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Systematic Review

The Role of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Risk

Stratification and Prognostication of COVID-19: A Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis
Ashwaghosha Parthasarathi 1 , Sunag Padukudru 2 , Sumalata Arunachal 3 , Chetak Kadabasal Basavaraj 3 ,
Mamidipudi Thirumala Krishna 4 , Koustav Ganguly 5 , Swapna Upadhyay 5, *,†
and Mahesh Padukudru Anand 3, *,†

1 Allergy, Asthma, and Chest Centre, Krishnamurthypuram, Mysore 570004, India;
2 Yenepoya Medical College, Yenepoya University, Mangalore 575018, India;
3 Department of Respiratory Medicine, JSS Medical College, JSSAHER, Mysore 570015, India; (S.A.); (C.K.B.)
4 University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Institute of Immunology Immunotherapy,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2GW, UK;
5 Unit of Integrative Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), Karolinska Institutet,
17177 Stockholm, Sweden;
* Correspondence: (S.U.); (M.P.A.)
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Citation: Parthasarathi, A.;

Abstract: Several studies have proposed that the neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is one of
Padukudru, S.; Arunachal, S.;
the various biomarkers that can be useful in assessing COVID-19 disease-related outcomes. Our
Basavaraj, C.K.; Krishna, M.T.;
systematic review analyzes the relationship between on-admission NLR values and COVID-19
Ganguly, K.; Upadhyay, S.;
severity and mortality. Six different severity criteria were used. A search of the literature in various
Anand, M.P. The Role of
Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in databases was conducted from 1 January 2020 to 1 May 2021. We calculated the pooled standardized
Risk Stratification and mean difference (SMD) for the collected NLR values. A meta-regression analysis was performed,
Prognostication of COVID-19: A looking at the length of hospitalization and other probable confounders, such as age, gender, and
Systematic Review and comorbidities. A total of sixty-four studies were considered, which included a total of 15,683 patients.
Meta-Analysis. Vaccines 2022, 10, The meta-analysis showed an SMD of 3.12 (95% CI: 2.64–3.59) in NLR values between severe and
1233. non-severe patients. A difference of 3.93 (95% CI: 2.35–5.50) was found between survivors and non-
vaccines10081233 survivors of the disease. Upon summary receiver operating characteristics analysis, NLR showed
Academic Editors: Jose Moisés 80.2% (95% CI: 74.0–85.2%) sensitivity and 75.8% (95% CI: 71.3–79.9%) specificity for the prediction
Laparra and Juan Antonio of severity and 78.8% (95% CI: 73.5–83.2%) sensitivity and 73.0% (95% CI: 68.4–77.1%) specificity
Giménez-Bastida for mortality, and was not influenced by age, gender, or co-morbid conditions. Conclusion: On
admission, NLR predicts both severity and mortality in COVID-19 patients, and an NLR > 6.5 is
Received: 26 June 2022
associated with significantly greater the odds of mortality.
Accepted: 28 July 2022
Published: 1 August 2022
Keywords: COVID-19; neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; systematic review; COVID-19 mortality;
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral COVID-19 severity; COVID-19 outcomes; NLR
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-

1. Introduction
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel coronavirus
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. that was recognized in January 2020 [1]. Almost one month after its discovery, the disease
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. spread worldwide. It is also called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the World
This article is an open access article Health Organization [2]. The virus has claimed over 6.19 million lives worldwide [3].
distributed under the terms and The symptoms of COVID-19 can vary. The majority of those who are infected present
conditions of the Creative Commons with mild symptoms such as fever, myalgia, cough, shortness of breath, etc. [4,5]. However,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// some cases develop severe symptoms such as pulmonary edema, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and multi-organ failure (MODS), leading to death [6,7]. A point of grave

Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233.

Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 2 of 21

concern is a patient’s rapid progression from relatively mild to severe disease [8]. Thus, it
is prudent to identify severe cases as early as possible and provide timely interventions.
The identification and stratification of the severity and mortality of COVID-19 patients
has been performed in various ways. The most commonly used method is oxygenation-
based severity criteria, based on respiratory distress with a respiratory rate > 30/min,
oxygen saturation ≤ 93% in the resting state, or arterial blood oxygen partial pressure
(PaO2 )/oxygen concentration (FiO2 ) ≤ 300 mmHg. However, various other criteria have
been used in different studies. These include parameters such as the need for invasive
mechanical ventilation (IMV), and various hematologic and radiological parameters.
Neutrophils are an important aspect of innate immunity. Pathogen-associated molecu-
lar patterns (PAMPs) in the virus are recognized by pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs),
which initiate the production of pro-inflammatory mediators and neutrophil chemo-
attractants. This signaling is crucial to initiate the inflammatory response and enhance
neutrophil production and recruitment [9]. Lymphocytes, on the other hand, are the prin-
cipal cells of an adaptive immune response in a viral infection. Lymphocyte levels are
considered to be negatively correlated with the degree of systemic inflammation. An
increase in systemic inflammation significantly decreases CD4+ T cells, increases CD8+
suppressor T cells and increases lymphocyte apoptosis [10].
The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a simple ratio of the counts of neutrophils
and lymphocytes. It is a biomarker which can reflect the inflammatory status of a patient.
Since it is a part of routine blood count analyses performed in most healthcare setups, it
is economical. NLR as a biomarker has been used in various conditions such as tumors,
pancreatitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cardiovascular disease. It
has also been used in the prognosis of infectious diseases, such as influenza virus infection
and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) [11,12].
A few systematic reviews have studied NLR’s potential as a biomarker for the stratifi-
cation of COVID-19-related disease severity and mortality [13–16]. However, these reviews
have a few shortcomings. All the above-mentioned reviews used only oxygenation-based
severity criteria, without considering various other classification criteria. Furthermore,
although previous studies have demonstrated that NLR values are also determined by race
and ethnicity, this subgroup analysis is missing in the previous reviews [17]. They also fail
to analyze other important endpoints, such as the relationship between NLR and the length
of hospitalization.
Thus, the primary objective of this review is to assess the relationship between on-
admission NLR values and COVID-19-related disease severity and mortality outcomes.
Additionally, we would also like to assess if this relationship changes based on the severity
criteria used, the region in which the study was conducted and the length of hospitalization.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Protocol and Registration
The review followed Preferred Reporting Items For Systematic Review And Meta-
Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines and the Cochrane Handbook [18]. The PRISMA checklist
can be found in the Supplementary Material (Table S1). Only published, peer-reviewed
original articles were eligible for inclusion. This review was registered in the PROSPERO
database (CRD42021252100).

