his
silver eyes on. He had taken Mila’s shirt off, and she lay underneath him in a
bra, with her pants still on, her full, creamy breasts barely confined by the
small lacy triangles that was her bra, her nipples, hard as rocks, poking out
furiously as if begging him to touch them. Ryel traced his mouth down her
collarbone to one breast, taking his time to get there. He playfully flicked her
lace clad nipple with his tongue, then took it in his mouth, biting it lightly
until she squirmed and moaned underneath him. His cock stirred at the sound,
the sight of her in pleasure.
Ryel was so hard in his jeans that he felt discomfort. It wasn’t that
he’d ever had a hard time getting or staying hard, but what this woman did to
him was on another level. He let out a low growl and kissed down her soft,
beautiful stomach, moving towards the button of her jeans. The smell of her
wetness, an intoxicating aroma, made him throb. Ryel was about to undo her
fly when Mila sat up, a worried look on her face.
Ryel sat back. The last thing he wanted was to make her
uncomfortable. “What’s wrong, Mila? Am I moving too fast, did I do
something wrong?” More than anything, Ryel wanted her to feel amazing.
Mila looked worried. She bit her lip anxiously and looked down.
“This is embarrassing…I haven’t done this before.”
Ryel smiled. “I haven’t fucked a beautiful girl in the woods either.”
Mila let out a small, nervous sound. “Ryel, I... ok, I’m just going to
come right out and say this. I’m a virgin.”
Ryel regarded her face. It looked shy, ashamed. He would’ve never
imagined that such a beautiful creature could be a virgin, there must have
been so many men who’d wanted her.
Ryel took her hand. “If you don’t want to…”
“I really want to!” Mila cut him off, giving him a hard kiss.
Ryel felt overwhelmed with emotion and lust. The idea that he was
the first man to sample the delicious bitch underneath him sent his mind into
a flurry. His cock was so hard, he could barely see straight. As much as he
wanted to take the plunge and deflower Mila, he knew it would be much
more fun to tease her, making her want him even more. There was a whole
encyclopedia of sexual deviancy that he wished to impart to the wet and
wanton creature panting underneath him, and he fully intended for her to
sample every chapter. But just not all tonight.
Ryel kissed her neck. “I’ll be honest Mila, that makes me want you
even more. I’m also flattered.” He continued kissing down her neck, back to
her other breast, making sure her second erect nipple got the attention it
deserved. “I want you, all of you. But I’m going to take my time. I won’t give
you everything tonight.”
Mila groaned underneath him, he didn’t know if it was out of pleasure
or annoyance. He hoped both. Either way, his cock twitched at the sound. He
hoped he could cause sounds that would trump that one in spades as their
escapade continued. Ryel slipped a skilled hand to her back and quickly
undid the clasps of her bra, slipping the lacy fabric off her body slowly and
deliberately, revealing the most perfect set of breasts Ryel had ever seen.
Better than he could’ve ever imagined. He greedily attacked them, covering
them in kisses and lapping every inch with his tongue. Mila’s moaning grew
louder, and her hand once again found his hair, giving it a sexy and playful
“You like that?” Ryel asked between kissing her tits.
Mila nodded and groaned. “I love it. I want more.” She begged him.
Ryel wanted to give her more. He was so turned on he was worried he
wouldn’t last if he proceeded, even if he didn’t enter her. He’d never been so
aroused in his life, but he’d also never wanted to pleasure a woman so
desperately. Ryel started kissing down her stomach once more, making his
way to her fly, knowing this time she wouldn’t stop him. He quickly undid
her jeans and slid them down her body, quickly taking off her boots as he
did.The creamy, curvy woman of his dreams was finally revealed to him, in
nothing but a very small pink lacy thong, the color almost blending in with
her body. He let out a primal groan of appreciation, and kissed her lower
belly and thighs, inching closer and closer to her sex. The smell of desire
filled his keen nose like a drug. He ran his tongue along the sides of her
panties to tease her, and slowly started kissing lightly and running his tongue
along the top. Mila’s breath caught at the feeling of his mouth through her
panties, a sound that drove Ryel wild. Ryel continued teasing her, running his
tongue up and down over her panties, until she was soaked through the thin
Ryel looked her in her emerald eyes and slid her panties off with his
teeth, revealing her wet and pink pussy. A small patch of ginger hair sat
above the welcoming, swollen lips of her entrance. Like a starved animal,
Ryel buried his face between her thighs, lapping up all her juices and greedily
eating her. Mila’s back arched at the feel of his tongue on her, and her hands
pushed his head down, begging him to devour her. Ryel did so with pleasure,
his cock throbbing so hard in his jeans that he worried he wouldn’t last. The
woman under his mouth was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted in
his life. Ryel continued like that until she cried out, an orgasm ripping so
hard through her body, her thighs quacked, and his face became soaked with
her juices. Even though she hadn’t laid a hand on him yet, it was the hottest
thing Ryel had ever seen, and although he wanted to savor her, he couldn’t
wait to have her completely.
Ryel slid up to her face and kissed her, hard and long. “I hope that
was good for you.” He said, stroking her face.
Mila sighed and chuckled. “Good? I don’t have words to begin to
describe how amazing that was,” she told him, and kissed him.
Mila smiled and sat up. She pushed Ryel down on his back, taking
him by surprise. She slipped his shirt off, revealing his torso, and kissed her
way down his body, sending shivers of pleasure through him. She undid his
pants and, without breaking eye contact, took his pants and underwear off
with a deviant smile. It was hard for Ryel to believe that such a nymph of a
creature had not done this before. All the same, it made this feel very special,
in a way no one else had made him feel before.
Ryel heard a small gasp emit from her mouth. He shot up, worried
something was wrong. “Are you ok?”
Mila smiled, a devilish grin. “It’s just so big and perfect.” She purred.
Ryel was about to tell her it was ok to slow down, when she ran her
perfect pink tongue around the head of his penis, sending his head spinning.
Mila continued licking him, causing his back to arch and moans to escape his
throat. Mila started taking him in her mouth, moving up and down, slowly at
first, and then picking up the pace, moaning as she went. Ryel had never had
head so good. He knew he wouldn’t last long, but he didn’t care. He didn’t
want the amazing sensation to stop. He didn’t have the strength to stop it.
With a loud moan, he came.
Mila crawled over to him and laid her head on his chest. “I hope that
was good for you,” she said.
Ryel kissed the top of her head. “Good? That was un-fucking-
believable!” He told her. Kissing her forehead.
Mila let out a happy sigh. “For me too. I never imagined it would be
like that.” She confessed. Ryel’s heart and pride swelled.
Ryel felt intense emotion in this moment, more intense than he’d ever
experienced in his life. He knew this was love, blossoming from the center of
his chest and radiating throughout his body, filling him with warmth, but also
anxiety. He wanted to give this woman everything, not just thousands of
earth-shattering orgasms, and not just his body. It was more than the flesh, he
wanted to give her his soul too. He knew this was love, but he didn’t know
how to embrace it. He wanted to tell her everything. Wanted to give her
everything. Ryel opened his mouth to try, when he heard their names being
Mila sat up and giggled. “Whoops. I guess we better get back in there
before they find us naked in the woods.” She gave him a long, hard kiss
before jumping up, wiggling on her panties and getting dressed.
Ryel stood up and followed suit. “Let’s hope your cries of pleasure
didn’t echo over the fire.” He teased, giving her bodacious ass a smack.
They got dressed and headed back to the party, both in a hazy glow.
Ryel held her hand, cherishing the feeling of her hand in his. He wanted to do
so much more to her, but knew that it was best to head back to their friends.
Besides, he’d always been told the best things are always worth the wait.
Chapter 22 - Mila

