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ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. N. Ramakrishnan
Professor and Head
R. Latha
Research Scholar (Part-Time)
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai.

Teachers, Students, Administrator and every people related to education are well aware
of ICT nowadays. Education is the key for quality of life. To increase the quality in
education, efficiency of the teachers is the basic need. The best teachers always add values to
their teaching. It is inevitable that the teachers to update their knowledge everyday in the latest
development in educational technology. The teachers require to orient themselves in the
knowledge upgradation in the filed of new development in education. To become a most
successful teacher should increase their personality by improving educational and vocational
adjustment and it seems to be a dominant factor in achieving educational goals in attaining
professional life style.
Need and Significance of the Study
Modern techniques are required to attract students to involve in the learning process.
Traditional methods are found to be boring for the students. There is a technology gap between
the progress of the society and school activities of the teacher in the classroom. So the teachers
learned in the ancient way are struggling to attract the students to the learning activities. So it is
the correct time for the teachers to involve themselves in ICT and Multimedia to improve their
quality of teaching and to give the first hand information to the students regarding the various
subject matters. So to attain an effective teaching learning process in education ICT and social
media are the only way.
Objective of the study
The objective of the present study is to find out the roles of ICT and Social Media for
Effective Teaching and Learning Process in Education.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

This present study is based on secondary sources like books, Articles, Journals, Thesis,
University News, Expert opinion and websites etc. The method used is Descriptive Analytic
Why do we use ICT in Education?
Education is not teacher centred it is child centred. So the teacher should caters the need
of the child. The teacher-children interaction is must for modern education. Traditional methods
of teaching will not work anymore. So to keep a lively class rooms, to give the latest
development in the field of study, to serve an interesting class room the educators should use
ICT. For effective implementation of certain studentcentric methodologies such as project-based
learning that is flipped learning which puts the students in the role of active researches and
technology becomes the appropriate tool. ICT has enabled better and swifter communication,
presentation of ideas more effective and relevant way. It is an effective tool for information
acquiring-thus students are encouraged to look for information from multiple sources and they
are now more informed than before. So for this reason ICT is very much necessary for
Social Media in Curriculum and Instruction
Media Education has been identified as a proper curricular host for introducing social
media in schools. Two rationales that challenge this approach are:
1. Social media – blogging, Wikis, Facebook, Twitter, MSN, LinkedIn, Flickr, etc. have
been sufficiently explored by students in their private time. Additional instruction in the
school is probably not needed at this point.
2. Social media are often used in a very inflexible way, students develop one-sided manners
to communicate on the web, and are not effective or efficient in the long run. In other
words: systematic instruction is needed to make youngsters more sophisticated in their
use of social media.
The best way to make progress in the future is to have experts and teachers identify a set
of notions and sub skills that would allow teachers to roughly estimate their learners mastery
level and develop compensation programmes for them. This policy brief sketches a roadmap for
the process of embracing social media in regular education.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media in Classroom Practice

Learning in a classroom is still the dominant practice for primary and secondary
education. How can social media penetrate this paradigmatic situation? Social media typically
deal with the personal situation and lifestyle of the student. Very few social media have been
configured to address the group of students as a class. Typically, this function has been claimed
by the classical ―learning support systems‖ such as Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai, Facebook and
Blogs. The teacher or the school control the membership, scheduling and organization of these
platforms, and use them to advertise course contents and to announce special events like tests
and final presentations.
. Social media work on the level of the individual students, engaging their attention to
immediate and contextual concerns, such as current events, social activities and prospective
employment. Where cooperative learning in the classroom conquered its status during the
eighties, we expect that social media will prove their value in the coming decade. Today, the
dominant belief is still that learning and social networking are antithetical. Serious learning is
seen as centripetal process where contemplation, memorization and refraining from the
surrounding reality play a major role.
Moodle in the classroom
Moodle instructional use scenarios which is basically certain ways that we might
successfully use Moodle in the classroom.
 Use Moodle to facilitate student blogs
 Use Moodle to host podcasts for students
 Moodle use for peer review/evaluation of student writing
 Use Moodle‘s chat feature to facilitate online discussion and revision
 Collaborate with a classroom in another school, state, country using a shared classroom
 Differentiate role assignments to give students more access to managing aspects of the
course (such as rating forum posts, viewing submitted work—but not grading, editing
certain resources and assignments)
 Have access to student records and activity logs online
 Interactive writing feedback directly from teachers (not necessarily peer evaluation)


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Students can maintain a learning diary using the journal or online text assignment type
 Online book discussions using forums.
Sakai Education
Sakai is a free, community source, educational software platform designed to support
teaching, research and collaboration. Systems of this type are also known as Course Management
Systems (CMS), Learning Management Systems (LMS), or Virtual Learning Environments
(VLE). Sakai is developed by a community of academic institutions, commercial organizations
and individuals.Sakai is the online student platform that professors typically use for their
online/blended courses. The Online Learning Student Orientation will provide us with an
introduction to online learning and using Sakai.
Facebook for Education
As new ideas expand around us, everyone has the opportunity to take part in a global
learning community. We want to enable people to activate around change, collaborate in more
meaningful ways, and explore innovative new technologies.Facebook is so much more than
vapid status updates. We can find resources for research, connect with local and international
public figures, and find out what is new and interesting in museums.
 Ask for information: Instead of trusting Wikipedia, ask the crowd on Facebook. One
kindergarten teacher asked parents to research seeds and got great information about the
largest seed in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
 Attend remote lectures: Using Facebook, you can tune into remote lectures and
presentations from around the world.
 Museums and more: Help your students follow along with local and international
museums, art galleries, exhibits, and more for enriched learning on Facebook.
 First-hand research: Students can connect with family members for genealogy
assignments; discuss issues with local celebrities and more through Facebook.
 Follow politicians: If the class is studying the current election, use Facebook to follow
politicians on the local, state, and national scale. We can even ask students to interact
with the candidates, posting questions and getting feedback.
 Learning games: Plenty of games are on Facebook, and many of them are actually
educational. Adopt Facebook crosswords, math games, and more as a reward in the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Public polling: Students can research and poll friends and family members by simply
asking questions on Facebook.
 Applications: Flashcards, Courses, and more offer easy ways to adopt and create learning
tools in the classroom.
 Book reviews: Ask students to head to Facebook to review and report on books that we
have assigned in class, sharing what they have learned with the rest of the class.
Education blogs
Blog is short for web log. It‘s a bit like an online diary or journal, except blogs aren‘t
necessarily private, instead they‘re created for an audience. And just like a diary or journal, a
blog is relaxed, making it an easy and comfortable way for students to get writing.
Blogs are written on all kinds of topics from A to Z. Readers can usually leave comments,
which lead to discussions about the blog‘s content. For example, a blog about flipping your
classroom can lead to a discussion between novice and experienced teachers about common
questions, advice, tips, and clarifications.
Teachers can use blogs to publish assignments, resources, and keep students and even parents
up to date on class events, due dates, and content being covered. Teachers can also use blogs to
help student‘s master content and improve their writing skills. Students can use blogs to publish
their writing and educate others on a particular topic. Students can also create blogs for the chess
club or the yearbook club, the football team or the upcoming prom.
Policy Recommendations
 Social media in the school are not yet a sustainable solution for the traditional problems
of education. However, they provide opportunities that are changing the way we learn.
For example, in the realm of life-long learning during one‘s professional career, they
facilitate the sharing of practical solutions and make colleagues aware of new trends and
 The first step needed is to let teachers explore the potentials of social media and
gradually test-drive some of their benefits in classroom exercises. This will illustrate for
teachers the effects of social media on learning, rather than illustrate for students how
they may benefit from them. Inherent to social media is the tendency to improve the
learning atmosphere rather than the direct instruction.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 The current trend towards integrating social media with (―serious‖) gaming is not
encouraged in the scope of social media. Complex issues like growing social awareness
are not easily covered by direct instruction. They need a curious mind and
experimentation by the learner, as well as an evidence-based analysis by the teacher.
 The implications for teacher education need to be clearly defined. Freshly trained
teachers forget their ICT specialties as soon as they start working in an actual school.
Young teachers immediately feel this threat, especially compatible with the test-driven
regime, and they forget about the more subtle advantages of learning with cognitive tools
like simulations and social media.
Teaching occupies an honourable position in the society. ICT helps the teacher to update
their knowledge, skills through the new digital tools and resources. By using and acquire the
knowledge of ICT, student teachers will become effective teachers. ICT is one of the major
factors for producing the rapid changes in our society. It can change the nature of education and
roles of students and teacher in teaching learning process. Teachers in India now started using
technology in the class room. Laptops, LCD projector, Desktop, EDUCOM, Smart classes,
Memory sticks are becoming the common media for t educational institutions. So it is very
important to modify normal class rooms into smart class rooms by using all the latest
developments of ICT in all the educational institutions. Then only the fruits of modernization of
education will reach all the students and the next generation will rise to the standard of
developed countries.
1. Google Search
2. Chauhan, S. S. (1992). Innovations in Teaching and Learning process. New Delhi: Vikas
Publication House Pvt. Ltd.
3. Dash, K. M. (2009) ICT in Teacher Development, Neelkamal Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Educational Publishers, New Delhi.
4. UNESCO (2002). Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education,
A Planning Guide. Paris: UNESCO.
5. NCTE (2002). ICT initiatives of the NCTE Discussion Document. New Delhi : National
Council For Teacher Education.
6. Dahiya, S. S. (2005). ICT-Enabled Teacher Educator, University News, 43 page 109-114
May 2-8


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

7. Dillenbourg, P., &Tchounikine, P. (2007). Flexibility in Macro-Scripts for Compu-

terSupported Collaborative Learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(1), 1-
8. Suls, J., & Wheeler, L. (2000). A Selective history of classic and neo-social comparison
theory. Handbook of Social Comparison. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


R. Ayyappan,
Ph.D Research Scholar in Education,

Dr.V. Balakrishnan,
Registrar (i/c), Professor and Head,
Department of Curriculum Planning and Evaluation,
Tamilnadu Teacher Education University, Chennai.
Social media is the collective of on-line communications channels dedicated to network-
primarily based enter, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Knowledge is talent. We all
apprehend this saying however few understand the empowering role social media has played.
Through social media, anybody on-line is empowered by using an unrestricted glide of
information to add to their knowledge bank. In today‘s world, it's far undeniable that social
media plays an essential function in impacting our culture, our financial system and overall view
of the world. Social media is a new discussion board that brings people to exchange idea, hook
up with, relate to, and mobilize for a cause, are searching for advice, and offering guidance.
Social media has eliminated conversation barriers and created decentralized communication
channel and open the door for all to have a voice and participate in a democratic fashion which
includes human beings in repressive countries. This media outlet accommodates an extensive
range spontaneous, formal, informal, scholarly and unscholarly writings to flourish It enables
common interest based groups such as students to work in a collaborative group projects outside
of their class. It fosters creativity and collaboration with a wide variety of commentators on a
number of problems inclusive of schooling, the economy, politics, race, health, relationship, etc.
Although it has delivered about many blessings, permitting us to without difficulty connect to
buddies and circle of relatives around the globe, allowing us to interrupt down worldwide
borders and cultural boundaries, social media has come at a price. Social media has a poor effect
on our lives because the combination of isolation and worldwide attain has eroded our lifestyle.
Social media is robbing us of accept as true with and luxury we as soon as placed in each other,
changing the human fellowship, physical and emotional assist we as soon as drew from every
different with virtual connection. We choose texting to phone conversations, on line chat to a
face-to-face assembly, and plenty of have replaced human interaction with convenient systems
together with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Jonathan Safran Foer in his article, ―How Not to
Be Alone‖, said ―Each step forward in social media has made it less complicated, only a little, to


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

avoid the emotional work of being gift, to deliver information instead of humanity.‖ With every
passing day, these phrases ring truer and truer. It is the objective of this article to offer evidence
from several researches that have been accomplished with the aid of many pupils in one-of-a-
kind environment that noticeably demonstrates the negative effect of social media in three
predominant categories. First, social media fosters a false experience of on line ―connections‖
and superficial friendships main to emotional and psychological problems. The Second harm of
social media is that it can come to be without problems addictive doing away with own family
and personal time as well as decrease interpersonal competencies, leading to delinquent
behaviour. Lastly, social media has end up a tool for criminals, predators and terrorists enabling
them to devote unlawful acts. And the third evaluation will include showing the hyperlink among
the psychological problems because of social media and crook sports committed.

Social Media

Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of
these into the classroom is more natural than before, given how acclimated many students are to
them. Each social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from
sharing announcements to holding live lectures, and so much more. First, social media provides
a smoother, more direct communication tool between students, teachers and parents, who can
check in and ask or respond to questions. Social media allows for more e-learning opportunities
as well. As remote jobs and online classes are becoming more popular, training students to
work from a distance is an important lesson, and social media can help with that. It‘s important
to understand the impact of social media in education before using it, but we‘re of the firm
belief that it will help advance students in technology. First, let‘s talk about the different ways
that social media can be used directly in the classroom. There are many social media tools for
education that can be taken advantage of for students of any age, from elementary all the way
through college.

Twitter in Education

Twitter can be great as a discussion board or message board for a class. Teachers can
create a single Twitter handle per class and reuse it every year, or they can create a new handle
each school year. The 280 character limit makes students think critically on communicating


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

concisely and effectively, a beneficial skill to develop. Teacher can use Twitter to post reminders
for assignment due dates or share inspirational quotes and helpful links to practice quizzes or
resources. Teacher can also create discussions and Twitter chats surrounding a specific hash tag
that they create.


According to this seminar we understand the various superb and terrible impacts of social
media on schooling or students. It could be very critical to overcome this hassle. How can
mother and father alleviate the terrible factors of social media whilst improving upon the high-
quality results? Moderating their get admission to social media is one wonderful approach. Most
of the poor components can be overcome with the aid of lowering the quantity of time spent on
social community sites. Paying interest to their educational development and addressing any
troubles will pass a protracted manner in the direction of keeping the negative factors of social
media from influencing their studies. Provide ample time for face-to-face social interplay, like
having a few own family amusement time in that you speak their studies in a relaxed atmosphere
or inviting friends and own family over for get-together, imparting fun, face-to-face social
interplay with loved ones. All this we assist us to reduce the Negative impact of social media on
the students as a way to in turn gain our young technology.

1. Asur, S. &. Huberman, B.A. (2010) Predicting the Future with Social Media. Social
Computing Lab: HP Labs, Palo Alto, California. pp 1- 8.
2. Lusk, B. (2010) Digital Natives and Social Media Behaviors: An Overview. The
Prevention Research, Vol. 17. pp 3–6.
3. Boyd, D.(2010) Taken Out of Context: American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics
Berkeley, CA: Uniiversity of California; 2008. Available at: Accessed July 16, 2010.
4. Schneider N. (2010) Facebook, Other Social Network Sites Could Lead to Lower
Grades for Students.
7. Learning-in-education/


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


R.Prasitha Indhumathy
Research Scholar
Professor and Head, Department of Educational Technology, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University


Social media has become part of our lives. It has become an indispensable tool in human
usage, repeatedly proving their usefulness and effectiveness, and this will no doubt continue to
increase in the near future. Being a part of our lives, social media also poses some dangers, or at
least contributes to the dissemination of these dangers. What are the dangers of social media use?
Crime is a primary danger, and it is committed on social media so frequently that one may
suggest that it has been especially created for this purpose. The spread of crime on the social
media has raised many issues, including questioning over its effectiveness, which, nevertheless,
has not diminished its social utility (Kawasaki & Fitzpatrick, 2014). Modern society has become
a major consumer of the social media. It has; therefore, become reasonable to fight crime on the
social media using the social media. It is not only reasonable, but it has also become a necessity.
For this reason, law enforcement agencies, including the police, have developed a variety of
techniques and methods designed to prevent online crime.

Social Media and Cyber Crime

Social media has been on rise in past several years, which changes the communicational
landscape. Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, have millions of active
users. Using these websites, people communicate instantaneously with each other with
convenience. Social media sites are used by people to communicate with each other, and by the
public sector for advertisement and recruitment of new employees.

Types of Cyber Crimes through Social Media

Following are the six different types of cyber crimes that happen through social media.

1. Burglary via social networking;

2. Social engineering and phishing;
3. Malware;


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Identity theft;
5. Cyber-stalking;
6. Cyber-casing

Burglary via social networking

Criminals search social media for a potential target for burglary. Social media users
usually post their personal activities, for example, they are having dinner or going somewhere for
vacations. Criminals look for this type of information to find easy targets, where they find large
time frame to burgle the property.

Social engineering attacks and phishing

In a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction (social skills) to obtain
or compromise information about an organization or its computer systems. An attacker may
seem unassuming and respectable, possibly claiming to be a new employee, repair person, or
researcher and even offering credentials to support that identity. However, by asking questions,
he or she may be able to piece together enough information to infiltrate an organization's
network. If an attacker is not able to gather enough information from one source, he or she may
contact another source within the same organization and rely on the information from the first
source to add to his or her credibility.

Phishing is a form of social engineering. Phishing attacks use email or malicious websites
to solicit personal information by posing as a trustworthy organization. For example, an attacker
may send email seemingly from a reputable credit card company or financial institution that
requests account information, often suggesting that there is a problem. When users respond with
the requested information, attackers can use it to gain access to the accounts. Phishing attacks
may also appear to come from other types of organizations, such as charities.


Attackers may use malware to hijack a social media user‘s credentials and impersonate
them. Thereafter, they would send out fake messages and requests to the user‘s friends, family,
and peers. Often, these messages will include an external link that apparently leads to a reputable
website but is, in fact, a URL that‘ll run malicious code on the user‘s computer, tablet, or


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

smartphone.At other times, the person‘s social media connections will be requested for
information that they would otherwise only share with their closest friends and family. There are
also instances when malware or a hacker relays lewd photos and videos that tarnish the
reputation of the hijacked account‘s user.
Identity Theft

Social networking has changed the way we interact with friends and colleagues. Profile
pages publicly display personal information, enabling thieves to easily steal users‘ identities. It is
important to be discrete when using social networking sites. Information pertaining to the place
of birth, mother‘s maiden name, or a pet‘s name should not be public, as it can help criminals
guess or reset passwords for online accounts.

Cyber Stalking

Cyberstalking is an activity in which a person or abuser or stalker stalks or harass another

person or victim by misusing the internet or electronic media. In cyberstalking a stalker may
contact a person either by an email, social media, messaging apps or other online media. To
harass a person a stalker may post messages, pictures or information online about a person. Some
may also track location or online activities. Cyberstalkers take unfair advantage of the internet to
keep them unidentified. The cyberstalking cases are going on increasing with the widespread
internet boom.


Cyber-casing refers to how geotagged text, photos and videos can be used by criminals
and other negatively motivated 3rd parties. Photos and videos posted on Web sites such as
Craigslist and Twitter can carry detailed information about where the images were taken,
according to researchers at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI). This may leave
them vulnerable to "cybercasing," the use of geo-tagged information available online to mount
attacks in the real world. The location information is automatically embedded by higher-end
digital cameras and smart phones, such as the iPhone. People who post these images are often
unaware that they are also posting data about their location.

Preventing Cyber Crimes


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

By adopting the following, Cybercrimes can be prevented.

 Burglary is not due to inception of social media sites, but they provide ease for a burglar
to search for a soft target. If users are cautious and do not share their personal
information then social media will not be much helpful for a burglar.
 With an increase in phishing techniques, different anti-phishing tools are released to
counter them. These user-friendly anti-phishing techniques include one-time passwords
(OTP), CAPTCHAs, digital certificates, genetic and attribute based anti-phishing
 A suspicious email from a bank or a friend, who ask to open a link, is probably an
attempt of malware. User vigilance is the first line of defence against malware.
Individual‘s vigilance is obviously is not enough to protect computer or network, so the
second layer of protection in form of antivirus is vital.
 People should timely check their bank account and credit card details, do not keep all
identity documents with them all the time and do not share personal information with
 In order to prevent cyber-stalking, individuals should be beware of their online presence.
People search their own personal information and check what type of information is
publicly available at websites. One can always contact a particular website to remove
personal information


Social media has shown its potential in various matters of life, whether it is about
gathering public for an uprising against government or to reduce the space between the
astronauts and science lovers all around the world. With the vast amount of data available at
social networking sites, the possibility of the usage of big data in different walks of life is
numerous. It is up to the users to use social media carefully and securely.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr. M. Kanmani
Associate Professor
Mr. M. Ebanazar
Asst. Professor
C.S.I. College of Education

The second generation of World Wide Web came up in the form of Web 2.0
technologies. It increased accessibility of internet and smart phones enable people to interact
more through social mediums than face to face mode. Last decade was characterized by the
exponential growth of Social Media. Social Media, derived from the social software movement
are a collection of internet websites, services And practices that support collaboration.
community building, participation, and sharing (Junco, Heiberger, & Loken, 2010). Bryer and
Zavatanco (2001, defined Social Media as): "social Media are technologies that facilitate social
interaction, make possible collaboration, and enable deliberation across stakeholders" these
technologies include blogs, wikis, Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, Telegram, signal, instagram
Twitter. With increased accessibility to internet, people nowadays tend to socialize through
social mediums rather than face to face mode. Education is the process of facilitating learning, or
the acquisition of knowledge skills values morals benefits and habits. Education frequently takes
place under the guidance of educators however learners can also educate themselves
Importance of Social Media in Education
In twenty first century, learners need skills, which enable them to face the challenges
posed by new technologies. It is important to integrate Social Media based learning tools in the
curriculum. Social Media can help the teachers to design the instructional system according to
the changing needs of learners or society at large.
 Immediate Feedback: The use of Social Media provides students with immediate feedback.
Social networking allows teachers to provide students with immediate instructional guidance


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

in and outside of the classroom. Researchers have indicated that immediate feedback and/or
knowledge of results plays a very important role in the learning process.
 Understanding And Recognizing Learners Need: The use of Social Media allows teachers to
quickly recognize students' learning needs. The continuous submission of viewpoints of
students provides teacher with abundant material so as to assess student learning. Students
who are having difficulty with certain concepts can be identified at earlier stages and
appropriate intervention can be provided to them..
 Enhances Communication: Use of social networking in or outside the classroom provides
enough opportunities to transform the passive and teacher centered one way communication
to an active and student centered two way communication. Teachers can share links to a
number of learning resources, can post homework assignments, and share news with the
student community. Social Media also helps in involving students, who otherwise don't take
part in the teaching learning process. For example, if a student does not feel comfortable
speaking in a classroom of more than 40-50 students, they may post a "Tweet" to contribute
to class discussion.
Role of Social Media in Education
 Connecting with experts on topics via social media
The great thing about using social media is that you soon learn who the experts are in
particular fields and subjects when you start following these experts you learn more and gain
useful content from them this empowers you to produce great results.
 Institution connecting students via facebook and youtube
Learning colleges have the ability to connect with students through social media network
such as facebook, google meet zoom and youtube these channels can be used to
communicate campus news make announcement and provide students with useful
information this builds engagement between the college and students which help tackle many
students issues through the group instructions
 Enhancedlearning management systems
Learning management system is a networking software that delivers educational programs
and gives institutions other administrative activities social media learning in LMS can
include instant chat functions , videos , forums to share info and other lesson resources to
help students . most LMS come with built in social media integration and this drives instant


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

interaction between the users and system the system strengths student participation and
makes team projects easy to collaborate .
Challenges and Concerns
 Lack of Infrastructure
To properly integrate Social Media in curriculum demands infrastructure and resources,
which in a country like ours is still long task to met. Use of Social Media demands a strong and
undisruptive internet connection as well as smart phones or computers with multimedia features.
 Lack of Training or Technological Expertise among Teachers
Technical expertise is needed on part of teachers to effectively integrate Social Media in
the teaching learning process. Moreover, before using Social Media as a learning tool, students
should also be trained. Lack of training will only complicate the teaching learning process rather
than fully exploiting its potential for learning purposes.
 Social Media Can be a Distraction
A major concern among the educators is that tools such as Facebook, Twitter whatsapp,
instagram may divert students' attention from classroom participation and utilimately are
disruptive to the learning process.
Impact on Education
Positive Impact
 Google and education, Google has helped over 20 millions in their education using their
 Talents got discovered faster got their name out easily student who were good in music,
got their videos out and shared leading them to their dreams
 A lot of students were able to inform public about their issues using social media which
brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems The ease with which a students
can customise their profile make them more aware of basic aspects of design and layout
that are not often taught in schools.
 The ease and speed with which users can upload pictures videos or stories has resulted in
a greater amount of sharing of creative works.
Negative Impact
The prime bad effect of social media is addiction constantly checking facebook whatsapp
youtube twitter and other social media updates. this addiction could negatively affect other


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

valued activities like concentrating on studies , taking active part in sports, real life
communication and ignoring ground realities. There are hundreds of thousands of fake accounts
on social network who are boys pretending to be girls to be friends with girls and in most cases
this leads to embarrassments and disappointments which finally result in depression
Social media came up as a big force and it has affected all aspect of human lives people
nowadays prefer to communicate through social media rather than face to face mode there is a lot
of debate over the inclusion of social media in education social media can be very helpful in
achieving higher order thinking skills and meta -cognitive skills
]1]International journal on recent and innovation trends in computing and communication
volume 4 issues 1
[2]Abe, P, & Jordan, N.A. (2013). Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom
Curriculum. About Campus, 18(1), 16-20, DOI: 10. 1002/abc .2LtO7


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Dr. A.C. Lal Kumar
Assistant Professor
G.E.T. B.Ed College of Education, Gudiyatham

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are broadly defined as technologies
used to convey, manipulate and store data by electronic means (Open University, n.d.). This can
include e-mail, SMS text messaging, video chat (e.g., Skdype), and online social media (e.g.,
Facebook). It also includes all the different computing devices (e.g., laptop computers and smart
phones) that carry out a wide range of communication and information functions. ICTs are
pervasive in developed countries and considered integral in the efforts to build social, political
and economic participation in developing countries. For example, the United Nations (2006)
recognizes that ICTs are necessary for helping the world achieve eight time-specific goals for
reducing poverty and other social and economic problems. The World Health Organization also
sees ICTs as contributing to health improvement in developing countries in three ways: 1) as a
way for doctors in developing countries to be trained in advances in practice; 2) as a delivery
mechanism to poor and remote areas; and 3) to increase transparency and efficiency of
governance, which is critical for the delivery of publicly provided health services
(Chandrasekhar &Ghosh, 2001).
With the growth of the Internet, a wide range of ICTs have transformed social
relationships, education, and the dissemination of information. It is argued that online
relationships can have properties of intimacy, richness, and liberation that rival or exceed offline
relationships, as online relationships tend to be based more on mutual interest rather than
physical proximity (Bargh, McKenna, & Fitzsimons, 2002). In the popular book The World is
Flat, Thomas Friedman (2005) argues that collaborative technologies – i.e., interactions between
people supported by ICTs – have expanded the possibilities for forming new businesses and
distributing valued goods and services for anyone. Educational theorist and technologist Curtis
Bonk recently published a highly insightful and influential book called The World is Open
(Bonk, 2009). Bonk (2009) argues that, with the development of ICTs, even the most remote


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

areas of the world have opportunities to gain access to the highest quality learning resources.
Proceedings from the 2004 International Workshop on Improving E-Learning Policies and
Programs also showed that ICTs are helping transform governments through workforce
transformation, citizen education, and service optimization (Asian Development Bank Institute,
2004). Innumerable accounts and data sources demonstrate that ICTs have reduced boundaries
and increased access to information and education (see Bonk, 2009; Friedman, 2005), which has
led the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cutural Organization (UNESCO) to focus on
assisting Member States in developing robust policies in ICTs and higher education (UNESCO,
Although ICTs and the growth of the Internet are not without problems, a reality remains
that both will continue to shape the global community. Other disciplines have recognized the
importance of ICT and consider it to be a key part of professional development. For example, the
National Business Education Association (NBEA) states: ―mastery of technology tools is a
requirement rather than an option for enhancing academic, business, and personal performance‖
(NBEA, 2007, p. 88). Resources are available that speak to the role of technology in the social
work curriculum (e.g., Coe Regan &Freddolino, 2008; Faux & Black-Hughes, 2000; Giffords,
1998; Marson, 1997; Sapey, 1997) and in research and practice (e.g., Journal of Technology in
Human Services). The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and Association of
Social Work Boards published a set of ten standards regarding technology and social work
practice, which serves as a guide for the social work profession to incorporate technology into its
various missions (NASW, 2005).
Despite this interest in technology, the attention that the field of social work has given to ICTs in
research, education, and practice does not match the efforts of other national and international
organizations that view ICTs as critical to improving the lives of disadvantaged and
disenfranchised persons, and necessary for all forms of civil engagement. The Council on Social
Work Education (CSWE) calls for the integration of computer technology into social work
education, but there are no explicit standards for integration or student learning (CSWE, 2008;
see also Beaulaurier&Radisch, 2005). Asking other social workers, social work students, and
social work educators can easily reveal that many are unaware of the NASW technology
standards. A review of syllabi of social work courses will also show that ICTs, beyond e-mail
communication, are generally not present in the educational environment. Consequently, social


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

work students are not being adequately prepared in the use of ICTs, which are integral in the
workforce today and will become even more important over time (Parrot &Madoc-Jones, 2008).
In this paper, we argue that ICTs are of critical importance to advancing the field of
social work. Specifically, they provide effecient and effective ways for organizing people and
ideas, offers greater access to knowledge and education, and increases the efficiency and
collaboration of our work. This paper takes the position that many aspects of the NASW Code of
Ethics (1999) can be advanced through careful and thoughtful application of ICTs. Thus,
competencies with ICTs and ICT literacy should be required learning outcomes in social work
education and continuing education. This includes having the knowledge and skills to understand
and use ICTs to acheive a specific purpose (i.e., competencies), in addition to knowing the major
concepts and language associated with ICT (i.e., literacy). Within this framework, this paper
identifies specific aspects of the Code of Ethics (1999), showing how ICTs play a critical role in
achieving the desired values and principles. Recommendations on how ICTs can be more
strategically incorporated in the classroom, along with potential pitfalls, are discussed.
ICTs in Society
Computer technology is becoming more efficient, productive, and cheaper. Advances in
technology are producing more powerful computing devices to create a dynamic virtual network
that allows people all over the world to communicate and share information with each other. The
growth and importance of the technology and the virtual network are underscored by two
important laws. First is Moore‘s Law, which states that ―integrated circuit technology
advancements would enable the semiconductor industry to double the number of components on
every chip 18 to 24 months‖ (Coyle, 2009, p. 559). Essentially, this means that the speed and
productivity of a computer increases two-fold every 1.5 to 2 years. While such growth may not
be sustained indefinitely, the exponential growth of technology realized thus far has reshaped our
society and will continue to be a dynamic force in future generations. It is important that social
workers understand the role that technology plays in shaping the lives of clients and the services
that are delivered. The second law, Metcalfe‘s Law, states ―the value of a network increases in
proportion to the square of the number of people connected to the network‖ (Coyle, 2009, p.
559). These rapidly developing technologies, and the individuals that utilize them, are producing
virtual networks of greater size and value.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

At the time Granovetter published his classic study on networks and employment
(Granovetter, 1973), ICTs played almost no role in developing and maintaining network
relationships. Today, Internet sites such as LinkedIn ( produce vast social
networks that provide opportunities for professionals and employers to advertise and
communicate. To effectively use social networks, whether for obtaining employment, securing
resources, or obtaining information, social workers need to understand the capabilities of these
networks, and how they can be effectively understood, managed, and utilized within a digital
ICTs in Higher Education
Applications of ICTs for institutions of higher education have grown tremendously and
will continue to shape the delivery of social work education. This is already realized through
emerging distance education courses and other strategies for using technology in the social work
classroom (e.g., Stocks &Freddolino, 1999; Wernet, Olliges, &Delicath, 2000). Courses offered
online greatly assist students who are long distance commuters or students with disabilities. In
both distance and local learning, many educators utilize course management systems (e.g., Sakai,
Moodle, and Blackboard) for managing virtually every aspect of a course. These course
management systems often provide students with tools to assist each other in learning the course
material (e.g., synchronous and asynchronous communication). Largely because of these
opportunities, some have even predicted that ICTs may eventually eclipse the traditional college
classroom (see Bonk, 2009).
Within colleges and universities, ICTs serve both administrative and academic functions.
Students are able to accomplish a variety of tasks using computer networks that save the
institution time and money, such as facilitating billing and payments to the school, requesting
and obtaining financial aid and/or scholarships, class scheduling, requesting official transcripts,
selecting housing locations, etc. With regard to social work research, ICTs are part of an
infrastructure for newer research methodologies (e.g. Geographic Information Systems,
computer simulations, network modeling), making it crucial for universities to harness
technology to advance their research missions (Videka, Blackburn, & Moran, 2008). ICTs have
the potential to help facilitate a more productive and effective learning environment for both
social work students and professors.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

ICTs AND Social Work Ethics

The growth of the Internet and use of ICTs has changed how we interact with each other
and how we work (Bargh& McKenna, 2004). As the millennium generation (also known as
generation Y) is raised in an environment with highly complex networks that make use of
technology, their importance will continue to grow (Weller, 2005). The field of social work faces
a critical need to incorporate ICTs into training social workers, delivering social work services,
and the conduct of social work research. It is clear that ICTs, when thoughtfully and effectively
used, can improve the various practice methods of social work (i.e., delivery of services,
education, and research). Although the potential uses of ICTs have been well defined, to date
there has been little discussion of the impact of ICTs on the principles of social work ethics.
Provided below are specific examples of how ICTs appear necessary for ensuring the delivery of
ethical social work practice. We highlight relevant aspects of the NASW Code of Ethics (1999)
and provide specific examples.
Ethical Principle: Social workers recognize the central importance of human
relationships. ICTs play a major role in human relationships, which has implications for social
work practice. More specifically, increasing numbers of people are engaged in relationships that
are mediated by some form of ICT, including electronic messages (email), SMS text message,
social networking (e.g., Facebook), instant messaging service, or video chat (e.g., Skype). Social
workers need to have an understanding of the roles that such ICTs may play in the lives of their
clients. This may involve understanding how communication processes are different compared to
face-to-face interactions; such as the use of emoticons – that is, characters and symbols use to
express non-verbals. Social workers also need to understand that many relationships develop and
may occur exclusively online. For example, the Internet allows groups to convene around a
common purpose, including the provision of self-help, social support, and psychoeducation.
Depending on their format, such groups may be referred to as electronic groups, listservs,
forums, and mail groups. The proliferation of these groups can be attributed to anonymity and
their ease of access, particularly for persons with mobility problems, rare disorders, and those
without access to face-to-face groups or professional services (Perron& Powell, 2008). A number
of studies have tracked the patterns of communication within online groups, and have found that
many of the processes used are the same as those used in face-to-face self-help groups (Finn,
1999; Perron, 2002; Salem, Bogat, & Reid, 1997). Given the prevalance of online relationships,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

social workers and other human service professionals must be aware of the positive (e.g., social
support, see Perron, 2002), and negative effects (e.g., cyber-bullying, see Hinduja&Patchin,
2008) they have on their individual clients, with a clear understanding of how relationships are
mediated by ICTs. Currently, the social work curricula emphasize the importance and
development of in-person relationships, while little attention is given to understanding the role of
online relationships and computer-mediated relationships.
Developing ICT Competencies and Literacy
Given the growth and impact of ICTs in society and their implications for social work
ethics, it is critical that social workers have both competency and literacy with ICTs. While
competency refers to being able to use a given technology, literacy refers to the ability to access,
manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information (Chinien&Boutin, 2003). It is beyond the
scope of this paper to provide a coherent and comprehensive strategy for developing social
worker competencies and literacies with ICTs. However, the literature on ICTs and educational
innovations in higher education provide extensive resources that are generalizable to the field of
social work. Social work educators will need to be proficient with ICTs in order to design
assignments, activities, and projects that reflect the real-world use of ICTs. Beyond higher
education, continuing education opportunities that respond to recent technology advances are
also necessary in order to help social workers stay current with the most relevant and useful
technologies. For example, by having basic competencies and literacies, social workers and
social work students who want further introduction to ICTs can review the complete curriculum
materials for a course entitled ICTs in Everyday Life through the Open University
(, in addition to having access to materials for other courses. This is part
of the open education movement that views education as a public good, and Perron, Taylor,
Internet technology provides the opportunity to share, use, and resuse knowledge (Creative
Commons, nd). In absence of ICT competency and literacy, social workers will miss important
educational opportunities for themselves and their clients.
Challenges and Pitfalls of ICTs
Despite the continued growth and expansion of technologies, many disenfranchised and
disadvantaged persons still do not have access to ICTs or the Internet. While initiatives in the
United States, and other respective countries around the world, are attempting to provide access


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

to everybody, significant disparities within and across countries exist, particularly in African
regions that have low Internet market penetration (Alden, 2004). By developing a stronger focus
and infrastructure around ICTs in social work education, social workers will be better prepared
to participate in a range of policy initiatives to support activities that seek to address these
disparities in social, economic and political participation.
In the training of social workers in ICTs, it is also important to recognize that not all
technologies have resulted in added value to education. For example, Kirkup and Kirkwood
(2005) argue that ICTs have failed to produce the radical changes in learning and teaching that
many anticipated. This underscores the importance of ensuring ICT literacy among social
workers – that is, having the ability to access and evaluate information using ICTs
(Chinien&Boutin, 2003). This will help social workers select the optimal tools from a wide range
of options.
The field of social work education, research, and practice is surrounded by rapid
developments in ICTs. In order to ensure that social work practice upholds the standards and
values of social work ethics, it is necessary that social workers are competent and literate in
ICTs. This will position social workers at all levels of practice to help advance the lives of
disenfranchised and disadvantaged persons through greater access to education, knowledge and
other resources. While numerous ICTs have failed to realize their expected potential, the ongoing
rapid growth of ICTs has created a context in which social workers cannot resist technology, but
must understand the role it plays in everyday life.
1. Alden C. For most Africans, Internet access is little more than a pipe dream. Online
Journalism Review. 2004 Retrieved online August 20, 2009 from Asian Development
Bank Institute Proceedings of the International workshop on improving E-learning
policies and programs; Manila. 2004.Aug 9-13, Bargh JA, McKenna K. The internet and
social life. Annual Review of Psychology. 2004;55:573–590.]
2. Bargh JA, McKenna K, Fitzsimons GM. Can you see the real me? Activation and
expression of the ―true self‖ on the internet. Journal of Social Issues. 2002;58(1):33–48.
Beaulaurier RL, Radisch MA. Responding to CSWE guidelines: A literature review and
four approaches to computerization. Journal of Teaching in Social Work.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2005;25(1&2):129–150. Bee PE, Bower P, Lovell K, Gilbody S, Richards D, Gask L,

Roach P. Psychotherapy mediated by remote communication technology: A metaanalytic
review. BMC Psychiatry. 2008;8(60)]
3. [Bernard RM, Abrami PC, Lou Y, Borokhovski E, Wade A, Wozney L, Wallet PA, Fiset
M, Huang B. How does distance education compare with classroom instruction? A meta-
analysis of the empirical literature. Review of Educational Research. 2004;74(3):379–
4. Bonk C. The world is open.Jossey-Bass; San Francisco: 2009
5. Bowman Systems Chicago Department of Human Services Selects ServicePoint. 2008
Retrieved online August 24, 2009 from:
6. Car J, Sheikh A. Email consultations in health care: 2--acceptability and safe application.
British Medical Journal. 2004;329(7463):439–442.
7. Chandrasekhar CP, Ghosh J. Information and communication technologies and health in
low income countries: The potential and the constraints. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization. 2001;79(9) Geneva. Retrieved online August 24, 2009 from
8. Chinien C, Boutin F. Bridging the cognitive divide in ICT-mediated learning;
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies; 2003. Retrieved online August 20, 2009 from
9. Coe Regan JR, Freddolino P, editors. Integrating technology in the social work
curriculum. Council on Social Work Education Press; Alexandria, VA: 2008.
10. Council on Social Work Education Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. 2008
Retrieved online August 25, 2009
11. Coyle DM. Computers are your future. 10th ed. Pearson; Upper Saddle River: 2009.
12. Creative Commons (nd). [web page] Retrieved online August 24, 2009
13. Department of Veterans Affairs Uniform mental health services in VA medical centers
and clinics. 2008 VHA Handbook 1160.1. Retrieved online August 20, 2009
14. Diaz V, Garrett PB, Kinely ER, Moore JF, Schwartz CM, Kohrman P. Faculty
development for the 21st century. EDUCAUSE Review. 2009;44(3):46–55.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. A. John Lawrence
Associate Professor
St. Xavier‘s College of Education, Palayamkottai – 627002

Relating and interacting with others, leading to inter-dependency, for existential needs
and for fulfilling the physic-psychic-social needs binds the social animal, the man, to live as a
society in harmony and unison, amidst differences. Direct face-to-face verbal interactive
networks were in practice in the early societies. The scientific and technological inventions in the
field of communications reduced the face-to-face interactionin a phased manner.
The arrival of the internet in the 1990s led to major developments in the world of
communicationhence the introduction of social networking sites (Kolan&Dzandza, 2018) and
transformed the ways of human interactions and networking chains. Today, social e-networking
platforms have become so commonand their impacts all the fields, including education.Social
networks have a major impact and influence on students‘ performance, and it is more in these
recent years. This meta-analysis aims at finding out what research conclusions on the use of
social media by the student community.

What Does The Research Say on the Use of Social Media?

 The use of social media is recommended for educational purposes, and social networks
should be expanded and new pages should be created to enhance academic activities and
avoid setbacks in the students‘ academic performance. However they should be monitored by
teachers and parents on how they use these sites to avoid setbacks in their academic
performance (Osharive, 2015).
 There is an urgent need to introducing the availability of novels and other information
resources or materials that can help them academically for the students since the use of social
media sites had affected the academic work of students negatively (Owusu-Acheaw and
Larson, 2015).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 There is significant relationship between time spent on social media sites and academic
works. The social media activities in which the student are engaged in does not have any
significant impact on the student academic performance (Celestine &Nonyelum, 2018).
 SNSs are useful for the development of the students. These SNSs improve communication
with peers through and helps the students socialize, find new friends, discuss with them
issues related to studies. And so, the study recommends the use of SNSs with ultimate
responsibility (Talaue et al., 2018).
 The university authorities need to take interventional steps to help students who are
dependent on these networks and, through workshops, inform them about the negative
consequences of addiction to social networks (Azizi, 2019).
 The impact of social media on students‘ academic performance is two-way. This means that
if used smartly and judiciously social media can have positive effect on academic
performance of students, while if used carelessly and without awareness, it can affect
students‘ overall academic performance, thus endangering their future. It is not advisable to
restrict the use of social media for the students. However, the students need to be counseled
for using the social media for academic purposes and not get swayed towards just socializing
(Gorhe, 2019).
 Most of the Indian students use social media networks like Google (20%) and YouTube
(18%); they were browsing sites by using e-gadgets like Smart phone (36%) and laptop
(33%). These networks improved their academic related knowledge and these platforms
helps to make a better social person in the society. Yet the students get more frustration by
spending more time with the social sites(Lavuri et al., 2019).
 The online social media had a significant impact on interactivity with peers, teachers and
online knowledge sharing behaviour. Additionally, interactivity with teachers, peers, and
online knowledge sharing behaviour has seen a significant impact on students‘ engagement
which consequently has a significant impact on students‘ academic performance (Ansari &
Khan, 2020).
 Social media is addictive among youth, teen age group. They were addicted to social
networking and maximum participants were using social media for more than 3 years for just
recreation or relaxation purpose. Those who were using social media for longer duration are
actually using it for no specific reason or fruitful purpose.More time spent on social media in


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

24 hours affects the study timings negatively thus affecting the study outcome and academic
results (Jamil et al., 2020)
 Teacher Educators and students can use social media as teaching and learning tool to ease
and improve learning process as there is significant impact of social media on academic
achievement among Students (Sivakumar, 2020).
 The usage of social media has a negative influence on a students‘ behavior as compared to
positive aspects. Results may not be generalized to the entire student community as findings
are specificto the specific respondents of Pakistan only (Abbas et al., 2021).

Educational Implications
Social Networking Site needs to be used, with a sense of professional
responsibility.Students should be exposed to the dangers of over-using social media and the
addicts should be counseled. It is indeed a blessing and a booster to develop the academic
knowledge and skills to make teaching-learning process easy and effective.

1. Abbas, J., Aman, J., Nurunnabi, M., &Bano, S. (2021).The impact of social media on
learning behavior for sustainable education: Evidence of students fromselected
universities in Pakistan. doi: 10.3390/su11061683
2. Ansari, J.A.N., &Khan, N.A. (2020). Exploring the role of social media in collaborative
learning the new domain of learning.Smart Learning Environments, 7(9).
3. Azizi, S.M., Soroush, A. &Khatony, A. (2019).The relationship between social
networking addiction and academic performance in Iranian students of medical sciences:
A cross-sectional study. BMC Psychol 7, 28.
4. Celestine, A. U., &Nonyelum, O. F. (2018). Impact of social media on students‘
academic performance.International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(3),
5. Gorhe, M. (2019).Impact of social media on academic performance of students.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

6. Jamil, M., UlAin, Q., Batool, S., Saadat, S., Malik, S., Arshad, M., Nagra, R. N., Haider,
M., Shameem, R., &Latif, B. (2020). Impact of social media on academic
performance.European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences,
7. Kolan, B. J., &Dzandza, P. E. (2018).Effect of social media on academic performance of students
in GhanaianUniversities: A case study of University of Ghana, Legon.Library Philosophy and
Practice (e-journal). ,
8. Lavuri, R., Navulla, D., &Yamini, P. (2019). Effect of social media networks on
academic performance of Indian students., 6(4), 71-
9. Osharive, P. (2015). Social media and academic performance of
10. Owusu-Acheaw, M., &Larson, A. G. (2015).Use of social media and its impact on academic
performance oftertiary institution students: a study of students of Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana.
Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6),94-102.
11. Sivakumar, R. 2020. Effects of social media on academic performance of the
students.The online journal of distance education and e-learning, 8(2), 90-
12. Talaue, G. M., AlSaad, A., AlRushaidan, N., AlHugail, A., &AlFahhad, S. (2018). The
impact of social media on academic performance of selected college
students.International Journal of Advanced Information Technology, 8(4/5), 27-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Prof S. Mani Ms Nidhi Kulshreshtha

Prof. and Head M.Ed 2nd year
Dept. Of Educational Planning and Administration, Gojan College of Teacher Education
TNTEU, Chennai-97. Chennai - 600052

21st century - the century of knowledge with a difference. It is a complex and
unforeseeable epoch. Our thinking habits and value system will be challenged as it has the
strength to embrace the entire universe. Education shapes a person and is contributes to the
development and technology plays a pivotal role in its transformation.

Globalization puts economic and civic needs in the forefront and hence it is the need of
the hour that the student of today and the citizen of tomorrow possess the relevant skills and
competencies ranging from critical thinking to problem solving to collaboration to creativity. It is
indeed a challenge andintegrating social media with the education system is a step - rather a leap
- progressing from the transmission model used earlier to the pedagogy model involving the
education systems coming together - bridges the academic content/ skills/ competencies to the
workplace competencies - thus creating a tech savvy platform for gen z/ gen alpha - ensuring
their focused involvement with a system that supports sustenance. There is a an increasing need
to connect learning to the real world, to have multi-faceted perspective to the same challenge, to
enhance the problem solving and critical thinking skills and to emulate the real world
experiences and thus ensure that the student is prepared to effectively handle the complex and
ever-evolving world. It is vital to understand and incorporate the importance of trans-disciplinary
skills, creatively and effectively connect what is learnt to be applied to the real world situations
so that the structure is adaptable to the plethora of discipline combination that can be pursued in
the world today where information is just a click away and social media embraces our thoughts
and actions as the Pandemic impacts our perspective. Alvin Toffler rightly said,‘ The illiterate of
the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write… but rather those who cannot learn,
unlearn… and re-learn.‘


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

What is Social Media?

Social Media - a computer based technology - facilitating the instant exchange of

information/ thoughts/ ideas and much more, focussing on community-based input,
communication, sharing of content, interactions and collaboration via web based software or
application to build a virtual network / community.

Social media platforms - social networking/ microblogging/ forums or the mobile

applications - Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter/finds its relevance in all the fields as it is an
interactive platform to share about work, social service, interests or interact with specific
clientele and even for public opinion and fun raising events.

‗Social media I not a media. The key is to listen, engage and build relationships‘ - so well
expressed by David Alston

21st century skills and approach - the need of the hour

21st century skills - a range of competencies that are taught across the vertical and
horizontal dimensions of the learning process to enable the learner to smoothly navigate into the
fast changing and ever evolving work system.

The Gen Z and Alpha are most internationally connected in the history of mankind. They
have unprecedented information just a click away, can teach themselves almost any topic without
leaving their desk. Yes, they are digital natives and are pro with apps and technologies that
evolves instantaneously. They can code while we flip the page of the newspaper!

What is the expectation from the education then? Well, it is vital that they develop skills
to succeed in life and be able to use the information learned in a smart and effective way. They
need to have adaptability, civic literacy, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking,
communication skills, cultural awareness, ethics, flexibility, global awareness, information
literacy, initiative, leadership, metacognition, social responsibility, technology literacy. These
skills are important for them to be able to participate successfully in the global economy. The
driving force of the twenty-first century isits intellectual capital of citizens


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Children need to do, to explore, to discover, to err and thus possibly lead to innovate -
and guided social media exposure does just that. Scientist do fail multiple times; Albert Einstein
did fail as well; but persistence and perseverance led him to innovate!

The workforce of tomorrow

Artificial intelligence, 3D printing, Internet of Things, DNA mapping, biotechnology,

nanotechnology - terms so familiar to the students today. But what is important apart from being
so well-versed technologically is to also have liquid/ fluid skills that will enable them to have
adaptability to the workspace, prepare for jobs that may not even exist today but could be vital
tomorrow - and the COVID pandemic has exposed and made everyone a pro at suing social
media for the best outreach.

Thus collaboration, communication, connectivity, creativity, listening , socializing even

when home-bound ---etc are the skills that ensuring sustenance. It is these liquid competencies
that will be of supreme importance in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 that brings in education 4.0 as

Approaches that can be effective in integrating Social Media and Education

C‟s that can be incorporated in the instructional plan to impact the thought processes and
ensure the attention and focus of the Gen Z:

Connect - Familiarisation with things around them

Construct - Elaborate and build on the concept with a model - preferably in a group

Contemplate - Probe into concept. Identify shortcomings

Continue - Further exploration (community/ web/ activities) to relate the concept

Collaborate - Team up and brainstorm to identify the best approach

Cross- cultural understanding - the world is a global village

The D‟s that can ensure the students thrive to the challenges while educators upscale their skills:
Define, Deliver, Design, Discover, Dream


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The techno savvy students need to possess intercultural communication skills while
being effective decision-makers. They should be well-versed at identifying a problem and be
able to execute the plan with a collaborative approach and the Social media amalgamation
with education does it just right.

The 5 I‟s of learning that are the need of the hour - for effectiveness, to ensure thinking
through the concept in newer ways, building up linkages while analysing critically and come up
with pioneering solutions fuses social media and education:

Innovate, Imbibe, Iterate, Interest, Interpret

Social media - Reshaping the education system

The empowering effect

 Connectivity on the go - From posting or sharing information to marketing the

thoughts, social media ensures anytime and anywhere connectivity - crossing any
known boundaries geographically. Edmodo, Linkedin, Classroom 2.0, Google+,
Diigo, Twiducate are a few social networking sites designed with specific needs of
the students, educationists and working professional in mind while sites like Tumblr
and PInterest inspire project ideas.
 Cost effective - Social media platforms are user-friendly and very economic and
assist in reach-out, helping students enrol in educational activities like short and
long term programs/ events/ researches. Courses enrol from remote locations or
access course from universities abroad at no additional cost.
 Ease in communication and sharing of information - information/ ideas/ thought
process/ study material and much more can be shared via the social media outside
the classroom and school surroundings especially for projects and other related
educational activities. Social media definitely facilitates communications between
the parents-teachers- child- school.
 Effectivity in teaching - digital tools personalise and enhance the teaching aids
(powerpoint presentations/ videos et al) - incorporate crisp information in plethora
of ways. Students get to view resources at their convenience.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Enhance communication skills - Social media gives a platform for all to open-up
and share views. Unlike in a classroom situation, where a handful get to speak-up,
these portals allow everyone to put-forth their view-point.Students are able to voice
their opinion, be advocates of the change.
 Improves literacy and reading skills: online activities contribute positively to the
reading habits and many being interactive, engross the learner.
 Social status and recognition - Social media platforms like Facebook/ Instagram
helps the educational organisations/ educationist reach out to a wider audience, ease
in assistance to connect and collaborate and thus achieve recognition across the
globe and gain social credibility.

The way forward

Social media motivates the students to involve in active participation, think globally - act
locally and influences the quality of education, exposes children to the sea of ideas and
information and use their strengths and overcome their weaknesses and enriches the
engagement, knowledge and learning experiences. Social media has changed how we
socialize/ interact. There are challenges that need to be handled like the Safety and security,
being Jack of all trades - lack of complete and authentic information, Loss of human touch,
Cyberbullying, Sexting, Addiction, Hacking, Fake identity, Reliability and authenticity of
person and information, Plagiarism.. just to name a few; but judicious, monitored and
controlled usage can make it work for our benefit.


Social media has transformed and revolutionized the way students and teachers are honing
their skills, build a connect, collaborate globally, analyse situations and opine in global
matters, train under the best globally - helping them to shape up their personality and be
skilled as needed for the 21st century.Social media and its up-gradation and usage and yes
technological boom is here to stay. Its like any tool from knife to blade to a sword to a
nuclear bomb - has to used effectively and judiciously to attain optimal benefit to further the
learning process and enrich the students and the educators and accentuate the whole and the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Media has always taken the lead in influencing the thought process of the mass and bring in
revolutions. Social media is a step forward to it as it allows access and connect anytime and
The COVID pandemic has taught us that the old and new alike can be well versed in the
technology, overcoming the challenges and shape and reform the education system. While
teachers use it improvise the resources, share assignments and administrative works and
students use it to access the resources and submissions as well - this only enhances the
effectivity of the teaching -learning process.
Educational institutions and administrators need to play a pivotal role to ensure the effective
usage of the social media.
‗Social media presents a huge opportunity for schools, universities and other educational
organizations to reach out and connect with students and prospective students‘ - Jon Russell
We are witnessing as era of change - of social media learning. We live in a new
ecosystem that is completely digital. All the elements of the education system must adapt
and evolve to ensure sustenance. Let‘s make friends with the social media and be the
models of the new system.







ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Soma Biswas Tarafdar
Assistant Teacher, Titagarh Anglo Vernacular High School, Kolkata, West Bengal,India
Jayant Mete
Faculty,Department of Education, University of Kalyani,Kalyani,West Bengal,India-741235


Although the history of coining of social media as a term is controversial but it‘s evolution
can be classified into three major periods as primitive era ,mediaeval era and golden era. The
primitive era marks the beginning of use of social media in 1979 with the use of Usenet to post
news to news groups. The use of Six Degrees in 1997 and LiveJournals from 1999 were the
milestone of mediaeval era of social media. The golden Era is considered to gain momentum
with the use of Wikipedia from 2001, Friendster 2002,Hi5 and MySpace in 2003 , The Facebook
and Orkut in 2004, YouTube and Reddit in 2005, Twitter and Tumblr in 2006 and 2007
respectively. They are followed by Messenger, Instagram, We chat and many.

Objectives :
1. To study the utility of social media as a tool of Education.
2. To emulate the impact of social media on students
What is social media?

‗Social media are interactive digitally mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or
sharing for exchange of information ideas area interest and other forms of expression via a
virtual community and networks.‘(Wikipedia)

It is the electronic communication of content in the form of – information, interest, insight,

interaction and ideas through internet. These Social media can be categorised into different types
namely social networking, bookmarking, blogging, social review ,social news , media sharing.
Among the most popular social media platforms on the basis of Monthly Active Users the top
three are Facebook with 2.23 billion users, YouTube with 1.9 billion users and WhatsApp with
1.5 billion users.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media as a Tool of Education

Digital media has occupied a significant place in the present day society.The young
generation is among the most active user of digital platforms. In the New normal situation
preceded by a sudden break in the traditional form of teaching and learning process the digital
social media platforms like WhatsApp and YouTubehas played a very vital role in maintaining
theconstant flow of the process.This technology has played an vital role in maintaining a
constant interaction between learners and teachers.This technology mediated teaching – learning
process in the virtual platform paved the way for a new era of blended learning.

Advantages of using social media platforms for teaching learning process

 Collaborative learning : It incorporates teacher ,student as well as the social environment

for the learning outcome. Students and experts can share their experience and expertise
with each other. This becomes a collaborative approach towards teaching learning
process. Both the educator and the learner are involved in the process of learning from
each other.
 Availability :It is among the most significant feature of social media that adds to its
popularity and utility among the users of all age.These platform s are easily available to
different strata of society.A simple mobile is enough to share information or idea about
anything in no time.It is also available to the economically downtrodden people with no
 Interesting and innovative: The social media platforms have made the study more
interesting by adding media components into the lesson plans. This innovative
techniquemakes the teaching learning process more catching to bag the interest of
learners towards study. It proves to be a motivationalfactor to make learners more
engaged .
 Flexibility: It is the key component in using social media platform for teaching learning
process. Students feel more free for sharing their opinions through this medium. It makes
an easy way for opening up of mind of the introvert children who are reluctant to speak in
front of teachers in the class. Moreover the time restrictions in an educational institution
are overlooked in this field. A teacher is available for learners throughout the day.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Accessibility: The accessibility of social media is of par excellence. For this reason it is
becomingmost effective way of sharing knowledge. Students can easily access the
information and study accordingly. It makes the flow of knowledge very easy.
 Generating e-content : The social media platforms can be used effectively to generate e-
content for creating an e library that can be easily accessed by the learners and not
restricted to the classroom only. It enables the availability of teaching learning materials
to unlimited learners of all age and place.
 Open source of e-learning: In this platform it is possible to create an open source of e-
content that has no issues related to copyright. Students as well as learners are free to use
as well as create their own matter.
I. National ICT policy and social media

The National ICT policies focus on the need of human resource development. It promotes
the use of ICT to enhance Education and skills development and build a growing ICT savvy
Nation. Amongst14 objective under human resource development few are mentioned below-

 Promote and support the development of qualified personnel in ICT in a sustainable

manner to meet labour market needs.
 Develop the teaching of ICT at all levels of the formal education system.
 Promote the use of ICT in the informal education sector.
 Encourage activities relating to lifelong learning through the use of ICT.
 Encourage the use of ICT by all educational, scientific and research institutions ,libraries
, achieves museums and community centres.
 Encourage the use of ICT for the delivery of distance education.
 Encourage and support the training sector to adhere, adopt to internationally acceptable
standards of examination and certification of ICT training program.
 Promote the development of national certification and accreditation systems in the ICT
 Create an enabling environment for public and private sector participation in promoting
ICT awareness programs.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

In view of the above mentioned objectives social media plays an important role in
dissemination of information. With the increase in the number of social media users in last two
decades, it has become a potent tool for spreading of knowledge. It plays a significant role in
creating awareness among the learners which help in building a productive member of society It
helps in fostering the research aptitute among the learners.

II. Positive And Negative Impact Of Social Media On Students

The common platform of social media helps the learner in many ways. Facebook,
WhatsApp and YouTube are the widely used platforms in the educational institutions for
connectivity in common and now a days for teaching learning process mainly.

The positive impacts of using this platform are as follows

 Promote awareness: With the use of social mediaboth the teacher and the learner are
getting updated about the daily event that is related to the educational as well as social
causes. It helps them to transform both their knowledge as well as skill in accordance. In
the bigger picture it helps in promoting the adaptability of the stakeholders.
 Learning from various sources: It is one of the major positive impacts on the learners that
they do not rely on single source of information or knowledge rather gain it from
different sources to build a concrete opinion or concept. It promotes the quality of self
learning among them.
 Learning at one‘s own pace: It provides the flexibility to the learners to access knowledge
according to their own space and time.It helps in getting better learning opportunities on
the part of learners.
 Creating knowledge pool: It helps in the development of knowledge pool by the learners
for effective use of accumulated information or ideas for better implementation.
 Improved learning outcome: Learners create social forum by their own for accomplishing
institutional goal. It helps in developing self reliance.
III. Negative impacts of social media on students
 Lack of interest in studies: On account of excess use of social media in daily life
situation, students often get distracted from their studies and get more involved insurfing.
It results in lack of interest in studies in the long term.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Lack of physical interaction: Learners of all age getmore involved in the virtual platform
resulting in the less face to face interaction with the real world .It leads to the lack of
adaptability among them with the real life situation.
 Risky behaviour: Pupil often come across ruthless or mischievous content and gets
influenced. It leads to risky behaviourwhich adversely affect their socio emotional
 Health issues: Overuse of social media creates a pressure on the physical well-being of
the user. It often leads to problem like neck pain, severe headache and reddening of eyes.
It causes disease like ‗cubital tunnel syndrome'.
 Lack of reputation: Something it happens that users get trapped in false situation that
builds pressure on them which leads to lose of life in worst cases.
IV. Cyber Crimes From Educational Perspective
 Phishing: Students indulge themselves in phishing, hacking and misuse of online
computer network.
 Identity theft: Retrieving personal information, sensitive data and details from other
 Gaming Trap: Learners of all ages often get lured by the captivating variety of gaming
application where they suffer monetary loss .To make up for the loss them may often get
involved in malicious behaviour.
 Fraudulent assessment: students often adopt unauthorised ways to cheat while doing any
online assessment this may incite dishonest tendency.
 Cyber Bullying: it is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means this
involves targeting a student upon his or her weaker points, may it be financial academic
or emotional background. This often leads to mental stress or depression.
V. Recommendations To Overcome The Demerits Of Social Media
 Encourage parents to talk about social media use with their kids. There should be proper
guidance for or a fruitful exposure of learners to the social media.
 Educators and parents should develop cultural and social awareness among the learner
and encourage them to talk about their own concern, likings ,dislikes with Liberty .
 There should be limitations set on the amount of time spend over social media usage.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Social media policies should be developed and adopted in order to check the misuse of
this huge common platform of communication.
 Initiatives should be taken for developing applications to monitor accessibility of students
under complete surveillance of parents.
 Developing a friendly relationship between learners ,educators and parents to allow them
to speak their mind in order to understand their need both physical and emotional.
 Taking initiatives to promote social useful work among the learners bysharing
experiences of successful personalities.
 Using social media to promote moral values among the learners by setting examples and
sharing experience with them.
VI. Conclusion

Present day world can be referred to as global made local as a result of technological
advancement in every sphere of life. The digitalization has become the necessity e as well as
complex part of human life.It simplifies the daily activities on the press of a small button while
makes problems more complex. Every object or entity has its own pros and cons.Social media is
an effective tool for communication and disseminating information and knowledge but it also
gives birth to darker crimes of serious nature. To conclude we can say that social media can be
used as potent tool of education if it undergoes serious monitoring and adhere to moral and
ethical values of human race. The social norms should be respected through social media to
improve it as most productive tool in terms of learning outcomes.

1. Long,P. (2012). Safer Internet Day: Why Every Generation Has A Role To Play In
Keeping The Web Secure. Retrieved from
2. Shahnoor,S.Tajinder,S.(2016), Social Media its Impact with Positive and Negative
AspectIJCATR, Volume 5-Issue2,71-75
3. Willium,S.(2012)‘Network Security and Communication‘IEEE Transaction,Vol31, Issue
4. Statista and TNW(2019)
6. Wikipedia


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. K. Devisri & P. Karnan

Deputy Controller of Examinations & Research Scholar
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97.

Social media helps to explore the marvels of educational knowledge that are available to
enrich the young learning mindset. Educational process is being shaped and shined well by
ensuring the quality of the Medias that can used to develop the skills that are needed for the
society. Since few of the basic apps that are used, which can be made available even when at the
poor connectivity of internet, with just a click of a button in the internet all the applications in
social media can be easily accessed for the gaining of the knowledge. The high rise of the
internet usage as made a great impact on the education system. In today‘s Modern cultural
environment, one cannot live without the internet or the social medias that are available along
with it. Social media is growing each and every day which in turn impacts the way we see the
world through the knowledge earned and gained from the education system we have been.
Informal, scholarly, unscholarly writings the Medias are of big help in accommodating. The
schooling, politics, health, relationships etc., can be collaborated creatively with the different
media outlets there.

Social Media

Social networks have become thoroughly rooted in modern culture. People have woven
these networks into their daily routines, using Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Young people are
motivated to learn from their peers online. They interact and receive feedback from one another.
They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults are no
longer the only sources of knowledge. It makes kids more networked than ever.

Learning with Social Media

It‘s no secret that most students and teachers have smart phones and have used social
media in education. In fact, there are apps and web tools that offer social media in an educational
context. With faculty using a variety of software tools and free web applications to enhance


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

learning, communication, and engagement, the use of social media is on the rise in higher
education classrooms. Compared to traditional learning method that provide few opportunities
for learners to develop and maintain their own learning activities, learning platforms based on
social media place the control of learning into the hands of learners themselves.


All the digital tools that are available is mainly for learning the following 4 D‘s:

1. Didactics
2. Discovery
3. Discourse and
4. Doing
DIADACTICS: Formal learning where the vast knowledge is been taught with the help
of the social media. E.g.: learning platforms, online courses.
DISCOVERY: Also known as the Informal Learning where we find the different kinds
of things out. E.g.: TED web resources, translators, search engines, browsers, curation,
news readers and alerts.
DISCOURSE: It‘s called as the Social Learning where we interact with others. E.g.: chat
and video meetings, collaboration platforms, digital notebooks, mind mapping, email.
DOING: It‘s nothing but an Experimental Learning where we learn from working on
certain tools. E.g.: office tools and suites, file sharing, productivity, blogging, content

Social Media in Education can also be used as shown in the chart below:

Statistical Influence of Social Media


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 More than 80% of the Indians and 2.7 billion monthly active users of Face book Globally
 2 billion YouTube users worldwide and 271 million active Indian users
 58 million times WhatsApp was being downloaded in the year 2020
 854.5 million of Instagram users globally

Benefits of Social Media in Education:

Social Medias form the integral part to build and grow stronger in the relationship with
the education. Social media helps the teachers and students to comprehend and engage the
students well with the education. The most important factor for the success of the social media in
education is that the flexibility, comfort ability and user friendly.

The following major apps in the Social media are changing the face of the education:

 GOOGLE APPS like GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Helps the students and teachers to
create a online classroom to be in touch with teachers with their other students.
 GOOGLE MEET: Similar to zoom helps the teacher to organize the online classes for
the students and teaching-learning process.
 GOOGLE FORMS: To create various assessment forms and evaluate the students using
tool created for the concept taught and learnt.
 ZOOM: It is adapted as the online virtual classroom by many schools which helps to
share their screen, ppt, and play video, to teach the lesson concepts easily.
 FACEBOOK: It allows the students and teachers to be connected for lifelong extending
their relationship and allowing then to share and learn throughout their life.
 TWITTER: It is mostly used by the college students who post their day today activities
and other educationalists who share their thoughts in a gist and helps to attain the news
within a tweet.
 YOUTUBE: More than 80% of the teachers, educationists, students use the YouTube
channel app for the education purpose that upload, check and search for the study
materials to improve their knowledge.
 SKYPE: Used by more that 23000 of teachers for the educational purpose to the
betterment of the knowledge gain conducting meetings, classes, interviews etc.,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

In more general terms the social media is used by the students to share their knowledge
with their peers, used for the research purposes among the peers, helps the students to connect
with other students who the same academic interests, helps the teacher to collaborate in the
workspace provided, and mainly helps to create and organize the different kinds of research
works in one place. There is lot of platforms available in the social media which makes it easier
for the students and the teachers.

Challenges Faced by the Use of Social Media

There are many Challenges which are being faced by the use of social networking site
they are as follows: -

 Privacy
 Health Issues
 Real Friendship
 Other Challenges

Factors Affecting the Student‟s Achievement

Addiction plays the first and for most factor that affects the student to concentrate on
their studies. Getting addicted to certain social media apps such as Face book, Twitter,
Instagram, WhatsApp, etc., impacts the students to lack in their academics. Though these apps
help in nurture for their studies it also plays the bad effects on the mindset of the young ones
who gets attracted to their various features available in the apps. Certain students also get
addicted to online gaming social apps which may lead them to do certain unbearable things in
real life and spoil their future in whole.

And the other factors that affect the student‘s achievement are: they lack from learning
and retaining of the knowledge that can be learnt instead they just copy paste the information
from the social media, usage of computers spell check features instead of typing the correct
spelling, regularity in checking up their social media profiles which leads to poor academics,
learning of information needed as been reduced due to easy accessibility of the information‘s
from the social media, lack of face to face communication for the students who use social media
frequently, lacks of emotional connection, reducing the power of comprehending the situation
and lack of thoughtfulness among the students nature is being developed, encourages the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

students to be lazy, reduces a fondly connection within the family, causes major distractions and
many more.

Social Media Extremity for the Teachers

1. Always stay connected with your personal learning networks (PLN)

2. Now and then learn to use the social media for personal use too, as it needn‘t be used
only for the learning experiences
3. Get-together with your fellow colleges and set up plan for accomplishing few projects
using social media.
4. Try new social network platforms every year.
5. Become an expert in using the apps and platforms available and keep yourself updated to
the present generation of influenced social media.


The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind into an open mind. Thus, can be
acquired with the help of the social media. The changes that are taking place in the field of the
education and technology of the social medias are the purpose of the education to evolve with the
technologies such that the pedagogy of the education remains the root for the knowledge to gain,
think and transform the social medias evolvement for the future studies of the learners, the
teachers and the educationists. Social networking media is always an hot topic which as various
of different individuals opinion, some think it‘s an amazing tool while few might still worry
about the impacts that happens on the individual. As John Dewey said ―If we teach today as we
taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow‖ the use of social media in education gives an
extra power over the future for the forthcoming generation‘s future. But one must also consider
the thought about the impacts of social media before even using it. Yet the outcome will only
advance the betterment of the student‘s future education must be the sole motive for the growth
of the social media in education.


 Cohen, H. (2011, May 9). Social Media Definition. Retrieved from Heidi Cohen.
 Gerlich, N. ,., Browning, L., & Westmermann, L. (2010). The Social Media Affinity
Scale: Implication for education. Contemporary Issues In Education Research.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Hocoy, D. (2013, December 6). Face book as Learning Management System: The Good,
the Bad, and the Unexpected.
 education
 Kienata, M. (2016, August 15). Spending Time on Internet and Social Media. (H.
Mardiana, Interviewer).
 Oradini, F., & Saunders, G. (2010). The Use of Social Networking By Students and Staff
In Higher Education. Online Learning Development University of Westminster, UK, 4.
 Patel, N. (2016, February 16). Social Media management. Los Angeles, California, USA.
 Social Media and Higher Education Literature Review.
 The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New Generation By Khaama
Press - Wed Nov 19 2014
 The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges and Opportunities Ashraf Jalal
Yousef Zaidieh ICT, collage of information and communication technology, IIUM KL,
 Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case StudyNa Li,
Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet.
 White, G. K. (2012). Digital social networking: implications for education" Professional
Educator. Australian Council for Educational Research, Vol. 11 Iss. 5 , 1.
 Zakaria. (2016, August 10). Spending Time on Internet and Social Media. (H. Mardiana,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Research Scholar Research Supervisor

Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communications Technology commonly termed as ICT comes from the
acronym IT and CT and refers to methods of storing, manipulating and communicating
Information Technology (IT), as defined by the Smart Computing Dictionary, is “A general term
used to describe any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, or
disseminate information. IT refers to the most expensive, complex computers, with devices
usually dealing with electronic data in binary format. However, these IT machines are not able to
communicate with one another.”
And, Communication Technology (CT) is “the term used to describe telecommunications
equipment through which information can be sought and accessed”. (New Zealand MOE, 1998).
Examples include: video conferencing, teleconference phones, and modems.
ICT Helps to Transform The Learning Environment
If the ICT has been used appropriately, it can change the content and pedagogy of
educational system. With the ICT-supported educational system, the acquisition of knowledge
and skill can be boosted by it, which then can empower the students for lifelong learning. When
the ICT can be used properly, some of the ICT technologies, such as computer and internet, has
created new ways for the learning and teaching process. These new way of learning and teaching
has shifted from a teacher-centered pedagogy to learner-centered. Teacher-centered pedagogy is
antraditional pedagogy which the whole process of learning is rely on the memorization or has
the characteristic of rote learning.
Active Learning
ICT-enhanced learning mobilizes tools for examination, calculation and analysis of
information, thus providing a platform for student inquiry, analysis and construction of new
information. Learners therefore learn as they do and, whenever appropriate, work on real-life
problems in-depth, making learning less abstract and more relevant to the learner‘s life situation.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

In this way, and in contrast to memorization-based or rote learning, ICT-enhanced learning

promotes increased learner engagement. ICT-enhanced learning is also ―just-in-time‖ learning in
which learners can choose what to learn when they need to learn it.
Collaborative Learning
ICT-supported learning allow cooperation andinteraction between students, teachers as it
can offer the learners having a chanceto work with the people from different places and different
cultures, therebyassisting to improve the communicative skill and cultivate the team spirit of
Evaluate Learning
ICT-supported learning are unlike with print-based educational technologies, with the
help of ICT, it can increase the recognize of different learning pathways and also given to
learners an opportunity to explore more knowledge rather than merely listen and memorize.
Integrative Learning
Learning that supported by the ICT can stimulate the combination of methodology in
learning and teaching process which benefits for the students and teachers to be more effective in
education. This approach has removed the artificial separation between the theory and practice
that carry out in the traditional classroom.
ICT Development at the School Level
There are four approaches to ICT development at the school level. Emerging approach is
the beginning stages of development. The approach of applying is the second stage of ICT
development at the school level. After the applying approach, it is then followed by the infusing
approach and the approach of transforming which are the third stage and fourth stage of
development ICT at the school level.
Emerging Approach
The emerging approach is linked with schools at the beginning stages of ICT
development such schools begin to purchase computer equipment and software or perhaps have
had some donated. In this initial phase, administrators and teachers are just starting to explore the
possibilities and consequences of adding ICT for school management and the curriculum. The
school is still firmly grounded in traditional, teacher-centred practice. For example, teachers tend
to lecture and provide content while students listen, take notes, and are assessed on the
prescribed content. School organization provides discrete time periods for each subject.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Learners‘ access to technology is through individual teachers. A curriculum that focuses on basic
skills and an awareness of the uses of ICT assists movement to the next approach.
Applying Approach
The applying approach is linked with schools in which a new understanding of the
contribution of ICT to learning has developed. In this phase, administrators and teachers use ICT
for tasks already carried out in school management and in the curriculum. Teachers still largely
dominate the learning environment. For example, instructing may be supplemented with ICT
such as electronic slide presentations and word-processed handouts. Students receive instruction
and add notes to teacher prepared handouts. They use ICT toolsto complete required lessons and
are assessed on prescribed content. School organization provides discrete time periods for each
subject with some flexibility to combine subjects and time periods. Learner access to technology
is through one or two classroom computers and computer labs. Until now, ICT has been taught
as a separate subject area. To move to the next phase, the school chooses to implement an ICT-
based curriculum that increases ICT across various subject areas with the use of specific tools
and software.
Infusing Approach
The infusing approach is linked with schools that now have a range of computer-based
technologies in laboratories, classrooms, and administrative areas. Teachers explore new ways in
which ICT changes their personal productivity and professional practice. The curriculum begins
to merge subject areas to reflect real-world applications. For example, content is provided from
multiple sources, including community and global resources through the World Wide Web.
Students‘ access to technology enables them to choose projects and ICT tools that stimulate
learning and demonstrate their knowledge across subject areas. School organization provides the
flexibility to combine subjects and time periods. Learners have more choices with regard to
learning styles and pathways. They take more responsibility for their own learning and
assessment. ICT is taught to selected students as a subject area at the professional level. To
advance to the next phase, schools choose an ICT curriculum that allows a project-based, ICT-
enhanced approach. These schools begin to involve the community more in the learning
environment and as resource providers.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Transforming Approach
The transforming approach is linked with schools that have used ICT creatively to rethink
and renew school organization. ICT becomes an integral though invisible part of the daily
personal productivity and professional practice. The focus of the curriculum is now much more
learner-centered and integrates subject areas in real-world applications. For example, students
may work with community leaders to solve local problems by accessing,analyzing, reporting,
and presenting information with ICT tools. Learners‘ access to technology is broad and
unrestricted. They take even more responsibility for their own learning and assessment. ICT is
taught as a subject area at an applied level and is incorporated into all vocational areas. The
school has become a center of learning for the community.
ICT also has promise with the access to remote learning resources. Sometimes, the
printed books or the books in library will has limited in quantities, through ICT, teachers and
students are no longer to depend on those books with the limited quantities anymore. They can
access to looking for the information and learning in anytime or anywhere with the exist of
internet, a wealth of learning materials in almost every subject and in a variety of media that can
be access through. For many schools in developing countries and also in the developed countries,
it is very relevance. And the educational effectiveness of ICTs depends on how they are used and
for whatpurpose. And like any other educational tool or mode of educational delivery, ICTs
donot work for everyone, everywhere in the same way.

 Essays, UK. (November 2018). The use of ICT to help educate students. Retrieved from
 Essays, UK. (November 2018). Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning. Retrieved
 (
 (


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Assistant Professor Ph.D, Research Scholar
Department of Educational Planning and Administration
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University


A accurate use of generation is one that improves human physical, mental, spiritual, and
ethical well-being. It enables human beings turn out to be healthier, greater educated, greater
loving of God and neighbor, and higher at making ethical decisions. A terrible generation will do
the opposite: make us sicker, much less educated, much less loving of others, and worse at
making ethical decisions. Technology regularly surely makes movements less difficult - and we
need accurate generation so one can facilitate accurate movements, now no longer terrible
technology so one can facilitate terrible movements. To quote Peter Maurin, a founding father of
the Catholic Worker Movement, we ought to need to "make the type of society wherein human
beings discover it less difficult to be accurate.‖ Technology can assist do that, however so far, it
can be higher directed.

Parents Opinion on Social Media

According to the findings of the survey—carried out with the aid of using researchers on
the University or Birmingham—15 percentage of mother and father assume that famous social
media webweb sites provide a advantageous have an effect on on ethical improvement in
teenagers, whilst forty percentage of mother and father stated they have been ―concerned‖ or
―extraordinarily concerned‖ approximately the poor and capacity dangerous effect of social
media. The survey wondered over 1, seven-hundred mother and father of youngsters elderly
eleven to 17. The survey become prepares to permit researchers to broaden a higher information
of mother and father‘ perceptions across the have an effect on of social media on ethical
improvement in teenagers.

Negative Character Traits


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Throughout the survey, respondents talked about some of man or woman strengths they
believed have been missing on social media—24 percentage stated forgiveness and strength of
mind become least present, observed with the aid of using honesty, fairness, and humility.
Parents have been additionally requested to call the poor man or woman traits, or vices, they
noticed on social media at the least as soon as a month. 60 percentage of mother and father
named anger and hostility because the maximum poor trait displayed, observed with the aid of
using arrogance, ignorance, terrible judgment, and hatred.

Positive Character Traits

While the maximum interest become centered on social media‘s poor outcomes on ethical
improvement in teenagers, seventy two percentage of mother and father additionally said they
noticed at the least one advantageous ethical message an afternoon featured on social media.
They additionally said that the pinnacle 5 strengths for ethical improvement in teenagers
discovered on social media included, humor, appreciation of beauty, creativity, love, and
courage. With maximum reports or interactions, there are going to be advantageous and poor
factors absorbed. Technology isn't anyt any different—it has its ups and downs—as a parent, it's
far as much as you to determine whether or not you trust generation is having a advantageous or
poor impact on ethical improvement for your child.

The Moral Challenges of Information Technology

The circulate from one set of dominant records technology to some other is constantly
morally contentious. Socrates lived all through the lengthy transition from a in large part oral
lifestyle to a more modern records generation including writing down phrases and records and
amassing the ones writings into scrolls and books. Famously Socrates become relatively adverse
to writing and students declare that he by no means wrote some thing down himself. Ironically,
we handiest understand approximately Socrates‘ argument towards writing due to the fact his
pupil Plato not noted his trainer and wrote them down in a talk called ―Phaedrus‖ (Plato).
Towards the give up of this talk Socrates discusses together along with his buddy Phaedrus the
―…situations which make it (writing) right or improper‖ (phase 274b–479c). Socrates tells a
fantasy of an Egyptian God he names Theuth who offers the present of writing to a king named
Thamus. Thamus isn't always thrilled with the present and replies, If guys examine this, it's
going to implant forgetfulness of their souls; they'll end to workout reminiscence due to the fact


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

they depend upon that that's written, calling matters to remembrance not from inside themselves,
however by outside marks. (Phaedrus, phase 275a) Socrates, who become adept at quoting traces
from poems and epics and setting them into his conversations, fears that people who depend
upon writing will by no means be capable of surely apprehend and stay with the aid of using
those phrases.

Information Technologies of Morality

A key improvement within side the realm of records technology is that they're now no
longer handiest the item of ethical deliberations however they're additionally starting to be used
as a device in ethical deliberation itself. Since synthetic intelligence technology and packages are
a type of automatic hassle solvers, and ethical deliberations are a type of hassle, it become
handiest a count number of time earlier than automatic ethical reasoning technology could


As become referred to within side the advent above, records technology are in a regular
nation of extrude and innovation. The net technology which have added approximately a lot
social extrude have been scarcely conceivable simply a long time earlier than they appeared.
Even though we won't be capable of foresee all feasible destiny records technology, it's far
crucial to attempt to believe the modifications we're possibly to look in rising technology. James
Moor argues that ethical philosophers want to pay unique interest to rising technology and assist
have an effect on the layout of those technology early directly to encourage.

1.Alshare, F., Alkhawaldeh, A. M., & Eneizan, B. M. (2019). Social Media Website‘s Impact on
Moral and Social Behavior of the Students of University. International journal of academic
research in business and social sciences, 9(3).
2.Sullins, J. (2012). Information technology and moral values.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. S. Komalavalli, Assis. Pro & C. Amsayal Ph.D Research Scholar

Lady Willingdon IASE, Triplicane, Chennai - 5

The emerging role of social media in teaching-learning process cannot be ignored. It not
only provides students access to useful information but also connects them with learning groups
and other educational systems that make their overall learning process more interesting and
engaging. Social media has gained incredible popularity over the past few years as an open
source of information and knowledge sharing platform. Educational institutions are using social
media space to interact with young minds. We are seeing educators leveraging the potential of
social media technologies to enhance the overall teaching-learning process.

Social Networking has become an important part of a student‘s social life. It is now considered
as a learning platform which helps in improving student engagement and capabilities. Such
platforms provide school children the opportunity to connect, get in touch, access information,
and research. In today‘s global era of connected learning, the influence of social media platforms
on our education system is becoming a strong controlling factor.It consists of online technology
platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp among many others.
With the massive use of technology, the world has merely become a small place. The type of
technology mentioned here really transpires mainly the social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter,Snapchat, LinkedIn and YouTube are being used by almost everyone. These
social channels are all about collaborating, networking, sharing and generating knowledge and
content – something which is of great value in the context of education. Several schools are also
using these platforms to provide information.

Social Media

A set of websites & applications that enable users for making as well as sharing anything
for participating in social networking is called Social Media

Education in COVID-19
The biggest challenge encountered by clinicians during the COVID-19 pandemic was
their limited experience in dealing with such a pandemic, compounded by the limited evidence


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

base with no guidelines or textbooks to reference around optimal treatment strategies,

management and clinical outcomes. This made it pivotal to rapidly learn from each other‘s
experiences across the world, and also find a means to rapidly disseminate new institutional
policies and guidelines, particularly as cardiologists got deployed into unfamiliar clinical
environments including emergency rooms and intensive care units. HCW quickly shared their
clinical cases, research and management strategies through multimedia content including tweets,
tutorials, webinars and infographics, sharing educational resources in real time beyond the silos
of subspecialties across the globe.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever.

Explore the latest strategic trends, research and analysis

 The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2
billion children are out of the classroom.
 As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning,
whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.
 Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of
information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be
here to stay.
While countries are at different points in their COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are
currently more than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the
pandemic. With this sudden shift away from the classroom in many parts of the globe, some are
wondering whether the adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-pandemic, and
how such a shift would impact the worldwide education market. Even before COVID-19, there
was already high growth and adoption in education technology, with global ed tech investments
reaching US$18.66 billion in 2019 and the overall market for online education projected to
reach $350 Billion by 2025. Whether it is language apps, virtual tutoring, video conferencing tools,
or online learning software, there has been a significant surge in usage since COVID-19.

How is the education sector responding to COVID-19?

In response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free
access to their services, including platforms like BYJU‘S, a Bangalore-based educational
technology and online tutoring firm founded in 2011, which is now the world‘s most highly


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

valued ed tech company. Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU‘s
has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal
Mohit, the company's Chief Operating Officer.

A changing education imperative

It is clear that this pandemic has utterly disrupted an education system that many assert
was already losing its relevance. While some worry that the hasty nature of the transition online may
have hindered this goal, others plan to make e-learning part of their ‗new normal‘ after
experiencing the benefits first-hand. Today, social media such as Twitter, Facebook and
Instagram, have become primary sources of information. They are also vehicles for fake news
and disinformation. During a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic,

How should social media be mastered and employed in a responsible way?

 Social media offers platform for online learning

 Online community
 IT units
 Dissemination of crucial information

Benefits of social media in education

 Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of
these into the classroom is more natural than before, given how acclimated many students
are to them.
 Each social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from
sharing announcements to holding live lectures, and so much more.
 First, social media provides a smoother, more direct communication tool between
students, teachers and parents, who can check in and ask or respond to questions.
 Social media allows for more e-learning opportunities as well. As remote jobs and online
classes are becoming more popular, training students to work from a distance is an
important lesson, and social media can help with that.
 It‘s important to understand the impact of social media in education before using it, but
we‘re of the firm belief that it will help advance students in technology.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Social networks are empowering students and educational institutions with opportunities
to improve teaching-learning process. SlideShare, Quora and ResearchGate etc. are
helping students by providing online tutorials.
 These platforms offer valuable resource material for enriching knowledge base. Social
media is also a medium where students can establish beneficial connections for their
 As an educational institution, it is crucial to be active in many social platforms possible,
this helps create better student engagement strategies and makes learning more
interactive and inclusive.

Useful for Schools

 Increased access to resources since learning materials can be shared

 Collaboration amongst teachers and exchanging of lesson plans and information
 Can reach parents who are incapable to come to school in a cheap and effective way
 Can form partnerships with schools in other states or countries

Ways Teachers Can Use Social Media in the Classroom

 Track student work over the course of the year. Take pictures of the progression of a
student project or track their learning.

 Use it to post homework. Ask them to write about the significance of a posted photo —
perhaps a map, person, or document.
 Share classroom news with parents and faculty. Showcase student work.
 Remind students of upcoming class events.
 Create out of class study groups using specific hashtags. Give the group a question and
ask each member to contribute to the hashtag.

 Flip the classroom by posing questions and asking the students to contribute. Students
will be ready to discuss the questions in class.
 Send out an occasional extra credit question.
 Share field trips or extracurricular activities.

 Create a tweet as a literary character. Give the students a topic and asks them to tweet as
the character would.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Create a tweet as a historical character. Give the students a current event and ask them to
tweet as a historical figure would have.
 Use Instagram to feature a student of the week.

 In language class, use Snapchat to take a picture of an item and label it in the appropriate

 Take videos of real life examples of the content as a study guide or ask students to
identify the video based on the content.

 Ask students to annotate an image provided by you, identifying key elements on a map or
a picture.
 Use Twitter for extended office hours. Advise students that they can tweet you at certain
times of the day.
 Use Twitter to take a poll using a certain hashtag.

How Professors & Educators can Use Social Media to Enhance Teaching-Learning Process

With the advent of internet technology, Social media has become an integral of every
student‘s life. Through social networks, it is easier and convenient to exchange information,
communicate with each other and stay connected. Teachers and students can use social platforms
to stay connected to each other and can use it for educational purpose.

Social networks are empowering students and educational institutions with opportunities
to improve teaching-learning process. SlideShare, Quora and ResearchGate etc. are helping
students by providing online tutorials. These platforms offer valuable resource material for
enriching knowledge base.

Social media is also a medium where students can establish beneficial connections for
their careers. As an educational institution, it is crucial to be active in many social platforms
possible, this helps create better student engagement strategies and makes learning more
interactive and inclusive.

Professors can use their Twitter or Facebook handles or even messaging services such as
WhatsApp to hold live sessions, offer extended support to students thereby enhancing the scope
of learning beyond classroom. They can organize discussions related to their subjects or class
assignments on social media platforms. Social media therefore helps both teachers and students
to remain connected off campus.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Faculty can create groups using social media where useful information can be accessed
by all. It is a good platform for sharing ideas. They can use hashtags to increase outreach of their
academic posts and view submissions by students to check engagement level.

One of the main reasons behind professors adapting to social media in and out of the
classrooms is that they can do personal branding using social media. This helps in creating a
name for them in the academic fraternity. Facebook, Twitter, various blogging sites and
YouTube are some of the social channels where professors can market their expertise. These
platforms are highly popular among students and hence can help in establishing high reputation.
After all, who wouldn‘t want that his / her work should get recognized!

Social media is increasingly becoming popular in building relationships outside the

classroom setting. It is helping drive admissions and strengthen public relations of the Institute.
Students‘ welfare department in colleges are taking help of social media to engage students by
addressing their grievances. It is further being used to showcase life at campus and build strong
alumni networks.

7 Ways Social Media can Benefit Professors and Students in Teaching and Learning

1. Collaborative Learning
2. Information Sharing by Students
3. Social Media Marketing for Educators
4. Helps to Foster Research
5. Continue Teaching from Anywhere and Everywhere
6. Take Advantage of Blogs to create Virtual Library
7. Let Students Learn from Social Networking

Apps That Will Make Your Teaching Life Easier

 Book Creator
 Showbie
 Nearpod
 Seesaw
 Explain Everything


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Google Classroom App/Apple‘s Classroom App

Social Media Problems

The only way to deal with this problem is through educational videos that illustrate various
situations which teenagers found themselves in because they didn‘t know it could happen to
them. A teacher can start by showing videos and discuss a set of questions with the students to
elicit important points from both videos; the uploading of photos, anyone can watch your photos
without you being aware of it. Students need to be educated towards social media. They have a
tool in their hands, they think of knowing how to use it but most of them don‘t. Teachers and
parents have to understand we cannot stop the social media hype. We as teachers have to educate
about this tool.

 Cyberbullying
 Sexting
 Hacking
 False Identity
 Addiction
 The issue of no physical interaction


As social media networks advance in education systems, many helpful and beneficial
tools will emerge that can make learning a more enriching experience.Students today are
intimately involved with social media at every stage. If you‘re missing onto the usage of social
media you are pushing away a lot of potential audience. Using it in educational institutions can
prove to be a very effective measure. The benefits of social media for academic entities are
many. The above are just a few, to begin with. Social media sites offer great opportunities for
communication between peers and teachers. Using social media, teachers can improve the
involvement of their students in studies and education, improve technological ability, provide a
great sense of collaboration in the classroom and build good communication skills of students.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


1. Anderson, T. & Garrison, D. R. (1998). Learning in a networked world: New roles and
responsibilities. In Gibson, C. (Ed.), Distance Learners in Higher Education. Madison,
WI.: Atwood Publishing.

2. Andone, D., Dron, J., Boyne, C. & Pemberton, L. (2006a). Are our students digital
students? Paper presented at Association for Learning Technology, 13th International
Conference ALT-C 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland.

3. Arbaugh, J. B. &Duray, R. (2002). Technological and structural characteristics, student

learning and satisfaction with web-based courses: An exploratory study of two online
MBA programs. Management Learning, 33(3), 331–347.

4. Bastani P, Bahrami MA. COVID-19 Related Misinformation on Social Media: A

Qualitative Study from Iran [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 05]. J Med
Internet Res 2020;10.2196/18932

5. Coronavirus. Available from:

coronavirus-2019. [Last retrieved on 2020 Apr 24].


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Ph.D. Research Scholar, Controller of Examinations i/c,
Dean of Faculty, Prof. and Head,
Department of Educational Psychology,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai – 600 097.

In the modern days, no one can live without smart phones. Nowadays it become an
essential part of our life. This is due to development and updating of out Information and
Communication Technology. Due to the development of the technology we not only become
sophisticated but also become lazy. This will leads to make the people to earn money in an
improper way and make the people to do some illegal and involved in imperfect actions. One of
the imperfect action is hacking of the internet information. In this topic we are discussing about
the basic needs that each people must know about the internet and cyber security.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security refers to the process of protecting and recovering computer systems,
networks, devices, and programs from all types of cyber-attack. Cyber-attacks are an
increasingly sophisticated and evolving danger to your sensitive data, as attackers employ new
methods powered by social engineering and artificial intelligence to circumvent traditional
security controls.
Significance of Cyber Security
The world is increasingly reliant on technology nowadays and this reliance will continue
as the next generation of smart Internet-enabled devices like networks via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
Cyber Security has become a significant viewpoint for the business, medical, government and
different associations. Cyber Security is important because it encompasses everything that
pertains to protecting our sensitive data, like our personal identifiable information
(PII), protected health information (PHI), personal information, intellectual property, data, and
governmental and industry information systems from theft and damage attempted by criminals
and adversaries.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Cyber Security risk is increasing, due to the driven by global connectivity and usage of
cloud services, like Amazon Web Services, flip kart shopping like some agencies, using somer
drives for storing personal and sensitive information. Widespread less configuration of some
cloud services will responsible for increase crimes along with increasingly sophisticated cyber
criminals which leads to the risk of our organization, institution and some persons suffers from a
successful cyber attack.
Types of cyber Security:
Cyber Security is vital for all the internet connectivity works. The basic types of cyber
security are given below;
1. Critical infrastructure security:
Critical infrastructure security consists of the cyber-physical systems that modern
societies rely on. The common critical infrastructure includes electricity grid, water purification,
traffic lights, shopping centres and hospitals. These places have high chance of vulnerable to
2. Application security:
Application security refers the uses of software and hardware methods to tackle external
threats that can arise in the development stage of an application. Applications are more
commonly accessible over networks, causing the adoption of security measures during the
development phase to be an imperative phase of the project.
3. Network security:
Network security ensures that internal networks are secure by protecting the
infrastructure and inhibiting access to it. Cyber security is concerned with threats from outside
resources, network security guards the internet system against unauthorized intrusion and
malicious intent. Nowadays, network administrators continuously implement policies and
procedures for preventing unauthorized access, modification and exploitation of the network.
4. Cloud security:
Cloud security refers to a software-based security tool which protects and monitors the
data in our cloud resources. Cloud providers are constantly creating and implementing new
security tools to help enterprise users better secure their data.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

5. Internet of things security (IoT)

Internet of things security refers to a huge verities of critical and non-critical cyber
physical systems, like appliances, sensors, televisions, wifi routers, printers, and security
6. Information Security:
Information security protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in
7. Operational Security
Operational security includes the processes and decisions for handling and protecting
data assets. The permissions users have when accessing a network and the procedures that
determine how and where data may be stored or shared all fall under this umbrella.
Advantages of Cyber Security
Cyber security is highly advantageous for the society. Cyber security protects the systems
from possible cyber-attacks and it also warns it from the potential risks. The following is a list of
cyber security benefits.
 It protects the personal and official sensitive data of an individual and organizations from
being stolen hackers.
 Protection of networks from various false nodes
 It helps for try to gain unauthorized access to the network.
 The most important aspect is that it enhances the security of the system in cyberspace.
 Eliminates the risk of computers being hacked
 It helpful in mitigating the risk of system freezes and crashes
 It helpful in protects the system against spyware, virus, malicious codes, trojan horses,
worms, and several other unwanted infectious programs.
 It is beneficial for the mental health of the operator and it also induces a sense of security
in an individual
 It is helpful for enhanced stakeholder support in the effective security mechanisms which
is applied in the business.
 It is helpful in protection against data from hackers.
 Gives privacy to users


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Disadvantages of Cyber Security

 Firewalls can be difficult to configure correctly.
 Incorrectly configured firewalls may block users from performing certain actions on the
Internet, until the firewall configured correctly.
 Makes the system slower than before.
 Need to keep updating the new software in order to keep security up to date.
 Could be costly for average user.
How individuals can safeguard themselves from cyber attacks:
 Ensure your PC is designed safely and well configured with new patches
 Ensure your data is your own and is not manipulated by others
 Online offers are mostly unbelievable and unreliable
 Look into identity protection services at Crediting money
The aim of discussing cyber-security is to provide a good security posture for computers,
servers, networks, mobile devices and the data stored on these devices from attackers with
malicious intent. This will make the people to learn some of the improper ways of their
information used by others. This must be needed for the society to protect themselves, their
employees, related individuals and their organizations. The people must aware about the cyber
security tools, cyber attacks and its preventive measures.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Research Scholar,
Department of Educational Technology, TNTEU

Modern Technology in communication little question has turned the whole world
into a ―Global village‖. Technology like two sides of coin ,it has positive and n egative also.
Technology helps people to be better informed, enlightened, and keeping abreast with world
developments. Technology exposes mankind to a much better way of doing things. These
social media sites are employed by most of the people to interact with old and new friends,
physical or internet friends. the earth has been changed rapidly by the evolution of
technology; this has resulted into the use of technology because the simplest medium to
explore the wide area of knowledge .

Need for the Study

Social media became quite common among students everywhere the world; this
actually includes the schools where students are seen to attending schools and classes with
expensive gadgets a bit like the mobile phones, tablets and iPods etc. with applications,
facilities and software which can connect them to the online and each one kinds of social
media platforms, websites then on. This trend could be attributed to many factors like
misuse of social media as a tool for learning, examination malpractice and env ironmental
factors, among others. it's against this background that this study sought to research the
influence of social media on student‘s academic achievement
Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the present study

1) To find out the relationship between social media and academic achievement of higher
secondary students
2) To find out the influence of social media on Academic Achievement with respect to
Gender, Locality, Kind of School, Locality, group and internet usage period taken.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


1) There is a significance positive relationship between social media and academic

2) There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic
achievement in terms of Gender
3) There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic
achievement in terms of Locality
4) There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic
achievement in terms of Kind of School
5) There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic
achievement in terms of group taken
6) There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic
achievement in terms of internet usage period

‗Normative Survey Method‘ is used in this study. The survey method is used for
gathering data from higher secondary students. The investigators use Google forms to collect
the data from the higher secondary students in Madurai.

Hypothesis 1

There is a significance positive relationship between social media and academic

N Correlation
Influence of Social Media and Academic Achievement 50 0.41

Denote significant at 0.05 level shows the relationship between influence of social
media and academic achievement has low level. Hence hypothesis rejected
Hypothesis 2

There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic

achievement in terms of Gender


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Gender N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value

Male 23 25.36 5.3
Female 27 29.42 6.3

It is observed that there is a significant difference between the influence of social

media on academic achievement in terms of Gender. Hence the hypothesis accepted.
Hypothesis 3

There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic

achievement in terms of Locality

Locality N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value

Rural 35 53.6 10.82
Urban 15 19.35 5.87 2.03
It is observed that there is a significant difference between the influence of social
media on academic achievement in terms of Locality. Hence the hypothesis accepted.
Hypothesis 4

There is a significance difference between the influences of social media on academic

achievement in terms of Kind of School
Kind of N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value
Govt 27 31.48 7.25
Private 23 26.50 6.33 2.50
It is observed that there is a significant difference between the influence of social
media on academic achievement in terms of Kind of School.Hence the hypothesis accepted.
Hypothesis 5

There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic

achievement in terms of group taken
Group N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value
Science 33 52.23 7.23
Art 17 26.03 6.9 2.96
It is observed that there is a significant difference between the influence of social
media on academic achievement in terms of group taken Hence the hypothesis accepted.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Hypothesis 6

There is a significance difference between the influence of social media on academic

achievement in terms of internet usage

Internet N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value

Usage Period
Less than 1 37 61.07 9.12
Hour 3.09
More than 1 13 17.30 5.42
It is observed that there is a significant difference between the influence of social
media on academic achievement in terms of internet usage. Hence the hypothesis accepted.

It is pertinent that these students don't abuse the good uses of social media, while
parents and teachers encourage them to continue consuming the suitable contents online.
Teachers can also upload educational contents online within the kinds of blogs and ar ticles
and have students read them in their spare times, online. The limitation encountered while
conducting this study was the issues of respondents faking responses or distorting the
required information by giving responses that are not entire true which may have slightly
affected the findings of the study.


1) Boyd. D.M. and Ellison, N.B., ―Social network sites: definition, history and scholarship,‖
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communications, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 210-230, 2007.
2) Miah, M., et al., ―Effects of social networking on adolescent education,‖ Information
Systems Education Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 90-100 2013.
3) Kuppuswamy, S., & Narayan, P. (2010). The Impact of Social Networking Websites on
the Education of Youth. International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social
Networking (IJVCSN), 2(1), 67-79.
4) Nielsen."State of the media: The social media report 2012".Featured Insights, Global,
Media + Entertainment. Retrieved 9 December 2012.
5) Oche M and Aminu A. (2010). Nigeria: Social Networking and the Future of Students.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr. Kavitha G.N, Lecturer, Center for Women's Studies, Bangalore University, Bangalore,
Karnataka. E-mail:
Dr. Sreekantaiah, Lecturer, Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedlcar Studies and Research Centre,
Bangalore University, Bangalore., Karntaka.

The role of social media in disaster management became galvanized during the world
response to the various natural disasters. They have become the new forum for collective
intelligence, social convergence, and community activism. The benefits of social media for
systematic natural disaster management are immense, according to empirical evidence. A good
deal of interest has been aroused in modem society on the role of social media as instruments of
natural disaster management. The present study evaluated the uses of social media in times of
natural disaster management with special reference to India.

Review of Literature:
There are a good deal of scientific investigations dealing with sustainable development
and natural disaster management at the international level. Few researchers in India have also
examined the role of social media in the process of natural disaster management. Prominent
among them include — Varda et al. (2009:20), Li and Good Child (2010:15), Armour
(2010:05), Kodrich, K and Laituri, M.N (2011:11), Ford (2011:09),Cheng and Hitoshi
(2011:07), Kumar et al. (2011:14), (2012:10), Roberts (2012:18), Wilson
(2012:21), Rajashree (2013:17), Zin et al. (2013:23), Chan (2013:06), Annamalai et al.
(2014:04), Abedin et al. (2014:01), Mukheijee (2014:16), Kulkami et al. (2014:13), Anand and
Narayana (2014:03) and Shilpa (2015:19), Yates and Partridge (2015:22), Albuquerque et al.
(2015:02) and Fohringer et al. (2015:08).

Significance of the Study

India is known for rich cultural and historical legacy in the Indian subcontinent. It is also
known as the land of `Dravidian' which means the people of India who share Dravidian culture.
This region consists of Vishalandhra, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala states.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

India has not achieved progress on par with the people of North India due to the prevalence of
regionalism in the country. Despite certain disadvantages and limitations, India has achieved
notable progress in all walks of life. In particular, India is affected by series of natural disasters
which have cost the lives of the people and resources over a period of time. The periodic
occurrence of natural disasters needs to be addressed seriously by the stakeholders of natural
disaster management in the region. The review of literature clearly indicates that adequate
scientific investigations are not carried out in India on the uses of social media in times of
natural disaster management with reference to India. Hence, the study assumes profound
academic and social significance.

Objectives of the Study

The present investigation was carried out on the basis of following specific objectives.
They include:
a. To assess the social media exposure among the respondents.
b. To analyze the social media use patterns of the respondents.
c. To examine the uses of social media in times of natural disaster management; and
d. To suggest appropriate social media strategies for systematic natural disaster management
in future.
Research Methodology
The major objective of the present study was to understand the role of social media in
natural disaster management with special reference to India. The social media services were
systematically evaluated from the point of view of natural disaster management. The present
study was planned and conducted in three stages. In the first stage, a pilot study was conducted
in order to examine the feasibility and appropriateness of the tools and procedures of the study.
In the second stage, interview schedules were developed and perfected in order to collect
authentic primary data from the stakeholders and beneficiaries of natural disaster management
in India. In the third stage, appropriate scientific statistical analysis procedures were followed to
ensure systematic data analysis and interpretation. Overall, the present study approached the
problem through a systematic survey method which fits into the context of the present


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Distribution of Sample
Name of the State Name of the Number of Number Total
District Stakeholder of Respondent
Andrapradesh Visakhapatnam 20 68 88

Karnataka Dakshina 20 68 88
Tamilnadu Nagapattinam 20 66 86
Kerala Ernakulam 18 70 88
Total 04 78 272 350

Findings of the Study

Demographic Features of the Respondents
• A majority of the study sample represent male respondents (70.29%), graduates and post
graduates (86.29%), civilians (52.0%) and Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka state (50.29%)
Uses of Social Media for Natural Disaster Management
• A majority of the respondents (86.29%) have stated that social media were an important
component of natural disaster management during preparedness phase.
• A majority of the respondents (77.14%) have stated that social media provided emergency
evacuation route information during preparedness phase.
• A majority of the respondents (86.29%) have stated that social media provided information
about evacuation orders during preparedness phase.
• A majority of the respondents (80.57%) have stated that social media provided regular
natural disaster updates during preparedness phase.
• A majority of the respondents (76.0%) have stated that social media promoted personal
preparedness before natural disaster during preparedness phase.
• A majority of the respondents (73.71%) have stated that social media alerted the people
concerned about tracking of natural disasters during preparedness phase.
• A majority of the respondents (74.86%) have stated that social media provided emergency
shelter information during response phase of natural disaster management.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

• A majority of the respondents (69.71%) have stated that social media provided information
about reuniting people during response phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (70.29%) have stated that social media provided information
about food, water, shelter and other services during response phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (69.14%) have stated that social media provided information
about the availability of medical services during response phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (69.71%) have stated that social media alerted the people
about the areas to stay away from during response phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (81.14%) have stated that social media dispelled rumors and
mitigate anxiety during response phase of natural disaster management
• A majority of the respondents (85.71%) have stated that social media facilitated good
response to natural disasters during response phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (66.86%) have stated that social media communicated the
media conference details to the people during response phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (74.86%) have stated that social media communicated the
decisions of the policy makers and administrators during response phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (83.43%) have stated that social media communicated the
actions of government and non-government agencies during response phase of natural
disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (74.86%) have stated that social media allowed crowd
powered emergency messages during response phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (84.57%) have stated that social media provided information
about relief measures during recovery phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (76.57%) have stated that social media provided information
about rehabilitation services during recovery phase of natural disaster management.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

• A majority of the respondents (73.14%) have stated that social media provided information
about coordinated efforts during recovery phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (65.71%) have stated that social media provided information
about preventive means and mechanisms during recovery phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (70.29%) have stated that social media provided information
about remedial measures during recovery phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (72.0%) have stated that social media provided information
about civil society role and responsibility during recovery phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (86.86%) have stated that social media provided information
about the participation of government agencies during recovery phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (88.0%) have stated that social media provided information
about the contribution of corporate houses during recovery phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (83.43%) have stated that social media provided information
about developing public response system during recovery phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (81.71%) have stated that social media provided information
about integrated approaches during recovery phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (58.29%) have stated that social media validated all sources
and information in times of natural disasters during recovery phase of natural disaster
• A majority of the respondents (53.71%) have stated that social media ensured effective
monitoring of the operations during recovery phase of natural disaster management.
• A majority of the respondents (88.0%) have stated that social media provided morale
boosting messages and services to the people during recovery phase of natural disaster


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Limitations of the Study

It was not practically possible for the researcher to enjoy the benefit of accessibility of
data to all the stakeholders of natural disaster management and civilians who are affected by the
natural disasters in India. It was not practically possible to contact all the individuals, online
groups, NGOs, and government bodies due to lack of time. The usual limitations of the survey
method such as time, human inadequacies, resource constraints, recollection and
communication were experienced by the researcher. Incidental, purposive and stratified
sampling methods were followed in selecting the respondents. Though much care has been
taken to collect the primary data, the memory bias on the part of the respondents cannot be
completely ruled out.
Testing of Hypotheses
H1: The stakeholders of natural disaster management and civilians in the affected areas in
India have not gained adequate social media exposure.
The data reveal that the stakeholders of natural disaster management and civilians in the
affected areas have enjoyed the benefit of adequate social media exposure for better natural
disaster management. Hence, the above hypothesis stands disproved according to the data
H2. The stakeholders of natural disaster management and civilians in the affected areas in
India have not found the social media initiatives as useful for effective management of
natural disasters.
The data reveal that the stakeholders of natural disaster management and civilians in the
affected areas have found the social media application as useful. Hence, the above hypothesis
stands disproved according to the data analysis.
Implications of the Study
The social media plot forms are used in times of natural disaster management according
to their popularity and access to the vast number of users on each platform. The stakeholders of
natural disaster management should use social media tools that contribute to the success of their
social media campaigns. By selecting the most popular and most utilized social media tools,
stakeholders stand to gain the most from the tool and achieve the highest degree of success.
The government organizations have increased their use of social media. These organizations
should use the social media adequately during disaster relief efforts. The mobile phone


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

applications and c-mail also have great potentials in times of natural disaster management since
they disseminate important and critical information. The social media should be used to render
locally relevant services to the affected persons. The best practices should be used to establish a
social media plan in case of a disaster or emergency. These practices should be used as
guidelines because each disaster or crisis varies greatly from any other and cannot be given
simple standard.
The stakeholders of natural disasters management should plan social media tactics in
advance and make other people within the organization aware of the communication strategies
in order to ensure that social media receives attention during a disaster. It is important for
stakeholders to use social media tools that will contribute to the success of their campaigns.
This should be done through reaching as many people as possible on popular social media
platforms. The mapping tools are a new form of social media which could be utilized for the
purpose of rendering adequate disaster relief centered services. It is essential for stakeholders
involved in disaster relief to understand the best ways they can use social media tools. The best
practices of mapping tools could be researched in greater detail, as its applications continue to
expand in future.
The present study reveals that social media have the capacity to facilitate proper natural
disaster management in modem times. The social media have the potential to be powerful tools
coordinating relief responses, connecting individuals to resources, and engaging a wider
community beyond those directly affected in times of natural disasters. The study has
demonstrated that social media were used to facilitate the sharing of vital information between
the stakeholders and civilians affected by natural disasters. The study also provided insight into
how disaster responders can interact with different networks to enhance their responses. The
stakeholders of natural disaster management are using applications and mobile browsing for a
dynamic experience. By tapping into this population and drawing on their strengths and
resources, disaster responders can enhance their efforts, and improve their ability to act swiftly
and effectively when disaster strikes. The strengths of social media include: allowing for instant
communication, the ability to reach a broad audience, and direct communication between
disaster management organizations and those affected by the disaster. These strengths are
compared to the its limitations, such as certain demographics not using social media, the speed


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

with which rumors can spread, and the unrealistic expectations people may have of social media
during disasters. The present investigation emphasizes that social media are indeed an
invaluable tools in natural disaster management in India

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Social Media in Natural Disasters: A Systematic Review, IEEE International
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ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


S. VIJAYALAKSHMI Ph.D., Scholars &

Assistant Professor., Department of Tamil,
Lady willingdon institute of advanced Study in education


Social media can be a powerful communication tool for employees, helping them to
collaborate, share ideas, and solve problems. Research has shown that 82% of employees think
that social media can improve work relationships and 60% believe social media support
decision-making processes. Culture is the environment created for employees. It is the mix of
the organization‘s leadership, values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes that
contribute to the emotional and relational environment of the workplace. Social media in the
workplace is another avenue for workers to find information that is relevant to the job or
discover new information they can apply while on their job. It is also a way for employees to
spread company information. Some social media sites have the potential for content posted there
to spread virally over social networks. The term is an analogy to the concept of viral infections,
which can spread rapidly from person to person. In a social media context, content or websites
that are 'viral' (or which 'go viral') are those with a greater likelihood that users will reshare
content posted (by another user) to their social network, leading to further sharing. In some
cases, posts containing popular content or fast-breaking news have been rapidly shared and re-
shared by a huge number of users.

Businesses have a particular interest in viral marketing tactics because a viral campaign
can achieve widespread advertising coverage (particularly if the viral reposting itself makes the
news) for a fraction of the cost of a traditional marketing campaign, which typically uses printed
materials, like newspapers, magazines, mailings, and billboards, and television and radio
commercials. Nonprofit organizations and activists may have similar interests in posting content
on social media sites with the aim of it going viral.

Characteristics of a Social Workplace


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social media and the new technologies of today have totally changed how we work,
communicate, interact, collaborate, and relate to each other. Business leaders need to rethink
how to take their organization to the next level and consequently ―enable‖ their staff to succeed
in this new environment- our new reality.

. The most important characteristics that social media and work culture have are:

 Participation – everybody is continuously involved in this contribution process – to share

news, to give feedback.
 Openness – the barriers are small; the content is reachable and opened to discussion into
Conversation – the dialog is really important; you offer information but as well receive
feedback or/and other information
 Community – common interests, hobbies, passions are creating groups where you can
share all these
 Connectedness – permanent connection, links between people, resources, lifestyles, etc.
The main benefit of adding social media to your overall marketing communication strategy
is to create a platform that attracts the attention of clients and prospects of products,
services, and capabilities, or prompts them to share their views on a topic of common

Use of social media for recruitment

A social recruiting survey conducted by a US-based firm by Jobvite shows that social
media has become an important tool for recruiting top talent. According to the survey, which
asked over 600 HR and recruiting professionals as to how they use social networking in their
recruiting process, 73.3% said they currently use social media to recruit candidates. The most
commonly used medium is LinkedIn (78%), followed by Facebook (55%), Twitter (45%), and
blogs ( 19%). Jobvite also found that 46% of respondents were spending more on social
recruiting in 2010 than they were in 2009. Social media is being used more intensively for
internal communications. A lot of networks like KinecticGlue, Yammer, and sales force chatter
are fast being adopted by companies to increase collaboration at work. This is being considered
as a basic hygiene factor at work.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Possible Advantages:

 Social networking sites help employees remain focused on and aligned with corporate
 People can share resources and information easily and effectively.
 These tools flatten the corporate hierarchy, empower individual employees at all levels,
and provide a direct path to decision-makers and executors.
 Internal social networking encourages people to connect and communicate with each other,
cross-pollinate ideas, and develop valuable insights.
 The ability to communicate issues, insights, and solutions leads to generating new ideas.
 The company can be more easily and effectively search for and consolidate employee skill-
sets to match specific project requirements.

 Social media connects employees with people around the world anytime

Social media allows employees to communicate with one another and with their family
and friends even while working. They can easily share their ideas and communicate among
themselves whenever they are working on a project. They can also check up on their loved
ones and stay updated with their lives even though they are inside the confines of the
 Social media gives employees a mental break
Whenever tasks and responsibilities pile up, employees can breathe and take a minute or
two off their hectic schedules to unwind and relax. They can scroll through their newsfeed
and look at cute photos or watch exciting videos to keep their minds off work.
 Social media allows employees to see life outside of work
Employees tend to use social media to see the world outside the walls of their offices.
Hectic schedules and piles of unfinished paperwork could suck the life out of you and
make work feel exhausting, but using social media in the workplace can remind you that
there is more to life than their work.

Possible Disadvantages:

 Open up the possibility for hackers to commit fraud and launch spam and virus attacks.
 Increase the risk of people to result in data and identity theft.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 May result in negative comments from employees about the company or potential legal
consequences if employees use these sites to view objectionable or offensive material.
 Potentially result in lost productivity, especially if employees are busy updating profiles

 Social media can turn your problems into work problems. Because of social media, your
employees' problems could further aggravate and affect their performance at work. Their
issues could keep them preoccupied in a rather unproductive manner.

 Bullying and harassment in the workplace could also occur. An employee may send
negative remarks or spread baseless rumors about another colleague. They may also get
into embarrassing situations and post false information about their co-workers. As a result,
these activities could hinder team cooperation and collaboration

Steps to implement a social media policy in the workplace

 A clear social media policy can help to regulate employees‘ social media activities
regarding their employment outside the workplace.
 The policy must reflect the business culture and be designed to minimize risks such as
‗‘bad mouthing‖ employer or workplace online.
 Employers who seek to enforce their social media policy outside the workplace must
ensure such provisions go no further than to protect the reputation and security of the
business. The policy must be reasonable.
 Ensure the scope of your policy is not inadvertently narrowed; cover all types of social
media including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, and other channels that
allow individuals to post images, comments, videos. Keep in mind social media is
continually changing and new channels are introduced often.
 Once a workplace policy has been developed, it is important to periodically review and
update this policy to adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape. Training
employees is essential, to keep them up-to-date with workplace policies will help to
manage risks and will also offer the employer an avenue of recourse where employees fail
to meet behavioral standards.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Some Important Characteristics of a “Social Workplace”

A consistent brand built on trust, integrity, and relationships. Not built on a flashy logo.
The brand voice and tone are understood. That is to say not just by the Marketing
department but by everyone.
 The social media sandbox is understood with a well defined social media policy.
 Unleashed creative minds.
 Listening is a core competency.
 Cross-functionality is a way of conducting business.

Benefits of Social Media in The Workplace

 Provide your staff with mental breaks. Allowing staff to take a short and occasional
break, where they can use social media if they choose to, can be beneficial to overall
work productivity. ...
 Positive brand representation.
 Internal communication
 Develop and grow
 Recognize and retain employees.
Strengthens and Builds Personal Relationships with Coworkers

Coworkers can use social media to interact with one another and build better relationships.
A stronger relationship among employees leads to more cohesive and productive work
Because social media is accessible almost anywhere, the staff can interact with one another
even when not at work. The ability to interact outside of work will help boost employee
morale and engagement. Your work teams, especially, could improve as they grow closer
Enhances Information Discovery and Delivery
Similar to number three on this list, employees can use social media as a form of
communication to discover and deliver job-related information. Social media in the
workplace is another avenue for workers to find information that is relevant to the job or
discover new information they can apply while on their job.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

It is also a way for your employees to spread information about your company. This
transmission of information can help with brand awareness and open up new recruiting and
business opportunities.

Improves Employee Recognition and Retention

Social media is a tremendous avenue for recognizing employee accomplishments, both
internally and externally. Through social media, the company can give recognition to
outstanding performance, work anniversaries, new hires, etc.
This recognition allows team members to interact, which works to build team
cohesiveness. Employees can congratulate each other, keep up with the company‘s current
events, and interact with more of their colleagues.
The interaction and ability for recognition that social media provides can improve overall
employee morale. Employees who are more engaged with their firm and their coworkers
are more likely to stay in that business.
Every business wants its employees to be more productive. Social media is an
easy-to-implement and inexpensive method that can positively affect your company's
productivity... Through social media sites employees can strengthen professional
relationships with people outside the company. Then, these relationships can lead to
opportunities that would otherwise not have been available.More and better connections
may result in sales leads, interest in employment, business opportunities, and new ideas.
LinkedIn is specifically geared towards these types of connections and has a plethora of
obvious business uses.

Allowing employees to use social media simplifies these breaks. Workers can now take a
break when and wherever they choose rather than going to the break room to read the
paper or interrupting another employee's work to talk to them. But, social media, when
used responsibly, can give your workers the short mental breaks they need throughout the



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

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 "Global chatbot market 2015-2024 | Statistic". Statista. Retrieved 2017-05-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr.Hameed basha.B
Assistant professor
Department of History
Arignar Anna Government Arts College,
Villupuram-605 602

Social media is a blissful platform for students, teachers, policy makers and Researchers
obtaining knowledge with a facile way. It emerged as greatest platform in the research fields and
unavoidable tool in modern world. It helps the teachers to use the modern techniques, also
scientific information and communication technology(ICT) move to next level. Social media
connects the student community with a one platform for acquiring knowledge. There are
numerous ideas regarding the first occur in the social media, entire human history. On depth the
technologies lead it easier for communicating each other.1Perhaps; social media gave much
interest to the student on learning process. Some educators utilize the social media widely to
promote expressing among students. Earlier observations tell that students were benefited always
on social media which approved interactivity. In spiteof recent addition over the internet criteria,
social media growth in high esteem.2Internet and social networking are undeniably one of the
most astounding and path-breaking inventions.3The mobile app used for using social media.
Mobile Phonewas no longer bricks, but had not yet become smart. As social media applications
began to emerge interest grew in how social media might support proactive based learning.4
Nevertheless, social media is a general platform, everyone post their own ideas or
forward without checking the authenticity. However, some of the challenges and constrains on
the social media platform like fake news, hoax, misinformation, conspiracy theories. These lead
the society to learn wrong history via social media. This article mainly focused the challenges
and constrains to learning history education on social media. Moreover, it delimited only on
Facebook platform which helpful for student teachers communication on education.
Social media
The second generation using www (world wide web) called as web 2.0 technologies. The
increased accessibility of internet and smart phones enable wereacts thorough social mediums


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

than face to face mode. Social media camp up as a big force and it has affected all aspects of
humanlives.5Last decade was characterized by the expanded growth of social media; social
media, derived from the social software movement are a collection of internet websites, services,
and practices that support collaboration, Community building,participation and sharing.6 Bryer
and zavatano Social media defines as ―social media are technologies that facilitate social
interaction make possible collaboration, and enable deliberation across stakeholder‖. These
technologies include blogs, wikis, face book, MySpace, you tube, flickr, twitter and etc., Last
decade has witnessed exponential growth of Social media with increased accessibility to internet,
people . At present the trending to socialize towards social medium apart from face to face mode.
It could not be an exaggeration to reveal the lives are being developed and defined bysocial
media.Nevertheless, social media was already implemented in education fields in different types
and activities.7
Prospects of social media education in history
Earlier, books and classrooms were the only platforms to getting wisdom on subjects.
Now the trend has to changed, especially last two decades. However, students have a personal
and professional lives of people can no longer to ignore. Social media can help the faculties to
design the instructional system according to the changing needs of learners or society at large.
Researchers have indicated the immediate feedback and or knowledge of results plays a very
important role in the learning process. The use of social media allows teachers to quickly
recognize learning needs. The continuous submission of viewpoints of student provides teacher
with abundant material so as to assess student learning. Students who are having difficulty with
certain concepts can be identified at earlier stage and appropriate intervention can be provided to
them. perhaps, the academic and co-curricular engagement are powerful forces in both student
psychosocial development and academic success.8
Moreover the social media provides enough opportunities to transform the passive and
teacher centered one way communicationto an active and student centered tow way
communication.9 Teachers can share links to a bumbler of learning resources can post
homework, assignments, and share news with the student community. Social media also helps in
involving students who otherwise don‘t take part in the teaching learning process. The basic
quality of social media tempts collaboration between learners and teachers. To a large extend tit
supports thetheory of social constructivism, whose major belief is the students learn better in


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

their natural social environment. It lead teachers form of group which are interested
education.Social media provides a platform to students to give feedback on each other‘s
assignment work in groups to createcontent, to ask questions and to start a discussion. It results
students should learn with peers and interacting them.Also, social media has the potential to
increase student engagement. Studentengaged is define as student involvement in activities and
conditions that are linked with high quality learning.The familiar environment and informality of
the environment makes the learning process more interesting and enjoyable. They are
automatically more receptive to material presented on social networking sites. The uses of social
media might be the important tool which provides teachers easily communicate the student‘s
community on learning process.
Hoax history in social media
History is an interesting subject which engaged both academic and public. Perhaps the
sharing historical messages trolled huge in number are fake or hoax messages. They shared the
messages without knowing whether it is true or fake. These messages may classify as
misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation is classifies as false or misleading content
including hoaxes. Conspiracy theories, fabricated reports, check bait headlines. Misinformation
is not deliberately intended to deceive instead it aims to shape or change public on a given topic.
Disinformation can be spread using the same tactics as misinformation.
Using Facebook in Teaching
Facebook is the most leading among social media. On 4th October 2012, Mark
Zuckerberg claimed to have more than 1 billion active users. Facebook reached a milestone with
1 billion monthly smart users in 2014. Approximately 81% of these monthly active users are
outside the US and Canada. There are 604 million monthly active users who used Facebook
mobile products as of 30 September 2012. There are 584 million daily active users on an average
in September 2012. Facebook primarily launched by some restrictions, like before entering the
facebook they should create a profile and add other student friends. Users may join common-
interest user groups organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics and
categorize their friends into lists such as people from work or close friends.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow
students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskoviz and Chris Hughes. Zucherberg wrote facemash, the
predecessor to Facebook on 28 october 2003, while attending Hardvard as a sopheomore.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Zuckerberg gets into the restricted areas of Harvard‘s computer network and copied the houses
private dormitory ID images. Harvard at that time did not have a student facebook through
individual houses had been issuing their own paper facebooks since the mid-1980s. Facemash
might have 450 visitors and 22,000 image-views in the first 4 hours online. The site may quickly
lead several campus group list have copyrights and violating individual privacy and the founder
faced expulsion. Ultimately the charges were dropped.
Zukerberg expanded on this initial project that semester by creating a social study tool
ahead of an art history final10 , by uploading 500 Augustan images to a website. On 4 February
2004, the launched ―the Facebook‖ originally located at the Within a week of the
site launch, three Harvard seniors Cameron winklevoss Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra
accused him of intentionally misleading them into believing he would help them build a social
network called Harvard connection. The rapid growth of social media, mainly due to
technological factors such as increased broadband availability, the improvement of software
tolls, and the development of more powerful computers and mobile devices, has been
phenomenal11. This type of media has actually become ubiquitous and part and parcel to the
daily lives of millions of people around the globe and has a tremendous impact upon every facet
of our personal and professional lives. Give that a large number of internet userwas teachers and
students. Social media seem to have greatly influenced the way to learn and teach well. Results
from past research in previous studies reported that they did not encounter nay trouble or using
Constrains on social media education
The prime had effect of social media is addiction. Constantly checking facebook, twiiter ,
linkedin other social media updates. This addiction could behave affect other valued activities
like concentrating on studies, taking active part in sports , real like communication and ignoring
ground realities. There are hundreds of thousands of fake accounts on social networked who are
boys pretending to be girls to be friends with girls and in most cases this leads to embarrassments
and disappointment finally result in depression. The popularity of social media had the stepped at
which information is published has created alas attitude towards proper spelling agrammar. A
student‘s ability has to effectively write without relying on a computer‘s spell check feature.
Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to provide
answers that means a reduced focus on learning and retying information. Our ability to retain


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

information has decreased, and the willingness to spend. The most trolled historical picture with
have an content includes; 1.Mumtaz was Shahjahan;s 4th wife out of 7 wives. 2. Shah Jajan killed
Mumtaz‘s husband to marry her. 3. Mumtaz died during her 14th delivery. 4. After her death
Shah jahan married mumtaz‘s sister. The reality is Mumtaz might be the Shahjahan‘s second
wife. Mumtaz‘s only husband is Shahjahan. Mumtaz died during his 14 th delivery is the true
content. However, shajahan was more affectionate to his wife mumtaz. Shanjahan never married
mumtaz sister after his death. Out of 4 messages 3 are false. These kinds of messages trolled
wrongly on facebook and other social media.
The growth of social media over past few years has changed the ways in which the
internet is expected by most and users. Social media is built on the idea of how people know and
interact with each other. It gives people the power to share, making the world more open and
connected with each other. Social networking has a vital influence on our live as it helps a lot in
every fields or life such as political field, economic field and educational field. People watch
billion of video clips on youtube and facebook every hour. But the authenticity of the message,
particularly historical content was a question mark. Uses of social media depends upon person to
personas is has good as well as negative impact on the society. However, the social media tools
and networking sits encourage students to engage with each other and to express and here their
Notes and Refrences:-
1. Simeon O edosomwan, ―The history of social media and its impact on business‖, the
journal of applied management &entrepreneurship, Vol.16, Issue.3, pp.79-91
2. Mazer, J.P, Murphy, R,E., ―I‘ll see you on ―facebook‖, the effects of computer-mediates
teaches self-disclosure on student motivations, Learning media technologies, Vol.34,
Issue.2, pp.175-183
3. Tomayess issa, Social networking and education, Springer, 2916,P.52
4. Joanne westwood, Social media in social work education, critical publishing, 2014,P.7
5. Jessy Abraham, ―Using social media for educational purpose:approaches and
challenges‖, International educational conference, 2105 , pp.484-489


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

6. Heiberger g and Harper R, ―Have you facebooked astin lately? Using technology to
increase technology to increase student involvement‖, new directions for student
services, issue 124, 2008, pp.19-35
7. Hana S .Noor Al-deen and John Allen Hendricks, Social media usage and impact,
Lexingtonbooks, New York, 2013, p.26
8. Kuh G.D, ―what student affairor professional nedd to know about student engagement‖,
Journal of college student Development , 2009, pp.540563
9. Lin, H.T &Yuvan, S.M, ―Taking blog as a platform of learning reflective journal‖ICWL,
2006, pp.38-47
10. K.M.Shrivastava, Social media, Streling publishers, New Delhi, p.21
11. Rdouan Faizi, E‖Exploring the potential Benefits of using social media in Education‖,
IJEP, Vol.3, Issue.4, October 2013, pp.50-56
12. Khe Foon Hew, ―Review: Students and teachers use of Facebook‖, computers in Human
Behavious, Vol.27, 2011, p.662-676


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Psychology
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University
Chennai – 97
Social Media Education for Students
Social media is become an invaluable tool not only for promoting and selling goods and
products but also in the field of education. Many students post their problems on the social media
platform and get instant help or solutions to their problems. The role of social media in
education plays an important role in the student‘s lives. With the help of social media, students
can get information, can fetch or retrieve information easily, and can communicate with their
teachers, friends, and classmates easily. Students can get connected with their teachers or
professors easily and can gain knowledge and information very easily through its help. Social
media has been criticized by many educators because many students waste their time and money
on the social media platform. But it offers a lot of opportunities and plenty of options for
interaction and gaining information and can increase their learnings.
There is various Importance of social media in teaching and learning. They are as follows,

Educational Advantages
For many years, it gained popularity and become a trusted source of providing
information and it is a great platform where students and businesses or companies can interact
with their target audiences. With the help of social media, students and teachers can improve
their technological access and involvement in studies increases because of these latest
technologies. Internet and its technology also help in collaborating in the classroom and make
better and effective communication skills with students. Teachers can make the class interesting
by making the PowerPoint presentation and can use various pictures and images in it. So that
class students take more interest and retain more information with the attracted PowerPoint
Information can be Shared Easily
Sharing of information is very necessary in order to spread the message or if you want to
communicate with the other. Students need to communicate with their teachers, friends, and


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

colleagues and various others. Information sharing becomes very easy through the help of the
internet and social media. Students can connect with their friends, teachers, colleagues and any
other through various communication means such as mobile phones, laptops, personal
computers, laptops, and various others. But all these devices need an internet connection then
only they can share information easily through social media websites. Students need to share
knowledge, their daily tasks, opinions, study material, school projects, and other kinds of
educational stuff with each other. With the help of social media, students can easily share this
valuable information with each other and can gain information and knowledge.

Social Credibility
Many schools, colleges, and universities offer a good facility to their students that they
can take participate and can connect with a large number of students through social media
websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many others. These channels proved to be
very helpful and supportive in order to impart and communicate school news, all the information
and messages related to education, making declarations, and to offer more valuable data and
information among students. This is very helpful in creating the involvement between the various
schools, colleges, and universities, which helps in handling several students by making
associations and groups. You can also go for the online assignment helps services to know more
about social credibility.
Connectivity All the Time
The internet and social provide a lot of benefits. The greatest benefit is the connectivity.
Students can connect with each other anytime anywhere not restricted to the physical and
geographical boundaries of the area. There are various virtual classes available for learning on
many social media websites. One can connect with the teacher of these classes and can learn a lot
of things through social media and can gain knowledge. ATC as any time connectivity is only
possible because of the internet and social media. If you need assignment help then you can ask
academic experts to help to get accurate information on connectivity with social media.
Cost-Effective Communication
Social media is a brilliant medium and that too free of cost and user-friendly. Social
media does not charge anything from the user and provide a lot of benefits. So, it is a very cost-
effective communication media. It helps in promoting and selling goods and products without


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

any charges. Students can enroll themselves in various educational programs, events, new
courses and many other types of research programs with the help of social media and that will
take no charges. These programs enhance and boost the confidence of students and improve their
Why Social Media is useful for Students?
Here is a list that explains why social media is important in the lives of students. These are:

1. Social media provides a lot of credible and relevant information and data. For
instance, you can gain knowledge and insights on various topics. It helps you in
analyzing the different answers and different opinions of different students. It
increases your imagination and creative skills.
2. Social media helps in delivering the training to students with the help of the latest
methodologies and help in shaping their future. It plays a dynamic role in an
educational institution.
Social media is the latest technology that helps all students in gaining information and
knowledge by adopting different methodologies. The utilization and involvement of social media
in education helps students, teachers, professors, and parents to get specific information. They
can connect themselves with different learning and educational groups and can achieve success.
If you are still confused about the benefits of social media and on any topic then you can take
assistance from instant assignment writers.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mr. J.Antony Joseph,

Assistant Professor
Loyola College of Education- Chennai
Dr. P. Ganesan, Professor and Head,
Dept. of Pedagogical Sciences, TNTEU
Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate
the creation or sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of
expression via virtual communities and networks. Social media are interactive platforms where
content is created, distributed and shared by individuals on the web. The purpose of social
media is primarily to build a brand and increase a brand's visibility. With social media becoming
more popular, the more a brand is covered across social media and the more times people see it,
the more likely they are to be aware of it.Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these
days because of its user-friendly features. Social media has a huge impact on individuals and their
lives. While some impacts can be positive, social media has been also used to negatively affect
things like our moods and stress levels. Social media is also addictive too. With the easy access
to it anytime of day on our phones, it‘s easy to fall into the habit of checking it everywhere.
A fascinating study by the New York Times Consumer Insight Group revealed the
motivations that participants cited for sharing information on social media. These include a
desire to reveal valuable and entertaining content to others; to define themselves; to grow and
nourish relationships and to get the word out about brands and causes they like or support. Social
media is being used in ways that shape politics, business, world culture, education, careers,
innovation, and more. Some argue that social sharing has encouraged people to use computers
and mobile phones to express their concerns on social issues without actually having to engage
actively with campaigns in real life. In brief social media has a huge impact on individuals and
their lives and it has absolutely revolutionized our world.
Mass Media
Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary
means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most
common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the
Internet. The general public typically relies on the mass media to provide information regarding


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture.It refers to a diverse array
of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.
Social media
Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or
sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks.
Development of Social Media

Today, everyone knows and uses social media. Even the most remote parts of the world
have heard about Facebook, Whatsup and Twitter, and they probably use it every day too.
However, it wasn't like this a decade ago. Not as many people had internet access at that time,
and smartphones were not even introduced in the market. Today, most of us can't live without
social media. In fact, we scroll through Facebook, Whatsup, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest at
least thrice every hour, this creates an environment where users can reach the maximum number
of people without sacrificing the intimacy of person-to-person communication. We can only
speculate about what the future of social networking may look in the next decade or even 100
years from now, but it seems clear that it will exist in some form for as long as humans are alive.

Role of Social Media

Social media can play both the role. It can portrait the good things in the society and create
good changes and it can also create negative impact to society

Social media can be used for various noble causes like social welfare activities and
promotion of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). Not only this, but it also helps to change
the way people live. It creates awareness and helps people to discover various innovations that
help them enhance their own lives. Every individual from a farmer to a Factory man can benefit
from the awareness factor of social media. Some of them are

(I) It Create people as social participants: Social networking services can provide an
accessible and powerful toolkit for highlighting and acting on issues and causes that affect and
interest young people. Social networking services can be used for organising activities, events, or


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

groups to showcase issues and opinions and make a wider audience aware of them. E.g.
Coordinating band activities, fundraisers, and creating awareness of various causes.

(II) It helps in developing a voice and building trust: Social networking services can be used to hone
debating and discussion skills in a local, national or international context. This helps users
develop public ways of presenting themselves. Personal skills are very important in this context:
to make, develop and keep friendships, and to be regarded as a trusted connection within a
network. Social networking services can provide young people with opportunities to learn how to
function successfully in a community, navigating a public social space and developing social
norms and skills as participants in peer groups.

(III) It moulds people as content creators, and distributors: Social media users take part in activities
and discussions on a site, and upload, modify or create content. This supports creativity and can
support discussion content and data management.

(IV) It helps people to work: Social networking services are designed to support users working,
thinking and acting together. They also require listening and compromising skills. Young people
may need to ask others for help and advice in using services, or understand how platforms work
by observing others, particularly in complex virtual environments. Once users have developed
confidence in a new environment, they will also have gained the experience to help others.
(V) It helps people to explore and learn: Social networks encourage discovery. If someone is
interested in certain books, bands, recipes or ideas, it's likely that their interest will be catered for
by a social networking service or group within a service. If users are looking for something more
specific then they could create their own groups eg., Whatsup or social networking sites eg.,You
Tube. Social networking services can help young people develop their interests and find other
people who share the same interests. They can help introduce young people to new things and
ideas, and deepen appreciation of existing interests.
(I) Isolation: A study at the University of Pennsylvania found that high usage of Facebook,
Snapchat, and Instagram increases rather decreases feelings of loneliness.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

(II) Depression and anxiety: Human beings need face-to-face contact to be mentally healthy.
Nothing reduces stress and boosts your mood faster or more effectively than eye-to-eye contact
with someone who cares about you.

(III) Cyberbullying: About 10 percent of teens report being bullied on social media and many
other users are subjected to offensive comments. Social media platforms such as Twitter can be
hotspots for spreading hurtful rumors, lies, and abuse that can leave lasting emotional scars.

(IV) Self-absorption: Sharing endless selfies and all your innermost thoughts on social media
can create an unhealthy self-centeredness and distance you from real-life connections.

(V) Online Gambling: In the late 1990s, online gambling gained popularity; there were only
fifteen gambling websites in 1996, but that had increased to 200 websites by the following year.

(VI) Fear of missing out (FOMO): While FOMO has been around far longer than social media,
sites such as Facebook and Instagram seem to exacerbate feelings that others are having more
fun or living better lives than you are. The idea that you‘re missing out on certain things can
impact your self-esteem, trigger anxiety, and fuel even greater social media use.
Social media has taken its position into the real world and has interfered with the lives of
many. They are always two sides of everything; it depends on your perspective on how you
perceive it. The same goes for social media, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention
and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the society. Social media is a compilation of
both good and bad, on the basis of how we use it. If we use it in a positive way the individuals
and the society will be get benefitted out of it, and can improve their talents and business and
reach great heights in life. If the people use it without understanding the evils of the media and
spending more time will ruins the life of individual. Social Media has changed our life so much.
Our life became more easy and convenient by using social media as it is considered as a essential
tool for us in 21st century. We have to know of how to use the social media smartly, having
social media will become a good and useful for us to become a productive person to the society.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Senthilkumar. A & Dr. P. Subramanian
Ph.D. Research Scholar, & Assistant Professor,
Department of Educational Planning and Administration,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97.
Connecting with each other comes to us more easily now that we can just tap away on
a keyboard and chat with a person who lives over 3000 miles away. Finding information
knows no boundaries with Google on every computer in the world. As educators, this means
access to more, faster, which is thrilling and mindboggling. However, it can also be
frustrating and confusing with so much to choose from.

Best Social Media for Teachers

The Connected Educator

A great site for connecting with other educators is connected. It gives educators
several avenues with which to find other like-minded educators. A Visual Mapping Engine
narrows down certain criteria allowing educators to save valuable time and energy.
Edmodo acts as a playground for teaching and learning with a place for posts,
calendars, and general communication for teachers and students. Linking to students
becomes simpler and more efficient as well as more effective when students enjoy the
presentation of it. It makes it easy to share valuable apps with students.
TedEd offers a variation of TED Talks with shorter, often-animated clips of subjects
such as science, technology, social studies, literature, language, art, health, psychology, and
business and economics. With communities and clubs, the site also makes it effortless for
The great part about Facebook is that everyone is on it. Students love connecting
with their friends and family with Facebook so telling them to check out the page where you
post only makes sense. However, it‘s very important to stay professional and have a separate
personal account.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The best way to use Twitter for teaching is as a reminder to students that they need to
complete an assignment for a particular due date or that they have an exam coming up soon
so study this or that. Sometimes teachers even use it for inspiration by sending a famous
Students love Instagram for so many reasons but mainly for the photos and effects
available to them. Teachers can create assignments that tap into the need to Instagram such
as photo essays where students take photos, upload, and add captions or students can even
create campaigns for certain organizations or just for a lesson.
If you want to share videos on Facebook or Twitter, use Vimeo. But, there‘s a whole
lot more teachers can use it for such as uploading and storing video then utilizing it as a tool
to teach students more about creating video. Vimeo teaches for you at Vimeo Video School
with lessons and tutorials.
Word Press
With so many themes to choose from, Word Press has become a popular way for
teachers to set up a web of communication and lessons with their students. Chalkboard is an
educational theme that prepares students for learning and helps teachers outline goals and
objectives while still providing great visuals. Teachers can also use it to inspire students to
write more by having them create their own blogs and meet the Word Press Challenges.
Like Word Press, Blogger connects teachers to students using unique themes as well
as diary-style writing. With access to teachers‘ posted links, lessons, and thoughts students
become more successful and comfortable with the teacher when learning online.
Using Skype means connecting with anyone, anywhere, at any time. This means
students not only connect with teachers but teachers encourage students to broaden their view
of the world. Set up virtual connections by contacting other teachers then connect the
students to each other.

