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Library Dissertation On Stem Cells

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Struggling with your dissertation on stem cells? You're not alone.

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insightful dissertation on such a complex topic requires extensive research, critical analysis, and
proficient writing skills. From gathering relevant literature to conducting experiments and
interpreting data, the process can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

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The data obtained by different authors indicate that these tissues can be easily isolated and MSCs
cells in sufficient quantities can be obtained. Based on their potency, stem cells can be classified
according to a hierarchical order ranging from totipotent, to pluripotent, to multipotent stem cells (
Figure 1 ). All statements and opinions are provided for educational and informational purposes only.
Clinical stem cell therapy trials are ongoing, which request a strong focus on the safety and quality of
in vitro expanded stem cell transplants. Mutations of the JAK2 kinase characterize more than 95% of
PV patients and 50% of PMF patients, resulting in expanded erythropoiesis and myelopoiesis,
respectively. HSC, hematopoietic stem cell; HPC, hematopoietic progenitor cell; CMP, common
myeloid progenitor; CLP, common lymphoid progenitor. It may lead to more questions than new
answers and the ethical risks are substantial. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't
work as expected without javascript enabled. Over in Europe, countries such as Spain, Sweden and
the United Kingdom allow SCNT. The book, which chronicles a senator who opposes stem cell
research, who’s son is left a quadriplegic. Our pieces cover all aspects of bioethics from clinical to
philosophical, addressing timeless ethical dilemmas as well as current challenges. As a result, this
process will permit all of the data to be arranged into several uniform topic areas that will correspond
with the interview questions. Summary This chapter presented the methodology used in this study.
And, because both are innocent, a fetus being aborted and an embryo being disaggregated are direct
actions with the intention of killing. Case studies using qualitative methods are most valuable when
the question being posed requires an investigation of a real life intervention in detail, where the
focus is on how and why the intervention succeeds or fails, where the general context will influence
the outcome and where researchers asking the questions will have no control over events. There are
certain areas of Christianity that says all human life is intended by God and with that being the basis
of many chapters in the Bible, most people are against abortion. Utilizing a functionalist approach,
supporters of embryonic stem cell research argue that to qualify as a person, the individual must
possess several indicators of personhood, including capacity, self-awareness, a sense of time,
curiosity, and neo-cortical function. Trends Cell Biol. May; 19(5):207-17. Review. 55. Woltjen K,
Michael IP, Mohseni P, Desai R, Mileikovsky M, Hamalainen R, Cowling R, Wang W, Liu P,
Gertsenstein M, Stadtfeld and Hochedlinger et al. (2009) piggyBac transposition reprograms
fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Siedman, I.
(2006). Interviewing as qualitative research. Currently, Nanog-driven selection is favored instead. 4.
Differentiation Cultured with feeder cells and cytokines directing lineage-specific differentiation.
Embryonic stem cell research is a relatively young direction in medical research. Like ESCs, iPSCs
have a high self-renewal rate and can be used universally to generate many adult cell types. Stem
Cells Dev 19, 469. 57. Yu J, Hu K, Smuga-Otto K, Tian S, Stewart R, Slukvin II, Thomson JA
(2009) Human induced pluripotent stem cells free of vector and transgene sequences. Concerns
arising include availability and source of material, ethical considerations, and transplantation barriers.
It resides in the adult bone marrow niche and is able to regenerate all the cellular components of the
blood. In 2009 when Obama campaigned for office, one of his major campaign dedications was to
help advocate the use of federal funds in stem cell research within embryonic cells. States that permit
embryonic stem cell research have guidelines that scientists must follow and also must consent to all
the requirements, approval and the review processes for every project. Creswell, J. (2003). Research
design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thus, the welfare of the embryo is
sacrificed due to lack of consent from the subject. Our Authors and Editors We are a community of
more than 103,000 authors and editors from 3,291 institutions spanning 160 countries, including
Nobel Prize winners and some of the world’s most-cited researchers.
Due to these political and social factors, researchers and clinicians are affected not only in the speed
of the changes in research direction, but also with the changing attitudes of society and community.
