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WSRelease Notes

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P/N N515-6042F



TotalChrom Workstation

February 2009

Version 6.3.2 of the Release Notes replaces
all previous Release Notes.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of TotalChrom or Turbochrom
Workstation, read WSUpdateInfo instead of this document.


Please review this entire document before beginning the installation process.

NOTE: The supplemental floppy disk is no longer required for installation.

Contents of this document
This document provides the following information about TotalChrom Workstation.

1. What's New in TotalChrom v6.3.2

2. PC Configuration Requirements
3. About TC Publisher
4. Firmware Requirements
5. About Installation
6. Sites with Multiple TotalChrom Versions Installed, or With TotalChrom Installed with
7. Limitations
8. Features Not Supported in this Release
9. Known Bugs
10. Fixed in this Version


Support for Windows Vista and Server 2008 Operating Systems.

TotalChrom 6.3.2 has been qualified to operate using either Windows XP or Windows Vista as
the operating system for client computers, and Windows 2003 Server or 2008 Server for the
server operating systems. TotalChrom 6.3.2 was NOT qualified using the Windows 2000
Operating System.

Support for Windows XP Service Pack 3.

TotalChrom 6.3.2 has been qualified to operate using the Windows XP Operating System
running Service Pack 3.

Support for continuing injections with Setup by Method.

When controlling a GC with “Setup by Method”, and with a method setup for Manual
injections, the system will now allow the user to continue making injections without the need
for a Vial List, and will continue sequential file numbering.

Proper display of the number of oven program steps in the Details screen when
running a Clarus GC.
When the TC 6.3.1 patch for the “Slow GC Status” problem (PatchTChrom631_24Jul06A) is
used with a TotalChrom method for a Clarus, one less than the total number of steps for the
Oven Program is displayed in the Details screen. This problem has been corrected.

Proper operation of a sequence containing a User Program row.

A problem introduced in the 6.3.1 software prevented a sequence containing a User Program
row from being setup. This behavior has been corrected.

Restoration of “old” functionality for selecting Previous and Next files in Graphic
Method Edit and Graphic Reprocess.
When the use of IDX files was introduced in TotalChrom for navigating through previous and
next data files in Graphic Method Edit and Graphic Reprocess, the previous mode of simply
selecting the previous or next file in the series was dropped. This functionality has now been
restored so that selecting the Previous or Next Data File buttons will move to the previous or
next data file in the name series, e.g. DATT001, DAT002, etc.

Correction for the display of Component Names in Graphic Method Edit and Graphic
On some computer systems, the display of component names in Graphic Method Edit and
Graphic Reprocess was being truncated to only one or two letters, unless the height and width
of the window were adjusted. This problem has been corrected so that much longer names
are now visible.

Incorporation of numerous “Rapid Remedies”.

All of the Rapid Remedy Patches issued since the release of TotalChrom 6.3.1 have been
integrated into this build.

NOTE: The Data Viewer is not supplied with TotalChrom version 6.3 and later. TotalChrom
version is the last version to incorporate Data Viewer.


TotalChrom Workstation (WS) v6.3.2 is operable on Intel (Pentium or better) hardware

only, running on Windows XP Professional or Windows Vista Business Operating Systems.
The minimum hardware configuration requirements are:

Windows XP Professional
Processor Intel Pentium, 933 MHz
Memory 256 MB RAM
Windows Vista Business
Processor Intel Pentium, 933 MHz
Memory 256 MB RAM

Disk Storage: 500 MB to install TotalChrom Client/Server

Display: SVGA graphics
Network Card: Ethernet NIC

The minimum PC configuration will support all TotalChrom functionality. Although this is an
adequate configuration, you may find that it is not acceptable in your environment.

The recommended PC configuration is more robust than the minimum but still may not be
acceptable in your environment.
In Windows XP Professional, disable and do not use the Hibernation mode.


A User must have Administrative privileges on the local machine while
using the TCPublisher Report Developer. Failure to do so may result in the
application closing without warning.


TC Publisher v2.00.5154 - Release 16 June 2001

About Testing

TC Publisher as a component of TotalChrom v 6.3.2 has been tested under the supported
operating systems. TC Publisher has been shown to operate as designed and to report
chromatography data obtained from TotalChrom accurately and correctly in all cases.
However, because of the change of Windows help file formats from .HLP to .CHM, the TC
Publisher software may not display help files from within its operating environment. TC
Publisher help still can be invoked directly from the PerkinElmer Help folder in the Windows

Installation Notes

You should have a printer defined in your current Windows installation if you wish to preview or
print out reports. If you do not have a printer defined, TC Publisher can still generate reports for
text file output only (print to file).