The celebrated platform for pinning favorite pix can be a great teaching and learning


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

tool. It also encourages quick collaboration between teachers on all sorts of subjects and

Educators of any level can click on the education category within YouTube and find
several subcategories such as university, science, business, and engineering. YouTube even
has a special section dedicated to teachers and how to teach with it. But, even if teachers
never visited that section, they could teach using all the great videos available according to
subjects or searches.
Is gaining more popularity these days and is mainly targeted to academic researchers.
For academics whose main goal is to share, research papers, draws a crowd of
over five million visitors. Academics can monitor the effect of their research and keep tabs
on the research of the other academics that they follow. It‘s a great tool for anyone needing
data and information on various subjects and interests.
While acting as a professional social forum for employers to connect with applicants
or search for potential employees, LinkedIn is used for so much more than that. Having
students post professional resumes there and then contacting them about the job market and
the business world around them keeps them in touch with reality and the endless possibilities
through a targeted education.
Not a science lab, provides a place for artists to start blogs or an art
group as well as connect and share information. Mostly made of Europeans, also highlights art news, events and exhibitions and helps artists find jobs
and learn more about funding their projects. Teachers can use this for motivation and to help
students get a feel for other artists‘ work.
Culture Inside
Focusing on the gallery concept, Culture Inside creates space for online galleries and
actual galleries. It might just be an artist‘s dream if used correctly. With the guidance of a
teacher, students can profit from their creativity as well. There‘s also a feature called light
box, which connects artists and helps promote artwork in other artists‘ light boxes.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Gogo Yoko
Gogo Yoko began as a solution to the problem many musicians and artists have. They
don‘t make the money they deserve. Sharing and streaming music through Gogo Yoko keeps
users listening and needing more, so teachers can use it to do the same. On top of that, Gogo
Yoko helps musicians and artists sell and promote their music.

Daily Motion
A French video sharing site, Daily Motion adds an edge to social media by presenting
users with a ―news‖ feed of the latest videos. Teachers can use it for themselves in order to
keep up-to-date on bizarre and informative social networking but also for posting their own
videos or sharing some of the unique videos available through Daily Motion.
Rebel Mouse

The New York Times, Mashable, Wired, and Time magazine among others tout
Rebel Mouse as the best tool for organizing all the social media networks any one individual
uses. While also used by publishers or larger organizations, Rebel Mouse brings the many
networks together for one person and creates a presence that fits a teacher‘s agenda.

Social media plays a crucial role in keeping teachers and students updated as well as
connected to each other. It helps in fostering a sense of community among peers and helps
them to virtually meet and interact on a global scale. Efficient use of social media tools can
make education more interesting as well as enriching.


1. Obringer, S. John, and Coffey, Kent (2007). "Cell Phones in American High Schools:
A National Survey". Journal of Technology Studies. 33 (1): 41–47.
2. Kaplan Andreas M., and Haenlein Michael (2010). "Users of the world, unite!
The challenges and opportunities of social media". Business Horizons.
3. Raths, and David (2012). "Are You Ready for BYOD: Advice from the Trenches
on How to Prepare Your Wireless Network for the Bring-Your-Own-Device
Movement". THE Journal (Technological Horizons in Education).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Krutka., Carpenter, Daniel., and Jeffery (2016). "Why Social Media Must Have
a Place in Schools". Taylor & Francis Online. Retrieved February 29, 2016.
5. Kelly, N.; Antonio, A. (2016). "Teacher peer support in social network sites".
Teaching and Teacher Education. 56 (1): 138–149. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2016.02.007.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


B. Gurumanivannan
M.Phil. Degree (Education) &
Dr. P. Subramanian
Assistant Professor cum Guide
Department of Educational Planning and Administration
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University
Karapakkam, Chennai – 600 097.
The emergence of social network sites has revolutionized communication tools for
facilitating teaching and learning activities. In recent years, social networking has become one of
the most significant communication tools among people; in which exist through the Internet that
provides accessibility for tremendous amount of people. Applying Social Networking Sites
(SNSs) in teaching and learning offer a positive impact on the adoption of SNSs and open the
door to the new days of learning and teaching. Social network mainly focused on identity,
network infrastructure, privacy concern, technological issues, and necessitation of its use as a
tool for teaching and learning (Kevin, P. B., Lori B. H., and Bethany, V. S. (2010); Kuh, G.D.

Recent year have witnessed an increased interest in using social media/social learning
due to COVID-19 with courses in higher education. New technologies, most often referred to as
Web 2.0 have created a growing phenomenon in public and academic use, changing the way
organizations and people create, engage, and share existing or newly produced information
through multi-way communication.

Educational and Social Network Sites

Many teachers and teacher educators remain uncertain about how to meaningfully
integrate this technology or assess its impacts (Crook 2012). Assessing the processes and
products of students‘ thinking in projects involving the Internet or identifying how online
applications could aid them in developing their capacity for such assessment, can be especially
difficult even for experienced content- and technology-using teachers (Greenhow. 2006). Web-
based social networks introduce tools, people, and materials to school culture that could help to
break up established routines and assist teachers and students in getting feedback on their


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

performances (Bransford, et. al. 1999). Leveraging social networking capabilities may give
teachers and students access to a different culture that helps them clarify their beliefs about
teaching with technology and revise their behaviours (Greenhow. 2006).

Rise of Social Network Sites

Social network sites are a form of social media defined by the following socio-technical

1) uniquely identifiable profiles that consist of user-supplied content and/or system provided
data; 2) (semi-) public display of connections that can be traversed by others; and 3) features
that allow users to consume, produce, and/or interact with user-generated content provided by
their connections on the site (Ellison and Boyd 2013, p. 7). The popularity of social network sites
is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning in 2002 with the advent of sites such as Friendster,
My Space and Google‘s Orkut and with sites like Facebook rising to mainstream prominence
around 2007 (Boyd and Ellison. 2007).

The social media has become one of the most important communication means in recent
times. However, social networking exists so as to provide communication among people
regardless of the distance, making it open to people easily share information, files and pictures
and videos, create blogs and send messages, and conduct real-time conversations. These systems
are referred to as social, simply because they allow communication with buddies and co-workers
so easily and effectively. In today‘s higher education settings, instructors, students and others
collaborate on the task of knowledge construction. The favourites in the realm of internet sites
are Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube, Instagram, google doc and others. These websites and
social forums are way of communication directly with other people socially and in the media.
They are playing a large and influential role decision making in the occasions from the global
world economically, politically, socially and educationally. Social media sites like Facebook,
Twitter, etc. connect people around the world in ways Marshall McLuhan could not have
dreamed of when he popularized the term ―global village‖ back in the 1960‟s.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Role of Social Media

Social media in education include Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Google plus, message
boards and blogging among which Facebook leads the rest. In 2008-2009 61% were of the
population were using Facebook and it went up to 87% in 2009-10 and reached 98% in 2010-11.
Educational institutes have been majorly using micro-blogging to update students and teachers
with the latest announcements. From0% use in 2008-09, the growth graph marked 59% in
200910 and finally 84% in 2011. The blogging has gained wide popularity over the years. It has
had 48%, 46%, and 47% usage in years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively. Likewise,
the message boards enjoyed a constant level of usage starting from 36% in 2008-09 to 38% in
2009-10 and 37% in 2010-11. Schools are adopting technologies for pedagogical purposes and
introducing social media into the classroom. This is a trend that has garnered a lot of support as
well as apprehension (Madhusudan G. Tandale, and Raghu Raman. 2016). Over the past few
years, programmes allowing interaction via virtual social networks, better known as SNSs, have
brought about an authentic revolution, both in terms of their rapid assimilation but also in terms
of their extension into further applications. The social networks have fast become powerful
interaction spaces between diverse social groups, some of them highly specialized, and where it
is possible to meet people who share the same interests or reacquaint themselves with others, as
is the case with LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Social Factors Affecting the Academic Performance

Dr Islam study has identified many factors that are pre-admission qualification, time
spent in studying, regular class attendance, probation status, father‘s education, parental support
and involvement, interest in major subjects of study and the gender of the students as significant
determinants of academic performance of the students (Islam, MMazharul. 2015).

Popular Social Media Sites

1. Facebook: It creates a space for students to ask and answer questions. When students get
home and begin working on their homework, they can post a question to the groups so as
to get it answered by the group member. It is also ideal for teachers using in flipped
classroom. Post videos, photos, documents, and other resources on the group's wall and
student can access before class or when they work on their assignments.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Twitter: Twitter offers a quick way to post class announcements and reminders as well
as real time information on class field trips. It also helps classes track information on any
topic. For instance, for a class discussing on a current event or a topic on career, twitter
can provide up to date information, eliminating the need for extensive research. Many
organizations offer twitter chat sessions with which students can interact.
3. Blogs: Instead of traditional writing projects, blogs create opportunities for students to
write and display their writings on a large scale.
4. YouTube: It is like a Facebook, YouTube is an excellent option of flipping classroom in
that students can watch lectures and resources before entering the classroom. Again, like
blogging, since the material will be seen by a wider audience, students will be more apt to
do their very best in creating a video, and they will enjoy being able to express their
creativity as they connect more deeply with the course material.
5. Instagram: ―A picture is worth thousand words‖. Instagram can showcase student work
by offering a place to feature student hard work or even interesting details about a
6. Google Docs: It is a popular technology with teachers and students. Students and
teachers can use these tools to collaborate on assignments, projects, newsletters among
other things. It allows more than one person to work on a particular document at the same
time. Google docs can promote the team work.

Social Networking Sites

The phrase ―social networking sites‖ is an umbrella term used for social media and
includes but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Myspace. Social Media is internet
based technologies that allow more free flowing communication among its users.

Advanced Communication Tools

New communication tools enhance this communication through audio and visual
capturing string, connecting and retrieving features that include:

Blogs that make authors publish/post their work and invite comments on it.

Wikis which have capability to promote and facilitate common creation through joining
academic ventures.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social bookmarking is used to enable users for collating, tagging, and sharing websites of their

Media Sharing Spaces provide spaces and opportunities to the user community of posting and
sharing pictures, podcasts and videos.

Collaborative Tools extend documents sharing and editing capabilities to multiple users.

Social Networking Sites have abilities of promoting virtual communities to interact and
communicate synchronously or asynchronously.

Social Media in Higher Education

As Ferdig (2007) suggests, social networking promotes interaction between learners and
potentially improves active learning as in the student-cantered constructivists‘ environment.

In an online learning environment, a social community of learners who share knowledge,

values, and goals. A sense of community in online learning is comprised of two components:

1) Connectedness, which refers to student‘s feelings of cohesion, spirit, trust and

interdependence, and 2) Learning, which refers to the students‘ feelings of the extent to which
their learning goals and expectations are satisfied.

Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media

Social Media has its own Positive and Negative Impacts

Positive Impacts

Social media enable students to easily contact with each other with regard to their
projects and assignments. Students also can work on group assignments from their home. When
social media is used in pedagogy students who have difficulty in expressing their thoughts in the
classroom can get involved in the learning process, it helps to build their confidence level as
well. Any doubts can be clarified by posting a message through the social media. A site like
Facebook, etc. help teachers to stay in touch with the parents or so to know the progress of their
children. Students are learning the skill sets required for successful social networking. Social
media also brings with it the freedom for learners to connect and collaborate outside of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

institutional boundaries as well as to gain practical experience for the workforce (Coleman, V.
2013; Minocha, S. 2009). Students are also being taught new concepts like online privacy.

Negative Impacts

Students have become prone to frequent fluctuations in mood and self-control. A recent
study has stated whenever someone uploads a profile picture, it immediately affects the mood of
students. It produces stress, anxiety or fear for them. Students neglect the studies by spending
time on social networking website rather than studying or interacting with the people in person.
Students prefer to chat with the friends for the hours and this leads to the waste of time that could
have been used for study or learning new skills. Students use of social media regularly may lose
their ability to engage in face to face communication. Even though students spend lots of time in
socializing in an effective way, it should not hamper their study and academic credential. It
should be kept in mind that the social networking creates the virtual world, that is drastically
differ from the reality.

Teacher‟s Role in Social Networking Sites

In summary, the teacher‘s role in the SNSs is defined as ―rich and delicate‖. In practice,
this presupposes a balanced performance, creating a climate of openness and using pedagogical
experience to create supportive structures for learning. It requires a lot of trust and sensitivity on
the part of the teacher not to interfere with the activities of the learner immediately; it seems to
help to build in (throughout the work) a kind of subtle support framework for the group (DeLaat,
M.; Lally, V.; Lipponen, L.; Simons, R.J. 2007, p. 280).

To allow the group to be emergent in their learning. To allow the participants to seek
their own rhythms and ways of working together. To keep a close watch on the group without
interfering but being ready to assist. To use advanced organizers to build a pedagogical
framework for participants to use when they are ready. To create specific scaffolding contexts
SNSs can become an incredible tool in collaborative work; the didactic possibilities afforded by
these tools are almost endless when they are intended to promote interaction between the group,
between the group and the teacher, and among teachers, all of which takes place outside the time
and spatial constraints of a school environment.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social networks are applications that support enthusiasm in a common space around
sharing interests, collaborations, resource sharing, communications and interactions. The
evidence is growing that the use of SNSs in education can be useful in blended learning. The
teachers can communicate instantly and directly with the students and compare notes on
education techniques, curriculum and teaching methodology and so on. Teachers, professors and
academics routinely used blogs to write about the world of education and invite comments from
all over the world. The impact of social media is radically changing the way education has been
traditionally delivered. Students should develop the cognitive and intuitive ability to analyze how
much time they spent with social media. It is up to the students to decide what really matters in
their life and how much of this virtual life translates to real life. In spite of those concerns,
however, the faculty believes a social media sites offer value in teaching. An overwhelming
majority report that they believe that video, podcast, and wikis re valuable tools for teaching, and
a majority report that social media sites can be valuable tools for collaborative learning
(Madhusudan G. Tandale, and Raghu Raman. 2016).


[1] Boyd, d. m., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and
scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11. Retrieved October
9, 2008, from

[2] Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R.R. (1999). How people learn: Brain, mind,
experience and school. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Developments in the Science of

[3] Crook, C. (2012). The ‗digital native‘ in context: tensions associated with importing Web 2.0
practices into the school setting. Oxford Review of Education 38 (1), 63-80.

[4] Dede, C. (2008). A seismic shift in epistemology. EDUCAUSE Review, 80–81. Retrieved

[5] Ellison, N. B. & Boyd, d. (2013). Sociality through SNS. In Dutton, W. H. (Ed.), The Oxford
Handbook of Internet Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 151-172.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mr. K.Chandraprakash
Ph.D., Research scholar
Dr. P. Subramanian
Assistant professor cum Guide
Department of Educational Planning and Administration
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai–97.

Social media‘s rise has affected human interactions in significant ways, and such media may
support learning. But how to prepare teachers who can maximize the educational potential of
these technologies remains unclear. In the present day, Social Media is highly useful to all the
pupils for getting information across the world. Social Media is useful to chat with friends and
sharing of information with another.

Social Networking

A social networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among
people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.

Social networking is the latest online trend of the last few years. Not only do social media
sites provide a way to keep in contact with friends, but they can also offer opportunities for
professional online networking.

The primary disadvantage of social networking is that most people do not know how to use
network effectively. As a result, the few benefits they get from their networking activity are not
worth the time invested. The best way to avoid being disappointed in this way is to decide on a
strategy for using social sites, and stick to it.

Facebook and Classroom

It allows for both an asynchronous and synchronous, open dialogue via a familiar and
regularly accessed medium, and supports the integration of multimedia content such as student-
created photographs and video and URLs to other texts, in a platform that many students are
already familiar with. Further, it allows students to ask more minor questions that they might not


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

otherwise feel motivated to visit a professor in person during office hours to ask. It also allows
students to manage their own privacy settings, and often work with the privacy settings they have
already established as registered users.

Face book is one alternative means for shyer students to be able to voice their thoughts in
and outside of the classroom. It allows students to collect their thoughts and articulate them in
writing before committing to their expression. Face book can also aid students in self- expression
and encourage more frequent student-and-instructor and student-and-student communication.

Twitter and Classroom

Twitter, also, promotes social connections among students. It can be used to enhance
communication building and critical thinking. Additionally, students found it ―to be useful
professionally and personally‖ They also reported that students used Twitter to get up- to-date
news and connect with professionals in their field.

Youtube and Classroom

YouTube is the most frequently used social media tool in the classroom. Students can watch
videos, answer questions, and discuss content. Additionally, students can create videos to share
with others.

YouTube also improved students‘ digital skills and provided opportunity for peer learning
and problem solving. Additionally, the students reported that the videos helped them recall
information and visualize real world applications of course concepts.

Role of Social Media in Education

If you ask the marketing department what the role of social media for your educational
institution is, the most likely answer will be that it needs to be used for attracting new students.
This is a very useful purpose that many colleges are using. According to the Noel-Levitz e-
expectations survey for 2015, many students use social media as a way to decide whether or not
to apply to a particular college.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Of course, it is not near the number of college-bound students who use the College website
as their primary decision-making tool, but the social media channels of a college are becoming
an increasing way that potential students are checking out what social events are available at the

The two main channels that prospective students use are Face book and YouTube. You may
see reports that Face book is losing favor among the younger population, but it has not lost all its
appeal and not to mention, even if the students do not see your Face book posts, there is a chance
the parents will. Many of the students in the Noel-Levitz survey cite their parent‘s approval as
one of the many reasons for selecting a particular college.

Then if you talk to someone in Academics, they may say the role of social media in
education is to increase student engagement and have them connect with the institution. There
have been numerous studies that have concluded that the more you connect with your student
population, the better your retention rate. Social Media can be an excellent way to engage your
student population and ensure they are made aware of student-centered activities on campus.
This helps students make a connection with the school, and as a result, raises the likely hood,
they will persist to graduation.

Advantages of Social Media in Education

Extensive use of public social media sites that support the creation, sharing and commenting
of content, as well as the co-creation of content, enables learners to co-create and share their own
content within their own work in teams. Extensive use of social networking sites like Face book,
Twitter, LinkedIn, etc where individuals have built a personal network of trusted friends, means
that they are using similar approaches to build networks of trusted colleagues (both internally
and externally), as well as power team workspaces and internal communities of practice. Social
media provides an easily accessible tool for helping students to work together to create their own
meaning in academic subjects, social contexts, or work environments.
The most important function of social media is the accentuation of the collective versus the
individual. Communities exist in different shapes and sizes on the Internet. Social media affect
people's life, but each individual can also influence the online world. Thus, different


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

communities started establishing their own groups on social media, with the purpose to discuss
different topics and take actions towards a common goal. The ability to create Face book groups
is one of the most important factors that influenced contemporary education. Instead of meeting
the parents in person, teachers simply create a group and invite their students' parents to
participate. Homework is being assigned through social media, and the students can easily
collaborate on team projects when they participate in a private group. Social media makes
collaboration easy: the students share links to online resources, discuss the outline of the project,
and work together to get to the final result.
1. Abe, P., & Jordan, N. A. (2013). Integrating social media into the classroom
curriculum. About Campus, 18(1), 16–20.

2. Mourlam, D. (2013). Social media and education: perceptions and need for support.
I-Manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 9(3), 23.
3. Fewkes, A. M., & McCabe, M. (2012). Face book: Learning tool or distraction?
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 28(3), 92–98.
4. Vickers, R. &Melakoski, C. (2014). Media culture 2020: Exploring opportunities
for collaborative teaching and learning using social media and cloud-based technologies.
contemporary Educational Technology, 6(1), 62-73.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor of Education
Government College of Education

The emergence of social network sites has revolutionized communication tools for
facilitating teaching and learning activities. In recent years, social networking has become
one of the most significant communication tools among people; in which exist through the
Internet that provides accessibility for tremendous amount of people. Applying Social
Networking Sites (SNSs) in teaching and learning offer a positive impact on the adoption of
SNSs and open the door to the new days of learning and teaching. Social network mainly
focused on identity, network infrastructure, privacy concern, technological issues, and
necessitation of its use as a tool for teaching and learning.Recent years have witnessed an
increased interest in using social media/social learning with courses in higher education.
New technologies, most often referred to as Web 2.0 have created a growing phenomenon in
public and academic use, changing the way organizations and people create, engage, and
share existing or newly produced information through multi-way communication. With the
use of social media interfacing through computer and mobile devices becoming more
prevalent, user interaction from the platform to face to face engagement is being promoted .
Recent attention of students to social networks brings a privacy and safety concern in
educational environment. The appearance of social networks that are focused on teaching
and learning like Ning, Elgg and Edmodo give an opportunity to students and lecturers to
minimize the privacy and safety concerns
Educational and Social Network Sites
Many teachers and teacher educators remain uncertain about how to meaningfully
integrate this technology or assess its impacts. Assessing the processes and products of
students‘ thinking in projects involving the Internet or identifying how online applications
could aid them in developing their capacity for such assessment, can be especially difficult
even for experienced content- and technology-using teachers. Web-based social networks
introduce tools, people, and materials to school culture that could help to break up


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

established routines and assist teachers and students in getting feedback on their
performances. Leveraging social networking capabilities may give teachers and students
access to a different culture that helps them clarify their beliefs about teaching with
technology and revise their behaviours.
Role of Social Media
Social media in education include Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Google plus, message
boards and blogging among which Facebook leads the rest. Over the past few years,
programmes allowing interaction via virtual social networks, better known as SNSs, have
brought about an authentic revolution, both in terms of their rapid assimilation but also in
terms of their extension into further applications. The social networks have fast become
powerful interaction spaces between diverse social groups, some of them highly specialised,
and where it is possible to meet people who share the same interests or reacquaint
themselves with others, as is the case with LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Social Factors Affecting the Academic Performance
The identified many factors that are pre-admission qualification, time spent in studying,
regular class attendance, probation status, father‘s education, parental support and
involvement, interest in major subjects of study and the gender of the students as significant
determinants of academic performance of the students.
Popular Social Media Sites
 Facebook; Twitter; Blogs; YouTube; Instagram; Google Docs.

Social Networking Sites

The phrase ―social networking sites‖ is an umbrella term used for social media and
includes but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Myspace. Social Media is
internet based technologies that allow more free flowing communication among its users.
Advanced Communication Tools
New communication tools enhance this communication through audio and visual
capturing string, connecting and retrieving features that include:
 Blogs that make authors publish/post their work and invite comments on it.
 Wikis which have capability to promote and facilitate „common creation‟ through joining
academic ventures.
 Social bookmarking is used to enable users for collating, tagging, and sharing websites


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

of their interests.
 Media Sharing Spaces provide spaces and opportunities to the user community of
posting and sharing pictures, podcasts and videos.
 Collaborative Tools extend documents‟ sharing and editing capabilities to multiple
 Social Networking Siteshave abilities of promoting virtual communities to interact and
communicate synchronously or asynchronously.
Social Media in Higher Education
As Ferdig (2007) suggests, social networking promotes interaction between learners and
potentially improves active learning as in the student-cantered constructivists‘ environment.
In an online learning environment, a social community of learners who share knowledge,
values, and goals. A sense of community in online learning is comprised of two components:
1) Connectedness, which refers to student‘s feelings of cohesion, spirit, trust and
interdependence, and
2) Learning, which refers to the students‘ feelings of the extent to which their learning
goals and expectations are satisfied.
Constructive and Unconstructive Impacts of Social Media:
Constructive Impacts:
Social media enable students to easily contact with each other with regard to their
projects and assignments. Students also can work on group assignments from their home.
When social media is used in pedagogy students who have difficulty in expressing their
thoughts in the classroom can get involved in the learning process, it helps to build their
confidence level as well. Any doubts can be clarified by posting a message through the social
media. A site like Facebook, etc. help teachers to stay in touch with the parents or so to
know the progress of their children. Students are learning the skill sets required for
successful social networking. Social media also brings with it the freedom for learners to
connect and collaborate outside of institutional boundaries as well as to gain practical
experience for the workforce. Students are also being taught new concepts like online
Unconstructive Impacts
Students have become prone to frequent fluctuations in mood and self-control. A


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

recent study has stated whenever someone uploads a profile picture, it immediately affects
the mood of students. It produces stress, anxiety or fear for them. Students neglect the
studies by spending time on social networking website rather than studying or interacting
with the people in person. Students prefer to chat with the friends for the hours and this leads
to the waste of time that could have been used for study or learning new skills. Students use
of social media regularly may lose their ability to engage in face to face communication.
Even though students spend lots of time in socializing in an effective way, it should not
hamper their study and academic credential. It should be kept in mind that the social
networking creates the virtual world, that is drastically differ from the reality.
Teacher‟s Role in Social Networking Sites
Learners actively take responsibility for and regulate their own (collaborative)
learning, meaning that the teacher is no longer in full control. The teacher acts as a secondary
(guide) and students are encouraged to take active control. This allows them to achieve their
learning goals and coordinate the process by agreeing on rules and deadlines. Students
actively plan their activities and assume different roles within a group, instead of simply
concentrating on the learning content. As such, every member of the community may be seen
as both a learner and a tutor. The students find communication with the teacher constructive
and encouraging, and the teacher can support the students by setting the right tone for the
discussion and contributing to developing a sense of community.
In summary, the teacher‘s role in the SNSs is defined as ―rich and delicate‖. In
practice, this presupposes a balanced performance, creating a climate of openness and using
pedagogical experience to create supportive structures for learning. It requires a lot of trust
and sensitivity on the part of the teacher not to interfere with the activities of the learner
immediately; it seems to help to build in (throughout the work) a kind of subtle support
framework for the group.
To create specific scaffolding contexts SNSs can become an incredible tool in
collaborative work; the didactic possibilities afforded by these tools are almost endless when
they are intended to promote interaction between the group, between the group and the
teacher, and among teachers, all of which takes place outside the time and spatial constraints
of a school environment.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social networks are applications that support enthusiasm in a common space around
sharing interests, collaborations, resource sharing, communications and interactions. The
evidence is growing that the use of SNSs in education can be useful in blended learning. The
teachers can communicate instantly and directly with the students and compare notes on
education techniques, curriculum and teaching methodology and so on. Teachers, professors
and academics routinely used blogs to write about the world of education and invite
comments from all over the world. The impact of social media is radically changing the way
education has been traditionally delivered. Students should develop the cognitive and
intuitive ability to analyse how much time they spent with social media. It is up to the
students to decide what really matters in their life and how much of this virtual life translates
to real life. In spite of those concerns, however, the faculty believes a social media sites offer
value in teaching. An overwhelming majority report that they believe that video, podcast,
and wikis re valuable tools for teaching, and a majority report that social media sites can be
valuable tools for collaborative learning (Madhusudan G. Tandale, and Raghu Raman. 2016).
1. Boyd, d. m., & Ellison, N. B. 2007. Social network sites: Definition, history, and
scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11. Retrieved
October 9, 2008.
2. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R.R. 1999. How people learn: Brain, mind,
experience and school. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Developments in the Science of
3. Crook, C. 2012. The ‗digital native‘ in context: tensions associated with importing Web
2.0 practices into the school setting. Oxford Review of Education 38 (1), 63-80.
4. Ellison, N. B. & Boyd, d. 2013. Sociality through SNS. In Dutton, W. H. (Ed.), The
Oxford Handbook of Internet Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 151-172.
5. Greenhow, C. 2006. From blackboard to browser: An examination of teachers‘
constructivist beliefs and practice in using the internet (Unpublished doctoral
dissertation). Harvard University: Cambridge, MA.
6. Greenhow, C. 2011a. Online social networks and learning. On the Horizon, 19(1), 4–12.
7. Greenhow, C. &Robelia, E. 2009. Old communication, new literacies: Social network
sites as social learning resources. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 14,
8. Halverson, E. R. 2011. Do social networking technologies have a place in formal learning
environments? On the Horizon, 19(1), 62–67.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr. M. Arockia Priscilla

Principal, Mangayarkarasi College of Education
Paravai, Madurai.

B.Ed second year student-teachers can be affected emotionally by the social media. It
can catch their attention and they over use it. Even they are doing their teaching practice using
the social media only. They have a issues in sleeping, anxiety or concern, isolation and
depression. They are mature student-teachers so they know how to control and schedule their
using of technology. Sometime they are at the highest risk of falling in to addiction. As experts
says, for three basic reasons: their tendency to be impulsive, their need for a wide spread and
growing social influence and finally, they necessity for them to get group identity. This study
focuses the B.Ed second year student-teachers influenced by the social media and how they are
developing their mental health during this covid-19.

Scope of the Study

Social media is a salient contributing factor to develop the individual during this covid-
19. This study may also help immensely the educationists particularly from the teachers to know
mental health of their students. Social media can help to overcome the unwanted or negative
vibrations surrounded by the individual. It can be directs the individual to manage their personal
problems too. Social media influences the individual in various ways such as time management,
self-knowledge, observation, listening skill and motivated to learn novelty. It creates a real
learning environment too. Thus the result of the study would be boon to the student-teachers
have improved their mental health through the influence of social media.

Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the correlation between the social media and mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers.
2. To find out the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed second year
student-teachers in terms of age.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. To find out the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed second year
student-teachers in terms of type of family.
4. To find out the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed second year
student-teachers in terms of marital status.


1. There is low level of correlation between the social media and mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers.
2. There is no significant difference in the influence of social media on mental health among
B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of age.
3. There is no significant difference in the influence of social media on mental health among
B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of type of family.
4. There is no significant difference in the influence of social media on mental health among
B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of marital status.


Research design

The investigator selected normative survey method for the study.

Variables of the study

As many factors are involved in determine the mental health, the investigator did through
analysis on those factors and identifies age, marital status and type of family as main
independent variables and the mental health of the students was considered as the dependent

Sample of the study

The investigator used stratified random sampling for the selections of sample 50 student-
teachers were selected as sample of the present study. Out of theses 50 student-teachers 15 of
them are married and 35 of them are unmarried students. The samples were selected from rural
area alone and they were studying in private college of Education.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Tools used for the study

The investigator developed the tool which contains 20 items which were prepared and
validated. For this study, a questionnaire (Google form) was used by the investigator to collect
the necessary data.

Reliability of the tool

The investigator adopted the split-half method to find out the reliability of the test.

Validity of the tool

The investigator adopted the concurrent validity to find out the validity of the tool.

Statistical Analysis of Data

The investigator used descriptive analysis, differential analysis and correlation analysis to
study the data. The scores obtained by each respondent on each item were calculated. The
minimum and maximum score obtained by respondent have been identified. The investigator
used mean, standard deviation, percentage analysis and ‗t‘ test.

Null Hypothesis No:1

There is low level of correlation between the social media and mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers.

Table 4.1 shows the level of correlation between the social media and mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers.
S.No Description No.of Student-Teachers Percentage of student-
1. High 29 58
2. Moderate 9 18
3. Low 12 24
From the above table, it is found that the correlation between the social media and mental
health among B.Ed second year student- teachers is high level. Now a day they are totally
dependent up on the social media for their B.Ed courses also.

Null Hypothesis No:2


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

There is no significant difference in the influence of social media on mental health among
B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of age.
Table 4.2 shows the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed second
year student-teachers in terms of age.
Age N Mean S,D ‗t‘ value LS
19-21 31 8.13 2.459 1.2706 NS
Above 21 19 7.13 2.499

From the above table it is found that the ‗t‘ value is 1.2706. since the calculated ‗t‘ value
1.2706 is less than the table value of 1.96 for d.f =42, it is concluded that there exists no
significant difference between in the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers in terms of age. Hence the formulated null hypothesis is accepted.

Null Hypothesis No.3

There is no significant difference in the influence of social media on mental health among
B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of type of family.

Table 4.3 shows the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers in terms of type of family.

Type of N Mean S,D ‗t‘ value LS

Nuclear 24 8.13 2.459 1.0248 NS
Join 26 7.54 1.948

From the above table it is found that the ‗t‘ value is 1.0248. Since the calculated ‗t‘ value
1.0248 is less than the table value of 1.96 for d.f =58, it is concluded that there exists no
significant difference between in the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers in terms of type of family. Hence the formulated null hypothesis is

Null Hypothesis No: 4

There is no significant difference in the influence of social media on mental health among
B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of marital status.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Table 4.4 shows the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed second
year student-teachers in terms of marital status.
Marital N Mean S,D ‗t‘ value LS
Married 15 7.13 2.499 0.4054 NS
Unmarried 35 7.22 2.152

From the above table it is found that the ‗t‘ value is 0.4054. Since the calculated ‗t‘ value
0.4054 is less than the table value of 1.96 for d.f =48, it is concluded that there exists no
significant difference between in the influence of social media on mental health among B.Ed
second year student-teachers in terms of marital status. Hence the formulated null hypothesis is


1. There is a high level of correlation between the social media and mental health
among B.Ed second year student-teachers.
2. There exists no significant difference between in the influence of social media on
mental health among B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of age.
3. There exists no significant difference between in the influence of social media on
mental health among B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of type of family.
4. There exists no significant difference between in the influence of social media on
mental health among B.Ed second year student-teachers in terms of marital status.

Suggestions for Further Research

 From the results of the present study the following suggestions have been
made for the further study.
 The investigator due to lack of time and other resources conducted the study
only one college student in Madurai District.
 The investigator studied the relationship between the social media and mental
health using the simple variables like age, type of family and marital status.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Similar study can be conducted for the different groups such as arts, science
and vocational courses in higher secondary schools also.


1. According to modern concept of education desirable changes is the ultimate goal

of education. Through this mental health of the student-teachers depends up on the
various factors such as the biological, psychological, physical, social and college factors,
2. In today‘s education system, we find that the students‘ mental health dominate in
all activities. Hence positive mental health makes the student-teachers proud and self-
satisfaction motivates them for future success.
3. In this study 98% of result provided that there exists no significant difference
between the levels of mental health among B.Ed second year student-teachers. Because
they are mature one. The investigator concludes that social media can promote the mental
health among the B.Ed second year student-teachers.


1. Best.John .W(1977), Research in Education, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

2. Deshmukh B.A (2004), Educational Technology, Sonali Publication, New Delhi.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr Anil Kumar Teotia,

District Institute of Education & Training ( SCERT),
Dilshad Garden, Delhi,110095, India
Email: anilkrteotia@gmail, 9891115415, 7982538932

The first pandemic of the digital generation is having devastating impacts on the children.
A new virus causes the coronavirus disease in the family of coronavirus named as SARS-CoV2.
The virus has terribly impacted many nations. Many websites and other platforms are publishing
information for keeping oneself safe from the virus. These include wearing up the mask, washing
hands frequently and maintaining the social distancing form people. It led to the closing of all
educational institutes throughout the country. The absence of ‗get together‘ was distressful for
many young children.

Socialization is primary for all human being, and communication is the main instrument
for the socialization. There is a sharp increase in the use of the internet by our kids. The school's
closer led to the development of various social media application for teaching and
learning.Previously, the schools used to ban mobile phones on the premises and advised parents
not to give mobile phones to the kids. The advent of this pandemic compelled everyone to
provide mobile phones to the kids in an uncontrolled manner. Today, more than half of the
world's population uses the internet. "In 2020, India had nearly 700 million internet users across
the country. This figure was projected to grow to over 974 million users by the 2025-Statista
report‖. There is a steady increase in the use of internet in India.

Social Media is ―Internet-based platform that allows the creation and exchange of user-
generated content, usually using either mobile or web-based technologies (Margetts et al. 2015)‖
and it should not be seen ―Social media should not be seen primarily as the platforms upon
which people post, but rather as the contents that are posted on these platforms (Miller et al.
2016: 61)‖.

Thus, social media is social network sites made for communication among participants
without any hindrance. There is a personal profile for each person having unique details of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

individuals (as provided by the users) to reach him in every social media platform. In other
words, these are the application mediated software made for communication. These enable every
user to create, share, view or edit content in the public network.

Effects of Using Social Media

On Education: WhatsApp and Google Meet is becoming the home of virtual schooling in India.
The support provided by these applications to school is just inequitable in all ways. These social
media application has played a great role in providing education amid the nation-wide lockdown
in India. The effect of social media on children's education is the biggest help this could have
done. Further ―Students, especially, can now communicate and share thoughts through various
social media platforms in real-time, regardless of their geographical locations or distance. This is
just one of the positive impacts of social media on student life‖.

Social media is providing a new way of learning. As per the research literature available,
social media users are more innovative and have a better memory. Social media encourage
students to think out of the box and open up avenues for researching. For example- if you are
feeling uneasy for going on projects or reports or assignments. With the help of social media,
family members, friends, lecturers, or any other unknown person can provide you guidance in
real time, hopefully to a far better and more refined result. Thus, social media is an asset to
learning. It keeps students connected with everything.

Effect on values: The use of social media is bringing some side effect with all the advantages.
The most important and severe side impact is more visible on human ethics. The impact of social
media is quite mixed with a wider range. We are focusing on the aspect of ethical issues only.
Effects such as sexting, social injustice, cyberbullying, privacy issues, and ignorance etc. are just
some of them. Every individual has a basic right to keep some things hidden from others.
Sharing of information without personal consent is not liked by anyone, and it is treated as
stealing. Another privacy issue may involve some business-related affairs that can have a long
and lasting impact on the organisation's performance. Social media share some of the
information about different people and different organizations.

Some people share various fake information about themselves or others on social media.
This is again an unethical issue because it may lead to questioning the information available's


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

trustworthiness.Fake News is the dark side of social media. Almost all the platforms have been
near to failedsituations in acknowledging their responsibility in helping users differentiate
between fakenews and facts. According to a new PEW Research Center report, about half of
Americans saythey have seen false news about the coronavirus.

There is a sharp increase in the level of piracy in the lockdown. Downloading of web-
series or the new shows through Telegram and other applications is another unethical issue. The
case of piracy has become very common now.

Providing safety: This pandemic was considered deadly because the spread rate was very high,
resulting in serious health issues. But the good news was 'it can be prevented from its
transmission with very few steps'. The main ways to stop the virus's spread include washing the
hands frequently, maintaining social distancing, and wearing the mask. These simple steps could
stop the virus from its spread. Social media helped in conveying this message to everyone in
society. Without social media, it would be impossible for us to spread awareness about stopping
the virus's mass spread. ―Social media has become a source of disseminating information to the
public. Many individuals will experience isolation during hospitalization or when quarantining at
home (Pappotet al. 2020)‖. Also, ―Social media can be an efficient source of information and an
effective means for staying abreast of the vast amount of medical knowledge‖ (McGowan et al.,

Psychological Support: The first and foremost reason for using social media is to stay
connected with families and friends. The relationship is simplified if a person is available on
multiple social media platforms or channels. Now, people feel more confident compared to using
social media. People using social media are less shy. The lockdown imposed created tension
among people. Life was full of stress, and people were having a tough time. The heavy Social
media helped in improving the relationship among family members amid pandemic and resultant
lockdown. The use of social media had a positive impact on the lives of people.

Advice to New Users/Comers

Unfortunately, the schools and the learning institutions are not advising kids about the
safe use of social media. There is a negative attitude among teachers regarding the use of social
media by kids. This generation is digital, and use of social media is increasing day by day. First,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

there are two options to discourage the use of social media by our children and the second, which
I think is better, to advice and suggest them ways of using social media safely and effectively.
There are numerous ways of taking protecting measures some are listed below.

Use privacy settings. You have a chance to determine who can see your posts and personal
information. Let us take the example of Facebook; it offers you to control over who can see your
profile, your posts, timeline, friends etc. It is always advisable to set the privacy setting to your
friends only and for more sensitive information using 'only me'. It may keep your data relatively
safe, but we cannot be confident about this.

Oversharing is harmful. Criminals of this era are smart too. Your sharing of family picnic to
Kerala on a certain day will lead to house burgle because you have already told to many
unwanted people that your family will not be at home on that day. You can post your photos or
visit diaries later, i.e. after finishing your trip. It is a good habit not to share the holiday snaps
while you are away. In general, avoid sharing personal phone numbers or home addresses. Never
share photos thorough which anyone can find your home/office location.

Bear in mind that social media is not a popularity contest. Do not accept a friend request
or follower request you get. Try to connect only with people you know in real life. If you wish to
connect with people worldwide, try to find the genuineness of the profiles. Criminals create a
fake profile to be in your friend list so that they have more access to your data and personal
information. If you are receiving a friend request of the person who is already a friend with you
on Facebook, it is more chances that it is fake. Be alert.

Another important thing is to avoid touching unknown links in messages, text, tweets,
statuses etc. They may contain viruses in them or can have malicious content in them. There is a
general trend of linking account, i.e. logging in through Twitter, Google, or Facebook. Avoid
doing it. This may share all your data to the new account. Always create a separate account for
each site. It will also help keep your IDs safe otherwise if one site is hacked then automatically
all your accounts are compromised. Lastly, using a strong password is as important as keeping a
lock on your vault. For making your password strong make sure you use a good combination of
lower, UPPER, SpEci@l letter, and numerals. Remember that your personal data is precious.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


COVID-19 led to the closing of all educational institutes throughout the country. The
absence of 'get together' was distressful for many young children. The advent of this pandemic
compelled everyone to provide mobile phones to the kids in an uncontrolled manner. Here
uncontrolled means not safe. Social media is social network sites made for communication
among participants without any hindrance. Social media is the need of the hour.

Social media is having numerous impacts on the different parts of life. These social
media application has played a great role in providing education amid the nation-wide lockdown
in India. Schools are running in virtual mode using social media platforms. Further, users of
social media are found to be more innovative and smart. Social media helps in the completion of
various projects and assignments. It is like an asset in a student's life.

Social media's side effects include sexting, social injustice, cyberbullying, privacy issues,
sharing fake information and ignorance, etc. Various social media platforms are promoting
piracy. These must be rectified with appropriate interventions. Further, Social media helped
convey a message to everyone in society; without social media, it would be impossible for us to
spread awareness about stopping the virus's mass spread.

The new comers to social media should understand various things about social media. It
is our duty to advise and suggest ways of using social media safely and effectively. Remember to
use privacy settings; bear in mind the over-sharing is harmful; avoid sharing more personal
details on social media, and last not the least be aware of unknown links are some of the famous


1. MARGETTS, H., P. JOHN, S. HALE & T. YASSERI 2015. Political Turbulence: How
Social Media Shape Collective Action. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
2. MILLER, D., E. COSTA, N. HAYNES, ET AL. 2016. How the World Changed Social
Media. London: UCL Press.
3. Pappot N, Taarnhøj GA, Pappot H. Telemedicine and e-Health Solutions for COVID-19:
Patients' Perspective. Telemed J E Health 2020 Apr 24:1-3.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. P.J. Eswari

Assistant Professor,
V.E.T,College of Education, Kanai,

Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the
ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange
of user-generated content"Today, SocialMedia and Technology have become an essential part of
our lives. It is much beyond that.Every individual can have an account (above 13 years old) on
any of the popular social media networks such as Facebook, Snapchat,Twitter, WhatsApp,
Instagram, etc. WhatsApp has raised the minimum age to 16 years old.NowadaysTeachers and
Students are using various online tools to cater to their different requirements. Students are
spending on an average of 6 to 8 hours online searching through social media sites. Information
sharing on social media platform has enabled students from different parts of the country as well
as the world to come together. The choice of university or education institute depends on online
research made by students and parents. Physical visits are not always possible. To cater to this
need, institutes have come up with their website and also Facebook page that serves as a
promotional platform to highlights happening of the institute.

Over the past ten years or so, there has been a drastic change in the mode of
communication. University and education institutes use the social media platform to closely
connect with students. Today social media is not just regarded as a platform to connect with
friends and family but it is also used for the purpose of business, learning and professional
networking. Social media should be a part of the marketing and outreach campaign. India is
third-largest in internet penetration and now parents have become tech savvy and they are more
into browsing different forums and blogs before zeroing down on an alternative. Educational
institutions are indulging in ambush marketing and participating in various social events, online
discussions and all. Of course,It will not be wrong to say that social media and education goes
hand in hand in the modern world. Social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram etc.,
provides free access to online communication and information.

Using Social Media as A Learning Tool


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. Communication and Collaboration

The greatest advantage of social media is better communication. A student can connect
with anyone at any point in time via Kids Messenger or WhatsApp. They can use such platforms
through the various electronic devices such as smartphone, tablet or computer, and one can
exchange questions, make phone calls or video calls. If a student is stuck with their homework,
they can always communicate with their friends or tutors. They don‘t need to wait and meet the
teacher physically. Social media promote learning by offering support with sharing documents as
well as via Google Drive Box, Google Docs. Some teachers even connect with their class via
Facebook live, U-tube etc.
2. ParentsParticipation
Social media help the parents stay engaged in the Student‘s learning. Through the
school‘s Twitter, Facebook or watts app parents can be updated on school-related activities,
projects, and events that are happening. The school teachers can get in touch with the parents in
case they want to share the child's progress via Skype or other secure online platforms the
institution uses. A social network for parents can be created too via WhatsApp or Facebook
Messenger, which can enable them to be informed about school matters, learning, and education.
These are all positive impacts social media have on parents' communication with the
school so as to learn about, share and observe their children's' academic and personal progress at
school. The above points are the positive impact of social media on students' performance as
their parents can offer better informed academic support at home.
3. Improving Reading and Writing Skills
It is usually observed that students are bored of reading and writing, however, the internet
and social media provide plenty of online information so students are more inclined to read,
especially if these pieces of information include eye-catching animations. Online messages,
comments, news, articles, and books provide an endless list of information to be read and
students are motivated to devote their time and put some extra efforts towards their learning.
Such online activities contribute to the Students' general learningand kids definitely develop
stronger reading habits resulting in a drastic improvement in their writing abilities. Social media
sites are mostly interactive and this definitely keeps the student engaged.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Distance Learning
One of theadvantages of social media in education is distance learning possibilities.
There are many students who are not able to acquire formal education by attending regular
classes in an educational institution. With the help of various online tools along with social
media, modern educators are able to attract students through distance learning programs. Soon,
this will be an inseparable part of our modern education system. Today giving live lectures via
Skype or webinars via WebinarJam is the way to allow students who live in remote areas of the
world to access(enable) education.
Way to Use Social Media as A Learning Tool
1. Creating a Facebook group.
 Almost every teacher has created a Facebook group for their class, but not everyone
knows how to use it. There are few ways you can put that group to good use:
 Encourage the students to post links to great online resources related to the curriculum.
 Allow the students to ask any question they have. If they don‘t know how to handle the
assignment, help them beat the difficulties they face.
2. Pinterest for pinning Educational Resources.
It is hard to keep all important online content in the browser‘s bookmarks. There are
chances of losing the resources. So, it is hard to organize the toolbar. Pinterest is a great platform
for organizing educational resources. When we browse and locate something we could use – one
can just pin it in a board which is created for the relevant category. One can also use Pinterest as
a search engine for educational content. Just write the topic in the search bar and we‘ll discover
some cool resources and can present in the classroom.
Needless to say, one can share the boards with the students, so they can explore them in
their free time and expand the knowledge they gain in the classroom. Ask them to create their
own boards with educational resources, so one can understand what each individual is mostly
interested in. For example, one student will mostly pin resources from the area of history, and
others will be interested in literature. From then on, we can encourage them to explore their
strengths further.
3. YouTube for the flipped classroom learning.
This video sharing platform is a great option for introducing the flipped classroom
concept inthe teachingmethods. Theteacher can share educational lectures and resources in video


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

format, and make the students to watch the material instead of writing homework. Then, one can
discuss the lecture and do the homework in class.This concept requires more work on the teacher
part, since one can have to record the lessons and edit the videos. Instead,one can substitute that
effort by telling the students to view free educational videos that have been published by popular
Youtubers. Itis another way to become the coolest teacher at the school thanks to YouTube: Ask
the students to film themselves making presentations of the projects assigned by the teacher, and
then post the videos on the channel.
Disadvantages of Education through Social Media
At the same time, the parents and teachers must note that high security must be
maintained if a minor is making use of any social media websites. There are great tips
for keeping Kids safety through online which are for sure useful to all parents nowadays.
Advantages of using Social media platform for promoting education sector
 Social networking allows reaching out to potential customers
 Converting potential customers to new customers
 Staying in touch with current customers
 Social networking sites are cost effective
 Wide reach in the market
 Helps in branding product/service
 Creating awareness about the product/service
Social Media Platforms is a boon to everyone When they Know How To use them.
Teachers, Instructional designers, Educational institutions, Companies, and even Organizations
have started to heavily rely on the use of social media in formal learning, to share practices,
promote information and educational material, share opinions, views and comments, embodying
them in training programs and individual courses. One of the best outcomes is that learning has
become learner-centric and not teacher-centric, which is the way it should have been all
along.Social Media is basically a structure that consists of individuals, communities, companies
or organizations with similar interests, attitudes, values, lifestyles, visions and friendships and in
the field of eLearning. It can be used in various ways and through a number of tools.Social
media is awesome. It has way more uses than being just social. Students are recognizing the
communication abilities. Social media has in e-learning and putting it to use on a daily basis.The


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

instructors can learn from this article and really try to meet the students half way. Bring the
classroom together on social media and be aware of the changing landscape that is bringing to
the world.


Edition June 2016 Commentary


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr. M.BRINDHAMANI, Principal Vidhya Sagar Women‘s College &

Dr. K. MARISAMY, Empowerment Principal, Vidhya Sagar Women‘s College Of Education,

Education can ingrain in the learner a feeling of development and obligation by acquiring
him, the ideal changes as indicated by his requirements and requests of evolving society, of
which he is a vital part. Not just this learning develops the individual and encourages him in his
requirements everywhere on the world. Hence education builds up the individual like a bloom
which disperses its scent everywhere on the climate. In this sense, education is helpful cycle
which hauls an individual from obscurity, destitution and hopelessness by building up his
independence in all viewpointssuch as physical, mental, his ability to handle emotionsetc. With
this kind of all-round turn of events, he turns into a dependable, dynamic, creative and ambitious
of solid great good character who utilizes all abilities to build up his own self his general public
and his country to the furthest degree by contributing his best.
Need and Significance for the Study
Morality is profound quality. In Latin it means "manner, character, legitimate conduct" is
the separation of expectations, choices, and activities between those that are acceptable or right
and those that are terrible, underhanded or wrong. Virtues are the guidelines of good and
malevolence, which oversee a person's conduct and decisions. Moral character or character is an
assessment of a specific person's steady good characteristics. The idea of character can suggest
an assortment of properties including the presence or absence of ethics, for example,
compassion, mental fortitude, genuineness, and reliability, or of good practices or propensities.
Moral character essentially alludes to the collection of characteristics that recognize one
individual from another albeit on a social level, the arrangement of good practices to which a
social gathering follows can be said to join together and characterize it socially as unmistakable
from others. On the contrary Social media plays a vital role in publicizing many of the untoward
taboos there by paving a broad platform to bring under the banner of violence and sensitivity
under one single aegis, the concept called ―creating awareness.‖ Personal satisfaction is an


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

essential component in which ever sphere of occupation we are. It is more than what you call as
job satisfaction. Job satisfaction caters to the satisfaction focused only upon the occupation and
the performance level of how it is performed. But personal satisfaction in that job elevates the
level of satisfaction. Hence personal satisfaction as academicians would really provide an arena
to focus upon the needed outcome.
Moral values are highly essentialto any individual‘s flawless character and growth. It is
significant since it permits us to have an overall feeling of peace and joy. Moral values can give
meaning and purpose to our life. Moral value of valor gives the fortitude to encounter any
challenge that hampers the improvement over lifetime Field of education has been facing
different types of behavioral problems among the students. Sometimes we can say that it is the
influence of modern time or it may be an effect of improper care by parents or it may be an effect
of change in the society and changing family environment. But now that the entire society points
out the social media, it is reasonable to focus in the same anlge as it is quite obvious. The lack in
moral values and the unhealthy attitudes of students is a main reason of many problems. Teacher
education implies proficient planning of educators. The idea of Teacher education is going
through a fast change all through the world. It is not, at this point simple preparing as considered
earlier.It implies forming and reshaping the mentalities, propensities and character of an Teacher
educator.An attempt has been made to find out the An attempt has been made to find out the
perception of teacher educators on moral values in relation to the utility of social media and
personal satisfaction as academicians
Objectives of the present study
The following objectives are formulated in the present study

 To find out the relationship between overall perception on moral values and utility of
social media of teacher educators and personal satisfaction as academicians
 To find out the relationship between perception on moral values and personal satisfaction
of teacher educators.
Hypotheses of the study
 There is no significant relationship between overall perception perception on moral
values and utility of social media of teacher educators and personal satisfaction as


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 There is no significant relationship between perception on moral values and personal

satisfaction of teacher educators.
Methods Used For The Study
The investigator adopted the survey method to study the perception of teacher educators
on moral values and utitlity of social media of teacher educators and personal satisfaction as
Tool Used
The following tools were developed and standardized by the investigators.
o Perception on moral values Scale for Teacher Educators, was developed and
standardized by Dr.Brindhamani .M and Dr.Marisamy. K(2020)
o Utility of social media Scale for Teacher Educators, was developed and
standardized by Dr.Brindhamani.M and Dr.Marisamy.K(2020)
o Personal Satisfaction Scale for Teacher Educators, was developed and
standardized by Dr.Brindhamani.M and Dr.Marisamy.K(2020)
Statistical Tools Used
The major statistical technique were used ―t‖ test and ANOVA.
Hypotheses Verification
Hypothesis (General)
There is no significant difference between perception on moral values, utility of social
media and personal satisfaction of teacher educators with respect to Socio Economic status.

There is no significant difference in the utility of social media and personal
satisfaction of teacher educators with respect to Gender

t – Test for significant difference in the utility of social media and personalsatisfaction
of teacher educators with respect to Gender
variable categories N Mean SD t- value

Male 79 33.43 15.59

Gender 0.99**
Female 101 35.60 13.71

Note: ** Not significant at 0.01 level


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The above table 1 shows that the computed ‗t‘ value 0.99 is less than the critical value at
2.58 at 0.01 `level and hence it is not significant.Consequently, the null hypothesis is to be
accepted. And it can be said that there is no significant difference in the utility of social media
and personal satisfaction of teacher educators with respect to Gender.
Hypothesis - 2

There is no difference in the Utility of Social Media and personal satisfaction of teacher
educators with respect to their educational qualification.

This hypothesis is tested using‗t‘ test. The‗t‘ value was computed to find out the
significance of difference in the Utility of Social Media and personal satisfaction of teacher
educators with respect to their educational qualification.

Table -2
Significance of difference in the utility of social media and Personal satisfaction of teacher
educators with respect to their educational qualification

Educational N M SD SEd M1 M2 df t

U.G 82 22.00 13.13 2.13 2.84 178 1.33**
P.G 98 24.84 15.48
** Not significant at 0.01 level

Degrees of freedom = 178

Critical value at 0.01 level = 2.58

The above table shows that computed ‗t‘ value 1.33 is less than the critical value 2.58 at
0.01 level and hence it is not significant. Consequently, the null Hypothesis is to be accepted,
and it can be said that there is no significance in the utility of social media and personal
satisfaction of teacher educators with respect to their educational qualification.
Hypothesis 3

There is no significant relationship between perception on Moral Values and Utility of

Social Media and Personal satisfaction of teacher educators


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Table - 3
Significant relationship between perception on Moral Values and Utility of Social Media and
Personal satisfaction of teacher educators

Utiltiy of Personal
Variable Moral values
Social media Satisfaction
Moral values 1 0.696** 0.373**
Utiltiy of
Social media 0.696** 1 0.511**
0.373** 0.511** 1
Note: ** correlation is significant at the 5 % level

The correlation coefficient between Moral Values and Utility of Social Media is 0.696
which indicates 69.6 percentage positive relationships between Moral Values and Utility of
Social Media and is significant at 5% level. The correlation coefficient between Moral Values
and Personal Satisfaction is 0.373 which indicates 37.3 percentage positive relationships between
Moral Values and Utility of Social Media and is significant at 5% level. The correlation
coefficient between Utility of Social Media and Personal Satisfaction is 0.511 which indicates
51.1 percentage positive relationships between Utility of Social Media and Personal
Satisfaction is significant at 5% level. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected.

Hypothesis 4
There is no association between Moral Values and Utility of Social Media of Teacher
Table- 4

Chi Square test for association between Moral Values and Utility of Social Media of
B.Ed. Student-teachers.
Level of Achievement in
Moral Values Total Sig
Variable Square
Low Moderate High
Low 159 82 29 270
Moderate 107 253 139 499
174.242 0.000**
Values High 33 148 93 274

Total 299 483 261 1043

Note: ** indicates significant at 5 % level


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Since P value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of significance.
Hence it is concluded that there is association between Moral Values and Utility of Social Media
of Teacher Educators.

There is no association between Utility of Social media and Personal Satisfaction of
Teacher Educators
Chi Square test for association between Utility of Social media and level of Personal
Satisfaction of Teacher Educators
Personal Satisfaction Chi
Variable Total Sig
Low Moderate High Value

Low 167 81 11 259

Moderate 107 281 146 534
250.877 0.000**
High 25 121 104 250

Total 299 483 261 1043

Note: ** indicates significant at 5 % level
Since P value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of
significance. Hence it is concluded that there is no association between Utility of Social media
and Personal Satisfaction of Teacher Educators

Findings of The Study

o There is no significant difference in the utility of social media and personal
satisfaction of teacher educators with respect to Gender
o There is no difference in the Utility of Social Media and personal satisfaction of
teacher educators with respect to their educational qualification.
o There is a Significant relationship between perception on Moral Values and
Utility of Social Media and Personal satisfaction of teacher educators.
o There is association between Moral Values and Utility of Social Media of
Teacher Educators.
o There is no association between Utility of Social media and Personal Satisfaction
of Teacher Educators


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Recommendations to the Teacher Educators

 Teacher educators have to take efforts to attain high level of perception on Moral Values.
 Teacher educators have to participate in many seminars, workshops and symposium to
prepare themselves to attain high level of proper Utility of Social media.
 Teacher educators have to make use of the resources effectively to attain high level of
Personal satisfaction.
 Pursue higher education and research work to keep abreast of the contemporary tech
savvy world.
Recommendations to the Colleges of Education
 Provide necessary importance to Moral Values sessions to enrich the strength and the
integrity of the character.
 Conduct frequent workshops, seminars conferences and symposium to enrich the utility
of social media of teacher educators in a constructive way.
 Encourage teacher educators to take part in various academic programmes conducted
nationwide especially in virtual mode pertaining to Moral values and utility of social
media as topics.


1. Afifakhanam (2012) a study on, " Implications for Moral Education"

2. Alshare, F., Alkhawaldeh, A. M., &Eneizan, B. M. (2019). Social Media Website‘s
Impact on Moral and Social Behavior of the Students of University. International Journal
of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 169–182.
3. Aquino, K., & Reed, A. (2002). The self-importance of moral identity. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1423-1440.
4. Borgatti, S. P., & Foster, P. C. (2003). The network paradigm in organizational research:
A review and typology. Journal of Management, 29, 991.
5. Brass, D. J., Butterfield, K. D., & Skaggs, B. C. (1998). Relationships and unethical
behavior: A social network perspective. Academy of Management Review, 23, 14-31.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Ms. L. Jamunarani,
Research Scholar,
Department of Educational Technology, TNTEU
Social media is one among the foremost ideal media platforms for people because
it can be updated continuously, is receptive multiple use, allows virtual sharing, etc.
People write daily thoughts on social media discuss these ideas and suggests new ideas.To
summarize the definitions of social media within the literature, we will define social media
as social domain in where individuals or communities can communicate with one another
or with others on a virtual platform, share information, photos, videos, opinions or instant
feelings, on the opposite hand, social media provides people to follow occupational news
and current issue, to determine new friendships, and to return together consistent with a
particular thought and constituting various communities
Need for The Study
Social media addiction is one among the most important problems of our age that
we face. Social media addiction are often expressed as a psychological problem which
causes problems like occupation, emotion modification, relapse and conflict in many areas
of lifestyle like private, business/academic, interpersonal in person's life by progressing
with cognitive, affective and behavioural processes the utilization of social media can
cause social media addiction, which needs someone to regulate social media use and use it
during a way that interferes with other life tasks. Social media addiction may be a sort of
internet addiction during which individuals ask social media as a desire to overuse.
Individuals with social media addiction often worry an excessive amount of about social
media and feel an uncontrollable desire to check in and use social media. In some studies
it had been found that social media is employed at a high level among the scholars and
Facebook is that the most generally used social media environment. Nowadays, with
developing technology and increasing the utilization of the web , using social media is
among the indispensables in our lives. Increasing and improving the amount of social
media platforms in terms of digital and contextual way causes the amount of users to


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the present study

3) To find out the level of Social Media addiction of higher secondary school students
4) To find out the Social Media addiction of higher secondary school students with
respect to Gender, Locality, Type of School, Type of Family and internet usage period


1) Higher Secondary School Students have average level of Social Media Addiction
2) There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of Gender
3) There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of Locality
4) There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of Type of School
5) There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of Type of Family
6) There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of Internet Usage Period
‗Normative Survey Method‘ is used in this study. The survey method is used for
gathering data from higher secondary students.
Sample and Tools
The investigators use Google forms to collect the data from the higher secondary
students in Madurai. In this present study, the investigator has used ‗Social Media Addiction
Scale‘ developed by Tutgun- Unal(2015).

Hypothesis 1


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Higher Secondary School Students have average level of Social Media Addiction
N Mean S.D
Higher Secondary Students 50 68 10.6
It is observed that the higher secondary students have average level of social media
addiction. Hence the hypothesis accepted.
Hypothesis 2

There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher

Secondary school students in terms of Gender.

Gender N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value

Male 28 33.36 7.6

Female 22 25.42 6.5 3.90

It is observed that there is a significant difference between social media addiction of

higher secondary school in terms of male and female. Hence the hypothesis accepted.

Hypothesis 3

There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher

Secondary school students in terms of Locality

Locality N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value

Rural 30 55.6 9.82

Urban 20 23.35 4.6 2.69

It is observed that there is a significant difference between social media addiction of

higher secondary school in terms of rural and urban . Hence the hypothesis accepted.

Hypothesis 4

There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher

Secondary school students in terms of Type of School

Type of N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Govt 21 23.48 5.33

Private 29 33.26 6.56 1.989

It is observed that there is a significant difference between social media addiction of

higher secondary school in terms of Govt and Private. Hence the hypothesis accepted.

Hypothesis 5

There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher

Secondary school students in terms of Type of Family

Type of N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value

Nuclear 36 60.23 8.23
Joint 14 21 6.8 2.05
It is observed that there is a significant difference between social media addiction of
higher secondary school in terms of nuclear and joint. Hence the hypothesis accepted.

Hypothesis 6

There is a significance difference between Social Media Addiction of Higher

Secondary school students in terms of Internet Usage Period

Internet Usage Period N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value

Less than 1 Hour 38 63.07 9.10
More than 1 Hour 12 18.36 5.39

It is observed that there is a significant difference between social media addiction of

higher secondary school in terms of nuclear and joint. Hence the hypothesis accepted.


The study reveals that there is significant difference of social media addiction in
terms of Gender, Locality, Type of School, Type of Family and Internet usage period. The
rapid development of technology, quick access to communication tools and opening a brief
and rapid account in social media platforms increase the interest in social media a day .this


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

kind of social media platforms can prove to be an addiction for people instead of areas of
entertainment and communication.


1. Andreassen, C. S., Torsheim T., Brunborg, G. S., & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of
a Facebook addiction scale. Psychological Reports
2. Vural, Z. B. A,. & Bat, M. (2010). Social media as a new communication environment
3. Echeburua, E., & de Corral, P. (2010). Addiction to new technologies and to online social
networking in young people: A new challenge. Adicciones, 22, 91–
4. Hawi, N. S., & Samaha, M. (2017). The relations among social media addiction, self-
esteem, and life satisfaction in university students. Social Science Computer Review, 35,
5. Lin, L. Y., Sidani, J. E., Shensa, A., Radovic, A., Miller, E., Colditz, J. B., & Primack, B.
A. (2016). Association between social media use and depression among US young
adults. Depression and Anxiety, 33, 323–331.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Arnab Chowdhury
Student(Ex.),Department of Education, University of Kalyani, Kalyani,WestBengal,India
Jayanta Mete
Faculty,Department of Education,University of Kalyani,Kalyani,WestBengal,India -741235

This paper examines the history of social media. The plan was to approach this work from it
historical development to its modern day perspective. The authors also looked at the definition of
social media, its concept and application in the 21st century. In the decade of information
systems, social media has played a vital role in transforming business and communications. We
believe that the fastest way to grow a business entity is through social media and networking. In
2000, many social networking sites emerged to ease interaction with people that share common
interest in music, education, movies and so on. This also affected how businesses conducted their
transactions and advertisements, and also their products.
Social networks have evolved over the years to the modern-day variety which usesdigital
media. However, the social media isn‘t that new. In addition, it didn‘t start with the computer but
instead the telephone. During the 1950s, phone phreaking, the term used for the rogue searching
of the telephone network, began. This process was accomplished through the use of homemade
electronic devices that facilitated unauthorized access to the telephone system to make free calls.
Phreaks were able to find telephone company test lines and conference circuits to complete their
task. Brett Borders stated phreaks were able to hack into corporate unused voice mailboxes to
host the first blogs and podcasts (Borders,2010).

Social Networking
Many social networking sites were created in the 1990s. Some examples include Six Degrees,
BlackPlanet, Asian Avenue, and MoveOn. These are, or have been, online niche social sites
where people can interact, including sites for public policy advocacy and a social network based
on a web of contacts model. In addition, blogging services such as Blogger and Epinions were
created. Epinions is a site where consumers can read or create reviews of products.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

In 2000 social media received a great boost with the witnessing of many social networking
sites springing up. This highly boosted and transformed the interaction of individuals and
organizations who share common interest in music, education, movies, and friendship, based on
social networking. Among those that were launched included LunarStorm, six degrees, cyworld,
ryze, and Wikipedia. In 2001, fotolog, sky blog and Friendster were launched, and in 2003,
MySpace, LinkedIn, lastFM,, Hi5 etc. In 2004, popular names like Facebook Harvard,
Dogster and Mixi evolved. During 2005, big names like Yahoo!360, YouTube, cyword, and
Black planet all emerged (Junco, Heibergert, &Loken, 2011).

MySpace, a social networking website, has its head office in Beverly Hills, California, where
it shares a building with its owner, News Corporation. In 2006, MySpace became the most
popular social networking website in the United States but was overtaken in 2008 by its
competitor Facebook, that internationally became the most popular social networking site
worldwide. Approximately 43.2 million users visit MySpace on a monthly basis. The company
employs approximately 1000 employees. A unique feature of MySpace is the ability for users to
customize their profile information to give detailed information about themselves and what they
are interested in. MySpace also has a special profile for musical artists were they can download
their entire music into mp3 songs (Natta, 2010).

Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004, and it is privately
operated by Facebook, Inc. (Facebook, 2004). Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and
others when he was a student at Harvard; though when the site was initially launched, it was
restricted to Harvard students only. Later the privilege was extended to high school students and
later to everyone that is 13 years or older (Boyd, 2007). As of July 2010, Facebook has more
than 500 million active users. In January 2009, Facebook was ranked as the most used social
network worldwide. Also, in May 2010, Google announced that more people visited Facebook
than any other website in the world. It declares that this was discovered from findings on 1,000
sites across the world. (TIMES, 2010). Users may create a personal profile; add other users as
friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications, photos and comments when
they update their profile. Additionally, Facebook users may join common interest user groups,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

organized by workplace, school, college, or other characteristics. Facebook allows anyone whois
at least 13 years old to become a registered user of thewebsite.

Social Media vs. Social Networks

According to Daniel Nations (2010), social media is hard to define and is a two-way street
that gives you the ability to communicate. Does that mean that a social media is an instrument of
communication, just like any other social network? Do any differences exist between these two

Social Media can be called a strategy and an outlet for broadcasting, while Social
Networking is a tool and a utility for connecting with others (Cohen, 2009; Stelzner, 2009).
Furthermore, Cohen (2009) reports that „‟the difference is not just semantics but in the features
and functions put into these websites by their creators which dictates the way they are to be
In fact, there are several differences between social media and social networks (Hartshorn,
2010). The first one could be the definition; social media is still a media which is primarily used
to transmit or share information with a broad audience, while social networking is an act of
engagement as people with common interests associate together and build relationships through
community (Cohen, 2009; Hartshorn, 2010).
In 2006 was the year for Twitter to exist while Facebook began to open its doors to
everyone. Twitter gained a lot of popularity first because it offered more different options such
as micro blogging and secondly because it was used by some celebrities (Jasra, 2010;, 2010).

Social Media Technology

Social media helps conversations to reach a wider audience leveraging the "long tail"
concept, which means conversations that can be conveyed to different forums. There are several
communication channels in an organization that include meetings, phone calls, and emails. These
communication channels have their own limitations such as forgetting a message, missing to take
notes during a meeting, and searching for information in a huge list of emails which can be
challenging. Use of social media web sites has increased the channels of communication and its


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

effectiveness in the organization. Now people need not waste their time as it has become easy for
a person to send messages through an instant messenger or a tweet and get the response really
quick. Social media has also improved collaboration between team members in an organization,
which has resulted in a better outcome. When a team is encouraged to work as a team allowing
them to share their workload, the outcome will be tremendous compared to what an individual
could have created. At such situations, the social media acts as a source to allow people to
generate and share their ideas. Through communication and collaboration, one can increase the
overall effectiveness of a team. Companies must allow their employees to leverage their
networks if they have a well-built social profile. This will result in professional gains as these
social media will enable collaborating without leaders in their respective industries. Moreover,
this will help the employees stay up to date with the latest developments in the industry and also
stay connected with the top leaders.
Benefits of Social Media
"The elevator pitch about these "intangible" or long term benefits of social media is very
simple"(Hollier, 2009). Engaging in social media will help strengthen the brand experience
which will support brand building. A company becomes more attractive to the customers, and to
current and potential employees, if it has a well-built brand name. As a result, social media will
help in building a good reputation for a business organization. A couple of words can describe a
brand whether in the consumer or in the business space. By building a brand, it helps to reinforce
the brand in the minds of the consumers. Through social media, the company can repeatedly
reinforce the brand name. Customers experience a brand privilege while using a product or
service and also when interacting with a company (Carraher, Parnell, Carraher, Carraher, &
Sullivan, 2006). Brand awareness starts with the experiences of the employees of a company. Ifa
company is approachable, people-friendly, then the company must make itself visible by
inclusion on the web (Carraher, Parnell, &Spillan, 2009).

The key factor for the success of social media is conversation. When a social media site
is used for a business, it enlarges the conversation through buzzes that would call out the brand
name. A company must be truly dedicated towards conversation through social media, as much
as the customers are. The companies must take time to review the conversation and must


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

dedicate time and effort to respond to customers‟ responses. Social media is a cost-effective
method for marketing activities (Paridon&Carraher, 2009). It was used by businesses initiallyto
market products and services at a minimal cost. During the time when companies do not have
sufficient money, they had to become careful about where, when, and from whom they would
buy the products and services, and the recession resulted in the lack of trust in businesses.

1. App Appeal. (2010, December 02). Social Networking, Netlog Review. Retrieved
December 02, 2010, from AppAppeal:
2. A
uthor, G. (2010, May 18). The Benefits of Social Media in the B2B Workplace.
Retrieved December 5, 2010, from socialmediab2b:
3. B
edell, J. (2010, September 20). What is the Difference Between Social Media and
Social Networking? Retrieved December 2, 2010, from JTB Consulting : is-the-difference-between-social-media-and-social-

4. B
orders, B. (2009). A brief history of social media. Retrieved December 05, 2010,

5. B
oyd, D. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship.
Computer Mediated Communication, 3-20.

6. B
ulletin board system. Retrieved December 05, 2010, from Wikipedia


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Lecturer, Suniti Educational Trust B.Ed&D.El.Ed College, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal,
Jayanta Mete
Department of Education,University of Kalyani,Kalyani,WestBengal,India -741235


Social networks are a series of websites and apps which empower users to understand and
communicate.Social networking is a very collaborative forum for people to gain assistance and
to exchange their views, knowledge, and jobs, business preferences, and more.The various
groups and various networks will share these concepts.Several organizations, through social
media employment, can connect with their target audiences, and these organizations can attract
or hire applicants.There is no limit to social networking.(Karnik, 1994) Education has been
primarily based on print and electronic media for some time, but because of the poor
affordability of these media, on the other hand, social media is inexpensive and available.Now
most teachers and administrators are using YouTube to view a range of videos on their subject,
so their efficiency has gone way beyond that.These days, as students use Facebook, teachers
encourage all students to post their updates on changes to their class schedules, assignment dates,
and quizzes, etc. to retain their students in sync.Students can be linked via social media channels
such as Facebook, Google Plus, and YouTube, etc. through universities studying.It links the
university with the students and allows students to address certain problems through participation
in groups.Institutions should communicate constructive and helpful roles that reach both network
and page-connected students.Video is an efficient medium to trending social media and can be
used to post-consumer images that inspire students and assist them in their studies.Social
networks such as YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram may help sustain the interaction between
students and the association.It is prudent to use the social forum for best practice selectively.

Definitions of Terms
Social Media


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The Wikipedia definition of ‗social media‘ is ―web‐based and mobile-based technologies

which are used to turn communication into interactive dialogue among organizations,
communities, and individuals‖.
Teaching Learning

Teaching can be characterized as interaction with students to learn and apply information,
principles, and processes. Learning is what students do more than what we do as teachers.


The communication process is characterized as the comprehension and exchange of

importance. It is a mechanism that is difficult to explain as it evolves.

Objectives of Study

 Highlighting theEducational Social Networks for Teachers and Students.

 Focusing on the Importance of Social Media in Teaching and Learning.
 Studying theBenefits of Using Social Media in Teaching and Learning.

Literature Review

Raut and Patil (2016) in their research work "Use of social networks in education:
Positive and negative impact on students" tried to consider the positive and negative
consequences of social networks in our education and our future generations to illustrate how
social networks have affected us. The use of social networks had a positive impact on culture.
The Internet helps people to quickly browse all social networks and various applications, talk to
each other, upload new types of text, visual and audio content. Social sites are opened with the
help of the Internet. It plays an important role in our lives as it makes a great contribution in all
areas of life, including politics, economics, and education.


Educational Social Networks for Teachers and Students

The usage of Facebook, Twitter, and other popular networks, which deals more with
"social" education than "education," is similar in social education.It is a controlled environment
that avoids cyberbullying, private tweets, catfishing, misunderstanding, and other public social


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

media inconveniences, unlike Facebook.Google does not know the limits on all computers
around the world when searching for information.Here's a list of famous, paying social networks
with tips about how to make the most of them.(Priya, 2017)

Ted-Ed:Ted-Ed is the brainchild of TED, a profiteering group that shares the ideas of the
greatest minds worldwide. Ted-Ed gives Ted talks about science, inventions, social research,
literature, the language arts, the fine arts, fitness, psychology and business, and economics,
which contain brief films.

TweenTribune: Twin Tribune encourages teachers to learn from current materials, but this time
with articles rather than recordings. The Tune Tribune allows students to stay abreast of the latest
news and improve reading and critique.

Edmodo:Edmodo is a popular free K-12 network to empower and assist educators and their
learners. It is a collaboration forum for the daily exchange and discussion of scholarly subjects,
tools, and documentation by public and private groups (classes). Edmodo works for teachers and
pupils, including publications, calendars, and general contact venues, as an instructional and
learning space.

Facebook:Facebook's nice thing is that everyone is on it. Students would like to speak to family
members and friends on Facebook, so please visit the page you shared.

Twitter:The best way to use Twitter to learn is to study this or that if students need to complete
an assignment by a specific date or if their exam is coming soon.

Instagram:For several purposes, students such as Instagram but mostly because of their
available images and edits. Teachers can set up activities to allow students to take pictures,
upload, and include photos or touch image structures that can be advertised with those
organizations or only for lessons.

WordPress: WordPress is a common medium for teachers to connect with their students and
create a platform for text by selecting several topics. Blackboard is an education subject which
makes provision for learning and allows teachers to recognize major aims and objective.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Blogger:Bloggers such as WordPress also use newspaper type instructors and special subjects.
Students achieve greater progress and feel relaxed with the teacher as they are studying online
with connections, lessons, and suggestions from teachers.

Importance of Social Media in Teaching and Learning

Social media is a great, open, and user-friendly platform. Social networks do not take the
consumer further and offer several advantages. Consequently, it is a very powerful contact tool.
Students can apply via social media to a range of educational services, festivals, new courses,
and different study programs without paying any fees. These services increase the confidence
and learning of the students. Over the years, it has been a well-known learning source and a
fantastic forum on which students and business organizations can meet their target audiences.
Students and teachers will boost their technical access through social media and enhance their
engagement in studying the new technology. The Internet and its technologies allow one to work
in the classroom and to develop and make communication skills more successful with students.
Teachers can make the class exciting by implementing and using PowerPoint in various ways
and images. To make it easy for the students in the school to understand and use attractive
PowerPoint slides. With the aid of the Internet and social media, exchanging information has
become even easier. Students can interact in different ways, such as cell phones, smartphones,
personal computers, laptops, and various other items with their peers, professors, classmates, and
others. Students can share their knowledge, everyday work, beliefs, resources for their research,
school projects, and other instructional content. Students can quickly exchange this useful
information and learn information and skills using social media.(Gorg, 2013) Many schools,
colleges, and universities give their students good facilities in which a wide variety of students
can be interested and linked through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, and more. The channels proved very helpful and effective in providing, advertising,
and supplying students with more relevant knowledge on school news, information, and
messages relating to education. It allows many students to shape, maintain, and establish links
between colleges, universities, and groups. More knowledge about social reputation can also be
found in the online assignment support resources. Most social media platforms offer various
simulated lessons. One can communicate with the teachers and collaborate and learn through
social media. Social networking offers viewers and reporting tools for consumer data processing,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

which is a fantastic forum. Students can gather valuable research material and manufacture them.
If students are working on a job, working on a project, or attempting to get more knowledge
about a subject, social media may provide the best information and outcomes.

Benefits of Using Social Media in Teaching and Learning

Due to the transition Techno Revolution G, there are numerous learning resources and
changes from the knowledge of children.Since the rise of The internet and smartphone
technology, the world of education is increasing drastically.Social media is now an essential
component of every student's life as internet technology has adventured.It is efficient and simple
to exchange information via social media, interact and remain connected.(Snellman,
2019)Teachers and students may use social media to keep linked and use it for their
studies.Social networks enable student educational institutions to engage students in
learning.Social media is also a way of linking students to their occupations. Active across many
media networks, it can be important as an educational organization to help students develop
more engaging methods and make learning more immersive and inclusive. (Tatnall& Jones,
2009)Social media also allows both teachers and students to remain off-campus.Faculties can use
social media to set up groups to provide everyone with useful information.It allows them in the
academic world to make a name for themselves.In social media, connections outside the
classroom are becoming more and more common.Admission will contribute to the institution's
enhancement and strengthening of public relations.Social networking features are used for
interacting in the classroom with other students and probably others.


Social media is a modern technology that enables all students, through various methods,
to procure information and knowledge.The use and engagement of social media in education
facilitate the correct knowledge for pupils, teachers, lecturers, and parents.They will collaborate
and gain success with numerous teaching and research groups.Education organizations respond
to these changes and focus on the tools and strategies of the community to better their lives.The
usage of social media in education allows students to access more valuable knowledge and
engage with instructional communities and other educational systems that provide resources for
learning.Social networking platforms give students and organizations many ways to develop
their methods of instruction.One can integrate social media plugins that allow you to


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

communicate and connect with social media across these networks.Social media is also a way of
linking students to their occupations.All of us have the chance to contribute and share our
opinions by active political involvement in the educational system.In comparison, social media
encourages users to find and engage more confidently in society.Students are there, and they
should make more use of their social media to link students.Google Education Applications and
micro-foot fees are part of the social media network that is included in the program offered in
their learning plans.Customer participation and interaction can be promoted through social
networks, the information sharing platform, the branding of their product, the promotion of word
of mouth, etc.


[1] Al-Deen, H. S. N., & Hendricks, J. A. (2012). Social Media. Lexington Books.
[2] Dhanabalan, S. (1981). Role of the mass media in public information and education.
Media Asia, 8(2), 113-115. doi:10.1080/01296612.1981.11726038.
[3] Gorg, M. (2013). The Social Classroom: Integrating Social Network Use in Education.
IGI Global.
[4] Greenhow, C., Sonnevend, J., &Agur, C. (2016). Education and social media: Toward a
digital future. MIT Press.
[5] Karnik, K. (1994). New Information/Communication Technologies: Their Role in
Education. Media Asia, 21(2), 85–89.
[6] Priya, Mrs. J. S. (2017). The Role of Social Media in an Education of School Children.
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(9).
[7] Resources, M. A., Information. (2018). Social Media in Education: Breakthroughs in
Research and Practice. IGI Global.
[8] Snellman, L. (2019). The role of digitalization and new media in higher education.
INTED2019 Proceedings. doi:10.21125/inted.2019.2475.
[9] Tatnall, A., & Jones, A. (2009). Education and Technology for a Better World. Springer
Science & Business Media.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Lecturer in Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nivedita College (Co-Ed),
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Department of Education,University of Kalyani,Kalyani,WestBengal,India-741235

Social Media are the web-based online tools that enable people to find out and learn new
information, share their ideas, and frequently interact with new people and organizations. It has
brought drastic change in lifestyle, mode of eating, the way of thinking, believing, determination
of choices or preferences etc. in the day today life. It allows the exchange of user-generated
content like data, pictures, and videos. It is being generated from different platforms such as
blogs, business forums, podcasts, microblogs, photo sharing, product/service review, weblogs
etc. which has influenced the tribal people all over the world.

Primitive Cultural Scenario of Tribes of West Bengal

Adivasi (Adivasi is a Sanskrit word; ‗Adi means from the beginning, ‗Vasi‘
meansinhabitants/residents)1,2.The tribal population of the State of West Bengal stands at 4.5
million (2001 Census). This constitutes 5.5 % of the total population of the State and 8 % of the
total tribal population of the country. The major Tribes of West BengalCensus of India 2001are
as follows:

Table1: Showing Major Tribes of West Bengal and the Percentage of West Bengal

Sl. No. Schedule Tribe Population % of Total ST

Scheduled Tribes are the collective names used for identifying Indigenous people in India ‗Tribe‘ is a group of
individuals during a primitive or barbarous stage of development acknowledging the authority of a chief and
typically regarding them as having a same ancestor
As per the definition of Oxford Dictionary "A tribe is a group of people in a primitive or barbarous stage of
development acknowledging the authority of a chief and usually regarding themselves as having a common


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1 Santal 2,280,540 51.8
2 Oraon 617,138 14
3 Munda 341,542 7.8
4 Bhumiji 336,436 7.6
5 Kora 142,789 3.2
6 Lodha 84,966 1.9
7 Mahali 76,102 1.7
8 Bhutia 60,091 1.2
9 Bedia 55,979 1.3
10 Sabar 43,599 1
Source: .

Cultural Elements of Tribes in West Bengal

1.1.1. Language:Language is the vocal identity of the society. Every tribe have their own
native language which varies from state to state. In West Bengal Santal are the
famous one and accords highest population among the other tribe. They have their
own scripts known as Ol-Chiki. Common language contributes much to the
development of community feeling.3
1.1.2. Religion: The members of a tribe usually worship a common ancestor. Also nature
worship is common among them. Participation in common religious ceremonies
functions and festivals contributes to the unity of the group. They have their own
Dharma Thakur.4
1.1.3. Food and Drinking:Tribes prefer rice as their main food. They also take chicken,
mutton, fish and dried fish besides vegetables. Consumption of liquor is a part of their
food habit. Both male and female drink country liquor and betel leaves along with



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1.1.4. Festival:Santhal mainly celebrate the Karam festival, Maghe, Baba Bonga, Sahrai,
Ero, Asaria and Namah. They also celebrate hunting festival called Disum sendra on
the eve of Baishakhi7
1.1.5. Dress/ Clothing:Tribes wear very simple dresses according to their financial
capabilities. The males wear dhoti, kurta, pant, shirt, lungi, ganji, etc. and females
wear saree, blouse, different types of metal (iron, brass, and silver) and non-metal
(glass and shell) ornaments in ear, nose finger, hands and toes.8
1.1.6. Occupation:At past, Kora were used to cut well, canal, levelling of undulating land
etc. Previously they collect leaf from forest and make plates, basket, and brooms.
Lodha are basically uprooted people from Jungle Mahal and mainly live by gathering
roots, shoots, fruits and leaves, honey, etc. They work as day laborers and agricultural
laborers on other‘s fields. They also hunt wild animals, birds and reptiles which they
use as food and sell their skin in the market.9,10
1.1.7. Art and Craft:The tribes have natural talents in art and crafts which is reflected in

their beautiful wall paintings, housing architecture and wood works. The attractive
Dhokra art objects have motifs galvanized by native people culture and are
characterized by a primitive, natural style.11
Objective of Study
 To study the impact ofsocial media in changing lifestyles of tribal people of West Bengal.
 To study whether there is any use of social media in the life of tribal people of West
 To study the impact of social media in occupational displacement of the tribal people of
West Bengal.

Purnima. file:///C:/Users/WIN10/Documents/santhal.pdf


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between social media and tribal people of West
Bengal in changing their lifestyles.

Ho2:There is no significant relationship betweenuses of social media in the life of tribes of

West Bengal.

Ho3:There is no significant relationship between social media and change in occupation tribes
of West Bengal.

Methodology of the Study

According to Kerlinger (1973) research design consists of structure of research and techniques
of conducting research. The design of the study is Survey type.

Sample of the Study

The total number of sample consists of 500 from the four districts of West Bengal- Burdwan,
Birbhum, North 24 and South 24 parganas were randomly drawn. The distribution of sample
were shown in the following table:

Table 2: Showing Selected No. of Sample of Four Districts Of West Bengal

Sl. No. Selected Districts of West No. of Household Selected From Total No. of Sample
Bengal Each Districts Selected From Each
1 Burdwan 30 131
2 Birbhum 25 116
3 North 24 Parganas 32 133
4 South 24 Parganas 28 120
Total 115 500
Source: Field Survey

Research Tool
The development of Research tool accorded as an important part of research activity. A
well-developed self-made tool was constructed by the investigator to test the hypothesis.
Aquestionnaire has been prepared by the investigator to test the hypothesis.

Techniques Employed For the Development of Research Tool

Questionnaire tool were used for collecting information or data from the required source
by applying the survey method. It consists of selected structured questions which were prepared
by the investigator on an advance, so that relevant facts can be collected in a face to face mode


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

from the selected investigated field. Investigator prepared 40 items. All the items related to the
lifestyles, (language, festivals, food, dress, utensils) use of social media by the heads of
household and the influence of social media in their present occupation.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

For analysis and interpretation data were analyzed critically and scientifically interpreted.

Pertaining To Hypothesis 1
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between social media and tribal people of West
Bengal in changing their lifestyles.

Table 3: Showing the Influence of Social Media in Tribal Lifestyle from Selected Districts of West Bengal

Lifestyles Responses From Selected Study Area

SL.NO Dimensions Burdwan Birbhum North 24 South 24 Total %
Parganas Parganas OfResponses
. Out Of 500
1. Language
Speak only native language 39 40 35 37 151 30.2%
Don‘t speak native 2 1 2 1 6 1.2%
Speak native and other 90 75 96 82 343 68.6%
2 Festival
Celebrates only their 24 29 22 28 103 20.6%
Celebrates other festivals 106 99 121 111 445 89%
Don‘t celebrates any festivals 1 0 0 2 03 1.2%
3 Food
Cook only traditional meal 35 32 29 25 121 24.2%
Cook traditional &non- 58 62 66 71 257 51.4%
traditional meal
Fond of fast food 38 22 38 24 122 24.4%
4 Dress
Always wear traditional 12 8 14 9 43 8.6%
Wear only in festivals 32 28 29 18 107 21.4%
don‘t wear traditional dress 14 11 16 17 58 11.6%
Prefer wear modern outfit 73 67 74 76 290 58%
5 Utensils
Always use traditional utensils 81 69 78 73 301 60.2%
Use it occasionally 21 11 14 13 59 11.8%
Use modern utensils 29 36 41 34 140 28%
(Source: Field Survey)

From Table 3 it is being found that social media has a profound influences in the usage of
language in tribal society. About 68.6% of tribal people from selected districts uses other
languages apart from their native language. Among the selected districts North 24 parganas lead


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

with the maximum. A study was conducted by Dhār, Sourav. &Dey, Biswarup on ―The Effect of
Education on Tribal Language‖(2018) on districts of West Bengal on Kora tribe it was found that
they are displacing the Kurukh language by Hindi. Another study on ―Socio-cultural changes of
Tribes and their impact on Environmentwith special reference to Santhal in West Bengal‖ by
Guha and Ismail(June, 2015) have also indicated that part from their own language they get to
used speaking and being educated in Bengali language. So social media has great impact on

The Table 3 indicates that tribal population are not only fond of celebrating their own cultural
heritage, 89% of the tribal population from selected districts of West Bengal gathered in other
festivals. Study has been conducted in Mahali Culture and Social Change in West Bengal by
Soni, Amit. (2016), Recent Changes in Kora Tribal Society: Ausgram, Burdwan district in West
Bengal‖ by Samantha, Raj (July, 2015), Mahali Culture and Social Change in WestBengal by
Soni, Amit. (2016), ―Socio-cultural changes of Tribes and their impact on Environment with
special reference to Santhal in West Bengal‖ by Guha and Ismail (June, 2015) etc., due to the
impacts of globalization and social media tribes change their traditional festivals and adapts new
socio- modern culture.14,15

The Table 3 indicates that tribal population are not only fond of cooking traditional
foods, but 51.4% of them also prepare traditional and non-traditional food.Though many tribes of
West Bengal were devoid of nutritional diet but those can afford their eating habits have been
changed in current time. Study has been conducted on the changing food habits by Mallick.
Punima, Basu. Ranjan, Samanta. Raj etc., reveals that the eating habits have been changed due to




ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

induced modernization in their lifestyles. In their home they also sometimes prepare chowmein,
samosa, omelet, chops as their evening snacks, as because the children and teenagers are usually
fond of such dishes.16

The Table 3 indicates that the dressing habits of tribes were also influenced by social
media as because only 8.6% prefer to wear always traditional dress but 21.4% tribes wear in I the
time of occasion and the 58% of tribes prefer to wear modern outfits but due to cultural bindings
many times they suppress their wishes. A study has been conducted by Ghosh Prasasti on
―Impact of Globalization on Tribal in West Bengal‖ (2015) indicated that nowadays tribal They
use shampoo, talcum powder and other cosmetic leaving herbal and traditional cosmetic, they
wear the modern dresses, flowered ornaments are replaced by metal ornament to decorate. The
young educated people do not want to wear the traditional dresses. Study of ―Impact of
globalizations on the Santals: A study on migration in West Bengal‖, (July, 2013) by Saren,
Gurupada also indicated new types of western dresses have found entry particularly among the
youngsters. All these have led not only to the entry of new cultural symbols and practices among

The Table 3 indicates that the 60% of householders uses traditional utensils and 28% uses
the modern utensils of common types.A study by Recent Changes in Kora Tribal Society:
Ausgram, Burdwan district in West Bengal‖ by Samantha, Raj (July, 2015), have cited thatsome
family members use pressure cooker for cooking.Each adult male member use mobile phone.
Television is found in fifteen families. Again study on ―Modernization and the Santhal of
Jhargram: An Ethnographic Study‖ by Nizamuddin. Ahmed, and Swami. Tattwasarananda
reveals dress pattern, utensils, drinking water, lightning at house has greatly induced the flavor of
modernization due to social media.19So there is significant relationship between social media and
tribal people of West Bengal in changing their lifestyles.

18 18



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Pertaining To Hypothesis 2
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between uses of social media in the life of tribes of
West Bengal.
The tribes are engaging with social media extensively due to abundant choices to tune to
their programme of interest. The poverty is no more an issue to own the DTHTV, Radio and
mobile phones and all the villagers would like to own them as it is a source of information and
entertainment. To find out the relationship non parametric test, i.e., Chi square has been applied
and the result were given in the following.

Table 4: Pertaining To Hypothesis 2

Calculation of Chi-square

Selected Districts
Level Frequencies Count Proportion
Burdwan Observed 43 0.261
Expected 41.3 0.250
Birbhum Observed 39 0.236
Expected 41.3 0.250
North 24 Observed 46 0.279
Expected 41.3 0.250 X2 df P value
South 24 Observed 37 0.224
Parganas 1.18 03 0.757
Expected 41.3 0.250

From the Table 4 it is found that the value of X2= 1.18 and the P value is 0.757, so it is
significant and null hypothesis get rejected which indicates that there is significant relationship
between impacts of social media on the tribes of West Bengal. From the study by Miah, S.
Abu.“Impact of Social Media on Tribal”(2017) it has been proved that social media has
changed the lives of tribal people. It also showed that opportunities to the farmers and made the
process of selling the crop easy through online programs which have resulted in the removal of
middlemen. In another study ―Adivasi Media in India: Relevance in Representing
Marginalized Voices” by Dutta, Uttaran (2016). Tribes are using media for the conservation
and promotion of indigenous languages, literature, and cultural artifacts is another key issue in
the central indigenous belt.20,21
Table 5: Showing Frequencies of Selected DistrictsTable 6: Showing Frequencies of Social Media

Districts Count % of Cumulative%

Burdwan 30 26.1% 26.1%



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Birbhum 25 21.7% 47.8%

North 24 32 27.8% 75.7%
Parganas Levels Count % of Cumulative %
South 24 28 24.3% 100.0% Total
Parganas Uses Social 65 56.5% 56.5%
Don‘t Uses 50 43.5% 100.0%
The Table 5 ndicated that North 24 Parganas leading at high following the Burdwan in the usage
of social media in their daily life, it is because most of the tribes from such districts adopted the
modernization in their lifestyle and many of them have urbanized due to various factors.
The Table 6 and Figure 8 showed that use of social media in present time increased by 56.5%
among the schedule tribes which changes their lifestyles and creating awareness about different
social issues.

Pertaining To Hypothesis 3

Ho3:There is no significant relationship between social media and change in occupation of

tribes of West Bengal.
Table 7: Showing the Response Related To Occupation of Tribes Of West Bengal

(Pertaining To Hypothesis 3)
Selected Area Of Study Total No. of Heads Occupation Changed Occupation Maintained Occupation Retention
From The State Of from Each Household By Heads Of The By Heads Of The Index (ORI )
West Bengal Household Household
Burdwan 30 17 13 43.3%
Birbhum 25 14 11 44
North 24 Parganas 32 18 14 43.75
South 24 Parganas 28 16 12 42.9
Total 115 65 50
Source: Field Survey

From the Table 7 it is found that out of 115 household from selected districts of West
Bengal 50 household have retained their primitive occupation and 65 of them had an
occupational displacement, which indicated that tribes are changing their occupation due to
modernization effects of social media. In the article of ―Socio-cultural changes of Tribes and
their impact on Environment with special reference to Santhal in West Bengal‖ by Guha and
Ismail(June, 2015) reveals that 32% have changed their occupation. Study on ―Modeling Of
Occupational Shift among the Artisan Tribes: A Study Based On Mahalis and Loharas of
Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal‖ by Ghosh. Anamika, also indicated that at present 74.02%


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

respondents have shifted from their traditional occupation and engaged in other occupations
ranging from agriculture to methodical jobs.22

Table 8: Showing theReasons for

changing the occupation

A- To increase the source of income exposed by social media.

B- Increased employment opportunities from social networking sites.
C- Demand for industrial laborers in urban area.
D- Better commercial opportunities.
E- Not satisfied with primitive occupation.

Source: Field Survey

Reasons For Burdwan Birbhum North 24 South 24
Changing The Parganas Parganas
A 9 6 5 4
B 2 3 3 5
C 4 2 4 3
D 1 2 3 2
E 1 0 3 1
From Table 8 it is found that most of them have displacement of occupation as because
they are not satisfied with their income and to increase their source of income they have used
social media. Many of them to replace the middle person in selling their products they have
taken the help of social media. Others due to demand for industrial laborers in urban area shifted
to new profession. So there is significant relationship between social media and change in
occupation of tribes of West Bengal.

The findings of study are given below.

 Social media has greatly influenced the life styles of tribal people including their values,
norms, traditions and culture.
 At present social media is being used by the tribes of West Bengal like selling the crop
easy through online programs which have resulted in the removal of middlemen. At



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

present to make upliftment of their cultural heritage they have their own platform to
increase awareness among the tribal communities.
 Due to various opportunities and when the tribes are not satisfied with their present
occupation through rapport with social media the occupational opportunities have also

1. Guha and Ismail(June, 2015). ―Socio-cultural changes of Tribes and their impact on Environment
with special reference to Santhal in West Bengal‖.
2. Ghosh, Anamika (2019). “Modeling Of Occupational Shift among the Artisan Tribes: A Study
Based On Mahalis and Loharas of Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal‖.INTERNATIONAL
3. Bureau of Applied Economics & Statistics (2014) District Statistical Handbook, Dakshin
Dinajpur. 18052017151925.xlsx.
4. Sinha, Somrita. (2020). Tribes of India: Santal/Santhal.
5. Sarbajit, G.k. & Guchhait, S.k. (Setember, 2017). Kharia Sabaras bearing the Stigma of
Criminality and Social Exclusion: a Study in South-Eastern Purulia, West Bengal, India. IOSR
Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 22, Issue 9, Ver. 10. e-ISSN:
2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845
a. file:///C:/Users/WIN10/Documents/sabar.pdf
6. Driver, W.H.P.(1891). Notes on some Kolarian Tribes, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
Vol 60 Part I.
7. Bradley-Birt, F. B. (1903). Chota Nagpur: A Little Known Province of the Empire. Smith, Elder,
& Company.
8. Russell, R. V. (1916). The tribes and castes of the Central Provinces of India. (Vol. 3).
Macmillan and Company limited.
9. Banerjee, G.C. (1984). Introduction to the Kharia Language, Bengal Secretariat Press, Calcutta.
10. Devi, M, (2013). Denotified Tribes of India. Retrieved from URL:
11. Soni, Amit. (2016). Mahali Culture and Social Change in West Bengal.
12. Dey, Arup. 2015. A Comparative Study about Scheduled Tribes in West Bengal, India.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology 4(7): I 1 - I 8.

13. Roychowdhury, B.K. 1963. The Mahalis: A basket making tribe of West Bengal. Bulletin of the
a. Cultural Research Ins titute.I3: 3U35.
14. Singh, K.S. (1994). The Scheduled Tribes (People of India). Delhi: Oxford University Press,
15. Report of an Overview of Lodha under Study. file:///C:/Users/WIN10/Documents/lodha2.pdf
16. Panda, Santanu. (2014). Lodhas of West Bengal under Study. ISSN: 2249-3433.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

17. Mandal, H., Mukherjee, S. and Dutta, A. 2002. West Bengal, in India: AnIllustrated Atlas of
Tribal World. Anthropological Survey of India: Kolkata
18. Panda, S and Majumder, A. (2013). A Rural Development Programme in India,International
Journal of Research in Sociology and Social Anthropology, 1(2):37-40, 2013.
19. Verma, R.C. (1990). Indian Tribes through the ages. Ministry of Informationand Broadcasting.
Govt. of India.
20. Samanta, R.k. (July, 2015). Recent Changes in Kora Tribal Society: A Case Study of Dombandhi
Kora Village in Ausgram-II Block of Burdwan District, West Bengal, India. Research Journal of
Language, Literature and Humanities. ISSN 2348-6252.
21. Koner, Kaberi and Chakma, Namita, Tribal Cultural Fusion: A study on Kora Tribe of West
Bengal, Indian Journal of Landscape systems and Ecological Studies, 34(2), 723-726 (2011).
22. Debal, D. And Malhotra, K.C. (2001). Conservation Ethos in Local Traditions: The West Bengal
Heritage. file:///C:/Users/WIN10/Documents/adivasi4.pdf
23. Guha, Subrata. Ismail, Md. (2015). Socio -Cultural Changes of Tribes and Their Impacts on
Environment with Special Reference to Santhal in West Bengal. ISSN: 2319-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor , KSR College Of Education, Tiruchengode.
The implications of this ubiquitous take-up of the phenomenon for schools and
classrooms have not escaped the attention of educators, and many enthusiastically have
advocated bringing the approaches into classroom activities and utilizing the appeal they have
for young students to motivate and engage them in learning.While there is appeal in the
emerging potential that this ―movement‖ offers to education, there are issues and problems that
have arisen in the social networking arena, and a number of these aspects such as legal issues
surround privacy, exposure to predators and related aspects of cyber bullying and sexting are
raised in this chapter. These aspects present serious challenges to educators and their use of the
social networking opportunities for classroom and school applications.

Social Media: The World of Networking

Here‘s a quick look at the user statistics of a few social media platforms, which only
prove the growing popularity of these websites.
 Facebook—1.6 billion
 Youtube—Billion-plus visitors
 Whatsapp—950 million
 Google plus—440 million
 Instagram—430 million
 LinkedIn—420 million
 Twitter—230 million
 ResearchGate—9 million

University Learning
41% of American professors used social media as a teaching tool in 2013. In India, the
National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and e-learning engineering
courses were viewed by 110 million people on Youtube till 2014. Teachers are now beginning to
tap into the market of social media. Students too have realized its power. Social media has


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

become a platform for common-minded people coming together. The multiple online discussion
groups involve asking doubts, opinions about universities, new ideas, etc.
Learning Management System
Most higher education institutions prefer a learning management system (LMS). Popular
LMS are Desire2Learn, WebCT, Moodle, and Blackboard. They have been specifically designed
for educational purposes in distance education and provide a software application for the
administration. These systems record, track, report and deliver e-learning courses. Platforms like
Moodle and Blackboard allow easy integration with social media services. Teachers can
share the content through apps like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to provide quick help to
Effects of Social Media on Education
Social media is the future of communication. It includes an array of internet-based tools
and platforms that increase and enhance the experience of sharing information. The platform is
all about community-based input, contact, content-sharing, and alliance. This interactive medium
has a multitude of interesting things like forums, micro-blogging, social networking, social
bookmarking, wikis and podcasts. Studies show that online social networks like Twitter,
Facebook or MySpace have a great impact on youths‘ lives.

The Positive and Negative Impact of Social Media on Education

Students now spend more time online and end up wasting time. There have also been
many cases of fraud institutes providing bogus degrees online and children fall into this trap. The
teaching fraternity feels that the social websites have blurred the line between formal and
informal writing. Students often use online jargon even while doing homework or writing exam
papers. The new online fever has taken a hit at their inter-personal skills and made them averse
to real communication. The physical and emotional imbalance caused by social media makes
students irritable and dull.
Considering these pros and cons, it is necessary for parents to have certain regulations
over the use of such social networking sites, especially for high school and college students.
Students should think about what they are doing and decide how much time they want to spend
on social media. The negative aspects should certainly not influence students‘.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Impact of Social Media on Teachers

The recent years have seen rapid increase in the number of social media platforms. At
first, the concern for most teachers was that the social media platforms were nothing but
distractions to the education system. According to them, the sites caused the students not to focus
on their studies or even get exposed to vices. That line of thinking, however, has changed
swiftly, and teachers are focusing on the positive instead of the negative impact of social media.
Many teachers are incorporating social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
LinkedIn, YouTube and many others in their line of work. Consequently, they are enjoying the
positive impact of social media.
Some Positive Impact of Social Media on Teachers
First and foremost, the impact of social media becomes real when it gets to class
preparation. Every teacher must prepare adequately for their lesson before they present it to a
classroom. The groundwork usually involves carrying out enough research on the topic or
subject at hand. Traditionally, the teacher had to sift through hard paperback books and journals
to get the notes ready. However, thanks to Wikipedia, educational forums and other similar
social media platforms the teacher can easily get recent, and accurate information for their
After the teachers have the notes ready, they need to deliver them to the students. Aiding
delivery of lecture notes and lessons is another area in which the positive impact of social media
becomes visible. Teachers could use podcasts, webinars, tutorials and educational videos from
various social media platforms to deliver their lessons to the students. The social sites make it
possible and practical for the teacher to teach a class conveniently even if it is doing so remotely.
Impact of social media sites is that they conveniently help the teacher and students‘
interaction. For instance, the lecturer can upload lectures and assignments on a relevant platform
and the students on their part, could download the notes or do the assignments and send them
back to the teacher for review and evaluation. Besides, if the student has a pressing question he
or she could raise it up using the same platform.
Challenges Faced by The Use of Social Media
There are many Challenges which are being faced by the use of social networking site
they are as follows: -
 Privacy ; Health Issues; Real Friendship; Other Challenges


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Privacy: - Many of the students are engross with social networking sites like Facebook,
Twitter and many more, with help of which they come in contact with many other people whom
they never had met before, seen before or even had talked before. They share their very personal
and private information which many times may be used for wrong deeds also.
Health Issues
Due to the use of social networking sites for long hours create multiple of health issues.
Because of continuous accessing of networking site may create an eyesight problem, back pain
because of sitting in same position for long hours and many more.
Other Challenges
Some of our teens join social media not to post their pictures but to find friends with
whom they can share their thoughts, and sometimes it goes wrong and they interact bad people
and such relation could lead to kidnapping.
It is safe to state that the impact of social media on teachers, is indeed huge and
something that every teacher needs to consider taking up. Conclusion According to the above
study we came to know the various positive and negative impacts of social media on education
or students. It is very important to overcome this problem. How can parents alleviate the
negative aspects of social media while improving upon the positive results? Moderating their
access to social media is one excellent method. Most of the negative aspects can be overcome by
reducing the amount of time spent on social network sites. Paying attention to their academic
progress and addressing any issues will go a long way towards keeping the negative aspects of
social media from influencing their studies. Provide ample time for face-to-face social
interaction, like having some family leisure time in which you discuss their studies in a relaxed
atmosphere or inviting friends and family over for get-together, providing fun, face-to-face social
interaction with loved ones. All this we help us to reduce the Negative impact of social media on
the students which will in turn benefit our young generation.
Social Networks: Impact on Teaching and Learning in Schools and Classrooms
1. Kist, W. (2012). "Class get ready to tweet: Social media in the classroom. Our
children" (PDF).
2. "BYOD". Peel District School Board. 2014.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Fewkes, A.; McCabe, M. (2012). "Facebook: Learning Tool or Distraction? Journal of Digital
Learning in Teacher Education, 28(3)". Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher
Education. 28 (3): 92–98.
4. Jump up to:a b Moody, M (Spring 2010). "Teaching Twitter and Beyond: Tip for
Incorporating Social Media in Traditional Courses"(PDF). Journal of Magazine & New Media
Research. 11 (2): 1–9.
5. The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges and Opportunities Ashraf Jalal
Yousef Zaidieh ICT, collage of information and communication technology, IIUM KL,
6. The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New GenerationBy Khaama Press
- Wed Nov 19 2014
7. Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case StudyNa Li,
Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet
8. Social Networking in Undergraduate Education .


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor in English,
KSR College Of Education, Tiruchengode.

Today, it is crucial to determine the impact of social media on the academic performance
of students. Technology is booming rapidly from year to year, and the younger generations are
the ones caught in this rapid change. Questionnaires were distributed through Facebook and E-
mails, to find out whether students academic performance is impacted by social media or not.
The findings demonstrate that there is no relationship between social media and academic
performance; this is clearly projected in their overall grade average. The impact of social
websites can be good on students but if we have a closer look on the real impact of social
networks. Today it is ruining the future and carrier of students.

Social Media
Social networks have become thoroughly rooted in modern culture. People have woven
these networks into their daily routines, using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Young people are
motivated to learn from their peers online. They interact and receive feedback from one another.
They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults are no
longer the only sources of knowledge. It makes kids more networked than ever.

Social media applications therefore allow users to converse and interact with each other;
to create, edit and share new forms of textual, visual and audio content. Social media
applications are seen to be open rather than closed, bottom-up rather than top-down.

Learning with Social Media

It‘s no secret that most students and teachers have smart-phones and have used social
media in education. In fact, there are apps and web tools that offer social media in an educational
context. With faculty using a variety of software tools and free web applications to enhance
learning, communication, and engagement, the use of social media is on the rise in higher
education classrooms. Compared to traditional learning method that provide few opportunities


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

for learners to develop and maintain their own learning activities, learning platforms based on
social media place the control of learning into the hands of learners themselves.

A growing number of research efforts have been made to support teaching and learning
using a variety of social media tools. Social networking site for college students are been
developed aiming at enhancing both collaborative study and social interaction. The research tells
that making social media tools a part of traditional learning is attractive to students and can
motivate their participation in the learning process.

How Social Media Affects the Students

Social media not only helps to acquire knowledge but also establishing enduring
relationships with real people, connecting with fellow dorm residents through Facebook, Twitter
and various social sites can help a student overcome the kind of isolation that otherwise might
lead her to leave school. A Twitter account can provide a shy student with information about
events that facilitates face-to-face encounters with other students. Such personal interactions are
vital to creating and sustaining a sense of belonging.

Using technology to accommodate students‟ different learning styles is not novel. The
strength of social media applications is that they offer an assortment of tools that learners can
mix and match to best suit their individual learning styles and increase their academic success.

Positive and Negative Impact of Social Media in Education

Positive Impacts

Following are the Positive Impact of Social Media on Education:

1. Google and education, Google has helped over 20 million student in their education using
their tools.
2. By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more
familiarity with computers and other electronic devices.
3. With the increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help students
build skills that will aid them throughout their lives.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Talents got discovered faster, students who were good at programming got their name out
their easily, student who were good in music, got their videos out and shared leading them to
their dreams.
5. A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media
whichbrought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
Negative Impacts
The prime bad effect of social media is addiction. Constantly checking Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn other social media updates. This addiction could negatively affect other valued
activities like concentrating on studies, taking active part in sports, real life communication and
ignoring ground realities. There are hundreds of thousands of fake accounts on social networks
who are boys pretending to be girls to be friends with girls and in most cases this leads to
embarrassments and disappointments which finally result in depression.

Following are The Negative Impacts of Social Media on Education

1. The popularity of social media, and the speed at which information is published, has
created a lax attitude towards proper spelling and grammar. They reduce a student‘s
ability to effectively write without relying on a computer‘s spell check feature.
2. Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to
provide answers. That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.
3. Our ability to retain information has decreased, and the willingness to spend more time
researching and looking up good information has reduced, due the fact that we got used to
the ease of accessibility to information on social media.
4. Students, who attempt to multi-task, checking social media sites while studying, show
reduced academic performance. Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand is
significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought about by YouTube, Facebook or

Social Media Importance

 Live Lectures; Increased support; Easy work; More disciplined; Teaching aids:
 Teaching Blogs and write ups: Importance of Social Media


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social media platforms help its users to connect share and give information and content to
millions of others. The importance of social media cannot be ignored since it plays a very crucial
role in our lives today.

1. Building a brand: Quality content, products and services are easily accessible online
today. You can market your product online and build a brand.
2. Customer support: Before buying and product or service customers can read the reviews
and feedback and hence make a smart choice.
3. Social media is a great education tool.
4. Through the use of social media platforms you can connect with your target audience.


According to the above study we came to know the various positive and negative impacts
of social media on education or students. It is very important to overcome this problem. How can
parents alleviate the negative aspects of social media while improving upon the positive results?
Moderating their access to social media is one excellent method. Most of the negative aspects
can be overcome by reducing the amount of time spent on social network sites. Paying attention
to their academic progress and addressing any issues will go a long way towards keeping the
negative aspects of social media from influencing their studies. Provide ample time for face-to-
face social interaction, like having some family leisure time in which you discuss their studies in
a relaxed atmosphere or inviting friends and family over for get-together, providing fun, face-to-
face social interaction with loved ones. All this we help us to reduce the Negative impact of
social media on the students which will in turn benefit our young generation.

 The Use of Social Networking n Education: Challenges and Opportunities Ashraf Jalal
Yousef Zaidieh ICT, collage of information and communication technology, IIUM KL,
 The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New GenerationBy Khaama
Press - Wed Nov 19 2014
 Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case StudyNa Li,
Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Research Scholar
Assistant Professor
School of Education, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai - 600015.
Social media, the savior of people during CORONA -19 lockdown periods, had a humble
start in the last century in America. But now, the media has grown to an unimaginable magnitude
with multidimensional applications. During the lockdown periods physical movements were
banned and were quarantined without any face to face interactions. Millions of people lost their
livelihood, and starved without food, sick people suffered without treatment and medicine, all
educational institutions were closed down as factories and offices. Social media extended its
valuable support to the distressed. Communication through social media fetched food, medicine,
medical assistance, entertainment, education and counseling to the needy.
Almost all the media are focusing their attention towards advertisements thereby
promoting trade and commerce apart from allowing normal messaging and chatting, sharing
images and videos etc. Marketing is the major commitment yet a few platforms have different
obligations towards society. Certain social media are dedicated to some specific communities
like technology and industry, music, arts and culture, religion, politics, entertainment,
employment and sports. Some social media require registration by the user or subscription either
free or paid. There are many advantages and disadvantages by the media just as positive and
negative impacts on life.
Social Media
Social Media has become a part and parcel of day to day life, of millions and millions of
people of all walks and ages. Recent surveys report that more than 60 % of world population use
some form of social media. The urge to communicate with fellow human beings paved way to
development of languages from signs. The desire for better and instant communication, far and
wide, led to the innovation of technology using devices.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The globalization, advent of internet, shrinking of boundaries on account of Information

Communication Technology (ICT), availability of affordable, portable and powerful electronic
devices, and easily accessible digital platforms have shattered all aspects of the age old concepts
of school, teaching, learning, pedagogy, content, medium and expected outcomes. There cannot
be a single scale to measure all or a single pill to cure everyone. The roll of the teacher would no
longer the same as what it was years ago and they can never be givers anymore. The old guards
of antiquated education format lack the knowledge of technology involved in evolving tailor-
made content, pedagogy and imparting education to the 21st century learners by handling these
platforms. Education is bound to get overhauled completely over the coming decade. The tech-
savvy electronic gadgets make it possible for education to be imparted anytime, anywhere.
Social Media and Education
With the advent of social media apps that could run on smartphones, end users could take
their communities with them wherever they went. Today‘s social media landscape is populated
by a suite of services that jockey for the attention of more than 5 billion mobile device users
worldwide. Smart phones have become an invaluable tool of people in their field of choice not
leaving education behind. Both teachers and students could connect with each other, wherever
they are, within seconds. Even they can have virtual face to face interaction. Students and
teachers can communicate with peers and enhance their capabilities, sharpen their skills and
widen their knowledge, share and get instant and quick responses, reviews and solutions for any
sort of problems with these digital platforms.
The Trends of Social Media
The survey on the global usage of mobiles has revealed that 5 billion people, out of 7.75
billion world population, are using mobiles. This offers Mobile Learning Space (MLS). Further
the penetration of internet into remote places makes cost-efficient and convenient solution for
‗mobile learning‘ through social media. Advance Learning System (LMS) has emerged as a
convenient and guaranteed method of teaching and learning through a flexible and smart
application. Both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are boon to education. VR
shuns physical presence and educators would be empowered to engage with their learners at a
more personalized level.AR is a very intuitive and engaging tool and little cheaper as compared
to VR. It adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Internet
of Things (IoT) is the impact of wirelessly connected electronic devises penetrating far and wide
of the country. Artificial Intelligence (AI) throws more avenues for adaptive learning which has


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

the potential to solve a crucial challenge in learning - that is how to engage learners of different
abilities in the same classroom. Gamification or the Gaming Technology makes learning difficult
subject-matter more exciting & interactive. Games are designed to provide immediate feedback,
and students are intrinsically motivated to keep.
How Social Media could be used in Education?
The uses of Social Media are believed to be information sharing platforms apart from
being strong marketing tool. But Social media could be used in Education sector very efficiently
and intelligently. Facebook pages can be used to broadcast updates and alerts. Facebook Group
can be of much use to stream live lectures and interest based groups to nurture specific interests.
Twitter could be a class message board and Pinterest could be class-specific board. Blogs could
be used for discussions and to post essays in. Instagram could be used for photo essays and
sharing school event photos. Inclusion of Social media links in the school websites may enhance
the credibility of the institution. It can also be a crisis strategy platform. The stake holders of
education – the management, teachers, students, parents and government or the policy makers
can have healthy environment in promoting education.
Educational Benefits of Social Media
Social Media is a proven and powerful global tool in management studies, business and
marketing. It can also be used fruitfully and beneficially in educational field. If the education has
a built in mechanism for self-regulation and faculty has more avenues for enhancement of
knowledge, carry out research and implement the results in their classes, it would be challenging
for students to ponder, plan and present their perspective.
Social Media has shrunk the glob into a global village as all the geographical and
physical boundaries are disappearing fast. Information Technology has revolutionized the way
academic institutions have been operating and running weather content delivery, teaching-
learning pedagogies, classroom management, academic management & administration and
literally has transformed in an unprecedented manner. Anyone can interact with anybody
anywhere and can exchange views, ideas of research, innovation and creativity. The availability
of tools in abundance has made data visualization and has led to relevant, focuses and quality
educational environment. Students and teachers can interact and socialize with global audience
and gain knowledge, confidence, a sense of cooperation and collaboration with full of learning
opportunities and cognitive thinking.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Disadvantages of Social Media

When there are some advantages or good things, as a natural law, there are disadvantages
or bad things too. However Social media itself is not bad but the feeders and users create
problems. Fake friendship causing damage to respect and materials, cyber bullying, social
anxiety, addiction, mood modifying experiences, fear of missing out (FOMO), depression and
exposure to inappropriate content are some of the disadvantages of Social Media.
Present Scenario of Indian Response
The present scenario of Indian response to the educational usage of social media is not
much encouraging. The government has no well-defined policy towards social media itself. The
COVID – 19 pandemic lockdowns have thrown away education into ditches and shattered the
hopes of millions of students. The land lacks proper infrastructure to connect internet to the
remote villages. Teachers are shy of modern techniques of technology and have no training in
handing electronic gadgets. There is a digital divide among both teachers and students. Poverty
driven parents could not provide enough devices to their off sprigs. Yet the affluent people are
able to cope with technology by sending their children to elite schools which boast of having all
electronic digital gadgets in their campus. Education has become commodity and students have
become consumers in the thriving business.
It is natural law that old traditions die as new dawns. This is true in the case of Education
too as the old system of four walled class rooms, teacher as sole provider of knowledge, silent
and passive students of various levels of skills put together is giving way to the emerging new
era education. Education driven by ICT and internet based applications, has to adapt and adopt to
cope with international standards of this global village. Utilization of Social Media in the
education sector must be exploited to the maximum benefit of the stake holders taking enough
precautions to safe guard the physical, psychological, moral, cultural, and financial aspects of the
community and the nation.
1. VikasKakwani. (n.d.). Technology - The New Medium of education.
education-nwid-19732.html n


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Curtis Foreman (June 20, 2017). 10 Types of social media and how each can benefit your
3. Vishal Meena. Ongoing practices & industrial adaptationinEdtech.https://education.
4. Dr. Sunil Kr Pandey. Higher education in India: Passing through a transformational
5. Frances Dalomba, Socialmedia: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
6. Chloe West, (November 6, 2019) 12 Ways to use social media for
7. Lila Daniels. (March 29, 2014 - Updated on February 1, 2016).10 Social Media Sites For


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Asst. Prof in History,
KSR College of Education, Tiruchengode.
Educational process can‘t proceed systematically without the help of educational
technology. Every aspect of educational system is fully enlightened with educational technology.
Those days are gone when classroom teaching only meant blackboards, chalks, diagrams, maps
and so on. But now the modern classroom is very much different than this. Now classroom is
adapting itself with modern digital technology. without a doubt we can say that the educational
system is changing itself with the advent of modern technology. Here are few ways to use
education technology to promote enhanced classroom learning.
Embrace Connected Learning
The concept of ―Connected Learning‖ is at the center of a new theory that champions
say ―is a model of learning that holds out the possibility of re-imagining the experience of
education in the Information Age‖ that draws on ―the power of today‘s technology to fuse young
people‘s interests, friendships and academic achievement.‖ According to Dr. Mizuko Ito, a
leader in the field of Connected Learning and a professor at the University of California, Irvine,
and cultural anthropologist of technology use, examples of Connected Learning are when a
teacher may ask a student to do a report on their favorite video game, or if a kid who likes to
draw on the computer creates the signs and banners for a classroom party.
Share Content Online
Whether it‘s posting videos to a private channel for class members and parents to see,
using Google Docs to share materials so students can collaborate on a shared project, or posting
homework assignments to a class website for everyone to access, using technology as a tool
demands a base level of proficiency from students that they‘ll need to continue to build on.
Have Fun with Twitter
For classes with kids over 13, consider using Twitter to contact well-known personalities
or to create hashtags about a relevant classroom topic and see if you can spawn participation
from external parties. You may be surprised at just how much support and interest your students
can garner from the community at large, or who‘s happy to hear from them - all of which reveal


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

how the power to make valuable new contacts and influence the world is often waiting just one
click away.
Use Video Chats
Use videoconferencing solutions such as Skype to connect with faraway experts or other
classrooms for an online meeting via webcam, letting children share their experiences, make new
friends around the world, and engage in distance learning.
Create a Class Blog or Wiki
Encourage kids to respond to in-class lessons or current events and topics, and devise a
system for posting thoughts, news or impressions of them to a class blog or Wiki. Kids will love
improving their creative writing skills and seeing their work appear online, and parents will love
being able to feel more connected to the classroom. As the school year progresses, it‘s often
great fun to watch a class‘ page fill up with posts and discussions, and see kids, parents, and
educators engage in more frequent and ongoing dialogue.
The Audio- Visual Media
Visual representation is always more appealing to us, specially with kids. If the boring
black and white typography can be replaced or better complemented with the moving colorful
objects and audio to make a learner listen, he will remember it better than just merely reading the
text. Modern educators are using this audio-visual media instead of just text book learning. And
the result? Well, as expected. Students are learning faster. In addition, YouTube, the streaming
media platform is providing a specialized channel designed for education where one can find the
learning materials as well.
Use of Mobile Devices
Now in many schools, students are provided with mobile devices like laptops, tabs, iPads
which enhance the experience of education. Students can access net, read online materials and
ebooks and that helps the student in faster learning process. Students can access Educreation
through iPad which provides video lessons as well as a public directory of lessons to browse
Online Conversation with Experts from Outside
A great way to boost the learning experience is to engage the students in conversation
about their subject. And this conversation does not only mean with the fellow students or the
educators. Through online virtual platform and video chats students can converse with the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

experts of the field, no matter in which part of the world they are. As all educator will agree that
the interactive education helps a student more than the lectures. And if students get the
opportunity to take part in active interaction with the experts that will be extremely beneficial for
SMART Classroom Technology
SMART classroom technology means the collaboration of SMART board and the other
devices and workstations that will help to boost the classroom activities. Students will be able to
work individually as well as by forming separate groups. The technology not only will contribute
to the advancement of the learning process but to engage students in group activities and
educational activities well.
Classroom Management
While investing on the modern technology to enhance learning experience, the authority
of the institution should also take a note of the classroom management. When SMART
classroom and mobile devices are used in the classroom, the authority needs to make sure the
proper software of effective classroom management is at place. It will guarantee that the devices
and technology are being used to enhance the learning in the classroom.
Technology Empowers the Teacher in Actuality
Before shunning the use of technology, teachers need to realize that the technology
actually does empower them. The vast platform of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler
enable teachers to have better interaction with students, both online and offline format. Educator
can use the mobile apps to grade; evaluate the performance of the students. It can also provide
the database tom plan the lesson for the session.
1. Educational technology has provided a scientific base to the educational theory and practice. It
has transformed a passive classroom to an active and interactive classroom, with audio-visuals,
charts and models, smart classrooms and e-learning room which has drastically motivated and
increased the attention level of the students.
2. The introduction of educational technology has modernised the teaching-learning climate of
the educational institutions. The learners to be exposed to professionally designed programmes
on video or computers.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Thus educational technology is required in each and every aspect of teaching learning
process. Educational technology serves all the purposes for modern education. Education today
can‘t go far without the help of educational technology. The innovations of technology in the
field of education have done wonders to educational process. It has not only maintained the
structure but also improved the nature of the educational process.
1. ICT and pedagogy: A review of the research literature [Cox 2003]
2. ICT Supporting Teaching - Developing Effective Practice [Becta 2002]
3. Impacts of ICT in education. The role of the teacher and teacher training [Jager 1999]
4. Information Technology: Underused in Teacher Education [Milken Family Foundation
5. The Missing Link in Educational Technology: Trained Teachers [Carlson 2002]
6. Multichannel Learning Maximizes Scarce Resources in Developing Countries: A theory
evolves from years of practical experience [EDC 2001]
7. Teacher professional development on ICT Use in Education in Asia and the Pacific:
Overview from Selected Countries [UNESCO-Bangkok 2004]


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor,
KSR College of Education

Social media is a web‐based technology to facilitate social interaction between a large
group of people through some type of network. In common widely used network is the Internet.
But social media platforms are also for local networks as well. The utilization of social media in
education helps students, teachers, and parents for getting more valuable information while
connecting with learning groups and other educational systems. ... Through these networks, you
can join social media modules or plugins that empower sharing and collaboration.
Uses Social Media for Education
There are many different ways to use social media for education. Social media has various
uses in the classroom as well as to help market and promote schools and universities.
Because we believe in the power of social media to make nearly anything easier (even life in the
classroom), we‘ve identified 12 ways to use social media for education.
Benefits of Social Media in Education

Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of these
into the classroom is more natural than before, given how acclimated many students are to them.
Each social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from sharing
announcements to holding live lectures, and so much more.

First, social media provides a smoother, more direct communication tool between students,
teachers and parents, who can check in and ask or respond to questions. Social media allows for
more e-learning opportunities as well. As remote jobs and online classes are becoming more
popular, training students to work from a distance is an important lesson, and social media can
help with that.

It‘s important to understand the impact of social media in education before using it, but we‘re
of the firm belief that it will help advance students in technology.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Create a Class Blog for Discussions.

Writing blog posts gives students another outlet for digital content that they can then easily
link back to class social channels. There are many different platforms available, such as Word
Press, Square Space, Wix, Blogger, Tumblr or Medium, where teachers can create a class blog.
Students can create their own user accounts to make discussion posts or add comments on class
prompts. The course syllabus and any assignments, updates and resources can be shared on a
blog as a central location as well.
Assign Blog Posts as Essays
Having students create in their own blog for essays or short-form writing is another strategy
for combining social media and learning. Blogs as a semester- or year-long assignment can
improve students‘ short-form writing and critical thinking. Have students respond to weekly
prompts, making it as informal and loosely structured as possible. Don‘t feel limited to just an
English or writing class; this use of social media in eduction can be transferred across all
Create a Class-specific Pinterest Board
Instructors can create Pinterest boards for each of their classes and save pins that are relevant
to lessons. Pinterest is a great social media platform for teachers to use to prepare and organize
resources, lesson plans and worksheets for their classes in one place. Create boards according to
class or subject, and create sub-topic boards for weekly units or all worksheets.

Pinterest can also be useful for students to curate a digital bibliography for research projects,
papers or group assignments. Students can pin websites, books or videos to a board on a single
topic and refer back to it when it‘s time to write.
Social Media for Education Marketing

Many parents and prospective students will check a school‘s website first if they‘re
interested, and offering even more ways to follow the school creates a different insight into
campus life.

Share School Events and Photos

If you want to attract new students and parents to your school, share photos and events
around campus to showcase what they could expect. Highlighting events and extra curriculars


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

can make your school stand out from the rest. While school and university websites tend to
follow the same mold, social media allows you to be more unique and casual.
Create Interest-based Facebook Groups

Many people want to be involved in their schools even after they leave—especially
university alumni. Creating Facebook Groups for current students and alumni can increase
engagement and school spirit.

Alumni groups, groups for different graduating classes or departments, and groups for
different extra curriculars allow students to engage and meet others with common interests.
Groups can be closed or secret, meaning that they‘re only viewable by invitation or by the
approval of a group admin, or they can be open so that potential students can check out the types
of conversations and events these groups are having before requesting to join.
Create a Social Media Crisis Strategy.
ow would you communicate to the entire campus during an emergency? Whether it‘s a fire
tornado or other immediate campus emergency, determine how your school will incorporate
social media into their crisis communication plan Keep parents and students updated on the
situation by sharing information about the crisis and if authorities are involved. Many campuses
have automated messaging alerts set up, but using social media will keep even more people
updated and informed.
Manage your accounts all under one roof.
Social media marketing for your school or university should focus exclusively on making
your school seems like the best option for prospective students or parents. All you need is a
social media management tool that makes it easy for you to publish content for each of your
school‘s social media platforms. A tool like Sprout Social can help make social media
management a breeze, regardless of whether you‘re a solo marketer or a full marketing
department. Multiple users can use the Sprout platform to create content with consistent
messaging and schedule posts across all networks.
Positive Impact of Social Media

 The world is smaller, and thus, students are more diverse in their thinking about their
interactions. You may wonder if it‘s too diverse with the many protests going on college


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

campuses lately, but it does show the students are thinking about more than a single
viewpoint than they have been taught. Of course, you could argue that some students have
taken their demands for inclusivism to the point where they are promoting divisiveness
and biases towards other people‘s viewpoints, but that is a topic for another post.
 The noise that is negative listed above can also be positive. Because there is so much noise
on the net, some students have become better at weeding out the unimportant stuff and
absorbing what is important. This is one of the positive impact social media may have
when it comes to education. Students understand better how to research topics utilizing a
variety of sources and in some instances social media can be an excellent resource for
statistical type instruction. This does show that in this connected world, there is a place for
librarians and instruction on how to effectively do research using search engines and
evaluating resources for validity.

Students today are intimately involved with social media at every stage. If you‘re missing
onto the usage of social media you are pushing away a lot of potential audience. Using it in
educational institutions can prove to be a very effective measure. Using social media, teachers
can improve the involvement of their students in studies and education, improve technological
ability, provide a great sense of collaboration in the classroom and build good communication
skills of students.


1. Kaplan, Andreas M.; Haenlein, Michael (January 2010). "Users of the world, unite! The
challenges and opportunities of Social Media". Business Horizons. 53 (1): 59–
68. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2009.09.003.
2. ^ Anderson, Monica (2018-05-31). "Teens, Social Media, &
Technology". PEW Research. Retrieved 10 November 2018.
3. ^ Kist, W. (December 2012 – January 2013). "Class get ready to tweet: Social media in
the classroom" (PDF). Our Children.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. ^ Obringer, S. John; Coffey, Kent (2007). "Cell Phones in American High Schools: A
National Survey". The Journal of Technology Studies. 33 (1): 41–
47. doi:10.21061/jots.v33i1.a.6.
5. ^ Sangani, Kris (2013). "BYOD to the classroom". Engineering & Technology. 3(8): 42–
45. doi:10.1049/et.2013.0304.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mr.V.SANKAR Mathematics,
K.S.R College of Education,
Tiruchengode - 637 215.
Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of
these into the classroom is more natural than before, given how acclimated many students are to
them. Each social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from
sharing announcements to holding live lectures, and so much more. First, social media provides a
smoother, more direct communication tool between students, teachers and parents, who can
check in and ask or respond to questions.
Benefits of Social Media in Education

Social media allows for more e-learning opportunities as well. As remote jobs and online
classes are becoming more popular, training students to work from a distance is an important
lesson, and social media can help with that.It‘s important to understand the impact of social
media in education before using it, but we‘re of the firm belief that it will help advance students
in technology.

Social Media in the Classroom

First, let‘s talk about the different ways that social media can be used directly in the
classroom. There are many social media tools for education that can be taken advantage of for
students of any age, from elementary all the way through college.

Create a Social Media Crisis Strategy

How would you communicate to the entire campus during an emergency? Whether it‘s a
fire, tornado or other immediate campus emergency, determine how your school will incorporate
social media into their crisis communication plan. Keep parents and students updated on the
situation by sharing information about the crisis and if authorities are involved. Many campuses


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

have automated messaging alerts set up, but using social media will keep even more people
updated and informed.

Manage Your Accounts All Under One Roof

Social media marketing for your school or university should focus exclusively on making
your school seems like the best option for prospective students or parents. All you need is a
social media management tool that makes it easy for you to publish content for each of your
school‘s social media platforms. A tool like Sprout Social can help make social media
management a breeze, regardless of whether you‘re a solo marketer or a full marketing
department. Multiple users can use the Sprout platform to create content with consistent
messaging and schedule posts across all networks.

Best Social Media Sites for Students & Teachers


This the industry leader in course management systems, but it isn‘t something you can
adopt on your own. The decision to use Blackboard is usually made at the district level, though
occasionally by individual schools. Blackboard is an incredibly powerful, safe and
comprehensive platform. Many newer teachers will already be familiar with it from their teacher
training programs. The downside is cost. This is a very expensive platform, but you pay for
quality. That said, it will lack some flexibility for its most tech-savvy teachers.


This is for teachers looking to integrate course management systems like Blackboard,
without the cost. Edu2.0 starts out by offering all it‘s premium features on a free trial basis. At
the end of the trial period, those features turn off and you can still use the basic platform for free.
These features will be plenty for the average user, but may be enough for ―power users.‖ Edu2.0
is cloud-based and requires no significant investment in storage capacity.


Here‘s another excellent, free classroom management system. It includes news feeds,
assessment tools, communication capabilities and security features.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Too many educators overlook the potential of Skype in the classrooms. It is the one site
that can literally bring the outside world right into your classroom. You can host authors, visit
science labs or talk to pen pals from across the globe.


Not everyone loves Twitter in the classroom, and there may be good reasons for that.
However, it makes the Top 10 because students love it and they use it. Setting up a GroupTweet
account lets you moderate who joins and what gets posted. It is also important to keep the
account strictly business.





ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor
Department of Value Education
Tamilnadu Teachers Education University

There is public cry of value poverty everywhere. Values seem across the road. Poor and
Richest both types of human beings are under pressure. Nobody is happy. There are various
causative factors of value degradation eg. growth of industrialization, Lust for power ,unruliness
selfishness, money-oriented attitude, social disorganization, bad Character, Violence, dishonesty,
advancement of Science and technology, injustice, Castes, modernization , Lack of feeling of
loyalty, lack of code and Conduct, Psychology movements and social sensitiveness etc. Values
word seems a dream of distant.
In addition, social network can also be referred to as a map of specified ties, such as
friendship, between the nodes being studied. Social networking sites include: Yahoo Messenger,
Facebook Messenger, Blackberry Messenger (BBM), Google .The nodes, to which an individual
is thus connected, are the social contacts of that individual; the network can also be used to
measure social capital, which is the value an individual gets from the social network..
Moral development in children follows a predictable developmental path. When
presented with an ethical dilemma, children under the age of eight typically judge an action as
wrong or incorrect when it results in punishment or goes against the rules set forth by authority
figures. As children mature, they begin to consider multiple perspectives in a situation, taking
into account the intentions and motives of those involved and recognizing the often-conflicting
rules inherent in moral dilemmas. In other words, their moral reasoning becomes more flexible
and ―other‖ oriented.
Social Media
Social networking is a recent development made possible by the internet which has
become every popular across the globe mainly with young people. This is mostly because it
affords users the chance to interact with one another making it possible to share information,
pictures and videos. This new form of social interaction also brings people of different social
background together in a forum and enables them to interact in spite of location and time.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

According to (Asemah and Edegoh, (2012), social network is a social structure made up of
individuals or organizations called ―nodes‖, which are tied or connected by one or more specific
types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange,
dislike, sexual relationships or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.
Our society today is taking on new values which are at loggerheads with the time tested
and religiously accepted principles of our society, a large part of the responsibility for which
must be borne by the television commercials (TVCs) and also the unethical practices of the
business and corporate houses which sponsor them. Today, the reach of television is widespread.
Commercial television channels have penetrated even the remotest of areas and most adults are
exposed to thousands of advertisements annually. It is thus natural for the ramifications of the
violations of ethics by TVCs to be seen in our personal lives and also on the society as a whole
(Pollay, 1986). Theories of powerful media effects assume that a wide range of social values and
behavioral practices are learned from the ideas and images conveyed by popular television
entertainment, glossy magazines, internet websites, music videos, consumer advertising, feature
films, and news reports. Treat the mass media as one of the standard agencies of socialization,
rivaling the role of parents and the family, peer‐groups, teachers and religious authorities, and
social norms operating within the local community and national culture. Socialization is a
multidimensional process involving the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and values. In
particular, cultivation theory suggests that frequency of exposure to the mass media, especially
television viewing, leads towards the internalization of its messages. Through this process, the
media are thought to be capable of influencing moral standards, including attitudes towards the
family, marriage and divorce, orientations towards sex roles, support for gender equality, and
tolerance of sexual diversity, and beliefs about appropriate ethical standards in public life, as
well as shaping broader religious values, beliefs, and practices.
The Importance of Social Media
Social Media plays a crucial role in connecting people and developing relationships, not
only with key influencers and journalists covering your company‘s sector, but also provides a
great opportunity to establish customer service by gathering input, answering questions and
listening to their feedback.
The insight you gain from social media listening provide your organization with a better
understanding of what‘s working and what‘s not, and goes a long way in helping your public


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

image. It‘s important to be aware real-time of what people are saying about your company as
well as your competitors.
Social Media and its Effects on Moral Values
Social media are set of tools for people to exchange information, audio and video
contents and disseminate different ideas in a virtual community. On the other hand the term
ethics is defined as ―the ability to define and differentiate between what is right and what is
wrong‖. The way social media is being used these days brings lots of side effects with it, the
most important been on the human ethics. The term privacy and ethics does not come very often
in place since the internet is considered as a completely free market place and there are specific
rules and regulations regarding the publicity of any information. That is why crimes like cyber
bullying, Hacking, Privacy infringements, electronic thefts and personal defamation has been on
the rise from the last 5 to 10 years. This situation is so threatening that governments are spending
billions of dollars just to control the flow of information on the social media. Whenever this will
happen, one this is for sure that till that time, we will see people behavior being changed to a
new side significantly.
Our daily routine is consumed so much by the social media that we simply cannot live
without it anymore. Roughly, an ordinary professional uses the social media for one or more of
the following four broad categories i.e. to build your social circle, to obtain new information, to
spread some information and knowledge and to expand business.
Moral Issues related with the Social Media
The impact of social media on our life has been very mixed, with ranging from good and
bad effect working side by side. But the focus here will be the impact of social media on our
ethical issues. Effects like cyber bullying, privacy issues, social injustice and ignorance, effects
on family values and lack of pure judgments are some of them.
Every individual has the natural right to have his personal life hidden from others.
Sharing of information that is considered very personal without personal consent is something
that no one likes or wants to bear in his life and is treated as stealing. Another privacy issue is
linked when an employee of an organization share some personal and secret information of his
organization with someone else, say their competitor or supplier.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The role of social media may develop values. Positive scenes spread the positivity and
negative scenes propagate negativity. It means that eyes put the impact on mind and hurt. Small
children are found involve in antisocial activities, result of scenes, which they have seen. Fantasy
violence that is portraying as justified or heroic is most strongly implicated here, again
suggesting that the type of content children watch is important. It has paid little attention to
media's effect on other moral issues such as altruism and even other types of antisocial behavior
such as cheating, lying, and stealing. In addition, the research has focused solely on television.
Websites, video games, movies, and even children's books sometimes grapple with moral
dilemmas, and researchers need to explore their impact as well.
Social media is a powerful in the hands of public to motivate the members of society to
do and think positive for society. If positive activities are shown to the public by social, media
and neglects anti-social behavior then may be positive impact on the mind of members of the
society. As the technology is growing the social media has become the routine for each and
every person, peoples are seen addicted with these technology every day. With different fields its
impact is different on people. Social media has increased the quality and rate of collaboration for
1. Adelabu, O (2011). The role of social media in democratic mobilization in Nigeria, Paper
Presented at the ACCE, Covenant University, Ota.
2. Bhardwaj Tilak Raj(1999) Education of Human Values, New Delhi:Mittal Publication.
3. Chan, K., & Cia, X. (2009). Influence of television advertising on adolescents in China:
an urban rural comparison. Young Consumers, 10 (2), 133-145
4. Kaplan, A.M., & Haenlein, M. (2012). Users of the world, unite! The Challenges and
opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, l53 (1), 61.
5. Kumar, Tarang.(2013) ―Ethics and social media‖.Slideshare. Web. 8th April 2015.
―Social Media and Government ethics: issues and challenges‖. SCU. (n.d). Web. 8th April 2015.
6. Pollay, R. (1986). The distorted mirror: reflections on the unintended consequences of
advertising. Journal of Marketing, 50, 18-36.
7. Ross, Kiran. ―How do social media affect employee ethics?‖ Bizjournals. Mar 22nd, 2012. Web.
8th April 2015.
8. Sharma Y.K. & Katoch Kuldeep S. (2007) Education for values, environment and Human
Rights, Deep and Deep publication Pvt. Ltd. Rajouri Gagan New Delhi


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr.D.P.Saravanan, Assistant Professor, &

Mr.S.Raju, Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Educational Planning and Administration,
Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai, 9551238470,
Presently social media has been an important part of one‘s life starting from day-to-day
life to academic process, education, and business tool. Social media contributes an important role
in transforming people‘s lifestyles that changes the quality of life never before. It has a great
influence in shaping people's lives in a positive way that facilitates the way of living by
simplified knowledge sharing and easy access to almost any kind of information. It provides
information anywhere anytime at one's comfort zone. Social media includes social networking
sites, television, newspapers, and blogs where people can easily connect for sharing of ideas.
Since the emergence of these social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Whatsapp serve
as key tools for spreading news around the world. Journalists in media and their organizations
have played a vital role in developing nation growth; moreover, it lays the foundation for
democracy in which everyone enjoys the status of being equal. These sites have become a day to
day routine for the people because everyone realized their important role in bringing a new
dimension in this modern era. Social media has been a comparatively inexpensive and widely
accessible electronic tool that facilitates anyone to publish and access information. It has
advantages over increased student collaboration, improved participation content-rich resources,
and is useful for team projects, at the same time it has disadvantages over student distraction can
become an issue, lack of control for inappropriate content, and relying on social media for all

Role of Social Media in Education

1. Communicating with experts. When the student communicates with field experts they can
gain more knowledge and achieve a great result. The big fact about using social media is that the
way of learning will become faster with easy understanding of particular subjects. When you
connect with experts you have great opportunities to get answers on topics that will expand your
knowledge, such that social media can broaden your perspective of thinking.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Institutions communicate with students via social media like WhatsApp, Youtube,
Facebook, and Google classroom. All these social platforms can be used to inform campus
information with effective classroom instruction that has the potential to strengthen the way
students learn.

