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2023 F CMPS260 OAON Voortman Mark

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Pittsburgh, PA 15222

SYLLABUS for CMPS260 - Data Structures

Fall 2023 OAON 15 Week

Credits: 3
Prerequisites: CMPS 162.
Instructor: Mark Voortman (pronouns: he/him)
Office Location: The West Penn Building, Room 1303
Office Phone: 412-392-6152
Office Hours: Monday 4-6pm virtual, Tuesday 4-6pm in person, or by appointment
Response Time: Will typically respond to inquiries within a 24-hour time period and grading and feedback
will be provided within a week after the due date.
Department: Business Analytics and Technology, Rowland School of Business
Department Office: 13th Floor, West Penn Hall
Department Phone: 412-392-8020 or 412-392-8023
Class Meeting: None - None on None
Class Location: None
Course Description:
In this course fundamental data structures will be explored that are indispensable when programming.
Some major areas are objects, lists, arrays, stacks, queues, and more. Tradeoffs in terms of computational
complexity and operations on these data structures are also discussed. Prerequisites: CMPS 162.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
(1) Describe what kinds of data structures exist.
(2) Identify when these data structures are applicable.
(3) Compare data structures.
(4) Perform operations on these data structures.
(5) Have some familiarity with the computational complexity tradeoffs.
(6) Model basic data structures with a programming language.

This is a 15 Week Online course.
Please see the end of the syllabus for the detailed course schedule and assignments.


Title: Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition Author: Loiane Groner
Publisher Information: © 2016 Packt Publishing, 323 pages
ISBN: 978-1785285493
We will use several online resources that you will be referred to in class.

The following citation formats are in widespread use (see below for any specific course requirements, if any):
APA: American Psychological Association. (2010) Publication manual of the American Psychological Asso-
ciation (6th ed.). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association Press.
MLA: The Modern Language Association of America. MLA Handbook. 9th Ed., Modern Language Associ-
ation of America, 2021.

All course syllabi, related content, and interaction will take place using Point Park University’s learning
management system, Canvas. This tool can be accessed via your secure student login at https://pointpark. For problems or questions related to login issues, contact the university helpdesk at (412)
392-3494 or by e-mailing them at
Students are expected to have a basic working knowledge of computers, internet use, and word processing.
Students are required to have reliable internet access and are responsible for purchasing and maintaining
their own technology.
To help ensure any desktop or laptop you purchase is compatible with Point Park University’s systems, the
suggested specifications are listed below.
Microsoft Windows Computers:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 or higher
Processor: Intel Core i3
Video Memory: 256MB or higher
Hard Disk Space: 150 GB
Network: Wi-Fi Capabilities and/or Wired Ethernet Adapter (100/1000MB)
Video Conferencing Capabilities: Webcam and a microphone/headset
Apple Macintosh Computers:
Macintosh specifications should match the above information as closely as possible and should be either an
Intel-based or M7 model, running OS X 13.0 or higher.
Chromebooks and Tablets:
Please note that if you elect to use a Google Chromebook or an Android/IOS tablet, that you may not be
able to install or access some textbook publisher plugins, as well as other third-party applications required
for your course. Students are responsible for checking their device’s hardware/software compatibility at the
start of the term.
Point Park University uses the most current Microsoft Office products for documents and files. Therefore,
students must be able to create and open files in the standard Microsoft Office 2010 or greater format
Students have free access to Microsoft Office 365. This includes access to the online web applications, and
you can download the full version of the applications on up to 5 devices, and to access the programs on the
internet. For information on Office 365, please contact the IT Help Desk at or
(412) 392-3494. Students also are required to have a PDF viewer software installed, such as Adobe Acrobat
Reader, Foxit Reader, or Preview (Macintosh computers only).
• Login Page ( )
• Username and Password are the same as your Point Park e-mail address.


All students are required to complete an e-Portfolio on (or program specific approved
alternative). You are encouraged to continue to work on the portfolio each semester as you progress through

your program, by uploading at least one document from every class. As a reminder, you will be required to
present your current e-Portfolio in BMGT 280-Business Career Prep or SAEM 250-SAEM Career Prep and
your full e-Portfolio in your Senior Capstone course (BMGT 481, CMPS 480, HRM 420, 400-level PADM
course, or SAEM 480). The purpose of the e-Portfolio is two-fold: 1) It will provide you with an added edge
in seeking work. By sharing the link with potential employers, they will be able to gain a greater sense of
your capabilities and the work you have done. 2) It will allow the degree program to assess itself to see if it
has fulfilled the desired program outcomes.


