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The value of ICT integration in the teaching process can develop new skills for

teachers. Hence teachers are hesitating to integrate ICT in the subject they taught. This

maybe, the problem why matungao, district did not win the 1 st prize every competition of

subject festival, in the division level. Looking into this problem the researcher wants to

conduct an investigation if other public elementary school of matungao district is

implementing ICT integration in the subject they taught since, our school is doing it.

Especially, to those teachers who are still in the era of traditional way of teaching.

It is important to examine and assess from the teachers what are the technical

issues they encountered, and investigate the reasons of not integrating ICT into their

teaching when it affects the learners’ academic performance positively. In addition, the

Department of Education issued computers, laptop, tablet, and television into the school

that are lack of such. So that teachers will acquire new skill to prepare the students

necessary knowledge for 21st century. Information and Communication Technology,

improve the educational system, it motivate the learners to develop learning. Yet, some

educators failed to integrate ICT as a means of instruction. Lack of technical support in

the use of ICT lock teachers in traditional curricular framework. Giving attention and

interest of school teachers in the integration of ICT in the classroom can be a step of

improving the quality of teaching and learning.

Information and Communication Technology has transformed the school

teachers in delivering lessons creatively, effectively and efficiently. ICT open the

developmental profession of the teachers by attending webinar, enrolling to online


courses and other educational platform that help the teacher with continuous learning

opportunities. For students, the academic performance will be greatly enhanced,

learning will be life-long. In times of covid-19 pandemic, ICT plays a big role. The

Department of Education interrupted face to face classes and adopt blended learning as

learning modality. Different kinds of ICT tools were used. Radio, laptop, television,

cellphone and radiogram were used to cater the needs of the learners. Online teaching

and learning help those students who have internet connection and continuously

learned from their home. In remote areas, Audio-based were the learning modality.

Deped TV program were also established by the department. In many ways, ICT has

various used in our society not only in the department of education. Information and

Communication Technology give plenty of purposes especially in education. Teachers

must be resourceful to make discussion interactive easy to demonstrate to students.

(Deped Order NO.78, Series of 2010)

Computer literacy appears to be influenced by student background, including

familiarity with computers, as well as the emphasis placed on it in classrooms and

schools and the support provided by ICT in education systems. At present, there is less

information about school and classroom influences on computer literacy than there is

about student background influences. In the immediate future, the construct of computer

literacy may need to accommodate increasingly changes in software and hardware

contexts in which it is manifested ( Ainley, J., Schulz, W., Fraillon, J., & Gebhardt, E.


As cited by T.S.M.Usha1,Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi (2022),. In search of factors that

affect pupils' ICT competencies, research has developed and empirically validated

several conceptual frameworks. Although these frameworks are valuable ways of

initially identifying factors related to pupils' ICT competencies, they do not take into

account the broader classroom and school context in which pupils are embedded.

Moreover, most frameworks and their corresponding instruments focus on post-primary

education. This study first presents a multilayered model that can be used to guide

future studies that try to explain why some primary-school pupils are more effective in

acquiring ICT competencies than others. Factors are situated on the pupil, classroom

and school level. Second, this study provides future research with a range of reliable

measurement instruments to identify factors related to primary school pupils' ICT

competencies (Aesaert, K., van Braak, J., van Nijlen, D., & Vanderlinde, R. 2015).

In conducting this study, the researcher aim to examine what support need by

the teachers to integrate ICT into their teaching. Also, the researcher wants to assess

the ICT level of the respondents and what support did the administrator gave to

teachers. The teachers’- respondent will be investigated also to determine the effects of

ICT integration to the learners’ academic performance.

That, at the end of the school year 2023-2024 with the conduct of the study,

effects of ICT integration to the learners’ academic performance will be assessed and

determined to design and turn up with an appropriate action plan. An action plan that

takes into consideration and arriving solution that would convey an opportunity to

incorporate ICT integration to an optimal level.

The researcher is presently teaching in Pendulonan Elementary School,

Matungao District for 5 years. She needs to determine the importance of the ICT

integration in terms of computer literacy, and administrative support towards the


integration of ICT by the teachers. To formulate action plan for the improvement of ICT

integration of the teachers.

