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Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian


Article · January 2010

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2 authors, including:

Jamil Bojei
Universiti Putra Malaysia


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Siti Rahayu et al.
Journal of Agribusiness Marketing • Vol. 3 (2010): 1-19



Siti Rahayu Hussin*

Wong Foong Yee
Jamil Bojei


Product attribute is one of the most important criteria in consumers’

purchase decision making. This study examines consumers’ perceptions
on the essential quality attributes of fresh produce. For this purpose,
1,562 usable responses were analysed. Findings show that quality
product attributes such as absence of defect, absence of blemishes,
ripeness, freshness, absence of pesticides, absence of preservatives,
nutritional value and cleanliness are consistently rated as important
for both fruits and vegetables.

Keywords: Purchasing behaviour, fresh produce, product attributes, Malaysia


We are witnessing the growth of food consumption all over the world, including in
the rapidly developing Asian countries. In major cities of Asia, food consumption has
expanded and diversified drastically. This trend is mainly attributed to high population
growth, considerable enhancement of household income, and drastic changes in lifestyle
due to rapid urbanisation (Ishida et al., 2003). Products such as fresh produce, especially
fruits and vegetables are seeing an increase in demand to meet the needs and preference
of the consumers. In the Malaysian Third National Agricultural Policy, it is predicted that
per capita consumption of fruits and vegetables will increase by 1.8% per annum, for
the 1998-2010 period (Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia, 1999). Based on the increase
in consumption and production, the Malaysian Government has now placed high priority
on the vegetable industry in its National Agricultural Policy. While there is an increasing
percentage of fresh produce from local producers, there has also been an increase of ���im-
ported fresh produce. The demand for fresh produce has been steadily increasing and this
indicates the potential for production and marketing of fresh produce in Malaysia.

Fresh produce is associated frequently with commodity, however, the latest trend in
consumer behaviour indicates the need for changes in how fresh produce is distributed
to final users. Due to the dynamic nature of consumers who are now more educated and
possess higher disposable income, there is an increasing demand for convenience, safety
and health among urban dwellers.

* Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia
E-mail :

Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian Consumers

The study by Reardon et al. (2003) concluded that there is a need for assurance of various
product attributes in order to meet customers’ demands. Findings from many developing
countries have shown that supermarkets are becoming a popular retail outlet. According
to Reardon et al. (2003), these supermarkets are demanding expansion of product choices,
attribute consistency over transactions, year-round availability and especially the standard
for quality and safety of food products. Ruben et al. (2007) also found that more and
more supermarkets in Asia are demanding growers to improve product attributes such as
quality, safety and freshness.

Govindasamy et al. (1997) found that freshness, taste/flavour, cleanliness, health value
and absence of pesticides were among the most important characteristics of fresh produce,
whereas locally grown fresh produce and the country of origin were among the least
important characteristics.

Quality judgements are largely influenced by product itself (Silayoi & Speece, 2004).
For example, consumers may ascertain product quality by screening product appearance.
Some consumers will assume that the product is of high quality if the package is of high
quality. Vice versa, if the consumers have negative information on the product package,
then they will transfer low quality perception to the product itself.

Fatimah et al. (2007) reported that the market demand for tropical fruits is encouraging,
in particular at the regional and international levels. In many developing economies,
the improvement in economic well-being is being translated into a higher demand for
healthier and more convenient products such as fruits, processed fruits and nut products,
ready-to-serve and ultra-fresh fruits, canned products and juices. Although fruits and
vegetables now claim a significant share of world agricultural trade, there seems to be
minimal research on the global patterns and dynamics of this trade (Huang, 2004). The
category “fruits and vegetables” encompasses a great variety of commodities, each with
its own characteristics and institutions.

With the emergence of more modern retail outlets, consumers have more and better
choices in terms of where to make a purchase. Since retailers compete in terms of product
assortment strategy, the quality of products available in retail outlets has also improved. If
the produce is available but the attributes do not meet consumers’ preference, the produce
will be rotten. For example, according to Cadilhon et al. (2003), it is important for the
growers to reduce the usage of chemicals in order to ensure higher food safety standard as
part of essential product attributes.

The understanding of consumer purchase behaviour with regards to fresh produce is

important because this information will help producers grow the most demanded produce
and retailers can carry and promote products more effectively.

This study is designed to quantify empirically consumer perceptions on the importance

of product attributes, with the view to gain a better understanding of factors influencing
consumer’s purchasing behaviour in Malaysia. Specifically, this study investigates what

Siti Rahayu et al.

the consumer perception on the four important product attributes (quality, value-added,
price, and country of origin) for fruits and vegetables are. However, for this paper, the
researchers discussed only the quality attributes in influencing the purchase of fresh


Food purchasing is increasingly characterised by higher levels of involvement with

extensive evaluations of goods on numerous attributes. Previous research conducted by
Abbot (1999) revealed that product attributes such as “natural”, “healthy” and “absence
of harmful substances” are considered the most important food product attributes. Product
“freshness”, “quality”, “taste” and “health” are also found to be the main motivations of
consumers to choose fresh fruit and vegetables.