“There they are!” Finn called when Mila and Ryel rejoined the party.
Mila instantly blushed, but was also feeling quite proud of her
escapade. She wouldn’t say she felt like a changed woman, but she definitely
understood why people lost their minds over sex now. Hell, she hadn’t even
gone all the way, but thinking about going all the way filled her with an
intense desire to have more of Ryel. She knew they’d only had the one sexual
encounter, but she could tell she was already addicted to him. She knew in
her soul that she was forever tied to him. Mila knew she’d found the one man
who could move her to passion, to commitment, to love. The thought excited
her as much as it terrified her. She decided to push it from her mind tonight,
and instead focus on how she was going to get that giant, pale man alone
again so she could experience more. It felt like he’d taken her to the best
restaurant in the world and she’d only gotten an appetizer. She was still
hungry, ravenous even.
Fallon slid up beside her with a knowing smile on her face. “Well,
aren’t you just glowing. You might even be out-glowing the fire,” she said,
giving Mila’s ribs a poke.
Mila giggled, surprising herself and Fallon at her giddiness. “I don’t
kiss and tell,” she said.
Fallon looked at Ryel and then back to her. “You don’t have to tell me
anything, it’s all over your faces. Plus, I can smell it. Remember, I’m also a
Mila crinkled her nose, grossed out by the remark. “Keep your nose to
yourself then.” She gave Fallon a loving shove. It felt good to have a
girlfriend for the first time in her life. “So, tomorrow’s the big day?” She
reminded her friend.
Fallon beamed. “I can’t wait, and I’m so excited you’re going to be
there, and with Ryel! I am so excited for you two.”
Mila shrugged. “Well, we aren’t necessarily a thing,” she said. The
last thing she wanted was to sound too eager.
Fallon gave her a look. “You are a thing. But if you’re feeling like
you aren’t sure where you stand, I would have a chat with him.” Fallon
looked over at Ryel, who was talking and laughing with his friends.
Mila smiled at Fallon and nodded in agreement.
Mila and Ryel spent another hour at the party. Mila had a couple
beers, hating every sip. Beer had always been her least favorite drink. But she
liked the confidence it gave her. It took the edge off and made her feel so
much less nervous around Ryel. Over the hour, she couldn’t keep her eyes off
him. Their gazes met often, setting butterflies in flight. It may have only been
an hour, but it stretched on for hours in her mind, the distance required
between their bodies in the crowd a palpable separation that created a painful
longing. There wasn’t a part of that wolfman she didn’t want to touch, didn’t
want to savor.
Ryel’s hand found the small of her back. “Ready to get out of here,
babe?” He whispered in her ear. Hearing him call her babe melted her all
over again. She wondered if she was really his babe, or if that was a moniker
he used for all the women he’d had.
Mila pushed that kind of thinking away. “More than you can
imagine.” She told him with what she hoped was an alluring smile.
Ryel took her hand. “That is exactly what I wanted to hear.” He told
her. Ryel gave a quick wave to everyone, and she followed suite before Ryel
gave her hand a gentle pull towards his truck. “Let’s get the hell out of here
so we can be alone.”
Mila giggled and practically ran with Ryel to the truck. The butterflies
he gave her were back and in full force, but so was the need for him. The hot
pulsing warmth between her legs that clouded her vision. The feeling was so
strong, there wasn’t anything else in the world she could focus on besides the
man she wanted. At first, she’d been embarrassed to be a virgin, but after
seeing how satisfied Ryel was about her sexual status, she was happy she
waited. Happy that the first man to sample her body was a man who not only
knew what he was doing, but a man she couldn’t imagine being without,
now. As overwhelming as that notion was, it made the intimate part of their
relationship more enticing and fulfilling. There was love behind the lust.
Mila grabbed Ryel’s thigh as they drove, not worrying anymore if she
knew what she was doing, but instead letting her instinct take over. Her inner
sexual goddess was starving, so she figured it wouldn’t hurt to let her feast.
Mila caressed his muscular thighs, a small groan of appreciation leaving her
lips when she noticed his cock swelling under the thick fabric of his jeans.
She loved that she had that effect on him.
Mila slid over close to him and bit his earlobe. Kissed along his jaw
and down his neck. Inhaling his strong, masculine scent as she did, and
flicked her tongue along his neck to sample the delicious taste of his skin.
Mila moved her hand up his leg, grazing her fingers over the hard outline of
his member, imagining what it could do to her. Between her thighs, the
warmth amplified, and her already wet panties became soaked. She needed
all of this man, and she needed him now.
Mila bit his ear. “I am so wet for you.” She purred in his ear.
Ryel let out a visceral moan and pulled his truck over to the side of
the road in a hurried manner. He parked the truck quickly and turned to her,
grabbing her face and kissing her with vigor, his tongue finding every inch of
hers. Mila let her tongue play with his and ran it along his mouth, teasing
him. She loved the way the pupils in his silver eyes expanded with want
when she investigated them. The man was putty in her hands, and she
intended to use this power to her advantage.
Ryel moved over from behind the steering wheel and grabbed her
hips, placing her on his lap so she was straddling him. “You have no idea
what you do to me.” He told her breathlessly between steamy kisses, his
hands grabbing her ass.
Mila slid her crotch over his, grinding up on his rock-hard cock, and
biting his lip. “I think I have a pretty good idea.” She told him, loving the
moans that was escaping his throat as she grinded against him.
“You are such a bad girl.” Ryel told her, kissing the edge of her hand,
her wrist and then taking her finger in his mouth. “You know what happens
to bad girls, don’t you?” He asked.
Mila moaned from the sensation of her finger in his mouth. She
decided to play along, and took his hand, mirroring what he had just done to
her, she felt his cock throb underneath her. “What happens to back girls?”
She asked with a smile.
Ryel grabbed her face and looked at her with intensity. “They get
fucked.” He whispered.
The air left Mila’s body for a moment and her stomach turned in a
delicious manner. There was nothing she wanted more. She nodded her head
and kissed him hard and deep, her way of letting him know he had her full
consent to fuck her. Ryel slid her top off, running his fingers along her
exposed skin, causing every inch of her to pucker in goosebumps. She
shivered in pleasure from the sensation. Mila unhooked her bra and let her
breasts fall bare into his face. His mouth greedily lapped and suckled at her
breasts. Her pussy throbbed.
“I need you.” Mila told him.
Ryel smiled at her, a smile so sexy it made her head spin. It was still
so much to wrap her head around that a man as wanted and attractive as Ryel
was with her. Ryel undid her pants and she took off his shirt. His muscles
rippling and hard. She traced her fingers over them and kissed them before
undoing his belt. She slipped his pants down, followed by his boxers, his
erect cock springing free, ready and throbbing. It was even harder than
Mila slipped her panties off, and hovered over him, her wet pussy so
close to his cock. She kissed him.
Ryel tucked her hair beside her ear. “Are you sure you’re ready?” He
Mila kissed him. “I’ve never been surer of anything,” she told him.
Ryel reached down to her wet sex and stroked her with his fingers,
and ripples of pleasure coursed through her instantly at his touch. His thumb
rotated in circles. He kissed her while he teased her. Mila moaned. It felt so
good but, all she could think about was how his cock would feel deep inside
Mila reached down to him, and stroked him, his moaning mirroring
hers. They were both breathing heavy, the windows of the parked truck
fogging up. Mila was getting close again and needed him inside her. She
moved his hand off her, and slowly moved her pussy over him, the tip of his
penis grazing her dripping wet lips.
Ryel grabbed her hips and carefully entered her. A loud moan erupted
from both their lips as he slid inside her. It wasn’t uncomfortable like Mila
expected it would be. The opposite, in fact. Mila had never felt anything so
satisfying. She started to move up and down, Ryel grabbing her hips and ass
in pleasure and helping her move.
Mila kissed him as she moved, his groans filling her mouth. She
pulled his hair and sucked on his tongue. She didn’t expect she would be this
in control her first time, but she loved it. Being in control of the least
controllable man she knew was an ecstasy above all else. Ryel’s hands found
her hair too. They moved together, looking into each other’s eyes. Mila felt
like they were one being. Her fangs sharpened in her mouth but she ignored
“You feel amazing.” Ryel told her, it came out breathy. It was hard
for him to speak. Knowing she was doing that to him made it feel even better.
“So do you. Better than anything I could have imagined.” She
“I’m already so close.” He confessed. She knew he didn’t want to be,
but knowing her pussy was that good pushed her closer to the edge.
“I am too.” She told him, and started moving a little faster and harder.
Ryel used his fingers to tease her clit as she rode him. Mila’s moans
were loud and primal, she was surprised at the noises she was making. Her
fingers found his hair and pulled his head back, kissing him hard as she rode
him, loving the taste of beer and her pussy on his mouth. Proof that the man
was hers. She sucked on his tongue as she moved up and down, shivers of
pleasure so strong it almost made it hard to ride him. Mila kept moving up
and down, Ryel’s fingers bringing her closer and closer to the edge in tandem
with the delicious feeling of being filled by him. Finally, she couldn’t take
any more and came hard, yelling out his name, her whole-body centering
around her core in mighty waves. As she came, she heard him grunt and felt
him come inside her. They kissed each other and she collapsed on him in a
satisfied exhaustion.
Mila slumped on top of him and let out a huge sigh. “Wow.” Was all
she managed. She knew it wasn’t the most poetic thing to say after her first
time, but then again, neither was doing it in a truck.
Ryel took her face in his hand and smiled at her. “God, I hope that
was ok for you. Maybe this wasn’t how you imagined your first time.” He
said. She saw the worry behind his pale eyes.
Mila stroked his beautiful face. “Well, firstly, I have never fantasized
about where my first time would be, and secondly it was amazing, and I
wouldn’t change it for the world.” She reassured him. She meant every word.
They smiled at each other, pure, happy smiles of people high on the
hormones of sex and love. Mila loved him. She didn’t dare say it out loud,
but she felt it with every fiber of her being. She was madly and irrevocably in
love with the giant man underneath her. She really hoped that he felt the same
way, because she didn’t know how she could survive not having him in her
life now. Not just the physical aspect, although that was beyond good, but
even if they never made love again, she knew only he would be enough for
She slid off Ryel and shimmied her pants and panties back over her
hips, and laughed. “I guess we better get on home. Or your home I mean.”
Ryel got dressed, started the engine, and grabbed her hand. “It’s your
home too. You are my home.” He told her before getting back on the road.
The words made her heart flutter and a smile spread over her face.
The words filled her with such joy, a smile was plastered to her face all the
way home. They didn’t say anything to each other on the drive — they didn’t
have to. The air was heavy with all they needed to know. They had found
each other after all the feuding and anger, and it was bliss.
Chapter 23 - Ryel