Obama did set up limitations to the embryonic cell research. Killing, defined as depriving their
victims of life, will therefore reduce their victims to mere means to their own ends. Thus, qualitative
research is a legitimate method of conducting inquiry, and according to a number of authors
(Marshall and Rossman, 1995; Coffey and Atkinson, 1996), may be found in a variety of forms such
as: ethnography, enthnomethodology, field study, oral history, phenomenology, participant and non-
participant observation, ethology, natural history and case study. Trustworthiness is measured in
credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability (Creswell, 1998). The direct
reprogramming of somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) has provided an invaluable
tool to study and model a wide range of human diseases. The principal argument for embryonic stem
cell research is the potential benefit of using human embryonic cells to examine or treat diseases as
opposed to somatic (adult) stem cells. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article
numbers instead of page numbers. Transferability Transferability refers to the generalizability of the
research findings to other populations and contexts. The researchers cautioned that it's not clear
whether the treatment would work in people. In such a way, qualitative research weaknesses are
transformed into strengths, if the research is aimed at discovery of new knowledge (Yin, 2009). J
Orthop Res. Sep; 9(5):641-50. 7. Cho YW, Hong T, Hong S, Guo H, Yu H, Kim D, Guszczynski T,
Dressler GR, Copeland TD, Kalkum M, Ge K. (2007) PTIP associates with MLL3- and MLL4-
containing histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase complex. By continuing, you agree to accept
cookies in accordance with our Cookie policy. The yield of RBCs must also be vastly improved to
collect the number of RBCs needed for one transfusion unit. People also are afraid of the idea of
cloning and genetically modified food. Similar observation was made by Tamaoki and co-wokers
(2010 ). The company, Advanced Cell Technology, said the purpose was to produce genetically
matched replacement cells for patients with a wide range of diseases. On October 13th, 2001,
scientists clone human embryos to make stem cells. The findings suggested stem cells from baby
teeth behave more like stem cells harvested from umbilical cord blood, which is another early
developmental source. These candidates will review the interview questions and format. While the
distinction between qualitative and quantitative research is significant, the investigation of ideas,
beliefs, and perceptions does not require statistical survey or controlled experiment to obtain reliable
results. A cell that has become a special type may be able to divide to make more of the same type,
but cannot make different types. Whereas the definition of personhood cannot be completely
resolved on a scientific basis, it serves a central role in the religious, political, and ethical differences
within the field of embryonic stem cell research. There is a gap in literature that deters the formation
of a clear, non-arbitrary indication of personhood between conception and adulthood. Their
participation will enable in obtaining a critical insight into perceived barriers, myths, and cultural
beliefs that prevent health professionals from further research in clinical research environment.
Qualitative case-study and semi-structured interviews, as elements of qualitative research framework,
are widely used by researchers in medical settings when the purpose of the study is to assess
opinions, gain ideas, and generate information that is not reflected through quantitative methodology.
These participants are engaged in stem cell research or closely-related fields on a daily basis and they
possess sufficient knowledge on bioethical issues. Instead the term trustworthiness is used to
represent qualitative research authenticity. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and
Power (IJTPP). Removal of Sox2 resulted in only a few colonies whereas the lack of c-Myc led to
G418-resistant colonies with a flatter, non-ESC-like morphology.
The interviewer becomes part of the participants' shared experience due to the subjective process of
qualitative research. Nat Biotechnol. Jan; 26(1):101-6. Epub 2007 Nov 30. 39. Nakajima F, Tokunaga
K, Nakatsuji N (2007) Human leukocyte antigen matching estimations in a hypothetical bank of
human embryonic stem cell lines in the Japanese population for use in cell transplantation therapy.
Stem Cells. Apr; 25(4):983-5. Epub 2006 Dec 21. 40. Nakatsuji N, Nakajima F, Tokunaga K (2008)
HLA-haplotype banking and iPS cells. Additionally, each participant will be given a consent form to
sign prior to participation in the study describing the purpose of the study, potential risks and
benefits, confidentiality, and the right to discontinue participation in the study at any time. Stem cells
are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types Able to
reproduce themselves “Immortal” Basically, a blank canvas or pluripotent. 2. Video! 3. Application
of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Technology to the Study of Hematological Diseases. Cells. 2017;
6(1):7. The remaining factors did not show to be necessary for colony formation. How? By making
research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests
of publishers. Jan; 30(1):33-41. 6. Caplan AI. (1991) Mesenchymal stem cells. The data obtained by
different authors indicate that these tissues can be easily isolated and MSCs cells in sufficient
quantities can be obtained. In addition, the invitation will be followed with a personal phone call to
confirm agreement to participate and set the date for the interview. The downside of repeat blood
transfusion is the immunogenicity of donor blood cells and potential dangers of viral infections. All
articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license.