Example Reports
When TC Publisher is installed, a number of example reports are also included in the
Rpt\Examples folder under your TotalChrom installation. You can use these report methods to
become familiar with some of the TC Publisher features.

Running TC Publisher as a Stand-alone Program

In addition to invoking TC Publisher from within the TotalChrom Navigator, TC Publisher can
be run as a Stand-alone program. You run TC Publisher directly from the TcPublisher.EXE file
which is located in the "Bin" folder in your TotalChrom installation. If run without command line
parameters, TC Publisher will open its report development environment, but no report method
window will be opened. If you pass the specification of a report method file on the command
line, TC Publisher will again open the report development environment, but will open the
specified report method as well.

TC Publisher can be run in batch mode where, a report method file, TotalChrom data file
specifications, and other optional parameters are passed on the command line. In this case TC
Publisher will generate the report without displaying its window, and will appear as a button on
the task bar to indicate that it is active, but you should not force it to display (i.e., do not click
the taskbar button). Command line usage details are described in the TC Publisher online help.

Known Issues

• PPBC66KK3X - Windows 2003 server will not generate Optional TCPublisher reports unless
Process account is in the Local Administrators group.

The following are known issues in TC Publisher v2.00.5154; these may be addressed in a
subsequent release.

1. Example table display skewed in the Table Columns property sheet

The example table display that appears at the top of the report table columns property
sheet dialog can sometimes become skewed when working with very wide tables (many
columns) under Windows 98. This does not affect the display of the actual report. (I0158)

2. Text file output for tables in Group Oriented Sections may not include all data
When a report is printed to a CSV or TXT file, any tables in a Group Oriented report
section will only print their data from only the last of multiple sample groups. Note that only
text files are affected by this defect; printed reports and report documents (.RD files) are
correct. (I0221)

3. Office 2000 defect requires installation for each user

If Office 2000 is present on a TC machine, then when logged into a user account under which
Office has not been installed, running TC Publisher Developer may cause Office to display a
message box the first time a report Preview is requested. If the account is privileged, Office
may also offer to install software to "fix" an Office problem when TC Publisher Developer first
starts. This is a known Office 2000 issue due to the fact that Office 2000 requires that it be
installed for each individual user account on a given machine.

Workaround: To resolve this issue, install Office under each user account that will use
TC Publisher Developer. This is only required on PC's that already have Office 2000
installed. That is, this issue does not occur if Office 2000 is not installed on a PC.

4. TC Publisher VBA Add-In may not be available

Due to a defect in the way VBA handles its Add-In configuration, VBA add- ins must be
registered separately for each user account. The TC Publisher Items VBA add- in will not
be available in the VBA window of TC Publisher Developer for any user account except the
one under which TC was installed.

Workaround: You can perform the required one-time registration for each user by
logging as that user, opening a command box, setting the disk and directory to the TC
Bin folder (typically something like C:\Penexe\TcCs\ver6.2.0\Bin) and issuing the
following command:

REGSVR32 TcPubVbaItems.dll

A message should appear indicating success (the message can be suppressed by

inserting /s between these two words, as in REGSVR32 /s TcPubVbaItems.dll

If you will be using the instrument control features of TotalChrom, verify that the installed
firmware satisfies the following requirements:

Required Instrument Firmware Versions for LINK Control

Module Minimum Required Firmware Version

Clarus 500 2.02
Clarus AS firmware 4.110
Clarus AS PPC 3.70
Clarus AS Autosampler 2.24
Clarus Boot 1.04
Series 200 UV/VIS Detector 1.00
Series 200 Autosampler 1.04
ISS-200 Autosampler 1.6
LC-235C Detector 3.03 *
785A Detector 1.0
Series 200 Diode Array Detector (Level 1) 3.02
Series 200 Diode Array Detector (Level 2) 4.02
Model 250 Pump 3.5
Series 410 Pump 1.02
Series 200 Pump 1.08
HP 5890 Any
HP 6890 A.01.08
HP 7673 >18584-80120
HP 1100 Quaternary Pump A.03.50 ***
HP 1100 Variable Wavelength Detector A.03.30 ***
HP 1100 Autosampler A.03.30 ***
HS 40 Headspace Sampler 1.3
HS 40 XL Headspace Sampler 3.4
AutoSystem GC 1.8 **
AutoSystem GC XL 3.4
AutoSystem GC XL with GC Tune 3.5

* Selection of 1 nm bandwidth requires firmware v3.04 or later. Contact a local PerkinElmer sales office for availability
** v1.9 is required for the 50 µl syringe option.
*** HP 1100 Firmware Version 5.x is not supported.

