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Lesson 14

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Let's Learn English Lesson Plan

Introduction: Let's Learn English lesson plans are based on the

CALLA approach. See the end of each lesson for more information
and resources on teaching with the CALLA approach. CALLA has five
lesson elements:

Prepare: Engage students in the topic and identify objectives for

the lesson. Find out what students already know about it and
motivate them to learn more. Teach new vocabulary.

Present: Present new information. Explain the target learning

strategy for the lesson. Model what the students are asked to do.
Discuss connections to students' prior knowledge.

Practice: Give students an authentic, active task that they can do

in a small group or in pairs. Remind students to use the target
learning strategy.

Self-Evaluate: Question students so they will reflect on their own

learning. Ask students to evaluate their own learning rather than
wait for the teacher to assess them. Find out if using the learning
strategy helped students' understanding.

Expand: Guide students on how to apply what they learned to their

own lives. Point out other contexts where the learning strategy may
help. Make connections between content and language or to the
student's first language. When appropriate, request that parents
contribute to learning.

Lesson 14: How About This?


Students learn how to make a suggestion and give compliments

Students learn to use adjectives before nouns to describe

clothing colors and sizes

Students learn to use the strategy, Personalize, as they talk

about clothing.

Students learn two phrasal verbs, put on and take off

Materials needed:

Activity worksheet (included at the end of this lesson)

A variety of outer clothing articles such as vests, belts, jackets,

ties, and hats that students can use to model the verbs "take
off" and "put on"

Students may be assigned the web-based homework of viewing the

videos for Let's Learn English Lesson 14 before this lesson. See the
end of this lesson for more details.

Note to teachers printing this document: The document is in A4 format. To print

on US Letter sized paper, choose the option to "shrink oversized pages" when
printing from Acrobat.

Lesson 14 Lesson Plan | Lets Learn English


(If you share the same native language as your students, this part
of the lesson may be conducted in that language. Otherwise, use
images and gestures along with simple English to explain.)

Tell students, "Today we will learn to talk about clothing."

Ask students, "What are you wearing today?" Point to your own
clothing and model the sentence:

"I am wearing (a green shirt, a blue skirt, and a black belt.)"

(If students wear a uniform, you can vary the description by adding
sizes, such as "I am wearing a medium size shirt, and a small size

Ask students, "Where or when do you need to talk about clothing?"

Possible answers may include, "At a shop/at the laundry/When
planning what to wear/When looking for a person."

Continue, "If you travel to an English-speaking country, or have

English-speaking visitors, you may need to talk about clothing. Let's
find out how to do that today. We will learn how to use the strategy
Personalize to make this language more important to our own lives."

Present: "Personalize"

Begin by asking students, "Who is the person you think of first in the
morning?" Possible answers may include, "Myself/Me/My parents/"
Tell students, "Of course, most of us think about ourselves first. You
may ask yourself, 'How do I feel?' and then, 'What will I wear?' Did
you know that you can use this fact to help you learn English? It's
called personalize. That means we think of what the language means
to us."
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Lesson 14 Lesson Plan | Lets Learn English

If you have multimedia capability in your classroom, prepare to play

the video for Lesson 14 of Let's Learn English. Tell students that the
video will show Anna planning what to wear when she goes to the

Have students repeat when the video pauses. If you do not have
multimedia in your classroom, ask two students to come to the front
of the room. Have the students read the script for the video at the
end of this lesson. At the end of the video or conversation ask
students, Do you think Anna likes the new outfit from Genie? Why?
Give students time to answer. Ask them to justify their answer. For
example, I think she likes it because she says, 'These clothes look
and feel great!'

Explain to students, "Personalizing means thinking about our own

experience. What do I like? What do I not like, or dislike? Why is this
helpful when we learn English? It helps us understand and remember
when we connect things to our own experiences. We can say that
Anna is personalizing when she sees the funny outfit. she says, 'I
don't like this outfit.' She is thinking about her own likes or dislikes.
You can do that, too. Let's try it today."


Use the clothing you brought to class, or have several students give
you a jacket, sweater, or vest. Have two students come to the front
of the class. Give one a jacket that is too large. Give the other a
jacket that is too small. Model the following conversation with one

Teacher: How about this jacket? (handing student a small sized

jacket to try on) Please put this on.
VOA Learning English |
Lesson 14 Lesson Plan | Lets Learn English

Student: This jacket is too small. / I don't like it.

Teacher: Okay, take off that jacket. Let's try this jacket.
(handing student correct-sized jacket)

Student: This jacket feels great. / I like it.

Teacher: (Blue/That jacket) looks great on you!

Have the first student continue by carrying on a similar conversation

with the other student who has come up to the front.

Thank the students and have them return to their seats.