No special. Another profound lawsuit regarding stem cells was the Thomson v. The final group of
study participants will include representatives of educational research facility, which is chosen to
support practical experience of researchers and scientists with theoretical issues. Cloning human
beings or even trying to clone certain health attributes could negative impact an individual’s
environment. Animal cell culture in Biopharmaceutical Industry in the Production of Therap. Under
right conditions, can become any cell type in our body. This study will enhance dependability
through the process of listening to the audiotape interviews multiple times, verbatim transcription of
the interviews, and reviewing the transcripts multiple times. The number of embryos necessary to
become fully developed and undergo embryonic stem cell research will immensely surpass the
number of available frozen embryos in fertility clinic, which also contributes to the lack of embryos
available for women struggling with infertility. In general, increasing cell specialization parallels a
decrease in potency. They express markers characteristic of pluripotency including Nanog, Oct-4,
SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, exhibit high telomerase activity and have stable karyotype.
Nightlight Christian Adoptions (a non-profit adoption agency) as well as others made claims that the
guidelines violate the legislative ban found that prohibits federal funding of research in which a
human embryo is either destroyed or discarded. Trustworthiness (Validity and Reliability) Qualitative
research is subjective in nature therefore the quantitative terms of validity and reliability are not
applicable. Thus, isolation and expansion of iPSC without MEF is an important step, which avoids
contamination of human cells with animal products. However, their number and potency diminish
with age. Thus, the welfare of the embryo is sacrificed due to lack of consent from the subject. He
made it his mission to use the research to find a way to repair those cells that were damaged. This
population will be chosen for the proposed study for a number of reasons. Any effort to determine
when personhood begins is arbitrary. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 2004. 18 (6): p. 827-42.
PubMed PMID: 15582541.
While scientists conduct experiments, educators are exposed to the theoretical side of the debate.
More importantly, gene-corrected ?-Thal iPSCs showed restored ?-globin expression and reduced
reactive oxygen species production compared with the parental line. Papers addressing access to
healthcare, the bioethical implications of recent Supreme Court rulings, environmental ethics, data
privacy, cybersecurity, law and bioethics, economics and bioethics, reproductive ethics, research
ethics, and pediatric bioethics are sought. Trustworthiness (Validity and Reliability) Qualitative
research is subjective in nature therefore the quantitative terms of validity and reliability are not
applicable. Some fear that the genetic modified food, which can be also called genetically modified
organisms, can be hazardous to our health. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't
work as expected without javascript enabled. With knowledge of embryonic stem cells having higher
complications than the viable adult stem cells continued use of embryonic stem cells violates the
Principle of Beneficence not only for the embryos but for the health and safety of the patients
treated with stem cells. Several adult stem cell lines (“undifferentiated cells found throughout the
body”) exist and are widely used cell research. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease
(JCDD). Their participation will enable in obtaining a critical insight into perceived barriers, myths,
and cultural beliefs that prevent health professionals from further research in clinical research
environment. NIH Releases Guideline for Stem Cell Research, 2009) Regulations introduced in
various developed countries to ensure the ethical use of biomedical technology in addition to the use
of systems to detect emerging diseases are some of the ways the government agencies around the
world are trying to reduce the chance of having future biomedical catastrophies. As a result, this
process will permit all of the data to be arranged into several uniform topic areas that will correspond
with the interview questions. Therefore, neural differentiation is widely presented in all iPSC-derived
from different types of dental stem cells. With renewed focus on academic strength, we aim to
contribute to the array of bioethics literature by continuing to publish op-eds and research essays that
challenge the reader to explore novel viewpoints. Under right conditions, can become any cell type in
our body. By continuing, you agree to accept cookies in accordance with our Cookie policy. For
example, some may ascribe life starting from the moment of fertilization, others may do so after
implantation or the beginning of organ function. She joined Cell Press to pursue a career in science
communication and publishing after completing her postdoctoral training from Massachusetts
General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. For drug discovery and disease modeling, researchers
must be persistent and patient. “iPSCs can only shorten the discovery process, not skip it. By
continuing, you agree to accept cookies in accordance with our Cookie policy. Feature papers are
submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive.