Theoretical Framework

This study was supported by several theories dealing with the role of

Effects of ICT Integration to the Learners’ Academic Performance. The following

theories were: The theory of Situated Cognition by Myers and Wilson (2000), the

Distributed Cognition by Bell and Winn (2000), and the Socially-Shared Cognition by

Brown and Cole (2000).

Firstly, Situated Cognition is a learning theory which supports the idea that

learning occurs only when situated within a specific context. It believes that learning

takes place in a learning community or community of practice, where the learners take

an active role in the learning community. It involves a process of interaction between the

learners within the community. It involves a process of interaction between the learners

within the community, the tools available within the specific situation and the physical

world. It is within this active participation, this interaction (whether with tools, artifacts or

other people), where knowledge is located. Therefore, knowing evolves as the learners

participate and interact within the new situation. (Myers and Wilson 2000).

Secondly, in Distributed Cognition the pupil is afforded more power. In other

words, it is a pupil-centered approach to learning where the approach to learning where

the learners participate in a systematically designed learning environment that supports

interaction amongst its participants. Distributed cognition describes construction of

knowledge that takes place in a natural environment which is synergistically connected

to the cognitive actions taken by the participants in the learning environment. This

theory promotes learning in a community of learners or a system where interaction

takes place. It is through this interaction where cognition occurs. (Bell and Winn 2000)

Lastly, in Socially-Shared Cognition learners are participants in a community

where the cognition is shared between the participants, the artifacts and tools they are

using and the social institutions in which the learning occurs. The learners of this

community are required to be active participants in order for cognition to occur. In this

theory, cognition is also distributed, as sharing implies both that the learners are

experiencing something together and that the learning which occurs is being divided

and distributed between the participants in the learning community. (Brown and Cole


All of the above emerging theories shared many of the same ideas. One strong

idea was all of those were suggest that learning process will takes in a matter of

community practices. The highlighted word community is implies for the tools using by

the teachers inside the classroom where teaching and learning takes into process. They

all concerned with the communication of the learners to interact with others and

required to be active participants for life-long learning in order for cognition occur.

In this theories Information and Communication Technology played a crucial role

in the teaching and learning process. The teachers will learn a new skill for creating aid

for their daily teaching lives. The pupils interactive environment were learning by doing

in communicating and receiving feedback which helped to bring the target goals,

mission and vision of DepEd to produce desired skills by the 21st century.

In addition, this theories technology has been emphasized about its effects as a

community tool or practices that exercise the new skills of the teachers to teach the

students with creativity and high-technology instruction aid to help the learner better

understand the lessons in easiest way. This cognition helps the students to become

more interactive, learned creatively, enhanced thinking order skill, solving problems and

finding the solutions of its problem.

Conceptual Framework

The result of this study provided evidences on the Effects of Information and

Communication Technology in the teaching and learning process. These proved and

show that the educational process has a considerable value on the effects of

Educational Technology in the sphere of education.

For further understanding on the schematic diagram of the study, the researcher

considered the independent, dependent variables, and output conceptual model shown

in Figure A, which outlined the direction of the study.

The independent variables include the teachers ICT integrations and the

teachers' profile, taking into account the computer literacy and administrative support.

The dependent variables include the performance of all elementary learners.

The output of this study will be the action plan, a remedy to provide solution on the

challenges met by the teachers in the integration of Educational Technology.



 Computer
 Administrative



 Age
 Sex PLAN

 Length of
 Subject

Figure A: The Schematic Diagram

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine and assess the effects of

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the teaching and learning process.

It also aimed to let the teachers internalize and realize the need for the effects of ICT in

teaching and to generalize the resulting implications to their lives. Specifically, this study

intended to answer the following question.

1. What is the teachers’ profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age,

1.2 Sex ,

1.3 Status,

1.4 Length of service ,

1.5 Subject taught?

2. What is the teachers ICT integration of respondents when grouped in terms of:

1.1 Computer Literacy,

1.2 Administrative Support?

3. What is the effect of students’ performance encountered by the teachers?

4. Is there a significant relationship between teachers’ profile and the students’ academic

performance encountered by teachers?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the teachers ICT integration when grouped

and the students’ academic performance encountered by teachers?


6. Which of the teachers’ profile and teachers ICT integration significantly predict the

effects of students’ performance of the respondents?