3. Institutions can provide supporting material and positive posts that encourage student
group discussion, make announcements and provide students with useful information. You can
post hashtags on social media that reach all students that are connected to the networks and pages
that will encourage a student to be connected. You can share some useful videos and live
streaming that will inspire learner‘s attention. An institution must be careful about selecting a
suitable social platform to use for the best practice.

4. It helps in the research process. This could help the researcher compile and produce useful
content for research as quickly as they expect. Research plays a very vital role in invention hence
some of the best information and results can be extracted from social media, whether students are
working on a project, working on an assignment, or attempting to get insight on a subject.
Recently numerous online databases are available to support education-related journals that are
useful for publication and extract review of literature for further research. The online platform
offers storage of vast areas of research findings that are accessible all across the world.

5. Learning management systems. It is a complete networking software used as an educational

tool that provides educational programs and gives institutions other administrative activities such
as assessment and clerical works. Social media learning in LMS can include instant chat, video,
forums to share information.

Most LMS‘s come with inbuilt social media integration and this allows prompt
interaction between the users and the software system. It encourages learners' participation and
student collaboration. These educational tools available as free and paid versions to facilitate
learning style this is why many social media have integrated with LMS and other live
conferencing systems, webinars, share groups, blogs, chat boxes, and much more.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

This system exists to improve student learning related issues to enhance the education
process. It offers institutions to use learning management systems with social media integration
to promote the best reach and effective learning system.

6. Learners can build social media credibility. Social networks can assist students to build a
portfolio for their career. The social platforms may be used to get a sharing task while a learner
is still in the process of learning. By reflecting on educational background work and getting
exposure on social platforms can build social credibility among learner communities. This kick
starts your career to have social credibility. Social media will become a vital role in solving
education-related problems as social network integration and interactions advance in education
systems. The important advantage that networks site build is beneficial tools and access
information that make learning become a pleasant process will pave the way for sustainable
growth and development. Television and newspapers can inspire learners to know about the role
of social media in education. This will lead to various social media; network and marketing-
related jobs, keeping in mind how many individuals working on youtube, blogs, and Instagram
offering lucrative jobs.

Some of the Positive Effects

 Students may grasp better how to research topics utilizing several available sources and in
some instances, social media may be a great resource for a statistical-type procedure that
enhances accurate results at every corner. This does show that in this united globe, there is an
area for librarians, researchers, and instruction as to how to effectively perform research
using popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and evaluating available resources for
validity, reliability, and acceptability on time. Students now have the flexibility to get to
academic experts all across the disciplines, and this could assist the students to find more
accurate and authentic sources of information from reliable websites.

 It is now simple for every student to work together on many team projects using social media
platforms such as the internet, TV, newspaper and they could form Facebook groups
moreover use Twitter hashtags to trend, communicate about a project and share thoughts.
Ideas among various groups. This may also be done in mediums such as email, Whatsapp.
Still, social media allows safe and secure communication to monitor possible threads and


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

decide if everyone on the team is participating in the program with the comfort zone and that
ensures freedom from hackers.

Socialization and Communication

 It allows students to stay connected with friends and family, making new friends online,
sharing videos, and exchanging ideas with social groups. Social media participation also can
offer chances for community involvement via fundraising for charity and volunteering for
local cultural programs, including political and philanthropic participation of events. ,
moreover improvement of individual creativity through development and sharing of artistic
and musical endeavors. Mainly it offers immense scope for developing peace and democracy
which is essential for the sustainable growth of society.
Enhanced Learning Opportunities

 Students from all grades are using social media to communicate with each other on
homework and group projects. For example, Facebook, Youtube, Whatsapp, and even more
allow pupils to collect outside of class to collaborate and exchange ideas about assignments.
Some educational institutions have been successfully using blog google classroom, mobile
application as teaching tools, which has the added advantage of reinforcing skills in
developing English fluency.
Accessing health information. Due to the vast influence of social media now students can
clarify any kinds of health-related problems through online contact.

Some of the Adverse Effects

 Many students, particularly in rural areas, are not familiar as much to have faced – to – face
conversations because they don‘t have any internet facilities or very slow connection makes
them able to connect with the experts. He body language is an important part of
communicating hidden information between humans, this aspect will disappear when people
primarily communicate through social media technology, then body language signs cannot be
observed, or students do not learn to use body language as the main tool for understanding
the context of what the person is attempting to convey the specific information at that point
of time. These adverse effects are increased depending on the social media they are using.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Students do not develop the same accuracy in the written communications as it involves text
consequently spelling and grammar cannot be followed when students are not familiar with
using technology as communication. This makes others difficult to understand the actual
context of the discussion. The installation of software like Grammarly and pronunciation can
improve better communication but its free version not available for longer usage makes it
harder for students.
Since there is a lot of noise on these social media platforms, incoming information is not
clear as it may be presented in a textbook. Video can solve this problem still there is noise
intervention and this is one of the primary drawbacks of using these technologies in
 There is a no different opinion that ever since the arrival of social media in our life, it has
made our thinking logically starting from the way we socialize, interact, and plan for various
events have changed the entire world never before. This article aims to focus on the multiple
ways in which social media is changing the way we live, think and education system works,
beginning With elementary school till universities, social media has a great influence on
students, teachers, and parents in taking the decision, sharing information and fostering an
advanced positive community. Considering the advantages of social media, the parents force
their children to utilize it as well as possible they can, and sometimes students themselves try
to find a summer internship that is useful to collaborate on international, national projects,
everything is made possible through the integration of social networking in the educational
system. Statistics show that 96% of students use social networks.
 Most risks fall under the subsequent categories: peer-to-peer, inappropriate content sharing,
lack of data on online privacy issues, and doors influences of third-party advertising
Present data shows that online harassment is not as common as offline harassment, and
participation in social websites does not cause children at most risk of online harassment,
whereas cyberbullying is common, can occur to any person online, and can cause deep
psychosocial related issues including severe isolation, depression, anxiety, and suicide.
A recent survey emerged that about 20% of teens have sent or posted nude or seminude
photographs themselves. When pupils spend a great deal of time on social media sites may
exhibit usual symptoms of depression. Students who suffer from Facebook addiction are at


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

most risk for social isolation and sometimes turn to risky websites and blogs for assistance
that can promote unwanted bad habits. Today emerging dangers from each other that risks
improper use of technology, sharing too much-unwanted information, lack of privacy
concern, and posting false views about themselves or others may put them at the risk of
The fundamental is that social media is a big boon in our day to day life and there‘s no
chance of staying away from the education process. For better teacher students' parent's
relationships, the effort from school, college, and university staff, pupils must be encouraged to
make use of technology for changing the way our children will learn.
1. O‘ keeffe, G.S., & Clarke-pearson, k.(2011). The impact of social media on children,
adolescents, and families. Paediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.
2. Siddiqui, S., & sigh, T. (20116). Social media its impact with positive and negative aspects.
International journal of computer applications technology and research, 5(2), 71 – 75


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. Md. Afroz Alam
Assistant Professor – Education
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
College of Teacher Education
Chandanpatti, Laheriasarai
Darbhanga – 846002 (Bihar)
E-mail (Personal):
E-mail (Official):

Social learning is active learning, which means that students participate directly in their own
learning rather than passively absorbing information they will most likely forget once the exam is
over. Social media shapes and presents information in a way that makes sense to and excites
students more than traditional tools do, whether it's through a shared article with comment
functionality, a live stream of an important event, a survey related to course materials, or a question
posed to the broader community.

Furthermore, sharing posts and information with other students, rather than simply
submitting assignments to the teacher, promotes deeper engagement and better performance from
all students. If students know from the start that they and their peers will interact with course
materials and each other on various social media platforms, they may put in more effort to both
their work and online presence.

In the present scenario any of the following social media platforms uses by everyone as
learning tools:
i. Blogs with comment functionality to share and discuss information
ii. Twitter and course hash tags to encourage open forum and debate
iii. Skype to engage more deeply with the material and each other
iv. Pinterest for sharing clever ideas, inspiration, and valuable resources amongst students
v. Google Docs, Wikis and other collaborative document tools to store and refine data
vi. Project Management Apps to foster and streamline collaboration
vii. LinkedIn and other social networks to build connection


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

viii. YouTube to create both course and student presentations

ix. WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook etc.
Online education is a form of education where students use their home computers,
laptops, mobiles through the internet. Online education knows by many names and comes in a
variety of styles, such as computer based training, web based training, internet based training,
online training, e-learning or electronic learning, m-learning or mobile learning, computer aided
distance education etc. So it can be defined as online education is electronically supported
teaching and learning process that relies on the internet for teacher and student interaction and
the distribution of study materials.
Teaching and learning becomes one of the most challenging jobs during the crisis of
COVID-19. While new technologies increase teachers‘ training needs, they also offer part of the
solution. Information and communication technology (ICT) can provide more flexible and
effective ways for professional development for teachers, improve pre-service and in-service
teacher training, and connect teachers to the global teacher community. Owing to knowledge
explosion and tremendously fast changing ICT, the teachers sometimes find it rather difficult to
cope with the new intellectual challenges being thrown up by the changed global and local
context. Therefore, they need to acquire new knowledge, and reliable and authentic information.
In present scenario, teachers need to help their students in how to learn, how to grow in
future, how to develop study skills, how to conduct fundamental research, how to examine,
evaluate and assess information and also how to question and then dismantle unauthentic
structure of knowledge and cognition if need be. This is necessary if the teachers really want to
survive in the ICT savvy world of education. All these expectations may be met only though
need-based, goal-oriented and meaningful in-house discussion, webinars, conferences, symposia,
workshops, refresher and orientation courses, faculty development programme and subject based
courses, making use of the user-friendly ICT and online teaching learning tools with contextually
appropriate and firm pedagogical scaffolding. The teacher educators and individual teacher ought
to sincerely and persistently work hard toward this goal.
What a teacher educator finally intends to deliver to the students is the capability to
transform, capability to change and adapt to situations in a very adept manner. An Attitude is an
individual‘s degree of liking or disliking for something. Attitude is generally positive or negative


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

view of person. Hence, the present study aims at finding attitude of teacher educators towards
social media as a tool in online education.

1. To study the attitude of teacher educators towards social media as a tool in online
2. To study the difference in level of attitude of teacher educators towards social media as a
tool in online education.
3. To study the difference in level of attitude of teacher educators towards social media as a
tool in online education.
4. To study the difference in level of attitude of teacher educators towards social media as a
tool in online education.

1. There is positive attitude of teacher educators towards social media as a tool in online
2. There is no significant difference between the attitude of male and female teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
3. There is no significant difference between the attitude of rural and urban teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
4. There is no significant difference between the attitude of science and arts teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
Method and Sample
Looking at the nature of the study and lockdown due to COVID-19 crisis online survey
method was adopted in this study. 100 teacher educators of teacher training institutes of
Darbhanga district of Bihar were selected through purposive sampling method. Out of which
there were 50 male and 50 female teacher educators.
Tool Used
For measuring the attitude of teacher educators towards online education, a self-prepared
tool was used by researcher which was standardized by calculating validity and reliability. This
tool contains total 30 items based on the five point Likert type scale format. It was used to
assessing teachers‘ level of attitude towards online education, in which 1= never, 2 = rarely, 3 =


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = very often. The reliability of the tool was found to be 0.426 (N=100)
by split- half method.
Data Collection
For collection of data, the researcher created a Google form including items of tool and
then sends it through e-mail, whatsapp, messenger, telegram of teacher educators of the
concerned teachers training institutes. Teacher educators were encouraged and persuaded to give
their honest and frank responses, ensuring that the data will only be used for research purposes.

Statistical Techniques
Researcher used mean, percentage, standard deviation and t-test for analysis of data.

Analysis of Data
Hypothesis 1: There is positive attitude of teacher educators towards social media as a tool in
online education.
Table - 1: shows percentage distribution of attitude of teacher educators social media as a tool in
online education (N=100)
Variable Sample Mean Percentage of teacher Percentage of teacher
size educators above mean educators above mean
Educators 100 21.47 89% 11%

It is clear from the table no.1, analysis of observed scores, revealed that the mean scores
of teacher educators are 21.47 and out of 100 teacher educators, 89% teacher educators lie above
mean and having positive attitude towards social media as a tool in online education and 11%
teacher educators lie below mean and having negative attitude towards social media as a tool in
online education. Therefore it is clear that the majority of the teacher educators have positive
attitude towards social media as a tool in online education. Thus the formulated hypothesis is
Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference between the attitude of male and female teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
Table - 2: showing t-value for the attitude of male and female teacher educators towards social
media as a tool in online education (N=100)


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Variables N Mean SD Df t-value Result

Male 50 33.13 2.39 Not
Female 50 33.23 2.12 98 0.157 Significant

It is clear from the table no.2, which the mean scores of male teacher educators are 33.13
and standard deviation (SD) is 2.39. Similarly the mean scores of female teacher educators are
33.23 and SD is 2.12 where degree of freedom is 98. The calculated t-value is 0.157. From table,
t-value at 0.05 levels is 1.98 and t-value at 0.01 levels is 2.38. But here the calculated t-value is
less then table value at both levels of significance i.e. at 0.05 levels and 0.01 levels. Therefore,
formulated null hypothesis is accepted.
Hypothesis 3: There is no significant difference between the attitude of rural and urban teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
Table - 3: showing t-value for the attitude of rural and urban teacher educators towards social
media as a tool in online education (N=100)
Variables N Mean SD Df t-value Result
Rural 50 29.39 1.39
98 3.67 Significant
Urban 50 29.03 1.97

It is clear from the table no.3, which the mean scores of rural teacher educators are 29.39
and standard deviation (SD) is 1.39. Similarly the mean scores of urban teacher educators are
29.03 and SD is 1.97 where degree of freedom is 98. The calculated t-value is 3.67. From table,
t-value at 0.05 levels is 1.98 and t-value at 0.01 levels is 2.78. But here the calculated t-value is
more than table value at both levels of significance i.e. at 0.05 levels and 0.01 levels. This shows
that significant difference exists in the attitude of rural and urban teacher educators towards
social media as a tool in online education. Therefore, formulated null hypothesis is rejected.

Hypothesis 4: There is no significant difference between the attitude of science and arts teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Table - 4: showing t-value for the attitude of science and arts teacher educators towards social
media as a tool in online education (N=100)
Variables N Mean SD Df t-value Result
Science 50 24.96 1.97
Arts 50 23.37 1.79 98 3.59 Significant

It is clear from the table no.3, which the mean scores of rural teacher educators are 24.96
and standard deviation (SD) is 1.97. Similarly the mean scores of urban teacher educators are
23.37 and SD is 1.97 where degree of freedom is 98. The calculated t-value is 3.59. From table,
t-value at 0.05 levels is 1.98 and t-value at 0.01 levels is 2.88. But here the calculated t-value is
more than table value at both levels of significance i.e. at 0.05 levels and 0.01 levels. This shows
that significant difference exists in the attitude of science and arts teacher educators towards
social media as a tool in online education.. Therefore, formulated null hypothesis is rejected.
Conclusion and Findings
The main findings derived from the analysis of data are as follows
1. It is found that the 89% teacher educators have positive attitude towards social media as a
tool in online education and the 11% teacher educators have negative attitude towards
social media as a tool in online education.
2. It is found that the majority of the teacher educators have positive attitude towards social
media as a tool in online education.
3. It is found that there is no significant difference between the attitude of male and female
teacher educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
4. It is found that there exists significant difference in the attitude of rural and urban teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
5. It is found that there exists significant difference in the attitude of science and arts teacher
educators towards social media as a tool in online education.
6. Social media promotes self-directed learning, which prepares students to search for
answers and make decisions independently. When reinforced in a classroom setting, these
social media skills can be guided and refined to produce better learning outcomes and
critical awareness. Social media also allows students more freedom to connect and


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

collaborate beyond the physical classroom, which means students anywhere can start to
experience the globally connected world long before they enter the workforce.
7. The collaborative environment and open forum that social media encourages, along with
the rapid-pace of information sharing that it facilitates, means that students can accelerate
the development of their creative, critical thinking, and communication processes in certain
ways when they use it.
8. The use of social media in education provides students with the ability to get more useful
information, to connect with learning groups and other educational systems that
make education convenient. Social network tools afford students teachers and institutions
with multiple opportunities to improve learning methods.
Educational Implications
1. There is a need for properly planned, deliberate and conscious efforts on the part of
teacher educators, teachers, parents, and governments for the appropriate nurturing and
stimulation of the use of social media as a tool in online education.
2. Teacher educators may participates in the conference, seminar, workshop, faculty
development programs based on the theme of social media and online education for
enriching the knowledge and enhancing the skills of online teaching and uses of different
online tools.
3. According to the situation and crisis of COVID-19 the future education may be shifted to
online education system, so positive attitude required for the use of social media in
education particularly in teaching-learning and for the purpose of sharing the ideas.
4. The activity based work assign more to students through social media tools by which
brings out inner capabilities of students.
5. Promote the positive attitude towards social media as a tool in online education among
colleague and students in the teaching learning process.

1. Alam, Md. Afroz et al. (2012). Role of Educational Technology in the Knowledge
Society. In Rihani, Indu (Eds.), Challenges for Education in Knowledge Society. (pp.
479-484). Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications.
2. Alam, Md. Afroz et al. (2014). Use of Mobile Technologies and ICT Competencies of
Teachers: Towards Global Education. In Janakavalli, C., Nagavalli, T., & Priya, V.


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(Eds.), Social Media and Education. (pp. 63-71). New Delhi: APH Publishing
3. Alam, Md. Afroz et al. (2016). Curriculum Reforms in B.Ed. Programme with reference
to NCTE Regulations 2014. In Jagadeesh, Avuti (Eds.), New Reforms in Teacher
Education: Issues and Challenges. (pp. 2-10). Hyderabad: Jayam Publications.
4. Alam, Md. Afroz (2016). Usage of Information and Communication Technologies in
Teacher Education. In Ramakrishna, A. (Eds.), ICT Management and Challenges. (pp.
189-192). Hyderabad: Pragma Publications.
5. Alam, Md. Afroz (2017). Emerging Technologies in Higher Education. In Gitanjali,
Maurya. (Eds.), Research Trends in Higher Education. (pp. 27-45). Kanpur: Social
Research Foundation.
6. Alam, Md. Afroz (2018). Samaj per Science aur Technology ke Asraat. Urdu Duniya,
Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.55-58.
7. Alam, Md. Afroz (2019). Mazameen-E-Taleem-O-Tadrees. New Delhi: Educational
Publishing House.
8. Bhuvaneswari, A.S and Padmanaban,T (2012). Attitude of senior secondary students
towards e-learning. Elixir Educational Technology, 51(2).
9. Rao,D.B.(2001).Information Technology. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House.
10. Vanaja, M. and Rajasekar (2006). Educational Technology and Computer Education.
New Delhi: Neel Kamal Publication Pvt. Ltd.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Piyali Bose
Assistant Teacher of Titagarh Anglo Vernacular High School, Kolkata,West Bengal,700119
Jayanta Mete
Department of Education, University of Kalyani, Kalyani,NadiaWest Bengal,India -741235.

Social media is defined as ―a group of internet based applications that build on the
ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange
of user- generated content‖.Social media is a tool used for social interaction (Cheong & Cheong,
2011). Social media consists of popular Web sites and it emphasizes the communication and the
exchange of opinion and ideas. Social networking is one of the most important media outlets,
whose stars have risen in cyberspace, becoming a prominent communication tool, particularly in
students‘ communities. Social media in education refers to the practice of using social media
platforms as a way to enhance the education of studentsTechnology integration is being
increasingly used in instruction to improve teaching and learning. Information and
communication technologies (ICT) became the backbone for the current and future process. In
the last decade, major changes in methods and operations of everyday life are witnessed. ICT
become the actual measure for progress and success of countries at all levels. In twenty first
century, learners need skills, which enable them to face the challenges posed by new

Objectives of the Study

 To foreground various positive impacts of social media on education

 To highlight some negative impacts of social media on education
 To give some suggestions for better ways to use social media in education


The study is based on secondary data that has been collected from various websites,
reports of newspapers, articles, journals and other published informations.

Positive Impacts of Social Media on Education


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 The use of Social Media provides students with immediate feedback. Social networking
allowsteachers to provide students with immediate instructional guidance in and outside
of the classroom. Researchers have indicated that immediate feedback and/or knowledge
of results plays a very important role in the learning process.
 The use of Social Media allows teachers to quickly recognize students' learning needs.
The Continuous submission of viewpoints of students provides teacher with abundant
material so asto assess student learning. Students who are having difficulty with certain
concepts can be identified at earlier stages and appropriate intervention can be provided
to them.
 Use of social networking in or outside the classroom provides enough opportunities
totransform the passive and teacher centered one way communication to an active and
student centered two way communications. Teachers can share links to a number of
learning resources, can post homework assignments, and share news with the student
community. Social Media also helps in involving students, who otherwise don't take part
in the teaching learning process.
 The use of Social Media as a learning tool encourages collaboration. The basic nature of
Social media stimulates collaboration among learners and teachers. Social Media has the
potential to increase student engagement. Social media offers a way to the students to
efficaciously reach every different in regards to magnificence ventures, bunch
assignments or for help on homework assignments.
 Google has helped over 20 million students in their education using their tools.
 By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more
familiarity with computers and other electronic devices.
 With the increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help students
build skills that will aid them throughout their lives. .
 A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media
which brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
 The ease with which a student can customize their profile makes them more aware of
basic aspects of design and layout that are not often taught in schools.
 Many of the students who do not take an interest constantly in elegance may feel that
they can specific their thoughts easily on social media.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Talents got discovered faster, students who were good at programming got their name out
their easily, student who were good in music, got their videos out and shared leading
them to their dreams.

Negative Impacts of Social Media in Education

 The first challenge about the terrible impact comes to thoughts is the sort of distraction to
the scholars present inside the class. As teachers were no longer able to understand who
is paying interest in the classroom.
 The popularity of social media, and the speed at which information is published, has
created a lax attitude towards proper spelling and grammar. It reduces a student‘s ability
to effectively write without relying on a computer‘s spell check feature.
 Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to
provide answers. That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.
 The diploma to which non-public information is available online and the anonymity the
internet seems to offer has made college students forget the need to filter the facts they
submit. Many schools and capability employers inspect an applicant‘s social networking
profiles earlier than granting recognition or interviews. Most college students don‘t
continuously compare the content material they‘re publishing online, that may bring
about terrible effects months or years down the street.
 One of the most important breakdowns of social media in schooling is the private issues
like posting non-public records on on-line sites.
 In some of the scenario there had been many in suitable records posted which may also
lead the students to the incorrect side.
 Because of social media students lose their ability to engage themselves for face to face


According to the above study we got here to understand the various superb and terrible
impacts of social media on schooling or students. It could be very critical to overcome this
hassle. Social Media came up as a big force, and it has affected all aspects of human lives.
Peoplenow-a-days prefer to communicate through Social Media rather than face-to-face mode.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

There isa lot of debate over the inclusion of Social Media in education. Social Media can be
veryhelpful in achieving Higher Order Thinking Skills and meta-cognitive skills. But achieving
thoseobjectives demands planned intervention of Social Media.Most of the poor components can
be overcome with the aid of lowering the quantity of time spent on social community sites.
Paying interest to their educational development and addressing any troubles will pass a
protracted manner in the direction of keeping the negative factors of social media from
influencing their studies. Provide ample time for face-to-face social interplay, like having a few
own family amusement time in that you speak their studies in a relaxed atmosphere or inviting
friends and own family over for get-together, imparting fun, face-to-face social interplay with
loved ones. All this will assist us to reduce the negative impact of social media on the students as
a way to in turn gain our young technology.The effect of Social Media on personal and
professional lives of people cannot longer be ignored. It is important to integrate Social Media
based learning tools in the curriculum.

1. csic.georgetown.edn
2. Dr. M. Neelamalar& Ms. P. Chitra, Dept. of Media Sciences, Anna University Chennai,
India, New media and society: A Study on the impact of social networking sites on indian
youth, page no 125-145 December 2009.
3. GitanjaliKaliaChitkara University, Punjab, A Research Paper on Social media:An Innovative
Educational Tool, Issues and Ideas in Education Vol. 1 March 2013 pp. 43–50.
4. TimesNow Dated 6th April 2020


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Assistant Professor & Research Guide, M.Phil Research Scholar,
Dept. of Pedagogy Sciences, Dept. of Pedagogy Sciences,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai. Chennai.


―We are a young nation, given the population, we can service the need of not only this
country but we can also be a source of employment abroad. We can be the service provider to the
world.‖ Education institute in India form a part of public and private sector. India has made
progress in increasing primary education. The literacy rate has also improved and this is
considered a major contributor to economic development .there has been a steady increase in
higher education enrolment but there still exists huge gap with other developed nation. With
huge population, India poses opportunity to education sector players. Government of India has
supported the cause and increased its investment in the education sector. This has enabled low
cost high quality education at all levels. The road to progress has witnessed intensive use of
technology in education to stand at par with its counter parts.

Indian higher education system is the third largest in the world next to United States and
China. Presently about 22 million students are being enrolled in higher education and more than
46 thousand institutions‘ are functioning as centers of higher education. Due to globalization,
liberalization and privatization, Indian economy has opened up physical boundaries and doing
business globally. This has led to rapid industrialization and in turn has increased the demand of
killed labor. The growth in the education sector has been remarkable. A latest report by Ernest &
Young, states that the number of institutes offering higher education in India is 44668 of that
33668 offers various degrees and the rest offering diplomas. The private sector education is
booming and India is one such player that has witnessed a shift to private sector institutes. India
has one of the largest higher education systems in the world. The number has increased but there
is lot of scope of improvement and India is striving to get there. ‗Skill India Initiative‘ has been
launched for that purpose. The initiative targets to train 400 million citizens by 2020.
Government of India has launched, ‗Digital Employment Exchange‘ that will help place


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

jobseekers with right employer. Education sector have started focusing on e-learning and
applying other techniques to make education interesting and profitable as well. Online presence
is benefitting education business. Communication through face book, twitter, integral, LinkedIn
etc helps in creating connectivity and is a major source of information sharing.


 Highlighting the factors that enrich relation of faculty-students-institute through

the introduction of social media platform in education
 Highlighting the positive effects of using social media as promotional tools in
education sector.

Background of Social Media:

Social media is basically the interaction and communication between people for sharing
and receiving information. It is a web based tool. Man being a human animal, there is always a
need of socializing and networking. Use of social media has emerged from advancement of
technology. Social media has been used as an important tool to market business in India. It has
been used as a platform to share valuable information and have been able to attract attention of
prospective customers.

According to report 66% of people aged 15+ have a profile on at least one of the social
networking sites. Social media is the platform where education institutes and prospective
students interact. This platform helps in promoting activities, getting information and feedback.
For education sector, these platform promises connectivity with students, teachers, parents,
alumni and other stakeholders.

Social media refers to web-based networking and interaction over an increasing array of
websites and networking platforms. Social media helps in getting the attention of, and engaging

Literature Review

Social media cannot be understood without first defining Web 2.0: a term that describes a
new way in which end users use the World Wide Web, a place where content is continuously
altered by all operators in a sharing and collaborative way (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The importance of social media as platforms of social interaction, communication and

marketing is growing. The rapid ascent of social media across society is a very clear signal that
individuals, groups and institutions are rapidly changing their preferences of how they learn,
communicate, collaborate and participate in society. The immediacy of interaction, from the
simplest response to a Tweet on Twitter to a very thoroughly researched and presented blog post,
underscore how pervasive the foundational elements of Web 2.0 design precepts and principles
are influencing daily life worldwide today (O'Reilly, 2006).

Social Media and Education Sector

The use of social media has transformed the face of education the face of education
industry. This change has positively impacted the students as well as teachers. Today teaching is
not confined in the classrooms. It is much beyond that.

It has been argued and believed that there is no need of marketing education services.
Students are spending on an average of 6 to 8 hours online searching through social media sites.
Information sharing on social media platform has enabled students from different parts of the
country as well as the world to come together. The choice of university or education institute
depends on online research made by students and parents. Physical visits are not always possible.
To cater to this need, institutes have come up with their website and also Facebook page that
serves as a promotional platform to highlights happening of the institute.

Over the past ten years or so, there has been a drastic change in the mode of
communication. University and education institutes use the social media platform to closely
connect with students. Today social media is not just regarded as a platform to connect with
friends and family but it is also used for the purpose of business, learning and professional

Social media should be a part of the marketing and outreach campaign. India is third-
largest in internet penetration and now parents have become tech savvy and they are more into
browsing different forums and blogs before zeroing down on an alternative. Educational
institutions are indulging in ambush marketing and participating in various social events, online
discussions and all.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Technology has brought about major changes in the education sector. India is riding high
on technology in education sector. Changing the face of education, technology has increased the
reach of education. Technology has proved to a great enabler in education sector. Use of social
media has become the need of the hour. It is much needed for sustainable growth and
development of the education sector.

Most Commonly used Social Media Platform used by Education Sector

 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinedIn, Youtube and Blogs

The Advantages of using Social Media Platform for Promoting Education Sector

 Social networking allows reaching out to potential customers

 Converting potential customers to new customers
 Staying in touch with current customers
 Social networking sites are cost effective
 Wide reach in the market
 Helps in branding product/service
 Creating awareness about the product/service
Teacher‟s Perspective:

It is not only those in the age group of 18-28 who are using social media sites, even teachers are
doing so.

 Teachers can access information within few seconds and incorporate the same in the
content of the lecture.
 They are able to give current happenings as examples and make the class more
interesting. Teachers can increase the involvement and commitment of the students by
using social media inside the classroom
 Better and increased communication
 Skype can be used as a platform for discussion
 Twitter and LinkedIn provides a platform for professional learning network
 Helps in uploading lecture sessions
 Creating connectivity with the students


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Sharing lectures of other faculty and teachers

 Teacher –student enriched relationship
 Off campus connectivity

Student‟s Perspective:

 Gives parents an opportunity to get involved

 Easier and convenient way of assessing information
 Ensures better student and faculty interaction
 Increased student engagements
 Students are exposed to large information base and hence easier for them to absurd

Institute‟s Perspective:

 Reaching out to prospective student through these social media sites is easier and faster.
 Enriching relationship with present students and alumni.
 Creating network with professionals and industry experts.
 Getting the best talent in regard to faculty members
 Highlighting student‘s achievements and teacher‘s professional experiences.
 Informing stakeholders about upcoming events and happenings and also recording past
 Connecting with international students.


Social platform has revolutionized the traditional approach. It is used as a publicity tool
to connect to its audience. Basically promoting an education institute is through outbound
marketing. Now the shift is towards inbound marketing where audience or prospective applicants
are pulled towards the institute. The ultimate outcome of inbound strategy is creating a brand
name in the market and positioning itself in the minds of the target audience. The trend is that of
going for content marketing which promotes an institution through content that speaks for itself.
It takes the form of articles, posts, stories and reference. Businesses are finding out ways to
harness social media and using it productively. Social media cannot replace traditional
promotional techniques, it can be used as a platform to share information, brand its product,
encourage word of mouth publicity, encourages customer engagement and interaction.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



KSR College of Education
Tiruchengode- 637215
Namakkal District

Social Media

Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate

the creation or sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of
expression via virtual communities and networks. Social networking is a recent development made
possible by the internet which has become very popular across the globe mainly with young
people. This is mostly because it affords users the opportunity to interact with one another
making it possible to share information, pictures and videos. This new form of social interaction
also brings people of different social background together in a forum and enables them to
interact regardless of location and time.

According to Asemah and Edegoh (2012), social network is a social structure made up of
individuals or organizations called ―nodes‖, which are tied or connected by one or more specific
types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange and
so on. The nodes, to which an individual is thus connected, are the social contacts of that
individual; the network can also be used to measure social capital, which is the value an
individual gets from the social network. Social media was made possible by web and mobile
based technologies, which were used to turn communication into interactive dialogue among
organizations, communities and individuals. It has also been described as an interactive
mechanism on the internet. The high interactive stance of the social media has made it a vital
part of social life all over the world.

Types of Social Media and what they‟re used for:

 Social networks—Connect with people
 Media sharing networks—Share photos, videos, and other media
 Discussion forums—Share news and ideas
 Bookmarking and content duration networks—Discover, save, and share new content
 Consumer review networks—Find and review businesses
 Blogging and publishing networks—Publish content online


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Interest-based networks—Share interests and hobbies

 Social shopping networks—Shop online
 Sharing economy networks—Trade goods and services
 Anonymous social networks—Communicate anonymously
Effect of Social Media

Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), defined social media as a group of internet based
application that allows the creation and exchange of user generated content. It supports
demonstration of knowledge and information, thereby making the people both information
producers and information consumers. This feature is one of the distinguishing features of social
media from traditional mass media that only make the people consumers only .One criticism
often leveled against the media is that they are contributing to the decay of morality. Indeed, a
recent national poll reported that 70 percent of Americans are very or somewhat worried that
popular culture, as portrayed in television and movies, is lowering moral standards in the United

The concern is fueled by the tremendous amount of time youth are spending with the
media and by their easy access to explicit content. Children can readily find stories about
violence, theft, and greed in a variety of media outlets including fictional programming, reality
shows, rap music, and the Internet. Almost no research, however, focuses on how the media
shape children's moral development. Researchers have written widely on how the media affect
children's behaviors, both pro social and antisocial. But they have paid little attention to the
moral lessons children learn from the media that may be underlying these behaviors. Moral
development in children follows a predictable developmental path. When presented with an
ethical dilemma, children under the age of eight typically judge an action as wrong or incorrect
when it results in punishment or goes against the rules set forth by authority figures. As children
mature, they begin to consider multiple perspectives in a situation, taking into account the
intentions and motives of those involved and recognizing the often-conflicting rules inherent in
moral dilemmas. In other words, their moral reasoning becomes more flexible and ―other‖

Every day, one comes across innumerable images and commercials for various products.
This excessive amount of media in our day to day lives cannot be side lined and impacts all those
surrounded by it. It is an expression of the society of which we are a part, its mirror-image for all


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

practical purposes and has a far reaching influence on the social, cultural and moral values of its

Positive Effect of Social Media

 Social media gives a way to the students to effectively reach each other in regards to class
ventures, bunch assignments or for help on homework assignments.
 Many of the students who do not take an interest consistently in class might feel that they
can express their thoughts easily on social media .
 Teachers may post on social media about class activities, school events, homework
assignments which will be very useful to them .
 It is seen that social media marketing has been emerging in career option. Social media
marketing prepares young workers to become successful marketers.
 The access of social media provides the opportunity for educators to teach good digital
citizenship and the use of Internet for productivity.

Negative Effect of Social Media

 The first concern about the negative effect comes to mind is the kind of distraction to the
students present in the class. As teachers were not able to recognize who is paying
attention in the classroom.
 One of the biggest break down of social media in education is the privacy issues like
posting personal information on online sites.
 In some of the scenario there were many in appropriate information posted which may
lead the students to the wrong side.
 Because of social media students lose their ability to engage themselves for face to face
 Many of the bloggers and writers posts wrong information on social sites which leads the
education system to failure.

Social Media in Education

Social media plays an important role in every student's life. Social media offers audience
and subject monitoring tools that are useful and it is one of the best platforms to extract data.
One can find out how the majority people feel about a particular topic or how experts perceive


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

and advice on specific issues. This can help students compile and produce useful content for
research. Tutors and students can be connected to each other and can make good use of these
platforms for the benefit of their learning and teaching.

Today, many education institutions are adapting these developments into their
frameworks and depending on group assets and systems to improve the life of students. The
utilization of social media in education helps students, teachers, and parents for getting more
valuable information while connecting with learning groups and other educational systems.

 Social media provides a lot of credible and relevant information and data. For instance,
you can gain knowledge and insights on various topics. It helps you in analyzing the
different answers and different opinions of different students. It increases your
imagination and creative skills.
 Social media helps in delivering the training to students with the help of the latest
methodologies and help in shaping their future. It plays a dynamic role in an educational

Impacts of Social Media on Moral Values

The world is changing rapidly today and in its footsteps our core values are changing too.
Social values are getting eroded, moral values have become fragmented and the society is facing
an unprecedented cultural evasion. Our society today is taking on new values which are at
loggerheads with the time tested and religiously accepted principles of our society, a large part of
the responsibility for which must be borne by the television commercials (TVCs) and also the
unethical practices of the business and corporate houses which sponsor them. Theories of
powerful media effects assume that a wide range of social values and behavioral practices are
learned from the ideas and images conveyed by popular television entertainment, glossy
magazines, internet websites, music videos, consumer advertising, feature films, and news

Cultivation theory developed by Gerbner and his colleagues, treat the mass media as one
of the standard agencies of socialization, rivaling the role of parents and the family, peer‐groups,
teachers and religious authorities, and social norms operating within the local community and
national culture. Socialization is a multidimensional process involving the acquisition of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

knowledge, attitudes and values. In particular, cultivation theory suggests that frequency of
exposure to the mass media, especially television viewing, leads towards the internalization of its
messages. Through this process, the media are thought to be capable of influencing moral
standards, including attitudes towards the family, marriage and divorce, orientations towards sex
roles, support for gender equality, and tolerance of sexual diversity, and beliefs about appropriate
ethical standards in public life, as well as shaping broader religious values, beliefs, and practices.
Regular exposure to messages conveyed by mass communications is believed to have a
cumulative effect upon moral values and behavior, with a particularly influential role upon
impressionable young children and adolescents during their formative years as they transition to

There are several reasons for using internet-based media as a positive tool for children.

 Easy sharing of Information

Social Credibility
 Cost-effective Communication
 Any time Connectivity
 Increase student collaboration
Cons of using social media include,

 It can be an interruption
 Cyber bullying
 Posting Unsuitable Content on Social Media
 Lack of head-on Communication
In addition, the research has examined only children's moral views about aggression. It
has paid little attention to media's effect on other moral issues such as altruism and even other
types of antisocial behavior such as cheating, lying, and stealing. The research has focused solely
on television. Websites, video games, movies, and even children's books sometimes grapple with
moral dilemmas, and researchers need to explore their impact as well. Social media is a powerful
in the hands of public to motivate the members of society to do and think positive for society. If
positive activities are shown to the public by social, media and neglects anti-social behavior then
may be positive impact on the mind of members of the society.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Valueless country cannot grow. Active role of social media may develop values. Various
researches show that there is impact of positive or negative scenes or pictures on the mind of
children. Positive scenes propagate the positivity and negative scenes propagate negativity. Some
research suggests that extensive viewing of television violence can alter children's views about
the acceptability of violence and perhaps even hinder the development of their moral reasoning.
Social media is a powerful in the hands of public to motivate the members of society to do and
think positive for society


1. Adelabu, O (2011). The role of social media in democratic mobilization in Nigeria, Paper
Presented at the ACCE, Covenant University, Ota.
2. Aggarwal,JC(2005) Education for values, Environment and Human Rights,Delhi:Shipra
3. Jamwal,B.S (2016) Erosion of values,an international peer Reviewed& Reffered
Scholalarly Research Journal for Huminity Science and English languages, Vol-3/16
Page 3839,June-July 2016.
4. Kaplan, A.M., & Haenlein, M. (2012). Users of the world, unite! The Challenges and
opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, l53 (1), 61.
5. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Vol.5(10),Oct 2017,E-ISSN:
2347-2693©2017,IJCSE All Rights Reserved 350
6. International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research Volume 5–
Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016, ISSN: 2319–8656
JULY, 2017, VOL. 4/22 Page 5726


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mr. R. Suresh Kumar Dr. T. M. Gnanasoundari

Ph.D., Research Scholar, Assistant Professor cum Guide
Department of Educational Planning and Administration,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai – 600 097

Social Media‟s Effect on Today‟s Society

1. Social Media‟s Effect on Socialisation

With the use of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Pinterest, Blogger,
LinkedIn, and Google + how people socialise has been greatly revolutionised. It has made it easy
to connect to our family members, friends and relatives on a real-time basis.

With social media, people can share pictures and videos and communicate with their
close ones. This has strengthened relationships and it is bringing families together in a way that
was not possible in the past.

Families, friends, relatives and businesses have the opportunity to share skills and
improve on different proficiencies. Additionally, people get to make and meet new friends.
2. Social Media’s Effect on Individuals
The rise of social media has unfortunately meant an increase of social introverts in the
globe. The constant use and dependence on Social Media lead these social recluse‘s unable to
speak and communicate outside the virtual interaction safety net of Facebook, instead of talking
to individuals in a normal face to face manor, ultimately lowering his/her social intellect. This
has serious repercussions and can cause people to resent traditional human contact.

3. Social Media‟s Effect on Job hiring

Social media has impacted job recruitments significantly. The majority of companies
make their hiring decisions based on one's social portfolio. Recruiters also use online networks to
post job vacancies through which they get their ideal candidates. It has also made it easy for job
seekers to get access to job posts. This is evident on platforms like Linked In, where job seekers
can create their profile containing their skills and see what job opportunities recruiters are


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Social Media‟s Effect on Business

Social media has changed the way most businesses operate and run on a daily basis with
91% of large corporate businesses having two or more different social media profiles interacting
and promoting products.
Businesses have greatly been impacted by social media from marketing to interacting
with customers on a timely basis. A business that has embraced the use of social has a definite
edge over its competitors. The online platforms are a less expensive way for businesses to
advertise their offerings on a real-time basis and to attract more customers. It has made it easy
for businesses to reach out to a wider customer base and improve customer loyalty through
different programmes.
Easy access to customers gives businesses the leverage to retain existing customers as
well as to attract more. This leads to great market share and greater profit margins and some
good bucks for businesses. Through interaction and feedbacks by businesses to their customers,
they can understand the market quickly and adopt new strategies, as well as conform to the
dynamic customer's tastes and demands.
5. Social Media‟s Effect on Modern Politics

Social media has impacted politics in many ways. Nowadays, it is where most people get
their news; in some cases, this is before the media houses do. It is the medium that gives the
easiest access to political and other news. These online platforms also allow people to air out
their political grievances to their political leaders and demand for actions to be taken. Its also a
medium where mass political rallies are formed, campaigns are carried out and even political
unrests are most felt. Social media plays huge rolls in modern day politics and is one of the most
valuable assets that parties use to gain votes. This is down to the pure reach of social media and
its capabilities to be seen by millions of people in a matter of minutes.

6. Social Media‟s Effect on Education

Learning colleges have the ability to connect with students through social media
networks such as Facebook, Google Plus groups, Google meet, zoom meet and YouTube. These
channels can be used to communicate campus news, make announcements and provide students
with useful information. This builds engagement between the College and students which help
tackle many student issues through the group interactions.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Institutions can share supportive and positive posts that reach all students that are
connected to the networks and pages. You can initiate hashtags on social media to engage
students and online discussions that are helpful. Video is a prominent tool in social media trends
that are effective and you can use it to share useful videos that inspire students and help them in
their course subjects. Through social mediums such as YouTube, Facebook or Instagram live
video the engagements between students and the institution can be sustained. It is advisable to be
selective about which social platforms to use for the best practice.
Social Media Usage
Adolescent girls and young women following fitness boards on Pinterest were more
likely to report intentions to engage in extreme weight-loss behaviours, such as crash dieting or a
radical exercise plan. In response to images viewed on the fitness boards on Pinterest, these
adolescent girls and young women initiated a process of self-reflection, which increased
intention to engage in extreme weight-loss behaviours. Social media environments might
influence adolescent girls and young women to engage in social comparison leading to feelings of
inadequacy and body dissatisfaction
Advantages of Social Media
Staying in touch with family members and friends has never been easier through the use
of social media. I myself can vouch for about 7 different occasions where my grandmother has
shown me an old school friend and then proceeded to express her absolute amazement of
Facebook‘s capabilities, considering the nearest thing she had to a social media platform growing
up was a speed dating profile written on an A4 piece of paper in the local town hall.
Social Media is one of the best ways to find and interact with new people who have the
same interests as you, as social media allows you to seek out groups that are focused towards
your own interests and hobbies. This can be great for meeting new friends but also for love
interests and internet dating which has become more popular than traditional face to face
meeting, thanks to social media and the likes of Tinder.
Social media is a great way to spread news quickly across the globe, with ―breaking
news‖ tweets receiving tens of thousands of rewets in minutes. This can be highly useful when
updating individuals on important information such as weather updates and missing children.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The popularity of media, particularly social media, in youth makes it a potentially

influential force. The discussed above provide a foundation for important discussions on
how social media use may influence body.
The six key overarching benefits were identified as
(1) Increased interactions with others
(2) More available, shared, and tailored information
(3) Increased accessibility and widening access to health information
(4) Peer, social, emotional support
(5) Public health surveillance and
(6) Potential to influence health policy‖


1. Becker, A. E., Fay, K. E., Agnew-Blais, J., Khan, A. N., Striegel-Moore, R. H., &
Gilman, S. E. (2011). Social network media exposure and adolescent eating pathology in
Fiji. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 198, 43-50.
2. Bell, K. (2016). Social media and female body image. In BSU Honors Theses
and Projects. Item 173. Retrieved from:
3. Fardouly, J., & Vartanian, L. R. (2015). Negative comparisons about one's appearance
mediate the relationship between Facebook usage and body image concerns. Body
Image, 12, 82-88.
4. Ferguson, C. J. (2013). In the eye of the beholder: Thin-ideal media affects some, but not
most, viewers in a meta- analytic review of body dissatisfaction in women and
men. Psychology Of Popular Media Culture, 2, 20-37.
5. Kharpal, A. (2015). Facebook’s Instagram hits 400M users, beats twitter.
CNBC. Retrieved from


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr.S.Rasheedha Banu
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Kongunadu College of Education.
Triruchirappalli-621112, (

The rise of internet access speeds and smart phones helped social networking even more
and days of considering social applications as waste of time is long gone. Initially the use of
social networking was limited to corporates and businesses for connecting with peers, customers,
clients with twitter handle, Facebook accounts or WhatsApp mentioned on business and visiting
cards. Social networking has now branched to include friends, family associates and classmates
as well. Social networking offers several opportunities like access to information, videos,
extension of social group, ability to express, learning opportunities, seeking and maintaining
friends and relatives. Without using any interactive means, through the traditional media, the
individuals used to share information or ideas about an organization.

As the time passed, today, social media has rapidly turned to be the way of how people
communicate with each other. Over the past one decade, it has transformed the way people and
organizations communicate. This has become a reality with the ubiquitous spreading of
broadband internet in every nook and corner of the societies. The multimedia compatibility of
the social media like easy uploading of audio-video content, text and images, another dimension
of immediate global access has been added to the social media, thereby causing a great threat to
the prevailing traditional and conventional media. Social media paved a way for every individual
to become a publisher of his ideas and views. The social media not only brought advantages, but
also equal number of threats along with its inception.

Social Network

―Social networks have become thoroughly rooted in modern culture. People have woven
these networks into their daily routines, using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Young people are
motivated to learn from their peers online. The Web provides rich multimedia educational
experiences for students. Lectures and other educational materials can be delivered in a variety


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

of formats with the seamless integration of class-based and virtual learning content.
As more people use the Web, more data is created and evolved. With more students and teachers
involved in creating educational content, the quality, reliability and availability of information
improves. Subsequently every browsing session now becomes a continuous learning experience
for the user.

Online Communities with communal message boards can evolve from school networks,
employment networks and other shared interest groups. A social network user can search for
friends, add friends, share ideas, and events through posting public comments and sending. The
profile of the modern student and their educational needs will be detailed, underscoring the
complexity of the challenge faced by educators in meeting those demands.
They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults are no
longer the only sources of knowledge. It makes kids more networked than ever.

Learning Technology

It‘s no secret that most students and teachers have smart phones and have used social
media in education. In fact, there are apps and web tools that offer social media in an educational
context. With faculty using a variety of software tools and free web applications to enhance
learning, communication, and engagement, the use of social media is on the rise in higher
education classrooms. Compared to traditional learning method that provide few opportunities
for learners to develop and maintain their own learning activities, learning platforms based on
social media place the control of learning into the hands of learners themselves.

E-Learning, the social network sites handled the big problem by providing information to
the educators in the recent period. However, Social networks have helped to resolve some of
these problems, by adding interactive side with a student, and make the participation of the
students in the educational process which leads to an increase to attract them toward e-learning
and to clarify the reason behind the attraction educated about social network sites.
Social Media Affect the Students

Social media not only helps to acquire knowledge but also establishing enduring
relationships with real people, connecting with fellow dorm residents through Facebook, Twitter
and various social sites can help a student overcome the kind of isolation that otherwise might


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

leader to leave school. A Twitter account can provide shy student with information about events
that facilitates face-to-face encounters with other students. Such personal interactions are vital to
creating and sustaining a sense of belonging.

Using technology to accommodate students‟ different learning styles is not novel. The
strength of social media applications is that they offer an assortment of tools that learners can
mix and match to best suit their individual learning styles and increase their academic success.
The social networking sites focus heavily on building online communities with common interests
or activities. Social networking sites also can help students develop leadership skills, from low-
level planning and organizing to activities that promote social change and democratic

Negative aspects of Social Media

Starting from the lack of privacy being discussed widely around the globe right now,
there are a lot many negative aspects to social media. Very recently one of the leading social
media‘s was accused of compromising its user‘s privacy and contact details for profit making. It
leads to a scary scenario to live in this cyber space. Another of the so called negative aspects is
the destruction of real social harmony and life. The generations before the social media had a
very fulfilling and harmonious social life where they had very good connections between their
fellow beings and with nature, which has been lacking ever since the advancement of social
media. Youth today indulge their time and resource more into the hollow and many a times fake
relationships endorsed by these profit oriented social giants.

Social Media and Health issues for Adolescence

Due to the use of social networking sites for long hours create multiple of health issues.
Because of continuous accessing of networking site may create an eyesight problem, back pain
because of sitting in same position for long hours and many more. However, multiple studies
have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression,
anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media Addiction

Internet Addiction is defined as uncontrolled use of the internet that results in excessive
time consumption or social dysfunction. Internet addiction has a similar pathology to other
addictions, which result in interpersonal family, and social problems.
Positive and Negative Impact of Social Media in Education
Social media did make the world a smaller place, now we have more information, more
knowledge, and have better opportunities to use it. Social media improved our ability to absorb
information, what would have seemed to be over whelming to someone 20 years ago is normal to
us, we have an extreme ease in processing and we are evolving quickly.
a. Social media offers a way to the students to efficaciously reach every different in regards to
magnificence ventures, bunch assignments or for help on homework assignments.
b. Google and education, Google has helped over 20 million student in their education using
their tools.
c. By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more familiarity
with computers and other electronic devices.
d. With the increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help students
build skills that will aid them throughout their lives. .
e. A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media which
brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
Negative Impact
The prime bad effect of social media is addiction. Constantly, chatting Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn Intstagram and other social media updates. This addiction could negatively affect other
valued activities like concentrating on studies, taking active part in sports, real life
communication and ignoring ground realities.
a. Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to provide
answers. That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.
b. Our ability to retain information has decreased, and the willingness to spend more time
researching and looking up good information has reduced, due the fact that we got used to the
ease of accessibility to information on social media.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

c. Students, who attempt to multi-task, checking social media sites while studying, show
reduced academic performance. Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand is significantly
reduced by the distractions that are brought about by YouTube, Facebook or Twitter.
According to the above study we came to know the various positive and negative impacts of
social media on education or students. It is very important to overcome this problem. Most of the
poor components can be overcome with the aid of lowering the quantity of time spent on social
community sites. Paying interest to their educational development and addressing any troubles
will pass a protracted manner in the direction of keeping the negative factors of social media
from influencing their studies. Provide ample time for face-to-face social interaction, like having
some family leisure time in which you discuss their studies in a relaxed atmosphere or inviting
friends and family over for get-together, providing fun, face-to-face social interaction with loved
ones. Encourage awareness classes against misuse of social media, it help to prepared in
situations of cyber bullying, harassment or stalking. All this we help us to reduce the Negative
impact of social media on the students which will in turn benefit our young generation.

1. Asur, S. &. Huberman, B.A. (2010) Predicting the Future with Social Media. Social
Computing Lab: HP Labs, Palo Alto, California. pp 1- 8.
2. Akashdeep Bhardwaj, (2017) Impact of Social Networking on Indian Youth - A
Survey, I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, PP.41-51, Sept.
3. Wasim Akram Zargar (2018) Impact of Social Media on Education with Positive and
Negative Aspects. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering Vol. 8 Issue
3, March 2018
4. Suman Kumar Kasturi, (2014) Social Media: Key Issues and New Challenges - a
study of Nalgonda District, Global Media Journal-Indian Edition June 2014/Vol. 5/No. 1
5. Sreeja Rajesh, (2015) Effectiveness of Social Media in Education, International
Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Issue 10, Volume 2


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

6. Vishranti Raut, (2016) Use of Social Media in Education: Positive and Negative
impact on the students International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in
Computing and Communication Volume: 4 Issue: 1


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Assistant Professors
Malla Reddy Institute of Management
Dhulapally, Maisammaguda, Kompally (Post), Secunderabad-500100

Social Media

Social media is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share content with
the public. Social media encompasses a wide range of websites and apps. Some, like Twitter,
specialize in sharing links and short written messages. Others, like Instagram and Tik-Tok, are
built to optimize the sharing of photos and videos.

―An average of 2.35 hours is spent accessing social media at work every day and around
32% of the total time spent on social media during working hours is used entirely for personal
work indicating a huge loss of official resources and productivity. In fact, 13% of the total
productivity is lost owing to the social media indulgence alone‖.

Apart from the loss of productivity, the extensive use of social media by employees has
also resulted in an increase in loss of confidential information, defamation, misinformation and
most importantly employee solicitation. Facebook is the most visited social media platform and
the most-handy outlet to relieve stress. Out of the 62% employees who accessed social media
during working hours, nearly 83% of them spend significant time browsing on Facebook.
Objectives of the Study

1. To study the need of social media at work place.

2. To understand the impact of social media in work place.
3. To analyze the impact of interactive communication with the help of social media tools.
4. To understand employee and employer perception about the use of social media in
working environment.
5. To study pros and cons of the usage of social media in working environment.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Data Collection
The data collected in order to publish the article is from secondary data. The reason is
that the content regarding the title is much published by many organizations in their personal
blogs, relevant company websites and many other forms of internet websites.
What can organizations do about this?
Social media comes with its own inherent merits and demerits. In fact, indulgence in
social media and the resultant slacking is a testimony of pastimes getting more interesting than
work.Rather than blindly instituting rules, Sen is in favor of organizations identifying the root
cause of the misuse and devising suitable policies to make work more fun and challenging and
the work culture more aspirational.
Social Media Comes with Natural Risk of Attrition
There are many who use social media to engage in sharing their work experiences with
one another and to maintain a professional network outside of their organization. While this
sounds like a good advantage of work productivity, experts say that employees also leave a job
due to social media. More social media exposure, the better the quantity and quality of
connections and the better the quality, higher the chances of having a network that lands you a
better job. Secondly, another aspect is when employees spend more than a certain threshold of
time on social media, they tend to become less productive at work. And it is a well-known fact
that dips in performance only contributes to dissatisfaction at work leading to attrition.
Many large sized organizations today have dedicated resources for putting up a lot of
content on their respective social media channels. Sangwan believes, it is because of such,
―over-socialization‖ that employees of other small-to mid-level organizations feel left-out and
the likelihood of them shifting their job becomes inevitable. ―Furthermore, with ‗FOMO‘ (fear of
missing out) fast evolving as a bane of today‘s millennial generation, employees tend to develop
a bias even faster and decide career tenures based on such trivialities,‖ added Sangwan.

Can Use of Social Media Really Impact Attrition

There is no denying that social media today, is all pervasive. Ignoring it would be like
being an ostrich with its head in the sand! There was an era when you couldn‘t access social
media at work.The advent of smart-phones, various smart devices and the concept of BYOD
(bring your own device) have ushered in a change in company culture.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Data itself is getting more and more affordable, enabling many more users to access
social media than ever before. Companies have now started rethinking their social media policies
towards employees.

Use of social media by human resource

Going to the routes of each word, social media can be defined as an instrument that helps to
communicate and interact. Media is a tool used for communication, like TV, newspaper, radio
etc. Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable
communication techniques.Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn
communication into interactive dialogue. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein (2010) define
social media as ―a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated
content.‖ Businesses may also refer to social media as consumer-generated media (CGM). But
social media is not only about communication, it includes as well interaction between users. The
most important characteristics that social media has are:

Participation — everybody is continuously involved in this contribution process — to share

news, to give feedback
 Openness — the barriers are small; the content is reachable and opened to discuss into
Conversation — the dialog is really important; you offer information but as well receive
feedback or/and other information
 Community — common interests, hobbies, passions are creating groups where you can
share all these
 Connectedness — permanent connection, links between people, resources, life styles etc.
The main benefit of adding social media to your overall marketing communication strategy
is to create a platform that attracts the attention of clients and prospects of products, services
and capabilities, or prompts them to share their views on a topic of common interest.
Use of Social Media for Recruitment
Facebook and LinkedIn are most popular among young professionals. In a study
conducted on 430 employees, LinkedIn and Facebook use is highest among the employees who
are aged 26 to 45. In addition, 52% of the people surveyed use LinkedIn, 49% use Facebook,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

31% use MySpace, and 6% use Twitter (Skeels, 2009). Employers who use LinkedIn and
Facebook, as a result, have the highest potential of reaching young professionals in the
workplace.Many hospitality companies have recently been experimenting with social media, and
using it to help perform certain human resource functions. After surveying over 2,500 people,
CareerBuilder found that 21% of employers use social networking sites to research and recruit
potential employees. These new resources give employers the advantage of fast response. The
employer who makes contact with the candidate right away ―is the most likely to land them‖
(Berta, 2000).This gives employers the ability to find new candidates and move them through the
interview process at a faster speed. It also helps employers filter out unqualified candidates.
Allor Restaurant uses primarily Facebook to recruit applicants.

Pros and Cons of Using Social Media

As with most technologies, there is no one-size-fits-all approach and no single right way
for an organization to use social media applications. The benefits and drawbacks of social
networking platforms vary based on platform type, features, industry and the organization itself.

Possible Advantages

 Facilitates open communication, leading to enhanced information discovery and delivery.

 Allows employees to discuss ideas, post news, ask questions and share links.
 Provides an opportunity to widen business contacts.
 Targets a wide audience, making it a useful and effective recruitment tool.
 Improves business reputation and client base with minimal use of advertising.
 Promotes diversity and inclusion.
 Expands market research, implements marketing campaigns, delivers communications
and directs interested people to specific websites.

Possible Disadvantages

 The possibility for hackers to commit fraud and launch spam and virus attacks.
 The risk of people falling prey to online scams that seem genuine, resulting in data or
identity theft or a compromise of the company's computer security.
 A potential outlet for negative comments from employees about the organization.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Legal consequences if employees use these sites to view or distribute objectionable, illicit
or offensive material.

Aspects of Social Media in Organizations

External Communication

Organizations can use social media to promote their brand. Many organizations have a
digital presence on sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn or other industry-related sites.Leaders
often have a presence on Twitter or a blogging site to broadcast important developments within
the organization. Organizations use Yammer or other collaboration sites to link both internal
groups and external sources such as vendors, clients or industry experts.

Learning Applications

Social media are radically changing the way learning happens in organizations. Social
media allow employers to embrace the younger generation's need to collaborate and learn, which
in turn will transform the workplace into an environment where people learn naturally with each
other all the time, not just during a single training event. Social media allows for interacting with
employees both before, during and after the actual training session. But organizations will need
to change how they think about training and learning programs. Training models that focus on
controlling the content and pushing information down to learners will not work in the
collaborative environment of social media.

Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

Social media provide a great opportunity to leverage the deep and diverse expertise many
organizations already possess. Rather than turn to outside consultants or third-party providers,
companies can harness internal expertise with tools, including microblogging, wikis, YouTube-
like repositories of learning videos, expert directories or communities of practice.

Internal discussion boards or social media spaces allow employees to collaborate and
exchange ideas and experiences. These tools are also being used for self-service benefits
enrollment, matching current employees to open positions and more.

Some of the most innovative ways to foster collaboration across an enterprise include those listed


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


In blogs, writers regularly post entries for public view, often on specific topics—or on
behalf of a specific organization. Blogs for business can be aimed at attracting the attention of
potential employees, promoting a brand or a company, or disseminating information out to
customers, among other uses.

Microblogging and micro sharing

These technologies allow users to exchange information in small snippets and in real
time. Twitter is an example of a microblog, but today some organizations use other
microblogging tools they can secure behind their computer firewalls and restrict to those inside
the company. Employees can ask or answer questions, exchange information with peers, find out
who has needed expertise and quickly give their input on projects. They can post their comments
about documents, proposals or presentations. Yammer and Chatter are other examples of
microblogging platforms designed for internal communication.

Expert directories

Another social media tool—an expert directory—simplifies and improves the process of
connecting subject matter experts to others within an organization. These directories can include
information on experts' specific competencies, current and past projects, and more. Creating a
culture in which experts are willing to share their knowledge internally can be extraordinarily

Communities of practice

To foster informal, employee-driven learning, employers have created communities of

practice, groups where workers with similar expertise or interests can swap ideas and ask
questions on internal forums.

For instance, Accenture integrates its knowledge-sharing systems with thousands of

communities of practice. Community members ask questions on discussion boards, contribute or
download content on specific topics, and have content digests e-mailed to them.

Employers need to realize that such communities change membership over time and that
employee participation waxes and wanes. Also, not all of the comments shared by employees on


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

discussion boards, blogs or wikis are factually accurate. Those overseeing social media networks
have to walk a fine line between censoring content and ensuring that information is accurate.

Video Instruction

The use of video has gained traction as an employee learning tool, fueled by the growth
of smartphones with high-definition video and broadband networks.As a result, more
organizations are creating YouTube-like repositories on enterprise networks where employees
post videos created to share knowledge.

Social Media Guidelines

According to the SHRM social media survey, about 40 percent of organizations have a
formal social media policy. The most frequently cited elements included in these policies were
the following:

 A code of conduct for employee use of social networking environments for professional
purposes (68 percent of organizations included this item in their policies).
 A code of conduct for employee use of social networking environments for personal
purposes while at work (66 percent).
 Notification to employees that the organization has the right to monitor their social media
use in the workplace (56 percent).
 Guidelines for social media communications (55 percent).
 Guidelines for responding to feedback on social networking environments (35 percent).

Employers do have the right to prohibit any personal use of company computers, but such a
prohibition is not likely to yield optimal results. If an employer decides to permit employees
access to social networking platforms, then the employer needs a comprehensive and well-
defined policy to prevent abuse.

What a policy should cover?

An effective social networking policy generally does the following:

 Defines what the organization means when it refers to "social networking."

 Establishes a clear and defined purpose for the policy.
 Communicates benefits of social networking and of having a policy.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Provides a clear platform for educating employees.

 Takes into consideration any legal consequences of not following laws.
 Refers to proprietary and confidential information at risk.
 Talks about productivity in terms of social networking.
 Establishes expected behavioral norms in the use of social networking.
 Provides guidance regarding social networking that could be associated with the
organization, employees or customers. Some employers may prohibit posting of company
information on social networking sites without the employer's explicit consent.
 Outlines disciplinary measures the employer will take if employees violate social media

Social Networking Do's and Don'ts

Specifically, comprehensive policies and training efforts about social media need to convey
to employees that they should:

 Exercise good judgment and common sense.

 Pause before posting.
 Not allow social networking to interrupt productivity.
 Be mindful of their privacy settings.
 Refrain from anonymity.
 Be polite and responsible.
 Be accountable and correct mistakes.
 Use disclaimers or speak in the first person to make it clear the opinions expressed are
not those of their employer.
 Bring work-related complaints directly to HR, not through postings on social media sites
or the Internet.

Social Media in the Workplace, Employee Perspective

Here‘s what employees say about their social media use at work:

 34% to take a break from work

 27% to connect with friends/family
 24% to make/support professional connections


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 20% to get info that helps them solve problems at work

 17% to build/strengthen relationships with coworkers
 17% to learn about a colleague
 12% to ask work-related questions of people external to their organization
 12% to ask work-related questions of colleagues
Clearly, employees use social media at work for a variety of reasons.


We also talked about our recommendations we thought were best when using social media
in the workplace. They consisted of: incorporating the right social media sites for a business,
setting targets and measuring the performance of the role that social media plays, and also
monitoring the use of business-related social media versus unrelated social media at the
workplace. Overall, internet sites such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, and others give
businesses a cheaper and faster way to reach consumers, market their company or products, look
at present or future employees, get product or service feedback, and build relationships.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Ph.D Scholar, Principal,
Stella Matutina College of Education, Stella Matutina College of Education,
Chennai – 600083. Chennai – 600083.

Social media can be prominent on society in both positive and negative ways. It offers
people a way to stay in touch with people who live distant. Social media adds a technology
component as well as flexibility. Thus, social media can be termed as an internet-based way to
issue or broadcast digital content that readers can fully interact with. It lets people communicate
fascinating and informative content. They can create new friendships, express their views and
opinions, and even create new identities. Social media also exposes students to a new way of
learning. Research has shown that students who are frequent users of social media are more
innovative and exhibit better memory. It can also have a detrimental impact on society as a
whole. Social media affects students through social media networks.
Impact of Social Media on Society

Social Media means websites and applications that facilitate users to fashion and share
content or to participate in social networking. In today's world, social media plays an important
role in impacting our culture, our economy and our overall view of the world. Social media is a
new medium that brings people to exchange ideas, link people and offer guidance. Social media
remains indifferent to the communication barriers and created dispersed communication channel
and open the door for all to have an expression and participate. It enables common interest based
group such as students to work in a collaborative group projects outside of their class. It boosts
creativity and collaboration with a wide range of commentators on issues such as education, the
economy, politics, race, health, relationships. Although it has brought about many benefits,
allowing us to easily connect with friends and family around the globe, allowing us to break
down international borders and cultural barriers.

Social Media can be used in Teaching/Learning Process

Social media and technology are vital parts of daily life and it helps social interaction and
remains an effective tool for teaching and learning especially in higher education. It enables


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

students to be connected to information and generate a dialogue with their teacher and other
student with regard to their respective subjects. Social network serves as a great tool for
engagement and two-way communication, but given the nature of this two-way communication,
there lies significant risks of being associated with inappropriate use. As communication and
information travel faster and faster, the world seems to get smaller and smaller resulting in
severe obsession with social media networks. . Social media networks give us the opportunity to
share thoughts and ideas with extensive viewers. Social media upholds self-directed learning,
which organizes students to make decisions independently and to propagate better results and to
create precarious alertness.

How Learning is Improved by Using Social Media in Education

Today, both social media and technology have become an essential part of our lives.
Students make use of various online tools to mark different requirements. It is appropriate to
state that social media and education goes hand in hand in the modern world. Here is some of the
educational approaches and benefits of social media to improve the academic performance of

Communication and Collaboration

The major advantage of social media is an improved and direct communication tool
among students, teachers and parents. It suggests different ways to be used in the class rooms
from sharing messages to holding live lectures. Social media can be used directly in the
classroom. Facebook can be the flawless social media platform to incorporate into the classroom
in order to show alerts and updates concerning the classes. Facebook Groups are the perfect
―home base,‖ exclusively for an online course and can make it easy to connect with student.
These groups can be created mainly by instructors so as to stream live lectures, post questions
and reminders for holding discussion, assign homework and make class announcements. Twitter
can be utilized as a discussion board or message board for a class. Teachers can generate a single
Twitter handle per class and reuse it every year. Teachers can make of use Twitter to post
reminders for assignment due dates or share inspiring quotes and supportive links to practice
puzzles or resources. Teachers can also create a specific hash tag for the purpose of twitter chats.
Instagram can be used by students to present a series of photos or graphics in a visually attractive


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Instagram allows students to practice digital storytelling in ways that other social media
platforms may fall short. A student gets associated with anyone at any point in time through Kids
Messenger or What Sapp. They also make use of various platforms by means of their smart
phone, tablet or computer, and students have a great access to exchange questions, make phone
calls or video calls. It is an influential medium which benefits students to fix up the issues
concerning homework even without the presence of teachers. Social media enhances learning as
well as documents by the use of Google Drive Box, Google Docs.
Finding Concrete Information Online

Numerous websites and social media networks deliver plenty of information that benefits
students. In fact they can explore answers to their questions depending on their interests. Blog
posts can be written in order to provide students another opening for digital content in which
they can easily have connection to class social channels. Word Press, Square Space, Blogger,
Tumblr or Medium, are different available platforms wherein teachers can create a class blog. In
fact Students can create their own user accounts to make discussion posts or add comments on
class prompts. The course syllabus and any assignments, updates and resources can be also
shared on a blog as a central location as well. Blogs are reckoned to be another strategy
employed to help the students generate in their own blog for essays or short-form writing. As a
semester- or year-long assignment it can improve students‘ short-form writing and critical
thinking. Pinterest is a great social media platform meant for teachers to prepare lesson plans and
worksheets for their classes in one place and to organize resources. It can also Create boards
according to class or subject, and create sub-topic boards for weekly units or all worksheets. In
fact it can also be beneficial for students to create a digital bibliography for research projects,
papers or group assignments. Students can title websites, books or videos to a board on a single
topic and refer back to it when it is required. Schools also create a website so that it is easy for
parents and students to have access to the profile and to navigate the directory of the students
being stocked in one place by the institution. In short social media links can be included on a
school website in order to follow the proceedings of the institution having accessed by the
parents and students. School website can also think of displaying the photos and events of the
extracurricular activities so as to attract students and parents to the organization.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Parental Involvement
Social media support the parents to be involved in the learning of children. It also assists
the parents to be updated to the occurrence of school related activities, projects through the
school‘s Twitter or Facebook. The school teachers can get in touch with the parents in case of
sharing the children‘s academic and personal progress by means of Skype or other secure online
platforms being used by the organization. In fact it also facilitates parents to be informed
concerning school matters, learning, and education by way of What Sapp or Facebook

Improved Literacy, Communication, and Reading Skills

It is generally perceived that students are fed up with reading and writing, however, the
internet and social media afford sufficiently online information full of animation which would
eventually lead the students to develop the habit of reading. Online messages, comments, news,
articles, and books provide a ceaseless list of information to be read, and students are highly
motivated to devote their time and put some additional efforts towards their learning. Such
online undertakings add colour to the learning of children and kids eventually improve reading
habits resulting in a drastic improvement in their writing abilities. Social media sites are
interactive and enhance student‘s involvement.
Distance Learning Opportunities
Another unlimited advantage of social media in education is distance learning
opportunities. There are many students who are unable to acquire proper education by attending
regular classes in an educational organization. With the help of various online tools along with
social media, modern instructors are able to entice students through distance learning programs.
Quickly, this will be an intimate and integral part of our modern education system. Today,
presenting live lectures by means of Skype or webinars through Webinar Jam is the modern
technique being adopted to aid the students who live in isolated areas of the world to access
education. In fact we can claim that social media platforms, facilitating free voice and video
calls, the sharing of documents, links and any other type of information can be highly effective in
refining the academic performance and students learning.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The Advantages of Social Media

Though Social Media has not been easy to stay in touch with family members and friends
yet it expresses its amazement in the social media platform of Facebook‘s capabilities. Social
Media is one of the superlative ways to find and interact with new people having the same
interests and allows you to seek out groups being focused towards your own interests and
hobbies. Social media is a great way to spread news quickly across the globe, with tweets
receiving tens of thousands of re-tweets in minutes. It is highly useful when updating individuals
on important information such as weather updates and missing children. Social media is also a
great way to catch international criminals and terrorists, as anyone with a social media profile
can be tracked and located. This can be highly beneficial when it comes to solving and
preventing crimes

Disadvantages of Social Media

In fact information can be spread to millions of people in a very short amount of time.
This can cause severe misinformation and panic among viewers and thus ends up in creating fake
news. Cyber bullying is a huge issue caused by social media leading to issues, especially for the
younger generation as users can experience wounding and frightening messages. Social media
can be used by terrorist groups to spread hate about certain groups of individuals, but also
misguide individuals to join groups. Social media can become extremely addictive. This
addiction can lead to a fall in productivity, even limits the progress of the individual.


Social networks authorize students and educational institutions with opportunities to

progress teaching-learning process. They can establish discussions associated to their subjects
or class assignments on social media platforms. Social media therefore helps both teachers and
students to remain connected off campus. Social network tools afford students and institutions
with multiple opportunities to improve learning methods. Through these networks,
you can incorporate social media plugins that enable sharing and interaction.
Students can benefit from online tutorials and resources that are shared through social networks.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The use of social media in education helps students, teachers and parents to get more
useful information, to connect with learning groups and other educational systems that
make education convenient. Social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple
opportunities to improve learning methods.

1. Educational Technology Tools Educational Technology Trends Modern Learners Social


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


M.Ed First Year,
Sivanthi College of Education,

Every individual is bought up in an environment where he learns the moral values

which suits to the society he lives. These moral values vary from one person to another based on
the environment he grows up. Some moral values are common to all the society whereas some
vary based on their life style. Social media has become like the second brain of man. So,
individual‘s thinking also varies based on the social media. Let us see in detail about the impact
of social media on moral values of an individual.

Moral Values

Moral values are said to be values that govern self and others. The great moral values
such as truth, freedom, charity, empathy is in common. When they are followed properly, the life
is said to be meaningful and purposeful as it ensures comfort of self and surrounding. But the
moral values vary from one person to another based on the environment the individual grows.
Some moral values which are considered to be a bad practice in one society might be acceptable
in the other society because every individual has his own value.

Status of Moral Values Due to Interference of Social Media

The factors influencing the moral values are as follows: -

 Change in interaction pattern

 Increase in violence
 Lack of respect
 Inappropriate content
 Inappropriate knowledge to the content

Change in Interaction Pattern


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

This social media has built a wide platform which has made a drastic change in the
interaction pattern of the individual. The communication arising now a days is unethical and
anybody in the social media platform could respond to the content irrespective of the age.

Increase in Violence

Social media makes the information trending and spreads worldwide within fraction of
second. There are millions of people who rely on social media to the great extent. It provokes
violence in the minds of youngsters without understanding the actual problem. Sometimes it also
causes enmity.

Lack of Respect

Social media has not only shrunk the world but also the broad minds of people. The people
who know something from social media are in a hurry to pour out their emotions in the form of
comments. They lag in the basic moral value called respect when they comment on a content
which is not really true. Using foul language in the comments is in its core nowadays.

Inappropriate Content

The contents in the social media are always not appropriate. There is so many fake news
which gives rise to innumerable problems that could not be resolved easily. It even induces
discrimination against gender, caste, creed.

In Appropriate Knowledge to the Content

The individuals who are active in social media cannot be controlled by limited access to
the content. Hence, we are always not sure that they have clear knowledge of the content. There
are so many age-appropriate contents which is displayed in all the age group‘s social media
platform. Inappropriate knowledge leads to various problems which cannot be resolved quickly.

Popular Social Media Tools and Their Role in Inculcating Moral Values

Let us see in detail about a few social media tools like: -

 Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Memes Page, and Instagram



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social media is a powerful tool in the hands of public to motivate the members of society
todo and think positive for society. If positive activities are shown to the public by socialmedia
and neglects anti-social behavior then may be positive impact on the mind of membersof the
society. In addition, our great educationists, social, political and religious leadersshould come
front and should participate in social media in developing values directly andindirectly.


1. Adelabu, O (2011). The role of social media in democratic mobilization in Nigeria.

2. Aggarwal,JC(2005) Education for values, Environment and Human Rights, Delhi:Shipra
3. Asemah E.S., &Deegan, L.O.N. (2012). Social media and insecurity in Nigeria: A critical
4. Bhardwaj Tilak Raj(1999) Education of Human Values, NewDelhi: Mittal Publication.
5. Boyd, D. M. (2010). Social network sites as networked publics: Affordances, dynamics
andimplications. In Z. Papacharissi (Ed.), A networked self: Identity, community, and
culture onsocial network sites. New York: Routledge.
6. Chan, K., & Cia, X. (2009). Influence of television advertising on adolescents in China:
an urban rural comparison. Young Consumers, 10 (2), 133-145
7. Jamwal, B.S (2016) Erosion of values, an international peer Reviewed& Reffered
Scholarly Research
8. Sharma Y.K. & Katoch Kuldeep S. (2007) Education for values, environment and Human


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. A. Senthil Raja Dr. U. Pandian

Asst. Professor Asst. Professor & Guide
Sri Vinayaga College of Education Department of Educational Technology
Ulundurpet - 606107 Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University Chennai - 600097

Social Media

A set of websites and applications that enable users for making as well as sharing
anything for participating in social networking is called social media. It is not just only limited to
posting vacation snaps online. It is an interactive computer – mediated technology for sharing of
various ideas, information, career interests, and other forms of expression through apparent
communities & worldwide network. It has gained plausibility as a definitive source of
information over several years. It is a platform where organizations can interact with their
Utilization of Social Media
It has become an invaluable tool not only for communication and marketing but also in
the field of education as well. Generally, students use social media to share and get instant quick
information, reviews &solutions to their problems. Social media has gained superior credibility
as a trusted source of information and a platform where organizations can interact with their
audiences. With the use of social media, teachers can improve their technical skills and students
will involve in studies. It provides a good collaboration in the classroom while making better
communication skills with students.
Popular Social Media Sites
1. Facebook, 2. Twitter, 3. Blogs, 4. YouTube 5. Instagram 6. Google Docs

Positive Impacts

Social media did make the world a smaller place, now we have more information, more
knowledge, and have better opportunities to use it. Social media improved our ability to absorb
information, what would have seemed to be over whelming to someone 20 years ago is normal to
us, we have


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Google and education, Google has helped over 20million student in their education using
their tools.
 By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more
familiarity with computers and other electronic devices.
 Talents got discovered faster, students who were good at programming got their name out
their easily, student who were good in music, got their videos out and shared leading
them to their dreams.
 A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media
which brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
 The ease with which a student can customize their profile makes them more aware of
basic aspects of design and layout that are not often taught in schools.
 The ease and speed with which users can upload pictures, videos or stories has resulted in
a greater amount of sharing of creative works. Being able to get instant feedback from
friends and family on their creative outlets helps students refine and develop their artistic
abilities and can provide much needed confidence or help them decide what career path
they may want to pursue.
Negative Impacts
 Diminishes Understanding and Thoughtfulness
 Causes Face to Face Interactions to Feel Disconnected.
 Lacks Emotional Connection.
 The social networking creates the virtual world, that is drastically differ from the reality.
 Decreases Face to Face Communication Skills Conveys Inauthentic Expression of

According to the above study we came to know the various positive and negative impacts
of social media on education or students. It is very important to overcome this problem. How can
parents alleviate the negative aspects of social media while improving upon the positive results?
Moderating their access to social media is one excellent method. Most of the negative aspects
can be overcome by reducing the amount of time spent on social network sites. Paying attention
to their academic progress and addressing any issues will go a long way towards keeping the
negative aspects of social media from influencing their studies. Provide ample time for face-to-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

face social interaction, like having some family leisure time in which you discuss their studies in
a relaxed atmosphere or inviting friends and family over for get-together, providing fun, face-to-
face social interaction with loved ones. All this we help us to reduce the Negative impact of
social media on the students which will in turn benefit our young generation.

1. De Laat, M.; Lally, V.; Lipponen, L.; Simons, R.J. 2007. Online teaching in networked
learning communities: A multi-method approach to studying the role of the teacher. Instr.
Sci. 35, 257–286.
2. Islam,MMazharul 2015. ―Social factors influence academic performance: Study‖, Oman
Observer, Sunday 19th, April.
3. Greenhow, C. &Robelia, E. 2009. Old communication, new literacies: Social network
sites as social learning resources. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication.
4. Lin, H. T. & Yuan, S. M. (2006). ―Taking blog as a platform of learning re!ective
journal‖. ICWL, 2006
5. Rutherford, C. (2010). ―Using Online Social Media to Support Pre service Student
Engagement‖. Journal of online learning and teaching
6. Syamala Devi .K (2019) Role of Social Media in Teaching – Learning Process JETIR
January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1
7. Teclehaimanot, B., & Hickman, T. 2011. Student-teacher interaction of Facebook: What
students find appropriate. TechTrends, 55(3), 19-30.
8. The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New Generation By Khaama
Press - Wed Nov 19 2014
9. (retrieved on


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr. Meena S
Assistant Professor
SCERT Kerala . and Dr. Asha T. Chacko, Scientific Officer
Department of Demography, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.

Cyber world is the virtual world that comprises computer, mobile phones and services
like internet. A person who is a member of the cyber world can be designated as a cyber citizen.
Social media is a part of cyber media. Social media has been defined as ‗ forms of electronic
communication ( such as websites for social networking and micro blogging) through which
users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other
content ( such as video).‖ High profile social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram given the emerging popularity of instant messaging services, such as WhatsApp,
Facebook Messenger and Snapchat. Since the birth of social media in the new millennium,
significant concerns have been raised about its impact on young people‘s wellbeing. Social
media has become a powerful medium to communicate and navigate in social circles. It also
provides an excellent platform for news sharing, creativity display, and learning. Social media
allows teens to share their knowledge about various aspects of life and culture, which make them
feel valued and important. Hence, the present study intends to find out the relationship between
involvement in cyber world and mental health of adolescent students in Kerala. The study is
conducted among adolescent students at higher secondary level.

Objectives of the Study

 To find out the extent of involvement in cyber world by adolescent students.
 To find out the pattern of involvement in cyber world by adolescent students.
 To assess the level of mental health of adolescent students.
 To compare the difference in involvement in cyber world of adolescent students for
the subsamples such as Class, Management, Locale, Gender, and Stream of subject.
 To compare the difference in mental health of adolescent students for the subsamples
such as Class, Management, Locale, Gender, and Stream of subject


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 To find out the relationship between the extent of involvement in cyber world and
mental health of adolescents for the total sample and various subsamples such as
gender, locale, management and stream of subject.
 To find out the relationship between the pattern of involvement in cyber world and
mental health of adolescents for the total sample and subsamples such as gender,
locale, management and stream of subject.
Data and Methods
The study intends to find out the relationship between involvement in cyber world and
mental health of adolescent students at higher secondary level. For that, the Investigator adopted
Survey method. A sample of 2338 students from 21 higher secondary schools of 9 districts of
Kerala State was selected for the conduct of the study. An ‗internet usage scale‘ prepared and
validated by SCERT and a cyber world awareness test were used for the study. Strength and
difficulty questions was borrowed and administered to find out mental health of adolescent
students. Uni- variate and Bi variate analysis are conducted. Chi-square test, 't' test and F test
are also used to analyse and interpret the data. The following figure presents the conceptual
framework of the study.
Analysis and Findings
Sample selected for the study consisted of 2338 adolescent students selected from the
districts Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Idukki, Wayanad, Malappuram,
Kannur and Ernakulam giving due representation to Class, Management, Locale, Gender, and
Stream of subjects. The extent of Involvement in Cyber world by adolescent students found that
a great majority (94.2%) of adolescent students use cyber world.
Extent of total involvement area of cyber world by adolescent
It was found that a great majority of adolescent use cyber world (94.2%). Majority of
adolescent students use cyber world for watching movies (71.5%). Comparatively higher
percentage of students uses WhatsApp and YouTube (64.8%, 58.8%).
Duration of usage of different areas of cyber world
The extent of usage of different areas of cyber world is higher for watching movies.
Higher per cent of students use WhatsApp (2.63 hrs), Instagram(2.56hrs) Face book (2.03hrs)
Linked In(2.25hrs), You Tube(2.41hrs), and for playing games (2.98hrs).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Overall usage of cyber world

The overall usage of cyber world is found to be more during weekends compared to
Association of overall usage of cyber world by adolescents with subsamples
There is no significant difference in the overall usage of cyber world in sub samples
based on class and management. The overall usage of cyber world differs significantly among
rural and urban students as well as among boys and girls. The overall usage is higher among
boys, and among students from rural areas. There is significant difference in the overall usage of
cyber world among students under different streams. The Humanity stream has the highest
overall usage followed by Commerce and Science. (mean scores of overall usage for Humanity
students = 12.8, Commerce = 10.9 and Science= 9.3 ,F=12.11, p<0.01)
The purpose of involvement in cyber world by adolescent students
Students preferred to use cyber world mostly for entertainment (79.4%) which is
followed by academic purpose (56.7%).
Practice of internet use by adolescents
Majority of students using cyber world have good awareness on the ill effects of using it
and they are having good practices related to the use of cyber world. At the same time, a meagre
percentage of students use to visit abusive sites, secretly record pictures and keep porn messages.
Association of overall practice of internet in different levels with selected variables
There is no significant difference in the overall practice of internet among rural and urban
students, but there exists significant difference in the practice of cyber world among XI and XII
standard students, govt and aided school students, boys and girls and students belonging to
various streams of subject such as Science, Commerce, Humanities.
Awareness of Adolescent Students on Cyber World in Different Levels
Only half of students have good awareness on cyber world (50.9%) which is followed by
students having moderate awareness (34.8%) and 14.3% of students have poor awareness on
cyber world. A great majority (89.3%) of students know the existence of cyber cell in every
district in Kerala and it is offensive to use the personal information of others without their
permission. Majority of the students are aware about cyber bullying and Phishing, around half of
students are aware of spoofing and online grooming.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Association of awareness of adolescent students on cyber world with selected variables

It is found that Class of the students, type of management, locale, gender and stream of
subjects are associated with the awareness of students on cyber world. Students belonging to XII,
aided school, rural schools, females and students of Humanities have higher awareness on cyber
world compared to their counter parts.
Levels of mental health of adolescents
From the analysis it is found that considerable percentage of students belongs to
abnormal and borderline in emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer
problems, and pro- social behavior..
Association of mental health in different levels with selected variables
Chi- square test showed that class, locale and gender of the students and the level of
mental health are not associated factors. An association is seen between the level of mental
health and management, and stream of subjects.
Relationship between the extent of involvement in cyber world and mental health of
The variable extent of involvement in cyber world has three dimensions in this study such
as overall usage of cyber world, practice internet use and awareness of adolescent students on
cyber world. The variable mental health of adolescents has two dimensions such as overall
difficulty and impact supplement.
Correlation between the extent of involvement in cyber world and mental health
There is low positive relationship between the extent of involvement of adolescents in
cyber world and overall difficulty. There is positive relationship between extent of involvement
in cyber world and impact supplement. It is inferred that there is negative relationship between
the overall usage of cyber world and overall difficulty for class XI students, govt school students,
rural school students and science students whereas there is negligible positive relationship
between overall usage of cyber world and overall difficulty for class XII school students, aided
school students, urban students, boys and girls, Commerce and Humanities students. There is
negative relationship between practice of internet use and overall difficulty for class XI and XII
students, govt and aided school students, for rural and urban school students and for Science,
Commerce and Humanities students. There is negative relationship between awareness on cyber


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

world and overall difficulty for all the subsamples indicating that awareness on cyber world
tends to decrease the overall difficulty.
It is inferred that there is positive relationship between overall usage of cyber world and
impact supplement for class XI and XII students, for aided, urban and rural students, female
students and Science and Humanities whereas there exist negative relationship among students of
govt schools, boys and students of Commerce. There is negative relationship between practice of
internet use and impact supplement for all the subsamples such as class, management, locale,
gender and stream of subjects. There is negative relationship between awareness on cyber world
and impact supplement for all the subsamples indicating that awareness on cyber world tends to
decrease the impact supplement.
As per the study it seen that majority of the students are aware of the existence of cyber
cell and the various undesirable practices involved in cyber world such as Phishing and cyber
bullying etc and they are having good practices to related to use of cyber world. At the same
time meagre percent of students visit abusive sites secretly keep porn message. The use of cyber
world is found to be higher during weekends than weekdays which is evident in all subsamples.
It is evident from the study that the mental health of majority students measured in terms of
emotional behaviour peer problems is found to be normal. Relationship between the extent of
involvement in cyber world and mental health of adolescent students is found to be negligibly


1. Zhang, L. J., & Qin, T. L. (2018). Validating a questionnaire on EFL writers‘

metacognitive awareness of writing strategies in multimedia environments.
In Metacognition in language learning and teaching (pp. 171-192). Routledge.
2. Duman, B., & Semerci, Ç. (2019). The Effect of a Metacognition-Based Instructional
Practice on the Metacognitive Awareness of the Prospective Teachers. Universal Journal
of Educational Research, 7(3), 720-728.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. P. Chitra Mrs. M .Tamiltharagai

Research Scholar Research Scholar
Department of pedagogical sciences
TNTEU, Chennai -600 097

First, let‘s talk about the different ways that social media can be used directly in the
classroom. There are many social media tools for education that can be taken advantage of for
students of any age, from elementary all the way through college.
Use a Facebook
Facebook can be the perfect social media platform to incorporate into the classroom.
Instead of putting instructors and students alike through a new learning curve when dealing with
a traditional online classroom dashboard, stick to something everyone already knows.
Have students follow the class‘s Facebook Page and the instructor can use it to post class
updates, share homework assignments and encourage discussion.
Even if a student isn‘t active on Facebook, these Pages are still accessible when signed
out. However, keep in mind Facebook Page are public and anyone with a Facebook account can
comment on the posts.
Use a Facebook Group to stream live lectures and host discussions.

Instructors can also create Facebook Groups for each of their classes both public or
private and stream Facebook Live lectures, post discussion questions, assign homework and
make class announcements. Keep students engaged during school breaks or snow days by
posting reminders and assignment to avoid having to review once class resumes from the break.
When using social media for education, it‘s important to ensure a professional boundary, so
when setting up a Facebook Group, teachers do not need to send friend requests. Email both
parents and students a direct link to the Facebook Group for access. Groups are the perfect
―home base,‖ especially for an online course and can make it easy to connect with student.
Use Twitter as a class Message Board
Twitter can be great as a discussion board or message board for a class. Teachers can
create a single Twitter handle per class and reuse it every year, or they can create a new handle
each school year. The 280 character limit makes students think critically on communicating
concisely and effectively, a beneficial skill to develop.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Teacher can use Twitter to post reminders for assignment due dates or share inspirational
quotes and helpful links to practice quizzes or resources.
Teacher can also create discussions and Twitter chats surrounding a specific hashtag that
they create.
Use Instagram for Photo Essays

In a visual heavy class, students can use Instagram to present a series of photos or
graphics in a visually appealing manner. Instagram allows students to practice digital storytelling
in ways that other social media platforms may fall short.Students can create class-specific
Instagram accounts and may delete them after the course is over if they so choose.
Create a class blog for Discussions
Writing blog posts gives students another outlet for digital content that they can then
easily link back to class social channels. There are many different platforms available, such as
WordPress, SquareSpace, Wix, Blogger, Tumblr or Medium, where teachers can create a class
blog. Students can create their own user accounts to make discussion posts or add comments on
class prompts.
The course syllabus and any assignments, updates and resources can be shared on a blog
as a central location as well.
Assign Blog Posts as Essays
Having students create in their own blog for essays or short-form writing is another
strategy for combining social media and learning. Blogs as a semester- or year-long assignment
can improve students‘ short-form writing and critical thinking. Have students respond to weekly
prompts, making it as informal and loosely structured as possible. Don‘t feel limited to just an
English or writing class; this use of social media in eduction can be transferred across all
Create a Class-Specific Pinterest Board
Instructors can create Pinterest boards for each of their classes and save pins that are
relevant to lessons. Pinterest is a great social media platform for teachers to use to prepare and
organize resources, lesson plans and worksheets for their classes in one place. Create boards
according to class or subject, and create sub-topic boards for weekly units or all worksheets.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Pinterest can also be useful for students to curate a digital bibliography for research
projects, papers or group assignments. Students can pin websites, books or videos to a board on a
single topic and refer back to it when it‘s time to write.
Create Interest-Based Facebook Groups
Many people want to be involved in their schools even after they leave—especially
university alumni. Creating Facebook Groups for current students and alumni can increase
engagement and school spirit.
Alumni groups, groups for different graduating classes or departments, and groups for
different extracurriculars allows students to engage and meet others with common interests.
Groups can be closed or secret, meaning that they‘re only viewable by invitation or by
the approval of a group admin, or they can be open so that potential students can check out the
types of conversations and events these groups are having before requesting to join.
Create a Social Media Crisis Strategy
How would you communicate to the entire campus during an emergency? Whether it‘s a
fire, tornado or other immediate campus emergency, determine how your school will incorporate
social media into their crisis communication plan. Keep parents and students updated on the
situation by sharing information about the crisis and if authorities are involved.
Many campuses have automated messaging alerts set up, but using social media will keep
even more people updated and informed.
Manage Your Accounts All Under One Roof
Social media marketing for your school or university should focus exclusively on making
your school seem like the best option for prospective students or parents. All you need is a social
media management tool that makes it easy for you to publish content for each of your school‘s
social media platforms. A tool like Sprout Social can help make social media management a
breeze, regardless of whether you‘re a solo marketer or a full marketing department. Multiple
users can use the Sprout platform to create content with consistent messaging and schedule posts
across all networks. Sprout allows you to also monitor and manage multiple accounts across
different networks, which is ideal for educational institutions. Each department or teacher at your
school might have their own separate social media accounts for specific information, and a social
media management tool can help you ensure the right posts are going out on each of these


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

accounts. And if there is news or content relevant to multiple departments, Sprout allows users to
share the same content across multiple profiles with a single click.
Are you ready to try these tips for using social media for education settings? There are
many different uses for social media in the classroom and in education marketing, and it‘s time
to embrace them!
Take some of these ideas for a test drive, and sign up for a free Sprout Social trial to help
you manage it all.




ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. S. Gomathi, Ph. D scholar

Sri Sarada College of Education for Women,
Definition of Social Media
Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts,
and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. By design, social
media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content. Content
includes personal information, documents, videos, and photos. Users engage with social media
via computer, tablet or smart phone via web-based software or web application, often utilizing it
for messaging. (Maya .E. dollar hide, sep 6,2020).

Teaching is the profession of those who give instruction, especially in an elementary
school or a secondary school or in a university.

Social Media with Methods of Teaching

The Authority, or Lecture Style
The authority model is teacher-centered and frequently entails lengthy lecture sessions or
one-way presentations. Students are expected to take notes or absorb information.

In this format the teacher send the recorded video to the particular student and mute the
audio, teacher only interact with in the session.
The Demonstrator or Coach Style
The demonstrator retains the formal authority role by showing students what they need to
know. The demonstrator is a lot like the lecturer, but their lessons include multimedia
presentations, activities, and demonstrations. (Think: Math. Science. Music.) Social media
involves major part with multimedia.

The Facilitator or Activity Style

Facilitators promote self-learning and help students develop critical thinking skills and retain
knowledge that leads to self-actualization. Individual apps are downloaded in this format. Like
Buyjus app, vedanti, some academic coaching app, in higher level SWAYAM.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The Delegator or Group Style

The delegator style is best suited for curricula that require lab activities, such as
chemistry and biology, or subjects that warrant peer feedback, like debate and creative writing.
Create a group with the help of social media and instruct the students.(face book, what‘s app)
The Hybrid, or Blended Style
Hybrid, or blended style, follows an integrated approach to teaching that blends the
teacher‘s personality and interests with students‘ needs and curriculum-appropriate methods.
Now a days, online classes are done in the style of teaching. Online and class room technology
usage classes, smart phone help learning classes are well in the blended style.
―Learning is the relatively permanent change in a person‘s knowledge or behavior due to
experience. This definition has three components: 1) the duration of the change is long-term
rather than short-term; 2) the locus of the change is the content and structure of knowledge in
memory or the behavior of the learner; 3) the cause of the change is the learner‘s experience in
the environment rather than fatigue, motivation, drugs, physical condition or physiologic

 Auditory and Musical Learners

 Visual and Spatial Learners
 Verbal Learners
 Logical and Mathematical Learner
 Physical or Kinesthetic Learner
 Social and Interpersonal Learner
 Solitary and Intrapersonal Learner

Teaching – Learning Process

Teaching- learning is continuous process. It‘s not taking any end. It is the backbone of
developed country. It will give more awareness to all the fields. It will give understanding
capacity, skill development human resource in the country.

 You Tube Channels

 Facebook
 WhatsApp


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Advantages of Social Media

The world is in our hand. It is time savings for teaching- learning process. Not highly
economical issues. Easy to communicate for others. Very fast communication. Good things
spread immediately. Create a interest of learning as well as teaching. Some problems are get
solution for in time. Reduce the distance of global. Example India to America face to face
interaction without social media is high. With the social media communication distance is 0.
Result is 100.
Disadvantages of Social Media
In our educational psychology tell in our children affect mental stress in technology.
Because teachers and students are not spend the time to communicate with face to face is less
time. All are more interested in smart phones. For example in our families four members have
four phones talking with online chat only. Useful chat is less. Unwanted chats are more. Basic
discipline is less in the online.

All the scientific inventions are discovered to good things only. It‘s not a invention
problem. All are using correct way get fruitful and useful benefits. Our mind and environment
make a person perfect. So you are the creator of you with the help of education modify your
character and update the current knowledge with the help of social media. Use good things only,
make a wonderful character you are.


1. Carr and Hayes (2015) published a rather interesting article defining social media in such
a way it would stick until 2035:)
2. Carr, C.T. & Hayes, R.A. (2015). Social Media: Defining, Developing, and Divining,
Atlantic Journal of Communication, 23:1, 46-65, DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2015.972282
3. Maria Isabel, Jose Gomez (2016),Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
and Pre-Service Education Professionals: A Case Study of Motivation and
4. Kuru Gönen, S. İ. (2019). A qualitative study on a situated experience of technology
integration: reflections from pre-service teachers and students. Computer Assisted
Language Learning, 32(3), 163-189.
5. Brown, A. L., Myers, J., & Collins, D. (2019). How pre-service teachers‘ sense of
teaching efficacy and preparedness to teach impact performance during student
teaching. Educational Studies, 1-21.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

6. Redmond, P., & Lock, J. (2019). Secondary pre-service teachers‘ perceptions of

technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): What do they really
think?. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3).
7. Husmann, P. R., & O'Loughlin, V. D. (2019). Another nail in the coffin for learning
styles? Disparities among undergraduate anatomy students‘ study strategies, class
performance, and reported VARK learning styles. Anatomical sciences education, 12(1),
8. Pantiwati, Y., & Husamah, H. (2017). Self and peer assessments in active learning model
to increase metacognitive awareness and cognitive abilities. Self and Peer Assessments in
Active Learning Model to Increase Metacognitive Awareness and Cognitive
Abilities, 10(4), 45-57.
9. Zhang, L. J., & Qin, T. L. (2018). Validating a questionnaire on EFL writers‘
metacognitive awareness of writing strategies in multimedia environments.
In Metacognition in language learning and teaching (pp. 171-192). Routledge.
10. Duman, B., & Semerci, Ç. (2019). The Effect of a Metacognition-Based Instructional
Practice on the Metacognitive Awareness of the Prospective Teachers. Universal Journal
of Educational Research, 7(3), 720-728.
11. Samsudin, D., & Hardini, T. (2019). the influence of learning styles and metacognitive
skills on students‘critical thinking in the context of student creativity
program. International Journal of Education, 11(2), 117-124.
12. Akben, N. (2020). Effects of the problem-posing approach on students‘ problem solving
skills and metacognitive awareness in science education. Research in Science
Education, 50(3), 1143-1165.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ms. Srivani Bottu

Assistant professor
Sri Aurobindo Institute of Education,

Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or
sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks.While challenges to the definition of social media arise due to the
broad variety of stand-alone and built-in social-media services currently available, there are
some common features.
Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered users,
include Facebook (and its associated Facebook Messenger), TikTok, WeChat, Instagram,Twitter,
and LinkedIn. Depending on interpretation, other popular platforms that are sometimes referred
to as social media services include YouTube, Telegram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber,,
Discord, Microsoft Teams, and more. Social media outlets differ from traditional media (e.g.,
print magazines and newspapers, and TV and radio broadcasting) in many ways, including
quality,reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence.Additionally, social media
outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system (i.e., many sources to many receivers), while
traditional media outlets operate under a monologic transmission model (one source to many
receivers). For example, a newspaper is delivered to many subscribers and a radio station
broadcasts the same programs to an entire city.Observers have noted a wide range of positive and
negative impacts of social media use. Social media can help to improve an individual's sense of
connectedness with real or online communities and can be an effective communication (or
marketing) tool for corporations, entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations, advocacy groups,
political parties, and governments.
1. Socialisation
With the use of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, how people socialise has
been greatly revolutionised. It has made it easy to connect to our family members, friends and
relatives on a real-time basis.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

With social media, people can share pictures and videos and communicate with their
close ones. This has strengthened relationships and it is bringing families together in a way that
was not possible in the past.Families, friends, relatives and businesses have the opportunity to
share skills and improve on different proficiencies. Additionally, people get to make and meet
new friends.
2. Business
Businesses have greatly been impacted by social media from marketing to interacting with
customers on a timely basis. A business that has embraced the use of social has a definite edge
over its competitors.The online platforms are a less expensive way for businesses to advertise
their offerings on a real-time basis and to attract more customers. It has made it easy for
businesses to reach out to a wider customer base and improve customer loyalty through different
programmes.Easy access to customers gives businesses the leverage to retain existing customers
as well as to attract more. This leads to great market share and greater profit margins and some
good bucks for businesses.Through interaction and feedbacks by businesses to their customers,
they can understand the market quickly and adopt new strategies, as well as conform to the
dynamic customer's tastes and demands.
3. Politics
Social media has impacted politics in many ways. Nowadays, it is where most people get their
news; in some cases, this is before the media houses do. It is the medium that gives the easiest
access to political and other news.These online platforms also allow people to air out their
political grievances to their political leaders and demand for actions to be taken. Its also a
medium where mass political rallies are formed, campaigns are carried out and even political
unrests are most felt.
4. Job hiring
Social media has impacted job recruitments significantly. The majority of companies make their
hiring decisions based on one's social portfolio. Recruiters also use online networks to post job
vacancies through which they get their ideal candidates.It has also made it easy for job seekers to
get access to job posts. This is evident on platforms like LinkedIn, where job seekers can create
their profile containing their skills and see what job opportunities recruiters are posting.
5. Education


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Many professions and skills have been built and learned through social media. There is a massive
increase in online learning where one can easily learn a skill and build a strong profession around
it. The existence of social media has led to an increase in the number of people undertaking
distance learning, as well as academic offerings such as writing services.
Advantages of Social Media for the Society
1:- Connectivity the first and main advantage of the social media is connectivity. 2:- Education
Social media has a lot of benefits for the students and teachers.
3:- Help You can share your issues with the community to get help and giddiness.
4:- Information and Updates The main advantage of the social media is that you update yourself
from the latest happenings around in the world.
5:- Promotion Whether you have an offline business or online, you can promote your business to
the largest audience.
6:- Noble Cause Social media can also be used for the noble causes.
8:- Helps Govt and Agencies Fight Crime It is also one of the advantages of the social media that
it helps Governments and Security Agencies to spy and catch criminals to fight crime.
9:- Improves Business Reputation Just like it can ruin any business reputation, It can also
improve business sales and reputation.
The Negative Impacts of Social Media
There are, however, negative impacts caused by social media.
Despite it being a platform through which we socialize, run our business and understand political
affairs, here are some negative results to take into consideration.
Through sharing personal information, one's privacy is at risk of impersonations, theft and
stalking among other vices. Nowadays, companies use social media to gauge job seekers.
Posting anything abusive or embarrassing could make you lose that job opportunities, because
'the internet never forgets'.
Negative Interpersonal Interactions
Social media use sometimes involves negative interactions between users.Angry or
emotional conversations can lead to real world interactions outside of the Internet, which can get
users into dangerous situations.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Sleep Disturbance
According to a study released in 2017 by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh,
the link between sleep disturbance and the use of social media was clear. It concluded that blue
light had a part to play and how often they logged on, rather than time spent on social media
sites, was a higher predictor of disturbed sleep, suggesting "an obsessive 'checking'".
Emotional Effect
One studied emotional effect of social media is 'Facebook depression', which is a type of
depression that affects adolescents who spend too much of their free time engaging with social
media sites.
Now a days people are uses the technology in different fields too much uses the
technology it leads the emotional imbalance. But technology use in meny sectors who has the
user use informatively it's benefit for them.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


M.Phil. Scholar, TNTEU, Chennai


Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts,
and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. Globally, there are
more than 3 billion social media users. It is an ever-changing and ever-evolving web-based
platform. According to the Pew Research Centre, social media users tend to be younger. Nearly
90 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 29 used at least one form of social media.
Further, these users tend to be better educated and relatively wealthy, or earning over $75,000
per year.

The figures for the most popular social media websites as of January 2019 are as follows:

1. Facebook (2.27 billion users as of January 2019)

2. YouTube (1.9B)
3. WhatsApp (1.5B)
4. Facebook Messenger (1.3B)
5. WeChat (1.08B)
6. Instagram (1B)
7. QQ (803M)
8. QZone (531M)
9. Douyin/Tik Tok (500M)
10. Sino Weibo (446M)

The Role of Social Media

Students can benefit from online tutorials and resources that are shared through social
network and LMS's. Just a few years ago, social networking meant little to educationalists than
the difficulty of defining learners for unsuitable activities on social media platforms like
Facebook, My Space etc. But now, teachers and students are using social networking sites at a


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

big level. Educationalists that backing up social networking in the education sector say it has
become so global. It is such a prevailing part of teens. At the same time, the parents and teachers
must note that high security must be maintained if a minor is making use of any social media
websites. There are great tips for keeping kids safe online which are for sure useful to all parents
nowadays. Here are some of the educational approaches and benefits of social media to improve
the academic performance of students.
Increases Students Collaboration

Social media provide a platform for learners to simply interact one another about school
assignment and projects. It becomes very important for students to stay connected to peers. They
can get to know many new people and start building new connections with them. Earlier it was
very difficult to get any information about famous personalities. Everyone had to just see them
on televisions and newspapers. After social media has come to the limelight it is very easy for
everyone to follow famous personalities and influential people. Hence, it has played a very
important role in connecting students to the people who they take aspiration from. It is an
operative method to upsurge students‘ engagement in the learning process and improve their
communication skills. The biggest advantage of social media is better communication. A student
can connect with anyone at any point in time via Kids Messenger or WhatsApp. They can use
such platforms via their smartphone, tablet or computer, and learners can exchange questions,
make phone calls or video calls. Children who hesitate to raise their hand in class may feel more
comfortable expressing themselves online platforms like Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. There
are some negative impacts of using social media but still, social media can be used for
educational purposes. So, it is suggested that do your research and make a plan before allowing
social media to your students in the classroom.
Acts as a Dwelling House of Information
Social media is a Wikipedia for students of today. It provides students with the ability to
get more useful information, to connect with learning groups and other educational systems that
make education convenient. Various websites and social media networks are providing plenty of
information that can be helpful to students. Depending on their interests, the students can find
answers to their questions. Sites, such as Tumblr and Pinterest, can offer children inspirations for
school projects or practical problem-solving. Social media websites contains the latest data on
various school subjects and thus, the students have the opportunity to survey and look into what


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

is new. Social media aids to enhance students‘ academic performance and increase their
knowledge through data and information gathering. Whenever students are given assignments
they go through various online platforms to collect information to make their assignments.
Improves Reading Skill
It is usually observed that students are bored of reading and writing, however, the internet
and social media provide plenty of online information which often students are more inclined to
read, especially if these pieces of information include eye-catching animations. Online messages,
comments, news, articles, and books provide an endless list of information to be read, and
students are motivated to devote their time and put some extra efforts towards their learning.
Such online activities contribute to the child's general learning, and kids eventually develop
stronger reading habits resulting in a drastic improvement in their writing abilities. Social media
sites are in the most part interactive and this definitely keeps the student involved.
Enhances Distance Learning Opportunities
Another great advantage of social media in education is distance learning opportunities.
There are many disadvantaged students who are not able to acquire formal education by
attending regular classes in an educational institution. With the help of various online tools along
with social media, modern educators are able to attract students through distance learning
programs. Soon, this will be an inseparable part of our modern education system. Today, hosting
live lectures via Skype or webinars via WebinarJam is the way forward to allowing students who
live in remote areas of the world to access education.
Bestows Global Exposure
Social media is a platform where people from all over the world can connect and interact
with each other. Through social media, students can promote any college festival and activities.
This is how you can ensure other students to participate in your college. You can also advertise
your art and craftwork on this platform. And it‘s also a good platform for fund raising. Social
media allows students to interact with people across the world, indeed they get immense
knowledge from it. They get to know about diverse culture present in the world. It includes their
culture, traditions, language, lifestyle, food, habits and many more interestingly beautiful things.
Seems to be a Tool for Teaching and Learning

There are many groups that students and teachers can join via online platforms that are
related to their course of study, demographics, school or college environment, etc. We can join


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

groups on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and others to access the quality information whenever
you are needed. Social media can be used as a teaching platform as well. We can upload your
teaching or academic video on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to educate students
across the world. It will help us get recognition worldwide and learners will get useful material
from you. The Internet is the jack of all trades. Practically, anything we need to know can be
found online. It can serve as an educational resource for students. Even without assistance from
parents and teachers, students can just look up their lessons online. We know there are various
news channels exist then why need to see news from social media? Students usually watch the
news on TV spending some time in front of it, but on social media, you can get instant
notification of news and if you find that particular news interesting you can click to see the
whole news otherwise you can skip. It will save you time.
Creates a Great Platform to All
Social media is a beautiful platform for students to express themselves. Many students
will be scared with the thought of what will happen if they express themselves. It helps students
to share their thoughts without any fear. Social media allows students to express in many ways,
like by posting photos, blogs, individual articles, videos, audio clips etc. This helps students to
come out of the box and explore their talents. Such events will identify the student‘s talents and
give them opportunities further in life. When compared to the earlier days it‘s very easy to
communicate with others now. This has become possible only with the help of social media.
Social media has helped us to do away with the old methods where students had to wait for an
opportunity to participate in an event and showcase their talents. From when social media has
come into picture it has given students a beautiful platform for them to express their innate
talents and skills to the world without any struggle. Thanks to mechanism like crowd funding,
students can also raise funds for their creative ideas. Many students have their own YouTube
channels where they upload videos. Based on the number of views they get payment. Many of
them even have their own blogs where they get to write and earn some money through that.
Example, Around the World is a blog written by a girl called Sush, who is basically from Delhi.
Provides Employment Opportunities
As we all know that academia gap, is one of the major issues students are facing
nowadays. In Spite of a student finishing his/her degree it‘s very difficult for them to get a job.
Social media helps them to grab opportunities. Many companies update about openings in their


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

social media accounts. Students following these companies on social media can apply by sending
them their resumes. LinkedIn is one such social media platform where students apply for
internships and jobs extensively. Social media helps students to research about the company and
get information about all the fields they are interested in. They can read the reviews and
comments posted by others and get an overall view of the company. The ratings given by others
are also very important for a company. Students can view on social media the ratings given to a
particular company. It helps students to be visible. Students can make themselves visible by
speaking up confidently and building good relations with everyone. Students can showcase their
talents on social media. They can post any of their projects or models which they have
constructed. They can even take instructions and help from senior lecturers and professors.
Students can take recommendations from their professors or people whom they know. Students
can showcase their GIT hub profiles also. For Example, Devendra Dora. These methods will help
the students in securing a job.
Social media is a great online learning platform for students. Everyone‘s life is changing
because of the evaluation of social media. It offers more opportunities to share knowledge and
experience in a fun and exciting way. Combining all of them together, it has gained a lot of
importance because of the drastic increase in the number of users. There is a general perception
that social media is a waste of time as it diverts the minds of school or college students. But it is
not so. Social media has become one of the biggest platform ever in history. Social media has
changed so many things.

Earlier people used to read the newspaper in the morning, but now everyone looks into
their social media accounts for updates. People‘s lifestyle is changing because of the evolution of
social media. Consequently, everyone is almost an addict to social media in one or the other way.
Above all, it is a wonderful place to interact with friends and peers. But if the same thing is used
in a wrong way then it becomes very disastrous. Hence, we should use social media up to a
limited extent but not beyond that.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


1. Appadurai, A 1996, Modernity at large: cultural dimensions of globalization, University

of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.

2. Breuer, A 2011, Democracy promotion in the age of social media: risks and
opportunities, Briefing Paper, Department ‗Governance, Statehood, Security‘, German
Development Institute

3. Castells, M 2009, Communication Power, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

4. Dahlgren, P 2009, Media and political engagement: citizens, communication, and

democracy, Cambridge University Press, New York.
5. Soltren, J 2005, Facebook: Threats to Privacy, MIT, Massachusetts.

6. Thorpe, I 2011, ‗8 Uses for social media in aid work‘, viewed 23 September 2011,

7. Wasserman, H 2007, ‗Is a new worldwide Web possible? An explorative comparison of

the use of ICTs by two South African social movements‘, African Studies Review, vol.
50, no. 1, pp. 109–131.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Research Scholar

To understand the contribution of social media for the development of the society, we
will have to look first what do we mean by a society and what are its role and function it plays on
the people who are related to the society. The society means the people in general, living
together in communities; it also means a group of people who join together for a particular
purpose such as drama society, The American Society of Newspaper Editors, etc. The following
‗Message‘ points out the role and function of an Ideal society in simple words:-

― Society always associates itself with functions of activities for serviceable culture,
invention and philanthropic welfare; for executing protection to life, peace and wealth;for
commerce with a serviceable interchange; for labor to well up; and when any of these
deteriorates and is dishonored, the entire system comes to cessation with a horrible panic ! "

[ Ref. The MESSAGE, P203, Satsang, Deoghar]

What we understand by ‗Media‘ and ‗Social Media‘?

Media means the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and
entertainment, that is television, radio and the newspapers, magazines, etc. and it influences large
number of people. Through social media networks our society are inter connected with each
other irrespective of religion, community, family, culture, education system, peer group, business
etc. The society constitute the people in general, living together in communities ; it also means
such groups who join together for a particular purpose. A person is called social who is
connected with activities in which people meet each other for a good cause and possess social
conscience. When we are talking that media influences large number of people, then we must
take care of those persons who are being influenced and what is the impact on them. Again it is
also worth consideration about the personality who constitute the media.

Persons are individuals who transcend their organic individuality in conscious social
participation. This growth from individuality to personality is a spiritual growth which


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

transforms mere householder, who is genetically limited in his or her sympathies and interests,
into a citizen whose sympathies and interests become nationwide, and also international, cutting
across all genetic and other limitations. The two steps, the first being individuality itself and the
second step in spiritual growth provide an awareness of one‘s individual identity, dignity and
worth—that makes for enlightened citizenship in a democracy.This attitudinal transformation,
this enlightened-citizenship attitude must invade the hearts and minds, in general, and also of all
the millions of employees of all our secretariats, banks and other public service institutions in
particular. This growth is much needed by all in our country, for, since several centuries, we
have degenerated in good householder but bad citizen.

We in India possess something special and the Indian society associated with Indian
culture has maintained high energy participating on matters of ethics, amidst abject poverty. An
average Indian possess a quality of struggling hard with existential issues..To maintain this spirit
of Indian societies we need a right balance of materialism and spiritualism, we need the right
proportion of human values and material development, we need the best of cultures from
classical orient and modern west. We need an ‗Ideal‘ Guide who possess the spirit of science and
spirituality, high sensitivity and creativity, humor and essence, passion and detachment and
everything that makes life valuable, meaningful and brings out the peak of excellence.

Further the social media need to work much in terms of human wellbeing index,
particularly with regard to primary education, basic health and nutritional provision. The Indian
society possess some notable features such as Indian family system, scientific marriage system
and adherence to some core spiritual values but lot of reforms and renovations need to be done in
these spheres.
Education is a vast field and needs deep thinking. By proper education there should be
modification of behavior of a child in a controlled environment. When we study the science of
behavior, we find that the child is born first and then educated. So education and environment
can unlock only what is inherent in man. An ideal education must take care of a child with love
and the family background along with co-ordination between head and heart. The main
objectives of education is to nurture and nourish the inherent instincts of the student and help
him/her to unfurl their potentiality through his/her habits behavior and conduct; in a word


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

through his/her character. The basic foundation of social development starts from parents in the
family. The parent‘s character and behavior and conduct plays an important role. Mother plays
the vital role over her children, so mother is called the best teacher of the infant and home is the
best seminary as well. This is not a new theory. This system was inherent in our ancient culture.
India inherits most ancient culture due to its education system which has enabled to survive all
disasters and catastrophes, even though many other civilization have disappeared. If we want to
go deep into the genesis of our education system in India, we will have to understand first what
is learning and why we need it. The characteristic of man is to expand himself towards better
existence and growth. He gets impulse from ‗Nature‘ and the surrounding environment and
learns a better living. This hankering of better living gave birth of an education system.
Education in India was at its climax and had achieved the highest degree of perfection and
success during the later Vedic period. Between 2000 BC to 200 BC, after the arrival of ‗Aryans‘
on Indian soil our ancient ― Gurukul system‖ of education attempted to get the highest truth of
acquiring ―Para Vidya‖, i.e. the knowledge beyond this material world. The saints and sages who
imparted knowledge to the learners were men of simple living and high thinking. They were men
of character, with great ideals, highly dedicated to the pursuit of learning. This ancient system
provided the base of a great civilization, sustained till date, ever evolving and modernizing with
the emerging currents of evolution. The talent and creativity which we find today in our learners
is the outcome of that seed of our great cultural heritage.

Object of Learning

A learner must know clearly the aim and purpose of his study. A vital learning is that
which can make a learner all rounder in experience which comes out through the keen
observation and active energetic urge of the learner. It can be achieved only when a learner
makes his study meaningful. Reading and meditating upon a thing with all its connotation and
adjust to make a true picture of the subject with all its creek and corner and discern that
thoroughly to have a clear conception of the subject. The study also requires to keep the memory
active with its remembrance and often write accurately. To make the study more meaningful it is
also required to perform successfully any adopted affair recalling the picturesque memory with
all its voice and voyage and distinctiveness and apply that according to the necessity. We need
such an education system which possesses all comprehensive, coordinated tackling and an


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

integrated, synthetic solution of day to day problems confronting individuals. There is a need of
full and definite programme for individuals and nations, for all those who aspire for freedom yet
unrealized in its truest sense by any system of education. We need such an environment which
rouses individuals by impulses keeping their consciousness awakened to achieve their Ideal. ‗An
object with impulses thereof carried through the seeing of one which promotes the being towards
perfection is one‘s Ideal.‘ [ page, 66; The Message, vol. 1]

The best possible education system is still a far cry even today in both the developed and
the developing countries. In every activity, it is ‗man‘ at the root. It is difficult to measure him
and very hard to get to know his true identity. The supernatural ability of man is a deep mystery.
Everyone who has been on the earth has to learn, learn and learn. Who will teach a learner?
There is a saying, ―those who have no freedom themselves cannot make others free!‖ A change
will come if we improve the inherent nature and culture of quality of a learner as well as the

The existing education system is still in a rut, requires creative sparks of innovation to
take it out of its burning problems and a genuine research. We need a revolutionary change. It
requires a quest for unifying India. We need the concept of ‗common Ideal‘ who is all fulfilling.
This common Ideal is above religion, though it defines religion. It is above political and
ideological divides, though it influences the mind of the people. It deals with the existential
issues of individual and society, therefore it is known as ‗existentialism.‘ It is scientific in the
sense that its premises are based on rational and experimented facts. It is modern in the sense that
it differentiates the relevant and utilitarian part of our culture from the ritualistic and
superstitious part. It encourages ‗can do‘ attitude rather than the reliance on fate and pre
determination. It focuses on transformation and evolution of human faculties, qualities and

A nation can only survive if we have trained ‗Ideal‘ teachers who does not possess the
charm that they are teachers. There should be no self praise in their character. The teacher should
possess a nature to find good in whatever he sees around him and he breeds this habit in his very
bones. His habit of speaking good to others transforms his nature good unconsciously. He never
praises others with a selfish motive. It helps to express one‘s independent opinion. This
independence is his true creative freedom. By doing so he tries to become what he potentially is


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

and he actualizes his being in his own-self. This enchanting existential influence emanates from
the personality of the teacher, only when he is actively engaged in following an ‗Ideal‘ Gide. If
the whole being of the teacher is upheld by a superior tension, his personality develops such a
magnetic power that the student cannot but feel attracted to him. Disobedience or indiscipline is
very undesirable on the part of students because the teacher himself is in the habit of disciplining
his undisciplined passions and complexes by following an ‗Ideal‘ with adherence and allegiance.
When we practice allegiance to the superiors, it is only then that we can expect our juniors to
obey us. The teachers who are worried over the indiscipline of the student- community should
deeply examine themselves in this regard.


There is no dearth of good social media system and ideas of a good education system in
our country but the real shortcoming is dearth of proper men behind the system. There is a
feeling in the society that to rebuild both the system there is a need of ― man making industry‖
where such persons can be evolved who possess conscience. Conscience is the knowledge—that
glows by coming in contact with any object, with the sensation of impulses which radiate
through one‘s senses, with a favorable or unfavorable reminiscence.

We are facing these days a dazzling deprivation due to such persons who seek fault and
pick it up around and so the society gets a blind and blackened reputation. There are persons who
wishes to be great and powerful, exerting scandals, and thus it is sure scandals will rise in power
to his dwindle. Again there are persons who are engaged in adultery. Adultery is a ungrateful
scar on the society. A message brings out the effect of adultery which everybody in the society
should take care. ―Be off from adultery--- not even think of it: it bifurcates the libido with an
ungrateful scar, and causes the brain--- from which the mind oozes down – to be fissured with
treachery and thus begets betrayal – the sin of all sins – the crime of all crimes.‖ [ p. 223, ibid.].
Further there are such leaders in the society who are said to be captain of whims without
responsibility and thus they lead to ruin.

In both the system, social media and education, there are powerful persons by fulfilling
their cravings to sucking the weak instead of nourishing them and so weakness stands extending
her jaws to the mighty with the thrilling power to devour. There are persons in the society who
possess and profess themselves to be noble and honorable but does not possess any acquisitions


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

to be so and thus cheats others to get credit, deprives and deteriorates himself, is a hypocrite –
the doll of ignorance !


1. Stein, A. H., & Friedrich, L. K. (1975). Impact of television on children and youth. In E.
M. Hetherington (Eds.), Review of child development research (pp. 183-256)..
2. Thompson, J. B. (1990). Ideology and modern culture: Critical social theory in the era of
mass communication. Cambridge: Polity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
3. Turner, C. W., Hesse, B. W., & Peterson-Lewis, S. (1986). Naturalistic studies of the
long-term effects of television violence. Journal of Social Issues, 42(3), 51-73.
4. Wartella, E., & Middlestadt, S. (1991). Mass communication and persuasion: The
evolution of direct effects, limited effects, information processing, and affect and arousal
models. In D. e. al. (Eds.), Persuasive communication and drug abuse prevention (pp. 53-
5. Wuebblen, P. L., Straits, B. C., & Schulman, G. I. (Ed.). (1974). the experiment as a
social occasion. Berkeley, Cal.: Glendessay Press. [76] Handbook of journalism & mass
communication (Vir Bala Agarwal,V.S.Gupta)


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


I.Kapil Kumar & Dr.P.Ganesan

PhD Research Scholar & Professor and Head, Department of Pedagogical Sciences, TNTEU.

Today, there are not merely medium of communication to keep in touch with old and new
friends but rather have become a public forum to voice opinions and mobilise people for a global
revolution. Popular social networking websites include Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter,
Orkut. The growth and impact of these websites at an exponential rate have attracted the cyber
offenders to commit cybercrimes in social media posing threat to privacy of individuals as well
as national security. National Investigation Agency through its sources has informed that every
sixth cybercrime in India is committed through social media. Social media have negative effects
on peoples' self- esteem and self-worth. People compare their own lives to the lives of their
friends through their friends' posts. People are motivated to portray themselves in a way that is
appropriate to the situation and serves their best interest. Often the things posted online are the
positive aspects of people's lives, making other people question why their own lives are not as
exciting or fulfilling. This can lead to depression and other self-esteem issues. The introduction
of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram has single handily
changed society and altered the way we view ourselves and other people. Take a walk down any
high street and around 70% of people will be on mobile devices or will be clutching one as if it
was a newborn child, leading experts to have serious concerns about the overall effect that
Facebook and other social media platforms are having on our lives. However, before we begin
slamming social media and casting judgment we should outline both the advantages and
disadvantages of social media.
Social Media

Social media is one of the major platform communications. We cannot imagine our daily
routine without it. Internet penetration has brought the world together on one platform. Now we
can easily connect with anyone from a different city or for that matter, a different country. With
the pictures or videos that are over flow the social media platforms like Face book and Twitter
one is constantly updated about near and dear ones. Social media plays an integral role in our
lives today and has a huge bearing on society and individuals. Social media has revolutionized


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

the way people communicate and socialize on the web. There is a positive effect on business,
politics, socialization as well as some negative effects such as cyber bullying, privacy, and fake

Forms of Social Media

Social Networks

Services that allow you to connect with other people of similar interests and background.
Usually these consist of a profile, various ways to interact with other users, ability to setup
groups, etc. The most popular amongst them are face book, whatsapp, instagram, linked-in, via
Skype, Yahoo Messenger, and Google Talk and so on.

Bookmarking Sites
Services that allow you to save, organize and manage links to various websites and
resources around the internet. Most allow you to ―tag‖ your links to make them easy to search
and share.
Social News
Services that allow people to post various news items or links to outside articles and then
allows its users to ―vote‖ on the items. The voting is the core social aspect as the items that get
the most votes are displayed the most prominently. The community decides which news items
get seen by more people. The most popular are Digg and Reddit.
Media Sharing
Services that allow you to upload and share various media such as pictures and video.
Most services have additional social features such as profiles, commenting, etc. The most
popular are YouTube.
Micro blogging
Services that focus on short updates that are pushed out to anyone subscribed to receive
the updates. The most popular is Twitter.
Blog Comments and Forums
Online forums allow members to hold conversations by posting messages. Blog
comments are similar except they are attached to blogs and usually the discussion centers around
the topic of the blog post. There are many popular blogs and forums like RSS Feeds.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media‟s Effect on Today‟s Society

Within a few years social media has become an integral part of the world. Especially
young people cannot think of communication without thinking of online-networks like
Facebook, Google+, Twitter. Why are people so enthusiastic about using these new technologies
of virtual interaction? Since the time of Aristotle humans have been described as social beings,
and one might state these technologies allow them to act out their crucial feeling of social
Social Media‟s Impact and Effect on Society

Social media plays huge rolls in modern day politics and is one of (if not) the most
valuable assets that parties use to gain votes. This is down to the pure reach of social media and
its capabilities to be seen by millions of people in a matter of minutes. Take a look back at the
last election campaigns in the UK and see how both parties spent millions on social media to
help tarnish each other‘s names and policies.
Social media has an impact on human brain and human identity. ―The mind is the
personalization of the brain, a set of neuronal connection peculiar to each individual, driven in
turn by that person´s particular experience and interaction with the outside world‖
neurophysiologist. Due to the malleability of brains humans´ forte is the ability to learn and to
adapt since we are sensitive to outside influences. The ability of brains to make connections
shifts human from a purely sensory world into one with a personalized cognitive context one
might call identity. Greenfield stresses that the outside world i.e. the influence of new
technologies might be changing especially young people in ways that could be problematic for
their identity.

Social Media‟s Effect on Business

Social media has changed the way most businesses operate and run on a daily basis with
91% of large corporate businesses having two or more different social media profiles interacting
and promoting products.

Social Media‟s Effect on Individuals

The rise of social media has unfortunately meant an increase of social introverts in the Uk
and across the globe. The constant use and dependence on Social Media lead these social


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

recluse‘s unable to speak and communicate outside the virtual interaction safety net of Facebook,
instead of talking to individuals in a normal face to face manor, ultimately lowering his/her
social intellect. This has serious repercussions and can cause people to resent traditional human

Positive Impacts

 The Power of Social Media is that, it forces Necessary Change.

 It is generally agreed that social media provided crucial source of news during the Arab
 It helped in creating awareness about several issues, eg the fight for LGBTQ rights etc.
 Social media has definitely made us closer to other parts of the world.
 WhatsApp is important for rural users, as it helps them cheaply connect to family
members far away and send pictures of their products to clients across India.
 Social media platforms provide a platform to raise their voice against injustice and
 Voices previously excluded from conversations can now find a channel.
 A few decades ago, if a farmer died due to non-repayment of loans, only the family
mourned for the loss. Today if the same happens, the entire nation seems to empathize
with the death of such farmers.
 Social media have increasingly been adopted by politicians, political activists and social
movements as a means to engage, organize and communicate with citizens.

Negative Effects

 Technology is double-edged. There are reasons to cheer as also to despair.

 Social media has various negative impacts like privacy issues, information overloads and
internet fraud. Researchers have found that hyper-networking leads to negative health
behaviour leading to laziness, obesity, depression, drug abuse, isolation or in the worst
cases it may even lead to suicide.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Social media has made the world a small space by allowing mass cultural exchange and
intercultural communication. India being a secular country is a home for the people of
various religious and cultural beliefs.
 When these beliefs clash the consequences are unpleasant.
 A mere comment or opinion on a certain belief on social media spreads like fire leading
to riots and destructive rallies. Its heavy usage has ill effects on health issues and there is
cyber bullying, online harassment and trolling. T
 The trolling of women has brought to the fore the disturbing reality of online violence
and abuse women face in India.


Social Media is widely used and boon and bane at the same time. Since social media is a
relatively new phenomenon and the impact studies done are also reasonably new, I feel as though
the advantages of social media are emphasized quite often, as opposed to its negative aspects
which are very rarely discussed. This trend must change and I hope my presentation can help
galvanize it by better informing users on both sides of the argument. Although change is good,
necessary, and inevitable, it always comes at a price. Discounting positive impacts does not hurt
in the long run, nearly as much as negative ones do.


1. Brockman, John. Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?: The Net's Impact on Our
Minds and Future. 2011 ed. New York: Harper Perennial, 2011. 451.
2. Bryfonski, Dedria. The Global Impact of Social Media. 2011 ed. Detroit, MI:
Greenhaven Press, 2012. 224.
3. Dwyer, C., Hiltz, S., & Passerini, K. (2007). Trust and privacy concern within social
networking sites: A comparison of Facebook and MySpace. AMCIS 2007 proceedings,
4. Mark W. Becker, Reem Alzahabi, and Christopher J. Hopwood. Cyberpsychology,
Behavior, and Social Networking. February 2013.
5. O'Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children,
adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

6. O'keeffe, G. S., and K. Clarke-Pearson. "The Impact of Social Media on Children,

Adolescents, and Families." Pediatrics, 2011, 800-04.
7. Patton, D. U., Hong, J. S., Ranney, M., Patel, S., Kelley, C., Eschmann, R., &
Washington, T. (2014). Social media as a vector for youth violence: A review of the
literature. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 548-553.
8. Stein, A. H., & Friedrich, L. K. (1975). Impact of television on children and youth. In E.
M. Hetherington (Eds.), Review of child development research (pp. 183-256)..
9. Thompson, J. B. (1990). Ideology and modern culture: Critical social theory in the era of
mass communication. Cambridge: Polity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
10. Turner, C. W., Hesse, B. W., & Peterson-Lewis, S. (1986). Naturalistic studies of the
long-term effects of television violence. Journal of Social Issues, 42(3), 51-73.
11. Wartella, E., & Middlestadt, S. (1991). Mass communication and persuasion: The
evolution of direct effects, limited effects, information processing, and affect and arousal
models. In D. e. al. (Eds.), Persuasive communication and drug abuse prevention (pp. 53-
12. Wuebblen, P. L., Straits, B. C., & Schulman, G. I. (Ed.). (1974). the experiment as a
social occasion. Berkeley, Cal.: Glendessay Press. [76] Handbook of journalism & mass
communication (Vir Bala Agarwal,V.S.Gupta)


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. K. Devisri & Arul Priya Sampath

Deputy Controller of Examinations,
Research Scholar,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,

Social Networking sites have been in the limelight for more a decade. These websites
have created an epoch in the history of cyber space influencing citizens in their personal sphere
as well as professional level.Science and Technology has developed and is developing so much
that social media became both uniquely useful for the development and also for various crimes
and abuses to take place. With the power to connect to the world in fingertips, it has its own
toxic nature to mislead and affect the peoples to commit to the crimes lead by social media and
abuse it every possible way. The abuse by social media also called as the digital abuse can be
effective both verbally and emotionally and affects the person to commit crime and abuse one
another. Thus, social media has become pervasive in nature with each and every individual who
come in contact with it.

What is Social Media?

Social media is nothing but an Interactive Web 2.0 tool which is attaining its popularity
day by day simply because of its user-friendly access in a click. Despite the uniqueness it
provides for the users it is also can be the most harmful element among the people of all ages.


Crime simply is: ‗An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable
by law‘.

Crime is ‗an offence which goes beyond the personal and into the public sphere, breaking
prohibitor rules or laws, to which legitimate punishments or sanctions are attached, and which
requires the intervention of a public authority‘.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Abuse is the improper usage or treatment of a thing, often to unfairly or improperly gain
benefit. Abuse can come in many forms, such as: physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault,
violation, rape, unjust practices, crimes, or other types of aggression. To these descriptions, one
can also add the Kantian notion of the wrongness of using another human being as means to an
end rather than as ends in them. Some sources describe abuse as "socially constructed", which
means there may be more or less recognition of the suffering of a victim at different times and

Relationship between Social Media – Crime and Abuses

Media content also plays a vital role in the increase of the crimes effectively e.g.,
television news, Crime related shows, etc., Greater the media consumption leads to the increases
in crime and abuses accordingly. The various types of social media intake and the crimes and
abuses caused by it can be easily assessed, and also how the key audience characteristics on the
social media influences can be noted from the relationship between social media and crime rate
as it is considered as the integral part of one another.

Crime and its Fear in Social Media

This phobia of social media is rarely researched topic as it is controlling the fear of
becoming a victim. Hence it can also be called as scopophobia – a fear of being looked at, or
becoming the center of attention. The first and foremost fear is the lack of privacy, everyone are
frightened to overshare their personal information which may lead way to future abuses or
crimes. In this instant era the perception changes from one person to person as the impact of the
outcome is much severe.

Social Media Affects the Brain

Social media affects the brain cells in an unexpected manner as it reveals real
consequences as it triggers the dopamine stimulators in the brain cells. Addiction towards the
social media is the main concern as it forms a syndrome among the young minds. As young mind
seeks immediate rewards, social media provides it with no issues, but the only concern is when
the reward received becomes the fear of missing out (FOMO) in the social media leading to


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

depression. It also affects the student‘s psychology as they tend to compare everything and
everyone making the social media a thief which steals the joy inside of the them. As the brain
chemistry tends to thrive for more whether the result may be good or bad, affecting the brain
cells both physically and psychologically.

Causes and Addiction of Social Media

Social media addiction is much similar to getting addicted towards gambling, substance
usage, cigarettes or booze. As they spend more time on the social which affects brain can
dangers for health both mentally and physically especially for the students who are prone to get
attached to things which are not real become socially isolated and poor academically. Getting
addicted towards it may cause the individual with thoughts such as anxiety, self-harm, suicidal,
inadequacy of their life or their appearances.

Ways to Avoid Social Media Misuses

Respond ethically towards the negative feedbacks on the social media, not everyone will
leave positive comments. So, one must learn how to face it without any negativity.
Must think twice before posting any kinds of content publicly, because the carelessness
can make a negative perception on the individual.
Research before posting an online to save guards oneself from the online
As it is said that too much of anything is good for nothing, usingfewertime in social
media might lead to less depression and more liveliness among the individual.
Switching off the notification can lower the risk of frequent usage.
Deleting the most additive apps would make changes in the use of social media
Making use of the leisure times in a more preductule ways will help in leading healthy
networking life.

Other Preventive measures

In order to improve cyber security various precautionary steps can be kept in mind by citizens.
These include:


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Always avoid sending any photograph online particularly to unknown friends or

strangers in order to avoid misuse of photographs.
 Always update anti -virus software to guard against virus attacks.
 Backing up files enables to prevent data loss due to virus attack.
 Payment made for accessing games and applications in social networking sites must
be made in secure payment system to avoid invasion of credit information.
 Kids must be given awareness classes about the social media cybercrimes.
 Security programme that gives control over cookies must be preferred.
 Website owners and intermediaries must monitor traffic and regulate any abnormality
on the website.

Merits of Social Media and Its Challenges Faced by the Students

 Networking around the world is made easy

 Direct connection is made possible
 By knowing the individual better
 Good content can be created with positive vibes
 Paid promotions are made easy
 Brand can be created of your choice
 Acts as a catalyst to bring large amount of traffic for the online business
 Evaluation is made possible
 Its cost effective
 Viral contents can be created which is unique
 Valuable insights can be learnt

Though there are ample numbers of merits about social media it can also be made into
downfall for many people. Especially the students who are attracted towards today‘s technology
abuses them and fail to ponder the crimes. Students fail to have a connection to the outside world
and think that online connection is all what they need for the development and their growth. And
there is also a possibility of students falling prey for many crimes that are done via social media
by cyber bullies, and another major problem is that it is possible for the students to post and
watch inappropriate content and abuse the goodness of the social media.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Social media does not promote negative experiences it‘s all in the mindset of the
individual to create and gain the goodness from it. It is created to help in the growth and
development of the individual productively, not to waste the most precious of our valuable time.
Students get attracted towards the several social media sites every day, hence to make it a
worthwhile for the students several teachers, educators and researchers to make it their goal to
invent and create new programs for them via social media sites to make the learning process in a
much simpler way. But on the other hand, the criminal minds of few people trick the students to
fall prey for the abuses and crimes. So, it‘s the duty of the parents to keep in track of their
student‘s activity in the social media sites. Each and every one must be cautious enough to use
the tools of social media in a healthy way for the greater good of the future educational purposes
to ensure the safety of our future generations.


1. C. S. Ramanigopal, G. Palaniappan & N. Hemalatha (2012) social networking: problems

and prospects of the knowledge society.IJRMEC.
2. Dorling, D., Gordon, D., Hillyard, P., Pantazis, C., Pemberton, S. and Tombs, S.) (2006)
Criminal Obsessions: why harm matters more than crime, Centre for Crime and Justice
3. Fraser, Matthew; Dutta, Soumitra (2008). Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom: How
Online Social Networking Will Transform Your Life, Work and World. Wiley.
10. Mishna, F., Cook, C., Saini, M., Wu, M. J., & MacFadden, R. (2011). Interventions to
prevent and reduce cyber abuse of youth: A systematic review. Research on Social Work
Practice, 21(1), 5-14.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

11. O'Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children,
adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.
12. Oksanen, A., & Keipi, T. (2013). Young people as victims of crime on the internet: A
populationbased study in Finland. Vulnerable children and youth studies, 8(4), 298-309.
13. Patton, D. U., Hong, J. S., Ranney, M., Patel, S., Kelley, C., Eschmann, R., &
Washington, T. (2014). Social media as a vector for youth violence: A review of the
literature. Computers in Human Behaviour, 35, 548-553.
14. Steyer James (2009), ―Is Technology Networking Changing Childhood?‘- A National
Poll by Common Sense Media, San Francisco.
15. Subrahmanyam, K., Reich, S. M., Waechter, N., & Espinoza, G. (2008). Online and
offline social networks: Use of social networking sites by emerging adults. Journal of
applied developmental psychology, 29(6), 420-433.
16. Lin, K. Y., & Lu, H. P. (2011). Why people use social networking sites: An empirical
study integrating network externalities and motivation theory. Computers in human
behaviour, 27(3), 1152-1161.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. C. Sasikala, Dr. Joseph Catherine,

Ph.D Education (Part-Time), Principal, Research Guide
Stella Matutina College of Education, Stella Matutina College of Education,
Chennai -600 083. Chennai -600 083.


Social media defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that builds on the
ideological and technological foundation of Web 2.0, and that allow the Creation and
exchange of user-generated content"
Social media encompass a wide array of technological applications that enable the user
to create, manage, and share contents, post comments and engage in discussions anywhere
around the world in real time. The prevalent use of social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp,
Twitter, YouTube, Blogs and Instagram has grabbed the attention of people all over the world.
The splendid growth in social media applications and increased adoption of the applications by
people around the world during the last few years has revolutionized how people communicate
and share information.

