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Electronic Theses and Dissertations Fogler Library

Fall 12-20-2020

An Experimental Investigation of Alternative Wave Attenuation

Mechanisms for a Modular Breakwater
Richard Perry
University of Maine,

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Perry, Richard, "An Experimental Investigation of Alternative Wave Attenuation Mechanisms for a Modular
Breakwater" (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3370.

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Richard Perry
B.S. University of Maine, 2018


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science

(in Civil Engineering)

The Graduate School

The University of Maine

December 2020

Advisory Committee:

Kimberly Huguenard, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Advisor

Anthony M. Viselli, Research Assistant Professor and Manager of Offshore

Testing and Design, Advanced Structures and Composites Center, Co-Advisor

Lauren Ross, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Co-Advisor

© 2020 Richard A. Perry

All Rights Reserved




By Richard Perry

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Kimberly Huguenard

An Abstract of the Thesis Presented

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Master of Science
(in Civil Engineering)
December 2020

Global warming and sea level rise threaten to render traditional coastal protection

structures as less effective. Floating breakwaters offer the advantages of adapting to

rising sea level, allowing important material transport to occur, and being able to deploy

and adapt to varying environmental conditions (seabed, depth, etc.). Traditional floating

breakwaters typically consist of reflective concrete structures that are limited semi-

sheltered locations. This research aimed to construct floating breakwaters out of

lightweight materials with a smaller footprint while utilizing alternative attenuation


Three breakwaters consisting of a box, beach, and pipe designs were constructed

at 1:40 scale and tested in a Wind and Wave Basin located in the Advanced Structures

and Composites Center at the University of Maine. All three were designed to be

constructed of lightweight composite sandwich material as opposed to concrete. The pipe

breakwater was designed to utilize drag and vortex shedding as wave attenuation

mechanisms, while the beach was designed to utilize wave breaking to induce turbulence.
The target operation environment for the breakwaters was a period of 3-6 s, and

within this range, the beach breakwater was able to attenuate 50% of the energy up to a

period of 5.5 s. This was comparable to the box, which attenuated 50% of the energy up

to a period of 7.5 s. The beach was able to utilize an alternative to reflection to attenuate

wave energy, with greater than 50% of the attenuation coming from dissipation. The

beach also had the advantage of being half the full-scale width of the box, 8.56 m wide

compared to 16.9 m for the box. The overall weight of the full scale box breakwater

constructed from composite sandwich materials was 88% less (200 metric tons vs 1548

metric tons) than the same design made of conventional concrete. This work

demonstrates the possibility to reduce the size, weight, and attenuation mechanism of a

breakwater, while maintaining its overall effectiveness.


I would like to thank the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) for

funding this project and making this possible. I would like to thank the Advanced

Structures and Composites Center and the Civil Engineering Department at the

University of Maine for taking a chance on me and allowing me to do this research. It is

important that I thank the Wind and Wave Lab team at the Composites Center. Chris

Allen for your patient help with ANSYS, Matt Fowler for providing guidance and

technical input when needed, Matt Cameron for running the lab and providing practical

input about model testing, Peter Jalbert for remaining patient with me in design and

model construction phases, and all the undergrad staff that help run and setup tests every


I would like to thank Dr. Lauren Ross for always lending an ear and being there if

I needed help. Her passion and energy is one of the driving factors in what got me here

today. Dr. Anthony Viselli for taking me under his wing in the early stages of this

journey and patiently imparting some of his floating structure wisdom and vision on me.

Dr. Kim Huguenard for her unwavering support and patience with me. There were

several challenges along the way but she remained positive and kept me focused on the

task at hand. Without the support, energy, positivity, and patience of these three

individuals this research would not have been possible.

I would also like to thank some of the many peers that helped me along the way.

William West for help with mooring line analysis and Hannah Allen for our continued

struggle learning ANSYS and as a valuable sounding board. I would especially like to

thank Taylor Bailey who started and finished this process with me. Her knowledge,

willingness to help and to listen provided stability and sanity that was much needed.

Without her, I do not know if I would have made it through this process.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank my family. My two boys Dylan and

Owen for being patient with me when I was busy. My mom, Sharon Perry for

volunteering to move 200 miles to watch the baby (Owen) so I could afford to get my

Master’s Degree. My wonderful wife, Brittani Perry. Her encouragement and support,

both financial and mental, made this journey possible. Her unwavering belief that I could

do this and that it would provide a great benefit to my career and our family provided

much needed encouragement along this incredible journey.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... iii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF NOMENCLATURE .......................................................................................... xv

LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................... xviii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................1

1.1. Motivation .........................................................................................................1

1.2. Scope and Research Objectives ........................................................................1

1.3. Floating Breakwaters ........................................................................................2

1.3.1. Types of Floating Breakwaters ..........................................................2

1.3.2. Advantages and Limitations of Floating Breakwaters .......................4

1.3.3. Increasing Floating Breakwater Effectiveness...................................6

1.4. Conceptual Look at Turbulence ........................................................................8

CHAPTER 2 METHODS USED IN DESIGN ..................................................................14

2.1. Target Environment ........................................................................................14

2.2. Preliminary Design Work ...............................................................................14

2.2.1. ANSYS Aqwa Modeling .................................................................18

2.2.2. Design Method Validation ...............................................................20

2.2.3. Review of Design Methods ..............................................................24

2.3. New Designs ...................................................................................................24

2.3.1. Full Scale Box Design .....................................................................25

2.3.2. Full Scale Pipe Design .....................................................................25

2.3.3. Full Scale Beach Design ..................................................................26

2.3.4. Testing Setup ...................................................................................29

2.3.5. Instrumentation and Wave Environments ........................................30

2.3.6. Models..............................................................................................32

2.3.7. Data Processing................................................................................35

CHAPTER 3 RESULTS ....................................................................................................40

3.1. Transmission Coefficient ................................................................................40

3.2. Reflection Coefficient .....................................................................................42

3.3. Dissipation Coefficient ...................................................................................45

3.4. Mooring Forces ...............................................................................................47

CHAPTER 4 DISCUSSION ..............................................................................................56

4.1. Relative performance of breakwaters .............................................................56

4.2. Design Disadvantages .....................................................................................60

4.3. Study Limitations ............................................................................................61

4.4. Lessons Learned..............................................................................................62

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ..................................................65

5.1. Conclusions .....................................................................................................65

5.2. Future Work ....................................................................................................68

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 70

APPENDIX: Resonant behavior in the Basin ................................................................... 73

BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR ................................................................................... 78


Table 1. Regular wave heights and periods tested, listed at model scale. ........................ 31

Table 2. Full-scale parameters for the box, beach, and pipe breakwaters. ....................... 66


Figure 1. The five main categories of floating breakwaters, box (a), pontoon (b), frame

(c), mat (d), and tethered (e). ......................................................................... 2

Figure 2. Advantages of floating compared to fixed bottom breakwaters. ......................... 4

Figure 3. Disadvantages of floating breakwaters including increased maintenance,

mooring failure, and performance limitations. .............................................. 5

Figure 4. Flow around a cylinder based on Reynolds number. Adapted from Turbulence:

An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers (Davidson, 2015). .................. 8

Figure 5. Evolution of energy transfer starting with larger eddies passing on energy as

they break into smaller eddies eventually being absorbed by the viscosity.

Adapted from Turbulence: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers

(Davidson, 2015). .......................................................................................... 9

Figure 6. Breaking wave in a wave field moving left to right. ......................................... 12

Figure 7. Vortex shedding induced by a cylinder (grey) inserted into a wave field. As

shown water particles moving left to right, which would be under the crest

of a wave. In trough, the vortex shedding would be the opposite, right to

left. ............................................................................................................... 12

Figure 8. Floating box breakwater Ct versus W/L (blue line) data plotted from Hales

Experiment (1981). Horizontal dashed line is target Ct of 0.5, vertical line

shows the corresponding W/L ratio. ............................................................ 15

Figure 9. Ct versus W/L using Macagno Theory (PIANC, 1994). Blue line is D/d of 0.4

and the red line is D/d of 0.6. Horizontal dashed line at Ct goal of 0.5 and

vertical dashed line at W/L of 0.3. ............................................................... 16

Figure 10. Box breakwater with finite element mesh in ANSYS Aqwa. The wave

direction is right to left and the height of 8.4m is at the water line, Aqwa

only uses sub-surface parts of the structure for analysis. The dimensions are

the full scale. ................................................................................................ 18

Figure 11. Snapshot from ANSYS Aqwa for box breakwater (grey rectangle). Regular

wave direction from right to left with an incident wave height of 1.5m and a

period of 5s. Wave height measurement of 0.3m taken at the crosshair in the

yellow circle, which was 50m in the lee of the structure. The contours

represent the amplitude of the waves, values can be seen in the colorbar to

the right. ....................................................................................................... 19

Figure 12. Experimental setup for preliminary box breakwater. The location of the

breakwater is represented by the blue box and the mooring lines are the

white lines. The locations of the wave probes are represented by x’s. The

yellow x’s mark the location of calibration probes that were removed when

the breakwater was installed. ....................................................................... 20

Figure 13. Box breakwater during construction, concrete layer poured. Wooden

framework to keep it square and support the threaded rods that would

function as lifting points. ............................................................................. 21

Figure 14. Completed box breakwater model weighing 372.4 kg. The red tape marks the

waterline and the connections on the end are for the mooring lines.

Dimensions in meters................................................................................... 22

Figure 15. Comparison of wave height 1 m Experimental values (violet) to the design

values from PIANC (dotted) and Hales (blue dashed) as well as ANSYS

(yellow dot-dashed). The red dashed lines represent the results from the

design criteria of a Ct of 0.5 and a W/L of 0.3. ........................................... 23

Figure 16.Bridon Polyester (blue) and Bridon Nylon (red) stiffness (EA) versus rope

diameter. ...................................................................................................... 27

Figure 17. Plan view of the W2 basin with experimental set up. The basin coordinates

origin is located in the middle of the front face of the wave maker shown

with red arrows. The positive Z direction is up with zero at the mean water

level. The beach is located on the right hand side and the wave maker on the

left. Directly in front of the wave maker is the wind machine, which sits on

the basin wall above the water surface (not used in this experiment). The

light blue box represents the location of the breakwaters. Wave probe

locations are marked with an “x”. Wave probe distances are from the center

of the basin (15, 0, 0) and are in meters. The yellow “x” wave probe

locations were used in calibration runs only. White lines are the primary

mooring lines, labeled A-D. ......................................................................... 29

Figure 18. Box breakwater, with instrumentation, in basin and ready for testing. The four

capacitance probes in lee of the breakwater (3-6), Qualisys markers in

yellow circle, the port 2 load cell locations shown in the red circles. ......... 31

Figure 19. The left panel shows the windward side of the box model design. The right

panel shows a profile view of the box with waves propagating from left to

right. Eye hooks on sides are for mooring line connection and on the top for

breakwater placement. The top of the yellow line is the design water line.