7. What action plan can be designed to be formulated based on the results of the study?


The following hypotheses in null will be formulated and tested empirically at 0.05

level of significance:

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between teachers’ profile and the students’

academic performance encountered by the teachers.

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between the teachers ICT integration when

grouped according to students’ academic performance encountered by teachers.

Ho3: The teachers’ profile and teachers ICT integration did not significantly predict the

effects of students’ academic performance of the respondents.


This study would benefit the following:

Curriculum Planners. This study would provide ideas to support the educational

goals of the Basic Education in the country when teachers’ professional growth is

concerned. Through the visible result of this study, seminars and conferences could be

planned to endow solutions on the effects met along with the integration of Information

and Communication Technology (ICT) for the development most particularly in the

teaching and learning process. This could be also reference in making

recommendations on the role of teachers, parents, and pupils in relation to strategies

and approaches in acquiring knowledge.


School Administrators. The outcome of this study would play a vital role in

determining the effects of the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning process

with extended support to the teachers pedagogically, technically and hopefully

financially as it is important for teachers to meet and plan a supportive, and access to

internet for effective teaching and learning to happen that would contribute towards the

benefit of the school.

Community. This study would create a culture with the capacity to help its

members gradually and effectively, to recover with the challenges met. This would also

the beginning for the increasing awareness of the importance of an informed citizen in

the communication exchange of the concerned in school.

Parents. As one of the stakeholders of the school, the parents have a vital role in

the learning of their children. The result of this study would be an aid of information on

the specific function that they should do, to understand certainly the teachers’ way of


Pupils. This study would help the pupils understand the roles of teachers in

acquiring knowledge.

Future researchers. This study could be a benchmark for further similar studies

to be undertaken along the line with the integration of ICT to teaching and learning.

Scope and Limitations

The locale of the study included the eight complete elementary schools and two

primary schools in Matungao District, Lanao del Norte. These Schools were: Sultan

Macalpang D. Permites Central School,Pendulonan Elementary School, Pasayanon

Elementary School,Cadayonan Elementary School, Batal Elementary School,Pangi


Elementary School, Batangan Elementary School, Bangco Elementary School.

Somiorang Primary School and Bubong a Radapan Primary School.

There was one group of respondents, eleven (11) Grade II teachers from the

nine elementary schools and two Grade II teachers from the two primary schools in the

District of Matungao, Lanao del Norte. Moreover, during the conduct of the study, the

researcher chose the schools in Matungao District Lanao del Norte as her locale for

accessibility, familiarity and security reasons.

The contents of the questionnaire for the teacher focused on the Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) literacy level. Another will be the teaching

performance, and the academic performance of the pupils. In relation to three main

variables, awareness on the challenges met along with the integration of ICT to

teaching and learning process will be assess and determine.

The study will be conducted during the second semester of the academic year

2023-2024. It will be involve in the scope and limitations of this study the independent

and dependent variables as well as the action plan, which were clearly emphasized in

the conceptual framework.

Definitions of terms

For better understanding of the discussion in the succeeding chapters, the key

concepts were defined conceptually and operationally.

Teachers’ profile. It is defined as statistical data about the about the

characteristics of the teachers, such as the age, sex, status, length of service, subject

taught, position/designation of the people within covering the study. In this study the

teachers’ profile is utilizes as independent variable to determine its relationship to the

effects of ICT to the teaching and learning process.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It is define as the use of ICT

to introduce, reinforce supplement and extend skills. At the same time, ICT integration

has been fueling contentions amongst stakeholders and administrators ICT in institutes

of higher learning, school and cooperate training environments (Legaz & Franco,2011).

In this study, the researcher tried to investigate the effects of ICT in the teaching and

learning process.

Performance. The action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action,

task, or function. (Oxford Languages 2019). In this study, this can be defined as the

students’ academic achievements across various subject, the learners’ academic

performance is utilized as dependent variable to determine the effect of ICT integration.

Action plan. An action plan is a document that lists what steps must be taken to

achieve a specific goal. It breaks down the goal into actionable steps that can be easily

followed and tracked. (Katie Terrel Hanna 2021).In this study, the action plan is the

output that will be formulated as a result.