For the following activity, if students do not have outwear they can
exchange, pass out magazines or clothing catalogs from which
students can cut or tear out photos of clothing items. Modify the
activity to have partners offer a clothing item photo to their partner.
Instruct the class, "Please line up along the wall. The tallest student
should be at the back of the class. The shortest student should be
standing at the front of the class." Wait for students to line up.
Continue, "Now, the tallest person should bring the line to the front
by walking to face the shortest person. The person you are facing is
your partner. Go back to take a seat. Practice the conversation you
just saw by exchanging a clothing item with your partner." (Or if
using photos, by offering a photo of a clothing item to the partner.)

Walk among students checking the conversations and suggesting

expressions as needed, such as "too large/too dark/too casual/too
formal for me." Remind students to personalize Do they like the
clothing item? Does it fit them well? When all pairs have practiced,
call the students back to their usual positions.

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Lesson 14 Lesson Plan | Lets Learn English


Ask students what they think about the strategy, Personalize. Did it
help them remember the words and phrases they learned today? Did
they feel more comfortable using the clothing words in conversation?
Will they try to personalize at other times when learning English?
Have students write in their learning journals or on an 'exit pass'
what they learned about the strategy in class today.


Say to the students, "You can use the strategy Personalize to help
you learn in other areas for example, when you study history, think
of your ancestors living at the time you are studying. When you
study science, think of what the scientific changes have meant in
your own life, or what they will mean to you in the future. You can
use this strategy when speaking, writing, reading or listening in
English. Give it a try the next time you have trouble understanding,
and let me know if it works for you!"

Assignments for more practice

Have students listen to the Speaking Practice video and say the new
words for this lesson. After the vocabulary section, the video teaches
how to make a suggestion using "How about?" or "Let's try?" Have
students try the Listening Quiz to see if they can understand clips
from the video.

The Pronunciation Practice video teaches how sounds blend when

they occur next to each other.

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Lesson 14 Lesson Plan | Lets Learn English

See the Activity Sheet for this lesson at the end of this lesson plan
or download it from the website. Have students work with a partner
to complete the activity sheet.

Note: All lessons in the Let's Learn English series are collected on
this page:

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Let's Learn English Lesson 14:
How About This?
Anna: Hi, there! In Washington, D.C. people do many things in the
evening. They go listen to music. They eat at a restaurant. They go
to the theater.
Anna: Tonight I am going to the theater with my friends. But I dont
know what clothes to wear. Maybe this magazine can help.
Anna: Her clothes are beautiful! I really want a friend like her to
help me.
Anna: Who are you?
Genie: I am Genie! You want help. I am here to help you find the
right clothes!
Anna: Awesome! How about jeans and a t-shirt?
Genie: No! Jeans and a t-shirt are too casual. How about something
more formal?
Anna: Sure!
Anna: Wow! Genie, this dress is beautiful. But its not the right size.
Its too small.
Genie: Yes, it is too small. But green looks great on you.
Anna: Thanks.
Genie: Take off the green dress. Lets try a green shirt and a skirt.
Anna: Oh, Genie! This green shirt is too large and this orange skirt
is too orange.
Genie: Yes, the right size for you is medium. Lets try again.
Anna: Oh, I dont like this outfit.
Genie: No. That does not match.
Anna: Nothing.
Anna: These clothes are formal: a suit jacket, a dress shirt and a tie!
They look great!
Genie: Those clothes look great for a man! Something is wrong.

VOA Learning English |

Anna: Let me see.
Anna: There. Now try.
Genie: Oh. Thanks! Now these clothes look great on you!
Anna: They do! Um, Genie, can you put on a gold belt?
Genie: Sure!
Genie: That looks great.
Anna: Can you put on a jacket?
Genie: Why not?
Anna: I love the jacket! How about a hat?
Genie: Why not?
Genie: Mm, take off the hat. Thats better.
Anna: Genie, these clothes look and feel great! Lets go to the
Genie: Sorry, Anna. I have to help other friends. Go to the magazine
if you want me to help again.
Anna: Thanks, Genie. Sure thing. Goodbye!
Genie: Goodbye!
Anna: There are many places in DC to go for a great evening
out! And its nice to have a friend to help me look my best. Until
next time! Bye!

VOA Learning English |

New Words

casual - adj. designed for or permitting ordinary dress, behavior,

clothes - n. the things that people wear to cover their bodies and
that are usually made from cloth
formal - adj. requiring or using serious and proper clothes and
large - adj. great in size or amount
magazine - n. a type of thin book with a paper cover that contains
stories, essays, pictures, etc.
man - n. an adult male human being
match v. to be suited to (someone or something); to go well with
(someone or something)
medium - n. something that is sold in a medium size; something
that is the middle size when compared with things that are
larger and smaller
music - n. sounds that are sung by voices or played on musical
nothing -pron. not anything; not a thing
outfit - n. a set of clothes that are worn together
put on - phrasal verb to dress yourself in (clothing)
restaurant - n. a place where you can buy and eat a meal
size - n. one of a series of standard measurements in which clothing,
shoes, etc., are made
take off - phrasal verb to remove (something)
theater - n. a building where plays, shows, etc., are performed on
a stage
too - adv. usually used at the end of a sentence or clause; in
addition; also
wear v. to use or have (something) as clothing; to have (a shirt,
pants, etc.) over part of your body

VOA Learning English |

What is CALLA?

