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AIM Doc Overview

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The Standard AIM Project Deliverables are classified as

 Core
 Optional

The AIM Methodology is classified as follows

Phases – During a Project Phase, Your Project Team will
simultaneously be executing tasks from several Processes
Processes - A process is a series of tasks that results in one or
more critical project deliverables
Task - A task is a unit of work that results in the output of a
single deliverable
Deliverables - Deliverables can have many formats, such as documents,
schedules, program code, or test results

In Standard AIM Methodology under each phases it is described which

are Core and Optional Tasks (Project Deliverables) and it is
Implementer Choice to decide what has been agreed in the
Implementation Contract with the client as Project Deliverable

You can download AIM 3.0 from the following link
Project deliverables

 CR010 – Project Management Plan / Project Plan (WM020)

 Overview Training (change management issue)
 RD020 – Business Requirement Gathering
 RD050 / BR030 – MAP Business Requirements
 TA040 – Application Architecture Strategy
 CRP Session I
 BP080 – Future Business Model
 BR010 – GAP Analysis
 CRP Session II
 MD050 – Functional Design
 MD070 – Technical Design
 confirm Gap Solution CRP III
 TE040 – Test Scripts
 System Testing
 System Integration Testing
 CV010 – Data conversion Strategy
 CV060 – Data Conversion Templates
 PM010 – Transition Strategy
 BR110 – Security Profiles (Roles and Responsibility Matrix)
 Cutover and Production Migration Plan
 End User Training (End User Manual)
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
 BR100 – Application Set up
Overview of the Project Deliverables

CR010 – Project Management Plan

The Content of CR010 is as follows

• Project Plan (mostly in Microsoft Projects) (WM020)

• Scope, Objectives, Approach

• Project Task, Deliverables & Milestones

• Control and Reporting

• Work Management

• Project Resources (Men, Hardware, Database management)

• Identified Risks & Mitigation Plan

• Change Request and Problem Report Log Management

• Minutes of Meeting

• Acceptance Certificate

• Project Team Contact Listing

• Key Task and Responsibilities of Implementation Team

Overview Training

• Implementation Approach
RD020 – Business Requirement Gathering
The Content of RD020 are as follows

Process: Business Requirement s Definition

Phase: Definition

• Schedule, confirm, and prepare for process definition sessions by

business area.

• Identify the core business processes (level 1 if you are using Oracle
Business Models) and write a summary description of each process.

• Conduct interviews using the questionnaires and other sources of

information to clarify questions you have identified.

• Gather any other current business materials that may enhance team
understanding and documenting of current business process requirements.

• Identify any issues regarding the current business analysis.

• Review the Current Business Baseline with users and business area

• Secure acceptance of the Current Business Baseline from business area


• Secure acceptance of the Century Date compliance approach described

RD050/BR030 – Map Business Requirements
The Content of RD050/BR030 are as follows

Process: Business Requirement s Definition

Phase: Definition

Assign preliminary research topics to team members and confirm that they
complete all research before the first design session begins

For each process step, document business requirements and indicate the
source of those requirements.

Assess initial fit of application functions to business requirements at the

elementary business function level. Make references to application
documentation or navigation and indicate where known gaps exist

Secure acceptance of the Business Requirements Scenarios Review high-

level gaps, and the approach to resolve these gaps.

Document major requirements

Fit issues into a Requirement Essay

Perform process research; look for and document alternatives

Identify current versus proposed process steps and assess the feasibility of
proposed alternatives

Document alternatives. Record possible alternative alternatives for

application gaps

Document major operating and policy decisions

Secure acceptance of the Mapped Business Requirements

TA040 – Application Architecture Strategy

Process: application and Technical Architecture

Phase: Operations Analysis

The Content of TA040 are as follows

Establish a list of the sets of books needed for the implementation and map
their interrelationship

Establish a list of inventory organizations needed for the implementation

and map their interrelationship

Establish a list of human resources business groups and organizations

needed for the implementation and map their interrelationship

Create the integrated business architecture for the finance, manufacturing,

distribution, and human resources functions of the business

Map the integrated business architecture to the detailed business functions

of finance, manufacturing, distribution and human resources functions

Review application functional architecture with business analysts

CRP Session I
The Conference Room Piloting Session I covers

Basic Understanding and mapping of the Client Business Processes

Explain the Flow of Transaction in Sequence

Portray the importance of Integration of Modules

How the Integrated System helps in Proper Decision making between

Procurement, Inventory, Manufacturing, Order Management, Projects,
Payroll and Financials

Demonstrate the Link of CRM and Link to related Modules if it is in scope.