Administrative Support. Administrative support means technical assistance,

studies, surveys, or securing volunteers to assist the department in fulfilling its

administrative responsibilities. (Margaret Rouse 2019). In this study, it will be

investigated to find out how it affected the teachers’ performance on the ICT integration.

Computer Literacy. It is defined as having a sufficient knowledge and skill to be

able to use computer or be familiar with the use of the computer. (Webopedia 2023). In

this study, computer literacy will be investigated to determine the computer literacy level

of the respondents.



This chapter presents the different readings which deemed important related to

the present study.

Related Literatures

This serves as link between the readers, the past studies and the researches,

which tells about established aspects that had been concluded by other authors. This

also gives a chance to appreciate the evidences collected by previous researches which

projects the current research work in the proper perspective. The following were the

select related literatures:

The teaching and learning process this time is reflected in the integration

development between computer and application technology in the

curriculum .Therefore, needed the way to measure 21st-century teacher along with the

rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT). Gee, J. P.


In addition Mcmahon, G. 2019.,cited that In the context of formal education (school),

especially related to the vehicle for cultural transformation, ICT has a function in the

learning process, at least, is as a learning aid. The function of ICT as a learning aid can

be in the form of teaching aids for teachers, learning aids for students, as well as tools

for interaction between teachers and student.


Many educational institutions and governments globally have taken the

integration of ICT into teaching and learning as a major priority and that much premium

is placed on its integration and implementation. Teaching and learning process is

making great impact in education as a result of the application of ICT. (Reid,S., 2019).


Integrating ICT into teaching and learning, it is a necessary condition to have

access to ICT infrastructure and resources in schools .Pelgrum,W.J. and Law N, 2018).

The advent of ICT has made education non-restrictive. Teaching and learning use to be

at the four walls of the classroom where teaching was based on prescribed syllabus.

The last few years have witnesses a dramatic change in the learning model.

The way students are being taught today is very different from the teaching methods

that were adopted a few decades back. Technology has brought about various changes

in the way education is delivered and received. From self-learning to flipped classroom

approach, we have seen technology make considerable impact on the learning and

teaching methodologies. (Vishal Dani 2023).

With numerous benefits to offer, digital learning has become an important part of

education system. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) brings in multiple

benefits for digital learning and student-centric engagement. The ICT trends in

education shaped the schools and universities to implement the latest in education

technology in order to improve the teaching and learning process.


ICT provides clear and well defined instructional objectives, through preparation

of content and offers support for both learners and staff. Improving the quality of

education and training particularly at a time of educational expansion, ICT enhance to

quality of education by increasing learners motivation and engagement, by facilitating

the acquisition of basic skills, and enhancing teacher training. ICT are transformational

tools which, when used appropriately, can promote the shift to a learner- cantered

environment. In the present scenario assessment of learners, their testing, scoring

giving feedback, processing the data obtained through assessment and preparing grade

cards are computerized. There are provisions for online tests, online submission and

portfolio. ICT as technologies used to communicate in order to create, manage and

distribute information. It is considered as a powerful tool various studies have find out

that an appropriate use of ICT can raise educational quality and connect learning to real

life situation. (Sang,G., Valcke, M.,Braak.,J.,Tondeur,J. and Zhu C.,2020).

Benefits of technology in the Educational System

The teachers remain the key ingredient to successful integration of technology

into the classroom. (V. Ellis 2020). The educators use chalk, pencils, and textbooks,

the implementation and leadership of computer based technology into educational

system is effective when viewed as a tool and resource that can assist learners to

construct meaning and ultimately improve student achievement. (A. Loveless 2020).

The distinction of technology is a great tool to learn with rather than technology is

a great way to teach. When technology is implemented and utilized as a tool that aides

instruction rather than as a replacement or substitute for instruction, it benefits the entire

educational system. Technology as a constructivist tool provides as a means for


individuals to construct meaning and applies to teachers who instruct pupils who learn,

administrators who run schools, superintendents who run districts, and so forth

throughout the entire education system. (A.M.Croteau, V. Venkatesh,A. Beaudry,and J.

Rabah 2019).

The Educational Technology today includes the exploration of teacher knowledge

for the integration of technology in many different areas. The integration of technology

into the process of teaching and learning is thought to increase pupils and teachers

productivity and at the same time it allows both teachers and pupils to find mounds of

information they need for the lessons. (J.S, Fu, 2019).