Product attributes are those features of a product meeting consumer needs. The term
‘characteristics’ is mainly used in the food science literature, whereas the term attributes is
more prominent in the consumer behaviour literature, although sometimes both terms are
used interchangeably in the literature. At the point of purchase, consumers need quality
indicators or quality cues to be able to evaluate the quality of a product. A quality cue
is defined as all informational stimuli available to the consumer prior to consumption
(Steenkamp & van Trijp, 1996). These quality cues or indicators can be either intrinsic
or extrinsic. While intrinsic cues are part of the physical product, extrinsic cues are only
related to the physical product. Espejel et al. (2007) in their study on the role of intrinsic
and extrinsic quality attributes on consumer behaviour for traditional food products, stated
that intrinsic attributes include colour, marbling and fat content and that of the well-known
extrinsic quality cues are country of origin, brand name, price and store name.

Abbot (1999) defined the term quality as the degree of excellence of a product or its
suitability for a particular use. She described quality as a human construct comprising
many properties and characteristics. According to her, the quality of produce encompasses
sensory properties (appearance, texture, taste and aroma), nutritive values, chemical
constituents, mechanical properties, functional properties and defects. Since fruits and
vegetables are perishable, the quality of fruit and vegetable changes as these products
are passed along the distribution chain. On the other hand, the perspective of handlers or
consumers depends on their position in this distribution chain as well as their personal
tastes (Schewfelt, 1998). It is well-documented that product attributes have different
influence on different types of consumers. Blackwell et al. (2006) referred the attributes
that are the most important to consumers as salient attributes. These salient attributes such
as choice criteria, become determinant attributes when they directly influence buyer’s

Opara’s (2000) definition of the quality of agricultural products is quite comprehensive in

that it includes all of the attributes, characteristics, and features of a product that the buyer,
purchaser, consumer, or user expects. Szybillo and Jacoby (1974) stated that attributes

Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian Consumers

may be classified into those that are intrinsic or extrinsic to the product, and those that
are revealed or hidden to the buyer. Intrinsic attributes are defined as those inherent in the
product, such as taste or colour of an apple, which, if changed, would result in a change
to the product itself. On the other hand, extrinsic attributes are defined as those that are
independent of the product, such as price or brand.

Among the most studied attributes of agricultural produce are food safety, nutrition, value,
package and production process. These attributes are later broken down into specific
quality attributes such as taste, appearance, size under the attribute value or physical;
pesticide, food additives under food safety attributes; and vitamins and minerals under
nutrition attributes. Caswell (2000) developed a table, listing five quality attributes of
organic and conventionally produced food products (Table 1).

Table 1: Quality Attributes

Quality Attribute Examples

Food safety attributes Food borne pathogens
Heavy metals
Pesticide residues
Food additives
Naturally occurring toxins
Veterinary residues
Nutrition attributes Fat
Value attributes Purity
Compositional integrity
Convenience of preparation
Package attributes Package materials
Other information provided
Production process attributes Animal welfare
Genetic modification
Environmental impact
Pesticide use
Worker safety

Source: Adopted from Caswell, J.A. (2000).

Siti Rahayu et al.

A study by Cunningham (2002) found that Canadian consumers rank taste (93%),
nutrition and health (89%), ease of preparation (68%), preparation time (66%), and price
(62) as key considerations. Another study conducted by Demeritt (2002) concluded that
respondents rated health/nutrition (66%), taste (38%), food safety (30%), environment
(26%), availability (16%), price (16%), appearance (12%) and family (11%) as factors
that influenced organic choices. Groff et al. (1993) found that key factors affecting
consumer preferences were freshness, healthiness, flavour, nutrition, safety, appearance,
price, environmental effect, certification, where it is grown, and brand. In a study by
The Packer (2001), it was concluded that 65% of respondents were concerned about
chemical residues on fresh produce. Taste was the main food quality attribute that affected
consumer’s preference. In another study, Wolf (2002) found that attributes that were very
desirable or extremely desirable to consumers included fresh looking, fresh tasting, high
quality, seedless, good value, reasonably priced, “healthy for me”, high nutrition, looks
sweet, free of insects, sale priced, and free of pesticides.

Another product attribute is brand. Some fresh produce are branded and consumers may
perceive these brands to be of value. Some examples of fresh produce brands are Dole and
Sunkist from the US and Malaysia’s Best from Malaysia. However, brands are relatively
uncommon with fresh fruits and vegetables, compared to most grocery products. In his
study of Australia fresh fruits and vegetables, Pearson (2003) concluded that most fresh
fruits and vegetables are unbranded.

Findings of a study by Brunso and Grunert (1998) have shown that consumers are found
to be different in terms of their eating lifestyle and ways of shopping. The French and
British respondents rated importance of product information and price criterion close to
each other compared with the Danish. In a different study, Shim et al. (2001) developed
a fruit-specific lifestyle segment, comprising: fruit opinion leadership, safety conscious,
external information seeking, quality/novelty seeking, aesthetic orientation, open market
advocate, price consciousness, homemaker use, eclectic fruit use, egocentric/origin
orientation, consumer ethnocentric orientation, and gift-giving orientation. Findings of
this study show that customers can be grouped according to how they consume fresh
produce. For example, there is a group of customers who find that the purchase and
consumption of fresh produce is something special and thus treat it differently from the
group of customers who purchase and consume fresh produce on a daily basis.