Dimensions are model scale and in meters. ................................................. 33

Figure 20. The windward side (left) of the pipe model design and the profile view (right)

with waves propagating left to right. The top of the yellow line is the design

water line. Dimensions are model scale and in meters. ............................... 33

Figure 21. On the left is the beach model showing the length. On the right is a profile

view with waves propagating left to right. The top of the yellow line is the

designed water line. Dimensions are model scale and in meters. ................ 34

Figure 22. A loglog plot of the Power Density Spectrum vs frequency for a period of 5.9

s and wave height of 1.15 m full scale. This sample is an average

transmitted PSD for the four wave probes in lee of the box breakwater

during testing. The black bars represent 95% confidence intervals and the

red dashed line is the incident wave frequency. .......................................... 36

Figure 23. Transmission coefficient (Ct) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle),

and pipe (bottom) breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height

of 1.15 m. Vertical lines represent the 95% confidence intervals. Data at a

period of 5 s omitted due to over 10% error in calibration. ......................... 40

Figure 24. Transmission coefficient (Ct) versus period for box (top), beach (middle), and

pipe (bottom) breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of

2 m. Confidence intervals represented by vertical lines. Wave period around

3.5 s omitted due to calibration error greater than 10%............................... 41

Figure 25. Reflection coefficient (Cr) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle), and

pipe (bottom) breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of

1.15 m. Confidence intervals represented by vertical lines. Data point at a

period of 5 s omitted due to over 10% error in calibration. ......................... 42

Figure 26. Reflection coefficient (Cr) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle), and

pipe (bottom) breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of

2 m. Confidence intervals represented by vertical lines. ............................. 44

Figure 27. Dissipation coefficient (Cd) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle),

and pipe (bottom) breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height

of 1.15 m. Confidence intervals represented by vertical lines. .................... 45

Figure 28. Dissipation coefficient (Cd) versus period for the beach (top) and pipe

(bottom) breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of 1.15

m. Confidence intervals represented by vertical lines. ................................ 46

Figure 29. Full-scale windward mooring forces for the box (top), beach (middle), and

pipe (bottom) breakwaters. The red line is the 1.15 m wave height and blue

is the 2 m wave height. ................................................................................ 48

Figure 30. Maximum combined windward global anchor forces versus period in sway

(top), heave (middle), and surge (bottom) degrees of freedom for the box

(blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta) breakwaters. Results in full scale for

wave height 1.15 m. ..................................................................................... 49

Figure 31. Maximum combined windward global anchor forces versus period in sway

(top), heave (middle), and surge (bottom) degrees of freedom for the box

(blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta) breakwaters. Results in full scale for

wave height 2 m. .......................................................................................... 51

Figure 32. Surge (top), heave (middle), and pitch (bottom) motion response results for

wave height 1.15 m versus period. The results are presented in full scale for

the box (blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta). ......................................... 52

Figure 33. Surge (top), heave (middle), and pitch (bottom) motion response results for

wave height 2 m versus period. The results are presented in full scale for the

box (blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta). ............................................... 54

Figure 34. Percentage of attenuation that is dissipation for the box (blue), beach (green),

and pipe (yellow) breakwaters. Results shown for 1.15 m wave height

within operational (SS3) range. ................................................................... 56

Figure 35. Heave free decay test for the box (in blue). Red dashed vertical lines mark the

peaks of displacement. Dimensions are in full scale. .................................. 61

Figure 36. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1

(red). The wave case had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period

of 3.9 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest natural periods for the box

(magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted. .................................. 73

Figure 37. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1

(red). The wave case had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period

of 4.9 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest natural periods for the box

(magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted. .................................. 74

Figure 38. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1

(red). The wave case had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period

of 5.9 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest natural periods for the box

(magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted. .................................. 75

Figure 39. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1

(red). The wave case had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period

of 6.8 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest natural periods for the box

(magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted. .................................. 76

Figure 40. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration run (blue) and wave probe 1 (red).

The wave case had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period of 7.9

s (black dashed vertical line). The closest natural periods for the box

(magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted. .................................. 77


𝑎 = total fluid flow

𝑎̅ = time averaged fluid flow component

𝑎̃ = wave induced periodic flow component

𝑎′ = turbulent flow component

𝐶𝑑 = dissipation coefficient

𝐶𝑟 = reflection coefficient

𝐶𝑡 = transmission coefficient

𝜒2 = chi-squared value from table

𝑑 = water depth

𝐷 = draft

𝑑𝑓 = frequency step

𝐷𝑖𝑎 = diameter

𝐷⁄ = draft to depth ratio


𝐸𝑑 = dissipated energy

𝐸𝑖 = incident energy

𝐸𝑟 = reflected energy

𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡 = total energy

𝜂 = variance of the power spectral density

𝐸𝐴 = stiffness

𝑓𝑠 = wave frequency

𝑔 = gravitational constant

𝐻𝑖 = incident wave height

𝐻𝑡 = transmitted wave height

𝐿 = wavelength

𝐿𝑐 = characteristic length

𝐿𝑓 = length of frequency spectrum

𝑚𝑡𝑜𝑡 = total mass of the structure

𝑀 = half width of the window

𝑁𝑝𝑡𝑠 = number of data points in a time series

𝜈 = kinematic viscosity

𝜈𝑓 = degrees of freedom in spectral analysis

𝑅𝑒 = Reynolds number

𝜌 = density of water

𝑠 2 (𝑓 ) = standard deviation of the frequency spectrum

𝑆𝑡 = Strouhal number

𝑇 = wave period

𝑢 = along channel fluid velocity

𝑢𝑖′ 𝑢𝑗′ = Reynolds stress

𝑉𝑖 = submerged volume of section

𝑉𝑡𝑜𝑡 = total submerged volume

𝑊 = breakwater width


𝐴𝑞𝑤𝑎 = ANSYS Aqwa

𝐶𝐵𝑖 = center of buoyancy of a section

𝐶𝐶𝐼 𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 = upper confidence interval coefficient

𝐶𝐶𝐼 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = lower confidence interval coefficient

𝐶𝐼𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = lower confidence interval (5%)

𝐶𝐼𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 = upper confidence interval (95%)

𝐶𝑂𝐵 = center of buoyancy

𝐶𝑂𝐺 = center of gravity

𝐶𝑜𝑠ℎ = hyperbolic cosine

𝑓𝑓𝑡 = fast Fourier transform

𝐻𝑧 = hertz

𝐼𝑀𝑂 = International Maritime Organization

𝑘𝑔 = kilogram

𝑘𝑁 = kilonewton

𝑚 = meters

𝑚𝑚 = millimeters

𝑀𝐾𝐸 = mean kinetic energy

𝑁 = newton

𝑃𝐼𝐴𝑁𝐶 = Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses

𝑝𝑣𝑐 = polyvinyl chloride

𝑃𝑆𝐷 = power spectral density

𝑟𝑎𝑑 = radians

𝑠 = seconds

𝑆𝑖𝑛ℎ = hyperbolic sine

𝑆𝑆3 = sea state 3

𝑇𝐾𝐸 = turbulent kinetic energy

𝑉𝑑𝑐 = direct current voltage

𝑊𝐾𝐸 = wave kinetic energy



1.1. Motivation

Sea level rise from climate change threatens our coasts and seaports.

Approximately 80% of global trade by volume and 70% of trade by value is carried by

sea (United Nations, 2018). A 100 year storm, a severe event that has a 1% chance of

happening every year, is typically used in design practice for coastal and seaport

protection. Increasing frequency of storms and the additional inland vulnerability caused

by rises in sea level, some models predict that a 100 year storm will increase to a 4-8%

chance in a year (Kopp, et al., 2014). One form of coastal and seaport protection is the

use of breakwaters. Fixed bottom breakwaters, though highly effective in present day

conditions, require continued maintenance and adaptation for rising sea levels. The

overarching goal of this thesis is to create resilient breakwater designs that are capable of

adjusting to changes in water level, while providing coastal and seaport protection in

typical coastal environments.

1.2. Scope and Research Objectives

This research seeks to provide a floating breakwater design that is lighter than

traditional concrete breakwaters, smaller in footprint and easily constructed for rapid

deployment. The research objectives are to (1) design floating breakwaters out of a

composite material that will use turbulence rather than wave reflection to attenuate wave

energy, (2) evaluate the wave attenuation capacity and loading on mooring lines and (3)

analyze the effectiveness of turbulence as a mechanism to reduce wave energy, wave

reflection and breakwater size.

1.3. Floating Breakwaters

Floating breakwaters are an alternative to fixed bottom breakwaters for providing

sheltered areas from an incident wave field and have a historic past. In World War II,

temporary harbors called Mulberry Harbors, were established using both fixed and

floating breakwaters in an effort to offload large cargo and transport ships with soldiers

and supplies in the absence of friendly deep water ports (Lochner, Faber, & Penney,

1948). The construction of the Mulberry Ports consisted of Phoenix breakwaters, which

were large concrete caissons that were floated across the channel and ballasted in place

(Carr, 1951). These were coupled with the Bombardon floating breakwater which was a

steel structure in the shape of a Maltese cross (Lochner, Faber, & Penney, 1948).

1.3.1. Types of Floating Breakwaters

Floating breakwaters can be broken up into five different categories: box,

pontoon, frame, mat, and tethered float (Figure 1a).

Figure 1. The five main categories of floating breakwaters, box (a), pontoon (b), frame (c), mat (d), and
tethered (e). The mean sea level represented by the blue line and the sea floor by the brown line.

The box type is the most common type because of its simple design and dual

functionality. Marinas often contain floating box breakwaters to provide a sheltered area,

in addition to functioning as a pier or dock for boats. The box primarily uses reflection

for wave attenuation.

The pontoon breakwater (Figure 1b) is comprised of two box breakwaters rigidly

connected by a platform and is similar to a pontoon or catamaran boat. Extending the

distance between the pontoons allows for greater moment of inertia and stability without

increasing the mass (Dai, Wang, Utsunomiya, & Duan, 2018). Pontoon breakwaters use

reflection as the primary attenuation mechanism with the added benefit of dissipation that

occurs between the two pontoons. In a theoretical investigation, it was determined that

the amount of reflection depends strongly on the draft, width and spacing of the

pontoons, in addition to the mooring line stiffness (Williams, Lee, & Huang, 2000).

A frame floating breakwater (Figure 1c) is a box or pontoon style breakwater with

a rigid frame connected to the structure that extends into the water column. The upper

part of the structure reflects wave energy while the extended portion induces a second

mode of wave attenuation. For example, a wave fence of pressure treated timber attached

to the bottom of a concrete pontoon (Allyn, Watchorn, Jamieson, & Yang, 2004). The

spacing of the timber in the fence allows water to pass through while generating

turbulence to dissipate energy.

A mat floating breakwater (Figure 1d) is commonly made of a large number

floating scrap tires connected together. This structure dissipates energy by creating

friction along the wetted surface as well as disrupting particle orbits (Dai, Wang,

Utsunomiya, & Duan, 2018). The width of the tire-floating breakwater has to be at least

80% of the wavelength to achieve a transmission coefficient (Ct), which is the ratio of the

transmitted wave height divided by the incident wave height (C t=Ht/Hi), of 0.5 (Giles &

Sorensen, 1978).

A tethered float breakwater (Figure 1e) has a large number of smaller floats

attached to the sea floor or a submerged structure via tethers. With this type of structure,

reflection is a minor contributor, with the primary attenuation mechanism being drag

(Seymour & Hanes, 1979).

1.3.2. Advantages and Limitations of Floating Breakwaters

Floating breakwaters have several advantages over fixed bottom breakwaters,

such as independence of bathymetry or sea floor composition (Figure 2) and cost

effectiveness once the water depth is greater than 6.1 m (McCartney, 1985).

Figure 2. Advantages of floating compared to fixed bottom breakwaters. Including independence of sea
floor composition, being more economical in depths greater than 6.1 m, and allowing aquatic organisms
and sediment transport.

They can be modular such that the system can be altered with changing wave

climates and can be used as temporary structures, creating a sheltered wave environment

such as a temporary harbor for offloading ships or construction of coastal structures.

Floating breakwaters have the advantage of minimal interruption of natural processes,

like sediment transport and the passage of aquatic organisms (Figure 2). For these

reasons, floating breakwaters have been researched as an attractive option for coastal

protection. Though, according to Sorenson (2006), floating breakwaters are typically only

effective in semi-sheltered wave environments with periods of less than 2 to 3 seconds

(Figure 3).

Figure 3. Disadvantages of floating breakwaters including increased maintenance, mooring failure, and
performance limitations.

Coastal environments tend to experience wave periods ranging from 3 to 6

seconds more than 50% of the time (Briggs, 2001). Other disadvantages include

increased maintenance over the life of the structure, including the possibility of some or

all mooring lines failing which could cause substantial damage to other structures of

vessels in the area (Figure 3).