Positive effects of ICT on teaching and leaning

The biggest barriers to the use of ICT in teaching were the lack of time available

to classes, teachers’ lesson planning and the lack of national policy on the use of ICT in

teaching and learning. Little structural support from school administrators and rigid

curriculum were also some of the prominent factors hindering teachers’ use of ICT.

Schools usually give little time for teachers to manage and get familiarize with ICT, not

to mention lack of administrative support for teachers who are not confident enough to

commence ICT. In addition to this, levels of teachers’ own expertise in getting

familiarize with these ICT tools, inadequacy of learning resources and learning materials

and their attitude s are also the factors in hindering the use of ICT. (J. Voogt,G. Knezek,

M. Cox, D. Knezek, and A. ten Brummelhius, 2020).

The teachers’ attitudes to ICT use in learning far out weighted the institutional or

school factors. Teachers’ use of ICT is influenced greatly by their attitudes towards the

way the subject should be taught and by the skills associated with their competence in

managing classroom activities and their computer handling technical skills. (J.E.

Lawrence 2020).

Teaching Positively with Technology

Indeed, in spite of a lot of investment in the field of pre-service trainings, the

trainee teachers are not imparted the real competence, expertise and skills in

integrating ICTs in their teaching positively, professionally and efficiently. (A. Sari and H.

Mahmutoglu,2019).Teacher training is identified as one important component that would

support the technology integration in schools. (Gavifekr, S., 2019). The effective

teacher training is required to help educators learn how to use technology in classroom.

(Rosdy, W.A.W 2019).

The teachers use technology in ways that are consistent with their current

teaching practices. (Hughes, J. E. 2020).The teachers are less likely to implement

technology if it is not already a current practice with their instructional design. (Habibi,

A.,Razak, R. A., 2020). For teachers to transform instructional practices and for

technology to serve as a channel for change, technology support must exist. (Yusop, F.

D.,2020). To maximize the available tools, teachers need continual support that goes far

beyond training and workshops. (Mukminin A., 2020). The use of computers increased,

research began to focus on the needs for teacher training. (Yaqin,L. N.2020) Thus,

Educational Technology has advanced with new computer equipment and related

needs for this teacher training.

If technology cannot be accessed by the teacher, then it will not be used. Lack of

time is also one of the challenges to using ICT in the classroom. (Alemu, B. M. 2019).

To ensure any ICT to be used frequently and effectively, teachers’ needs in using these

ICT should be supported. In other words, unless the challenges are addressed, the

attitudes of teachers in using ICT will not be improving anytime soon. (Champa, R.

A.,Rochsantiningsih D 2019).

The time constraints also lead to limited use of computers or technology in the

classroom. However, even when computers are available and teachers have time; they

lack the training necessary to use this technology effectively. (Carlson and Reidy 2020).

Teachers report more frequent use of technology with the presence of training and

exposure to technology in teaching preparation programs and the availability of

technical support. (Hernandez-Ramos 2019). One of the greatest hindrances in using

ICTs is insufficient resources. (Hew and Brush 2019).

Related Studies

The effects of Infographics on Developing Computer Knowledge, Skills and

Achievement Motivation among Hail University Students. The independent variables in

this research consisted of SIs and AIs embedded learning content while achievement of

e-learning and computer skills and achievement motivation were the dependent

variables being observed. Pre-tests and post-test results showed that the learning

materials positively influenced the students' computer skills, elearning, and achievement

motivation. This study revealed that the use of SI had a greater effect on female student

learning while AI was found more effective for male student learning. (Ibrahem Usama

and Alamro Abdulaziz 2021).

Amer Mohammed and Elmetwali Mohammed's (2020) study found that both

groups share similar levels of computer literacy. It was found that distance education

has a significant positive impact on student's academic achievement in the computer


skills course. The researcher recommends adding online instructional activities to the

curricula used in Saudi universities.