Reading is the mental process of securing and reacting to an author's message represented
by written or printed symbols. To read one must recognize words, know the meaning of words,
understand the ideas expressed by authors, since the mood and tone of selection, evaluate the
accuracy of the ideas and learned use or apply them (Pawar, 2007).
Reading Comprehension
Reading is a skill to get information from books, newspapers, magazines, journals, comics,
novels, and the internet. Having reading skill needs more efforts like times to read and reading
sources. Furthermore, reading refers to a complex process which includes analysis, coordination,
and interpretation of several sources to get important knowledge and information
(Scanlon, Anderson, & Sweeney, 2010). Understanding a reading text is not easy. Readers
have to familiar with several reading components. They are (Snow, 2002):
1. Determining factual information
2. Determining the main idea
3. Determining reference


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Enumerating inference
5. Making restatement Besides that, a reader read a reading source with a purpose like to get
information, knowledge, make a summary, finish homework, prepare presentation, enjoyment,
and so on.
Reading for an academic purpose has some aims as follows (M & Kanchana, 2016):
1. Searching for information
2. Quick understanding
3. Learning
4. Combining information
5. Evaluating, comment, and use the information
6. General understanding or entertaining
A good reader is not only need reading skill but she/he needs to comprehend what she/he has
read. That means that the reader is not only read the text but also comprehend the text.
Reading comprehension is as the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language (Catherin, 2003). In other
words, Comprehension of written English is accomplished with ease since students read
language that is highly meaningful and relevant to their personal lives (Denis and Carol, 2008).
Positive effect of social media on reading comprehension

Smart Phones
Smart phones are a new concern to the academic world when it comes to social
networking. A smart phone is a cell phone that "allows users to choose the applications they
want to install" while acting as a communication and computing device. Smart phone has made
students more aware of grades and students with smart phones access the Internet from the
device which allows easier access to social networking sites as well. Social networking sites
used to gain knowledge, promote social political and Environmental awareness, share
information, improve the reading comprehension.
Face book
―Facebook can help you to improve your reading and learning habits‖. It sounds too good
to be true, but you may have been doing this without realising it all along. It allows you to
practice and cultivate certain skills that will help improve your reading speed and
comprehension, your writing and vocabulary. Social media sites like Facebook have many


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

resources available to struggling students and those wishing to learn English alike. Take
advantage of the learning opportunities available with a service you already use favourite and get
the most out of your Facebook account.
(Shabir et al., 2014) agreed that social media were useful for socio-political awareness,
knowing about job openings, publishing articles, and enhance language proficiency and
communication skills. A British study of undergraduate students (Madge et al., 2009)
supported that Facebook was used for social reasons and not for formal teaching purposes
although it was sometimes used informally for learning purpose.
Twitter developed confidence in their ability to find the information they needed and also
saw a value in finding solutions by engaging in collaboration and by keeping in touch with a
support group. It also provides an opportunity for real communication in an authentic learning
environment, promoting writing as a fun activity, foster reading skills.

Junco, Heiberger, and Loken (2011) found through an experimental study that Twitter
increases the student‘s engagement that may cause for higher grade point averages (GPA). The
faculty and students were highly engaged in the learning process through communication and
connection on Twitter. Many studies (Junco et al.,2011; Madge et al., 2009; Olutola et al.,
2016) reported that positive use of social media improved the reading habits and academic
performance of students.

Parry (2008) identified different ways to use Twitter in the classroom: to promote class
chatter, classroom community, get a sense of the world, track a word, track a conference, instant
feedback, follow a professional, follow a famous person, teach grammar, rule based writing,
maximizing the teachable moment, public notepad, writing assignments.

Twitter is more interactive, allows user to be more creative with words (due to limited
characters in a post), gives instant feedback, can be accessed easily and helps users to connect
with people all around the world. Twitter can be a powerful tool for improving students'
vocabulary and provides them with information about how to use this application.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Blogging forces students to interact with text in a way that they normally wouldn‘t. For
example, when you use blogging in conjunction with a lesson or book, it gives students a chance
to connect what they‘re learning in the classroom with life outside of academia simply based on
the features that are available when creating a blog post. Within a blog post they can:

 Embed related videos

 Create or source related images

 Link to other websites or sources

 Format using headers that indicate priority and importance of topics

 Understand topics enough to write a creative headline

When you make blogging a regular part of your classroom, instead of using it just for homework
and specific projects, students engage in ways that naturally improve reading comprehension.
For example, when students regularly blog and are tasked with reading their peers‘ blogs and
interacting with them via comments, they are also:

 Learning new words

 Reading perspectives that differ from their own


WhatsApp as daily social media (Khusaini, Suyudi, Winarto, & Sugiyanto, 2017).It
makes easy interaction among people through messaging, pictures, audio, document, and the
unique one of WhatsApp is a group discussion.

WhatsApp advantages in supporting human communicating do not use and apply yet in
the field of education well especially in teaching reading comprehension. WhatsApp utilization
in teaching reading comprehension needs to apply as a teaching and learning media in a digital
era. Facilitating the process of teaching and learning English, the teacher can use WhatsApp as
instructional media (Kheryadi, 2017). WhatsApp Application Messenger is very potential media
in teaching (Jumiatmoko, 2016). It means that English teachers are able to apply WhatsApp as
one of the media in teaching reading comprehension


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

WhatsApp can use to get information fast. In the context of teaching and learning
process, WhatsApp is able to help the students to interact with each other by using English
whenever and wherever. Besides that WhatsApp are able to help the students increase language
skills like speaking, writing, reading and listening (D‘Eca, 2003).

WhatsApp was a very effective application in developing students and it creates

motivation to improve their reading and writing skills. It helped them develop vocabulary,
grammar, reading comprehension.

The students use WhatsApp with several aims and reasons as follows(M & Kanchana,
2016): 1. Getting good information and easy to communicate with their friends.

2. Collecting common knowledge

3. Sharing feeling to friends and family

4. Spending time

5. Education purposes like doing homework and task.

6. Getting important news and up to date information such as science with related videos,
audios, documents, and so on.

7. Increasing reading interested

8. Updating social issues.

Reading activities on WhatsApp group are used for improving students‘ reading
comprehension which is already learned in the class, give real-life materials to the students like a
joke, short article, video, audio, and photo. It means that this activity does not change extensive
reading in the classroom into WhatsApp group activities. Other utilizations of these activities are
it is able to be accessed anytime and anywhere.


Social media influenced the lifestyle of an individual, revolutionized communication,

collaboration, and creativity. Social media can be used as a learning media besides as a
communication tool. It makes the teacher and the students are easy to communicate and discuss


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

reading material before going to the class to improve students reading comprehension. Social
media is very easy and cheap to apply in teaching reading comprehension because the students
have been familiar with Social media.

Alderman, S. (2017). Ways to Use WhatsApp in the ELT Classroom. Pearson English. Retrieved
July 10, 2018, from
Biancarosa, G., Griffiths, G. G. (2012). Technology Tools to Support Reading in the Digital Age.
Future of Children, 22(2), 139–160.
Martina Napratilora, Hendro Lis, Indra Bangsawan. (2020) Using Whatsaap As A Learning
Media In Teaching Reading ISSN: 2443-0021 e-ISSN: 2716-4136


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Gugulothu Adilaxmi, MEd Student
University college of Education
Kakatiya University, Warangol


Social media is a web‐based technology to facilitate social interaction between a large

group of people through some type of network. In common widely used network is the Internet.
But social media platforms are also for local networks as well.Social media is growing rapidly
and becoming an inevitable part of everyday life, because of the latest technological revolution.
This stunning growth is due to the increasing usage of smart phones like BlackBerrys, Q-Mobile,
Androids and iPhones. These Smart phones make it easy to access any social media platform
from anywhere virtually. The mobile versionssss of these social media sites are so easy to access
made it user friendly. As well as the Map services made a remarkable usage through mobile to
find direction and places easily.

Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or
sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks. Benjamin Franklin is Father of Social Media. The 1700s in America
were a time of creative destruction and construction
The Different Types of Social Media Platforms to Serve Ads

Social networking (Facebook, Google).

Microblogging (Twitter).
Photo sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp).
Video sharing (YouTube, Facebook Live)
Users of Social Media

Global social media overview. More than half of all the people on Earth now use social
media. Our latest data show that 4.14 billion people across the planet are using social media in
October 2020, equating to 53 percent of the total global population.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Life before Social Networking:

1. People accessed Internet mainly to check their e-mails

2. Mobile phones were mostly used to talk and for sending messages only
3. People were physically social, i.e. meeting other people personally and communicating with
4. School going children were more into outdoor activities
5. Users used to spend lesser time on the Web
Life after Social Networking

1. People access Internet primarily to share what they are doing, and check what their friends are
up to
2. Mobile phones are increasingly being used to access social networking sites and update their
status messages, especially on Facebook and Twitter
3. People have become virtually social, i.e. meeting other people on social networks, rather than
meeting them personally
4. Even children prefer staying back at home to access social networks, due to which their
interest in outdoor activities is slowly diminishing
5. Users spend a lot more time on the Web, most of which is used for social networking
Social Media and Society

Media is very important to the society. People are using the media to get the news or
information from television, radio and video. For example, television is a source of media that
has strong influence on society today. According to the survey, people mostly spend their time
on television and internet for getting news and for entertainment. But the impacts of television
and computer have both positive and negative. For the advantages of television and internet, we
can get the news and information quickly and more convenient. And some time, we also can
have some entertainment for relax. We also can keep connect to our friend from other place by
internet. Media also can help us keep up with the trend of the society. Most company will use the
media to promote their company product. With the impact of media, their product will soon be
all well known. We also can use media to promote the health awareness to the society to help the
people gain the knowledge to know what will affect their health.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Now a days Media is playing an important role in our society. With the effect of media,
we can get to know the information or the problem that we are facing now in our society, so
media has a huge contribution to our society.
1. Educational Technology Tools Educational Technology Trends Modern Learners Social


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



G. Ravichandran & P. Prabhu

Research Scholars
Prof. J. Sujathamalini, Professor &Head
Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Science
Alagappa University


In recent years, the rise of social media has changed the ways in which most end-users
view the internet. The idea of how people know and communicate with each other is based on
social media. It gives people the power to communicate, making the environment more available
and interrelated. Social networking has a critical impact on our lives as it in every area of life,
such as the political field, it helps a lot, the economic and educational areas.

One of the greatest issues with prospective teacher‘s use of social media is that it reduces
the amount of real-world social interaction. The prospective teachers may spend their
educational learning and socialising with friends or family, today they often have more
interaction digitally than they do in the real world. This can be a problem as real-world social
interactions are vital in developing face-to-face communication skills - especially body language
and non-verbal cues which as we know, are not just necessary in the classroom. Prospective
teachers are likely to have the ability to focus for long stretches, which can impact learning
ability, critical thinking and exam performance when teaching is wired through social media and
the present study aims to attempt to assess the positive impact of social media among prospective

Need for the Study

Related research in the area of technology enabled teaching and learning process and
social media impact in the teaching learning process is reviewed and stated below.
Galloway et al. (2013) study report Kazdin's examination in 1993 found that students felt
strain to do well in school and battled with the remaining task at hand important to be effective.
The likewise discovered this strain to do well in school when they estimated the prosperity and


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

wellbeing of 4,300 secondary school students. Parental and home-life challenges have likewise
kept on being a stressor for youths (Kazdin, 1993; Brown et al., 2016). The one thing that has
changed over the most recent 30 years is the sensational expansion in the utilization of online
media (Twenge, Joiner, et al., 2018).

Govindaraj & J.Sujathamalini (2017) conducted study on the animated instructional

strategy for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive disorder. The animated instructional
strategy was found to be effective in the teaching learning process of Attention Deficit
Hyperactive disorder.

Operational Definition of the Study

Socaial media is computer-based technology that encourages the sharing of thoughts,

considerations, and data through the structure of virtual organizations and networks. Social
media is web based and gives clients speedy electronic correspondence of substance. Content
incorporates individual data, documents, recordings, and photographs. Users engage with social
media through computer, tablet or smartphone via web-based software or web application,
regularly using it for informing. In the present study, the term social media refers to the search
engines, social networking websites etc.,

'Health' is the most part implies a sound condition or prosperity or independence from
diseases. It is generally identified with the actual physical health of the person. An individual is
supposed to be genuinely physically healthy when his body is working well and he/she is
liberated from pains and troubles. 'Mental' is signifies identifying with the brain or mind. Mental
health, along these lines, may allude to a sound state of mind or a condition of mental prosperity
or independence from mental diseases. An individual is in acceptable psychological well-being
the point at which his/her brain or character is working adequately and he/she is liberated from
enthusiastic aggravations. "Mental well-being might be characterized as the change of people to
themselves and the world everywhere with a limit of effectiveness, satisfactions, cheerfulness
and socially considerate behaviour and the ability of facing and accepting the real factors of life.
The most extensive level of emotional well-being may, thusly, be portrayed as that which allows
a person to understand the best achievement, which his abilities will allow, with a limit of
fulfillment to himself and the social request, and at least erosion and strain. This implies a phase
of such prosperity that the individual isn't aware of unsatisfied pressures; doesn't show socially


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

deficient or frightful conduct and keeps up himself mentally and sincerely in any climate under
any conditions." Hadfield, (1957). In this study Mental Health refers to the positive actions and
impact among prospective teachers in the teaching learning process.

Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the knowledge on social media impact on mental health among
prospective teachers
2. To find out the negative and positive impact of soical media of prospective teachers
on mental health
3. To compare mental health of prospective teachers with social media.

Sample of the Study

Prospective Teachers studying in teacher education institutions will serve as a samplle for
the proposed study.
Survey method is adopted in the present study.
Tools Used in the Study
Questionnaire was developed by the researcher and the data collection is done in the form of
Google forms.
Major Findings of the Study
The major findings of the study are listed under two part namely positive impact and negative
impact on mental health.
1. More than 73 % of prospective teachers have responded that the social media has a
significant impact on mental health. The remaining 27% prospective teachers stated that
the social media has no impact on mental health. As majority of the prospective teachers
stated that the social media has impact on mental health it is a need of an hour to know
whether the impact is positive or negative while using social media.
2. The result evinced that 52% of prospective teachers stated that the social media has a
significant negative impact in the mental health of people. Whereas, 48% have responded
that the social media is not having negative impact on mental health of people.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. The result evinced that 65% of prospective teachers stated that the social media has a
significant positive impact in the mental health of people. Whereas, 35% have responded
that the social media is not having positive impact on mental health of people.
4. Further, the prospective teachers have stated that social media has a strong positive
impact such as – to collect study mistrials, to update knowledge, to collect information‘s,
to get connected with people, develop communication skills etc., On the other hand, the
negative impact on mental health such as addiction, anxiety, loneliness, sleeplessness,
physical conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, eye problems, mental stress and
suicidal thought etc., were also stated by the prospective teachers.
The above result evinced both positive and negative impact it is the need of an
hour to promote training to use the social media positively as stated above. Further, the
study also implied the need for psychological support to overcome the above mentioned
negative impact of psychological problems. Thus the study implies that the teacher
education programme should incorporate the positive use of social media and transform
technology enabled learning with positive vibrations. The students should be encouraged
to get out of negative impact in the teaching learning process and us the social media
effectively in their learning. The training on proper use of social media need to given the
importance to the prospective teachers to ensure effective use of social media in their
future career.

The study result evinced the impact of social media on mental health of people. It
evinced both positive and negative impact such as the prospective teachers are able to girt
connected with people and promote friendship, exchange of thoughts and on the other
hand, the study stated that the people are getting addicted to social media, mental stress
and evince loneliness etc. Steps need to be taken to overcome the negative impact of
social media. As it has to go a long way towards preventing the negative aspects of social
media from affecting their studies and pay attention to their academic success and solving
any problems steps need to be taken by the teacher educators to solve the above negative
impact. Provide enough time for face-to-face social interaction, such as getting some
family leisure time in which, in a comfortable environment promote positive mental
health. It helps us to reduce the negative effect of social media on learners, which will


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

support our younger generation in turn.The students should be encouraged to get out of
negative impact in the teaching learning process and use the social media effectively in
their learning. The training on proper use of social media need to given due importance to
the prospective teachers to ensure effective use of social media in their future career.

1. The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges and Opportunities Ashraf Jalal Yousef
Zaidieh ICT, collage of information and communication technology, IIUM KL, Malaysia
2. The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New GenerationBy Khaama Press -
Wed Nov 19 2014
3. Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case StudyNa Li, Sandy
El Helou, Denis Gillet
4. Social Networking in Undergraduate Education .
5. Nicole A. Buzzetto-More University Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, USA
6. How social media is changing education.
7. Social Media Use in Higher Education: Key Areas to Consider for Educators Julia E. Rodriguez
Assistant Professor Information Literacy and Educational Technology Librarian.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. Sophia Benjamin M.Ed. Scholar,

Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,

In modern world Social Media and Technology are the two sides of the same coin,
younggeneration can‘t live without social media. It is one part of our live, the use of social media
impact has both positive and negative. The positive impact is without physical meeting through
this social media they stay connected among them, it helps to strengthen their relationship, and
exchange their new updates among them. But in another way it leads to danger one. According to
BBC News report, social media leads to isolation socially because they spend most of their time
on this platforms, this kinds of isolation leads to many issues in physically and mentally and also
poor grades in languages.During this lockdown social media plays a vital role among the
youngster at the same time many cybercrimes also increased, so we should aware how to prevent
our younger generation from the dangers on social media.Cyber security makes them to help
from the dangers of social media.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security is an information technology security, it has designed to protect networks,

devices, and unauthorized access. This information technology security is the production of
networks from various cyber-attacks.

Cyber Security Stages

There are so many stages in cyber security but here we will see very important stages of
cyber security as Assessment, Prevention, Monitoring, Response.


First we should know and identify the input and output firewall of the computer. Fire wall
is the security device; it gives different level of production. Keep in mind always we should
aware of your current network‘s stage as well as students assign how to use social media network
for their betterment of life.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Before using social media students be aware of the hidden dangers of the networks during
this pandemic period parents also know about the usage of the social media, often they check out
their networks and also they give instruction about new innovation of firewall and if you can
encrypt your data.

Monitor in

Cybercrime is a dynamic process the hackers attack in various ways but now a days so
many cyber security device software are used in the field of social media, that kind of software
are monitor your networks in this process if any changes will happen that cyber security device
give an alert and track the field and product from the dangers.


Cyber security device response is not only monitor your network device and also it helps
us to perform forensic analyses in what kind of information have been hacked or stolen by the
cybercrime domain.

Cyber Security for Kids

During this lockdown social media play a vital role among kids, through this networks
they make a new friendship, without knowing the dangers of cyber attract they exchange their
personal details. It is easy for the hackers, some tips for promoting kids in cyber security.

Increase Awareness

In digital world children are spending more times in online only it‘s like online games
and video games, these games mainly have attracted by the youngsters, online games is a part of
their life. Continuously without rest the youngster playing video games, it leads to video game
addiction or internet gaming disorder. So we help the younger children know the basic of
security device knowledge from the cybercrime. We should provide basic understanding.

Product Our Kid‟s Identity

Modern society depends on the technology whether it is the internet or world wide web
more than ever. Children are so innocent, they unsuspecting of the hidden risk they share their
personal details like mobile number, residential address, mail Id,etc. They don‘t understand the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

risk behind. So parents often prompt your children without knowledge they don‘t give any
personal information with unknown stranger.

Product your Computer

Updating your security software, this security software updating automatically this
technology keep safe your internet details from the hackers, and you tell them your children to
use different password in different accounts, and also your password should be unique like
symbols, numbers, uppercase, lowercase letters etc. This strong password helps your children
from the attackers; it is difficult to guess your password.

Monitor Online Activity

In technology there are so many apps are available to monitor kid‘s online and social
media usage, apps such as: Uknowkids, Mspy, The Spy Bubble, Norton Family, Spyzie, My
Family Tracker, Webwatcher, FlexiSPY…

These software apps help the parents can monitoring their children online
communications, social media activity on facebook, whatsapp, Instagram, and also track and
monitor all activities, texts, on their mobile phones.These are the few apps helps your children
stay safe and secure from the cybercrime, and it‘s leads to healthy while growing up on the
digital age.

You Can Make the Difference

Avoid and be aware sharing password to anyone,

Social media is our integral part of our life so be sensitive to share your message and
picture through social media,
Keep your personal details in personal
Implement personal firewall,
Connect only authorized Wifi connection, do not connect unprotected Wifi zones,
Should be avoid to visit untrusted website,


This paper clearly shows how sporting the internet can become for young
children. As aparents and guides we are find out the best solution of this problems, we are the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

responsibilityof the future ones. To keep others from using their mail and internet accounts so
childrennever share their passwords to anyone. If a child receiving any harassing emails help
them toprevent the bully from contacting them.




ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Ph.D research Scholar, Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Psychology
TamilNadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai – 97
Email id:
Mobile Number:7538851340


Cyber security refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to
protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.
Cyber security may also be referred to as information technology security. Cyber security is
important because government, military, corporate, financial, and medical organizations collect,
process, and store unprecedented amounts of data on computers and other devices. A significant
portion of that data can be sensitive information, whether that be intellectual property, financial
data, personal information, or other types of data for which unauthorized access or exposure
could have negative consequences. Organizations transmit sensitive data across networks and to
other devices in the course of doing businesses, and cyber security describes the discipline
dedicated to protecting that information and the systems used to process or store it. As the
volume of and sophistication of cyber attacks grow. Companies and organizations, especially
those that are tasked with safeguarding information relating to national security, health, or
financial records, need to take steps to protect their sensitive business and personnel information.

Elements of Cyber Security

1.Network Security 2.Application Security 3.Data Security 4.Identity Management

5.Database and Infrastructure Security 6.Cloud Security 7.Mobile Security 8.Disaster
recovery/business Continuity planning
End – User Education

It addresses the most unpredictable cyber – security factor: people. Anyone can
accidently introduce a virus to an otherwise secure system by failing to follow good security


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

practices. Teaching users to delete suspicious email attachments, not plug in unified USB drives
and various other important lessons is vital for the security of any organization.

Types of cyber Threats

The threats countered by cyber-security are three fold:

1. Cybercrime includes single actors or groups targeting systems for financial gain or to cause

2. Cyber – attack often involves politically motivated information gathering.

3. Cyber terrorism is intended to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear.

Common Methods to Threaten Cyber – Security


Malware means malicious software. One of the most common cyber threats, malware is
software that a cybercriminal or hacker has created to disrupt or damage a legitimate user‘s
computer. Often spread via an unsolicited email attachment or legitimate –looking download,
malware may be used by cybercriminals to make money or in politically motivated cyber-

There are a number of different types of malware, including:

Virus : A self – replicating program that attaches itself to clean file and spreads throughout a
computer system, infecting with malicious code.

Trojans: A Type of malware that is disguised as legitimate software. Cybercriminals trick users
into uploading Trojans onto their computer where they cause damage or collect data.

Spyware: A Program that secretly records what a user does, so that cybercriminals can make use
of this information. For example, spyware could capture credit card details.

Ransom ware: Malware which locks down a user‘s files and data, with the threat of erasing it
unless a ransom is paid.

Adware: Advertising software which can be used to spread malware.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Botnets: Networks of malware infected computers which cyber criminals use to perform tasks
online without the user‘s permission.

SQL Injection: An SQL (structured language query injection is a type of cyber – attack used to
take control of and steal data from a database. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in data-
driven applications to insert malicious code into a databased via a malicious SQL statement. This
gives them access to the sensitive information contained in the database.

Phising: Phishing is when cybercriminals target victims with emails that appear to be from a
legitimate company asking for sensitive information. Phishing attacks are often used to dupe
people into handling over credit card data and other personal information.

Man – in- the-middle attack: A man- in-the-middle attack is a type of cyber threat where a
cybercriminal intercepts communication between two individuals in order to steal data. For
example, on an unsecure WiFi network, an attacker could intercept data being passed from the
victim‘s device and the network.

Denial- of – service attack: A denial-of-service attack is where cybercriminals prevent a

computer system from fulfilling legitimate requests by overwhelming the networks and servers
with traffic. This renders the system unusable, preventing an organization from carrying out vital

Latest Cyber Threats: 1. Dridex Malware 2.Romance Scams 3.Emotet Malwarre

End User Protection

End – User protection or endpoint security is a crucial aspect of cyber security. After all,
it is often an individual (the end-user) who accidently uploads malware or another form of cyber
threat to their desktop, laptop or mobile device. Cyber – security relies on cryptographic
protocols to encrypt emails, files, and other critical data. This not only protects information in
transit, but also guards against loss or theft.

In addition, end- user security software scans computers for pieces of malicious code,
quarantines this code, and then removes it from the machine. Security programs can even detect
and remove malicious code hidden in Master Boot Record(MBR) and are designed to encrypt or
wipe data from computer‘s hard drive.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Electronic Security protocols also focus on real-time malware detection. Many use
heuristic and behavioral analysis to monitor the behavior of a program and its code to defend
against viruses or Trojans that change their shape with each execution (polymorphic and
metamorphic malware). Security programs can confine potentially malicious programs to a
virtual bubble separate from a user‘s network to analyze their behavior and learn how to better
detect new infections.

Security programs continue to evolve new defenses as cyber-security professionals

identify new threats and new ways to combat them. To make the most of end-user security
software, employees need to be educated about how to use it. crucially, keeping it running and
updating it frequently ensures that it can protect users against the latest cyber threats.

Cyber Safety Tips – Protect Yourself against Cyber Attacks

1. Update your software and operating System: this means you benefit from the latest security

2. Use anti-virus software: security solutions like Ka spersky Total Security will detect and
removes threats. Keep your software updated for the best level of protection.

3. Use Strong passwords: Ensure your passwords are not easily guessable


Cyber Security is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital
attacks. These cyber attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying or
destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users or interrupting normal business
processes. Implementing effective cyber security measures is particularly challenging today
because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative.


1. Agre, Philip E., and Marc Rotenberg. 2001. Technology and Privacy: The
NewLandscape, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
2. Anderson, R.H. and Hearn, A.C. (1996), An Exploration of Cyberspace Security R&D
Investment Strategies for DARPA: "The Day After ... in Cyberspace II"(Santa Monica:


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Baron, RMF. 2002.―Critique of the International Cybercrime Treaty, CommLaw

Conspectus‖, Journal of Communications Law and Policy, 10 (2): 263-278.
4. Barrett, Neil. 1997. The State of the Cybernation: Cultural, Political and
EconomicImplications of the Internet, London: Kogan Page.
5. Carr, I. 2010. Cyber security and cyber terrorism, Ashgate.
6. Cherian ,Samuel . 2012.Emerging Trends in Cyber Security IDSAMarch 28, 2012


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ph.D., (Part time) Research Scholar, Associate Professor
Department of Education, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur

To many who do not use various social media sites on a daily basis, the term ―social
media‖ may be considered fairly new. In reality, its roots date back more than thirty years to
technologies that would seem arcane to the vast majority of current social media users. While it
took social media decades to gain traction as a viable communication and business tool, the pace
at which the technology has developed and advanced in recent years is difficult to fathom.
Social Media 1.0
While most benefit is gained from investigating current and future trends of social media,
it is important to have an understanding of how social media has developed over the years.
Although it started as a rudimentary communication device, it has morphed into a complex and
crucial business and social tool representing a multi-billion dollar industry (Sandholm 2011).
Several past social media technologies are reviewed below in order to provide an understanding
of the foundation for social media
Phone Phreaking
Perhaps the oldest form of social media was known as ―phone phreaking,‖ which entailed
randomly exploring and testing the boundaries of the phone system. It began in the 1950s, with
exploratory technology users trying to identify ways to ―cheat‖ the phone system to avoid costly
long distance phone conversations (Borders 2009). Phreaks used company test lines and
conference circuits in order to host virtual seminars and discussions.

Bulletin Board Systems

Traditionally, bulletin board systems (BBSs) were associated with illegal activity,
including playing host to hacking instructions and virus code (Chapman 2009). Bulletin board
systems were among the first platforms that allowed users to interact with one another via a
personal computer and a telephone modem. Users could log on and access message boards and
community file sharing (Borders 2009).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging social media services included IRC, or internet relay chat, launched in
1988, ICQ, launched in 1996, and other IM services such as AOL Instant Messenger. IRC was
similar to the modern day Twitter as it permitted users to post updates to their global network
(Borders 2009). Emotions and word abbreviations began to emerge as IM services were gaining
popularity. Social media sharing Napster was one of the first sites to allow users to exchange
media files (albeit illegally) with others, but it was short-lived and only survived from 1999 to
2000 before all copyrighted content had to be removed. Limewire and BitTorrent were quick to
follow as alternative social media sharing platforms (Borders 2009). The pirating of copyrighted
content online has been an issue ever since, with legal issues emerging around copyrighted
music, photos, videos, and text; today, however, laws are in place governing many aspects of
online activity, including regulations around third party content, content ownership/control,
criminal activity, and employment practices (Ossian 2009).
Social Media 2.0
The social media venues and tools currently available to marketing practitioners could
potentially not only enhance, but also inherently change the way and the speed at which we
communicate with one another as individuals, businesses and organizations. Almost all current
social media users access various sites to interact with friends. The companies are currently
using primarily two digital channels, company pages and e-mail, marketing executives foresee
that, in the next two to four years, they should be using a broader range of tools, especially
mobile and social media platforms, and it is clear that, at present, they are experimenting – most
state that their companies currently use social media to achieve certain business objectives.

Internet calling

Skype is the most widely recognized technology in this space. As online technologies and
mobile phones have advanced, the use of landline phone calls has diminished. Nearly a quarter
of U.S. households have eliminated landlines (Reisinger 2010). Skype allows users to place
audio or video phone calls using an electronic device (cellular phone, computer or tablet) and an
internet connection. Many of the calls can take place free of charge, allowing for inexpensive
phone or face-to-face communication between people who formerly had to rely on more
expensive solutions or communication by email.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Content Communities / Media Sharing

These sites are closest to what would be the current day Napster. They (legally) allow
users to view and share a number of media files. YouTube is a popular site for sharing videos on
virtually any topic, while Flickr allows users to post and view photos taken by other Flickr
members. Users can also engage with one another via posting and commenting features. Flickr,
and video sharing site Revver, are untypical in that they allow the photo or video creator to
receive a portion of the royalty fees paid for downloads, or revenue generated from advertising,
thus rewarding and reinforcing the important role of user generated content.

Social News and Bookmarking

News is clearly shared more quickly with the advent of social media, but it is also shared
and searched for differently. Delicious, Digg and Reddit are three of the more popular
bookmarking sites that allow users to ―tag‖ online content that they fi nd interesting or helpful
and then share it with other users. On some sites, such as Digg, other users can then vote to
determine if the shared content was valuable to them. Pinterest, the 2011 Crunchie Award winner
for best new start up, is the newest, and currently the most popular, version of this. It is a
―pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based
image collections‖ (Wikipedia 2016).

Collaborative Projects

As will be discussed, user generated content is an important aspect of successful social

media platforms. Some organizations are relying on user participation to construct their entire
site. Wikipedia is perhaps the most well-known example of this. The site is a free, web-based
encyclopedia built by the collaborative knowledge of the user base. Anyone can log in and add
content to the page for a given topic, and other users (plus the Wikipedia staff) monitor the site
to make sure the information added by others is factually correct. Google docs is another
collaborative web-based service that allows users to work collaboratively and simultaneously on
word, PPT and Excel documents, minimizing the need for groups or work teams to constantly
send different versions of documents back and forth.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


It is evident that social media as a whole is becoming increasingly prevalent in our

society, and continues to impact the ways in which people communicate with one another. Not as
certain is where social media is in its overall life cycle, and what kind of innovation will come
along in the market in coming years.


1. Kaplan, Andreas M. and Michael Haenlein (2011) ―Two hearts in three-quarter time:
How to waltz the social media/viral marketing dance.‖ Business Horizons 54, 253–263.
2. Hanna, Richard, Andrew Rohm and Victoria L. Crittenden (2011) ―We‘re all
connected: The power of the social media ecosystem.‖ Business Horizons (2011) 54,
3. Phillips, David and Philip Young (2009) Online Public Relations: a Practical Guide to
Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media. London: Kogan Page.
4. Thompson, Clive (2007) ―How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense‖ Wired, 15 (7),
June 26, 2007. www. (accessed
April 2, 2012).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. Rita Rani Mandal, P. Sumitha,

Assistant Professor Research Scholar
Lady Willington Institute of Advanced study in Education


Knowledge is wealth and power. Social Media has playing a vital role to empower the
Society. By the use of Social Media anyone can collect huge information and develop their
knowledge. Now a days, it is obvious that social media plays an important role in impacting our
culture, our economy and our overall view of the world.Social media is a modern forum that
enable individuals to express their views, exchange their ideas, connect with others, relate to, and
mobilize for a cause, seek advice, and to give guidance. Social media has removed
communication barriers and created decentralized communication channel and open the door for
all to have a voice and participate in a democratic fashion including people in repressive
countries. This media outlet accommodates a wide variety spontaneous, formal, informal,
scholarly and unscholarly writings to flourish. It enables common interest based groups such as
students to work in a collaborative group projects outside of their class. It encourage creativity
and cooperation with a wide range of commentators on a number of issues such as health,
relationship, education, economy, politics, race, and many more.

In this modern world social media is to be highly controversial topic today. Some people
to curse the social media while for others blessing the social media. Many of them have an
opinion that by the use of social media physical human interaction has to be reduced and there
are several other people have the opinion of that social media improved and gave the better way
and options to stay connected to everyone in the world. Using this view point, this paper is
todiscuss the impact of social media that is the benefits and drawbacks of social media in society.

Benefits of Social Media

Social media may be used for diverse noble causes like social welfare activities and
promotion of NGOs. It also helps to change the way people live. It creates consciousness and
help people to discover various innovations that helps to enhancethemselves. Here we discuss
about some benefits of social media.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social media has a lot of benefits for the students and teachers. It is very easy to educate from
others who are experts and professionals via the social media. You can follow anyone to learn
from him/her and enhance your knowledge about any field. Regardless of your location and
education background you can educate yourself, without paying for it.

Display one‟s Talent

It is one of the best platforms available to showcase talent without any investment.
There have been several cases how social media has provided fame and success to many
people for their hard work and talent so conveniently and affordably.
Find People with Similar Interest
Social media serves as a great channel to build friendships and relations. It gets you
in touch with several people of varied interests, choice, likes and preferences. Social media
can be one of the places to find one of your think pattern, wavelength and type. Company of
such people fills your life with happiness.
Earn Money
Another important advantage of social media is that it can prove to be a good
opportunity to make money. This can be done by selling clothes, blogging, affiliate
marketing and many more. All these ways are good sources to generate handsome income.

You can share your issues with the community to get help and giddiness. Whether it is
helping in term of money or in term of advice, you can get it from the community you are
connected with.


Social media also create awareness and innovate the way people live. It is the social
media which have helped people discover new and innovative stuffs that can enhance personal
lives. From farmers to teachers, students to lawyers every individual of the society can benefit
from the social media and its awareness factor.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Whether you have an offline business or online, you can promote your business to the
largest audience. The whole world is open for you, and can promote to them. This makes the
businesses profitable and less expensive, because most of the expenses made over a business are
for advertising and promotion. This can be decreased by constantly and regularly involving on
the social media to connect with the right audience.

Noble Cause

Social media can also be used for the noble causes. For example, to promote an NGO,
social welfare activities and donations for the needy people. People are using social media for
donation for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.

Helps Govt and Agencies Fight Crime

It is also one of the advantages of the social media that it helps Governments and Security
Agencies to spy and catch criminals to fight crime.

Information and Updates

The main advantage of the social media is that you update yourself from the latest
happenings around in the world. Most of the time, Television and print media these days are
biased and does not convey the true message. With the help of social media you can get the facts
and true information by doing some research.

Draw Backs of Social Media

Honestly, some drawbacks also happen due to this social media, they are as follow.

 Health Issues
 Social Media causes death
 Cheating and Relationship Issues
 Glamorizes Drugs and Alcohol
 Fraud and Scams
 Security Issues
 Reputation
 Hacking
 Cyberbullying
All the above points are indicating social media users‘ drawbacks as well as,
it is affecting the physical and mental health so utilise the social media very


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


1. Appadurai, A 1996, Modernity at large: cultural dimensions of globalization, University

of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
2. Dahlgren, P 2009, Media and political engagement: citizens, communication, and
democracy, Cambridge University Press, New York.
3. Eltantawy, N &Wiest, JB 2011, ‗Social Media in the Egyptian Revolution: Reconsidering
Resource Mobilization Theory‘, International Journal of Communication 5, pp. 1207-
4. Haenlein, M & Kaplan, MA 2010, ‗Users of the world, unite! The challenges and
opportunities of social media‘, Business Horizons, vol. 53, pp. 59-68.
5. Jakubowicz, K 2007, Rude awakening: social and media change in central and eastern
Europe, Hampton Press, Cresskill.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


K. Mummurthi
Ph.D., Research Scholar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education, Annamalai University.

The concept of ideology suggests three main areas of concern in relation to the media.
The first has to do with the nature of the social control exerted over the media. The central
question here concerns the structure of the ownership of the media and, more generally, the ways
and, of course, extent to which ruling-class control over the operations of the media is secured.
Second, this time at the level of formal analysis, there is the question as to how, technically, the
signifying systems relayed by the media work so as to achieve the effect of ‗misrecognition‘
imputed to them.The precise way in which such questions are addressed depends upon the way
in which the concept of ideology is interpreted and handled—a matter on which Marxists have
been by no means united.
Communication of Social Knowledge
A new technique of mass communication has tended to undermine the prestige and
influence of established mediating organizations and groups. By providing new channels of
communication, by-passing established mediating agencies, new media have also posed a serious
threat to the stable, hierarchical control of social knowledge. The best illustration of this process
of displacement, and attendant social dislocation, is provided by the rise of the book in late
Cultural Imperialism and the Global Media
In international communication theory and research, cultural imperialism theory argued
that audiences across the globe are heavily affected by media messages emanating from the
Western industrialized countries. Although there are minor differences between "media
imperialism" and "cultural imperialism," most of the literature in international communication
treats the former as a category of the latter. Grounded in an understanding of media as cultural
industries, cultural imperialism is firmly rooted in a political-economy perspective on
international communication.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

New World Information Order (NWIO) debate, later known as the New World
Information and Communication Order (NWICO) debate. Although the debate at first was
concerned with news flows between the north and the south, it soon evolved to include all
international media flows. This was due to the fact that inequality existed in news and
entertainment programs alike, and to the advent of then-new media technologies.
Media, Globalization, and Hybridization
Several reasons explain the analytical shift from cultural imperialism to globalization.
First, the end of the Cold War as a global framework for ideological, geopolitical, and economic
competition calls for a rethinking of the analytical categories and paradigms of thought. By
giving rise to the United States as sole superpower and at the same time making the world more
fragmented, the end of the Cold War ushered in an era of complexity between global forces of
cohesion and local reactions of dispersal. In this complex era, the nation-state is no longer the
sale or dominant player, since transnational transactions occur on subnational, national, and
supranational levels. Conceptually, globalization appears to capture this complexity better than
cultural imperialism.
The globalization of culture has become a conceptual magnet attracting research and
theorizing efforts from a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinary formations such as
anthropology, comparative literature, cultural studies, communication and media studies,
geography, and sociology. International communication has been an active interlocutor in this
debate because media and information technologies play an important role in the process of
globalization. Although the media are undeniably one of the engines of cultural globalization, the
size and intensity of the effect of the media on the globalization of culture is a contested issue.
One perspective on the globalization of culture, somewhat reminiscent of cultural
imperialism in terms of the nature of the effect of media on culture, but somewhat different in its
conceptualization of the issue, is the view that the media contribute to the homogenization of
cultural differences across the planet.This position acknowledges that cultures have been in
contact for a long time through warfare, trade, migration, and slavery. Therefore, a degree of
hybridization in all cultures can be assumed. At the same time, this middle ground also
recognizes that global media and information technologies have substantially increased contacts
between cultures, both in terms of intensity and of the speed with which these contacts occur.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that transnational mass media intensify the hybridity that is
already in existence in cultures across the globe. Consequently, the globalization of culture
through the media is not a process of complete homogenization, but rather one where cohesion
and fragmentation coexist.
1. Mattelart, Armand. (1983). Transnationals and the Third World. London: Bergin and
2. Robertson, Roland. (1992). Globalization. London: Sage Publications.
3. Schiller, Herbert. (1991). "Not Yet the Post-Imperialist Era." Critical Studies in Mass
4. Communication 8(1):13-28.
5. Schiller, Herbert. (1992). The Ideology of International Communication. New York:
Institute for Media Analysis.
6. Straubhaar, Joseph D. (1991). "Beyond Media Imperialism: Assymetrical
Interdependence and Cultural Proximity" Critical Studies in Mass Communication
7. Tomlinson, John. (1991). Cultural Imperialism. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
8. Tomlinson, John. (1999). Globalization and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor
Government College of Education
Orathanad-614 625
Thanjavur- Distrct
E-mail Id:
Information Technologies

Information Technology ―is any computer-based tool that people use to work with
information and support the information and information processing needs of an organization‖.
It includes computers and its related technologies; WWW, Internet and Videoconferencing etc.
Information technology can be used to promote the opportunities of knowledge dissemination.
It can help the teachers and students having up-to-date information
and knowledge. Accurate and right information is necessary for effective teaching and
learning; and information technology is a ―set of tools that can help provide the right people
with the right information at the right time.‖
In this sense, information technologies may the result of knowledge explosion, where
according to Marriam, and Cafarella, (1997) ―computer technology (software) extends the
mental ability.‖ Therefore, information technologies may include computer and its related
technologies of high tech and low touch nature.

Students Use Information Technologies To

1. Participate in a media revolution, profoundly affecting the way they think about and use
2. Improve the ways of learning in new learningfashions

3. Extend the ability and skills of applying their learning in realsituation.

4. Working in groups for cooperative and collaborativelearning

5. Developing self-learning habits at their own pace andtime.

Teachers Use The Information Technologies To:

1. Present the material in more interesting and attractiveway.
2. Guide and help students in searching the qualitativematerial.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Make best use oftime.

4. Coach the students.
5. Provide individualizedinstruction.

Information technologies affect the teaching learning process in different ways. These
helps the teachers in preparing lecture notes for interesting presentation, on the one hand and
facilitates the students on the other hand. Different technologies help the teachers and students
according to their respective nature and capabilities of storage and presentation. For example
computers are used in education for various purposes as they can store and retrieve a huge
amount of information. All 20 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary are contained on one
compact disc. The disc provides instant access to 616,500 words and terms, 137,000
pronunciations, 2.4 million illustrative quotations, 577,000 cross references, and 249,000
etymologies. Similarly, American Memory includes Library of Congress collections of
primary materials from American history. Available on a combination of computer audio and
videodiscs, American Memory contains 25,500 photographs (dated form 1800 to 1920); 500
prints and cartoons about Congress: 60 sound recordings (pre-radio) of early 20th century
leaders; 1,610 color photographs taken during World War 2nd, 28 motion pictures of President
William McKinley and 350 pamphlets by blank authors from Reconstruction to the First
World War (Menges, 1994; pp184-185).

Preparation for the Age of Information Technology

Certain skills capabilities of using different information technologies are necessary for
students as well as teachers. Therefore, gradual encounters with the technologies are necessary
to prepare themselves for the age of information technology. They will anticipate in the age of
information technologyas:
 Requiring students to use electronic databases in theirsearches.

 Encouraging students to use electronic mail to ask questions, and for submitting
 Becoming familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the technologies and
 /videoconferencing etc.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Surveying students about their familiarity with the information technologies and
a s king if they will share their knowledge and skills with theclass.
 Using a word processor to develop class notes and editing a version to use as
handouts and a version for overheadtransparencies.
 Using computer programs for keeping records in large class-enrollment lists,
testitems and so on and having students review and update their own record from
time to time.

 Spending students‘ time as a multimedia workstation, planning a presentation;

assembling projection graphics, video clips, animation, sound and other
materials; trying to match particular materials with specific learning objectives;
and integrating the materials into a unifiedpresentation.
 Eliminating and/ or minimizing physical problems arising from the use of
information technologies.
Information technologies are the result of knowledge explosion. These include
hardware & software technologies and facilitate teaching learning process. Using Information
Technologies learners are now able to participate in learning communities throughout
theworld. They are independent and free in choice of their programmes of study and access to
the resources. They may learn collaboratively, share information, exchange their learning
experiences and work through cooperative activities in virtual learning communities.
Information technologies facilitate teaching learning process in more productive fashion.
Similarly, the role of teacher is also different in new settings than in the conventional system.
Teacher facilitates and guides the learners in their study playing the role of a coach or mentor.
Now teacher is not at the center of the instruction and sole source of information as in
conventional classrooms. He/she decides contents/experiences and/or activities, locates the
resources and guides learners how to have access and utilize the information for required
outcomes. In nutshell, information technologies are restructuring teaching learning process to
meet the Internationalstandards.
1. Charp, S. (1994). Educational Technological Horizons. Educational Journal 22(8).56


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Dede, C. (1996). The Evolution of Distance Education: Emerging Technologies and

Distributed Learning. American Journal of Distance Education10(2).
3. Haag, Cummings and Dawkins (1998). Management Information Systems for the
Information age, McGraw HillUSA.
4. Hussain, I. (2005). A Study of Emerging Technologies and their Impact on Teaching
Learning Process. Un-published Ph.D thesis, Islamabad: AllamaIqbal Open
5. Knowles, M.S. (1980). The Growth and Development of Adult Education. In John M.
Peter & Associates (eds.); Building an Effective Adult Education Enterprise, London;
Jossey BassPublishers.
6. Marriam, S. B. &Cafarella, R.S. (1997), Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive
Guide, San Francisco, Jossey-BassPublishers.
7. Menges, R. J. (1994). Teaching in the age of Electronic Information. In Wilbert J.
Mckeachie (eds.), Teaching Tips: 9th Ed. U.S.A.; D.C Heath andCompany.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. P. Pandia Vadivu, Ms. K. Sowmiya,

Assistant Professor SG, Ph.D Research Scholar,
School of Education, School of Education,
TamilNadu Open University. TamilNadu Open University,
Chennai – 600 015 Chennai 600 015
Email - Email –
Cell No. 9952050205 Cell No. 9940863634


Social media has become strong transformed way of communicating in all the fields,
particularly in this COVID period social media played a vital role in education. As same without
information and technology tools, we cannot access any kind of social media at present, fields
like twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc., are widely used by students and teachers. This makes it
easier for teachers and students to access more and share well, this period is the generation of
smart phones and blogging. In first one clicks way, we can all the information‘s we need. Social
media entitles youngsters to commence a manage intercrossing proceedings based on their
interests like artistic talents and sports. The social networks are the way of communication and
sharing the notes or materials. In this social media, the features add more benefits for educational
platforms and also enhance student teachers‘ interactions livelier and their values are added an
academic performance. Therefore, online tutoring will work well by utilizing new methods &
approaches in learning & teaching. Based on this research, we can say that the teacher‘s
adaptability to technological era is a procedure that encompasses the skills and ability in the use
of technology.

Use of Social Media Policy and ICT Policy

Social media plays a vital role in these days. Scholars and researcher can register their
virus in these social platforms. Number of times their view became critical towards the frailties
of polices and functions of government. But, definitely, governments will not manage as spare
such critiques casually. This is the reason behind for many countries social media policy.
Whereas our country does not have such polices for government departments and government
employees. As an Indian government will not also take critique casually. Social media is
disorderly and potentially mutinous in nature because it can bridge large number of persons with


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

respective case. Thus, it becomes essential for the ministries to have a individual social media
division that can communicate with its people in a timely and convivial manner.

The goal of social media policy of our country in future will put peoples firmly at the
intermediary of government duty delivery and orientating distribution. Social media reinforce
this goal because they are basically about communication and declaration between and within
personages and communities.

The ICT policy apart from nation‘s policy separate institution can do framework
individually for reference Christopher Brown. 2018. Acceptable use of ICT and Social Media
Policy. OBPS // CB. We can take a glance on ICT policy of their institution.
The Role of Social Media is Development Works and its Corresponding Functions

The common role of social media designs is enhancement works is to build organization
through pragmatic campaign, fund rising to organize collect materials for social change. Social
media design like internet forums, text-based blogs, and social networking websites are used to
organize and arrange important materials and continuous actions. They create social
communication between its learner/users in talking future action by contributing more
information‘s and its resources about knowledge and sharing them is another essential function
of social media application that holds knowledgeable content and create variety access to digital
gain. Social media practice can also reduce cost in gaining knowledgeable resources, particularly
for those living in rural areas. Even though nationalized media consent handless get actively
engaged in news yielding by enabling them to share ideas and perceive by generating open origin
of software and treating information not as knowledgeable property. Most of the social network
websites still cover content protection, although the material resources do not be a component to
them. Thus, a highlight of collaborative work that encourage simultaneous information. Creation
and sharing by many users, supported by shielding credibility of information, should be lay in
accrual activity in order to enhance joint effort of multiple number of users to promote not only
collaborating among peoples but also capability in knowledge and liberty in expressing their own

The Role of ICT on Enhancing the Quality of Education

Education has an important role in constructing the society. It is the most appropriate
need for the walk being of the society and individual. Quality education assists to empower the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

country in every aspect. There are many possible ways to rise the learner‘s intelligence and
technology is the utmost effectual way. ICT is the strength to application technology as a
medium to research, evaluate, organize and communicate the possession and information of a
principle understanding of the ethical issues conditions to access and use of resources, students
utilizing ICT amenities mostly shows their higher learning profits compared to those who does
not perform actually it as a helping tool, ICT can be utilized to do difficult task as it natures
researchers with a constant avenue for the distribution of research progress and results/findings.
It is considered as an important tool for constructing knowledgeable society, as a framework at
the academic education planate that could sustain a way to reimagine and redesign the academic
systems and strategies, thus enhance to improve the quality education to all.

The Main Part of ICT in Education

1. To improve range of educational activity and medium.

2. To promote parallel opportunities to acquire education is resources.

3. To develop a network of collecting and publishing educational resources.

4. To upgrade technology education and reinforce distance learning.

5. To reinforce sharing knowledge and information with society.

6. Helps in developing innovative teaching efficiency and it makes teaching is best in


7. Acts as a supporting tool for learning and teaching.

8. ICT aids teachers to encourage students and improve interest in learning.

9. ICT is collection of educational institutes because every resource can safely keep through

10. ICT aids teachers to transmit properly with their pupils, so ICT passage the space
between teacher & learner relation and acts as vital role in learner evaluation.

Most of the educational research is necessary in order to efficiently integrate the application
of ICT into the platform of higher education.

The Modifications of Forms and Conventions of Social Change Created by ICT


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

It is certain that the training of ICT has also created incremental traps to develop entirely
in few years. International advancement groups are of the alike opinion that ICTs can worth
effectively construct and release the developmental strength of public socio-economic and
government networks. Indisputably ICT has charged social media uses to major tools in altering
social change strategic by creating two possible ways of communication forms with a
requirement of whole participation to form wide variety of users to create elongated opinions
without phase and space outlines. The strategy of social modification is collectively with the
heap of civic participation to encourage equality and freedom, democratic, transparency,
legitimacy and accountability. Generated by ICT social media have grown as a vital new source
for the prosperous institution of grass root movements, leaderless group of actions, bottom-up.
They have many roles in conditioning of organizing are executing collective events, promoting a
perception of community, moving public will enrollment, boosting civic engagement, generating
citizen journalism, raising individual awareness, continuous support for refreshing causes
alternative public spheres, etc. This is because to their incomparable potential in activating
continued, strong flow of communicating speed is civic mobilization, and new chaired
communication forms.

Anyhow, could the strategies of social charge, created by ICT growth, extent to a
superior state welfare is additional subject that must be raised and to observe if will demand not
only participatory fields in enhancing democracy and freedom and technology developing
enginers to allocate equal cyber access, but also plenty development constructors that could
change the perfection of everyone to the original gain for individuals in form of social progress.

Invest and Train A Subject Related Group of Teachers

Teacher-computer tutors who are driven to use computer sited educational technology
and they have been provided with chance to gain abundantly high platform of expertise to
empower them to perform a inspiration, advisors, and experts in matters having to do with
computer-sited educational technology.

 In every institution, there must be many teacher mentors, the number of teachers is
depending on the strength of the institute and of course on the school‘s norms to
educational reckoning.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Teacher-Computer mentor should be given abundant release period to fulfill the

upcoming roles and activities.

 Employ with other mentors, as singe or groups, developing them to new platforms
organizing product procedures, and guiding them with any technical or teaching problems
that might commence.

Challenges to ICT and Social Media

There is a demand for new assessment and novel perception into combining technological
with implicit, innovative and non technological cognition ICT has the respective to structure role
and activity of social media established on new socio-cultural proportions of users. Inventions in
the region of ICT should be magnificent by how citizen aspire to apply new ICT by reckoning
for the cognition of the determinants of how they collaborate in socio-cultural environment for
various suggestive and social incentives. The organized knowledge and the nudge philosophy of
ICT by oneself are not adequate to respond to the upcoming challenges of social media criteria.
The appliance of social media also poses some concerns, one of which is the possession of social
media resources. User generated resources, which is originated through social media
combination done by the learners through social media medium, is along with reclusion issues.
Experts argue that the enterprises such as twitter, face book and YouTube are gaining huge
earning by using – having the moral to montage, the resource that does not accord to them. It is
about high perusal of profit. Much of social networking workers track communicable activities.


Activated by ICT, social media is instrumental in and strutting and generating social
change for them to permit for variety participation, spontaneous flow of interactions, and rapidity
in public enrollment. As well, their growth has created variety of possibilities to boost social
change through encouraging awareness, stimulating public will mobilization, building civic
arrangement, giving knowledge etc. Hence their part is indeed altering implication is growing in
society while the enrolment of social media has eventually been an instrumental sneak up for
social change them into a energetic force for important political changes, if their accomplishment
is based on a consistent adjustment of process to political and social information specific needs.
However, a theoretical structure is needed to progress a shared activity toward apperception the
part of social media tools for social change, as using their real crush on social change is still


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

bordered by the shortage of clear objective evidence. As a key characteristic social media, be
responsible for scale and are efficient of reaching a productive, global people and are attainable
to as well citizen as media performer to produce or use information in parallel terms, as the
agency of social media fabrication are available to the society. Thus, citizens are avail last
randomness at te outlines of media fabrication and propagation/distribution.


1. UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, 2011.Printed in the

Russian Federation. Russian Federation.
2. Christopher Brown. 2018. Acceptable use of ICT and Social Media Policy. OBPS // CB
3. Framework & Guidelines for Use of Social Media for Government Organisations.
Department of Electronics and Information Technology. Ministry of Communications &
Information Technology. Government of India.
4. National Policy on Information Technology, 2012. (NPIT 2012).
5. National Education Policy 2020. Ministry of Human Resource Development.
Government of India.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr.A.Rajaram, Assistant professor, Department of History, Thiru Kolanjiappar Govt Arts

Collge, Vriddhachalam &

Dr.S.Sridhar, Assistant professor , Department of History, Arignar Anna Government Arts

College, Villupuram-605 602


Yesteryear, books were the only tool for exercising research for student and faculty in the
universities or colleges. Now days the trend was changing gradually and adopted the medium of
communication like social media. The term social media refers to the use of web-based and
mobile technologies to turn communication into an integrative dialogue. Social media takes on
many different forms including magazines, internet forums,weblogs, social blogs, micro
blogging, wikis, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video rating and social bookmaking. With the
world in the midst of a social media revolution, it is more than oblivious that social media like
face book,twitter, Orkut, MySpace, Skype, etc., are used extensively for the purpose of
communication. This form of communication can be with a person or a group of persons. Today
most of the people specially the youngsters are hooked on the different social media for keeping
in contact with their peers. Social media is media for social interaction as a superset beyond
social communication. There are pros and cons to the user of social media communication,
onemost important advantage is the online sharing knowledge and informationamong the
different groups of people this online sharing of information also promotes the increase in the
communication skills among the people especially amount the learners students of
educationsinstitutions, there is also a flip side to the user of social media tools. Sometimes such
tools are misused by people who lead to interference into one‘s privacy. Such instances can lead
to diagnoseproportions keeping in view the ethical aspect so the user of such media. Social
media provide simple, inexpensive ways to organize members arrange meting spread information
and gaugeopinion.1The social media tools for virtually bought importance to use for research
activate.Perhaps the social media platform by students, it is expedient that universities and
colleges.2The use of social media among student has reached high levels and has affected their
study tome poorgrammar and wrong spellings when socializing on social media as well as


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

diverting their attention from their studies.3This article focuses on how the social media helps to
modern day research and related activities.

Defining social media

Media are simply means of communication, ―social‖ media may be defined as websites
or other internet based services where the content being communicated is created by the people
who use the service. Unlike, for example, a news website, where the content is created by a
journalistic and editorial staff for mass consumption, on social media site there is no clear cut
separation between produces and consumer. Different social media sites structure these
production and consumption roles differently. Some sites, such as Wikipedia award status based
on the amount previously produced for the community, and only allow users with a certain status
to take certain types of action. Other sites such as Face book allow essentially everyone to create
the same kind of content. Furthermore, regardless of the presence of specific constrains users
themselves tend to structure their interaction with social media sites in different ways , with a
handful their interaction with social media sites in different ways, with handful of users
contributing extensively to the sites, whilst the majority contribute rarely or never. Within this
broad definition of social media, a variety of more specific sites can be found. Two major factors
are of importance in defining the extent to which sites are different. Firstly there is the way in
which the site in question manages the identities of its users as a way of both enabling and
constraining access such as Wikipedia, do not require the creation of an account to access
material (through accounts before most data can be accessed. Furthermore many account based
sites also encourage users to create connection between other users on the site. Which have
sometime been more narrowly defined as social networking site? Content is created by people
whom that user has chosen to connect with. Different sites also structure link creation in different
ways for example on twitter, users can choose to receive content from anyone, whereas on Face
book they must reciprocally confirm each other as friends before many types of content can be

Secondly some social media websites dedicate themselves to a specificthemes or niche

interest, whilst others attempt to create a more general type of space for social interaction (within
which more specific niches can spring up) social networking sites such as Face book and twitter
for example are realist a wide variety of social interaction can take place on them. Other sites


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

such as LinkedIn (a site designated for professional connection) or mums net ( a site designed for
professional connections) have more of a specific theme. Here, though the community is open to
anyone a certain type of content creation is encourages and moderators may actively shut out
people who are posting things which are considered off topic. Finally in this context, sites were
slightly outside what is traditionally conceived of as social media, as their primary purpose is no
to facilitate communication, but which nevertheless store large amount of socially grated data.
An obvious example here would be Google by recording the search interests of billions of
people, there is an important sense in which Google is a socially generated site.

On the basis of the above definition, many types of technology which have been
supported by the internet (and indeed non-internet technologies) could be conceived of as social
media. Certainly social media have been part of the internet since its earliest foundational days,
in the form of things such asUsenet discussion groups, whilst the World Wide Web itself was
also conceived of in broadly social terms when it was created. Hence there is a sense in which
social media have a long history.Currently, the major practical use of social media for both
business and governments is as means of managing publicrelations.Social media provide a
channel where organization can quickly diffuse particular messages of interest to a wide
audience (compared with other diffusion channels such as press releases or paid for advertising)
They also constitute an arena where the issues of the day are frequently debated and where
opinions can be formed on a wide range of topical. Hence much larded organizations now have
social median teams in their communications or publican relation departments which both
monitor current events on social networks and actively release content to these networks.
Perhaps more important that the demographical of overall access to social media sites are
diverging uses towards which these sites are put in particular. Many studies have reported
divergingpatterns in terms of who actively creates online content, how often they create it, and
what specific types of content they create .Acoresmanydifferent social media sites, there is a
consistent pattern whereby the majority of content is created by a relatively small minority of
users.4 50% of the social media users only visit the sites ona monthly basis.5Sometimes this
difference has been conceptualized as the difference between residents who actively spend their
lives online, and visitors who go online to search out particular bits of information and leave
whentherehas found it.6


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social media and research

Social media comprises communication websites that facilitate relationship forming

between users from diverse backgrounds, resulting in a rich social structure. User generated
content encourages inquiry and decision –making. Given the relevance of social media to various
stakeholders, it has received significant attention from researchers of various fields, including
information systems. While some scholars were studied social phenomena on social media as a
separate sphere form real life. These applications net to be viewed as integrated into and as an
integral part of society at large. It is myopic to think that social media data emerge in a vacuum.
Interactionaland engagement on social media are often directly linked or ever result from events
taking place outside of it. Part of this difficulty in defining the term is figuring out what makes
social media distinguishable from other media.4All media re social but only a particular subset of
all media are fundamentally defined by their sociality, and thus distinguished for example from
the mainstream media of print,radio, and television.5

Moreover, they are produced within a specific historical, social, political, economic
context. Thus social media scholarship needs to takethis context into account in any study of
social media. This perspective is critical as it directly influences a study‘s research design and
interpretation of findings. Often additional information, in the form of maps, historicalevents,
newspaperarticles, demographic information or political upheavals need to be included to
provide additional context that can aid in the interpretation of research findings. In the past ten
years social media has become an integral part of everyday life with large economicalpolitical
social media platforms.6

Using social media data for social scientific analysis requires a reorientation of
how we think about data and its relationship with the social world. the data exists and
proliferates whether it is observed or not, it is not created solely for the purpose of research in its
sense its role in academic work could be lapelled as incidental, yet that cannot detract from its
importance in recording and shedding light on a whole range of social phenomena including
attitudes, intentions, identity, networks, opinions, locations and representations. Of course, the
incidental nature of the data is not entirely new to the social sciences, but social media data
inherently creates specific challenges that tackle head on .7


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Interdisciplinary research

Interdisciplinaryresearch (IDR) has become integral to the evolving field of social media
research. But what drives interdisciplinary approaches in social media research. Is it the
methodological challenges ofunderstanding multilevel social phenomena that lead to the
formation of teams that integrate concepts, frameworks, and methodologies from various
disciplines? In the context of social media research this chapter describes what interdisciplinary
teams are motivations for their development challenges faced and the policies that currently help
and hinder their success. Prior research demonstrates the importance of interdisciplinary for
creativity and innovation as well as the difficulties associated with achieving coherence when
teams consist of members with diverse disciplinarybackgrounds, who are located in different
institutions or geographical locations. This leads us to conclude that some diversity is necessary.
but too much diversity can get in way of achieving successful research outcomes. Social media
research community can strengthenthe outcomes of IDR teams and work satisfaction through
community discussions on the composition practices and outcomes of IDR teams and the
development of social media IDR toolkits. Social media research entails of various platforms that
host user generated content the data created by users on these sites including profiles updates
posts and comments and the patterns and networks that emerge from interactions among users.
As a result of the diversity of research problems that can be examined it is an area of research
best tackled by scholars from a variety ofdifferent disciplines9

Social media research problems tend to be complex. As various have demonstrated there
is an ‗emerging need to continuously collect, monitor, analyze, summarize, and visualize
relevant information from social interactions and use-generated content in various dominant.
Each of these activates requires an understanding of the intricacies of how social media
platforms work and their technical specification. What further complicated the study of social
media data is that these data to collect and where to draw boundaries. Also, social media data are
dynamic and can be investigated at various levels of analysis ranging from characteristic of
individuals, to network to polemicalfeatures, to changes occurring over time. Originally
technological challenges are present in a social media project, these also includes such tasks as
scraping data preparation of important research questions and hypotheses, instead of relying on
data fishing.11But the technical expertise alone does not provide a good understanding of social


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

phenomena, only through the application of pertinent social theory can scholars make sense of
patterns in data which has behavioral challenge.


The emergence of social media such as bogs and micro blogs,and social networking sits
helpful to communication research leading to increasing numbers of research on social media. It
is concluded that social platforms has a significant impact on students and faculties in academic
performance in India. On the digital world, the last decades surprisingly found new social media
platforms to communicate world into one hand. This medium has not only helpful for sharing
their happiness and other things (personal). It also utilized for acquiring wise knowledge and
updated the vision of world wide. Some of researcher was sharing their own ideas before they
complete for getting more knowledge. Also, those who had same research may give the ideas for
young researchers to complete the same. On the other hand some of the negative impact will fall
their research ideas may affect the research vision ever. However, both merits and demerits in
the every tool for research. Researchers should caution on the unwanted, hoax, information will
affect research for the same. Beyond this negativity there are so many positive things held in the
social may utilize the researchers in modern world.

Notes and References

1. Trisha Dowerah Baruah, ―Effectiveness of social media as a tool of communication and

its potential for technology enabled connections: A micro level study‖, International
Journal of scientific and research publications, Volume 2, Issues 5, May 2012, p. 1-6
2. Sandra Okyeadie mensah, ―the impact of social media on students academic
performance‖, International Journal of education, Vol.1, November, 2016, p.14-20
3. Ndaku, A.J, ―Impact of social media on the students ― networking 18, pp.275-285
4. Ortega F., Gonzalez-Barahone, J and Robes , G, ―On the inequality of contributions to
Wikipedia‖, HICSS, 08 proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii international conference
on system science, 2008, p.304
5. White D and Le cornu, A , ―Visitors and residents: A new typology for online
engagement‖, First Monday, 2011, p.16
6. Hogan and Quan-Haase, ―persistence and change in social media‖, Bulletin of science,
technology and society, 2010, pp.309-315


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

7. Creighton J, L., Foster, J.W, klingsmith, L., and withey, D.K. ―I just look it up:
undergraduate student perception of social media use in their academic success‖ ,
Journal of social media in society, 2013, pp.15-23
8. Boyd, d., ―social media : A phenomenon to be analyzed‖ , social media society,
9. Williams M., Butnap, P and Sloan , L, ―Crime sensing with Big Data: the affordances and
limitations of using open source communication to estimate crime patterns‖, British
Journal of Criminology, 2016, pp 179-188
10. Argaon, Lanado , ―A reflection on an interdisciplinary approach to social media
research‖, In 21st international world wide web conference, 2012, pp.1-6
11. Stieglitz, ―social media analytics: an interdisciplinary approach and its implication for
information systems., Business and information systems, 2014,pp.89-96


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


R. Kesavan Research Scholar & Dr.U.Pandian Research Supervisor

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational technology, TNTEU, Chennai-97

The eyes are the gateway to knowledge and the differently abled visually impaired due to
absence of sight are deprived of many opportunities to learn. They find it difficult to cope with
the challenges of the vast developing educational arena at their higher education which is solved
to a greater extent through assistive technology. In the words of Janet Hopkins, assistive
technology is a system or support that allows a person with a disability to work around his/her
area of challenge. Assistive technology does not provide a ―cure‖ for a condition or disability; it
helps the user to accomplish a task more independently. This paper deals with the importance of
assistive technology in the lives of the higher education differently abled visually impaired, the
assistive technologies available, the principles of assistive technology for the differently abled
visually impaired and the ways it enhances the higher education of the differently abled visually

Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is a wider term including the devices that assist, adapt and
rehabilitate the differently abled persons to lead an equal life on par with their peer group.
Assistive technology also includes the process used in selecting, locating and using them. This
paves way for the differently abled persons to perform tasks independently which were
impossible earlier, or created difficulty in performing.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), federal law in the United States defines
Assistive Technology as to "any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired
commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional
capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Many people with serious visual impairments live
independently, using a wide range of tools and techniques‖. Screen readers, screen magnifiers,
scanner, speech software are some of the assistive technologies that enhance the higher education
of the differently-abled visually impaired.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Differently abled visually impaired

Differently abled or disability is defined as limitation of a person‘s ability to carry out the
activities of daily living, to the extent that he or she may need help in doing so. Differently abled
was first proposed in the 1980s as an alternative to disabled, handicapped, etc. on the grounds
that it gave a more positive message and so avoided discrimination towards people with
disabilities. Visually impaired includes both persons with total absence of sight and having low
vision too.
According to Arditi, & Rosenthal visual impairment is vision loss (of a person) to such a
degree as to qualify as an additional support need through a significant limitation of visual
capability resulting from either disease, trauma, or congenital or degenerative conditions that
cannot be corrected by conventional means, such as refractive correction or medication. This
functional loss of vision is typically defined to manifest with
8. Best corrected visual acuity of less than 20/60, or significant central field defect,
9. Significant peripheral field defect including homonymous or heteronymous bilateral
visual, field defect or generalized contraction or constriction of field, or
10. Reduced peak contrast sensitivity with either of the above conditions.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, USA (I.D.E.A. 1993) defines, ―Visual
Impairment including blindness means impairment in vision that even with correction; adversely
affects a child‘s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight (low vision) and
blindness‖. According to Persons with Disabilities Act (1995), ―Person with Disability‖ means a
person suffering from not less than forty percent of any disability certified by a medical
authority. Visual Impairment refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the
following conditions, namely:
 Total absence of sight; or
 Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye even with
correction lenses; or
 Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse. For deciding
the blindness, the visual acuity as well as field of vision has been considered.
Low Vision
Rehabilitation Council Act of India 1992 recognizes low vision as a category of disability
and defines it as ―a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or
execution of a task with appropriate assistive device‖.
The World Health Organization defines Visual impairment as visual acuity of less than
3/60 in the better eye with the best possible correction as compared to that of 6/60 in India.
―Low vision is those who suffer visual acuity between 70/200 to 20/200 (Snellen) or 6/18 to 6/60
in the better eye after the best possible correction‖.
Objectives of the Study
1. Assistive technology for the differently abled visually impaired.
2. Principles of assistive technology for the differently abled visually impaired.
3. Assistive technology enhancing higher education of the differently abled visually
Assistive Technology for the Differently Abled
In the words of Jim Allan, ―Assistive Technology is any item, piece of equipment, or
product system, whether acquired commercially off the self, modified, or customized, that is
used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities‖.
Screen readers, screen magnifiers, scanner, speech recognition software are some of the assistive
technology for the differently abled visually impaired.
 Screen reader is a software application that reads the information on the computer screen,
including web page, menus, icons and dialogue boxes. JAWS (Job Access With Speech)
reads the written text on a computer screen and enables the user to navigate the Internet.
 Screen Magnification Software enlarges the appearance of text and the images on the
computer screen. The software has a speech component and provides the user, control
over the size of text, colour, icons and images.
 Video magnifiers through closed circuit television technology enlarge written materials
and small objects on the screen.
 Hand-held and stand magnifiers are portable and used to increase the size of the print or
material viewed.
 Globe and bar magnifiers are portable and are placed directly on a page that has to be
 Monocular is a small telescope that spots out information at a distance but provides only
a restricted field of vision.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Binocular views information at a distance and provide a wider field of vision.

 Scanner enables the user to scan printed information on a computer. Kurzweil enables the
user to scan any written document on a computer and translates it into an audible form.
 Scanning and Character Recognition Software allows the user access the text with an
integral or separate screen reader.
 Braille writer produces Braille letters and enable the differently abled visually impaired
to be independent in reading and writing.
 Braille embosser modifies computer generated text into printed Braille form which can be
easily read by the differently abled visually impaired.
 Portable note taker provides speech output without a visual display and can be connected
to printers and computers for printing and uploading text.
 Speech recognition software captures the user‘s voice by a microphone, converts it into a text
and displays on screen.
The assistive technology enhances the higher education of the differently abled visually
impaired as it provides ways for them to have equal opportunities and the same standard of
education as their sighted peers. It removes to a great extent all that blocks them from having a
rich experience of the external world. The assistive technology such as screen reading software
enables the higher education differently abled visually impaired to access content from the
websites and through aural learning they gain knowledge.


a. Arditi, A. & Rosenthal, B. (1998). Developing an objective definition of visual

impairment. In Vision '96: Proceedings of the International Low Vision
Conference. 331-334.

2. Bonson, E. and Flores, F. (2011) Social media and corporate dialogue: the response of
the global financial institutions, Online Information Review, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 34-49.
3. Burke, J. (2020). Covid-19 Practice in Primary Schools in Ireland Report.
4. Cummings, J. N. (2004) Work groups, structural diversity, and knowledge sharing in a
global organization, Management Science, vol. 50, no. 3, pp 352−364.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

5. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,Principles and Standards for School

Mathematics, 2000, Retrieved from
6. Niess, M. L. (2006). Guest Editorial: Preparing teachers to teach Mathematics with
technology. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 6(2).
7. O‟Reilly, T. (2005) What is Web 2.0? Design patterns and business models for the next
generation of software, [Online],
8. Perienen, A. (2020).Frameworks for ICT Integration in Mathematics Education - A
Teacher‘s Perspective.Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Education, 16(6), em1845.
9. Postman, J. (2009). SocialCorp: social media goes corporate, Berkeley, CA: New
10. Paroutis and Saleh (2009) Determinants of knowledge sharing using Web 2.0
technologies, Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 52-63.
11. Rivero, Victor. 2011. "We're talking social media in education." Internet @ Schools 18
(3) : 12-15.May/Jun2011, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p12.
12. Vuori, V. (2011) Social Media Changing the Competitive Intelligence Process:
Elicitation of Employees‘ Competitive Knowledge. Academic Dissertation.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


B.Suresh Dr. M. Muthamizhselvan

Ph.D., Scholar, Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Pedagogical Sciences, Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai.

Nowadays knowledge is easily shared with the utilization of social media. Social media
can be described as a group of Internet-based applications that based on the ideological and
innovative foundations of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is the extension of Web 1.0 where it emphasizes on
its main feature of allowing the formulation and exchange of user-generated content. This new
generation of web consists of variety of services such as wikis, weblogs, social networking sites
(e.g. Facebook,Wtsapp, and Twitter) and hosting services (e.g. Flickr and Youtube). The
utilization of social media such as wikis and social networking sites has expanded exponentially,
where this advancement are ceaselessly turning out to be more coordinated into our daily lives.

Social Media

The definition of social media in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: "forms of electronic
communication (as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users
create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content
(such as videos)". Social media means any tool or phone application used to connect with others,
such as blog, Wtsapp, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other similar applications.

Characteristics of Social Media

Vuori (2011) characterises social media by considering the extent to which they support
communication, collaboration, connecting, completing and combining (5C):

1. Communication: social media provides new tools to share, store and publish contents, discuss
and express opinions and influence:Blogs (e.g. Blogger) and microblogs (e.g. Twitter),Video
sharing (e.g. YouTube),Presentation sharing (e.g. SlideShare),Instant messaging service (e.g.

2. Collaboration: social media enables collective content creation and edition without location
and time constraints:Wikis (e.g. Wikipedia), Groupware/shared workspaces (e.g. GoogleDocs).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Connecting: social media offers new ways of networking with other people, socialising
oneself into the community:Social networking services (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn).

Knowledge Sharing
Sharing is a common activity for everyone, but knowledge sharing within an
organization is a complex and complicated issue. Knowledge sharing is the process by which
knowledge of individuals is converted into a form that can be understood and used by other
individuals (Ipe, 2003). Knowledge sharing refers to the task to help others with knowledge,
and to collaborate with others to solve problems, develop new ideas, or implement processes
(Cummings, 2004).
Factors that influence knowledge sharing
1. Nature of knowledge
2. Tacit form: located in the individual‘s mind
3. Explicit form: embedded in organizational routines and norms, codified in
technological devices.
4. Motivation
5. Internal factors: perceived power and reciprocity
Knowledge Sharing Management

Although a standard global approach to knowledge management does not exist three
general activities involved in knowledge management have been identified. These activities
are integrated together into the overall knowledge management process. The three major
1. Knowledge capture and/orcreation,
2. Knowledge sharing anddissemination,
3. Knowledge acquisition and application
Social Media Tools for Sharing Knowledge

 Facebook
 LinkedIn
 Meetup
 Skype
 GoogleDocs


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Weblog
 YouTube
 SlideShare
 Wtsapp
The above social media tools are sharing our knowledge in every corner of the world.

Ability to facilitate communication was the most common cited reason that influenced
the utilization of social media among academia. Through social media, they can easily connect
and communicate internationally with other scholars. As we know, the world of research requires
massive communication for knowledge understanding. This scenario probably acts as force for
them to indulge in social media utilization.

In future, we expect that both the internal and external usage of the social media tools
will increase. In our study, social media emerges a new perspective. Enormous information and
knowledge can be shared using powerful tools to a world in which the social factors play an
essential role. In our new accelerated world, numerous technologies have been developed to
support social capital connections and to communicate in a more effective way.

Furthermore, other successful factor of knowledge sharing behaviour is its potentiality in

cultivating and generating ideas.For example in Facebook group, the users are having a direct
interaction among each other‘s. Through this interaction, the possibility to spark an idea from a
discussion of a certain topic is high. Following this, it will help the academia to have an up to
date on current research and issues. This can make sure that scholars are staying in the right track
and keeping up with the newestresearch.There is no doubt that social media do enhance and
upgrading the knowledge and Education sharing process thus assisting academia.

1. Basilaia, G., &Kvavadze, D. (2020).Transition to Online Education in Schools during
a SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia.Pedagogical Research,
5(4), em0060.
2. Bonson, E. and Flores, F. (2011) Social media and corporate dialogue: the response of
the global financial institutions, Online Information Review, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 34-49.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Burke, J. (2020). Covid-19 Practice in Primary Schools in Ireland Report.

4. Cummings, J. N. (2004) Work groups, structural diversity, and knowledge sharing in a
global organization, Management Science, vol. 50, no. 3, pp 352−364.
5. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,Principles and Standards for School
Mathematics, 2000, Retrieved from
6. Niess, M. L. (2006). Guest Editorial: Preparing teachers to teach Mathematics with
technology. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 6(2).
7. O‟Reilly, T. (2005) What is Web 2.0? Design patterns and business models for the next
generation of software, [Online],
8. Perienen, A. (2020).Frameworks for ICT Integration in Mathematics Education - A
Teacher‘s Perspective.Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Education, 16(6), em1845.
9. Postman, J. (2009). SocialCorp: social media goes corporate, Berkeley, CA: New
10. Paroutis and Saleh (2009) Determinants of knowledge sharing using Web 2.0
technologies, Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 52-63.
11. Rivero, Victor. 2011. "We're talking social media in education." Internet @ Schools 18
(3) : 12-15.May/Jun2011, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p12.
12. Vuori, V. (2011) Social Media Changing the Competitive Intelligence Process:
Elicitation of Employees‘ Competitive Knowledge. Academic Dissertation.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


V.J Vijeesh
Research Scholar
Dr. B Mary Sahela
Assistant Professor
Post Graduate and Research center, Department of Economics,
Scott Christian College (Autonomous) Nagercoil-629003.

Crimes are the major threaten to each and every country. People engage in various crime
for different reasons. If the law and order of the country is properly maintained and executed, it
will help to control the crimes. Nowadays, cyber crimes are the major threat to the world.
Because, this modern world people are connected with internet. Every year the number of
internet users especially social media users have been increasing. Accordingly, cyber crimes are
also increasing. The major reason behind the cyber crimes are that the crime can be done from
any part of the world.As India is the second populated country in world, the number of internet
users are also high. As per internet world stats data as on 31st march 2017, there are 462124989
internet users in India, which is 34.4 per cent of the total population. According to National
CrimeRecords Bureau crime statistics, in India cyber crimes were registered in 2017. But in 2019
about 44546 cyber crimes were registered.Cyber crime is a term used to broadly describe
criminal activity in which computers or computernetworks are a tool, a target, or a place of
criminal activity and include everything from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks. It
is also used to include traditional crimes in which computers or networks are used to enable the
illicit activity (Gandhi,2012). The "cyber"environment includes all forms of digital activities,
regardless of whether they are conducted through networks and without borders. This extends the
previous term "computer crime" to encompass crimes committed using the Internet, all digital
crimes, and crimes involving telecommunications networks (Joshi et Singh,2013). The term
cyber crime can be defined as an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or
commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. In other words, represents
cyber crime as ―Criminal activity directly related to the use of computers, specifically illegal
trespass into the computer system or database of another, manipulation or theft of stored or on-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

line data, or sabotage of equipment and data(Wow Essay,2009) The Internet space or cyber space
is growing very fast and as the cyber crimes(Saini et al., 2012). Cyber crime is the deadliest
epidemic confronting our planet in this millennium. A cyber criminal can destroy websites and
portals by hacking and planting viruses, carry out online frauds by transferring funds from one
corner of the globe to another, also gain access to highly confidential and sensitive
informationcause harassment by e-mail threats or obscene material, play tax frauds, indulge in
cyber pornography involving childrenand commit innumerable other crimes on the internet. It is
said that none is secure in the cyber world. People with intelligencehave been grossly misusing
this aspect of internet to perpetuate illegal acts in cyber space(Malik et Chaudary,2018)
As per National Crime Records Bauru (NCRB) crime statistics 2019, A total of 51,56,172
cognizable crimes comprising 32,25,701 Indian Penal Code (IPC) crimes and19,30,471 Special
& Local Laws (SLL) crimes were registered in 2019. It shows an increase of1.6% in registration
of cases over 2018 (50,74,635 cases). A total of 44,546 cases were registered under Cyber
Crimes, showing a huge increase of 63.5%in registration over 2018 (27,248 cases). Crime rate
under this category increased from 2.0 in2018 to 3.3 in 2019. During 2019, 60.4% of cyber-
crime cases registered were for the motive offraud (26,891 out of 44,546 cases) followed by
sexual exploitation with 5.1% (2,266 cases) andcausing disrepute with 4.2% (1,874 cases).
Statement of the Problem
As India is the second populated country in world, the numberof internet users are also high.
As per internet world stats data as on 31st march 2017, there are 462124989 internet users in
India, which is 34.4 per cent of the total population. According to National Crime Records
Bureau crime statistics, in India cyber crimes were registered in 2017. But in 2019 about 44546
cyber crimes were registered. It is clear from the above data every year cyber crimes have been
increasing. If the cyber crimes increase it will affect the internet users especially social media
networking site users of the country. In this context an attempt gas been made to make a study on
cyber crimes in India with special reference to selected offence registered under Information
Technology Act (IT) and Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Objectives of the study
1) To analyze year wise total cyber crimes registered in India for 13 years (2007 to 2019)
2) To discuss selected offence under the Information Technology (IT) Act and Indian Penal
Code for three years (2017 to 2019) in India


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

This is a descriptive research. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of
the state of affairs as it exists at present. This study mainly based on the secondary data collected
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Annual Crime statistics during the period 2007 to
2019. In this study the researcher collected data of yaer wise total crimes registered in India
during the period of 2007 to 2019 and selected offence under the Information Technology (IT)
Act and Indian Penal Code during the period of 2017 to 2019 in India.
In the Information Technology (IT) Act the researcher used cases registered under
computer related offences for three years during 2017 to 2019 and publication/ transmission of
obscene /sexually explicit act in electronic form t for Three Years during 2017 to 2019. In the
Indian Penal Code (IPC) Crimes involving communication devices as medium/target is used this
study for three years during 2017 to 2019.
Data Analysis
Figure Number-1
Variations of total cyber crimes registered in India for 13 years (2007 to 2019)

Source- National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Annual Crime statistics (2007 to 2019)
The figure number one shows the ariations of total cyber crimes registered in India for 13
years during the period of 2007 to 2019.A total of 217 cases registered under IT act and various
IPC sections. In 2019 it was 44546 cases. During the period 2007 to 2010 total cyber crimes
were below one thousand. In 2015 onwards every year total cyber crimes exceeded more than ten
thousand. In 2018 total 27248 cases registered in India but the next year it wasalmost doubled
(44546).It is clear from the above table every year total cyber crimes had been increasing.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Table Number-1
Computer Related OffencesRegistered Under Information Technology (IT) Act for Three Years
SL. Year
No. Crime Head 2017 2018 2019 Total
1 Tampering Computer Sources Document (Sec.65) 233 257 173 663
2 Computer Related Offences (Sec.66) 3508 3969 4467 11944
3 Dishonestly Receiving Stolen Computer Resource or
Communication Device (Sec.66B) 360 391 558 1309
4 Identity Theft (Sec.66C) 3724 6688 12255 22667
5 Cheating by personation by using computer resources
(Sec.66D) 2269 2704 5520 10493
6 Violation of Privacy (Sec.66 E) 247 389 812 1448
Total 10341 14398 23785 48524
Source- National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Annual Crime statistics (2017 to 2019)
The table number one shows that Computer Related OffencesRegistered Under
Information Technology (IT) Act for Three Years during the period of 2017 to 2019.Majority
(22667) of the crimes registered under section 66 C identity theft. Among that 2269 crimes in
2017,6688 crimes in 2018 and 12255 crimes in 2019.Section 65 computer related offences is the
highest reported crime after section 66 C identity theft. A total of 11944 cases were registered
between 2017 to 2019.As for as the least number (663) of crimes registered under section 65
tampering computer sources document. Among that 233,257 and 173 crimes in 2017, 2018, 2019
Table Number-2
Publication/ transmission of obscene /sexually explicit act in electronic formRegistered Under
Information Technology (IT) Act for Three Years (2017-2019)

Sl. Crime Head Year

No. 2017 2018 2019 Total
1 Publishing or Transmitting Obscene Material In 948 1334 1845 4127


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Electronic Form (Sec.67)

Publishing or transmitting of material containing
2 Sexually explicit act in electronic form (Sec.67A) 401 1097 1394 2892

Publishing or transmitting of material depicting

3 children in Sexually explicit act in electronic form
(Sec.67B) 46 82 102 230
4 Presentation and Retention of Information by
Intermediaries (Sec.67.C) 11 27 14 52
5 Other subsections OF IT Act (Sec. 67) 362 536 832 1730
Total 1768 5094 6206 13068
Source- National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Annual Crime statistics (2017 to 2019)
The table number two shows that Publication/ transmission of obscene /sexually explicit
act in electronic formRegistered Under Information Technology (IT) Act for Three Years during
the period of 2017 to 2019. Majority (4127) crimes registered under section 67 publishing or
transmitting obscene material is in electronic form. Among that 948 crimes in 2017, 1334 in
2018 and 1845 crimes in 2019. A total of 2892 crimes registered under section 67A Publishing
or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act in electronic form. Among that 401
crimes in 2017, 1097 in 2018 and 1394 crimes in 2019.Only negligible number (52 crimes) of
crimes registered under section 67 C presentation and retention of information by intermediaries.
QAs for as total crimes concerned,every year the crimes has been increasing. A total of 1768,
5094 and 6206 in 2017,2018 and 2019 respectively. Altogether 13068 crimes registered in India.
Table Number-3
IPC Crimes (Involving Communication Devices as Medium/Target or r/w IT Act)
Sl. Year
No. Crime Head 2017 2018 2019 Total
1 Abetment of Suicide (Online) (Sec.305/306IPC)) 0 7 8 15
2 Cyber Stalking/Bulling of Women/Children (Sec.345.D 542 739 777 2058
3 Data Theft (Sec.379 -381) 307 106 285 698


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4 Fraud (Sec.420 r/w Sec.465,468-471 IPC) 3466 3353 6233 13052

5 Cheating (Sec.420) 1896 2051 3393 7340
6 Forgery (Sec.465,468 & 471) 97 260 512 869
7 Defamation/Morphing (Sec.469 IPC r/w IPC and Indecent 12 18 19 49
representation of women Act)
8 Fake Profile (r/w IPC/SLL) 86 78 87 251
9 Cyber Blackmailing/ Threatening (Sec.506,503,384 IPC) 311 223 372 906
10 Fake News on Social Media (Sec.505) 170 97 190 457
11 Other offence (I.T Act) 1086 1713 1849 4648
Total 7973 8645 13725 30343
Source- National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Annual Crime statistics (2017 to 2019)
The table number 3 discloses that Indian Penal Code (IPC) crimes involving
communication devices as medium/target. During 2017 to 2019 a total of 30343 crimes
registered. Among that 7973 crimes in 2017,8645 crimes in 2018 and 13725 crimes in 2019.It is
clear that every year crimes had been increasing. As for as crime head wise concerned majority
(13052) crimes registered under Sections 420 r/w Sec.465,468-471 IPC Fraud. The fraud cases
includes Credit/debit card, ATM, online banking fraud, OTP Fraud. The section 420 cheating is
the second highest number (7340) of crimes registered in this category. Under the
section305/306IPCAbetment of Suicide (Online) is the least number (15) registered. Among that
there were zero crimes in 2017, seven crimes in 2018 and eight cases in 2019.
From the above study it is evident that in India cyber crimes have been increasing every
year. Under the Information Technology (IT) Act and various Indian Penal Code (IPC) Sections
large number of cases are been registering.A total of 44,546 cases were registered under Cyber
Crimes, showing a huge increase of 63.5%in 2018 (27,248 cases). proper initiatives should be
taken to reduce the cyber crimes by government and department of police. The new initative
against cyber crimes is a need of the hour. The police department must take quick and immediate
action against those who are doing cybber crimes and it will help to reduce cyber crimes now
and in the future.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. Gandhi V.K., (2012), ―An Overview Study on Cyber crimes in Internet‖,Journal of

Information Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 1-5
2. Iqbal J., BeighB. M., (2017), ―Cybercrime in India: Trends and Challenges‖,
International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, Vol. 6, Issue
12, pp. 187-196
3. Joshi Y., Singh A., (2013), ―A Study on Cyber Crime and Security Scenario in
INDIA‖,International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 3, Issue
3, pp. 13-18
4. Malik J.K., Choudhary S.,(2013) ―Policy Considerations In India Against Cyber Crime‖,
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research, Vol. 9, Issue, 12(A), pp.
5. National Crime Records Bureau Crime statistics during 2007 to 2019, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Government of India
6. Saini H., Rao Y.S., & Panda T.C., (2012), ―Cyber-Crimes and their Impacts: A
Review‖,International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue
2, pp.202-209


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ph.D. Research Scholar
Assistant Professor
Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97.
Social media is vital in all fields whether it is education or some other field. So the main
inquiry emerges, what is social media. Social media is the arrangement of different applications
and sites that makes client share data and information and anything. Social media is an intelligent
stage wherefrom clients can take help and offer their thoughts, data, and offer about their
positions, their vocation interest, and a lot more things. These thoughts can be shared through
different networks and different organizations. There are different associations that can
communicate with their intended interest groups and these associations can likewise select or
employ the applicants by posting occupations via social media website. Candidates likewise take
advantage of social media sites and they can search for the work of their advantage.
Social media is become an invaluable tool not only for promoting and selling goods and
products but also in the field of education. Many students post their problems on the social media
platform and get instant help or solutions to their problems. The role of social media in education
plays an important role in the student‘s lives. With the help of social media, students can get
information, can fetch or retrieve information easily, and can communicate with their teachers,
friends, and classmates easily. Students can get connected with their teachers or professors easily
and can gain knowledge and information very easily through its help. Social media has been
criticized by many educators because many students waste their time and money on the social
media platform. But it offers a lot of opportunities and plenty of options for interaction and
gaining information and can increase their learning.
Social Media in Education
Social media in education refers to the practice of using social media platforms as a way
to enhance the education of students. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Website and that
allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content". Social media is a collective term for


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

websites and applications which focus on communication, community-based input, interaction,

content-sharing and collaboration. Forums, micro blogging, social networking, social
bookmarking, Educating, and wikis are among the different types of social media. Many
individuals will use social media to stay in touch and interact with friends and family, while
others use it to communicate with different communities. Many Institutions use social media as a
way to instruct their students and provide their teaching and learning.
Social Media in the Classroom
Following the 1980s, there was a computer advancement boom that defined the 1990s-
2000s, as CD-ROMS were first introduced, and the internet became more user friendly. As of
2018, 95% of teenage students have access to a smartphone and 45% say they are online almost
constantly. As the use of technology and social media has become more prevalent, some
educators and parents argued that they were too distracting for the classroom environment. This
led to many schools blocking Internet access, including access to social media sites, and even
disallowing the use of cell phones in the classrooms. These policies proved to be ineffective in
some cases, as students continue to bring their phones to class despite the policy, and many even
find ways to access social media sites regardless of precautions taken by school administrators.
In response to these challenges, many schools have adopted a "Bring Your Own Device"
(BYOD) policy to school. This is a policy that allows students to bring their own internet
accessing device, such as a phone or iPad, for the purpose of accessing the Internet for research
and other in-class activities. While the BYOD concept was initially introduced as a way of
reducing departmental technology costs, administrators and teachers are realizing other benefits
from BYOD policies, such as increased student motivations and engagement and anywhere
access to information.
On the academic side, the study conducted by Shahzad Khan in 2010, provided that
students are using social media more and it is impacting their communication positively. This
study did not provide a negative impact on students. Other studies by Maqableh, Quteshat,
Masadeh and Huda Karajeh in 2015 did not provide any negative impact of social media on
students but focused on the ignorance of academics due to spending a lot of time on social
media. Ndbele and Mbodile discussed that e-learning platforms are effective for students.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Apps and Services for Education

The recent developments in technology have changed how and what students learn in a
classroom. The internet gives students access to more resources than ever before, in terms of
both research and learning tools. Students are taught to be more critical in life overall when they
have to decide which sources are credible or not when doing internet research. Students can also
engage in active learning by using devices to participate in their field and service learning by
working with organizations outside of the classroom to solve problems and create new projects.
Students can also use their devices to access learning management systems like Blackboard and
Canvas. Students are able to complete their work anywhere as long as they have internet service,
which grants them more freedom outside the classroom. Given the recent COVID-19 pandemic
and most of the schools being closed applications like Zoom and Microsoft Teams are being
used for student to learn and give them that "classroom" feel. There are some cases that students
feel that being in the virtual classroom setting being on Zoom is a distraction but others who feel
they are able to engage in school more than they would in person. Other apps have been
developed that combine learning tasks with elements of social media.
Role of Social Media Sites in Education
 Social networking sites are related to social based services that offer us an opportunity to
socialize with others peers in the network.
 It will be helpful in making new friends and importantly to meet new people through
their general interest.
 The new development in social networking sites are the developed and sustainable
relationship between teachers and students in learning and sharing content.
 Most of the students studying in colleges communicate to their peers regarding education
through text messages or phone calls, nowadays mobile phones are prohibited in many
colleges by the management. So they are in need for some other mode of communication.
 With the introduction of the social networking sites the students can have live
interactions and chats to their peers which will largely benefit the students.
Social Media Benefits in Education
 Create communication skills for students can acquire social certainty from online
interaction, which may help them have a sense of safety in new circumstances.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Improve ability in innovation, students become more acquainted with new and arising
advances, just as equip their media education through openness to a wide range of sorts
of online media.
 Since numerous students as of now util
 Online people group can be extremely deserved and expose students ize these types of
innovation, they might be more occupied with learning if they use it. to numerous new
view focuses, thoughts, and opinions.
 Social media can likewise be a source to expand ability to work on bunch projects
 Pupils can build up an idealistic picture of themselves by putting best characteristics out
 Upgraded Collaboration, getting data can be refined by understudies alone. Be that as it
may, critical thinking abilities are frequently better upgraded in a cooperative climate.
Social media permit pupils to cooperate on undertakings past a person's ability.
Benefits of Teachers and Institutions
 Expanded access to assets since learning materials can be shared.
 Coordinated effort among teachers and exchanging of exercise plans and data.
 Can reach parents who are unable to come to class in a modest and powerful manner.
 Can frame associations with schools in different states or nations.
 Upgraded Flipping through social media the connection among educators and students
can be improved. Educator can transfer course material and record addresses were
understudies can get to them at their own speed. In study hall Teachers can manage
students with exercises that typically are perceived as schoolwork.
 Modernize Discussions through social media teacher can credit students for in-class
investment. This requires teacher to screen which students are making some noise.
 Impart between Classes, Teachers can convey declarations, share thoughts or offer
conversation starters to students, particularly when classes are divided a few days
This paper, plainly seen that social media and instruction don't really go inseparably. So
far specialists advise us that there are clear "do's and don'ts" for integrating social media in the
study hall. Social advancements are staying put and it is import to assist understudies with


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

figuring out how to utilized social media. Guide students in how to ponder their utilization and
consider the results of appropriate and training of utilization of social media. This objective can
be properly arrived at when teacher have gotten suitable preparing on the utilization of social
media. Full sponsorship and backing of the school organization is required to satisfy this goal.
Transforming social media into an instructive device can be utilized to additional anstudent's
education and advance it.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Asst.Prof. Department of Management Studies (
P. C. M. Rao College of Engineering and Technology
Kothapeta, Vijayawada-520001

The hacker culture began in the 1960s and 1970s as an intellectual movement: exploring
the unknown, documenting the arcane, and doing what others cannot. Many hacker subcultures
developed independently and in parallel at various universities throughout the United States:
Stanford, MIT, CalTech, Carnegie Mellon, UC Berkeley, and many others. The completion of
the ARPANET linked these campuses and they were able to share their collective experiences,
their knowledge, humor and skills. Together, they formed the first hacker culture. Many hackers
began as expert programmers: programming gurus like Richard M. Stallman, founder of the Free
Software Movement, and Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel. These programmers were
able to found new loosely-connected organizations that would push the boundaries of accepted
software engineering, and also technology. These figures serve to popularize the efforts of
hacking to a society increasingly focused on computing. In the realm of computer security, with
the advent of ubiquitous networking, a distinction began to form between two groups: the so-
called black hat and white hat hackers. Both maintain a connection to the haker ethic, but focus
on different aspects and interpretations.
Many people see ―hackers‖ as primarily referring to the people who are the most
technically proficient in a certain subject. We examine a subset of this group, the "expert
programmers." A separate set of ―hackers‖ are the "black hats". The group primarily uses their
skill with computers to attack computer systems and perform assorted malicious acts on their
victims. This is the primary definition of hacker in the modern day. The "white hats" are the last
set of "hackers." They are very similar to the black hats except they intend no malice and,
indeed, may go far out of their way to prevent harm from coming to their hosts. The groups share
a few common traits between them.
Having revealed the birth of the modern definition of hacker, we have to examine how
the word moved from obscure model railroad jargon to mainstream American English. To do


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

this, Professor Maurer suggested performing an experiment to trace the evolution of the word in
a LEXIS/NEXIS search. References for ―hacker‖ were for cab drivers and golf until July 2, 1981
when the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail reported on a San Francisco-based gang known as
the System Hackers."The illicit activities of the gang, and other ‗phreaks‘ and ‗hackers‘ as they
are known, have added a new item to North America's crowded police files: juvenile computer
criminals.‖ This is obviously also the first mainstream reference for the black hat group of
hackers according to LEXIS/NEXIS. The first news transcript that contained the word was on
December 4, 1984 from Ted Koppel on ABC‘s World News Tonight. He said, ―There've been a
lot of stories recently about computer hackers, high tech experts who use their personal
computers to break into big computer systems.‖ This is clearly another reference to black hats.
However, upon further web searching, particularly Google News Archive Search, we came upon
a Time Magazine from September 5, 1977. It read: ―Some 500 retail outlets have opened in the
past couple of years to sell and service microcomputers—and serve as hangouts for the growing
legions of home-computer nuts, or "hackers," as they call themselves.‖ This is the first
mainstream reference for the ―expert programmer‖ definition. However, while the article (which
was about the popularity of low-cost microcomputers) mentions that the users called themselves
hackers, the article itself preferred to use the terms ―nuts‖ and ―addicts.‖ It is then doubtful that
this article helped spur usage of the term in the mainstream.On a side note, it is surprising that
LEXIS/NEXIS did not find this source but Google did. Further searching found the first
documented use in journalism. MIT‘s school newspaper, ―The Tech,‖ featured an article in its
November 20, 1963 issue entitled ―Services Curtailed: Telephone Hackers Active.‖ The article
describes what would later be known as phreaking and the consequences for the university.
The History and Development of the Hacking Scene
The beginning: In the beginning, the late sixties, there were two distinct types of hackers.
On the on hand there were the phone phreaks, who applied the technique a la Capt‘n Crunch. On
the other hand there were the computer-wizards at the universities. Later those two streams
merged to one and those people were called ‗hackers‘. Both streams will be analyzed separately:
The telephone people: The group of people that applied ‗phone phreaking‘ usually
consisted of per- sons, who had nothing else in mind than having fun and reducing their high
Phone bills which were caused by their mailbox communication on their self- assembled
computers. Often those people could not afford the charges, so they were looking for methods to


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

outsmart the carriers. Endurance and luck let them achieve their aim. They found more and more
methods to get control over the computers of the telephone carriers. People were able to block
several tele- phone-ports, change phone numbers or even disconnect a whole district from the
telephone network. Although it was fun to the one side it was devastating to the other side since
the increasing losses of the phone carriers as well as their fear of unsatisfied customers suing
high amounts of money for damages forced them to react. The real hacking activities of this
group began when they found out that there were many computers, which were connected via a
telephone line. Since then they were able to break into computers (if they knew the proper
telephone number) and began to steal passwords to be able to phone without being the one who
is charged for it.
The computer people: It all started at the Institute of Technology in Massachusetts (MIT)
where a small group of model railway freaks called it a ‗hack‘ when they build a very efficient
railway track or when they optimized their railroad system in a way that seemed to be better in
the end than they have actually imagined. Those, who spent all their time with that hobby, were
called ‗hackers‘.
Those people were the first real hackers. They did not use their hacking skills for evil
purposes. They only wanted to follow their ethical principles (free access to all data) and show
how good they could control and use the computer. Since the beginning they have differentiated
themselves from people who used the computer for evil purposes. But as time went by the
number of hackers that stick to their ethical rules decreased. At that time many young hackers
thought that hacking was only a game. They were living only for their own advantage and started
attaching copyrights to their programs.
Impact of Hacking
Hacking effects can be categorized into three types; effects on individuals, organizations,
economy and effects on countries. The most important issue to recognize is that victims are the
only ones who feel the threat and effects of hacking attacks, and our duty is to inform other
people about the danger of hacking to be cautious and alert which helps in preventing hacking
attacks from happening. Based on some banks they state that there some people whom their
individual information was sold and was used for bad purposes, and when they focused on the
psychology of those people after they are hacked, they found out that they will always have the
fear of being watched when they accesses internet , as their privacy has been penetrated.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

According to researches credit card details and passwords can be stolen causing financial
damage to individuals added to that computer systems can be hacked causing the machine to stop
working which will make people stop using e-banking. Companies and organizations aren't safe
too as Hacking caused and still causing till the moment bankruptcy to plenty of companies, that's
because companies are being hacked plenty of times which leads to the loss of customer
confidence or belief in the security capabilities of the company. One of the big problems is that
some companies hire hackers to hack competitor systems to steal precious information. Last but
not least, some countries train hackers to hack other countries systems to damage their economy
or to know their security news.
Important Cyber Security Trends
Below are the top five cyber security trends you and your business need to know about.
Data Breaches
In 2012, some of the most well-known brands were compromised by hackers. Over
400,000 usernames and passwords were exposed during a hack of Yahoo. Other sites affected by
this breach included AOL, SBCGlobal, Verizon, Google, Hotmail, Comcast, MSN, and Hundreds of thousands of users needed to change their password and had the security
of their private information compromised.
But the worst part was the loss of trust in these brands that were supposed to be secure.As
a result, many websites (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, etc.) have enforced two-factor
authentication. It‘s an extra step, but it improves the safety of your account considerably.2013
(and beyond) can see many more of these data breaches. If your business platform has a digital
crack and is exposed by a hacker, you may end up losing customers.And they may never come
The Rise in Malware
Malware is the term for malicious software which is used to disturb a computer‘s
operation and gather information such as passwords, usernames, account information, and
financial data. Malware for mobile technology, such as smart phones, has seen a tremendous rise
in the past few years, making information on your phones over 600% more likely to be hacked.
If mobile technology doesn‘t get the essential malware patches they need to be safe, especially in
Android phones, people might be less likely to use online retailers.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media Hacking

Earlier this year, Burger King‘s Twitter account was hacked, with the picture changed to
the McDonald‘s logo and strange tweets. It wasn‘t the only corporate social media account to be
hacked and spammed. Jeep, NBC News, USA Today, and others were all hacked, possibly
damaging their brand.If a hacker uses a business‘ social media account to send out
misinformation or hateful messages, the average person may never realize it was a hacker.
Businesses need to worry about protecting their social media accounts since they are often the
face of the business nowadays.
Web Server Mistakes
Many businesses are seeing a rise in the need for extra IT personnel. When hacking and
malware are on the rise, companies need to protect usernames and passwords of their customer
base with higher and more watchful security. Also, if a web server is always down then your
company‘s client base is less likely to execute loyalty and return to your website.
Data Breaches for Government Agencies
Government agencies saw plenty of data breaches in 2012 and early 2013. These
breaches affect more than the government agencies because it can jeopardize financial records,
as well as compromise bank account numbers, personal identities, passwords, and usernames.If
you aren‘t aware of the cyber security trends impacting many businesses, then your company
may be negatively affected as well.Sooner than you think, too. It‘s important to keep a secure
online presence at ALL TIMES. You must have user information protected 24/7 so customer
loyalty will be impenetrable.
A hacker has always been someone who pushes the bounds of technology. Generally they
have been affiliated with the open source movement and have been known to put some of their
work in the public domain. As computing has evolved, we have seen a move away from
innovations in hardware, and onto software, and now onto the Internet. Based on history we see
that newer fields of computing are generally the places where hackers have the largest impact.
This would lead to the conclusion that the impact of hackers will be felt most in the
developments to do with the Internet in the short term, and in the medium term it would seem
inevitable that other newer fields of computing would attract the interest of hackers. There is
already significant buzz surrounding sensor networks and motes, so it would not be surprising to


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

see a large amount of innovation in these areas. The future of the word "hacker" is unlikely to be
as varied as its past. Since the word has entered the mainstream and many members of the hacker
community are willing to let the eternal "hacker vs. cracker" flame war die, we can predict that
"black hat" will be its primary definition as we move into the future.
1. Krutz, Ronald L. and Vines, Russell Dean. The CEH Prep Guide: The Comprehensive
Guide to Certified Ethical Hacking. Published by John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
2. Palmer, Charles. Ethical Hacking. Published in IBM Systems Journal: End-to-End
Security, Volume 40, Issue 3, 2001.
3. Tiller, James S. The ethical hack: a framework for business value penetration testing.
Published by CRC Press, 2005.
4. Beaver, Kevin and McClure, Stuart. Hacking For Dummies. Published by For Dummies,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor
Ph.D Scholar, School of Education
Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai-600 015.

Social Media in Our Lives

The introduction of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and
Instagram has single handily changed society and altered the way we view ourselves and other
people.Take a walk down any high street and around 70% of people will be on mobile devices or
will be clutching one as if it was a newborn child, leading experts to have serious concerns about
the overall effect that Facebook and other social media platforms are having on our lives.
Social Media‟s Effect on Today‟s Society
1. Socialization:With the use of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, how people
socialize has been greatly revolutionized. It has made it easy to connect to our family
members, friends and relatives on a real-time basis. With social media, people can share
pictures and videos and communicate with their close ones. This has strengthened
relationships and it is bringing families together in a way that was not possible in the past.
Families, friends, relatives and businesses have the opportunity to share skills and improve
on different proficiencies. Additionally, people get to make and meet new friends.
2. Business:Businesses have greatly been impacted by social media from marketing to
interacting with customers on a timely basis. A business that has embraced the use of social
has a definite edge over its competitors. The online platforms are a less expensive way for
businesses to advertise their offerings on a real-time basis and to attract more customers. It
has made it easy for businesses to reach out to a wider customer base and improve customer
loyalty through different programmes. Easy access to customers gives businesses the
leverage to retain existing customers as well as to attract more. This leads to great market
share and greater profit margins and some good bucks for businesses. Through interaction
and feedbacks by businesses to their customers, they can understand the market quickly and
adopt new strategies, as well as conform to the dynamic customer's tastes and demands.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Politics: Social media has impacted politics in many ways. Nowadays, it is where most
people get their news; in some cases, this is before the media houses do. It is the medium that
gives the easiest access to political and other news. These online platforms also allow people
to air out their political grievances to their political leaders and demand for actions to be
taken. It‘s also a medium where mass political rallies are formed, campaigns are carried out
and even political unrests are most felt.
4. Job hiring: Social media has impacted job recruitments significantly. The majority of
companies make their hiring decisions based on one's social portfolio. Recruiters also use
online networks to post job vacancies through which they get their ideal candidates.
5. Education: Many professions and skills have been built and learned through social media.
There is a massive increase in online learning where one can easily learn a skill and build a
strong profession around it. The existence of social media has led to an increase in the
number of people undertaking distance learning, as well as academic offerings such as writing
6. Social Media‟s Effect on Modern Politics: Social media plays huge rolls in modern day
politics and is one of (if not) the most valuable assets that parties use to gain votes. This is
down to the pure reach of social media and its capabilities to be seen by millions of people in
a matter of minutes. Take a look back at the last election campaigns in the UK and see how
both parties spent millions on social media to help tarnish each other‘s names and policies.
7. Social Media‟s Effect on Business: Social media has changed the way most businesses
operate and run on a daily basis with 91% of large corporate businesses having two or more
different social media profiles interacting and promoting products.
8. Social Media‟s Effect on Individuals: The rise of social media has unfortunately meant an
increase of social introverts in the Uk and across the globe. The constant use and dependence
on Social Media lead these social recluse‘s unable to speak and communicate outside the
virtual interaction safety net of Facebook, instead of talking to individuals in a normal face to
face manor, ultimately lowering his/her social intellect. This has serious repercussions and
can cause people to resent traditional human contact.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

9. Experts Worries about the Effect of Social Media: This increase in virtual communication
is leading to a huge issue with national social skills, leading experts to predict a huge
increase in the levels of unemployment across the globe and an overall serious skills
Advantages of Social Media
1. Connectivity: The first and main advantage of the social media is connectivity. People from
anywhere can connect with anyone,regardless of the location and religion. The beauty of
social media is that you can connect with anyone to learn and share your thoughts.
2. Education: Social media has a lot of benefits for the students and teachers. It is very easy to
educate from others who are experts and professionals via the social media. You can follow
anyone to learn from him/her and enhance your knowledge about any field. Regardless of
your location and education background you can educate yourself, without paying for it.
3. Information and Updates: The main advantage of the social media is that you update
yourself from the latest happenings around in the world. Most of the time, Television and
print media these days are biased and does not convey the true message. With the help of
social media you can get the facts and true information by doing some research.
4. Noble Cause: Social media can also be used for the noble causes. For example, to promote
an NGO, social welfare activities and donations for the needy people. People are using social
media for donation for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.
5. Awareness: Social media also create awareness and innovate the way people live. It is the
social media which have helped people discover new and innovative stuffs that can enhance
personal lives. From farmers to teachers, students to lawyers every individual of the society
can benefit from the social media and its awareness factor.
6. Improves Business Reputation: Just like it can ruin any business reputation, It can also
improve business sales and reputation. Positive comments and sharing about a company can
help them with sales and goodwill. Since people are free to share whatever they want on the
social media, it can impact positively when good words are shared.
7. Helps in Building Communities: Since our world has different religions and beliefs. Social
media helps in building and participating in the community of own religion and believes to
discuss and learn about it. Similarly, people of different communities can connect to discuss


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

and share related stuffs. For example Game lover can join games related communities; car
lover can join communities related to cars and so on.
Disadvantages of Social Media
1. Cyber bullying: According to a report published by most of the children
have become victims of the cyber bulling over the past. Since anyone can create a fake
account and do anything without being traced, it has become quite easy for anyone to bully
on the Internet. Threats, intimidation messages and rumors can be sent to the masses to create
discomfort and chaos in the society.
2. Hacking: Personal data and privacy can easily be hacked and shared on the Internet. Which
can make financial losses and loss to personal life? Similarly, identity theft is another issue
that can give financial losses to anyone by hacking their personal accounts. Several personal
twitter and Facebook accounts have been hacked in the past and the hacker had posted
materials that have affected the individual‘s personal lives. This is one of the dangerous
disadvantages of the social media and every user is advised to keep their personal data and
accounts safe to avoid such accidents.
3. Addiction: The addictive part of the social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives
as well. The teenagers are the most affected by the addiction of the social media. They get
involved very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society. It can also waste
individual time that could have been utilized by productive tasks and activities.
4. Fraud and Scams: Several examples are available where individuals have scammed and
commit fraud through the social media. For example, this list contains the 5 social media
scams that are done all the time.
5. Security Issues – Now a day‘s security agencies have access to people personal accounts.
This makes the privacy almost compromised. You never know when you are visited by any
investigation officer regarding any issue that you mistakenly or unknowingly discussed over
the internet.
In summary, social media has both negative and positive impacts on our community
and organizations. The benefits start from informal networking to a way of sharing what we
feel about product or services. On the other hand, it will endanger the user's privacy by


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

exposing to any maligned entities. There should be well-versed ethical rules and regulations
that can manage the concerns.
1. Abdul Kalam APJ (2006). Adapted from President Kalam's address at the Press Council of
India during the celebrations of National Press Day, in New Delhi on November 16, 2006.
2. Ahmed OH, Sullivan SJ, Schneiders AG, McCrory P (2010). iSupport: do social networking
sites have a role to play in concussion awareness?
3. Ahn J (2011). The effect of social network sites on adolescents‘ academic and social
development: Current theories and controversies.
4. Ajith S (2010). Evaluation of Social networking sites for business application.
5. Barasa S (2010). Language, mobile phones and the internet.
6. Boyd D (2008). Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in
Teenage Social Life.
7. Charoensukmongkol P, Moqbel M (2013). The effect of using social networking sites at
work on job burnout: The mediating role of coworker support
8. Costa E (2011). Social Media for Social Change: New Media Development, Ideologies of the
Internet and Activist Imaginary in Lebanon.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant professor,Department of History
Thiru A.Govindasamy Govt Arts College,Tindivanam.
Tourism is a prominent sector around the world also in India, It leading on front by
utilizing wise communication for tempt the people ever. On the process, the most important
function of marketing is to bring about an awareness ofthe product in the minds of the coin the
market areas. This is done by way of promotion Tourism promotion is one of the elements of the
marketing mix and an important tool for marketing. The term promotion is interpreted and
defined in many ways. Basically, the purpose of promotion is to inform, to persuade, to
encourage or, more specifically, to influence the potential customers or trade intermediaries
(travel agents, tour operators, reservation services hotel and charter brokers), through
communications, to think and to act in a certain manner.Successful marketing in tourism cannot
rely only on a product ofthe right kind, on a market-related pricing policy and on a reliable and
effective distribution network. Systematic communication with actual and potential customers
and with the trade intermediaries, bridging the gap between producers on the one hand and the
consumer on the other is also needed. This article reveals the significance of marketing
communication to promote tourism on social media.
In today's changing and competitive international marketplace, advertising is
important. Advertising is an activity designed to spread information with a view to promoting the
sales of marketable s and services. As such, it operates in two ways first, by spreading
information amongst consumers about the possibilities of consumption, and second, by seeking to
influence their judgements in favour of the particular goods which arc the subject of the
advertisement. Any organization which uses this promotional instrument has to use certain media
space which is paid for. In other words, we can also define advertisement as paid public messages
designed to describe or praise a product. This product in tourism is any destination area which is
visited by a tourist. Media space for advertisement can be bought in newspapers, general and
specialized magazines, in the form of posters or billboards. Besides the use of paid media space
in the form of newspapers, magazines, etc., use of media time is also made in radio and television


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

in order to transmit a pre-determined message to a predetermined audience advertising has

several inherent advantages in this method. The biggest advantage is its wide coverage.
Advertising is especially appropriate for communication with a large number of prospective
purchasers of a commodity or a service. A uniform sales message is directed towards all
prospective purchasers.
Advertising has several inherent advantages in this method. The biggest advantage is
its wide coverage. Advertising is especially appropriate for communication with a large number
of prospectivepurchasers ofa commodity or a service. Such advertising may produce few specific
demands for advertised brands, yet when retailer‘sdisplay or show goods they sell more readily
than non-advertised ones. Thereof retailers often hesitate to handle non-advertised goods unless
are obtainable at low prices. Advertising may at times be used to make the complete sale. Some
direct mail and periodical advertising attempts to make sales by requesting readers to forward
orders accompanied by the necessary payment. When the number of potential buyers is small and
when they are widely scattered, it could be extremely costly to reach them through salesmen.
Advertising then become the most economical means of doing the entire sales job.
Planning the Advertising
While planning the advertising, the agency must give careful consideration to the actual
make-up of the advertisement. This headline copy, illustrations, colour scheme, size, layout, and
method of printing or reproducing the advertisement must be planned very carefully.This is
necessary in order to gain attention of the customer, maintain his interest in the message, and
secure the action desired by the seller. Closely related is the question of periodicity of
advertisement. Advertising has several inherent advantages in this method. The biggest advantage
is its wide coverage. Advertising is especially appropriate for communication with a large
number of prospective purchasers of a commodity or a service.
Advertisement may reach such prospects through many types of media and under a
variety of circumstances, and may thus attract their attention and arouse their interest lower cost
another major advantage. Large numbers can be reached economically, i.e. at a lower cost per
contact than in any other technique availabletourism.Development objective is to present the
advertiser's message in such a way that the illustration may lead the reader to favourable
considerations of the advertisement. The important characteristics of an effective message are:
Information: It should be adequate for a decision; Interest, authenticity, persuasion and memory.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Budget of Advertising
The agency must relate the estimated cost of theobjectives and the contribution expected
from advertising. Can the advertiser carry on a campaign large enough to make it effective Are
the funds available or will they become tests: Here the respondents are shown the segments and
asked if they have read themtests. Here the actual sales results before and after the concerned
advertising are examined. The sales results in the selected test markets' are also compared to
those in some chosen control markets the markets where the concerned advertising is not done.
This is done to eliminate certain factors, other than advertising, which may also have influenced
the sales. In tourism, advertising is used extensively for promotion of various tourist products.
This is a far cry from the era when colourful folders and posters were the only apparent form of
travel promotion. In the field of tourism, advertising is mainly used to create initial awareness and
interest in the tourist service or destination to be promoted and motivates potential tourists to
decide to make further enquiries about costs, bookings, facilities, etc. It implies indirect
communication with selected target groupsthe potential touriststhrough paid messages designed
to praise a particular destination or an area.
Marketing communication
The media our target consumer looks at for editorial pleasure and when he does so and
what frame of mind. By studying consumers living habits and pattern of movement we can assess
which of the second group of he will be exposed to as a general rule. In the more advanced
countries it is possible to get detailed statistics on the kind of audience that each medium has. In
advanced countries this information is very detailed indeed and permits one to prepare accurate
media plans. In other countries, however, this information is still very scanty and apart from basic
circulation information it is rare that one gets much else. However, through experience one
gradually builds up a fund of knowledge which enables one to select appropriate media for
appropriate markets. Here, apart from the circulation information a study of the quality of the
medium in terms of editorial content and style is a very useful method of evaluating reader type
Media Mix
Media planners have to create what is known as the media mix, consisting of various
types of mix comprising various types ofmedia. The selection of these media will depend upon
sector. The target audience that is to be reached: Its reading or media exposure habits and its
location and movement and shopping habits will permit us in selecting such media as will reach


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

target consumers most effectively. The product has to be Promoted and its use by the target
audience. If one were selling holiday travel to a businessman and one were also selling machinery
to the same businessman, it would perhaps be inappropriate to release the former advertising in
technical magazines though they might provide adequate coverage of this particular businessman.
It would be equally inappropriate to release the latter advertising in a leisure magazine reaching
the target audience.
Tourist Publicity Media
The publicity itself is carried out through media whose scope is that there are constantly
new possibilities. This is of relevance in respect of tourist publicity whose new forms and
scientifically based planning in publicity media seem to be constructed as a result of the fact that
in general their publicity effect is limited to the visual and additive senses. Illustration, copy and
the spoken word are therefore the primary publicity media for tourism. They are multiplied
through the media compounded out of them. The greatest importance appertains to illustration,
for it can achieve emotional effects in the reproduction of a landscape and its atmosphere and is
also universally understood. Even if one inclined to accept the psychological argument that every
human being only projects his own personality in every consideration, the illustration retains
from this standpoint also considerable publicity effectiveness because it is viewed and perceived
differently by different persons. Given the differences of individual tastes, the illustration
motivation plays a decisive role, for the illustration should be bearer of the emotional contents
which it should radiate on the viewer.
Personal publicity in tourism has various forms of application ranging from the
informational and sales talk to publicity which serves the need of maintaining contact with the
industry and to support it in its sales efforts, and includes the also publicity to this lecture.
Category In all belong these interviews, spheres the radio personal broadcasts, effort holds
televisionInterviews, receptions, etc. The quantity and choice of the publicity media is determined
in accordance with the market and its publicity characteristics like the mental of the population,
the estimation made of the offers and, finally, the financial resources available. There results
consequently a planning based on economic, sociological, psychological and technical factors.
Statistics, market analysis and qualitative market research on the one hand and analysis of the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

product offered as well as publicity research on the other constitute the fundamentals on which an
effective publicity planning and growth in high esteem.
1. Ashwort, G. J. Marketing in the Tourism Industry, London 1990.
2. Bernecker, Paul, Methods and Media of Tourist Publicity, Vienna 1961.
3. Bhatia,A. K. Tourism Development,New Delhi 2002.
4. Butler, R. W., The Socialimplication to Tourism Development,1974.
5. Egger, Roman Groundlagen des ecotourism: information and communications
technoloigies, German, 2005.
6. Egger, Roman and Buhalis, Dimities,Ecotourism Case Studies: Management and
Marketing Issues. Amsterdam. 2008.
7. Fesenmaier, Daniel R.; Weber, Karl W.; Werthner, H.U Destination Recommendation
Systems: Behavioural Foundations and Applications. Wallingford, UK 2006.
8. Joseph, A. C, ―Pen Air Travel backoffice-design concepts‖, Penguin commercial Ltd,
Retrieved 11 April 2011.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ph.D., Scholar
Associate Professor
Dept. of Education
Bharathidasan University, Trichy.

The government of India through the minister of health announced that all schools,
colleges and universities would be closed prematurely by 23th March 2020 and expected to re-
open depending on how the pandemic evolves. In view of COVID-19 pandemic which has
resulted into several countries locked down, there is a paradigm shift in terms of learning world-
wide. Most of the institutions around the world are moving away from the traditional classroom
face-to-face to Social media and digital learning. Majority of the students who are presently
enrolled in various educational institutions around the world are shifting their mode of learning
from physical classroom to digital learning education. However, this is not the case for public
and private secondary schools in India. Interestingly, only colleges and universities are the ones
caught up in the web of digital learning. Subsequently, academic staff were requested to
expeditiously secure learning support material for them to facilitate teaching and learning using
the e-learning platforms. Similarly, students were also guided to make sure that they register and
get connected to the e-learning platforms to avoid missing out on learning.
Such measures include; maintaining communication with students, parents, teachers and
other staff members through e-mails and phone calls, maintaining access to learning materials
like Google Apps (e.g. Google drive, dropbox, cloud…) for education, Moodle Cloud, Edmodo,
or social media tools (e.g., WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo…) and
maintaining access to data via cloud computing for servers and back up in a location other than
the school (Burke, 2020).
Language is a systematic means of communicating ideas using sounds, gestures, signs or
marks. It is the code used to express oneself and communicate with others. Communicating is to
share information, or to share what one knows and to interact with others. It involves a system of
combining words to create meaning. Thus communication involves language, and language,
therefore, remains potentially a communicative medium capable of expressing ideas and


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

concepts as well as moods, feelings and attitudes (Habermas 1979). Language is not merely a
tool that helps human beings express thoughts and feelings but is also a way of becoming
civilised. It is an important link in today‘s world of globalisation. Writing is a way of
communicating and conveying ideas and feelings from one mind to another mind.
Programmes and Policy of the Government of India on Online Teaching-Learning
The government of India started thinking gravely on this matter with emphasizing on ICT
and use of online education as the part of compulsory teaching-learning process at tertiary level.
Moreover, it is reflected on preparing draft new education policy 2019 that has been regarded as
a proactive and highly techno-efficient step in the time of this pandemic. Study Webs of Active-
Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) is a programme or Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOC) platform initiated by the government of India hosted online courses in
different quadrants. The SWAYAM PRABHA is a group of 32 DTH channels dedicated to
telecasting of high-quality educational programmes throughout the week. Annual Refresher
Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) is an online professional development programme launched by
the MHRD on November 13, 2018 using SWAYAM platform. Another initiative of MHRD was
e-PG Pathshala run by the University Grants Commission (UGC) that provided high-quality
curriculum-based and interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines. e-Pathshala is a
portal jointly run by the MHRD and National Council of Educational Research and Training
(NCERT) launched on November 7, 2015, that provided educational resources for teacher
educators, teachers, research scholars, students and parents through an online learning platform.
Therefore, it can be said that we were not unaware of the challenges and prospects of online
Some Important Social Media Platforms
1. WhatsApp
Currently, the reduced forms of words are frequently used for the short message service
(SMS) and on the WhatsApp platform. This shows the negative influence of these technologies
especially on second language learners who are committing unnecessary errors despite having
the right understanding or at least a limited knowledge of rules of the target language. In the
current study respondents used WhatsApp language, omitted words and used numbers where
they needed to have used words in the essays they wrote. The negative effect of text messaging
can only worsen the performance rating of students and therefore necessitates intervention to
stop the language decay.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The effect of WhatsApp language errors on writing was observed in the respondents‘
academic essay writing. Respondents wrote sentences using numbers instead of words and
abbreviations. For example, some wrote ‗bf‘ (before), ‗2dy‘ (today), ‗1tm‘ (first time). The
orthographic errors throw light on the social constructivist notion of error analysis, which
suggests that learners bring into the classroom concepts they may be using outside the classroom,
for example on social media and cell phones. As they communicate in an informal manner on
these platforms, the language used on WhatsApp is then internalised and reproduced by the
respondents in their academic essays. Such writing by the respondents may suggest that they are
using WhatsApp social media in their day-to-day life. Their informal language structures
resurface in the formal written work as it did in the essays analysed for this study. The use of
WhatsApp language by the respondents in the formal written essays made reading,
understanding and marking of the work very difficult since the researcher had to try to decipher
what the participant intended to say. Young (2009:56) states that another way of shortening
communication in English is through the use of ‗emoticons‘. This is an intriguingly new and still
evolving linguistic trend which tends to delight, annoy or puzzle people as they read a piece of
work – as was observed by the researchers while they were reading the essays analysed for this
2. Blog
The external web applications such as blog and wiki generate for student
communicative environment that engage them in conversation and motivate them to design
their own works and experiences and share their knowledge with other people (George
&Dellasega)[3]. Recent researches stated that there is a need to continual reflective on
teaching with web-based applications that examine the value of different tools and provide
teachers with digital tools that can greatly appropriate for language learning. Using web- based
applications in English foreign language education result in major changes in instructors‘
approaches, and methodologies that they use in English class. Some teachers use the
technology for improving and increasing students‘ motivation and interaction inside EFL
classes, but still there are a lot of teachers who stick with traditional teaching mode. For that
reason, the implementation of social platforms has integrated within the education system and
have revealed worth in the teachingpractice.
A blog is a virtual writing–sharing platform that provides users with features to past different


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

themes, journals and writings on varied subjects.

The second part is ―Control Panel‖ where the the blog‘s owner can write and post
whatever he or she want on it. In order to use the blog with students there are
 Teacher can create an account on any blogging service and publish classblog.
 All students are considered as ―Authors‖ on the classblog.
 Teacher asks students to write posts related to class topics that show their
understanding of class content.
 The teacher can post questions and ask student to write theiranswers.
 The teacher can ask each student to write about specific thing and then he or she asked
other students to comment on their classmatesposts.
 The teacher can use blog as management tool to post class announcements.
3. Wikibooks and Facebook
Wikibooks is a writing media project that aims to create a virtual place for collaborative
writing. It is open- content textbooks that everyone can use to practice editing. ―Wikitextbooks
are textbooks which are written by using wiki technology to develop and to distribute a textbook
that marks a fundamental shift in the concept of a textbook, a shift which we are only now
beginning to explore. A wikitextbook combines the attributes of the textbook, of the e-book, and
of the wiki. This hybrid constructs will become a success if it leverages the advantages afforded
by e-books and by wikis, and improves on some of the limitations of textbooks‖ used Wikibooks
platform in four stages. On The first stage, the researchers followed many steps to activate all
features of wikibooks in teaching English. First, they designed international wiki that connect
four universities together (three in the United States and one in China). Also, Students were
divided into four groups according to their location and every group was in charge of writing in
English and answering activities related to a certain chapter in Web 2.0 course.
4. Wiki Ideas forstudent
Poore (2013) suggests on her book many ways that can be used to in classroom:
 Teachers can use a wiki as a guide document for students. He or she can past on
the wikithe course syllabus, assignments and studyguide.
 Teacher can ask students to work as group and build one wiki around certaintopic.
 Teachers can ask students to use wiki discussion forum in order to enhance


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

students‘discussion skills.
 Teachers can ask students to write article about new issue onWikipedia.
 Teachers can have students design information source about certain topic that could be
in formof FAQ orGlossaries.
Integrate social media applications with teaching offer a variety of ways to teach
curriculum and provides students a healthy learning environment, thus students can learn
effectively in their own space and time with a sense of control over their learning. In addition,
teaching through technology provides many levels of instruction in one room with a single
teacher through YouTube videos, blogs and wiki. Nowadays, students can have access to
instructional materials at home such as available videos on the internet and all learning
materials are stored and distributed electronically on it. Therefore Web-Based applications are
considered as friend environment for EFL students to search related issues from websites, and
there are not the management issues associated and if they miss their regular classes, they are
able to go to a web site and find instructional materials they missed during their absence.
(Mathew, Dohery-Poirier, 2000).
The ability to read and write and classroom interactions, teaching and having face-toface
communication are in fact still very vital and important but it is no longer sufficient, as discussed
from the perspectives, opinions and experiences of the students and the lecturers. The concept of
‗new literacy‘ is the ability to collaborate and interact with others, and to think critically about
the world that we live in (Gee, 2004; Lankshear&Knobel, 2004b). Since the students like
learning socially together through the network of peers, friends and the knowledge community,
like their lecturers, sharing and in learning from one another as espoused in the theoretical aspect
of social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978), the students are also exposed to a greater diversity in
perspectives through participation in global discourse thus enabling the students‘ outlook to be
more worldlier (Seitzinger, 2006). However, to maximize the benefits of these technologies and
tools means that students should be encouraged to communicate and collaborate actively within
the learning context of learning in collaboration with another individual while reflecting on,
communicating and articulating what they have learnt from the social media and networking
applications. New technology enables shifts at the level of pedagogy delivery that old literacy
and old technologies are augmented but not totally replaced. Hence, the following are some


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

recommendations for the use of YouTube videos and Facebook for both learning and teaching
pedagogies for a mix of blending the old and new literacy with the social media and social
networking applications in the 21st century.
1. Gray, A. (2013). Brilliant Social Media. Pearson Education.
2. Mills, N. A. (2011). Situated learning through social networking communities: The
development of joint enterprise, mutual engagement, and a shared repertoire. CALICO
Journal, 28(2), 345-368.
3. Mitchell, K. (2012). A social tool: Why and how ESOL students use Facebook. CALICO
Journal, 29(3), 471-493.
4. Mathew, N., &Dohery-Poirier, M. (2000). Using the World Wide Web to enhance
5. Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India, New Delhi (2019). All
India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) .
6. Poore, M., (2013)Using Social Media In The Classroom.Replika press.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. Vijayakumar V
Professor & Controller of Examinations, Department of Computer Science
Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

Almost 4.66 billion people were active internet users as of October 2020, about 59
percent of the global population. Mobile has now become the most important channel for internet
access worldwide as mobile internet users account for 91 percent of total internet users. [1]
Cybercrime has become one of the emerging challenges for the internet users around the globe.
In COVID‘19 pandemic,Internet users turned to social media for current events and news.
Thousands of children are victims of cyberbullying. 54% of youngsters supposedly cyberbullied
on social media networks such as Facebook. In 2019, nearly 43% of teens had experienced some
form of online harassment(Source: About 37% of children between 12 and 17
years experienced cyberbullying at least once (Source: One out of five Indian
children aged between 8 and 17 get cyber bullied in every 16 minutes [2]. 95% of teens in the
U.S. are online, and the vast majority accesses the internet on their mobile device, making it the
most common medium for cyberbullying(Source:
Cyberbullying can occur via online platforms such as social media communication, email,
messaging apps, text messages, forums, games, and more. Any online medium that allows for the
sharing of information can become a platform for cyberbullying. The different types of
cyberbullying are:
 Cyber stalking: Using technology to repeatedly harass, intimidate and threaten someone
 Denigration: Posts rumors and gossip about someone online
 Dissing: Bully spreading cruel information about their target through public posts or private
messages to either ruin their reputation or relationships with other people
 Exclusion: Creating groups or events and excluding someone
 Flaming: Posting derogatory comments on someone‘s web or social media page or through
instant messages, emails or chat rooms
 Frapping: Bully uses child‘s social networking accounts to post inappropriate content with
their name


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Harassment: Sending of malicious, abusive or threatening messages to an individual or group

 Impersonation: Posing as the victim and harming other people
 Masquerading: Creates a made up profile or identity online with the sole purpose of
cyberbullying someone
 Outing/Doxing: Sharing someone‘s private information in order to publicly humiliate him or
 Trickery: Revealing private information about another person; similar to outing, with an
added element of deception
 Trolling: Bully will seek out to intentionally upset others by posting inflammatory comments
Cyber bullying affects people from any age or walk of life, including children, teens and
adults. As a result of the relentless nature of cyberbullying, there can be a lot of negative effects
that people can experience, including: Anxiety, Depression, and Decreased work performance,
etc., Sometimes, children might not report the instances of cyberbullying to their parents.Parents
want to identify those type of issues and to be involved in helping to prevent and solve
cyberbullying problems but don‘t know how. Recent technologies, like a variety of apps have
emerged to help parents deal with issues, be it their safety, online activity or performance in
cyber world.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.Section 2 describes the cyberbullying
prevention methods. In Section 3, discussed about the review of chatbot in cyberbullying
prevention.Intelligent chatbot development discussed in section 4. Finally, Section 5, concludes
the paper.
Cyber bullying Prevention
Preventing cyber bullying is knowing what children are doing and how they are
vulnerable, then helping them learn to respond when their well-being is threatened by bullies,
trolls, and other dangerous users online. There is a myriad prevention and intervention program.
More research is needed due to the various school systems approach to cyberbullying prevention
and intervention.

Chatbot Application for Cyber bullying Prevention


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

A chatbot gives the chance to engage in a more delightful way and create a better
experience for the user to help prevent cyberbullying. Chatbots are computer programs that
interact with users in natural language. The conversational intelligence enables the chatbot to
actively participate in the conversation and to demonstrate awareness of cyberbullying, the
evolving conversational context, and the flow of the dialogue. These bots can be used as an
alternative solution for tackling online abuse either by preventing it from happening or stopping
it. Itprovides advice, useful links and information, and also assess how serious the issues are.
There are two types of chatbot models such as Retrieval-based models and Generative
models. Retrieval-based models (rule-based expression match) use a repository of predefined
responses and some kind of heuristic to pick an appropriate response based on the input and
context. It doesn‘t make grammatical mistakes. However, they may be unable to handle unseen
cases. Generative models (Machine Translation techniques) generate new responses from
scratch. These are ―smarter‖. They can refer back to entities in the input and give the impression
that you‘re talking to a human.
In 2019 and beyond, disruptive technologies powering computers with artificial
intelligence have a major role to play to spot and deal with cases of harassment and bullying. Tay
AI chatbot released by Microsoft via Twitter to mimic and converse with users in real time as an
experiment for ―conversational understanding‖.SimSimi is an automated chatbot repurposed as a
cyberbullying sidekick that people can talk to, while other users can anonymously program it to
give certain responses to a given phrase.Oracle Cloud BotSupply‘s technology, build
multilingual chatbots without any coding. The aim was to break down the barriers preventing
victims from reporting incidents, seeking advice, and accessing information to help them deal
with cyber bullying and online abuse, by making its service available 24/7.
The game PrivaCity is a chatbot that can be interacted with on Facebook Messenger and
in the web browser on the URL On Facebook Messenger, the
chatbot is not available to the public, but can be accessed upon request. It has been implemented
with Microsoft Bot Framework using Node.js to realize the logic. The chatbot isn‘t designed for
one specific chat platform, but is rather a general chatbot which can be interacted with on several
chat platforms. To connect the chatbot to Facebook Messenger, hosted on Microsoft Azure. The
advantage of using Microsoft Bot is that the bot can easily be distributed to a wide array of other
chat platforms, such as Slack, Skype, Telegram and even Email.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Microsoft LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service) is used for natural

language processing. Azure Table Storage is utilized to store persistent data. The chatbot is
hosted on a web-server on Heroku Cloud Platform.In 2016, Identity Guard partnered with Megan
Meier Foundation to use IBM Watson technologies that enable natural language process (NLP)
and natural language classifiers (NLC) to identify instances of cyberbullying or self-harm.In
June 2016, Facebook introduced DeepText as a deep learning-based text understanding engine
that can understand with near-human accuracy the textual content of several thousand posts per
Google and Jigsaw developed the AI moderating tool, Perspective, to score comments
based on similarities with other comments categorized as ―toxic‖ by human reviewers. Youtube
uses this tool to combat online harassment on its platform [4].Twitter is having an automated
system that is able to respond to abusive tweets either by tweeting back at the targeted comment,
or by engaging in a private conversation with the detected abuser.
Vanderbilt University and Florida State UniversityScientists have successfully trained
machine learning algorithms to look at the health records of patients who inflict self-harm. The
algorithms can predict, whether a patient would attempt to end their life in the week following an
instance of self-harm.
NishantVishwamitra et al.,designed a mobile cyberbullying defense system, MCDefender. It has
three core components – Pre-Sending Quick Detection (PQD) Module, Post-Sending Fine-
Grained Detection (PFD) Module and Dynamic Intervention Module. The PQD model uses
keyword searching with regular expressions technique to detect cyberbullying posts before the
posts are sent, using a dictionary of regular expressions of high frequency bullying keywords.
PFD component uses the Pronunciation based CNN classifier for a deep analysis and detection of
textual cyberbullying relevant to noisy data found in mobile OSNs [5].Abdelrahman Hassan
proposed four categories that conversational agents help with human, technological, health, and
social. Using a chatbot to interact with abusers may be advantageous due to an abuser‘s potential
response to bot, and how it may change depending on their ability to identify agent as a person or
a conversation AI [6].
BullStop is a mobile app for detecting and preventing cyberbullying and online abuse on social
media platforms. It uses deep learning models to identify instances of cyberbullying and can
automatically initiate actions such as deleting offensive messages and blocking bullies on behalf


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

of the user [7].Oh, E.Y., Song, D., & Hong, H. Presented a study to examine the effects of an
anti-bullying activity that utilizes conversational virtual agents (called conversation-bots or
chatbots) on students‘ attitudes toward bullying problems [8].Rodríguez JI, Durán et al.,
proposed C-Sex, a smart chatbot that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interact with
suspects in order to profile their interest regarding online child sexual abuse. [9]
Intelligent Chatbot Design:
A chatbot gives us the chance to engage in a more delightful way and create a better
experience for the user. A chatbot application is requested or automatically receive input data
natural language from the data source, interpret it, and translate it into a relevant output value.
Upon receiving the input data, it must analyze and contextualize in order to determine the
appropriate ―reaction‖ to whatever prompt it has received with best intelligent response.
The three central elements that compose the design of chatbot are the conversation flow,
intents and entities, which are extracted from the users' utterances by most of the Natural
Language Understanding platforms. An intent represents the purpose of a user's input, each
request. And an entity represents a term or object that is relevant to the intents, providing a
specific context. A chatbot is generally built upon the following elements is shown in Fig.1 [9]:
 Interaction channel, the front-end interface with the end-user in the form of an email agent,
instant messaging service, web page or mobile app.
 Natural Language Processor (NLP), the component in charge of understanding the human
 Natural Language Generator (NLG), responsible for responding to human interventions.
 Knowledge-based data, the element that brings the contextual information of the chatbot.
 Business logic, which defines how to interact with the end-user.
 Machine learning models, those parts of the system that enable automatic operating and
simulates human behavior
User Interactive Layer

Knowledge based
Knowledge base Data

Machine / Deep
Decision Layer

Figure 1.Chatbot functionality


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the area of research and application that investigates and
analyzes how thecomputational techniques can be used to perceive and alterthe user's human
language text or speech inputs. NLP techniques can be used invarious applications such as
machine translations, naturallanguage processing, multilingual and cross-languageinformation
retrieval (CLIR), speech recognition andArtificial Intelligent systemsinteracting with online
abusers is to deploy a chatbot, or conversational agent[10].Chatbot can be developed using
Lexicon based approach, Machine Learning Technique.
An AI-powered consultant chatbot designed to answer questions about cyberbullying.
Intelligent Bots help users accomplish specific tasks by identifying user intent from text or voice
conversations. They extract key pieces of information using a process called entity extraction
leveraging natural language understanding. Most intelligent chatbots today are powered by
natural language processing and machine learning or deep learning, enabling them to get smarter
over time by learning to identify variations of the same request.Machine learning is the ability of
systems to learn from experience without human intervention and then use what they learn. A
deep learning chatbot learns right from scratch through a process andlearns everything from its
data and human-to-human dialogue. NLP gives a chatbot the ability to learn and mimic the
styles and patterns of human conversation. It helps create the illusion that the chatbot is another
human, not a robot. Natural-language processing comprises two related subfields: natural-
language understanding (NLU) and natural-language generation (NLG). Natural-language
understanding is the complex, nuanced process of taking human-language inputs — with all their
variability — and translating them into forms understandable by a machine. Natural-language
generation is the reverse process: taking the computer‘s generated output to a prompt and turning
it into a form that is understandable by the human user.
An intelligent chatbot also understands what a user wants and is prepared to meet users‘ requests.
Conversation bots are intelligent if they can handle different styles and topics of conversation
with ease. So-called generative models of chatbots are able to come up with new responses rather
than just retrieve from predefined responses [11]. (,,, and are some cloud based chat-bot platforms used for developing the intelligent
chatbots. The intelligent chat-bot is accessible through the web browsers and android application.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Technological developments have increased the use of social media, and online
communication platforms have exposed users to cyberbullying. Lot of prevention programs are
developed to stop the bullying. This paper proposed Intelligent Chatbots used to help the people
to safe their life in the cyber world. Artificial intelligence has made chatbots more lifelike than
ever before, and they are becoming pervasive. AI can identify and classify efficiently on large
quantities data where the humans cannot. Deep learning algorithms can also adapt and improve
on the accuracy of identifying cyberbullies as they learn more about the bully‘s online activities.
The bot has been such a success that tosave the user. Now, several industries worldwide to create
multilingual chatbots.
This research work was funded by the ICSSR under IMPRESS Scheme. The author also
thanks the ICSSR and Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science who provided the support
for doing the research.
[3]. Van der Zwaan, Janneke&Dignum, Virginia &Jonker, Catholijn& Van der Hof, Simone,
―On Technology against Cyberbullying Contents,‖ van der Hof et al. (eds.), Minding
Minors Wandering the Web: Regulating Online Child Safety, Information Technology and
Law Series 24, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-6265-005-3_12.
[5]. NishantVishwamitra, Xiang Zhang, Jonathan Tong, Hongxin Hu, FengLuo, Robin
Kowalski, Joseph Mazer, ―MCDefender: Toward Effective Cyberbullying Defense in
Mobile Online Social Networks,‖ IWSPA‘ 17, March 24 2017, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
[6].; 28
November 2019
[7]. SemiuSalawu, Yulan He and Jo Lumsden, ―BullStop: A Mobile App for Cyberbullying
Prevention,‖ Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics: System Demonstrations, December, 2020, Pages: 70–74, Publisher:
International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL)


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

[8]. Oh, E.Y., Song, D., & Hong, H., ―Interactive Computing Technology in Anti-Bullying
Education: The Effects of Conversation-Bot‘s Role on K-12 Students‘ Attitude Change
Toward Bullying Problems.‖ Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2020, 58, 200 -
[9]. Rodríguez JI, Durán SR, Díaz-López D, Pastor-Galindo J, Mármol FG. ―C3-Sex: A
Conversational Agent to Detect Online Sex Offenders,‖ Electronics. 2020; 9(11):1779.
[10]. Dutta, Debasatwa. ―Developing an Intelligent Chat-bot Tool to Assist High School
Students for Learning General Knowledge Subjects.‖ 2017.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


M.Phil. Scholar
Member Syndicate, Professor & Head,
Department of Educational Technology
Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University, Chennai - 97.

