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Review On Consumer Buying Behaviour and Its Influence On Emotional Values and Perceived Quality With Respect To Organic Food Products

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International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies

Volume 1, Issue 1, August - 2018

Review on Consumer Buying Behaviour and its

Influence on Emotional Values and Perceived
Quality with Respect to Organic
Food Products
Chowdappa.V Dr. G Devakumar
MBA Student of Management and Commerce Head Marketing Management
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Management and Commerce
Bangalore in India Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore in India
Abstract:- The Aim of this study is to identify the critical interested in health (Harper and Macaroni, 2013). The
factors influencing sustainability of the organic food performance analysis of organic foods has been discussed
products. Literature survey has been carried out from and studied by researchers in many countries, including
the scholarly journals and relevant factors have been India. Here is a summary of important works that study
identified which influences sustainability of consumer organic consumers' perceived quality, purchasing behaviour
buying behaviour on organic food products. Based on and emotional value and their impact on the sustainability of
the literature survey the author suggested to build organic food. The main focus is related to the perceived
conceptual framework based on the factors such as quality of food by ethnocentrism of consumers. The
Quality, Emotional Values, Buying Behavior, Ethical relationship between consumers is determined by the
Values In addition, the independent variables have been performance of this study. This is not related to the purchase
identified through literature gap and the new conceptual intention of organic food, but it affects the quality of the
framework has been developed hypothetically to test the product. Casey (2015) consumer perceptions and understand
factors which influence Sustainability of consumer the knowledge of organic food products and purchasing
attitude towards organic food products. Since the study practices. However, the demand for organic products is
is limited to critical literature review, the author has accompanied by consumer awareness and belief that organic
gone ahead with the study for the development of new foods are healthier. Chembez and Herbert1, (2017) the
conceptual framework. relationship between attitudes of consumers and their
intention to buy organic food. Pittawat and Santiteeraku,
Keywords:- Perceived Quality, Emotional Values, Buying (2014) consumer attitudes and actual purchasing behaviour
Behavior, Ethical Values. carefully divide the market and establish marketing plans
and strategies so that these potential consumers are healthy,
I. INTRODUCTION free of pesticides, fresh and environmentally friendly. Singh
and Burma, (2017) consumer’s Actual Purchasing
The quality of organic food is made up of two
Behaviour for Organic Foods The purpose of this study is to
important dimensions, include food safety and
investigate the consumer’s actual purchasing behavioural
sustainability. Therefore, organic foods with low chemical
mechanism for organic foods. First, this study explores
residues are becoming popular all over the world. The
factors that affect summer attitudes to organic foods.
proportion of people, who consume green foods but the
(Kumar et al., 2012) Therefore, this study aims to formulate
attitude the main objective of this study is to examine
an understanding of the effects of perceived quality and
organic foods was influenced by psychological factors such
emotional value on the Indian consumers' choice behaviour
as awareness, attitude and intention to buy organic food.
between organic and local products.
Healthy content, free pesticide, freshness, environmentally
friendly benefits and more. For convenience, these potential II. LITERATURE REVIEW
consumers take actual buying behaviour for organic foods.
First, this study explores factors that affect summer attitudes Analysis of organic food products performance has
to organic foods. Harper and Macaroni, (2012). The belief in been discussed and researched by research scholars in many
organic food purchasing behaviour that purchasing intent is countries including India. A brief write up highlighting such
different suggests that marketers of organic foods should notable work which studies the Perceived Quality, Buying
segment their markets and establish marketing plans and Behavior and Emotional Value of organic consumers and
strategies. The advent of consumer behaviour can provide their impact on sustainability of organic foods are as
details about the factors that actually affect the purchase of follows.
organic food, which in turn can help marketers to effectively
promote and penetrate the food market. It emphasizes that A. Consumer Perceived Quality
health creates a good way of thinking about organic food Perceived quality can be defined as the customer's
consumption to prevent disease. It is also closely related to perception of the overall quality or advantage of a product
consumers' purchasing behaviour and thinking style by or service in relation to its intended purpose as compared to
investigating the purchasing intentions of customers who are an alternative. Consumer understood perceptions of the