NK normal laboratory cell lines are currently unavailable, and those used for research purposes derive
from NK leukemia or lymphoma patients, thereby lacking important features of normal NKs. The
findings suggested stem cells from baby teeth behave more like stem cells harvested from umbilical
cord blood, which is another early developmental source. Thus, it is significant to uphold ethical
standards when practicing research to protect the value of human life. The histological analysis
demonstrates that EBs differentiated into different cell types of ectodermal, mesodermal, or
endodermal origin, which was demonstrated using antibodies against specific proteins, which is
expressed in each of three germ layers. Some of the concerns surrounding genetically modified
organisms and the effects on an individual’s health. All statements and opinions are provided for
educational and informational purposes only. Oct; 19(5):527-33 35. Miura, M., Gronthos, S., Zhao,
M., Lu, B., Fisher, L.W., et al. (2003) SHED: Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. The
researchers cautioned that it's not clear whether the treatment would work in people.
The utilitarian approach chooses potential benefits of stem cell research over the physical lives of
embryos without regard to the rights an embryo possesses. Confirmability Confirmability is
established through an auditing of the research process. Stem cell researchers demonstrate a lack of
respect for the autonomy and welfare of the human embryos sacrificed in stem cell research. As
society further progresses, humans must be cautious of compromising moral principles that human
beings are naturally entitled to for scientific advancements. Stem Cell Legislation(Jessica Moss)
There has always been controversy surrounding stem cell research and what about researching stem
cells is legal. It was also possible to reprogram MSCs from wisdom teeth using only three factors
(without c-Myc) avoiding future implications with potential risks of oncogene use ( Yu et al., 2007 ).
For the clinical applications of stem cells xenogeneic reagents pose the risk of a severe immune
response, and the transmission of viral or bacterial infections, prions, and unidentified zoonosis.
Kerkis I, Kerkis A, Dozortsev D, Stukart-Parsons GC, Gomes Massironi SM, Pereira LV, Caplan AI,
Cerruti HF (2006)Isolation and characterization of a population of immature dental pulp stem cells
expressing OCT-4 and other embryonic stem cell markers. Epub 2008 Oct 17. 2. Amabile G,
Meissner A. (2009) Induced pluripotent stem cells: current progress and potential for regenerative
medicine. These stellar works led to a Nobel Prize for Dr. Yamanaka in 2012. Removal of Sox2
resulted in only a few colonies whereas the lack of c-Myc led to G418-resistant colonies with a
flatter, non-ESC-like morphology. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article
numbers instead of page numbers. As iPSCs can be sourced directly from a patient’s adult cells
when used therapeutically, the chances of post-transplantation rejection are low. By deriving
Leukemia-iPSCs (LiPSCs) genetically matched but epigenetically distinct from the parental cell
lines, the authors showed that: (1) genetic and epigenetic alterations are both required to maintain
the leukemic potential; (2) BCR-ABL fusion protein is able to trigger DNA methylation changes that
contribute to leukemia formation and (3) nuclear reprogramming can erase aberrant DNA
methylation, thereby delaying the onset of the malignancy. Nightlight Christian Adoptions (a non-
profit adoption agency) as well as others made claims that the guidelines violate the legislative ban
found that prohibits federal funding of research in which a human embryo is either destroyed or
discarded. The study's data can be tracked to their original sources and the findings are not biased.
