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Red Cell Distribution in Critically Ill Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Red cell distribution in critically ill patients with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease
W. Lana, E. Liub, D. Suna, W. Lia, J. Zhuc, J. Zhoud, M. Jine, W. Jiangf,*

Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Lishui Municipal Central Hospital, Lishui, Zhejiang 323000, China
Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory
for Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Liver Disease, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China
Department of Cardiology, Lishui Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Lishui, Zhejiang 323000, China
Department of Pathology, Lishui Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Lishui, Zhejiang 323000, China
Department of Internal Medicine, Yunhe People’s Hospital, Yunhe, Zhejiang 323600, China
Department of Gastroenterology, Lishui Municipal Central Hospital, Lishui, Zhejiang 323000, China

Received 10 January 2022; accepted 1 April 2022

Available online xxx

Chronic obstructive Background: Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with increased mortality risk
pulmonary disease; in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, limited data are avail-
Red blood cell distri- able for critically ill patients with COPD.
bution width; Methods: Data from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III V1.4 database were ana-
Mortality; lyzed in this retrospective cohort research. The International Classification of Diseases codes
Multiparameter intel- were used to identify critically ill patients with COPD. The first value of RDW was extracted
ligent monitoring in within the first 24 h after intensive care unit admission. The endpoint was 28-day all-cause mor-
intensive care III tality. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship
between RDW and 28-day mortality. Age, sex, ethnicity, anemia status, comorbidities, clinical
therapy, and disease severity score were considered for subgroup analysis.
Results: A total of 2,344 patients were included with mean (standard deviation) age of 72.3
(11.3) years, in which 1,739 (53.6%) patients were men. The increase in RDW was correlated with
an increased risk of 28-day mortality in the multivariate logistic regression model (odds ratio
[OR] 1.15; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.09 1.21). In comparison with the low-RDW group, the
middle and high-RDW groups tended to have higher risks of 28-day all-cause mortality (OR [95%
CI] 1.03 [0.78 1.34]; OR [95% CI] 1.70 [1.29 2.22]; P trend < 0.0001). Subgroup analyses show
no evidence of effect modifications on the correlation of RDW and 28-day all-cause mortality.
Conclusion: An increase in RDW was associated with an increased risk of 28-day all-cause
mortality in critically ill patients with COPD. Further studies are required to investigate
this association.

* Corresponding author at: Department of Gastroenterology, Lishui Municipal Central Hospital, Lishui, Zhejiang 323000, China.
E-mail address: (W. Jiang).
2531-0437/© 2022 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: W. Lan, E. Liu, D. Sun et al., Red cell distribution in critically ill patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, Pulmonology (2022),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [mSP6P;April 29, 2022;1:19]
W. Lan, E. Liu, D. Sun et al.

© 2022 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is

an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction Municipal Central Hospital approved this study (no.