The most commonly used floating breakwater is a box or single pontoon. Hales

(1981) showed that either structure requires a width to wavelength ratio of 0.3 to be

effective. Floating breakwaters are most often evaluated by the transmission coefficient

(Ct) within a regular wave environment. A breakwater is arbitrarily deemed effective if

waves are attenuated by 50%, yielding a C t of 0.5, though effectiveness could be defined

by local constraints in implementation. Nonetheless, in order for floating breakwaters to

classically be considered effective coastal protection measures, the structures would have

to be very large (e.g. over 14 m wide for a depth of 10 m and a period of 6 s). The largest

disadvantages of floating breakwaters are the size required to effectively attenuate coastal

wave environments, in addition to reflection of the incident wave field. Wave reflection

can be problematic, causing enhanced wave action that is both detrimental to naval

passage and nearby coastlines through erosion. This research seeks to understand if

alternative wave attenuation mechanisms, other than wave reflection, can be used in

breakwater design to reduce the footprint and minimize the negative consequences of

reflected wave energy.

1.3.3. Increasing Floating Breakwater Effectiveness

Previous studies have aimed to reduce the size of a floating breakwater while

increasing the effectiveness. In order to keep the designs simple, small changes to

common designs have been investigated. For example, Pena et al. (2011) added fins to

regular pontoon breakwaters as well as making a catamaran by attaching two pontoons

together. Yan (2015) optimized a box breakwater by adding cantilevers at different

locations on the box. He et al (2012) added pneumatic chambers to a floating box

breakwater to increase the performance. Ji et al (2016) tested a model with a hollow

rubber float topped with a mesh cage. Adding slotted barriers was found to reduce

transmission and pitch response in smaller period waves (Huang, He, & Zhang, 2014).

While some of these breakwaters showed promising results, they still largely employed

reflection as the primary attenuation mechanism.

There have been previous studies that aim to increase wave attenuation via

alternative attenuation mechanisms. Ji et al (2015) tested a cylindrical floating breakwater

which consisted of two cylindrical floats with a mesh cage suspended between them. The

mesh cage was filled with hollow rubber balls that transferred the wave energy into

mechanical energy. Alternatively, adding three to five skirt walls to the keel of a box

breakwater was found to reduce the effective width by half (Neelamani & Ljubic, 2018).

Twin pontoon breakwaters have also been modified using nets with sinkers attached to

the keel, which decreased the transmission coefficient as the number of nets increased (Ji,

Cheng, Yang, & Oleg, 2017). Mani (1991) tested a Y-Frame floating breakwater, which

consisted of a trapezoidal float and a row of closely spaced large cylinders attached to the

keel. This design produced a transmission coefficient of 0.5 with a width to wavelength

ratio of less than 0.2. Pontoon breakwaters have also been modified with wing plates and

a porous material attached to the sides, which reduced incoming wave energy by as much

as 80% (Christensen, Bingham, Friis, Larsen, & Jensen, 2018). Wang and Sun (2010)

also investigated porosity with a breakwater made of diamond shaped blocks. While

these studies showed that the width to wavelength ratio can be reduced using alternative

attenuation mechanisms, many of them still rely primarily on reflection. In addition, the

material used in the model designs are not intended for full scale, long term field

deployments. An investigation into alternative materials that produce a lighter, more

easily deployable breakwater has yet to be conducted.

1.4. Conceptual Look at Turbulence

Turbulence can tentatively be thought of as violent unsteady motion comprised of

many 3D eddies. Turbulence is closely related to the Reynolds number (𝑅𝑒 = 𝑢𝐿𝑐 ⁄𝜈),

which is the ratio of inertial to viscous forces, where 𝑢 is the upstream flow velocity, 𝐿𝑐

is the characteristic length, and 𝜈 is the kinematic viscosity. As the inertial forces

increases above the viscous forces, flow disturbances emerge. The dependence on Re is

classically demonstrated by flow around a cylinder (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Flow around a cylinder based on Reynolds number. Flow is left to right around the cylinder
(grey). Adapted from Turbulence: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers (Davidson, 2015).

When viscous forces dominate (ie. Re<1 in Figure 1a) the flow is laminar with no

formation of vortices (Davidson, 2015). The viscous forces maintain the same flow

before and after the cylinder. According to Davidson (2015), when the inertial forces start

to dominate, 5 to 40 times the viscous forces, vortices begin to form behind the cylinder

(Figure 4b). These vortices are stable and remain attached to the rear of the cylinder.

Inertial forces 100 to 200 times greater than the viscous forces cause the vortices to peel

off the cylinder (Figure 4c) and the formation of three-dimensional instabilities

(Davidson, 2015). This continues to happen in a periodic manner. Once the Reynolds

number reaches 104 the vortex shedding causes areas of turbulence form behind the

cylinder (Figure 4d). When the Reynolds number reaches 106 a fully developed turbulent

wake (Figure 4e) has formed behind the cylinder (Davidson, 2015).

The process that turbulence dissipates energy is by transferring energy from larger

eddies to smaller vortices as they break up (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Evolution of energy transfer starting with larger eddies passing on energy as they break into
smaller eddies eventually being absorbed by the viscosity. Adapted from Turbulence: An Introduction for
Scientists and Engineers (Davidson, 2015).

Larger eddies will continue to break up into smaller and smaller parts while

inertial forces dominate. As the size of the eddy decreases, the Reynolds number

decreases, as it is a function of the eddy size. Once the inertial and viscous forces

equalize (Re~1) the process of breaking into smaller eddies stops and the viscosity

absorbs the remaining energy.

In a wave field, assuming that the fluid is incompressible and follows Boussinesq

flow, the flow can be separated into the sum of its components as

𝑎 = 𝑎̅ + 𝑎̃ + 𝑎′ , [1]

where 𝑎̅ is the time averaged component, 𝑎̃ is the wave induced periodic component, and

𝑎′ is the turbulence component (Anis & Moum, 1995). The three different components

also produce three components of energy, the mean kinetic energy (MKE), wave kinetic

energy (WKE), and the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE).

Using a right-hand Cartesian system, the momentum equation for mean flow is

𝜕𝑈 ̅
𝜕𝑈 1 𝜕𝑃̅ ̅𝑖
𝜕2𝑈 𝜕 𝜕
̅𝑗 𝑖 = −
+𝑈 − 𝛿𝑖3 𝑔 + 𝜈 − ̅̅̅̅̅̅
(𝑢 ′ ′
𝑗 𝑢𝑖 ) −
̃ 𝑢̃ ). [2]
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜌 𝜕𝑥𝑖 2
𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝑗 𝑖

Multiplying the momentum equation for the mean flow by the mean flow ̅̅̅̅̅
(𝑈) and

averaging, the mean kinetic energy of the wave field is,

𝜕 1 𝜕2𝑈̅ 𝜕 ̅
( ̅̅̅̅
𝑈𝑈) = 𝜈𝑈 2 − (̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑤 ′𝑢′ 𝑈) + ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑤 ′ 𝑢′ [3]
𝜕𝑡 2 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧

Similarly, multiplying the wave and turbulent momentum equation by the periodic wave

induced velocity (𝑢̃) and averaging, the wave kinetic energy is,

𝜕 1 𝜕𝑢𝑖′ 𝜕 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
1 𝜕 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
( 𝑢̃𝑖 𝑢̃𝑖 ) = −𝑢𝑖 𝑢𝑗 − (𝑤 ′ 𝑢̃𝑖 𝑢̃𝑖 ) − (̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑤 ′ 𝑢𝑖′𝑢̃𝑖 ) + 𝑢𝑖′ 𝑢𝑗′ [4]
𝜕𝑡 2 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜕𝑧 2 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑥𝑗

The turbulent kinetic energy is found by taking the wave and turbulent momentum

equation and multiplying by the turbulent part of motion (𝑢′ ) and averaging;

𝜕 1 ′ ′ 𝜕 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑝′ 1 ′ ′ 𝑔 ′ ′ ̅ 𝜕 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝜕𝑈 1
( 𝑢𝑖 𝑢𝑖 ) = − [𝑤 ( + 𝑢𝑖 𝑢𝑖 )] − ̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅̅̅̅̅̅ ′ 𝑤 𝜌 − ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑤 ′ 𝑢′ − (𝑤 ′ 𝑢̃𝑖 𝑢̃𝑖 )
𝜕𝑡 2 𝜕𝑧 𝜌 2 𝜌 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧 2

𝜕 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
1 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
− ̃ 𝑢𝑖′𝑢𝑖′ ) − 𝑢𝑖′𝑢𝑗′
(𝑤 −𝜀 [5]
𝜕𝑧 2 𝜕𝑥𝑗

The goal is to transfer energy from the WKE to the TKE. The last term in the WKE

equation and the second to last term (production term) in the TKE equation are the same

with the exception of the sign, implying this term is a sink in WKE and a source in TKE.

It is through this term that energy will be transferred from the wave field to turbulence.

When multiplied by the density, the term 𝑢𝑖′𝑢𝑗′ is also known as the Reynolds stress term.

In this research, the goal is to influence the Reynolds stress term by increasing turbulent

velocities (𝑢′) in the system. This will be achieved through two approaches: wave

breaking and vortex shedding. When depth-limited wave breaking occurs, turbulent

motions are injected into the water column (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Breaking wave in a wave field moving left to right.

The increased turbulent motions (𝑢′ ) lead to increased Reynolds stresses, therefore wave

breaking is one of the mechanisms being investigated.

The vortex shedding to increase Reynolds stresses, is another mechanism that will

be investigated. Vortex shedding is an oscillation of vortices in the wake of a cylinder,

which creates instabilities in the velocity profile. These instabilities are laminar close to

the cylinder and transition to turbulence further away from the cylinder (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Vortex shedding induced by a cylinder (grey) inserted into a wave field. As shown water particles
moving left to right, which would be under the crest of a wave. In trough, the vortex shedding would be the
opposite, right to left.

The greater the vortex shedding, the greater increase in Reynolds stresses. In order to

maximize the vortex shedding process, the diameter of the cylinder can be tuned using

the Strouhal Number (St) with the desired wave environments. The Strouhal number is a
function of the Reynolds number (Re). Rearranging the vortex shedding frequency to

solve for the required diameter,

𝐷𝑖𝑎 = 𝑆𝑡 , [6]

where 𝑢 is the maximum along channel fluid velocity, and 𝑓𝑠 is frequency of the wave

environment (Det Norske Veritas, 2010).



2.1. Target Environment

The goal of this thesis is to create floating breakwaters that will yield a

transmission coefficient of 0.5 in the target Sea State of 3 (SS3), which was selected due

to the frequency it is observed in coastal applications. SS3 includes significant wave

heights of 0.9 – 1.5 m and peak periods of 3 – 6 s (Briggs, 2001). In addition to achieving

the reduction in energy, the structures must be designed to be practical. This includes

being easily deployable, of manageable size for current ship infrastructure, and feature

simplistic mooring lines.

2.2. Preliminary Design Work

All design work was conducted at full scale so that full-scale floating

breakwaters could be deployed in the future. A review of existing design and laboratory

testing practices informed the test campaign. A common design found in literature is the

simple box breakwater; therefore, this design was used to validate existing design and

testing practices. Using the desired environmental conditions and the simple shape,

existing work could determine the nominal dimensions required. The width (dimension in

the direction of the wave field) was determined using experimental data from Hales

(Figure 8).

Figure 8. Floating box breakwater Ct versus W/L (blue line) data plotted from Hales Experiment (1981).
Horizontal dashed line is target Ct of 0.5, vertical line shows the corresponding W/L ratio.

The width to wavelength ratio was 0.3 (Figure 8) based on the design Ct of 0.5. The

longest wavelength of SS3 (with T=6 s) was 56.2 m at an operational depth of 20 m. A

design width of 16.9 m along the direction of wave propagation was determined by

multiplying the wavelength (56.2 m) by the W/L ratio (0.3).