2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The inclusion of articles for systematic review was based on studies with original
data. The studies had to contain information regarding the diagnostic and/or prognostic
role of NLR in COVID-19 patients with participants aged 18 years or over. The patients
in the study needed to have a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis (diagnosed with positive
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for SARS-CoV-2, from samples from either
nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab). The NLR values needed to be collected on
admission. The exclusion criteria were case reports, previous SRs/MAs, literature reviews,
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 3 of 21

conferences and theses. Original articles without sufficient information for extraction were
also excluded. Only studies published in English were included.

2.3. Data Extraction and Risk of Bias Assessment

The literature search was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and SCOPUS
databases for articles published between 1 January 2020 and 1 May 2021. The search used
terms synonymous with “COVID-19”, “neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio”, “Severity”, and
“Mortality”. A detailed search term description is listed in the Supplementary Material
(Table S2).
Management of the collated studies was performed using the COVIDENCE systematic
review software (Veritas Health Innovation, Melbourne, Australia). The results were later
exported to Microsoft Excel. There were two rounds of screening for the selection of studies.
1. Title/abstract screening: Authors CB, SA, SP, and AP independently screened all the
articles as per the pre-agreed criteria and consulted with PAM if there was disagreement.
2. Full-text screening: Articles identified in Step 1 were moved to full-text screening.
Authors SP, RKP, and AP screened all articles independently. Articles eligible for
final inclusion included a sensitivity and specificity analysis of NLR in predicting the
severity and mortality of COVID-19. PAM was consulted for clarification and if there
was disagreement between operators.
After the selection of studies, the following data were extracted:
1. The surname of first author, year and month of publication, sample size, study location,
basic demographic data—i.e., mean age, gender, and comorbidities—and outcomes,
i.e., disease severity and mortality.
2. NLR values were recorded, along with their standard deviation, and categorized
based on mild or severe cases.
3. Sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve (AUC) data, ‘cut-off’ data for each outcome.
Data items were imported in a predefined format into Microsoft Excel. The risk of bias
in the included studies was accessed for individual articles using the Newcastle-Ottawa
Scale (NOS) [19].

2.4. Synthesis of Evidence

Meta-analysis was performed using Jamovi (v1.6, The jamovi project, SYD, AUS),
Review Manager (RevMan) [Computer program]. Version 5.4, The Cochrane Collaboration,
2020 and OpenMeta analyst v10.12 [20]. For studies without normal distribution, median
and interquartile range (IQR) were converted to mean and standard deviation (SD) using
the method described by Hozo et al. [21]. Pooled standardized mean difference (SMD),
along with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI), was calculated for the mean values of NLR
between groups using Der Simonian–Laird random effect models. Studentized residuals (a
division of the residual from the regression model with its standard deviation) and Cook’s
distances were also calculated. If the values were reported as dichotomized variables, risk
ratio (RR) was calculated. Due to the different definitions of severity among studies, a
separate analysis was performed for each of the individual subgroups. The various criteria
used for severity could be grouped under the following categories: (1) based on need
for invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV); (2) based on respiratory rate and oxygenation
(pulse oximetry or arterial blood gases), i.e., respiratory rate > 30 bpm, SpO2 < 93%, and
PaO2 /FiO2 ≤ 300 mmHg; (3) based on the need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission
only; (4) based on hematological parameters only; (5) based on radiological parameters
(Table S3).
Additionally, a subgroup analysis was performed to assess regional variations in
both severity and mortality outcomes according to the World Health Organization (WHO),
which divides the world into six WHO regions. A subgroup analysis was also conducted to
assess differences in the standardized mean differences in the two groups according study
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 4 of 21

design. A meta regression analysis was also performed to observe any association between
NLR and length of hospitalization.
A bivariate regression model with random effects was used to calculate sensitivity,
specificity, and diagnostic odds ratios (DORs). Furthermore, we generated a summary
receiver operating characteristic curve (SROC) to evaluate the collective accuracy of NLR.
Meta-regression analysis was performed based on length of hospitalization and other
probable confounders, such as age, gender, and comorbidities. This analysis was presented
as bubble plots. Heterogeneity was assessed with Cochran’s Q test and I2 statistic. Further-
more, the stability of the pooled data estimates was evaluated using leave-one-out analysis.
Publication bias and small study bias were tested using funnel plots, rank correlation test,
and Egger’s test. A trim and fill analysis was conducted to correct asymmetry around the
pooled estimates. A statistically significant difference was considered if two-tailed p < 0.05.