COPD is an irreversible, progressive airway inflammatory
disease characterized by chronic respiratory symptoms and Population selection criteria
airflow limitation.1 According to the Burden of Obstructive
Lung Diseases and other large-scale epidemiological stud- Data from each patient’s initial ICU admission were ana-
ies, patients with COPD increased to 384 million in 2010, lyzed. Patients with COPD were selected using International
with a global prevalence of 11.7% (95% confidence interval Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes
[CI] 8.4% 15.0%) in 2010 and 12.16% (95% CI 10.91 13.40%) (491.20, 491.21, 491.22, and 496). We excluded patients
in 2015.2,3 Across the World Health Organization regions, aged <18 years, those admitted to the ICU for <24 h, those
the USA have recorded the highest prevalence of COPD with survival times <0, and those with missing RDW data.
(13.3% in 1990, 15.2% in 2010, and 14.53% in 2015).2,3 Fur-
thermore, COPD is the third leading cause of death globally Data extraction
according to the Global Burden of Disease.4 Thus, COPD is a
substantial clinical and financial burden with significant Data were extracted using PostgreSQL (version 9.6) and a
influence on patients’ quality of life and healthcare expen- structured query language. The following variable data were
diture. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a quanti- extracted: age, sex, ethnicity, weight, heart rate, systolic
tative measure of circulating erythrocyte volume blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), tem-
variability, and it is measured as part of a complete blood perature, respiratory rate, percutaneous oxygen saturation
count examination. Furthermore, RDW has significant asso- (SpO2), mean blood pressure (MBP), vasopressor use, renal
ciations with the risk of adverse clinical outcomes in replacement therapy (RRT), congestive heart failure, hyper-
patients with coronary artery disease,5-17 heart failure,18,19 tension, diabetes, cardiac arrhythmias, sepsis, liver disease,
stroke,20,21 acute pulmonary embolism,22-25 community- acute kidney injury (AKI), renal failure, serum sodium,
acquired pneumonia,26-28 peripheral occlusive artery dis- serum creatinine, serum potassium, blood urea nitrogen
ease,29 cancer,30,31 sepsis,32 and kidney disease.33-35 Fur- (BUN), serum hemoglobin, serum bicarbonate, serum glu-
thermore, an increase in RDW is associated with right cose, serum hematocrit, anion gap, serum chloride, plate-
ventricular dysfunction,36,37 pulmonary arterial hyperten- let, and white blood cell (WBC), Sequential Organ Failure
sion,37 and mortality.38-41 Assessment (SOFA) score, and Simplified Acute Physiology
However, previous studies employed small sample sizes Score II (SAPS II). The baseline data were obtained within
and did not adjust for other potential confounders. In addi- the first 24 h after ICU admission. The initial value was con-
tion, limited studies have focused on the correlation sidered for a variable that was measured multiple times
between RDW and outcome in critically ill COPD patients. within 24 h after ICU admission. Comorbidities, except AKI,
Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the associa- were diagnosed according to ICD-9 codes. Severe sepsis was
tion between RDW and 28-day all-cause mortality in criti- defined as the presence of either (a) a combination of ICD-9
cally ill COPD patients by using the Medical Information Mart codes for infection and one or more organ dysfunctions,44 or
for Intensive Care III (MIMIC-III) database. We hypothesized (b) the ICD-9 code for severe sepsis (995.92) or septic shock
that increasing RDW in critically ill COPD patients is related (785.52).45 According to the Kidney Disease: Improving
to increased risk of mortality. Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines, AKI
was induced within the first 24 h of ICU admission and was
identified based on serum creatinine and urine output.46
Methods Anemia was diagnosed as a hemoglobin level <12 g/dL in
women and <13 g/dL in men according to the World Health
Database introduction Organization guidelines.47 The clinical outcome was the 28-
day all-cause mortality after ICU admission.
MIMIC-III database (version 1.4) is open to the public and
contains information on over 50,000 patients hospitalized to Statistical analysis
the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s intensive care
unit (ICU) between 2001 and 2012.42 This database can be Participants were divided into tertiles based on RDW levels.
accessed at Enqian Liu Continuous data were expressed as mean (standard devia-
obtained access to the database (No. 35919439). The use of tion) or median (interquartile range), while categorical vari-
the data was approved by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical ables were presented as percentages. The baseline
Center (Boston, MA) and Institutional Review Boards of the characteristics of the different RDW tertile groups were ana-
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA).43 lyzed using chi-square test for categorical variables, one-
The requirement for written informed consent was waived, way analysis of variance test for normally distributed data,
because each patient information in the database was ano- and Kruskal-Wallis H test for non-normally distributed data.
nymized and de-identified.43 The ethics committee of Lishui The relationship between RDW and 28-day all-cause