Students are expected to complete all assignments according to the due dates and to submit work that
meets defined criteria. If any assignments are late or missing, the final course grade may be affected. In
determining the final course grade, the weight of each “type” of assignment will be as follows:
Points will be translated to letter grades in the following manner:
93 - 100 % = A
90 - 92 % = A-
87 - 89 % = B+
83 - 86 % = B
80 - 82 % = B-
77 - 79 % = C+
73 - 76 % = C
70 - 72 % = C-
60 - 69 % = D
59 % & Below = F
Active class participation and reaching out for help when necessary is incentivized as, at the discretion of
the instructor, it could result in your grade being rounded up by one level (e.g., from C+ to B-) at the end
of the course.


The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires all courses must align provide the same amount of
instructional time as a traditional in-person course. For a 3-credit course, the activities must add up to a
total of 42 hours plus 2 hours of examination time. The breakdown of the equivalent instructional activities
is as follows:


a. All papers should be submitted electronically through Canvas.
b. Papers should always have a title section listing assignment, date, course and instructor.
c. All pages (after the first) should be numbered correctly.
d. As necessary: label different sections of the paper.
e. Please pay attention to spelling, grammar, gender-free language and overall neatness.
f. Use spell check and proofread your papers! Have someone else read it to make sure it makes sense and
to help catch typos.
g. Without exception, NO late papers will be accepted without the prior approval of the professor. An
assignment is late if it is not submitted in class the day it is due.
h. Being absent from class is not an excuse for submitting a late assignment. It is the student’s respon-
sibility to contact the instructor and submit work when the late submission is caused by an illness or
an excused absence.
i. You will receive a zero for any late papers.

• Be respectful of others in class and turn cell phones to vibrate.
• Do NOT text during class. Put the phone away and save it for the break.
• It is allowable to eat and drink in the classroom, if discrete. Refrain from crinkling papers, snapping
gum, and other distracting behavior.
• The use of laptops, phones and iPads for taking notes is allowable in the classroom, if it does not
become a distraction to other classmates. Do NOT surf the web, check emails, instant message, etc.
in the classroom. If the teacher observes inconsiderate laptop etiquette, use in the classroom by all
students may be suspended.
• Do NOT wear hats in the classroom.


a) UNIVERSITY LIBRARY All of the library’s electronic resources are available 24/7 from off campus
through PointCat using their e-mail username and password. Students can immediately contact a librarian
all the hours the library is open via phone, e-mail, instant messenger (LibChat widget is on our webpage, so
students do not have to download any software), or by texting the library at 412-444-7333.
Detailed information on the University Library is available on the Library’s Website. Questions should be
directed to Library@PointPark.Edu.

b) ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES: It is the intention of Point Park University to provide appropriate,

reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities
Amendments Act of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All accommodations are
coordinated through the Office of Accessibility Services.
Detailed information on how to submit your accommodation request, visit the Office of Accessibility Services
website. Questions should be directed to Accessibility@PointPark.Edu.

c) TUTORING SERVICES AND WRITING CENTER: Point Park Tutoring Services provides
professional and peer tutors for students who seek assistance with their coursework. Students may also
receive guidance on effective study strategies, organization and time management, note-taking techniques,
and exam preparation. We offer both online and in-person assistance, so select appointment today through
Point Park’s tutor-scheduling software online. Assistance with writing or reviewing academic papers is
available through the Writing Center.
Detailed information on the services available, visit the Tutoring website. Questions should be directed to
Tutoring@PointPark.Edu or call (412) 392-8132.

d) WELLNESS SUPPORT: It is important for you to take care of yourself throughout the semester.
Your well-being is essential for your ability to achieve your academic goals and overcome challenges that life
can bring. There are many helpful and free resources available through Point Park University, so please visit
the Student Well-Being and Support website.
In addition, if you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings
like anxiety or depression, you are strongly encouraged to seek support. Contact the University Counseling
Center at 412-392-3977 and follow this link to the website.
*If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or in danger of self-harm, call someone immediately, day or
night at the Resolve Crisis Network: 888-796-8226.