Ryel was already thinking of having her again when they pulled up to
the house. He usually didn’t have that kind of sexual stamina, but something
about Mila brought out a vivacious sexual appetite that was far from being
satisfied. Just the sight of the curvy redhead at his side was enough to cause a
pulsing between his legs. He really couldn’t believe it now that it had
happened. The little girl that had driven him to insanity had now driven him
to a place he never imagined; deep in lust and needing to spend every
moment with her. He wanted to know everything about her, what she thought
about, her opinions. Part of him imagined swallowing her whole so that he
could absorb everything that was Mila. Perhaps he was a little obsessed, but
no woman had ever been close to making him feel an ounce of what he felt
with Mila.
Ryel got out of his truck, and quickly ran around to open the door for
her. “Milady.” He joked, bowing playfully as she slid out of the truck.
Mila laughed. “What a gentleman you are. Tell me, if I come upon a
puddle on the short journey to the door, will you throw your jacket down as
well?” She smiled at him. He loved that sass. “Looks like Deanna is sound
asleep. That, or she is out on the prowl.”
Ryel made a disgusted sound. “My mother does not prowl.” He told
She shrugged. “She’s pretty foxy for her age, you never know.”
Ryel laughed. “She loved my dad wwwaaayyy too much to move on
so soon. Besides, even if she was, as you put it, out on the prowl, I would not
want to know.”
They crept into the dark house together, trying to be as quiet as
possible. Ryel didn’t know why, it wasn’t like his mother would be shocked
at the sound of them coming home, but now that they’d been intimate,
everything felt secretive and naughty. He liked it. In the dark he found her
ass, giving it a playful slap. Mila yelped and giggled.
“Ssshh, your mom will hear.” She whispered, wrapping her arms
around him and kissing him hard. She bit his lower lip and pulled away.
“Mmm. Let her. The way you’re going missy, you’re going to be
making way more noise in no time.” He said and picked her up in his arms,
throwing her over his shoulder and heading up the stairs. They both started
Ryel hurried to the bedroom, blowing right by his room and making
his way to the guest room at the end of the hall. Her room. The cleaner room
with a bigger bed, that was a considerable distance from his mother’s room.
Ryel kicked the door open all the way and, with a playful grunt, placed Mila
on the bed. She looked up at him, smiling, her big emerald eyes sparkled
playfully, and she bit her lower lip. A move Ryel was sure she must know by
now, drove him wild for her. He felt his fangs sharpening in his mouth, and
he wondered if her fangs did the same. If she-wolfs had the same desire to
mark the one they wanted. To show the world that Ryel was hers and no one
else’s. He couldn’t think of anything in the whole world he wanted more than
to be Mila’s and Mila’s alone. Well, he thought, maybe there were a couple
things he wanted more, right now anyway.
“You know, biting your lip like that is basically an invitation for me
to ravish you,” he teased, crawling onto the bed and looming over her soft
and curvy body. There wasn’t an inch of her creamy skin he didn’t want to
Mila laughed and bit her lip again, in a slow and deliberate manner,
finishing it with a wink. “I’ll keep that in my back pocket then,” she said, and
then kissed his neck.
Ryel loved the feel of her full lips on him. It wasn’t that he hadn’t
enjoyed his previous lovers, but it was different with Mila. Something deep
inside him longed for her beyond the physical, wanting to consume her whole
being. Wanting to know everything in the world about her. It made the sex, at
least what he had experienced, so much better. Every touch and kiss felt like
it was fueled by electricity, passion and emotion. Ryel finally understood
what people meant when they talked about losing themselves in the act, the
whole world coming to a standstill and the only thing mattering in the world
being the person in his arms. He had always pushed romantic notions and
ideals away, but now he found he wanted to chase them. He longed for them.
Mila wrapped her body around his and kissed him. The kiss was slow
and sweet, the feeling of her body around him felt like a familiar and inviting
space. Even just this would be enough. But of course, he wanted more. He
was a testosterone filled wolfman after all.
Mila pulled away from kissing him. “Are you ready for another
round?” She asked, her voice hopeful.
Ryel kissed her and smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.” He
They both started undressing each other, not wasting any time to get
each other fully naked and exposed. Ryel wanted to witness every inch of
her, and he hoped she wanted to do the same. Mila lay before him on the bed,
naked, the small tuft of red hair between her legs damp with desire. Ryel
could smell her, the aroma intoxicating him, making him harder than he
already was. But despite wanting to dive right into her perfect pussy and have
his way with her, he wanted to take his time. He knew they weren’t about to
fuck; they were about to make love.
Ryel found her neck with his mouth and kissed her, smelling her skin
and tasting her with his tongue. He moved down her arms, kissing and biting
the palms of her hands and sucking her fingers. Mila moaned appreciatively.
Ryel loved her reactions as his mouth explored her, the way her back arched
when he licked her hard nipples, the way her toes curled when he kissed her
inner thighs. He kissed down her legs and found her feet. He kissed her toes,
and moved back up, wanting to taste the sweet nectar of her sex.
Ryel kissed the outside of her pussy, nuzzling his face in her mound,
breathing her in and teasing her. Mila’s hands found his hair and pushed his
face into her. He loved that bossy side of her that was coming out in the
bedroom. He figured the one place it was ok for the woman who drove him
crazy to boss him around would be here. His ego and his cock were in firm
agreement. He let his tongue dive into her slit, lapping up all the wetness he
could, and found the firm button of her clit, running his tongue in small
circles, ever so lightly. Even though her hands were pushing down for more,
he fought her. Afterall, what’s the use in being bossy without being a little
“Mmm, your mouth feels ssooo good.” She moaned, and his cock
Ryel moaned at the flavor of her pussy. She tasted amazing. So sweet
and pungent, like a drink he could never get enough of. He started moving his
tongue harder over her pussy, the sound of her breathing and moans an
obvious sign he was doing something right. He loved how wet she was under
his mouth, how the wetness grew the more he pleasured her. Ryel thought he
could stay here forever, savoring this woman and bringing her to shaking
pleasure over and over again.
“Mmm, fuck, you are going to make me come, baby.” Mila moaned,
pushing his face even harder into her. Ryel loved knowing he did this to her.
Ryel kept licking, lapping up all the nectar of her core and pushing
her over the brink, until an eruption of sound left her mouth and a gush of
wetness hit his face. He loved every moment of it. She sighed when she was
finished and released his hair, laying back on the bed.
“That was amazing.” Mila exclaimed.
Ryel kissed her hard, she licked her juices off his face, it sent his head
spinning. “You are amazing.” He told her between hard kisses.
Mila reached her hand down to his rock-hard cock and stroked him in
time to her kisses. “We need to take care of this, can’t let it go to waste.” She
purred in his ear. He loved how eager she was to fuck him again.
Ryel hovered over her and gently pushed her legs apart with his knee.
“Is this what you want?” He growled.
Mila nodded. “Please. Please fuck me.” Her breath was heavy with
need, and her pleading caused Ryel’s fangs to sharpen in his mouth, his
mouth filled with saliva at the thought of marking her as his. Making her his
woman forever. He wondered what she would do.
Ryel slowly slid into her hot, wet slit, the feeling exquisite, and
slowly started to move inside her, both of them breathing heavy and moaning
between kisses. Ryel grabbed Mila’s hands, pinned them over her head, and
nibbled and kissed the underside of her arms as he fucked her. She moaned
louder as his tongue and mouth explored her body. She felt so good
underneath him, and with her arms pinned, her neck lay bared to him,
practically begging to be punctured.
Mila wrapped her legs around him, pulling him even deeper inside
her. “I know you want to come for me.” She told him. He loved her
bossiness, even now. No other woman had ever bossed him around in bed.
Ryel moaned. “Not yet.” He told her. He wanted it to last at least a
little bit longer.
Ryel slid out of her and flipped her over quickly, so that her stomach
was on the bed and her ass was exposed in the air for him. He gave it a slap.
“This is all mine.” He told her.
He took a pillow and placed it underneath her hips. “What’s this for?”
She asked.
He smiled. “For me, but mostly for you. Make sure it’s touching your
clit.” He ordered before entering her from behind with one thrust.
Ryel moved rhythmically from behind, making sure to use force to
grind her against the pillow. When her moaning started to grow louder, he
knew it was good for her. Good, he thought, he loved making the little bitch
explode around his cock. He could think of nothing sexier than making the
woman he so deeply cared for come repeatedly. Ryel started to move a little
faster, feeling Mila tense up around his cock. Her hands were grabbing at the
sheets, balling them up. He knew she was close, and it was a good thing
because he didn’t know if he could last much longer. Mila came hard, her
muscles squeezing his cock,saying his name over and over. The feeling was
more than he could bear, and he came inside her. They both collapsed on the
bed, spent and happy.
Mila laughed and ruffled Ryel’s hair, her face rosy from orgasm. “I
never thought sex could be like this. That’s probably why I went so long
without jumping on the bandwagon, so to speak. But, also, if I’m being
completely honest, there was never anyone that got my…engine revving.
Until you and your annoying tendencies.” She poked him.
Ryel took her in his arms and embraced her. “Well, let me say then
that I feel extraordinarily lucky that this annoying, argumentative, bossy and
wonderful lady picked me. I must be the luckiest wolf on earth.” He
confessed, kissing the top of her head and breathing in her scent. A scent he
could pick out anywhere.
Mila sighed. “I’m the lucky one.” She told him, the sound of tiredness
in her voice.
Ryel smiled. He knew better than to argue with her, and closed his
eyes, happily wrapped around her. Sleep quickly overcame him, and he fell
into a faraway place of dreams and happiness. It was the best sleep Ryel
could remember having in a very long time.
Chapter 24 - Mila