The instrument for the study is in the form of a structured questionnaire. The instrument
was set in Bahasa Malaysia and English, using back-to-back translation. The questionnaire
used in this study has been adapted from questions developed in other similar studies.
Consumer behaviour is measured by respondents’ perception of product attributes’
importance when purchasing fresh produce. The essentials of product attributes importance
are divided into four: quality, value-added, country of origin and price.

Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian Consumers

Quality attributes are represented by colour, absence of defects, absence of blemishes,

freshness, ripeness, sweetness, nutritional values, flavours, absence of pesticides, absence
of preservative, cleanliness and naturally ripened. Value-added attributes comprise four
items: cleaned, pre-cut, ready to cook, ready to eat, labelling and organically grown.
Country of origin attributes comprises two items: country of origin and locally grown.
Price attributes include availability of promotion, price bargaining, and reasonable price.

The review of literature has revealed several studies on quality of products from various
perspectives. This has included Demeritt (2002) and Groff et al. (1993) who focused on
factors that influenced choice of organic product as well as Caswell (2000) who focused
on organics and conventionally produced food products. However, we have found that
only Govindasamy et al. (1997) conducted a similar research focusing on specific quality
attributes of fresh produce. Therefore, this study adopted the quality attributes from
Govindasamy et al. (1997).

Based on Govindasamy et al. (1997) and Shim et al. (2001), 32 statements of product
attributes for fruits and 33 statements for vegetables were developed. To avoid middle
scale answers, respondents were asked to rank on an ordered scale of 1 to 4, 1 being very
unimportant and 4 very important. This scale was used because it examined how strongly
the respondents agree or disagree with statements developed in the questionnaire. In the
last section, demographic, eleven questions were asked about respondents’ background.
Screening questions such as “Have you purchased any kinds of fruits/vegetables in the
past two months?” and “Are you a local resident?” were used to select respondents; those
who did not fulfil the screening requirement of the questions were dropped from the study.
A pilot study was conducted before the actual survey.

Respondents were contacted through door-to-door survey and store-intercept. To determine

the sample size, several factors have been taken into consideration. These include
statistical requirement, time constraint, financial capability and data collection method.
After considering these factors, it was determined that a sample of 1,850 respondents
would allow the appropriate analysis to be undertaken. In addition, Malhotra (2007) and
Tull and Hawkins (1990) suggest that a typical range of sample size for consumer research
is 1,000-2,500.

Purposive sampling method was used to select the respondents. Klang Valley and six
capital cities were selected to represent urban areas of Malaysia, namely Northern zone,
Souhtern zone, Central zone, Eastern zone, Sabah and Sarawak. The cities were: Klang
Valley, Johor Bahru, Kuantan, Pulau Pinang, Alor Star, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching.
Three hundred and fifty respondents each were selected from bigger cities such as Penang,
Johor Bahru and Klang Valley. Two hundred respondents each were selected from Alor
Star, Kuantan, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching. The number of respondents was based on
the quota that was set by the researchers. Samples were selected from residential areas or
home of different types (terraced houses, apartments and bungalows) with various types
of food/grocery retail outlets available (hypermarkets, department stores, supermarkets,

Siti Rahayu et al.

sundry shops, wet markets, mobile outlets and street sales). Respondents were also chosen
to resemble the various demographic dimensions (age, education, gender, household size,
household income, occupation and state). A total of 1,562 usable responses was analysed.
For the purpose of this paper, we only reported results of one of the product attributes, i.e.
the quality attribute.


Statistical software SPSS Version 14 was used for data analysis. The main focus of the
statistical analysis in this study was to determine the product attributes’ importance in
purchasing fresh produce. In the current study, 1,562 respondents were included in the
analysis which satisfies the requirement for parametric statistics. Based on the objectives
of the study, descriptive analysis was employed. The reliability test of the instrument used
in this study received acceptable reliability level of alpha coefficients (above 0.6).

Purchase of Fresh Produce

In the questionnaire, we listed seven types of fruits. However, respondents were asked
to choose only one fruit to refer to when answering the questionnaire. This was because
we wanted to analyse the quality attributes of a particular type of fruits at a time. We also
listed four attributes (quality, value-added, price, country of origin). However, for this
paper, we have reported only the quality attributes. Data on the type of fresh produce
purchased by respondents was analysed descriptively.

From 1,562 respondents, 235 or 15.0% of respondents chose papaya, 361 or 22.4% chose
banana, 60 or 3.8% chose pitaya (dragon fruit), 364 or 22.4% chose watermelon, 167
or 10.7% chose honeydew, 284 or 18.2% chose mango, and 91 or 5.8% of respondents
selected pineapple as the fruit that they refer to when answering the questions on product
attributes (Figure 1).