Social media programs are more spreading throughout the globe. According to Al-Sabti1,
Ajay, and S.K. Jha3(2017), Facebook users touched more than 1.4 billion users per month in the
United States of America in 2015, that indicates the majority of the people of Americans have
left foot step in social networks. Also, in emerging countries like Ethiopia and other nations, too
many users connected in social networking programs. The most advanced social platform is
Instagram, with over 300 million users in less than a year.
Social Media and Its Benefits
Many business organizations are on Social Media today to engage with their users,
audiences to promote their business. Appearance on Social Media for business generates a
significant impact on their product and services. Social Media helps the business organizations to
improve their brands in numbers of ways and get back with a genuine audience. Let's say we are
looking to buy a new TV. We are interested in a particular brand and model, even stumbling
upon a slick banner ad that told all the astonishing features of the TV. Who would we believe,
the ad, or our friend? The proliferation of internet data and the influence of social media has
given the consumer a power they've never had in all of consumer history.
Another social media benefit is insight and market intelligence. Social media is an
easy way to learn about our audience, and it's also less expensive than traditional market
research methods such as surveys and focus groups. You can use social media to gain vital
information on competitors, who they are, what content they're sharing, what their customers
are saying about them, and so on. According to MSI (2014), the data available on social
media have ushered in a new wave of what‘s possible for marketers. Social media


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

intelligence can help firms track brand health and market structure and can even provide a
leading indicator of shifts in consumer sentiment.
The social media users now have the power to find to inform and educate themselves. If the
average Facebook user has 250 friends, posting a product or service review to those friends and
getting just one re-post from them, spreads that review to 62,500 people. One more re-post from
those people reached 15.6 million people in only two re-posts for free. Based on Laun (2018),
wrong product or service review can negatively and significantly affect business organizations.
The idea that consumer backlash could force the company to change policy because if reach was
historically exclusive to instances that caught national news attention.
Disadvantages of Social Media
There are several concerns assessed in this research related to social media usage in
society around the world. Privacy is the number one concerns of social media and the internet
through many ill-usage. Based on Palfrey (2010), the inappropriate use of technology, absence of
privacy, sharing of private data, and dropping testimony on user sites, vulnerable teenagers for
threats and notable hazard. The hacker can reach users of data that the user leaves on the sites
browses continuously this allows the hacker to be able to get the registry data from one site to
enforce threats.
When it comes to cyber-attacks using social media are inexpensive, easy to handle,
and frequently act little risk in terms of attribution, but their impact could last longer. Based
on Summet and Katheleen (2016), the low attribution is because tracking cyber-attacks is
primitive in the current network design. Furthermore, even when attribution is known, the
loss of enforcement provisions in universal law makes cyber-crimes hard to argue, and
therefore, attribution is merely a hindrance.
Impact of Social Media on a Network Society
Social structure is undergoing a change with networking powered by digital information
and communications technologies. Socialization of media is a milestone in the development of
networked societies and taking human communication to next level. Social media becomes a
reliable source as the person receives information from known sources like friends and family. It
has become a channel of learning and expanding the vision of the world. Networked societies
have emerged to facilitate the generation of new information which was not possible in a
traditional structure of society.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Networks Society
Digital revolution has given birth to current networked society which is signifying many
sociocultural changes. One of these trends is that society is becoming centered towards
individuality. There is a general perception of a society filled with individuals who live with their
own perspectives. Focus on individual growth has increased and a decline in socialization in
terms of work or family is observed. The acceptance of global culture and multiple ways of life
has been enhanced. Social relationships have taken a new shape and are reformed based on the
individual area of interests, values, and short-term business relations.
Today, social networking sites are a preferred platform for all kinds of activities, both business
and personal, and sociability has dramatically increased. But it is a different kind of sociability.
Most social media users visit the site daily, and connect on multiple dimensions, but only on the
dimensions they choose. The virtual life is becoming more social than the physical life but still
reflects the reality of people facilitating real-life scenarios and living.
Pros and Cons of Social Media
Modern networked societies are developing in such a way that the privacy becomes
everyone‘s responsibility. The people interacting with each other may affect the privacy unless
suitable measures are not taken. Just by downloading some of the apps which may look decent
and secure, users may end up sharing their own and their friend‘s data without even knowing it.
Social media has brought the people all over the world closer to each other. Customers can
communicate with their favorite brands and convey exactly what they want. They can receive
tailor-made products and services while businesses can then use the collective information for
appropriately designing the products and services.
There are many popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube which are an effective
means of spreading the brand name and getting customers attention. The social media has gained
attention as the most viable communication choice for bloggers.
In spite of all the positive benefits, there are many disadvantages of social media that
have been discovered in recent years. Overuse of social media may lead to addiction. The
medical community is now aware that people are prone to many psychological disorders like
depression as a result of overusing social media. People may lose the focus from a particular
task. The attention span and motivational levels reduce, especially in teenagers and students.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Another disadvantage is that people share obscene, violent content which affects the behaviors of
kids. There are many incidents where friends made on social media are found to be cheating or
deceiving people. People are also faced with financial losses by transacting with strangers only
on the basis of trust developed through social media.
Responsible Media
Any media is assigned with a responsibility to spread the reality of any matter concerning the
society without disturbing the social harmony. Social media houses today are the best medium
for broadcasting news and information about any event from anywhere in the world within
minutes. The agencies in rescue missions have used them effectively during natural calamities.
In fact, as any person receives information from trusted sources like friends or family, they
are more prone to believe whatever is sent. This calls for a greater collective responsibility while
using the social media equated to using water from a common river in historical traditions.
Everything from children‘s education to senior citizens health issues can be taken care of through
a society that is connected in every dimension. Social media in a networked society is an
opportunity of our civilization to progress towards a shared future.
In summary, social media has both negative and positive impacts on our community and
organizations. The benefits start from informal networking to a way of sharing what we feel
about product or services. On the other hand, it will endanger the user's privacy by exposing to
any maligned entities. There should be well-versed ethical rules and regulations that can manage
the concerns.
1. Al-Sabti1, Ajay.,& S.K. Jha. (2017) Impact of Social Media on Society in a Large and
Specific to Teenagers. Duaa Ali [IEEE] [Accessed 01 Jun 2019]
2. Laun, W. (2018) Benefits of social media [Online] [Accessed 31 May 3019]
3. MSI. (2014). How Social Media Data Becomes Marketing Intelligence [Online]
[Accessed 01 Jun 2019]
4. Palfrey J, G. U. (2010). Empowering Parents ents and Protecting Children in an Evolving
Media Landscape. Response to FCC, pp. 4-94.
5. Sumeet, K. and Kathleen, C. (2016) Understanding DDoS cyber-attacks using social
media analytics [Online] [Accessed 01 Jun 2019]


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor
Vellalar College of Education, MaruthiNagar,Thindal, Erode-638012.

Now a day‘s social media has been the important part of one‘s life from shopping to
electronic mails, education and business tool. Social media plays a vital role in transforming
people‘s life style. Social media includes social networking sites and blogs where people can
easily connect with each other. Since the emergence of these social networking sites like Twitter
and Facebook as key tools for news, journalists and their organizations have performed a high-
wire act. These sites have become a day to day routine for the people. Social media has been
mainly defined to refer to ―the many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools
that facilitate anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort, or build

Impact of Social Media on Education

As per the survey of previous research, 90% of college students use social networks.
Technology has shown a rapid development by introducing small communication devices and
we can use these small communication devices for accessing social networks any time
anywhere, as these gadgets include pocket computers, laptops, iPads and even simple mobile
phones (which support internet) etc..For the purpose of education social media has been used as
an innovative way. Students should be taught to use this tool in a better way, in the educational
classes‘ media just being used for messaging or texting rather than they should learn to figure
out how to use these media for good.
Social media has increased the quality and rate of collaboration for students. With the
help of social media students can easily communicate or share information quickly with each
through various social sites like Facebook, Orkut, and Instagram etc. It is also important for
students to do some practical work instead of doing paper work. They can also write blogsfor
Teachers as well as for themselves to enhance their knowledge skills. Social networking sites
also conduct online examination which play an important role to enhance the students‘


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Purpose of Internet Usage

User Percentage
Mail 33
Surfing 26.8
Chatting 18.7
SocialNetworking 17

Other 4.5
Total 100

Table 1: Usage of social media on education

In the above table 1 it is clear that, internet usage for the respondents was for mailing and
surfing the net with 33% and 26% respectively. Mainly, there are two traditional reasons
for using Internet i.e. Mailing and Surfing. In India, social networking sites are growing
fast to gain popularity but it haven‘t reached the expectation of global scenario. Just 17%
reported social networking sites as their principle reason for Internet usage. Alternating
reactions were downloading internet content, purchasing online goods, studying and
reading e-books.
Positive Effect of Social Media onEducation
1. New Skills: Social media teaches students skills they‘ll need to survive in the business world.
Being able to create and maintain connections to many people in many industries is an integral
part of developing a career or building a business.
2. Quality Education: It has also increased the rate and quality of collaboration for students.
They are better able to communicate with each other, share information quickly, which can
increase productivity and help them learn how to work well in groups.
3. Familiarity with new Technology: By spending much time working with new technologies,
students develop more familiarity with computers and other electronic devices. With the
increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help students build skills that
will aid them throughout their lives.
4. Enhance Creativity: The ease and speed with which users can upload pictures, videos or
stories has resulted in a greater amount of sharing of creative works. Being able to get instant


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

feedback from friends and family on their creative outlets helps students refine and develop their
artistic abilities and can provide much needed confidence or help them decide what career path
they may want to pursue.
Negative effects of social media on Education
1. Reduces Learning: Today students rely on the accessibility of information on social media
specifically and the web in general to provide answers, this can reduce focus on learning and
retaining information.
2. Poor Academic Performance: Students, who attempt to multi-task, checking social media
sites while studying, show reduced academic performance. Their ability to concentrate on the
task at hand is significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought about by YouTube,
Facebook or Twitter.
3. Privacy is not maintained: The degree to which private information is available online and
the anonymity the internet seems to provide has made students forget the need to filter the
information they post. Many colleges and potential employers investigate an applicant‘s social
networking profiles before granting acceptance or interviews. Most students don‘t constantly
evaluate the content they‘re publishing online, which can bring about negative consequences
months or years down the road.
Impact of Social Media on Society
Almost a quarter of the world‘s population is now on Facebook. Nearly 80% of all
internet users are on this platform, because social networks feed off interactions among people,
they become more powerful as they grow. Thanks to the internet, each person with marginal
views can see that he‘s not alone. And when these people find one another via social media, they
can do things - create memes, publications and entire online worlds that bolster their worldview,
and then break into the mainstream.
Without social media, social, ethical, environmental and political ills would have minimal
visibility. Increased visibility of issues has shifted the balance of power from the hands of a few
to the masses. Without social media, social, ethical, environmental and political ills would have
minimal visibility. Increased visibility of issues has shifted the balance of power from the hands
of a few to the masses. While social media activism brings an increased awareness about societal
issues, questions remain as to whether this awareness is translating into real change.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Positive effects of social media on society

1. Connectivity: The first and main advantage of the social media is connectivity. People from
anywhere can connect with anyone. Regardless of the location and religion. The beauty of social
media is that you can connect with anyone to learn and share your thoughts.
2. Help: We can share our issues with the community to get help and giddiness. Whether it is
helping in term of money or in term of advice, you can get it from the community you are
connected with.
3. Information and Updates: The main advantage of the social media is that you update
yourself from the latest happenings around in the world. Most of the time, Television and print
media these days are biased and does not convey the true message. With the help of social media
you can get the facts and true information by doing some research.
4. Noble Cause: Social media can also be used for the noble causes. For example, to promote an
NGO, social welfare activities and donations for the needy people. People are using social media
for donation for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.
Negative effects of social media on society
1. Cyberbullying: According to a report published by most of the children have
become victims of the cyberbulling over the past. Since anyone can create a fake account and do
anything without being traced, it has become quite easy for anyone to bully on the Internet.
Threats, intimidation messages and rumors can be sent to the masses to create discomfort and
chaos in the society.
2. Hacking: Personal data and privacy can easily be hacked and shared on the Internet. Which
can make financial losses and loss to personal life? Similarly, identity theft is another issue that
can give financial losses to anyone by hacking their personal accounts. Several personal twitter
and Facebook accounts have been hacked in the past and the hacker had posted materials that
have affected the individuals‘ personal lives. This is one of the dangerous disadvantages of the
social media and every user is advised to keep their personal data and accounts safe to avoid
such accidents.
3. Addiction: The addictive part of the social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives
as well. The teenagers are the most affected by the addiction of the social media. They get
involved very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society. It can also waste individual
time that could have been utilized by productive tasks and activities.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Reputation: Social media can easily ruin someone‘s reputation just by creating a false story
and spreading across the social media. Similarly businesses can also suffer losses due to bad
reputation being conveyed over the social media.

As the technology is growing the social media has become the routine for each and every
person, peoples are seen addicted with these technology every day. With different fields its
impact is different on people. Social media has increased the quality and rate of collaboration for
students. Business uses social media to enhance an organization‘s performance in various ways
such as to accomplish business objectives, increasing annual sales of the organization.
Youngsters are seen in contact with these media daily.Social media has various merits
but it also has some demerits which affect people negatively. In Social media helps Society in
connecting each other, provides updated information, helps in social welfare activities etc. at the
same time there are many negative effects such as Cyberbulling, Hacking, Addiction of
Facebook, twitter, youtube. So the use of social media has many Positive aspects but it should be
used in a limited way without getting addicted.

1. AvesehAsough, Social Media And Ethics - The Impact of Social Media on Journalism
Ethics, Center for International Media Ethics (CIME),December2012
2. GitanjaliKaliaChitkara University, Punjab, A Research Paper on Social media:An
Innovative Educational Tool, Issues and Ideas in Education Vol. 1 March 2013 pp.43–50
3. Waqas Tariq, MadihaMehboob, M. Asfandyar Khan , FaseeUllah, The Impact of
Social Media and Social Networks on Education and Students of Pakistan, IJCSI
International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 3, July 2012
4. socialmedia/


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


G. ShobanPrabhu
Part time research scholar
Dr. M. Kanmani
Associate Professor
Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University.
Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts,
and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. By design, social
media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content.
Social Media: Types
 Social networking (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+).
 Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr).
 Photo sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest).
 Video sharing (YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Vimeo).
Uses of Social Media in Education
 Connection With Experts: The great thing about using social media is that you soon
learn who the experts are in particular fields and subjects. When you start following these
experts you learn more and gain useful content from them, this empowers you to produce
great results.
Social media has the ability to broaden your perspective on various subjects and gives
illuminating, instant content that is new. You have the opportunity of engaging experts to get
answers on topics that you may need help in.
 Ease in Communication: Learning colleges have the ability to connect with students
through social media networks such as Facebook, Google Plus groups, and YouTube.
These channels can be used to communicate campus news, make announcements and
provide students with useful information. This builds engagement between the College
and students which help tackle many student issues through the group
interactions.Institutions can share supportive and positive posts that reach all students that
are connected to the networks and pages. You can initiate hashtags on social media to
engage students and online discussions that are helpful. Video is a prominent tool in


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

social media trends that are effective and you can use it to share useful videos that inspire
students and help them in their course subjects. Through social mediums such as
YouTube, Facebook or Instagram live video the engagements between students and the
institution can be sustained. It is advisable to be selective about which social platforms to
use for the best practice.
 Helps In Research Process: Social media offers audience and subject monitoring tools
that are useful and it is one of the best platforms to extract data. You can find out how the
majority people feel about a particular topic or how experts perceive and advice on
specific issues.This can help students compile and produce useful content for research.
Whether students are working on an assignment, working on a project or trying to gain
more insight on a subject, some of the best information and results can be extracted from
social media.
 Enhanced Learning Management Systems: Learning management systems is a
networking software that delivers educational programs and gives institutions other
administrative activities. Social media learning in LMS can include instant chat
functions, video, forums to share info and other lesson resources to help students.Most
LMS‘s come with built in social media integration and this drives instant interaction
between the users and the system. The system strengthens student participation and
makes team projects easy to collaborate.The system exists to tackle student and learning
related issues to improve education schemes. It is beneficial for institutions to use popular
Learning management systems with social media integration to have the best reach and
effect through the system. Other social learning benefits are live conferencing systems,
webinar capability, share group reviews, blogs and much more.
 Builds Social Credibility: Building a brand through the social networks can help
students build a portfolio for their career. The platforms can be used to start sharing work
while a student is still in the learning space. This is beneficial to the launch of a student‘s
career it demonstrates the learning process has developed through their social media.By
reflecting on educational background and gaining exposure on social media builds social
credibility and students come across as people who can offer their expertise in specified
fields. This prepares and positions your career to have social credibility.As social
networks interactions advance in education systems, social media will become the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

number one means for solving education problems. The important benefit that networks
build is the many helpful and beneficial tools and access that make learning become a
pleasant process. A digital marketing qualification can inspire learners to know about the
role of social media in education. This can lead to various social media and marketing job
 Effective Collaborative Learning: On social media, students exchange lot of
information. So, why not use this platform to encourage collaborative learning. In fact,
several institutions globally are encouraging students to forge international partnerships
using social media for taking up some project assignments.By doing this, they get
engaged with each other and learn how to manage projects and coordinate with teams
sitting globally along with cross cultural sensitivities. Similarly, the use of social media
has made it easier and faster to interact with peers or teachers about class-related
topics.Use of social media also familiarizes students with a new work culture of
managing work through online engagements which is very important in today‘s business
environment. It teaches them how to develop a strong online presence by improving their
communication skills.
 Immense Information Sharing: Students are continuously hooked on to the internet
through their smart phones and hence rapidly transmit information to their connections.
Apart from just sharing views and opinions they also exchange lot of valuable
information. This information is a lot more than just interesting videos or snapshots and
cover useful stuff related to their studies. They exchange helpful information for classes
and examinations.
 As A Marketing Tool: For educational institutions, social media is a great marketing
tool to reach out to the prospective students. This new media has led education
professionals to build a strong marketing strategy to increase brand awareness.Colleges
all over the world are extensively carrying out social media strategies to tap students.
They are connecting with experts on topics via social media.Through blogging and
SlideShare, teachers are soon establishing themselves as experts in particular fields and
subjects. Students gain useful content by following these experts online. This empowers
institutions and establishes its brand equity in the academic world.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Teaching From anywhere And Everywhere: Sometimes, it is difficult to address

queries of students during classroom sessions. This makes it further difficult for students
to clear their doubts. However, professors can take advantage of social media technology
to extend teaching hours beyond classroom. They can set up Facebook Live sessions or
Twitter discussions to cover uncleared doubts of their students. As a matter of fact,
professors can allocate dedicated time slots for online discussions to answer any question
or to work with a student. Through Facebook sessions, Faculty can connect with large
audiences at one go which otherwise is not possible in one class.
 Creation of Virtual Library: Setting up a personal blog or website gives professors a lot
of freedom to build intellectual credibility. They can upload their academic work and
other important lectures and videos that will allow students to take relevant inputs as
reference material for their studies.
 Learning From Social Networking: Social media offers great learning opportunities
through social networking. Students can be encouraged to build networks to support
professional help in career.Similarly, Professors can also connect with the students and
help them identify suitable job openings and find relevant connections for their future
As social media networks advance in education systems, many helpful and beneficial
tools will emerge that can make learning a more enriching experience.Students today are
intimately involved with social media at every stage. If you‘re missing onto the usage of social
media you are pushing away a lot of potential audience. Using it in educational institutions can
prove to be a very effective measure.The benefits of social media for academic entities are many.
The above are just a few, to begin with. Social media sites offer great opportunities for
communication between peers and teachers.Using social media, teachers can improve the
involvement of their students in studies and education, improve technological ability, provide a
great sense of collaboration in the classroom and build good communication skills of students.
1. Kietzmann, Jan H.; Kristopher Hermkens (2011). "Social media? Get serious!
Understanding the functional building blocks of social media". Business Horizons
(Submitted manuscript). 54 (3): 241–251.doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2011.01.005.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Obar, Jonathan A.; Wildman, Steve (2015). "Social media definition and the governance
challenge: An introduction to the special issue". Telecommunications Policy. 39 (9):
745–750. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2015.07.014. SSRN 2647377.
3. Rodrigo, S. and Abraham, J. (2012). Development and Implementation of a Chat Bot in a
Social Network. 2012 Ninth International Conference on Information Technology - New
4. Compare: Rainie, Lee; Wellman, Barry (27 April 2012). "The Internet Revolution".
Networked: The New Social Operating System. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press
(published 2012). p. 207. ISBN 9780262300407. Retrieved 10 January 2021. Social
media - Facebook, Twitter, and email - plus mobile phones played a major part in the
'Arab Spring' of protests and rebellions against authoritarian regimes in the Middle East
and North Africa throughout 2011.
5. "Most used social media 2020". Statista. Retrieved 2020-11-28.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. M. Arunasalam
Professor, Vellalar College of Education
Maruthi Nagar, Thindal,Erode-638 012.
E-mail id:

Today‘s children and young students have the innate ability to navigate the Web and use
technological devices. They are ―digital natives‖, they were born into the digital age and have
never known a world without the Internet. Kids and teens take technology classes every day,
they surf the Web for their projects, and they use the Internet during their spare time too, playing
online video games, sharing their experiences on social networks and doing all sorts of ―digital
things‖.Children and teens see the Internet as a great big thing able to provide them with tons of
answers and information about everything. They conceive the Web exclusively as a positive
environment, without taking into consideration its flaws. In this case, parents and teachers play a
fundamental role in making young students aware that, if they are not careful, people with bad
intentions can ruin their online experience-exactly as it can happen in the ―real‖ life.
Cyber security
Cyber security refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to
protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.
Cyber security may also be referred to as information technology security.
Need for cyber security
The expanding use of the internet has increased awareness of the necessity of dealing
with the dangers of internet browsing for children and teens. In recent years, the attitude has been
developing among institutions like the Ministry of Education and among many parents and
teachers that solutions and ways to deal with these problems must be found. One way of coping
is to raise the awareness of children and teens and to provide knowledge about ways of
identifying and dealing with these problems(Livingstone, Cagiltay, &Olafsson, 2015;
Livingstone, Mascheroni, &Staksrud, 2018)
A. Issues


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

As the growth of social networking sites has brought various benefits it also has brought
various security concerns. It also provides avulnerable platform to be exploited by the attackers.
Some issues associated are as follows.
1. Misusing Identity: The attacker impersonates the identity of any user results in misusing
identity. The attackers attack through the applications in which they ask for granting
permission for accessing the information provided in Social Networking Sites.When a
user allows doing so, they will gain access to all the information and that information can
be misused without the knowledge of the user.
2. Threats from using third party applications: These applications seek permission from
the user to access personal information for all the various games and apps. The user grants
the app a certain level of permission concerning the user‘s information. And some of these
applications which are playing at the foreground may download a malware on the user‘s
computer or phone without their consent.
3. Trusting Social Networking Sites Operators: The contents that user uploads or posts on
social networking sites, the information are available with the networking operators. The
operators can save account data even after deletion.
4. Viruses, Phishing Attacks and Malwares: Viruses and malware often find their way
onto your computer through those annoying ads. After gaining access to the network, the
attacker can access or steal confidential data by spreading spam mails.
5. Legal Issues: Posting contents that are offensive to any individual or community or
country. There are legal risks associated with the use of social networking sites like
leaking confidential information on sites or invading someone‘s privacy.
6. Tracking Users: It can cause physical security concerns for the user, as the third parties
may access the roaming information of the user by collecting the real-time update on the
user‘s location.
7. Privacy of Data: Users share their information on social networking sites and can cause
privacy braches unless proper security measures are applied. For example, everyone can
see the information of a user if the user‘s default setting is ‗public‘. Accepting requests
from unknown people can also create a security threat.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

B. Risks and Challenges

With the increase in the number of users accessing social networking sites, has opened
new routes for the attackers to gain access to the accounts of the individuals. The more
Information that is posted creates a new threat on the privacy and security of the user.Social Sites
are growing rapidly posing new risks for individuals and organizations in this modern world of
technology. And some of the challenges are as follows-
1. Phishing Attacks: It is a technique for accessing sensitive information. The attackers
make fake web pages that look like the legitimate ones and ask users to enter their
credentials and the user gets in trouble when the user enters the credentials.Kaspersky
Lab‘s statistics exposed that the fake social sites imitating Facebook user‘s accounts for
nearly 22% of phishing attacks in 2014. According to Kaspersky Lab, phishing is a major
threat in Russia and the Europe as the number of attacks has increased in this region, up
18% to 36.3 million attacks in Q3 2015 as compared with the same time period last year.
2. Identity Federation Challenges: It is a technique used to share user credentials across
multiple domains. For example, many sites offer users to log in by their Facebook account
so that it is more convenient to the user and the user does not have to make multiple
accounts across different sites. It may seem convenient but the user does not have the
knowledge about on how and to what extent their personal information can be shared
among third party applications
3. Malwares: Malwares are the programs that are installed in the user‘s devices without the
knowledge and consent of the user.This spreads fast and infects the devices. 390,000
malicious programs are registered every day by AV-Test Institute (AV-TEST, 2016). It
causes security defects in the software viruses. Worms and Trojan horses are examples of
malicious software. Attackers can gain access to the personal information of the user by
monitoring the activities of the computer and the computer can also be controlled or can
engage in mass attacks without the knowledge of the user as malwares can steal the
identity of the user and malwares can also crash the computers. Also, hackers can install
forms of adware that can cause endless pop-up ads on the user‘s machine.
a) „LOL‟ Virus: This virus spreads through chat function of Facebook. This virus is
sent to the user stating ―lol‖ with an attachment. And when the user clicks on the link a


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

malware is downloaded to the user‘s system. The virus infects the system and spreads through
the network gaining access to the user‘s information.
b) Zeus: This is a Trojan that spreads by clicking on the link. And when a user clicks on
the link it scans all the files on the user‘s system and steals the important information. The
specialty of this Trojan is to steal bank credentials of the user.
4. Click Jacking Attacks: It is also called UI redress attacks. Where the Trojan in web
pages asks the user to click on the malicious link, and a malware is planted onto the
system. This is common in Facebook with the name like jacking that is when a user likes a
page, a picture or a video the user is trapped by the attackers. This type of attacks are done
to do malicious attack or to make some page popular.
G. Web Browser Security Settings
 User should keep browsers up to date and automatic updates should be enabled for the
 Block plug-ins, pop-ups, and phishing sites.
 Set browser not to store passwords.
 Disable third-party cookies.
 Browser-Specific Settings:
o Firefox: install the No Script add-on
o Safari: Disable Java
o IE: Set up security zones.
As growing popularity of the Social Networking Sites these have become a prime target
for cyber-crimes and attacks. Cyber-crime is becoming a widespread and posing a major threat to
the national and economic security. Both public and private institutions in sectors of public health,
information, and telecommunication, defense, banking, and finance are at risk. So the
organizations should take proper security measures to be cyber-crime safe and the users should
protect their personal information to avoid and identity theft or misuse. The cyberspace is
becoming a significant area for cyber-crimes and terrorist to attack on crucial information. So,
there is a need for universal collaboration of nations to work together to reduce the constantly
growing cyber threat.
1. Aloul, F. A. (2012). The need for effective information security awareness. Journal of
Advances in Information Technology, 3(3), 176-183.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Alshaikh, M., Maynard, S. B., Ahmad, A., & Chang, S. (2018). An exploratory study of
current information security training and awareness practices in organizations.
3. Bada, M., Sasse, A. M., & Nurse, J. R. (2019). Cyber security awareness campaigns:
Why do they fail to change behaviour?.arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.02672.
4. Bada, M., Von Solms, B., &Agrafiotis, I. (2019). Reviewing national cybersecurity
awareness in Africa: an empirical study.
5. Livingstone,S., Cagilitay,K., &Olafsson,K.(2015). EU kids Online II Dataset: A cross-
national study of children‘s use of the internet and its associated opportunities and risks.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(5), 988-922.
6. Livingstone, Mascheroni, &Staksrud, (2018).European Research on Children‘s Internet
Use: Assessing the past and anticipating the Future. New Media and Society. 20(3),1103-
7. Mensch, S., &Wilkie, L. (2011). Information security activities of college students: An
exploratory study. Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, 14(2),
8. Muniandy, L., Muniandy, B., &Samsudin, Z. (2017). Cyber Security Behaviour among
Higher Education Students in Malaysia. J. Inf. Assur. Cyber Secur, 2017, 1-13.
9. Thomson, M. E., & Von Solms, R. (1998). Information security awareness: educating
your users effectively. Information management & computer security, 6(4), 167-173.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


G. Antoni Sagayaraj
Ph.D. Research Scholar
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Physical Science Education,
Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Saidapet, Chennai – 600 015.

The internet is the name for vast, world side system consisting of people information and
computers. The internet is as large and complex as to be well beyond the comprehension of a
single Human being. Not only is there no one who understands the entire internet, there is no one
who even understand most of the internet. The roots of the internet lie in a project called the
ARPANET which was sponsored by the United States Department of Defense advanced
Research Project Agency (ARPANET). The department of Defense was interest in building a
network that could maintain itself under adverse conditions. (A network is simply two or more
computers connected together) the original idea was to build a network capable of carrying
military and government information during a “nuclear event‖. The project was started in 1968
and soon evolved into a more general goal of developing techniques to build a large-scale
network. The Arpanet continued for years and was gradually phased out after having officially
been declared completed. By then, the technology to connect computers reliable and
economically had been developed. And today the ARPANETs spiritual descendent from the
global backbone of what we call the internet. Internet browsing refers to the act of exploring the
World Wide Web through following one interesting link to another. It can either be with a
definite objective or without a planned search strategy. Browsing habit is an example of
behaviour, next to a computer or other internet browsing device that had been learned by
repetition and requires little or no attention complete.
Application of Internet
There are different form of instruction that can be provide by a computer which are
briefly described as Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Managed Instruction, Computer


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Enriched Instruction, Computer Based Training, Computer Based Instruction, Internet

Multimedia Programme, On-line Collaborative Learning Environment,
Need for the Study
Since the users (learners) control the program, they can learn at their own pace, and there is
no intervention of the instructor (teacher) in their learning. Thus it is more flexible and provides
learner-centered environment.
 To develop the student learning activity and updating knowledge in particular subject and
 To improve the learning and teaching process in educational department based on internet
 Student teachers were browsing habits how to develop in class room discussed by teacher
 All subject materials are available into particular sites. But how do use in the way so
trained in students and teachers.
 Program and incident did to get in next minute you know saw and hear the news that
helps us internet medium.
 The CBSE syllabus and home works are updated on internet the student download and
Statement of the Problem
The title of the present study is “Internet Browsing Habits among B.Ed. Student Teachers
in Chennai District”
1. The assess the level of Internet Browsing Habits among B.Ed. student teachers.
2. To find out whether there is any significant difference in the Internet Browsing Habits
among B.Ed. student teachers with respect to gender, stream of study and medium of
instruction of B.Ed. student teachers.
There is no significant difference between Internet Browsing Habits among B.Ed. student
teachers with respect to: (i) Gender (ii) Stream of study (iv) Medium of instruction.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The present piece of work is a type of descriptive research using quantitative approach. In
which survey method of research has been used
Research Design
In the present study the simple normative survey has been used. The survey method
collects data from a somewhat large number of cases at a specific time. It deals with the
generalized statistics that result when data are distracted from a number of individual cases. It is
basically cross-sectional.
All the Educational college / institute of B.Ed. student teachers in Chennai district
constituted the population of the study.
Sample and Technique
Simple random sampling technique was used. Sample for this study consist of 257 B.Ed..
student teachers in Chennai district.
Tool Used for the Study
The Internet Browsing Habits Scale constructed and standardized by investigator was
used for the study. Reliability of the tool is found to be 0.58 and has face validity.
Analysis of the Data
Quantitative analysis was done on the basis of responses received from the B.Ed. student
teachers on the Internet Browsing Habits Scale.
1. Descriptive analysis 2. Inferential analysis

Descriptive Analysis
The level of Internet Browsing Habits among B.Ed. student teachers is average in nature.
Table – 1: The level of Internet Browsing Habits among B.Ed. student
teachers is average in nature.
Variable No. of sample Category Frequency Percentage
Low 92 35.8 %
Internet 257 Average 106 41.21 %
Browsing habits High 59 22.95 %


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Result of above table indicate that 35.8%, 41.21%, 22.95% of the total sample has low,
average, high internet browsing habits among B.Ed. student teachers respectively. Hence
inferred that the level of internet browsing habits among B.Ed. student teachers is Average
(41.21%) in Nature.
Inferential Statistics
Hypothesis – 1
There is no significant difference between the mean scores of Internet Browsing Habits B.Ed.
student teachers with respect to gender.
Table – 2: Mean, standard Deviation and t- value for Internet Browsing Habits
among B.Ed. student teachers with respect to gender.
Variable Gender Mean SD t- value LS
Internet Male 74.1 5.89
Browsing Habits Female 72.4 6.81 2.044 0.05

From the above table, it is observed that the obtained t-value (2.044) is higher than the
table value (1.96) and it is statistically significant at 0.05 level. Hence, there is significant
difference in Internet Beeswing Habits among B.Ed. student teachers based on gender and Null
Hypothesis is rejected.
Comparing the mean score, male student teachers have more internet browsing habits
compared to female student teachers.
Hypothesis – 2
There is no significant difference between the mean scores of Internet Browsing Habits
among B.Ed.. student teachers with respect to Stream of study.
Table – 3: Mean, standard Deviation and t- value for Internet Browsing Habits among
B.Ed. student teachers with respect to Type of Stream.
Variable stream Mean SD t- value LS
Internet Science 73.31 6.77 0.127 NS
Browsing Habits
Arts 72.09 5.98 1.186 NS


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

From the above table, it is observed that the obtained t-values is lesser than the table
value (1.96). Hence, there is no significant difference in internet beeswing habits among B.Ed.
student teachers based on stream of study and Null Hypothesis is accepted.
Comparing the mean score, science student teachers have more internet browsing habits
compared to Arts student teachers.
Hypothesis – 4
There is no significant difference between the mean scores of Internet Browsing Habits
among B.Ed. student teachers with respect to Medium of Instruction.
Table – 5: Mean, standard Deviation and t- value for Internet Browsing Habits among
B.Ed. student teachers with respect to Medium of Instruction.
Variable Medium Mean SD t- value LS
Internet Tamil 72.82 6.57
Browsing Habits English 74.31 6.20 1.40 NS

From the above table, it is observed that the obtained t-value (1.40) is lesser than the table
value (1.96) and it is statistically significant at 0.05 level. Hence, there is no significant
difference in internet beeswing habits among B.Ed. student teachers based on Medium of
Instruction and Null Hypothesis is accepted.
Comparing the mean score, English medium have more Internet Browsing Habits
compared to Tamil medium student teachers.
Discussion of the Result
 The level of Internet Browsing Habits among B.Ed. student teachers is Average in
 It was found that there is significant difference in the Internet Browsing Habits among
B.Ed. student teachers with respect to gender. Comparing the mean score, male students
have more Internet Browsing Habits compared to female student teachers.
 It was found that there is no significant difference in the Internet Browsing Habits among
B.Ed. student teachers with respect to Type of Stream and Medium of Instruction.
Limitation of the Study
 The study has been confined to a sample of 257 B.Ed. student teachers only,
 The study in limited to Chennai district only.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Educational Implications of the Study

The modern world is defined as the computer or internet world. The moderate is very easily
an essential communication devices are presently in used on the internet process. The modern
communication was cover as internet. Now-a-days students have known as internet and that
process. The people are known as universal news, incident and accident and so on…,
 Each student has to laptop and notepad devices. It helps to known as updating news and
subject‘s details.
 Internet helps to stimulate learning class rooms are available in particular educational
websites. So student goes to website practice and to will get more experience.
 Don‘t go to school, don‘t meet the teachers and don‘t listen the subject. But all facilities
were available in internet communication medium.
 Future the schools will be contact the e-learning class room. So the manual work is
reduced not to use manpower work.
The present study helps to know the Internet Browsing Habits among B.Ed. student
teachers. The findings of the study reveal that the internet browsing habits among B.Ed. student
teachers average in nature. Today many student teachers are quite comfortable with some
technologies. When a major effort is being invested in the revolution of the classroom, moving
away from frontal, expository, educational demonstrations to surroundings where learners are
dynamic innovators and makers of knowledge, the internet browsing is the tool with the potential
to help in reaching these goals.
1. Baviskar S.G (2015) ICT: Changing Education, Ishika Publication House, New Delhi.
2. Kay, R.H. (1989). A Practical and Theoretical Approach to Assessing Computer
Attitudes: The Computer Attitude Measure (CAM): Journal of Research on
Computing in Education, Vol. 21, No. 4, p 456-. 463
3. Kumaran, D., and Selavarju, K. (2001). ―A Study of Cognitive and affective Computer
Attitude of Teachers.‖ p 96-102
4. Martin Graff (2003). ―Cognitive Style and Attitudes Towards Using Online Learning and
Assessment Methods‖ p 240-248


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

5. Rachel Grieve, Nenagh Kemp, et al., (2017) Push or pill? Unpacking the social
compensation hypothesis of internet use in an Education context, Computer &
Education, Vol 109, pp.1-10.
6. Ronny Scherer, Anubha (2017) Students profiles of ICt use: Identification,
determinants and relations to achievement in a computer and information literacy
test, Computer in Human Behaviour, Vol 70, pp. 486-49
7. Thurstone, L.L. (1929). Theory of Attitude Measurement.Psychological Bulletin, 5:
8. Timothy Teo from Nanyang Technological University (2008). ―Pre-service teachers‟
attitudes towards computer use: A Singapore survey.‖ p 99-105


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor in Education
The Institute of Education, Onkarmal Somani College of Education
Kuvempunagar, Mysuru, Karnataka – 570 009.

 To know the concept of social media and education
 To list out social networks for students and teachers
 To understand the concepts of Diigo social networks
 To discuss features of Diigo social networks
 To enumerate merits and demerits of Diigo social networks
Concept of social Media and Education
A social media and education is refers to the practice of using social media platforms as a
way to enhance the education of students. Social media is defined as "a group of nternet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that
allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content".
Few Social Networks for Students and Teachers
Twiducate, TheWonderment, DIY, Edublogs ,Project Noah, LitPick, Sit with Us,
Youth Voices, Goodreads, TeenInk, MyExperiment, Skype ,Edmodo, GoogleHangouts,
Microsoft Teams, Diigo, The Harry Potter Alliance, Instangram, Snapchat, Periscope, Group
Tweet, LikedIn, Pinterest, Twitter so on..
Concept of Diigo Social Network
It is a powerful research tool and a knowledge-sharing community. Diigo is a free
social bookmarking, research and knowledge sharing tool created to mimic the ease of taking
notes. It is an online tools for teaching and learning process.
Merits of Diigo Social Network
Diigo used in the classroom;
1.Save important websites and access them on any computer.
2.Categorize websites by titles, notes, keyword tags, lists and groups.
3.Search through bookmarks to quickly find desired information.
4.Save a screenshot of a website and see how it has changed over time.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Diigo lend so many features that are particularly helpful for teachers and students. Eight reasons
are listed as below
1. Web-based bookmarks: Bookmarks can be made and accessed from any web-enabled
2. Taggingn:Tags allow you to assign keywords to your bookmarks. Tagging is so much more
practical than folders, when you are forced to choose one folder for your bookmark. With
tags, you can assign as many tags or keywords as you like, making it easier for you and
others to locate your bookmarks.
3. It‟s Social: You can share your bookmarks with others, join and create groups and
collaboratively share your bookmarks, notes and comments! You can even follow other
educators to see what they are bookmarking.
4. Annotate the web: Did you know you can highlight, add sticky notes, and even take
screenshots to add to bookmarks? You can also share a unique URL with your annotations
with your students! Diigo is a great resource for student research.
5. Read Later : is a favorite feature of mine. I often find a great resource that I want to come
back to later. I just mark it as ―read later,‖ and it is saved to my library.
6. The Diigo App: Yes, there‘s an app for that! The Diigo Browser app for iOS is phenomenal.
I can bookmark, annotate, share with my groups, AND it connects to my other social media
accounts so I can pin it to Pinterest and tweet out the link.
7. Diigo Extension for Chrome: Yes, you know how I love Chrome! But the Diigo extension is
my MVP. It keeps me connected to my library, and makes it so easy to bookmark, share, and
annotate from my computer.
8. Connect Diigo to Twitter: Not only is Diigo social in its own right, but you can connect your
Twitter account and have all of your Twitter favorites automatically added to your Diigo
bookmark library.
Demrits of Diigo Social Network
 Not every school provides a way for students to access their school data
 At the ebnd of the year all passwords are automatically changed meaning students can
potential lose all their work that is time limit
 It is a relatively unknown online resources, resulting in a small online community.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Limitations of Diigo Social Network

 Access facility not in all school and colleges
 All are not equipped to use of Diigo social network
 Diigo can be very intrusive to some users
Social media has a strong impact on students. The studies focused on the impact of social
media and reflected that 38% of students focus on the positive role of social media for their
studies while 16% of students agreed on this strong. Diigo is a device integration in the
classroom. College institutions are adapting many social media platforms into their educational
systems to improve communication with students and the overall quality of student life. It
provides colleges with an easy fast method of communication and allows them to give and
receive feedback to students. Social media usage has skyrocketed over the past decade as present
research shows that almost all college students use some form of social networking website.
A Social media networklike Dgio can also provide self- reflection and develop self-
confidence among the students and teachers.Finally a Diigo developed with can increase their
understanding of their strengths and reducing their weakness or improvements and also reduce
an anxiety, fear and stress when they will face an actual for students and teachers‘.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. M. Kanika Priya
Assistant Professor of English
SaradhaGangadharan College, Puducherry.

Every day, more than one billion people connect with each other using social media.
People post pictures on websites like Facebook. They like and share videos that they have
watched on YouTube. And they send messages to friends using programs like QQ messenger. In
just the last 10 years, socialmedia has completely changed the way we communicate. And it has
let us communicate with people around the world. But how does using social media affect us?
Scientists from many different countries have studied this question. They have looked
particularly at its effects on human emotions and relationships. Some studies show that using
social media can cause depression. And other studies suggest that it can negatively affect our
relationships. There are both positive and negative effects of social media.
The main positive effect of social media is also its purpose: connection. Modern life can
be very busy. Many people work long hours. Other people live far away from family and friends
in different cities or countries. Today, many things separate people. And it can be difficult to
stay connected with people that are important to us. One of the scientists called Zeynep had
stated in Atlantic Magazine, that ―Social media‘s very fast rise is a loud and growing attempt by
people everywhere to connect with each other. They are connecting even with all the barriers
that the modern world forces on our lives.
Social media can also help people in making new friends. Often these are friends they
would not have met without social. For example, if one is very interested in a particular thing.
He or she love the science of soil. They would not meet very many people who are also
interested in soil. But through social media, they can find people all over the world who share
their interest in social science.
Social media can also help people to spread news about major world events. This which
let‘s people all over the world react more quickly and even help. For instance: in January of
2010, the small country of Haiti experienced a major earthquake. More than100,000 people
died. Million more people needed food and shelter. Soon after the earthquake, the international
Red Cross started on appeal for aid on social media. Very quickly they raised many millions of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

dollars to help the earthquake victims. Wendy Harman, the Red Cross social media manager,
told ―the result was huge, I am sure that I would have spread so widely without social media. ―
It is clear that social media has many positive effects. But some scientists warn that
social media can also harm people. The public library of science published a major study in
2013. This looked at people from the United States who used the social media website Facebook.
The study found that the more these individuals used Facebook, the less they were satisfied with
their life. And scientists observed that this could cause feelings of depression. Another major
study in Germany found similar results. Scientist studies how 600 German Facebook user felt
while they used Facebook. They found that the most common emotion people experienced while
using Facebook.
So, why would using Facebook cause depression and envy? This is because, when people
put things in social media, they only post the best things about their lives. They talk about the
fun things they are doing or they post pictures that make them look particularly good. So, when
people look at Facebook, they are only seeing the best things, in their friends lives. This can
make them feel less satisfied about their own lives. And they can begin to feel envy because
their friend‘s lifelooks so perfect.
Researchers also noted that Facebook relationships are different than normal
relationships. When someone sees a friend regularly, they see both the good and bad in that
person‘s life. But if someone only sees a friend on social media, they will probably only see part
of their friend‘s life. This makes social media relationships very different than normal
Sherry Turkle is a technology expert that teaches at MIT in the United States. Turkle
claims that social media is decreasing the quality of our relationships. When people use social
media, they do not talk deeply or for very long. And being someone‘s Facebook friends
demands very little effort. When Turkle wrote about social media relationships in the New York
Times, she said, ―we expect more from technology and less from one another. More and more,
we desire technologies that provide a false idea of relationships without the demands of
relationships. ―
Many people have begun to notice the negative effects of social media themselves.
Ashleigh Elser is a young woman from the United States. In 2011, she began to notice that
Facebook was affecting her relationships. She told the New York Times, ―I was not calling my


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

friends anymore. I was just seeing their pictures and comments on Facebook, and I felt like that
was really connecting to them.‖ But Elser began to recognize that she was truly connecting with
her friends.
So, she decided to stop using Facebook. She knew she would miss something. But she
felt that stopping Facebook would improve her relationships with closest friends.
Sam Laird is a writer for the interest company Mashable. Like Elser, he also decided to
stop using Facebook. For him it was an experiment. He wanted to see what would happen.
After 5 months, he found that he concentrated more on his life and relationships. However, he
also found that he missed shared memories and fun events on Facebook. Laird enjoyed being off
Facebook. But he said, he would probably return to Facebook one day. He wrote: ―my
experiment has shown me that social media has become a part of human life. You can use it or
not use it as much as you like, but it is not going anywhere. ―
Social media also helps in solving crime cases. On Facebook live certain incidents may
happen and showcased on social media. Which helps to make the work load less. The
investigation will be limited 9n that case. Detectives use Facebook page to catch the criminals.
The evidence which is gained should be made proved. Witness and clients can be investigated
through social media. Checking and digging can be done here through social media agency.
Then through this the crime can be kept in control.
People of under age open up Facebook and get themselves into trouble. Many people
become victims due to this type of social media. Youngsters put their pictures and later they face
side effects through hackers which lead them to commit suicide too. The impact of this would be
from the jealous people and people who wish to do it for the source of income. Through
morphing their life is becoming troubled. Morphed nude pictures prompted the adults to lose
their hearts and courage, in a way it leads them to commit suicide. This could be stopped only
through creating awareness about social media. They should be taught, ―Only the offenders
should be shamed and not them. And only the offenders should be punished and not them.‖
Thereby we have to focus on juveniles who do simply for mischief. The social media is
not a place to jeopardise the well-being of real people. There is a need to reduce social stigma
attached to the victims.
On the other hand, many crime cases are also solved by social media. For example: in
1979, the body of an unidentified 16-year-old girl was found in a cornfield in New York. For 36


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

years, no one knew that her true identity was Tammy Jo Alexander. The strangest part was,
Tammy is originally from Florida. At the time, New York police would have never thought to
search in Florida for a missing girl, and the case went coldfor years. The internet came to rescue. began to post details of the unidentified body in New York. Meanwhile, a
former classmate of Tammy Jo Alexander was looking to reconnect with her online. She learned
from relatives on Facebook that Tammy had disappeared, and felt shocked that she hadn‘t
noticed Tammy‘s name triggering a missing persons database on Google. That‘s because the
case from the 1970‘s had never been put on internet. This friend took it upon herself to make
sure the information about Tammy's disappearance made it onto the national missing and
unidentified person system. Webslenths connected the dots in 2015. Then the next step was to
find Tammy‘s killer.
Overall, to conclude, we need to think more carefully about how we use it and how it
makes us to feel.
1. Hartung, A 2011, ‗Why Facebook beat MySpace‘, Forbes Online, viewed 26 September
2. Jakubowicz, K 2007, Rude awakening: social and media change in central and eastern
3. Europe, Hampton Press, Cresskill.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. S. RAJESH, Ph.D.

J.P College of Education, Srimushnam, Cuddalore.

Importance of Social Media for Students

Social media plays a very vital role in every student‘s life. With its help, providing &
fetching a lot of information, communicating with friends, classmates, teachers & colleagues
have become an easy-fit option. Students & teachers now get connected while making better use
of this platform for gaining & providing education, respectively.
Advantages of Social Media to Students
However, social media has been criticized a lot because of the effect it has on the way to
students gaining & retaining information. It offers plentiful opportunities for interaction as well
as learning. There are several reasons for using internet-based media as a positive tool for
Educational Benefits of Social Media
Over many years social media has gained superior credibility as a trusted source of
information & a platform where organizations can interact with their global audiences. Using
social media, teachers can improve technological ability & students‘ involvement in studies. It
also provides a good sense of collaboration in the classroom while making better communication
skills with students.
Easy Sharing of Information
Sharing of info, links to other sites has now become super easy for students as they share
pieces of information to their friends, classmates, and other connections. Much of the time they
are connected to the internet through mobile phones, laptops, PCs, tablets, etc. for transmitting
views, opinions, tips, study materials, school projects & various other kinds of useful reading
stuff to each other. With this, they exchange helpful information about their exams & classes.
Social Credibility
Many schools, colleges & universities have begun the facility of interconnecting with a
large no. of students through the means of social media networks, for example, Face book,
Twitter, and YouTube. These channels can be utilized to impart & to communicate school news,
educational info, make declarations, and provide students with more valuable data. This creates


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

involvement between the school and students, which help handle several student-related issues
through the group associations.
Cost-Effective Communication
Social media is an excellent & free medium for the end-user. It can not only be used to
communicate. It is also an outstanding device/ technology to promote things such as events, new
courses, and various advanced research. It is thus be used to enhance improvement in learning.
Any Time Connectivity
There is often someone to reply from the international community as geographical factors
do not restrict most of the social networking sites. ATC (Any time connectivity) has become
possible due to the arrival of various social media websites. You can post your question and wait
for few hours to get a solution to your queries.
Sharing Information and Knowledge
Social media provides a platform where one can share their knowledge and gain
credibility in their chosen field(s) or specialization(s). They can also acquire information and
insights from others within an online community.
Social Media Is Useful For Students
There are lots of causes of why social media is useful for students that can be explained
all at once. Web-based social networks can provide relevant information, for example,
examination and bits of knowledge on different themes or analytics and insights on various
topics or issues for study purposes. It is vital to be dynamic in different possible social platforms
as an educational institution. This help makes better student training methodologies while
shaping the culture of students.
Impact of Social Media in Education
Social media is a new media technology in education that can expand your point of view
on different subjects and gives a highlight to the original content. It gives you an opportunity of
engaging with specialists to find solutions on topics that you may need assistance. Social media
has gained plausibility as a definitive source of information. Hence, it is an excellent platform
where organizations can interact with their audiences in large no‘s. The main thing about
utilizing social media for learning is that you soon realize who the specialists are in various fields
and subjects. When you begin following these experts, you find out more and additional help
from them. This enables you to deliver incredible results. Today, many schools in India &


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

education institutions are adapting these developments into their frameworks and depending on
group assets and systems to improve the life of students. The utilization of social media in
education helps students, teachers, and parents for getting more valuable information while
connecting with learning groups and other educational systems. Social network sites & websites
provide with lots of chances to improve their techniques of learning & teaching to students and
schools, respectively. Through these networks, you can join social media modules or plugins that
empower sharing and collaboration. Students can benefit themselves through online tutorial
exercises through YouTube. Online courses are also offered by colleges abroad through Skype
and a full cluster of assets that are shared through social communities.
Social media engagement supports a culture of avoidance which operates in direct
opposition to the idea that students need to take risks and fail in their academic endeavours in
order to become successful innovators. Social media does promote a kind of intellectual and
social shallowness that could have long term negative consequences for learners. Social media
marketing for your school or university should focus exclusively on making your school seem
like the best option for prospective students or parents. All you need is a social media
management tool that makes it easy for you to publish content for each of your school‘s social
media platforms. A tool like Sprout Social can help make social media management a breeze,
regardless of whether you‘re a solo marketer or a full marketing department. Multiple users can
use the Sprout platform to create content with consistent messaging. Sprout allows you to also
monitor and manage multiple accounts across different networks, which is ideal for educational
institutions. Each department or teacher at your school might have their own separate social
media accounts for specific information, and a social media management tool can help you
ensure the right posts are going out on each of these accounts.
1. Becker, H. J. (2000, July). Findings from the teaching, learning, and computing survey: Is
Larry Cuban right? Retrieved October 2, 2001, from
2. Collis, B., & Jung, I. S. (2003). Uses of information and communication technologies in
teacher education. In B. Jonassen, D.H. (1991). Objectivism versus constructivism: Do


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

we need a new philosophical paradigm? Educational Technology Research and

development, 39(3), 5-14.
3. Pearson, J. (2003). Information and Communications Technologies and Teacher
Education in Australia. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 12(1), 39-58.
4. Tinio, V.L. (2002). ICT in Education: UN Development Programme. (Retrieved from on December 2009).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


S. Ramadas
Ph.D. Research Scholar,
Dr. A. Magalingam
Assistant Professor & Research Supervisor
Department of Pedagogical Science,
TNTEU, Chennai – 97.

The growth of social media over past few years has changedthe ways in which the
internet is experienced by most end users. Social media is built on the idea of how people know
and interact with each other. It gives people the power to share, making the world more open and
connected with each other.Social networking has a vital influence on our live as it helps a lot in
every field of life such as political field, economic field and educational field. People watch
billion of video clipson YouTube daily. Every hour, users upload video content.Every day, more
than 90 percent of collegestudents visit a social networking site.People have woven these
networks into their daily routines, using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Using of social media is not limited only to professionals or elders
but also it is been widely used in educational sectors by the students.There are people who can‘t
even write theirown name and they are only able to recognize him and people by their pictures
have full access to internet and constantly check their Smartphone‘s for status updates. Students
usually used social site for many reason such as for study purpose, for entertainment purpose as
social media provides any data you want very easily and quickly within a fraction of seconds.
Usage of social media depends upon person to person as it has good as well as negative impact
on the society i.e. on the students.Social Media had become a major distraction to students,
causing the overall performance of students to decline, especially the ones who tend to check
their Facebook and twitter while studying. They are extremely busy in accessing number of sites
other than educational site for long hours which create a very negative impact on their mind as
well as creates ample of health issues and also creating slit in the family.Students, who attempt to
multi-task, checking social media sites while studying, show reduced academic performance.
Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand is significantly reduced by the distractions that are
brought about by YouTube, Facebook or Twitter.
Social Media


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

―Social networks have become thoroughly rooted in modernculture. People have woven
these networks into their daily routines, using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Young people are
motivated to learn from their peers online. They interact and receive feedback from one another.
They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults are no
longer the only sources of knowledge. It makes kids more networked than ever. It is easier for
kids to make friends with people all over the world, most of whom they will never ever meet
without these technological advances.Professor Larry Rosen notes that teens are Social media
applications therefore allow users to converse and interact with each other; to create, edit and
share new forms of textual, visual and audio content. Social media applications are seen to be
open rather than closed, bottomup rather than top-down.
Learning with Social Media
It‘s no secret that most students and teachers have smartphones and have used social
media in education. In fact, there are apps and web tools that offer social media in an educational
context. With faculty using a variety of software tools and free web applications to enhance
learning, communication, and engagement, the use of social media is on the rise in higher
education classrooms. Compared to traditional learning methodthat provide few opportunities for
learners to develop and maintain their own learning activities, learning platforms based on social
media place the control of learning into the hands of learners themselves.A growing number of
research efforts have been made tosupport teaching and learning using a variety of social media
tools.Social networking site for college students are been developed aiming at enhancing both
collaborative study and social interaction. The research tells that making social media tools a part
of traditional learning is attractive to students and can motivate their participation in the learning
process. E-Learning, the social network sites handled the big problem by providing information
to the educators in the recent period. However, Social networks have helped to resolve some of
these problems, by adding interactive side with a student, and make the participation of the
students in the educational process which leads to an increase to attract them toward e-learning
and to clarify the reason behind the attraction educated about social network sites.
How Social Media Affects the Students
Social media not only helps to acquire knowledge but also establishing enduring
relationships with realpeople, connecting with fellow dorm residentsthrough Facebook, Twitter


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

and various social sites can help a student overcomethe kind of isolation that otherwise might
leadher to leave school. A Twitter account can providea shy student with information about
events thatfacilitates face-to-face encounters with otherstudents. Such personal interactions are
vital tocreating and sustaining a sense of belonging. Using technology to accommodate students‟
different learning styles is not novel. The strength of social media applications is that they offer
an assortment of tools that learners can mix and match to best suit their individual learning styles
and increase their academic success. The social networking sites focus heavily on building online
communities with common interests or activities. Socialnetworking sites also can help students
develop leadership skills, from low-level planning and organizing to activities that promote
social change and democratic engagement. Social media tools and networking sites encourage
students to engage with each other and to express and share their creativity. Such personal
interactions are vital to creating and sustaining a sense of belonging.
Challenges faced by the use of Social media
There are many Challenges which are being faced by the use of social networking site they
are as follows:
1. Privacy
Many of the students are engross with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and
many more, with help of which they come in contact with many other people whom they never
had met before, seen before or even had talked before. They share their very personal and private
information which many times may be used for wrong deeds also. Althougha lot of the
information individuals‘ supply on social-networking sites is elective, users are progressively
more comfortable with displaying a great deal of personal information online.
Students and many others start believingvery easily on strangers and share their private talks
which may be misused. This is very challenging task which is being faced by Social Media. So,
the privacy is one of the obstacles that have faced the use of social networking in education.
2. Health Issues
Due to the use of social networking sites for long hours create multiple of health issues.
Because of continuous accessing of networking site may create an eyesight problem, back pain
because of sitting in same position for long hours and many more.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Real Friendship
Through social networking, person has a lot of friend but the quality and integrity of
these friendships is not always true. On the other hand, data on these social-networking sites for
a person is not always true and reliable, and they do not verify personal details of their members.
While sites provide an opportunity for individuals to present a positive and accurate self-image.
So, having many friends through social networking sites is likely to be more harmful than good.
This will affect the use of social networking in education.
According to the above study we came to know the various positive and negative impacts
of social media on education or students. It is very important to overcome this problem. Most of
the negative aspects can be overcome by reducing the amount of time spent on social network
sites. Paying attention to their academic progress and addressing any issues will go a long way
towards keeping the negative aspects of social media from influencing their studies. Provide
ample time for face-to-face social interaction, like having some family leisure time in which you
discuss their studies in a relaxed atmosphere or inviting friends and family over for get-together,
providing fun, face-to-face social interaction with loved ones. All this we help us to reduce the
Negative impact of social media on the students which will in turn benefit our young generation.
1 . The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges and Opportunities Ashraf Jalal
Youssef Zaidieh ICT, collage of information and communication technology.
2 . Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case StudyNa Li,
Sandy El Helou, Denis Gille.
3 . Social Networking in Undergraduate Education .
4 . Social media in higher education, neilselwyn.
5 . Social Media and Higher Education Literature Review


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Tamilarasu . C
Ph.D. Scholar
Dr. L. George Stephen
Assistant Professor
Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-600 097.

The emergence of social network sites has revolutionized communication tools for
facilitating teaching and learning activities. In recent years, social networking has become one of
the most significant communication tools among people; in which exist through the Internet that
provides accessibility for tremendous amount of people. Applying Social Networking Sites
(SNSs) in teaching and learning offer a positive impact on the adoption of SNSs and open the
door to the new days of learning and teaching. Social network mainly focused on identity,
network infrastructure, privacy concern, technological issues, and necessitation of its use as a
tool for teaching and learning. Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in using social
media/social learning with courses in higher education. New technologies, most often referred to
as have created a growing phenomenon in public and academic use, changing the way
organizations and people create, engage, and share existing or newly produced information
through multi-way communication. With the use of social media interfacing through computer
and mobile devices becoming more prevalent, user interaction from the platform to face to face
engagement is being promoted. Recent attention of students to social networks brings a privacy
and safety concern in educational environment.
Review of Literature
Social media tools created a platform for the improvement of the educational process. To
enrich the learning and teaching process with text, videos, and audio materials, the social media
tools are useful, also it supports learning process of students and supports teachers in addition to
the evaluation process ,College students have great interest in social media. For the purpose of
the study, social media was defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace.The social
media sites, mostly public web-based services allow users to develop a personal profile, read and
react on the postings on the site . The individual users should restrict the information while


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

posting on the media sites, also they should aware what information can be shared publicly. It
includes favorite books, movies, birthdays, relationship status, Students who may be reluctant to
speak up in class or participating in book discussion blogs and writing for real audiences. There
are new web tools emerging all the times that are enhancing learning. The relationship between
Facebook and well-being appears to become positive over the college years, possibly because
upper class students use Facebook to connect socially with their peers and participate in college
Several scholars have theorized the pedagogical potential of using social media, such as
social network sites, for learning .They have emphasized the technology‘s potential for
supporting collaborative knowledge construction; accessing specialized just-in-time information,
contributing to the hybridization of expertise; relational development and peer/alumni support
especially in times of transition; academic help-seeking; social and civic benefits; and for
blurring the boundaries between learning spaces, social spaces and leisure spaces.
Educational and Social Network Sites
Many teachers and teacher educators remain uncertain about how to meaningfully
integrate this technology or assess its impacts. Assessing the processes and products of students‘
thinking in projects involving the Internet or identifying how online applications could aid them
in developing their capacity for such assessment, can be especially difficult even for experienced
content- and technology-using teachers .Web-based social networks introduce tools, people, and
materials to school culture that could help to break up established routines and assist teachers
and students in getting feedback on their performances. Leveraging social networking
capabilities may give teachers and students access to a different culture that helps them clarify
their beliefs about teaching with technology and revise their behaviours .
Rise of Social Network Sites
Social network sites are a form of social media defined by the following socio-technical
1. uniquely identifiable profiles that consist of user-supplied content and/or system provided
2. (semi-) public display of connections that can be traversed by Others.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Features that allow users to consume, produce, and/or interact with user-generated
content provided by their connections on the site .The popularity of social network sites
is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning .The social media has become one of the
most important communication means in recent times. However, social networking exists
so as to provide communication among people regardless of the distance, making it open
to people easily share information, files and pictures and videos, create blogs and send
messages, and conduct real-time conversations. These systems are referred to as social,
simply because they allow communication with buddies and co-workers so easily and
effectively. In today‘s higher education settings, instructors, students and others
collaborate on the task of knowledge construction. The favourites in the realm of internet
sites are Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube, Instagram, google doc and others. These
websites and social forums are way of communication directly with other people socially
and in the media. They are playing a large and influential role decision-making in the
occasions from the global world economically, politically, socially and educationally.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly prevalent in our
society, and consequently, they entail new conditions and opportunities for teaching and learning
processes. On the one hand, the new generation of students enter university with a strong
command of competencies to communicate via ICT, a situation which obviously facilitates the
introduction of such resources as learning supports. On the other hand, there is apparently
widespread participation in different social networks and increasing evidence of their use as
support for study activities. Facebook and other social networking sites (SNSs) are ubiquitous in
everyday life, seeping into educational environments and leaving educators little choice but to
explore how best to incorporate such tools into teaching and learning.
Role of Social Media
Social media in education include Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Google plus, message
boards and blogging among which Facebook leads the rest. In 2008-2009 61% were of the
population were using Facebook and it went up to 87% in 2009-10 and reached 98% in 2010-11.
Educational institutes have been majorly using micro-blogging to update students and teachers
with the latest announcements. From0% use in 2008-09, the growth graph marked 59% in 2009-
10 and finally 84% in 2011. The blogging has gained wide popularity over the years. Over the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

past few years, programmes allowing interaction via virtual social networks, better known as
SNSs, have brought about an authentic revolution, both in terms of their rapid assimilation but
also in terms of their extension into further applications. The social networks have fast become
powerful interaction spaces between diverse social groups, some of them highly specialised, and
where it is possible to meet people who share the same interests or reacquaint themselves with
others, as is the case with LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) also works on the notion of bespoke learning
which is a feature of learning via SNSs, too. In fact, a MOOC will be offered and typically
spread through an online social network. A MOOC integrates the connectivity of social
networking, the facilitation of an acknowledged expert in a field of study, and a collection of
freely accessible online resources. the emergence of MOOCs in a continuum from open
educational resources to open access to the results of scientific production provides anyone,
anywhere in the world with the same content available at the most prestigious universities and by
the most renowned specialists, for a more structured education and the award of degrees.
Social factors affecting the academic performance
Study has identified many factors that are pre-admission qualification, time spent in
studying, regular class attendance, probation status, father‘s education, parental support and
involvement, interest in major subjects of study and the gender of the students as significant
determinants of academic performance of the students.
Popular Social Media Sites:
The following social meadia are very famous in the society Facebook, Twitter, Blogs,
YouTube and Instagram.
Social Networking Sites
The phrase ―social networking sites‖ is an umbrella term used for social media and
includes but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Myspace. Social Media is internet
based technologies that allow more free flowing communication among its users.
Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media
Positive Impacts
Social media enable students to easily contact with each other with regard to their
projects and assignments. Students also can work on group assignments from their home. When


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

social media is used in pedagogy students who have difficulty in expressing their thoughts in the
classroom can get involved in the learning process, it helps to build their confidence level as
well. Any doubts can be clarified by posting a message through the social media. A site like
Facebook, etc. help teachers to stay in touch with the parents or so to know the progress of their
children. Students are learning the skill sets required for successful social networking. Social
media also brings with it the freedom for learners to connect and collaborate outside of
institutional boundaries as well as to gain practical experience for the workforce .Students are
also being taught new concepts like online privacy.
Negative impacts
Students have become prone to frequent fluctuations in mood and self-control. A recent
study has stated whenever someone uploads a profile picture, it immediately affects the mood of
students. It produces stress, anxiety or fear for them. Students neglect the studies by spending
time on social networking website rather than studying or interacting with the people in person.
Students prefer to chat with the friends for the hours and this leads to the waste of time
that could have been used for study or learning new skills. Students use of social media regularly
may lose their ability to engage in face to face communication. Even though students spend lots
of time in socializing in an effective way, it should not hamper their study and academic
credential. It should be kept in mind that the social networking creates the virtual world, that is
drastically differ from the reality.
Social networks are applications that support enthusiasm in a common space around
sharing interests, collaborations, resource sharing, communications and interactions. The
evidence is growing that the use of SNSs in education can be useful in blended learning. The
teachers can communicate instantly and directly with the students and compare notes on
education techniques, curriculum and teaching methodology and so on. Teachers, professors and
academics routinely used blogs to write about the world of education and invite comments from
all over the world. The impact of social media is radically changing the way education has been
traditionally delivered. Students should develop the cognitive and intuitive ability to analysis
how much time they spent with social media. It is up to the students to decide what really matters
in their life and how much of this virtual life translates to real life. In spite of those concerns,
however, the faculty believes a social media sites offer value in teaching. An overwhelming


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

majority report that they believe that video, podcast, and wikis re valuable tools for teaching, and
a majority report that social media sites can be valuable tools for collaborative learning .
1. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R.R. 1999. How people learn: Brain, mind,
experience and school. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Developments in the Science
of Learning.
2. Crook, C. 2012. The ‗digital native‘ in context: tensions associated with importing Web
2.0 practices into the school setting.
3. Ellison, N. B. & Boyd, d. 2013. Sociality through SNS. In Dutton, W. H. (Ed.), The
Oxford Handbook of Internet Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
4. Greenhow, C. 2006. From blackboard to browser: An examination of teachers‘
constructivist beliefs and practice in using the internet (Unpublished doctoral
dissertation). Harvard University: Cambridge, MA.
5. Greenhow, C. & Robelia, E. 2009. Old communication, new literacies: Social network
sites as social learning resources.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


J. Angelin Devakumari
Research Scholar
Dr. D. Sumathi
Assistant Professor
School of Education
Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai - 600015.

Social Media are becoming the most important tools for interaction among people, where
everybody can share, exchange, comment, discuss and create information and knowledge in a
collaborative way. The use of Social Media in Education provides students with the ability to get
more useful information to connect with learning groups and other Educational systems that
make education Convenient. The innovative use of social media makes the children to learn
easily from their home. The emerging role of social media in teaching learning process cannot be
ignored. It not only provides students access to useful information but also connects them with
learning groups and other educational Systems that make their overall learning process more
interesting and engaging. The present paper intends to discuss the approaches which are
associated with using social media in students Education.
The Role of Social Media in Education
Social Media has many Positive effects on Education including better communication,
timely information, socializing and online learning. Social Media plays a vital role in every
student‘s life. Social Media is a Valuable tool to gain and also to promote their Knowledge. With
its help students can fetch a lot of information by communicating with their friends, classmates,
teachers and colleagues. It helps in achieving the right kind of Education. It helps in improving
one‘s social skills, reading skills which helps in achieving one‘s educational Pursuits. The great
thing about using social media in education is that it helps to find the experts in different fields
and subjects.
Importance of Social Media in Education
Education is no exemption in using Social Media. It provides a solution for the many
obstacles in students learning Process. Recently students don‘t need to carry heavy books, they
can browse collaborative media sources like Wikipedia anytime. The most important aspect of
these social media is that they promote open discussions about things. When students and


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

teachers communicate on the social media they come in a dialogue which gives a purposeful
conclusion. It helps to get latest updates around the world. It also promotes the team work by
communicating the students projects works which results in gain of various ideas. Students can
give online Presentations, submit assignments to a common page, receive feedback from teachers
while being sick at home.
Benefits of Social Media in Education
Most of the students are bored of reading and writing, however the social media provide
plenty of information which made the students to read with involvement. Hence it helps to share
documents, links and any other type of information can be highly effective in improving the
academic performance and students learning. It helps the students to complete their assignments,
prepare for quizzes and exams, which improve their practical skills and finding the right career
opportunities. Social media is playing a vital role in helping students stay on top of their studies.

Communication and Collaboration

Distance Learning Opportunities

Benefits of Social
Media in Learning
Parental Involvement

Improved Literacy, Communication,

Distance Learning Opportunities and Reading Skills
Another awesome opportunity in Education is distance learning. Many students are not
able to attend regular classes due to health issues and family Situation. With the help of various
online tools along with social media modern educators are able to attract students through
distance learning Programmes. In addition, distance learning provides greater flexibility
for students to work at their own Pace. One of the most obvious benefits of distance learning is
that it can be done from anywhere if there is an internet connection.
Role of Social Media in Teaching Learning Process
It develop communication skills among students and gain social confidence through
online interaction, which may help them feel more secure in new situations .Students also
become more familiar with new and emerging technologies and Social media can also be a


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

source to increase talent to work on group project often better enhanced in a collaborative which
helps the children to acquire problem-solving skills . Social media allow students to work
together on projects beyond an individual‘s capability.
Positive Effects of Social Media in Education
Social media teaches students to survive in the business world. It has also increased the
rate and quality of collaboration for students. They are better able to communicate with each
other, share information quickly, which can increase productivity and help them learn how to
work well in groups. By spending much time working with new technologies, students develop
more familiarity with computers and other electronic devices. With the increased focus on
technology in education and business, this will help students build skills that will aid them
throughout their lives. The ease and speed with which users can upload pictures, videos or stories
has resulted in a greater amount of sharing of creative works. Being able to get instant feedback
from friends and family on their creative outlets helps students refine and develop their artistic
abilities and can provide much needed confidence or help them decide what career path they may
want to pursue.
Negative Effects of Social Media in Education
Use of social media sites with sheer negligence can have mental as well as physical
effects on one‘s health. Students do not take their meals on time, do not take proper rest and by
continuously being on phone or laptop can also have adverse effects on their eyes. Such acts
make students lazy and unmotivated to study or even go out and meet people. Too much use of
Social Media can have adverse effects on students‘ minds and they may also be exposed to bad
posture, eye strain, physical and mental stress. With the extensive use of Social Media, students
these days are depending more on such platforms to gain information and knowledge rather than
looking out for the same in books, journals or notes. As it is easy to extract information online,
reading habits of students along with their learning and research capabilities are reducing.
As social media networks advance in education systems, many helpful and beneficial
tools will emerge that can make learning a more enriching experience. The world is getting
closer everyday and everyone wants to be connected. . World is moving more towards
"information streams". It has become routine for every person and with these people are getting
addicted with the technology. Social Media has affected various fields in both Positive as well as


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Negative aspects. This shows that in Education field students can get the quality of education,
acquire new skills but at the same time he/she may get distracted and addicted by too much use
of social media. So the use of social media has many Positive aspects but it should be used in a
limited way without getting addicted.
2. learning
2013 report.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ragavagiri. S
M.Phil. Scholar
Department of Educational Technology
TNTEU, Chennai – 600097.

Information and Communication Technology (hereinafter referred to as ICT) and Social
Media are valuable tools for aiding communication, collaboration and enhancing teaching and
learning. SPW seeks to promote the safe and effective use of ICT and Social Media in the School
and wider community to provide students with the skills for living and working in a changing
technological and information-based society. SPW also will maintain a positive presence in
Social Media, promoting the School and engaging with the School Community.
ICT includes the systematic application of computing, telecommunications (including but
not limited to email, telephone, and facsimile services), internet, media and other digital
technologies to the collection, processing, transformation, organization, storage, transfer, and
presentation of information in all its forms, in order to enhance the performance of individuals in
all School activities.
Social Media
Social Media (sometimes referred to as ‗social networking‘) are online services and tools
used for publishing, sharing, and discussing information. The list of social media types is
extensive with new and innovative social media sites being developed almost every day. Staff
can determine what social media platform adds value to their particular need, in conjunction with
the ICT Coordinator. This list is provided as a guide to the types of social media currently
 Social networking sites are websites that allow you to create a personal profile about
yourself and then chat and share information with others such as family and friends e.g.,
Facebook, Edmodo, Myspace, LinkedIn
 Video, audio and photo sharing websites are sites that allow you to upload and share
videos, sounds and photos which can be viewed/heard by web users the world over e.g.,
Flickr, YouTube, iTunes, Vimeo, SoundCloud


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Blog: A Blog (short for web log) is an online diary, where you regularly post about your
life, your passions, business, news, or other interests. It is a way of having your own
space in the virtual world e.g., WordPress, Blogger.
 Microblogging apps: are websites that post micro-blog like posts to announce what you
are currently doing or engage in conversation around interestse.g., Twitter, Yammer,
 Location based apps: (also known as Geolocation) are applications with the capability to
detect and record where you and other people are located e.g., Foursquare.
 Wikis: are collaborative websites where users create, edit and share information about a
particular subject or topic e.g., Wikipedia
 Online gaming: are games played over some form of computer network and are often
based around a community of users e.g., Steam.
 News aggregation: news aggregators provide a list of the latest news stories published by
users from a range of different web sites e.g., Digg.
 Forums or message boards are online discussion sites where people can hold
conversations in the form of posted messages e.g. Pinterest
 Online multiplayer gaming platforms are multiplayer video games which are capable of
supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously and usually feature at least
one persistent world.
Scope of the Policy
The policy covers personal use of social media as well as the use of social media for official
school purposes. This policy applies to personal web space such as social networking sites (for
example Facebook,); blogs and micro-blogs such as Twitter, chatrooms, forums, podcasts; open
access online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia; and content sharing sites such as Flickr and
YouTube. This list is not exhaustive. This policy applies to both the use of school‘s/academy‘s
ICT and communication equipment and the use of personal devices by employees. Examples of
such devices includes:
 Laptop and personal computers
 ICT network facilities
 Mobile phones
 USB sticks and other storage devices


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Image storage devices including cameras, camera phones and video equipment.
1. Principles – Be Professional, Responsible, Respectful
 You must be conscious at all times of the need to keep your personal and professional
lives separate. You should not put yourself in a position where there is a conflict between
your work and your personal interests.
 You must not engage in activities involving ICT and/or social media which might place
the members of the community at risk, cause them embarrassment or damage their
 Reasonable personal use by staff members of these ICT facilities is permitted to the
extent that it does not interfere with the duties and functions of such staff members, nor
any other person or organization.
Policy statements should:
 Define the objectives for the use of the service, such as information exchange, collection
and dissemination of tacit knowledge, and collaborative development of solutions.
 Define any restrictions on access to the service.
 Provide guidance on ownership of content by the organization.
 Provide rules related to discussion and posting of protectively marked material, covering at
least controlled unclassified information, national security, export control and proprietary
For national security marked material, users should not discuss or post material unless they can
be completely sure that all participants in the network and the service provider have necessary
clearances. Classified material should never be posted.
For controlled unclassified information (CUI), users should not discuss, post, or proliferate any
CUI material, even if it appears to be available in the public domain, unless they can be
completely sure that all participants in the network are eligible to see such items.
For export control marked material, users should not discuss or post material unless they can be
completely sure that all participants in the network are eligible to see such items. For proprietary
data, it is assumed that participants in the internal network will be permitted to view such
information, unless there are additional restrictions applied.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

It is recommended that an explicit list of protective markings that either can or cannot be
discussed on the network is provided.
 Provide a process for removing inaccurate, inappropriate, or objectionable content, or
material that is in conflict with the policy and code of conduct.
 Define organization rights related to the governance of content, including removal of any
material that it may require.
 Ensure that employees assume all legal liability that may result from their postings.
 Specify that organization equipment should be used in compliance with any existing
acceptable use policy.
 Define organization sanctions that may be applied for misuse of the network.
3. Code of Conduct
The code of conduct should cover:
 Expected behaviors and etiquette on the internal social network, including the need to: –

o Treat others with dignity.

o Respect others‘ privacy.
o Avoid posting material that is defamatory, obscene, profane, threatening,
o abusive, harassing or targeted toward any person or entity within the organization
and its leadership, customers, suppliers and competitors.
 Compliance with applicable laws in any jurisdiction that may have access to the internal
 Explicit links to any overarching organization code of conduct.
 Appropriate external use, such as avoiding statements on organization policies and plans
and material that could represent an anti-trust violation.
 Any restriction on the posting of branded or other organization-generated promotional
 Recognition of risks of using external social networking, such as targeting of individual
employees, introduction of malicious software into individual.
In conclusion perhaps the best that we can hope for are interventions which are uncertain,
tentative and unpredictable. Thus, a stronger self-belief in ICT should be accompanied by


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

more vague set of discourses concerning the ends of technology. To be less certain about the
ends and outcomes of ICT use is a more honest and possibly more accurate stance to take
concerning the open possibilities of new technologies and social inclusion. It is from this vaguer,
less coercive but more realistic starting point that future efforts at engineering digital inequality
should commence.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. Reena. K. M.
Assistant Professor
PPG College Of Education, Coimbatore.
Email: Mobile number: 9159920510.

The growth of social media over past few years has changed the ways in which the
internet is experienced by most end users. Social media is built on the idea of how people know
and interact with each other. It gives people the power to share, making the world more open and
connected with each other. Social networking has a vital influence on our live as it helps a lot in
every field of life such as political field, economic field and educational field. People watch
billion of video clips on YouTube daily. Every hour, users upload video content. Every day,
more than 90 percent of college students visit a social networking site. People have woven these
networks into their daily routines, using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Using of social media is not limited only to professionals or elders
but also it is been widely used in educational sectors by the students. There are people who can‘t
even write their own name and they are only able to recognize him and people by their pictures
have full access to internet and constantly check their Smartphone‘s for status updates. Students
usually used social site for many reason such as for study purpose, for entertainment purpose as
social media provides any data you want very easily and quickly within a fraction of seconds.
Usage of social media depends upon person to person as it has good as well as negative impact
on the society i.e. on the students.
Social Media
―Social networks have become thoroughly rooted in modern culture. People have woven
these networks into their daily routines, using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Young people are
motivated to learn from their peers online. They interact and receive feedback from one another.
They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults are no
longer the only sources of knowledge. It makes kids more networked than ever.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Learning with Social Media

It‘s no secret that most students and teachers have smart phones and have used social
media in education. In fact, there are apps and web tools that offer social media in an educational
The research tells that making social media tools a part of traditional learning is attractive
to students and can motivate their participation in the learning process. E-Learning, the social
network sites handled the big problem by providing information to the educators in the recent
period. However, Social networks have helped to resolve some of these problems, by adding
interactive side with a student, and make the participation of the students in the educational
process which leads to an increase to attract them toward e-learning and to clarify the reason
behind the attraction educated about social network sites.
How Social Media Affects the Students
Social media not only helps to acquire knowledge but also establishing enduring
relationships with real people, connecting with fellow dorm residents through Facebook, Twitter
and various social sites can help a student overcome the kind of isolation that otherwise might
leader to leave school. A Twitter account can provide shy student with information about events
that facilitates face-to-face encounters with other students. Such personal interactions are vital to
creating and sustaining a sense of belonging. Using technology to accommodate students‟
different learning styles is not novel. Social networking sites also can help students develop
leadership skills, from low-level planning and organizing to activities that promote social change
and democratic engagement. Social media tools and networking sites encourage students to
engage with each other and to express and share their creativity. Such personal interactions are
vital to creating and sustaining a sense of belonging.
Challenges Faced by the Use of Social Media
There are many Challenges which are being faced by the use of social networking site
they are as follows:
 Privacy
 Health Issues
 Real Friendship


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Positive and Negative Impact of Social Media in Education

Positive Impact
Social media did make the world a smaller place, now we have more information, more
knowledge, and have better opportunities to use it. Social media improved our ability to absorb
information, what would have seemed to be over whelming to someone 20 years ago is normal to
us, we have an extreme ease in processing and we are evolving quickly. Following are the
Positive Impact of Social Media on Education:
1. Google and education, Google has helped over 20 million student in their education using
their tools.
2. By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more
familiarity with computers and other electronic devices.
3. With the increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help students
build skills that will aid them throughout their lives.
4. Talents got discovered faster, students who were good at programming got their name out
their easily, student who were good in music, got their videos out and shared leading
them to their dreams.
5. A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media
which brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
Negative Impact
The prime bad effect of social media is addiction. Constantly checking Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn other social media updates. This addiction could negatively affect other valued
activities like concentrating on studies, taking active part in sports, real life communication and
ignoring ground realities. There are hundreds of thousands of fake accounts on social networks
who are boys pretending to be girls to be friends with girls and in most cases this leads to
embarrassments and disappointments which finally result in depression. If there is awareness
about the risk of social media in our community it will not lead to anything bad but there is
always lack of public awareness and as mentioned above that the graph of internet users is
getting higher and higher while we are still far behind in the field of education thus public
awareness is very difficult in societies with lack of education.
Following are the Negative impact of Social Media on Education:


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. The popularity of social media, and the speed at which information is published, has
created a lax attitude towards proper spelling and grammar. The reduces a student‘s
ability to effectively write without relying on a computer‘s spell check feature.
2. Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to
provide answers. That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.
3. Our ability to retain information has decreased, and the willingness to spend more time
researching and looking up good information has reduced, due the fact that we got used
to the ease of accessibility to information on social media.
4. Students, who attempt to multi-task, checking social media sites while studying, show
reduced academic performance. Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand is
significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought about by YouTube, Facebook or
5. The more time students spend on social sites, the less time they spend socializing in
person. Because of the lack of body signals and other nonverbal cues, like tone and
inflection, social networking sites are not an adequate replacement for face-to-face
According to the above study we came to know the various positive and negative impacts
of social media on education or students. It is very important to overcome this problem. How can
parents alleviate the negative aspects of social media while improving upon the positive results?
Moderating their access to social media is one excellent method. Most of the negative
aspects can be overcome by reducing the amount of time spent on social network sites. Paying
attention to their academic progress and addressing any issues will go a long way towards
keeping the negative aspects of social media from influencing their studies. Provide ample time
for face-to-face social interaction, like having some family leisure time in which you discuss
their studies in a relaxed atmosphere or inviting friends and family over for get-together,
providing fun, face-to-face social interaction with loved ones. All this we help us to reduce the
Negative impact of social media on the students which will in turn benefit our young generation.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges and Opportunities Ashraf Jalal
Yousef Zaidieh ICT, collage of information and communication technology, IIUM KL,
2. The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New GenerationBy Khaama
Press - Wed Nov 19, 2014
3. Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case StudyNa Li,
Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet
4. Social Networking in Undergraduate Education.
5. Nicole A. Buzzetto-More University Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, USA
6. How social media is changing education.
7. Social Media Use in Higher Education: Key Areas to Consider for Educators Julia E.
Rodriguez Assistant Professor Information Literacy and Educational Technology
8. Oakland University Rochester, MI 48309 USA.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. S. Vimala
M. Phil Scholar []
Department of Psychology
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-600 097.

Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate
the creation or sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of
expression via virtual communities and networks. Users usually access social media services
via web-based apps on desktops and laptops, or download services that offer social media
functionality to their mobile devices (e.g., smart phones and tablets). As users engage with
these electronic services, they create highly interactive platforms through which individuals,
communities, and organizations can share, co-create, discuss, participate, and modify user-
generated content are posted online. Additionally, social media are used to document memories;
learn about and explore things; advertise one; and form friendships along with the growth of
ideas from the creation of blogs, podcasts, videos, and gaming sites. This changing relationship
between human and technology is the focus of the emerging field of techno self studies.
Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered
users,include Facebook, TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Weibo, Twitter, Tumbler, Baidu
Tieba, and LinkedIn. Depending on interpretation, other popular platforms that are sometimes
referred to as social media services include YouTube, QQ, Quora, Telegram, WhatsApp,
LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber, Microsoft Teams and more.
Sharing Our Information
Every individual has the natural right to have his personal life hidden from others.
Sharing of information that is considered very personal without personal consent is something
that no one likes or wants to bear in his life and is treated as stealing. Another privacy issue is
linked when an employee of an organization share some personal and secret information of his
organization with someone else, say their competitor or supplier. Irrespective of position of the
suffering party, the loss is always long lasting and drastic.
Social media these days is considered a prime source of information about any individual
or an organization since such information surfaces on social media without any barriers and is so
cheap to access as well. Moreover there are so many applications that a common person uses on


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

his cell phone daily for a routine task, but on the back end this applications keep on stealing each
and every thing about your personality including your most personal and private information
without ever being noticed. So whether the access is intentional or un-intentional, the results are
always the same. Moreover the law enforcement bodies and agencies feel it their legal right to
have a close look at every individual‘s personal information.
Some people now a day prefer to use fake information about themselves on social media
sites to hide their true identity. This has led to question the trustworthiness of the information
available on the social media as well. But this process does not solve the issue as there are
situations where it is considered mandatory to disclose your personal information correctly like
sites to look for new career opportunities. Therefore the question about what information to be
shares on a specific media needs a lot of reasoning and evaluation. The answer is very simple.
You cannot hide yourself from the world. One needs to interact with different sets of people all
the time, especially in the professional context. Sharing information is our need and our demand
as well. We cannot live in a cave just to stay away from the eyes of the world. So what‘s the
solution to this? We need multiple efforts from multiple sources to do so. We need organizations
that make sure that people don‘t misuse other‘s information.
Special privacy laws should be implemented which will make sure that anyone who uses
someone‘s personal information without their consent will get the necessary punishment as well.
Moreover all the applications that are released in the open market should be evaluated and tested
before their launch and each application must have an authorization number from a central body
which will make sure that no such privacy infringements are associated with the use of the
application. Moreover certain rules and regulations has to be implemented on corporate
environments as well that will not only allow the employer to cross check a new prospective
employee at the screening phase but also allow them to restrict their employees to share personal
information about the organization with others with serious repercussions (―Social media and
Impact on Interpersonal Relationships:
Data suggest that new people uses social media to fulfill their social needs but are greatly
disappointed. Individuals tend to go to internet especially to derive some sort of emotional
sympathies. These causes‘ problems for them while interacting in their daily routine with their
family members. People who uses social media treats this sort of communication as very real


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

which is mostly not as it is seemed. People these days communicate and behave very differently
on social media than their real life to protect their identities and consider themselves free to
communicate and hurt others with their fake identities. This leads to anxiety and depression for
so many people who gets hurt when they find out that they are being fooled.
A real life situation happened to a guy who was a computer professional and was not
social at all. One day his friends persuaded him to use Facebook to look for a girlfriend. Since he
never had such experiences before so he was asked by his friends to change his picture with a
cuter unknown model and also use fake information about himself. He started using Facebook
and one day got a friendship request from a very cute girl. When he looked at her profile, he
finds out that she was also from her neighborhood so he got very excited and immediately
accepted her as friend. After a few days, he got a chance to chat with her. They really liked each
other and started doing that quiet regularly. He only shared 30 to 40 percent of his real
personality facts and focused on using fake information instead.
The only thing that we can do is to find different ways to protect ourselves from
situations where this media could have negativity on our personalities. But one thing needs to be
remembered that social life is not the real life and real life is what needs the main focus rather
than our social life.
After the deep discussion and study of books, the writer came to this conclusion that
valueless country cannot grow. Active role of social media may develop values. Various
researches show that there is impact of positive or negative scenes or pictures on the mind of
children. Positive scenes propagate the positivity and negative scenes propagate negativity. It
means that eyes put the impact on mind and hurt. Small children are found involve in antisocial
activities, result of scenes, which they have seen. To summarize, some research suggests that
extensive viewing of television violence can alter children's views about the acceptability of
violence and perhaps even hinder the development of their moral reasoning.
Fantasy violence that is portrayed as justified or heroic is most strongly implicated here,
again suggesting that the type of content children watch is important. Such conclusions must be
tentative, however, because of the paucity of studies in this area. With the exception of one
experiment and one longitudinal study, nearly all the evidence is of the snapshot-in-time variety
and does not permit drawing causal conclusions.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mr. V. Vijayakumar
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Value Education
Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University, Chennai-97

We've all heard complaints that students spend too much time in social media and not
enough in the "real world" with their studies. More worrying, perhaps, than the amount of time
spent social media and the findings that suggest that social media use can influence the
personality and character of users. Recent research, for example, has shown that there is a link
between social media use and narcissism, and that social media use can have an adverse effect on
social decision-making and reduce levels of empathy. With that in mind, one from Character and
Virtues looks at the impact of social media on the character and moral development of students
and aims to understand the benefits that social media can have on development.
Social Media
Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates the exchange of ideas,
thoughts, and information by building virtual networks and communities. By design, social
networks are based on the Internet and offer users rapid electronic communication of content.
The content includes personal information, documents, videos and photos. Users interact with
social media through a computer, tablet, or smart phone using web-based software or web
application, often using it to send messages. Although social media is ubiquitous in America and
Europe, China and India now top the list for social media usage.
Understanding Social Media
Social media emerged as a way to interact with friends and family, but was later
embraced by companies that wanted to take advantage of a popular new communication method
to reach customers. The power of social media is the ability to connect and share information
with anyone on Earth or with many people simultaneously.
The philosophical study of values has a name, in fact it is called "axiology". Study the
metaphysical and epistemological state of values, widely understood. But for our purposes,
suffice it to say that values are things that people care about. We care about values. They are the
ones who motivate our behaviour. They base our judgments on what is good or bad, desirable or


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

undesirable. Any form of activity that involves making judgments about what is better or worse,
good or bad, high or low, good or bad, good or failed, desirable or undesirable ... all of these
judgments involve values of 'one way or another.
Moral Values
Moral values are relative values that protect life and respect the double value of life for
oneself and for others. Great moral values, like truth, freedom, charity, etc., have something in
common. When functioning properly, they protect or increase the life of everyone. But these are
still relative values. Our relative moral values must be constantly reviewed to ensure that they are
still fulfilling their mission of protecting life. Even the core values of the Marine Corps of
―Honour, Courage and Commitment‖ must be considered in this context. Courage can turn into
insane martyrdom, commitment can turn into irrational fanaticism, honour can turn into our own
morality, vanity and disrespect for others. Our enemies have their own honour, they have
courage and they are certainly committed.
What are Moral Values?
The way we care about moral values is different from the way we care about non-moral
values. Moral values are related to the fundamental human emotions and experiences that
motivate us in different ways.
To consider:
 Parents' primary love and concern for their children.
 The sympathy and empathy we feel when we perceive the suffering of others.
 The sense of duty and loyalty we feel towards our family and close social groups, or the
larger communities to which we belong.
 The anger and indignation we feel towards those who threaten us or towards those we
 The feelings of injustice and injustice that we experience when we are mistreated and
others are treated better, for no good reason.
 The guilt or shame we feel when we violate a trust or do not respect the values we stand
James Parrish, following Mason (1986), recommends four policies that a social media user
should follow to ensure ethical respect for the privacy of others:


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. When sharing information on SNS (social media sites), it is not necessary to consider
only the privacy of your personal information, but the privacy of other people's
information which may be related to the shared information. .
2. When sharing information on the SNS, it is the responsibility of anyone wishing to share
information to verify the accuracy of the information before sharing it.
We also asked about parents' use of their own social media and found that parents who use social
media consistently reported a lack of 'positive character strengths', such as self-control, honesty
and humility. Instead, parents said they see a lot of anger and hostility, as well as arrogance and
ignorance on social media sites.All is not bad: social media can contribute to the moral
development of children. However, all is not gloomy, as our research also shows that social
media can be a source of good. And it may be that viewing this type of positive content online
can have a positive influence on the attitudes and behaviours of students.Indeed, on sites like
Face book and Twitter, users are often confronted with new perspectives and circumstances,
such as different religions, cultures and social groups. And exposure to these situations online
can really help students to be more understanding and tolerant and, in turn, to develop their
empathy skills. This is because it allows them to see things from other people's point of view, in
a way that they might not be able to see in "real life".
Moral Supports
Then there is the question that the very nature of the internet, with its perception of
invisibility and anonymity, can also mean that people act differently online, than they would in
real life. This can lead to a ―moral disconnection‖, in which people can act immorally while
seeing themselves as a legal person. And it is this ―closure‖ that is supposed to encourage cyber
bullying behaviour. Cyber bullying is common on the Internet and most students will experience
or see it at some point. But while it may be tempting for some parents to simply ban the use of
social media, this strategy is unlikely to be successful in the long term - social media will not go
away. Instead, we need to better understand the relationship between the use of social media and
a young person's character and moral values. And, through our research, we hope to be able to
offer constructive, evidence-based advice on precisely this topic. Because it is clear that the
online environment is a moral foundation that requires successful navigation. By understanding
how stones like moral disengagement can be avoided, we can help create a safer and more
uniform path for students to do business.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Put in place controls for the use of social media sites adapted to the values of our
societies, customs, cultures and traditions. In addition, sensitize students from public and private
universities to the importance of good use of social media sites. Additionally, control student
traffic on social media sites and use controls to reduce unethical educational uses .Also pay
attention to the dissemination of scientific and specific websites among students in order to
reduce the negative effects of social media sites. Also, educate students on the use of social
media sites so that they do not suffer which causes them to lose their future. Finally, spend less
time using social media sites because of its health risks and wasted production capacity due to
the dependency it can cause.
1. Abed, Z. (2012). The role of the social media websites in directing the Palestinian public
opinion towards the social and political change: An analytical descriptive study. Al-
Najah University Journal for Research, Humanities, 26 (6) 1387-1428
2. Alshare, F. (2018). The Role of the Integrated Marketing Communications in
highlighting the competitive advantage in the Jordanian Telecommunication
Companies (Orange Company: Study Model). International Journal of Academic
Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 573-593.
3. Al-Smadi, H. S. A. I. (2017). The Role of Social media Sites in Creating Moral Crisis
and the Role of the University in Confronting It from the View Point of Qassim
University Faculty Members. International Education Studies, 10(5), 36-47.
4. Eneizan, B., Mostafa, A. A., &Alabboodi, A. S. (2018). Effect of technical support and
trust on the adoption of electronic human resource management: Evidence from
developing countries. IJAR, 4(7), 31-40
5. Gahagan, K., Vaterlaus, J. M., & Frost, L. R. (2016). College student cyberbullying on
social media sites: Conceptualization, prevalence, and perceived bystander
responsibility. Computers in human behavior, 55, 1097-1105
6. Lau, W. W. (2017). Effects of social media usage and social media multitasking on
the academic performance of university students. Computers in human behavior, 68, 286-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Sathish K
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, University of Madras, Chennai - 05
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Madras, Chennai - 05


The growth of social media is immaculate over past few years and a new platforms arrive
almost every week. This booming growth has changed the experience of using internet in a big
way. Every social media interface is being developed with a view to make people find their
friends, people with similar interest and allow them to interact with each other about their
interest and so on.

Social media allows the people to share lots of knowledge and ideas in varying fields.
Social networking sites have made a big influence on peoples‘ lives as it helps to seek a lot of
information on almost all the walks of life, from alphabet to poetry, numeric to programming,
agriculture to astronomy, politics, medicine, economics, educational and what not. It has made
the world more open and connects millions and millions of people irrespective of known or
unknown to each other. It has shrank the world in the real sense so to speak.

Social Media and Education

The mobile devices and social networking platforms provide excellent educational
content and e-learning opportunities for the students to collaborate in academics, accesses in-
course contents, and reach to experts or teachers despite the physical boundary (Gikas & Grant,

Zhu (2012) stated that the studies conducted in the western countries have argued that
online social media use for collaborative learning has made a significant contribution to students‘
academic achievement and satisfaction. Adoption and application of social media can provide
students with ample futuristic learning opportunities in accessing course contents as well as
interaction with peers and experts (Cavus and Ibrahim, 2009).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media as Information Center

The Social Media are very effective in research purposes. According to Livingstone and
Brake (2010), ―Social networking sites, like much else on the Internet, represent a moving target
for researchers and policy makers.‖ The Social Media can be useful in all kinds of educations.
The Social Media types like Blogs and Content Communities has better role in education. The
Content communities and Blogs can be act as a Digital Library. It can provide useful information
and contents which are not available by nearest resources. Content Communities can provide
both visual and text information. You Tube like Content Community members are providing lots
of education programs to learners that means it helps not only for students. Sherer and Shea
(2011) claimed that YouTube increased participation, personalization (customization), and
productivity. YouTube also improved student‘s digital skills and provided opportunity for peer
learning and problem solving.

Social Media and Students

Student community use social media sites for many varied reason including studying and
gathering information related to their subjects or interests, entertainment, to connect with friends,
to share their thoughts on different issues and so on. Social media spreads information very
easily and quickly within fractions of second.

Social media platforms have become a major distraction to students, causing a huge dip
in the academic performance of students. The social media has become a big part of most
students‘ as they tend to check their Facebook, WhatsApp and twitter even while studying and
thereby losing the focus on their studies.

Impact of Social Media in Education

People have difference of opinion on using the social media as it has positive as well as
negative impact on the society as well as the student community.

Positive Impact of Social Media in Education

Social media has made the world a smaller place, rather a digital village. Due to the
internet we have more information and knowledge about anything and everything and also a


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

better opportunities to use it. Social media have improved our ability to grasp information with
ease through pictures and videos. Following are the Positive Impact of Social Media on
Education: -

 Breaking the Language Barrier

 Pacing up with innovation and technology
 Bring out the unrecognized talents
 Discussions and Debates
 Sharing Knowledge
 Connectivity beyond Borders

The social media allows people from all parts of the world connects with each other and
interact. The students can find the experts in their study area and seek their knowledge and
expertise whenever necessary.

Negative impact of Social Media on Education

If there is awareness about the risk of social media in our community it will not lead to
anything bad but there is always lack of public awareness. The graph of internet users is getting
higher and higher, here are a few negative impact of social media.

 Addiction
 Decrease in Ability to Write
 Less Memory Retention
 Distraction
 Less Socialization
 Adulterated Information
 Time Stealers


The Social Media at this age is functioning with lots of information, resources and
services. These resources should be used in a productive way by its users. There various positive
and negative aspects on social media that have a telling consequence on the students or the
education community as a whole. The students can take care of the positive effect that comes


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

with using social media. How the stakeholders of education react to the negative effects it has on
the students is very important. It must be understood that the social media is here to stay and also
the students cannot be stopped from using it. It is about making the students understand the ill
effects of social media on their mental and physical health; their studies and opportunities.

Moderating their access to social media and reducing the amount of time spent on social
network sites will help the students overcome the negative effects of social media. The students
can be provided with the opportunity to have for face-to-face social interactions with family or
friends, taking up leisure time activities or recreational activities and taking up some sports will
make the students forget the stigma of sitting in front of the computer screens and mobile
phones. By doing so the time spent by the students on social media can be reduced and more
positive impacts may prevail. Students can make use of the interaction services, blogging
services in their studies and also use social media effectively in search of colleges and career

Social media is being a boon. It is about how we see it and how we use it. It is up to us.


1. Cavus, N., & Ibrahim, D. (2009). M-learning: An experiment in using SMS to support
learning new English language words. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(1),
2. Dziuban, C., & Walker, J. D. (2012). ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and
Information Technology, 2012 (Research Report). Louisville: EDUCAUSE Centre for
Applied Research.
3. Gikas, J., & Grant, M. M. (2013). Mobile computing devices in higher education: Student
perspectives on learning with cellphones, smartphones &amp; social media. Internet and
Higher Education Mobile, 19, 18–26.
4. Livingstone and Brake. (2010). "On the Rapid Rise of Social Networking Sites: New
Findings and Policy Implications"
5. Raut and Patil. (2016). Use of Social Media in Education: Positive and Negative impact
on the students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing
and Communication. 4(1), 281 – 285.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

6. Reuben, B. R. (2008). The use of social Media in Higher Education for marketing and
communications: A guide for professionals in higher education (Vol. 5)
7. Sherer. & Shea. (2011). Using online video to support student learning and engagement.
College Teaching, 59(2), 56-59.
8. Zhu, C. (2012). Student satisfaction, performance, and knowledge construction in online
collaborative learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(1), 127–136.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Research Scholar, Government Arts College,
Melur, Madurai District.
Contact No: 9489761097
Email Id :

A set of websites and applications that enable users for making as well sharing ideas and
knowledge for participating in social networking is called social media It is an interactive
technology for conveying various ideas, information personal photos, videos and views on
different topics of daily life, markets, politics through the internet with the use of devices like
computers, tablets and cell phone Social media is a platform which the institutions can interact
with their audiences. The trend of using social media is increasing day by day

Importance of Social Media

Social media plays an important role in every students life. With help of these social
media students providing and fetching so much information, communicating with friends,
classmates, teachers and colleagues. Teachers and students now get connected while making
better use of this social media for gaining and providing education and personal information.
Social media has become an invaluable tool not only for communication and marketing but also
in the field of education In general. Students use social media to share their ideas and thoughts
and get immediate feedback, information reviews and the solutions of their problems.

Impacts of Social Media

Social network sites and websites provide with lots of chances to improve the students
their techniques of learning and teaching students and schools respectively Today many schools
In the nation and educational institutions are adapting these developments into their curriculum
frameworks and depending on group assets and the system of study to improve the life of
students, the utilization of social media in education helps students, teachers and parents for
getting more valuable information while connecting with social learning groups and other
educational system. Social media is a new media Technology in the field of education that can
expand the point of view on different subjects and gives a highlight to the original content. It


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

gives an opportunity of engaging with specialists to find solutions topics that may need
assistance. Social media has gained plausibility as a definitive source of information. So it is an
excellent platform where institutions can interact with their audiences in large numbers. The
main ideas utilizing social media for learning is that soon realize who the specialists are in
various fields and subjects.

Advantages of Social Media

However, social media has been criticized a lot because of the effect it has on the way to
students gaining and retaining information. It offers so many opportunities for interaction as well
as learning there are several reasons for using internet based media as a positive tool for chat
students sharing of info, links to other sites has now become super easy for students as they
share, pieces of information to their friends classmates and other connections. Most of the time
students are connected to the internet through mobile phones, tablets, PCs, laptops etc., for
transmitting views and ideas opinion, tips, study materials school projects and various other
kinds of useful reading stuff to each other. With this, they exchange useful information about
their examinations and classes. Social media provides a platform were one can share their
knowledge and gain credibility in their chosen field for specialization. They can also get
information and insights from others within an online community. Over many years social media
has gained superior credibility as a trusted source of information and a platform where
organizations can interact with their audiences. Social media also provides a good sense of
collaboration in the classroom while making better communication skills with students using
social media, Teachers can improve technological ability and students involvement in studies.

Social media is an excellent and free medium for the students. It cannot only be used to
communicate. It is also an outstanding device to promote things such as events, new courses and
various advanced research social media is thus be used to enhance improvement in learning.
Many schools, Colleges and universities have begun the facility of interconnecting with a large
number of students through the means of social media networks for example Face book,
YouTube. These channels can be utilized to impart and to communicate info, make declarations
and provide students with more valuable data. This creates involvement between the school and
students related ideas through the group associations. There is often someone to reply from the
international community as geographical factors do not restrict most of the social networking


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

sites. Any time connectivity has become possible due to the arrival of various social media
websites Education is no exception in using social media We know that education has been
dependent largely on the print and electronic media for quite some time, but those media are
expensive due to lesser availability, on the other hand social media is inexpensive and easily


Social Media is the latest technology that helps all students in gaining information and
knowledge by adapting different methodologies. Social media is very widely used by the
younger generation. The rapidly increasing use of social media will affect every area of life.
Therefore education that is a basic element of life will be the most affected field from social
media. The utilization and involvement of social media in education helps students, teachers,
Professors and Parents to get specific information. They can connect themselves with different
learning and educational groups and can achieve success.


1. Kaplan, A.M,& Haenlein,M(2010) users of the world, unibe! The challenges and
opportunities of social media, business harigins 53 (1).
2. Ellison, N.B, Steinfield, C., & Lampe.C (2007) The benefits of Face book ―Friends‖
Social capital and college students use of online social net work sites.
3. Ross, C.Orr,E.S.,Sisic,M.,Arseneaults. I.M.simmering M.G.R.Orr. R.R.(2009)
personality and motivations associated e\with face book & se
4. Wilson R.E Gosling S.D., & Gralam L.I.(2012) A review of Face book research in the
social scienees
5. Amichai-Hamburger, Y.,& Vinitzky ,G.(2010) Social network use and personality.
6. Din, N., & Haron, S (2012) Knowledge sharing as a culture among Malaysian online
social networking users
7. Kembel, George ― The classroom in 2020.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor
PPG College of Education

A social media is an online platform which people use to build social
networksorsocial relations with other people who share similar personal or career interests,
activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. The impact of social networks on young people
is significant. It is becoming increasingly clear that social networks have become part of
people‘s lives. Many adolescent people are using their laptops, tablet computers and smart
phones to check Tweets and status updates from their friends and family. Due to the
advancement in technology, people are pressured to accept different lifestyles. Social networking
sites can assist young people to become more socially capable. Social media is a web-based
form of data communication. Social media platforms allow users to have conversations,
share information and create web content. Social media has different forms, together with
blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo-sharing sites, instant messaging,
video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and more. Billions of people around the
world use social media to share information and make connections.On an individual level,
social media allow us to communicate with our friends and relatives, gain knowledge of new
things, develop your interests, and be entertained.
Social Media is a innovative idea with a very brilliant opportunity with additional
scope for advancements. With the advancement of socialmedia many organizations are making
use of this medium to better their practices. With the use of social networking we can advertise
or communicate on the media or TV to get their daily dose of news it can all be obtained from a
social networking site. People can track or get information from all over the world. Ina more
efficient way, Likewise people don‘t have to rely
Popular Social Media Sites
(i) Facebook
(ii) Twitter
(iii) Google+
(iv) YouTube


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

(v) Pinterest
(vi) Instagram
(vii) Tumblr
(viii) Flickr
(ix)O Snapchat
(x) WhatsApp
Impact of Social Media on Society
As we all are well aware of social media to facilitate a massive impact on our
society. Some social media destinations have changed the way where individuals convey
and mingle on the web. Person to personcommunication destinations render the open door for
individuals to reconnect with their old companions, partners and mates. Person to person
communication destinations render the opportunities for individuals to reconnect with their old
companions, partners and mates. It additionally causes individuals to influence new companions,
to share content, pictures, sounds, recordings among them. Web-based social networking
moreover changes the life style of society.
Positive Effect of Social Media on Society
(i) Connectivity:
(ii) Education:
(iv) Advertising:
(v) Noble Cause:
(vi) Helps in Building Communities:
 Conventional marketing mediums such as the radio, TV commercials and
print ads are completely obsolete now and demand for thousandsof dollars.
With the use ofsocial media the businesses can connect with their targeted
customers for free, the only cost is energy and time.
 The increasing popularity of social sites like Twitter, Facebook and
LinkedIn, social networks has gained attention as the most viable
communication choice for the bloggers, article writers and content creators.
Negative Effect of Social Media on Society
1. Cyber Harassing:


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Hacking:
3. Addiction:
4. Fraud and Scams:
5. Reputation:
As the technology is developing, the web-based social networking has turned into
the routine for every last individual, people; groups are seen dependent with this
technology consistently. Online networking has expanded the quality and rate of coordinated
effort for students.
1. AbhimanyuShankhdhar, JIMS / Social media and businss /
2. MahmoudiSidiAhmed et al., ―Detection of Abnormal Motions in Multimedia‖,
Chania ICMI-MIAUCE‘08 workshop, Crete, Greece, 2008.
3. S.Shabnoor,S.Tajinder,Social Media its Impact with Positive and NegativeAspects
IJCATR, Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016
4. Bin Zhao et al., ―Online Detection of Unusual Events in Multimedia via Dynamic
Sparse Coding‖, 2011.
5. Nagar, Himanshu, ChetnaDabas, and J. P. Gupta. "Navie Bayes and K-Means Hybrid
Analysis for Extracting Extremist Tweets", ACM Conference, pp 27-32.
6. S. Willium, ―Network Security and Communication‖, IEEE Transaction,Vol.31,
Issue.4, pp.123-141, 2012. on our society‖ International journal of Information 7
communication Engineering , Vol:8, No:6,2014
7. A.T.M Shahjahan, K.Chisty, ―Social Media research and its effecon our society‖
International journal of Information 7 communication Engineering , Vol:8, No:6,2014
8. W.Tariq, M.Mehboob, M.A.Khan, F.Ullah ―The Impact of social Media and Social
Networking on education and Students of Pakistan‖ international Journal of
Computer sciences issues, Vol:9,No:3,July 2012


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


S.Uma Maheswari
Asst. Professor
PPG College of Education.
Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts,
and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. By design, social
media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content.Social media
originated as a way to interact with friends and family but was later adopted by businesses which
wanted to take advantage of a popular new communication method to reach out to customers.
The power of social media is the ability to connect and share information with anyone on Earth,
or with many people simultaneously. Globally, there are more than 3 billion social media users.
Social media is an ever-changing and ever-evolving web-based platform.
Uses of Social Media and Society
In today's society, the use of social media has become a necessary daily activity. Social
media is typically used for social interaction and access to news and information, and decision
making. It is a valuable communication tool with others locally and worldwide, as well as to
share, create, and spread information.
For individuals, social media is used to keep in touch with friends and extended family.
Some people will use various social media applications to network career opportunities, find
people across the globe with like interests, and share their thought, feelings, insight, and
emotions.Some of the benefits of social media are:
 Having a platform to showcase technological savvy and creativity.
 Increased self-confidence by empowering introverts to express their ideas.
 The ability to create lifelong friends.
 Strengthening social awareness and empathy.
Some Popular Social Media Websites


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered users,
include Facebook (and its associated Facebook Messenger), TikTokWechat, Instagram, Qzone,
Weibo, Twitter, Tumblr, BaiduTieba, and LinkedIn.
Social media outlets differ from traditional media (e.g., print magazines and newspapers,
and TV and radio broadcasting) in many ways, including quality,reach, frequency, usability,
immediacy, and permanence.Additionally, social media outlets operate in a dialogic transmission
system (i.e., many sources to many receivers), while traditional media outlets operate under
a monologic transmission model (one source to many receivers). For example, a newspaper is
delivered to many subscribers and a radio station broadcasts the same programs to an entire city.
The Impact of Social Media on Society
Almost a quarter of the world‘s population is now on Facebook. In the U.S., nearly 80%
of all internet users are on this platform. Because social networks feed off interactions among
people, they become more powerful as they grow. Without social media, social, ethical,
environmental, and political ills would have minimal visibility. Increased visibility of issues has
shifted the balance of power from the hands of a few to the masses.
The Challenges of Social Media
(i) Cyber bullying
Teenagers need to fit in, to be popular, and to outdo others. This process was challenging
long before the advent of social media. Add Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, and Instagram into
the mix, and you suddenly have teenagers subjected to feeling pressure to grow up too fast in an
online world.The Cyber bullying Institute‘s 2019 survey of U.S. middle and high school students
found that over 36 percent report having been cyber bullied at some point in their life, with 30
percent having been victimized twice or more. It also found that almost 15 percent admitted to
having cyber bullied someone at least once, and nearly 11 percent admitting to doing it two or
more times. Teenagers can misuse social media platforms to spread rumors, share videos aimed
at destroying reputations, and to blackmail others.
(ii) Lack of Privacy
Stalking, identity theft, personal attacks, and misuse of information are some of the
threats faced by social media users. Most of the time, the users themselves are to blame as they
share content that should not be in the public eye. The confusion arises from a lack of
understanding of how the private and public elements of an online profile actually


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

work.Unfortunately, by the time private content is deleted, it‘s usually too late. and the content
can cause problems in people‘s personal and professional lives. One of the effects of social
media is encouraging people to form and cherish "social media friendships" over actual
friendships. The term 'friend' as used on social media is a weak shadow of traditional friendship.
Real friends actually know each other, frequently interact face to face, and have a personal bond.
Excessive social media use can create a negative, self-perpetuating cycle: ... Using social
media more often, though, increases FOMO and feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, and
isolation. In turn, these feelings negatively affect your mood and worsen symptoms of
depression, anxiety, and stress.
It‘s been said that information is power. Without a means of distributing information,
people cannot harness its power. One positive impact of social media is in the distribution of
information in today‘s world. Platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others have
made it possible to access information at the click of a button.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Vellalar College of Education
MaruthiNagar, Thindal, Erode-638012.

Social media has gained incredible popularity over the past few years as an open source
of information and knowledge sharing platform. Educational institutions are using social media
space to interact with young minds now days. We are seeing educators leveraging the potential
of social media technologies to enhance the overall teaching-learning process.
The emerging role of social media in teaching-learning process cannot be ignored. It does
not only provides students access to useful information but also connects them with learning
groups and other educational systems that make their overall learning process more interesting
and engaging.
Social Media
Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts,
and information through the building of virtual networks with communities. By design, social
media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content. Content
includes personal information, documents, videos, photos and so on. Users engage with social
media via computer, tablet or smartphone via web-based software or web application, often
utilizing it for messaging.
Social Media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are
being used by almost everyone. These social channels are all about collaborating, networking,
sharing and generating knowledge and content – something which is of great value in the context
of education.
Benefits of Using Social Media in Teaching and Learning
With the advent of internet technology and corona virus, Social media has become an
integral of every student‘s life. Through social networks, it is easier and convenient to exchange
information, communicate with each other and stay connected. Teachers and students can use
social platforms to stay connected to each other and can use it for educational purpose.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social networks are empowering students and educational institutions with opportunities
to improve teaching-learning process. SlideShare, Quora and ResearchGate etc. are helping
students by providing online tutorials. These platforms offer valuable resource material for
enriching knowledge.Social media is also a medium where students can establish beneficial
connections for their careers. As an educational institution, it is crucial to be active in many
social platforms possible, this helps to create better student engagement strategies and makes
learning more interactive, inclusive and effective.
Teaching fraternity is therefore acknowledging the impact of social media on personal
and professional lives.Social media is increasingly becoming popular in building relationships
outside the classroom setting. It is helping drive admissions and strengthen public relations of the
Institute. Students‘ welfare departments in colleges are taking help of social media to engage
students by addressing their grievances. It is further being used to showcase life at campus and
build strong alumni networks.Social media properties are being used in learning for the purpose
of convenient communication with other students and potentially with others outside the class.
Social Media in Teaching and Learning
Revolutionary changes in technology haveopen various opportunities to enhance teaching
as well as learning experiences of students. The world of education has completely transformed
ever since the internet and smart phone technologies came to existence.Rising popularity and
usefulness of social networking websites has led educators to explore their potential use in
education. Educational institutions have realized the capability of social media to improve
collaboration and active learning.
Social media is paving way for a new age learning which is personalized and customized
to suit the need of every learner. In an increasingly interconnected world, professional networks
and connections have become a key to one‘s success and future growth.In this context social
media has a lot to offer to the educational community. Here are some of the direct benefits of
social media role for the academic world:
 Collaborative Learning
 Information Sharing by Students
 Social Media Marketing for Educators
 Helps to Foster Research
 Continue Teaching from Anywhere and Everywhere


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Take Advantage of Blogs to create Virtual Library

 Let Students Learn from Social Networking

As social media networks advance in education systems, many helpful and beneficial
tools will emerge that can make learning a more enriching experience.Students today are
intimately involved with social media at every stage. If you‘re missing onto the usage of social
media you are pushing away from learning. Using it in educational institutions can prove to be a
very effective measure. The benefits of social media for academic entities are many. The above
are just a few, to begin with. Social media sites offer great opportunities for communication
between peers and teachers.Using social media, teachers can improve the involvement of their
students in studies and education, improve technological ability, provide a great sense of
collaboration in the classroom and build good communication skills of students. During the
COVID situation social media occupies most of the places not only in Education but also in all
walks of life. So we accept the changes around us and make healthy.

1. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R.R. 1999. How people learn: Brain, mind,
experience and school. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Developments in the Science
of Learning.
2. Brady, K. P., Holcomb, L. B., & Smith, B. V. 2010. The use of alternative social
networking sites in higher educational settings: A case study of the e-learning benefits of
Ning in education. Journal of Interactive Online Learning,9 (2), 151-170.
3. Crook, C. 2012. The ‗digital native‘ in context: tensions associated with importing Web
2.0 practices into the school setting.
4. Greenhow, C. &Robelia, E. 2009. Old communication, new literacies: Social network
sites as social learning resources. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 14,
5. Madhusudan G. Tandale, and Dr. Raghu Raman. 2016. ‗Social Media in Teaching and
Learning –A Study‘. International Journal of Education & Applied Sciences, Reseach.
Vol.3. Issue 06. Pp 31-42.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Sheeja Vayola. V
Assistant Professor (
Stella Matutina College of Education, Ashok Nagar, Chennai-83.

Social media in education refers to the practice of using social media platforms as a way
to enhance the education of students. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that
allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content". A set of websites & applications that
enable users for making as well as sharing anything for participating in social networking is
called Social Media. It is not just only limited to posting vacation snaps online. It is an
interactive computer-mediated technology for sharing of various ideas, information, career
interests, and other forms of expression through apparent communities and worldwide network.
It has gained plausibility as a definitive source of information over several years. It is a platform
where organizations can interact with their audiences.It has become an invaluable tool not only
for communication & marketing but also in the field of education as well. Generally, students
use social media to share and get instant quick information, reviews and solutions to their
Social Media - Meaning
Social Media means, it is a form of MEDIA for SOCIAL interaction."Interaction and
communication" are the core of Social Media. Social media is a broad term used to describe the
various tools, networks and technologies for sharing content, ideas and knowledge and
connecting and collaborating online. Contrary to the popular conception, social media is
something much more than simply making friends online. These days, it's being extensively used
for promoting brands. Some examples include Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn,
YouTube and Pinterest.
Need for Social Media in Education
 Social media has gained incredible popularity over the past few years as an open source
of information and knowledge sharing platform. Educational institutions are using social
media space to interact with young minds. We are seeing educators leveraging the
potential of social media technologies to enhance the overall teaching-learning process.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 The emerging role of social media in teaching-learning process cannot be ignored. It not
only provides students access to useful information but also connects them with learning
groups and other educational systems that make their overall learning process more
interesting and engaging.
 Social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp and Instagram
are being used by almost everyone. These social channels are all about collaborating,
networking, sharing and generating knowledge and content – something which is of great
value in the context of education.
The Positive Effects of Social Media in Education
However, social media has been criticized a lot because of the effect it has on the way to
students gaining and retaining information. It offers plentiful opportunities for interaction as well
as learning. There are several reasons for using internet-based media as a positive tool for
 Educational Benefits of Social Media
 It encourages collaboration
 It enhances learning
 It increases familiarity and desire to venture into technology
 It facilitates online learning
 Easy sharing of Information
 Social Credibility
 Cost-effective Communication
 Any time Connectivity
 Sharing Information & Knowledge
The Negative Effects of Social Media in Students
Following are the Negative effect of Social Media on Education:
 It makes Addict
 It Wastes Time
 It Causes Distraction
 It causes social problems
 It Causes Health Problems
 It could be blamed for poor writing among students


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 It promotes overreliance on the internet

Challenges Faced by the Use of SocialMedia
There are many Challenges which are being faced by the use of social networking site they
are as follows:
 Privacy
 HealthIssues
 Real Friendship
 Other Challenges
Implications of Social Media in Education
As the use of technology and social media became more prevalent, educators and parents
alike wanted to keep it out of the classroom for fear that it would be tool distracting. This led to
many schools blocking Internet access, access to social media sites, and even disallowing the use
of or even the bringing of cell phones to class. This has proved to be ineffective in some cases, as
students continue to bring their phones to class despite the no cell phone policy, and many even
find ways to access social media sites regardless of precautions taken by school administrators. It
is for this reason that many schools have adopted a ―Bring Your Own Device‖ (BYOD) policy to
school. This is a policy that allows students to bring their own internet accessing device, such as
a phone or iPad, for the purpose of accessing the Internet for research. While the BYOD concept
was initially introduced as a way of reducing departmental technology costs, administrators and
teachers are realizing other benefits from students bring their own technology into classroom,
such as increased student motivations and engagement anywhere access to information, as well
as students often update their software and applications faster than the school can. Use of social
media has helped some educators mentor their students more effectively. Rather than compete
with, or deny access to social media sites, some schools have totally embraced them, and are
using them to further students‘ educations.
Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of
these into the classroom is more natural than before, given how acclimated many students are to
them. Each social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from
sharing announcements to holding live lectures, and so much more. Social media provides a
smoother, more direct communication tool between students, teachers and parents, who can


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

check in and ask or respond to questions. Social media allows for more e-learning opportunities
as well. As remote jobs and online classes are becoming more popular, training students to work
from a distance is an important lesson, and social media can help with that. So,it‘s important to
understand the impact of social media in education.
1. Cdadmin (2019). Role of Social Media in Education. The Asian School.
2. Hopkins B. (2020).Impact of Social Media on Education. Academia Apps.
3. Jain R. (2019). Use of Social Media in Teaching and Learning: Emerging Role of Social
Media and Its Importance in Teaching and Learning. Adoption of Social Media in
4. McLane C. (2021). The Good, Bad & Evil of Social Media in Education.
5. MySchoolr (2019). Impact of social media on education.
6. Raut V., Patil P. (2016). Use of Social Media in Education: Positive and Negative impact
on the students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing
and Communication. Vol: 4 Issue: 1.
7. West C. (2019). Twelve Ways to Use Social Media for Education. Sprout social.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


P. Mohanram
Research Scholar, Department of Education
Department of Education, Bharathiar University,Coimbatore - 641 046
Dr. C. Manoharan
Professor, AMET Business School
AMET University, Chennai - 600 041.

Social media is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share content with
the public. Social media encompasses a wide range of websites and apps. Some, like Facebook,
Twitter, specialize in sharing links and short written messages. Others, like Telegram and
WhatsApp are built to optimize the sharing of photos and videos. Technology has changed the
way people interact and has brought about the emergence of an open social platform such as
social media that allows the inhabitants of this planet earth to connect with each other making the
world a global village. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Flickr, are
being used in learning for the purpose of convenient communication with other students and
potentially with others outside the class such as students of the same topic and subject experts.
The advent of social media has impacted significantly on how students learn, and the mode
instructors teach. In today higher education settings, social media is having influence instructors,
students, and others to cooperate with each other on the tasks of knowledge construction in
learning and teaching environments. Students usually used social site for many reasons such as
for study purpose, for entertainment purpose as social media provides any data you want very
easily and quickly within a fraction of seconds. Usage of social media depends upon person to
person as it has good as well as negative impact on the society particularly on the students.
Social Media had become a major distraction to students, causing the overall performance of
students to decline, especially the ones who tend to check their WhatsApp and twitter while
Types of Social Media
1. Social networks: To connect with people (and brands) online
Examples: Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Media sharing networks: To find and share photos, video, live video, and other media
Examples: Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube.
3. Discussion forums:To find, discuss, and share news, information, and opinions.
Examples: reddit, Quora, Digg.
4. Bookmarking and content creation networks: To discover, save, share, and discuss
new and trending content and media.
Examples: Pinterest, Flipboard.
5. Consumer review networks:To find, review, and share information about brands,
products, and services, as well as restaurants, travel destinations, and more.
Examples: Yelp, Zomato, Trip Adviser.
6. Blogging and publishing networks: To publish, discover, and comment on content
Examples: WordPress, Tumblr, Medium.
7. Social shopping networks: To spot trends, follow brands, share great finds, and make
Examples: Polyvore, Etsy, Fancy.
8. Interest-based networks: To connect with others around a shared interest or hobby.
Examples: Goodreads, Houzz,
9. Sharing economy‟ networks: To advertise, find, share, buy, sell, and trade products and
services between peers.
Examples: Airbnb, Uber, rabbit.
10. Anonymous social networks: To gossip, vent, snoop, and sometimes bully.
Examples: Whisper,, After School
Merits of Social Media on Education
 Social media offers a way to the students to efficaciously reach every different regarding
magnificence ventures, bunch assignments or for help on homework assignments.
 Google and education, Google has helped over 20 million students in their education using
their tools.
 By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more familiarity
with computers and other electronic devices.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 With the increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help students
build skills that will aid them throughout their lives.
 A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media which
brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
Demerits of Social Media on Education
 The first challenge about the terrible impact comes to thoughts is the sort of distraction to the
scholars present inside the class. As teachers were no longer able to understand who is
paying interest in the classroom.
 The popularity of social media, and the speed at which information is published, has created
a lax attitude towards proper spelling and grammar. The reduces a student‘s ability to
effectively write without relying on a computer‘s spell check feature.
 Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to
provide answers. That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.
 One of the most important breakdowns of social media in schooling is the privateness issues
like posting non-public records on on-line sites.
 In some of the scenario there had been many in suitable records posted which may also lead
the students to the incorrect side.
The social Media has become essential need today, but various positive and negative
impacts of social media on education or students. It is very important to overcome this problem.
How can parents alleviate the negative aspects of social media while improving upon the positive
results? There is no third party or any other community which could check for what actions are
been performed by which user, so it is strongly recommended to check children‘s activities on
social networks. Paying attention to their academic progress and addressing any issues will go a
long way towards keeping the negative aspects of social media from influencing their studies.
Provide ample time for face-to-face social interaction, like having some family leisure time in
which you discuss their studies in a relaxed atmosphere or inviting friends and family over for
get-together, providing fun, face-to-face social interaction with loved ones. All this we help us to
reduce the Negative impact of social media on the students which will in turn benefit our young


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. Khan, U (2009). Facebook students underachieve in exams. Daily Telegraph, Retrieved
on July, 2013, from
2. Dr. M. Neelamalar&Ms. P. Chitra,Dept. of Media Sciences, Anna University Chennai,
India, New media and society: A Study on the impact of social networking sites on indian
youth, EstudosemComunicac¸ ˜ao no6, 125-145 Dezembro de 2009.
3. Dewing, M. (2010).Social Media: An Introduction (Vol. 1). Library of Parliament.
4. Papacharissi, Z. (Ed.). (2010). A networked self:Identity, community, and culture on
social network sites. Routledge.
5. Subrahmanyam, K., &Šmahel, D. (2011). Adolescents‘ Digital Worlds: An Introduction.
In Digital Youth (pp. 1-25). Springer New York.
6. Waqas Tariq, MadihaMehboob, M. Asfandyar Khan , FaseeUllah, The Impact of Social
Media and Social Networks on Education and Students of Pakistan, IJCSI International
Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 3, July 2012.
7. GitanjaliKaliaChitkara University, Punjab, A Research Paper on Social media: An
Innovative Educational Tool, Issues and Ideas in Education Vol. 1 March 2013 pp. 43–
8. of socialmediaonyouth2/(retrieved on 25/12/2017)


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr. Santhakumari
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Education, Perambalur.

Social media and digital technologies surround everyday life of urban city dwellers. The
age of ubiquitous computing is almost here. As the technology is constantly developing in a
rapid race, so are the applications and services that become utilized in everyone‘s daily life.
Contacting with friends, organizing meetings, buying things and much more daily activities are
happening now online. The new media and information technologies have impact on many
aspects of everyday life in work, home or leisure. In this digital Era, social networking has
already become asocial norm for many of the new generation teenagers. Updating Facebook
status, tweeting and posting photographs onInstagram have become everyday activities. Their
life isreflected in social networking where there lie a lot ofmemories by posting images of their
happy moments andrecording some other emotionally important happenings andevents.Keeping
in mind the modern trend of favoring virtual inter-action over face-to-face contact, this paper, in
opposition toseveral approaches stating that technologies can only encourage segregation of
individuals, aims to present the ways of implementing ICTs tools in public spaces to regain their
statusas attractive places for people, incite meetings in real life andcreate lively city centers.
Place-Making: Social Design of Public Spaces
‗‗When a space becomes more than the sum of its parts, itbecomes a place‖. Place-
making is the act of creating greatplaces by making a public space a living place. The objective
isthat ‗‗all Public Spaces should become Places‖. It is not anew idea. The concepts behind it
originated in the 1960s, when visionaries like Jane Jacobs and William H. Whyte
offeredgroundbreaking ideas about designing cities for people, notfor cars. Their work centered
on the idea that it was important to create and maintain lively neighborhoods and inviting public
Urban Space and Social Interaction
Jan Gehl has argued that success of the place depends on the nature of the activity
undertaken. Public space activities are particularly important in perceptions of public space.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

They are also particularly sensitive to the physical quality of environments. Gehl has
characterized outdoor activities into threecategories
 Necessary activities: which are everyday tasks which an individual carries out to fulfill
their needs usually with no other choice. That are influenced only slightly by the physical
quality of the environment because they are necessary for life to continue, like walking to
work or school, waiting bus, shopping for food
 Optional activities: by contrast, only take place when conditions are optimal, and are
therefore a direct barometer of the quality of public space. They also affect users‘
perception of space because if people are choosing to stay in spaces rather than hurrying
through, then the space itself seems more ‗‗livable‖. Those activities are like, walking for
the sake of it, watching the world go by, sitting at pavement café
 Social activities: occur as a result of the first two activities (necessary and optional) so
they could be also termed ‗resultant‘ activities. They are dependent on the presence
ofothers in public space. Those activities are like, children playing, casual greetings,
conversations, communal activities.
Creating Good Places for Interaction
Good places for interaction are spaces that make people from different areas and
backgrounds want to be there. In order for that to be the case, these spaces need four basic
 Good places promote sociability
 Good places offer lots of things to do
 Good places are comfortable and attractive
 And good places are accessible
Public Spaces at the Era of Digitalization
The public space before the advent of digital media represented the main source of
information and politics and also hosted various debates. Moreover, commercial activities have
encouraged the use of public space since markets and retail shops were the places to go
shopping. With the raise of telecommunications technologies, the activities in the public realm
started to diminish, as information became easily accessible from home, via internet. This also
enabled the rise of electronic shopping, while talks and debates partially migrated toweb-forums.
The internet has identified as a new form of public space ‗‗information agora‖.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Change of Social Life in Public Spaces

Jan Gehl raises a question that ‗‗can the function of cityscape can be taken over by electronic
media such as TV, internet, and mobile technology?‖Social life has changed in different form but
the real quality is face to face meeting. These media do not prevent the use of public meeting but
it gives flexibility to the lifestyle. They are used as secondary ways to connect more people.
1. Social media and social digital networking
Social Media can be defined as ‗‗service which enables to share various news, information,
opinion in ways of multimedia‖. Content is often media content like photographs or video which
by commenting it enables discussion. Social Digital Networkingis a ‗‗sub-category of social
media (such as Face book, Google+, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube) by which people are able
to connect with oneanother and share information globally within a short time‖. This
advancement leads to various activities and discussion and gives possibility to interact.
2. Social media platforms as a tool to create a local sense ofplace
Public spaces are neglected so they became less attractive tothe people and in
consequence the social life disappears andthe sense of locality is declining as well. The activities
andentertainment in physical environment are diminished, because social engagement can easily
be achieved through far-distance connections in social media networks. Face book and other
such networks can be considered for types of online communities, in which people connect and
cluster in social groups that fit to their interests.
Ways of Implementing Social Media Elements in Public Spaces
To create the New Social Place of the era of digitalization, spaces must follow the
concept of ‗‗human information interaction‖, which is a concept based on the relation between
human, space, and information technologies of the era. These information technologies are
categorized in this paper into four elements which are as follows: Wi-Fi networks,
Media,Interactive Public Displays, and Smart Mobile Phones‘

Applications in Public Spaces

These elements will be combined together in the space with different ways of
implementation according to the following areas:(1) culture and art, (2) education, (3) planning
and design, (4) games and entertainment,and (5) information and communication. This will help
to increase the attractiveness of the space, the interaction between citizens each other as well as


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

between citizens and the space around them which will foster the sense of place and the sense of
belonging to the space
Wi-Fi networks
In the past, the wired nature of desktop computing has limited the potential for internet
use to blend into urban public spaces. But with the launch of Muni Wi-Fi, for the first time it will
be possible to integrate internet use with the use of public space.By observing public spaces, it
was indicated that Wi-Fi infrastructure by itself will not populate urban public spaces, nor will it
revitalize them if they are already in decline as result of poor design or other factors.
Digital Interactive Media
Images‘ displays and advertising boards are usually found everywhere in the physical
space, but replacing all of these with electronic displays makes it possible to present dynamic
images, to mix images and graphics and to change the content at any time. Interaction with large
screens in urban settings is a new way that could increase the social interaction between people
them-selves and between them and their space around. This new wayhas quickly becoming a
reality with the incorporation of Blue-tooth, RFID and GPS built into new devices of smart
phones and tablets.
Smart Mobile Phones‟ Applications in Public Spaces
Mobile Phones changed the way that people interact and communicate with each other in
public space. These devices allow new kinds of information to flow into public spaces. With the
proliferation of personal smart mobile phone devices, the inter-net is going mobile. Citizens can
surf in the web nearly every-where.
The Five Domains for Implementing ICTs Tools in Public Spaces
When combining all the four elements of ICTs cited above, the municipal Wi-Fi, Media
Facades, Interactive Public Displays,and Smart Mobile Phones‘ Applications in Public Spaces,
new dimensions will be brought to the public spaces in different areas such as : (1) culture and
art, (2) education, (3) planning and design, (4) games and entertainment, and (5) information and
Information and communication are two essential factors of interest and attraction
specific to urban environments and at the same time they represent key factors for the progress of
the city, as bringing people together and supporting exchange of ideas generate development.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Technology is only 10% of the problem. Ninety percent ofit is about how it is used to connect
and for a better quality of life. Technology is making it easier for people to connect to the places
that they inhabit. The successful public spaces should – in general – be: safe, attractive, livable,
healthy, and sustainable together with the flexibility to cope with the new needs appearing each
1. M. Markaki, Digital Cities: Towards a New Identity of PublicSpace, London, 2014
2. J. Sturm, T. Bekker, V.V. Abeele, S.L. Johansen, M.v. Kuijk, B.Schouten, Playful
Interactions Stimulating Physical Activity inPublic Spaces, Paris, France, 2013.
3. J. Gehl, B. Svarre, How to Study Public Life, first ed., IslandPress, Washington, DC,
4. T.Pritlove, Blinkenlights, 13 October 2008. <>
(accessed 26.11.14).
5. J. Ylipulli, T. Suopaja rvi, T. Ojala, V. Kostakos, H. Kukka,Municipal WiFi and
interactive displays: appropriation of newtechnologies in public urban spaces, Technol.
Forecast. Soc.Chang. 89 (7) (2014) 145–160.
6. R.L. Stadler, ICTs as a tool to increase the attractiveness of public spaces, Sci. Future
Lithuania 5 (3) (2013) 216–228.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


J. Rubina
Ph.D. Research Scholar (
Dr. Mrs. Alma Juliet Pamela
Research Supervisor & Associate Professor (
Stella Matutina College of Education, Chennai -83.