Mila woke up wrapped in Ryel’s arms, to the sound of a coffee

grinder. She cursed the coffee grinder for pulling her out of a deep and
comfortable sleep. Ryel groaned in annoyance beside her. Mila smiled,
burrowed her head into his chest and let out a small laugh. It couldn’t be any
later than seven am. Darn that go-getter Deanna and her early bird tendencies.
“You’d think after years of living with wolves she’d get that we aren’t
morning people like she is,” Ryel muttered, half asleep still.
“Can’t she get a new coffee grinder? It sounds like a chainsaw mixed
with a car backfiring, mixed with a cat in heat. It’s horrific.” Mila asked.
Mila felt Ryel’s chest tremor with laughter. “You know my mother—
if it isn’t broken why fix it?” He said before stretching.
Mila sat up and stretched herself, pushing her arms up over her head.
“It’s just as well. Big day today with the wedding,” she told Ryel. “Plus, it’s
going to take some time to undo the disheveled state I’m certain I’m in and
become a proper, presentable lady again.” Mila gave him a kiss before sliding
out of bed.
Ryel got up too. “You look beautiful whether you’re in your best
dress, or naked with messy hair. Now, I hope my mother doesn’t catch on.”
He said with a sly smile.
“I’m going to get in the shower, and you can have one right after. She
won’t notice as long as we sneak out of this room.” She suggested.
“I don’t care if she knows, honestly. I would be happy telling the
whole town you’re mine,” he told her, wrapping his arms around her and
rubbing his nose lightly against hers.
Mila’s heart leapt in her chest. “Yours?” She asked, not sure what she
was fishing for.
Ryel looked into her eyes. “If you’ll have me.”
Mila was about to answer when the doorbell rang. “I better get in the
shower then,” she told him, in case it was one of Deanna’s friends, or Fallon.
Mila crept to the shower and turned it on, letting the hot water caress
her body. She thought about last night, how amazing it had been. She thought
about this afternoon, and how excited she was to be celebrating her friend’s
love, how honored she was to be a part of it. The idea that she would be on
Ryel’s arm for the whole town to see filled her with such elation, an excited
sound escaped her lips as she shampooed her long, crimson locks. She
slipped out of the shower, dried off and returned to her room, putting on
clean clothes and brushing her hair before going downstairs for the coffee she
so desperately needed after very little sleep and too much fun last night.
At the foot of the stairs, she heard an unfamiliar voice float down the
hallway. It was a woman’s voice, with a high lilt and a bubbliness to it. She
figured that Deanna had an animated friend over. But then she heard a
sentence that stopped her in her tracks.
“I thought you were dead, or worse. It took a lot to track you down,
baby.” The voice said, and Mila’s stomach churned. Before she even entered
the kitchen, she knew something was taking place that wouldn’t end in her
Mila thought about not entering the kitchen, about sneaking back
upstairs and waiting for Ryel to find her and tell her what she heard wasn’t at
all what she thought, that she was the only woman in his life, the love of his
life. She knew she had to be brave and face what was in the kitchen. The last
thing she wanted, she decided, was to be left in the dark. Mila would not let
any man, even Ryel, make a fool of her.
Ryel looked startled when she walked into the kitchen. Guilty even.
“Mila!” His voice came out in a crack.
The unknown voice turned around to face her and Mila’s eyes met
that of a beautiful woman. She was shorter and leaner than Mila, but had a
beautiful, strong figure. Her hair was a beautiful mass of dark brown curls,
and her eyes were like deep pools of honey. Mila suddenly felt like she was
in competition with this woman, something she didn’t want to be. But she
couldn’t help it. This woman felt like a threat, and it made her want to both
bolt and fight.
“Who’s this, babe?” The voice asked Ryel.
Mila felt her focus go blurry at hearing the beautiful stranger call him
babe. Mila’s hand found the edge of the doorframe, steadying herself. Her
eyes cleared and found Ryel’s, a look of pure worry flooding his icy eyes.
She prayed that he was going to come up with a logical explanation, that this
was a joke or she was insane. Silence filled the air and made the pain all the
worse. Mila looked at Deanna, who looked as confused and hurt as her.
“Babe?” Mila managed to say. It wasn’t a question as much as it was
an accusation.
“Mila,I…” Ryel said, his hands flopping defeatedly by his sides.
“This is Amanda.” He told her. He offered no other explanation. Mila felt
stupid now for expecting anything different.
“We’re having a baby.” Amanda beamed at her, bringing a hand to
her stomach. “Well, It’s still very early, only eight weeks or so, so no bump
yet. But Ryel left without saying goodbye, and I always knew we were meant
to be, but now I know for sure!” Amanda was practically drunk with
Mila felt the acid rise in her throat and the tears gathering in the
corners of her eyes. She tried to smile at Amanda, to keep her cool, but
instead ran up the stairs. Mila made a run to her room and gathered the dress
Fallon had gotten her for today, her makeup and anything else she would
need. She had to get out of here. The pain that was amplifying inside her was
threatening to crush her, to reduce her to tears. She told herself she wouldn’t
fall apart in front of Ryel. She wouldn’t give him that dignity.
Ryel stood at the bottom of the stairs with an expression Mila
couldn’t read. She tried to push past him, to get her shoes on and get out the
door. To go anywhere but here. His large frame blocked her from going past
the last step. She angrily tried to get past him, pushing him with a grunt.
When he wouldn’t budge, she started banging against his chest, the tears
flowing from her eyes. She didn’t know if the tears were from heartbreak or
anger, but she realized those two feelings were often impossible to
“Mila, please.” His voice pleaded, broken and small. “She means
nothing to me.”
Mila looked at him. “If she means nothing to you then why is she in
your kitchen calling you babe? Why the fuck is she having your baby? Huh,
Ryel?!” She tried to keep her voice from being too loud, but frankly she
didn’t care if Amanda heard. It was Ryel she was mad at, not her.
“We were never serious. I broke up with her…or I mean, I tried.” He
said, looking down at the ground.
“You tried?” Mila’s voice came out in a shocked laugh. “You don’t
try to end it Ryel, you just do it. God, I feel so fucking stupid. I shouldn’t be
surprised.” She said, finally shoving past him, quickly putting on her shoes
and grabbing the door handle.
“Why shouldn’t you be surprised?” He asked. His voice sounded truly
broken now.
Mila turned to look at him. He looked small despite his large stature.
“Because you’ve always been scared. You’re a coward, and you use women.
You used me,” she said. She knew it was mean, but it felt like the truth in the
cramped space between the stairs and the door.
“I don’t use women. I never used you!” Ryel exclaimed.
Mila shook her head, feeling more tears pool. “It sure feels like you
did, Ryel,” she said, turning and heading out the door, slamming it behind
Just as she slammed the door, Fallon pulled up in her old red Chevy,
smiled and waved at Mila. When she got closer and saw the sobbing mess
Mila had become since slamming the door, her face turned from happy to
concerned. She quickly parked and ran towards Mila, taking her in her arms
just as Ryel came outside, chasing after Mila. Fallon took one look at Ryel,
and something clicked behind her eyes. Mila felt her turn protective and step
between Mila and Ryel.
“What the hell did you do, Ryel?” She asked him, her voice filled to
the brim with hostility.
Ryel stopped at the sound of her anger. “Look, I can explain,” he said.
“Oh Christ! You can always explain, right? That’s always the excuse
with men like you. It is never your fault, it’s a crazy woman or bad timing, or
a mistake. Isn’t that right, Ryel? I can smell it all over you. Who is she?”
Fallon howled at him.
“She’s an ex from Seattle. She just showed up unexpectedly. I didn’t
know she was coming.” He told her.
Mila felt her blood boil. “Yeah, because she’s having your baby, you
asshole. She’s not just an ex, she’s carrying your DNA!” Mila yelled.
A heavy look suddenly fell over Fallon’s usually happy face. “Let me
see your phone.” She said to Ryel.
Ryel looked stunned. “Why?”
“If she really is no one and you really have nothing to hide, and had
no idea she was coming, then you won’t mind me seeing your phone.” Fallon
told him, her tone stern. She held her hand out in waiting.
Ryel looked uncomfortable, but after an awkward pause, he gave up
and reluctantly gave her his phone. Mila saw the guilt all over his face. She
grabbed the phone from him before Fallon could. She had to do this herself.
“Mila…” Ryel began.
“Don’t!” She stopped him. “If you have nothing to hide, then why the
hell wouldn’t you show the woman you spent all night making love to?
Right?” She asked, but she knew she was not going to get an answer.
Mila scrolled through his phone, searching his call history, and it
wasn’t long before she found a bunch of missed calls from Amanda. Her
heart sank. In the last four weeks, there had been twenty-seven missed calls.
She looked through his messages too, and there they were. She saw his sad
attempt at a last text to her and the many that followed from her. Ones he had
ignored, putting her on mute. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the
cowardly man in front of her. She shoved his phone back in his hand and
threw her stuff in Fallon’s truck, getting in the passenger seat and slamming
the truck door. Her heart felt like it had been sledgehammered into a
thousand tiny pieces.
Fallon got into the driver’s seat. “Please get me out of here,” Mila
asked her.
Fallon nodded. “With pleasure,” she said, hitting the gas and soaring
out the driveway. “I was coming to surprise you with a spa and salon day
before the wedding. Still up for that?”
“Will there be booze?” Mila asked.
“Definitely.” Fallon said.
They both broke into laughter. Nothing was funny really, and Mila
still felt emotionally broken, but despite all that, the situation was so bizarre
they had to laugh. In that moment, Mila was so thankful to have a friend.
Chapter 25 - Ryel