International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies
Volume 1, Issue 1, August - 2018
quality of organic food and the price of making purchasing consumer purchasing behavior (Oluwoye, Chembez and
decisions (Dodds et al., 2014). Customer ethnocentrism is Herbert1 2017). Purchasing behavior is the decision-making
expected to focus on organic food as well as food safety, process and behavior of those who purchase and use the
human health and environmental issues Consumer product. Consumer buying behavior is defined as the study
preference. (Shafiea and Rennie, 2013) Perceived quality of purchasing units and exchange processes related to the
also provides value to consumers by providing reasons to acquisition, consumption and disposal of goods, services,
differentiate organic foods from competing brands. Research experiences and ideas.
results are in many areas such as distribution and marketing
for future research that can be directly or indirectly helping D. Ethical Values
to market development and expanding reach of organic food The ethical values focus on exploring the concept of
worldwide. Ranaa and Paul, (2017) Marketers need to mistrust of organic foods by consumers to support
understand the factors that affect the demand for organic information on organic food labels. Sweeney and Soutar,
food. They need to explore certain factors in attracting (2014) Ethical value is defined as the benefit derived from
consumers who do not buy organic food. Tsiaotso, (2012) the emotional or expressive state that a product generates.
proved that perceived quality can be used to predict Ethical value is an advantage that can be gained by
purchase intentions by demonstrating a direct positive experiencing something new or something different. Dodds
correlation between perceived quality and purchase et al. (2015) Presents an organic opinion on the positive
intentions. impact of moral values on purchasing intention. This
includes the ethical value consumers can get from a fun and
B. Consumer Emotional Value enjoyable experience. Bagozzi et al. (2013) Demonstrates
The relationship between consumers' feelings and that the ethical value associated with consumption is shaped
perceptions of organic foods related to primary health. by consumer considerations. Consumers who can trace the
Consumers are more likely to take a positive attitude toward origin of food at the point of purchase can put additional
green food when they are more interested in environmental pressure on the food industry. Dowd and Burke, (2013) the
issues and health consciousness (Ueasangkomsatea and ethical value of organic food products will not be perceived
Santiteeraku, 2014). Consumers' feelings about organic as being of low quality and that eco-friendly consumption
foods are diverse due to consumer creativity and the need will help enhance the quality of the environment. This
for creativity in organic foods. The positive relationship research focuses on the term "sustainable food", which is a
between the need for Indian consumers 'originality and the term that summarizes consumers who are interested in
consumers' feelings for organic food consumers has adopted purchasing authentic organic products and other ethical
the global brand as a means of communicating their identity, aspects of food selection. Investigate the moral factors of
which may be different from social systems. (Khattak and food purchasing. However, considering only the purchase of
Shah, 2012) The most common stimuli examined in this certified organic produce, part of the market will be
study are attitude, assessment, perception, preference, will excluded. Focuses on foods that have the same level of trust
and purchase behaviour. Thus, the impact on the two basic as buyers are connected to producers or food is grown in a
actors in total marketing systems, consumers and sustainable way.
practitioners is largely due to lack of sufficient theoretical
application and development from a macro marketing III. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
perspective (Howlett and Stokes, 2014).
Analysis of organic food products performance has
C. Buying Behavior been discussed and researched by research scholars in many
Consumer buying behavior of organic foods has been countries including India. A brief write up highlighting such
influenced by psychological factors such as perceptions, notable work which studies the Perceived Quality, Buying
attitudes and intent to purchase organic foods. The Behavior and Emotional Value of organic consumers and
emergence of organic foods has changed with traditional their impact on sustainability of organic foods are as
suppliers increasingly competing with new suppliers. follows: Customers are eager to buy health food. To explore
Traditional organic food stores are also included in potential organic foods, it is important to understand that
traditional Bangalore supermarkets and shopping malls, consumers are interested in food quality and food system
including Orion Mall, Gopalan Mall, UB city and Mantri issues. Check your consumer's knowledge of organic food
Mall. Consumer behavior can provide details about the evaluation. Consumers should therefore provide clear and
factors that actually affect organic food purchases Burress, reliable information about organic foods. Consumers think
and Eicher (2012). Marketers can help promote organic food they know more about their perceptions. Research has been
market efficiently and it emphasizes that health creates a proven by the basic value of purchasing decisions and the
good way of thinking about organic food consumption to situation in which decisions are made. Consider the positive
prevent disease. Harper and Macaroni, (2013) Consumer perception of organic food, how you can buy consumer
perceptions and understand organic food and buying opinions realistically, and how many non-buyers can reach
behavior. The buyer approached while shopping for food at you.
two retail chains. Marketers of organic foods need to be IV. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
innovative and dynamic to compete with the changing
purchasing behavior of the organic food market among large The following Figure 1 shows the development of
urban dwellers. However, the demand for organic products conceptual framework with the critical influencing factors
has improved the belief system for organic foods as well as such as Perceived Quality, Emotional Value and Buying

International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies
Volume 1, Issue 1, August - 2018
Behavior used to develop the framework which will be startup sustainability has been developed. It was identified
tested and data analysis carried out in the following chapter that organic food products do not survive. Due to various
reasons hence this reason does helped to carry out through
literature survey and the gap has been identified on the
influence factors to the sustainability of organic food
products. Though there are number of researchers have
already carried out on sustainability of organic food
products, majority of the authors have identified with the
combination of different factors and variables for their
research. In this study the author has identified the different
factors which are all the critical influencing factors such as
Perceived Quality, Emotional Value, Buying behavior and
ethical values which will have significant impact on
consumer buying behavior with respect to organic food


Fig 1:- Conceptual Framework
This is study is limited to the review of literature from
H1: Perceived Quality, Scopus indexed journals. As this is an ongoing research, the
H2: Emotional Value, researcher might explore the additional related journals with
H3: Buying Behavior the identification of factors would be taken forward for the
Vs Consumer Attitude next level.
Sustainable growth encompasses consumer attitude  Conflict of Interest
model that creates value consistent with the long-term The authors declare no conflict of interest.
preservation and enhancement to motivate a research plan
towards Consumer Buying Behavior. Hence through this REFERENCES
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