22.4 22.4

20 18.2 Papaya

15 Banana

15 Pitaya(dragon
10 fruit)
5 3.8

Type of Fruits
Type of Fruits

Figure 1: Respondents’
Choice of Fruits
Figure 1: Respondents’ Choice of Fruits

Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Fruit (Watermelon and Banana) 7

The findings reported in this paper show only the quality attributes for two types of fruits.

The objective of the analysis is to identify specific factor for specific type of fruit. The

researchers compare only the top two fruits chosen by the respondents as a basis for
Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian Consumers

Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Fruit (Watermelon and Banana)

The findings reported in this paper show only the quality attributes for two types of
fruits. The objective of the analysis is to identify specific factor for specific type of fruit.
The researchers compare only the top two fruits chosen by the respondents as a basis
for answering the questionnaire. The fruits are watermelon and banana. Therefore, the
attributes chosen by respondents refer to the attributes of that specific fruit (watermelon
or banana) only. Responses by those respondents who answer the questionnaire based on
other type of fruits such as papaya, pitaya and others are not shown in this paper.

A total of 364 respondents answered the questionnaire based on their chosen fruit, i.e.
watermelon. In terms of quality attributes for watermelon, not even 30 percent of the
respondents consider sourness as an important attribute. More than 90% of respondents
who answered for watermelon indicated that these quality attributes are important when
they are purchasing watermelon. The quality attributes are: absence of defects, absence
of blemishes, freshness, ripeness, sweetness, nutritional values, flavours, absence of
pesticides, absence of preservative, cleanliness and naturally ripened. Between 70 to
90 percent of respondents have stated that size, weight, shape, colour, succulence and
juiciness are important quality of watermelon (refer to Table 2).

Table 2: Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Fruit (Watermelon)

Very Very Total

Unimportant Total Important Total
Quality Unimportant Important All
n % n % % n % N % % N
Size 9 2.5 48 13.2 15.7 218 59.9 89 24.5 84.4 364
Weight 10 2.7 87 23.9 26.6 194 53.3 73 20.1 73.4 364
Shape 7 1.9 50 13.7 15.6 219 60.2 88 24.2 84.4 364
Colour 3 0.8 47 12.9 13.7 205 56.3 109 29.9 86.2 364
Gloss 30 8.2 119 32.7 40.9 142 39 73 20.1 59.1 364
Absence of
3 0.8 8 2.2 3 114 31.3 239 65.7 97.0 364
Absence of
3 0.8 13 3.6 4.4 111 30.5 237 65.1 95.6 364
Succulence 23 6.3 49 13.5 19.8 179 49.2 113 31 80.2 364
Crispness 41 11.3 111 30.5 41.8 135 37.1 77 21.2 58.3 364
Juiciness 3 0.8 60 16.5 17.3 157 43.1 144 39.6 82.7 364
Freshness 3 0.8 7 1.9 2.7 130 35.7 224 61.5 97.2 364
Ripeness 0 0 10 2.7 2.7 157 43.1 197 54.1 97.2 364
Sweetness 4 1.1 9 2.5 3.6 134 36.8 217 59.6 96.4 364
Sourness 139 38.2 120 33 71.2 67 18.4 38 10.4 28.8 364
Aroma 66 18.1 89 24.5 42.6 135 37.1 74 20.3 57.4 364
Flavours 6 1.6 8 2.2 3.8 157 43.1 193 53 96.1 364
Nutritional 1 0.3 14 3.8 4.1 132 36.3 217 59.6 95.9 364
Absence of
1 0.3 19 5.2 5.5 111 30.5 233 64 94.5
pesticides 364
Absence of
2 0.5 16 4.4 4.9 117 32.1 229 62.9 95.0 364
Cleanliness 3 0.8 9 2.5 3.3 104 28.6 248 68.1 96.7 364
2 0.5 8 2.2 2.7 131 36 223 61.3 97.3 364

Siti Rahayu et al.

A total of 316 respondents referred to banana when answering the questionnaire. More
than 90% of respondents indicated that these quality attributes are important when buying
banana: colour, absence of defect, absence of blemishes, freshness, ripeness, sweetness,
flavours, nutritional value, absence of pesticides, absence of preservatives, cleanliness and
naturally ripened. Between 70 to 90 percent of respondents have stated that size and shape
are important when purchasing banana (refer to Table 3).

Table 3: Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Fruit (Banana)