The height of the box was determined by first finding the required draft. The draft

was selected using the design curves based on the Macagno Theory (PIANC, 1994). This

is a method for determining the transmission coefficient given a structure’s width and

draft. The structure must be rigidly moored (e.g. with piles) for the Macagno Theory,

making its usage an estimate in this design, which is not rigidly moored. The following

equation generated the design curves:

𝐶𝑡 = [7]
𝜋𝑊 sinh (2𝜋 )
√1 + [ 𝐿 ]
(𝑑 − 𝐷 )
𝐿 cosh (2𝜋 )

where 𝑊 is the breakwater width, 𝐷 is the breakwater draft, 𝑑 is the water depth, and 𝐿 is

the wavelength (Headland, 1995). The design curves are available for three L/d ratios:

L/d=1.25, 2.5, & 5. The curves for L/d = 5 was chosen because the L/d was 2.8, which

would yield a conservative draft. The design Ct of 0.5 at the W/L of 0.3 was used to

determine the draft to depth (D/d) ratio of 0.4 (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Ct versus W/L using Macagno Theory (PIANC, 1994). Blue line is D/d of 0.4 and the red line is
D/d of 0.6. Horizontal dashed line at Ct goal of 0.5 and vertical dashed line at W/L of 0.3.

The draft was required to be at least 8 m for the target depth of 20 m. To ensure that the

floating breakwater would survive more aggressive wave environments, a survival case

with a wave height of 3.6 m was included. Therefore, in an effort to reduce the chance of

overtopping, an additional 4 m of freeboard were added to the height of the breakwater

for a total of 12 m.

The length, which is perpendicular to the wave direction, does not affect the

performance of the breakwater other than the size of the protected area in lee of the

structure due to diffraction. The required length was 40 m to keep the aspect ratio of the

length to width close to 2:1. The scope of this research did not include determining the

amount of protected area in lee of the breakwaters.

A hydrostatic analysis using the breakwater dimensions determined the center of

gravity (COG), center of buoyancy (COB), moments of inertia, and the final draft. The

COG was calculated using Equation 1;

∑𝑖1 𝑚𝑖 𝐶𝐺𝑖
𝐶𝑂𝐺 = [8]

where 𝑖 is the number of sections the structure is broken up into, 𝑚𝑖 is the mass of the

section, 𝐶𝐺𝑖 is the center of gravity of the section from the keel, and 𝑚𝑡𝑜𝑡 is the total

mass of the structure. The COB was calculated by Equation 2;

∑𝑖1 𝑉𝑖 𝐶𝐵𝑖
𝐶𝑂𝐵 = [9]

Where 𝑉𝑖 is the submerged volume of the section, 𝐶𝐵𝑖 is the center of buoyancy of the

section from the keel, and 𝑉𝑡𝑜𝑡 is the total submerged volume of the structure.

The initial material selection for construction of the breakwater was concrete due

to its cost effectiveness and availability. The box breakwater was designed with 1 ft thick

concrete walls.

2.2.1. ANSYS Aqwa Modeling

The box breakwater required performance validation prior to model construction,

which was conducted in ANSYS Aqwa. ANSYS Aqwa is a finite element analysis

program that uses potential flow theory and contains a toolset to investigate loads and

motion responses to floating or fixed structures in various environmental conditions.

Motion responses, mooring forces, and an estimate of the transmission coefficients in lee

of the structure were determined with Aqwa.

Aqwa imported the design from SolidWorks and a finite element mesh was

created (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Box breakwater with finite element mesh in ANSYS Aqwa. The wave direction is right to left
and the height of 8.4m is at the water line, Aqwa only uses sub-surface parts of the structure for analysis.
The dimensions are the full scale.

The mesh consisted of 18,334 elements and 18,526 nodes with a maximum

element size of 0.5 m. The four mooring lines were 180 m long catenary mooring lines

weighing 92 kg/m and stiffness of 441,600 kN, attached to fixed anchor points. The time

domain response had a time step of 0.1 s and ran for 180 s. Test cases included regular

waves using Airy Wave Theory (linear wave theory) for periods of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,9, and 12

s and wave heights of 1, 1.5, and 2.75 m.

The results of ANSYS model for an incident wave height of 1.5 m and a period of

5 s resulted in a wave height of only 0.3m which is a Ct of 0.2 (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Snapshot from ANSYS Aqwa for box breakwater (grey rectangle). Regular wave direction from
right to left with an incident wave height of 1.5m and a period of 5s. Wave height measurement of 0.3m
taken at the crosshair in the yellow circle, which was 50m in the lee of the structure. The contours represent
the amplitude of the waves, values can be seen in the colorbar to the right.

The Ct of 0.2 from the Aqwa analysis showed that the initial design should

perform as predicted and attenuate SS3 in lee of the breakwater below the 0.5 goal. With

a regular incident wave, the simulation depicts standing waves that form in front of the

breakwater, indicated by yellow and red areas (Figure 11). One of the limitations of this

analysis is that it uses potential flow, meaning the program ignores viscous effects. The

wave height pattern in lee of the breakwater displays this. With diffraction around the

breakwater, the wave height pattern should converge as opposed to continuing to diverge.

Even with this limitation, the design is successful due to the Ct of less than 0.5 in lee of

the breakwater and advanced to the next phase.

2.2.2. Design Method Validation

Next, the preliminary box breakwater was evaluated with scaled model testing.

The chosen Froude scale factor of 1:25 lies between the recommended ranges of 1:6 to

1:27 (Hudson, et al., 1979). The test setup consisted of 11 wave probes (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Experimental setup for preliminary box breakwater. The location of the breakwater is
represented by the blue box and the mooring lines are the white lines. The locations of the wave probes are
represented by x’s. The yellow x’s mark the location of calibration probes that were removed when the
breakwater was installed.

The waves propagated from left to right, ending at the energy dissipating beach.

The box model was constructed of a 9.5 mm thick chemical-resistant pvc, which

was chosen for its ease of cutting, ability to be plastic welded, and resistance to water

absorption. To get the proper-scaled mass of 372.4 kg and to get the center of gravity in

the proper location according to the hydrostatic worksheet, a layer of concrete was

included inside the pvc shell (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Box breakwater during construction, concrete layer poured. Wooden framework to keep it square
and support the threaded rods that would function as lifting points.

The remainder of the space inside the pvc shell was filled with foam to reduce the

amount of water that could penetrate the structure in the event of a leak. The finished

model was 1.600 m long, by 0.676 m wide, by 0.476 m tall (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Completed box breakwater model weighing 372.4 kg. The red tape marks the waterline and the
connections on the end are for the mooring lines. Dimensions in meters.

The box tested at a full-scale wave height of 1 m with periods ranging from 3 – 10

s. The Ct was calculated and compared to the width to wavelength (W/L) ratio in order to

compare the experimental results to the design methods (Figure 15).

Figure 15. Comparison of wave height 1 m Experimental values (violet) to the design values from PIANC
(dotted) and Hales (blue dashed) as well as ANSYS (yellow dot-dashed). The red dashed lines represent the
results from the design criteria of a Ct of 0.5 and a W/L of 0.3.

The Ct values were calculated using the average wave height from the probes four

through seven. The Aqwa wave height values were taken as an average of the values at

the same locations as the 4 probes that were used to ensure the results would be

comparable. The Ct vs W/L experimental and Aqwa results compared well with the

design methods (Figure 15, violet and yellow dot-dashed respectively). The design

achieved a transmission coefficient of 0.5 at a width to wavelength of slightly better than

0.3 (Figure 15). Despite ANSYS’s limitations in taking into account frictional effects, the

same trend was predicted as compared to the experimental results (yellow dot-dashed vs

violet line Figure 15), which is largely due to the box utilizing reflection as its primary

attenuation mechanism.

2.2.3. Review of Design Methods

The results from the preliminary test campaign validated the design process for

future designs by achieving the desired Ct of 0.5 or lower for a W/L of 0.3. However,

some aspects of the experimental campaign did not perform as expected. The reflection

generated by the regular wave cases was problematic in the basin. A series of standing

waves formed across the basin (+/- y direction). The basin was unable to settle without

aid for many of the wave cases, as the settling time of 10 minutes was not adequate for

these waves to diminish. Large foam blocks had to be inserted to interrupt the resonant

behavior by damping the waves. In addition, the overall size and weight of the structure

(over 1,500 metric tons) rendered the design unrealistic for real-world applications. With

the design methods validated, the materials and the attenuation mechanisms employed

was re-evaluated. The scale was reduced to 1:40 for the next round of testing in order to

reduce the amount of reflection in the basin.

2.3. New Designs

Three new breakwater concepts comprised of various composite sandwich

materials were designed at full scale. The use of composite sandwich material for a

marine application was adapted from the previous design and testing of a composite hull

special operations boat, MAKO, at the Advanced Structures and Composites Center. The

first design, referred to as the box, is considered the baseline and primarily employs wave

reflection as its wave attenuation mechanism. The second design, called the pipe model,

utilizes vortex shedding, drag and reflection for wave attenuation. The third design is

called the beach breakwater and uses wave breaking and reflection to attenuate wave

energy. Composite materials make the breakwaters easier to transport and deploy while

reducing the overall weight. In fact, the designs made of the composite sandwich material

weigh less than 10% of the same designs if they were made of concrete. The second and

third designs are intended to determine if similar wave attenuation capacity was possible

with half the footprint of the baseline design. Using a design that primarily utilizes

reflection as a baseline to compare the effectiveness of alternative wave attenuation

mechanisms is a practice that many other studies have employed (He et al 2012, Ji et al

2015, Yan 2015, Ji et al 2018).

2.3.1. Full Scale Box Design

The reflection based design used the validated design methods from the

preliminary analysis to construct the overall dimensions is the box. The walls of the box

were a 20.3 cm thick composite sandwich material consisting of 0.635 cm thick

composite shell and 19 cm thick foam. The foam had a density of 80.09 kg/m3 and the

composite shell had a density of 1762 kg/m 3. The total mass of the structure was 200.8

metric tons. A water ballast, added to the interior of the box to drop to the desired draft,

weighed 5,636 metric tons. The draft at the total weight of over 5.8 million kg, was 8.42

m which left a freeboard of 3.58 m. The COG was 4.4 m above the keel.

The full-scale width of the box was 16.9m, with a height of 12.1 m, and a length

of 40 m. The calculated heave stiffness was 6.80 x 106 N/m, the pitch stiffness was 8.93 x

108 Nm/rad and the roll stiffness was 1.49 x 108 Nm/rad using the same equations and

methods as the original box.

2.3.2. Full Scale Pipe Design

The second model, employing vortex shedding, drag, and reflection is the pipe

design. It consisted of an inverted trapezoid with pipes attached to the keel, inspired by
the model in Mani (1991). The Re for this design was 1.3*105 to 3.3*105 which resulted

in a Strouhal number of 0.21. This resulted in a full-scale diameter of 0.32 m. The pipes

were 1.3 cm thick composite material and were designed hollow, thus filled with water.

To have a footprint half the size of the box, the width of the top of the trapezoid was 8 m.

The length was the same as the box (40 m). The bottom trapezoid width was 2 m and the

trapezoid height was 5 m. The length of the pipes was 7 m. The pipe breakwater weighs

47.6 metric tons and requires a water ballast of 221.3 metric tons in the trapezoid. The

COG was 8.32 m above the keel (bottom of the pipes), and the COB was 7.99 m above

the keel. The calculated heave stiffness was 1.77 x 106 N/m, the pitch stiffness was 2.35 x

108 Nm/rad and the roll stiffness was 1.97 x 106 Nm/rad using the same equations and

methods as the original box. The heave and pitch stiffness are 3-4 times smaller than the

box and the roll stiffness is two orders of magnitude smaller.

2.3.3. Full Scale Beach Design

The third design utilizing wave breaking and reflection is the beach design. Once

the waves break, the energy will dissipate as they move through the surf zone in the lee of

the breakwater (Sorensen, 2006). For waves to set up and break, the beach had to remain

in a semi-fixed position (limited movement in all degrees of freedom), therefore the

mooring system had to be taut.

For the mooring system several types of nylon and polyester ropes were

considered. This included Sampson ropes Eversteel-X, Amsteel Blue, RP-12 and the

Bridon Ropes Superline Nylon and Superline Polyester. The stiffness (EA) was plotted

against available rope diameters (Figure 16).