By teaching students and aspiring researchers on stem cell research essentials, educators transmit
their views and beliefs to the audiences. The attractiveness of this approach stems from the
possibility to regenerate all the cellular components of the blood system and to permanently restore a
functioning immune system damaged by natural or acquired conditions. Stem Cell History. 1998 -
Researchers first extract stem cells from human embryos 1999 - First Successful human transplant of
insulin-making cells from cadavers 2001 - President Bush restricts federal funding for embryonic
stem-cell research. Killing, defined as depriving their victims of life, will therefore reduce their
victims to mere means to their own ends. Isolation of iPSC on MEF limits the manipulation and
further clinical application of these cells. Participants will also be informed that they would complete
a brief demographic questionnaire at the beginning of the interview session. Researchers invent the
term “pre-embryo” to distinguish a pre-implantation state in which the developing cell mass does not
have the full respects of an embryo in later stages of embryogenesis to further support embryonic
stem cell research. Creswell, J. (2003). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method
approaches. Choice of Cell Type Adult mouse and human fibroblasts were used in first iPSCs
experiments. In such a way, qualitative research weaknesses are transformed into strengths, if the
research is aimed at discovery of new knowledge (Yin, 2009). Several Universities and Colleges
have entire programs dedicated to the science. It resides in the adult bone marrow niche and is able
to regenerate all the cellular components of the blood. Find support for a specific problem in the
support section of our website. As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we
needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for
scientists across the world. More importantly, gene-corrected ?-Thal iPSCs showed restored ?-globin
expression and reduced reactive oxygen species production compared with the parental line.
More importantly, gene-corrected ?-Thal iPSCs showed restored ?-globin expression and reduced
reactive oxygen species production compared with the parental line. The interviews will be listened
to a third time while cross- checking with the transcript to verify the accuracy of the transcription.
Thomson case. In May of 2001, Christopher Reeve (the actor) and seven other scientists filed a
federal lawsuit claiming the Bush administration withheld federal funding for stem cell research
illegally. Stem cell have an ability to divide continuously and differentiate (develop). There are adult
stem cell alternatives with equivalent viability that avoid sacrificing embryos. Although an embryo
does not possess the physiognomies of a person, it will nonetheless become a person and must be
granted the respect and dignity of a person. As Stake (2010) noted, “Perhaps the most important
methodological differences between qualitative and quantitative are two-fold: the difference
between (1) aiming for explanation and (2) aiming for understanding, and the difference between (1)
a personal role and (2) impersonal role for the researcher” (p. 19). Within qualitative research
framework, the researcher has a personal role and is actively engaged in the process of data collection
though direct interaction with the study participants. State laws on stem cell research vary state-to-
state. Stem cell differentiation can be initiated in the laboratory by the use of biochemical growth
factors. B) Cartilage and in (C) Condrocytes-like cells (higher magnification). The main controversy
exists on the Embryonic stem cell research that involves sacrificing of human life. The prohibition of
murder extends to human fetuses and embryos considering they are potential human beings. People
against the abortion are against it for secular and non-secular reasons. Only reprogrammed cells can
survive the selection process. Gene Editing Approaches in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Specifically, the generation of iPSC-
derived hematopoietic stem cells could theoretically solve all the issues connected with HLA
compatibility by eliminating complications associated with transplantation, such as the use of
immunosuppressive drugs, graft versus host disease, etc. Embryonic stem cells themselves pose as a
higher health risk than adult stem cells. Fast forward to the year 1994, President Clinton lifted the
twenty-year moratorium on fetal tissue research by signing into law the NIH Revitalization Act of
1993. Cloning human beings or even trying to clone certain health attributes could negative impact
an individual’s environment. With only one cell removed, the embryo retains its full potential for
development. The principal requirement is a method of reprogramming, which should be safe. The
incidence of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is 13% by the age of 50 years. In April, a forum was
supposed to be held at the Vatican. Cell Transplant. 5. Bilic J, Izpisua Belmonte JC. (2012) Concise
review: Induced pluripotent stem cells versus embryonic stem cells: close enough or yet too far
apart? Stem Cells. In 2001, a lawsuit was filed in federal court to cease federal funding of human
embryonic stem cell research. While iPSCs can in principle be generated from any somatic cell, in
practice, there seems to be an inverse relationship between degree of differentiation and ease of
reprogramming. In addition, the invitation will be followed with a personal phone call to confirm
agreement to participate and set the date for the interview. Endogenous c-Myc expression in most
DPC lines was also slightly higher than that in HDFs and in a few iPSC clones were close to ES cells.