Required Interface Firmware Versions

Interface Minimum Required Firmware Version

dotLINK or 4.3
LINK LC 1.4 or later*
LINK LC with HP 1100 1.9
LINK GC 1.4 or later**
900/900A Series 2.4
900/900A Series 2.7***
NCI Series 3.4 or later

* If using a 900/900A connected to a LINK, do not use v1.9.

** If using an HP 6890/6890 Plus GC, use v1.9 or later.
*** Required to change voltage ranges or to switch between normal and bipolar operations within a sequence.

How to upgrade your PerkinElmer LC System for TotalChrom LC Control:

To take advantage of the LC control features of TotalChrom, it is necessary to upgrade

existing LC instrumentation with communication boards, cables, and possibly firmware.
Contact your local PerkinElmer office for more information.

Packaged communication/upgrade kits listed in the PerkinElmer LC Product Description List

(PDL) are available to upgrade your existing PerkinElmer LC modules for TotalChrom control.
Service installation may be required. See LC PDL for details. These kits are:

For 410/250 Pump modules shipped before 1/1/93:

N260-0450 410 pump upgrade kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables, ROM)
N260-0452 250 pump upgrade kit for TurboLC Plus (cables, ROM, comm board)

For 410/250 Pump modules shipped after 1/1/93:

N260-0435 410 communication kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables)
N260-0436 250 communication kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables, comm board)

For Autosamplers / Series 200 Pumps / LC-235Cs shipped before 6/1/94:

N260-0451 LC-235C upgrade kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables, ROM)
N260-0453 ISS-200 upgrade kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables, comm board, 1MB software
board, ROM)
N291-0360 200 pump upgrade for Turbo LC Plus (cables)

For Autosamplers / Series 200 Pumps / LC-235Cs shipped after 6/1/94:

N235-0062 LC-235C communication kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables)
N260-0437 ISS-200 communication kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables, comm board)
N291-0348 200 pump communication kit for Turbo LC Plus (cables)
N293-0343 Series 200 Autosampler Communication Kit for Turbo LC Plus

Refer to the list of minimum firmware requirements shown above. For detectors,
the firmware revision is displayed at power-up. For other modules, refer to
your user's manual for instructions on how to determine the installed firmware

One RS-232 cable is required for each LC module to connect to a Series 600 LINK interface. In
addition, twisted-pair connections are required to initiate the ready and run states. Refer to the
LC Plus Installation Guide for specific wiring details for your configuration.

Communication boards:
The ISS-200 requires a 1 MB software board (P/N B050-7503) and comm board (P/N B019-
7362). The Series 250 pump also requires a comm board (P/N N260-9314). Any Series 410
pump shipped before 11/1/92 requires an updated comm board (P/N N260-9134) or a jumper

TotalChrom Workstation installation information is provided in Chapter 2 of the TotalChrom
Workstation Application Manager's Guide. You should read the entire chapter at least once
before you begin the installation process.

TurboMass NOTE: TotalChrom v6.3.2 has not been tested for operation on the same
PC as TurboMass. Refer to your TurboMass Release Notes for information on
compatibility with TotalChrom revisions. Do not install TotalChrom v6.3.2 on the same
PC as a TurboMass system unless you have TurboMass installation documentation that
specifies that TotalChrom v6.3.2 is compatible with your version of TurboMass.


The Setup.exe program (InstallShield) and the required user inputs to the install process are
located in an *.ini file, which is transferred to the Scriptlt utility on the command line. The *.ini
file contains a default set of responses to indicate to the administrator how the desired choices
are activated. If necessary, you can modify this *.ini file.

A batch file (TCInstall.bat) contains the command to start Scriptlt.exe associated with the
TCInstall.ini file. The Command parameters are supplied along with all possible combinations
of user responses in the TCInstall.ini file. Only the required choices are active and all others
are nonactive.

Updating the Registry for the Grid Control

If you were prompted during the installation process to manually register the grid
control, use the following procedure to do so:

1. Display the command prompt by clicking on Start, Programs and then select MS DOS
Command Prompt.

2. Change to the BIN directory in the TotalChrom path. The default path is

3. From the Windows Run command line type regsvr32.exe

If necessary, substitute the specific directories that apply to your system.