Figure 16.Bridon Polyester (blue) and Bridon Nylon (red) stiffness (EA) versus rope diameter.

The Bridon Polyester rope stiffness was close to a linear trend with increasing

diameter, where the Nylon rope had a nonlinear stiffness. The estimated maximum force

in the line was calculated using the maximum orbital displacements determined by linear

wave theory, a period of 12 s and a wave height of 3.6 m. These environmental

conditions are outside the normal use range. The estimated maximum line force in metric

tons is then,

2 2
𝐸𝐴𝑑𝑥 𝐸𝐴𝑑𝑦
𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 = √( 2
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃) + ( 2
𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃) ⁄10000 ∗ 𝐹𝑅𝐴 [10]

Where, 𝐸𝐴 is the stiffness of the line, 𝑑𝑥 is the x-displacement of the wave orbital, 𝑑𝑦 is

the y-displacement of the wave orbital, 𝐿𝑅 is the length of the rope, 𝜃 is the angle

between the sea floor and the rope, and 𝐹𝑅𝐴 is a force ratio from Aqwa. The force ratio

was determined by taking the mooring line force from the concrete box Aqwa analysis

and dividing it by the calculated estimate of force in the line for the original concrete box.

The value of the ratio is 0.78, which was used to get a more accurate estimate of the

mooring force. The Bridon Polyester Superline was the only rope that the breaking force

exceeded the maximum estimated force with fewer than eight lines required. Six Bridon

Polyester Superlines with a diameter of 6 5/8 inches were selected for this design. The

line is constructed of parallel laid polyester sub-ropes encased in a polyester jacket with

an integrated particle filter system (Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group, 2018).

The beach structure was designed to provide the required pretension with its own

ballast. The total required buoyant force to restrict the natural period in heave under 3

seconds was 1,159 metric tons. This resulted in a required removable water ballast of

1,159 m3. The mid and bottom braces as well as the front and back wall supports, were

designed to be filled with water once the structure was in the desired operational location.

This would drop the structure to be just below the operational draft. The mooring lines

would then be connected and the ballast pumped back out of the structure. As the ballast

is pumped out, an upward buoyant force will put the desired pretension on the mooring


The beach width was 8.56 m, height 12 m, and length 40 m. The structure

weighed 400.2 metric tons. The COG was located 3.77 m above the keel and the COB

was 4.87 m above the keel. The calculated heave stiffness was 1.05 x 106 N/m, the pitch

stiffness was 1.34 x 108 Nm/rad and the roll stiffness was 1.13 x 107 Nm/rad using the

same equations and methods as the original box. These calculations use the structure

itself and do not include the ballast or mooring lines.

2.3.4. Testing Setup

The experiments were conducted at the Wind and Wave Basin (W2) in the

Advanced Structures and Composites Center at the University of Maine. The W2 is 30 m

long, 9 m wide, 4.5 m deep, with an energy-absorbing beach at one end and a 16 paddle

wave maker at the other (Figure 17). The wave maker can generate regular and irregular

directional wave conditions, with a maximum wave height of 0.8 m at a period of 2.3


Figure 17. Plan view of the W2 basin with experimental set up. The basin coordinates origin is located in
the middle of the front face of the wave maker shown with red arrows. The positive Z direction is up with
zero at the mean water level. The beach is located on the right hand side and the wave maker on the left.
Directly in front of the wave maker is the wind machine, which sits on the basin wall above the water
surface (not used in this experiment). The light blue box represents the location of the breakwaters. Wave
probe locations are marked with an “x”. Wave probe distances are from the center of the basin (15, 0, 0)
and are in meters. The yellow “x” wave probe locations were used in calibration runs only. White lines are
the primary mooring lines, labeled A-D.

The box and beach breakwaters both had 4 mooring lines (white lines Figure 17).

The pipe model had 8 mooring lines, with 4 set up similar to the other breakwaters and

the additional 4 attached to the bottom stiffener plate. The purpose of the 4 mooring lines

connected to the bottom were to keep the pipes oriented in a vertical manner. The

mooring lines were all cables with springs to achieve the desired stiffness.

The mooring lines for model testing consisted of a ¼” diameter wet environment

rope with a spring attached. Once installed each model had a different pretension in the

lines. The pretension was to keep the mooring lines from going slack in the box and pipe

breakwaters. The full-scale pretension for the box was 950.2 kN which was about double

the pipe at 594.1 kN. The highest was the beach at 2,949.3 kN in pretension. This was the

highest due to attempting to reduce the heave and surge natural periods that would help

simulate a taut fixed mooring system.

2.3.5. Instrumentation and Wave Environments

Water surface elevations were recorded by six Akamina AWP-24-3 capacitance

style probes with a 1 m long sensor element and output a ± 5 Vdc signal at a rate of 50

Hz. The four primary mooring lines were equipped with Interface load cells sampling at

50 Hz. Qualisys Motion Capture System recorded the motion response in 6 degrees of

freedom for all models (Figure 18).

Figure 18. Box breakwater, with instrumentation, in basin and ready for testing. The four capacitance
probes in lee of the breakwater (3-6), Qualisys markers in yellow circle, the port two load cell locations
shown in the red circles.

The testing consisted of seventeen regular wave cases comprised of full-scale

wave heights ranging from 1 - 2 m and periods ranging 3 - 8 s. Each wave case ran with

and without the models. The cases without models are calibration cases that are also used

for incident conditions. The selected wave environments resembled the preliminary test

campaign. The environmental conditions were scaled at 1:40 according to Froude Scaling

Principles (Table 1).

Table 1. Regular wave heights and periods tested, listed at model scale.

H (m) T (s)

0.03 0.47, 0.63, 0.79, 0.95, 1.11, 1.26

0.04 0.47, 0.63, 0.79, 0.95, 1.11, 1.26

0.05 0.63, 0.79, 0.95, 1.11, 1.26

Froude scaling is commonly used in coastal and ocean scale model experiments.

Froude scaling can be used when inertial forces dominate viscous effects. The Reynolds

number is the ratio of inertial to viscous effects, and therefore it is commonly used to

determine if Froude scaling can be used. For this research the Reynolds number for the

full scale had a minimum value of 3.5 x105, compared to the minimum of 1.2 x103 for

model scale. Both of these Reynolds numbers result in drag coefficients close to one,

however they will be slightly different. It is important to investigate the Reynolds number

for any scaled experiment. A limitation of any scale model testing is the possibility that

viscous effects were captured during this testing.

2.3.6. Models

The outside of the box (Figure 19) was 9.5 mm thick chemical-resistant polyvinyl

chloride (PVC) sheets, selected due to the ability to weld and form. Inside the pvc shell of

the box was a 50.8 mm thick layer of concrete. The layer of concrete added mass and

placed the center of gravity in the desired location referenced to the design. High-density

foam filled the rest of the cavity to prevent the model from sinking in the event that the

model leaked. The box model weighed 89.5 kg.

Figure 19. The left panel shows the windward side of the box model design. The right panel shows a profile
view of the box with waves propagating from left to right. Eye hooks on sides are for mooring line
connection and on the top for breakwater placement. The top of the yellow line is the design water line.
Dimensions are model scale and in meters.

The pipe breakwater designed to attenuate wave energy through drag and

reflection, weighed 4.74 kg (Figure 20).

Figure 20. The windward side (left) of the pipe model design and the profile view (right) with waves
propagating left to right. The top of the yellow line is the design water line. Dimensions are model scale
and in meters.

The trapezoid was made of 3.2 mm thick chemical-resistant PVC and the pipes

were pultruded carbon tubes with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 175.3 mm. A 3.2

mm thick piece of PVC attached near the bottom of the pipes kept the pipes rigid in the

oscillating wave field. The inside of the trapezoid was filled with foam to maintain

buoyancy in the event the structure took on water.

The beach breakwater weighed 18.89 kg and was designed to attenuate through

wave breaking induced turbulence and reflection, was the (Figure 21).

Figure 21. On the left is the beach model showing the length. On the right is a profile view with waves
propagating left to right. The top of the yellow line is the designed water line. Dimensions are model scale
and in meters.

The beach model was made of 9.5mm thick pvc. The holes have a 1.27 cm

diameter and result in a 25% porosity on the upper section. This provided some

additional attenuation and allowed breaking waves to drain.

The width for both the beach and pipe model is approximately 50% of the box

width. While the lengths are all comparable, the beach and pipe model are half the

footprint of the box. The beach model weighs 20% of the box and the pipe weighs only

5% of the box.

2.3.7. Data Processing

Even though the experiments were forced with a regular wave field, secondary

waves were generated by the motion of the structure itself, wave reflection, basin

sieching and through wave-wave interaction, which created a distribution of waves of

various frequencies. Therefore, the total wave energy over the entire measurement period

for each wave case was used to evalute the wave attenaution capacity. The energy was

calculated by taking the variance of the power density spectrum (PSD) to determine the

total energy per unit surface area:

𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡 = 𝜌𝑔〈𝜂2 〉 [11]

where 𝜌 is the density of water, 𝑔 is the acceleration due to gravity, and 〈𝜂2 〉 is the

variance (Chen & Belcher, 1999 & The SWAN team, 2006). The PSD was calculated

using the following equation:

𝑃𝑆𝐷 = 2 ∗ |𝑓𝑓𝑡|2 ⁄𝐿𝑓 ⁄𝑑𝑓 [12]

where 𝑓𝑓𝑡 is the fast Fourier transform of the data, 𝐿𝑓 is the length of the frequency

spectrum, and 𝑑𝑓 is the frequency step. Spectra were calculated in 50 second segments

with 50 % overlap and a Hamming window (Figure 22). An average spectrum was

analyzed for each 3.5 to 8.5 min experiment. The variance (η) can then be calculated as

the area under the PSD curve or,

𝜂 = ∫ 𝑃𝑆𝐷. [13]

Figure 22. A loglog plot of the Power Density Spectrum vs frequency for a period of 5.9 s and wave height
of 1.15 m full scale. This sample is an average transmitted PSD for the four wave probes in lee of the box
breakwater during testing. The black bars represent 95% confidence intervals and the red dashed line is the
incident wave frequency.

In Figure 22, the dominant energy is at a frequency of 0.1544 Hz, which

corresponds to a period of 6.5 s. The peak is slightly shifted from the incident frequency

due to the nonlinear effects introduced in lee of the breakwater from the breakwater

motions and reflection off the basin walls. Several other peaks emerge in this sample

PSD calculated from equation 12, which is why energy reduction of the distribution was

waves was evaluated instead of the of dominant wave height.

The incident wave energy (Ei) was determined by averaging the PSD (determined

from equation 12) recorded from the three calibration probes, integrating using equation

13 to get the variance, and then using the variance in equation 11. All three calibration

probes were located in the position where the models would be stationed, and all test runs

were recorded in a calibration phase with no model present. The models took the place of

the calibration probes once calibration runs were complete. For quality control purposes,

only cases where the prescribed and observed wave heights were within 10% of each

other were included in this analysis.

The reflection coefficient (Cr) is the reflected energy divided by the incident

energy, 𝐸𝑟 ⁄𝐸𝑖 . The reflected energy is determined by first taking the maximum PSD

value at each frequency between the two windward probes and then subtracting the

incident PSD value for each corresponding frequency. The resulting PSD is integrated as

shown in equation 13 to find the variance, which is used in equation 11 to determine the

energy. Selecting the maximum PSD value for each frequency of the two windward

probes minimized the impact of the reflected waves having different node and antinode

locations for various models.

The transmission coefficient (Ct) is the transmitted energy divided by the incident

energy, 𝐸𝑡 ⁄𝐸𝑖 . The transmitted energy is an average of the PSD values for each

frequency recorded at each of the probes in the lee of the breakwater (probes 3-6). This

averaged valued was then used to calculate the variance (equation 13), which was used to

determine the energy (equation 11).