Ryel felt like he’d been deflated, watching Mila drive away with
Fallon. In just a few short hours, he’d gone from the best night of his life to
the worst morning of his life. He really wanted to break something. Find old
plates and smash them, or cut down a tree in anger. He realized he should
probably punch himself in the face because he knew he’d royally messed up
this time. He worried there was nothing he could do to fix it. He knew he
would do anything to win Mila back.
Ryel turned to go into the house, only to find Deanna standing in front
of the door, arms crossed and truly mad. “Mom, I know this looks bad,” he
Deanna sighed. “People get pregnant all the time, Ryel. It’s not that.
It’s how you discarded Amanda and didn’t take any accountability for how
you made her feel. Also, you let Mila go. I don’t know what the right answer
is here. Part of me says to marry Amanda and do the right thing, but I don’t
know if I even trust her. She’s not Mila.” Deanna said, a small smile found
her face when she mentioned Mila.
Ryel took a step towards his mom. “I only want to be with Mila. Do
you think if I had known Amanda was pregnant, I would’ve ignored her?”
Deanna shook her head. “No, I don’t. But you still handled everything
so badly. Ryel,” she asked, a guilty look crossing her face, “are you even sure
she’s pregnant?’
“Mom! Isn’t that a horrible thing to say?” Ryel dropped his voice to a
whisper for fear Amanda was listening at the door. “Why would she lie?”
Deanna laughed. “To be with you? Get you hooked, and then who
Ryel couldn’t believe his ears. His mother had never been one to
accuse anyone of anything before. But the more Ryel thought about it, the
more he thought his mother may be right. They’d used protection, two kinds
even. He could hardly remember their encounters, they paled in comparison
to Mila. Everything did. Ryel realized he might look like an asshole if he
asked for proof right away, and despite the pregnancy, he had to make it right
with her. He was a jerk to her, and he couldn’t just ignore that.
“We don’t mom. But I’ve already been enough of an asshole today. It
would be wrong to barge in there and set off more verbal explosives.” He felt
defeated. All he wanted to do was chase after Mila, the woman he now knew,
more than ever , he loved.
“I have an idea.” Deanna told him. “Sometimes, if someone is lying,
the best way to catch them is to act like everything’s fine. Then say
something that you know isn’t true and see if they agree. Liars cannot keep
track of their own webs of lies, and people acting calm often trip them up.”
Ryel was impressed. “I like the way you think. All this time I thought
I got my brains from dad.”
Deanna gave me a playful pat. “Well, Zion was one of the most
brilliant humans. If you don’t make things right for yourself, do it for him. He
loved Mila and he’d love you two together.”
Ryel nodded and he and his mom made their way into the house, both
with the determination to act as if nothing had happened. Amanda was in the
kitchen, drinking her third or so cup of coffee. Ryel took note of that. He
didn’t know much about pregnancies, but he knew pregnant women often
shied away from caffeine. For anyone, three or four cups was a lot. He smiled
at her, and she smiled back. He felt uncomfortable but he knew he had to play
this game.
“Thiscoffee is so good, Deanna! What’s your secret?” Amanda asked
after downing the last of the cup.
Deanna smiled. “Finely ground every morning by yours truly, and a
pinch of cinnamon in the grounds.” Deanna gave Ryel a friendly smile, she
knew what she was doing. “Can I get you another?”
Amanda nodded. “Oh, please. I just love coffee.”
Ryel sat down next to Amanda. “I will join you for another coffee.
So, Amanda, however did you find me?” He asked with a smile, and took a
sip of coffee, even though he didn’t care for it.
Amanda looked worried for a second. “You told me all about this
town one night and about your childhood home. I pay attention!” She said,
laughing and poking him with a finger.
“You have quite the memory, Amanda. I can barely remember my last
name.” He smiled. He suddenly realized he couldn’t remember hers, but he
did remember he had never told her where he was from. He never told
anybody in the city.
“Only when I care about someone.” She replied. If Ryel wasn’t
suspicious of her, she would have been passing as a kind, loving pregnant
“Speaking of, today one of my oldest friends is getting married, and
maybe you could be my date.” He was careful to use the term married and
not ceremony, the last thing he needed was this woman knowing he was a
Amanda beamed and squealed. “Oh my god, yes!” She said, bouncing
around and hugging him. “I think I have something that will work. I’ll go get
ready!” She bounded up the stairs, picking up her heavy bag as she went.
Once she was out of earshot, Deanna leaned over the counter. “There
is no way the bitch is pregnant.”
Ryel was shocked at his mother’s language. “Mom!”
“What? She’s a little conniving, no good lying wench. But why?”
Deanna mused.
“I thought you said to get closer to me?’
Deanna laughed. “Ok kid, you know you’re attractive, but no one that
hot would make up a lie like that. And how did she find you? She might be
“Do you think if I bring her to the wedding it will end me and Mila
forever?” He asked his mother.
She contemplated the question. “I think true love always finds a way.
However, if you want to ensure she doesn’t explode, send a text with all the
details. Mila might be emotional right now, but she’s smart as a whip. What
do you have to lose anyway?”
Ryel agreed to the suggestion. He hadn’t been transparent with her up
until this point. If they had a shot in hell of making it work after this, he knew
he had to keep her in the loop, even if the loop was messy and might hurt her.
Ryel whipped out his phone and typed a message, just in case that assumed
snake Amanda was listening somehow.
Mila — you need to trust me. I know I handled this like a bloody
idiot. I know I hurt you and I will never forgive myself for not trying to make
things right and get you back. I do not care about Amanda, but I have a
He sent that and waited. Within minutes he felt the vibration in his
pocket. She’d responded. It wasn’t the warmest response, but it was
something. He decided he would fill her in on the plan, even if she was going
to hate seeing him bring Amanda to the party.
He heard movement upstairs and knew he had to get ready. He took a
deep breath, closed his eyes, and proceeded upstairs. He didn’t want to play
the part of doting father-to-be to a woman he was positive was an unhinged
liar, but he knew he had to. He wasn’t even doing it for himself anymore; he
was doing it for Mila. He knew right then and there that every decision he
would make for the rest of his life would be for Mila.
Chapter 26 - Mila