This lesson is based on the CALLA approach. The Cognitive Academic

Language Learning Approach (CALLA) is an instructional model for
second and foreign language learners based on cognitive theory and

CALLA integrates instruction in priority topics from the content

curriculum, development of the language skills needed for learning
in school, and explicit instruction in using learning strategies for
academic tasks.

The goals of CALLA are for students to learn essential academic

content and language and to become independent and self-regulated
learners through their increasing command over a variety of
strategies for learning in school. CALLA can be used in ESL, EFL,
bilingual, foreign language, and general education classrooms.

A list of CALLA learning strategies follows. These strategies were

researched by J. Michael O'Malley and Anna Uhl Chamot.

VOA Learning English |

First, fill in the blanks to complete the names of the clothing on the left.
Then draw lines to match the name of the color with the correct color.

1 pants

orange red purple blue yellow green

__ __ t
Next, look at what these people are wearing. Write the name and color of four
more pieces of clothing on the people. Then draw lines to those pieces of clothing.
j_ _k _ _
________ ________
_ ock_
red socks ________
_ r_ s_

6 ________
_ -sh_ _ _
How about blue pants?
7 Lets try a purple jacket!
sh_ _ _ _ Now work with a partner. Talk with your partner
about the clothing you want to draw on the blank
picture of the person to the right. Then draw the
8 clothing on the person.
s_ _ _ t
Answers for above: green yellow blue purple red orange

Clothing: 1) pants; 2) hat; 3) jacket; 4) socks; 5) dress; 6) t-shirt; 7) shorts; 8) shirt

2 CALLA Language Learning Strategies | Lets Learn English


Plan / Organize

Before beginning a task:

Set goals.

Plan the task or content sequence.

Plan how to accomplish the task (choose strategies).

Preview a text.

Monitor / Identify Problems

While working on a task:

Check your progress on the task.

Check your comprehension as you use the language. Do you understand?

If not, what is the problem?

Check your production as you use the language. Are you making sense?
If not, what is the problem?


After completing a task:

Assess how well you have accomplished the learning task.

Assess how well you have used learning strategies.

Decide how effective the strategies were.

Identify changes you will make the next time you have a similar task to

Manage Your Own Learning

Determine how you learn best.

Arrange conditions that help you learn.

Look for Ways to Practice.

Focus your attention on the task.


CALLA Language Learning Strategies | Lets Learn English 3

Use Background Knowledge

Think about and use what you already know to help you do the task.

Make associations between new information and your prior knowledge.

Use new information to clarify or modify your prior knowledge.

Make Inferences

Use context and what you know to figure out meaning.

Read and listen between the lines.

Go beyond the text to understand its meaning.

Make Predictions

Anticipate information to come.

Make logical guesses about what will happen in a written or oral text.

Make an estimate (math).

Make a hypothesis (science).


Relate new concepts to your own life, to your experiences, knowledge,

beliefs and feelings.

Transfer / Use Cognates

Apply your linguistic knowledge of other languages (including your native

language) to the target language.

Recognize cognates.

Substitute / Paraphrase

Use a synonym or descriptive phrase for unknown words or expressions.


Use Images

Use or create an actual or mental image to understand and/or represent


Use or draw a picture or diagram.

Use Sounds

4 CALLA Language Learning Strategies | Lets Learn English

Say or read aloud a word, sentence, or paragraph to help your


Sound out/vocalize.

Use your "mental tape recorder" to remember sounds, words, phrases,

and/or conversations.

Use Your Kinesthetic Sense

Act out a role, for example, in Readers' Theater, or imagine yourself in

different roles in the target language.

Use real objects to help you remember words, sentences, or content



Find/Apply Patterns

Apply a rule.

Make a rule.

Recognize and apply letter/sound, grammar, discourse, or register rules.

Identify patterns in literature (genre).

Identify patterns in math, science, and social studies.


Categorize words or ideas according to attributes.

Classify living things; identify natural cycles.

Identify order and sequences in math, science, and social studies.

Sequence events in history.

Take Notes

Write down important words and ideas while listening or reading.

List ideas or words to include in speaking or writing.

Use Graphic Organizers

Use or create visual representations (such as Venn diagrams, time lines,

webs, and charts) of important relationships between concepts.
CALLA Language Learning Strategies | Lets Learn English 5

Create a mental, oral, or written summary of information.

Use Selective Attention

Focus on specific information, structures, key words, phrases, or ideas.


Access Information Sources

Use the dictionary, the internet, and other reference materials.

Seek out and use sources of information.

Follow a model

Ask questions


Work with others to complete tasks, build confidence, and give and receive

Talk Yourself Through It (Self-Talk)

Use your inner resources. Reduce your anxiety by reminding yourself of your
progress, the resources you have available, and your goals.

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