3. Results
A total of 225 citations were identified from various peer-reviewed databases from
1 January 2020 to 1 May 2021. After study screening and eligibility selection, we found
64 studies consisting of 15,683, which met all our criteria. They were further divided into
40 studies that compared NLR values in severe and non-severe disease and 25 articles that
compared NLR in the deceased and survivors. Twenty-five articles conducted an ROC
analysis for the prognostic value of NLR to predict severe disease and nineteen articles to
predict mortality outcomes (Figure 1). Most studies were retrospective and observational.
The majority of included studies were conducted in China (n = 44). The median risk of bias
score from NOS was found to be 7 (Tables 1 and S6).

Table 1. Table depicting the baseline characteristics of the included studies.

Sl. No. Study Country Study Design Year N NOS Score
1 Abrishami A et al. [22] Iran Prospective 2021 100 7
ROC analysis
2 Acar et al. [23] Turkey Prospective 2021 148 7
ROC analysis
3 Asghar et al. [24] Pakistan Retrospective 2020 100 Mortality 7
ROC analysis
4 Bastug A et al. [25] Turkey Retrospective 2020 191 7
ROC analysis
5 BG et al. [26] India Retrospective 2021 100 7
ROC analysis
6 Chen F et al. [27] China Retrospective 2020 681 7
ROC analysis
7 Chen L et al. [28] China Prospective 2020 1859 Mortality 9
Severity 9
8 Chen R et al. [29] China Retrospective 2020 548
9 Cheng B et al. [30] China Retrospective 2020 456 Mortality 8
ROC analysis
10 Ding X et al. [31] China Retrospective 2020 72 Severity 8
11 Fei M et al. [32] China Retrospective 2020 72 5
ROC analysis
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 5 of 21

Table 1. Cont.

Sl. No. Study Country Study Design Year N NOS Score
12 Fu J et al. [33] China Retrospective 2020 75 6
ROC analysis
13 Ghazanfari T et al. [34] Turkey Prospective 2021 93 ROC analysis 7
14 Gong J et al. [35] China Retrospective 2020 372 7
ROC analysis
15 Goya R L et al. [36] Spain Prospective 2020 501 6
ROC analysis
16 Guner R et al. [37] Turkey Prospective 2020 222 Severity 6
17 Güneysu F et al. [38] Turkey Retrospective 2020 169 7
ROC analysis
18 Hammad R et al. [39] Egypt Prospective 2021 64 7
ROC analysis
19 Hu H et al. [40] China Retrospective 2020 40 6
ROC analysis
20 Huang J et al. [41] China Retrospective 2020 299 Mortality 8
21 Kazancioglu S et al. [42] China Retrospective 2020 181 Severity 8
22 Kong M et al. [43] China Retrospective 2020 210 Severity 7
23 Li L et al. [44] China Retrospective 2020 93 Mortality 7
24 Liao D et al. [45] China Retrospective 2020 466 Severity 7
25 Lin S et al. [46] China Retrospective 2021 68 7
ROC analysis
26 Liu F et al. [47] China Retrospective 2020 134 8
ROC analysis
27 Liu J et al. [48] China Prospective 2020 115 7
ROC analysis
28 Liu YP et al. [49] China Retrospective 2020 84 8
ROC analysis
29 Liu Y [50] China Retrospective 2020 245 Mortality 7
30 Luo X et al. [51] China Retrospective 2020 298 8
ROC analysis
31 Ok F et al. [52] Turkey Prospective 2021 139 7
ROC analysis
32 Qin C et al. [53] China Retrospective 2020 452 Severity 5
33 Ramesh J et al. [54] India Retrospective 2021 154 ROC analysis 8
34 Sanchez A et al. [55] Mexico Prospective 2020 242 6
ROC analysis
35 Sayah W et al. [56] Algeria Prospective 2021 153 8
ROC analysis
36 Sayed A et al. [57] Saudi Arabia Retrospective 2021 951 7
ROC analysis
37 Seo J et al. [58] Korea Retrospective 2021 166 ROC analysis 7
38 Sepulchre E et al. [59] Belgium Retrospective 2020 198 Mortality 7
ROC analysis
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 6 of 21

Table 1. Cont.

Sl. No. Study Country Study Design Year N NOS Score
39 Shang W et al. [60] China Retrospective 2020 443 7
ROC analysis
40 Shi S et al. [61] China Prospective 2021 87 6
ROC analysis
41 Sun S et al. [62] China Prospective 2020 116 5
ROC analysis
42 Tatum et al. [63] USA Prospective 2020 125 6
ROC analysis
43 Ullah [64] USA Retrospective 2020 176 Mortality 6
44 Wang C et al. [65] China Retrospective 2020 45 7
ROC analysis
45 Wang F et al. [66] China Retrospective 2020 333 Severity 8
46 Wang K et al. [67] China Retrospective 2021 38 7
ROC analysis
47 Wang W et al. [68] China Retrospective 2020 123 7
ROC analysis
48 Wang X et al. [69] China Retrospective 2020 131 Severity 7
ROC analysis
49 Wu S et al. [70] China Retrospective 2020 270 7
ROC analysis
50 Xia X et al. [71] China Retrospective 2020 63 8
ROC analysis
51 Xie G et al. [72] China Retrospective 2020 324
ROC analysis 5
52 Xie L et al. [73] China Retrospective 2020 373 Severity 5
53 Xu J et al. [74] China Retrospective 2020 76 ROC analysis 5
54 Xue G et al. [75] China Retrospective 2020 114 7
ROC analysis
55 Yan X et al. [76] China Retrospective 2020 1004 8
ROC analysis
56 Yang AP et al. [77] China Retrospective 2020 93 7
ROC analysis
57 Yang Q et al. [78] China Retrospective 2020 226 Mortality 8
58 Yavuz B et al. [79] Turkey Retrospective 2021 113 9
ROC analysis
59 Ye W et al. [80] China Retrospective 2020 349 8
ROC analysis
60 Zhang N et al. [81] China Retrospective 2020 60 Mortality 6
61 Zhang S et al. [82] China Retrospective 2020 115 Mortality 7
62 Zhang Y et al. [83] China Retrospective 2020 115 Severity 7
63 Zhou Y et al. [84] China Retrospective 2020 442 Severity 7
64 Zhu Z et al. [85] China Retrospective 2020 127 Severity 5
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233
Vaccines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW  7 7of 
of 23 

Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart illustrating the process by which studies were mapped out. A total of 
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart illustrating the process by which studies were mapped out. A total of
224 records were identified, of which 64 were included in the study. * The sum of split studies does 
224 records were identified, of which 64 were included in the study. * The sum of split studies does
not have to equal 64, as some studies overlap in both mortality and severity aspects. 
not have to equal 64, as some studies overlap in both mortality and severity aspects.

3.1. Examination of the Relationship between NLR Values and COVID‐19 Severity 
3.1. Examination of the Relationship between NLR Values and COVID-19 Severity
AA total of 40 studies, consisting of 7332 patients, were analyzed in our review. The 
total of 40 studies, consisting of 7332 patients, were analyzed in our review. The
pooled SMDSMD calculation
calculation waswas completed
completed  using
using  the
the  Der
Der  Simonian–Laird
Simonian–Laird  random 
random effect 
models, which observed a value of 3.12 (95% CI: 2.64 to 3.59) between groups, with a range 
models, which observed a value of 3.12 (95% CI: 2.64 to 3.59) between groups, with a range
from 0.5224
from 0.5224 to
to 8.4856.
8.4856.  Even
Even  though
though  the 
the Q  test  showed
Q test showed  a a high 
high degree 
degree of 
of heterogenicity 
2 2
(1601.7471, p < 0.0001, tau² = 2.2841, I² = 97.5652%), the 95% prediction interval of the out‐
(1601.7471, p < 0.0001, tau ; = 2.2841, I ; = 97.5652%), the 95% prediction interval of the
comes  (ranging 
outcomes (ranging from  0.1156 
from to to6.1164) 
0.1156 6.1164)showed 
showedthat thatSMD 
from the 
the individual 
studies were generally similar to the pooled SMD estimates. A study by Chen R et al. [29] 
studies were generally similar to the pooled SMD estimates. A study by Chen R et al. [29] led
led to a large studentized residual value (<±3.2272), making it a potential outlier. Addi‐
to a large studentized residual value (<±3.2272), making it a potential outlier. Additionally,
tionally, an analysis of Cook’s distances also showed that the same study had the proba‐
an analysis of Cook’s distances also showed that the same study had the probability of
bility of being overly influential. However, removing this study from the analysis did not 
being overly influential. However, removing this study from the analysis did not lead

Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 8 of 21

to a significant difference in the pooled SMD values (2.97 [2.55, 3.40]) (Figure 2). Pooled
sensitivity and specificity data were calculated from the 21 studies included for the analysis.
The sensitivity estimate was 80.2% (95% CI: 74.0–85.2), while the specificity estimate was
Vaccines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW  9
  75.8% (95% CI 71.3–79.9). A SROC analysis was carried out, in which AUC was 0.833 while
the DOR was 13.63 (Figure 3A and Table 2).

Figure 2. Cont.
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 9 of 21

Vaccines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW  10  of  23 


Figure 2. Forest plot of 40 total studies indicates the pooled SMD calculation, which was performed 
using the Der Simonian–Laird random effect models, observing a value of 3.12 (95% CI: from 2.64 
to 3.59) between groups. 

Compared to the non‐severe group, patients with severe COVID‐19 were generally 
older and had a greater number of co‐morbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, 
and cardiovascular disease (Figure S6). 
Pooled sensitivity and specificity data were calculated from the 21 studies included 
in  the analysis.  Sensitivity estimates  were found  to  be 80.2% (95%  CI:  74.0–85.2),  while 
specificity estimates were 75.8% (95% CI 71.3–79.9). Summary receiver operating charac‐
Figure 2. Forest plot of 40 total studies indicates the pooled SMD calculation, which was performed
teristic (SROC) analysis was carried out, in which AUC was 0.833 while the Diagnostic   
  using the Der Simonian–Laird random effect models, observing a value of 3.12 (95% CI: from 2.64 to
Odds Ratio was 13.63 (Table 2). The calculation of subgroup analysis at an NLR severity 
3.59) between groups.
cut‐off value of 4.5 showed similar AUC (0.834 and 0.833) (Table 3). 

Figure 3. Summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC) curve, which analyzes the pooled area
Figure 3. Summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC) curve, which analyzes the pooled area 
under the curve (AUC) for COVID-19-related outcomes. (A) The pooled AUC for severity studies
under the curve (AUC) for COVID‐19‐related outcomes. (A) The pooled AUC for severity studies 
was 0.833. (B) The pooled AUC for mortality studies was 0.820. The ∆ stands for individual study
was 0.833. (B) The pooled AUC for mortality studies was 0.820. The  stands for individual study 
data points while the O stands for summary estimates.
data points while the  stands for summary estimates. 

Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 10 of 21

Table 2. Sensitivity, specificity, AUC and DOR analyses of NLR for predicting disease severity and
mortality in patients with COVID-19.

Categories No. of Studies p-Value Estimates AUC DOR

NLR for predicting disease mortality
Sensitivity 0.013 78.8% (95% CI: 73.5–83.2)
19 0.820 11.483
Specificity <0.001 73.0% (95% CI: 68.4–77.1)
NLR for predicting disease severity
Sensitivity <0.001 80.2% (95% CI: 74.0–85.2)
21 0.833 13.63
Specificity <0.001 75.8% (95% CI 71.3–79.9)

Different studies used varying definitions of severity. Five definitions of severity were
used, and three studies did not define how they classified the disease as severe. A subgroup
analysis of severity observed that NLR was significantly associated with severity for each
of the definition criteria used. Even with different definitions, the effect estimates remained
in the same direction as the estimated average outcome, ranging between SMD 5.64 [0.03,
11.25] and 1.99 [0.32, 3.65]. The most common severity criteria were based on oxygen status
(21 studies, 3748 participants), which had an SMD of 2.76 [2.28, 3.24], followed by IMV
(9 studies, 1514 participants), which had an SMD of 3.05 [2.25, 3.86], which was very close
to the total estimated SMD of 3.12 [2.64, 3.59] (Figure S1A).
Subgroup analysis for COVID-19 disease severity and NLR estimates according to the
different WHO regions showed that most of the studies were conducted in the Western
Pacific Region (WPR), i.e., n = 31 with 5464 patients. This subgroup had an SMD of 3.07
[2.63, 3.52] and accounted for the highest weight (77.4%) among the subgroups. At the
time of writing this review, a limited number of studies were available from the rest of the
world, with an SMD ranging from 2.14 [0.90, 3.39] to 5.13 [2.88, 7.38] (Figure S1B).
There were minimal differences in estimated average standardized mean difference be-
tween the two subgroups when they were analyzed based on retrospective and prospective
study design (SMD: 3.10 [2.59, 3.62] vs. 3.17 [2.13, 4.21]) (Figure S10).
Compared to the non-severe group, patients with severe COVID-19 were generally
older and had a greater number of co-morbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
and cardiovascular disease (Figure S6).
Pooled sensitivity and specificity data were calculated from the 21 studies included in
the analysis. Sensitivity estimates were found to be 80.2% (95% CI: 74.0–85.2), while speci-
ficity estimates were 75.8% (95% CI 71.3–79.9). Summary receiver operating characteristic
(SROC) analysis was carried out, in which AUC was 0.833 while the Diagnostic Odds Ratio
was 13.63 (Table 2). The calculation of subgroup analysis at an NLR severity cut-off value
of 4.5 showed similar AUC (0.834 and 0.833) (Table 3).

Table 3. Subgroup analysis of NLR cut-offs for COVID-19 severity and mortality.

Categories No. of Studies Sensitivity Specificity AUC OR

Subgroup A (NLR cut off < 4.5) 13 81.9% 74.1% 0.834 13.032
Subgroup B (NLR cut off > 4.5) 8 80.0% 75.9% 0.833 13.511
Subgroup A (NLR cut off < 6.5) 10 79.8% 65.6% 0.800 7.585
Subgroup B (NLR cut off > 6.5) 9 78.6% 73.4% 0.854 15.581

Meta-regression analysis was conducted to ascertain the association between NLR

values and severity in COVID-19. These were presented as bubble plots. This analysis
showed us that the NLR values of patients were not influenced by age (p = 0.893), cardio-
vascular diseases (p = 0.259), diabetes mellitus (p = 0.545) or hypertension (p = 0.104). Both
the rank correlation and Egger’s regression tests indicated potential funnel plot asymmetry
(p = 0.0287 and p = 0.0122, respectively) (Figure 4A). However, the trim and fill test did not
Meta-regression analysis was conducted to ascertain the association between NLR
values and severity in COVID-19. These were presented as bubble plots. This analysis
showed us that the NLR values of patients were not influenced by age (p = 0.893), cardio-
vascular diseases (p = 0.259), diabetes mellitus (p = 0.545) or hypertension (p = 0.104). Both
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233
the rank correlation and Egger’s regression tests indicated potential funnel plot asym- 11 of 21
metry (p = 0.0287 and p = 0.0122, respectively) (Figure 4A). However, the trim and fill test
did not impute any studies. Leave-one-out analyses demonstrated limited variations in
the pooled estimates (max = 2.944, min = 2.737).
impute any studies. Leave-one-out analyses demonstrated limited variations in the pooled
estimates (max = 2.944, min = 2.737).


Vaccines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW  12  of  23 


Figure 4. (A) Publication bias analysis of all included studies for severity using the funnel plot
Figure 4. (A) Publication bias analysis of all included studies for severity using the funnel plot indi‐
cates a potential publication bias. (B) Publication bias analysis of all included studies for mortality 
indicates a potential publication bias. (B) Publication bias analysis of all included studies for mortality
using the funnel plot indicates a potential publication bias. 
using the funnel plot indicates a potential publication bias.