When no breakwater is present, the incident wave energy is equal to the

transmitted wave energy. The presence of the breakwater introduces reflected wave

energy and dissipated wave energy into that balance. The wave attenuation capacity of

turbulence induced by the breakwaters is represented within the dissipated wave energy,

𝐸𝑑 , calculated with the dissipated PSD values (PSDd):

𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑑 = 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑖 − 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑟 − 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑡 , [14]

where 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑑 is the power spectral density of the dissipated energy per frequency, 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑖 is

the incident energy per frequency, 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑟 is the reflected energy per frequency, and 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑡

is the transmitted energy per frequency. The 𝑃𝑆𝐷𝑑 was used to find the variance from

equation 13 and then the dissipated energy (𝐸𝑑 ) using equation 11. The term 𝐸𝑑 is a

remainder term, meaning that it could have contributions from mechanisms other than

wave dissipation, such as form drag, energy created by the motion of the breakwater,

energy losses from wave-wave interaction, etc. These subtractions were all done in

spectral space. The dissipation coefficient (C d) is the dissipated energy divided by the

incident energy, 𝐸𝑑 ⁄𝐸𝑖 .

Confidence intervals were determined to help understand the statistical

significance of the trends in the data. This was done by breaking the wave amplitude data

into Hamming windowed segments. Each window contained 200 data points and they

overlapped each other by 50%. The equivalent degrees of freedom for a Hamming

window is 2.5164(𝑁𝑝𝑡𝑠 ⁄𝑀), where 𝑁𝑝𝑡𝑠 is the number of data points in the time series

and 𝑀 is the half width of the window (Emery & Thompson, 2014). The degrees of

freedom and the confidence interval (0.05-0.95 here) were used in a chi-squared (χ2) table

to determine the corresponding χ2 values. The upper and lower bounds were then

determined using;

(𝜈−1)𝑠2 (𝑓)
𝐶𝐼𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 2 [15]


(𝜈 − 1)𝑠 2 (𝑓 )
𝐶𝐼𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 = [16]

where 𝜈 is the degrees of freedom, 𝑠 2 (𝑓 ) is the standard deviation of the frequency

spectrum, χ2 is the chi-squared value, and α is the desired confidence (0.05 here). To get

the standard deviation, the PSD for each window segment was determined and integrated

to get the variance per equation 13. The variance for each windowed segment was then

used to calculate the energy per equation 11, resulting in an array of 27 energies at each

probe location for each wave case. To determine the values in lee of the breakwaters (for

transmission), the four probes in lee of the breakwaters were averaged, creating a 27 by 1

array of energies. To determine the values windward of the breakwater (for reflection),

the maximum energy value recorded in the first two probes was used. The leeward values

were divided by the incident values from the calibration runs. This resulted in an array of

27 transmission coefficients for each wave case. The standard deviation was taken on this

array, and this was used in equations 15 and 16 to determine the upper and lower

confidence intervals. The CILower was then subtracted from the CIUpper to form an array of

errors. This error array was then plotted in Matlab using the errorbar function to add

confidence intervals to the data. The process was repeated to obtain the reflection and

dissipation confidence intervals.



3.1. Transmission Coefficient

In order to evaluate how the wave attenuation capacity of each breakwater

changes with wavelength, the transmission coefficient was compared across multiple

wave periods at a given wave height. Due to similar trends in all three wave heights, only

coefficients from the minimum (1.15 m) and maximum (2 m) wave height experiments

are shown here (Figure 23 and Figure 24 respectively).

Figure 23. Transmission coefficient (Ct) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle), and pipe (bottom)
breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of 1.15 m. Vertical lines represent the 95%
confidence intervals. Data at a period of 5 s omitted due to over 10% error in calibration.

The transmission coefficient, Ct, for an incident wave height of Hi= 1.15 m tended to

increase with increasing wave period for the beach and pipe breakwaters, which indicated

reduced wave attenuation with larger wave lengths. C t associated with the box remained

below 0.5 for wave periods smaller than 7.5 s, which indicated that more than 50% of the

wave energy is attenuated by the structure. The beach featured Ct < 0.5 for wave periods

smaller than 5.5 s and Ct < 0.5 for the pipe breakwater for T < 3.75 s. Once Ct = 1 the

breakwater is, in essence, riding the waves and the incident energy equals the transmitted


Figure 24. Transmission coefficient (Ct) versus period for box (top), beach (middle), and pipe (bottom)
breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of 2 m. Confidence intervals represented by
vertical lines. Wave period around 3.5 s omitted due to calibration error greater than 10%.

Qualitatively, Ct trends were similar for Hi= 2 m compared to Hi = 1.15 m, where

the wave attenuation capacity decreased for longer waves. The increased wave height had

little effect on the box breakwater Ct, which remained below 0.5 until 7.5 s (Figure

24).The transmission coefficient for the beach breakwater reduced slightly by the

increased wave height, remaining under 0.5 until a period of 5.25 s, which was a period

0.25 s shorter than the 1.15 m case. The pipe breakwater no longer has a transmission

coefficient below 0.5, meaning that it lost effectiveness with increased wave height, as it

allowed 50% more energy.

3.2. Reflection Coefficient

The reflection coefficient (Cr) shows how much of the incident energy was

reflected by the structure. A higher reflection coefficient coincides with more energy

reflection by a given breakwater. A Cr of one signifies all incident wave energy was

reflected and a value of zero signifies no reflection. The reflection coefficient versus

period for the three breakwaters was plotted to compare the reflection potential for each

structure (Figure 25).

Figure 25. Reflection coefficient (Cr) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle), and pipe (bottom)
breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of 1.15 m. Confidence intervals represented by
vertical lines. Data point at a period of 5 s omitted due to over 10% error in calibration.

The box breakwater had several values over one (top panel Figure 25), which

should not be possible without external sources of energy. It was discovered that the

frequency in some of the wave cases was close to the natural frequencies of the basin and

the box. This resulted in increased wave heights due to the resonant behavior, which is

detailed in Appendix A. The box reflects most of the energy for the smaller wave periods,

with a decreasing trend from 1.0 to 0.4 as the wave period increases from 3.2 to 5.9 s.

The exception is around the period of 6.9 s, which is due to the frequency of the wave

environment coinciding with the natural frequencies of the basin and the box. Once the

period reached 7.8 s, the box no longer reflected any energy. The beach does not reflect

any energy at the smallest period of 3.2 s, while it reached a peak C r of 0.2 at a period of

3.9 s (middle panel Figure 25). The Cr decreased to 0.08 at a period of 6.9 s. The pipe

breakwater’s Cr never exceeded its peak of 0.14 at a period of 3.9 s. The beach and pipe

breakwaters both had negligible reflection compared to the box.

The increased energy due to the 2 m wave height coupled with the resonant

behavior of the box and basin, resulted in significant reflections in the basin during the

box testing (Figure 26).

Figure 26. Reflection coefficient (Cr) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle), and pipe (bottom)
breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of 2 m. Confidence intervals represented by
vertical lines.

The box reflection values for periods of 3.9, 4.9, and 6.8 s were above one (top

panel Figure 26) and is explained in more detail in Appendix A. The Cr for the box again

dropped to zero for the 7.8 s wave period. Due to these unrealistic reflection coefficient

values for the box, the dissipation for a wave height of 2 m was not calculated. The beach

breakwater increased from a Cr of 0.13 to 0.34 from periods 3.9 to 4.9 s, before dropping

to zero at a period of 6.8 s (middle panel Figure 26). This peak (0.34) was 2.4 times

greater than the peak of 0.14 for the 1.15 m wave case. The pipe breakwater Cr was 0.32

at a period of 3.9 s (bottom panel Figure 26). This was the highest period of reflection, as

it dropped to zero at a period of 4.9 s and continued to produce no reflection for the

remainder of the wave periods. This peak reflection (0.32) was 2.3 times greater than the

peak (0.14) for the pipe breakwater with the 1.15 m wave height.

3.3. Dissipation Coefficient

In order to determine how much wave attenuation was attributed to dissipation

rather than reflection, the dissipated energy was investigated. Values of Cd closer to one

indicate greater energy dissipation, while a Cd near zero means no energy is attenuated

through dissipation. The box breakwaters dissipation trends are near zero except for 5.9

and 7.9 s wave periods (top panel Figure 27).

Figure 27. Dissipation coefficient (Cd) versus period for the box (top), beach (middle), and pipe (bottom)
breakwaters. Results shown in full scale for a wave height of 1.15 m. Confidence intervals represented by
vertical lines.

The increase in dissipation to 0.45 at a period of 5.9 s coincides with the reduced

reflection at the same period (Figure 25 top panel). This could be the result of standing

waves being formed in front of the breakwater. If these standing wave antinodes were not

at a probe location then the full reflected amplitude may not have been captured. The

dissipation for the beach ranged from 0.93 to zero from periods 3.2 s to 7.8 s (middle

panel Figure 27), respectively. This is likely because the slope to the beach is not long

enough to allow longer period waves to shoal and break. The pipe has a maximum Cd of

0.50 at 3.2 s and drops to 0.31 at a period of 3.9 s (bottom panel Figure 27). The

dissipation continues to drop to zero at a period of 5.9 s.

For the 2 m wave height cases, the increased wave reflection observed (Figure 26)

resulted in negative values of dissipation for the box, which is a result of how the

dissipation term is calculated. Provided that the enhanced reflected energy was related to

resonance with both the basin and box, these negative values were taken as zero for the

purposes of this comparison (Figure 28).

Figure 28. Dissipation coefficient (Cd) versus period for the beach (top) and pipe (bottom) breakwaters.
Results shown in full scale for a wave height of 1.15 m. Confidence intervals represented by vertical lines.

The box breakwater had an increase to 0.33 at a period of 5.9 s, similar to the increase in

the 1.15 m wave height at the same period to a Cd of 0.45. This increase occurring at the

same period as the smaller wave height case supports the previous assumption that a

standing wave could have caused the full reflected wave height to not be captured. A

standing wave would occur in the same location, with a different magnitude, for waves of

the same period regardless of wave height.

At the smallest period of 3.9 s the beach breakwater had its maximum dissipation

of 0.75 (top panel Figure 28). The Cd then decreased to 0.21 by a period of 4.9 s before

increasing to 0.38 at a period of 6.8 s. The Cd then approached zero at a period of 7.9 s.

The Cd at a period of 3.9 s was 20 % greater for the higher wave case of 2 m. This is most

likely due to the increased steepness of the wave from the higher wave height, which

would induce more breaking. The pipe breakwater’s dissipation increased from zero at a

period of 3.9 s to 0.16 at a period of 6.8 s (bottom panel Figure 28). The Cd then

approached zero at a period of 7.9 s.

3.4. Mooring Forces

Mooring forces are an important aspect of floating breakwater design, because

they dictate the design of the anchor. This research seeks to create designs that are easily

deployed and the mooring forces exhibited by the designs will have a direct impact on the

complexity of the mooring/anchor system. The windward mooring forces for the beach

and box breakwater generally increased with the larger wave height, as expected (Figure


Figure 29. Full-scale windward mooring forces for the box (top), beach (middle), and pipe (bottom)
breakwaters. The red line is the 1.15 m wave height and blue is the 2 m wave height.

The box had a peak mooring force of 113 metric tons at a wave height of 2 m and

a period of 7.8 s (Figure 29 top panel). The beach breakwater experiences the largest

mooring force, with a peak of 355 metric tons at a wave height of 2 m and a period of 7.8

s (Figure 29 middle panel), which is three times the maximum force experienced by the

box. The pipe breakwater however, only experienced a maximum force of 63 metric tons

with a wave height of 2 m at a period of 3.9 s (Figure 29 bottom panel). The increase in

wave height from 1.15 m to 2 m caused an average increase of 6% in the mooring force

for the box and beach breakwaters. The pipe breakwater mooring force did not vary more

than 2% throughout the range of periods and wave heights. An increase in period resulted

in an increase on the mooring forces for the box and beach breakwaters, increasing it by

approximately 10% from the range of 3.2 – 7.8 s. The recorded mooring line forces were

broken down to anchor forces in global coordinates (Figure 30).