Mila looked at herself in the mirror at Fallon’s. The dress Fallon had
picked out for her was perfect: a long, satin, form-fitting gown in a beautiful
emerald shade that mimicked the shade of her eyes. The fabric clung to her
curves in just the right places. She would have never picked it out for herself,
but she was so glad that Fallon did. The salon had painted her face to
perfection and painted her full mouth a bloody crimson hue, her hair was
pulled away from her face, and hung down her back in loose curls. She
looked beautiful, she knew, but it felt like war paint and battle garb. Ryel had
sent her texts explaining how he thought that bubbly, beautiful creature she
met in his kitchen was a liar, but she couldn’t help the stomach flipping
sensation at the thought of seeing them together at the ceremony.
“You look amazing, you might upstage me!” Fallon appeared behind
Mila gasped when she saw Fallon in the mirror. She turned to her, her
eyes filling with tears. “Oh, Fallon, there is no one on earth as beautiful as
you today.” She meant it. Her friend looked transformed in a white dress and
a flower crown. She looked like a goddess.
“You ok?” Fallon asked.
Mila shrugged. “I don’t know, but that’s not what’s important today.
Today is about you and Axel. If Ryel is meant to be mine, that will happen.”
Mila gave her friend a smile, but inside, she was breaking. The idea of her
and Ryel not making it was unbearable.
Fallon took her hands. “It’s a big day, but it’s not all about me. I’m
not that kind of bride. Did she smell pregnant?” Fallon asked with a laugh.
“Seriously?” Mila asked, not sure if that was a joke or not.
“Pregnant bitches smell different. You must know that. Then again, if
you didn’t know her smell before…and you weren’t in wolf form… Damn.”
Fallon zoned out, deep in thought. “Well, I’m sure all the keen eyes and
noses tonight will suss her out. Ready?”
“Oh yeah!” Mila laughed.
The two girls drove together in Fallon’s truck. Mila offered to rent a
fancy vehicle or to get a limo from the city, but Fallon, being the country girl
she was, insisted she drive herself to her own wedding. Mila liked how she
didn’t turn into a bridezilla, and how casual wolves were about their unions.
She never understood all the fuss surrounding normal weddings, not to
mention all the money humans loved to throw on just one day. It’s not that
wolves wouldn’t fork out a pretty penny for a party, but it was nothing
compared to some of the venues she had seen.
Mila and Fallon arrived at the site, and Mila sighed at how beautiful
Axel and his friends had made it over the last few days. Ryel had helped, and
he stood with Axel and Finn, looking beyond handsome in his dark gray suit.
Mila felt relieved for not seeing Amanda at first, but then she noticed her,
wearing a lovely red gown.
“Fucking weird she just had a gown on hand.” Fallon stated.
Mila realized she was right. There would be no logical reason to bring
a gown that lovely to find the father of your baby, and there was nowhere in
town that had one like that on such short notice. Mila’s stomach dropped.
Something was very off about her.
“I don’t trust her at all.” Mila said in the small space of the truck.
Ryel noticed the truck pull up and their eyes met. A sad smile formed on his
“I, personally, hate her.” Fallon said snidely. “Look at Ryel anyway,
he can’t keep his eyes off you. He is so in love with you.”
“God, I hope you’re right.” Mila said.
They both got out of the truck, Axel was rushed away by Finn and
some other guys sohe wouldn’t see Fallon. They were saving a little bit of
tradition and romance. Ryel awkwardly took a couple steps towards Mila
with an awestruck smile before Amanda noticed her and latched onto him
like a scared cat. Mila found her pathetic and needy. She could not only see
the desperation in her eyes, but she could also smell it on her.
“Hi! It was, Moira, right?” Amanda said. Mila knew she knew her
name. She had to find a way to keep her cool and not blow her cover, but at
the same time give off the edge of a jealous ex.
“Mila, actually.” Mila managed a curt smile. “Ryel, you look nice.
You clean up well.” She had to be a little flirty, but not obvious.
“You look amazing.” Ryel told Mila. Amanda let out a little grunt.
“Oh, you look nice too, baby.” He said to Amanda. It was clearly forced, but
it still hurt Mila. She knew Amanda wouldn’t know the difference; she didn’t
know him well enough to.
“So, you’re ten weeks along?” Mila asked.
“Oh, uh, yep! Yep, yep!” Amanda agreed. Mila remembered she had
said eight earlier.
“I thought you said eight, honey.” Ryel said. “I don’t think so.” She
replied, a nervous look on her face.
“How far along were you when you found out?” Mila asked, keeping
up the ruse of nosy but friendly ex.
“Oh, right away. I just had a feeling the day I was due, so I took a test
and it was positive!” She beamed, her hand on her stomach. She was wearing
a very tight dress, Mila wondered, if she was really ten weeks, whether she
would be showing. She was very petite and lean.
“Why didn’t you just tell me then?” Ryel asked.
“Well, how could I, silly? You were here.” She replied.
“I’ve only been here for four weeks.” Ryel said, very matter-of-factly.
“No,” she said.
“No what, honey?” Mila was impressed by how calm and non-
confrontational he was being.
Mila could see she was floundering, and she reveled in it. Finn
walked up and announced the ceremony was about to begin. Mila thought it
was perfect timing. It would give Amanda time to sweat in her own
Mila took a seat on the opposite side of Ryel, happy that she was on
the bride’s side today. The distance was welcome. The music started, and
everyone stood for Fallon to walk up to the arch where Axel stood, looking
handsome and sturdy. Mila thought they truly were a beautiful couple, and
her heart swelled seeing Axel tear up as Fallon floated up the aisle toward
him. Mila caught Ryel’s eye for just a second and saw the tears forming in
his eyes. By the time Fallon reached Axel, there wasn’t a dry eye in the
The ceremony was short and sweet. They didn’t exchange rings, but
instead watches, as they felt they’d found each other at just the right time.
They promised each other the world and kissed. It was everything a
commitment should be, thought Mila, not cookie cutter, but straight from the
heart. She couldn’t be happier for them. After the ceremony, everyone
walked a short distance to the old firehall across the street, where tons of food
and booze awaited along with a band and an indoor and outdoor dancefloor.
If there was one thing this town did well, it was party.
Fallon found Milas keeping an eye on Ryel while she was sipping a
cocktail. “So?” She asked.
Mila jumped. “Oh, Fallon, that was beautiful. Congrats, really. She
said embracing her friend and kissing her cheek. Axel walked up to them, and
she embraced him too. “I am so happy for you both.”
“Thank you. But I was really wanting to know more about this
situation.” She raised an eyebrow.
Axel got closer. “I’m all filled in on the plan, so is Finn. We’re going
to smoke the bitch out.”
Mila smiled. “Well, there are already some inconsistencies in her tall
tales. She said earlier she was eight weeks and then agreed when I said ten
weeks. So, you should ask her the due date. Also, it’s weird she’s telling
everyone she’s pregnant already. Right?”
Fallon and Axel nodded. “Indeed,” Said Axel. “Alright, let’s move
They all grabbed a drink and walked over to where Amanda was
obviously trying to keep Ryel away from everyone. Ryel smiled at them as
they approached. Mila knew it was a reprieve from the fake, bubbly persona
that was Amanda.
“Axel, Fallon! What a ceremony!” He said, embracing them both.
Amanda shuffled and cleared her throat. “Oh, this is, uh, Amanda,” he said.
Mila almost smiled at him, not remembering her name for a second.
“Thanks so much for having me!” she said.
Didn’t really have a choice, thought Mila. A platter of appetizers
passed them, and Amanda grabbed a tartare and ate it without thought.
“You best be staying away from raw meat and fish!” Exclaimed
Amanda looked confused. “Why?” She asked.
“Because you’re pregnant, silly!” Fallon said, friendly and not
missing a beat.
“Why no raw meat?” She asked. Mila almost guffawed. This con
artist had not done her homework.
“Don’t ya know? On the list of no-nos when you have a bun in the
oven. It’s ladened with bacteria.” Fallon smiled and touched her tummy. God,
she was a good actress. “Speaking of which, when is your due date?”
Amanda was silent for too long. “Oh, June fifth.” she said. “I mean I
think, I haven’t had an ultrasound yet.”
“You haven’t had an ultrasound yet and you are eleven weeks along?”
Asked Mila.
“It’s all booked up.” Amanda replied,
“Wait, I thought pregnancies were only forty weeks?” Asked Axel.
“They are.” Said Amanda.
“Well then the baby would be about forty-four weeks along in June,