Very Very Total

Unimportant Total Important Total
Quality Unimportant Important All
n % n % % n % n % % N
Size 14 3.9 61 16.9 20.8 198 54.8 88 24.4 79.2 316
Weight 19 5.3 125 34.6 39.9 175 48.5 42 11.6 60.1 316
Shape 8 2.2 51 14.1 16.3 221 61.2 81 22.4 83.6 316
Colour 0 0 27 7.5 7.5 187 51.8 147 40.7 92.5 316
Gloss 31 8.6 98 27.1 35.7 155 42.9 77 21.3 64.2 316
Absence of
2 0.6 3 0.8 1.4 102 28.3 254 70.4 98.7 316
Absence of
3 0.8 6 1.7 2.5 104 28.8 248 68.7 97.5 316
Succulence 115 31.9 109 30.2 62.1 95 26.3 42 11.6 37.9 316
Crispness 128 35.5 139 38.5 74 65 18 29 8 26.0 316
Juiciness 93 25.8 125 34.6 60.4 87 24.1 56 15.5 39.6 316
Freshness 4 1.1 8 2.2 3.3 126 34.9 223 61.8 96.7 316
Ripeness 2 0.6 8 2.2 2.8 131 36.3 220 60.9 97.2 316
Sweetness 11 3 17 4.7 7.7 114 31.6 219 60.7 92.3 316
Sourness 170 47.1 101 28 75.1 57 15.8 33 9.1 24.9 316
Aroma 108 29.9 52 14.4 44.3 129 35.7 72 19.9 55.6 316
Flavours 8 2.2 10 2.8 5 119 33 224 62 95.0 316
4 1.1 11 3 4.1 107 29.6 239 66.2 95.8 316
Absence of
3 0.8 15 4.2 5 80 22.2 263 72.9 95.1 316
Absence of
4 1.1 16 4.4 5.5 96 26.6 245 67.9 94.5 316
Cleanliness 3 0.8 8 2.2 3 95 26.3 255 70.6 96.9 316
3 0.8 13 3.6 4.4 100 27.7 245 67.9 95.6 316

Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Leafy Vegetables (Mustard and Cabbage)

In the questionnaire, we listed four types of leafy vegetables (mustard, spinach, cabbage
and convolvulus). However, respondents were asked to choose only one leafy vegetable
to refer to when answering the questionnaire. This was to enable us to analyse product
attribute according to specific produce. We also listed four attributes (quality, value-
added, price, country of origin). However, for this paper, we have reported only the quality
attributes. This is because we wanted to analyse the quality attributes of a particular type
of leafy vegetable at a time. Data on the type of fresh produce purchased by respondents
was analysed descriptively.

The findings reported in this paper have shown only the quality attributes for two types
of leafy vegetables. The objective of the analysis is to identify specific factor for specific

leafy vegetables. The objective of the analysis is to identify specific factor for specific type of

vegetables. Therefore, the attributes chosen by respondents refer to the attributes of that

specific vegetable (mustard or cabbage) only. Responses by those respondents who answered

Essential Quality Attributes

the questionnaire basedinon
type ofPurchase by Malaysian
leafy vegetables Consumers
such as convolvulus and spinach are

not shown in this article.

type of vegetables. Therefore, the attributes chosen by respondents refer to the attributes
of that specific vegetable (mustard or cabbage) only. Responses by those respondents who
From 1,562 respondents, 518 or 33.5% of respondents chose mustard, 301 or 19.3% chose
answered the questionnaire based on other type of leafy vegetables such as convolvulus
are or
shown in this
chose article.
cabbage and 346 or 22.2% respondents selected convolvulus

From 1,562
when respondents,
answering 518 oron33.5%
the questions ofattributes
product respondents
(referchose mustard,
to Figure 2). 301 or 19.3% chose
spinach, 397 or 25.4% chose cabbage and 346 or 22.2% respondents selected convolvulus
when answering the questions on product attributes (refer to Figure 2).

Respondents’ Choice of Leafy Vegetables

30 25.4
22.2 Mustard

19.3 Spinach
15 Convolvulus

Type Leafy Vegetables

Figure 2: 2:
Figure Respondents’
Choice of
of Leafy Vegetables
Leafy Vegetables

From the 1,562 respondents, a total of 316 respondents answered the questionnaire based
on their chosen leafy vegetable (mustard). More than 90% of respondents stated that the
following quality attributes are important for mustard: colour, absence of defect, absence
of blemishes, freshness, ripeness, flavour, nutritional value, absence of pesticides, absence
of preservatives, cleanliness and naturally ripened. Between 70 to 90 percent have also
indicated that shape is also important (refer to Table 4).

Table 4: Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Leafy Vegetable (Mustard)

Very Very Total

Unimportant Total Important Total
Quality Unimportant Important All
n % N % % n % n % % N
Size 15 2.9 117 22.6 25.5 231 44.6 155 29.9 74.5 518
Weight 19 3.7 192 37.1 40.8 223 43.1 84 16.2 59.3 518
Shape 11 2.1 86 16.6 18.7 274 52.9 147 28.4 81.3 518
Colour 5 1 27 5.2 6.2 277 53.5 209 40.3 93.8 518
Gloss 37 7.1 150 29 36.1 185 35.7 146 28.2 63.9 518
Absence of
1 0.2 25 4.8 5 165 31.9 327 63.1 95.0 518
Absence of
5 1 24 4.6 5.6 172 33.2 317 61.2 94.4 518
Succulence 144 27.8 159 30.7 58.5 153 29.5 62 12 41.5 518

Siti Rahayu et al.