Figure 30. Maximum combined windward global anchor forces versus period in sway (top), heave
(middle), and surge (bottom) degrees of freedom for the box (blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta)
breakwaters. Results in full scale for wave height 1.15 m.

The directions of the global forces are labeled using motion response directions to

make it coincide with the global motion of the breakwater. The sway direction is the

positive y direction (Figure 17), the heave is the positive z direction, and the surge is the

positive x direction (direction of the wave field). The values are the total maximum force

in the respective direction, the maximum for mooring 1 plus mooring 2. In the sway

component the box and pipe breakwaters never exceed 7 metric tons, while the beach

breakwater experiences a peak of 229 metric tons at a period of 5.9 s (Figure 30 top

panel). In the heave direction the beach is again the highest, increasing from 19 to 128

metric tons over the range of periods (Figure 30 middle panel). The box breakwater does

increase over the range of periods as well in heave, from 0 to 40 metric tons, while the

pipe breakwater does not exceed 5 tons. In the surge direction, the beach increases from

35 to 207 metric tons as the period increases. The box increases from 0 to 40 metric tons

and the pipe breakwater has a peak of 6 metric tons at a period of 7.8 s.

The forces in the heave and surge direction for the beach begin to increase

exponentially as the wave period increases. This should be paid close attention as the

natural wave environment may have periods greater than 8 seconds, which could cause

failure in the moorings. The global values give the forces required by all the anchor

points. These data would be important for determining how many anchor points are

required based on anchor characteristics. The forces would be divided by the number of

windward anchors chosen to determine the forcing on the individual anchor.

The same overall patterns hold true for the 2 m wave height with a few

exceptions. The peak force in the sway direction for the beach breakwater shifted from a

period of 5.9 s to 4.9 s with the increase in wave height (Figure 31 top panel).

Figure 31. Maximum combined windward global anchor forces versus period in sway (top), heave
(middle), and surge (bottom) degrees of freedom for the box (blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta)
breakwaters. Results in full scale for wave height 2 m.

This could be due to wave breaking being induced at a smaller period due to the larger

wave height. The increased wave height from 1.15 to 2 m caused the forces to almost

double for each breakwater at every period. This will have a significant impact on the

design of anchors, as the wave heights may be larger than 2 m at times.

The movement of a floating structure in a wave environment is important for

deployment and operation. Whether the structure is deployed to protect ships or the

nearshore environment, knowing how far the breakwater will move from its original

deployment is important. If too close, the breakwater could damage a ship while it is

offloading its cargo, or the breakwater could run aground if the movement brings it to a

reef or much shallower waters. For these reasons, the motion responses are very

important to any design. The motion responses were captured with the Qualisys motion

tracking system for the surge and heave displacement, as well as the pitch rotation was

compared for all three models for both the 1.15 m and 2 m wave heights (Figure 32 &

Figure 33).

Figure 32. Surge (top), heave (middle), and pitch (bottom) motion response results for wave height 1.15 m
versus period. The results are presented in full scale for the box (blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta).

The beach breakwater’s surge displacement remained consistent at 0.2 m throughout the

range of periods, only increasing slightly when the period exceeded 7.5 s (Figure 32 top

panel). This displacement was only a third of the box and pipe breakwaters. The box and

pipe breakwater surge displacements converged to a displacement of 1 m at a period of 4

s and a displacement of approximately 1 m (Figure 32 top panel). These two breakwaters

remained around 0.6 m for larger periods. Although the pipe breakwater had a similar

surge displacement to the box, the heave displacement for the pipe breakwater was the

largest until a period of 6.75 s. The heave displacement for the pipe breakwater was

consistently 0.6 m for the entire range of periods (Figure 32 middle panel). The beach

and box breakwaters had a similar displacement of less than 0.3 m until the period of 6 s,

which was less than half of the displacement of the pipe breakwater. At this period the

box heave displacement rapidly increased by 1 m over the remaining two test cases and

the beach displacement doubled to 0.5 m from a period of 6 to 8 s. Although the beach

had the smallest displacements in both surge and heave, the beach rotated in pitch to a

peak of 6 degrees. The beach also had greater pitch rotation than the box up to a period of

7 s and higher than the pipe breakwater from 5.5 to 7 s (Figure 32 bottom panel). The

box’s pitch response also varies with wave period, increasing slowly from 0 at a period of

3 s, to 6 degrees at a period of 8 s. While both the beach and box breakwater‘s pitch

response changed with increasing wave period, the pipe breakwater consistently pitches

at 4 degrees throughout the range of periods tested.

The three breakwaters exhibited similar patterns for the higher wave height of 2 m

(Figure 33).

Figure 33. Surge (top), heave (middle), and pitch (bottom) motion response results for wave height 2 m
versus period. The results are presented in full scale for the box (blue), beach (red), and pipe (magenta).

The surge displacements follow the same pattern, with an increased magnitude, as in the

1.15 m wave height, the pipe and box converging to a displacement of 1.5 m at a longer

period of 5 s (Figure 33 top panel). The magnitude of the surge and heave displacements

doubled for periods greater than 5 s. The beach surge response also doubled to a value of

0.4 m, which stayed consistent over the range of wave periods. The heave response

doubled in magnitude for all three breakwaters (Figure 33 middle panel). The pipe

remained around 1 m displacement for the duration of the wave periods, while the beach

increased linearly as the wave period increased. The box rapidly increased in heave

motion from a period of 6 s to 8 s, more than doubling in amplitude. The pitch response

for the pipe breakwater doubled from 4 degrees to 8 degrees with the increased wave

height. The magnitude of the rotation for the box and the beach increase by 1.5 times
from the small wave height to the larger wave height, with a maximum rotation of 8

degrees with the 2 m wave height (Figure 33 bottom panel).


4.1. Relative performance of breakwaters

Three breakwaters were designed with lightweight composite sandwich material

construction, in order to analyze if wave attenuation could be dominated by dissipation

rather than reflection, while still obtaining an optimal energy reduction of 50 %. The

percent of attenuation induced by dissipation is compared across breakwaters, in order to

understand which structure was more effective at attenuating wave energy through

dissipation mechanisms rather than reflection (Figure 34).

Figure 34. Percentage of attenuation that is dissipation for the box (blue), beach (green), and pipe (yellow)
breakwaters. Results shown for 1.15 m wave height within operational (SS3) range.

The beach and pipe breakwaters were dominated by dissipation within the target

sea state range (3-6 s). The percent of attenuation represented by dissipation for the beach

and pipe breakwater was greater than 75% for the periods of 3-4 s (Figure 34). At a

period of 6 s the beach breakwater’s dissipation drops to 56% of the attenuation while the

pipe remained near 100%. The drop in the beach breakwaters dissipation occurs as the

wave period and wavelength increase. As the waves become longer they become less

steep and therefore less prone to wave breaking. For the beach to more effective in longer

period waves, it would have to have a longer windward slope to increase the time for the

wave to setup to induce breaking. The pipe remaining consistent coincides with the

mechanism it employs to dissipate wave energy. The structure was not designed to have a

significant reflecting surface, therefore the dominant mechanism should be dissipation

throughout the range of periods. Increasing the wave period should not affect the drag

and vortex shedding induced by the pipes until the structure motion coincides with the

wave field (riding the waves). In this experiment the structure began to ride the waves

around a period of 3.5 s and therefore the dissipation remained relatively constant. The

box however, was dominated by reflection with no attenuation due to dissipation until a

period of 6 s (Figure 34). Once the box reached a period of 6 s the attenuation due to

dissipation increased to 50%. This is likely due to a standing wave being formed as

discussed in section 3.3 as the box primarily utilized reflection as its attenuation


The box attenuated the most wave energy, exceeding the goal of a C t < 0.5 until a

wave period of over 7 s for both wave heights. The beach featured a Ct < 0.5 until a wave

period of 5.5 s for both wave heights, while the pipe breakwater only exceeded Ct < 0.5 at

wave period of 3.5 s for the smaller wave height case. All three breakwaters became less

effective at attenuating wave energy as the wave period increased, which is typical of

floating breakwaters. The box attenuated the most energy by primarily utilizing

reflection. This demonstrated the effectiveness of reflection as a wave attenuation

mechanism. As the wave period approached 8 s, the box began to ride the waves which

diminished the capacity for reflection. The pipe breakwater was only able to generate

enough dissipation to attenuate below 0.5 for the smaller wave periods (< 3.5 s) with the

1.15 m wave height. This is largely due to the pipe breakwater riding the waves. The

beach primarily utilized dissipation as the attenuation mechanism while attaining similar

results as the reflecting box up to a period of 5.5 s. The effectiveness of the beach in the

smaller period wave cases is assumed to be due to the dissipation mechanism induced by

wave breaking. The smaller period waves have a greater steepness than the longer period

waves of the same wave height and thus are closer to their breaking point. This coupled

with the semi-taut mooring system to resist moving with the waves, allowed waves to

break on the beach breakwater.

Forces in the beach breakwater mooring lines were three times larger than the

forces in the lines of the box breakwater, in order to limit the motion response of the

beach. An analysis of the location of the mooring line attachments to the beach

breakwater could help reduce the pitch motions that were visible during testing. The

beach rotated in pitch as much as 6-8 degrees, and if this were reduced further, the beach

could be more effective at attenuating wave energy. The beach mooring lines restricted

the movement in surge and heave to under a meter at full scale for all wave cases. The

trade off to restricting the motion was large mooring line forces experienced with the

beach breakwater of over 300 metric tons. The magnitude of these mooring forces will

require special consideration when determining the type of anchors required.

The pipe breakwater’s minimal weight resulted in a natural period in heave of

3.18 s which caused it to ride the waves for most of the wave cases. This resulted in

poorer performance than was anticipated. This performance could be enhanced by

stiffening the mooring lines to be similar to a semi-taught system, or increasing the added

mass. For example, two wave cases (not shown) were run using the box mooring lines

with the pipe model and the attenuation was increased by 5-8%, which suggests that

increasing the stiffness would increase the attenuation of the pipe breakwater. One

advantage of the pipe breakwater in terms of installation was that it was eight times

lighter than the beach breakwater and had a heave stiffness almost four times smaller than

the box breakwater. This caused the heave natural period to be 3.18 s at full scale, which

was close to the smallest wave period tested (3 s full scale). Once the wave environment

surpassed this period, the pipe breakwater rode the waves. This still allowed the flow to

pass through the pipes, creating vortices, which accounted for the small amount of

attenuation recorded. The attenuation could be improved by increasing the stiffness in the

mooring lines or making the trapezoidal float narrower, thus reducing the water plane

area. Varying the diameter of the pipes to increase the range of the vortex shedding

frequencies and a second or third row of pipes could also increase the drag and potential

for forming vortices.

The reflection was over four times larger in the box breakwater than in the beach

or pipe breakwaters. The reflection induced by the box breakwater led to increased wave

activity in the basin, making accurate computations difficult. These disruptive reflected

waves are also an indication of a disadvantage of the box breakwater, or any breakwater

that largely utilizes reflection. Reflected wave energy can be detrimental to navigation,

recreation, and erosion in the surrounding areas due to the increased energy.

Despite the beach having a large reflective surface in the front of the breakwater,

it produced very little reflection (Figure 25 & Figure 26). This is because the majority of

the reflective face is below the area of greatest wave energy. The reflection by the beach

and pipe breakwaters provide the added benefit of reduced destructive reflected wave


The size of the breakwater is important due to the increased cost for more

materials and for logistics of transportation and deployment. The breakwaters may need

to be initially transported on land, which limits the size based on the capacity of flatbed

trucks. Once in the water, the breakwater needs to be towed to the location of installation.

This process will be easier and less expensive for smaller structures, especially if several

are needed to form an array for coastal protection. The beach breakwater encompassed

half of the footprint of the box. Despite this, the beach performed as desired for the

majority of the target wave environment. With the reduced size, 8 m wide opposed to

16.9 m wide, the beach would be easier to move and deploy. The freeboard of 0.8 m

versus the box at 3.6 m would also be desirable for coastal communities, as it would

reduce the amount of visible obstruction and have a smaller impact on the view.