In 1994, Goleman et al. proposed the concept of social-emotional learning (SEL) and set
up Collaborative for Academic Social, and Emotional Learning. SEL refers to the process
through which ―children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and
skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and
show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible
decisions‖ .It aims to enhance students‘ core social-emotional competencies (SEC), including
self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-
making). With the improvement of SEC, SEL programs could lead to measurable and potentially
long-lasting improvements in many areas of children‘s lives. On an academic level, social media
can have a negative effect on student productivity when it comes to concentration in the
classroom, timekeeping, and conscientiousness. It is without a doubt that platforms such as Face
book, Twitter, and Instagram have introduced many beneficial aspects to modern day society and
its users. For one it has made young people more politically aware, making them more likely to
vote, and has also helped them communicate with other young people on a wider scale than ever
before. However, other issues such as having damaging effects on social emotional competence,
self-image and mental health, productivity in school, and issues with privacy and data protection
are all attributes that students need to be educated on.
The Science of Emotion on Social Media
We might be still learning about how the process works, we do know that emotion has a
huge effect on our motivation. In fact, one theory of emotion has categorized feelings by how
activating (motivational) or deactivating (discouraging) .Social media is an amazing platform
with incredible potential, but most people make next to no use of that potential whatsoever. To
harness the combined power of emotions and social media, it‘s also important to understand


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

empathy. Empathy is a gift we have been given as humans, but its expression is different in every
one of us. There are two main types of Empathy: Affective Empathy and Cognitive Empathy.
Positive “Happy” Content Gets Shared Faster and Wider Than Sad Content
A Buddhist proverb asserts that ―Life is suffering‖. Happiness lifts us up and out of this
suffering, where sadness returns us to it. We are built to strive, to improve things, to invent
things, to use our imaginations, to tell stories. All these tendencies exist to help us escape the
suffering that we experience in our day to day existence. In the modern world, that suffering is
less than ever before, but it‘s still there. It should come as no surprise that happy content gets
shared more than sad content. Case studies have demonstrated that by altering the amount of
positive and negative content appearing on the news feed of a user, they altered the popularity of
that user‘s posts. More positive and less negative posts meant more popularity.
Not only that, posting positive news, but it also inspired other users in the network to do
the same. This creates an upward spiral of happiness. Posting positivity on social media has a
motivating effect on others to do the same. Not just to feel happier, but to spread the happiness.
When it comes to your social media campaigns, you can use happiness not just to motivate
people in the immediate, but to condition them to be more likely to share in the long term.
Content layered with and related to happiness was the biggest draw to encourage sharing among
Anger and Fear Are Powerful Emotions, So Trigger them Wisely not all motivating
emotions are positive ones. Anger is incredibly motivating and powerfully negative. As such,
it can be used effectively but must be used with great caution. Outrage is becoming a problem on
the Internet. Indeed, outrage is proving addictive. The problem with outrage is that people can
express it to earn social points One of the most shared viral videos of the year, it drew attention
to, and stoked outrage over, The point was to create a viral hit, and it did exactly that‘s for
actually buying a product or service, it can only ever be framed as a source of removing that
anger, or an action that will help demonstrate that anger to others.
Components of Social and Emotional Competence
There seems to be little common consensus about the operationalization of social
and Emotional competence. The inconsistency in the definition is witnessed by the various
terminologies used, such as ‗social and emotional intelligence‘. Social and emotional
competenceas outlinedin majortheoretical ssmodels CASEL model views social emotional skills


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

at two levels: the intrapersonal and interpersonal level. The former involves one‘s understanding
and regulation of own emotions, whereas the latter involves understanding of others‘ emotions,
relationship with others as well as responsible decision making
Five domains in this framework
(i) Self-Awareness
Self-awareness includes skills in recognizing and identifying one‘s own strengths
and weaknesses, feelings and emotions and understanding how they may affect one‘s
performance . Self-awareness is necessary to engage one into the self-regulating mechanism. If
students can be nurtured to be metacognitively aware of their emotions, they are likely to
develop better self-control of their emotions and thus make more responsible decision-making in
(ii) Social Awareness
Self-management relates to the ability to manageone‘s own impulses and emotions. Self-
regulation of one‘s emotions is important for developing close relationships, succeeding at work
and maintaining physical health. Empirical datashows that children who canmanage their
emotional experiences in an emotionally-arousing play situation are more successful in their peer
(iii) Self-Management
Social awareness is the ability to read other persons‘ cues and to understand, and
appropriately respond to their feelings This is closely linked to empathy, the capacity to share the
emotional state of another person and thus relate better with them .Empathy is concerned with
the ability to understand another person‘s perspective in interpreting thoughts and feelings,
demonstrating an awareness of the sensitivity of complex issues.
(iv) Relationship Management
Relationship management: several lines of research suggest that peers play an essential
role in children‘s school engagement at school Studies show that children who are rejected
by their peers, who experience more loneliness and social isolation, and who affiliate with more
disaffected peers are themselves more likely to become disengaged from academic
(v) Responsible Decision-Making
Responsible decision-making refers to the ability to consider ethical, safety, and
societal factors in making decisions, such that individuals can deal responsibly with daily


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

academic and social situations and contribute to the well-being of one‘s school and
community .
Besides the influence of digital communication factors such as urbanization and the
promotion of individualistic lifestyles diminish spheres for social interaction. A critical
discussion would need to assess how compensatory interventions such as social-emotional
learning programneed to be accompanied by a general discourse on social lifestyle values and
digital media literacy.
1. Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., and Schellinger, K. B.
(2011). The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: a meta-
analysis of school-based universal interventions.
2. PuneetAgrawal.( 2017). Emotionally connected responses from a digital assistant.
3. Ahn, J. (2011).The effect of social network sites on adolescents' social and academic
development: Current theories and controversies. Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ms. L. Dhivya,
Research Scholar,
Department of Educational Technology, TNTEU.


Human beings are social creatures. We‘d like the companionship of others to thrive
in life, and therefore the strength of our connections features a huge impact on our
psychological state and happiness. On the flip side, lacking strong social connections can
pose an enormous risk to your mental and emotional health.In today‘s world, many
people believe social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and
Instagram to seek out and connect with one another .It requires in-person contact with
others to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and cause you to feel happier, healthier,
and more positive. Ironically for a technology that‘s designed to bring people closer
together, spending an excessive amount of time engaging with social media can actually
cause you to feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate psychological state problems
like anxiety and depression.

Need for the Study

Social media platforms offer near continuous opportunities to attach and interact
with others, no matter time of day or geographic location. This on demand simple
communication could even be especially important for facilitating social interaction amon g
individuals with mental disorders experiencing difficulties interacting in face -to-face
settings.Particularly in adolescents and young adults. While the risks and harms of social
media are frequently covered within the popular press and mainstream news r eports, careful
consideration of the research during this area is important.

Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the present study

1. To find out the social media on mental health of higher secondary school students


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. To find out the social media on mental health of higher secondary school students with
respect to Gender, Locality, Type of School, Type of Family and internet usage period


1. Higher secondary students have average level mental health affected by the social
2. There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary
school students in terms of Gender with respect to the influence of social media
3. There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary
school students in terms of Locality with respect to the influence of social media
4. There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary
school students in terms of type of school with respect to the influence of social media
5. There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary
school students in terms of type of family with respect to the influence of social media
6. There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary
school students in terms of internet usage with respect to the influence of social media

‗Normative Survey Method‘ is used in this study. The survey method is used for
gathering data from higher secondary students. The investigators use Google forms to col lect
the data from the higher secondary students in Madurai.

Hypothesis 1

Higher secondary students have average level mental health affected by the social media.

N Mean S.D
Higher Secondary Students 50 65 10.8

It is found that the mean value of higher secondary students is 65 and SD is 10.8.
The higher secondary students have average level of mental health. Hence hypothesis


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Hypothesis 2

There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary

school students in terms of Gender with respect to the influence of social media
Gender N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value
Male 27 30.36 7.3 2.70
Female 23 26.42 6.3
It is observed that there is a significant difference between the mental health of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of Gender with respect to the influence of social
media.Hence the hypothesis accepted.
Hypothesis 3

There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary

school students in terms of Locality with respect to the influence of social media
Locality N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value
Rural 32 54.6 11.82 2.59

Urban 18 20.35 6.67

It is observed that there is a significant difference between the mental health of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of Locality with respect to the influence of social media.
Hence the hypothesis accepted.
Hypothesis 4

There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary

school students in terms of type of school with respect to the influence of social media
Type of N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value
Govt 26 30.48 6.25

Private 24 28.50 5.33 2.01

It is observed that there is a significant difference between the mental health of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of type of school with respect to the influence of social
media. Hence the hypothesis accepted.

Hypothesis 5


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary

school students in terms of type of family with respect to the influence of social media
Type of N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value
Nuclear 33 52.23 7.23

Joint 17 26.03 6.9 2.96

It is observed that there is a significant difference between the mental health of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of type of family with respect to the influence of social
media. Hence the hypothesis accepted.

Hypothesis 6

There is a significance difference between the mental health of Higher Secondary

school students in terms of internet usage with respect to the influence of social media
Internet Usage N Mean S.D ‗t‘ Value
Less than 1 Hour 35 60.07 8.12

More than 1 Hour 15 19.30 6.42 3.05

It is observed that there is a significant difference between the mental health of Higher
Secondary school students in terms of internet usage with respect to the influence of social
media. Hence the hypothesis accepted.

A recent study has already found that excessive time spent on social media results in
depression. During this study, there is an association between time spent on social media
and therefore the number of social networking sites. Day by day consumption of media
negatively affects the children, preteens, and adolescents by making them increasingly
inclined to depression, anxiety, and other mental issues, even as making them progressively
defenseless to future medical issues. during this study, the result shows that there's an
association between usage of social media and the number of social networking sites.
Excessive use of Social media can cause heightened depression, anx iety, distress,
unhappiness, and dissatisfaction with life, thus deteriorating psychological state.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

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ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


N. Janaki, Dr. N. Ramakrishnan,
M.Phil., Research Scholar, Professor and Head
Department of Educational Technology,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai – 600 097.

We live in an increasingly connected world and this is a development that cannot be
stopped. It will bring improved living conditions and health for many, but also increased risks.
Through the internet of things, society is becoming more connected all the time. Even though,
we are connected by internet we are not benefitted all the time. We are also in the risk of facing
some problems when we are connected to each one. We have to know some of the risks found in
the society and also we have to know some of the security measures to protect ourselves. This
protection is given by the cyber security. In this topic we are discussing about the various
preventive measures we have to follow in our life mainly in schools.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security is a practice of safeguarding the network, servers, client systems and
applications from digital attacks from the world. Cyber security protects the integrity of a
computer‘s internet-connected systems, hardware, software and data from cyber attacks. It seems
that everything now relies on internet and computers – entertainment, communication,
transportation, medicine, shopping, etc. Even banking institutions run their business online.
Without proper security plan, place hackers in the world can access our computer system
and misuse our personal information, management information, teachers and students
information and use it in illegal manner.
Importance of Cyber Security
From 2020 onwards due to COVID-19 most of the world countries depend on internet
services for education. Teaching, learning, training, examinations, appointments even the
interviews are take place through online only. As a result of the recent rush to adopt e-learning,
the education field has been exposed to an increase in cyberattacks. Nowadays, cybercriminals


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

are finding opportunities to defraud schools, steal sensitive information or deploy ransom ware
schemes and to extort money from the concerned authorities.
We must provide accurate knowledge regarding cyber security to our students. It is very
important to teach cyber security in the school campus as there are many threats looming around
on the Internet and since students use smartphones more often these days they should understand
what is wrong and what is right for them. So, now we are in the position we have to understand
about the cyber security measures and teach about them to the students for protect our society.
Cyber Threats for Educationalists
Teachers are involved in online classes, due to the reason their information may also be
stolen by some hackers. As a teacher, staying informed and learning the good practices to protect
themself and their students from cyber attack. According to Consortium for School
Networking (CoSN) common Cyber Security threats faced by teachers are ;
1. Phishing
2. Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS):
3. Data Breach:
4. Ransomware:
5. IoT Vulnerabilities:
Cyber Security Tips for Educationalists
According to Texas Computer Education Association the following measures have to
follow by the educationalists to protect themselves and their students from the cyber attacks.
A. Encrypt Your Data:
B. Comply With Your Institution‟s Cyber Protocols:
C. Safeguard Your Devices From Physical Attacks:
D. Back Up Your Data:
E. Practice Good Password Management:
Cyber Threats for Parents and Children
According to a report by PC Mag, 76% of parents are worried about their kids‘ online
safety and have major concerns about online threats faced by children. If the child is spending
more time online, there may be a chance of more risks, so parents must aware about wondering
threats are in the society and how to prevent them. Some of the common cyber attacks are listed


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Cyber Predators:
 Malware:
 Malicious Ads:
 Identity Theft:
 Online Gaming:
Cyber Security Tips for Parents and Children
As a parent, you are your child‘s best protection against online threats like those
mentioned above. Here are five steps that you can start following with your child today:
(i) Teach Passwords and Privacy:
Teach the children about the risks of online learning and importance of password
protection in online accounts
(ii) Monitor and Communication
Repeatedly parents must monitor their children Communication with others. If it is an
acceptable, respectable persons means allow them. The parents must monitor the online
post of their children watching.
(iii)Protect Identity and Location:
Disable photo geotagging on the Android or iPhone and mastermind their children not to
share any personal info online like age, school, address, phone number, last name or any
personally identifiable data to others without their knowledge.
(iv) Use Secure WiFi:
Parents must ensure that their home having protected wifi includes encryption and a
strong password to restrict outside access.
(v) Utilize Parental Controls:
Many kids are given their first tablet or internet-connected device before they can fully
comprehend the power in their hands. Try using built-in parental control features to start
taking precautions and monitor their usage as early as possible.
Cyber Threats for Students
Students are repeatedly and easily attacked by the hackers because mostly they are
adolescents. These following measures are help the students to prevent attack by the hackers.
Some common types of cyber threats are;
 Data Theft


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Mobile Malware
 Malicious Social Media Messaging
 Camfecting
 Social Engineering.
Cyber Security Tips for Students
Today‘s cyber hackers are constantly discovering new exploits and strategies to
compromise users. The following strategies can help the students to protect from the cyber-attack
they are;
 Avoid Sharing Personal Information:
 Invest in Virus Protection:
 Keep Software Up-to-Date:
 Be on Guard for Phishing:
 Be Careful What You Click:
In the modernized world, life become easy and at the same time it made our life risky.
Cyber attackers continuously try to use the gaps found in the society and try to exploit the
children by introduce new threats and vulnerabilities. To avoid these kinds of risks teachers,
parents and students must also equip themselves with the proper updated knowledge in
technology to protect their devices and personal information. Cyber security provides most of the
measures to protect our society from the hackers. Many advancements in modern technology,
online education has become more accessible than ever before, allowing learners to receive the
same high-quality experience and outcomes offered by traditional education via a virtual
experience. However, with these advancements comes an expanded threat from cyber criminals.
It is more important than ever to keep yourself safe. Following the tips above can help the
society for better secure of their personal information from the threats of cybercrime.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ruchika Sharma
Assistant Professor, PG Department
MIER College of Education
BC Road,Jammu

Social media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the
primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most
common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet.
The term media was first used to describe newspapers more than two centuries ago. Today the
media has many different connotations. For instance, there are mass media, print media, Vistula
media and social media. While media can take on many different forms, the purpose of all media
is universally, the purpose of all media is universally the same. Mass media can be used in direct
instruction, active teaching learning strategies and student projects at secondary level. Existing
media resources can be used within lecture to stimulate interest and develop knowledge of the
material being taught. This technical approach is teacher centric, and information is pushed to the
learner. Mass media allow the instructor to facilitate the transfer of expert knowledge to novice
learners. Given the tremendous rate of technological change, in choosing the most effective
media platform to reach their students. Instructors can also create their own media to effectively
and efficiently convey knowledge.

Need and Significance of the Study

Social Media can be used in direct instructions, active learning teaching strategies and
student projects. Existing media resources can be used within lectures to stimulate interest in and
develop knowledge of the material being taught. Media allows the instructor to facilitate the
transfer of expert knowledge to novice learners. Existing media resources can also be used to
engage students and facilitate active learning strategies which promote deeper learning. For
example, media provides a useful platform for teaching with cases, cooperative learning,
problem solving, and for giving more interactive lecture demonstrations. As a result, a positive


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

consequence of utilizing media is that instructors must keep their materials and examples up-to-
date. News stories can be used to connect theories taught in the classroom with real world events
and policies. Popular media (films, music, YouTube) are a familiar medium to students that
helps gain attention and maintain student interest in the theories and concepts under discussion.
Mass media helps students to connect to their professors off campus as well as with senior
experts. This is especially helpful in a college environment where having students create a bond
rate such as Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn can be useful in the classroom. One of the major
benefits of using mass media with students is teaching openly honestly and all kindly with their

C. Objectives of the Study

1. To study the use of social media in teaching learning process among secondary school
2. To study significant gender difference in the use of social media in teaching and learning
process among secondary school students.
3. To study significant difference in use of social media in teaching learning process in
relation to government and private schools.

D. Hypotheses of the Study

1. There is an average use of social media in teaching learning process among secondary
school students.

2. There is no significant gender difference in the use of social media in teaching learning
process among secondary school students.

3. There is no significant difference in the use of social media in teaching learning process
in relation to government and private schools.

E. Method

Descriptive survey method has been employed for the present study.

F. Sample


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

In the present study, a sample of 250 secondary school students has been taken from five
private and five government secondary schools of Jammu City. The sample has been selected by
using Stratified Random Sampling technique.

G. Tools

For the purpose of the accomplishment of objectives of the research, a self-prepared tool
namely - Use of social Media in Teaching Learning Process employed for the collection of data.

H. Results

In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, the following statistical techniques
have been employed and the results are given in the following tables:

Table 4.1

Mean, Standard deviation and t- value for male and female in the use of mass media in teaching
learning process with respect to gender.

Gender N Mean S.D. SEM df t Level of


Male 125 87.04 11.88 1.06

28 0.22 N.S.
Female 125 87.36 10.64 0.95

Table 4.2
Mean, Standard deviation and t- value for the use of mass media in teaching learning process in
relation to government and private schools.

Types of N Mean S. D. SEM df t Level of

School significance

Government 125 84.30 11.76 1.05

24 4.20 Sig. at 0.01 level

Private 125 90.10 9.96 0.89


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Findings of the Study

1. In this study the result shows that out of 250 secondary school students, 35% students are
strongly agree, 40% students agree, 8% students indifferent, 12% students disagree and
4% students are strongly disagree in the use of mass media in teaching learning process
in teaching learning process.
2. In this study, the result shows that there is not significant gender difference in the use of
mass media in teaching learning process among secondary school students in which the
mean score of female students (87.36) are slightly higher than male students (87.04) and
the calculated ‗t‘ value is (0.22) which is less than the table value of ‗t‘ at (0.05 and 0.01)
both level. Hence, Null Hypothesis is accepted.
3. In this study, the result shows that there is significant difference in the use of mass media
in teaching learning process in relation to government and private schools students in
which the mean value of private school students (90.10) has been found to be higher than
the government school students (84.30) and the calculated ‗t‘ value is (4.20)which is
more than the table value of ‗t‘ at 0.01 level. Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected.

J. Educational Implications
1. Result of the study indicates that students agreed that social media is very useful in
teaching learning process at secondary level. Therefore, teachers should encourage their
students about importance and develop such conditions in the school so that maximum
students can use mass media in their studies.
2. Results of the study shows that female students are more interested in using social media
in teaching learning process as compare to male students. Therefore, school should
organize such programmes that can help the boys to increase their interest in the use of
mass media in teaching learning process.
3. Likewise, finding indicates that students studying in private schools at secondary level
shows more interest in using mass media in teaching learning process as compare to
students studying in government schools. Therefore, government schools should provide
facilities and organize orientation programmes in order to increase the interest of students
in the use of social media in teaching learning process.

1. Abu Nadar, A. (2003). The effectiveness of using a computer program in the
development of some basic skills needed to operate the video camera technology among
students in education, unpublished Master Thesis. Institute of Educational Studies and
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2. Akorede, J, O, (2015). Introduction to Educational Media and Microteaching;
Educational Media. His Grace Printer, 99, Bonojo Street, ijebu-Ode.OgunState.ISNB
976-334449-8. Pg. 25-27.


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3. Aypay, A. (2010). Information and communication technology (ICT) usage and

achievement of Turkish students in PISA 2006.Turkish Online Journal of Educational
Technology-TOJET, 9(2), 116-124.
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8. Coyle, Cheryl L. and Vaughn, Heather. (2008). Social Networking: Communication
Revolution or Evaluation? Bell Labs Technical Journal, 13,13-18.
9. Demirkaya H, Tokcan H 2006. CografyaOgretimindeTelevizyonve video kullanimi.
National Education Magazine, 171: 296-303.
10. Donald, H. (2003). ―Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques‖: India. New Age
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11. Ghavifekr, S., Kunjappan, T., Ramasamy, L., & Anthony, A. (2016). Teaching and
Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers' Perceptions. Malaysian
Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 38-57.
12. Ghavifekr, S., Razak, A. Z. A., Ghani, M. F. A., Ran, N. Y., Meixi, Y., &Tengyue, Z.
(2014). ICT integration in education: Incorporation for teaching & learning improvement.
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13. Ghazzawi, M. (2002). Design software learning computerized study of their impact and
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school infrastructure. Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 441-449.
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vesanalyüksekegitim.TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

19. Ma, W. W. K., Andersson, R., &Streith, K. O. (2005).Examining user acceptance of

computer technology: An empirical study of student teachers.Journal of computer
assisted learning, 21(6), 387-395.
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23. Oye, N. (2012). Students‘ perception of social networking sites‘ influence on academic
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26. Tolorunleke R.T. (2013). A Comparative Study of the Impact of Instructional Media In
The Teaching and Learning Process in Selected Primary Schools in Kogi State. Journal of
Educational Media and Technology, 17 (1) 47-54.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ruchika Sharma Dr Jaspal Singh Warwal

Research Scholar Faculty of Education
University of Jammu

Background of the Study

The UNESCO‘s Commission on Education in the 21st Century, headed by Jacques Delor,
in its report learning the Treasure Within (1996), identified the following four pillars of learning
which ought to be the basis for the organisation of education in any part of the world.

1. Learning to know

2. Learning to do

3. Learning to live together

4. Learning to be

Let us examine these goals in some details. Learning to Know A student has to
continuously strive to ‗know ‗things by adopting a variety of methods such as reading, listening,
questioning, discussion, exploration, observation, experimentation, etc. However, it is not
enough for a person to obtain information about certain things or to know certain facts. He must
develop the ability to examine the obtained facts and pieces of information to arrive at
conclusions leading to learning of concepts and principles. In other words, a learner should be
enabled to learn ‗how to learn‘ and not only to acquire knowledge on her own but also to
construct knowledge on the 51 Goals of Education basis of her own observations,
experimentation and analysis of available data. Learning to Do In addition to acquisition of
knowledge and reflection on concepts and principles, a person in today‘s world has to pick a
large number of work skills for day-to-day life and also for specialized work situations. It is for
this very reason that some sort of work education or work experience is included in the school
curricula all over the world. However, this does not mean that learners can learn work skills only
in work education classes. Instead ‗work‘ has to be made integral to all learning areas in the
school. Moreover, with the advancement of existing technologies and emergence of new
technologies, learners have to continuously renew and upgrade their skills. Above all, the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

learners need to develop the attitude that all work is dignified. Learning to Live Together In the
present day‘s world, there are tensions and conflicts at all levels between individuals, between
ethnic groups, between racial groups, between religious groups, and between the nation states. In
many families, different members sometimes find it difficult to get along with one another.
Within a nation state, there are sometimes tensions among various linguistic, religious, regional
or ethnic groups because of conflicting interests and aspirations. Also, many countries in the
world have strained relations with other countries, especially with their neighbours. In view of
the above mentioned realities of the present day world, individuals, groups of people and nations
must learn to live with others in harmony which is possible if they are not only tolerant towards
others‘ viewpoints, but also show genuine respect for them. Learning to Be every individual is
born with potential for certain mental abilities. During the process of growing up, she gets
opportunities to realise her potential through the instrumentality of formal and informal
education. She also develops her own viewpoints, beliefs and value systems on the basis of
critical analysis of her own observations and experiences and knowledge of social aspirations. In
addition, 52 Basics in Education she has to learn to actualise his potential in different spheres,
that is, she has to persistently strive to become what she is capable of becoming. A student must
learn to acquire knowledge about her own ‗self‘, that is, she should develop the ability to identify
her strengths and weaknesses and to develop a viewpoint on various social and moral issues and
accordingly develop principles governing her conduct in different situations. The four pillars of
learning discussed above are in fact individual goals of education, which are universal in nature.
The education system in all the countries has to be guided by these goals of individual
development and students all over the world must acquire them.

Statement of the Problem

Reviewed literatures in jerk technology have revealed that Traditional method focuses
mainly on textbooks. Traditional approach is least practical, more theoretical and emphasis on
memorizing the concept. It does not apply activity based learning to encourage students to
learn real life problems based on applied knowledge. Since the teacher controls the
transmission and sharing of knowledge, the lecture method may attempt to maximize the
delivery of information while minimizing time and effort. As a result, both interest and
understanding of students may get lost. To address such shortfalls, teaching should not merely


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

focus on dispensing rules, definitions and procedures for students to memorize, but should
also actively engage students as primary participants. In traditional method of teaching,
assessment is seen as a separate activity while in modern method of teaching, assessments
seen as an activity integrated with teaching and learning. The modern method relies on hands-
on materials approach. Presentation of materials starts with the whole and then moves to the
parts. Modern method of teaching emphasizes on big ideas. Teachers often use techniques
which cater to multiple learning styles to help students to retain information and strengthen
understanding, whereas after reviewing the related literature, it has been found that most
studies stress on the use of jerk technology. It helps in improving academic achievement of
students. It has also been determined by various researchers that jerk technology has unique
characteristics of seeking attention; make learners active by providing them jerks, through
Jerks learners can be made active in the classroom. Due to activeness, the receptivity of
learners will improve, the resultant of which is meaningful helps in different
concepts of social studies and holding the attention of students, which in turn improves the
academic achievements of students. Most of the investigators have found its power of
presentation more effective due to the integration of various tools like Mirror image writing
(MIW) ,Disproportionate word writing (DWW),small writing(SW),double negative sentences
(DNS),Unusual Sentence Construction (USC),Logically illogic Conclusion (LIC),Use
Multiple Words (UMW),Give Misfit Example (GME),Teacher‘s known Mistake (TKM),it has
been found that less studies have been done in this area, but still there is a need of lots of work
to be done in this direction with some other variables. The present study is an attempt to
support previous studies and finding the new direction also. Perhaps, this study will be helpful
in revealing the effect of jerk technology on academic achievement in social studies and will
also stimulate the teaching learning process. Therefore, the investigator found it suitable to
conduct a study on the effect of jerk technology on academic achievement in social studies of
9th class students in jammu
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be of huge benefit to the government, curriculum
developers and educational policy makers, prospective and practicing teachers as it will provide
vital information on the effectiveness of jerk technology in secondary schools. This study will be
significant because it is one of the few studies conducted in the field of learning. Eventually it is


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

hoped that the findings of this study would have implications which should be adapted to meet
the needs of pupils who want to remain active in their classes.To help learners in increasing the
presence of mind in the classroom, to establish proper rapport between student and teacher, to
break the monotony in the classroom By all accounts the academic cheating remains largely
undetected and it is the need of the hour to develop various strategies and techniques to more
effectively address the problems within schools.

The application of the findings of this study will be of immense help to the government. It will
aid in designing in-service training programmes that will provide benchmarks for comparison
and gauging programmes progress. It will also be of help as they are taking decisions on national
strategies for science education integration at the senior secondary school level. Thus, the data
provided by this study will aid in taking concrete action that will facilitate the recommendation
of appropriate instructional methods that will be apt for the teaching of certain concepts in
practical chemistry. Both the prospective and the practicing chemistry teachers are bound to
stimulate more research interest in this area.

Scope of the Study

This study was carried out in six Secondary schools of Jammu. The study was
delimited to six government and private schools of Jammu. The content scope of the study
includes the concepts of social studies.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Design of the Study

The study employed the quasi-experimental research design, it is non-randomized pre-
test, post-test control groups design, involving intact social studies secondary schools of Jammu.

Area of the Study

The study was conducted in the government and private secondary schools of Jammu.
There were six government and private secondary schools of Jammu.

Population of the Study

The population of the study constituted all government and private secondary schools
in Jammu.
Discussion of the Findings

The finding vividly indicates that the Jerk Technique Instructions in ninth class
students of Jammu District is effective in terms of pupils‘ gain performance. Needless to state
that majority of the schools in India transact the curricula by lecture method. Nowadays, a
considerable percentage of schools have started using OHP, LCD, Instructional films and
such other ultra-modern electronic media (Srinivasan, 1999; Jackson, 1990). This is so
because, the latest technology such as multimedia, e-learning, video conferencing is
available in a few self-financing schools under systems like Central Board of Secondary
Education (CBSE) and Indian Council for Secondary Education (ICSE), but not
everywhere. With all sincere efforts by Central as well as State Governments, it is found
very difficult to provide latest technology to all schools across the nation(Prabhu, 2001;
Sansanwal, 1999). Thus the present study necessitates about the technology which can enrich
teaching-learning-evaluation process, cost effective and employable everywhere.


The results of the study showed that Jerk Technology was more effective on academic
achievement. The improved results on the achievement test were found to be significantly
superior, when pre-achievement and intelligence were taken as covariates. With the help of Jerk
Technology students remained more active in the classroom. Due to activeness, the receptivity
of students was improved. Jerk Technology enhances critical thinking and higher level
processing skills as students challenge each other to reach at a point. The outcomes of the study
showed that Jerk Technology might bring improvement in education, cost effective and can be


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

used everywhere. Thus, Jerk Technology showed lot of implications for the students on
academic achievement.


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development: Current theories and controversies. Turkish Online Journal of Educational
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objective academic achievement above intelligence, personality, and previous academic
achievement. Journal of research in personality, 44(4), 550-553.


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12. Dhamija, N., & Kanchan, M. (2014). Effectiveness of Self Learning Modules on the
Achievement and Retention of Undergraduate Students in Commerce. Educationia
Confab, 3(2), 26-32.
13. Dubey, C. (2004). Study of Effectiveness of Educational Material Related to Indian
National Heritage for the Students of Class VIII (Doctoral dissertation, Ph. D.(Edu.),
University of Lucknow).
14. Duman, B. (2006, October). The effect of brain-based instruction to improve on students‘
academic achievement in social studies instruction. In 9th International Conference on
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15. Dutt, S., & Kumar, D. (1998). Effect of Self-Learning Modules on Achievement of
Senior Secondary Students in Relation to their Sex and Place of Residence. Journal of
Educational Research and Extension: Abstracts, 46 (3), 10.
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students‘ quality of academic performance: a case of secondary school level. Journal of
quality and technology management, 7(2), 1-14
18. Gecas, V. (1982). The self-concept. Annual review of sociology, 8(1), 1-33.
19. Guay, F., Marsh, H. W., & Boivin, M. (2003). Academic self-concept and academic
achievement: Developmental perspectives on their causal ordering. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 95(1), 124–136.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education
Department of Education, Tezpur University (A Central University), Assam


Presently evolving world of communication witnessed a tremendous change in all

matters and lead path to the development. The social media platforms has sparked a unique
transformation of almost every aspect of life which has deeply impacted content, ideas and
processes of human mental faculties which is bound to enhance common acceptance, inspire
movements, and ignite change.

Social media is a software-based global facility net-structured group‘s that allows people
to come together around an idea or topic of interest as a team. Social offers student‘s radically
new ways to research, create, and learn. This online social media platform triggers to achieve
common goals and includes much more than platforms build on some ideological and
technological basis, Use of technology to connect people, enabling them to collaborate with each
other, and forming virtual communities is what social media is about. Social media platforms
allow visitors to send e-mails, post comments, build web content, and/ or take part in live chats.
Social media allows us to behave in ways that we are hardwired for in the first place - as
humans. We can get frank recommendations from other humans instead of from faceless
companies (Francois Gossieaux, 2010).

Social media for Educational Purposes

Social media an online collaboration tools are making a substantive change in students'
educational experience, improve student motivation and engagement, help students develop a
more social/collaborative view of learning and create a connection to real-life learning. It is seen
as the key driver of communications and a tool that teachers can use to make their classroom
more engaging, relevant and culturally diverse and which can effectively and carefully become a
vital part of the educational environment.

Recent developments have established unique opportunities for collaboration not only
among teachers and students but also for other categories of society. A growing number of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

educational institutions, teachers and students have started utilizing social media in the
classroom to supplement the learning process. Now a day‘s educators link learners with defined
nodal links of knowledge, which might share their areas of interests or encourage students to
contribute and share with a larger audience and help in improving team-building skills.

Universities and other institutions of higher education have also responded by increased
use of social media to showcase their courses and attract students but are yet to harness the full
power of the medium to engage and interact with students at larger levels. Rather than assuming
that education is primarily about preparing for jobs and careers, what would it mean to think of
education as a process of guiding kids' participation in public life more generally, a public life
that includes social, recreational, and civic engagement (Mizuko , 2009). The distance learning
models of higher educational institutions have in some respects gone significantly ahead of their
campus-based counterparts. The courses offered by distance learning academic bodies are
obliged by the very nature of their courses to keep pace with latest trends and technological
advances which promote communication among students and further enhance the learning
experience. The indicative data from some of the most successful initiatives indicates that
student participation is greatly increased when social media platforms are integrated with
learning programmes, and at the same time, student drop-out level also reduces very
significantly. Though this may be a relatively new phenomenon, but indications suggest that the
use of social media can have a very positive impact on university education and universities
cannot afford to ignore this futuristic pattern of learning procedures, for long.

In education, specific software tools are emerging to altering both learning processes
and outcomes are contributing to radical evolution in education. Educational media through
social media has significantly changed the relationship to information and personal learning
opportunities which is outside the formal educational purviews. The information landscape now
seems amazingly abundant considering the Internet‗s ability to bring us so much information
without any regard for time, place or cost. The technology that took this amazing change and
multiplied it many-fold in impacting the world of education ranging across social media patterns
leading to the emergence of educational media.

Review of Literature

Studies have confirmed that interest in social media for educational purposes is
increasing day by day. Bhakta (2017) study revealed that social media platforms had both


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

positive and negative impact on the college students, Hussain and Loan (2017) found majority
of the respondents uses SNSs many times a day and spends more than two hours. To gain
knowledge, to be in touch with family members, to share information and promote social,
religious, political issues are some of the purposes of using SNSs. Sadowski et al. (2017) study
results indicated that the most of the students are aware of SNSs. Facebook is the most
commonly used SNS, followed by, YouTube, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. To
keep contact with friends, family members and entertainment are reported as the main reasons
for using SNSs. Amin et al. (2016) study results indicate that the majority of the respondents
prefer use Facebook and Twitter. Most of the respondents prepare their home assignment and
habit of these platforms which support them in concentrating on their studies. The authors
conclude that there is a positive impact of these SNSs on their academic performance. Willard
(2016) stated that the social media platforms had created a new generation of users. The scholar
suggested that educational institutions should motivate the students to understand the risks and
benefits of social media platforms in modern society. Alahmar (2016) findings indicated that
the frequency of use was correlated with their academic performance also observed nearly 42%
of the students using social media platforms reported using social media platforms had positive
effects on their academic performance. Donelan (2016) study revealed that social media had
facilitated the changing landscape of higher education and supported the individual academic in
their role. Ali and Aliyu (2015) study revealed that many students had used social media in high
magnitude especially Facebook. Kabbur and Savitri (2015) observed that social media had
caused distraction from academic preoccupation and negatively impacted the students. Mingle
& Adam (2015) participants have experienced of negative effects about poor grammar, spelling,
submitting assignments lately, less study time and poor academic performance due to the heavy
participation on social media medias.. Peter (2015) studies suggest that lecturers should come
up with a model on how their students can maximize the benefits of Social media. Owusu-
Acheaw & Larson (2015) using social media platforms is negatively affecting their academic
performance which further indicates that use of social media is directly related to decrease in
academic performance among the adolescents. By this review we can understand that use of
mobile for internet purpose has increased among present generation students which in turn
hampering their academic performance. Judilla and Gemora (2015) that there existed
significant relationship between the extent of influence of social mediaand the study habits of the
respondents and between the respondent‘s extent of influence of social mediaand the level of
their academic performance. Michikyan, Subrahmanyam and Dennis (2015) suggested that


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

students who secured low grades reported to post negative status, it was further observed by
researcher that academic performance of the students determine their facebook use. Maqableh
et al., (2015) findings indicted that SNS usage had an impact on the academic performance of
the students and SNS usage per week had an impact on the student‗s academic performance.
From the review it is observed social media platforms has both positive and negative impact on
the students.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to explore the effect of social media platforms on their
academic achievements.


In this context researcher set well structured questionnaire to a collect a data from sample
of 40 students age ranged from 22 to 24 studying higher education in Central University and
well in internet communication using social media platforms more than five years are selected
using purposive sampling method.

Research Findings

The responses obtained showed more than 54 % of students in higher education sector
use media flat forms to update the knowledge about the area of interest, 92.5% of respondents go
online instantly after waking up in the morning and checked any updates in anytime in my online
account, sleep due to the intense desire to be online and gives much pleasure being online, 40%
responded feel express feelings and emotions. Also respondent Time Spent on social media as per
day increases three times in Covid-19 comparing the routine schedule day. But respondent
revealed that though they use social media platforms for more hours except 22.5 % of
respondent revealed there is no drop in their academic performance also they used social media
platforms for education and research purpose too and helps in their studies by means. Among the
respondents only 20% expressed social media platforms had negative effects on their life and
posing negative effects on their studies by any means. 65% responded said social media
platforms helped them to always remain in touch with friends of their own interest area and
enhance their studies because with it they can discuss and share views helped to do assignment
with own interest friends. 27.5% revealed they become restless when they do not get time to be
online, and they lose track of time. In contrast to many studies on thing researcher found in this


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

study is 32(80%) of respondents use social media platforms for their academic activity rather
than only for social activities as a result of the fact they perform well in academic performance.


From the above findings it is clear social media platforms helps students to achieve the
major goals of education by providing space for learning with passion and improving the
abilities/skills like problem solving, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, navigating
the Internet and finding accurate and useful information, and making ethical judgments. Studies
have also confirmed that interest in social media platforms usage for educational purposes is
increasing day by day, either positive or negative impact. it is in the hands of the learners how to
se the platforms for their benefits. An institution as well as stakeholders associated with teaching
learning process must bring together the programme for proper usage of social media platforms
and specifically addressed to benefits of students activities for welfare of the learner society.
Also motivating students to understand the risks and benefits of social network in modern
society, organizing seminars and workshops to enhance the capacity of students for better social
media applications, proper guidance and counselling will help in reducing the negative impacts
of social network on lives and academic performance of the students.


1. Bhakta, Kaushik (2017) Using Social Networking Sites and its Impact on College
Students, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Fiel, 3(1):
2. Hussain, M., & Loan, F. A. (2017). The use of Social Networking Sites by the post
graduate students. International Journal of Digital Library Services, 7 (1). 72-84.
3. Sadowski, C., Pediaditis, M., & Townsend, R. (2017). University students‟ perceptions
of social networking sites (SNSs) in their educational experiences at a regional
Australian university. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(5), 77-91.
4. Amin, Z., Mansoor, A., Hussain, S, R., & Hashmat, F. (2016). Impact of Social Media of
Student‟s Academic Performance. International Journal of Business and Management
Invention, 5 (4), 22-29.
5. Willard, Nancy (2016) Schools and Online Social Networking, Education World:
Connecting Educators to What Works, Weblog, October 28.
6. Donelan, Helen (2016) Social media for professional development and networking
opportunities in academia, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40(5):706–729.
7. Ali, F. A. Farah and Aliyu, Umar Yanda (2015) The Use of Social Networking among
Senior Secondary School Students in Abuja Municipal Area of Federal Capital Territory,
Nigeria, Journal of Education and Practice, 6(15):15-23.
8. Kabbur, Mahabaleshwar. S. and Savitri K (2015) The Impact of Mobile and
9. Internet Based Social Network Technologies on Student Education,International Journal
of Emerging Trends and Technology in Computer Science, 4(2): 89-92.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

10. Jeffrey Mingle, Dr.Musah Adam (2015), Social Media Network Participation and
Academic Performance in Senior High Schools in Ghana, Library Philosophy and
practice.(E-journal) Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ISSN 1522-0222
11. Osharive Peter (2015), A research project submitted to the department of educational
administration, faculty of education, university of Lagos, Social media and academic
performance of students in university of Lagos.
12. Owusu-Acheaw, M., & Larson, A. G. (2015). Use of Social Media and Its Impact on
Academic Performance of Tertiary Institution Students: A Study of Students of
Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 94-101.
13. El-Badawy., T. A., & Yasmin Hashem, Y. (2015). The impact of social media on the
academic development of school students. International Journal of Business
Administration, 6 (1), 46-52.
14. Judilla, A., & Gemora, R (2015). Influence of Social Networking on the Study Habits
and Performance of Students in a State University. Journal of Social Sciences &
Humanities Research, 1(2).1-12.
15. Maqableh, M., Rajab, L., Quteshat, W., Masa‘deh, R.M.T., Khatib, T. and Karajeh, H.
(2015), The Impact of Social Media Networks Websites Usage on Students‘ Academic
Performance, Communications and Network, 7,159-171.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. A. Suresh John Kennedy Dr. R. Sridhar


1. Introduction
In the last few years, the web has evolved from a medium for distributing a
rudimentary and hyperlinked collection of read-only and static information resources to a
set of social websites where people interact, share and constantly update huge amounts of
decentralized information. In the past, the web was a one way information transfer tool as
content was predominantly produced by experts, who published factual information and
had the skills to create web pages. Users could only view websites but could not correct,
change or add any content. Currently, the web has become an interactive and participatory
"read-write" universal channel where users are allowed to be both producers and
consumers of digital content in real time right through a web browser.
This new conception of the Web as a platform for computing and collaborative
interaction has been supported by the development of so-called Web 2.0 technologies and
standards. The result has been the fast proliferation of social media. The latter basically
refers to a category of web-based tools and platforms that facilitates discussion,
participation, and sharing of various forms of content (namely, text, video, audio and
image) in a very convenient way.
The rapid growth of social media, mainly due to technological factors such as
increased broadband availability, the improvement of software tools, and the development
of more powerful computers and mobile devices, has been phenomenal. This type of
media has actually become ubiquitous and part and parcel of the daily lives of millions of
people around the globe and has a tremendous impact upon every facet of our personal
and professional lives. Given that a large number of internet users are teachers and
students, social media seem to have greatly influenced the way we teach and learn.
The objective of this paper is, therefore, to examine the importance of social media
in education. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section Two we detail the
different types of social media. Section Three presents the numerous opportunities that
social media offer to both students and educators. Finally, Section Four gives a brief


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Social Media Platforms

Social media encompass a wide range of tools that integrate technology, social
interaction and content creation. In the present work, analysis will be confined to the most
popular social media types. These include social networks, blogs, micro-blogs, wikis,
bookmarking, media sharing and RSS. In what follows, we provide a brief description of
each of these social media types.
3. Social media: Potential Educational Benefits
Despite being a recent addition to the Internet landscape, social media have witnessed
an exponential growth. It is now infiltrating nearly every field, including the educational
arena. These online social networks are increasingly being used for different reasons not
only by students but by teachers as well [1], [2]. For this reason, a number of critics have
started questioning the validity of social software in learning environments, stating that
such tools may disengage students from learning traditional skills and literacies [3] or
even destroy the traditional roles of teacher and learner [4].
However, after a thorough examination of a wide range of social media, it has been
found out that these tools present many educational advantages for both students and
instructors, hence, contribute in providing opportunities for further learning. These
advantages are detailed below.
4. Social Media as Communication Channels
Studies have shown that the successful running of any learning experience depends on
many things, one of which being effective communication between teachers and their
students. If no proper communication between teacher and students is available, both
teaching and learning will become difficult. For this reason, teachers need to continuously
monitor students in order to be aware of any trouble the latter are having. Understanding
the students‘ problems, fear, or confusion will help faculty better understand students'
learning difficulties. The more connected the teachers are to their students, the more likely
they are able to help students learn quickly and at a high level [5].
5. Social Media as Engagement Tools
Social media tools are also effective ways to increase students‘ engagement. As the
social features of social media resources have attracted the attention of millions of people
around the globe, these same features are also capable of drawing the attention of students
to the learning opportunities provided by their academic institutions [7]. A student who
hardly ever participates in class may get actively engaged in co-constructing his learning
experience with his teachers, collaborating with his fellow colleagues, and may feel more


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

comfortable to express himself and to share his resources and ideas on Facebook, Twitter,
or YouTube [8].
Besides promoting student-student interactions, social media can also be used to
enhance and increase the number of interactions students may have with their teachers by
overcoming the barriers of time and location [9]. Consequently, students would have
enough opportunities to ask questions, make comments, as well as get feedback. As such,
they will have more chances to develop supportive relationships with their instructors.
6. Social Media as Collaborative Platforms
Another vital benefit of social media is that they foster collaboration. Collaboration
means working together jointly, intellectually, and socially to achieve common goals.
Within an online learning community, collaboration refers to any instructional method in
which students work together in groups towards a common goal [11]. As such,
collaborative learning can be viewed as encompassing all group-based instructional
methods, including cooperative learning.
This category of collaborative social media tools includes wikis, which are websites or
open forums that allow multiple users to exchange and work on the same content.
According to Parker and Chao [16], wikis are ideally suited to collaborative writing due to
their open editing and review structure.
7. Conclusion
The objective of this paper was to explore the potential advantages of social media in
education. A thorough examination has actually revealed that these online social tools
have many educational benefits. Indeed, it has been shown that social media enhance
communication and interaction among students and between teachers and students. Thanks
to these platforms, instructors and students are now able to communicate with each other
within or between classes. It has also been found out that social media are an effective way
to promote students‘ engagement as it enables shy, intimidated or bored students to share
ideas and to express their opinions in a more comfortable way. An additional educational
advantage of social media applications is that they foster collaboration given that they
offer teachers and students a single destination where they can bring their ideas together,
examine them with their colleagues and publish in a way that be edited. Taking into
account all these benefits, we strongly believe that social media could be used as valuable
educational tools capable of enriching the learning experience. Therefore, we recommend
that educators use these online social communities whether they are working in fully


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

online, blended, or face-to-face learning contexts.

[1] Mazer, J. P, Murphy, R. E, & Simonds, C. J. (2007). I‘ll see you on ―Facebook‖: The
effects of computer-mediated teacher self- disclosure on student motivation, affective
learning, and classroom climate. Communication Education, 56(1).
[2] Mazer, Joseph P., Murphy, Richard E., & Simonds, Cheri J. (2009). ―The effects of
teacher self-disclosure via Facebook on teacher credibility‖. Learning, Media &
Technology, 34(2), 175- 183.
[3] Brabazon, T. (2007). The university of Google. Aldershot: Ashgate
[4] Sickler, E. (2007). “Students comment on Facebook‖. University Business. March.
Retrieved from viewarticle.aspx?articleid=724
[5] Jones, V. F. & Jones, L. (1981). Responsible Classroom Discipline. Boston: Allyn and
[6] Lin, H. T. & Yuan, S. M. (2006). ―Taking blog as a platform of learning re!ective journal‖.
ICWL, 2006, 38–47
[7] Rutherford, C. (2012). ―Using Social Media to Support Student Engagement‖. Retrieved
from /using-social-media- to-support-
[8] McLoughlin, C. & Lee, M. J. W. (2007). ―Social software and participatory learning:
Extending pedagogical choices with technology affordances in the Web 2.0 era‖. In R.
Atkinson & C. McBeath (Eds.), ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning.
Proceedings of the 24th ASCILITE Conference, 664– 675. Singapore, December 2–5.
[9] Rutherford, C. (2010). ―Using Online Social Media to Support Preservice Student
Engagement‖. Journal of online learning and teaching, Vol. 6(4).
[10] Yazzie-Mint, E. (2010). Charting the Path from Engagement to Achievement: A Report
on the 2009 High School Survey of Student Engagement. Indiana University Center for
Evaluation and Education Policy (CEEP)
[11] Mattessich, P., Murray-Close, M., & Monsey, B. (2001). Collaboration - what makes it
work, 2nd ed., Amherst H. Wilder Foundation: Saint Paul, Minnesota.
[12] Ingram, A. L. & Hathorn, L. G. (2004). ―Methods for analyzing collaboration in online
communications‖. In S. T. Roberts (Ed.) Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and
Practice (pp. 215 – 240). Hershey, PA: Information Science
[13] Prince, M. (2004). ―Does active learning work? A review of the research‖. Journal of
Engineering Education 93, 223-231.
[14] Dawley, L. (2007). The tools for successful online teaching. Hershey, PA:
Information Science Pub.
[15] Agosto D. E., Copeland A. J. and Zach L. (2012). ―Using Social
Technologies to Foster Collaboration and Community Building in Face-To-Face
Classrooms‖. Retrieved from Appendix2.4.php
[16] Parker, K. R., & Chao, J. T. (2007). ―Wiki as a teaching tool. Interdisciplinary
Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects‖, 3, 57–72. Journal of online learning and
teaching, Vol. 6(4).
[17] Thorne, S. L. & Payne, J. S. (2005). ―Evolutionary trajectories, Internet-mediated
expression, and language education‖. CALICO journal, 22(3), 371.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


K . Johnsy Rani, Dr. V. Balakrishnan,

Ph. D. Scholar, Registrar i/c
Curriculum Plannning and Evaluation,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai – 600 097.

Technology has proliferated in schools and districts over the last decade, and it‘s clear that
cybersecurity matters. While schools may have limited budgets and over-extended IT staff, we
have identified the top priorities to help schools shore up their cybersecurity posture. Adopting
at least a few of the recommendations is a step in the right direction.

The challenges Education is facing

The rationale behind lower scores included:

 A lack of resources and budget – potentially pointing to the lack of finances to invest in
cybersecurity, be it software or staff.
 Cultural issues – a ‗Bring Your Own Device‘ culture is common in Educational
institutions and can present difficulties in securing the wider network, particularly with
IT staff already facing stretched resources.
 An absence of policy – setting out policies for using the network and making sure they‘re
adhered to can be difficult in large institutions with a dynamic user population.

Despite these challenges, the Education sector is still expected to secure their networks against
unauthorised access and cyber threats. Especially when the repercussions can be as severe as the
examples we discussed earlier. But, there are some critical steps every institution should
undertake to lay the foundations for a secure IT network.

Basic Methods Followed by the Schools to Reduce Their Cybersecurity Risks

1. Network and Data Monitoring:

Network and data monitoring can identify malicious activity if properly managed;


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

typically, this priority is covered by a combination of technology and IT administrators,

or managed by an outsourced cybersecurity service, such as CI Security.
2. Incident Detection and Response
Time is of the essence for rapid detection and response, and preparation for incident
response is the lynchpin to reduce the impacts of foreseeable events.
Network Segmentation
Many compromises are caused by a school‘s own students hacking the network. Proper
network segmentation can stop threat actors (including students) from escalating
privilege access through lateral and horizontal movement in the network.
3. Security Awareness Training and User Education
Unsuspecting school employees may be easy to phish. That means that all users, from
students to staff to faculty and administrators, could benefit from digital security
training on cybersecurity best practices.

The Outcomes Schools Want to Avoid

Cybersecurity incidents at schools can lead to trouble for students, staff, and schools.

Here are the top outcomes to avoid:

 Unauthorized Disclosure and Theft of Student Records

 Breaches and Hacks Affecting School Operations and Student Data
 Phishing and Credential Misuse
 Corruption of School Technology and Security Systems
 Ransom ware for the Purposes of Extortion

The outcomes can lead to stolen identities, fraudulent tax returns filed, payrolls and 3rd party
payments redirected to cyber criminals, altered or destroyed school records, defaced or hijacked
website and social media, and schools shutting down.

How to Stop Cyberthreats

 Antivirus
 Ransomware
 Adware


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Hacker
 Phishing
 Data breach

Top tips for securing your Education IT network

With the challenges of poor funding and a lack of resources, the Education sector should
focus their efforts on minimising the risk of a cyberattack, rather than a reactive attitude after
one has happened.
Providing basic training for all users of your network is one way to mitigate the effects of
a lack of funding and resource. This can be something as simple as sharing a handbook with staff
and students including information about what to look out for, and tips for practising good
cybersecurity hygiene. Giving people the necessary information to protect the network at all
access points, could reduce the number of incidents caused by human error.
Another cost-effective way to protect the safety of your institution and its students is to
implement a user-friendly multi-factor authentication (MFA) tool. Including that extra security
step for users who are logging onto the network will help prevent unauthorised access. An easy-
to-use platform should be high on your list of things to look for in an MFA provider. If users can
use a platform self-sufficiently, there‘s less likely to be a need for administrative support, so
education facilities can save on overheads without compromising network security.

These are just some of the cost-effective ways to protect your School, University or
College from any form of unauthorised access. With the increasing frequency and potential
severity cyberattacks pose to the Education sector, it‘s crucial that IT professionals can work to
find a solution to challenges like a lack of funding.


One cannot work without technology. While using technology they must know about the
malwares in the world through internet. By following the above ways we can avoid the malwares
and follow cyber security rules.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. Why cyber security is important?

2. Cyber security basis educate and protect yourself/malwarebytes.
3. 25cybersecurity terms that everyone should know
4. Top 10 cyber security priorities for schools/CI security


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


R. Rajeshkannan & Dr. V. Ambedkar

Ph.D., Research Scholar, Department of Education, Annamalai University.
Professor & Co-ordinator, Education Wing, DDE, Annamalai University.

This policy covers the use of social media applications by all school stakeholders,
including teachers, support staff, governors, pupils, parents, supply staff, work experience and
teaching practice students and volunteers. Social media is the term commonly used for websites
which allow people to interact with each other in some way – by sharing information, opinions,
knowledge and interests in a virtual community. Social media sites such as Facebook and
Twitter are well-known examples but the term also covers other web based services such as
blogs, online discussion forums and message boards, video and audio podcasts, wikis, photo
document and video sharing websites such as YouTube.

Review of policy

The ever-changing nature of information and communication technologies, this policy

will be reviewed annually and, if necessary, more frequently in response to any significant new
developments in the use of technologies, new threats to E-safety or incidents that have taken

India is also witnessing a growing revolution of information and communication

technology (ICT) and social media usage. However, till now we have no social media policy in
India. Even we do not have dedicated social networking laws in India that can take care of the
misuses of social platforms.

Social networking sites: Websites that allow you to create a personal profile about
yourself and then chat and share information with others such as family and friends eg,
Facebook, Edmodo, Myspace, LinkedIn, Yammer)

 Video, audio and photo sharing websites: Sites that allow you to upload and share videos,
sounds and photos which can be viewed/heard by web users the world over eg, Flickr,
YouTube, iTunes U, Vimeo, SoundCloud


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Blog: A blog (short for web log) is a kind of online diary, where you regularly post about
your life, your passions, business, news or other interests. It is a way of having your own
space in the virtual world eg, WordPress, Blogger

 Microblogging apps: Websites that post micro-blog like posts to announce what you are
currently doing eg, Twitter, Yammer, Tumblr

 News aggregation: News aggregators provide a list of the latest news stories published
by users from a range of different web sites eg, Reddit

 Forums or message boards: Online discussion sites where people can hold conversations
in the form of posted messages

 Online multiplayer gaming platforms: Multiplayer video games which are capable of
supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously and usually feature at least
one persistent world (eg, World of Warcraft).

Internet safety

In addition to the benefits that can be gained through the use of the ICT, I also recognize
that the internet in particular can pose risks and that it is important to ensure children are kept
safe when using the internet.

All countries have identified a lack of infrastructure, stating that governmental and
organisational guidelines are often lacking and that youth workers have requested more
frameworks and strategic direction in how to use technology to support their youth work.

It was highlighted that there needs to be a changing of mind-sets amongst some of the
policy makers and funders in order to truly embrace the technological world young people

Computer and mobile technology

Computer and mobile technologies can be a great source of education and play and I
support the use of these technologies in my setting. I will Endeavour to create age appropriate
opportunities for children in my setting to experience the use of computer and mobile
technologies through:

 Children having access to an internet enabled computer or mobile device.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Researching and adding to my bookmark bar appropriate websites for Children in my

care, including sites supporting children in my care with any special educational

 Researching and downloading appropriate apps on my mobile device.

 Helping children to learn to use a mouse and to understand the main features of a
computer or mobile device.

 Encouraging children to use Windows based programmes, for example Powerpoint to

create posters.

 Sitting with younger children when they are using the computer.

Social and digital media in youth work

Each country‘s survey found that the most common use for social and digital media was
communication and information purposes with young people and colleagues, which was most
frequently done through email, texting and Facebook. Youth workers use it to inform about, and
promote, activities and programmes. Social media has proved useful in recruiting young people
for programmes. ICT is used for documentation within the youth work setting. Overall, whilst
the extent of social media use may appear to be high, partners found that usage was often one-
dimensional in purpose, and that the fuller, more creative, potential of social media had not been
realised on a wide scale across the youth sectors.


To help continuously improve my child minding practice, from time to time I may use
childcare focused websites and social media, such as child minding groups on facebook. When
using these sites I will follow my confidentiality policy and at no time will I give out the names
or personal information of children in my care.


1. Eltantawy, N & Wiest, JB 2011, ‗Social Media in the Egyptian Revolution:

Reconsidering Resource Mobilization Theory‘, International Journal of Communication
5, pp. 1207-1224.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Jenkins, H, Puroshotma, R, Clinton, K, Weigel, M & Robison, AJ 2005, Confronting

the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st Century, viewed 20
September 2010,

3. Salmon, CT, Fernandez, L & Post, LA 2010, ‗Mobilizing public will across borders:
roles and functions of communication processes and technologies‘, Journal of
Borderlands Studies, vol. 25, no. 3&4, pp. 159–170.
4. Soltren, J 2005, Facebook: Threats to Privacy, MIT, Massachusetts.

5. Thorpe, I 2011, ‗8 Uses for social media in aid work’, viewed 23 September 2011,
6. About Us (n.d.), viewed 23 September 2011,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


G. Shobanprabhu & Dr. M. Kanmani,
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor,,,
Sivanthi College of Education, TamilNadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai, India.
A social media is an online platform which people use to build social networks or
social relations with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities,
backgrounds or real-life connections. The impact of social networks on young people is
significant. It is becoming increasingly clear that social networks have become part of people‘s
lives. Many adolescent people are using their laptops, tablet computers and smart phones to
check Tweets and status updates from their friends and family. Due to the advancement in
technology, people are pressured to accept different lifestyles. Social networking sites can assist
young people to become more socially capable. Social media is a web-based form of data
communication. Social media platforms allow users to have conversations, share information
and create web content. Social media has different forms, together with blogs, micro-blogs,
wikis, social networking sites, photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites,
podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and more. Billions of people around the world use social
media to share information and make connections.[2] On an individual level, social media
allow us to communicate with our friends and relatives, gain knowledge of new things,
develop your interests, and be entertained. On a professional level, we can make use of social
media to expand or broaden our knowledge in a particular field and build our professional
network by connecting with other professionals in our industry. At the business level, social
media allows us to have a conversation with our audience, gain customer feedback, and elevate
your brand.

Social Media is a innovative idea with a very brilliant opportunity with additional scope
for advancements. With the advancement of social media many organizations are making use of
this medium to better their practices. With the use of social networking we can advertise or
communicate in a more efficient way. Likewise people don‘t have to rely on the media or TV to
get their daily dose of news it can all be obtained from a social networking site. People can
track or get information from all over the world.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

I m p a c t of social media on
Medical and health
Social media provide Health Care Professionals with tools to share information and to
promote health behaviors, to engage with the public, and to educate and interact with patients,
s tudents and c o l l e a g u e s . HCPs can u s e s o c i a l media to potentially improve health
outcomes, develop a professional network, increase personal awareness of news and
discoveries, motivate patients, and provide health information to the community.

Physicians most frequently join online websites where they can read news articles, listen
to experts, research medical advancements, discuss with colleagues concerning patient issues,
and network. They can explore and share ideas, discuss practice management challenges,
make referrals, disseminate their research, market their practices, or engage in health
advocacy.[4] A large number of physicians also use social media to converse directly with
patients to enhance clinical care. It is clear that social media is having a distinct consequence on
healthcare systems, and that its impact is relevant both in the developed and developing
worlds.[5] Healthcare consultants provide improved healthcare to a larger number of citizens,
while clients are able to use it to empower themselves, their families and their communities.

A. Positive Effects of Social Media on Health

1. Sharing of Doctors prescriptions to friends, relatives and colleagues.
2. Consulting Doctors online anywhere and anytime.
3. Sharing Suggestions among friends, relatives and colleagues about various
diseases and its symptoms.
4. Access to information in developing regions.
5. Increased accountability to consumers.
6. More data available to health researchers.
7. Support for health-related causes.
B. Negative Effects of Social Media on Health
 Incorrect self-diagnosis
 Potential breach of privacy
Impact of social media on business
Social Media is the new buzz sector in promoting that incorporates business,
associations and brands which make news, influence companions, to make relations and make
groups. Business utilize web-based social networking to upgrade an association's execution
in different ways, for example, to achieve business targets, expanding yearly offers of the
association. Web-based social networking gives the advantage as a correspondence stage that
encourages two way communications between an organization and their stock holders. Business
can be advanced through different long range informal communication destinations.[6] A
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

considerable group of the organization advances their business by giving promotion on the
online networking with a specific end goal to draw in greatest clients. Clients can associate and
collaborate with business on a more individual level by utilizing online networking. Many
organizations with the use of social media can make their strategy to promote their Business.

Impact of social media on education

Social networking technologies also allow one to share a thought with anotherIt helps a
man toward one side of the world to interface and trade thoughts with a man at the other side.
[2] With the use of social media students can easily communicate or share information quickly
with each other through various social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut, and Instagram

Positive Effect of Social Media on Education

One c a n ado pt i t s b e n e f i t s t o g a i n posi t i v e r esul t s i n education.

An important part of growing up, is to socialize and make friends. Why this is
important? [2] It is because, it allows the children to exchange ideas and learn new things.
This will invariably result in them becoming more confident in life.

Sharing knowledge:

It provides an easy and an effective way in which students can share

knowledge. Students can simply access the information, study, transform (if needed) and
share. Hence, the flow of knowledge becomes smooth.

Updating one self:

They will have the capacity to know new things as and when it happens. This causes
them refresh their own particular information base.

Learning from various sources:

The long range interpersonal communication advances are worked in such a way, to
the point that understudies will have the capacity to pick the gathering, movement or the
individual they would need to take after for every day refreshes. The ways of learning is plenty.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Being Prepared:

The social networking technologies are all about showcasing the trends that run
around the world. Students can setup a plan of what might be expected out of them in the
future by observing the changes that are being updated, shared, discussed or spoken about on
the social networking sites.

Sharing what they feel or think:

Students frequently don't get the right stage to share their feelings. Through social
networking technologies they are given an option to sound their thoughts. If students were
permitted to share what they think and feel, it becomes simple for them to decide what is good
and what is bad.

Negative effect of Social Media on Education

 Reduced learning and research capabilities

 Reduction in real human contact
 Reduces command over language use age and creative writing skills
 Time wastage
 Low grades
 Loss of motivation in students
Impact of social media on society

As we all are well aware of social media to facilitate a massive impact on our society.
Some social media destinations h a v e c h a n g e d t h e way w h e r e i n d i v i d u a l s convey
and mingle on the web. Person to person communication destinations render the open door for
individuals to reconnect with their old companions, partners and mates. Person to person
communication destinations render the opportunities for individuals to reconnect with their old
companions, partners and mates.

A. Positive Effect of Social Media on Society

Connectivity – The first and foremost benefit of the social media is connectivity. People from
anywhere can connect with anyone. Regardless of the location and religion. The prettiness of
social media is that you can attach with anyone to learn and share your thoughts.
Education – Social networking provide various benefits to the students and teachers. It is very
easy to educate from others who are experts and professionals via the social media. One can


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

follow anyone to learn from him/her and enhance his knowledge about any field. Regardless of
our location and education background we can educate ourself, without paying for it.

Advertising – We can promote our business to the largest audience. The whole world is open
for you, and can promote to them. It will help in increase the profits and achieves the targets of

Noble Cause – Social media can also be used for the noble causes.The public is making use of
social media for contribution for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.

Helps in Building Communities – Since our world has different religions and beliefs, so people
of different communities can connect to discuss and share related stuffs.

B. Negative Effect of Social Media on Society

 Cyber Harassing
 Hacking
 Addiction
 Fraud and Scams
 Reputation
Impact of social media on kid and teens

A. Positive Effect of Social Media on Kid and Teens Help Develop Awareness:

 Help Develop Social Skills

 Help Develop Reading And Writing Skills
B. Positive Effect of Social Media on Kid and Teens
 Distorted Body Image
 Risky Sexual Behavior
 Score Low In School

As the technology is developing, the web-based social networking has turned into the
routine for every last individual, people; groups are seen dependent with this technology
consistently. Online networking has expanded the quality and rate of coordinated effort for
students.[8] Business uses online networking to upgrade an organizations execution in
different courses, for example, to fulfill business goals, expanding yearly offers of the
organization. Youths are found in contact with these media every day .Social media has


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

different merits yet it likewise has a few faults which influence individuals contrarily. False
data can lead the training framework to disappointment, in organizations wrong promotion will
influence the productivity, online networking can manhandle the general public by attacking
on individuals' security, some pointless sites can impact youth that can end up plainly savage
and can take a few wrong activities. Last but not least all the citizens are advised to adopt
the positive aspects of social media and avoid negative effects So that we can avail the
benefits of these latest and emerging technologies.

1. Abhimanyu Shankhdhar, JIMS / Social media and businss /

2. Mahmoudi Sidi Ahmed et al., ―Detection of Abnormal Motions in Multimedia‖, Chania

ICMI-MIAUCE‘08 workshop, Crete, Greece, 2008.
3. S.Shabnoor,S.Tajinder,Social Media its Impact with Positive and NegativeAspects
IJCATR, Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016
4. Bin Zhao et al., ―Online Detection of Unusual Events in Multimedia via Dynamic
Sparse Coding‖, 2011.
5. Nagar, Himanshu, Chetna Dabas, and J. P. Gupta. "Navie Bayes and K-Means Hybrid
Analysis for Extracting Extremist Tweets", ACM Conference, pp 27-32.
6. S. Willium, ―Network Security and Communication‖, IEEE Transaction, Vol.31,
Issue.4, pp.123-141, 2012.
7. A.T.M Shahjahan, K.Chisty, ―Social Media research and its effect on our society‖
International journal of Information communication Engineering , Vol:8, No:6,2014.
8. W.Tariq, M.Mehboob, M.A.Khan, F.Ullah ―The Impact of social Media and Social
Networking on education and Students of Pakistan‖ international Journal of Computer
sciences issues, Vol:9,No:3,July 2012.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Research Scholar Research Guide
Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Saidapet, Chennai-15.


Today, we can see education institutions adapting these developments into their systems
and relying on group resources and mechanisms to improve student life. The use of social media
in education helps students, teachers and parents to get more useful information, to connect with
learning groups and other educational systems that make education convenient.

Social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple opportunities to improve
learning methods. Through these networks, you can incorporate social media plugins that enable
sharing and interaction. Students can benefit from online tutorials through YouTube, online
courses delivered by universities abroad through Skype and a wide array of resources that are
shared through social networks.
Advantages of Using Social Media in Education:

We have already mentioned a few positive examples where social media have helped
both students and teachers and we will now highlight and provide a more detailed explanation.

For starters, social media can help students looking for better collaboration and
interactive education. The essence of social media is socialization of users and interaction and
this is exactly what students need. These networks are home to numerous communities (pages,
groups, etc.) where students can find other individuals with the same needs and requirements. Of
course, the people that are part of those communities are usually willing to help newbies.

The teachers can get help in the same way. Namely, there are specialized communities in
which teachers share their experience, look for support and share new job opportunities.
Needless to say, these platforms are good for communication between students and teachers.
Since most parents have social media profiles, this could lead to their involvement in the process
too. Numerous studies have confirmed that introverted students and young people that have
problems expressing themselves due to social anxiety were able to overcome this problem by
using social media.
Linked In


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

LinkedIn is known as the business social network where the user‘s profile is the
equivalent to an online resume. Networking with business contacts and sharing information
critical to business are key activities on this social network.
Connecting to users on LinkedIn is a great way to build a brand following for businesses
or professional groups. LinkedIn groups are an often overlooked resource for engaging with
niche affinity groups ranging from professional organizations to alumni groups.
Forums / Private Social Networks
Forums are an older style of social network, and there are many software-as-a-service
(SaaS) tools that allow you to create custom private social networks. These can be beneficial to
build a community of accepted students to engage with one another and build community, ask
questions, and make plans for the fall.
Best practices include leveraging SaaS tools such as Disqus to make it easy for engaging
in the community and posting comments. Keeping the forums and communities organized is
important, as well as creating a core group prior to launch (no one wants to be the first person in
a forum that they are unsure about).
As technologies such as Google Hangouts, Skype, and other video-based chat and
community platforms continue to develop, more and more students will be drawn to the ability
meet in realtime, develop relationships, and ask questions on their time and terms.
 Snapchat: SnapChat is very popular with prospective students. There is a mixed bag right
now on its use for branding and enrollment. Unless you are doing the other networks very well,
you may want to wait to see how things develop.
 Vine: Six-second video social network. Works well with Twitter and provides the ability to
include small video files as rich media content. Includes followers and similar tools to other
 Tumblr: Microblogging platform for multimedia and short-form blogging.
 YouTube: Video site with social functions. Currently the number one ―social media‖ site for
teens based upon time spent on site.
 MySpace and Last FM: Music-centric social networks.
 Flickr: Photography archive site with social media tools.
 FourSquare: Location-based social media site. Originally the only site to allow for the geo-
specific ―check-ins‖ that are now standard on most networks.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

1. SEOPressor Connect. [cited 2016 June 2] Available from:

2. Brenner J, Smith A. Pew Research Center. Washington, D.C. [Cited 2013 Aug. 5]
Available from:
3. von Muhlen M, Ohno-Machado L. Reviewing social media use by clinicians. J Am Med
Inform Assoc. 2012;19(5):777-81.
4. Presnky M. Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the Horizon. 2001; 9(5):1-6.
5. Wells DM. Lehavot Keren, Isaac ML. Sounding off on social media: the ethics of patient
storytelling in the modern era. Academic Medicine. 2015;90(8):1015-1019.
6. Farnan JM, Sulmasy LS, Worster BK, et al. Online medical professionalism: patient and
public relationships: policy statement from the American College of Physicians and the
Federation of State Medical Boards. Ann Intern Med. 2013;158(8):620-627.
7. Chretien KC, Greysen SR, Chretien JP, Kind T. Online posting of unprofessional content
by medical students. JAMA. 2009;302(12):1309-15.
8. Denial A. Conference attendee, Principles of Medial Education: Maximizing Your
Teaching Skills, Boston, MA. April 13-15, 2016.
9. American Medical Association. Professionalism in the use of social media, Opinion
9.124. [Cited 2016 June 2]. Available from: http://www.ama-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. H S Abzal Basha and Dr. V Ramesh Naik
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies,
G.Pullaiah College of Engineering & Technology, Kurnool, (Andhra Pradesh), INDIA
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies,
Gates Insitute of Technology, Gooty (Andhra Pradesh), INDIA
(Corresponding author: Dr. H S Abzal Basha, Email id:, whatsapp No: 9703757372)


One of the largest industries that social media has had an effect on is every industry.
Since, the internet is now the fastest and easiest way to get news, print media is diminishing and
publications are being forced to post their articles online. Another effect of this advanced
technology is that virtually anyone can now deem themselves a ―journalist‖ and produce news
that they feel is accurate and credible. Almost instantly we can create, share, and spread
newsworthy or gossip stories across the globe. Social media has only made this easier. Top
news stories are being broken via Twitter and other social networking sites and people
worldwide are made aware of them almost instantaneously. The power of social media has
allowed our society to be more knowledgeable of worldwide affairs and news.

In addition, social media tools have become the new must have tool in the marketing
world. Digital and internet marketing are on the rise, and those with no presence on social
media will slowly become extinct. Entrepreneurs and small business owners are beginning to
rely on social media sites to spread the word about their companies. Internet marketing at this
point is almost synonymous with social media because it is almost guaranteed to reach the
largest audience and produce the greatest effects.


1. To study the various social media networks in Indian.

2. To examine the impact of Social media in Indian lives.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Data Collection

The data was collected for this conceptual study through secondary source like website,
annual reports, social media news, Journals, articles Etc.

Digital and Social Media Landscape in India

The deep penetration of internet connectivity among people, the numbers of social media
users in India have been growing constantly. The Indian government-sponsored Digital India
initiative has also contributed greatly to this growth. The year 2020, which came under the grip
of the Covid-19 pandemic, saw much resort to social media to gather information or to express
themselves and several new topics and conversations began trending on social media in India.
As social media users began to rise, so did digital ad spends. Data reveals that this growth and
different trends on social media in India are poised to continue.

India is the second-largest online market, behind China. It is estimated that by December
2020 there will be around 639 million active internet users in India. Indian mobile data users
consume 11 gigabits (GB) of data each month on average, India is the highest globally, ahead of
markets like China, the US, France, South Korea, Japan, Germany, and Spain. The overall data
traffic in India increased by 47% in 2019 driven by continued 4G consumption. 4G
constituted 96% of the total data traffic consumed across the country while 3G data traffic
registered it‘s highest-ever decline of 30%. Indians have 1.2 billion mobile phone subscriptions
and will be downloaded in 2019.

At a state level, NCT of Delhi has registered the highest internet penetration followed by
Kerala, J&K, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. States in the east of India except for
Assam and North East have low internet penetration. Internet penetration is rising throughout
India. Overall top 8 metros have the most penetration of Internet users and smaller towns have
relatively lesser penetration of the Internet as we descend to lower town classes. Among state
groups, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and NCT of Delhi have a higher proportion of female internet users.
The split of Male and Female users is 60:40 in Metros with a 5 million-plus population size.
Government initiatives in Kerala like bringing high-speed internet to every household, including
its 2 million Below Poverty Line families who get service for free will aid in reaching out to
more potential internet users1.

Indians now download more apps than residents of any other country – over 19
billion apps were downloaded by Indian users in 2019, resulting in a 195 % growth over 2016


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

data. The average Indian social media user spends 17 hours on the platforms each week, more
than social media users in China and the United States. Indian internet users are fond of social
media. In 2021, it is estimated that there will be around 448 million social network users in
India, a significant increase from 2019 where it figures at 351 million. Facebook is the most
popular social networking site in the country.
The IPL, one in many cricketing events followed religiously in India, had the highest attendance
among all cricket leagues worldwide. The IPL teams registered over 59 million likes on
Facebook alone and more than 81 million followers on Twitter.

Active Social Media Users in India

With the ease of internet access, the number of active social media users in India stood
at 330 million in 2019 and it is expected to reach 448 million by 2023. 290 million active social
media users in India access social networks through their mobile devices. The entry
of WhatsApp into India‘s digital market boosted app usage, with a doubling in rural areas in
recent years. Data shows that the reach of the messaging service extends wider than just urban

 Almost 2 in 3 Indians who have smart phones are on some kind of social media site.
 97% internet users access internet on their mobile.
Source: Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), Global Web Index4
As data packs get cheaper and internet more accessible, Smart phones are increasingly
becoming the primary screen for Indian customers, which means, the smart phone and its
applications become the principal source of news for about 35% of the country‘s internet users, a
majority of whom use one or more social networks. With more than 1 in 3 individuals accessing
the Internet in India, penetration in urban is twice that in rural. On average, Indian users
spend 2.4 hours on social media a day (slightly below the global average of 2.5 hours a day).
Rural India has 264 million internet users and this is expected to reach 304 million in
2020. Rural India has a sizable portion that is devoid of internet access. Thus, there is immense
headroom for growth which will contribute to an increase in the overall internet population over
the next few years. Among state groups, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi have a higher proportion
of female internet users. The split of Male and Female users is 60:40 in Metros with a 5 million-
plus population size. Overall top 8 metros have the most penetration of Internet users and
smaller towns have relatively lesser penetration of the Internet as we descend to lower town
classes. Two-thirds of Internet users in India are in the age group of 12-29 years. A higher


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

proportion of this age group is seen in rural areas. Hence, showcasing there is potential for
growth in this segment4.

Digital grew by 37%, adding $613 million to Adex, to reach a size of $2.2 billion in
2019. Digital advertising includes the ad-spend on video across all digital formats from social
media, over the top platforms including YouTube, gaming, news, and other websites. The share
of the video is the highest today and growing at the fastest rate among all digital advertising
formats. The digital advertising market is set to become the largest among all media, TV, print,
Radio,, Out ofhome-at $5.89 billion by FY23 as ad-spend gets incresingly redirected towards
digital median from traditional formats.

Social media statistics in India

India currently has a total population of over 1.36 billion people (it‘s the second most
populous country). Of that population, 230 million or 70% are active social media users. To
cut through the social noise, you need to be aware of all relevant social media statistics in
India. India currently has a population of 1,369,566,180 - this is 17.1% of the world‘s total
population. Median age is 27.1 years - it‘s a young country. Life expectancy is 69 years.

 Internet penetration stands at 41% today but it‘s surprising to see that the country‘s
average age (27.1 years) is more or less reflected on social media as well. 52.3% of
social media results come from millennials.
 28.4% of social media conversations are from Gen Z and 15.1% from those aged 35-44.
It‘s interesting to see that the older generations are also catching on.
 Internet penetration is low in India - yet, in December 2018, 566 million users were
online in India. Out of this - 493 million are regular users of the internet.
 At the end of 2019, this number has been estimated to grow to 351.4 million 6.
 On average, Indian users spend 2.4 hours on social media a day (slightly below the
global average of 2.5 hours a day) 7.
 290 million active social media users in India access social networks through their
mobile devices8.
 86% of the total numbers of social media users engage in some form of activity on their
social channels.
 97% of Indians who are connected to the internet watch videos online
 Facebook is the most popular social network in India 9


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Conclusion: Finally from this conceptual paper analyze that Social networking is the use of
Internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers,
or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through
sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, among others. Social networking has
become a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers.

1. Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI).
2. SEMrush, App Annie, Statista reports 2019.
3. Statist a reports 2019 and Kantar IMRB ICUBE Report.
4. Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), Global Web Index.
5. live mint
6. Statista
7. The Hindu
8. Social Samosa
9. Investopedia
10. Social bakers
11. Reuters
12. Wonders list
13. Digital 2019 report from Hoot suite
14. Engagement
15. Business of apps
16. Economic times
17. Similar Web


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Devananda AC
Assistant Professor,
BGS College of Education
BG Nagara, Karnataka state.
Google Forms is a free and a simple web-based app, it used for purpose of data
collection. It is a fantastic tool for Google classroom and it helps teachers to enhance the
students learning. Teachers and Students can use Google Forms to conduct surveys, quizzes,
written invitations, to request a response of others and make grading quick and easier. Google
forms allow teachers to include different types of questions such as short answers, paragraphs,
multiple selection, verification boxes, pull-down, linear scale, grid of several options. The form
can be shared with respondents by sending a direct link, emailing a message, web page or blog
post or embedding it into on social media and ask everyone to participate on the same form in
real-time. Google Forms is an excellent option to collect diverse type of information in a simple
and efficient way. Data gathered by teacher typically stored in a spreadsheet. spreadsheet
automatically record the answers. It populates with the responses from the quiz or survey in real-
Objectives of the study
 To understand the nature and functions of Google form.
 To find out the types of questions used in Google quiz.
 To verify the quiz evaluation process.
 To identify the advantages of Google quiz.
 To understand the limitations of Google quiz.
Review of related Literature
 The effect of kakahoot, Qu zizz and Google forms on the students in the students perception
in the classroom response system, Yanawet chaiyo, 2017.
 Blending docent learning; using Google forms quizzes to increase efficiency in interpreter
education at Fourth Henry, Michael p A Murphy, Journal of museum education, 2018.
 Impact of web-based review Quiz on the learning outcomes of Dental hygiene students in
Japan, Hugo Mariyama, 2020.

Various types of Google questions


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Google Forms allows teacher to ask both open-ended and closed-ended questions. Teacher can
ask questions in multiple formats, like multiple choice, paragraph or short answer, drop down
menus, checkboxes, essay-length responses and rating scales to collect data. This gives
opportunity to evaluator to provide additional information to pupil on learned concepts.
 Short Answer: Students will give answers in few words.

 Paragraph: Students give answers in long-form, like one or more paragraphs. Evaluator
can Create a large text box for free response. Data input validation is available for this type
of response.

 Multiple Choice: Students will choose only one right answer in available options.

 Drop-down: Students choose their one answer from a set of options in a drop-down menu.

 Linear Scale: Students can rate teachers question on a scale that starts at 1and ends on a
whole number from 2 to 10.

 Multiple Choice Grid: From grid , student can select one answer per row. Optionally
teacher can limit answers to one choice per column.
 Checkbox Grid: From this grid Students can select one or more answer per row.

 Section header: This is a formatting option. It breaks up the quiz into sections by inserting
section headers.
 Images: Images are important for formative assessment. Teacher can insert images above
the question and ask questions to assess the understanding of students.

 Videos: Teacher can Embed a YouTube videos into the Google Form and create questions
to assess the understanding of students. This is very useful for flipped teaching.

 Page break: If teacher have 75 questions in quiz, he can break it up into chunks. Creating
pages also allows branching questions. If students answer correctly they go to the next page.
Answer incorrectly and they go to a page of explanation of the incorrect answer.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Teacher can give title to quiz. and can give short description on answering method to

Formative Assessment
Google forms are excellent tool for formative assessment. Google Forms gives the data
to teacher from students instantly after they press submit and all students answers are together in
one spreadsheet it is easy to quickly get a snapshot of how the students are understanding the
concept. It is not a full functioning quiz tool. Question banks, setting a time limit, etc are not
current features of Google Forms. The advantage is it is stored in Google Drive for easy access
and teacher can quickly provide feedback to students using this data..

Google forms in research activity: Students can design a meaningful questionnaire without
question bias in research activity, he can select a sample group from the population using an
appropriate sampling technique, administer the survey, analyze the data using graphs, data
tables, and pivot charts and draw conclusions via Google Forms.

Key Answers: Teacher can create an answer key in the Google form about asked questions.
This provides answers immediately to the student after the completion of quiz. Evaluator can
assign any number of points to a question.

 Advanced Google Quizzes autocorrect the responses of Learners. It gives quick data at
teacher‘s fingertips through clicking the Responses tab. Teacher can easily identify missed
or students' not attempted questions and he also find out what need to reteach before the
whole class. Google forms allows to take a look at individual responses on spreadsheet.
Immediate Feedback:
 One of the great features of Google form is students can get immediate feedback to their
students' answers. Teacher can "Add feedback" to students answers. Even for both correct
and incorrect answers. He can attach a link or videos to feedback. It is an appreciation for
giving the right answer and directing students towards an enrichment activity. analyzation of
student's answer will helps a student to prepare for a future assessment by reviewing missed
questions or improve their current score, if they can retake the assessment.
 If teacher don't want to send student to the next question until the current question is
answered correctly. Google form setting the data validation to not allow them to move to the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

next section unless they enter the correct value. Students must learn something utilising
 Advanced technology in Google forms: Online exams are more useful to analyze the skills
of the student. Online assessment saves a lot of time and money. Even the student can take
the exam at their home using their own devices. The learner gets instant feedback about the
chosen topic, the teacher can evaluate the performance of an individual.

Artificial intelligence in quiz: Using Google‘s machine learning in the time of creating
Google Forms, will predict the correct key answer as a teacher types the question, as well as
it provide options for students' wrong answers.
Automatically grade checkbox and multiple choice grid questions: In traditional
Examinations grading quizzes is time consuming. Now in the Google form teacher can
denote correct answers in the answer key. Completed quizzes are automatically assigned
points based on answers. This feature saves time and gives teachers full control over
Password Protection: Adding a password to Google form is very useful when teacher post
google form publicly and shared school-wide. It allows only certain students to take part in quiz.
By inserting the password will be allowed student to move on to the next question and the rest
of the quiz.
Summary of Responses: Google Sheet allows teacher to analyze all the data of students
answers by select the "Responses" tab. This will show a summary of responses. Summary of
responses will automatically create ' Summary charts' and 'Graphs' of conducted quiz on
Students learning. This is an easy way to analyse the students‘ learning.
Advantages of Google forms
 Google forms is very helpful to gather information that might allow teacher to have a greater
control of Teaching and learning process. It can also help teacher to see and analyze
Students‘ performance.
 To use this app teachers need only a Google account and students need to access Gmail,
YouTube or Google Drive.
 The students responses can be graded.
 It takes less time to form the questions, teacher can give more time to on other teaching
 Each question can have a different number of marks allocated to it.
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Personalised tests and feedback: If student A can answer the question correctly, he can skip
to the next question. But if student B gets a wrong answer, where he can be given guidance
and feedback and allowed another chance at a similar question. In this alternative route, each
additional question gives students more information and support until they get the correct

Limitations of Google forms

 Internet facility is essential to use Google form.
 The design customization is very limited in Google form. Only advanced users can change
the design of tool to use with a greater number of purposes.
 The user has to create a good password and protections to increase the level of security.
 There are certain limitations regarding the capabilities of Google form. It accepts texts up to
500 Kb; images up to 2 Mb and for spreadsheets the limit is 256 cells or 40 sheets.
 Google Forms is not much useful to ask critical thinking questions.
Conclusion: Google Forms is one of the best online tool. It is not alternative to traditional
written Examinations. But it helps teacher to understand the learning of Students in instant time.
Google forms allow teachers to form different types of questions and allow to send link to
students via email and other social media. This is an easy way to analyse the students‘ learning.

1. Mercedes Hutchens (July 1, 2016) google-quizzes, -
2. Christa love ( 18.12. 2014 updated 5.1. 2021) 5 Reasons to Use Google Forms with Your
Students , Bradyy Gavin, the-beginners-guide-to-google-for, 6.8.2019-
3. (4.6.2015)google-forms-create-a-formative-assessment
4. Luke Edwards (18.8. 2020) what-is-google-forms-and-how-can-it-be-used-by-teachers,,
5. Sandra Melo (15.6.2018) advantages-and-disadvantages-of-google-forms,
6. create-exam-assessment-quiz-and-grade-with-google-forms-
7. (10.12.2019)5-ways-google-forms-improves learning/amp,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

8. Akshat Sharma (May 10, 2018) 6-ways-quizzes-google-forms-are-getting-smarter,
Manager, Google for Education
9. (25.4.2015) student-self-evaluation-with-google-forms,
10. (4.6.2020) Ultimate Guide to feedback in a Google Form – Part 1,
11. (January 05, 2019) using-google-forms-for-assessment-part-one-advantages-and-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


S. Arociasamy
Ph.D. Research Scholar
Assistant professor
Department of Educational Planning and Administration
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai – 600 097.

We are living in an era of social networks. A lot of possibilities are inherent in these
social networks. While using different kinds of social networks in the daily life, we should
understand the different possibilities that are inherent in them. Mostly, people around the world
use these social networking sites for entertainment purpose. But nowadays, people started using
them in other areas of life too, such as business, health, education, and so on. This article aims at
those who are involved in the field of education in order to make them aware of the number of
possibilities of the different social networking sites.

Social Networks
The study of social networks has received significant interest from researchers in various
domains such as psychology, philosophy, education, and lately computer science particularly in
the field of artificial intelligence. This section defines what we mean by social networks, the way
in which these networks form and evolve in our daily lives, and their relations to other types of

Definition of Social Network

We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct
a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with
whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by
others within the system. The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site
to site. While we use the term "social network site" to describe this phenomenon, the term
"social networking sites" also appears in public discourse, and the two terms are often used
interchangeably. We chose not to employ the term "networking" for two reasons: emphasis and
scope. "Networking" emphasizes relationship initiation, often between strangers. While
networking is possible on these sites, it is not the primary practice on many of them, nor is it
what differentiates them from other forms of computer mediated Communication (CMC).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Networks at A Glance

Every human being by nature is a learner. He/she learns a lot of things from the
environment where he/she lives and he/she makes use them for his/her survival. By nature,
he/she is looking for information and he/she will search that from the available sources. This can
be for addressing a problem or just to satisfy his/her curiosity. Once, he/she gets some
information or knowledge, he/she shares that with the people around him/her. This common rule
is applicable in the field of education, too. In the current situation, for information seeking,
people make use of the technologies that are available and accessible for them. There is nothing
wrong in saying that learners are both information consumers and information sharers. For
consuming and sharing the information, the present generation uses social media or social
networks. In other words, social media have become an integral part of the life of the present
generation. Social media are redefining how individuals relate to each other as humans and how
individuals as humans relate to the organizations that serve them. It is similar to a dialog which
brings people together to discover and share information (Solis, 2008). Social media comprise of
activities that involve socializing and networking online through words, pictures, and videos.
Social networking is one aspect of social media, where individuals are sharing ideas and
interests, or are looking to meet people with similar ideas and interests in communities. These
services bring people together with common interests, experiences, and activities; allowing
people to share their commonalities‖ (Bonk, 2009, p. 329). Social networking sites assist people
to chat, share files, discuss ideas, email each other, and so forth (Bonk, 2009). Social networking
technologies help the users communicate and share their concepts on particular topics. In
addition, these social networking sites are mainly used for social and entertainment purposes.
They help individuals stay connected with their friends and the family members (Gustchmidt,
2012). Nowadays, social networks are becoming very popular and many are attracted to it.
According to Al-Mukhaini, Al-Qayoudhi, and Al-Badi (2014), the proponents of social
networking sites say that if you are not involved in social networking, then you are not alive.

At present, the most popular social networking communities include Facebook, Twitter,
MySpace, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, and so on. The following paragraphs give a short
description about the most popular and widely used social networks.


Facebook is among the most popular social networking sites that are used for
communication and it helps people stay connected with friends and others who work, study, and
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

live around them. Facebook is made up of six primary components, such as personal profiles,
status updates, networks (geographic regions, schools, and companies), groups, applications, and
fan pages. People all over the world, regardless of their age level, are very keen to use Facebook
for different purposes. A recent study conducted by Acquisti and Gross (2006) found out that
students and teachers rely on Facebook in order to conduct classes and to attend sessions. This
study also revealed that the students use Facebook in order to meet the professors and other


―Twitter is a micro blogging service that allows users to post and read 140-character,
status and messages‖ (Ovadia, 2009, p. 202). In micro blogging, it is one of the prominent social
networking services. Its slogan to attract people to it is ―the best way to discover what‘s new in
your world‖ (Goroshko & Samoilenko, 2011). Its users can also follow the updates of friends
they ―follow‖, send them direct messages, reply publicly to friends, or just post questions or
comments as their current status (The New Media Consortium, 2007). Twitter helps teachers and
students create their own learning network. It gives them the opportunity to find and connect
with the lives of people around the world who can help them take their learning and teaching
experience to the next level.


YouTube provides its users the facility to download or upload video files. At the same
time, it allows its users to interact with others by making comments. This social networking tool
helps its users search and find out the videos of their concern. Along with general users, those
who are in the learning process can use YouTube videos to learn more about different topics by
listening to lectures and classes of experts from different parts of the world.


MySpace is an online community that lets you meet your friends‘ friends and share
photos, journals, and interests. This site promotes social networking by giving access to built-in
blogs and also allowing people to meet friends of friends and also interact with scholars
throughout the world. Although it is most often used for simply chatting to friends and others,
MySpace promotes and organizes many different political, economic, and artistic programming
and endeavours that users may take part in. Studies reveal that people has adopted social media
into their work, profession, education, and so on, other than just communication. Education is
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

one of the fields that adopted social media and new technologies to increase the course
effectiveness (Greenhow & Robelia, 2009). At present, most of the colleges and universities are
trying to adopt modern technologies to make communication with its stakeholders, both internal
and external, which includes staff, students, parents and community. The above mentioned facts
reveal that educational institutions started to use technology in the teaching and learning process.
However, a genuine evaluation of the present educational systems makes it clear that existing
educational systems fail to adopt the modern technologies and all the possible methods to help
students learn. Studies revealed the fact that educational institutions are still primarily relying on
traditional platforms of learning which do not help the learners manage and maintain their own
learning space (McGloughlin& Lee, 2010). People of all sorts of life are using the social media,
which is a powerful and time-saving method to communicate and transfer their knowledge and
thoughts. There is a lot of evidence that social media can support the learning activities, and it
helps to share learning achievements and participate in collective knowledge creation or
generation (Dabbagh & Kitsantas, 2011).

Impact of Social Networks in Education

 They can communicate their thoughts and perceptions over different topics with a large
no. of users, and raise their voice also.
 It helps in creating awareness among the mass.
 Social Networking web sites help in education by allowing students and teachers in one
 Students get closer to art and design, and are exposed continuously to new ideas, given a
big chance to feed their creativity.
 Students can get up-to-date and recent information from Social Media.


This article is importance of social networks in the current world where we are living.
This part explains about the most widely used social networks, . The following section of the
article elaborates about how social networks can be used as a tool for the education. The use of
social networks in the educational field results in greater student engagement, greater student
interest, students taking more control over their education, and more responsibility for their
education. The results of many studies also show that social networking support educational
activities by making interaction, collaboration, and active participation. Social networks are used


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

for communication and interaction among people from different parts of the world. This part
explains how social networks help the interaction between teachers and students in the
educational context. Social networks can be used successfully in the context of education
because they have got tremendous power. What we have to do is to understand and help students
understand to make use of those possibilities.


1. Acquisti, A., & Gross, R. (2006, January).Imagined communities: Awareness,

information sharing, and privacy on the Facebook.In Privacy enhancing technologies
(pp. 36-58). Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer.
2. Albirini, A. (2006). Teachers‘ attitudes toward information and communication
technologies: The case of Syrian EFL teachers.Computers& Education, 47(4), 373-398.
3. Al-Mukhaini, E. M., Al-Qayoudhi, W. S., & Al-Badi, A. H. (2014). Adoption of social
networking in education: A study of the use of social networks by higher education
students in Oman. Journal of International Education Research, 10(2), 143-154.
4. Greenhow, C., &Robelia, B. (2009). Old communication, new literacies: Social network
sites as social learning resources.
5. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14, 1130-1161.
6. Jacquemin, S. J., Smelser, L. K., &Bernot, M. J. (2014). Twitter in the higher education
classroom: A student and faculty
7. assessment of use and perception. Journal of College Science Teaching, 43(6), 2-9.
8. The New Media Consortium.(2007). Social networking, the ―third place‖, and the
evolution of communication (The New MediaConsortium White Paper).
9. Thomas, M., & Thomas, H. (2012).Using new social media and Web 2.0 technologies in
business school teaching and learning.Journal of Management Development, 31(4), 358-


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. R. Dhevakrishnan & Dr. P. Subramanian

*Ph.D., Research Scholar, Department of Educational Planning and Administration,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University
**Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Planning and Administration,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University


When we suggest the possibility of using Social Media in the classroom, plenty of
teachers may look at us funnily. After all, they‘ve battled day in and day out with smart phones
and tablets, trying to keep students from checking their Face book feeds and tweeting about their
weekend plans during lessons. However, using Social Media and technology to enrich classroom
instruction and revolutionize research, projects, and communication isn‘t as crazy as it sounds.

Social Media Tools to Enrich our Classroom Instruction

There are so many basic popular social media tools available. They are;

i) Facebook

ii) Twitter

iii) LinkedIn

iv) Pinterest


If you‘ve been an educator over the past decade, you‘re guaranteed to cringe at the
thought of having your students log onto Face book in class. The truth is, Face book is more than
just a conga line of crass memes and videos of adorable animals. It‘s a hub for breaking news, a
place where contemporary authors share their thoughts, and a perfect forum for easy and
productive communication. Before you write off this Social Media giant, consider the following
ways in which you might turn Face book into an educational experience.

a. Follow News Feeds:

b. Create Class Groups:


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

c. Create Mock Pages:


It may be hard to believe that a Social Media platform dedicated to brief statements and
quick links could be put to educational use. However, Twitter is more than just an opportunity to
highlight our every random thought. It all comes down to how use it and who choose to follow.
Consider the following tips for implementing Twitter into our classroom instruction.

a. Follow Key Accounts or Hash tags:

b. Create a Teacher or School Account:
c. Live Tweet Reading:

a. Finding Jobs:
b. Consult Experts:
c. Connect with Old Colleagues:
d. Get Recommendations:
e. Form Discussion Groups about Departments and Policies:
f. Keep an Accurate Contact List:
g. Promote our Own Blog or Other Extracurricular Project:


Visual learners might find Pinterest the most appealing platform when it comes to social
media and education. After all, Pinterest lends itself well not only to images but also to a more
visually dynamic way of organizing content. The following steps will show the many ways in
which Pinterest can revolutionize how our students brainstorm, research, and share ideas.
a. Brainstorm:
b. Research:
c. Create Student or Classroom Showcases:


Various popular social media, their features and the accessibility options available have
been discussed so far. But, most of them are available only in western countries for teaching. It
will take some time for them to come to India for teaching. With the educational agencies
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

working for teacher education programmes, it is easily possible to bring them to India and it will
be the biggest boon for the people with student teachers and it will be a gateway for their
freedom as well. There are tremendous changes in social media use. If one thinks that the teacher
student relationship is confined to the campus and libraries or lectures are the only source of
additional information to supplement one‘s prescribed textbook, one must be strike in the dark
ages! Clarify one‘s doubts, view digital dissections, videos of experiments and listen to lectures
by experts from around the world on the social media learning could be fun this way.


Aggarwal, J.C. (2010). Educational Research. New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
Aggarwal, Y.P. (2002). Statistical Methods, Concepts, Application and Computation.
New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
Janagavalli, Nagavalli & Priya (2014).Social Media and Education. New Delhi: APH
Mohanty, J. (2005). Educational Technology. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media: The Emergence of Social Learning

Dr. Rashmi Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
S. S. Khanna Girls‘ Degree College
(A Constituent College of the University of Allahabad)
The realm of the educational sector has changed dramatically within the last decade only.
And the current pandemic has accelerated this change many-fold. Gone are the days, when
teacher teaches through only chalk and talk and learning occurs only in the bench of libraries and
in the seats of classroom. We have witnessed this change in recent time that brick and mortar
building has become useless for creating spaces for learning and a small gadget called
smartphone has done wonders in the field of education, teaching and learning. A new form of
social learning is emerging, which is generated through many sorts of media in general and
specially by social media. In this article, we are going to experience what social media is, it is
based on which pedagogical theories, what are its affordances, what are its possibilities in the
field of learning, how it would be beneficial in the field of education in general and higher
education in particular, what are its disadvantages and challenges and how can we have to adopt
it in our teaching learning process. So, let us start this journey.
Social Media
Various writers have defined social media in various ways. Such as, Kaplan & Haenlein
(2010) define social media as, ―a group of internet- based applications that build on the
pedagogical and technological foundations of web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange
of user generated content‖. Many of us have now become aware of the hierarchy of web1.0, 2.0,
3.0 and so on but for a recap, web 2.0 is the second stage of development of the internet,
characterized especially by the change from static web pages to dynamic or user-generated
content and the growth of social media (Oxford Dictionary). This means at web 2.0 stage, one
can contribute to web pages, so web pages have gained a new dynamism at this stage. The above
definition characterizes social media as it is based on applications of web 2.0 and it provides
certain freedom and choice to its users. There is a simpler definition by Tadros (2011), ―Social
media are any media that help integrate technology into the lives of people for the purpose of
communication‖. This definition has given importance to communicative characteristics of
social media. Another definition is by Bates & Sangra in 2011, ―Web 2.0 tools that empower the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

end user to access, create, disseminate and share information easily in a user -friendly
environment. By all the above definitions, it can be easily understood as social media is based on
web 2.0 tools and technologies and it provides its user the power to create and disseminate
information and communication in an easy manner.
Classification of Social Media
We must categorize social media platforms into certain categories based on their work and
learning goals. For example, it can be categorized as:
● Social Networking: This is applicable for bridging the people with similar social
interests, such as Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
● Media Sharing: Here media can be uploaded and shared in the form of audio or video,
such as youTube, Vimeo, Picasa etc.
● Document Sharing: Document can be uploaded and shared here in form of text, such as
Slide share, Prezi, Dropbox, Google drive.
● Live Communication: Live communication can be done here on platforms such as
Skype, Viber etc.
● Collaboration: Learners can work together here. For example, Google Drive and Zoho.
● Blogging & Microblogging: Learners can discuss a particular topic with short updates
here, such as Edu blog and Twitter.
Affordances of Social Media
First of all, we have to know what this affordance actually means. If we look from the
angle of its origin, then it is originally developed in the field of ecological psychology (Gibson,
2015) and later adopted in design studies (Norman, 1988), the concept of affordance is generally
used to describe what material artifacts such as media technologies allow people to do. When we
talk about affordances of social media, then we follow the list of affordances provided by
Bucher, T. & Helmond A. in 2018 in an article entitled, ―The Affordances of Social Media
Platforms‖, which are affordances as a relational property, perceived affordances, technology
affordances, social affordances and communicative affordances. In this article we are not going
to discuss these affordances in detail here. We must keep in mind that social media has provided
us with many such affordances, which allow its users a certain degree of freedom. Power and
control over the material which has been created or shared.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Pedagogical Principles of Social Media

As an educationist we have to discuss the underlying pedagogical principles of social
media. Then the pedagogy has also evolved over the years and at present time it is in its 3 rd
generation. This classification of three generations of online learning pedagogy has taken from
the work of Anderson, T., & Dron, J. (2011), ―Three Generations of Distance Education
Pedagogy‖. These three generations are, behaviorist or cognitive pedagogy then comes the social
constructivist pedagogy which has been recently replaced by the most recent connectivist
pedagogy. Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching. First of all, social media is governed by
cognitive behavioral pedagogy, which is characterized by scalability and few requirements or
opportunities for social learning. Then comes the social constructivist pedagogy, which has
characteristics of group oriented and focus on collaboration and shared purpose. And at last,
comes connectivism, which is defined by Stephen Downes (2007), ―knowledge is distributed
across a network of connections and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct
and traverse those networks‖. This has characteristics of created and stored in non-human
devices and has as much about capacity as current competence. Thus, social media nowadays
has become very much advanced as it is following the connectivist pedagogy, the 3rd generation
Promises of Social Media for Learning
Learning is a social process. Social groups provide the resources for their members to learn
(John Seely Brown). One thing which is necessary to mention here that twitter, Facebook,
YouTube, LinkedIn, whatsapp, Pinterest, Skype are some most common examples of social
media tools. This article has been written keeping in mind these platforms. All these social
media platforms have transformed themselves in great resources of teaching and learning and the
learning acquired over these platforms is certainly social learning because it is the result of
collaborative efforts of that group. Now we are going to discuss what these social media
platforms can provide us in the realm of teaching-learning.
● Social media helps create knowledge: As a disciple of social constructivism, we are
well aware of this fact that knowledge is socially constructed. Each learner has created
its learning outcome with the help of experience which he received in addition to his/her
previous experiences on a particular concept.
● Social media engages the individual: It is well experienced that all the above -
mentioned tools keep us engaged throughout the day. If these tools are used in
educational reference then it certainly helps the learner to remain stuck with the theme.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

● Social media is cost effective: It is very much cost effective, as when we buy a smart
phone then you tube is in built in that. Not only this, whatsapp, Facebook etc can be
freely downloaded with the help of play store that the user has not to pay any single
penny for their usage.
● Social media bridges the gap between informal and formal learning: informal
learning that has taken place informally, i.e., outside the educational institution via
media, TV, radio or any other means and formal learning has taken place in the
educational institutions meant for providing the same. But Social media has truly
bridged this gap learning is now ubiquitous can occur anywhere, any time and at any
● Social media addresses both individual and social needs: Learning should be that it
addresses both the individual and social needs and social media has scored full marks in
this. John Dewey (1897) has rightly argued that, ―the school is primarily a social
institution and that all education proceeds by the participation of an individual in the
social consciousness of the race, celebrating the role in which education is used to pass
on to learners the benefits of socially derived knowledge‖.
● Social media supports creativity: Multiple media platforms have a diverse range of
characteristics, which suits the diverse needs of digital learners and can infuse and
accelerate the intent of creativity in them.
● Social media increases social presence: When we talk about communities of inquiry, it
is a new model of inquiry, this (COI) model describes how learning takes place for a
group of individual learners through the educational experience that occurs at the
intersection of social, cognitive and teaching presence. This social presence has been
increased by the intersection of social media platforms.
● Social media provides timely notifications: Behaviorist theorists have taught us the
importance of immediate feedback and social media platforms have provided us timely
notifications in order to memorize the facts and make our learning effective as well.
● Social media increases academic integration in the real world: Every section is
intersecting another one, this is the era of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. Social
media increases academic integration in the real world in a true sense.
Challenges of Social Media
Every aspect has two coins and social media is no exception. It also has challenges in
addition to its myriad possibilities. To get the maximum benefit of social media for our learners,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

we must be aware of its challenges and try to overcome these. We can categorize challenges of
social media in field of learning in this manner:
● Growing distrust of social media platforms: There is a recent trend of growing distrust
of social media plat forms, it is a major challenge in the way of adopting social media
platforms for educational purposes. Data used by Facebook, whatsapp etc some -times
used by hackers to do cyber bullying. Hence generally students hesitate to share their
personal information there.
● Lack of teacher control: Teacher has no control over the data which has been created
and shared by the learner groups. If a teacher has created a blog and asks his/her students
to reflect upon any issue over that blog then there is a possibility that insensitive material
can be uploaded here. Nowadays every individual is on Youtube and has created rubbish
content but teachers can not have any control in that regard.
● Privacy and data ownership: There is a serious issue of privacy on social media
platforms. Any time any one‘s data can be leaked and privacy can be attacked. When
data has been created in collaboration then generally students have no idea about its
ownership. Sometimes intentionally or even unintentionally they can trap in the
plagiarism issues and there is much possibility of mishandling the data.
● Students can choose not to participate: Here we talk about social learning, that is
learning which has been created by people for people, but if any student has not chosen
to participate in any discussion, chatting or some other way. Then the teacher can do
nothing. This is not good for a two-way process of teaching learning.
We have looked upon both the promises and drawbacks of social media for educational
purposes. Certainly, there are much more positive signs than negative ones. By overcoming its
drawbacks, it can do wonders in the field of learning. Mark Zuckerburg (2018) has rightly said
that when we use social media to connect with people we care about, it can be good for our well
being We can feel more connected and less lonely, and that correlates with long term measures
of happiness and health. This is the openness and potential for sharing which makes social
technologies particularly useful for education and learning applications. Many of our
pedagogical theories and understandings of learning processes assume that knowledge is both
created and validated in social contexts. We must say this pandemic time has proven to be a
silver lining in the grey cloud in the educational sector. Otherwise, we may not use social media


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

for educational purposes and it may remain only for exchange of greetings and trivial
information only.
1. Anderson, T. (2019). Challenges and Opportunities for use of Social Media in Higher
Education. Journal of Learning for Development, 6(1). Retrieved from
2. Anderson , T. & Dron , J. (2014). Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media. AU
Press: Athabasca University.
3. Bates, A.W., and Sangra, A. (2011). Managing Technology in Higher Education:
Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning. San Fransisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
4. Blaschke, Lisa Marie & Brindley, Jane (2015). Using Social Media in the Online
5. Bucher, T., & Helmond, A. (2018). The Affordances of Social Media Platforms. In J.
Burgess, A. Marwick, & T. Poell (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Media (pp.
233–253). Sage Publications.
6. C. Mwalimu, Edward (2018). Use of Social Media among University of Zambia
lecturers in Teaching and Learning. The International Journal of Multidisciplinary
7. Chang, K., Sung, Y., & Lee, C. (2003). Web-Based Collaborative Inquiry Learning.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
8. Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education.
9. Downes, S. (2007). Learning Networks in Practice. In D. ley (Ed.), Emerging
Technologies for Learning. Vol.2. London: BECTA
10. Dron, Jon & Anderson, Terry. (2015). Learning and Teaching with Social Media.
11. Gulbahar, Yasemin et. al. (2017). Enriching Higher Education with Social Media:
Development and Evaluation of a Social Media Toolkit. International Review of
Research in Open and Distributed Learning. Vol.18. No.1.
12. Tadros, M. (2011). A Social Media Approach to Higher Education. In C. Wankel,
Educating Educators with Social Media. Unit3d Kingdom: Emerald Group publishing


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ph.D. Scholar, TNTEU, Chennai -97
Dr. V. Balakrishnan, Research Supervisor
Registrar i/c TNTEU


Social Media is the interaction among people in which they create share or exchange
information and idess in virtual communities and networks.Social media can also be said to be a
group internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of
internet that allows the creation and exchange of user generated contents.Social media differ
from traditional or industrial media in many ways including quality, reach frequency, usability,
immediacy and permanence.It making it easier than ever to keep in contact with old friends and
colleagues. The potential of this enhanced connectivity is huge.

Definition of Social Media and Society

Social media is defined by its interactivity,connectedness, and user geberated content.Society
refers to a group of people who live in a definable territory and share the same cullture .
Role of social media in Education
1. Connecting with experts on topics via social medis. Institutions communicate with
students via youtube and Facebook. It help in research process. Enhanced learning management
systems. Learners can build social credibility.
Social Media Function

Identity, Conversations, Sharing, presence, Relationships, Reputation and groups.

Monitor and understand how social media activities vary in terms of their function. Million of
people all over the world are now engaged in political, economic, cultural, and educational
discourses due to the vast expansion of the world wide web. Indeed social media has
transformed people's lifestyles and has introduced new pattern of social interaction.

Role of Social Media in Modern Society

Today social media cannot be regarded as a means of spending spare time becsuse it has
introduced the biggest shift since the times of Industrial Revolution.Therefore the spread of
online communication can also be considered a revolutionary shift. Facebook dominates in


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Google in terms of weekly traffic in the United States, which proves the fast growing tendencies
in using the social network for other purpose than communication and social interaction.

Social media has quickly penetrated the educational field. It has also introduced online
learning which is becoming more popular among international students all over the world. Social
Media has becomes an integral part of business and marketing activities.

The impact of Social Media Networks on Society

Social Media can be very influential on society in both positive and negative ways.

Importance of social media

Develop language skills, Build self esteem, Strengthen learning skills, Resolve conflicts,
Establish positive attitude, Communication skills, Links with others.

Positive effects of social media:

1. Encourage online learning:

The advance use of Social Media platforms in boarding school Dehradun the students get
encouragef and motivated to learn.

2. Enhances Academic Performance:

It helps to enhance student academic performance and increase their knowledge through
data and information gathering.

3. Enhances Creative Element:

It helps in enhancing creative skills in children by allowing them to learn and later execute
the same by doing it themselves.

A lot of students have interesting hobbies that they post online via video and photograph
which help them to realise their potential for making a career. Social media platforms help in
improving one's social skils, writing skills which help in achieving one's educational pursuits.

Negative effects of Social Media:

1. Causes Distraction:


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media platforms are a major factor that are leading to distraction and hindrance of
mind. These days students tend to lose their focus from studying and rather enjoy browsing on
Social Media.

2. Impact on health:

Use of social media sites with sheer negligence can have mental as well as physical effects on
one's health. Students do not take their meal on time, di not take proper rest by continuously
being on phone or laptop can also have adverse effects on their eyes. It cause bad posture, eye
strain, physical and mental stress.

3. Reduces learning and research capability:

It is the extensive use of social media students these days are depending more on such platforms
to gain information and knowledge rather than looking out for the same in books, journals or
notes. As it is easy to extract information online, reading habits of students along with their
learning and research capabilities are reducing.

Role of Social Media during the COVID-19

1. In the face of COVID -19 social media is great way for individuals and communities to
stay connected even while physically separated.
2. Studies have shown that the dissemination of scientific literature on social media
platforms such as Face-book, Twitter etc.
3. It is great advantage of rapid dissemination of educational content in the COVID -19 era.
4. It is used in different ways that shape politics, business world culture, education, careers,
innovation and more.
5. Youngsters can look to social media for getting the answers related to their career
6. It helps people to stay connected with each other.
7. Social distancing and home quarantine are trending social media users from friends and
family to celebrities and governments are regularly calling for social distancing.

As the Technology is growing the Social Media has become the routine for each and every
person. Social Media has increased the quality and rate of collaboration for students. Business
uses social media to enhance an organization's performance. Use of social media is beneficial


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

but should be used in a limited way without getting addicted. Social media has become one of
the major sources for updating information on COVID-19 for people. It provides people a
platform to remain socially connected and universalize distress caused by the current crisis.


1. Shahjahan., A.T.M "Social Media Research and its Effect on our Society" International
journal of information Communication Engineering, vol:8, No.6,2014
2. Tariq. A, Mehboob M., Khan M. A, Ullah. F "The impact of Social Media and social
Networking on education and students of pakistan" International Journal of computer
sciences issues, Vo:9, No:3,July 2012
3. Ivypanda (2020) "The Role of Social Media in Modern Society" role of social media in modern society.
4. Kutsko, Evan (2011) ―Social Media Revolution" .
5. Gonzalez padilla D.A (2020) " Social Media influence in the COVID-19 pandemic"
6. Avesh Sough. A (2012), "Social media and ethics the impact on Journalism Ethics center
for International Media Ethics" (CIME)
7. "the role of social media in modern society"


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr.R.Rajalakshmi, Assistant Professor,

Department of Value Education,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai.

Social media has become a valuable tool for higher education in their quest of knowledge
and to attract the best students and achieve the best rankings. The use of social media is growing
at a rapid pace and the twenty-first century could be described as the ―boom‖ period for social
networking. Students and prospective students rely on social media to promote their knowledge
conquest. There were a shift in thought of students and prospective students toward an age of
social media networking, researching and knowledge sharing. This is a new age where students
no longer need to go to a card catalogue to find a book in a library to cite for a research paper,
with the click of a few buttons, the world is at their fingertips. The natural impulse of these days
is to search the various social media platforms to research, socialize and network. The unethical
use of social media has resulted in the breach of individual privacy and impacts both physical
and information security. In today‘s IT-configured society data is one of, if not the most,
valuable asset for most businesses/organizations. Organizations and governments collect
information via several means including invisible data gathering, marketing platforms and search
engines such as Google. Information can be attained from several sources, which can be fused
using technology to develop complete profiles of individuals. The information on social media is
very accessible and can be of great value to individuals and organizations for reasons such as
marketing, etc.; hence, data is retained by most companies for future use.

Social Media

The concept of social networking pre-dates the Internet and mass communication as
people are said to be social creatures who when working in groups can achieve results in a value
greater than the sun of its parts. Social media generally refer to media used to enable social
interaction. The term social media technology (SMT) refers to web-based and mobile
applications that allow individuals and organizations to create, engage, and share new user-
generated or existing content, in digital environments through multi-way communication. It is
user-generated content, which is non-traditional media developed and produced by individual
users, and existing content, which is usually traditional media (news, magazines, radio, and
television) reproduced for the web.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The explosive growth in the use of social media over the past decade has made it one of
the most popular Internet services in the world, providing new avenues to ―see and be seen‖. The
use of social media has changed the communication landscape resulting in changes in ethical
norms and behaviour. The unprecedented level of growth in usage has resulted in the reduction
in the use of other media and changes in areas including civic and political engagement, privacy
and safety. Social media sites can be described as online services that allow users to create
profiles which are ―public, semi-public‖ or both. Users may create individual profiles and/or
become a part of a group of people with whom they may be acquainted offline. They also
provide avenues to create virtual friendships. Through these virtual friendships, people may
access details about their contacts ranging from personal background information and interests to
location. Social networking sites provide various tools to facilitate communication. These
include chat rooms, blogs, private messages, public comments, ways of uploading content
external to the site and sharing videos and photographs. Social media is therefore drastically
changing the way people communicate and form relationships.

Today social media has proven to be one of the most, if not the most effective medium
for the dissemination of information to various audiences. The power of this medium is
phenomenal and ranges from its ability to overturn governments (e.g., Moldova), to mobilize
protests, assist with getting support for humanitarian aid, organize political campaigns, organize
groups to delay the passing of legislation (as in the case with the copyright bill in Canada) to
making social media billionaires and millionaires. The enabling nature and the structure of the
media that social networking offers provide a wide range of opportunities that were nonexistent
before technology. The global reach of this medium has removed all former pre-defined
boundaries including geographical, social and any other that existed previously.

Value of Using Social Media

From Facebook to Twitter and blogs, social media tools are an integral and important
part of society, and these tools are here to stay. Social media is about collaborating, networking,
sharing and generating knowledge and content, and all of these features are of great value in the
context of higher education. Today‘s Universities have well-developed social media strategies,
and use a suite of social media tools for various purposes including internal and external
communications, recruitment, sharing research findings, and highlighting exciting student
initiatives. Social media tools and technology are also making their way into the classroom.
Faculty are much more willing to embrace social media in their personal lives than they are to
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

use it for professional or teaching purposes. However, active proponents are quick to relate how
these tools increase student engagement and have a positive influence on teaching and learning.

Digital media have redefined the boundaries between young people‘s consumption and
production and also between their social lives in and out of school. These changes have allowed
knowledge explosion to pervade young people‘s lives in unprecedented ways and thereby altered
the power relations between young people, society and teachers/school authorities. It‘s becoming
increasingly clear that social media is commonly used in the University context. The majority of
faculty feel that digital communication has increased their communication with students. Blogs
and wikis are the tools most commonly used in classrooms, followed by podcasts, LinkedIn,
Facebook and Twitter.

Despite the generally positive impressions about social media use in higher education,
it‘s important to recognize that not every context is appropriate for using these tools, not
everyone should use them, and they should not be used carelessly. Therefore, using social media
tools in the classroom requires careful attention to these issues, and Universities certainly need
to develop guidelines for the use of social media tools in the classroom. In addition, instructors
must understand with social media technologies, etiquette, and ‗terms of use‘ before introducing
them into the classroom context.
Social Media and Ethical Values

The Social media has become a valuable tool for higher education institutions in their
quest to attract the best students and achieve the best rankings. Students and prospective
students rely on social media to such an extent that it would be an oversight for colleges and
universities not to take advantage of the various platforms available to promote their distinct
selling points. The fact that it was college students who created Facebook in the first place is
telling of the shift in thought of students and prospective students toward an age of social media
networking, researching and marketing.

This is a new age where students no longer need to go to a card catalogue to find a book
in a library to cite for a research paper With the click of a few buttons, the world is at their
fingertips. The natural impulse these days is to scour the various social media platforms to
research, socialize and network. Even better is the ability to cut out the ―searching online‖ step
and instead receive automatic updates by ―liking‖ or ―following‖ a college or university‘s page
on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The impact of social media on our life has been very mixed, with ranging from good and
bad effect working side by side. But the focus here will be the impact of social media on our
ethical issues. Effects like cyber bullying, sexing, privacy issues, social injustice and ignorance;
effects on family values and lack of pure judgments are some of them.
Every individual has the natural right to have his personal life hidden from others. Sharing of
information that is considered very personal without personal consent is something that no one
likes or wants to bear in his life and is treated as stealing.
Social media these days is considered a prime source of information about any individual or an
organization since such information surfaces on social media without any barriers and is so
cheap to access as well. Social media is an open road, with bumps and turns all in your way. One
need to focus on its positive side more than its drastic impacts because one thing is for sure that
our life without digital interference will put us way behind the others, so reliance on social
media is inevitable for us. The only thing that we can do is to find different ways to protect
ourselves from situations where this media could have negativity on our personalities.


The goals of teaching and learning is to support and improve student engagement, we
should continue to explore the ways that social media tools may help to achieve this goal. These
tools can help to create an important learning community, facilitate active learning, and improve
communication among and between students and the instructor. These are fundamentally good
principles in pedagogy, and given the prevalence of social media in our daily lives, faculty ought
to consider the potential for using social media tools in teaching and learning process. Social
media is a powerful in the hands of public to motivate the members of society to do and think
positive for society. If positive activities are shown to the public by social, media and neglects
anti-social behaviour then may be positive impact on the mind of members of the society. In
addition, our great educationists, social, political and religious leaders should come front and
should participate in social media in developing values directly and indirectly.




ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Department of biological science
Assistant professor
Om shanti college of education
Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20 years,
with a key development being the emergence of social media. The pace of change is
accelerating. For example, the development of mobile technology has played an essential role in
shaping the impact of social media. Across the globe, mobile devices dominate in terms of total
minutes spent online. They put the means to connect anywhere, at any time on any device in
everyone‘s hands.

Social Media means websites and applications that enable users to create and share
content or to participate in social networking. Knowledge is strength and power. We all
recognize this saying but few understand the role social media has played. It is the flow of
information to add to their knowledge. In today's world, social media plays an important role in
impacting our culture, our economy and our overall view of the world. Social media is a new
forum that brings people to exchange ideas, connect with, relate to, and mobilize for a cause,
seek advice, and offer guidance. Social media has removed communication barriers and created
decentralized communication channel and open the door for all to have a voice and participate. It
enables common interest based groups such as students to work in a collaborative group projects
outside of their class. It encourages creativity and collaboration with a wide range of
commentators on a number of issues such as education, the economy, politics, race, health,
relationships etc. Although it has brought about many benefits, allowing us to easily connect
with friends and family around the globe, allowing us to break down international borders and
cultural barriers.

Impact of social media- pros and cons

One of the most popular social media sites, Face-book, has 1.4 billion users around the
world, nearly a fifth of the world's population, thus helping us to better understand, learn and
share information instantaneously. Social networks have removed all the communication and
interaction barriers, and now one can communicate his/her perception and thoughts over a


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

variety of topics. Students and experts are able to share and communicate with like-minded
people and can ask for the input and opinion on a particular topic.
Another positive impact of social networking sites is to unite people on a huge platform
for the achievement of some specific objective. This is very important to bring the positive
change in society.
Social media are used to document memories, learn about and explore things, advertise
one self and form friendships. For instance, they claim that the communication through Internet
based services can be done more privately than in real life.
A survey conducted (in 2011), by Pew Internet Research, discussed in Lee Rainie and
Barry Wellman's Networked The New Social Operating System, illustrates that 'networked
individuals' are engaged to a further extent regarding numbers of content creation activities and
that the 'networked individuals' are increasing over a larger age span. These are some of the
content creation activities that networked individuals take part in:

Writing material, such as text or online comments, on a social networking site such as

 Face-book: 65% of Internet users do this

 Sharing digital photos: 55%
 Contributing rankings and reviews of products or services: 37%
 Creating "tags" of content, such as tagging songs by genre: 33%
 Posting comments on third-party websites or blogs: 26%
 Taking online material and remixing it into a new creation: 15% of Internet users do
this with photos, video, audio, or text .Creating or working on a blog: 14%

Researchers discovered that, in a sample group of teenage girls, excessive Face-book

usage caused the sample group to be at a higher risk for depression and anxiety. A year later, the
researchers re-evaluated the group for any signs of depression or anxiety. The study findings
Social media have negative effects on peoples' self- esteem and self-worth. People
compare their own lives to the lives of their friends through their friends' posts. People are
motivated to portray themselves in a way that is appropriate to the situation and serves their best
interest. Often the things posted online are the positive aspects of people's lives, making other
people question why their own lives are not as exciting or fulfilling. This can lead to depression
and other self-esteem issues.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Girls generally show more emotion in their posts and more frequently change their
profile pictures, which according to some psychologists can lead to self-objectification. On the
other hand, the researchers found that boys prefer to portray themselves as strong, independent,
and powerful. For example, men often post pictures of objects and not themselves,

Girls generally post more images that include themselves, friends and things.

 One of the negative effect of social media or network is it leads to addiction.

Spending countless hours on the social sites can divert the focus and attention from a
particular task. It lowers the motivational level of the people,
 Kids can be greatly affected by these social networking sites if they are allowed to use
 Another downside of the social media is that the user shares too much information
which may pose threats to them.
 Social media has a negative impact on our lives because the combination of isolation
and global reach.
 We prefer texting to phone conversations, online chat to a face-to-face meeting, and
many have replaced human interaction with convenient platforms such as Face-book,
Twitter, and Instagram.
Positive Effect of Social Media on Education
 One can adopt its benefits to gain positive results in education.
 The access of web-based social networking gives the chance to instructors to show
great computerized citizenship and the utilization of Internet for profitability.
Negative effect of Social Media on Education
 Reduced learning and research capabilities
 Students are depending more on the information reachable easily on these social
networking sites and the web. This reduces their learning and research capabilities.
 Reduction in real human contact
 The additional time the students spend on these online networking destinations, the
less time they will go through associating face to face with others. This decreases
their relational abilities. They won't have the capacity to convey and mingle adequately
face to face with others. The businesses are getting increasingly unsatisfied with


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

the relational abilities of the new graduates because of this reason The compelling
relational abilities are critical to achievement in reality.
Advantage of social media
Staying in touch with family members and friends has never been easier through the use
of social media. I myself can vouch for about 7 different occasions where my grandmother has
shown me an old school friend and then proceeded to express her absolute amazement of
Facebook‘s capabilities, considering the nearest thing she had to a social media platform
growing up was a speed dating profile written on an A4 piece of paper in the local town hall.

Social Media is one of the best ways to find and interact with new people who have the
same interests as you, as social media allows you to seek out groups that are focused towards
your own interests and hobbies. This can be great for meeting new friends but also for love
interests and internet dating which has become more popular than traditional face to face
meeting, thanks to social media and the likes of Tinder.

Disadvantage of social media

As mentioned above one social media‘s main advantages is the fact that information can
be spread to millions of people in a very short amount of time. Although this can be seen as a
huge positive in an event in an emergency (as mentioned above) it can also be a huge
disadvantage as information with no validity can be shared instantly. This can cause severe
misinformation and panic. An example of this can be seen when a rumour spread that the Queen
has passed away, down to the Queen missing a Christmas service down to a common cold. This
plus multiple hoaxers creating fake news articles made many believe that the Queen has passed

Cyberbullying is a huge issue caused by social media platforms as having 24-hour access
into someone‘s life can lead to issues, especially for the younger generation as users can leave
hurtful and intimidating messages on each other‘s profiles outside of school time.

Social Media‟s Effect on Modern Politics

Social media plays huge rolls in modern day politics and is one of (if not) the most
valuable assets that parties use to gain votes. This is down to the pure reach of social media and
its capabilities to be seen by millions of people in a matter of minutes. Take a look back at the
last election campaigns in the UK and see how both parties spent millions on social media to
help tarnish each other‘s names and policies.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media‟s Effect on Business

Social media has changed the way most businesses operate and run on a daily basis with
91% of large corporate businesses having two or more different social media profiles interacting
and promoting products.

Social Media‟s Effect on Individuals

The rise of social media has unfortunately meant an increase of social introverts in the
Uk and across the globe. The constant use and dependence on Social Media lead these social
recluse‘s unable to speak and communicate outside the virtual interaction safety net of
Facebook, instead of talking to individuals in a normal face to face manor, ultimately lowering
his/her social intellect. This has serious repercussions and can cause people to resent traditional
human contact.

Despite the positive benefit of rapid information sharing, social media enables people to
create false identities and superficial connections, causes depression. I have explored the harms
posed by this uncensored and unmonitored new medium of communication which exposes us all
to a gradual breakdown of social cohesion and the destruction of our traditional value systems,
unless we take responsibility to ensure that our understanding of social media and its impacts are
constantly evaluated with what's happening in the world.

1. 2015/


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


M.Ed. Scholar.
University of Calcutta
Email ID:
Time is changing and keeping pace with it, human needs are constantly changing. With
this diversity has come in communication. People are experiencing their social life as well as
virtual life. In the last two decades, social media has brought a revolutionary change in this
regard. Communication through social media has become more rapid for the advancement of the
internet system. Any information through social media is spreading very fast all over the world
and we are able to share it with each other. It is a platform where dual communication is
possible. Any information, photo or comment shared on this social media platform can go viral
around the world. Both the positive and negative effects of social media platforms are hidden
Social Media
Students use social media platforms to making new friends, bonding, to spread
themselves and of course for pleasure or to spend the leisure time, not only for utility. Through
social media student perceived usefulness for their learning and also perceived happiness for
their leisure time spending with friends, chatting, play games, but without any physical activity.
Communication and socialization takes an important role while using social media. Here sharing
information is very much important, through this they can create a network. Due to the
phenomenal rise of web 2.0 platform, the information shared is changing, influencing our
attitudes, behavior and decisions ( Ahamad, 2019 ). Sexual exploration is also done here by the
students through social media. Students mostly preferred to use WhatsApp more for social
activities such as obtaining new information, keeping in touch with old friends, family and to
strengthen relationships than for academic purposes ( Akakandelwa & Walubita, 2018 ).
Culture of sharing information
Sharing information through social media is not just a post. It may be valuable
information like seeking help to others or helping others through sharing who seek help in a
large social media community, sharing useful e content for learning, sharing e content for tech
savvy generation. Sharing live streaming video, write a blog or create a video to share
considered as information.
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Determinants of good mental health while using social media:

Time and duration, knowledge, maturity, sleep, interaction, comfortable friends zone,
using skill, intelligence, self control, confident while communicating, patience, empathetic
personality is the most effective determinants, disruption of these will have an impact on mental
1. To know the trend of using social media among students.
2. To identify the interest and attitude of students using social media.
3. To identify how will they engage and share information in social media.
4. To assessing how will social media effect on students mental health.
5. Find out some solutions how to maintain students mental health.

Methods and Tool

For this article gathering information from primary data selected randomly and taking
information from secondary data sources. Gathered data from 189 school going students through
google forms. Where participated 91 boys and 98 girls, their targeted age group were 13 to 18.
Here 34 respondents belongs to age group 13, 45 respondents belongs to age group 14, 27
respondents belongs to age group 15, 25 respondents belongs to age group 16, 40 respondents
belongs to age group 17, 18 respondents belongs to age group 18. Primary data collected for this
article from urban and suburban area of district Kolkata, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas
and Nadia of West Bengal. Every school belonged to Bangla medium under WBBSE,
WBCHSE board undertaken by the state government. For collecting data I used google form
questionnaire and focusing data mainly analyzedby rating whichisdivided into three level like,
Agree which means positive, Neutralwhich means not sure or have no concern, Disagree which
means negative response.along with a voice message ( for some basic instruction ).

Information shared by the students through social media

For collecting information from the students just divided into some categories such as,
a. Entertaining news or information
b. Important daily news or information
c. Information related to learning
d. Leisure time activity work
e. Creative work etc.

1. Social media engagement :
Through this collected data I observed that 95.23 percent students are engaged with
WhatsApp, 72.49 percent students are engaged with Facebook, 19.04 percent students are
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

engaged with twitter, 52.39 percent students are engaged with Instagram and 75.13 percent
students are actively engaged, enjoying in other social media platforms like games, chatting
platforms and video creating platforms.
Duration of engagement in social media is the another important aspect. 37.56 percent
students agreed that they engaged in social media 1 hour daily, 21.7 percent students agreed that
they engaged in social media 2 hours daily, 11.64 percent students agreed that they engaged in
social media 3 hours daily and 29.10 percent students agreed that they spent time in social media
more than 3 hours.
According to Table 2.1 Among 189 respondents, around 78.83 percent students reported
that through social media sharing information is an easy task, all of them are sharing information
and feedback to others everyday. Around 17.98 percent students agreed that sharing information
through social media is difficult and 3.18 percent students shared their responses as neutral. It
presented that most of the respondents shared information through social media daily. According
to Table 2.2 Among 189 respondents, around 70.9 percent students supported that being
connected through social media enriched by information. Because all of them accessed
information allover the world. Around 21.7 percent students reported that there is no relationship
between being involved in social media and being rich in information, 7.40 percent students
shared their responses as neutral. It expressed that most of the respondents enriched by
information through social media. According to Table 2.3 Among 189 respondents around 57.67
percent students agreed that they didn't check or never verify and share information from any
other source. Many of them don't understand the importance of this or don't have enough idea
about this. Around 30.69 percent students agreed that they verifying information and then share.
11.64 percent students shared their responses as neutral. It illustrates lack of concern and skill,
most of the respondents shared information through social without verifying. According to Table
2.4 Among 189 respondents around 51.85 percent students shared that they didn't got the
cooperation of parents and teachers on how to use social media. Parents concern, educational
qualifications affects on it. Around 39.69 percent students agreed that got the support, 8.46
percent students shared their responses as neutral. Because of this data clearly understood that
needed more literacy on todays web platforms and cultures among the parents. According to
Table 2.5 Among 189 respondents, around 61.38 percent students reported that all the
information which is share through social media is not reliable all time. Students are aware of
that fact that there are many reports of information fraud and theft of information on social
media. Around 25.92 percent students agreed that information shared in social media is more


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

reliable. 12.7 percent students shared their responses as neutral. It noted that most of the
respondents are concern about the present scenario. According to Table 2.6 Among 189 students
around 50.27 percent students reported that they feel in social media information is easily
accessible to all. Because we all are searching information in social media platforms. Around
32.80 percent students shared the opposite responses. 16.93 percent students shared their
responses as neutral. The evidence proved that most of the respondents are experienced that
information is easily accessible from social media and internet. According to Table 2.7 Among
189 respondents, around 62.97 percent students shared their responses as neutral. There was
some confusion to understood information getting through social media improves their study or
not. Around 21.69 percent students reported that they feel positive and assessed that it really
helps to improve the quality of learning. 15.34 percent students shared their feelings that not to
improve their learning. It presented that most of the respondents are little bit confused about it.
According to Table 2.8 Among 189 respondents around 83.6 percent students agreed that this
information helps to accomplish school projects. Because in social media there is n number of
videos and tricks, hacks are available and easily accessible. Around 11.64 percent students
shared that it didn't help them to complete their school projects. 4.76 percent students shared
their responses as neutral. It expressed that most of the respondents taking help from social
media information while doing their school projects.According to Table 2.9 Among 189
respondents, around 45.50 percent students agreed that exchanging information through social
media is wasting time. Around 31.74 percent students agreed that sharing information through
social media is time didn't waste the time. 22.76 percent students shared their responses as
neutral. It illustrates most of the respondents feel that exchanging information through social
media wasting time. According to Table 2.10 Among 189 respondents, around 42.86 percent
students already have their friends and in virtual platforms they have the same. So they are not
feeling that in social media participation, information sharing not too much socialize them. They
shared their responses as neutral. Around 32.27 percent students disagreed, 24.87 percent
students agreed on this particular comment. It is clearly understood many of the respondents feel
that is not applicable to their social media accounts. According to Table 2.11 Among 189
respondents, around 50.8 percent students reported that sharing information is inspiring in self
learning. 37.56 percent students shared their responses as neutral. 11.64 percent students are
completely disagree with this matter. According to Table 2.12 Among 189 respondents around
66.66 percent students reported that feedback on all social media information is important.
Around 17.46 percent students think that all information on social media need not feedback. Yes


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

feedback is important for growing gradually, but not applicable to all information. 15.88 percent
students shared their responses as neutral. According to Table 2.13 Among 189 respondents
around 83.6 percent students shared that lot of information on social media confused them and
16.40 percent students disagreed with this. 0 percent neutral answer found here. It noted most of
the respondents feel that lot of information can create confusion. According to Table 2.14
Among 189 respondents around 52.39 percent students agreed that all information which was
shared in social media is entertaining. Around 34.39 percent students disagreed on this matter.
13.22 percent students shared their responses as neutral. According to Table 2.15 Among 189
respondents around 87.30 percent students disagreed that stealing information is equals to
copyright issue. Around 5.82 percent students agreed on this and 6.88 percent students shared
their responses as neutral. Evidence proved that most of the respondents shared any information
without knowing copyright issue.According to Table 2.16 Among 189 respondents around 48.67
percent students had no idea about cyber crime. 33.87 percent students agreed and 17.46 percent
students disagreed on this matter. It presented that students share any information without being
aware of cyber crime. According to Table 2.17 Among 189 respondents around 67.19 percent
students disagreed that using social media gathered bad experiences. Around 22.22 percent
students agreed that they gathered bad experiences. 10.59 percent students shared their responses
as neutral. It express that some of the respondents have been harassed on social media.
According to Table 2.18 Among 189 respondents around 59.79 percent students disagreed that
bad experiences hurt mentally, may be they weren't harassed on social media. Around 32.28
percent students agreed that bad experiences hurt mentally. 7.93 percent students shared their
responses as neutral. It illustrates that bad experience always hurting.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Effect of Social Media on students mental health

In Table3.1 students voluntary participation represented how social media effect to their
mental health.


1 Overall experience is good and 68.79 7.93 23.28 100
continuing to share information
2 Increases cognitive skills 44.98 26.45 28.57 100
3 Expressing annoyance 38.62 6.88 54.5 100
4 Decreased sleep, increased 72.49 9 18.51 100
5 An identity crisis is emerging 64.56 16.40 19.04 100
6 Conflict to choose right 81.49 6.34 12.17 100
7 Lack of attention 75.13 5.29 19.58 100
8 Increased fear and anxiety 58.20 26.99 14.81 100
9 Decreased self esteem 59.79 8.47 31.74 100
10 Feeling Depressed 60.84 5.29 33.87 100
11 Tendency to maintained 51.86 6.34 41.8 100
distance from social media

Among 189 respondents, around 68.79 percent students agreed that their over all
experience is good and it motivates them to further use social media platforms, post something
or share information. It reflects that, the positive side of social media effect on students mental
health and inspire them. 23.28 percent students felt that experience of using social media is not
good. According to them, may be they are experienced some facts which was bitter moments.
We all know that in social media sometimes occurred harassment regarding a post or feedback.
7.93 percent students shared their responses as neutral.

Among 189 respondents 44.98 percent students agreed that use of social media growing
cognitive skills to the students. Because all they have had perceived information, then analyze
and share to their friend zone or relatives. Thinking process works here. They share those
information only, which they feel is relevant or important. 28.57 percent students felt that
information shared in social media didn't increases cognitive skills. 26.45 percent students
shared their responses as neutral.

Among 189 respondents 54.5 percent students agreed that after using social media expressing
annoyance. Because social media is full of information shared by the other friends, full of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

messages sometime feels irritating. 38.62 percent students agreed that they feeling annoyance
not too much. 6.88 percent students shared their responses as neutral.

Among 189 respondents72.49 percent student felt that after using social media decreases their
time of sleep and due to fear mental stress increased. Information, like dislikes, spending time in
social media more, negative comments increases mental stress. 18.51 percent students felt that
using social media not increases mental stress. 9 percent students shared their responses as

Among 189 respondents 64.56 percent students felt that use of social media increases their
identity crisis. 19.04 percent students agreed that use of social media didn‘t affected their
identity. 16.40 percent students shared their responses as neutral.

Among 189 students 81.49 percent students felt that after using social media created an issue of
conflict to choose information. Lots of information shared by the friends. Sometimes lots of
information can hide the truth and we are searching but the actual information didn't find. It
creates a crisis situation.12.17 percent students agreed that they have not faced issues of conflict.
6.34 percent students shared their responses as neutral.

Among 189 respondents 75.13 percent students felt that after using social media and sharing
information brings lack of attention in daily work and learning. Because students when start to
searching social media, it will takes average some times. 19.58 percent students shared that they
are not facing the problem of lack of attention. 5.29 percent students shared their responses as

Among 189 respondents 58.20 students felt that their anxiety had gradually increased. Fear after
revealing unsubstantiated comments or feedback leads to anxiety. 14.81 percent students didn't
support this. 26.99 percent students remained neutral in this matter.

Among 189 respondents 59.79 percent students experienced problems with low self esteem.
Because anxiety causes decrease in self esteem. 31.74 percent students didn't support this. 8.47
percent students remained neutral in this matter.

Among 189 respondents 60.84 percent students suffered from depression. Low self-esteem,
identity crisis causes depression. 33.87 percent students didn't support this. 5.29 percent students
remained neutral in this matter.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Among 189 respondents the survey found that 51.86 percent of students have a tendency to
maintained distance themselves from social media. This could be to turn off the profile
completely or to keep the profile in private mode. 41.8 percent students didn't support this. 6.34
percent students remained neutral in this matter.

Findings :
1. WhatsApp is one of the available social media platforms most of the times for sharing
2. Students who spent time in more than 3 hours social media, using various platforms in
social media.
3. Thereare no significant relationship between age of students and duration of spending
time in social media.
4. There is an significant relationship between spending duration and its effect on students
mental health.
5. Most of the students share information related to entertainment and leisure time activity
work than the other information in social media platform.
6. Most of the students shared information in social media without checking its importance.
This is where the danger remains.
7. Most of the students are little bit confused ( do not concern ) about in social media,
information sharing has improve the quality of learning or not.
8. But they have supported that it is a waste of time to share information on social media.
9. Except those students who have been harassed on social media, almost rest of the
respondents also experienced mental stress while using social media.
10. The abundance of information on social media created conflict among students.
11. Using social media decreases their span of attention and decreases self esteem.
12. Some students have been suffering from depression.

The present age is the age of information and knowledge. The social media and internet
system has revolutionized our society. We need to learn to keep up with the pace of internet and
social media. It is impossible for current students to distance themselves from its effect. We will
only benefit from its positive effects if we are able to maintain good mental health. Because in
order to be rich in information, communication through social media is very necessary
nowadays. So it is important to communicate in the virtual life while maintaining our social life.

References :
1. Ahamad, F. ( 2019 ). Does Social Media Help in Attracting Talents ?.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Akakandelwa, A. ( 2018 ). Students' Social Media Use and its Perceived Impact on their
Social Life : A Case Study of the University of Zambia. The International Journal of
Multi-Disciplinary Research
4. Boone, J. ( 2011 ). Criminal Use of Social Media (2011). National White Collar Crime
6. Gaál, Z., Szabó, L., Obermayer, N., Csepregi, A.( 2015 ). Exploring the Role of Social
Media in Knowledge Sharing. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(3)
8. Nelmapius, A., Boshoff, C. ( 2016 ). A motivational perspective on the user acceptance
of social media. South African Journal of Business Management, 47(4)
9. DOI: 10.4102/sajbm.v47i4.70
10. Purusothaman, U. ( 2019 ). Impact of Social Media on Youth. International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11S)
11. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1138.09811S19
12. Whitley, R. (2020, February, 17). Social Media and Mental Health: Time for a Digital
Detox ?. Psychology Today.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Assistant Professor of History,
V.O.C.College of Education,
Thoothukudi - 628008.
Tamil Nadu.

With growing competition in the academic there is an urge to look for innovative ways of
increasing brand outreach and student engagement. This has led many prolific educators to
consider social media as a powerful medium to engage students. Education sector has a rich
content base to institutions. However, earlier they did not have ways to welcome students and
engage them in a conversation around their brand. But with the advent of social media
technologies we can blast out our content and truly engage with our potential students.

Prolific educators today are leveraging the power of social platforms to generate leads
and increase brand awareness or provide counselling services. In all these activities, engagement
is a key social media metric that needs to be tracked for measuring performance. In this paper,
will cover various facets of social media engagement, suggest ways to improve our social media
engagement, look at some of the best social tools and finally will see how we can measure our
social media engagement level. Here mentioned step-by-step social media strategy guide and see
how we can grow our social media engagement.