Table 4 (Continued)

Very Very Total

Unimportant Total Important Total
Quality Unimportant Important All
n % N % % n % n % % N
Juiciness 156 30.1 198 38.2 68.3 101 19.5 63 12.2 31.7 518
Freshness 6 1.2 9 1.7 2.9 167 32.2 336 64.9 97.1 518
Ripeness 9 1.7 26 5 6.7 197 38 286 55.2 93.2 518
Sweetness 145 28 133 25.7 53.7 143 27.6 97 18.7 46.3 518
Sourness 204 39.4 197 38 77.4 81 15.6 36 6.9 22.5 518
Bitterness 185 35.7 184 35.5 71.2 105 20.3 44 8.5 28.8 518
Aroma 133 25.7 133 25.7 51.4 171 33 81 15.6 48.6 518
Flavours 10 1.9 27 5.2 7.1 224 43.2 257 49.6 92.8 518
3 0.6 17 3.3 3.9 176 34 322 62.2 96.2 518
Absence of
1 0.2 27 5.2 5.4 140 27 350 67.6 94.6 518
Absence of
3 0.6 29 5.6 6.2 133 25.7 353 68.1 93.8 518
Cleanliness 1 0.2 11 2.1 2.3 157 30.3 349 67.4 97.7 518
7 1.4 18 3.5 4.9 167 32.2 326 62.9 95.1 518

From 1,562 respondents, a total of 397 respondents answered the questionnaire based
on their chosen leafy vegetable (cabbage). For cabbage, more than 90% of respondents
stated that the quality attributes that are important include: colour, absence of defect,
absence of blemishes, freshness, ripeness, flavour, nutritional value, absence of pesticides,
absence of preservatives, cleanliness and naturally ripened. Between 70 to 90 percent of
the respondents indicated that size and shape are also important (refer to Table 5).

Table 5: Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Leafy Vegetable (Cabbage)

Very Very Total

Unimportant Total Important Total
Quality Unimportant Important All
n % N % % n % n % % N
Size 3 0.8 58 14.6 15.4 234 58.9 102 25.7 84.6 397
Weight 8 2 116 29.2 31.2 194 48.9 79 19.9 68.8 397
Shape 3 0.8 57 14.4 15.2 245 61.7 92 23.2 84.9 397
Colour 5 1.3 30 7.6 8.9 264 66.5 98 24.7 91.2 397
Gloss 43 10.8 121 30.5 41.3 162 40.8 71 17.9 58.7 397
Absence of
1 0.3 14 3.5 3.8 123 31 259 65.2 96.2 397
Absence of
1 0.3 16 4 4.3 121 30.5 259 65.2 95.7 397
Succulence 59 14.9 127 32 46.9 150 37.8 61 15.4 53.2 397
Crispness 46 11.6 99 24.9 36.5 175 44.1 77 19.4 63.5 397
Juiciness 67 16.9 141 35.5 52.4 131 33 58 14.6 47.6 397
Freshness 2 0.5 9 2.3 2.8 173 43.6 213 53.7 97.3 397
Ripeness 4 1 18 4.5 5.5 195 49.1 180 45.3 94.4 397
Sweetness 49 12.3 128 32.2 44.5 138 34.8 82 20.7 55.5 397
Sourness 102 25.7 184 46.3 72 81 20.4 30 7.6 28.0 397
Bitterness 101 25.4 164 41.3 66.7 96 24.2 36 9.1 33.3 397
Aroma 39 9.8 147 37 46.8 142 35.8 69 17.4 53.2 397
Flavours 6 1.5 25 6.3 7.8 214 53.9 152 38.3 92.2 397

Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian Consumers

Table 5 (Continued)

Very Very Total

Unimportant Total Important Total
Quality Unimportant Important All
n % N % % n % n % % N
Absence of
4 1 15 3.8 4.8 129 32.5 249 62.7 95.2 397
Absence of
4 1 13 3.3 4.3 134 33.8 246 62 95.8 397
Cleanliness 1 0.3 8 2 2.3 140 35.3 248 62.5 97.8 397
5 1.3 14 3.5 4.8 152 38.3 226 56.9 95.2 397

Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Non-leafy Vegetables (Tomato and Long

In the questionnaire, we listed thirteen types of non-leafy vegetables (lady’s finger,

capsicum, tomato, long bean, sweet potato, egg plant, chilly, loofah, long bean, cucumber,
pumpkin, sweet corn and french bean). However, respondents were asked to choose only
one non-leafy vegetable to refer to when answering the questionnaire. We have also listed
four product attributes (quality, value-added, price and country of origin). For the purpose
of this paper, we have reported only the quality attributes. This is because we wanted to
analyse the quality attributes of a particular type of non-leafy vegetables at a time. Data on
the type of fresh produce purchased by respondents was analysed descriptively.

The findings reported in this paper have shown only the quality attributes for two types of
non-leafy vegetables. The objective of the analysis is to identify specific factor for specific
type of non-leafy vegetables. Therefore, the attributes chosen by respondents refer to the
attributes of that specific non-leafy vegetable (tomato or long bean) only. Responses
by those respondents who answered the questionnaire based on other type of non-leafy
vegetables such as sweet potato, capsicum, pumpkin, etc. are not shown in this paper.