The central themes were: (1) to promote student collaboration; (2) to redefine

the teacher's role; (3) to encourage student engagement; and (4) to manage the

teachers' increased workload. This was followed by a discussion of the benefits and

challenges arising from using online CoP in teaching the course, as well as a

description of the limitations of this study (Amer Mohammed and Elmetwali Mohammed,


In imparting knowledge to the learners with technology gadgets, Patahuddin

(2020) investigated how primary teachers in Queensland, Australia can make use of the

Internet for professional development and to enhance the teaching and learning. As a

result of this study, implications for using the internet for the professional and

development of Indonesian teachers in primary schools were drawn. He argued that the

internet has potential as a medium for professional development and for teaching and


For initiative approach to learning,the understanding and leveraging ICT is

therefore critical for countries striving for continued social and economic progress.

Hence, the necessity for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - based

resources to be embedded in educational systems to facilitate pupils to be acquainted,

familiarized and skilled in such tools and environments. India’s objectives of this flagship

programme and emphasized that quality content, high-speed connectivity and proper

devices are vital to the success of this mission. The point that is to be noted in this

connection is that the government is taking major initiatives in the implementation of


ICT, yet it still recognizes the fact that there are still some innate challenges that calls

for immediate attention and action. (Das A., K. 2020).

Moreover, he pointed out that an overview of the ICT policy initiatives of the

Government of India as well as state governments, will reveal that though there have

been considerable progress in incorporation and institution of ICT tools in education

programmes, there is still a huge abyss between the initial projected progress and hard

reality. Often there is a lacuna between the development rhetoric and its translation into

practice. The essentially theoretical approach to implementation of this progressive

strategy, without taking into account several practical parameters, is the basic error that

hinders successful action. This is complemented by the grossly ambiguous and flawed

computing in formulation of educational policy and discourse, simply because of a third,

very important parameter- the absence of a clear direction and purpose that contributes

to the undermining of the effectiveness of all policies dedicated to educational reform

and development (Tukan, F., M.,E. 2020).

Hence, in order to allow such environment, ICT is seen as the tool that

encourages positive impact on pupils’ learning process. ICT is also a tool that

encourages positive impact on pupils’ learning process. ICT is also a tool that is capable

to encourage the pupils to think critically, solve problems and be motivated to learn.

ICT, on the other hand, offers something different to the art of teaching and learning in

the classroom. It provides resources for learning which are more effective. (Nur Aisyah,

Zamri, Afendi & Mohammed 2019). Richer,and available for extended hours and open

to a wider range of pupil S. Nair, Rozlan, Roszainora, Aileen, Norhayati, Sabapathy and

Norhafiza (2019) stated that using computers to teach in the classroom is always better

than using books or other traditional methods. This is because, if ICT tools or any

related technology are being used appropriately, it could facilitate independent and

positive orientation toward learning.

Teachers will be in a position to use ICT tools and resources effectively in the

classroom as discussed by Yunus, A. A., Syafi’I, A. (2020) is only when they realize

how useful these tools are in presenting materials to the pupils and overall learning

process. The influence of ICT in teaching and learning is largely based on the

perceptions and attitudes of the teachers who are responsible for using this technology.

Joseph continued by stating that teacher’ views brought a strong impact to the

integration of computers in the classrooms and that teachers needed to be encourages

to continuously exploring the usefulness of ICT in the classrooms.

Pertaining issues in technology use and implementation in the classroom from

the teachers’ perspective, Das,A.,K. (2020) examined existing research and compared

that to the new data resulting from this study. New findings within this research show

that teachers want to use technology but feel that they need to be included in the

development of teacher technology training. Teachers indicated that only they could

provide a true perspective on issues within the classroom that can illustrate things such

as construct of time and curriculum. This research concludes with a finding that

contradicts some statistical data and finds qualitatively that teachers want to use

technology, they want technology training, they see a value in technology, and they

believe it can improve pupils-learning outcomes.

To investigate the implementation of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICTs) in education in teacher training programs Iqbal Majoka, Fazal, and

Saeed Khan (2020) in the Khyber Pakthunkhwa and Punjab provinces in Pakistan how

successfully this course was implemented in the pioneer institutions, so as to have

baseline information for further improvement in the implementation process. Analysis

revealed that only in a few classrooms, different activities/ experiences as suggested in

the unit were properly implemented, while in most that was not the case due to issues

such as shortage of electronic power supply, scarcity of ICTs tools and lack of training

and skills in ICTs application. The extent to which teachers followed the course guide

was another factor contributing to the implementation process.