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mortality was determined using multivariate logistic regres- chloride, glucose, and serum sodium levels, hypertension,
sion analysis. Values of the variation inflation factor (VIF) and vasopressor use (all P > 0.05). Patients in the highest
were used to assess multicollinearity. More than 10 VIFs RDW tertile group were likely to develop congestive heart
showed multicollinearity. We constructed three models, failure, cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes, real failure, liver dis-
namely, model 1 that was unadjusted, model 2 that was ease, sepsis, anemia, AKI, and RRT, and were less likely to
adjusted for age, sex, and ethnicity, and model 3 that was require ventilation than patients in the lowest group. As the
adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, and other variables with P RDW increased, respiratory rate, weight, anion gap, potas-
< 0.1 in univariate analysis or those with >10% change in sium, creatinine, and BUN levels, SOFA score, and SAPS II
effect estimates (weight, SBP, MBP, heart rate, respiratory increased, whereas SBP, DBP, MBP, temperature, SpO2, and
rate, SpO2, hematocrit level, platelet level, anion gap, cre- hematocrit, hemoglobin, WBC, and bicarbonate levels
atinine level, bicarbonate, chloride, glucose, BUN, WBC, decreased.
and potassium levels, SAPS II, SOFA, cardiac arrhythmias,
hypertension, sepsis, liver disease, vasopressor use, ventila- Results of logistic regression
tion, RRT, AKI, and anemia). To investigate the non-linearity
further, we turned RDW into a categorical variable based on The independent effects of RDW on 28-day all-cause mortal-
the tertiles, and then into a continuous variable by entering ity in critically ill COPD patients were evaluated by con-
the tertiles’ median values into the variable. For the sensi- structing three different logistic regression models.
tivity analysis, interaction and subgroup analyses were Logistic regression analysis for 28-day mortality (Table 2)
based on age (<75 and 75 years), sex, ethnicity, congestive show that RDW was positively related to the risk of 28-day
heart failure, diabetes, renal failure, hypertension, cardiac all-cause mortality (unadjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.20; 95% CI
arrhythmias, liver disease, sepsis, anemia, AKI, RRT, vaso- 1.15 1.25). The crude ORs were 1.24 (95% CI 0.98 1.58)
pressor use, ventilation, SAPS II (<37 and 37), and SOFA and 2.36 (95% CI 1.89 2.96) in the second and third tertile
score (<4 and 4). Missing values were not found in the cat- groups of RDW, respectively, with the first RDW tertile group
egory variables. Missing values for continuous variables were as the reference. After adjusting for age, sex, and ethnicity,
imputed using the mean (normal data) or median (non-nor- higher RDW values were correlated to higher risks of 28-day
mal data). The statistical significance was considered at p < mortality (OR 1.21; 95% CI 1.16 1.27). In comparison with
0.05. Data analysis was performed using the R statistical the first tertile group, the ORs were 1.18 (95% CI 0.93 1.51)
software package (version 4.1.1). and 2.37 (95% CI 1.89 2.98) in the second and third tertile
groups, respectively. RDW was strongly correlated with 28-
day all-cause mortality (OR 1.15; 95% CI 1.09 1.21) in Model
Results 3. Furthermore, a higher RDW value was related to a greater
risk of 28-day all-cause mortality in the second RDW tertile
Baseline characteristics of the included participants group (OR 1.03; 95% CI 0.78 1.34) and the third RDW tertile
group (OR 1.70; 95% CI 1.29 2.22) after adjusting for age,
A total of 3,244 patients in the MIMIC-III database satisfied sex, ethnicity, weight, SBP, MBP, heart rate, respiratory
the inclusion criteria (Fig. 1). The baseline characteristics of rate, SpO2, hematocrit level, platelet level, anion gap; cre-
the RDW tertile groupings are shown in Table 1. The mean atinine, bicarbonate, chloride, glucose, BUN, WBC, and
patient age was 72.3 § 11.3 years, and approximately 53.6% potassium levels, SAPS II, SOFA score, cardiac arrhythmias,
patients were men. RDW values at baseline varied from hypertension, sepsis, liver disease, vasopressor use, ventila-
11.50% to 28.20% (median 14.70%; mean 15.18%). No signifi- tion, RRT, AKI, and anemia. The linear trend tests for 28-day
cant differences were observed between the different mortality yielded remarkable results in the three different
groups concerning sex, heart rate, platelet level, serum models.

Fig. 1 Flow diagram of patient recruitment according to the cohort selection and exclusion criteria. MIMIC-III, multiparameter
intelligent monitoring in intensive care III; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; RDW, red blood cell distribution width

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W. Lan, E. Liu, D. Sun et al.