Social Media Engagement

Social media engagement can be defined as a set of user actions measured in terms of
likes, follows, shares, comments, retweets etc. In simple terms it means a set of measurable
interactive actions taken by a user with our social media account using above mentioned actions.
Our target student interactions with us on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn etc. is
social media engagement. Engagement metrics are crucial for measuring the effectiveness of our
social media campaigns and help us accomplish campaign targets such as generating leads or
getting final conversions. Of course we want to rack up our followers, but ultimately, the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

greatest measure of social media success is an engaged student, not just a big one. As an
educator, it‘s quality, not just quantity, that we should be striving for.

Our social media engagement is a barometer of our strong or for that matter weak
relationship with potential and current students. Engaging the student community on social
media can make radical difference in increasing the trust in our academic brand. In this paper we
can see what are some of the ways through which one can increase social media engagement
across platforms.

How to increase social media engagement

Before starting we need to develop a strategic plan of action for generating social media
engagement. This will help to set the road map and fix targets that we intend to achieve at every
stage. Although the engagement plan will depend upon the focus areas of an institute, however
its broad contours will remain same across colleges.

Here are a few key points that any effective social media engagement plan can have.

1. Set Targets

Target setting is an essential strategy for any venture. It gives clarity on ‗what‘ and ‗how‘
aspects of any assignment. What is the intended outcome that we want to achieve with our social
media engagement plan will depend upon our academic requirements. Hence we should have
clarity on the purpose of engagement with our followers and what we intend to gain from those

For example, during appointment or promotion, it is important to experts about the

person and focus on the development and activities of that person. All the information related to
the educator should be latest especially things like achievements, awards, publications, activities
etc. We should clearly outline interesting aspects of our strengths to engage experts on social
platforms. We can also set targets in terms of lead generation and brand value enhancement. All
these goals will ultimately help in enhancing our social media engagement.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. How Well We Know Our Student

Sound understanding of our target student and its demographic profile is a must for an
effective social media engagement. Identification of the potential group of student and its target
institutions must be done in the planning phase itself. That‘s because we need to know our
student‘s need and interest before developing the social copy, posting frequency etc. Only then
we will be able to design engaging social posts.

For knowing our potential students, spend some time in understanding their aspirational
and informational needs – why they want to join a certain course or how they select a particular
college to pursue their career dreams. And then see how we can use social media to start
engagement around those talking points. By listening to the voices of our potential students, we
will be able to create new avenues for generating online engagement.

3. Content

Once we know who all are our students and what they want, design creative content
strategy to engage them. For example, frequently sharing content related to special area on
Facebook can be a great idea to educate our student about our academic brand. If the content we
share on social media helps to furnish the information they are looking for in order to take an
informed career choice, we can be sure of a strong social media engagement. Content we post
should be topical and relevant enough to trigger interest in our brand. Do not just follow the
bandwagon. What can be trending for others may not be of any interest to our student.

Besides generating our own content, social media experts should also keep track of
trending and popular events. These can sometimes offer good moments to stay connected and be
engaged with our student.

4. Innovate Our Engagement Strategy

Interacting and engaging with our student on social media can be either pre-emptive or
direct. Direct engagement happens when we upfront respond to messages, comments, likes etc.
on social platforms. The engagement strategy here should cover response frequency and timings
of social interactions with our student depending upon the engagement pattern. This should also
consider whether replying to each and every message or comment is necessary or what type of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

messages should be addressed first. We can create conditional response mechanism to strategize
the entire workflow.

On the other hand, pre-emptive engagement is when we make a proactive move for
reaching out to our student. This happens when people on online space may be indirectly talking
about our academic brand. Since these could be potential stakeholders therefore it creates an
opportunity to engage them. We can create strategies to start conversations with such type of
student based on their interest.

5. Social Media Engagement Requires Dedicated Time

While managing social accounts, our social media time should set aside different timings
for different activities. For example, the time can divide its work schedule for 3 different set of
activities; monitoring performance of social media campaigns through data analytics, creating
social posts based on pre-defined themes and handling messages / comments, queries etc.

We may also allocate different time for different social networks depending on our
follower base and student size. There are many social media management tools that can help us
manage social inventory. Through such tools we can easily schedule our social media work for
better performance. These tools give us access to a dashboard to manage all social accounts in
one place. Besides, managing social accounts, social media tools also provide useful analytics.
They are the best project management tool for getting a general overview of our social media
engagement efforts and generate analytical reports to track performance.

6. Measuring Social Engagement

What gets measured gets done is the famous management proverb. If we want to track
effectiveness of our social media campaigns, we need data points to measure. That‘s why social
media analytics is critical to measure the impact of our brand‘s performance on social platforms.
While measuring performance, metrics can vary from platform to platform. However, the
objective will remain the same and that is to identify weak and strong areas to improve

For example, Facebook Analytics provides a very comprehensive dashboard to track

student engagement through various parameters such as page insights, reach, page views, likes,
followers, student demographics and many more new features. Likewise, Twitter offers a robust
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

set of tools to measure our metrics which includes monthly summary giving snapshot of our
account‘s performance over one month period, analytics related to follower counts, tweet
impressions, mentions, and demographic details of our student which covers their interest,
gender, location split etc. Instagram too provides with all the vital social media engagement stats
we‘ll need to track performance of our campaigns.

Social media engagement tools

Photo Editing
Canva makes it easy to crop pictures to the exact specifications of different networks. We
can also edit photos directly in the Hootsuite Compose and add text and filters to them.
Video Editing
Video is extremely engaging—research suggests it generates 1,200% more shares than
images or text. There are a million video editors out there, but Clips app for iPhone makes it
super simple to slap together a few scenes and add music or text frames, all on our phone.
(Funimate is really similar, but for Android users.)
Hootsuite Insights is the best way to get a general overview of your engagement efforts.
It even reports on specific keywords or topics. Brandwatch, meanwhile, offers in-depth reports
that capture the entire social conversation around your brand and industry.
How to measure social engagement
Beyond that, we can always measure effectiveness from our social platforms directly.
The specific metrics will vary with each social site, but there‘s always some juicy tidbit to take
away. Mix all of these tools together, and we‘ve got access to some serious social intel. Here‘s
what we might expect to find from some of the most popular social media platforms directly:

Likewise, Twitter offers a robust set of tools to measure our metrics. We can track the
following metrics on Twitter:

 Engagement rate: How many engagements and impressions did it get?

 Reach percentage: How many followers saw a given tweet?
 Link clicks: How many click-through did a posted link get?


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Optimal posting time: When is our audience most likely to be online? What time zone
do they live in?

The dashboard provides us with all the vital social media engagement metrics we‘ll need
for our campaign. It‘s not super robust, but worth reviewing regardless.
We can track the following metrics on Instagram Insights:

 Audience demographics: Where do they live? Are they men or women? How old?
 Optimal times: When are our followers online? What days and times are they active?
 Popular content: What gets hearts? What posts get comments?

The importance of social media engagement in digital activities

Our social media engagement is a barometer of building successful relationship with our
stakeholders. But how do we do it will be the key to measure its achievements. The effectiveness
of our social media engagement will depend upon the targets we wish to achieve by spending the
amount of time and other resources on doing it. The positive impact that our engagement efforts
will have on our academic brand will ultimately bring positive change in our brand perception.
So, put our social media engagement strategy into focus and start acting in the right direction.

1. Stacey McLachlan (August 13, 2020). How to Increase Social Media Engagement:
A Guide for Marketers.
2. Swapnil Jain (Feb 19, 2019). How to Increase Social Media Engagement – A Guide
For Academic Institutions.
3. Thanavathi, C. (2019). Integrating Social Media in Teacher Education.
4. Thanavathi, C. (2020). Digital Media in Teaching and Learning. ESN Publications.
5. Thanavathi, C. (2020). Social Media in Teaching and Learning. ESN Publications.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8




Assistant Professor Principal,


Presently a days because of the trend setting innovation checked coordinated steady
media have expanded most outrageous importance and security from expected perils, for
instance, developers, spies, etc have happened into more examination being made into making
the framework dynamically secure and simple to use. With the effect in the improvement of the
measure of clients passing on utilizing Internet through electronic life like Facebook, What's
application, and so on, video sharing has gotten inescapability. With the receptiveness of long
reach easygoing correspondence regions and the other application which enables instructing,
conferencing, and so forth sharing of messages (Text, Audio, Video) ought to be possible quiet.
Sharing such data requires taking an interest customer to pick the element of security required.

Related Works:

The paper exhibited that the AES encryption count can be used reasonably to scramble
MPEG-4. The execution of AES encryption plots is satisfactory to show the gotten Frames on
schedule. The encryptions defer overhead using AES isn't actually the overhead using RC4 and
XOR count [2].The paper focuses on achieving high data security at low computational time [3].
It is refined by scrambling the Intra diagrams by strategies for secret sharing using DCT and
DWT with scrambling of development vectors. An execution assessment reliant on DCT and
DWT based secret sharing is done. The subsequent proposal includes keeping up a critical
division from the computationally requesting improvement remuneration step and will when
everything is said in done endeavor the transient repetition in the video follows by changing
each social affair of pictures to one picture as time goes on with high spatial relationship and
these changed over Inter outlines are then mixed which successfully diminishes the
computational time [4]. By using the GF polynomial and LFSR the key space is extended.
Another seed is made for each intra packaging and this makes the proposed video encryption
figuring [5]. The pressing factor of the substance empties the reiteration which makes the
technique of cryptanalysis problematic. Pressing factor methodologies like MPEG, RLE pressure
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

are expected for performing lossless tension on video data. This has similarly been considered as
a factor by researchers to check video [6].

Proposed Scheme for Secured Video Transmission:

Utilizing String Matching, we coordinate the specific id with secret word then just
message exchange to opposite end for specific client. Opposite end client, login and after that no
one but they can examine the private message from client distinguishing proof. Each client has a
different irregular key .If that interloper not have that different key, at that point that client
helpless to see message and send that message. Utilizing MD5 we can end interloper without
having key Value that gatecrasher can't see or send message Data.

Working Process:

The quantity of characters of a string is called its length and is meant by |S1|. In the event
that we need to reference the character of the string at position j, we will utilize S1[j]. A
substring is a one of a kind of constants coterminous components of the string, That will indicate
the substring beginning at k and closure at j of string S by S1 [k...j].

Due to MD5 was at first plan to be utilized as a cryptographic hash work that was found
to endure those broad vulnerabilities. MD5 may know the incentive for still be utilized as a
checksum to confirm information trustworthiness, yet just against unexpected debasement. The
info message is separated into lumps of 512-piece squares (sixteen 32-bit words); the message is
cushioned with the goal that its length is distinguishable by 512. The cushioning functions as
pursues: initial a solitary piece, 1, to determine the activity of the standard disapproved is affixed
check the estimations of the specific way in which the specific keep up of the record ordinary
legitimate as far as possible of the message. That the most hash limits, MD5 is neither
encryption nor encoding under the parameter. That the appreciation must be turned by savage
power strike and encounters the estimation of range vulnerabilities point by point in the security
zone underneath. MD5 diagrams a variable-length message into a fixed-length yield of 128 bits
and we ought to encrypt just as both side.

We propose an insider interest ambush that is an and to keep up the security of the
message can be get grasped in the course of action hazard to most data mining systems the
essential examination is to make the basic key estimations of the using the game plan of that take
a shot at pieces and discussion about what number of insiders are attacks what and to dispatch
satisfactory to dispatch this sort of strike.
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


As numerous phases as the quantity of 512-piece hinders in the last cushioned message
Digest: 4 32-bit words: MD=A|B|C|D
•Every message square contains 16 32-bit words: m0|m1|m2… |m15
• Digest MD0 introduced to: A=01234567,B=89abcdef,C=fedcba98, D=76543210
• Every arrange comprises of 4 ignores the message hinder, each adjusting MD
private static String getSaltPassword(String password, byte[] salt){
String generatedPassword = null;
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] bytes = md.digest(passwordToHash.getBytes());
StringBuildersb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i<bytes.length ;i++){
sb.append(Integer.toString((bytes[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
generatedPassword = sb.toString();
}catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

Each square 4 adjusts, each cycle 16 stages

A message-digest calculation has a various number of encryption and the estimations of the
encryption enter in which the qualities are likewise called a hash work or a cryptographic hash

It acknowledges a message as contribution to produce the estimations of the n number of MD5

calculation key what to create the quantity of key trade esteems and creates a fixed-length yield,
which is commonly that which the coherent qualities to refresh the answer for create the not
exactly the length of the info message. The yield is known as to extent of the hash esteem, a
unique mark or a message digest.
Video Length of Video in Time for
1 Sec
32 sec Encryption
270 sec
2 52 sec 318 sec
3 33 sec 270 sec
4 23 sec 215 sec


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

5 20 sec 201 sec

6 18 sec 190 sec

Table 1. Time taken for Video Encryption

Fig 2. Videos Encrption

Algorithm Security Key

DKBDM 70 5
FIM 80 6
MD5 95 10

Table 2. Accuracy

For this situation, the majority of the above factor of the crash and the static different plan
properties are required. Nonetheless, the prerequisite is very extraordinary examination
information that which the standard of the different investigation plan and when diverse
applications utilize these calculations. An application may depend upon a few or everywhere
throughout the information halfway structure of the properties of the MDA. For instance, a few
applications utilize different legitimate static examination information that unique information of
the single direction property of a MDA. Due to its property to explicit arrangement of pseudo-
arbitrariness, MDA is likewise used to be a piece of static examination information to
comprehend of the component for arbitrary number age.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Fig2: Comparison accuracy


This method present two security defending strategies to shield against the strike is get ensures
the course of action of the diverse central of the dispatch the game plan of the key age and
attack. Finally, exploratory results are given to show the ampleness of the proposed attack that
similarly get improved the game plan of the fundamental of the expected things to keep up the
watchman designs.

The unapproved individual can't be get engaged with the age of the first information. Actually,
most information mining to keep up the arrangement of the fundamental vector of the
frameworks working on bit calculation particularly those in a dispersed domain are potential to
the given the essential different casualties of the proposed assault. Later on work, we will
examine whether the security break rule portrayed in can be loose, with the end goal that despite
the fact that the careful recuperation is beyond the realm of imagination, yet the assailant can
distinguish the subspace of the private data (relating to numerous answers for the arrangement of
direct conditions). We trust that the proposed insider dangers could prompt a known-plaintext
assault, as depicted in obviously, we intend to address this issue in future work.


1. A Study Of Privacy Preserving Data Mining TechniquesAuthor:Ms.R.Kavitha,

Prof.D.VanathiVolume 3, No.4,
2. A Survey on Privacy Preserving Data Mining Techniques Author: Mayil.S and
Vanitha.M Vol. 5 (5),
3. Achieving Efficient Query Privacy for Location Based Services Author: Femi
Olumofin,Piotr K. Tysowski, Ian Goldberg,UrsHengartner 10 (5),


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

5. Application Collusion Attack on the Permission-Based Security Model and its

Implications for Modern Smartphone Systems Author: Claudio Marforio,
Aur´elienFrancillon, SrdjanCapkun 09
6. Collusion-resistant Spatial Phenomena Crowdsourcing via Mixture of Gaussian
Processes Regression. Author:Qikun Xiang, IdoNevat, Pengfei Zhang, Jie Zhang
7. Cryptanalysis of Chosen Symmetric Homomorphic Schemes Author: Damian Viz_ar and
Serge Vaudenay
8. Distributed Privacy Preserving Decision System for Predicting Hospitalization Risk in
Hospitals with Insufficient Data Author: George Mathew, ZoranObradovic
9. Geometric data perturbation for privacy preserving outsourced data mining Author:Keke
Chen · Ling Liu
Author:DarshnaRathodl, AvaniJadeja(VOLUME‐1)
11. m-Privacy for Collaborative Data Publishing Author:SlawomirGoryczka, Li Xiong,
Benjamin C. M. Fung
12. Privacy Preserving through Data Perturbation using Random Rotation Based Technique
in Data Mining Author:Mr. SwapnilKadam, Prof. NavnathPokale(Volume 5)


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Ph.D, Research Scholar, Assistant Professor,
Department of Curriculum Planning and Evaluation
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97

Social media can have a most important influence over an organization and its culture.
Organizational success largely depends on employees who are considered as one of the most
important benefits of any workplace because they are capable of creating value and facilitate
organizations have a sustainable competitive advantage. The success of any organizations
depends on the productivity of employees. Social media plays an important role in their
workplace, has infiltrated the workplace and most employees are utilizing social media in the
workplace. Social media like other revolutionary technologies before it such as email and the
telephone has both potential and challenges productivity in the workplace. Employees and the
employers can only address these challenges and opportunities in the right way throughout
solutions that are agreeable and participative. Without an online presence, a company loses its
important viable advantage. Companies even appoint professional marketing services and social
media professionals to help build their online image. However, needless to say, everything has its
advantages as well as disadvantages.

Influence of social media communication

Theoretical discourse of the communication

Communication is a progression in which the individuals who participate generate and

share information between themselves. Usually, the communication includes the form of channel
or medium, depending on the information, which in the form of the idea is transmitted from one
individual to another. Mass media channel is more effective in creating innovation, knowledge,
and the channels which support the social engagement are more effective in modeling and
change of the states towards the new concept, with the influence in choice to accept or deny the
new concept or information. Good communication is the source of peoples‘ understanding in
whole, and between colleagues, partners and interlocutors within this context. Therefore, it is
needed in the inner communication the basic rules for successful communication to be included.
The intend of the process of communication to inform, pursue, motivate or to get shared consent.

Organizational communication


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Communication is an expected part of the working process. In working place, the

employees normally interrelate formally and informally, but in order communication to
contribute to interpersonal relations and boost of motivation, it must be necessary planned,
systematical and proficient. Also, lack of communication is one of the most common reasons for
the disappointment of the employees by their job and supervisors. Organizations which
communicate efficiently has 4,5 times bigger impulse to the employees, and the satisfaction and
the motivation of the employees cannot be overseen because exactly those were the sample of
the institution in front of the probable publicity.

Social internet- communication

Internet social communication is the addition and an extension of the traditional social
performance. There is a evidence that as much the individuals were connected and communicate,
they more use the other media for internal statement. In fact, online communication even
upgrades the traditional social behavior, with no increased or decreased.

Range. Social media gives a big platform access of information and gives the opportunity all
information to get a wider audience.

Availability. Social media communication tool in common are available for all, for little or no
price, turning any individual, participating in an internet social exchange publisher, transmitter
of hold informational content.

Usability Most social media do not entail or only sometimes require skills, so everyone can
work with the tools for production of the contented and following communication, and thus
eliminate the need of expert skills and training.

News. Social media communication has the opportunity for moment effective reaction; only the
participants determine the hindrance of the response, making the communication processes
extremely interactive, with little time of response delay.

Consistency. Unlike industrial media communications, where when something had been
complete cannot be changed, communication over the internet social media is extremely
changeable, and therefore can be changed immediately by the comments, voting and by some
other changes.

Employees‟ Use of Social Media Sites


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Employees use social media a mixture of reasons. Many companies have adopted social
media as an internal means of communication among employees. As an alternative of the
traditional method of emailing or immediate chat messengers, companies, especially those in the
tech industry, opt for Slack, Twitter, or other revolutions, social media platforms to make a fast,
safe and suitable environment for communication. However, employees‘ use of social media sites
can become inappropriate if it diverges from what the original intent is. If an employee
excessively uses social media to chat, discuss personal matters, or gossip, definite action has to be
taken to ensure that such behavior won‘t happen again. If the use of social media becomes a
hindrance to productivity, the company may reflect on setting up rules and regulations to limit its
employees‘ use of social sites. Many companies still prohibit the use of social media sites during
working hours all together. Access to popular social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Pinterest, is blocked automatically and employees who are create to have broken the
rules could face probation or even firing.

Impact of Social media on the workplace

Possible Advantages:

 Social networking sites help employees stay focused on and aligned with corporate
 People can contribute resources and information easily and effectively.
 These tools compress the corporate hierarchy, empower individual employees at all levels
and provide a direct path decision-makers and executors.
 Internal social networking encourages people to connect and communicate with each other,
traverse pollinate ideas and develop valuable insights.
 The ability to communicate issues, imminent and solutions lead to generating new ideas.
 The company can be more easily and effectively search for and merge an employee skill-
sets to bout specific project requirements.

Possible Disadvantages:

 Open up the possibility for hackers to assign fraud and launch spam and virus attacks.
 Increase the risk of people to result in data and identity stealing.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 May result in negative comments from employees about the company or potential
authorized consequences if employees use these sites to view objectionable or
offensive material.
 Potentially outcome in lost productivity, especially if employees are tiring updating profiles.
 With any marketing plan, there are always disadvantages. The disadvantages don‘t mean
that the approach isn‘t effective, but rather, present potential problems.
 People use social media to post content they love, but they also use it to distribute
experiences they didn‘t love. If someone had a pitiable experience with any product,
it opens a door of opportunity for them to share their unfortunate experience with others.
 This negative feedback comes in different outlines. On platforms in the social media,
someone can give away a negative review on the page and share their negative experience.
When Then the consumers can tag a company in their posts and share their negative experience.
People can retweet that poor experience and spread it crossways the network. Having too
much negative feedback can negatively crash the future marketing attempts.

Adapting to this social media disadvantage:

 Whenever the organizations receive negative feedback on social media, they have to
respond to it. They should not leave people‘s complaints and concerns unaddressed. Not
everyone is going to have a positive experience with the business, but addressing the issues can
speak volumes about the company and its values.
 Always the organization‘s research before posting content on social media. Whether it‘s
a photo, a hashtag, or a video, they have to research to see if there is any way it could be
construed the wrong way. Research helps them to adapt their content to prevent their company
from embarrassment.
 If they don‘t have the resources, consider outsourcing your social media marketing
movement to a social marketing company. The organization can hire a social media marketing
company to handle their battle for while run their business.

 If there is a downfall in their business, they have to adopt it. The only true adaptation for
this downfall is to be patient. they must be remind calm that they can‘t see true immediate
results until their fight is running for some time.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Human beings are inclined to create networks and communities that they feel may
contribute to the creation and sharing of their knowledge. That social media gives a new
medium for knowledge creation and offers organizations the potential to augment productivity.
This can be achieved when proper and effective ways of managing employee social media
participation exist. Although social media offers a numerous of potential advantages for today‘s
organizations, its ability to draw interest in an era of corporate failings and global financial
calamity that unavoidably lead to reduced workplace satisfaction, employees are susceptible to
the dark side of social media satisfaction that my lead to misuse, addiction and misuse of
productive time. Organizations therefore may find themselves faced with a strained computing
and network resource, social media is a double-edged weapon, and as with any instrumental sharp
object should be employed with be concerned and purpose in the workplace .

1. Boyd DM, Ellison NB (2007) Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship.
J. ComputerMediated Communication, 13(1):210-230.
2. Chen J, Chen C, Yang HH (2008) An empirical evaluation of key factors contributing to
internet abuse in the workplace. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(1):87-106
3. Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook ‗‗Friends:‘‘
Social capital and college students‘ use of online social network sites. Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication, 12, 1143–1168
4. Haddud, Abubaker & Dugger, John & Gill, Preet. (2016). Exploring the Impact of
Internal Social Media Usage on Employee Engagement. Journal of Social Media for
Organizations. 3. 1–23.
5. Haythornthwaite, C. (2005). Social networks and internet connectivity effects.
Information, Communication & Society, 8, 125–147.
6. Kerekes L (2012) Social Networking at Work Is it Right for Your Company? Retrieved
from oltonco-cobranded.pdf.
7. Pitkow, JE, Kehoe CM (1996) Emerging trends in the WWW user population.
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 39:8-106.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Dr.S. Arockia Elizabeth Josephine
Assistant Professor of Biology
Stella Matutina College of Education, Chennai.

Social media is a collective term for websites and applications which focus on
communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Many
individuals will use social media to stay in touch and interact with friends and family, while
others use it to communicate with different communities. Many businesses will use social media
as a way to market and promote their products.Cyber security is the practice of defending
computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious
attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security.
Social Media
 Twitter
 Facebook
 LinkedIn
 Instagram
Importance of Cyber Security
In today‘s dynamic environment, cyber security has become vital for individuals and
families, as well as organizations (such as military, government, business houses, educational
and financial institutions, corporations and others) that collect and store a wide range of
confidential data on computers and transmit that to other computers across different networks.
For families, protection of children and family members from cybercrime has become
substantially important. For an individual, protecting information that could impact social life as
well as personal finance is essential. The internet has provided a wide array of learning
opportunities, but there are risks too. Photos, videos and other personal information shared by an
individual on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter can be inappropriately used by
others may lead to serious and even life-threatening incidents. Social networking sites have
become the most popular medium for sharing information and connecting with other people. But
these sites have created varied opportunities for cybercrimes, compromised personal identities
and information leakage. Therefore, it is important for individuals to understand how to protect
against cyber threats, and must also comprehend the difference between virtual and real world.
One should learn how to protect computers and personal information from being hacked and


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

should engage in appropriate online behaviour in order to eliminate changes of cyber threats and
thereby creating a safer online environment.
Types of Cyber Threats
The threats countered by cyber-security are three-fold:
1. Cybercrime includes single actors or groups targeting systems for financial gain or to
cause disruption.
2. Cyber-attack often involves politically motivated information gathering.
3. Cyber terrorism is intended to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear.
Malware means malicious software. One of the most common cyber threats, malware is
software that a cybercriminal or hacker has created to disrupt or damage a legitimate user‘s
computer. Often spread via an unsolicited email attachment or legitimate-looking download,
malware may be used by cybercriminals to make money or in politically motivated cyber-
attacks.There are a number of different types of malware, including:
 Virus: A self-replicating program that attaches itself to clean file and spreads throughout
a computer system, infecting files with malicious code.
 Trojans: A type of malware that is disguised as legitimate software. Cybercriminals
trick users into uploading Trojans onto their computer where they cause damage or
collect data.
 Spyware: A program that secretly records what a user does, so that cybercriminals can
make use of this information. For example, spyware could capture credit card details.
 Ransomware: Malware which locks down a user‘s files and data, with the threat of
erasing it unless a ransom is paid.
 Adware: Advertising software which can be used to spread malware.
 Botnets: Networks of malware infected computers which cybercriminals use to perform
tasks online without the user‘s permission.
SQL injection
An SQL (structured language query) injection is a type of cyber-attack used to take
control of and steal data from a database. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in data-driven
applications to insert malicious code into a databased via a malicious SQL statement. This gives
them access to the sensitive information contained in the database.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Phishing is when cybercriminals target victims with emails that appear to be from a
legitimate company asking for sensitive information. Phishing attacks are often used to dupe
people into handing over credit card data and other personal information.
Man-in-the-middle attack
A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of cyber threat where a cybercriminal intercepts
communication between two individuals in order to steal data. For example, on an unsecure
WiFi network, an attacker could intercept data being passed from the victim‘s device and the
Denial-of-service attack
A denial-of-service attack is where cybercriminals prevent a computer system from
fulfilling legitimate requests by overwhelming the networks and servers with traffic. This
renders the system unusable, preventing an organization from carrying out vital functions.
Dridex malware
Dridex is a financial trojan with a range of capabilities. Affecting victims since 2014, it
infects computers though phishing emails or existing malware. Capable of stealing passwords,
banking details and personal data which can be used in fraudulent transactions, it has caused
massive financial losses amounting to hundreds of millions.
Romance scams
. Cybercrimes on social media include ―Romance Scams‖ where a fake account is used to
groom a victim, eventually tricking them into handing over money. Another scam type is the
offer of free vouchers and giveaways. The fraudster provides a link in a post that goes to a
malicious website. cybercriminals commit using dating sites, chat rooms and apps. Perpetrators
take advantage of people seeking new partners, duping victims into giving away personal data
Emotet malware
Emotet is a sophisticated trojan that can steal data and also load other malware. Emotet
thrives on unsophisticated password: a reminder of the importance of creating a secure password
to guard against cyber threats.
Fake Accounts
The fake account method can also be used to spoof a real user account, using photos of
that person. The fraudster then posts offensive material in an attempt to extort money from the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Protection against Cyber Attacks

When using social media, should always ensure the comfortable privacy settings on the
 Updating software and operating system: This means benefit from the latest security
 Using anti-virus software: Security solutions like Kaspersky Total Security can detect and
removes threats. software should update for the best level of protection.
 Using strong passwords: The passwords are not easily guessable.
 Should not open email attachments from unknown senders: These could be infected with
 Should not click on links in emails from unknown senders or unfamiliar websites: This
is a common way that malware is spread.
 Should Avoid using unsecure WiFi networks in public places: Unsecure networks leave
the vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
 Do not overshare – avoid putting highly sensitive information on a social platform,
especially those such as Twitter which are essentially public.
 Control the public profile – if the platform allows this, control who can view the account
How to Avoid Becoming aVictim Of Cybercrime When Using One?
(i) Facebook
 Post privacy
 Other privacy settings
 Twitter is a platform that is designed to be much more public than other social media
 Public Accounts:
 Private Accounts:
 General Privacy:
Instagram is very much more of an off/on type of platform in terms of who can see/not
see the posts.There is an option to set the account to ―Private‖. This means that only approved
persons can see the Instagram posts. Otherwise, the account is public.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

YouTube is a gateway to watching habits which is part of the privacy of behaviour. On
YouTube, individual can make those habits private. There are two options to manage this ―Keep
all my saved playlists private‖ and ―Keep all my subscriptions private‖.
The increasing use of the internet and social media has made cyber security even more
important that it was before. Growing cyber threats such as data theft, phishing scams and other
cyber vulnerabilities demand that users should remain vigilant about protecting data. It is
essential to understand the varied type of risks and vulnerabilities that exists in the Internet
1. Sridhar Govardhan (2010) – Wipro, ―Emerging Cyber Threats and Challenges‖,
Proceedings from Conference on Cyber Security, ―Emerging Cyber Threats &
Challenges, (2010)‖ CII, Confederation of Indian Industry, Chennai.
2. Velayutham (2010), ―Data Mining for Cyber Forensics & Digital Evidence‖ Proceedings
from Conference on Cyber Security, ―Emerging Cyber Threats & Challenges, (2010)‖,
Confederation of Indian Industry, Chennai


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Mrs. R. Rabiya Dr.M.Chandravathana

Assistant Professor/Research Scholar Associate Professor/Supervisor
St.Joseph‘s College of Education, Ooty Avinashilingam Institute for Home
Science and Higher Education for
Women, Coimbatore
The technology helps to revolutionize every individual in every sphere of their life
including physically, emotionally and morally. The social media has influenced the emotional
behaviour of students to an extent either positively or negatively. Students are learning new
things every day on the internet by reading articles, videos, and blogs which impacts on the
mental state of students. The young generation is more influenced by the virtual world which
helps them to understand the perspective of every situation.
At this stage every student needs emotional maturity to balance their life. Emotional
maturity is defined as the managing of personal life with external reality. Emotional maturity
among the students helps them to take decisions by understanding the perspective with deepest
thought to take the right decision. The most outstanding mark of emotional maturity is the ability
to deal with the situations accordingly and purposefully and even in the extreme conditions be
emotionally stable and under control. Hence this study is undertaken to find out whether their
usage of Social media has any impact on the emotional behaviour of student teachers since they
are the one who are going to mould the minds of future citizens of India in the near future with
the following objectives.
 To construct a tool to study the emotional behaviour of the student teachers
 To compare the emotional behaviour of male and female
 To compare the emotional behaviour of arts and science stream student teachers
 To compare the emotional behaviour of under graduates and post graduates
 There is no significant difference in the emotional behaviour of male and female student
teachers who use social media
 There is no significant difference in emotional behaviour of arts and science stream
social media users.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 There is no significant difference in emotional behaviour of under graduates and post

graduates who use social media
Design of the Study
The present study was a Descriptive Research as information was gathered from a
sample of social media users. The sample for the present study was selected randomly from
student teachers using social media regularly.
A self-made questionnaire in Google form which consists of 15 items relating to the
emotional behaviour of the student teachers was used after establishing the reliability and
validity with expert‘s opinion. Personal data sheet was also used to obtain their personal
Sample Design
For the purpose of the investigation, 73 student teachers who are using social media
regularly were selected randomly from St.Joseph‘s College of Education, ooty.
Analysis and discussion
The data collected from the sample were scored, organized and tabulated for Descriptive
and Differential Analysis for obtaining the results and finally conclusion was arrived at, which
are given in the following tables.

Hypothesis 1
There is no significant difference in the emotional behaviour of male and female student-
teachers who use social media
Table 1
S.No Variables Number Mean S.D t-value Level of
1. Male 9 31 3.84
0.0004 Not Significant at
2. Female 64 35.39 3.29 0.05 Level

The above table shows that the calculated ―t‖ value (0.0004) is lesser than the tabulated
value (1.994) at 0.05 level. Hence it is clear that there is no significant difference between male


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

and female student-teacher‘s emotional behaviour towards usage of social media. Therefore, the
formulated null hypothesis ‗There is no significant difference in the emotional behaviour of
male and female student teachers who use social media‟ is tenable. Hence it may be
concluded that there is a similarity of emotional behaviour towards usage of social media among
male and female student-teachers.
Hypothesis 2
There is no significant difference in emotional behaviour of arts and science stream
social media users.
Table 2
S.No Variables Number Mean S.D t– Level of
value Significance
1. Arts 31 35.41 3.71 Not Significant at
0.25 0.05 Level
2. Science 42 34.42 3.56

The above table shows that the calculated ―t‖ value (0.25) which is lesser than the
tabulated value (1.994) at 0.05 level. Hence it is clear that there is no significant difference
between arts and science stream student-teacher‘s emotional behaviour towards usage of social
media. Therefore, the formulated null hypothesis ‗There is no significant difference in
emotional behaviour of arts and science stream social media users‟ is tenable. Hence it may
be concluded that there is a similarity of emotional behaviour towards usage of social media
among Arts and Science stream student-teachers.
Hypothesis 3
There is no significant difference in emotional behaviour of under graduated and post
graduate student-teachers who use social media


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Table 3
S.No Variables Number Mean S.D t–value Level of
1. UG 57 34.91 3.16 Not Significant at
0.78 0.05 Level
2. PG 16 34.62 5.11

The above table shows that the calculated ―t‖ value (0.78) is lesser than the tabulated
value (1.994) at 0.05 level. Hence it is clear that there is no significant difference between under
graduated and post graduate student-teacher‘s emotional behaviour towards usage of social
media. Therefore, the formulated null hypothesis ‗There is no significant difference in
emotional behaviour of under graduated and post graduate student-teachers who use
social media‟ is tenable. Hence it may be concluded that there is a similarity of emotional
behaviour towards usage of social media among under graduated and post graduate student-
Findings of the study
The findings of the study are as follows:
 Student teachers were emotionally stable and no significant gender difference among
the student-teachers
 There is a similarity of emotional behaviour of arts and science student-teachers
towards usage of social media
 There is a similarity of emotional behaviour of under graduates and post graduates
towards usage of social media
Social media has great use in education. It can make learning more accessible and
interesting besides removing the physical boundaries of classrooms. Regular classroom teacher
can help students learn to access information through the social media. This helps students easily
access up-to-date information which are not in the text book and not familiar to the teacher. The
use of social media appears to offer a number of benefits to the students. The main usages of
social media in education are not only the use of technology as a learning tool but also using
them to support learning with the devices like appropriate interactive multimedia, encyclopedia,
Webcast, E-mail. Everyone is different and there is no specific amount of time spent on social
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

media, or the frequency you check for updates, or the number of posts you make that indicates
your use is becoming unhealthy. Rather, it has to do with the impact time spent on social media
has on your mood and other aspects of your life, along with your motivations for using it.
1. Aleem, S (2005).―Emotional Stability among College Youth‖. The Indian Academyof
Applied Psychology, Vol 31, No 1-2, 99-102
2. Kumar, S (2014). Emotional Maturity of Adolescent Students in Relation to
TheirFamily relationship. International Research Journal of Social Sciences. 3 (3): 6-8.
3. Runcan, P. l., & Iovu, M. V. (2013). Emotional intelligence and Life-satisfaction in
Romanian University students: The mediating role of self-esteem and social support.
Review of Research and Social Intervention, 40, 137–148.
4. Srivastava. P. (2012). Social Networking & Its Impact on Education-System in
Contemporary Era. International Journal of Information Technology Infrastructure, 1(2).
5. Subrahmanyam. K. (2007). Adolescents and the net: Internet use and wellbeing.
Adolescence, 42(168), 659-675
6. World Health Organization. (2014). Mental health: A state of well-being. Retrieved


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Dr. C.V. Suresh Babu, & S. Geetha

Professor, Sathyasai B.Ed. College, Chennai, TN, India
M.Ed. Student, Sathyasai B.Ed. College, Avadi, Chennai, TN, India
"Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of
mathematics."- claimed Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians. The
applications of Mathematics are pervasive in almost all fields of life. In today‘s technology
driven world, mathematics is the core of all technological developments. This is the reason we
are trying to integrate STEAM in school education. But still many students develop
mathematical anxiety and try to avoid Mathematics in their higher education. This paper reveals
about the reasons for Mathematical anxiety among the students and the possible ways to be
implemented in school education to overcome this anxiety through social networks.
Rationale background
Today, many schools are trying to make use of social network to teach mathematics in an
effective way, so that students will learn in an experiential form so that they will build skills and
get deep concept learning. Mathematics is one of the important core subjects of STEAM
education. Many students are afraid of Mathematics and trying to avoid it.
Primary Objective:
To study the effect of integrating different social media in teaching Mathematics, a way
to bring positive attitude towards learning Mathematics among students.
Secondary Objective:
 To improve motivation towards learning mathematics.
 To develop critical and innovative thinking.
Frequently handling of digital tools.
Outcome based mathematical activities.
Literature Review
There has been numerous studies to investigate about the Mathematical anxiety among
students. According to Dreger and Aiken mathematics anxiety is ―the presence of a syndrome of
emotional reactions to arithmetic and mathematics.‖ (KodalSevindir& et al, 2014a) ―Highly
math-anxious individuals are characterized by a strong tendency to avoid math, which ultimately


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

undercuts their math competence and forecloses important career paths‖ (Ashcraft, 2001). Prior
research suggests that ―Female students stated more positive responses than males to questions
about feeling nauseous, breathing hardly, sweating, getting heart palpitations, palms sweating,
loose of concentration and getting nervous when facing a math problem.‖ (KodalSevindir& et al,
2014a). A number of authors have recognized ―mathematical anxiety has attracted recent
attention because of its damaging psychological effects and potential associations with
mathematical problem solving and achievement‖ (Zhe Wang & et al, 2014).
Research Design
4.1. Hypothesis and Research Questions
Simple hypothesis:
Appropriate use of Social media in teaching mathematics helps students to learn
mathematics with interest, which reduces their mathematical anxiety.
How to implement social media in mathematics education?
Does it improve the motivation of students to learn mathematics?
Independent variable: Appropriate use of Social media in teaching mathematics
Dependent variable: change in attitudes of students, improvement in their performance
outcomes, proper understanding of the subject.
Complex hypothesis:
Students who hate Mathematics but appreciate and value wide application of Mathematics are
more likely than other students to
Seek other digital resources to get to know the applications of the concepts learned.
Seeks the help of teachers and mentors, who can help them to get clarity about the subject.
Students who are strong enough in prior mathematical knowledge are less likely to develop
mathematical anxiety.
How to bring awareness about the importance and vital application of mathematics in almost all
fields of life?
What are the digital resources available which makes mathematic concepts easier and connects
with real life situations?
How to equip teachers to update their knowledge and make them comfortable with using
technology for teaching mathematics?
How to make the students understand the mathematical language properly?


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Does students who have sound prior knowledge have less mathematical anxiety?
Null hypothesis:
There is no significant change in student‘s attitude towards learning Mathematics when social
media is use in classroom activities.
How can we use social media for mathematics education?
Does implementation of social network tools bring positive attitude of students towards
Alternative hypothesis:
Student‘s mathematical anxiety will reduce when social network is used for teaching
Students change their hatred attitude towards mathematics learning when outcomes-based
education is practiced as opposed to traditional methods of mathematical education. Questions
Does mathematical anxiety of students will get reduced if social media is used?
How far this process will be accepted by the students ‗population?
What will be the response from the parent side if Social media is used for teaching mathematics?
Logical hypothesis:
If Social media is used for teaching mathematics, it helps students to learn mathematics with
If Social Media is used does it improves student‘s enthusiasm
Does implementation of technology tools, further create complexity in students to understand
Empirical hypothesis:
Students who were taught in video and audio process shows love in learning mathematics than
the students taught with traditional methods of teaching Mathematics.
Does the usage of social media in teaching mathematics creates love for learning Mathematics?
Does the usage of social media in teaching mathematics further leads to mathematical anxiety in
For today‘s digital learners, the traditional methods of teaching Mathematics won‘t be
suitable. Students‘ attention span is getting lesser and lesser day by day. Our students are getting


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

smarter, they want to know the applications of the concepts they are learning in the schools. The
concepts which they don‘t use in real life situations don‘t gain their attention. So, one of the
means to gain their attention is making use of social media network in imparting the
mathematics education.
1. HulyaKodalSevindir a *, CuneytYazicib ,VildanYazicia, 2014, Mathematicsanxiety of
secondaryschoolstudents:AcasestudyforKocaeli area, Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences 152 ( 2014 ) 630 – 636, Kocaeli,41380, Turkey, Elsevier Ltd., 152,
10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.09.255, pp.637-641, 14-1-2021,
2. Laila S. Lomibao* , Charita A. Luna, Rhoda A. Namoco, 2016, The Influence of
Mathematical Communication on Students‘ Mathematics Performance and Anxiety,
American Journal of Educational Research,, Mindanao University of Science and
Technology, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, vol. 4, 378-382, no. 5 (2016),
378-382, 16-1-2021, doi: 10.12691/education-4-5-3
3. Rubén Trigueros1 , José M. Aguilar-Parra 1 , Isabel Mercader 1,*, Juan M. Fernández-
Campoy 1 and José Carrión, 2020, Set the Controls for the Heart of the Maths. The
Protective Factor of Resilience in the Face of Mathematical Anxiety, , MDPI, University of
Almeria, 04120 Almeria, Spain, 8, 10, , 16-1-2021,
4. SitiHamadMohamedRohaniAhmadTarmizi, 2010, Anxiety in Mathematics Learning Among
Secondary School Learners: A Comparative Study between Tanzania and Malaysia,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, 8, 2010,
+Pages 498-504, 16-1-2021,
5. ZheWang,Sara Ann Hart, YuliaKovas, Sarah Lukowski , Brooke Soden , Lee A. Thompson,
Robert Plomin , Grainne McLoughlin, Christopher W. Bartlett,, September 2014, Who is
afraid of math? Two sources of genetic variance for mathematical anxiety, The Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry, ACAMH, St Saviour's House ,39-41 Union Street,
London SE1 1SD, 55, 9, Pages 1056-1064, 14-1-2021,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. C.V. Suresh Babu, & Elizebeth R

Professor, Sathyasai B.Ed. College, Chennai, TN, India
B.Ed. Student, Sathyasai B.Ed. College, Avadi, Chennai, TN, India


Classroom learning involves face to face interaction among students and it provides a
refreshing and educative atmosphere. Students in classroom learning, actively participate in
asking questions and getting their queries resolved. It provides the dynamic learning
experience. Dialogues among individuals lead to flow of conversations and provide
opportunity to share their experiences.

Traditional Model

In classroom environment, teachers has lots of methodology to teach them concepts

differently like role-play, debate, making models as group and so on. Teachers come with
their own teaching style and content, to be delivered. Content and consistency can be a
concern for the classroom learning. Classroom learning plays important role in teaching
chemistry for higher secondary students, they have to understand the mechanisms, naming
and drawing the structure of compounds and the teacher ensure that everyone is ‗getting it‘,
which generally means (within reason) going at a pace that ensures those who are slower in
picking things up don‘t get left behind. Generally classroom learning will therefore be done
in work hours, and depending on the pressure of the job, it might be difficult to find the time
to get away. Teacher and the students in the classroom often really helps to bring the subject
‗alive‘, and having a teacher in the class room can help the students to relate the subject to
their own experiences but classroom learning can be fun by arranging group activities,
assignments where students work together. Such exercises, provide a chance to actively
engage in the process of learning. Also, being in the classroom means that a teacher can give
on-the-spot help, over and above the standard course curriculum and certain drawbacks in
classroom teaching is some concept in chemistry couldn‘t visualize (ore refining, preparation
of some compounds, recrystallization and its application) by the students.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media Model

No one could have imagined that the academic year would have ended this way. Due to
the pandemic, education begins at home!! Social Media changes the way of study in the
current generation. The definition of social media is ―the relationships that connect between
networks of people‖. The use of social media has also demonstrated increased teacher-
student and student-student interaction because they have a direct pipeline to the teacher via
e-mail, they can solve their doubts and get answered directly. Many students aren't
comfortable asking questions in class for fear of feeling stupid. Many times of the students
think of a question after class or while they are studying. Rather than trying to remember to
ask it or forgetting it, but now it‘s easy for the student can send an e-mail to the teacher.
Student‘s opportunity to learn is enhanced but at the same time for slow bloomers in the
classes are finding difficulty to follow the online classes.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention
Online classes are challenging platform to the teachers and it‘s time to think OUT OF
THE BOX to make the best of a bad situation. The strategies teachers need to navigate them
with confidence to maintain the classroom alive and keep things personable in a digital

During this pandemic, as hard as online teaching might be for us, it‘s likely even harder
for the students. Now they‘ve gone from classrooms they have only limited source of
learning certain concept like videos, presentations and flipped classrooms. For teachers it‘s
no longer chalk and talk method, it‘s a time consuming process to create materials, recording
the instruction and posting it online (as with a flipped classroom) is one way of avoiding the
hassle, although be aware that the technical dimensions of this take time as well. The
drawback of social media in education is students may exchange ideas among themselves
and thus make the learning process more interesting, which is not possible in e-learning
medium. Especially for the chemistry subject though the availability of virtual lab
stimulations they can‘t have a hands-on experience on practical.

Challenge the Challenges

Here, another factor that affect the online classes. If a teacher and student perspective
based on assess of internet whether the students have reliable access to technology. There will
be a loads of disturbance during online classes that most of the teachers would‘ve familiar
with this - ‗ma‘am, your voice is not audible‘ ‗Network error‘ ‗Data over‘ ‗No charge, etc.‘
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Not every home will always have a reliable internet connection or readily available device for
students to use. When it came to exams, the instructions were made very simple for all to
understand. The assessments took place in the form of ‗take-home exams‘. During exams,
teacher has a task to make the students to complete the exam and the answer scripts to be
uploaded on time. Then it comes to tackling unfamiliar software (i.e. converting image to
PDF) or using it in a responsible manner. The main challenge for the students was
maintaining the same levels of discipline and writing the exam honestly being at home. It‘s
no surprise that more than a few will be tempted to opt out. It is fairly easy to get distracted
whilst being stuck at home with the entire family.

Parents Expectations
Now, let‘s think about the parent‘s view, due to this pandemic they are financially and
mentally low. They are paying huge fees amount to the school and doesn‘t have any idea
about how teachers are teaching in the school and what the trend they are following. This
online classes gave a clear idea about the potential and efforts of teachers and feeling
satisfied that their children in a good platform. Tough it‘s an online classes, they are
spending lots of money to buy a new gadgets like extra mobile, internet charges, web
camera, earphones, anti-screen specs etc., it cost more than the fees amount. They really
want the schools to re-open soon.
Naturally, new experiences come with their own challenges and adjustments. The
influence of social media on teaching and learning environment is growing every year and
we observed the implication of social media to the education process and found out about
the numerous ways, benefits and loss. Well, it is important for the institutions to adopt the
blended learning approach where they can include the traditional learning along with the
online mode of teaching.

1. Ahn, J., Bivona, L. K., & DiScala, J. (2011). Social media access in K‐12 schools:
Intractable policy controversies in an evolving world. Proceedings of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), 1-10.
2. Al-Khateeb, H. M., & Epiphaniou, G. (2016). How technology can mitigate and
counteract cyber-stalking and online grooming. Computer Fraud & Security, 2016(1),
3. Brown, S. A. (2014). Conceptualizing digital literacies and digital ethics for
sustainability education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,
15(3), 280-290.
4. Boyle, S., Earle, A., LaBrie, J., & Ballou, K. (2017). Facebook dethroned: Revealing


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

the more likely social media destinations for college students‘ depictions of underage
drinking. Addictive Behaviors, 65, 63-67.
5. Dowell, E. B., Burgess, A. W., & Cavanaugh, D. J. (2009). Clustering of Internet risk
behaviors in a middle school student population. Journal of School Health, 79(11),
6. Dunleavy, M., Dexter, S., & Heinecke, W. (2007). What added value does a 1:1
student to laptop ratio bring to technology-supported teaching and learning? Harvard
University:Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(5), 440-452
7. Gross, E. F., Juvonen, J., & Gable, S. L. (2002). Internet use and well-being in
adolescence. Journal of Social Issues, 58, 75-90. doi:10.1111/1540-4560.00249


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. C.V. Suresh Babu & S. Deepika
Professor &
M.Ed. Student, Sathyasai B.Ed. College, Avadi, Chennai, TN, India


The incorporation of social Media in education supported by the large amount of online
educational tools, the exchange of knowledge, and the connections among education
communities. The education eliminates certain space-time barriers in the teaching-learning
process and enables the implementation of active methodologies. Social media facilitates
participation among all agents of the education. It is designed to meet anticipated learners of
Mathematics in many parts of the world.

It is mandatory to analyses, search, and differentiate against the relevant data to its
resolution. The use of sufficient technology, allows the discrimination of more relevant data.
Mathematical skills reinforced by Technology and its importance have different teacher and
student views:

Teacher Perspective:

There are extensive reasons why every teacher should use social media to implement in
maths class. Such reasons in terms of use are universal and span across the curriculum.

To ensuring the facilities of Quality in Mathematics.

Students Perspective:

Social media has a lot to offer students as many researches shows that with Technology-
based activities.

Effective technology can even promote student‘s innovative skills and allow creating and
manipulating their own presentations. For example, dynamic geometry‘s apps available in social
media helps the student to visualize and experience the associated processes through interactive
changes that favour the exploration of all possibilities. Media resources are programming
environments that develop language and mathematical thinking among learners and educators
and also encourage the ability to solve problems.

Rationale background
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Today, Social Media has been used in schools as a separate entity, instead, schools must
have an integrating tool into the learning and teaching processes particularly in Mathematics for
effective understanding.

Primary Objective:

To study the effective of using social media in mathematics teaching and learning done
in various institutions across globally.

Secondary Objective:

 To improve the learning skills among students.

 To develop critical and innovative thinking.

Frequently handling of technical tools.

Fun based mathematical activities. .

Literature Review

The literature review shows that Social Media and ICT in the teaching of mathematics
helps the students to create and interact. (Keong et al., 2005; Neurath & Stephens, 2006). A
series of recent studies has indicated that the use of technological devices such as graphing
calculators encourages interaction among students to share their knowledge and skills, to present
their work with the aid of a projector, a screen and a laser pen. (Condie & Munro, 2007; Keong
et al., 2005) This paper with a short review of the literature regarding the communication that
occurred among students through the application of technology during the learning process
promoted knowledge and information-sharing (Condie & Munro, 2007; Keong et al., 2005).
Some authors have also suggested that the application of technologies such as the internet further
facilitates students‘ self-exploration (Keong et al., 2005; Ramli et al., 2006).The information
technology can also develop students‘ interest and involvement towards mathematics. (Keong et
al., 2005; Neurath& Stephens, 2006). A large number of existing studies in the broader literature
have examined, Microsoft Excel in learning Algebra can change students view point towards
Algebra. (Hanim & Hairulniza, 2002; Norazrena & Khairul Anuar, 2011). The computer
software developed students to identify their mistakes and make corrections (Ghavifekr et al.,
2012). A more comprehensive description can be found in ICT technology encourage the
students to think and solve Mathematical problems. (Condie & Munro, 2007; Keong et al.,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2005). Insufficient training and reduced teaching time in the classroom. (Afolake & Shittu, 2005;
Keong et al., 2005). When integrating ICT into their teaching the limited time in the classroom
has become the main factor for educators. (Keong et al., 2005) It was reported in literature that
55.6% of Educators analyse the time limitation in the teaching schedule to use ICT facilities.
(Rohani, 2011). 40.8% of insufficient training of teaching in Mathematical curriculum.
(Abramovich, 2014; Afolake& Shittu, 2005).78.4% of students do not have best access to the
required technology to facilitate virtually. (Keong et al., 2005; Ruthven et al., 2009). 76.3%
recognised the factor of integrating ICT into learning and teaching process. (Afolake & Shittu,
2005; Palmer, 2003). The technologies have a favourable impact for Educators and students.
(Rafiza & Maryam, 2013). ICT proven that student‘s potential in preparing for twenty first
century life. (Ghavifekr et al., 2012). This has been used in several studies to assess that the
strategies should be well thought by the educators to implement more interaction among
students. (Drew, 2011). This was successfully established and described that Educators can also
utilise the Google apps for teaching and learning in mathematics. (Suzana & Khalid, 2014).

Research Design

4.1. Research Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant change in teaching using social media for secondary
education. Learners and educators are well trained in their own technology.

Alternative Hypothesis: The frequency of the use of social media in secondary education
depends up on the length of teaching and learning practice.

H1: Using of media has an impact on education improvement of secondary school students.

H2: Using of media has an impact to increase the motivation among secondary students.

H3: Using of media students are requested to frame own question-making skills in secondary

Technology driven modules

Recent apps available in social media provide free online modules to help students to
learn and explore mathematics. Each tool is based on animated video involving interactive
learning systems such as discussing mathematics in real life situations and students can also
undertake various activities and tests to exhibit their knowledge and problem-solving skills.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Preliminary Findings

The impact of Media on the educational improvement shows that there is no meaningful
difference between using of tools in educational of boy and girl students in term of gender.


The following are recent Social Media apps which can enhance learning math

Visual Math: KickBox and KickBox Litea math game created by MIND Research Institute and
inspired by its penguin Jiji helps students learn key math concepts visually..

Numbers: Students can walk through math problems to learn numbers, geometry, Measurement
and more.

Geometry: Geometrical concepts with 3D images and shapes.

Algebra: (HMH Fuse: Algebra), this app brings an Algebra 1 textbook to life with interactive
graphs, tools and equations. Quizzes and more are to engage students in math learning.

Algebra: Interactive workbook with variety of worksheets that include show me support

Calculus: (Video Calculus) Similar to the Khan Academy videos, this app gives you more than
2 hours of free calculus instruction through its videos. It also includes 15 free featured lessons.

Probability & Statistics: (Statistics 1 for iPad). This statistics app, priced at $4.99, provides
students with interactive tutorials, lessons and quizzes to learn statistics

Applying Math: (Rocket Math) In this app, student‘s complete math problems in order to build
their own rockets.

Applying Math: (SpaceTime for iPad or MathStudio). 2D and 3D diagrams are using by a
student in graphic calculator. It‘s definitely worth checking out.

Math Game: (MathBlasterHyperBlast) Students are big fans of fun learning. It‘s brightly
coloured, fast-paced and engaging with 30 math lessons.

These apps and activities could be used in whole class, small group with independent
work scenarios. The various applicability of these applications is summarised in Table 1:

Table 1: Applications applicability


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8









Benefits for Teachers and Students

It‘s a new model of knowledge sharing to the students with variety of tools to learn
effectively at their own pace.
For example: using GOOGLE FORM allows Teachers to quickly create test and submit the
Students response immediately.
Teachers and Students can access a variety of modern teaching and learning tools.
Online attendance, Class recordings creates more accountability for learners and Educators.

Current COVID-19 pandemic has given new ways of Teaching and Learning processes,
the role of social media has completely transformed from the traditional technologies to new
generation tools. Students get more involved when their classes blended with technologies. It‘s
clearly seen that; effective use of Social Media tools enhances teaching of Mathematics and
improves students‘ involvement.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

1. Abramovich, S. (2014). Revisiting Mathematical Problem Solving and Posing in the Digital
Era: Toward Pedagogically Sound Uses of Modern Technology. International Journal of
Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1, 1-19.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. Afolake, N., & Shittu, A. J. K. (2005). Evaluating the Impact of Technology Integration in
Teaching and Learning. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2, 23-
3. Condie, R., & Munro, B. (2007). Anlayse Impact of ICT on Learning and Teaching. In L.
Seagraves, & S. Kenesson (Eds.), The Impact of ICT in Schools—A Landscape Review.
Glasgow: University of Strathclyde.
4. Ghavifekr, S., Razak, A., Ghani, M. A., Ran, N. Y., Meixi, Y., &Tengyue, Z. (2012). ICT
Integration in Education: Incorporation for Teaching & Learning Improvement. The
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2, 24-45.
5. Hanim, S., & Hairulniza, Z. (2002). Pembangunan Perisian Pembelajaran Berpandukan
Komputer (PBK) Bagi Tajuk Pecahan Tingkatan Satu Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran
ASSURE. Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Malaysia, 34, 121-130.
6. Keong, C., H. Sharaf, H., & Daniel, J. (2005). A Study on the Use of ICT in Mathematics
Teaching. Malaysian Online Journal of Instuctional Technology (MOJIT), 2, 43-51.
7. Neurath, R. A., & Stephens, L. J. (2006). Classroom Notes the Effect of Using Microsoft
Excel in a High School Algebra Class. International Journal of Mathematical Education in
Science and Technology, 37, 721-727.
8. Palmer, C. (2003). Using ICT in Mathematics Helping or Not? In R. Hudson (Ed.),
Mathematics Teaching (pp. 9-11). Association of Teachers of Mathematics.
9. Rafiza, A. R., & Maryam, A. R. (2013). Pembinaan Media Pengajaranberasaskan
Multimedia di kalangan Guru ICTL. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, 1, 20-31.
10. Ramli, B., Latifah, A. L., Noor, A. I., & Abd Rahman, N. N. N. (2006). The Impact of
―Learning Skills for Open and Distance Learners‖ Course on Learner Attitudes towards E-
Learning. In R. Bahroom, L. Abdol Latif, N. Azina Ismail, & N.N. N. Abd Rahman (Eds.),
Konvensyen Teknologi Pendidikan ke 19, Langkawi (pp. 1055-1063). Selangor: Open
University Malaysia.
11. Ruthven, K., Deaney, R., & Hennessy, S. (2009). Using Graphing Software to Teach about
Algebraic Forms: A Study of Technology-Supported Practice in Secondary-School
Mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 71, 279-297.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. Mrs. K. Mangai ,

Assistant Professor of Education,
Stella Matutina College of Education,
Ashok Nagar,
Chennai - 600083

Technology has pervaded each and every area of our lives: information, conducting
business, communication, spirituality, entertainment, as well as education. Digital media is
radically changing the way people communicate and influencing the thought processes and
experiences of children and adults. New technologies provides a lot of opportunities but also
pose a challenge to the educational process.

Education and Social Media in the Digital environment

It is a well known fact that human beings are social animals. An individual has to depend
on various things. One cannot remove oneself from this world; therefore, one must acknowledge
the changes of human thought processes and experiences caused by new information
technologies. Naturally, school should be aware of that as well. New technologies can also shape
a personality, which is a process that represents the primary role of school. The personality is
always shaped in an interpersonal relationship. Digital media also can nurture critical thought
and the ability to distinguish between real and virtual world. They can contribute to the
emotional education of young people: emotions are formed within the cultural environment, with
art and literature playing a very important role. When it comes to the area of physical and
creative development, digital media once again has a decisive role. Intuitively, we are all aware
of the deep changes, brought about by digital technology. We can mostly see children and young
people, as well as older people, being constantly in direct contact with their mobile phones.
Through them they also connect with other people and create new networks of friends.
Nowadays, it is possible to form a much larger network of friends than ever before in the history
of mankind. Geographical distances do not play any significant role in that process anymore.
Through the World Wide Web, it is possible to connect with people from close or far away and
share with them our experiences, interests, thoughts, desires, etc. Social media today enable
those who feel lonely within their local environment to feel connected with others on the other
side of the world. All of the above, of course, affects how an individual behaves within the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

environment in which one lives physically. Therefore, some believe that social media also
contribute to alienation, discrimination, and loneliness.

Because of digital media, the option of multitasking (handling multiple tasks

simultaneously) has been expanded. Today, we can listen to music, watch TV, read an e-book,
write text messages, talk to someone live, etc. Multitasking is presented almost as a great virtue,
skill, or ability. The use of new information devices deeply affects the development of cognitive
and emotional processes in young people because it transforms the way of thinking. It
transforms it from an analogue, structured, sequential, and referential one into a general, vague,
global, and holistic one. It changes our experiences as well since digital media bring closer the
distant things and move away the things that are close to us. Introducing us to the depiction of
the world and not the world itself, they convey the presence without the real dimensions of time
and space. Everything is simultaneous and momentary. Nowadays, one of the most significant
changes is the pace of acquiring knowledge and information. Using the Internet, one can
immediately get the answer to the posed question. The intermediate stage of excitement during
the search for the answer is therefore disappearing, along with yearning and uncertainty. There is
no longer an intermediate time between the desire and the gratification, which naturally changes
one‘s experience. There is no more room for patience, for the process, for creating strategies, for
facing frustrations and problems, etc.

Social Networking and Moral Development

Modern digital media in a way facilitate the forming and maintaining of relationships.
But if that does not lead to real relationships, then they do not actually help a person to evolve,
instead they exhaust us. On the Internet, the relationships are less risky and less painful, and it is
easier to withdraw. In real life, on the other hand, the development of genuine interpersonal
relationships requires hard and demanding work, which in the end makes the individual fully
human. Social networks allow us to create a virtual self through which we can share with others
what we want them to know about ourselves. Digital media determines the development of
today‘s children in many ways. Above all, this is apparent in the tendency to expect instant
gratification of their needs and the instant wish-fulfilment.

The objective of moral development is an independent and responsible person who

recognises the other as a person with the same rights and duties, who is capable of reasonable
decisions and is able to choose the good for himself / herself, for society, and for the entire


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

natural environment. A moral personality makes decisions in an autonomous, reasonable, and

responsible way. Human behaviour is not the result of external impulses, but of internal
contemplation. A moral personality is the master of their own actions who takes on the
responsibility for the consequences of their decisions.

Moral development is internally connected with social and emotional development. The
prerequisite for a moral decision is emotional maturity and social sensitivity. It is always a
sensible decision that transcends bare impulses and involves other people as equals. At the same
time, it emphasizes the irreplaceable role of a functioning subject. No one else can make a
particular moral decision for oneself.

A child progressively develops their ability of moral thinking (Piaget, Kohlberg) and
action. At first, the older ones take responsibility for deciding what is good for the child, and
later on, he/she gradually assumes responsibility for his/her own actions. The child decides on
the principle of what is useful and comfortable for him/her. During puberty, the price of
acceptance among peers is to forswear certain desires for the benefit of the common good. Later,
she/he acknowledges the importance of specific social norms and rules and gradually integrates
them into their own values that guide them in life.

The digital world and the social media strongly co-shapes both family and social life, and
has therefore an impact also on the development of moral perception. If one looks at the impact
of digital technology on the social level of ethics, then one can conclude that modern technology
has helped to improve the possibilities for the overall development of people. It has allowed
knowledge to be universally accessible practically to all people on all the continents. It has also
enabled intercultural exchange and cooperation in a particular project between people from all
over the world.

It is more difficult to protect intellectual property and easier to plagiarise in this era. We
are confronted with a very challenging issue of intellectual honesty as the facilitated way of
access to data and of the creation of one‘s work is a great temptation for pupils, students, and
adults around the world. Modern digital media also require the new ethical responsibility of
users, and it is the school‘s task to teach pupils digital ethics as well, for example, how to cite the
texts, photos, or movies of other authors in a presentation, etc. Due to the abundance of data that
is available online, the ability of critical thinking, which needs to be developed from an early
age, is now even more important than in the past when it comes to ethical development.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Critical thinking is thinking, which is based on the use of reason, i.e. it is guided in an
appropriate manner by (good) reasons as opposed to e.g. uninformed desires and inclinations,
prejudices, fears, awards and fear of punishment etc. It is reflective thinking, which deals with
what to believe or what to do. It is very important that we equip children with basic tools of
critical thinking already in the early years: clarity, argumentation, justifiability, transparency of
assumptions, durability, non-contradiction, validity, consistency, noncircularity, etc.

A distinctive challenge is also ethical pluralism that labels modern society. The global
connection with different cultures and ethical views of the world allows the individual to come
into contact with various ethical traditions. The exit route from a given situation is not
necessarily moral relativism, instead it is possible to enrich our own tradition with the traditions
of other cultures and to find common ethical foundations for the coexisting of the entire human

The fact is that there are no universally accepted ethical values, and we are still in the
process of creating global ethics. There are, however, some general fundamental values that
emerge from the concept of human rights, such as respect for the dignity of human life, freedom,
equality, prohibition of any discrimination, tolerance, justice, etc., but they are interpreted
differently in particular cultural contexts. For the healthy moral development of children, certain
clarity and consistency of parents and educators regarding moral orientations is important.


Schools and communities should respond to the challenges of the digital world by
promoting self-respect among children, emotional development, community affiliation,
creativity, and innovation. Furthermore, the key to the success of the educational process is the
creative passion of the teacher. While the previous recommendations had given a time limit of 2
hours per day, the recent ones focused more on the adult supervision during the use of digital
media. Social media has an impact on emotional, social and moral development of children and
young adults. Young people must be instructed to use the digital assets with due responsibility.
Modern digital resources can be utilized extensively so that the young can develop intellectually,
but also emotionally, socially, and ethically. It is therefore a challenge to how modern
technology and social media should help an individual to fully develop their potentials and the
whole society to be more humane, and just, and to consider the possible negative ramifications
of the progress for the natural environment.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


1. Christine GREENHOW, Julia SONNEVEND, Colin AGUR (ed.), Education and social
media: toward a digital future, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2016,
2. Empathy in American College Students Over Time: A Meta-Analysis, Personality and
social psychology review, 15 (2011) 2, 180-198.
3. Rebecca NOWLAND, Elizabeth A. NECKA, John T. CACIOPPO, Loneliness and
Social Internet Use: Pathways to Reconnection in a Digital World?, Perspectives On
Psychological Science, 13 (2018) 1, 70-87, 71.
4. Ross, Kiran. ―How does social media affect employee ethics?‖ Bizjournals. Mar 22nd,
2012. Web. 8th April 2015.
5. Galimberti, Grozljivi Cortina Editore, 2015, 17-18. 33 Šinkovec, op. cit., 192-193. 3
7. Kumar, Tarang. ―Ethics and social media‖.Slideshare. Apr 16, 2013. Web. 8th April
2015. ―Social Media and Government ethics: issues and challenges‖. SCU. (n.d). Web.
8th April 2015.
8. Kumar, Tarang. ―Ethics and social media‖.Slideshare. Apr 16, 2013. Web. 8th April
2015. ―Social Media and Government ethics: issues and challenges‖. SCU. (n.d). Web.
8th April 2015.
9. Lauby, Sharlyn, ―Ethics and social media: where should we draw the line‖. American
express. (n.d). Web. 8th April 2015.
10. Yamamoto and Ananou, op. cit., 6. 17 Ibid., Nova prisutnost 16 (2018) 3, 545-560 551.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


S. Rajendra Prasad
Asst. Professor
Sivanthi College of Education,

Cyber ethics is often called as Information System Ethics.Cyber ethics can be defined as
"The study of moral, legal, ethical issues involving the use of information and communication
technologies". There are many unique challenges we face in this age of information. They stem
from the nature of information itself. Information is the means through which the mind expands
and increases its capacity to achieve its goals, often as the result of an input from another mind.
Thus, information forms the intellectual capital from which human beings craft their lives and
secure dignity. Cyber ethics was the study of what was good for both the individual and society.
We will look at some online issues about cyber ethics and internet accessibility.
Importance of Internet Accessibility
The Internet is an increasingly important resource in many aspects of life: education,
employment, government, commerce, health care, recreation, and more. It is essential that the
Internet be accessible in order to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with
disabilities. An accessible Internet can also help people with disabilities more actively
participate in society.
The Internet offers the possibility of unprecedented access to information and interaction
for many people with disabilities. That is, the accessibility barriers to print, audio, and visual
media can be much more easily overcome through Internet technologies. The document
"Social Factors in Developing a Internet Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization"
discusses how the Internet impacts the lives of people with disabilities, the overlap with digital
divide issues, and Internet accessibility as an aspect of corporate social responsibility.
Safe Surfing and Internet Usage
You‘re Guide to Safe Surfing: Learning about the Internet is an instructional booklet
geared toward college students in order to help them learn more about how to use the Internet
safely, correctly, and ethically. It is written in the format of a guide for surfing and is themed
accordingly. It is divided into three distinct sections: ―Treading Water,‖ ―Standing up,‖ and
Treading Water


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Treading Water is separated into three sections: ―A Brief History of the Internet,‖ ―How
the Internet Works,‖ and ―Common Terms.‖ ―A Brief History of the Internet‖ is a short timeline
that hits the important milestones of the Internet and shows how the system went from a military
remnant of the Cold War to the hub of commerce, communication, and information that it is
today. ―How the Internet Works,‖ much like the previous section, is a short description of how
the Internet works in general terms. ―Common Terms‖ is a short glossary of terminology
associated with the Internet, with space given for students to add terms as they come across new
ones they might need to remember.
Standing Up
Standing Up deals with using the equipment properly and effectively and is also divided
into three sections: ―Using the World-Wide Internet effectively,‖ ―Using Email,‖ and
―Communicating with others.‖ ―Using the World-Wide Internet Effectively‖ contains
descriptions of the Internet, browsers, and URLs. It also contains a Internet search exercise
dealing with the students' college, finding directions to their homes, and finding internet sites
about their personal interests. ―Using Email‖ looks at how email works and how it‘s sent and
received. Included with this section is an activity dealing with encryption and having students
write encrypted messages to their friends and having to decipher them. ―Communicating with
others‖ goes to the next level and looks at chatting and messaging programs and some of the
language associated with them, such as emoticons and acronyms/abbreviations. There is an
activity associated with this part of the unit where students have to make their own emoticons
and abbreviations in relation to their interests and college.
Surfing involves the everyday use of the Internet and the issues surrounding that. Like
the previous two sections, it is also separated into three parts: ―The Ethics of the Internet,‖
―Protecting Yourself from Shark Attacks,‖ and ―Knowing the Safe Places to Surf.‖ ―The Ethics
of the Internet‖ discusses the student‘s role in making sure the Internet is free of unethical
behavior and how to behave ethically while online. It lists the Ten Commandments of Computer
Use and then has a series of ten short case studies where the students have to identify the
unethical action, discuss consequences for the action, which it harms, and then which
commandment it matches and why. ―Protecting Yourself from Shark Attacks‖ shows how
people can attack your computer and what you can do to prevent it and it contains a short
exercise matching attacks with their countermeasures. Finally, ―The Safe Places to Surf‖ is a list
of safe sites where students can get information and visit without fear of inappropriate material.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The Ethics of the Internet Accessibility

The Ethics of the Internet‖ discusses the student‘s role in making sure the Internet is free
of unethical behavior and how to behave ethically. It lists the Ten Commandments of Computer
Use and then has a series of ten short case studies where the students have to identify the
unethical action, discuss consequences for the action, which it harms, and then which
commandment it matches and why.
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying refers to bullying through information and communication technologies,
mediums such as mobile phone text messages, emails, phone calls, internet chat rooms, instant
messaging – and the latest trend – social networking websites such as MySpace, Face book and
Bebo. Cyber bullying is a fast-growing trend that experts believe is more harmful than typical
schoolyard bullying. Nearly all of us can be contacted 24/7 via the internet or our mobile phones.
Victims can be reached anytime and anyplace. For many children, home is no longer a refuge
from the bullies. ―Children can escape threats and abuse in the classroom, only to find text
messages and emails from the same tormentors when they arrive home.
Preventing Cyber Bullying
The best way to deal with cyber bullying is to prevent it happening in the first place. The
key first step is deciding who within the school community will take responsibility for the
coordination and implementation of cyber bullying prevention and response strategies. Its best if
this person is a member of the school‘s senior management team and/or the staff member
responsible for coordinating overall anti-bullying activity. This person will need to have
experience of making sure the whole school community contributes to, and are included in,
activities.There is no single solution to the problem of cyber bullying. These are the five key
areas schools need to address together to put in place a comprehensive and effective prevention
Understanding and Talking About Cyber Bullying
The whole school community needs a shared, agreed definition of cyber bullying.
Everyone needs to be aware of the impact of cyber bullying and the ways in which it differs
from other forms of bullying. Young people and their parents should be made aware of pupils‘
responsibilities in their use of ICT, and what the sanctions are for misuse. Students and parents
should know that the school can provide them with support if cyber bullying takes place out of
Updating Existing Policies and Practices


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Review and update the school‘s anti-bullying policy plus other relevant policies – for
example, policies on behavior, pastoral care and e-learning strategies. Review your existing
Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) – the rules that students have to agree to follow in order to use
ICT in school – and publicize them to parents and students. Keep good records of any incidents
of cyber bullying. Be able to conduct searches of internet use records at school. Knowing that
the school is taking such steps may act as a disincentive for bullies to misuse school equipment
and systems.
Making Reporting Cyber Bullying Easier
No one should feel that they have to deal with cyber bullying alone, but reporting any
incident of bullying can be really hard for the person being bullied and for bystanders. Provide
and publicize different ways of reporting cyber bullying in schools – for instance, a student
council taskforce, peer reporting, anonymous reporting – and provide information about
contacting service providers directly.
Promoting the Positive Use of Technology
Technology is successfully being used to support engaging, positive and effective
learning, and to realize and increase the potential of personalized learning by making learning
more flexible, creative and accessible. Explore safe ways of using technology with learners to
support self-esteem, assertiveness, participation and to develop friendships. Promote and discuss
‗netiquette‘, e-safety and digital literacy. Show learners that the adults in the school understand
the technologies they use – or get the students to teach them!
Evaluating the Impact of Prevention Activities
Regular reviews are vital to make sure that anti-bullying policies are working and are up-
to-date. Consider conducting an annual survey of pupils‘ experiences of bullying, including
cyber bullying, and a parent satisfaction survey. Publicize progress and activities to the whole-
school community – keep cyber bullying a live issue and celebrate your successes!
Necessity of Ethics
Privacy: What information about one's self or one's associations must a person reveal to
others, under what conditions and with what safeguards? What things can people keep to
themselves and not be forced to reveal to others?
Accuracy: Who is responsible for the authenticity, fidelity and accuracy of information?
Similarly, who is to be held accountable for errors in information and how is the injured party to
be made whole?


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Property: Who owns information? What are the just and fair prices for its exchange?
Who owns the channels, especially the airways, through which information is transmitted? How
should access to this scarce resource be allocated?
Accessibility: What information does a person or an organization have a right or a
privilege to obtain, under what conditions and with what safeguards?
Information System Ethics Explores and Evaluates
 The development of moral values in the information field,
 The creation of new power structures in the information field, information myths,
 Hidden contradictions and intentionality's in information theories and practices,
 The development of ethical conflicts in the information field. Etc
Computer ethics also has been used to refer to a kind of professional ethics in which
computer professionals apply codes of ethics and standards of good practice within their
profession. In addition, other more specific names, like ―cyber ethics‖ and ―Internet ethics‖,
have been used to refer to aspects of computer ethics associated With the Internet.
During the past several decades, the robust and rapidly growing field of computer and
information ethics has generated new university courses, research professorships, research
centers, conferences, workshops, professional organizations, curriculum materials, books and
Computer Crime
In this era of computer ―viruses‖ and international spying by ―hackers‖ who are
thousands of miles away, it is clear that computer security is a topic of concern in the field of
Computer Ethics. The problem is not so much the physical security of the hardware (protecting it
from theft, fire, flood, etc.), but rather ―logical security‖, which divide into five aspects:
 Privacy and confidentiality
 Integrity — assuring that data and programs are not modified without proper
 Unimpaired service
 Consistency — ensuring that the data and behavior we see today will be the same
 Controlling access to resources
Malicious kinds of software, or ―programmed threats‖, provide a significant challenge to
computer security. These include ―viruses‖, which cannot run on their own, but rather are


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

inserted into other computer programs; ―worms‖ which can move from machine to machine
across networks, and may have parts of themselves running on different machines; ―Trojan
horses‖ which appear to be one sort of program, but actually are doing damage behind the
scenes; ―logic bombs‖ which check for particular conditions and then execute when those
conditions arise; and ―bacteria‖ or ―rabbits‖ which multiply rapidly and fill up the computer's
memory. Computer crimes, such as embezzlement or planting of logic bombs, are normally
committed by trusted personnel who have permission to use the computer system. Computer
security, therefore, must also be concerned with the actions of trusted computer users. Another
major risk to computer security is the so-called ―hacker‖ who breaks into someone's computer
system without permission. Some hackers intentionally steal data or commit vandalism, while
others merely ―explore‖ the system to see how it works and what files it contains. These
―explorers‖ often claim to be benevolent defenders of freedom and fighters against rip-offs by
major corporations or spying by government agents. These self-appointed vigilantes of
cyberspace say they do no harm, and claim to be helpful to society by exposing security risks.
However, every act of hacking is harmful, because any known successful penetration of a
computer system requires the owner to thoroughly check for damaged or lost data and programs.
Even if the hacker did indeed make no changes, the computer's owner must run through a costly
and time-consuming investigation of the compromised system.
Definition of Cyber Ethics
Cyber ethics is the philosophic study of ethics pertaining to computers, encompassing
user behavior and what computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and
Cyber ethics and ICT are interrelated. ICT not only depends on dealing with the
technology but also with the awareness of what is right and what is wrong according to the cyber
ethics. It is advisable that students must be given awareness about cyber ethics as a part of
curriculum in ICT.
1. Warren, Samuel; Brandeis, Louis (February 1998). "Privacy, photography, and the
press". Harvard Law Review. 111 (4): 1086–103. doi:10.2307/1342012. JSTOR
2. Gavison, Ruth E. (January 1980). "Privacy and the Limits of Law". The Yale Law
Journal. 89 (3): 421–71. doi:10.2307/795891. JSTOR 795891. SSRN 2060957.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Latak, Andy (February 2005). "Identity Crisis: To make its players safe the NFL is
tackling schemers and scammers". Legal Affairs. Retrieved 2008-05-01.
4. Spinello, Richard (2006). Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace (3rd ed.).
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN 0-7637-3783-6.
5. "Intellectual Property Policy and Programs". Computer Crime & Intellectual Property
Section. United States Department of Justice. Archived from the original on 15 January


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Social networking sites received plenty of interest from all society categories, especially
young people, andturned to be tools for exchanging and spreading behavioural models, ideas,
views and opinions. It also became achanging factor at all levels and domains and decision-
making, as a result the young generation lost the ability todistinguish between the right and the
wrong, this in its turn created a crisis and lead to behavioural deviations,extremism,
exaggeration, terrorism, atonement, bloodshed and infringement on money and chastity
(Asiri,2003).Farhan (2000) believed that the current state of Arab society does not reflect our
moral values, this problemcreates a crisis as well as a challenge for the educators and reformers;
trying to bridge the gap between theoriginal morals and the current life state. A shift has
occurred in the nations‘ entity, it returned to ignorance andblurred human vision, linked him
with material things, disconnected him from the spirit and restricted him in hissense‘s settings.
The nation‘s morals and psychological spirits were paralyzed and could not move in the
rightdirection, and then unusual behaviour prevailed.The nation cannot escape moral crisis
unless it upholds ethical norms as being a prominent factor of progress andstability for
individuals and communities, to embed it in the young through the educational institutions, in
orderto address the moral crisis.

Importance of Moral Values

Social networks play a vital role today; they are also affecting behaviours and morals of
the youth. Our societylacks effect on creating moral crisis among students. As a result,
individuals and public bodies such as the Ministries of Education, HigherEducation, Youth,
Media, Cultural Ministry, public and private educational institutions, civil
communityorganizations and organizations of youth would benefit from it. Today we need to
hold on moral behaviour andvalues to maintain individuals‘ personalities, integration, balance,
and to develop socially which will not occurunless we maintain morals and values that prevent
societies from collapsing.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Ethical challenges with social media use

A major challenge with the use of social media is oversharing because when persons
share on social media, they tend to share as much as is possible which is often times too much.
When persons are out and about doing exciting things, it is natural to want to share this with the
world as many users will post a few times a day when they head to lunch, visit a museum, go out
to dinner or other places of interest.

Another ethical challenge user of social media often encounter is that they have no way
of authenticating content before sharing, which becomes problematic when the content paints
people or establishments negatively. Often times content is shared with them by friends, family
and colleagues. The unauthenticated content is then reshared without any thought but sometimes
this content may have been maliciously altered so the user unknowingly participates in
maligning others. Even if the content is not altered the fact that the content paints someone or
something in a bad light should send off warning bells as to whether or not it is right to share the
content which is the underlying principle of ethical behaviour.

Conflicting views

Some of the challenges experienced by social media posts are a result of a lack of
understanding and sometimes a lack of respect for the varying ethical and moral standpoints of
the people involved. We have established that it is typical for persons to post to social media
sites without any thought as to how it can affect other persons, but many times these posts are a
cause of conflict because of a difference of opinion that may exist and the effect the post may
have. Each individual will have his or her own ethical values and if they differ then this can
result in conflict. When an executive of a British company made an Instagram post with some
racial connotations before boarding a plane to South Africa it started a frenzy that resulted in the
executive‘s immediate dismissal. Although the executive said it was a joke and there was no
prejudice intended, this difference in views as to the implications of the post, resulted in an out
of work executive and a company scrambling to maintain its public image.

Impact on personal development

In this age of sharing, many young people spend a vast amount of time on social media
checking the activities of their ―friends‖ as well as posting on their own activities so their
―friends‖ are aware of what they are up to. Apart from interfering with their academic progress,
time spent on these posts at can have long term repercussions. An example is provided by a
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

student of a prominent university who posted pictures of herself having a good time at parties
while in school. She was denied employment because of some of her social media posts. While
the ethical challenge here is the question of the employee‘s right to privacy and whether the
individual‘s social media profile should affect their ability to fulfil their responsibilities as an
employee, the impact on the individual‘s long term personal growth is clear.

Ethical Issues in Content and Social Media Marketing

1. Twitter Face book LinkedIn

2. Take Privacy Seriously.
3. Aim for Transparency.
4. Don‘t Distort or Overstate.
5. Avoid Over-Promising and Under-Delivering.
6. Don‘t Spam or Over-Promote.
7. Don‘t Use Clickbait Headlines.
8. Avoid Controversy for Publicity‘s Sake.
9. Don‘t Engage in Fear-Mongering.
10. Avoid Public Bashing.
11. Be Truthful in Reporting.
12. Don‘t Pass Off Someone Else‘s Work as Your Own.
13. Don‘t Be Opportunistic.
14. Consider How It Will Affect Others.

―If we are to criticize ourselves first, there are times that we obviously ignore ethical
values. Here is how it rolls; there is loads of information in virtual settings, and we sometimes
want people to believe that what we say/write is our work by not citing relevant sources. This
concept is vital since we should respect for labor. Yet, we still transfer what we read and see
online without showing reference, which is injustice forthe labor of the person whoever
uploaded that piece of information. This is how I violate.‖ (Ercan)

―As for ethical values, I try to respect people, not to exclude them because of their
thoughts. Even when I think what they say is rubbish, I try to be polite, and express myself
within courtesy boundaries. If they do not allow me to share a picture of theirs, then I don‘t use
it, which can be taken as a sign of respect for privacy.‖ (Rüya)

Positive impact of Social media on human behaviour: -


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social media gave access to varied opinions and thoughts of people of different cultures
and different regions. This has the power to make people broad-minded, to challenge stereotyped
views on particular communities and to develop mutual respect among people of different
backgrounds.People are expanding knowledge through social media.Most of the social media
content creators encourage people to pursue career they love, to take care of themselves, and to
learn new skills etc. This creates a positive impact on human behaviour.

Traditional media (Print media, Television etc.) was the only medium until recently to
reach people. Not everyone could share their views and information with people. Most of the
traditional media channels are in the hands of big businesses. Social media enriched democracy
and equality by enabling everyone to send out their content to a larger audience.

Social media gives voice to minorities and vulnerable sections. For example, more and
more women are voicing their opinions through social media, who were otherwise not
encouraged to speak up due to cultural norms. Another example is that differently-abled people
are sharing content to encourage people who have the same problems, and are voicing their
thoughts to government and society.

People are collaborating for good. Tweeting by hashtags, they are pushing governments to do
their duties. Social media has a stake in improving society. For example, social media played a
great role in Arab Spring.

Negative impact of Social media on human behaviour-

Many people became celebrities through social media. This is encouraging many others
to become celebrities. In the process, some are turning into self-obsessed and narcissistic.

Social media is also encouraging violent behaviour for many. Before the internet era,
people could not harass others easily. But now, anyone can easily harass and threaten others by
hiding their identity. Most of the social media content creators face cyber bullying, threats and
trolling. People, who are used to harass others online tend to develop more violent
behaviour.Some people, especially teens suffer from anxiety and depression when they face
cyber-bullying.Some youngsters are suffering from low self-esteem levels because of watching
many people showing off their talents through social media.Social media has the power to instil
anger in people on particular people and communities. This anger is carrying forward to real
life.There are plenty of content on social media on makeup and beauty products. There are so
many makeup channels on YouTube. With high quality videos and images, people are
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

promoting products to improve outward appearance. This is causing people, especially girls to
give too much importance to beauty.Fake news is causing panic among people. This is in turn
leading to hatred and clashes between communities.

Five Types of Dilemmas

The five categories of ethical dilemmas that can arise for practitioners who are responsible
for social media accounts in organizations:
1. Role Dilemmas
2. Tempo Dilemmas
3. Integrity Dilemmas
4. Speech Dilemmas
5. Competence Dilemmas
"The categories can help people sort out and understand what kind of situation they are in.
The concepts in the book can be used to think more clearly about ethical dilemmas in social
media", says Kvalnes.

In today‘s information age, one‘s digital footprint can make or break someone; it can be
the deciding factor on whether or not one achieves one‘s life-long ambitions. Unethical
behaviour and interactions on social media can have far reaching implications both
professionally and socially. Posting on the Internet means the ―end of forgetting,‖ therefore,
responsible use of this medium is critical. The unethical use of social media has implications for
privacy and can result in security breaches both physically and virtually. The use of social media
can also result in the loss of privacy as many users are required to provide information that they
would not divulge otherwise. Social media use can reveal information that can result in privacy
breaches if not managed properly by users. Therefore, educating users of the risks and dangers
of the exposure of sensitive information in this space, and encouraging vigilance in the
protection of individual privacy on these platforms is paramount. This could result in the
reduction of unethical and irresponsible use of these media and facilitate a more secure social
environment. The use of social media should be governed by moral and ethical principles that
can be applied universally and result in harmonious relationships regardless of race, culture,
religious persuasion and social status.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. R.V. PATHMANABAN Assistant professor
Department of Perspective in Education
Sri Vidhayodhaya college of Education
Villupuram - 605 301


The emergence of social network sites has revolutionized communication tools for
facilitating teaching and learning activities. In recent years, social networking has become one of
the most significant communication tools among people; in which exist through the Internet that
provides accessibility for tremendous amount of people. Applying Social Networking Sites
(SNSs) in teaching and learning offer a positive impact on the adoption of SNSs and open the
door to the new days of learning and teaching. Social network mainly focused on identity,
network infrastructure, privacy concern, technological issues, and necessitation of its use as a
tool for teaching and learning (Kevin, P. B., Lori B. H., and Bethany, V. S. (2010); Kuh, G.D.
(1995).Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in using social media/social learning
with courses in higher education. New technologies, most often referred to as Web 2.0 have
created a growing phenomenon in public and academic use, changing theway organizations and
people create, engage, and share existing or newly produced information through multi-way
communication. With the use of social media interfacing through computer and mobile devices
becoming more prevalent, use interaction from the platform to face to face engagement is being
promoted (Teclehaimanot& Hickman, 2011). Recent attention of students to social networks
brings a privacy and safety concern in educational environment (Brady, K. P., Holcomb, L. B.,
and Smith, B. V. 2010). The appearance of social networks that are focused on teaching and
learning like Ning, Elgg and Edmodo give an opportunity to students and lecturers to minimize
the privacy and safety concerns (Kevin, P. B., Lori B. H., and Bethany,V. S. 2010).

Educational and Social Network Sites

Many teachers and teacher educators remain uncertain about how to meaningfully
integrate this technology or assess its impacts (Crook 2012). Assessing the processes and
products of students‘ thinking in projects involving the Internet or identifying how online
applications could aid them in developing their capacity for such assessment, can be especially
difficult even for experienced content- and technology-using teachers (Greenhow. 2006). Web-
based social networks introduce tools, people, and materials to school culture that could help to


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

break up established routines and assist teachers and students in getting feedback on their
performances (Bransford, et. al. 1999). Leveraging social networking capabilities may give
teachers and students access to a different culture that helps them clarify their beliefs about
teaching with technology and revise their behaviors (Greenhow.2006).

Role of Social Media

Social media in education include Face book, Twitter, Linked-in, Google plus, message
boards and blogging among which Face book leads the rest. In 2008-2009 61% were of the
population were using Face book and it went up to 87% in 2009-10 and reached 98% in 2010-
11. Educational institutes have been majorly using micro-blogging to update students and
teachers with the latest announcements. This is a trend that has garnered a lot of support as well
as apprehension (Madhusudan G. Tandale, and Raghu Raman. 2016). Over the past few years,
programmes allowing interaction via virtual social networks, better known as SNSs, have
brought about an authentic revolution, both in terms of their rapid assimilation but also in terms
of their extension into further applications. The social networks have fast become powerful
interaction spaces between diverse social groups, some of them highly specialized, and where it
is possible to meet people who share the same interests or reacquaint themselves with others, as
is the case with LinkedIn, Twitter and Face book.
Social Networking Sites
The phrase ―social networking sites‖ is an umbrella term used for social media and
includes but is not limited to Face book, Twitter, Linked-in, My space. Social Media is internet
based technologies that allow more free flowing communication among its users.
Advanced Communication Tools
Media Sharing Spaces provide spaces and opportunities to the user community of posting
and sharing pictures, podcasts and videos. Collaborative Tools extend documents‟ sharing and
editing capabilities to multiple users. Social Networking Sites have abilities of promoting virtual
communities to interact and communicate synchronously or asynchronously (Fogel&Nehmad,
Teacher‟s Role in Social Networking Sites
Students actively plan their activities and assume different roles within a group, instead
of simply concentrating on thelearning content. As such, every member of the community may
be seen as both a learner and a tutor. The students find communication with the teacher
constructive and encouraging, and the teacher can support the students by setting the right tone


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

for the discussion and contributing to developing a sense of community (Vonderwell, S. 2003).In
summary, the teacher‘s role in the SNSs is defined as ―rich and delicate‖. In practice, this
presupposes a balanced performance, creating a climate of openness and using pedagogical
experience to create supportive structures for learning. It requires a lot of trust and sensitivity on
the part of the teacher not to interfere with the activities of the learner immediately; it
seems to help to build in (throughout the work) a kind of subtle support framework for the group
( DeLaat, M.; Lally, V.;Lipponen, L.; Simons, R.J. 2007, p. 280).
Social networks are applications that support enthusiasm in a common space around
sharing interests, collaborations, resource sharing, communications and interactions. The
evidence is growing that the use of SNSs in education can be useful in blended learning. The
teachers can communicate instantly and directly with the students and compare notes on
education techniques, curriculum and teaching methodology and so on. Teachers, professors and
academics routinely used blogs to write about the world of education and invite comments from
all over the world. The impact of social media is radically changing the way education has been
traditionally delivered. Students should develop the cognitive and intuitive ability to analyze
how much time they spent with social media. It is up to the students to decide what really
matters in their life and how much of this virtual life translates to real life. In spite of those
concerns, however, the faculty believes a social media sites offer value in teaching. An
overwhelming majority report that they believe that video, podcast, and wikis re valuable tools
for teaching, and a majority report that social media sites can be valuable tools for collaborative
learning (Madhusudan G. Tandale, and Raghu Raman. 2016).

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[5] Ellison, N. B. & Boyd, d. 2013. Sociality through SNS. In Dutton, W. H. (Ed.), The Oxford
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[7] Greenhow, C. 2011a. Online social networks and learning. On the Horizon, 19(1), 4–12.
[8] Greenhow, C. &Robelia, E. 2009. Old communication, new literacies: Social network sites
as social learning resources. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 14, 1130-1161.
[9] Halverson, E. R. 2011. Do social networking technologies have a place in formal learning
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[10] Manca, S. &Ranieri, M. 2013. Is it a tool suitable for learning? A critical review of the
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ComputerAssisted Learning, 29(6), 487-504.
[11] Selwyn, N. 2010. Looking beyond learning: Notes towards the critical study of educational
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[12] Siemens, G. 2005. Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. International Journal
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[13] Siemens, G., & Weller, M. 2011. Higher education and the promises and perils of social
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Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC), 8(1), 164–170.
[14] Ferdig, R. E. 2007. Editorial: Examining social software in teacher. Journal of Technology
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[15] Teclehaimanot, B., & Hickman, T. 2011. Student-teacher interaction of Facebook: What
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[16] Brady, K. P., Holcomb, L. B., & Smith, B. V. 2010. The use of alternative social
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education. Journal of Interactive Online Learning,9 (2), 151-170.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. C. Ashok Kumar
Sakthi Institute of Teacher Education and Research
Sakthi Nagar, Palakkanuthu, Dindigul - 624 619.

The social networking sites play a vital role in the modern educational environment as
prominent sources and resources for the beneficiaries of educational development.Social
networking sites have become prominent tools of education, organization, participation and
development in modern times. The social networking sites have created virtual social space
encouraging interaction, thereby broadening the appeal of the technology and promoting
transitions back and forth from the platform to face-to-face engagement. The use of social
networking sites interfaces through computer and mobile devices has become quite widespread,
and currently, the two most prominent interfaces are Facebook and Twitter. The social
networking sites allow the users to build and maintain connections and invite others to join a
Social Media is the most coveted and used digital platform of the decade. Just a decade
ago there was no such technology like social media. In very less time it has become the most
popular among common people especially in India. Social media originally meant for fast
communication is not limited to just sharing any more but has a vast usage in numerous fields
like marketing, advertisement, business, education and many more. Here we explore it use in
field of school education. As we all know that social media has not only become rage among
adults but children also especially teenagers. So, it becomes necessary to know the impact and
usage of social media by teenage students. It is also taking a negative turn from usage to
addiction and so all need to be alert and aware of its use especially the parents. So, parents‘
reaction towards use of social media of their child is necessary to know. Teachers also use social
media for different phases of teaching- learning process like planning, classroom teaching and
feedback or reinforcement. Social media is also use in school administration especially for
various announcements and communications. So here we try to find how and up to what extent
social media is used by teachers and administrators for their professional competency.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Networking Sites for Educational Development

Social networking sites have become an integral part of the lives of people. The social
networking sites operate on the basis of the power of new digital technologies which have
considerably expanded the academic scholarship in the globe. The social networking sites are
highly accessible to the young generation of students in schools, colleges and universities. The
social networking sites have become important tools of academic interaction between the
educational resources and learners. The social networking sites have facilitated formation of
study groups, promoted research projects and extended academic support for distance and
campus-based education in modern times.
The students use their mobile phones or voice calls or text messages and use social
networking sites when they should be engaging with their studies. New technologies can be as
much a distraction as a tool in education (Bugeja, 2006). The blogs allowed the students to view
their personal profiles and communicate with them.
Twiducate is known as a ‗walled garden‘ which is billed as a safe site for teachers and
students to collaborate academically. It is easily accessible and allows teachers to create a class
community online using a class code rather than an email address. It also allows teachers to have
total control over who is a member and what gets posted.
TweenTribune enables the students stay up-to-date with current academic issues and
events. It gets students in the news habit and offers a chance for them to comment on the day‘s
Blackboard is maintained by the individual schools at the community level. It is an
incredibly powerful, safe and comprehensive platform. It facilitates effective teacher-student
collaboration in educational institutions.
EDU2.0 is a platform which enables the teachers to integrate course management
systems like Blackboard, without the cost. It offers free services which is cloud-based. It
requires no significant investment in storage capacity.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Wikispaces Classroom
Wikispaces Classroom is a private social network complete with news feeds and
communication tools. It provides an opportunity to the students, parents, administrators and
other stakeholders of education.
Edmodo is an excellent, free classroom management system. It includes news feeds,
assessment tools, communication capabilities and security features. It is very popular among the
teachers and students.
Minecraft Edu
MinecraftEdu has the ability to harness the power of video games to engage learners.
This game allows students to collaborative, explore and problem solve all while learning about
history, economics, science and other subjects.
Sum dog
Sum dog is a gaming site which contains flashcards on steroids. Elementary school age
kids love this site. The social aspect is the ability to add friends to their accounts.
Computing ++
This is a platform that helps teachers learn computing and computational thinking. The
goal is to increase the amount and level of computing education in schools.
EFL Classroom 2.0
This is a community of thousands of English learners and teachers. This service is
completely free but it does require a sign up.
English Companion
This is a platform where students can get to ask questions and get help. It is a community
dedicated to helping them enjoy the work, a cafe without walls.
The Epic Ed Community
The epic-ed community is designed to empower educators such as administrators,
teachers, instructional technology facilitators, and chief technology officers as they make the
digital transition in their schools and districts.
Level Up Book Club
This is a platform for teachers and learners where they support each other, share ideas for
gamifying the instruction and lending a hand for the epic win.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Life Pulp
This is a social networking website put together to enrich the user mentality via a great
deal of motivational and inspirational content. Its goal is to help individuals better their lives and
achieve their goals.
My Big Campus
My Big Campus gives schools an engaging online environment to promote blended
learning with a safe, monitored platform that balances educational use of web 2.0 with network
and student safety. Students and teachers can connect with each other and other users via
collaborative tools.
PLP Community Hub
This is another social networking website for educators and teachers. Membership of this
community is by invitation only.
PLP Network
This community thinks deeply about Problem Based Learning, student centered learning,
making the shift to being a connected teacher and inquiry learning. There are lots of practical
ideas that someone can take away and immediately apply in the classroom.
Challenge yourself to Blog
The challenges are about getting students to blog and develop a worldwide audience
while doing so, rather than just having their teacher and classmates look at their work.
This is a social networking website for language teachers. It also requires a sign up and
the members meet educators from all around the world discussing issues that have to do with
language teaching.
Advantages of Social Media
The social media facilitate exchange information in real-time via a chat. Social
networking can provide a tool for managers to utilize in team meetings, for conference
organizers to use to update attendees and for business people to use as a means of interacting
with clients or prospects. The social media also provide free advertising services to the mankind
about the activities and contributions of modern organizations. The social media have led to the
development of a near instantaneous news cycle as millions of social networking updates rapidly
spread news and information.
The social media have provided opportunities to the people to meet frequently and
interact well for various purposes. The social media enable the users to constantly keep in


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

contact with family through advanced means and methods. The social media facilitate the
creation of networks of like-minded people. The users can always remain well connected to a
larger pool of new information and opinion. The social media platforms are completely free to
use, the only cost to businesses being the time spent on updating profiles and interacting with
Disadvantages of Social Media
The advantages weighed over the disadvantages in social media application. Social
media association had considerably reduced inter-personal relations and social interaction. The
children, adolescents and youth do not find adequate time for face-to-face interactions with their
peers and lose opportunities for developing social skills for their success. The use of social
networks has exposed individuals to harassment or inappropriate contacts from others. The users
also encounter the risks of fraud and theft of identity due to social media abuse.
Greater social contact is related to reduction of morbidity while fewer contacts lead to
increased morbidity. Lack of social connection or loneliness is also associated with increased
risk of cardiovascular disease. The Internet Paradox concluded that greater use of the internet
was associated with declines in communication between family members in the house, declines
in the size of their social circle, and increases in their levels of depression and loneliness.
The Internet has emerged as a prominent informal university in modern world. The social
media have played a significant role as effective tools of social mobilization in the world. Social
media have both advantages and limitations. Social media offer opportunities to the stakeholders
of higher education as prominent tools for their communication and marketing strategies. Social
media facilitate constant interaction between the educational institutions and alumni. Higher
educational institutions have used social media to connect with prospective and current students.
Social media have created more opportunities for collaborative learning, self-managed learning
and participatory development.
The social media have grown commendably in the new millennium as the effective
participatory communication and development sources and resources. The social media have
become effective means which have initiated critical bonds with the stakeholders of
development in all spheres of human life. The social media play an important role in everyday
life for academicians, researchers and students in the modern educational institutions. The social
media have also become creative and useful source of higher education. The use of social media,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

multiplicity of social media, relevance of social media and competitiveness of the market are
bound to increase in future.
The social media have become active facilitators of higher education in the present times.
They have also ensured better social mobility and connectivity in the world. The students have
incorporated social media in their daily lives. The social media have brought about integrated
learning regardless of space and time. The universities, research centers, development
institutions, publication houses and other higher educational institutions should make necessary
arrangements for the optimum utilization of social media.
The social media have also emerged as complementary sources of knowledge, experience
and expertise for the students, researchers and teachers. The stakeholders of higher education
should also examine the positive and negative impact of social media on the students and ensure
meaningful checks and balances for optimum and responsible use of social media for higher
educational development in India.
1. Adaja, Tokunbo A. and Felix A. Ayodele (2013) Nigerian Youths and Social Media:
Harnessing the Potentials for Academic Excellence, Arabian Journal of Business and
Management Review, 2(5):65-75.
2. Adaugo, Chiemela Queen., Ovute A.O and Obochi Charles I (2015) The influence of the
social media on the Nigerian youths: Aba residents experience, Journal of Research in
Humanities and Social Science, 3 (2):12-20.
3. Ancy Mathew and Mahesh Chandra Guru, B. P. (2017) New media and educational
development a comparative study on uses and gratifications of social networking sites
among university students in Kerala and Karnataka States.
4. Bhakta, Kaushik (2017) Using Social Networking Sites and its Impact on College
Students, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Fiel, 3(1):
5. Bicen, Huseyin and HuseyinUzunboylu (2013) The Use of Social Networking Sites in
Education: A Case Study of Facebook, Journal of Universal Computer Science,
6. Daniels, Lila (2014) 10 Social Media Sites for Education, Weblog, March 29, Online


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

7. Chen, B and Bryer, T. (2012) Investigating Instructional Strategies for Using Social
Media in Formal and Informal Learning, The International Review of Research in Open
and Distance Learning 13 (1):84-92.
8. Hamid, S. Chang, S. and Kurnia, S. (2009) Identifying the use of online social
networking in higher education, Same places, different spaces, Proceedings Ascilite
9. Judd, Rebecca G. and Lon B. Johnston (2012) Ethical Consequences of Using Social
Network Sites for Students in Professional Social Work Programs, Journal of Social
Work Values and Ethics, 9(1):1-11.
10. Langmead, S. (2013) Social media in higher education: Pros, cons and overall impact,
11. Minocha, S. and Petre, M. (2012) Handbook of social media for researchers and
supervisors: Digital technologies for research dialogues, The Open University,
12. Shah, H P and Vinita Advani (2019) A Study of Use of Social Media in School


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


P. DEVI, M. Ed (IIyear)

Social media is nothing but websites and applications that help the users to develop and
distribute the content or to participate in social networking. Knowledge is strength and power.
This is often a famous saying but only a few understand the role of social media during this. In
today's world, social media plays a crucial role in affecting our culture, our economy and overall
view of the planet. Social media may be a new platform that holds the people together to
exchange ideas. Social media has removed language barriers and created decentralized channel
and open the door for all to possess a voice and participate. It enables common interest based
groups like students to figure during a collaborative group projects outside their class. Although
it has got many benefits, allowing us to simply connect with friends and family round the world
allows us to cross international borders and cultural barriers. Now a day‘s social media is
playing an essential role one‘s life from shopping to electronic mails, education and business
tool. Social media plays an important role in transforming people‘s life style. Social media
includes social networking sites and blogs where people can easily connect with one another.
Since the emergence of those social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook as key tools for
news, journalists and their organizations have performed something that involves risk that needs
an excellent care. Social media has been mainly defined to refer as relatively inexpensive and
widely allowable electronic tools that helps anyone to publish and access information,
collaborate on a standard effort, or build relationship.


As we are cognizant of social media to facilitate a huge impact on our society. Some
social media destinations have changed the way where individuals convey and mingle on the
online . Communication destinations opens door for people to reconnect with their old
companions, partners and mates. Web based social networking moreover changes the life sort of


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Connectivity – the primary and foremost advantage of the social media is connectivity as people
from any corner of the planet can connect with anyone, no matter the situation and religion.

Education – Social networking provide various benefits to the scholars and teachers. it's very
easy to find out and teach from others who are experts and professionals via the social media.
they will also follow anyone to reinforce his knowledge about any field. no matter our location
and education background we will educate ourselves, without paying for it.

Help – you'll expire your issues to the group to urge help and energy. no matter whether it's
helping in term of money or in term of advices, you'll catch on from the group you're related to

Information and Updates – the first position of the web-based social networking is that we will
refresh ourselves from the foremost recent occurrence round the planet. With the help of web-
based social networking we will get the authentic data by performing some exploration.

Advertising – we will promote our business to the most important audience. The whole world is
open for you, and may promote to them. It will help in increase the profits and achieves the
targets of Business.

Noble Cause – Social media also can be used for the noble causes. People is making use of
social media for contribution for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.

Helps in Building Communities – Our world is diverse and so people of different communities
can connect to discuss and share related stuffs.

Students and experts are capable to share and exchange information with like-minded people
and can ask for the input and opinion on a particular topic beyond geographical borders. • Social
Media helps to satisfy people that have not met outside the social media forums. It provides
open opportunity for all writers and bloggers to attach with their clients. • It unites people on an
enormous platform for the achievement of specific goals. This brings positive change in the


Cyber Harassing – consistent with a report distributed by the greater a part of
the kids have progressed toward becoming casualties of the digital bulling over the past. Since
anyone can make a phony record and do anything without being tailed, it's ended up being


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

exceptionally straightforward for anyone to spook on the web. Risks, scaring messages and bits
of tales can be sent to the majority to make inconvenience and uproar in the general public.

Hacking – Personal information and security are often hacked and shared on the web . Some
twitter and Facebook accounts are hacked within the past and therefore the programmer had
posted materials that have influenced the person's lives.

Addiction – The addictive piece of the web networking is awful and may exasperate individual
lives also. It can likewise misuse individual‘s time that would are employed by profitable tasks
and exercises.

Fraud and Scams – Several cases are available where people have committed fraud and scams
through the web networking.

Reputation – Social media can without much of a stretch destroy somebody's notoriety just by
making a false story and spreading over the web networking.

Kids are often extraordinarily influenced by these person to person communication

locales on the off chance that they're permitted to utilize them. The reason is that occasionally
individuals share photographs via web based networking media that contains savagery and sex,
which may harm the conduct of youngsters and kids. Another disadvantage of the web-based
social networking is that people shares excessive data which may posture dangers to them. Even
with the tight security settings our own data may spill on the social locales. Downloading
recordings or pictures and copying status may be a simple assignment and will be possible inside
few snaps.


As the technology is developing, the web-based social networking has become the
routine for each last individual, people; groups are seen dependent with this technology
consistently. Online networking has expanded the standard and rate of coordinated effort for
college pupils. Business uses online networking to upgrade an organizations execution in several
courses. False data can lead the training framework to disappointment, in organizations wrong
promotion will influence the productivity, online networking can manhandle the overall public
by attacking on individuals' security, some pointless sites can impact youth which will find
yourself plainly savage and may take a couple of wrong activities. Last but not least, all the
citizens are advised to adopt the positive aspects of social media and avoid negative effect


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


 Retrieved from on May 12, 2020.

 Retrieved from
learning/ on May 12, 2020.
 Retrieved from
 Retrieved from
 Retrieved from Mehanna, W. (2004). E-pedagogy: the pedagogies of e-learning. ALT-J,
Research in Learning Technology 12(3).
 Retrieved from
 Retrieved from B Elliott - 2008 -


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. M. Amala Jansi, Dr. M. GovindaRaju,
Ph.D Scholar Principal
Bharathiar University, Sri Muthukumaran College of Education
Chennai -


Social media isn‘t for every course. But used effectively, it can be a creative way to engage
with your online learners. That said, not every social media platform works the same way, and
your first step in determining if it‘s right for you probably involves a closer look at the options
available. Here, list out the top Five social networks, and use them as part of our online course:

 Twitter
 YouTube
 Instagram
 Facebook
 LinkedIn


Twitter is also very popular with the younger demographics. If your eLearning content is
targeted primarily to them, then this makes Twitter ideal for connecting with your desired

Twitter for Our E-Learning

Probably the easiest way to use Twitter in your online course is as a simple networking
tool. If you enjoy using Twitter as a platform, tweeting often and encouraging your learners to
follow you and comment on or reply to your tweets is a simple way to build discussions. The
pedagogical uses are limited, but it‘s also easier to get started, and it could even help market
your course.

Another lesser-known feature of Twitter is its lists. They‘re a little hard to find, but if you
go to your profile page, select ―lists‖ from the navigation bar below your header photo. This will
show you lists that you‘re subscribed to—and also lists you‘re a member of. If you look to the
right-hand side of your screen, you can see a button that reads ―Create new list.‖ At that point,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

you can add other Twitter users to your list, and anyone who subscribes to your list will see
tweets from the members of that list. You can also find other people‘s lists (both those they‘ve
created and those they‘re a part of) if you go to the lists section of their profile.

The world‘s largest repository of cat videos, is also a bona fide social network of its own
right, just one that doesn‘t use text but video as its starting point. The main ingredients are all
there: your uploaded content is shared with the internet at large, which can then view it, ―like‖ it
or ―hate‖ it, add comments, post ―video responses‖, annotate it, share it and subscribe to your
channel. Compared to Twitter, using YouTube for eLearning is more straightforward. In fact,
there are tons of YouTube channels doing just that, e.g. providing foreign language lessons,
cooking lessons, musical lessons, and everything in between.
Youtube for Our E-Learning

This is the social network with the most obvious use for many online educators, many of
whom distribute their course material via the video platform. If you plan to make course videos
for yourself—or ask your learners to make them—YouTube is a natural choice. Plus, you can
easily distribute video content make on YouTube to their platforms.

YouTube videos are platform agnostic. Share them, tweet them, pin them. You can post
them almost anywhere, including on your LMS, and your learners can do the same. So, you
could ask them to film a short presentation on a subject, and then post it to your course forum.
They gain speaking experience, and your learners can learn from the content they present.

Instagram is kind of like Twitter, but its limitation is that it‘s all about visual content,
either pictures or video that‘s only up to 15 seconds long. Unlike YouTube, Instagram is not
much good as a content repository to get course related material from. It‘s also more distracting
and limited compared to Twitter (which is saying something). While Instagram might seem like
a lost cause, it does have a couple of redeeming qualities. For one, it can re-post your messages
across several social media (Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and others, including China‘s hugely
popular Weibo). So, you can use it as a convenient way of cross-posting your content to different

Instagram for Our E-Learning

ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Image-based and with a newsfeed more tailored to user interests, Instagram can be an
odd choice for educators. Your learners can follow you, but they‘ll mostly see your posts in a
stream of everyone else they follow. And while they can like and comment on your posts,
sharing those posts on Instagram—to individuals or to groups—is a little more clunky than on
other platforms.
Facebook is the Godzilla of social networks. It‘s also the more feature complete one: it
has text, images, videos, scoring, comments, pages, sharing, and a full web-based embedded app
platform. As such, it has a huge potential for eLearning, which, we think it hasn‘t really stood up
to. This doesn‘t mean that it isn‘t used already for eLearning purposes, or that you shouldn‘t use
it for those ends.
Use Face Book for Our E-Learning

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, and the one your learners are most
likely to use on a daily basis. For this reason, it‘s an excellent place to start if you want to host a
knowledge-sharing/discussion spot where your learners are most likely to see it. There are two
ways to go about doing this, and the one you choose will depend on your goals. They are:
Create a course page and Create a course group.
Unlike the rest of the bunch, this social network is all about your professional life. After
all it started out as a glorified resume site that recruiters and HR teams could use to find potential
hires. As such, it might not be great from using as an eLearning tool, but it can be of great
benefit for your students. If you‘re in the business of offering professional training courses, for
example, you‘re mostly catering to people that want to further their skills in order to improve
their hireability and land a better job.These are exactly the people that will benefit the most from
a well-crafted LinkedIn profile, but you‘d be amazed by how many of them either don‘t have
one at all or have a neglected, incomplete, profile.
Linkedin for Our E-Learning
For career-focused learners, LinkedIn can be a way for them to polish their professional
credentials while they take your course. You can encourage learners to publish short, weekly
articles about what they‘re learning in your course, and share any comments or feedback they
receive from their network. And because the purpose of LinkedIn is to promote professional
qualifications, most users feel less hesitant about connecting with others on this platform.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Like Facebook, LinkedIn also has a groups option, albeit one that‘s been buried in its
latest design reiteration. It also has options for business pages, but the types of posts that can be
made by these are limited. If your course group is likely to spend time on LinkedIn, or if you
make regular publishing a project, it will make more sense to launch a group here than on


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced institutions to shift from traditional to online
learning. Notwithstanding this, many public higher education institutions do not have
full access to online LMS. Social media is becoming an increasingly popular medium for online
educators. Social media have become an indispensable part of modern life. A huge part of our
social lives already happens online rather than in the ―real world. While not all social media
platforms are equally fit for eLearning purposes, a successful eLearning business should take a
good look in incorporating one or more of the major social media in its offering. Keep in mind
though that each social media platform has its own strengths and weaknesses and it‘s own
peculiar take on the concept of ―social‖ that you should respect and try to work within its


 Sobaih,A.;Mustafa,;Ghandforoush,P.;Khan,M.Touseornottouse?Socialmediainhigher
 Van DenBeemt, A.;Thurlings,M.;Willems,M.Towardsan understandingofsocial
mediause inthe classroom:Aliteraturereview. Technol.Pedagog.Educ.2020,29,35–55.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


U. Narayanasamy
Ph.D. Scholar
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Psychology,
Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University,Chennai-97.
Nowaday‘s social media has been the important part of one‘s life from shopping to
electronic mails, education and business tool. Social media plays a vital role in transforming
people‘s lifestyle. Social media includes social networking sites and blogs where people can
easily connect with each other. Since the emergence of these social networking sites like Twitter
and Facebook as key tools for news, journalists and their organizations have performed a high-
wire act. Social Media is a platform that lets us participate in social networking. We can share
our posts on various social media plat forms to improve business visibility. Today it is the best
source for news updates, marketing, education, and entertainment.
Importance of Social Media
The journey from Usernets to Facebook is a long one. Usernets allowed users to post on
newsgroups. It was followed by bulletin board systems (BBS) which allowed users to login and
interact. Online services like progidy were the precursors to BBS. After online services, internet
relay chat came into light which gave way to instant messaging.In the 90s, dating sites and
forums were on peak, which led to the development of social networks.
Impact of Social Media onEducation
As per the survey of previous research, 90% of college students use social networks.
Technology has shown a rapid development by introducing small communication devices and
we can use thesesmallcommunicationdevicesforaccessingsocialnetworks any time anywhere,
as these gadgets include pocket computers, laptops, iPads and even simple mobile phones
(which support internet)etc.. With the help of social media students can easily communicate or
share information quickly with each through various social sites like Facebook, Orkut, and
Instagram etc..It is also important for students to do some practical work instead of doing
paper work.
Positive Effect of Social Media on Education
The following are the positive effect of social media on education
 Social media gives away to the students to effectively reach each other in regards to
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

class ventures, bunch assignments or for help on homework assignments.

 Many of the students who do not take an interest consistently in class might feel that
they can express their thoughts easily on social media.
Negative Effects of Social MediaonEducation
The following are the important negative effect of social mediaon education.
 The first concern about the negative effect comes to mind is the kind of distraction to the
students present in the class. As teachers were not able to recognize who is paying
attention in the classroom.
 One of the biggest breakdowns of social media in education is the privacy issues like
posting personal information on onlinesites.
Impact of Social Media onSociety
As we all are aware of social media that has an enormous impact on our society. Many of
the social media sites are most popular on the web. Some social media sites have transformed
the way where people communicate and socialize on the web. Social networking sites render
the opportunity for people to reconnect with their old friends, colleagues and mates. It also
helps people to make new friends, share content, pictures, audios, videos amongst them. Social
media also changes the life style of a society.
Positive Effects of Social Media on Society
The following are the positive effects of social mediaon society:
Social Media helps to meet people they may not have met outside the social media
 It also helps to share ideas beyond the geographical boundaries.
 It provides open opportunity for all writers and bloggers to connect with theirclients.
 Another positive effect of social networking sites is itunites people on a huge platform
for the achievement of specific goals. This brings positive change in the society.
Social media provides awareness among society like campaigns, advertisement
articles, promotions which helps the society to be up to date with the current

Negative effects of social mediaonsociety

The following are the negative effects of social mediaon society

 One of the negative effects of social media is that it makes people addicted. People spend


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

lots of time in social networking sites which can divert the concentration and focus from
the particular task.
 Some people use their images or videos in social sites that can encourage others to use it
false fully.
As the technology is growing the social media has become the routine for each and every
person, peoples are seen addicted with these technology every day. With different fields its
impact is different on people. Social media has increased the quality and rate of collaboration
for students. Business uses social media to enhance an organization‘s performance in various
ways such as to accomplish business objectives, increasing annual sales of the organization.
Youngsters are seen in contact with these media daily. Social media has various merits but it
also has some demerits which affect people negatively. Use of social media is beneficial but
should be used in a limited way without getting addicted.
1. Butts, C. (2012): Social Media´s role in Communication and globalization: A case study of
local perceptions on a globalscale.FinalProject,NorthCarolinaStateUniversity,
2. Cha,M.;Benevenuto,F.;Haddadi,H&Gummadi,K.(2012).
TheWorldofConnectionsandInformationFlowinTwitter. IEEE Transactionson Systems,Man,
and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans 42.2,991-998.
3. CERN (2014, April 07). Retrieved from http://home.web.
4. Cybermobbing(2011,April):Forsa-UmfrageimAuftragder
5. European Commission (2012). Standard Eurobarometer
78_media_en.pdf Facebook (2014, April 06). Retrieved from https://www.
6. Getsafeonline(2014,April08).Retrievedfromhttps://www.
7. Shabnoor Siddiqui and Tajinder Singh, ―Social Media its
ImpactwithPositiveandNegativeAspects‖, International Journal of Computer Applications
Technology and Research Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ms. M. Merlin Therasa

Ph.D Educaton (Part-Time)
Dr. Joseph Catherine
Stella Matutina College of Education
Chennai- 600078

The role of social media is becoming very essential for better thinking style. The students
now a days spend lot of time in using social media and networking. As the usage of social media
increases the patter or style of thinking get modified and improvised. The students with good
knowledge in handling the social media holds lot of benefits in students.
Social Media
Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts
and information through the building of virtual network and communities. Social median is
internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content. Content includes
personal information, documents, videos and photos. Users engage with social media via
computer, tablet or smart phone.
Social media originated as a way to interact with friends and family but was later adopted
by businesses. Social media may take the form of a variety of tech-enabled activities. These
activities include photo sharing, blogging, social gaming, social networks, video sharing,
business networks, virtual worlds, reviews and much more.
Example of social media: Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs, Instagram, Google,
Flickr, Slideshare….Students use the following:
Post - twitter and facebook Articles- reddit
Phots- instagram Documents- google
Videos- Youtube, vimeo, vine Infographics- flickr
Audio- soundcloud Presentation- slideshare

Thinking is a complex process involving manipulation of information. Without clear
thinking we cannot convey clearly. Some of the definitions are: Ross: Thinking is a mental


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

activity in its cognitive aspect. Kolesnik: Thinking is reorganization of concepts. Woodworth:

Thinking is mental exploration for finding out the solution of a problem.
Characteristics of Thinking
1. Trial and Error, Analysis and synthesis and forward & backward: Thinking is
usually done when we want to solve a problem. While solving a problem we may try and
fail in few approaches. But ultimately one approach may work that will help us to solve
the problem.
2. Perception and memory: perception is the mental process in which we transform the
selected information received through our sense organs into organised pattern. The basis
of perception is sensation. This gives direction to think.
3. Mental exploration and not physical exploration: thinking is more of mental activity
or exploration than physical. We always use our mind to think.
4. Purposive and not day dreaming: thinking is more focussed and purposive. Day
dreaming is to fantasize or have pleasant thoughts about something you may prefer to be
doing at a later date.
5. Higher order thinking involves symbolic understanding: Thinking is a pattern of
behaviour in which we make use of internal representation called symbols of things and
events for the solution of some specific, purposeful problem.
List of tools of thinking
 Concept
 Proposition
 Images
 Language
 Signs
Thinking Style
Thinking style refers to the way a person‘s natural predisposition in processing
information embodying the qualities of thinking processes as well as type of thinking. Thinking
style are preferred way of applying one‘s intellectual abilities and knowledge to a problem.
Function of Thinking Style
1. People with legislative style of thinking likes doing things on their own creating,
formulating and planning things.
2. Executive style of thinking people generally prefer being given guidance as to what or
how to do what needs to be done.
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Types of thinking style:

1. Synthesists
2. Idealist
3. Pragmatists
4. Analysts
5. Realists.
Impact of Social Media on Thinking Style
The use of social media provides students with the ability to get more useful information,
to connect with learning groups and other system that makes education convenient. Social media
as a tool afford students and teachers with multiple opportunities to improve learning and
thinking style.
Positive Effect of Social Media on Thinking Style
 Boost student‘s engagement and activities of thought process.
 Link students to connect with expert‘s way of thinking.
 It helps to support a cause or issues the individual feel strongly about.
 To share their valuable information, which they think is important.
 To participate and feel involved in things happening in the world.
Negative Effect of Social Media on Thinking Style
 False sense of connection with the world.
 Mental health gets affected.
 Encourage poor thinking too.
 Explore to cyber bullying.
 Isolation and loneliness.
Social media influence the life style of each and every person around the world. Social
media plays an important role in the thinking pattern of everyone. It helps both the student and
the teacher to understand the state of thinking. The use of application and sites support and build
better thinking style or pattern among the students.
1. Sternberg, R. J. (1997). Thinking styles. New York: Cambridge University Press.
2. Gridley, M. C. (2006). Preferred Thinking Style of professional fine artist. Creativity
Research Journal, 18 (2), 247-248.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



M. Mugil
Research Scholar
J. Senthilvelmurugan
Associate Professor
Dept. of Management Studies
Periyar University, Salem-636 011.

Stress is the way our body reacts to tension, anxiety and the taking activities we must
face in everyday life when the pressures put on our bodies become excessive, we sometimes
suffer from sickness and other symptoms. ―Stress‖ to the body‘s conditions, which becoming
strained when trying to adapt itself to challenging daily activities. DemisWaitley (2004)
Psychologists can measure stress as a stimulus by administering scales that have been developed
to assess stress. The word ‗climate‘ is referred to as ―the average course orcondition of the
weather at a place for years as exhibited by temperature, wind, velocity and precipitation.&quot;
Litwin and Stringer defined organisational climate as ―A set of measurableproperties of the work
environment perceived directly or indirectly by the people who liveand work in that
environment, which influences their motivation and behaviour‖.
Significance of Study
The investigator is working in Cognizant. Employees in the organisation feel happy
whenthe environment in their organisation is suitable for them. Employees in IT industries are
able to get updated on a frequent bases .They feel discomfort in job when rules and regulations
are relaxed from person to person. . It is very hard to feel satisfied for the Employees in IT
industries due to work pressure and conducive environment in job..The Investigator wanted to
ascertain feelings of the IT Employees about work and their environment andhow do the
employees adjust with the environment. Various factors cause stress in the Job of IT Employees.
Employees can‘t control everything in their work environment but that doesn‘t mean Employees
are not efficient.Employees feel stressed resulting in reduction of their performance in their job.
Job Climate and Job Stress is different for employees from company to company and also based
on their age and designation . Hence is this study.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Review of Related Studies

Rita Agarwal (2001) reported the associations of job stress and organizational
identification with job satisfaction among Chinese police officers: The mediating role of
psychological capital. This study aimed to examine the associations of job stress and
organizational identification with job satisfaction among Chinese police officers. A sample of
2514 Chinese police officers from Liaoning Province of China using a multi-stage cluster
random sampling method is taken for this study. The findings showed that Job stress was
negatively associated with job satisfaction, while organizational identification and psychological
capital were positively associated with job satisfaction among Chinese police officers.Simon St.
John Bailey (2005) had undertaken a study on the Impact of job stress on job attitudes and life
satisfaction in college lecturers. Job stress has a significant negative relationship with job
performance, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction and a positive significant relation with
turnover intentions. Further, a significant difference was found among married and unmarried
college lecturers. The results also show that job performance, job satisfaction, and life
satisfaction was higher among married lecturers as compare to unmarried lecturers. Dr.Abdul
Nasser et al (2011), ―Organizational climate and its effects on the employees‘ commitment‖. To
improve productivity and performance of an organization, managers should understand the
human resources, attitude and behaviors of the workforce. Total sample for this study is 300
from all the sectors. The survey method was used and questionnaire of Meyer and Allen. The
result of this study that affective commitment is highly correlate with five components of
organizational climate.
1. To find the differencebetween age groups below 30 years, 30 to 40 years and above 40
yearson Job Stress and Job Climate in IT industries
2. To find the relationship between Job Stress and Job Climate ofIT company employees
H01: There is no significant differencebetween age groups below 30 years, 30 to 40 years and
above 40 yearson Job Stress and Job Climate in IT industries
H02: There is no significant relationship between Job Stress and Job Climate ofIT industry
Researcher has chosen normative survey method to study the Job Stress and Job Climate
of Employees in IT Companies. The investigator conducted a pilot study with a sample of 90


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Employees in IT Companies to establish the reliability and validity of the research tools. The
standardized tool Job Climate Scale and Job Stress Scale by Dr.S.Satyagirirajan(2006) was
adopted by the Investigator to study Job Climate and Job Stress of Employees in IT
Companies. The Job Climate Scale consists of 15 statements was administered to a sample of 90.
The Mean test scores were 29.59 and SD=11.06. The reliability of the present Job Climate scale
as measured by Rationale equivalence method is 0.82. The Job Stress Scale of 20 items was
administered to a sample of 90 Employees. The Mean test scores were 41.00 and SD = 10.67.
The reliability of the present Job Stress scale as measured by Rationale equivalence method is
The investigator employed random sampling technique and collected data from 348
Employees in IT Industries in Tamil Nadu.
Distribution of sample based on Age
PersonalVariables Category Frequency Total Percentage
Age Below 29 192 348 55.2
30 to 40 90 25.9
Above 40 66 18.9
Results and Discussion
Analysis of Variance
The statistics Analysis of Variance is applied because of the independent variables Age
So, the comparison of Job Stress and Job Climate of Employees in IT Industries is made on the
basis of Age table 1
Table 1
Analysis of Variance – Job Climate and Job Stress based on Age
S.No. Variables Nature Sum of d.f Mean F value LS
squares squares
1 Job Climate Between Group 17891.06 2 8945.53 79.29 S
Age Within group 38925.21 345 112.83
Total 56816.28 347 -
2 Job Stress Between Group 7969.69 2 3984.85 30.19 S
AGE Within group 45534.68 345 131.99
Total 53504.38 347 -

The calculated ―F‖ value of Job Climate (79.29) and Job Stress (30.19) is greater than the
table value (3.02) at 0.05 level of significance. This reveals that significant difference exists


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

between employees in IT Industries on Job Climate and Job Stress with respect to Age Groups of
below 29, 30to40 and above 40.
Post hoc „t‟ test for Effect of Age on Job climate

Sub Set for Alpha=(0.05)

Job Climate N
1 2
Below 30 192 34.06
30 to 40 90 50.93
Above 40 66 36.55

Based on multiple range ―t‖ test the Job Climate of 30 to 40 Age group Employees is
significantly differed from those below 30 and above 40 Age groups Employees in IT Industries.
There is no significant difference between below 30 and above 40 Age groups of Employees in
IT Industries with regard to Job Climate.
Post hoc „t‟ test for Effect of Age on Job stress
Job Stress Sub Set for Alpha=(0.05)
Age Groups N 1 2
Below30 192 49.97
30 to 40 90 60.40
Above 40 66 48.36

Based on multiple range ―t‖ test the Job Stress of 30 to 40 Age group Employees is
significantly differed from those below 30 and above 40 Age groups Employees in IT Industries.
There is no significant difference between below 30 and above 40 Age groups of Employees in
IT Industries with regard to their job stress.
Stanine analysis - Age wise comparison of Employees in IT industries on Job Stress and
Job Climate
The mean scores and corresponding Stanine values for Age (Below 30, 30 to 40 and
Above 40) of Employees in IT industries on Job Stress and Job Climate are given in the
following table: Table 3
Age wise Comparison of Employees in IT industries on Job Stress and Job Climate
S. Variable Mean Stanine Mean Stanine Mean Stanine
No Below 30 to Above
30 40 40
1 Job Stress 49.97 4 60.40 5 48.36 4


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2 Job Climate 34.06 4 50.93 6 36.55 4

There is a gap of Stanine between below 30 and 30 to 40 Age of Employees in IT

industries inJob Stress and Job Climate. There is a gap of Stanine between 30 to40 and above 40
Age of Employees in IT industries in Job Stress andJob Climate. There is no gap of Stanine
between below 30 and above 40 Age of Employees in IT industries in Job Stress and Job
Climate.Employees age group 30 to 40 in IT industries have higher level of Job Climate, Job
Stress. It may be due to social media and work pressure. Below 30 of Employees in IT industries
have lower level of Job Climate and Job Stress. Above 40 Age of Employees in IT industries
have lower level of Job Climate and Job Stress.
Extent of Relationship between Job Climate and Job Stress
The relationship between Job Climate and Job Stress of Employees in IT Industries is
presented in table 2
Table 4
Relationship of Job Climate with Job Stress
Variables Job Climate Job Stress
Job Climate 1 0.48
Job Stress 0.48 1

The correlation value 0.48 between job climate and job stress of the employees of IT industries,
is significant at 0.05 level which indicates the low correlation.
Job stress and Job climate of employees is differed based on their age groups.Employees
in IT industries having the age group 30 to 40 have higher level of job stress because they are
involving social medias at most of the time so they cannot involve in their jobs with full
concentration so these age groups suffered from Job climate in IT industries. Job stress of the
employees in IT industries affect their Job Climate .This stress may be due to overtime work,
pressure in the family and industry, disturbances from social media and difficulties in updation
of knowledge.
1. Abdul Nasser et al. (2011). ―Organizational climate and its effects on the employees‘
commitment‖. The Business Review. 19(1). Retrieved from
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. DemisWaitley (2004) Psychology of Success. New York: Mc Grow Hill Publishers.

3. Elizabeth Holmes (2005) Teacher Well-being: Looking after yourself and your career in
the classroom. London: RoutledgeFalmer
4. Korman, A. (1978). Organisational behaviour. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
5. Litwin, H. G., & Stringer, A. R. (1968). Motivation and Organisational Climate, Boston:
Harvard Business School.
6. Nayler, J., Pritchard, R. &Ilgen, D. (1980). A Theory of Behaviour in Organisations.
New York:Academic Press.
7. Rita Agarwal (2001) Stress in life and at work. New Delhi: Sage Publicationss.
8. Simon St. John Bailey (2005) Overcoming Stress. Noida: Medical Express


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Research Scholar, Department of Education,
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: /Mobile: 9092620162

Dr. T. Premalatha
Research Guide
Assistant Professor, Department of Education (SDE),
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: Mobile: 9442996465

The present study aims to examine the attitude of teacher educators towards the use of social
media by student teachers in Tamilnadu.The study used survey method and a well-structuredscale was
designed and the random sampling technique was used for data collection. The tool was sent to51 teacher
educators and got their responses. The analysis of the data collected is presented in the form of tables
with its interpretation. This study found that that teacher educators have neither a positive attitude nor a
negative attitude towards the use of student teachers in social media
Keywords: Social Media, Usage, Teacher Educator, Student teachers, Attitude

Over the past few years, the rise of social media has changed users' communication. The idea of
how people know and communicate with each other is based on social media. It gives people the power
to communicate, making the environment more available and interrelated. Social networking has a
significant impact on people's lives, as it helps a great deal in every field of life, such as political,
economic and educational areas. The use of social media is not only limited to professionals or elderly
people, but also commonly used by students in the educational sector. For several reasons, students have
commonly used social media, such as for study purposes, for entertainment purposes, for chatting, etc.
Significance of the study
Low-cost internet facilities and free apps fuel the use of social media in India. In order to
communicate and interact with friends and others, students use these platforms. They often use it to
exchange information, search for data and try to solve problems associated with their learning activities.
Students, on the other hand, have invested an excessive amount of time on the Internet in general and
social networking sites in particular. The use of social media has become an increasingly common free
time activity among students over the last few years. Social media is an important part of the daily lives
of learners, but it is also important to inculcate the correct social media behaviour among them at the
same time. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers. Disseminating proper social media use activity


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

at the college level is one of the key duties of professors.So it is important to understand what professors
think about their students' social media use.
Objective of the Study
The main objective of this research is to find the attitude of teacher educators towards student
teachers' use of social media.
The present study is descriptive in nature. In this study, the primary data is used for the data
collection. The primary data for this research study was collected through Likert scale. The investigator
developed the Likert Scale for teacher educators. Likert scale for teacher educators comprised of 10
evaluative statements concerning teacher educators‘ viewpoint about student teachers‘ social media
usage. The data were collected from 51 respondents. The population of the present study includes teacher
educators those who are working in B.Ed. Colleges which are affiliated to Tamilnadu Teachers Education
university. 51 teacher educators were selected by using random sampling method. After data collecting,
the whole data was analysed by the frequency tabulation and percentage analysis.
Data Analyses
1. Student teachers use social media more for their educational activities.
Table 1
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 0 3 3 14 31
Percentage 0% 6% 6% 27% 61%
From the above table 1, 88% of teacher educators believe that Student teachers use social media more for
their educational activities and 6% of them not believe that. 6% of teacher educators take neutral stand.
2. The activities of student teachers in classroom social media groups are satisfactory
Table 2
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 1 7 11 19 13
Percentage 2% 14% 22% 37% 25%
From the table 2, 62% of teacher educators says that the activities of student teachers in classroom social
media groups are satisfactory and 16% of them are not satisfactory. 22% of teacher educators take neutral
3. Due to the use of social media, I think the general knowledge of student teachers has increased.
Table 3
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 1 3 10 19 18
Percentage 2% 6% 20% 37% 35%


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

From the table 3, 72% of teacher educators think that the general knowledge of student teachers has
increased due to social media usage and 8% of them are not think that. 20% of teacher educators take
neutral stand.
4. The use of social media helps to promote the interaction between students and teachers.
Table 4
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 1 6 8 20 16
Percentage 2% 12% 16% 39% 31%
From the table 4, 70% of teacher educators say that the use of social media helps to promote the
interaction between students and teachers and 14 % of them are not think that. 16 % of teacher educators
take neutral stand.
5. Student teachers truly pay attention to information provided by teachers through social media.
Table 5
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 5 12 8 16 10
Percentage 10% 23% 16% 31% 20%

From the above table 5, 51% of teacher educators believe that student teachers truly pay attention to
information provided by teachers through social media and 33% of them not believe that. 16% of teacher
educators take neutral stand.
6. I assume that student teachers are becoming addicted to the use of social media.
Table 6
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 10 7 8 12 14
Percentage 20% 14% 16% 23% 27%

From the table 6, 50% of teacher educators assume that student teachers are becoming addicted to the use
of social media and 34 % of them are not think that. 16 % of teacher educators take neutral stand.
7. I think that when the class is going on, student teachers could be using social media without the
teachers' knowledge.
Table 7
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 9 9 9 13 11
Percentage 18% 18% 18% 25% 21%

From the table 7, 46% of teacher educators think that student teachers could be using social media
without the teachers' knowledge during the class hours and 36% of them are not think like that. 18% of
teacher educators take neutral stand.
8. I believe that the use of social media distracts student teachers.
Table 8


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 10 7 10 11 13
Percentage 20% 14% 20% 21% 25%

From the above table 8, 46 % of teacher educators believe that the use of social media distracts student
teachers and 34% of them not believe that. 20% of teacher educators take neutral stand.
9. I think that student teachers use social media more than they need to.
Table 9
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 13 9 4 11 14
Percentage 25% 18% 8% 22% 27%

From the table 9, 49% of teacher educators think that student teachers use social media more than they
need to and 43% of them are not think that. 8% of teacher educators take neutral stand.
10. I think that student teachers use social media a lot for entertainment.
Table 10
Strongly Strongly
Response Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Frequency 14 4 8 7 18
Percentage 27% 8% 16% 14% 35%

From the table 10, 49% of teacher educators think that student teachers use social media a lot for
entertainment and 35% of them are not think that. 16% of teacher educators take neutral stand.
The main objective of this research is to find the attitude of teacher educators towards student
teachers' use of social media. The first five statements (1,2,3,4&5) indicate in data analyses that teacher
educators have a positive attitude, but the statements 6,7,8,9 and 10 show that teacher educators have a
negative attitude towards the use of social media. The investigator concludes from the data analysis that
teacher educators have neither a positive attitude nor a negative attitude towards the use of student
teachers in social media.
1. Abbas, J., Aman, J., Nurunnabi, M., &Bano, S. (2019). The Impact of Social Media on
Learning Behavior for Sustainable Education: Evidence of Students from Selected
Universities in Pakistan. Sustainability, 11(6), 1683.
2. Can, M. ş., &Gökçe, S. A. ı. (2019). The use of social networks among university
students. Educational Research and Reviews, 14(6), 190–199.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. Kaushik Bhakta. (2017). Using Social Networking Sites and its Impact on College
Students. Using Social Networking Sites and Its Impact on College Students, 3(1), 12–18.
4. Landman, W. A. (1988). Basic concepts in research methodology. Serva Publishers.
5. Yang, S. C., & Tung, C.-J. (2007). Comparison of Internet addicts and non-addicts in
Taiwanese high school. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(1), 79–96.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


A. Karthika Dr.A.Magalingam
Ph.D Scholar (Part Time) Assistant Professor
Tamilnadu Teacher‘s Education University
Karapakkam, Chennai – 600097
A set of websites & applications that enable users for making as well as sharing anything
for participating in social networking is called Social Media. It is not just only limited to posting
vacation snaps online. It is an interactive computer-mediated technology for sharing of various
ideas, information, career interests, and other forms of expression through apparent communities
& worldwide network. It has gained plausibility as a definitive source of information over
several years. It is a platform where organizations can interact with their audiences.

Social Media Benefits in Education

Develop communication skills – students can gain social confidence from online interaction,
which may help them feel more secure in new situations.
Increase skill in technology – students become more familiar with new and emerging
technologies, as well as increase their media literacy through exposure to many different types of
online media.

Since many students already use these forms of technology, they may be more engaged
in learning if they utilize it. Online communities can be very diverse and expose students to
many new view points, ideas, and opinions. Social media can also be a source to increase talent
to work on group projects. Students can develop an optimistic image of themselves by putting
best qualities out there.

Enhanced Collaboration – acquiring information can be accomplished by students alone. But

problem-solving skills are often better enhanced in a collaborative environment. Social media
allow students to work together on projects beyond an individual‘s capability.

Teachers and Schools

Increased access to resources since learning materials can be shared. Collaboration

amongst teachers and exchanging of lesson plans and information. Can reach parents who are


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

incapable to come to school in a cheap and effective way. Can form partnerships with schools in
other states or countries.
Enhanced Flipping – through social media the relationship between teachers and students can
be improved. Teacher can upload course material and record lectures were students can access
them at their own pace. In classroom teachers will guide students with activities that usually are
recognized as homework.
Modernize Discussions – through social media teacher can credit students for in-class
participation. This requires teacher to monitor which students are speaking up when.
Communicate Between Classes – Teachers can send out announcements, share ideas or pose
questions to pupils, especially when classes are spaced several days apart.
How well are schools using social media?

Making safe communities – some sites allow teachers to control online environments thus
reducing dangers associated with social media.
Lack of knowledge – a school‘s social media account should be managed by someone who
understands social media
Encouraging collaboration – students can critique and comment on each other‘s assignments.
They can easily work in team online and asking teachers questions or starting a discussion is
Lack of features – lack of engagement for students can make them feel as if the school doesn‘t
care. Features should include one-on-one connection
Invitation to produce content – social media can invite students and schools to produce content
for both enrolled and prospective students. This can show the school‘s personality
More than a presence – a social media profile requires daily maintenance and interaction with
The NCF (Ministry of Education, Employment and Family 2011) argues that ―literacy,
numeracy and digital literacy are the foundations for further learning.‖ Our students are digital
natives whether we like it or not. For us as teachers we have to accept this and exploit it to
deliver the subject content to our students.
Students and Social Media
Our students are continuously communicating through social media, in Malta the most
popular one being Facebook. Can we stop this? No we can not as out students are equipped with
laptops, tablet, iPads, smartphones all providing easier access to social networks. Introducing


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

social media in education is not an easy step, as mentioned before students are continuously
using it with most of them ignoring the possible consequences. When the topic is approached
only on a theoretical level students think that it will never happen to them, for them there is
nothing wrong uploading any kind of photos to appear ‗cool‘ with their friends. They can not
perceive that once a photo is available on the Internet is available to anybody even though they
select the ‗Only Friends‘ option.