Removal of Sox2 resulted in only a few colonies whereas the lack of c-Myc led to G418-resistant
colonies with a flatter, non-ESC-like morphology.
Le Douarin NM, Dupin E (2003) Multipotentiality of the neural crest. Many people oppose stem cell
research because they relate it to abortion. Even with compatible major HLA loci, mismatches at
minor HLA loci can lead to graft versus host disease (GVHD), in which successfully grafted donor T
lymphocytes mount an immune response against host antigens, leading to excess inflammation and
immune response. Currently, HSCs are the paradigmatic and best-characterized example of tissue-
specific stem cells.” Reference: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
FULL ARTICLE. The interviews will be listened to a third time while cross- checking with the
transcript to verify the accuracy of the transcription. Looking at stem cell research from a
psychological standpoint will show how feelings on the subject can change from an intellectual
decision to a heartfelt, emotional one. We demonstrated that isolation of IDPSC-iPSC can occur
under feeder-free conditions on matrigel-coated dishes. In 2009 when Obama campaigned for office,
one of his major campaign dedications was to help advocate the use of federal funds in stem cell
research within embryonic cells. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Siedman, I. (2006).
Interviewing as qualitative research. In contrast, Oda et al., (2010 ) observed low expression of Klf4
in high reprogramming cells, which was unexpected, once Klf4 is a reprogramming factor. Yan et al.,
(2010 ) showed that endogenous Klf4 expression level determined by real-time PCR did not
completely correlate with the reprogramming efficiency of each DPCs (wisdom teeth) line. J Orthop
Res. Sep; 9(5):641-50. 7. Cho YW, Hong T, Hong S, Guo H, Yu H, Kim D, Guszczynski T, Dressler
GR, Copeland TD, Kalkum M, Ge K. (2007) PTIP associates with MLL3- and MLL4-containing
histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase complex. Dr. Jack Kessler found his passion for stem cell
research when his daughter injured her spine. The disbanding of the EAB halted federal funding of
human embryo research. NKs are lymphocytes capable of killing cells with missing self (that is, HLA
class I expression). F) Morphological presentation of glial-like cells derived from hIDPS-iPSC.
Embryonic stem cells have a higher risk of causing tumor development in the patient’s body once the
cells are implanted due to their abilities to proliferate and differentiate. Higher expression of PARP-1
was also seen after induction of reprogramming in cells derived from wisdom teeth. Further, as iPSC
generation does not require embryos, their use skirts issues surrounding the use of embryos in
research. He made it his mission to use the research to find a way to repair those cells that were
damaged. Therefore, under this feeble utilitarian approach, stem cell research proceeds at the expense
of human life than at the expense of personhood. Totipotent stem cells of the early cleavage stages
are able to generate an entire organism when separated. By deriving Leukemia-iPSCs (LiPSCs)
genetically matched but epigenetically distinct from the parental cell lines, the authors showed that:
(1) genetic and epigenetic alterations are both required to maintain the leukemic potential; (2) BCR-
ABL fusion protein is able to trigger DNA methylation changes that contribute to leukemia
formation and (3) nuclear reprogramming can erase aberrant DNA methylation, thereby delaying the
onset of the malignancy. Dental pulp stem cells from deciduous and wisdom teeth are an ideal
source that meets the majority of aforementioned requirements. Description: (A) Human ESCs; (B)
Neurons derived from Human ESCs. This type of reasoning, known as Bentham’s Hedonic (moral)
calculus, suggests that the potential good of treating or researching new cures for ailments such as
Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, certain cancers, etc. In the event that participation in this
study causes any emotional distress, the participants will be provided a referral list for therapeutic
assistance. Of these methods, the case study approach is the most appropriate for this project. In
conclusion, the author reiterates the need for a policy allowing the advancement of stem cell research
based upon strict government oversight and policies meant to the cause of science in the treatment of
incurable illnesses. Thus, the greatest challenges for the future in the iPSC field are not scientific but
financial. Stem cell have an ability to divide continuously and differentiate (develop).

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