Table 1 Patient characteristics according to tertiles of red blood cell distribution width.
RDW, % P value

Characteristics All patients Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3

Number 3244 998 1105 1141
Age, years 72.3 (11.3) 71.5 (11.3) 72.8 (11.5) 72.4 (11.0) 0.024
Sex, n (%) 0.309
Male 1,739 (53.6) 550 (55.1) 597 (54.0) 592 (51.9)
Female 1,505 (46.4) 448 (44.9) 508 (46.0) 549 (48.1)
Ethnicity, n (%) 0.033
White 2,480 (76.4) 769 (77.1) 853 (77.2) 858 (75.2)
Non-white 286 (8.8) 76 (7.6) 85 (7.7) 125 (11.0)
Unknown 478 (14.7) 153 (15.3) 167 (15.1) 158 (13.8)
SBP, mmHg 123.6 (25.1) 125.0 (24.5) 125.0 (26.1) 121.1 (24.6) <0.001
DBP, mmHg 62.4 (16.5) 63.5 (15.9) 63.1 (16.9) 60.7 (16.3) <0.001
MBP, mmHg 81.0 (18.1) 83.0 (19.1) 81.8 (18.0) 78.3 (16.9) <0.001
Heart rate, beats/min 89.1 (18.8) 89.0 (17.8) 89.4 (19.3) 89.0 (19.1) 0.84
Respiratory rate, beats/min 19.0 (6.0) 18.4 (5.9) 19.1 (6.0) 19.4 (6.0) 0.001
Temperature,°C 36.6 (0.9) 36.6 (0.8) 36.6 (0.9) 36.5 (0.9) 0.042
SpO2, % 96.7 (4.5) 97.0 (3.9) 96.7 (5.2) 96.5 (4.3) 0.032
Weight, kg 80.1 (23.1) 78.1 (20.5) 80.5 (23.8) 81.4 (24.3) 0.003
Hematocrit, % 34.5 (6.3) 37.0 (5.7) 35.0 (6.1) 31.8 (5.9) <0.001
Hemoglobin, g/dL 11.5 (2.1) 12.4 (1.9) 11.6 (2.0) 10.4 (1.9) <0.001
Platelet, K/uL 222.0 [162. 224.0 [174.0- 222.0 [162.0- 220.0 [149.0- 0.085
0-298.2] 298.0] 294.0] 307.0]
WBC, K/uL 11.5 [8.3-15.8] 11.7 [8.5-15.8] 11.7 [8.6-16.0] 11.1 [7.6-15.5] 0.017
Anion gap, mEq/L 14.5 (4.1) 14.0 (3.9) 14.4 (4.1) 15.0 (4.3) <0.001
Bicarbonate, mEq/L 25.5 (5.5) 25.9 (5.4) 25.6 (5.3) 25.1 (5.7) 0.002
Chloride, mEq/L 102.4 (6.5) 102.1 (6.5) 102.6 (6.1) 102.4 (6.9) 0.167
Glucose, mg/dL 149.2 (74.2) 148.7 (74.5) 150.7 (73.7) 148.3 (74.6) 0.708
Sodium, mEq/L 138.2 (5.1) 138.0 (5.1) 138.4 (4.6) 138.1 (5.5) 0.155
Potassium, mEq/L 4.3 (0.8) 4.3 (0.7) 4.3 (0.8) 4.4 (0.9) 0.002
Creatinine, mg/dL 1.0 [0.7-1.5] 0.9 [0.7-1.2] 1.0 [0.7-1.4] 1.2 [0.8-1.9] <0.001
BUN, mg/dL 22.0 [15.0-35.0] 19.0 [14.0-28.0] 22.0 [15.0-33.0] 27.0 [18.0-45.0] <0.001
SOFA 4.0 [2.0-6.0] 4.0 [2.0-5.0] 4.0 [2.0-6.0] 5.0 [3.0-7.0] <0.001
SAPS II 39.2 (13.0) 36.6 (12.2) 39.2 (12.6) 41.3 (13.6) <0.001
Congestive heart failure, n (%) 1,473 (45.4) 355 (35.6) 489 (44.3) 629 (55.1) <0.001
Cardiac arrhythmias, n (%) 1,311 (40.4) 345 (34.6) 439 (39.7) 527 (46.2) <0.001
Hypertension, n (%) 1,970 (60.7) 608 (60.9) 680 (61.5) 682 (59.8) 0.685
Diabetes, n (%) 992 (30.6) 236 (23.6) 342 (31.0) 414 (36.3) <0.001
Renal failure, n (%) 546 (16.8) 75 (7.5) 174 (15.7) 297 (26.0) <0.001
Liver disease, n (%) 179 (5.5) 26 (2.6) 40 (3.6) 113 (9.9) <0.001
Sepsis, n (%) 1,348 (41.6) 328 (32.9) 459 (41.5) 561 (49.2) <0.001
Anemia, n (%) 1,969 (60.7) 398 (39.9) 650 (58.8) 921 (80.7) <0.001
AKI, n (%) 1,761 (54.3) 487 (48.8) 604 (54.7) 670 (58.7) <0.001
RRT, n (%) 88 (2.7) 5 (0.5) 15 (1.4) 68 (6.0) <0.001
Vasopressor, n (%) 1,077 (33.2) 351 (35.2) 376 (34.0) 350 (30.7) 0.068
Ventilation, n (%) 1,743 (53.7) 569 (57.0) 614 (55.6) 560 (49.1) <0.001
Continuous variables are presented as means (SDs) or medians (quartiles), while categorical variables are presented as absolute numbers
(percentages). MBP, mean blood pressure; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; WBC, white blood cell; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment;
SAPS II, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II; AKI, acute kidney injury; RRT, renal replacement therapy.