A message will be displayed indicating the success of failure of this command.

License PAK Installation Suggestions

If you experience a problem installing the license PAK, then follow these procedures:

1. Complete the TotalChrom installation.

2. If asked to reboot your computer, answer Yes and reboot the computer.

3. From your Desktop, select Start, Programs, Dell OpenDMI.

Dell ships from the factory with this Enabled.

4. Select Disable.
You want to disable this setting.

5. Follow the instructions to reboot your computer.

6. Select Pak Administrator from the TotalChrom AdminTool toolbar.

7. Install your PAK.

Ensure the Series 200 Photo Diode Array Software Is Installed and Configured Properly

Use of a Series 200 Photo Diode Array still requires that the “Service CD” shipped with the
detector be installed by a PerkinElmer Service representative when the system is set up. To
ensure proper operation of the Real Time Spectral Monitor function within the Real Time Plot
environment – please check the registry to verify the following settings and change to match if

Uninstall Suggestions

Do NOT use the Control Panel application Add/Remove Programs to uninstall a previous
version of TotalChrom. Just install the newer version of your TotalChrom software, and you will
be given the option to Remove the previous version.

If you need to install a support file, such as ctor.dll, we recommend manually copying it to the
directory from the CD or make an uninstall CD from setup.exe.

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After you install TC v6.3.2, TcRunApp will not function properly if your TC Process account is
not a local administrator and you do one of the following:

• Switch to a previous TotalChrom revision

• Switch between TotalChrom products (Client/Server, Workstation, and TurboMass)

TCRunApp is the TotalChrom application that limits some of the TotalChrom applications to a
single instance. If it is not working properly, one symptom is that you will be able to launch
multiple instances of the Method Editor, Sequence Editor, and other TotalChrom applications,
even though you have configured the system for single instance through the registry. A more
serious symptom is that if you invoke Modify Active Method with the Method Editor already
running, the Modify Active session will not work properly.

To fix this problem, do the following. After having returned to TotalChrom v6.3.2, from running a
previous revision, manually run the TCRunApp executable from the TotalChrom v6.3.2 BIN
directory. There will be no visible indication that TCRunApp executed; however, it will perform
the registration necessary to work properly.

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TotalChrom v6.3.2 Limitations:

TurboMatrix Headspace – If TotalChrom is configured for a GC with Autosampler, the External

Sampler dialog in TotalChrom is not always updated to show the selected TurboMatrix. This
only occurs with a new install or clean system then the GC is configured after the TurboMatrix.
Workaround: Configure the GC first, close and re-launch the TurboMatrix Remote Control
Software (RCS). When you reopen the TotalChrom Configuration dialog and select External
Sampler, you should see the TurboMatrix.

TurboMatrix Headspace – When running in a Windows 2000 system, a TurboMatrix using

Remote Control Software v2.0 and v2.11 firmware does not function and may stop unexpectedly
when running TotalChrom v6.3.

Workaround: Use the Windows XP operating system when running TurboMatrix Remote
Control Software v2.5 with TotalChrom v6.3 and TurboMatrix HS with firmware v2.11.

TurboMatrix Headspace - Extremely short runs (for example, runs less than 1 minute) may
present timing problems when used in conjunction with the TurboMatrix RCS software.

Modify Active – Due to timing constraints within TotalChrom, when modify active
method/sequence actions are performed other unexpected actions may occur.
Workaround: You can avoid unexpected actions by first pausing the sequence, making
your modifications, then resuming at the completion of the current run step.

TurboSEC - No matter were the Process Start is located (anywhere between the start of the first
peak to the apex of the first peak), both the overall Average numbers and the Peak MW Report
numbers reported reflect a Process Start as though it were placed at the beginning of the first
peak. The Process Start time (Start) indicated in the plot graphic must correspond to the Process
Start used for the calculations.

Sequence Editor Smart Fill - Smart fill allows up to 13 characters for the Sample Number in
the Sequence Editor. However, the sequence template truncates this number to 11 characters
for the .RST file.
Workaround: Only use 11 characters for the Sample Number when using Smart Fill.