3.2. Examination of the Relationship between NLR Values and COVID-19 Mortality
3.2. Examination of the Relationship between NLR Values and COVID‐19 Mortality 
A total
total of 25 studies consisting 
of 25 studies  consistingof  of8351 patients 
8351 patientswere 
were analyzed
analyzed  in our review. The
in our review. The 
pooled SMDSMD  calculation was conducted 
calculation  was  conductedusing  usingthe 
Simonian–Laird random
random  effect
models, which observed a value of 4.61 (95% CI: 2.64 to 6.58) between groups with a range
models, which observed a value of 4.61 (95% CI: 2.64 to 6.58) between groups with a range 
from −2.6662 to 19.0655. Even though the Q test showed a high degree of heterogenicity
from −2.6662 to 19.0655. Even though the Q test showed a high degree of heterogenicity 
2 ; = 22.2171, I2 ; = 99.7027%), the 95% prediction interval of the
(5347.8816, pp << 0.0001,
(5347.8816, 0.0001,  tau
tau²  =  22.2171,  I²  =  99.7027%),  the  95%  prediction  interval  of  the 
outcomes (ranging from −4.8323 to 14.0613) showed that, although the SMD obtained from
outcomes (ranging from −4.8323 to 14.0613) showed that, although the SMD obtained from 
the individual studies were generally similar to the pooled SMD estimates, a few studies 
the individual studies were generally similar to the pooled SMD estimates, a few studies
may have reported a negative true outcome. A study by Yan X et al. [76] showed a large 
may have reported a negative true outcome. A study by Yan X et al. [76] showed a large
studentized residual value (<± 3.0521), making it a potential outlier. Additionally, analysis 
of Cook’s distances also showed that the same study had the probability of being overly 
influential. However, the removal of this study from the analysis did not show a signifi‐
cant difference in the pooled SMD values (3.93 (95% CI: 2.35, 5.50)) (Figure 5). There were 
three studies [50,63,64] with dichotomized NLR values for which we calculated relative 
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 12 of 21

studentized residual value (<± 3.0521), making it a potential outlier. Additionally, analysis
of Cook’s distances also showed that the same study had the probability of being overly
influential. However, the removal of this study from the analysis did not show a significant
difference in the pooled SMD values (3.93 (95% CI: 2.35, 5.50)) (Figure 5). There were three
studies [50,63,64] with dichotomized NLR values for which we calculated relative risk. The
Vaccines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW  14  of  23
  analysis found that there was an increased risk (RR 2.74; 95% CI 0.98–7.66) of mortality in
those with raised NLR when compared to those with normal NLR (Figure S8).

Figure 5. Forest Plot of 22 total studies indicates the pooled SMD calculation that was performed
Figure 5. Forest Plot of 22 total studies indicates the pooled SMD calculation that was performed
using the Der Simonian–Laird random effect models, observing a value of 4.61 (95% CI: 2.64 to
using the Der Simonian–Laird random effect models, observing a value of 4.61 (95% CI: 2.64 to 6.59)
6.59) between groups. The squares indicate individual effect size while the diamond indicates the
between groups. The squares indicate individual effect size while the diamond indicates the sum‐
summary effect size.mary effect size. 

Pooled sensitivity and specificity data were calculated from the 19 studies included for
the analysis. The sensitivity estimate was 78.8% (95% CI: 73.5–83.2%), while the specificity
estimate was 73.0% (95% CI: 68.4–77.1%). A SROC analysis was carried out, in which AUC
was 0.820 while the DOR was 11.483 (95% CI: 7.814–16.875) (Figure 3B and Table 2). The

Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 13 of 21

calculation of subgroup analysis at an NLR cut-off value of 6.5 showed that those studied
with an NLR cut-off of > 6.5 had significantly higher odds of mortality than those with
a cut-off < 6.5 (DOR: 15.5 vs. 7.5) (Table 3). The association between NLR and mortality
in COVID-19 was also unaffected by age (p = 0.134), cardiovascular diseases (p = 0.222),
diabetes mellitus (p = 0.091), or hypertension (p = 0.986) (Figure S7). While checking for
publication bias, we found funnel plot asymmetry (p = 0.0129) (Figure 4B) but the rank
correlation test (p = 0.1439) was not significant. Furthermore, trim and fill analysis did not
impute any studies.
Subgroup analysis of COVID-19-associated mortality for NLR estimates according to
the different observed WHO regions showed that most of the studies were conducted in
the Western Pacific Region (WPR), i.e., n = 13 with 6182 patients. This subgroup had an
SMD of 6.39 [4.22, 8.57] and accounted for the highest weight (59%) among the subgroups.
A limited number of studies are available from the rest of the world with an SMD ranging
from −1.05 [−1.52, −0.57] to 6.39 [4.22, 8.57] (Figure S2). There were minimal differences
in the estimated average standardized mean difference between the two subgroups when
they were analyzed based on a retrospective and prospective study design (SMD: 4.54 [2.45,
6.63] vs. 4.85 [2.33, 7.38]) (Figure S12). A meta-analysis of the relationship between NLR and
length of hospitalization was conducted. It was found that, even though an increased
Vaccines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW  15  of  23  NLR
value led to a longer hospital stay, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.061) (Figure 6).