It is clearly seen that social media and education don‘t necessarily go hand in hand. So
far experts remind us that there are clear ―do‘s and don‘ts‖ for integrating social media in the
classroom. Social technologies are here to stay and it is import to help students learn how to used
social media. Guide students in how to think deliberately about their use and consider the
outcomes of proper and improper use of social media. This goal can be appropriately reached
when teacher have received appropriate training on the use of social media. Full backing and
support of the school administration is mandatory to fulfil this objective. Turning social media
into an educational tool can be used to further a student‘s education and enrich it.


1. Anderson, Monica (2018-05-31). "Teens, Social Media, & Technology".

2. PEW Research. Retrieved 10 November 2018.
3. Kist, W. (December 2012 – January 2013). "Class get ready to tweet: Social media in the
classroom" (PDF). Our Children.
4. Obringer, S. John; Coffey, Kent (2007). "Cell Phones in American High Schools: A National
Survey". The Journal of Technology Studies. 33 (1): 41–47. doi:10.21061/jots.v33i1.a.6.
5. Sangani, Kris (2013). "BYOD to the classroom". Engineering & Technology. 3 (8):
42 doi:10.1049/et.2013.0304.
6. Song, Yanjie (2014). "Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for seamless science inquiry in a
primary school". Computers & Education. 74: 50–60. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.01.005.
7. Jump up to:a b c Alsaif, Abdulwahaa (April 2016). Investigate The Impact of Social Media on
Students - PDF (BS). Cardiff Metropolitan University. Retrieved 2018-12-10.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Enoch Jabasingh Bedford F, Ph.D Research scholar, &
Dr. A. Rajeswari, Ph.D., Research Supervisor
Department of Curriculum Planning and Evaluation,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97

The word ―Social Media‖ means collection of applications (Facebook,Twitter,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn or YouTube etc.) and websites that link people to share information and
aware people about any event through social networking. From the beginning of the 21st
century, social media is in progress. People belonging to different age groups use social media.
Social media plays a vital role in life. Information Technology (IT) changed the living standard.
These tools provide several ways of interaction and different opportunities to learn foreign
languages through worldwide. The world becomes a global village due to social media. Users
can connect with other people within seconds and share their ideas and give comments by video
conferencing. People of different culture can also talk on any issue. Social media link the people
to their culture by showing different documentaries. People use social media to get information
about other countries.
There are many positive aspects of social networking, but there are equally as many
dangers and negative aspects that come with the use of sites such as Face book, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, gaming sites, and blogs.
(ii) Negative Networking Aspects
Apps access User Data - Social apps force users to grant access to their apps for list of
things; - Access public profile information - user name, daily profile pictures, friend list
birthday, favourite movies and books, etc. - Send email - sending direct emails to the user email
address; - Access posts in the News feed, Video and Photos posted; - Access family and
relationships information; - Post to the wall -Add new message posts on the user‘s behalf.
Lack of Privacy - Young people often give out personal information when online
without reading the print privacy policies and unaware about misuse by third parties. - Exposure
to corporate and governmental intrusions - Insurance companies use information gleaned from
social media. - Online advertising policies are an invasion of privacy. If clicked ‖like‖ for a
brand, browser cookies give the company information and access about personal information
and preferences.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Users Vulnerable to Crime - Unauthorized sharing of intellectual property can cause

loss of potential income. - Cyber-attacks like ransom ware, hacking, identity theft and phishing
are common problems faced by end users. - Criminals browse social media to know user
whereabouts and are known to commit crimes when away on vacation.
Waste of Time - Constant browsing and replying online posts and blogs, takes the user
attention away from core work and often take some time to return to original task.
Social Detriment - Cyber-bullying or use of electronic communication to bully someone
by sending intimidating or threatening messages is commonplace online. This causes emotional
trauma and sometimes even leads to suicide. - Excessively being online correlated with
personality and brain disorders - poor social skills and narcissistic tendencies or even need for
instant pleasure with addictive behaviours and other emotional issues leading to depression,
anxiety and loneliness. - Less time for face-to-face interaction with loved ones. - Youngsters are
prone to feeling isolated, disconnected from real world and face higher risks of depression, low
self-esteem and eating disorders.
Misinformation - Enables the spread of false rumours and unreliable information: Self-
diagnosis of health problems and following amateur medical advice; - Befriending someone to
gain information; - Revealing reconnaissance data unknowingly to the public.
• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
• Google+
Researchers have identified a number of interrelated potential risks. The so-called ‗social
media addiction‘ is thought to affect around 5% of adolescents and has been described as
potentially more addictive than both alcohol and cigarette consumption. Some qualitative studies
have shown that dependency on social media can have consequences such as poor sleep patterns
within young people, often to the detriment of their performance in school and during exams
These negative impacts on sleep work in a cyclical causal relationship with mental
wellbeing (that is, sleep loss arising from social media addiction can lead to poorer mental
health, and poor mental health can lead to sleep loss and heavy social media use).
Researchers have turned towards social media, seeking to determine if it has deleterious
effects on mental health. The researchers found that major depressive disorder, dysthymia,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

bipolar-mania, narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, and compulsive behavior were

predicted by one or more Facebook usage variables (general use, number of friends, image
management etc.).
(i) Social Media and Depression
A Croatian study found that time spent on Facebook by high school students were
positively correlated with depression. A study of American university students found that more
intense Facebook use predicted increased loneliness. Also, college students who reported having
higher numbers of Facebook friends experienced lower emotional adjustment to college life. It
was found that those who were addicted to Facebook were at a significant risk of developing
abnormal mental health as well as negative somatic symptoms. The use of social networking
sites can lead to negative effects on adolescents‘ wellbeing depending on the amount of time one
spends per day on these sites.
Excessive use (two hours a day) of social networking sites was associated with lower
academic performance and less offline activities. The excessive use of social media and social
networking sites might negatively affect adolescents is with respect to physical health.
Adolescents who reported using social networking sites for over two hours per day also reported
more psychological distress, suicidal ideation, poor self-rated mental health or an unmet need for
mental health support. Use of computers is associated with lower physical wellbeing such as
backaches and headaches whose severity may be minimized with moderate usage for those
adolescents accessing social networks through computers.
(ii) Social Media and Narcissism
In a special case, it is found that for people with high levels of narcissism, high levels of
Facebook activity were associated with lower levels of depression. Although lower levels of
depression were found, this still can‘t be counted as a positive effect. According to the DSM-IV-
TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), narcissistic personality disorder is marked by a
grandiose sense of self-importance, fantasies of unlimited power, self-promotion, vanity and
superficial relationships. The researchers themselves found that more time spent on Facebook
and a higher frequency of checking Facebook predicted higher narcissism scores.
(iii) Social Media and Anxiety
There are also several studies linking social media to anxiety and compulsive behaviour.
Younger generations were scored as consistently more anxious than older generations when they
were unable to check their social networks and texts. A new medical term has been created out
of this constant connectivity: Phantom vibration syndrome, defined as perceived vibration from


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

a cell phone that is not vibrating, has been reported to occur with large numbers of people.
Phantom vibration syndrome may reflect a manifestation of the anxiety that cell phones elicit in
those who are obsessed with checking in on their social media and messages.

In educational context, ICT has the potential to increase access to education and improve its
relevance and quality. Tinio (2002) asserted that ICTs have a tremendous impact on education in
terms of acquisition and absorption of knowledge to both teachers and students through the
promotion of:

 Active Learning
 Collaborative and Cooperative Learning
 Creative Learning
 Integrative Learning
 Evaluative Learning
The use of social media in an informative way enhances the skills and abilities. To
minimize its negative effects Government has to take some strict actions. Government should
ban immoral websites. A Strong recommendation for the government is to make policy or
community that check which immoral websites are used by which users. Government has to
make policies to check out unfair reporting of media which ruin the society. A strong
recommendation for the users of social media is that they have to remember the purpose of using
social media and always use the informative sites. Adolescence should use their time wisely
instead of wasting their precious time on other social networks likeWhatsApp, Twitter,
Facebook, and YouTube. To secure the future of children, teachers and parents should check out
what they actually are doing on social media.Technology has a positive impact on education and at
the same time, it may also prove negative effects.

1. Allen, K., Ryan, T., Gray, D., McInerney, D., & Waters, L. (2014). Social media use and
social connectedness in adolescents: The positives and the potential pitfalls. The
Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 31(1), 18-31
2. Baker, J., & Moore, S. (2008). Blogging as a social tool: A psychosocial examination of
the effects of blogging. CyberPsychology&Behavior, 11, 747-749
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

3. BessiŁre, K., Kiesler, S., Kraut, R., &Boneva, B.S. (2008). Effects of internet use and
social resources on changes in depression, Information, Communication & Society, 11
(1), 47-70.
4. Blanchnio, A., Przepiorka, A., &Pantic, I. (2015). Internet use, Facebook intrusion, and
Depression: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study. European Psychiatry, 30, 681684.
5. Boyd, D., (2014). It‘s complicated: The social lives of networked teens. USA: Yale
University Press.
6. Koc, M., &Gulyagci, S. (2013). Facebook Addiction Among Turkish College Students:
The Role of Psychological Health, Demographic, and Usage Characteristics.
CyberPsychology, Behavior& Social Networking, 16, 279-284.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


V.Kanagaraj, Ph.D Research scholar, &
Dr.A.Rajeswari,Ph.D., Research Supervisor
Department of Curriculum Planning and Evaluation,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97

The world becomes a global village due to social media. Users can connect with other
people within seconds and share their ideas and give comments by video conferencing. People of
different culture can also talk on any issue. Social media link the people to their culture by
showing different documentaries. People use social media to get information about other
countries. From the beginning of the 21st century, social media is in progress. People belonging
to different age groups use social media. Social media plays a vital role in life. Information
Technology (IT) changed the living standard. These tools provide several ways of interaction
and different opportunities to learn foreign languages through worldwide.
Education and Modern Technologies
According to the latest insights as to how exactly modern students of today prefer to use
technology and how does their learning get an impact if they use technology, it was revealed that
the use of modern equipment technology and tools, the learning and interactivity of students
increases. They also find it much more interactive, as well as full of interesting areas, when
aided by technology. The transfer of knowledge becomes very easy and convenient as well as
effective. What this means is, that our minds now tend to work faster when assisted with the use
of modern technology, be it any part of life, here we talk about education. The reliance and
dependence of such an innovation, that simply makes life an easy, smooth journey is completely
unavoidable these days even in schools, universities and colleges. The students of today can
make use of technology in the following ways:
(i) Internet Connection and Round the Clock Connectivity
The internet has grown in importance by many folds, over the process of decade. Its
importance in the education world can now never be undermined. Despite the chances of fraud
and drawbacks, the use of the internet is a blessing for students. Today, the internet is something
that is present in almost everything we use. From television to gaming consoles, and our phones,
the internet is literally everywhere. The use of the internet allows students to findamazing
convenience, they can find various kinds of help, tutorials and other kinds of assisting material
which could be used to academically improve and enhance their learning.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

(ii) Using Projectors and Visuals

Visual images always have a strong appeal compared to words. Using projectors and
visuals to aid in learning is another form of great technological use. Top institutions around the
world, now rely on the use of amazing power point presentations and projections in order to
keep the learning interactive and interesting. Technological use such as projectors within the
schools and colleges can take the interaction and interest levels right up and also improve
motivation. Students like to see appealing visuals and something that entices them to think rather
than just reading words. The learning part also has become pretty efficient when it comes to
(iii) Digital Footprints in the Education Sector
If one talks about digital and education, then the penetration of digital media within the
education sector has now grown. This penetration has resulted in round the clock connectivity
with students and different forums that are available for different kinds of assignments or help.
As the power of digital presentations increases, there are and there will be more applications that
will assist students in development and learning.
(iv) Online Degrees
Online degrees now have become a very common phenomenon. People wish to take up
online courses for their learning and certifications. Top institutions offer amazing online
programs with the use of various applications and the internet. This is a concept that will
continue to rise as it gets more support and awareness. The online degree scenario around the
world is more famous among students who work and look for flexible studying programs.

Impacts in Learning Process

(i) Enhanced Teaching and Learning

 Technological developments like digital cameras, projectors, mind training software,

computers, Power point presentations, 3D visualization tools; all these have become great
sources for teachers to help students grasp a concept easily.
 It has to be understood that visual explanation of concepts makes learning fun and enjoyable
for students. They‘re able to participate more in the classroom and even teachers get a
chance to make their classes more interactive and interesting.

(ii) Globalization


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 The students can ―meet‖ their counterparts through video conferencing without leaving the
classroom, when schools are in different parts of the state.
 Some sites, such as are used to help students learn foreign languages
online by pairing a group of students with a teacher from another country.
(iii) No Geographical Limitations

 With the introduction of online degree programs there is hardly any need of being present
physically in the classroom. Even several foreign universities have started online degree
courses that student can join.
 Distance learning and online education have become very important part of the education
system now a day.

(i) Declining of Writing Skills

Due to the excessive usage of online chatting and shortcuts, the writing skills of today‘s
young generation have declined quite tremendously.
 These days, children are relying more and more on digital communication that they have
totally forgot about improving their writing skills.
 They don‘t know the spelling of different words, how to use grammar properly or how to do
cursive writing.
(ii) Increasing Incidents of Cheating
 Technological developments like graphical calculators, high tech watches, mini cameras and
similar equipment‘s have become great sources to cheat in examinations.
 It is easier for students to write formulae and notes on graphing calculators with least
chances of being caught.
(iii) Lack of Focus
 SMS or text messaging has become a favorite pastime of many students. Students are
seen playing with their cell phone, i Phones during day and night or driving and very often
even between lectures.
 Being ever-connected to the online world has resulted in lack of focus and concentration in
academics and to some extent, even in sports and extracurricular activities.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The role of technology in the field of education is four fold: it is included as a part of
curriculum, as an instructional delivery system, as a means of aiding instructions and also as a
tool to enhance the entire learning process. Teachers and students should take advantage of this
in the good light and eliminate the drawbacks which are pulling back many of students as well as
schools from achieving excellence. Thus, it is time for every country to introduce a more
technologically equipped education sector in the future. Thanks to technology that education has
gone from passive and reactive to interactive and aggressive. Education is essential in corporate
and academic settings. In the former, education or training is used to help workers do things
differently than they did before. In the words of Blatter, education is geared towards creating
curiosity in the minds of students. In either case, the use of technology can help students
understand and retain concepts better.


1. Sampasa-Kanyinga, H., & Lewis, R. F. (2015). Frequent Use of Social Media Networking
Sites is Associated with Poor Psychological Functioning Among Children and
Adolescents. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18, 380-385.
2. Torsheim , T., Eriksson, L., Schnohr, C. W., Hansen, F., Bjarnason, T., &Välimaa, R.,
(2010). Screen-Based Activities and Physical Complaints Among Adolescents From the
Nordic Countries. BMC Public Health, 10, 1-8.
3. Tsitsika, A.K., Tzavela, E.C., Janikian, M., Ólafsson, K., Iordache, A., Schoenmakers,
T.M., Tzavara, C., Richardson, C., (2014). Online Social Networking in Adolescence:
Patterns of Use in Six European Countries and Links with Psychosocial Functioning.
Journal of Adolescent Health, 55, 141-147.
4. Woods, H., & Scott, H. (2016). #Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is
associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Journal of
Adolescence, 51, 41-49


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor
D.G. Govt. Arts College (W)

The COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease or illness caused by severe acute

respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), originated in Wuhan city of China, has
already taken on pandemic proportions, affecting across all the continents (Remuzzi & Remuzzi,
2020), mostly spread among individuals during close contact now resulting in millions of death.
COVID-19 is referred as pandemic due to its severity and fierceness also as the greatest global
health crisis since after centuries in human civilization. The institutional framework of higher
education in India comprises universities, colleges and stand- alone institutes, where millions of
students pursue diverse academic programmes. The higher education system in the country has
grown exponentially in the length and breadth of the country, particularly in the post-
independence period, and has stealthily grown into the largest system of its kind in the world.
While this exponential growth is often hindered by shortcomings that include finance and

Impact of Novel Corona virus (COVID-19) in Indian Higher Education

Due to the Novel Corona virus lockdown of 40 days (first and second phase), in all the
institutions, a total of about 10 million academic hours will be compromised, which will be
rather difficult to compensate. The University Grants Commission through its advisory
instructed all the institutes to continue classes in online mode as per possibility and engage ICT
tools available for use in academic discourse. The faculty members of the university and
colleges are also requested by its advisory to make use of the various online tools in order to
reach out to the students. To assist this endeavour, there are many open access tools available,
which are already used by many universities and colleges to reach out to students located in
remote areas. For example, many Departments of Gauhati University, Assam has been using
different online tools, such as live online classes through Skype, use of You Tube with recorded
academic and class lectures, readymade lectures through NPTEL, lectures through Google
Classroom, live online classes through Piazza, Zoom, Easy Class, etc. With the availability of
high speed mobile networks, online live classes from home became a reality and many success
stories have emerged in the process of engaging the students effectively using different online


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

applications. Despite the fact that the attendance rate in the classes is not more than 80 percent in
aggregate due to the poor network connectivity, it restricts a sizeable number of students to avail
of these opportunities.

Impact of Lockdown

A lockdown is an emergency protocol that prevents people from leaving a given area. A
full lockdown will mean everyone must stay where they are and not exit or enter a building or
the given area. This scenario usually allows for essential supplies, grocery stores, pharmacies,
and banks to continue to serve the people. All non-essential activities remain shut for the entire
period (ET Online, 2020). In India, the lockdown to curve the scale of novel corona virus was
initially given for 21 days, which was later extended to another 19 days until 3 May, 2020. The
isolation and fear in this lockdown era are driving an escalating nervousness among many
people. Not just those with pre-existing conditions like anxiety, depression, and OCD
(obsessive-compulsive disorder), but also the elderly who are struggling with new levels of
loneliness and helplessness. The psychological impact of lockdown or quarantine exposed proof
of a range of psychological conditions, from post-traumatic stress symptoms to confusion, anger,
depression, stress, insomnia and emotional exhaustion ( Rahman , 2020).

Provision of Online Classes

Online learning is defined as learning that takes place partially or entirely over the
Internet. This definition excludes purely print-based correspondence education, broadcast
television or radio, video conferencing, videocassettes, and stand-alone educational software
programs that do not have a significant Internet-based instructional component.

Benefits of Online Classes

Online learning has become an indispensable part of academic and professional

education during this novel corona virus pandemic. The University teachers have been exploring
to create a more appealing and effective online learning environment. Lots of benefits have been
mentioned by the participants during the qualitative data collection. A master‘s student expresses
thankfulness to the teachers saying, ―The government officials are saving us today by doing
every possible thing and our teachers are preparing us for tomorrow for what comes next‖.
Another student has expressed the benefits from the online classes as, ―The online classes have
been very fruitful during these difficult times. Firstly, during this lockdown the online classes
provide us a daily purpose to attend it, which helps us in staying somewhat focused and keeps us
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

in the correct lane. Secondly, the syllabus is getting covered during these off-days, as there will
be hardly few days (hopefully) for the completion of the syllabus in the future

Limitation of Online Classes:

For any approaches, if there are some benefits or advantages, a few limitations will be
there too. The students are familiar to the face to face classroom learning and hence, some of
them couldn‘t adjust themselves with the new academic environment while staying at home.
There are pros of classroom teaching that digital or online education will find hard to replace,
such as combined learning, improvement of critical thinking skills, improvement of social skills,
building organisational skills, keeping students stimulated, development of important personality
and career building skills (Singhal, 2017).


In a world where digital social media has taken a significant role in teaching and
learning, any modern pedagogy much accounts for students‘ findings, analysing, and applying
knowledge from a growing number of constantly changing sources. This requires higher-order
skills like critical thinking and the ability to learn more independently, as well as in larger
groups, both in person and online (Persaud, 2019). This study focused on the impact of digital
social media on student academic life in higher education during the Novel Coronavirus
(COVID19) pandemic crisis. The study explains the impact of self-isolation, quarantine and
lockdown due to the pandemic on the academic schedule of the students of Indian higher
education. After studying the phenomena that are of interest to the study, and transcribing the
various responses of the participants, even though some of the responses were not transcribed
because they were all communicating the same idea; the results reveal that social media is
widely used by students of higher institution. Opportunities and benefits of digital social media
for academic purposes incurred by the students became visible only after the crisis took place.
Although digital education based online learning was not systematically implemented in India,
even in the open and distance learning as a whole, because it was not an essential pedagogy until
the pandemic struck the world and the Indian state in particular. The present Corona virus crisis
has revolutionised the entire higher education architecture of the country through e-tools for
teaching and learning, since there‘s no other option for continuation of the academic activities.
There are some restrictions of this study, considering the number of participants involved and
the methodology adopted due to the COVID-19 lockdown in India. Noticeably everyone must


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

learn to live and survive with the present crisis as it is the beginning only; in the long run, no can
afford the negligence towards digital transformation in HEIs. To develop multimodal approaches
to achieve course content objectives for better learning outcome can be a better idea to deal with
the complexity of online education. Undauntedly, the governments must en- sure the availability
of reliable communication tools, high quality digital academic experience, and promote
technology-enabled learning for students to bridge the disparities originated in the education
system before and after COVID-19 catastrophe which is also inevitably necessitated for
uninterrupted learning. Few steps should be accounted in the wake of this pandemic; to develop
such a curriculum that reflects the perceptible change in the content knowledge and learning
experience of students as well as enable them to think critically.


1. Dutta, A., & Goswami, A. L. (2020, May 4). Corona Pandemic and Higher Education.
The Assam Tribune, p. 4.
2. Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2010, September).
Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and
Review of Online Learning Studies. U.S. Department of Education. -based-practices/final report.pdf

3. MHRD. (2019). All India Survey of Higher Education 2018-2019. Department of Higher
Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. Id=262

4. Nimje, A., Dubey, T. (2013), The Socratic Lecture Model: An Effective Teaching
Pedagogy in Changing Educational Scenario, IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social
Science (IOSR-JHSS),Volume 14 , Issue 6 (Sep. - Oct. 2013), pp. 117-121
5. Persaud, C. (2019, March 1). Pedagogy: What educators need to know. Top Hat.
6. Rahman, A. P. (2020, April 4). Isolation and mental health: The psychological impact of
lockdown. The Hindu.
7. Singhal, S. (2017, July 5). 7 ways classroom teaching is better than online education.
India Today.

8. Watkins C and Mortimer P (1999). Pedagogy: What do we know? In Mortimer P

(Ed),Understanding pedagogy and its impact on teaching. (pp 1-19) London: Chapman.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


M.BOBBY Dr.K.VIJAYA(Supervisor)
Ph.D Research Scholar Assistant Professor
Department of curriculum planning and Evaluation, TETEU, Chennai-97
Education is a systematic and deliberate influence of the mature on the immature through
instruction, discipline and harmonious development of physical, intellectual, spiritual, social and
aesthetic development, according to the need of the individual and the society that bring about
the union between the creator and education as the final end

Today ictand social media provides nice guidance for higher education .It also provides
us a facility through which we can study at home. By looking the span of ICTand higher
education as well, we can spread higher education over the world. Using ICT in higher education
is a very effective approach of making people more educated. And utilize the technology and
new evaluations in higher education. So we must use ICT in higher education

ICT in education
To provide the students with the capability and independence to search for and acquire the
knowledge they need to their research and studies.

To provide the students with the future I.T based methods of communicating and conferencing
with other members of local and remote communities

To establish the I.T based culture within the new generation community so that to prepare them
for the requirements of the forth coming century

Social media in education

Social media tools afford students and institution with multiple opportunities to improve
learning methods. Through these networks, we can incorporate social media plugins that enable
sharing and interaction. Students can benefit from online tutorials and resources that are shared
through social networks. There is valuable knowledge to be gained through social media such as
analytics and insights on various topics or issues for study purposes. Social media is also a
medium where students can establish beneficial connections for their careers. As an educational
institution, it is crucial to be active in many social platforms possible. This helps create better
student training strategies and shapes student culture.

Need for the ICT and social media in education


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Institutions communicate with students through social media

 Connecting with experts on topics through social media
 Social media and ICT help in research process
Benefits of Social Media in Education
Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of
these into the classroom is more natural than before, given how acclimated many students are to
them. Social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from
sharing announcements to holding live lectures, and so much more. First, social media provides
a smoother, more direct communication tool between students, teachers and parents, who can
check in and ask or respond to questions. Social media allows for more e-learning opportunities
as well as remote jobs and online classes are becoming more popular, training students to work
from a distance is an important lesson, and social media can help with that. It‘s important to
understand the impact of social media in education before using it, but we‘re of the firm belief
that it will help advance students in technology.

Social Media in the Classroom

First, let‘s talk about the different ways that social media can be used directly in the
classroom. There are many social media tools for education that can be taken advantage of for
students of any age, from elementary all the way through college.

 Use a Facebook page to broadcast updates and alerts.

 Use a Facebook group to stream live lectures and host discussions
 Use Instagram for photo essays
 Create a class blog for discussions
 Assign blog posts as essays


All the educational institutions should take initiative for providing exposure to their
students in using computers and other electronic or technological devices. The institutions can
take initiative for opening student friendly internet café under the supervision of teachers in
computer education. Software for every subject should be developed in native language. The
institutions can set video conferencing facilities in their campus. Students should be encouraged
and motivated to come up and excel in their studies and ct skills.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Social media and ICT has become a powerful tool that is breaking the traditional
methods of education. ICT based teaching learning process may lead to effectiveness and
efficiency of educational system. The relevance and importance of ICT in teacher education field
have been sensitized in the present scenario.


1. Singhal, S. (2017, July 5). 7 ways classroom teaching is better than online education.
India Today.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. B. Revathi Dr. M. Senthilkumaran
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor cum Guide
Vellalar College of Education for Women Dept. of Educational Technology
Thindal, Erode TNTEU, Chennai – 600 097


In the new millennium, the means of communication have dramatically increased

because of revolutionary changes and developments in the field of communication science and
technology. The social media has brought forth the infinite access to free speech in modern
social environment. The social media have brought people closure to the mainstream of life. The
social media have practically become media of the people, by the people and for the people and
touched the lives of people remarkably. The social media have expanded circle of social
connections of people and brought about several changes and modifications in the educational,
social, economic, political and cultural orders. The impact of social media on society has been
examined by the researchers extensively in modern times. The use of social networking sites has
been the focus of a large number of research studies.


In this digital era, technological development is touching all the aspects of human life in
the society. World is gradually changing as a techno-based society. Modern technology reshapes
the human interaction and interactive methods. Today people are spending more time in social
interactions through different social Media. People can share their own experiences, information,
views, feelings, interest, activities, events etc., through different social networks viz., WhatsApp,
Face Book, Twitter, YouTube, and Blogs without proper awareness. This induced the
investigator to know the awareness level of future teachers. Hence, the investigator has taken up
this study ―Awareness of Social Media Usage among Prospective Teachers‖.


1. To find out the awareness level of social media usage among prospective teachers.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

2. To find if any significant difference in the awareness level of social media usage among
prospective teachers based on gender, residential area, marital status, duration of social
media usage, location of social media usage, preferred social media site and number of
social media accounts.


1. There is no significant difference in the awareness of social media usage among

prospective teachers with regard to gender.
2. There is no significant difference in the awareness of social media usage among
prospective teachers with regard to residential area.
3. There is no significant difference in the awareness of social media usage among
prospective teachers with regard to marital status.
4. There is no significant difference in the awareness of social media usage among
prospective teachers with regard to duration of social media usage.
5. There is no significant difference in the awareness of social media usage among
prospective teachers with regard to location of social media usage.
6. There is no significant difference in the awareness of social media usage among
prospective teachers with regard to preferred social media site.
7. There is no significant difference in the awareness of social media usage among
prospective teachers with regard to number of social media accounts.


Method used

The investigator had adopted survey method for studying the problem of this study.

Population and sample

Prospective Teachers those who were studying at B.Ed. Colleges in Erode district were
consider as Population of this study. In this study, the investigator used simple random sampling
technique. Two hundred (200) prospective teachers were selected as the samples for this study.

Tool used
In order to measure the awareness of social media usage, the investigator used the
―Social Media Usage Inventory‖ which is constructed and standardized by Arunkumar K and
PremalathaT (2017). The Social Media Usage Inventory consists of 20 items which contains
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

both positive and negative statements. Two alternative responses (Yes / No) were given to each
statement of the tool.
Statistical techniques used

The investigator employed descriptive statistics (Percentage analysis, Mean and SD),
parametric statistics (students ―t‖ test and One-way ANOVA) to process the data collected from
the samples.


Table 1

Awareness level of social media usage among prospective teachers

Variable N M S.D Level

Social media Awareness 200 9.19 3.20 Moderate

From the above table 1, the calculated mean value of prospective teachers‘ social media
usage awareness score is 9.19 which fall in the Moderate category.

Table 2

Comparison of social media usage among prospective teachers with regard to selected
background variables

Variable Sub variables N M S.D. „t‟ value Remarks

Male 41 8.24 2.53

Gender 2.50 Significant
Female 159 9.43 3.32

Rural 144 9.20 3.16

Residential area 0.12 Not Significant
Urban 56 9.14 3.33

Married 21 8.52 2.48

Marital status 1.25 Not Significant
Unmarried 179 9.26 3.27


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Home 156 9.41 3.29

Location of usage Outside the 2.01 Significant

44 8.40 2.78

From the table 2, the calculated ‗t‘ value 2.50 and 2.01 represents the difference between
the social media usage among prospective teachers with regard to gender and location of usage
respectively. These values are higher than the table value 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance.
Therefore, the null hypotheses 1 and 5 are rejected. But, the calculated ‗t‘ value 0.12 and 1.25
represents the difference between the social media usage among prospective teachers with regard
to residential area and marital status of prospective teachers. These values are less than the table
value 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis 2 and 3 are accepted.

Table 2

Analysis of awareness of social media usage among prospective teachers with regard to
selected variables

Sub Source of
Variable SS df MS F-value Remarks
variables Variance

< 1 hour 42.9678 2 21.4839
of social Within 2.11
1-2 hours 2003.8121 197 10.1716 Not
media groups
> 2 hours Total 2046.78 199

WhatsApp 39.8970 2 19.9485

Within Not
Facebook 2006.8829 197 10.1872 1.95
social groups Significant
media site
Instagram Total 2046.78 199

One Between 43.1652 2 21.5826 2.12 Not


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Number of groups Significant

media Two 2003.6147 197 10.1706

Three Total 2046.78 199

From the table 3, the calculated ‗F‘ values 2.11, 1.95 and 2.12 represents the difference
among the awareness of social media usage among prospective teachers with regard to duration
of social media use, preferred social media site and number of social media accounts
respectively. These values are less than the table value 3.04 at 0.05 level of significance.
Therefore, the null hypotheses 4, 6 and 7 are accepted.


1. As an overall finding, the researcher had discovered that prospective teachers‘ awareness
level of social media usage was moderate in Erode District.
2. Female prospective teachers (M=9.43) had better awareness about social media usage
than the male prospective teachers (M=8.24).
3. Rural and Urban area prospective teachers did not differ in their awareness of social
media usage.
4. Married and unmarried prospective teachers did not differ in their awareness of social
media usage.
5. Duration of social media usage did not influence the awareness of social media usage
among prospective teachers.
6. Prospective teachers who use the social media in home (M=9.41) had better awareness
about social media usage the outside users (M=8.40).
7. There is no significant difference among the prospective teachers who preferred
WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram as their most preferred social media platform.
8. Number of social Media accounts did not influence the awareness of social media usage
among prospective teachers.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

From the findings of the present investigation, it is found that, awareness of social media
usage among prospective teachers was moderate. The main reason for this result is lack of
computer and smart phone usage literacy among Indians.

This study found that female prospective teachers had better awareness of social media
usage than male prospective teachers. This may be due to the fact that more restrictions and
instructions for using smart phones are given to women children by elders in the family when
compare with male children.

Prospective teachers who use the social media in home had better awareness about social
media usage than outside users. This may be due to the reason that there is no restriction to use
social media outside the home.

Background variables locality of residence, marital status, duration of social media

usage, preferred social media accounts and number of social media accounts didn‘t affect the
awareness of social media usage among prospective teachers.


Traditional education system on campus has been using as a legacy over decades to
support educational learning. The major change over time has been made by the use of
technology supporting students in the academic community. As the majority of students in
higher education today belong to the digital-age-student generation, they frequently use online
technology to interact with instructors, other learners, and to access online materials. In this
study, the investigator aimed to find out the awareness of social media usage among the
prospective teachers. After the careful investigation, the investigator found that the awareness
level of social media usage among prospective teacher in Erode District was moderate.

1. Arunkumar and Nithya (2014).Educational Research, New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing
2. Arunkumar K (2017). Utilization of social Media with reference to selected variables
among college students. Unpublished Manuscript. Department of Education, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore, India.
3. Ashir H,and Bhat S A (2017). Effects of Social Media on Mental Health: Review,
International Journal of IndianPsychology, Volume 4(3), DIP:18.01.134/20170403,
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Enok Joel (2019). A study on Awareness of Social Networking Media in

Commerceamong Higher Secondary Students. Review of Research, 8(4), 1-5.
5. John W. Best and James V. Kahn (2006).Research in Education. New Delhi: PHI
private limited.
6. Khan Abdul Wajid, et al., (2015). Social media and youth a study of uses and impacts.
International Journal in IT & Engineering, 3(1), 58-82.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Planning and Administration
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University

Social Media plays an important role in Education. Apart from classroom atmosphere, it
has brought a tremendous impact in the teaching learning process. Book and Teaching notes
were the only source of knowledge among the students on those days, but now the opportunity
of learning is widely spread. Students can learn on their own without the support of Teacher.
They have various sources of Media like Internet, Whatsapp, Facebook,TV and Radio. They are
overloaded with information related to the topic which the teacher teaches in the classroom. This
paper focuses on various sources of social media and their role in education. Various social
media used by both Teachers and students are Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Website, Pinterest
and Tumbler.

Education approaches of social media to increase the achievement of students are as


Teacher-Student Communication

One of the most important advantages of social media is communication. Teaccher

student can connect themselves through whatsapp and facebook. They communicate themselves
with their friends and teachers through this platform by smartphone, Tab, Computer, Video calls.
Teacher gives home work assignment and project to the students. Students complete their work
in the stipulated time and post their work. They also share their work through google drive,
google docs, google classroom. Sometime teacher shall also conduct test and quiz programme in
the google classroom. During the pandemic period(Covid-19) all the teaching learning activities
were done through the online platform. In countries like America they connect with their
students through facebook and tell bed time stories. This brings a bonding relationship between
teachers and the students.

Online Information

Students gather lot of information from the internet. They are updated with daily news. If
a teacher teaches the lesson simultaneously, they browse and get lot of information apart from


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

teachers teaching. Depending on the interest of the students they collect information regarding
their lesson. Social Media act as Wikipedia to their students. It saves lot of time to the students.

Parental Involvement
In many schools they give project to the students. These projects should be completed by
the students with the assistance of parents at home. At that time parents collect information
regarding the topic through internet. The school management conveys students related activities
through the whatsapp of the parents. Even the attendance of the students sends daily to the
parents. If the teacher wants to get in touch with the parents to share the progress of the child. It
helps the teacher to have an individual care on each and every student. This brings a positive
impact towards the academic performance of the students.
Interest towards Learning
In the normal classroom atmosphere there is a chance to get bore down. The pictures,
animation graphic and video increase the curiosity of the learners while reading through social
media. The social media sites are more interactive which keeps the child with great involvement.
Students give much effort to learning in reading the online messages, comments, articles and
Learning through Online Platform
Online platform act as a boon during the covid 19 pandemic period. All the classroom
activities were conducted via the online platforms such as Zoom, Google meet, Free conference
call, Team Link, Cisco webex. Right from the primary education to the higher education. The
role of online platform was impeccable. College and University conduct so many webinars and
bring resource person from various field and student have live interaction with the experts. The
world has now shrunken into a Global Village with the help of online platform.
Collaborative Learning
Through social media students exchange lot of study related information. Many
institutions globally encourage their students to have collaboration with international level
institution to take up some project. They got familiarize with new work culture along with their
peer group. These lead to strong communication skills.
Social Media Marketing
Social media act as big tool to reach the students. It gives its advertisement in the social
media and attracts the student in their institution. Teachers flourish themselves as an expert in a
particular field through blogging and slide sharing. Students get lot of information and they
identify the experts of every field. Education institutions connect their students by whatsapp,
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Facebook. They convey campus news, announcements and exam related information. They post
useful and supportive information in social media in a positive manner.
Fostering Research Activity
Investigators can collect data from the sample via E-mail by using survey pools. It is one
of the best ways to collect secondary data. Sometimes it is difficult to clarify all the doubts in the
classroom. At that time, teachers ask them to contact via social media, that is beyond classroom
timing. Teacher can connect themselves with huge audience. If any teacher is busy in their work
schedule they connect through with pre recorded video lectures. Teachers create blog and upload
the study materials. Students make use of these study materials as a reference in the research
Every day the impact of social media among the students and teachers community
increases. Social media gives lots of benefits to the field of Education. It should be used in a
good way to enjoy the full benefits of the media. Teachers and Parents should guide the children
to take the good things in the social media.
1. Jakubowicz, K.(2007). Rude awakening: social and media change in central and eastern
Europe, Hampton Press, Cresskill.
2. Jenkins, H, Puroshotma, R, Clinton, K, Weigel, M & Robison, AJ. (2005). Confronting
the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st Century.
3. Kaplan, AM & Haenlein, M.(2010). ‗Users of the world, unite. The challenges and
opportunities of social media‘, Business Horizons, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 59–68.

4. Kaplan, M & Blakley, J.(2009). ‗The Business and Culture of Social Media‘, viewed 25
September 2011,

5. Kelley, T.(2002). The art of innovation: lessons in creativity from IDEO, America’s
Leading Design Firm, Harper Collins Business, London.

6. Rosenberry, J & Burton, St J .(2010). Public journalism 2.0: the promise and reality of a
citizen-engaged press. Routledge, NY.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


S. Palanivel & Dr. U.Pandian
Research scholar & Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Technology, TNTEU.
The recent developments in technology have changed how and what students learn in a
classroom. The internet gives students access to more resources than ever before, in terms of
both research and learning tools. Students are taught to be more critical in life overall when they
have to decide which sources are credible or not when doing internet research. Students can also
engage in active learning by using devices to participate in their field and service learning by
working with organizations outside of the classroom to solve problems and create new projects.
Parents, students, and teachers are using social media to connect and communicate inside and
outside the classroom, social media can quickly become the only channel of communication
since we‘re living fast-paced lives, parents are usually busy with work and cannot attend school
meetings. But this doesn‘t mean they shouldn‘t be in touch with events or be able to check on
their kids every once in awhile. Social sites are a great tool when it comes to interacting with
students since it‘s something they are so familiar with, using these sites frequently throughout
daily life.
Social Media
Social Media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to
participate in social networking.‖ Social media is not just limited to posting pictures about
holidays online. Social media has gained credibility over the years as a reliable source of
information and platform where organizations can interact with audiences.

Students were then shown how extended discussion can be conducted through a
specially-created Facebook group. At the same time, this increased their engagement and
encouraged interaction, reducing feelings of isolation which is one of the major challenges of
distance learning courses. Social media is also great for research, offering useful audience and
subject monitoring tools. Students can use polls, surveys, or even just post a simple question
to gauge how people feel about a particular topic. Using online platforms can help you
strengthen your community. It will help improve the teacher-student bond. You can integrate
social media by sharing important news, updates about upcoming events, and holding a meeting
with parents.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social Media is a set of applications and websites that provide users a platform for
sharing anything and increasing their social networking. Apart from posting photos and updating
status, social media also provides an interactive computer mediated technology where one can
share various ideas, information, career interests, and other forms of expression through apparent
communities & worldwide network.
Social media for student‟s development
The digital age has led to the increase of social media among people. With the
Quarantine time the social media has gained traction among all the people including students.
However, some people still believe that social media is always considered to be deteriorating
tool in academics. While social media is here to stay, instead of criticizing, it is better that we
learn to take the better part of it and learn how to make an opportunity out of it. Social media
platforms like Facebook, Google Plus, and YouTube enable learning colleges to connect with
the students. Social media helps you to recognize the experts in a particular subject or field. You
learn more and gain useful content from them once you start following them, which empower
you to produce great results.
Enhanced Learning Management System
Social media learning in Learning Management System (LMS) can include instant chat
functions, video, forums to share info and other lesson resources to help students. Built to drive
instant interaction between the users and the system, most LMS‘s come with built-in social
media integration. To have the best reach and effect through the system, it is beneficial for
institutions to use popular Learning management systems with social media integration.
Social Credibility for Learners
Students can build a portfolio for their career by building a brand through social
networks. Reflecting on educational background and gaining exposure on social media helps the
students to build social credibility and come across as people who can offer their expertise in
specified fields. Social media will become the number one means of solving education problems
as social networks interactions advance in education systems. The important benefit that
networks build is the many helpful and beneficial tools and access that make learning become a
pleasant process.
S No. Reason for social media Percent
1 Obtain New information 79.7%
2 Keep in touch with friends 74%
3 Facilitating work 55.1%


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4 Keep in touch with family 47.1%

5 Chatting 43.6%

A recent research too has strengthened the role of social media for students through its various
 The research says that 64.4 per cent of faculty use social media for their personal lives,
33.8 per cent use it for teaching.
 Also the research has come up with the finding that 41 per cent for those under age 35
compared to 30 per cent for those over age 55 reported using social media in their
 Faculty in the Humanities and Arts, Professions and Applied Sciences, and the Social
Sciences use social media at higher rates than those in Natural
Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science.
 While Facebook or LinkedIn is used for social and professional connection, Blogs and
wikis are preferred for teaching.
 88 per cent of faculty, regardless of discipline, reported using online video in the classroo
Role of social media for student‟s development
Thus, the above data has clearly shown how important social media is for students. Now
taking these finding forward let us discuss the role of social media for students.
Educational Benefits of Social Media
According to Simonson et al. (2000), online learning tools are more effective than
traditional classroom learning (using textbook for learning) because of the availability of the
online materials and 24 hours access to learning.
Social media has gained credibility as a trusted source of information. Apart from that it
also provides a great platform for teachers and students to interact. The students can also expand
their horizon by getting in touch with teachers around the world and gain more knowledge.
Through the social media the teachers can engage the students more in studies through different
method of teaching.
Easy sharing of Information
Sharing any information is just a click away with social media. Thus, students can share
useful information, study material, projects, practice paper and other exam details with their
friends and other fellow students. This social media also has platforms which are dedicated to
students and provide all the information from book list, study material, class notes, video


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

lectures of teachers which all the students have access to. This really helps in the preparation for
any competitive examination.
Online classes
Gone are the days when students would leave their homes and travel to faraway places to
prepare for any examination. In these times online classes re the new norm and all the institutes
are adapting to this culture. Thus, social media has brought classroom to each student‘s house
without the need to spend heavily and travel to some other city.
It helps to Gain Wider Knowledge
As social media has no borders or boundaries, it helps the students connect with people
from across the globe and gain wider knowledge. When the students have any confusion while
studying, the social media really help in gathering the relevant information through various
online platforms. While earlier students had to wait to meet the teacher and then clear their
doubts, with social media it takes only a search and you can know the answer to any of your
Share their knowledge
Social media also provides a great platform for students to share their knowledge. The
students, who clear the exam, take to social media to share their knowledge and their preparation
strategy which is very helpful for the students who are preparing for the exam.
So while social media can be used to showcase your skills and share your knowledge, it
acts as a guide to the students, who are aiming to achieve something in their lives.
Shaping their future
Social media has opened various avenues for students to pursue. Based on ones skills
and talent, students can now learn the various future prospects that they can choose from, instead
of doing what other around them are doing.
While earlier one did not have much scope to increase their awareness, with social media
you can increase your awareness about any exam, subject or particular field of interest. Just one
search and you will know all about it.
Social media are used mainly in regular learning situations, where chosen applications are
used as an addition to or replacement of traditional curriculum materials. The purpose is to
improve communication, share knowledge and learn collaboratively. Also, interpersonal teacher
student relations can be improved by social media. However, positive results on these aspects


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

strongly correlate with teachers‘ actual behavior on social media and their attitude towards these
media and ICT in general. The Role of Social Media in this century has made students‘ life very
easy and convenient. While it has both the positive and negative aspects attached to it, but only
using it as a tool to improve your skills and learn more can be very beneficial for students. Social
media are Internet-based channels that allow users to opportunistically interact and selectively
self-present, either in real-time or asynchronously, with both broad and narrow audiences who
derive value from user-generated content and the perception of interaction with others.
1. Balakrishnan, V. (2014). Using social networks to enhance teaching and learning
experiences in higher learning institutions. Innovations in Education and Teaching
International, 51, 595–606.
2. Bicen, H., & Uzunboylu, H. (2013). The use of social networking sites in education: A
case study of Facebook. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19, 658–671.
3. Carr, C., & Hayes, R. (2015). Social media: Defining, developing, and divining. Atlantic
Journal of Communication, 23, 46–65.
4. Cox, D., & McLeod, S. (2014b). Social media strategies for school principals. NASSP
Bulletin, 98, 5–25.
5. Flanigan, A., & Babchuk, W. (2015). Social media as academic quicksand: A
phenomenological study of student experiences in and out of the classroom. Learning and
Individual Differences, 44, 40–45.
6. Gan, B., Menkhoff, T., & Smith, R. (2015). Enhancing students‘ learning process through
interactive digital media: New opportunities for collaborative learning. Computers in
Human Behavior, 51, 652–663.
7. Henderson, M., Snyder, I., & Beale, D. (2013). Social media for collaborative learning: A
review of school literature. Australian Educational Computing, 28, 1–15.
8. Kaplan, Andreas M.; Haenlein, Michael (January 2010). "Users of the world, unite! The
challenges and opportunities of Social Media". Business Horizons. 53 (1): 59–68.
9. Sponcil, Megan; Gitimu, Priscilla (2013). "Use of social media by college students:
Relationship to communication and self-concept" (PDF). Journal of Technology
Research. 4: 1.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. T. Indumathi
Research Scholar
Dr. N. Ramakrishnan
Professor and Head
Department of Educational Technology,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97.
Use of Social media is being swiftly increasing during last few years. Use of social media
has been created a fantastic effect on the society. With the assist of Internet all the social web
site and diverse packages are available which can be get right of entry to without difficulty, also
permit users to speak and engage with every different, to create, edit and share new styles of
textual, visible and audio content material. It has a crucial have an effect on our stay because it
enables a lot in every field of existence such as political field, monetary discipline and
educational discipline.

Technology Integration in the Classroom

The use of technology in the classroom can be very positive. Technology can support and
improve the learning environment. As technology is becoming more predominant in the world
today, teachers believe that developing these technological skills among students can be very
beneficial for entering the workforce. The technology creation of online textbooks has made
tablets and laptops widely popular in the classroom. With this ability, students are able to have
readily available access to this resource anywhere at any time. Laptops can be used to quickly
access information in the classroom and gather knowledge. They can be used for interactive
activities involving polls, note taking, recording data, and research.

The recent developments in technology have changed how and what students learn in a
classroom. The internet gives students access to more resources than ever before, in terms of
both research and learning tools. Students are taught to be more critical in life overall when they
have to decide which sources are credible or not when doing internet research. Students can also
engage in active learning by using devices to participate in their field and service learning by
working with organizations outside of the classroom to solve problems and create new projects.

Students are able to complete their work anywhere as long as they have internet service,
which grants them more freedom outside the classroom. Given the recent COVID-19 pandemic


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

and most of the schools being closed applications like Zoom and Microsoft Teams are being
used for student to learn and give them that "classroom" feel. College institutions are adapting
many social media platforms into their educational systems to improve communication with
students and the overall quality of student life. It provides colleges with an easy fast method of
communication and allows them to give and receive feedback to students. Social media
platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are widely used by educational institutions
to make connecting with students and providing information convenient.

Social Media
A set of websites and applications that enable users for making as well as sharing
anything for participating in social networking is called Social Media. It is not just only limited
to posting vacation snaps online. It is an interactive computer-mediated technology for sharing
of various ideas, information, career interests, and other forms of expression through apparent
communities and worldwide network.

Social media is defined as ―a group of Internet-based applications that build on the

ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange
of user-generated content‖. Social media in education refers to the practice of using social media
platforms as a way to enhance the education of students.

Why do Students use Social Media?

Social Media has become an invaluable tool not only for communication and marketing
but also in the field of education as well. Generally, students use social media to share and get
instant quick information, reviews and solutions to their problems.

Social Media in Education

Today, many schools in India and education institutions are adapting these developments
into their frameworks and depending on group assets and systems to improve the life of students.
The utilization of social media in education helps students, teachers, and parents for getting more
valuable information while connecting with learning groups and other educational systems.

Social network sites and websites provide with lots of chances to improve their
techniques of learning and teaching to students. Through these networks, you can join social
media modules or plugins that empower sharing and collaboration. Students can benefit
themselves through online tutorial exercises through YouTube. Online courses are also offered


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

by colleges abroad through Skype and a full cluster of assets that are shared through social

Popular Social Media Sites

1. Facebook: It creates a space for students to ask and answer questions. When students get
home and begin working on their homework, they can post a question to the groups so as
to get it answered by the group member. It is also ideal for teachers using in flipped
classroom. Post videos, photos, documents, and other resources on the group's wall and
student can access before class or when they work on their assignments.
2. Twitter: Twitter offers a quick way to post class announcements and reminders as well
as real time information on class field trips. It also helps classes track information on any
topic. For instance, for a class discussing on a current event or a topic on career, twitter
can provide up to date information, eliminating the need for extensive research. Many
organizations offer twitter chat sessions with which students can interact.
3. Blogs: Instead of traditional writing projects, blogs creates opportunities for students to
write and display their writings on a large scale.
4. YouTube: It is like a Facebook, YouTube is an excellent option of flipping classroom in
that students can watch lectures and resources before entering the classroom. Again, like
blogging, since the material will be seen by a wider audience, students will be more apt
to do their very best in creating a video, and they will enjoy being able to express their
creativity as they connect more deeply with the course material.
5. Instagram: ―A picture is worth thousand words‖. Instagram can showcase student work
by offering a place to feature student hard work or even interesting details about a
6. Google Docs: It is a popular technology with teachers and students. Students and
teachers can use these tools to collaborate on assignments, projects, newsletters among
other things. It allows more than one person to work on a particular document at the
same time. Google docs can promote the team work.

Benefits of using Social Media in Education Industry

1. Social media as a communication channel
2. Online Learning and Networking
3. Social media as an engagement tool
4. For creative demonstration


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

5. Experience global exposure

Positive Impact of Social Media on Education:

1. Google and education, Google has helped over 20 million student in their education using
their tools.
2. By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more
familiarity with computers and other electronic devices.
3. With the increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help students
build skills that will aid them throughout their lives.
4. Talents got discovered faster, students who were good at programming got their name out
their easily, student who were good in music, got their videos out and shared leading them
to their dreams.
5. A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media
which brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
Negative impact of Social Media on Education:
1. The popularity of social media, and the speed at which information is published, has
created a lax attitude towards proper spelling and grammar. It reduces a student‘s ability to
effectively write without relying on a computer‘s spell check feature.
2. Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to
provide answers. That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.
3. Our ability to retain information has decreased, and the willingness to spend more time
researching and looking up good information has reduced, due the fact that we got used to
the ease of accessibility to information on social media.
4. Students, who attempt to multi-task, checking social media sites while studying, show
reduced academic performance. Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand is
significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought about by YouTube, Facebook or
5. The more time students spend on social sites, the less time they spend socializing in
person. Because of the lack of body signals and other nonverbal cues, like tone and
inflection, social networking sites are not an adequate replacement for face-to-face
communication. Students who spend a great deal of time on social networking are less able
to effectively communicate in person.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Social media is good platform for the education sector. It concludes that social media is
effective tool for educationalists like students, teachers and research scholars for sharing and
communicating the information without the limits. It‘s clear that social media can play an
important role in enhancing the learning experience, and each social media platform brings its
own set of strengths that can be leveraged differently to support learning. Social media can be
used to increase student engagement, get parents involved in their children‘s education, keep
students up to date on important events, encourage collaboration within classes, and serve as
resources that students can reference later on. There may be a learning curve associated with
becoming familiar with different social media platforms, but once mastered, these platforms can
serve as valuable tools for teachers in the years to come.

Positive practices of social media boom pupil's social intelligence and knowledge of
human behaviour. Negative practices of social networks make them materialistic, indignant and
addicted to too many bad things, and college students have deviated from profession and
personal development desires by using the overuse of social media; because those networks are
consume the maximum productive time of college students. So parents had to recognition on
their children's activities even as the use of social media networks.


Rambabu Lavuri, Durgaprasad Navulla and Pakala Yamini (2019) Effect of Social Media
Networks on Academic Performance of Indian Students, Journal of Critical Reviews, 6(4).
Syamala Devi.K, Gouthami.E, and Vijaya Lakshmi.V (2019) Role of Social Media in Teaching -
Learning Process, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6 (1).
Vishranti Raut and Prafulla Patil (2016) Use of Social Media in Education: Positive and
Negative impact on the students, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in
Computing and Communication, 4(1).


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


C. Azhgapuri
Ph.D Research scholar
Associate Professor in Education, Department of Education, Annamalai University,

Educators virtually everywhere have long looked to the emerging technologies of their
time to improve the delivery of instruction in the classroom and to help them reach students (and
teachers) in remote locations. In the early days of technology use, the focus was on the delivery
of direct instruction (e.g., radio, interactive radio, instructional television).

Instructional technologies widely used for this purpose in low-income countries include
the use of programmed instruction, the distribution of lessons on audiotape, the use of
duplicating and photocopy machines to prepare learning aids, and television broadcasts of
lessons at times that coincide with the school teaching schedule.

Newer technology-based instructional strategies, incorporating the Internet and the

World Wide Web (WWW), are used more to expand communication and increase access to
resources. These newer technologies represent a significant change in the teacher‘s role in the
instructional process. Whereas earlier technologies provided teachers primarily with a tool for
continuing to teach in the manner they were already teaching (though presumably more
efficiently), technologies such as e-mail and Internet tend to push teachers toward fundamentally
different ways of teaching. Depending on how they are used, these techniques shift more
responsibility to the students to seek out information and interact with people at other locations.
For the most part, they tend to encourage more student-centred learning. This, in turn, is putting
pressure on teachers to modify their approach to classroom teaching. The notion that students
can search for and assemble information on their own is very consistent with the constructivist
philosophy of teaching. However, that approach is at odds with the pedagogical practices of
many schools around the world. Online resources are used within education system primarily in
seven ways.

1. The most common use is in direct instruction. Lessons developed in one location can
be broadcast via radio or television or made available through e-mail or the World Wide Web for
use by students (individually or in groups) in other locations. Excellent teaching can be made


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

widely available. This is especially important in countries in which large segments of the
teaching force are under-qualified for the grades they are expected to teach. Well-designed
instruction in International Institute for Educational Planning

Adapting technology for school improvement: a global perspective the form of lessons
delivered by radio, television, or online may be able to offset weak teacher preparation.

2. Similarly, teachers can use online searches to find and access resource materials that
are then used in the teachers‘ own lesson preparation. For example, teachers might locate maps
and fact sheets about countries being studied in social studies class.

3. A variation on this approach is that teachers can use the web to access curriculum
and instructional guides for their own use. For example, teachers may access instructions on
how to lead a class in the dissection of a frog in biology.

4. Students can use the web to find and retrieve information they can use in their own
class research projects. In some schools, allowing students to use school computers for
independent study is used as a way to motivate and reward good students. However, this
approach tends to be limited to classrooms that have sufficient technology to allow students to
use the equipment for independent study.

5. Some teachers use web-based chat rooms and online communications technology to
connect two or more classrooms in different parts of the world. Students at different locations
can ask and answer questions from those at the other locations.

6. Teachers can have their lessons broadcast to multiple classrooms simultaneously.

This is already widely used in higher education as a means of offering courses in low-enrolment
subject areas. In secondary education this allows students in remote locations to have direct
interaction with teachers at a central location.

7. Finally, technology-based instruction is used in many countries as a means of

delivering in-service teacher education. Teachers need not leave their teaching posts to
participate in professional development activities.

A common element across all these innovations is that, in order to effectively use such
technologies, teachers sometimes have to learn new knowledge and skills, spend more time in


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

lesson preparation, and engage in different types of conversation with students (Hernes, 2002;
UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning

The role of technology in school improvement: One consequence is that teachers

sometimes resist – not because the educational benefits of these new technologies are not clear,
but because they lack sufficient incentives to undertake the increased workload, do not
understand what is expected of them, or do not know how to cope with new demands imposed
by the technology (Fullan, 2001). Resistance to the use of newer technologies Online instruction
is widely used in higher education worldwide, though less so at the primary and secondary
levels. One reason is the scale of demand at the lower levels. Many governments view the cost
of providing computers to individual schools as unaffordable. Not only are the initial equipment
and the necessary teacher training expensive, but equipment upkeep, repair, replacement and
software costs involve a substantial recurrent expenditure.

Limitations of infrastructure and finances effectively bar some countries from

participating in this electronic revolution. In other countries, education and government leaders
have legitimate concerns about the cost, the efficacy, and the feasibility of using communication
technologies in their education systems. More specifically, developing countries face four main

1. Access is expensive. While the cost of Internet access is low by world standards, it
still represents a high (often prohibitively so) cost for many developing countries. Making
Internet connections available at the school or school cluster level will be a central problem for
many countries in educational planning over the next decade.

Moreover, hidden costs are substantial. Internet use shifts a significant cost from the
information provider to the information recipient. It is the recipient who usually pays for the
telephone line, paper, printer cartridges, software upgrades, and equipment repair. Moreover,
meaningful use of the Internet in the instructional process will require new curriculum and new
training for teachers.

2. Ensuring equity of access is difficult. If access to electronic communication were

limited to schools serving the rich and influential, the social and economic disparities among
those who could obtain quality education would widen. Such differences can erode the social


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

fabric of a country and lead to serious social and educational rifts. International Institute for
Educational Planning

Adapting technology for school improvement a global perspective ensuring that the
benefits of easy access to world information and to electronic instruction are widely available to
students of all social and economic backgrounds will be a challenge for educational planners in
the next decade.

3. Retraining teachers to use the new technology is complicated and costly. Even if
they had access to the Internet, most teachers in the developing world lack the technical skills,
the content background, and the language capacity to effectively utilize the World Wide Web
including in classroom instruction. Most web-based resource material is in an international
language, with the preponderance in English.

Not with standing language skills, teachers often lack the pedagogical skills to know how
to most effectively use this powerful information tool in their classroom. At times, the use of the
Internet may conflict with the prevalent instructional strategy of the teacher.

4. Inappropriate content poses a problem. Some countries resist introducing

widespread Internet access from a fear that it will have a negative impact on local culture or be
used in ways that undermine national authority. A central concern is children‘s‘ access to
pornography. Some governments are also concerned about political and social content. They
observe that people from some industrialized countries place content on the Internet that may
convey unacceptable ideological positions.


The role of technology in school improvement While research confirms that technology-
based instruction can be effective in promoting higher levels of student learning, it also suggests
that those gains are not necessarily a function of the technology per sec. Rather, they occur
because instruction delivered by radio, television, email, and the World Wide Web tends to be
developed through a systematic process of instructional design that gives thoughtful attention to
selection, sequencing and pacing of content (Clark, 1983). When technology-based instruction is
effective, it is often because it incorporates the best practices of instructional design. If regular
classroom lectures were as carefully constructed and delivered, it is likely they would yield the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

same learning gains. Nonetheless, experience suggests that teachers often either are unable or
unwilling to achieve this standard in their day-to-day lesson preparation. The use of technology
provides a means of ensuring greater consistency and quality in instruction.


1. Puneet Kumar, DharminderKuma&r Narendra Kumar. E-Governance in India:

Definitions, Challenges and Solutions, International Journal of Computer Applications,
Volume 101– No.16, 2014.
2. Nikita Yadav & V. B. Singh, E-Governance: Past, Present and Future in India,
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 53– No.7, 2012.
3. Puneet Kumar &PrateekBhanti, Prospects of E-Governance in India,International Journal
of Engineering and Innovative Technology ,Volume 2, Issue 3, 2012.
4. Vandana Gupta& Ajay Sharma, E-Governance in India: Problems, Challenges and
Prospects, the international journal of economics & business studies , Volume: 01,
Number: 09, 2012
5. Dr. Pardeep Mittal&Amandeep Kaur. E-Governance - A challenge for India,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2013.
6. Dr. Sanjay Kumar &Dwivedi, Ajay Kumar Bharti. E-Governance In India – Problems
And Acceptability, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,2010
7. 4.pdf.
8. National e- governance plan. The meeting ofNational e- governance plan advisory group
department of information technology, ministry of communications and information
technology. New Delhi, 2010.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mr. P.Jaganathan Dr.A.Magalingam
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University
Chennai-97 Chennai-97

We are seeing education institutions adapting these developments into their systems and
relying on group resources and mechanisms to improve the student life. The use of social media
in education provides students with the ability to get more useful information, to connect with
learning groups and other educational systems that make education convenient.
Meaning of Social Media:
Social media is a collective term for websites and applications which focus on communication,
community-based input, interactive, content-sharing and collaboration.
A set of websites & applications that enable users for making as well as sharing anything for
participating in social networking is called Social Media.
Social media are not just limited to, posting pictures about holidays online. Social media
has gained credibility over the years as a reliable source of information and the platform where
organizations can interact with audiences.
Social media defined:
―Social Media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content
or to participate in social networking.‖ - Dictionary definition
What is the social Media?
Social media experts broadly agree that social media include the following 13 types of
social media:
blogs, business networks, collaborative projects, enterprise social networking, forums,
microblogs, photo sharing, products/services review, social bookmarking, social gaming,
social networks, video sharing, and virtual worlds.
Types of Social Media:
Here are some examples of popular social media platforms:
 Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to
create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family and colleagues.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Twitter is a free microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast

short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other
users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices.

 Wikipedia is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through the

collaborative effort of a community of users known as Wikipedians. Anyone
registered on the site can create an article for publication; however, registration is not
required to edit articles. Wikipedia was founded in January of 2001.

 LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business

community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and
document networks of people they know and trust professionally.

 Reddit is a social news website and forum where stories are socially curated and
promoted by site members. The site is composed of hundreds of sub-communities,
known as "subreddits." Each subreddit has a specific topic such as technology, politics
or music. Reddit site members, also known as, "redditors," submit content which is
then voted upon by other members. The goal is to send well-regarded stories to the top
of the site's main thread page.

 Pinterest is a social creation website for sharing and categorizing images found online.
Pinterest requires brief descriptions, but the main focus of the site is visual. Clicking
on an image will take a user to the original source. For example, clicking on a picture
of a pair of shoes might redirect users to a purchasing site and an image of blueberry
pancakes might redirect to the recipe.

Development of social-media platforms:

Six Degrees, launched in 1997, are often regarded as the first social media site.
The development of social media started off with simple platforms. GeoCities was one of
the earliest social networking services, launched in November 1994, followed
by in December 1995 and in May 1997. Unlike instant-
messaging clients (e.g., ICQ and AOL's AIM) or chat clients (e.g., IRC, iChat, or Chat
Television), Six Degrees was the first online business that was created for real people, using
their real names. As such, according to CBS News, Six Degrees is "widely considered to be the
very first social networking site," as it included "profiles, friends lists and school affiliations"
that could be used by registered users.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Thereafter, Open Diary was launched in October 1998; LiveJournal in April

1999; Ryze in October 2001; Friendster in March 2003; the corporate and job-oriented
site LinkedIn in May 2003; hi5 in June 2003; MySpace in August 2003; Orkut in January
2004; Facebook in February 2004; YouTube in February 2005; Yahoo! 360° in March
2005; Bebo in July 2005; the text-based service Twitter, in which posts (called tweets) were
limited to 140 characters, in July 2006; Tumblr in February 2007; Instagram in July 2010;
and Google+ in July 2011.
Social media in education:
Social media in education refers to the practice of using social media platforms as a
way to enhance the education of students. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that
allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content".
Student devices
Following the 1980s, there was a computer advancement boom that defined the 1990s-
2000s, as CD-ROMS were first introduced, and the internet became more user friendly. As of
2018, 95% of teenage students have access to a smartphone and 45% say they are online almost
constant. As the use of technology and social media has become more prevalent, some educators
and parents argued that they were too distracting for the classroom environment. This led to
many schools blocking Internet access, including access to social media sites, and even
disallowing the use of cell phones in the classrooms. These policies proved to be ineffective in
some cases, as students continue to bring their phones to class despite the policy, and many even
find ways to access social media sites regardless of the precautions taken by school
In response to these challenges, many schools have adopted a "Bring Your Own Device"
(BYOD) policy to school. This is a policy that allows students to bring their own internet
accessing device, such as a phone or iPad, for the purpose of accessing the Internet for research
and other in-class activities. While the BYOD concept was initially introduced as a way of
reducing departmental technology costs, administrators and teachers are realizing other benefits
from BYOD policies, such as increased student motivations and engagement and anywhere
access to information.
On the academic side, the study conducted by Shahzad Khan in 2010, provided that
students are using social media more and it is impacting their communication positively. This
study did not provide a negative impact on students. Other studies by Maqableh, Quteshat,


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Masadeh and Huda Karajeh in 2015 did not provide any negative impact of social media on
students, but focused on the ignorance of academics due to spending a lot of time on social
media. Ndbele and Mbodile discussed that e-learning platforms are effective for students.
Device integration in the classroom
Technology integration can be described as involving student needs rather than revolving
around teacher needs. In a classroom with a whiteboard and a single computer, the learning will
revolve round the teacher. With the use of technology, the learning environment can be
The use of technology in the classroom can be very positive. Technology can support and
improve the learning environment. As technology is becoming more predominant in the world
today, teachers believe that developing these technological skills among students can be very
beneficial for entering the workforce. The technological creation of online textbooks has made
tablets and laptops widely popular in the classroom. With this ability, students are able to have
readily available access to this resource anywhere at any time. Laptops can be used to quickly
access information in the classroom and gather knowledge. They can be used for interactive
activities involving polls, note taking, recording data, and research.
Social media has a strong impact on students. The studies focused on the impact of social
media and reflected that 38% of students focus on the positive role of social media for their
studies while 16% of students agreed on this strongly, but only 40% disagreed. 4.7% of students
strongly disagreed that social media helps them in the study. It is also clear that social media
impacts both genders and according to the results, it can be seen that 53% of female students are
getting the negative impact of social media on their studies while 46% disagreed this point. In
the male students, 40% agreeing that social media has a negative impact on studies while 59%
disagreed this notion.
The impact of using technology within classrooms can have a negative effect as well. A study
shows that students who used laptops in class for nonacademic reasons, had poorer class
performance overall. These students spent most of their time on social media websites, online
shopping, and other personal usage.
A study looked at students‘ in-depth perspectives on learning with cellphones,
smartphones, and social media in higher education and revealed that mobile computing devices
and the use of social media created opportunities for interaction, and provided occasions for
collaboration and constant connectivity. Other benefits included accessing information quickly
and conveniently, a variety of ways to learn, and situated learning. Frustrations that students


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

experienced while learning with mobile devices included anti-technology instructors, device
challenges, and devices as a distraction.
The recent developments in technology have changed how and what students learn in a
classroom. The internet gives students access to more resources than ever before, in terms of
both research and learning tools. Students are taught to be more critical in life overall when they
have to decide which sources are credible or not when doing internet research. Students can also
engage in active learning by using devices to participate in their field and service learning by
working with organizations outside of the classroom to solve problems and create new projects.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


C.Poongodi, M.Phil Research Scholar, Dr.L.George Stephen, Assistant Professor

Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97.

There is valuable knowledge to be gained through social media such as analytics and
insights on various topics or issues for study purposes. Social media is also a medium where
students can establish beneficial connections for their careers. As an educational institution, it is
crucial to be active in many social platforms possible, this helps create better student training
strategies and shapes student culture.

Meaning of Social Media:

Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate

the creation or sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of
expression via virtual communities and networks.

It is not just only limited to, posting vacation snaps online. It is an interactive computer-
mediated technology for sharing of various ideas, information, career interests, and other forms
of expression through apparent communities & worldwide network.

Social media defined

Social media as "forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social

networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share
information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)."- Merriam-Webster

What is the social Media?

Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered
users,include Facebook, FacebookMessenger, TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Weibo,
Twitter, Tumblr, Baidu Tieba, and LinkedIn. Depending on interpretation, other popular
platforms that are sometimes referred to as social media services
include YouTube, QQ, Quora, Telegram, WhatsApp, LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber, Reddit,
Discord, VK, Microsoft Teams, and more. Wikis are examples of collaborative content creation.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Socialmediaoutletsdifferfromtraditionalmedia e.g.,
Print magazines and newspapers,and TV and radiobroadcasting)in many ways, including
quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence. Additionally, social media
outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system (i.e., many sources to many receivers),
while traditional media outlets operate under a monologic transmission model (one source to
many receivers). For example, a newspaper is delivered to many subscribers and a radio station
broadcast the same programs to an entire city.

Most popular social networking services:

The following is a list of the most popular social networking services based on the
number of active users as of October 2020 per Statista.

Social Media in Education

Today, we can see education institutions adapting these developments into their systems
and relying on group resources and mechanisms to improve student life. The use of social media
in education helps students, teachers and parents get more useful information, to connect with
learning groups and other educational systems that make education convenient.

Social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple opportunities to
improve learning methods. Through these networks, you can incorporate social media plugins
that enable sharing and interaction. Students can benefit from online tutorials through YouTube,
online courses delivered by universities abroad through Skype and a wide array of resources that
are shared through social networks.
There is valuable knowledge to be gained through social media such as analytics and
insights on various topics or issues for study purposes. As an educational institution, it is crucial
to be active in many social platforms possible, this helps create better student training strategies
and shapes student culture.

The great thing about using social media in education is that you soon learn who the
experts are in different fields and subjects. When you start following these experts you learn
more and gain useful content from them, this empowers you to produce great results. Social
media has the ability to broaden your perspective on various subjects and gives illuminating,
instant content that is new.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

You have the opportunity of engaging experts to get answers on topics that you may need
help in. Learning colleges have the ability to connect with students through social media
networks such as Facebook, Google Plus groups, and YouTube. These channels can be used to
communicate campus news, make announcements and provide students with useful information.

This builds engagement between the college and students, which help tackle many
student issues through the group interactions. Institutions can share supportive and positive posts
that reach all students that are connected to the networks and pages. You can initiate hash tags
on social media to engage students and online discussions that are helpful. A video is a
prominent tool in social media trends that is effective and you can use it to share useful videos
that inspire students and help them in their course subjects. Through social mediums such as
YouTube, Facebook or Instagram live video the engagements between students and the
institution can be sustained.

The benefits of social media in the education process doesn‘t have to stop at the teacher-
student relationship. There are a lot of other benefits that can be extracted from the use of social
networking at higher levels as well. For example, principals or administrators can find a new
way to integrate social media. Like sharing school news via social networks, holding an online
meeting with the parents or even starting fundraising for different projects.And social media can
quickly become the only channel of communication since we‘re living fast-paced lives, parents
are usually busy with work and cannot attend school meetings. But this doesn‘t mean they
shouldn‘t be in touch with events or be able to check on their kids occasionally.

Social media offers the audience and subject monitoring tools that are useful and it is one
of the best platforms to extract data. You can find out how the majority people feel about a
particular topic by creating Instagram/Facebook Polls, or conduct a survey using Google Forms
or Survey monkey, or how experts perceive and advice on specific issues by using forums like

This can help students compile and produce useful content for research. Whether
students are working on an assignment, working on a project or trying to gain more insight on a
subject, some of the best information and results can be extracted from social media.Slideshare
could help in making presentations of such data.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Teachers also use social media as a medium to get new resources to support their lessons,
activities to teach particular concepts, bulletin board ideas, information on new apps to do a
follow up on certain topics as well as to network and know what is happening in schools all over
the world.

The bottom line is that social media is a big part of our day to day life and there‘s no
point of keeping it away from the education process. School, college and university staff should
be encouraged to make use of technology for student and parent communication. The benefits
are obvious, starting with healthier parent-teacher relationships and all the way to permanently
change the way our children will learn.



ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Gulzar Ahmad Dar, Dr. P. Ponraj

Ph.D Research Scholar Associate Professor
Department of Education Department of Education
Annamalai University Annamalai University


Social media has gained incredible popularity over the past few years as an open source
of information and knowledge sharing platform. Educational institutions are using social media
space to interact with young minds. We are seeing educators leveraging the potential of social
media technologies to enhance the overall teaching-learning process. The emerging role of social
media in teaching-learning process cannot be ignored. It not only provides students access to
useful information but also connects them with learning groups and other educational systems
that make their overall learning process more interesting and engaging. Social platforms like
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are being used by almost everyone. These
social channels are all about collaborating, networking, sharing and generating knowledge and
content – something which is of great value in the context of education.Few ways in which
social media is helping professors, students and universities are mentioned below, take a look.
Social media has gained incredible popularity over the past few years as an open source of
information and knowledge sharing platform. Educational institutions are using social media
space to interact with young minds. We are seeing educators leveraging the potential of social
media technologies to enhance the overall teaching-learning process. The emerging role of social
media in teaching-learning process cannot be ignored. It not only provides students access to
useful information but also connects them with learning groups and other educational systems
that make their overall learning process more interesting and engaging. Social platforms like
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are being used by almost everyone. These
social channels are all about collaborating, networking, sharing and generating knowledge and
content – something which is of great value in the context of education.

Benefits of Using Social Media in Teaching and Learning:

 With the advent of internet technology, Social media has become an integral of every
student‘s life. Through social networks, it is easier and convenient to exchange
information, communicate with each other and stay connected. Teachers and students can


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

use social platforms to stay connected to each other and can use it for educational

 Social networks are empowering students and educational institutions with opportunities
to improve teaching-learning process. SlideShare, Quora and ResearchGate etc. are
helping students by providing online tutorials. These platforms offer valuable resource
material for enriching knowledge base.

Social media is increasingly becoming popular in building relationships outside the

classroom setting. It is helping drive admissions and strengthen public relations of the Institute.
Students‘ welfare department in colleges is taking help of social media to engage students by
addressing their grievances. It is further being used to showcase life at campus and build strong
alumni networks.

Social Media Benefit for Professors, teachers and Students in Teaching and Learning:

Revolutionarychanges in technology haveopened various opportunities to enhance

teaching as well as learning experiences of students. The world of education has completely
transformed ever since the internet and smart phone technologies came to existence.Rising
popularity and usefulness of social networking websites has led educators to explore their
potential use in education. Educational institutions have realized the capability of social media to
improve collaboration and active learning.Social media is paving way for a new age learning
which is personalized and customized to suit the need of every learner. In an increasingly
interconnected world, professional networks and connections have become a key to one‘s
success and future growth.

In this context social media has a lot to offer to the educational community. Here are
some of the direct benefits of social media usage for the academic world:

1. Collaborative Learning

On social media, students exchange lot of information. So, why not use this platform to
encourage collaborative learning. In fact, several institutions globally are encouraging students
to forge international partnerships using social media for taking up some project assignmentsBy
doing this, they get engaged with each other and learn how to manage projects and coordinate


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

with teams sitting globally along with cross cultural sensitivities. Similarly, the use of social
media has made it easier and faster to interact with peers or teachers about class-related
topics.Use of social media also familiarizes students with a new work culture of managing work
through online engagements which is very important in today‘s business environment. It teaches
them how to develop a strong online presence by improving their communication skills.

2. Information Sharing by Students

Students are continuously hooked on to the internet through their smart phones and hence
rapidly transmit information to their connections. Apart from just sharing views and opinions
they also exchange lot of valuable information. This information is a lot more than just
interesting videos or snapshots and cover useful stuff related to their studies. They exchange
helpful information for classes and examinations.

3. Helps to Foster Research

Social media offers collaborative opportunities to foster research initiatives. It is one of

the best platforms to extract secondary data. You can conduct survey pools to gather sampling
and find out opinions of general people and other experts on a particular subject.Social media
can help academic researchers compile and produce useful content by working on collaborative
assignments and projects.

4. Continue Teaching from Anywhere and Everywhere

Sometimes, it is difficult to address queries of students during classroom sessions. This

makes it further difficult for students to clear their doubts. However, professors can take
advantage of social media technology to extend teaching hours beyond classroom. They can set
up Facebook Live sessions or Twitter discussions to cover uncleared doubts of their students. As
a matter of fact, professors can allocate dedicated time slots for online discussions to answer any
question or to work with a student. Through Facebook sessions, Faculty can connect with large
audiences at one go which otherwise is not possible in one class.Professors may like to continue
engagement with their students even when they are travelling and not taking sessions. They can
even stream lectures to avoid any cancellation of classes while travelling. If the professor is
unavailable during the actual class time, he can use Youtube to record a lecture beforehand.

5. Take Advantage of Blogs to create Virtual Library


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Setting up a personal blog or website gives professors a lot of freedom to build

intellectual credibility. They can upload their academic work and other important lectures and
videos that will allow students to take relevant inputs as reference material for their studies.

6. Let Students Learn from Social Networking

Social media offers great learning opportunities through social networking. Students can
be encouraged to build networks to support professional help in career.Similarly, Professors can
also connect with the students and help them identify suitable job openings and find relevant
connections for their future profession.


As social media networks advance in education systems, many helpful and beneficial
tools will emerge that can make learning a more enriching experience.Students today are
intimately involved with social media at every stage. If you‘re missing onto the usage of social
media you are pushing away a lot of potential audience. Using it in educational institutions can
prove to be a very effective measure.The benefits of social media for academic entities are
many. The above are just a few, to begin with. Social media sites offer great opportunities for
communication between peers and teachers.Using social media, teachers can improve the
involvement of their students in studies and education, improve technological ability, provide a
great sense of collaboration in the classroom and build good communication skills of students.


1. Anderson, T., &Dron, J. (2011). Three generations of distance education pedagogy. The
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3), pp. 80-97.

2. Banks, J., Au, K., Ball, A., Bell, P., Gordon, E., Gutierrez, K., Heath, S., et al.
(2007).Learning in and out of school in diverse environments (Consensus Report).
Learning in Informal and Formal Environment (LIFE) Center. Retrieved from

3. Bryer, T. A., & Chen, B. (2010). Using social networks in teaching public
administration. In C. Wankel, (Ed.), Cutting-edge social media approaches to business
education: Teaching with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, and Blogs (pp. 241-
268). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Bryer, T. A. & Zavattaro, S. (2011). Social media and public administration:

Theoretical dimensions and introduction to symposium. Administrative Theory & Praxis,

5. Caruso, J., Smith, S., &Salaway, G. (2009).The ECAR study of undergraduate students
and information technology (Research Study). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for
Applied Research. Retrieved from

6. Downes, S. (2007).An introduction to connective knowledge. Presented at the Interna-

tional Conference on Media, Knowledge & Education—Exploring New Spaces,
Relations and Dynamics in Digital Media Ecologies. Retrieved from http://www.

7. Facebook. (2011). Facebook statistics. Facebook. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from http://

8. Foulger, T. S., Ewbank, A. D., Kay, A., Popp, S. O., & Carter, H. L. (2009). Moral
spaces in MySpace: Preservice teachers‘ perspectives about ethical Issues in social
networking. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(1), 1-28.

9. FSSE. (2010). Professors‘useoftechnologyin teaching. The Chronicle of Higher


10. Hew, K. F. (2011). Students‘ and teachers‘ use of Facebook. Computers in Human
Behavior, 27(2), 662-676.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Ph.D. Research scholar, Professor and Head,
Department of Educational Technology,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University,
Chennai - 97.
We are seeing education institutions adapting these developments into their systems and
relying on group resources and mechanisms to improve the student life. The use of social media
in education provides students with the ability to get more useful information, to connect with
learning groups and other educational systems that make education convenient.
Social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple opportunities to
improve learning methods. Through these networks, you can incorporate social media plug-in
that enable sharing and interaction. Students can benefit from online tutorials and resources that
are shared through social networks.
There is valuable knowledge to be gained through social media such as analytics and
insights on various topics or issues for study purposes. Social media is also a medium where
students can establish beneficial connections for their careers. As an educational institution, it is
crucial to be active in many social platforms possible; this helps create better student training
strategies and shapes student culture.
Social Media Usage in Learning Process of High School Students to Empowering
Social Media
Social Media are interactive digitally – mediated technologies that facilitate the creation
or sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via
virtual communities and networks. While challenges to the definition of social media arise due
to the broad variety of stand- alone and built in social – media services currently available.
Social Media has been considered a powerful tool in the field of education, social
development, and change in Arab countries throughout the decades of media history (Adams,
2006). Describing the paradigms of development communication in the Middle East, Adams
(2006) suggested that the key factor of successful mediated communication is the focus on
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

media audiences. Since media audiences are put in the centre of research examining today‘s
highly mediated environment, it is important to explore what types of media students use and
how they use these media.
 To assess the level of Media Usage in Learning among Adolescent students.
 To find out whether is significant difference exist in the Social Media Usage in Learning
process of high school students with respect to:
 Gender
 Parental Educational qualification
The present study tested the following null hypotheses:
 There is no significant difference in Social Media Usage in Learning process of high
school students with respect to Gender.
 There is no significant difference in Social Media Usage in Learning process of high
school students with respect to Parental Educational Qualifications.
Normative survey method is adopted for this study.
Usage of Social Media in Learning Process questionnaire on a three point scale (Agree,
No Idea, Disagree), constructed and validated by the researcher under the guidance of research
supervisor was used in this study.
The reliability of Usage of Social Media in learning process questionnaire was worked
out by using Cronbach‟s Alpha and split half method. The reliability co-efficient is .801 and
.798 respectively and which is fairly high and indicates the questionnaire is suitable. The validity
for Usage of Social Media in Learning process tool was found to be (.89 ) which indicates that it
has posses‘ high validity.
Simple random sampling technique was used. Sample for this study consist of 97 high
school students (both boys & girls) of IX and X standard students studying in various schools of
Chennai and one school of Thiruvallur district.
Table – 1: The Level of Media Usage in Learning among Adolescent Students


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Variable Level N Percentage (%)

Social Media Low 17 17.5

Usage in Moderate 65 67
High 15 15.5

Results of the above table-2 shows that 17.5%, 67% and 15.5% of the sample have low,
moderate, high level of Social Media usage for learning process respectively.

Inferential Analysis
Hypothesis – 1
 There is no significant difference in Social Media Usage in learning process of high
school students with respect to Gender.
Table – 2: Significant difference in Social Media Usage in Learning process of high
school students with respect to Gender
Variable Boys Girls t LS
Mean SD N Mean SD N
Social Media
Usage in
18.37 4.23 54 17.91 3.83 43 0.95 NS

From the above table the calculated ‗t‘ value is lesser than the table value and it is
statistically not significant. Hence the framed null hypothesis ―There is no significant difference
in Social Media Usage in learning process of high school students with respect to Gender‖ is
Hypothesis – 2
 There is no significant difference in Social Media Usage in Learning process of high
school students with respect to Parental Educational Qualification..
Table – 3: Significant difference in Social Media Usage in Learning process of high
school students with respect to Parental Educational Qualification


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Sum of Mean
Variables Group df F P LS
Squares Square
Social Between
115.747 2 38.582
Media Groups
Usage in Within 2.453 0.063 NS
4656 94
learning Groups 15.73
process Total 4771.75 96
From the above table the calculated ‗F‘ value is lesser than the table value and it is
statistically not significant. Hence the framed null hypothesis ―There is no significant difference
in Social Media Usage in learning process of high school students with respect to Parental
Educational Qualification‖ is accepted.
 The Level of Social Media Usage in learning process of high school Students is moderate
in nature.
 There is no significant difference in the Social Media usage in learning process of high
school students with respect to Gender.
 There is no significant difference in the Social Media usage in learning process of high
school students with respect to Parental Educational Qualification.

Social Media has gained credibility over the years as a trusted source of information and
platform where organizations can interact with audiences. We are seeing education institutions
adapting these developments into their systems and relying on group resources and mechanisms
to improve the student life. The use of Social Media in education provides students with the
ability to get more useful information, to connect with learning group and other educational
systems that make education convenient.

 The teacher must encourage students on the basis of the Social Media usage in learning.
 The teacher must use innovative Social Media on education for their memorable studies.
 The teacher should follow their different teaching style with Social Media.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 The government should provide the several Social Media Training to every schools or
educational institutions.
 This study was taken in Social Media usage in learning. In future this study may extend
to other innovative technological classroom.
 Based on this study its scope can be extended college and university level.
 This study may extend to comparative study of the orphan and Normal students on Social
Media usage.
Teachers‘ role as manager of resources and facilitator of learning need to be emphasized.
Learners should be guided and helped by teachers to use technology such as media for learning
process in an appropriate way. As rightly pointed out by Delor‘s Commission ―Learning to
Learn‖ is the watchword for today‘s students of adolescent stage.
 Gidion, G., Grosch, M., Capretz, L.F., Meadows, K., (2014). Media usage Survey:
Overall Comparison of Faculty and Students. International Conference on Interactive
Collaboration Leraning (ICL), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 1014-1020.
 John W. Best, James V. Kahn.,(2014). Research in Education., Tenth Edition., PHI
Learning Private Limited., New Delhi.
 Kaniraj G., Joseph Catherine., (2018). Usage of Media and Study Involvement in
relation to Academic Achievement among Higher Secondary Students, M.Phil
dissertation., Stella Matutina College of Education, TNTEU.
 Mangal.S.K., (2008). Statistics in Psychology and Education. PHI publications, New
 Mangal.S.K., (2012). Essentials of Educational Technology, PHI publications, New


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Research Scholar (Part Time) Assistant Professor,
Department of Education Technology, Department of Education Technology,
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education
Chennai-97. University, Chennai-97.

The growth of social media over past few years has changed the ways in which the
internet is experienced by most end users. Social media is built on the idea of how people know
and interact with each other. It gives people the power to share, making the world more open and
connected with each other.Social networking has a vital influence on our live as it helps a lot in
every field of life such as political field, economic field and educational field. People watch
billion of video clips on YouTube daily. Every hour, users upload video content. Every day,
more than 90 percent of college students visit a social networking site. People have woven these
networks into their daily routines, using Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Using of social media is not limited only to professionals or
elders but also it is been widely used in educational sectors by the students. There are people
who can‘t even write their own name and they are only able to recognize him and people by their
pictures have full access to internet and constantly check their Smartphone‘s for status updates.
Students usually used social site for many reason such as for study purpose, for
entertainment purpose as social media provides any data you want very easily and quickly within
a fraction of seconds. Usage of social media depends upon person to person as it has good as
well as negative impact on the society i.e. on the students. Social Media had become a major
distraction to students, causing the overall performance of students to decline, especially the
ones who tend to check their Face book and twitter while studying.
―Social networks have become thoroughly rooted in modern culture. People have woven
these networks into their daily routines, using Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, online gaming
environments, and other tools. Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Young people
are motivated to learn from their peers online. They interact and receive feedback from one
another. They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults
are no
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

longer the only sources of knowledge.

It‘s no secret that most students and teachers have smart phones and have used social
media in education. In fact, there are apps and web tools that offer social media in an educational
context. With faculty using a variety of software tools and free web applications to enhance
learning, communication, and engagement, the use of social media is on the rise in higher
education classrooms. Compared to traditional learning method that provide few opportunities
for learners to develop and maintain their own learning activities, learning plat forms based on
social media place the control of learning into the hands of learners themselves.
No one can deny the frenziness that has taken over the entire world with social media, in
the last 10 years. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus and a bunch of others
have become almost everyone‘s second nature. Many think that social media is just another way
to minimize personal communication and contact, for others an effective way to legitimately
peek through people‘s lives, and for others a pure waste of time with no value. Personal opinions
are of course respected, yet we got to take a look at the other side.
How Social Media can be used As Learning Platforms?
Social media is basically a structure that consists of individuals, communities, companies or
organizations with similar interests, attitudes, values, lifestyles, visions and friendships and in
the field of eLearning this structure can be used in various ways and through a number of tools.
Let‘s see the most popular ones:
 Facebook
The instructor can effortlessly create a closed or an open group, to share information, ideas,
quizzes, questionnaires, materials, pictures, or even an entire page on a specific course or
module. Students can freely talk about various course-related issues, questions they might
have, post mutually interesting information and generally things they want to share. For
more info please see the use of Facebook for social learning.
 Twitter
In eLearning it can be used as a backchannel to connect learning communities or smaller
classrooms over a specific topic or event, to share highlights, make statements, upload
pictures, etc. All instructors have to do is create an account and communicate its #hashtag
to their students/followers. Twitter is heavily used for social learning.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 LinkedIn
This is a purely professional, yet still social network, which has proven to be extremely
useful in eLearning. Currently there are thousands of discussions and groups in various
languages, where instructors, educators and influencers share views, problems,
developments and how-to tips.
 Google Plus
Google plus is an upraising star for social learning. Several eLearning professionals
including me believe that Google Plus is going to be the most popular social media that is
used as a learning platform. But why? Google plus communities have been used heavily
as learning platforms and one of the major reasons is that both learners and facilitators are
getting less distracted versus Facebook and Twitter.
 YouTube
An excellent resource for eLearning. It‘s free and can be used to support a class, while
viewers can also rate the video‘s content and quality, as well as comment. These videos
can be part of a course, but instructors can also use it to broadcast entire tutorials or just
teasers to attract the audience they want.
Social media not only helps to acquire knowledge but also establishing enduring
relationships with real people, connecting with fellow dorm residents through Face book, Twitter
and various social sites can help a student overcome the kind of isolation that otherwise might
leather to leave school. A Twitter account can provide shy student with information about events
that facilitates face-to-face encounters with other students. Such personal interactions are vital to
creating and sustaining a sense of belonging. Using technology to accommodate students
different learning styles is not novel. The strength of social media applications is that they offer
an assortment of tools that learners can mix and match to best suit their individual learning styles
and increase their academic success.
 Google and education, Google has helped over 20 million student in their education
using their tools.
 By spending so much time working with new technologies, students develop more
familiarity with computers and other electronic devices.
 With the increased focus on technology in education and business, this will help
students build skills that will aid them throughout their lives.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 A lot of the students were able to inform public about their issues – using social media
which brought awareness and helped solve a lot of problems.
How Social Media Makes Good Teaching Aids
 They are widely available to anyone with an internet connection.
 They are "open", which makes them more broadly accessible.
 They are "social" by definition, unlike LMSs that are more hierarchical and "close-
 Like many front-line LMS tools, social media platforms support multi-media. However,
unlike LMS, the "reach" of social media goes beyond the curated content available on
formal teaching networks.
VII. Negative Impact of Social Media in Education
 The popularity of social media, and the speed at which information is published, has
created a lax attitude towards proper spelling and grammar. The reduces a student‘s
ability to effectively write without relying on a computer‘s spell check feature.
 Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media and the web to
provide answers. That means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.
 Our ability to retain information has decreased, and the willingness to spend more time
researching and looking up good information has reduced, due the fact that we got used
to the ease of accessibility to information on social media.
VIII. Conclusion
According to the above study we came to know the various positive and negative impacts
of social media on education or students. It is very important to overcome this problem. How can
parents alleviate the negative aspects of social media while improving upon the positive results?
Moderating their access to social media is one excellent method. Most of the negative aspects
can be overcome by reducing the amount of time spent on social network sites. Paying attention
to their academic progress and addressing any issues will go a long way towards keeping the
negative aspects of social media from influencing their studies. Provide ample time for face-to-
face social interaction, like having some family leisure time in which you discuss their studies in
a relaxed atmosphere or inviting friends and family over for get-together, providing fun, face-to-
face social interaction with loved ones. All this we help us to reduce the Negative impact of
social media on the students which will in turn benefit our young generation.
IX. References: -
1. The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges and Opportunities Ashraf Jalal
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Yousef Zaidieh ICT, collage of information and communication technology, IIUM KL,
2. The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New GenerationBy Khaama
Press - Wed Nov 192014
3. Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case StudyNa Li,
Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet
4. Social Networking in Undergraduate Education .
5. Nicole A. Buzzetto-More University Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, USA
6. How social media is changing education.
7. Social Media Use in Higher Education: Key Areas to Consider for Educators Julia
E.Rodriguez Assistant Professor Information Literacy and Educational Technology
8. Oakland University Rochester, MI 48309 USA.
9. Social media in higher education, neilselwyn.
10. Social Media and Higher Education Literature Review
11. Social Media in Education, Christian Safran.
12. Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study Na
Li, Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)1015
Lausanne, Switzerland.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. M. Muthamizhselvan Mrs. G. Priyanka
Assistant Professor M.Phil. Research Scholar
Department of Pedagogical Sciences Tamilnadu Teachers Education University
Tamilnadu Teachers Education University Chennai


Social media networks play a crucial role in communication spread. Everyone will accept
today, the influence of social media networks in ensuring the culture of an demographic segment
around the world .Though all demographic segment people are highly habituated to the social
media networks usage, the teenagers have become highly dependent . They depend on social
media networks for almost everything in their life. For example they use social media networks
as a reference platform to purchase an article, to buy a book, to visit a place even to fix a spouse.
This is witnessed through face book teenagers become friends and some of them married their
face book friends. Social media networks are now the platform for referring the employment
opportunities too. Through social media networks, people with similar interest can get together
easily and common interest information is shared well and quickly. According to Yadav , Gyan
and Rai , Jyotsna (2017) Zen ‗Z‘ people have a strong ‗virtual bonding ‗due to social media
networks. Since social media networks play a dominant role in consuming the time of teenagers
their work culture, studying culture, social culture are predominantly shaped by social media
networks. This paper explores how social media networks influence the time utilized by the
teenagers. It further discusses the role of social media networks in shaping their social behavior.
It also throws a light on the stress created among the teenagers due to social media networks,
cyber bullying and the level of safety of the personal data while using social media platforms.

Waste of time or Making a better time?

Definitely there is a significant difference among the generations‘ in utilizing their times.
Earlier generations spend more time to seek information required. Right now it is not so.
Required information is readily available in the soft forms and the teenagers are able to retrieve
the required information in few minutes. For example youngsters refer mostly ‗Google maps‘ to
go their travel destination. According to a study conducted by Riley Panko in July 2018, 77% of
the Smartphone owners‘ regularly use navigation apps. There are travelers groups, through
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

which they share the required information to help and support their travel among themselves. In
the same way social media networks are used by different ways by the teenagers today. One
cannot easily tell that social media networks are only for chatting and sharing funny memes. Yet
social media networks are used primarily to network with one‘s family members and friends
(Saranya, 2017). It may be for entertainment purpose or other purposes like sharing information,
seeking information and for self expression. Social media networks create and build a strong
confidence among the youngsters (Akram, Zahid & Mahmud, Maqsood & Mahmood, Arshad,
2015). Many research studies have ensured that the more time is spent by yougsters in social
media networks. For example in India 15 percent of the youngsters spent more than three hours
in social media networks (Akram, Zahid & Mahmud, Maqsood & Mahmood, Arshad, 2015). The
time spent on social media networks can be used in a constructive way and there are
opportunities in social media networks to make the youngsters time in a constructive way to
ensure their better life. However spending more time in social media networks will create health
related issues.

Social media networks and social behavior of youngsters

The youngsters‘ behavior is now a day‘s quite abnormal in their house and with family
members as they are always with their mobiles. Without eye contact they simply communicate
especially with their parents in their house and at times they do not even internalize the message.
The additive nature of youngsters on social media networks is ensured by many scholars. S.
Ashwini Veronica and Umesh Samuel (2015) confirmed those adolescents are highly addicted
by social media networks than others. Parents were also addicted to mobiles or computers and
they do not pay attention to their children (Young, 2015). The youngsters, though distantly
living away from their family and relations, are still active and able to maintain the relations
through social media networks. Couples become very familiar with their spouse‘s friends and
even their better half‘s whims and fancies are well understood through social media networks.
Parents have become more aware about their children through their social media network
networks since parents also friends with them in it. Yet face to face interactions between
youngsters and their parents are shining due to technology. It is ample clear that the social
media networks play a vital role in shaping the behavior of youngsters towards their parents and
family members. But it can be positively built to strengthen the relationship or even negatively
built to determinate the relationship. Spending their time to some possible extent with their
family members in person physically is also important to build the stronger relationship at times
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

.Hence keeping the family values in their mind, youngsters should use their social media
networks in a constructive way.

Social media networks and health of youngsters

Spending more time in social media and social media networks will affect both physical
and mental health of the users. Rachael Rettner(2018) ensured that the social media networks
lead to depression among the youngsters. Social media networks lead to comparison among the
peer group which may be the reason for depression. Spending more time with social media
networks obviously lead to physical illness, vision problems and headaches. Many researchers
have already confirmed this. Keeping these things in mind the youngsters should effectively use
their time on social media networks.


As time passes technological advancement changes the world continuously and even the
work culture and social culture are also being influenced by the technological advancements.
The teenagers easily accustom such advances. The same happened in the social media networks
also. But it is in the hands of the teenagers‘ whether to use such networks for their constructive
growth or to detoriate their health.


1. Akram, Zahid & Mahmud, Maqsood & Mahmood, Arshad. (2015). Impact of Social
Networking Sites (SNSs) On Youth. Applied Science Reports. 11. 6-10.
2. on
10th december 2020
3. Manikandan, Saranya. (2017). An Empirical Study on the Usage Pattern of Social Media
Among Youths with Reference to Bangalore City.

4. Rachael Rettner (2018) These 5 Social Media Habits Are Linked with Depression,
accessed from
5. Riley Panko (2018). The Popularity of Google Maps: Trends in Navigation Apps in
2018, retrived from
navigation-apps-2018 accssed on 10th December 2020

6. Riley Panko (2018). The Popularity of Google Maps: Trends in Navigation Apps in
2018, retrived from
navigation-apps-2018 accssed on 10th December 2020


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

7. Veronica, S. A., & Samuel, A. U. (2015). Social media addiction among adolescents with
special reference to facebook addiction (pp.72-76). International Conference On Well
Being of Children, Youth And Adults: A Global Social Work Perspective Volume 4,
India. Avaliable at:

8. Yadav, Gyan & Rai, Jyotsna. (2017). The Generation Z and their Social Media Usage: A
Review and a Research Outline. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System. 9.
110. 10.18311/gjeis/2017/15748.

9. Young (2015). Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?
Accssed from
your-family on 10th December, 2020.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. K. MANIKANDAN. Principal
Sri Thangam Periyasamy College of Education
Vriddhachalam. Cuddalore Dt.

Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been used in teaching, learning
and assessment for many years in distance learning institutions. Today varieties of ICTs, such as
audio, video, computers and network technologies are combined to create a multifaceted
instructional delivery system. We fined a shift in traditional learning led by the teacher and
student to independent learning facilitated by resource-based learning, including utilization of
ICTs. It is essential to use it properly for improving learning. We must emphasize on the
application/use of ICTs for the sake of it. We need to develop a habit of self-learning and
positive attitude towards potentials of various ICT, it can help us in learning effectively and
efficiently from those ICTs or other sources of information. There should be explicit objective
in mind before using ICTs.
Now a days that ICT can bring about several benefits to learner and teacher. These

i) Shared learning resources

ii) Shared learning space
iii) Promotion of collaborative learning; and
iv) Autonomous learning.

Role of ICT

ICT alone do not produce learning; technology is a tool that can be used in many ways,
to enhance learning. There are three major categories of instructional use for computer-based
technologies; these are:
i) learning from technologies; ii) learning about technology; and iii) learning with technology.
Need of ICT
ICT can facilitate learning of learners. Various ICTs have been used to support teaching
and learning, which include traditional media (such as computers, interactive audio-video,
multimedia system etc.,). Technology such as online/Internet is available 24 hours a day. With
the use of Internet and world wide web, a wealth of teaching and learning materials in almost


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

every subject can be accessed from anywhere at any time by an unlimited number of learners.
Computer and Internet are tools for learning and developing skills.

ICT in School Education

Technology is rapidly changing in all spheres of life, so in education. It has become very
necessary to know how we learn, how we express ourselves, and how we perceive and interact
with our world. As a means of achieving the aforesaid goal the use of computers and other
technology in support of student learning, accommodating the full range of learning styles and
special needs, and fully integrating technology into the curriculum has become extremely
needful in this hour. The current emphasis is ensuring that technology is used effectively to
create new opportunities for learning and to promote student achievement.
Some basic principles of good teaching are never going to change even teaching involves
the use of ICT, as this has been found my many researchers that it remain a matter of concern
for teachers who are not able to shift from traditional class rooms to a modern technology driven
It is central to the role of a teacher to help pupils learn. As the nature of what is to be
learnt changes, so does the role of the teacher in that process. The teacher was once the sole
source information and was expected to know all the relevant knowledge and to transmit if
effectively to the pupils. But now with the advent of various technologies, when we sometimes
find that some student do have access to more information than any teacher can ever know, thus
it has become very necessary for a teacher to change the role of being an instructor who was
considered as a source of all knowledge to a facilitator who by the experiences, knowledge and
skills help students, learn, understand, evaluate and communicate knowledge.

Role of ICT at different levels of teacher education

Role of ICT at primary level
The programmed of primary education is to be designed carefully to provide for an all
round wholesome growth and development of the children including their new muscular
coordination, self-expression, observation skills, health and hygiene and habit formation. To
help primary teacher education centers do their work effectively establishment of learning
resource center in a teacher education instruction has to be mandatory. Such a center may be
equipped with picture books audio-video tapes slide showing picture of animals, insects, birds,
flowers vegetable, fruits. ICT is gradually emerging as an integral part of teacher education at


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

primary level. It influences not only teaching system but also the learning styles. ICT results in
transformation from teachers oriented learning to that of exploratory self learning.

Role of ICT at Secondary Level

Secondary education is the link between primary and higher stage of education and
occupies a crucial position in a system of education because general education terminates here
and the students at this level prepare for making choices through appropriate diversification of
To achieve these objective:
• ICI helps to make multiple innovative and interaction modes adopted for
transmission of foundation restated papers and internship in teaching.
• Making of different programmed instruction programmes.
• Use of ICT as vital modes of transaction
• Methods of teaching would involve use of pedagogical analysis, ICT, new evaluation
Role of ICT at Higher Level
It occupies a unique position in the system of education. As teacher education systems
exist today, there are pre-service teacher education programmers for preparing teachers at
primary and secondary stages. There is no provision however is prepare teacher for higher stage.
Role of ICT to elevate teacher in at higher education to empowering teachers for self-study,
reference political thinking, abstract thinking, and of knowledge by adopting various such as
project work, acquire skills.
Role of ICT In-Service Teachers Education
Main objective of in-service teacher education is to enable the teacher to would the
assumptions underlying existing national policy curricula and syllabi. In of new educational
developments improvements in evaluation as new research proposal must take.
ICT enhancing teaching and learning process
The field of education has been affected by ICTs, which have undoubtedly affected
teaching, learning and research. ICTs have the potential to accelerate, enrich, and deep in skills,
to motivate and engage students, to help relate school experience to work practices, create
economic viability for tomorrow's workers, as well as strengthening teaching and helping
schools change. In a rapidly changing world, basic education is essential for an individual be
able to access and apply information. Such ability must find include ICTs in the global village.
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Conventional teaching has emphasized content. For many years course have been written around
textbooks. Teachers have taught through lectures and presentations interspersed with tutorials
and learning activities designed to consolidate and rehearse the content. Contemporary settings
are now favouring curricula that promote competency and performance. Curricula are starting to
emphasize capabilities and to be concerned more with how the information will be used than
with what the information is. Contemporary ICTs are able to provide strong support for all these
requirements and there are now many outstanding examples of world class settings for
competency and performance-based curricula that make sound use of the affordances of these
Contemporary learning theory is based on the notion that learning is an active process of
constructing knowledge rather than acquiring knowledge and that instruction is the process by
which this knowledge construction is supported rather than a process of knowledge transmission
. In this domain learning is viewed as the construction of meaning rather than as the
memorization of facts . Learning approaches using contemporary ICTs provide many
opportunities for constructivist learning through their provision and support for resource-based,
student centered settings and by enabling learning to be related to context and to practice . As
mentioned previously, any use of ICT in learning settings can act to support various aspects of
knowledge construction and as more and more students employ ICTs in their learning processes,
the more pronounced the impact of this will become. Teachers generate meaningful and
engaging learning experiences for their students, strategically using ICT to enhance learning.
Students enjoy learning, and the independent enquiry which innovative and appropriate use of
ICT can foster. They begin to acquire the important 21st century skills which they will need in
their future lives.
In order to conclude we will try to proceed to synthesize from a general viewpoint the
results obtained, taking into consideration the relevant aspects of the literature. The results
provided by both the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the literature obtained will be
exposed especially regarding those aspects which are related to ICTs for Education and ICTs in
Education. ICTs foreducation refers to the development of information and communications
technology specifically for teaching/learning purposes, while the ICTs in education involves the
adoption of general components of information and communication technologies in the teaching
learning process. This literature review has sought to explore the role of ICT in education as we
progress into the21st century. In particular ICTs have impacted on educational practice in


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

education to date in quite small ways but that the impact will grow considerably in years to come
and that ICT will become a strong agent for change among many educational practices. ICT can
affect the delivery of education and enable wider access to the same. In addition, it will increase
flexibility so that learners can access the education regardless of time and geographical barriers.
It can influence the way students are taught and how they learn. It would provide the rich
environment and motivation for teaching learning process which seems to have a profound
impact on the process of learning in education by offering new possibilities for learners and
teachers. These possibilities can have an impact on student performance and achievement.
Similarly wider availability of best practices and best course material in education, which can be
shared by means of ICT, can foster better teaching and improved academic achievement of
students. The overall literature suggests that successful ICT integration in education.
1. Reference
Bottino, R. M. (2003),'ICT, national policies, and impact on schools and teachers'
development' 'CRPIT '03: Proceedings of the 3.1 and 3.3 working groups conference on
International federation for information processing', Australian Computer Society, Inc.,
Darlinghurst, Australia, Australia, 3-6.
2. Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning.
Educational Researcher, 18, 32-42.
3. Flecknoe, M. (2002).“How can ICT help us to improve education‖? Innovations in
a. Education & Teaching International
4. Herder, P., Subrahmanian, E., Talukdar, S., Turk, A., & Westerberg, A. (2002). The use of
video-taped lectures and web-based communications in teaching: a distanceteaching and cross-
Atlantic collaboration experiment. European Journal of Engineering Education, 27(1), 39-48.
5. Keller, J. M. (1987). Development and use of the ARCS model of motivational design. Journal
of Instructional Development, 10(3), 2 – 10.
6. King, A. (1993). From sage on the stage to guide on the side. College Teaching, 41(1), 30.
7. Petress, K. (2008). What Is Meant by "Active Learning?". Education, 128(4), 566-569.
8. Raidl, M., Johnson, S., Gardiner, K., Denhem, M., Spain, K., Lanting, R., Jayo, C.,
9. Liddil, A., & Barron, K. (2004) Use Retrospective Surveys to Obtain Complete Data Sets and
Measure Impact in Extension Programs. Journal of Extension, 42(2). Retrieved from
10. Rhodes, L. K., & Bellamy, T. (1999). Choices and consequences in the reform of teacher
education. Journal of Teacher Education, 50, 17-26.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

11. Salter, D., Pang, M. C., & Sharma, P. (2009). Active Tasks to Change the Use of Class Time
within an Outcomes Based Approach to Curriculum Design. Journal of University Teaching and
Learning Practice, 6(1), 27-38.
12. Sezer, R. (2010). Pulling out All the Stops. Education, 130(3), 416-423.
13. Wenger, E. (1999). Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge
University Press.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Soumyashree Sarkar
Assistant Teacher, KolapotaJr.High School, Baruipur,South 24 Parganas,WestBengal,India
Jayanta Mete
Faculty, Dept. of Education, University of Kalyani ,Kalyani,Nadia, West Bengal. India-741235

Brief History of Social Media:

Social media traces back its roots in the early years. Lev Vygotsky‘s Sociocultural Theory was
probably the first theory that stressed on the fact that proper learning occurs only through
interaction with others in a social environment in which they acquired their major portion of
their value systems, beliefs,and cultural dimensions by discussing about various phenomenon
and by implementing collaborative strategies. The first recognisable social media site,Six
Degrees, was created in 1997 and was designed in a way to enable users upload a profile of their
own and make friends with others. Sites like LinkedIn and Myspace gained widespread
popularity when blogging became a favourite passion among the young generation. It was not
much later in 2005 that You Tube came up facilitating people to communicate and share with
each other via videos, which made the world seem next door for the prominent originality of
appeal that it had left to its users. Facebook and Twitter were launched in 2006 with the
revolutionary change in the acceptance of virtual media by almost as their easy access became
irresistible to the young and the old alike.

General Purpose of Social Media:

Most people use social media as a ground for interaction, building communication,
collecting and dispersing information, sharing pictures or for posting interesting content. People
with similar interests, attitudes, lifestyles or cultures may join a community which would match
their mental alignment and thereby get upgraded contents and a pool of information which they
would most likely cherish. It is also to be noted that unlike bygone days, when connectivity or
the access to the internet was a big issue, the contemporary world provides the same with cheap
rates with flexible data-packs. The sustainable progression of the Internet has a definite impact
on the process of change that the society is progressively adapting itself to and it has also created


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

an everlasting impact on the way we exist. We have also seen over the years how the senior
populace and the youngsters are equally engaged in a participatory virtual life.

Digitalisation and its impacts on learning:

The paradigm shift in education in the 21st Century is marked by the use of Information
and Communication Technology. The technological advancements has served as a catalyst in the
educational front providing newer dimensions and scope to the student community to develop
their creativity, problem solving skills, tactics of sharing decent and relevant information and of
course developing their communication behaviours. The 21st Century students are often called
‗digital natives‘ or ‗net generation‘ because they are intricately related with social media. The
slash in the prices of smart phones and easy availability of atleast one laptop or desktop at home
, have made the new generation accustomed to using technology from a very tender age. Short
AV clippings and colourful flowcharts would best grab their attention than additional hackles of
handling dry printed materials. More and more educational institutions have begun to
synchronise social media within the teaching learning process. The undeniable fact about social
media is that it exposes students to a wide array of information resources through pictures,
words, Wikipedia and YouTube videos which the traditional mode of teaching learning would in
no way be able to match. Though it has been repeatedly observed that youngsters use media
more for other purposes than for studies, but it‘s high time that the institutions and stakeholders
of education prepare the students towards a digital literacy so that they can best avail the use of
such uninterrupted knowledge resource. The power of social media in education is immense
given its usability, immediacy, quality content and range. The new generation of independent
minds prefers discovery learning and collaborative indulgence regarding knowledge acquisition
and this system of learning is apt for them. From stationary libraries to Wikipedia, life has rolled
a lot for the teaching-learning community in the past few years.

Functionalities of a Learning Management System:

A Learning Management System is a specific software typically used for e-learning

purposes for the purpose of planning, documenting, recording, tracking and executing certain
educational contents in a systematise way for the conduction of smooth learning processes. This
system is used in major educational institutions for the purpose of delivering a quality classroom
teaching through improved methodologies and approaches of teaching. While traditional
classroom models could inflict a strain on the teachers and staffs in providing their best output


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

within a stipulated time-schedule, due to several subjective constraints, the usage of Learning
Management System can make things much easier and simpler through customised content,
experimental teaching styles and application of alternate pedagogical models, which the teachers
can resort to. Learning Management System enables teachers and school administrators to
upload learning content and share materials with authorised users along with providing
opportunities to stakeholders and administrators to monitor and keep a tab on the students‘
progress. Teachers and students, thus are literally provided with a virtual campus where they can
synchronise their own learning issues, keeping in pace with the 21st Century educational system
which always call for exciting and experimental ways of content deliverance and acceptance.

Role of Social Media in the teaching-learning process:

For many years, teachers and students have begun to consider the social media platform
as the best place to exchange information and share resources. The different forms of social
media are magazines, weblogs, social blogs, podcasts and the channels through which they are
connected are Google, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook and the like. Social media has created a
circuit of virtual study hubs. Nowadays teachers create their own blog and keep on adding
related contents about the topic he or she specialises in. As a result, students have direct access
to a wide range of information via the web, which supplements their knowledge base and makes
learning enjoyable. Steve Jordens, a Toronto University Professor, once asked all his 1900
students enrolled in Psychology to add contents to his Wikipedia pages about the concerned
subject back in 2013. Jordens‘sopinion about the whole thing was that, besides contributing a
sufficient amount of quality content to the Wikipedia pages, the students would also learn to
critically reflect and learn collaborative knowledge production skills in the process.

From Online live lecturesand webinars to e-books and other online contents, social media
has become an inseparable part from the teaching-learning process. Nowadays teachers are using
Cloud based applications to upload Podcasts, earning resources, tutoring videos in order to
encourage more independent learning. The features of a smart classroom like interactive
whiteboards, tablets, multimedia stylus, feedback assessment tools, Google Knowledge Graph,
Socrative, and social networks are now integrated into everyday teaching and learning to make
things much more convenient. The various resources in social media link students to content
experts to clarify their doubts and for a better understanding of the topic. The enthralling
learning process captures student‘s attention and boost up their motivation. Social media also
serves as a novel assessment tool and monitors students‘ progress by follow-up sessions. The
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

evolution of technology has allowed educational institutions to revolutionalise the educational

process as a whole, and for educators, it has become crucial for integrating these technological
advancements into their teaching process for a better output.

Parental Perception about the impact of Social Media on their wards:

Like every new thing that comes up with some of it inherent limitations, social media has
also some negative influences, like unwanted addiction, distraction, loss of patience, a general
culture of avoidance or a reckless hastiness for unnecessary self-expression. Parents are naturally
worried about their kids‘ handling stuff in social media sites and gaining information about
various issues, which could take a toll on their mental health and EQ, and even destabilise their
careers, if not scrutinised in due time. But all said and done, the immense power of the social
media to connect with people throughout the globe and get spontaneous information without
having to wait for anyone, is also undeniable. Social Media helps a student in broadening
perspectives about a topic and illuminate on the problem areas. The best thing about social
media is that it can solve areas of problem for a student instantly through multifaceted ways,
which could make the particular topic clear for him or her. It helps in the easy access of
information and to connect to similar learning community via the internet for making learning
comfortable and convenient. The group interactions are extremely beneficial in this regard. So,
the primary concern for the parents would be to focus on their child‘s learning horizon instead
limiting it. Nowadays, instead of changing Wi-Fi and connectivity passwords to keep the
systems at home out of reach of their children, parents should encourage students to get actively
involved in social media, within permissible hours, which gets them to connect with relevant
communities, and understand their needs. This directly and indirectly shapes the student to be an
enriched person. Understandably, social media has immense ability to permanently change the
way students learn and it is only the guardians accept it and work towards promoting the same.

Contribution of Social Media in Education:

Social media has had a massive contribution in the lives of people in general in the past
few years. It has served as a balm in the busy life schedules making life faster, easier, smoother
and hassle free. The educational field has already tried to make the most of it, making
information accessible, having questions answeredat any time with lots of background
information and relevant contextual materials. The teaching profession is also reaping on the


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

benefits that social media can harvest. The benefits of Social Media in the educational field are
as follows.

1. Content Creation for future reference – Nowadays educators are creating their own blogs
for adding up relevant contents and information related to a specific topic concerning a particular
subject. Related pupils can co-create and share their own content. By sharing relevant news and
information on a consistent basis,the reader‘s minds are enlightened and the community
naturally expands as an indispensable knowledge forum.

2. A Flexible approach- Social media has a community of teachers and learners who interact
and share knowledge, problems and hold discussions on a regular basis through the aid of
various smart devices. Much of insights, perspectives and opinions are exchanged, according to
the need based approaches of the learner and the later finds it easy to correlate with their daily
lives. The timings of such are also adjustable unlike traditional classroom models and so both the
educators and learners find this mode more useful. In case a learner has missed out a particular
content or has some problem in an area, he or she always has the fair chance to go through the
topic via the web, making things all the more flexible and student friendly.

3. Cost effective and a time saver – Unlike traditional classrooms which required students to
travel a long distance in order to attend educational institutions and still would take a toll on
them for unable to reach on time, virtual classrooms have solved the problem on a massive scale.

4. Facilitates distance learning opportunities- Any student on being enrolled can attend
classes from any part of the country under any circumstances with only a connectivity. Those of
whom are working or engaged elsewhere can also avail the provisions at an alternative time
duration and be benefitted by the Distance mode of learning, along with managing learning at
their own pace.

5. Collaborative Learning – The access of information and exchanging and sharing of related
study contents creates a community of contributors and beneficiaries providing scope for
collaborative and cooperative learning via media.

6. Develops social constructivism and problem solving skills-Besides helping out students to
work together, integration of social media in education has facilitated students to create their
own meaning from the academic subjects they are studying contributing to their social
constructivism. Social media also quenches the learning gap of the students regarding a
particular topic by providing immediate and adequate information of the same. Thus students are
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

put in a position where they can identify and solve their own problem areas by taking the help of
social media. This develops a sense of confidence in them and paves their way for further

7. Caters to different learning styles – Instead of making a bunch of students follow classroom
codes and require them to be physically present, learning via social media caters to different
learning styles of students and takes care of individualised learning patterns. Students can learn
and progress in their own pace, at their own time and they get assured that they can learn in a
way that suits them most.

8 .Builds extensive knowledge – Learners have the facilities to gain knowledge about almost
everything under the sun through the connected social media, helping the student community a

9. Parent-Teacher Meets–The extreme busy schedule and elaborate work hours have made it
difficult for parents to give their physical presence in their children‘s schools during any parent-
teacher meeting or on similar occasions. Such meetings can be easily organised using
appropriate social media apps which gives common access to everyone, to make things more
feasible for busy, working parents.

10.OnlineVideo-Communication Service– The teacher-student community has been massively

beneficial for exchange of contents and ideas, organisation of webinars, conduction of classes
through digital platforms like G Suite, Google Meet, Google Chat, Zoom, Skype, Google Talk,
imo, Cisco Webex, which have practically brought classrooms and symposium forums
home.Several free and paid sites like Twiducate, Tween Tribune, Blackboard, EDU2.0,
Wikispaces Classroom, Edmodo, MinecraftEduSumdog, that enable several features like fore
fronting student voices‘, enabling privacy options, setting up GroupTweets, connect with pen
pals, handle multimedia, obtain inputs of tech-savvy teachers, offer cuecards and flashcards, etc.


Social media can no longer be shelved as tertiary when it comes to learning outcomes. Its
role is no more shelved to entertainment, networking and news obtainment. Social media
platforms are vital in extending classroom discussions and assignments. By utilising social
media in learning processes, stakeholders can cultivate and share innovative ideas, symbols, and
pathways of knowledge flow. Social media platforms enable easy connectivity, especially in
introducing and sustaining flipped classroom modalities. Irrespective of whether study materials,
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

digital resources and e-learning content is within access domain or not, one definitely becomes
informed and cognizant about them and thereby more becoming more pro-active in securing
access. In an era of open access and heightened virtual platforms, one becomes increasingly
mindful of the fact that social media is an increasingly dynamic, cost-effective, multicultural,
specialised, and globally interactional modus-operandi of credible knowledge assimilation and

1. Callaghan,N. &Bower,M. (2012). ‗Learning through social networking sites: The critical role
of the teacher.‘ Educational Media International, 49, 1-7. doi: 10.1080/09523987.2012.662621.
2. Edwards,R. (2015). ‗Software and the hidden curriculum in digital education.‘ Pedagogy,
Culture and Society, 23,265-279.
3. Fisher,M. &Baird,D.E. (2006). ‗Making mLEarning Work: Utilising Mobile Technology for
Active Exploration, Collaboration, Assessment and Reflection in Higher Education.‘ Journal of
Educational Technology System, 35(1), 3-30.
4.Gikas,J. &Grant,M. (2013). ‗Mobile Computing devices in higher education: Student
perspectives on learning with cellphones, smartphones & social media.‘ Internetand Higher
Education, 19, 18-26. doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc. 2013.06.002.
5. Gray,L. (2018). ‗Exploring how and why young people use social networking sites.‘
Educational Psychology in Practice, 34,175-194.
6.Guy,R. (2012). ‗The use of social media for academic practice: A review of literature.‘
Kentucky Journal of Higher Education Policy and Practice, 1(2),7.
7. Jackson,C. (2011). ‗Your students love social media…and so can you.‘ Teaching Tolerance,
39, 38-41.
8. Manca,S. &Rnieri,M. (2013). ‗Is it a tool suitable for learning? A critical review of the
literature on Facebook as a technology-enhanced learning environment.‘ Journal of Computer
Assisted Learning, 29(6), 487-504.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8



Ph.D., Research Scholar, Associate Professor,
Department of Education, Annamalai University.


Social media is killing school though we don‘t like to think about that, it‘s slowly
become more and more real an important research paper do compared to a powerful meme,
According to Word Stream, 81 percent of Millennials uses twitter at least once 22 percent of the
world‘s population uses Facebook. These are numbers that you just don‘t see in higher
education. Imagine if we had our community of educated professors engaging the masses
through memes, gifs, and clever tweets. Too often, they‘re stuck in their offices, grading papers
for students who don‘t care about their grades now remains of how we should handle this
transfer of social power. Should we fight the power that social media has given students. If only
they also go to school and finish college, then the world will definitely be a better place instead
of having these young kids browsing the web all day and having a laugh or two on some
senseless memes. These students already know how powerful social media is and there‘s no
point in telling them that. Almost all students also own a smartphone, so access to social
networks aren‘t an issue anymore as there is WiFi connection or a more pricey cellular data.

Educators today are starting to Realize Social Media

The negative aspects of social media always highlighted by adults and by the media. But
like in business, social media can also help students learn more about these tech advancements
and make doing research easier in aid of higher learning when used properly. Educators today
are starting to realize this and take advantage of the benefits of social media in nurturing the
young minds of the future leaders of our nation. It goes without saying that this is not the first
time a technological innovation has been used as a tool for change. It is now widely
acknowledged in both the international media and academic circles that social media tools did
play a role in the Egyptian uprising of 2011, though there is a range of opinion concerning how
effective it was in aiding political mobilization.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Information Communication Technology

Information Communication Technology (ICTs) is defined by Manuel Castles as ―the

converging set of technologies in microelectronics, computing (machines and software),
telecommunications/broadcasting, and optoelectronics.‖ For the purpose of this discussion,
social media networks (SMNs), a subset of ICTs, will be defined as ―online tools and utilities
that allow communication of information online and participation and collaboration.‖
Additionally, social media tools are websites that ―interact with the users, while giving them
information.‖ It is this two-way nature of SMNs that is central to this argument, and the role they
played in the Egyptian uprisings. The following section will further define the four most widely
and effectively used SMNs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogging.

Social Media as an alternative press

With its low entry barriers, social media tools provide an accessible platform for citizen
journalism, defined as the use of digital media tools to ―report on events on the ground,
uploading text and videos directly to the Internet or feeding the information and videos to media
outlets.‖ The dialogue taking place via Facebook, Twitter and other SMNs was used by the
mainstream media as a source during the height of the protests. Twitter users during the
uprisings for real-time coverage of events, journalists. ―The strategy worked by trying to identify
key bloggers in countries before protests broke out, informed by the situation in other areas, to
act as citizen reporters and then be able to verify information later on.‖ Though there are obvious
accuracy issues related to citizen journalism, the implication for the role of social media within
the uprising is that it allowed for those directly involved to shape their own narrative and expose
themselves to an international audience.

Social Media as Generating Awareness

Much attention has been paid to the role that the Internet has played in generating
awareness of the Arab Spring in both the Middle East and internationally. This is another
example of how movements started online were transposed to offline movements where they
gained momentum and attention. Lebanese technology entrepreneur Habib Haddad collaborated
with Google and Twitter and organised 1,000 translators to translate Arabic tweets into French,
German, and English.

Students should be aware that they could be identified as an employee of the

department from their online activities. For this reason, staff should not post about their work,
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

colleagues, students or official information for the work-related purpose it was intended. Any
identifiable information can be deemed a breach of privacy.

Employees must not post on personal accounts, images, video and/or any identifying
information about students or department staff where the relationship between them
predominantly stems from their work. However, identifying information about other staff can be
posted on private accounts with their consent. Employees can share official department content
that is publicly available.


The Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube did not create their products with the intent of
starting revolutions and ousting dictators, and though they may feel they have played a role in
the process by providing these vehicles for change, these revolutions begin in the minds and
imaginations of those driving them. They choose their tools and their mediums for
communication, whether it is print, radio, blogging or just word of mouth, but the strength of a
movement lies ultimately in the will for activism. It is this two-way nature of SMNs that is
central to this argument, and the role they played in the Egyptian uprisings. The following
section will further define the four most widely and effectively used SMNs, Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and blogging.


1. Josh Halliday, ―David Cameron considers banning suspected rioters from social media,‖
The Guardian, 11 August, 2011
2. ocialmedia,
accessed 13 December, 2011.
3. Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, (Oxford: Blackwells, 1996), 5.
4. Ilhem Allagui and Johanne Kuebler. ―The Arab Spring and the Role of ICTs,‖
International Journal of Communication 5 (2011): 1435.
5. ―About Twitter,‖ Twitter,, Accessed 10 November, 2011.
6. Andrew Hammond, Popular Culture in the Arab World (Cairo: The American University
in Cairo Press, 2007), 118.
7. Minocha, S. (2009). Role of social software tools in education: A literature review.
Education + Training, 51(5/6), 353-369.
8. Muirhead, B., & Juwah, C. (2004). Interactivity in computer-mediated college and
university education: A recent review of the literature. Educational Technology &
Society, 7(1), 12-20.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Dr. P. Saravanan
Assisstant Professor
Ph.D. Research Scholar
Dept. Educational Planning and Administration
TNTEU, Chennai - 600 097

Cyber protection is usually the strategies set to shield the cyber surroundings of the user.
These surroundings consists of the person themselves, the devices, networks, applications, all
software‘s etc.The major goal is to minimize the chance together with cyber attacks.Cyber
protection is the department of pc protection associated to internet. The major protection goal is
to venture the machine the usage of a number of policies and to set up more than a few measures
towards assault over the internet.There are more than a few techniques that are used to forestall
on line assaults and decorate net security. With the upward jostle of on line activities, purposes
the cyber-attacks are growing day by way of day.
Malicious Software
A laptop person can be compelled occasionally to down load a software program onto a
pc that is of malicious intent. Such software program comes in many forms, such as viruses,
Trojan horses, and worms.
1. Virus
It is the kind of malicious software program that, when completed replicates itself by means
of editing different pc programs. Computer viruse motives financial harm due to gadget
failure, corrupting data, growing protection price etc.
2. Trojan Horse
A Trojan horse, normally recognized as a Trojan, is a title for malicious software program
that tends to be harmless, so that a person by using will approves it to be downloaded onto the
computer.Trojan enables an attacker to hack users‘ non-public facts such as banking
information, electronic mail passwords, and private identity. It additionally influences different
gadgets linked to the network.Worma laptop worm is standalone malware laptop software that


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

replicates itself in order to unfold to different computer. Many worms are designed solely to
spread, and do now not try to exchange the structures they ignore through.
MALWARE is a time period brief for malicious software, used to wreck pc operation,
collect very touchy information, or achieve get right of entry to non-public laptop
systems.Malware is described by means of its malicious intent, appearing towards the necessities
of the laptop user, and does no longer consist of software program that motives unintended
damage due to some deficiency. The time period malware is occasionally used for awful
malware and unintentionally hazardous software.
3. Phishing
It is thestrive to attain touchy facts such as savings card details, usernames, passwords
etc. frequently for the malicious reasons.Phishing is commonly carried out by using the
immediate messaging or electronic mail spoofing and it frequently directs customers to enter
non-public small print at a pretend website. Phishing emails may additionally incorporate
hyperlinks to internet site that are contaminated with malware.Phishing is the important instance
of social engineering methods used to deceive customers and exploits weak point in modern net
security. Phishing is of special types.
(i) Spear Phishing
Phishing assaults directed at any character or agencies have been termed as spear
phishing. This is the most profitable method on the net these days with 91% of attacks.In this the
attackers gathers the records about the organizations and their objectives to amplify their
likelihood of success.
(ii) Clone Phishing
It is the kind of phishing assault the place an electronic mail containing an attachment or
hyperlink has had its content material and recipient tackle (es) taken and used to create an nearly
same or cloned email.
(iii) Whaling
Several phishing assaults have been directed specially at senior executives and different
humans with high-profile pursuits inside companies so these kinds of assaults are termed as
4. Keystroke Logging
It is regularly referred as key logging or keyboard shooting in which the man or woman
the usage of the keyboard is unaware of the reality that their moves are being monitored. It is
essentially the motion of recording the keys struck on the keyboard.There are a range of key
ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

logging techniques ranging from software program and hardware primarily based processes to
acoustic analysis.
(i) Software Based Key Loggers
These are pc applications designed to work on the goal computer's software. Key loggers
are used in IT companies to troubleshoot technical issues with computer systems and
commercial enterprise networks. Families and enterprise human beings use key loggers legally
to screen community utilization except their users' knowledge.
(ii) Hardware Based Key loggers
Hardware-based key loggers do no longer rely upon any software program being
mounted as they exist at a hardware degree in a pc system.
A laptop firewall controls the get admission to between the networks. It includes filters
relying upon one firewall or the other. Firewall is essentially a pc safety machine that controls
and video display units the incoming outgoing community site visitors primarily based on
protection rules. A firewall essentially establishes a barrier between a trusted, tightly closed net
community and different outdoor community such as web that is now not viewed as secured or
Internet Security Products
(i) Antivirus
Antivirus software program and net safety applications are capable to assignment a
programmable system from assault by using detecting and doing away with the viruses.
Antivirus software program was once used in the early years of web however now with the
improvement countless free safety purposes are reachable on internet.

(ii) Password Managers

The password managers aresoftware program software that is used to shop and arrange
the passwords. Password managers normally keep passwords encrypted, requiring the man or
woman to create a grasp password; a single, ideally a very robust password which permits the
consumer get admission to their whole password database.
(iii) Security Suits


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

The protection fits carries the fits of firewalls, anti-virus, anti-spyware and many more.
They additionally offers the theft protection, transportable storage gadget protection check,
personal net shopping or make safety associated selections and are free of charge.
(iv) Security Tokens
Some on-line websites gives the customers the potential to use the six digit code which
randomly adjustments after each and every 30-60 seconds on a safety token. The keys on the
token have constructed computations and manipulated numbers based totally on the modern time
constructed into the device. This capability that after each and every thirty seconds there is
solely a positive sequence of numbers feasible which would be right to get admission to the on-
line account.
This paper is essentially making an attempt to inform about the more than a few cyber-
assaults and the number protection techniques that can used to forestall our machine from getting
attacked. Also it helps to overcome numerous loopholes on their laptop operation.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


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In the past social communications of people depended on face-to-face meetings. With the
development of culture and Science, human communication capabilities increased with lack of
dependence on the direct, face-to-face relationships (Alshare., Mostafa & Eneizen - 2018). Many
individuals will use social media to say in touch and interact with friends and family, while
others use it to communicate with different communities.

Social media is defined as ―forms of electronic communication, such as websites for

social networking and micro-blogging, through which users create online communities to share
information, ideas, personal messages, and other content, such as videos and other various
media" (Merriam-Webster Inc., 2011).

―Social media is a collective term for websites and applications which focus on
communication, community based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration‖. Social
media was made possible by web and mobile based technologies, which were used to turn
communication into interactive dialogue among organizations, communities and individuals. It
has also been described as an interactive mechanism on the internet. The high interactive stance
of the social media has made it a vital part of social life all over the world. It is a group of
internet based an application that allows the creation and exchange of user generated content.


Social networking websites are one of the big issues (Al-smadi-2017, Light & McGrath-
2010). Such types of social media are used to associate with individuals on the web. Social
media helps to education and business via branding, social awareness, relationship building,
customer service, lead generation and conservation.

 Social networks : Facebbok, Twitter, LinkedIn.

 Media sharing networks : Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube.
 Discussion Forum networks : Reddit, Quora, Digg.
 Bookmarking and content networks: Pinterest, flipboart.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

 Consumer review networks : Yelp, Zomato, Trip advisor.


Kaplan and Haeinlein (2010) explain that social media is a group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that
allow the creation and exchange of user generated content. Social media has become larger and
more accessible thanks to access to mobile applications. Different dimensions in social media
such as,

 Publish : Wikipedia, Digg, Blog, Wikia, etc.,

 Share : Youtube, Slideshare, Flickr, Feedback, Crowdstorm, etc.,
 Discuss : Skype, Google Talk, Yahoo, Phorum, Meeb., etc.,
 Social networks : Facebook, Linkedin, Ning, Orkut, Hi5., etc.,
 Micro blog : Twitter, Tweetpeek, Twitxr, Plurk, Pownce, etc.,
 Life stream : Socializr, Friendfeed, Socialthing, Lifestreams, etc.,
 Live cast : Kyte, BlogTV, Justin.TV, Yahoolive, Livecastr, etc.,
 Virtual words : Club penguin, Imvu, Stardoll, habbo, Second life, etc.,
 Social games : Doot, Pogo, Threerings, Kongregate, Café.com, etc.,

Uses of Social Media in Education

The uses of social media in education provide students with the ability to get more useful
information, to connect with learning groups and other educational systems that make education
government. Social network platforms / tools afford students and institutions with multiple
opportunities to improve learning methods. Students can benefit from online tutorials and
resources that are shared through social networks. There is valuable knowledgably to be gained
through social media such as analysis and insights on various topics issues for study purposes.
Social media is also a medium where students can establish beneficial connections for their
careers. Social media helps to connecting with subject experts on topics.

Institutions are communicated with students via social media, examples: YouTube,
facebook, whatsapp, telegram, etc., these platforms can be used to communicate campus news,
make announcements and provide students with useful information. Social media also helps in
research process. This can help the students compile and produce useful content for research.
Whether students are working on an assignment, working on a project or typing to gain more


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

insight on a subject, some of the best information‘s and results can be extracted from social

Social media is enhanced learning management systems. Social media learning in LMS
can include instant chat functions, videos, forms to share info and other resources to help
students. Social media helps to learners can build social credibility. The platforms can be
used to start sharing work while a student is still is the learning space. The important benefit that
networks build is the many helpful and beneficial tools and access that make learning become a
pleasant process.


The uses of social media in developed countries are tried and tested method for
enhancing learning outcomes among students by teachers or educational institutions. As like as
the developing countries are following the sources of social media for enhance their educational
outcomes among student and teachers, specifically in teaching and learning process. So the
social media provides an alternative to overcome the traditional pedagogical methods. According
to Marlyn Tadros (2011) suggested that the social networking have developed new ways of
accessing information, learning tools and pedagogical delivery. And also social media is used to
keep in touch with friends and extended family and its applications are used to share the
interests, thoughts, feelings, insights and emotions among the people. Furthermore the social
media enhance to reach large people, have a direct connection with public, can join social media
networks for free, and create virtual content and valuable insights.


1. Alshare, F. (2018). The role of the integrated marketing communications in highlighting

the competitive advantage in the Jordanian Telecommunication Companies (Orange
Company: Study Model). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and
Social Sciences, 8(4), 573-593.
2. Al-Smadi, H. S. A. I. (2017). The role of social networking sites in creating moral crisis
and the role of the university in confronting it from the view point of Qassim University
faculty members. International Education Studies, 10(5), 36-47.
3. American Psychological Association. (2009). How technology changes everything (and
nothing) in psychology. American Psychologist, 64(5), 454–463.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

4. Boyd, D.M., & Ellison, N.B. (2008). Social network sites: definition, history, and
scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210 – 230.
5. Eneizan, B., Mostafa, A. A., & Alabboodi, A. S. (2018). Effect of technical support and
trust on the adoption of electronic human resource management: Evidence from
developing countries. IJAR, 4(7), 31-40.
6. Kaplan, A.M., & Haeinlein, M. (2010). User of the world unites the challenges and
opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53(1).
7. Light, B., & McGrath, K. (2010). Ethics and social networking sites: a disclosive
analysis of facebook. Information Technology & People, 23(4), 290-311.
8. Merriam Webster Incorporated. (2011). Retrieved from: http://mw4.m-
9. Raacke, J., & Bonds‐Raacke, J. (2008). MySpace and Facebook: applying the uses and
gratifications theory to exploring friend‐networking sites. Cyberpsychology &
Behavior, 11(2), 169– 174.


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8


Mrs. Sheela Dr. M. Muthamizhselvan
Research Scholar Guide
Dept. of Pedagogical Sciences
Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University

Social Media and Education

Social media in education refers to the practice of using social media platforms as a way
to enhance the education of students. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that
allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content".
Another great advantage of social media in education is distance learning opportunities.
There are many disadvantaged students who are not able to acquire formal education by
attending regular classes in an educational institution. With the help of various online tools along
with social media, modern educators are able to attract students through distance learning
programs. Soon, this will be an inseparable part of our modern education system.
Social media Types
There are 65+ Social Networking Sites is available and we need to know about the
popular social medias are follows: Facebook, WhatsApp, QQ, WeChat, QZone, Tumblr,
Instagram, Twitter, Google+ ( No Longer Available) and Baidu Tieba.
Merits and Demerits
There can be many advantages and disadvantages of social media for students. A social
media post can take on a life of its own, and once it is out here, it is pretty much impossible to
take back. Even though there is some risk, the benefits can outweigh those risks; you need
the proper social media plan and strategy for how it will be used. Sites such as Facebook
and Twitter can be useful in the classroom.
There are some items to be concerned with, and it is essential to think about the rules you
are going to have with social media. This is no different than rules you may set up for your
teenager. The University of Minnesota has put together a great list of the items to think about
here. Higher Education is usually very slow to move in new directions, and Social Media is no
different, if the faculty and administrators do not understand it, then they are reluctant to adopt.
In the area of social media, this not only impedes taking advantage of these educational


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

applications, but it also puts the educational institutions at a disadvantage when it comes to
Since most educators need something scientific before deciding, you may want to read
this study on the effectiveness of social media as a communication tool before continuing.
There are a lot of various apps for social media that are attractive to students. You may have
heard that Snapchat recently launched an IPO, which made its co-founders $500 million each in
a single day.
Differences between Social Media and Social Networking
Trying to figure out the difference between social media and social networking is like
trying to fully understand every ranking factor that Google uses for SEO: it's not easy.
To really understand the difference between the two, we first need to define them.
Merriam-Webster defines social media and social networking as the below:

Social Media:

Forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to

share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.

Social Networking:

The creation and maintenance of personal and business relationships especially online
.With that said, let's take a look at the five biggest differences between social media and social
Communication Style
On social media, you're doing all of the talking. You're publishing content-images,
videos, eBooks, infographics, white papers, and more-and trying to generate engagement with
your fans and followers, and ultimately hoping that they interact with your brand or take an
action. With social networking, there needs be a mix of both talking and listening. If you're
joining groups and networks on social media and doing all of the talking-posting about your
brand and tooting your own horn-you're not going to get the type of respect that you probably
deserve, and you're likely going to miss out on some great opportunities because you're not
listening.To be great at social networking, you have to take the time to listen and engage with


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

Perhaps the biggest difference between social media and social networking is the goal
that you're trying to achieve. With social networking, your ultimate goal is to build your network
of fans/followers and foster those relationships. Whether or not those relationships lead to new
business is an unknown, but it's not the ultimate goal. Social media differs because while you're
certainly trying to generate buzz and interaction, you also want to increase your bottom line, and
that means data acquisition for lead generation and sales for eCommerce.

Content is so important to every aspect of marketing, and while you need it for both
social media and social networking, the type of content you use for each is going to be different.
In social networking, it's a lot of rich conversation and questions. You're having deep,
informative conversations with people in hopes of sparking a connection and gaining a new fan
or follower while growing your referral network.On the social media side of things, you're trying
to drive engagement, and you can't do that with 250word Facebook posts. No, you need to be
posting and sharing images, videos, infographics, and other meaningful pieces of content to keep
your audience engaged and interested in your brand. It's not to say that this type of content can't
overlap, but how you use the content should be different.
Time & Effort
If you're an active brand on social media, you're probably using a tool like Hootsuite or
Sprout Social to help save time and measure the analytics behind your efforts. You can create
your posts and schedule them out days ahead, and then sit back and watch the engagement that
takes place. With social networking, there's no automated way to really grow relationships, and
you can't cut corners. Each interaction you have needs unique focus and attention. Social
networking is like dating-it's time consuming, and it takes a lot of time and effort to really make
it work, but it's all worth it in the end.


At this final point in this research, have found out a lot about the impact of social
media upon society and found that many people take being on social networking to a whole
different level and go to different extremities with it. The youth of today is growing up with this
new technology and therefore think socializing through this new media. In the world with over
70% of internet users active on social networks, who spend at least one hour a day on average on


ISBN: 978-3-96492-232-8

those social networks, we have to conclude that social networks have become a sort of reality in
which people communicate, interact, and obviously trust.

1. Kaplan, A.M., & Haeinlein, M. (2010). User of the world unites the challenges and
opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53(1).
2. Light, B., & McGrath, K. (2010). Ethics and social networking sites: a disclosive
analysis of facebook. Information Technology & People, 23(4), 290-311.
3. Merriam Webster Incorporated. (2011). Retrieved from: http://mw4.m-
4. Raacke, J., & Bonds‐Raacke, J. (2008). MySpace and Facebook: applying the uses and
gratifications theory to exploring friend‐networking sites. Cyberpsychology &
Behavior, 11(2), 169– 174.


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