Report Format Editor - Unknown columns in Report Format Editor printed. For example, four
columns (Column 1, 2, 3 and 4) were defined in Report Format Editor. Print Preview shows 3
of the four defined (Column 1, 2, and 3) and three other columns: Column 10, Column 30 and
Column 10. The printout contains all four defined columns and the other 3 columns. This
happens if the Label for the second column was too long (64 characters) and didn't fit into the
line. It continues after printing the three reminding columns and the rest of the first column. This
appears to display extra columns but actually the continuing columns are missing the column

TcInstall.ini script adjustment - Automatic installation stops at "License Manager Options"

dialog. This is because "Administrator" is already listed in the Domain\Account field. Then what
the operator has entered for Domain\Account information in the TcInstall.Ini file appends this.

- 12 -
Workaround: An adjustment can be added to the script. In the TcInstall.ini License
Manager Options section of the file, between " ~winwaitactive" and "#Account" add
"#{DEL 20} " to all example lines. This allows deletion the Administrator account set by
default before setting the appropriate user account. Users will then have a better example
and the automatic installation will continue.
NCI Signal Increase/Decrease - TotalChrom does not report that the interface has been
changed from the configured and validated state. If the NCI interface is configured and
validated with dip switch nine in the off position to operate in 20Bit A/D conversion. Then
turning dip switch nine on and resetting the power on the NCI will now generate a signal that is
about 1/10 the previous signal.
If the NCI interface was configured with the switch nine in the on position then switched off the
signal will be about 10x.
Documentation correction - Correction Factor for Calibrate by Reference - A parameter is
added to the Calibration tab of the Components dialog in Method Editor, for use only with
components that are calibrated by reference. The parameter is the factor that is modified to act
AFTER the raw adjusted amount has been calculated in the usual way. In other words, Cal
Reference Factor acts as an additional multiplier on the raw amount. The factor can only be
used if the calibration reference component's calibration type is Use Calibration Factor or a first
order curve FORCED THRU THE ORIGIN. The permitted range will be the standard TC
floating point range (positive numbers only). The default value will be 1.0000.


• Use single run data buffering (make sure the box is checked in the Setup Instrument
dialog) when running a TurboMatrix sequence in TotalChrom to ensure the TotalChrom
and TurboMatrix sequences remain synchronized.
• The Switch User function of Windows XP Professional may have a negative effect on
the Cam locks of TotalChrom. Refrain from using the Switch User function.
• Customers upgrading to TC 6.3.2 from version 6.2.1 or earlier will need to rebuild their
entire configuration since the old configuration files will not work.
• TC Process should be a domain account or it should be created on all servers or
• The GC Mode can not be changed in the middle of a run. The mode will be changed for
the next run. If you modify a downloaded method in TotalChrom and change the mode
from flow to velocity, these changes will take effect on the next run.
• TotalChrom must be installed in the default directory or a path with no embedded
spaces in directory names. For example, TotalChrom will NOT install to the root
C:\Program Files but WILL install to the root C:\ProgramFiles.
• In the folder view options UNDER Windows Explorer, select "show all files" to see all
hidden files.
• When setting up a method that exceeds the memory of the LINK box the box will
automatically be switched into a single run data buffering mode to make it possible to
run the method.
• The displayed paths in the Header tab of the Report window in Review and Approve
show the letter W instead of the \ when using the Batang font at a size greater than 12

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Workaround: Do not use the Bantang font where Windows path names may
appear. You can change it by right-clicking in the Header tab and selecting the
Text Properties tab of the Summary Properties dialog. One suggestion is change
the font to Arial.

Configuration Editor Limitation

You can open only one instance of the TotalChrom Configuration Editor at a time on a
TotalChrom Client/Server system.

If you open the Configuration Editor simultaneously from different computers in the same
TotalChrom Client/Server system, only the configuration changes made in the last
Configuration Editor opened will take effect. Any data collected from an instrument configured
in the first Configuration Editor that was opened will be lost.

Nested Shares Limitation

Avoid using nested shares on a TotalChrom Client / Server system. The Concurrent Access
Manager (CAM) does not recognize a locked file when there are nested shares on a
TotalChrom Client / Server system.

No CAM lock message appears and a file can be opened and overwritten if the file folder for
data located under a drive letter is shared with the drive itself and a method or sequence is
created from a client in that folder and set up from the drive share access point and CAM lock
is applied for the folder share.

When the above situation occurs when there are two entries for the same file in CAM
Administrator for the same file. One from the folder share access point and one from the drive
share access point.

Unassigned Instruments or Unused Ports Limitation

Remove non-configured instruments from the System Configuration.