Figure  6.  Meta  regression  analysis  presented  as  bubble  plot  performed  to  assess  the  relationship 
Figure 6. Meta regression analysis presented as bubble plot performed to assess the relationship
between the length of hospital stay and NLR value on admission. The blue line indicates the regres‐
between the length of hospital stay and NLR value on admission. The blue line indicates the
sion line while grey shadow indicate the 95% CI. 
regression line while grey shadow indicate the 95% CI.
4. Discussion 
In this systematic review, a meta‐analysis of sixty‐four studies comprising 16,205 pa‐
tients, we evaluated the role of NLR on admission in the management of COVID‐19 pa‐
tients. Our meta‐analysis showed that lower NLR values were correlated with a lower risk 
of severity and COVID‐19‐related mortality. NLR was found to be a consistent biomarker 
for  predicting  both  disease  severity  (AUC  =  0.833,  SEN  =  80.2%  and  SPE  =  75.8%)  and 
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 14 of 21

4. Discussion
In this systematic review, a meta-analysis of sixty-four studies comprising 16,205 pa-
tients, we evaluated the role of NLR on admission in the management of COVID-19 patients.
Our meta-analysis showed that lower NLR values were correlated with a lower risk of
severity and COVID-19-related mortality. NLR was found to be a consistent biomarker
for predicting both disease severity (AUC = 0.833, SEN = 80.2% and SPE = 75.8%) and
mortality (AUC = 0.820, SEN = 78.8% and SPE = 73.0%) in COVID-19. A novelty of this
study was subgroup classification based on severity criteria and region, both of which
did not yield statistically significant differences between subgroups. We also found no
significant relationship between the length of hospitalization and NLR values on admission.
Our study also showed that the relationship between NLR and COVID-19 outcomes was
independent of age and comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases,
and hypertension.
The severity and mortality of COVID-19 is correlated with the extensive infiltration of
neutrophils in the lung and neutrophil numbers in the peripheral blood, and the magnitude
of neutrophilia is suggestive of the intensity of inflammatory responses [86]. Additionally,
studies have shown that COVID-19 primarily affects CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells. We see that
the development of lymphopenia is largely due to its diminished CD8+ T count during the
first week of the disease [87].
NLR was first proposed as a prognostic marker in critically ill patients, as it correlated
well with Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) scoring and
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (SOFA score) [88]. It is a marker of systemic
inflammation, which is used in conditions such as tumors, pancreatitis, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), and cardiovascular disease. It has also been used in the prog-
nosis of infectious diseases, such as influenza virus infection and Middle East respiratory
syndrome (MERS) [11,12].
Apart from the criteria used for COVID-19 disease stratification, there are other clini-
cal scoring systems, which include the most widely used APACHE II scoring, COVID-19
Critical Illness Prediction Tool (COVID-GRAM), SOFA score and Comorbidity, Age, Lym-
phocyte Count, Lactate Dehydrogenase score (CALL score) [89]. However, the drawback of
some of these clinical scoring systems, such as the APACHE II and COVID-GRAM, is that
they have more than ten variables, some of which rely on advanced laboratory tests such as
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), serum electrolytes, and arterial pH. Other biomarkers, such
as interleukin-6, D-dimer levels, C-reactive protein (CRP) and Soluble urokinase plasmino-
gen activator receptor (suPAR), are expensive and inaccessible, which makes it difficult to
use in healthcare settings in Low and Low–Middle Income Countries (LICs/LMICs) with
constrained capacity and resources. Hence, simpler tools for predicting COVID-19 severity
and mortality, such as NLR, have the advantage of having a quicker turn-around and being
inexpensive [90–92].
At the time of writing this manuscript, a few other reviews have evaluated NLR as
a prognostic indicator [13–16]. This review includes almost twice the number of studies
compared to other published reviews, which increased the comprehensiveness of the
review. All the other reviews used only oxygenation-based severity criteria, while our
review used different severity criteria, and we performed subgroup analysis to analyze
SMD in the various criteria used. Criteria based on the need for IMV and respiratory rate
and oxygenation showed the closest approximation to the total estimate (Figure S1A).
The standardized mean difference in NLR values was calculated in only one other
review [14], which we observed to occur in the same direction as our study. However,
we observed that the NLR values that best predicted severity and mortality outcomes
were higher in our study. This may be because our analysis incorporated different severity
criteria and included a larger number of studies. There is no consensus on the optimal
‘cut-off’ value for NLR, to predict clinically relevant outcomes, especially for COVID-19.
In determining the optimal ‘cut-off’ value, this review of 21 studies that identified cut-
off values for NLR showed a wide range, between 2.306 [69] and 13.4 [65], in predicting
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 15 of 21