wouldn’t it?” Axel replied. He was being more direct, but no one was
stopping him. He did it well.
Amanda gave Ryel a pleading look, like she was expecting him to
jump to her defense. When he didn’t, she looked worried. She looked at her
phone in her purse and looked relieved that there was a missed call.
“I better call them back.” She exclaimed, speedily waddling out the
front door on her heels.
They all waited a few seconds and then nodded. Mila slipped off her
heels so she could walk silently and slid out the side exit, into the bushes near
the front of the firehall. Amanda was close, only a few feet away, talking on
the phone. Mila listened, her sharp ears easily picking up the conversation.
“These people are grilling me, and his stupid ex is the worst. I can tell
she’s jealous… yeah no I took your advice and that due date is way too far
away. I need to cover my tracks…I didn’t think he would be smart enough to
do the math either, but his friends are. You should hear them, they’re like
detectives… once I get my hands on the money…yep, yep… I gotta go, and
no, I won’t be dumb and have a drink… I’ll just tell him I lost it next week…
bye.” She hung up the phone.
Mila’s blood boiled as she listened. Who the hell did she think she
was? And what money, thought Mila? She was unaware that Ryel had any.
Not that she cared, she was more than capable of making enough in her
chosen career.
Mila stood up. “You little rat.” She exclaimed.
Amanda jumped and spun around. “Were you spying on me?” She
“You bet your lying ass I was. The gig’s up, Amanda. I know you
aren’t pregnant. I knew that before hearing your call. You know, if you’re
going to lie, at least keep track. How dumb are you?” Mila said to her, her
voice full of anger.
“Well, it’s your word against mine. Who do you think Ryel is going
to believe, you or the mother of his child?” Amanda asked, folding her arms
in a defiant manner. She really thought she was going to get away with this.
“Well, it’s actually your word against hers and mine.” Fallon said,
popping up in the open window behind Mila.
“And mine.” Axel said, popping up beside her. “God, you really are a
piece of work, lady.”
“Well, Ryel still won’t believe you all. I am carrying his baby!”
Amanda cried out.
“Except you really aren’t.” Ryel rounded the corner from the other
side of the hall, where he was listening. “I believed you at first, but you aren’t
a very good con artist, Amanda. After I noticed you gobbling multiple cups
of coffee, I got suspicious, so not only did we cook up this plan to catch you
in your lies, I also did some digging, and you have a history of scamming and
suing, don’t you Amanda?”
“I didn’t think you were that smart. I just thought you were a dumb,
spoiled trust fund baby.” Amanda confessed.
“Where did you get that idea?” Asked Ryel.
“Nice looking guy with mysterious past from a small town, running
away, always a rich guy,” she said.
“Well, even if that were true, there’s no way in hell I would let
someone as foul as you get a hold of my money.” Ryel said.
“Whatever Ryel, I wouldn’t want to be stuck in this hick town
anyway. So, enjoy your life with this chubby redhead.” Amanda sneered,
pointing at Mila.
Mila had had enough. They all had. They all were naked and in wolf
form in a flash, before Amanda could register, except for Mila. She remained
human, but snarled at Amanda, showing off her sharp fangs.
“What the hell.”
Fallon pounced on her, scratching her face and growling. Amanda
crawled away from under her and stood up. “I’m going to sue for this!” She
Mila laughed. “And who the hell is going to believe you Amanda, it’s
your word against ours.” Mila got right up in her face. “You better get your
scrawny little ass out of here before my so-called fat ass kicks yours all the
way back to Seattle.” Amanda started to take off. “Oh, and by the way, if you
ever come back here, you will never be seen again. Got it?” Amanda took off
in a run. Mila wasn’t sure where she was going, but she assumed it was to get
to her vehicle and leave.
By the time Mila turned around, the others had transitioned back and
were back in their clothes, all of them looking as beautiful as ever.
“That’s my girl,” Ryel said, swooping her up in his arms and kissing
her. “I really am sorry, baby.”
Mila looked at his face and believed him. She instantly forgave him.
“I forgive you. Just, don’t ever put me through something like that again!”
she scolded, hitting his arm.
“Never again, as long as we live.” He said, taking her face in his
“We have long lives to live.” Mila joked.
“Forever wouldn’t be long enough with the woman I love.” Ryel said,
and everything inside Mila swooned. He loved her!
“You love me,” was all Mila managed to say.
“You love me,” Ryel responded with a smile.
Ryel kissed her hard. “Let’s get out of here for a bit.” He took her
hand and headed for the woods.
The spark of lust spread over Mila’s sex as soon as they headed for
the woods. Last night already felt like a million years away, and she needed
Ryel. She needed him now. Barefoot, she followed him, until they found a
sturdy tree. Ryel pushed her up against it, picking her up by her hips and
pinning her. She wrapped her legs around him and kissed him with need. Her
panties were already soaked.
“I’ve been thinking of doing this all day.” He whispered in her ear. “I
hope you know I’m going to take you hard and fast and you’re going to come
so hard.”
Mila was putty in his strong hands. He was feeling her nipples under
the sheer fabric of the dress. She had gone braless, and the cool air mixed
with her excitement had made them rock hard, begging to be played with. As
if reading her mind Ryel lightly bit her nipple through the fabric, her pussy
throbbed in an appreciative response. Mila let out a soft moan. She needed
him, and she needed him now. She was beyond ready.
Ryel pulled out his hard cock and pushed her flimsy, wet panties to
the side. With one quick thrust and a heady groan, he slid into her. Mila loved
the feeling of being filled by him, her pussy stretching deliciously to
accommodate his large member.
“You’re so wet for me. Good girl.” He growled and started to move.
Ryel pinned her hands up against the tree trunk with one hand, and
the other found her clit as he pumped. With his fingers, he rotated, sending
pleasure coursing through her body. He kissed her while moving, in and out,
the feelings of ecstasy growing and growing so rapidly that Mila was
surprised by how fast she was approaching orgasm.
“I’m so close.” She breathlessly moaned. “I don’t think I can last
much longer.”
“Good. Come for me.” He commanded.
With a few more thrusts and a little more pressure on her clit, Mila
was pushed over the edge and came hard around his cock. She felt him come
at the same time, his pulsing inside her an intoxicating sensation while she
came with him. He let her down once they were both spent and kissed her
“I will never get tired of that.” He told her.
“Promise?” She asked.
“Forever, baby,” he said.
“Forever,” Mila responded.
She knew they both meant it.
Epilogue - Ryel
Three Months Later…
I can see her waiting for me, looking anxiously out the window for
my return. Even with worry on her face, she’s still the most beautiful sight.
She lets out a relieved sigh and waves when she sees my truck pull in. I get
out and walk up the short path to the house. She opens the door excitedly
before I can even grab the handle myself.
“So?!” she asks, her foot twitching nervously.
“So, what?” I have to tease her a little bit.
“Are you or aren’t you alpha?” She asks.
I smile and shrug. “What do you think, baby, am I alpha material?” I
run a hand through my hair so she can see the alpha ring that’s been newly
placed on my finger.
Mila’s arms wrap around me, and she squeals. “My man, the alpha!”
She kisses me, it feels good to have someone this excited for you. “I’m so
proud of you. But then again, I’m not surprised.”
I laugh. “You believe in me a little too much, my love.”
“Never,” she responds and takes my hand to look at the ring. “That is
quite the ring you have there, mister.”
She’s not wrong, it’s a large gold ring with intricate carving and a
large ruby in the center, the stone of the wolf. I thought it would be heavy,
but it feels natural on my hand. I pull the small box from out of my back
pocket and get on one knee. Mila looks confused, and then her face lights up
with excitement.
“Did you think I would be the only one sporting a beautiful ring?” I
open the box to reveal the ruby ring I’ve had made for her. “Mila, love of my
life, my soulmate. Will you marry me?”
Mila smiled at him. “Of course, I will.” She replied.
Ryel slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her. “Forever is really
forever now, baby.” He felt his fangs sharpen in his mouth; it was time to
mark her.
Mila bared her neck and winked at him. “Forever, baby.”
There was no going back now.