The use of technology in instruction, its relation to students’ satisfaction, and

perceived learning. The study determined student satisfaction and perceived degree of

learning from three different types of lecture delivery including a classical audition

lecture, a short and concise, a full of the lecture, and downloadable podcast version of

the same lecture content. Through a simple experiment they found out that students

preferred traditional auditorium lectures over observing the same lecture as a film. They

did not view a shortened podcast version of the lecture. Consequently, they

recommended that lectures should consider both the purpose and the content of the

material they intend to make available to their students before investing their time and

resources in creating instructional materials. (Sutterud and Ellefsen 2019).

The students in schools were having high expectations on ICT integration in

classroom since new generation learners were born and raised with technologies and

could be defines as part of the digital-native phenomenon. They found out that the

younger the students, the higher their expectations are on ICT integration in classroom.

It also proved that the integration of ICT is highly dependent on the personal factors

which define as self-perceptions. Results also revealed that the acceptance of ICT of

teachers and students in inside and outs of classroom were more likely to use

technologies outside the classroom. They found that the barriers and hindrances of ICT

integration in classroom were competence, confidence, and attitudes of teachers reduce

the percentage of ICT integration. (Chien, Wu, and Hsu 2019).

The teachers only needed a traditional centers approach when developing ICT

skills in in the classroom. They were having high confidence and competency in

integrating ICT in classroom even though it does not represent the types of ICT used.

This is because they believe that ICT is a tool could help in learning process specially to

relate with real life practices. This factor has reform the teaching method to integrate

ICT in order to create and construct knowledge for the students. The research shows

that the relationship between competency and confidence could reflect the balances

between training and pedagogically focused approaches in ICT professional

development. With this, the school management could make sure that there are

sufficient supports for the teachers to integrate ICT in the classroom. (Cox and Marsall


There were some factors that have influenced teachers’ applications of ICT in

their instruction. In this study he utilized thirteen English language teachers from five

primary schools. He incorporated interviews and observations. Findings revealed that

majority of 77% were not using computer aided materials for teaching. Further, lack of

trainings and time constraints were one of the main reasons for their preferences not to

apply technology in instruction. (Masrudin 2020).


Related Literature

From the above presentations, teaching must be more interesting to get the

attention of the learners for their better understanding of the lesson. Information and

Communication technology helps the educators to make materials to be used as their

aide for instruction. Hence, the teachers must also undergo seminars and trainings to

be familiar with computers especially the use of Microsoft office such as, word

processing, excel and powerpoint presentation. That could be happen with the help of

the Department of Education to give efforts and time for the teachers to send in

trainings and seminars their educators. Administrators support is a must to make the

teacher use ICT.

Attending seminars and trainings that stress Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) must also require the teacher to attend. The teachers’ expertise in

using ICT is an aid to develop their teaching skills. One of the hinder in the teachers

application of ICT in their teaching is that the internet access. Enable for the educator to

integrate ICT into their lessons they must have an access to internet. Lack of ICT tools

and equipment is just one of the barriers of why teachers don’t want to use ICT in

teaching. Second, is the limited time of demonstrating the lesson. Third, is the lack of

technical support from school administrators. The advancement of technology must be

considered as advantage for the teachers to use ICT aided materials in making their

lesson plans and instructional equipment. Thus, teaching a real life situation with the

use of ICT can create real life practices learning. Educational Technology can be the

best way to create collaborative activities, individual assessment to meet the academic

needs of the learners.


Related Studies

From the related studies mentioned, using of ICT can facilitate independent and

positive orientation toward learning. It also covered the use of technology in instruction

and will cater the satisfaction of the students and perceived their learning. Information

and Communication Technology provide influences teaching and learning is based on

the practices of teachers towards the use of ICT. But the needs of using ICT tools give

teachers the needs of training programs.

For the learners, ICT is the best tool that will use in learning. It provides critical

thinking, and encourages students’ positive impact in learning process. Integrating ICT

in teaching had effect on both the teachers and the students it helped them to be aware

of the modernized world and meet the current demands of the new era. Students will

be ready and molded with life-long practices that they can use in 21 st century. (Rosdy,

W.A.W 2019).