As outlined in the Federal Student Aid Handbook, students must actively participate in an “academic
activity” within the first week of class to receive their Federal Financial Aid.

To be counted as actively participating, it is not sufficient to log in and just view the course. The student
must take part in an “academically related” activity. The following activities are considered “academically
1. Student submission of an academic assignment or quiz.
2. Documented student participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction.
3. A posting by the student in a discussion forum showing the student’s participation in an online discus-
sion about academic matters.
4. An email from the student or other documentation showing that the student-initiated contact with a
faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course (Examples of topics
whose discussion would not qualify a student as participating in a given course include but are not
limited to: plans about submitting assignments, requests for extensions on deadlines for assignments,
notifications of illness, or inquiries about purchasing course materials.)
Any student who has not actively participated in any class within the first week of the term will be admin-
istratively withdrawn from the class. In turn, they will not be charged, and their Financial Aid will not be
dispersed. Questions regarding this federal policy can be directed to FinancialAid@PointPark.Edu.

a) LATE ASSIGNMENTS: The University does not have mandated policy pertaining to the acceptance
of late or missing coursework. Please check the “Getting Started” section of your course to confirm what
your individual instructor’s policy is.

b) ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance and participation policies for each course, as defined by the
instructor in the course syllabus, are considered a part of the University’s attendance policy.
Student Responsibilities:
Students are encouraged to adopt schedules that maximize their participation and to interact with their
instructors and fellow classmates. Students should also coordinate with instructors to complete missed
assignments and obtain classroom materials, and instructions.
Notification of Extended and Serious Illness:
Students who miss class for serious and extended illnesses may request the assistance of the Student Health
and Counseling office in notifying their faculty members. The responsibility of arranging to make up missed
assignments or to submit assignments late belongs to the student. Participation in certain University events
and/or work-related travel may, at the discretion of the faculty member, constitute an excused absence.



The most current University Policies including Academic Integrity, Course Withdrawal, Grade Appeals,
Leave of Absence, Accreditation, Non-discrimination and Accessibility, etc., can be located in the Under-
graduate and Graduate Course Catalogs on the University website.

a) NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: This policy affirms Point Park University’s commitment to

non-discrimination, equal opportunity, and the pursuit of diversity. Point Park University does not discrim-
inate on the basis of: sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, age (40 years and over), ancestry,
individuals with disabilities, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, height, weight, ge-
netic information, marital status, caregiver status, or familial status, in the administration of any of its
educational programs, activities, or with respect to employment or admission to the University’s educational
programs and activities.

b) WITHDRAWAL GRADE POLICY: The grade of “W” (Withdrawal) is awarded in cases where
unusual circumstances render the successful completion of coursework impossible for an indefinite period.
A “W” grade requires the completion of a Course Withdrawal Form, supplied by the student (available on
Pointweb) and signed by the instructor.
In 8-week classes, a “W” may be given until the end of the fifth week of the quarter. However, in accelerated
programs, “W” grades are usually not advisable. Should a “W” be placed on a student’s record, it remains a
permanent part of that record. International students must contact the University’s Director of International
Students before initiating a course withdrawal. Because current and future financial aid may be jeopardized
by processing a “W” or “F,” students are advised to consult the Office of Financial Aid prior to completing
the transaction.

c) INCOMPLETE GRADE POLICY: A student who does not complete a course by the end of the
term may request and may be granted, at the faculty member’s discretion, an “I” (Incomplete). The “I”
in a given course must be completed within a period of time set by the faculty member. This time period
may not exceed one year from the end of the semester in which the course was taken. An Incomplete Grade
Request Form detailing the conditions under which the “I” is permitted must be signed by both the student
and the faculty member. If the agreed upon conditions are not fulfilled, the “I” grade will be changed to
the grade stipulated in section V of the Incomplete Grade Request Form. If no grade is stipulated, the “I”
will be changed to an “F.” The student is responsible for contacting the faculty member and ensuring that
all expectations in regard to removal of an “I” grade and the completion of a change of grade form are met.
The faculty member will complete the change of grade form when all expectations are met.

d) GRADE APPEAL PROCESS: Point Park University has a specific process for appealing grades,
which is outlined in our Course Catalogs. To review the process for grade appeals, please select the correct
catalog based on your student status.