For non-leafy vegetables, respondents were asked to choose only one out of 13 types of
non-leafy vegetables. From the total of 1,562 responses, the respondents’ choices are as
follows: 172 or 11% chose lady’s finger, 13 or 0.8% chose capsicum, 59 or 3.8% chose
egg plant, 103 or 6.6% chose long bean/plant, 81 or 5.2% chose pumpkin, 134 or 8.6%
chose sweet corn, 298 or 19.1% chose tomato, 161 or 10.3% chose chilli, 168 or 10.8%
chose cucumber, 192 or 12.3% chose long bean, 94 or 6.0% chose French bean, 37 or
2.4% chose sweet potato and 49 or 3.1% chose loofah (refer to Figure 3).

Siti Rahayu et al.


Type of Vegetables Non Leafy

Figure 3: Respondents’ Choice of Non Leafy Vegetables

Figure 3: Respondents’ Choice of Non Leafy Vegetables
For the purpose of this paper, the researchers have compared only the top two non-leafy
For the purpose of this paper, the researchers have compared only the top two non-leafy
vegetables chosen
vegetables by by
chosen thethe
respondentsasasa abasis
answering the
the questionnaire. Thenon-
questionnaire. The non-
leafy vegetables are tomato and long bean.
leafy vegetables are tomato and long bean.
Out of a total of 298 respondents who answered for tomato, more than 90% of respondents
indicated that shape, colour, absence of defect, absence of blemishes, freshness, ripeness,
Out nutritional
of a total ofvalues, absence who
298 respondents of pesticides, absence
answered for ofmore
tomato, preservative,
than 90% cleanliness and
of respondents
naturally ripened are important. Between 70 to 90 percent of respondents indicated that
size and glossthat
indicated are shape,
also important (refer of
colour, absence to Table
defect, 6).
absence of blemishes, freshness, ripeness,

flavour, nutritional values, absence of pesticides, absence of preservative, cleanliness and

Table 6: Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Non-leafy Vegetable (Tomato)
naturally ripened are important. Between 70 to 90 percent of respondents indicated that size
Very Very Total
and gloss are also importantUnimportant
Unimportant (refer to TableTotal
6). Important
n % n % % n % n % % N
Size 6 2 40 13.4 15.4 182 61.1 70 23.5 84.6 298
Weight 9 3 111 37.2 40.2 121 40.6 57 19.1 59.7 298
Shape 2 0.7 25 8.4 9.1 186 62.4 85 28.5 90.9 298
Colour 3 1 14 4.7 5.7 183 61.4 98 32.9 94.3 298
Gloss 8 2.7 46 15.4 18.1 154 51.7 90 30.2 81.9 298
Absence of
0 0 6 2 2 101 33.9 191 64.1 98.0 298
Absence of
0 0 8 2.7 2.7 97 32.6 193 64.8 97.4 298
Succulence 28 9.4 64 21.5 30.9 143 48 63 21.1 69.1 298

Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian Consumers

Table 6 (Continued)

Very Very Total

Quality Unimportant Total Important Total
Unimportant Important
n % n % % n % n % % N
Juiciness 32 10.7 94 31.5 42.2 110 36.9 62 20.8 57.7 298
Freshness 1 0.3 4 1.3 1.6 138 46.3 155 52 98.3 298
Ripeness 0 0 10 3.4 3.4 135 45.3 153 51.3 96.6 298
Sweetness 20 6.7 99 33.2 39.9 95 31.9 84 28.2 60.1 298
Sourness 31 10.4 69 23.2 33.6 141 47.3 57 19.1 66.4 298
Bitterness 96 32.2 112 37.6 69.8 55 18.5 35 11.7 30.2 298
Aroma 54 18.1 75 25.2 43.3 106 35.6 63 21.1 56.7 298
Flavours 0 0 12 4 4 158 53 128 43 96.0 298
1 0.3 4 1.3 1.6 140 47 153 51.3 98.3 298
Absence of 5 1.7 7 2.3 4 111 37.2 175 58.7 95.9 298
Absence of 4 1.3 8 2.7 4 115 38.6 171 57.4 96.0 298
Cleanliness 2 0.7 7 2.3 3 126 42.3 163 54.7 97.0 298
Naturally 1 0.3 13 4.4 4.7 137 46 147 49.3 95.3 298

As for long bean, out of a total 192 respondents, more than 90% of respondents who have
chosen long bean says that colour, absence of defect, absence of blemishes, freshness,
ripeness, flavour, nutritional values, absence of pesticides, absence of preservative,
cleanliness and naturally ripened are important. Between 70 to 90 percent of respondents
have indicated that size and shape are also important (refer to Table 7).