4.2. Design Disadvantages

The natural period of the box caused some additional excitation in the basin

during testing. The heave (7.89 s) and pitch (7.70 s) natural periods were both close to the

last wave period tested (7.87 s). The natural period for the box and the pipe model was

calculated using data from the free decay tests. The free decay was performed a minimum

of 3 times with the results averaged. The box in heave for example was pushed down and
released. As the box moved up and down vertically, the motion was captured using

Qualisys Motion Tracking Software (Figure 35).

Figure 35. Heave free decay test for the box (in blue). Red dashed vertical lines mark the peaks of
displacement. Dimensions are in full scale.

The time from the first peak to the last peak was divided by the number of oscillations

(number of peaks – 1). This resulted in the natural period for this run.

The beach design also has the disadvantage of diminished performance with large

water level fluctuations, for example, alarge tidal range. The taught mooring lines will

not allow the structure to rise with the rising tide, resulting in less exposed structure,

which will limit wave breaking capabilites.

4.3. Study Limitations

There are several limitations to this research. All test cases reported were

monochromatic/ regular incident wave cases. The reflection, in particular, can be

amplified by monochromatic waves, as standing waves can be formed due to the incident

and reflected waves having the same period. The natural coastal environment consists of

incident irregular wave trains as opposed to the incident regular waves used in this study.

The natural environment also consists of directionally changing incident waves and in

this study only waves propagating normal to the breakwaters were considered. The

directionality and irregularity of the incident wave trains would have a different effect on

the attenuation of the breakwaters. The performance of the breakwaters may differ

slightly with the experimental results due to the scaled depth. The breakwaters are

designed to be deployed in depths of 20 m and the scaled depth of the test basin was 180

m. In a shallower water environment, the breakwaters should perform better, especially

the beach breakwater. As a wave approaches the shore the wave height increases and the

wave length remains the same, the closer the ratio of the wave height to the wave length

comes to 1/7, the closer the wave is to breaking. Therefore, a shallower environment

would enable the beach breakwater to induce more wave breaking, increasing the

dissipation and the attenuation performance.

4.4. Lessons Learned

While the reduction in weight for the breakwater designs would be beneficial for

deployment and relocation, it created enhanced structural motions during testing. The

natural period (𝑇𝑜 ) of the structure can be found for each degree of freedom using the

following equation.

𝑚 + 𝑚𝑎
𝑇𝑜 = 2𝜋√ [17]

Where 𝑚 is the structural mass, 𝑚𝑎 is the added mass, and 𝑘𝑑𝑜𝑓 is the combined system

stiffness in the corresponding degree of freedom. Reducing the structural mass reduced

the natural period, which resulted in the natural period being closer to the incident wave

periods. Methods to increase the added mass without significantly increasing the overall

mass should be considered, this includes the addition of sub-surface heave plates. The

increase in added mass would result in an increase in the natural period to outside the

expected wave environments, greater than 15 s. The stiffness could also be increased

until the system functions as a semi-taught system. The goal would be to reduce the

natural period below the target environments, less than 2 s.

The high stiffness in the taught mooring system for the beach resulted in mooring

forces that were three times higher than the box breakwater. This would increase the cost

and complexity of installation for the beach breakwater. If the stiffness in the lines were

reduced, the forces in the lines would decrease. If this could be done while maintaining

the effectiveness of the beach at attenuating wave energy, this would make the system

more cost effective and easier to deploy.

Testing of any floating structures has many challenges. In this test campaign,

challenges arose from the natural frequency of the basin, the structures, and structure

induced reflection. Special care needs to be taken, prior to conducting experiments, to

analyze the fundamental dynamic characteristics of the test environment. The

environmental producing capability of the wave maker is important and often one of the

first factors considered for scaling purposes. The dynamic response of the facility also

needs to be considered in an effort to avoid the natural frequencies of the facility. This

has the potential to be overlooked and could adverse effects, as it did in this series of


The testing of a highly reflective structure can also pose challenges in a confined

basin. Methods to reduce the reflection in the wave basin should be considered. There

was significant reflection generated during the testing of the box breakwater, which

helped excite the natural frequencies of the basin.



5.1. Conclusions

This research aimed to: determine if floating breakwaters can be constructed out

of lightweight materials and still be effective; measure the wave attenuation capacity and

mooring forces associated with the breakwaters; and to determine if turbulence

generation could be used to ensure dissipation was the primary attenuation mechanism. A

summary of key parameters from this research are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Full-scale parameters for the box, beach, and pipe breakwaters. Experimental results shown for
wave height 1.15 m and a period of 3.9 s.

Breakwater Design

Parameter Box Beach Pipe

Width (m) 16.9 8.56 8
Length (m) 40 40 40
Height (m) 12.1 12 12
Structure mass (mt) 200.9 1,160.30 47.6
Installed system mass (mt) 5,836.90 1,160.30 268.9
Operational ballast mass (mt) 5,636.10 0 221.3
CG from keel (m) 4.44 3.77 8.32
CB from keel (m) 4.21 4.87 7.99
Draft (m) 8.42 11.19 8.99
Freeboard (m) 3.59 0.81 3.01
Hull displacement (m^3) 5,694 1,875 262
Structural heave stiffness (N/m) 6.80E+06 1.05E+06 1.77E+06
Structural pitch stiffness (Nm/rad) 8.93E+08 1.34E+08 2.35E+08
Structural roll stiffness (Nm/rad) 1.49E+08 1.13E+07 1.97E+06
Mooring system Catenary Taught Catenary
Max mooring force (mt) 102.4 308.7 62.3
Ct 0.50 0.18 0.60
Cr 0.88 0.15 0.10
Cd 0.00 0.67 0.31
Max surge displacement (m) 0.90 0.25 1.1
Max heave displacement (m) 0.05 0.1 0.6
Max pitch response (deg) 0.05 1.9 4

Floating breakwaters constructed of lightweight materials can be effective at

reducing an incident wave environment by utilizing dissipation as its primary attenuation

mechanism, with the added benefit of having a 50% smaller structural footprint required

than a reflective structure. The composite sandwich material allowed the designs to

weigh 12% of the same designs in concrete, which allows for easier deployment. The

drawback to the lighter structural design is the reduced structural natural period, which

will require a mooring design that provides heave stiffness as well as a surge restoring

force or additional added mass. The added heave stiffness is needed to prevent the

breakwater from having a heave natural period near the period of the wave environment.

The two test cases for the pipe breakwater that were run with the stiffer box mooring

lines resulted in an attenuation increase of 5% to 8%, though, further investigation is

required to confirm this trend.

The box attenuated 50% of the wave energy up to a period of 7 s, while the beach

attenuated more than 50% of the energy up to a period of 5 s. The weakest attenuation

was caused by the pipe breakwater, which only attenuated 50% of the energy up to 3.5 s

period. The mooring forces for the breakwaters are useful to understand anchor and

mooring line design for future applications. The pipe breakwater had the smallest

maximum windward mooring force of 63.8 metric tons; the box had a maximum of 113

metric tons and the beach a maximum of 355 metric tons. The box and pipe breakwaters

could be installed using typical catenary mooring lines, however the beach would need a

taut system to be installed which would add to the cost of the project. The deployment

and installation of the beach breakwater requires special consideration due to the large

mooring forces from the required pre-tension in the lines.

The pre-tension contributed to the beach’s ability to attain wave attenuation

similar to the box within the target wave environments (3 – 6 s). The beach breakwater

was successful at utilizing a wave attenuation mechanism alternative to reflection while

reducing the size of the structure. The beach employed turbulence generation via wave

breaking, which resulted in energy dissipation. As shown in Figure 34, the beach used

dissipation as its primary mechanism, which allowed for the reduced footprint, being half

the size of the box breakwater.

Alternative wave attenuation mechanisms can be as effective as traditional

reflection while reducing the size of the structure. Special consideration needs to go into

the design and application of the mooring system, as it can have a large impact on overall

performance. Floating breakwaters that are lighter may be easier to transport and deploy,

but will require moorings that keep the structural natural periods away from the expected

environmental periods. A cost analysis should be conducted to determine the most

practical design.

5.2. Future Work

Future work will include comparing the beach breakwater to an additional design

that will be suspended in the water column. The suspended design will consist of 3D

printed porous screens that will expand on utilizing dissipation as a primary attenuation

mechanism by creating turbulence as the wave passes through the holes. The design will

be optimized using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, which will include

evaluating the role of porosity (of screens and top of beach), size (including draft

required and slope of beach), and mooring stiffness on wave attenuation. This work

contributes to the overarching goal of designing an effective breakwater technology that

can be easily deployed and utilizes dissipation as a wave attenuation mechanism that can

be used for nearshore coastal protection.


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Upon investigation into the reflection values for the box exceeding one, it was

determined that the natural resonant behavior of the basin as well as the box had an

impact on the readings. The PSD for the box using probe 1 and the calibrated wave PSD

were plotted with the closest natural frequencies of the box and the basin for a wave

height of 2 m and a period of 3.9 s (Figure 36).

Figure 36. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1 (red). The wave case
had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period of 3.9 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest
natural periods for the box (magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted.

In this case only the box pitch natural frequency and the fourth mode of the basin were

close to the incident frequency. The distribution of the peak power still is relatively

narrow as would be expected. However, the peak is slightly shifted in the direction of the

natural frequencies. This shows that the natural frequencies are having some impact on

the results.

The larger periods start being impacted by the box and basin more as the energy

shifts to smaller frequencies. For a wave height of 2 m and a period of 4.9 s the impact is

more prominent (Figure 37Figure 37).

Figure 37. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1 (red). The wave case
had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period of 4.9 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest
natural periods for the box (magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted.

The incident frequency is now in between the pitch/mode 4 and the roll, surge, sway,

heave, and mode 3. The distribution of the peak power is now wider than in Figure 36.

The natural frequencies on both sides of the incident frequency have widened the peak.

The shape and widening for the incident (calibrated) run is similar to the data from probe

1 at the area of the most energy. This implies that the basin natural frequency had a

significant impact on this result. If the box natural frequency drove the widening of the

peak then the incident PSD would have a narrower peak.

This widening continues for the 2 m wave height and the 5.9 s period (Figure 38).

Figure 38. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1 (red). The wave case
had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period of 5.9 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest
natural periods for the box (magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted.

At a period of 5.9 s the peak is widened and slightly shifted to higher frequencies.

For a period of 6.8 s the peak is shifted to larger frequencies while the power

distribution has remained widened (Figure 39).

Figure 39. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration wave (blue) and wave probe 1 (red). The wave case
had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period of 6.8 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest
natural periods for the box (magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted.

The incident wave frequency was close to the box heave frequency as well as basin mode

3, which pulled the peak to a larger frequency.

The largest period wave case run was 7.9 s at full scale. This brought the energy

in the system closer the first mode of the basin (Figure 40).

Figure 40. A loglog plot of the PSD for the calibration run (blue) and wave probe 1 (red). The wave case
had a wave height of 2 m and an incident wave period of 7.9 s (black dashed vertical line). The closest
natural periods for the box (magenta) and the basin (light blue) are also plotted.

This resulted in a significant widening of the power distribution from the incident

frequency to the smaller frequencies. In future experiments, special care will be taken to

avoid the modes of the basin.


Richard Perry was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on August 31, 1979. He was

raised in Kingston, New Hampshire and graduated from Sanborn Regional High School

in 1997. He attended the University of Maine from the fall of 1997 to the spring of 2002.

He then left the University and worked as a Retail Manager. In the fall of 2015 he

returned to the University of Maine. He graduated with a B.S. in Civil Engineering from

the University of Maine in the spring of 2018. Immediately following graduation,

Richard entered the Civil Engineering graduate program through the Advanced Structures

and Composites Center at the University of Maine. After receiving his degree, Richard

will be staying at the Advanced Structures and Composites Center, as a research

engineer, to begin his career in civil/coastal engineering. Richard is a candidate for the

Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Maine in December



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