e) PLAGIARISM POLICY: Academic dishonesty runs counter to the goals, ideals and mission of
Point Park University and will not be tolerated. Students found guilty of plagiarism and/or other academic
dishonesty may be dismissed from the University.
Punishment for plagiarism or other academic dishonesty may include failure in an assignment,
failure in a course, or expulsion from the University. The Office of the University Registrar will notify the
student involved in the incident by letter and copy of the Academic Integrity Violation Form.
Any facts which are not common knowledge and not widely disseminated locally must be credited to the
source from which they came. All phraseology purported to be original must be the student’s. If at any time
the student’s language is identical with that of the source, the latter must be identified.
Besides plagiarism, other forms of academic dishonesty carrying the same penalties for the same reasons
include, but are not limited to:
1. fabricating data, evidence, facts, including but not limited to laboratory results and journalistic inter-
views or observations;
2. obtaining prohibited assistance from another student, regardless of whether that other student is aware
of it, by looking at another student’s paper (in or out of class) during a quiz, exam, or during work on
an assignment;
3. turning in the same work in two or more different courses, regardless of whether the two courses are
taught by the same professor, in the same degree program, or even at the same institution, without
explicit prior approval from both instructors, because students should not obtain credit twice for doing
work once;
4. forging or altering documentation of an illness and/or absence that has been requested or required by
an instructor.
In cases of marked disparity between in-class and out-of-class work, the student will receive a grade no
higher than the average of that student’s in-class work unless it can be demonstrated that the student
received no improper assistance on the out-of-class work.

Note: The previously mentioned general principles about plagiarism apply primarily to writing but may apply
as well to other kinds of academic work in disciplines such as mathematics, science, technology, business,
computer science, and performing arts. For specific conventions and ways of avoiding plagiarism in these
disciplines, check with your instructor.

f) ONLINE DISCUSSION GUIDELINES: (Only applicable for fully online courses.)

Asynchronous discussion enhances learning as you share your ideas, perspectives, and experiences with the
class. You will develop and refine your thoughts through the writing process. We are a learning community,
and you will all learn from each other. Following are some guidelines:
• Use a clear descriptive subject line for each post. Even in threads with auto-generated subject lines,
you can change the text.
• It takes time for discussions to build. Return to discussions several times throughout the week.
• Stick to one topic for each thread of discussion. If you want to introduce a new concept, start a new
• If responding to a previous post, briefly re-state or quote the text.
• Expand on discussion contributions beyond “I agree.”
• Use correct spelling and grammar.
• Write posts in a style that encourages interaction and develops a meaningful dialogue.
• Integrate references to the course readings into your comments and include reference citations.
In addition, the following guidelines for Internet etiquette will enhance all courses:
• Show professionalism and courtesy.
• Use a positive tone.
• Be brief and respectful of others’ time.
• Remember that anything you write using digital communication can be forwarded or copied.
Use humor appropriately and consider adding an emoticon to show your intent. Avoid sarcasm.

g) SMOKING POLICY: It is the policy of the University to provide a smoke-free environment in all
campus facilities and vehicles in which University functions or services are carried out. Smoking of any
material is prohibited in all University facilities, at all locations, including all enclosed locations in buildings
and University-owned vehicles, other than authorized areas. It is also prohibited to stand or congregate
while smoking in front of, behind, or alongside any campus building, and all areas of Alumni and Village
Parks. It also is prohibited in any outside area adjacent to a facility whose configuration and/or other
physical circumstance allow smoke either to enter and affect the internal environment, or to unduly affect
the environment of those entering or exiting the facility. The smoking of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)
is not permitted in smoke-free areas on campus. Violating this policy will result in a fine of up to $100.

h) FIRE DRILLS: In the event of a fire alarm, all students and guests must evacuate the building(s).
Failure to evacuate the building(s) during a fire alarm will result in disciplinary action by the Office of
Student Conduct, which may include a sanction of housing termination or suspension from the University.
Falsely activating a fire alarm or being the cause of a false fire alarm will result in disciplinary action to
include a fine of up to $500 to cover the expense that the City of Pittsburgh assesses to Point Park University
for each false alarm.