Ensure the Session covers at least 75% of Client Business Processes

Maintain an Issue Log to cover up the missed out areas in CRP II

BP080 – Future Business Model

Process: Business Process Architecture

Phase: Operations Analysis

The Content of BP080 are as follows

Review any documented future business requirements.

Identify and describe the events to which the business responds.

List each process and write a summary description of each, identifying the
event to which it responds and its main inputs and outputs.
Construct the top level of the hierarchy from information provided by
interviews with senior management and Current Business Baseline
(RD.020) information

Identify the steps that make up each process, their sequence, any
conditions that determine alternative execution paths, and the agent
responsible for each step; validate that each step maps to an elementary
business function

Construct process flow diagrams for processes with more than two steps or
with conditional steps showing the sequence of process steps and the
flows between them. Show conditional steps where appropriate

Break down the detailed Future Process Model into a list of the steps
carried out by all participants in the process (if your project includes
process change)

Translate the to-be process design into the functions of the Oracle
Application, and determine high-level changes (if your project includes
process change)

Construct the intermediate and lower levels from application reference

material and other required business functions

Review the Future Process Model with users and management

Secure approval of project and business line management

BR010 – GAP Analysis

The Content of BR010 are as follows

Process: Business Requirement s Mapping

Phase: Solution Design

Identify the major GAP between Client Requirements and Software

Check the possible workaround solution which will reduce the
customization effort

Compare and evaluate the costs, benefits, and risks of the alternatives

Develop new solutions to determine an optimal set of options for the client

Document the proposed changes to the application and other software

resulting from the selected alternatives at a high-level

Evaluate differences between current process performance and Solution

Options (if the project includes process change)

Determine differences in operating costs between the current processes

and Solution Options (if the project includes process change)

Evaluate how practices would change if the Solution Options were


Evaluate changes to staff numbers and costs, roles, and skills if the
Solution Options were implemented

CRP Session II
Conference Room Piloting Session (CRP) II

Ensure You have full understanding of Client Business and the Solution
Demonstrated to the

Client covers all Issues except the one identified in BR010 GAP Document

Ensure you have covered all Issues raised in CRP Session I is Addressed

Identify any further issues arisen in CRP II and the same needs System
level Configuration or an identified GAP which needs to be addressed
through Workaround solution or Customization.

Prepare PPT Handout and Material for the Business Users to identify and
recall what was shown in CRP I and How it is addressed in CRP II
Ensure the Client Business Requirement is met 80-90% by standard
software and Balance

10% amounts to GAP which needs Customization or Workaround


MD050 – Functional Design

Process: Module Design and Build

Phase: Solution Design

The Content of MD050 are as follows

Review Mapped Business Requirements (BR.030).

Write the topical essay.

Document forms.

Document reports

Document concurrent programs.

Describe the technical approach.

Review the high-level design with analysts and key users.

Obtain approval for the Application Extensions Functional Design by the


MD070 – Technical Design

Process: Module Design and Build

Phase: Solution Design

The Content of MD070 are as follows

Review Application Extensions Functional Design (MD.050).

Describe the high-level approach.

Define detailed program logic for modules ( forms, reports, and programs).

Document integration issues.

List installation requirements.

Document any additional information that may be helpful during the

implementation of the customization.

Update Application Extensions Functional Design (MD.050), as needed.

Update Database Extensions Design (MD.060), as needed.

System Integration test

SIT should be conducted after the Customization is Built and tested
internally by the Implementer.

The SIT should cover User Case with Test Scenarios and Integration of
Related Modules.

Ensure the Customization does not hamper any of the Standard


The Test cases validate the technical Requirements and Specifications

The Test cases verify if the application/System meet the Business &
Functional Requirements specified

The Test cases may also verify if the System meets the performance

The SIT Test Script should be made ready before start of the session and
Distributed to Users

Update the issue Log with identified Bugs

Involve Development to Fix the Bugs and get sign off from the Client
CV010 – Data Conversion Strategy
Process: Data Conversion

Phase: Definition

The Content of CV010 are as follows

Review existing materials and the Current Process Model and conduct
interviews (if needed).

Describe the purpose of the Data Conversion Requirements and Strategy

Document included and excluded conversion project scope and

background information for legacy systems.

List the objectives of conversion and critical success factors.

Describe the conversion approach, key inputs, resource requirements,

organization, risks and contingencies.

Describe the conversion approach you will follow to meet the conversion
scope and objectives.
Prepare Conversion Process Flows for each target application to which you
are converting legacy data.

List the tool and deliverable naming standards to be followed for


Identify the key business objects and data translations for data cleanup, as
well as data normalization and reduction requirements.