Results of subgroup analyses analyses were not detected in terms of age (<75 and
75 years), sex, ethnicity, anemia, diabetes, hyperten-
To evaluate the underlying clinical heterogeneity, we sion, cardiac arrhythmias, renal failure, liver disease,
used interaction and stratified analyses (Fig. 2). We congestive heart failure, sepsis, anemia, AKI, RRT, vaso-
assessed the relationship between RDW and 28-day mor- pressor use, ventilation, SAPS II (<37 and 37), and SOFA
tality in different subgroups. Interaction and stratified score (<4 and 4).

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Table 2 Relationship between red blood cell distribution width and 28-day all-cause mortality in different models.
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
OR (95% CI) P value OR (95% CI) P value OR (95% CI) P value
RDW, % 1.20 (1.15, 1.25) <0.0001 1.21 (1.16, 1.27) <0.0001 1.15 (1.09, 1.21) <0.0001
RDW, % tertile
T1 Ref Ref Ref
T2 1.24 (0.98, 1.58) 0.0766 1.18 (0.93, 1.51) 0.1756 1.03 (0.78, 1.34) 0.8522
T3 2.36 (1.89, 2.96) <0.0001 2.37 (1.89, 2.98) <0.0001 1.70 (1.29, 2.22) 0.0001
P for trend <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; Ref, reference; RDW, red blood cell distribution width
Model 1 was not adjusted; Model 2 was adjusted for age, sex, and ethnicity; and Model 3 was adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, weight, sys-
tolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, percutaneous oxygen saturation, hematocrit level, platelet level,
anion gap, creatinine, bicarbonate, chloride, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, white blood cell, potassium levels, Simplified Acute Physiology
Score II, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, sepsis, liver disease, vasopressor use, ventilation,
renal replacement therapy, acute kidney injury, and anemia.