This chapter presents the research design and methodology in the study. The

research methods consist of the research design, research environment, the

respondents, the research instrument and its validity, the data gathering procedures,

and the statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will employed descriptive-correlational design to investigate the

effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration to the learners’

academic performance and their correlation to the academic performance of the

learners based on the action plan. As a descriptive type of research, an adapted and

modified structured questionnaire served as the main instrument in collecting data.

Correlation was also appropriate in the study since it seek to determine the significant

relationship between the teachers’ profile of the respondents, teachers’ ICT integration

and learners’ academic performance. Also, which of the teachers ICT integration and

teachers’ profile significantly predict the effects of learners’ performance of the


Research Environment

The study will be conducted in all the public schools of Matungao District. 1.

Sultan Macalpang D. Permites Central School is located at barangay of poblacion with

19 teachers and 393 nember of learners, 2. Pasayanon ElementarySchool, is located at

the barangay of Pasayanon with 9 teachers and 243 number of enrollment.

3.Pendulonan Elementary School, is located at sittio pendulonan, Barangay Pasayanon


with 8 teachers and 206 number of learners. 4, Cadayonan Elementary School, is

currently located at Barangay Cadayonan with 11 teachers and 264 numbers of

learners. 5. Batal Elementary School. Is located at Barangay Batal with 9 teachers and

227 number of learners. 6. Bangco Elementary School, located at Barangay Bangco

with 9 teachers and 255 number of enrollment. 7. Pangi Elementary School, located

along barangay Pangi with 10 teachers and 250 number of enrollment, 8. Matampay

Integrated school,is located at barangay Matampay with 18 teachers and 231 number of

learners, 9.Somiorang Primary School, is located at Barangay Somiorang with8

teachers and 156 number of learners and 10. Bubong Radapan Primary School, is

located at Barangay of Bubong Radapan with 4 teachers and 116 number of enrollment.

Respondents and Sampling Procedures

The respondents of this study will be the entire population of 7 elementary

teachers, 2 primary schools and 1 integrated school at Matungao District during the

school year 2023-2024. The respondents were the random selected 100 teachers-

respondents from the different schools of the District of Matungao.

Research Instrument and its Validity

The researcher will utilize survey questionnaire adapted and modified from the

study of Caluza et al. (2017) as the main tool for gathering data for the study. The

questionnaires for the respondents include three parts: Part I focus on teachers’ profile

in terms of age, sex, length of service, and subject taught. Part II included the teachers

ICT integration in terms of computer literacy and administrative support of the

respondents. Part III included the learners’ academic performance will be measured

using the action plan.

Data Gathering Procedures

Before conducting the study, the researcher will perform the standard research

protocol to ensure the validity and reliability of the research finding. The researcher will

request consent and approval from the adviser for a careful assessment and review of

the manuscript and the appropriateness and the survey questionnaires. The researcher

will submit a letter to the Division Superintendent of Lanao del Norte, with

recommendation from the adviser at the Dean of the Graduate studies of St. Peter’s

College to allow her to distribute the survey questionnaires to the respective teachers

from public schools of Matungao District.


After all permits will be sign, the researcher will present the signed letters to

the respective teachers of all public schools of Matungao District. Likewise, a letter of

participation for the participants requesting for appointments will be given. The

researcher will personally conduct the distribution and retrieval of questionnaires at their

agreed schedules. The teachers will agree that they will be available during the

distribution of modules and that the researcher will retrieve the answered questionnaires

every Friday. They will be assured of the ethics of research on confidentiality. Once all

the data will be completed, the questionnaires will be classified, tailed, and tabulated

and will be submitted to the school’s satisfaction.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study will be utilize the following necessary and appropriate statistical

tools to interpret and analyze the data gathered:

For Problem 1 and 2, Frequency and Percentage, Mean, and Standard

deviation will be to determine the teachers, profile of respondents in terms of age, sex,

length of service, and subject taught. Also, to determine the teachers ICT integration in

terms of; Computer literacy and administrative support.

For problem 3, Frequency and Percentage will be used in determining the

effects of students’ performance encountered by teachers.

For problem 4, 5, and 6 Pearson Correlation will determine relationship

between the teachers’ profile and teachers ICT integration. Multiple Regression analysis

with a simultaneous entry will utilize to test if the predictors significantly affected to

students’ academic performance of the respondents.


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