Although every effort has been made to ensure a complete listing of all the requirements and policies related
to this course, the instructor reserves the right to make necessary changes, additions, deletions, and revisions
based on unforeseen situations that may arise. Students will be advised of such modifications in sufficient
time so that they can adjust their plans and schedules accordingly. All policies and procedures stated in the
most current edition of the undergraduate and graduate Point Park University catalogs will be consistently


Course Schedule
A note on Equivalent Instructional Activities (EIAs). Because a 3 credit course requires 42 hours of
instruction and this is an online course, it means that there have to be at least 42/8 = 5.25 hours of EAIs
per week. For each week this is broken down as follows: discussion board 1.75 hours, and programming
project 3.5 hours. On occasion more time may be necessary to complete all the tasks.

Module 1: JavaScript Review and Arrays

1. Setting up a programming environment
2. Review control structures
3. Review functions
4. Review objects
5. Review debugging
6. Explain why arrays are useful
7. Implement creating and initializing arrays
8. Implement adding elements
9. Implement removing elements
10. Implement adding and removing elements from a specific position
11. Implement two-dimensional and multidimensional arrays
12. Look up references for JavaScript array methods

Reading Assignment:
1. Read Chapter 1 and 2 (skip ECMAScript sections)
2. Slides Chapter 1 and Chapter 2

Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 1
2. Programming Assignment 1
3. Programming Project 1

Module 2: Stacks and Queues

1. Implement and use the stack data structure
2. Solve problems using stacks
3. Describe the queue data structure
4. Implement creating and using a queue
5. Implement the priority queue
6. Implement the circular queue

Reading Assignment:
1. Read Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 (skip ECMAScript sections)
2. Slides Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 2
2. Programming Assignment 2
3. Programming Project 2

Syllabus Page 9 of 12
Module 3: Linked Lists

1. Describe the linked list data structure
2. Implement creating and using a linked list
3. Implement creating and using a doubly linked lists
4. Implement creating and using a circular linked lists

Reading Assignment:
1. Read Chapter 5 (skip ECMAScript sections)
2. Slides Chapter 5

Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 3
2. Programming Assignment 3
3. Programming Project 3

Module 4: Sets, Dictionaries, and Hashes

1. Describe the set data structure
2. Implement creating and using a set
3. Implement and use the set operations
4. Describe dictionaries
5. Implement and use dictionaries
6. Describe hash tables
7. Implement and use hash tables
8. Explain hash table collisions

Reading Assignment:
1. Read Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 (skip ECMAScript sections)
2. Slides Chapter 6 and Chapter 7

Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 4
2. Programming Assignment 4
3. Programming Project 4

Module 5: Trees and Graphs

1. Describe the tree data structure
2. Define tree terminology
3. Implement and use the binary and binary search trees
4. Implement tree traversal
5. Implement searching for values in a tree
6. Define graph terminology
7. Describe a graph

Syllabus Page 10 of 12
8. Implement creating and using the graphs
9. Implement graph traversals
10. Implement shortest path algorithms
11. Describe minimum spanning trees
12. Implement minimum spanning trees

Reading Assignment:
1. Reading Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 (skip ECMAScript and self balancing trees and Floyd-
Warshall’s and Kruskal’s algorithm sections)
2. Slides Chapter 8 and Chapter 9

Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 5
2. Programming Assignment 5
3. Programming Project 5

Module 6: Sorting and Searching Algorithms

1. Describe sorting algorithms
2. Implement and use sorting algorithms
3. Describe searching algorithms
4. Implement and use searching algorithms

Reading Assignment:
1. Read Chapter 10 (skip ECMAScript and heap sort sections)
2. Slides Chapter 10

Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 6
2. Programming Assignment 6
3. Programming Project 6

Module 7: Patterns of Algorithm

1. Describe recursion
2. Implement recursion
3. Describe dynamic programming
4. Implement dynamic programming
5. Describe greedy algorithms
6. Implement greedy algorithms
7. Describe functional programming
8. Implement functional programming

Reading Assignment:
1. Read Chapter 11
2. Slides Chapter 11

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Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 7
2. Programming Assignment 7
3. Programming Project 7

Module 8: Algorithm Complexity and Review

1. Explain big O notation
2. Assess the complexity of algorithms
3. Explain NP completeness

Reading Assignment:
1. Read Chapter 12
2. Slides Chapter 12

Graded Assignments:
1. Discussion Board 8
2. Programming Assignment 8
3. Programming Project 8

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