Discussion of age (<75 and 75 years), sex, or ethnicity. COPD comor-
bidities include hypertension, congestive heart failure, dia-
In this retrospective cohort study, higher RDW values betes, and cardiac arrhythmias, and comorbidities mainly
were independently related with increased risks of 28- cause mortality among COPD patients.54 Sepsis and AKI fre-
day all-cause mortality in critically ill patients with quent occur in ICU patients and are related with poor
COPD. In addition, the stratified result supports the con- outcomes.55,56 The results of RDW and mortality were stable
sistent finding. in these subgroups. RDW is commonly used for anemia differ-
RDW is related to short- and long-term mortality in ential diagnosis. Higher RDW levels are related to an
patients with internal diseases. In recent years, RDW has increased risk of death, regardless of presence or absence of
received substantial attention in patients with COPD. Sey- anemia. The effects of treatment and illness severity score
han et al.38 retrospectively followed up 270 patients with should be considered. The results were consistent in differ-
stable COPD for a median period of 36 months (range, 20 52 ent subgroups according to vasopressor use, ventilation,
months) and found that higher RDW levels are related to SAPS II (<37 and 37), and SOFA score (<4 and 4).
higher mortality risks (OR 1.12; 95% CI 1.01 1.24). After The mechanisms underlying the increase in RDW are
controlling for age, leukocyte count, mean corpuscular vol- unclear. To the best of our knowledge, high RDW level is cor-
ume, thrombocytopenia, and anemia, results show that RDW related with an inflammatory state. Inflammation can affect
was related to increased risk of in-hospital mortality in a iron metabolism and bone marrow function, thus inhibiting
study among 330 patients with acute COPD exacerbations.39 erythropoietin-induced erythrocyte maturation.57,58 This
Epstein et al.40 discovered that high RDW at admission condition results in the release of immature red blood cells
(>14.5%) was significantly related to the 60-day composite into the circulation and disruption in red blood cell clear-
endpoint of readmission or mortality after discharge (OR ance, thus increasing RDW. Commonly, critically ill patients
1.83; 95% CI 1.22 2.74) in a cohort of 539 patients with exhibit systemic inflammatory responses.59 These mecha-
acute exacerbations of COPD. Hu et al.41 conducted a pro- nisms may assist in exploring the correlation between RDW
spective observational research among 442 patients with and poor outcomes in COPD patients. Thus, RDW may be
acute exacerbations of COPD and observed that increased related to poor outcomes in patients with COPD.
RDW (13.75%) was strongly correlated with the risk of in- Our study has some limitations. First, considering that
hospital death (relative risk 4.30; 95% CI 1.98 9.58) and the the present study involves observational research, causal
risk of 1-year mortality (HR 1.64; 95% CI 1.08 2.50). How- inferences cannot be detirmined. Moreover, the analysis was
ever, previous research involved limited sample sizes, and adjusted for the available confounders, but our observations
adjustments were not made for a large number of poten- may have been influenced by residual measured and/or
tially confounding factors. Furthermore, to the best of our unmeasured confounders. In addition, we excluded patients
knowledge, limited research has focused on the correlation aged <18 years. Therefore, our findings cannot be general-
between RDW and mortality in critically ill patients with ized to these patients. Furthermore, RDW values could have
COPD. Our results support these earlier investigations.38-41 been affected by many factors, such as erythropoietin use
In the present study, which included 3,244 critically ill and iron or vitamin B12 deficiency, although considering the
patients with COPD, an increase in RDW was related to the retrospective nature of the study, these situations could not
increased risk of 28-day all-cause mortality based on multi- be distinguished. Moreover, we only focused on the initial
variate logistic regression analysis. RDW value obtained within the first 24 h after ICU admission.
Aging48-51 and ethnicity52,53 are associated with RDW val- The effect of RDW fluctuations on prognosis is unknown. In
ues. Different epidemiological studies have reported incon- addition, the ICD-9 code-based definition of severe sepsis
sistent results in terms of the relationship between RDW and may underestimate the actual incidence of sepsis. Some
sex.49-51 The correlation between RDW and 28-day mortality cases of sepsis may not be covered by the codes. Finally,
was constant across all subgroups in our analysis, regardless considering that this study was a single-center, retrospective

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W. Lan, E. Liu, D. Sun et al.

Fig. 2 Effect size of red blood cell distribution width on 28-day mortality in prespecified and exploratory subgroups. The effect size
was adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, weight, systolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, percutaneous
oxygen saturation, hematocrit level, platelet level, anion gap, serum creatinine, bicarbonate, chloride, glucose, blood urea nitro-
gen, white blood cell, and potassium levels, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, cardiac
arrhythmias, hypertension, sepsis, liver disease, vasopressor, ventilation, renal replacement therapy, acute kidney injury, and ane-
mia, except for the subgroup variable.

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