Table 7: Product Attributes (Quality Attributes) for Non-leafy Vegetable

(Long Bean)

Very Very
Unimportant Total Important Total Total
Quality Unimportant Important
n % n % % n % n % % N
Size 5 2.6 33 17.2 19.8 103 53.6 51 26.6 80.2 192
Weight 3 1.6 70 36.5 38.1 84 43.8 35 18.2 62.0 192
Shape 3 1.6 33 17.2 18.8 105 54.7 51 26.6 81.3 192
Colour 0 0 13 6.8 6.8 105 54.7 74 38.5 93.2 192
Gloss 19 9.9 64 33.3 43.2 74 38.5 35 18.2 56.7 192
Absence of 1 0.5 4 2.1 2.6 64 33.3 123 64.1 97.4 192
Absence of 1 0.5 5 2.6 3.1 61 31.8 125 65.1 96.9 192
Succulence 74 38.5 55 28.6 67.1 44 22.9 19 9.9 32.8 192
Crispness 63 32.8 36 18.8 51.6 55 28.6 38 19.8 48.4 192
Juiciness 78 40.6 52 27.1 67.7 33 17.2 29 15.1 32.3 192
Freshness 2 1 4 2.1 3.1 67 34.9 119 62 96.9 192
Ripeness 2 1 9 4.7 5.7 77 40.1 104 54.2 94.3 192
Sweetness 71 37 44 22.9 59.9 41 21.4 36 18.8 40.2 192
Sourness 93 48.4 54 28.1 76.5 23 12 22 11.5 23.5 192
Bitterness 88 45.8 55 28.6 74.4 31 16.1 18 9.4 25.5 192
Aroma 68 35.4 50 26 61.4 44 22.9 30 15.6 38.5 192
Flavours 4 2.1 9 4.7 6.8 74 38.5 105 54.7 93.2 192
Nutritional 1 0.5 8 4.2 4.7 70 36.5 113 58.9 95.4 192

Siti Rahayu et al.

Table 7 (Continued)

Very Very
Unimportant Total Important Total Total
Quality Unimportant Important
n % n % % n % n % % N
Absence of
0 0 13 6.8 6.8 48 25 131 68.2 93.2 192
Cleanliness 1 0.5 4 2.1 2.6 60 31.3 127 66.1 97.4 192
Naturally 0 0 8 4.2 4.2 61 31.8 123 64.1 95.9 192

Estimated Spending on Fruits and Vegetables

For the estimated spending on fresh produce, the following figures refer to all the seven
types of fruits, four types of leafy vegetables and thirteen types of non-leafy vegetables.
A total of 1,562 responses was analysed in this study. In terms of the purchase of fruits,
41.5% of respondents reported that they spend more than RM30 in a month. About 18%
indicated that they spend between RM16-RM20 per month. Another 12.5 % of respondents
spend between RM11-RM15, about 10% of respondents reported that they spend between
RM21-RM25 and RM26-RM30 respectively. Only 6.9% of respondents indicated that
they spend less than RM10 for fruits in a month (refer to Figure 4).

In terms of the purchase of vegetables, the response is as follows: 44.5% of respondents

spend more than RM30 in a month, 13.6% of respondents spend RM16-RM20 per month,
12.2 % of respondents spend RM21-RM25, about 12% of respondents spend between
RM26-RM30, 10.2% of respondents spend between RM11-RM15 and only 7.6% of
respondents indicated that they spend less than RM10 for vegetables in a month (refer to
Figure 4).

Figure 4: Expenses on Fruits and Vegetables in a Month

Essential Quality Attributes in Fresh Produce Purchase by Malaysian Consumers


In general, the bigger issues surrounding the market for fruits and vegetables in Malaysia
require the understanding of quality requirements of the local markets. The researchers
are of the opinion that there is a need to develop a market understanding of which fruits
and vegetables are the priority to the consumers. By doing so, it may lead to a competitive
advantage for the farmers in Malaysia. This study has not looked into many other types of
fruits (e.g. jackfruit and star fruit) and vegetables (e.g. mushrooms and herbs) which seem
to be promising in the near future. We believe that some local fruits and vegetables that
are available throughout the year have vast potential in the market. Thus, it is vital that the
production of Malaysian fruits and vegetables be based upon objective quality criteria of
the fresh produce. This includes the need to improve both on the yields and post-harvest
management, and also the distribution channels to market in local and export markets.

In order for suppliers to gain support from retailers, farmers need to realise that quality
of fresh produce is a very important attribute that is always required by customers. The
research findings concluded that quality is an important product attribute for fresh produce
shoppers in Malaysia. Quality attributes that are consistently rated as important for both
fruits and vegetables include absence of defect, absence of blemishes, ripeness, freshness,
absence of pesticides, absence of preservatives, nutritional value, and cleanliness.

As for the consumption of fresh produce, results showed that almost half of the
respondents spend more than RM30 in a month. This may indicate a moderate to high
consumption of fresh produce among consumers. Importantly, this creates opportunity for
those involved in marketing fresh produce to promote the purchase of both vegetables and
fruits. Positioning strategies require the identification of target customers and strategies
that cater to the needs of that particular target market. For both producers and retailers,
understanding consumers’ needs, wants, and preferences on the selection of fresh produce
can make or break a sale.

For future research, certain consumer demographic characteristics such as age and
household income as important criteria on the behaviour of certain groups of consumers
should be analysed.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Federal Agricultural
Marketing Authority (FAMA). We would also like to thank the participating organisations
and individuals for their support.

Siti Rahayu et al.


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