severity, and 19 studies observed NLR values ranging from 3.2 [30] to 12.0 [55] for predicting
mortality. There may be an ethnic-demographical element to these inconsistencies, and
NLR is known to be affected by them [17]. We need more studies analyzing these cut-off
values and their relationship with these population subgroups.
A region-wise stratification of studies reporting NLR for outcomes is a novelty to this
review. One region (Western Pacific Region) contributed the largest percentage of studies
(Figures S1B and S2). We found a large variation between the various WHO regions in
terms of both severity and mortality outcomes. Previous studies have demonstrated that
NLR values are also determined by race and ethnicity [17]. Additionally, none of the studies
have adjusted for the confounding effects of factors such as tobacco smoking, which are
known to influence NLR values [93]. We need a greater number of studies from different
WHO regions to further investigate these findings.
We found that the sensitivity and specificity analysis performed by three other sys-
tematic reviews was in close approximation to our review, with an AUC ranging from
0.81 to 87, with similar NLR cut-off ranges (mortality from 6 to 6.5 and severity from 4 to
4.5) [13,15,16]. Interestingly, similar to two other reviews, our analysis also found that a
higher cut-off value of NLR (>6.5) had more than twice the odds ratio than those with a
low cut-off value (<6.5) when predicting mortality [13,16].
NLR values have been reported to vary with age, sex, and underlying comorbid
conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension [17,94–96].
Although most studies in the systematic review showed a statistically significant difference
in the aforementioned factors between the groups, a meta-regression analysis illustrated
that the association between the severity and mortality of COVID-19 disease and NLR was
independent of age, sex, and underlying comorbid conditions, such as diabetes mellitus,
cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. A similar observation was reported in two
relatively smaller systematic reviews by Simadibrata et al. and Kumar et al. [13,14].
There are a few limitations to the currently available evidence. First, most of the
included studies were conducted in a single country, i.e., China. Second, data were mostly
from retrospective studies, which were prone to confounding factors. Third, even though
trim and fill analysis did not impute any studies, we found that there was a significant
publication bias in studies assessing both severity and mortality. Fourth, there is no
information on whether this patient was previously admitted to other hospitals, and
there was limited information on the time difference between the onset of syndromes
and the NLR sample being taken. Furthermore, no data were available on vaccination
status, treatment at the time of hospital admission, or confounders such as smoking. The
comorbidities assessed in most of the studies were limited to only a few major conditions.
Conditions such as obesity, chronic pulmonary disease and variations associated with
anti-inflammatory/immunomodulating therapy were not assessed. Finally, there was
considerable heterogeneity among the included studies, which was not identifiable.
The COVID-19 pandemic is currently in its third year. There are various vaccines
available for the disease, and the vaccination rates greatly differ from place to place [97–99].
Vaccination alters immune responses in COVID-19 patients, which may hamper the utility
and/or validity of using the NLR. However, a study performed by Mediu et al., which eval-
uated NLR values in vaccinated patients, showed that there was no statistical significance
between cases and controls [100]. In the future, we need further large-scale, prospective
studies to clinically validate a more exact NLR cut-off. There is a need to conduct these
studies in various other demographics to assess ethnic and racial differences. We would
also need to account and adjust for the date of NLR collection and the duration of symp-
toms, treatment at the time of hospitalization and other potential confounders. Lastly,
the pandemic has also seen a shift in the clinical evaluation of patients with the onset of
telemedicine and remote counselling [101]. Thus, there is a need to also assess the best
markers to accommodate the changing healthcare scenario.
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 16 of 21

5. Conclusions
NLR is a useful assessment tool to map out COVID-19-related disease severity and
mortality outcomes. Embedding NLR into routine clinical management can help clinicians
to identify potentially severe cases earlier, and facilitate risk stratification to initiate prompt
therapeutic intervention. We observed that NLR >6.5 is associated with significantly greater
the odds of mortality. There is a need for further studies that focus on obtaining a clinically
relevant cut-off value that may potentially improve clinical outcomes and reduce overall
COVID-19-related mortality.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www., Table S1: Prisma Checklist, Table S2: Search strategy
terms and results, Table S3: Identification of various severity criteria for studies, Table S4: The character-
istics of the included studies comparing severe and non-severe COVID-19 patients, Table S5: The charac-
teristics of included studies, comparing survivors and non-survivors of COVID-19, Table S6: Risk of
bias assessment of all included studies using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS), Figure S1A: Forest
plot of studies comparing severe disease with non-severe disease, stratified by severity criteria,
Figure S1B: Forest plot of studies comparing severe disease with non-severe disease, stratified by
WHO region, Figure S2: Forest plot of studies comparing non-survivors with survivors, stratified
by WHO region, Figure S3A: Forest plot of the NLR odds for predicting disease severity in patients
with COVID-19, Figure S3B: Forest plot of NLR odds for predicting disease mortality in patients
with COVID-19, Figure S4A: Forest plot showing NLR’s sensitivity for predicting disease severity in
patients with COVID-19, Figure S4B: Forest plot showing NLR’s specificity for predicting disease
severity in patients with COVID-19, Figure S5: Forest plot showing diagnostic odds ratio (DOR)
of NLR for predicting disease severity in patients with COVID-19, Figure S6: Forest plot show-
ing sensitivity and specificity of NLR for predicting disease mortality in patients with COVID-19,
Figure S7: Forest plot showing sensitivity and specificity of NLR for predicting disease mortality
in patients with COVID-19, Figure S8: Forest Plot using the random-effects model, showing the
association between NLR value on admission and all-cause mortality risk, Figure S9: Bubble plot
for meta-regression in studies with severity outcome, Figure S10: Bubble plot for meta-regression
in studies with mortality outcome, Figure S11: Forest plot of studies comparing severe disease
with non-severe disease, stratified by study design, Figure S12: Forest plot of studies comparing
non-survivors with survivors, stratified by region.
Author Contributions: M.P.A., K.G., S.U. and A.P. were involved in conceptualizing the research
idea and creating the research design. A.P., S.P., S.A., C.K.B. were involved in the acquisition of data
and analysis. A.P., S.P., S.A., C.K.B., M.P.A., S.U., K.G. and M.T.K. were involved in the interpretation
of data, and verified the underlying data. A.P., S.P., S.A. and C.K.B. were involved in drafting the
manuscript for intellectual content. M.P.A., M.T.K., S.U. and K.G. were involved in critical revision of
the manuscript for intellectual content. A.P., M.P.A., M.T.K., S.U. and K.G. managed the submission
process. All the authors had full access to all the data in the study. They take responsibility for the
integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The study was supported by the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation (S.U.: 20210548; K.G.:
20200776). M.P.A. was supported by the Wellcome Trust, Grant No. IA/TS-G/19/1/600026.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not Applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not Applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All the data generated or analyzed during this study are included in
this published article and are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. This
review was registered on the PROSPERO database (CRD42021252100).
Conflicts of Interest: The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses,
or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Vaccines 2022, 10, 1233 17 of 21

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