Describe the high-level conversion testing strategy.

Outline the conversion project’s acceptance criteria used to measure the

successful completion of the defined conversion tasks

Describe the issue tracking system that will track and resolve conversion
project issues.

Define the version control standards for conversion programs and other
conversion deliverables.

Document how conversion project scope changes will be managed.

Inform the project team of the quality system that will govern this
conversion project.

Define the conversion requirements at the application and business object


Document the specific selection criteria for each business object you are

Review the Data Conversion Requirements and Strategy with the

designated approver and secure acceptance.

Identify any material changes to project scope and associated task

estimates with the project manager and update the Project Management
Plan as appropriate.
CV060 – Data Conversion Templates
Process: Data Conversion

Phase: Solution Design

The Content of CV060 are as follows

Document any conversion assumptions that affect the design of the

conversion programs.

Describe the Oracle tables that will be populated during the conversion,
and the order in which the tables need to be populated.

Document the processing rules to design in the conversion programs.

Document the translation rules that need to be designed into the

conversion programs.

Document the filter rules to design in the conversion programs.

Document the foreign key rules to design in the conversion programs.

Document the derivation rules to design in the conversion programs.

Document the logic required for the download or extract program.

Document the logic required for the interface table creation program.

Document the logic required for the upload program logic.

Document the logic required for the translation program logic.

Document the logic required for the interface/validation program logic.

Overview of the Project Deliverables

List the programs and any associated extract files created for each
business object.

Secure acceptance that Conversion Program Designs include criteria for

compliance with Century Date standards.

PM010 – Transition Strategy

Process: Production Migration

Phase: Operations Analysis

The Content of PM010 are as follows

Review the proposed system architecture, locations, and resources within


Determine the migration priority of applications and critical business

functions and organizations.

Derive the resources and tools required in support of migrating business

systems, software, and hardware.

Anticipate implementation contingency situations by reviewing similar

implementation projects.

Review the business contingency requirements component of the Business

Availability Requirements

Define a Transition Support Strategy.

Update the schedule to reflect the need-by dates for receiving and installing
production hardware and software.

Review the draft deliverable with senior management and seek approval.

Identify any material changes to project scope and associated task

estimates with the project manager

TE040 – Test Scripts

Process: Business System Testing

Phase: Solution Design

The Content of TE040 are as follows

Review the Business Mapping Test Results and map to test scenarios.

Review the Link Test Script

Develop the System Test Specifications

Develop the Data Profile for the system test.

Include a Defect Log to be used during testing.

Develop the System Test Sequences.

Validate the components of the System Test Script.

Secure acceptance that system test scripts include criteria for

Century Date compliance testing.
BR110 – Security Profiles (Roles and
Responsibility Matrix)
Process: Business Requirement s Mapping

Phase: Solution Design

The Content of BR110 are as follows

Identify user roles across all business functions and organizations.

Identify security requirements for each user role.

Map user roles onto application security structures.

Define application module access for each system user role.Secure

acceptance of the Security Profiles.

Check the user who Needs Read Only access and set the roles

Ensure Client specific User Manuals are agreed in the Contract and
prepare the same Modify the Test Scripts to suit Client Business Process
Requirements Conduct Workshop to explain the purpose of User Manual
and Test scripts and How it is used?

Conduct UAT like a Workshop when all Users are present and they do it

Some Implementers provide a View let Demo and the user replicates and
test the same cycle.

The Super Users/Key Users will perform the testing with permutation and
combination and has to come out with issues if any.

The Issue Log needs to be updated and close the issues Log by providing
the required fix.

Cutover and Production Migration Plan

Cutover and Production Migration Plan covers the following

Always ensure the production data provided needs to be sent through one
person from client side and all communication is routed through him.

Ensure the transition have minimal impact to the Business

Keep the Data received from client and the communication mails to ensure
that the data provided as final is what is loaded and matched in Oracle.
This will help to avoid any discrepancy

End User Training

End User Training covers the following

Ensure you have prepared the End user training Manual and Test scripts
specific to User Roles and Responsibilities
Conduct End User training according to the Roles and Responsibilities

Follow Train the Trainer Approach (i.e) The Super User conducts the
training and you as an implemented only guide them in the training

Ensure to get a sign off from the Users who participated in the training.

BR100 – Application Set up

Process: Business Requirement s Mapping

Phase: Solution Design

The Content of BR100 are as follows

Review the application configuration in the mapping environment.

Review business mapping decisions and documents.

Define the application setups intended for production.

Implement the application setups in the appropriate environments (if


Review and confirm configuration and impact of changes.

Secure acceptance of the Application Setup Documents.

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