When using System Configuration to add a port, instrument, printer, etc. and you Save and
Reconfigure, the entire system becomes very sluggish and unresponsive. This situation can
occur when non-configured instruments are present in the System Configuration.

This occurs only when instruments are not configured because ports are unavailable not
because of open ports on the system. Once the non-configured instruments were removed
from System Configuration, system performance and instrument status dramatically improves.

IVM Limitation

IVM testing of NCI 901 and 902 interfaces is supported in 20 bit mode only and not in the 24 bit
mode. Set DIP switch 9 on for the 20 bit mode.

NOTE: TotalChrom does not report that the interface has been changed from the configured
and validated state. If the NCI interface is configured and validated with dip switch nine in the

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off position to operate in 20Bit A/D conversion. Then turning dip switch nine on and resetting
the power on the NCI will now generate a signal that is about 1/10 the previous signal.
If the NCI interface was configured with the switch nine in the on position then switched off the
signal will be about 10x.

Open Dialogs Limitation

Open dialogs do not fully support browsing the Active Directory.

Do not use the Clear Setup command in TotalChrom to abort an HS 40 run.

If you want to abort (clear the TotalChrom setup) an HS 40 run after it has been set up and is
thermostatting, click the Stop button in the HS 40 Status and Setup window. Choosing Clear
setup from the TotalChrom Run menu will not stop the HS 40 from thermostatting.

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• Series 200 Column Oven control (the separate Oven Control utility is still required)
• Global and Local Report Path registry attributes

Additional limitations are listed in the KnownBugs file on the TotalChrom CD. Review the
KnownBugs document before using TotalChrom Workstation.

For a list of the Known Bugs refer to the document KnownBugs on the TotalChrom CD.


The following Rapid Remedy patches have been integrated into this version of TotalChrom.


PatchTChrom621Plus_14Mar07G Port Comm errors with fast sampling rates or

too many instruments or just under control but
not running.

PatchTChrom631_24Jul06A Instrument status is very slow to be updated

when controlling GC's.

PatchTChrom631_25Jul06B When 2 sequences are created by 2 users

and batched - it is possible for resulting .IDX
files to contain information from the incorrect

PatchTChrom631_07Sep06C Problem with TC integration events +X and S

above a manual baseline

PatchTChrom621_ When 2 sequences are created by 2 users,

result files can be interchanged between the 2

PatchTChrom631_18Oct06D Lengthy delay when setting up an interface

LINK or A/D when connected to terminal
servers on subnet different than the LM-
Acquire server

PatchTChrom631_12Sep07E TotalChrom unusable due to a COMM error

reported every minute.

PatchTChrom631_19Mar08F Except for tray 10, the Peltier temperature of

Ser225/275 autosampler trays does not show
in TC Hands-On or Details

- 16 -
PatchTChrom631_20May08G By default the raw and result files are saved to
the root of a user’s TotalChrom default folder
directory (default path) and not the sequence

PatchTChrom631_21May08H Post sequence set-up files save to the root

directory (default directory), not the
designated sub-directory

PatchTChrom631_22May08I Columns in a sequence printout and summary

report are not aligned unless specific fonts are

PatchTChrom631_23May08J Real-Time Plot crashes when system is


The following issues have been address by this version of TotalChrom.


ALBF6UPQUA When the TC 6.3.1 patch for the Slow GC Status problem (from
SEP-165) is used with a TotalChrom method for a Clarus 600 GC
with an oven temperature program of 9 steps, the TotalChrom
Details screen from TCNav shows only 8 steps in the oven program.

ALBF7JJP3A When setting up a controlled instrument by Method, and that

method is set for Manual Injections, it should be possible to continue
making injections without the need for a Vial List, while at the same
time creating data files with automatic sequential numbering.

ALBF7GLTFS Restore original functionality to auto-increment data file names

when using Setup by Method with controlled instruments.

ALBF7JDQF6 Cannot setup a sequence that contains a User Program row.

ALBF7GLQ4C Old functionality for selecting "Previous Data File" and "Next Data
File" in GME and GRE must be restored.

PPBC7L3J87 Peak names truncated to 1-3 characters in GME -Reprocess


DJGZ74CGPF Changes must be made to JobType.ini to increase the LC200DAD

Maximum Signal Level 25000000 (a.k.a. 1.6) to 58160000 (a.k.a.

DJGZ7M7JSA Allow calibration to the full 3AU range of the Series 200EP UV/Vis detector by
changing a value in each of the <jobtype>.ini files.

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