About the Author

Ruby lives on a farm with her two daughters and husband. Besides horses,
chickens, and a donkey, she sometimes imagines that there are other types of
animals on her farm, too... Animals that turn into Very Hot Men at night to
look for their mates... Whenever that happens, she turns to her computer and
writes down the paranormal love stories of these rough Wolf, Bear, and
Dragon shifters who will destroy any obstacle to protect their mate. Come
and enjoy the steamy, suspenseful, and slightly sweaty adventures of Ruby's
shifter romance world.

Check out my author page on Amazon and click “Follow” to get updates on
new releases.

Also like me on Facebook for more news and special offers.

Books by Ruby Knoxx

“Silvercoast Wolves” Series

The women of the Silvercoast Wolves pack have envy-provoking lives. They
live in a beautiful small town, are surrounded by the hottest guys on the
coast, and once they’ve found true love, their mates will stop at nothing to
please them. Want to come and visit?
Alpha Wolf

“Bear Justice MC” Series

We’re the Bear Justice MC. We’re like paid vigilantes, on the hush-hush end
of things, making sure that justice is served in this world. We’re kept off the
books, off the radar, and if we ever get caught doing what we do… things
won’t be pretty. But there’s no rest for the wicked. So let’s get the engine
roaring. Duty calls.
Save 80% compared to the standalone books in this series with the
Books in the series:
Sold to the Beast
Mated to the Beast
Broken Out by the Beast
Claimed by the Beast
Rescued by the Beast
Kidnapped by the Beast
Tamed by the Beast
Secret Baby of the Beast
Rocked by the Beast
Protected by the Beast

“Black Ops Mates” Series

Black Ops Mates is a series about a bunch of seriously hot lion shifters who
always keep their cool. Except when they run into that one delicious woman
that will turn their world upside down. And when that happens, they’ll obey
the hungering cat within and devour what is theirs and theirs alone…
Save 80% compared to the standalone books in this series with the

Books in the series:

Wild Lion
Wicked Lion
Warrior Lion
Wounded Lion
Wet Lion
Wanted Lion

“Shifter Mail Order Bride Agency” Series

The paranormal Mail Order Mates Agency has one aim and one aim only: to
match hot shifters with their destined brides and mates. To find matches with
a chemistry that burns so hot that it melts down the agency’s computers and
algorithms. To enable eternal love… with just a touch of magic…
Save 80% compared to the standalone books in this series with the

Books in the series:

The Dragon's Mail Order Bride
The Bear's Mail Order Bride
The Lion’s Mail Order Bride
The Wolf’s Mail Order Bride
The Tiger’s Mail Order Bride
The Alpha’s Mail Order Bride

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