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Photovoltaic String Sizing Using Site-Specific Modeling

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3, MAY 2020

Photovoltaic String Sizing Using

Site-Specific Modeling
Todd Karin and Anubhav Jain

Abstract—One key design decision for photovoltaic (PV) power system design (see Fig. 1). This method is consistent with the
plants is to select the number of PV modules connected in series, 2017 National Electric Code (NEC) 690.7(A)(3) standard [1].
also called the string size. Longer strings typically lower total While this site-specific modeling approach is currently used
system costs, but the string size must still meet relevant electrical
standards to ensure that the maximum system voltage remains less in some PV power plant designs [2], the complexity of the
than the design voltage. Traditional methods calculate string size calculation and lack of industry-standard techniques limit its use.
using the temperature coefficient of open-circuit voltage assuming The traditional 690.7(A)(1) method for determining the max-
that the coldest expected temperature occurs simultaneously with imum string size uses the lowest expected ambient temperature
a full-sun irradiance of 1000 W/m2 . Here, we demonstrate that
and an irradiance of 1 sun to compute the maximum open-circuit
this traditional method is unnecessarily conservative, resulting in a
string size ∼10% shorter than necessary to maintain system voltage voltage (Voc ) using standard translation equations [3], [4]. This
within limits. Instead, engineers may determine string size by mod- method was designed to be a simple way to determine safe string
eling open-circuit voltage over time using historical weather data, lengths, but yields unnecessarily conservative results. This is
a method consistent with the 2017 National Electric Code. For bifa- because maximum Voc typically occurs during winter mornings
cial systems, we derive a simple additive term that predicts the addi- when the plane-of-array (POA) irradiance is significantly re-
tional voltage rise. We demonstrate that this site-specific modeling
procedure predicts open-circuit voltages in close agreement with duced and the cell temperature is 5–20 ◦ C higher than ambient.
data from field measurements. We further perform a comprehen- This article shows that traditional methods result in a string size
sive sensitivity analysis to identify an appropriate safety factor. By ∼10% shorter than necessary, a significant missed opportunity
using site-specific modeling instead of traditional methods, we esti- for system-level cost optimization.
mate a ∼1.2% reduction in levelized cost of electricity, a significant
Longer strings can lower the levelized cost of electricity
improvement to PV power plant economics. The method is provided
as an easy-to-use web tool and as an open-source Python package. (LCOE) in a number of ways.
Index Terms—Design standards, design tools, photovoltaic 1) Electrical balance-of-systems costs are reduced because
systems, solar panels. more modules are connected in each wire run and to each
combiner box.
I. INTRODUCTION AND ECONOMIC IMPACT 2) Installation labor is reduced because there are fewer
trenches to dig and wires to install.
INIMIZING costs for solar photovoltaic (PV) power
M plants is a multifaceted optimization problem. The ben-
efits of increased system dc design voltage are well known and
3) Some shutoffs due to low voltage during very warm
weather can be avoided. Similarly, system degradation
can lead to chronic undervoltage that prevents the inverter
have caused the industry to transition away from 600 V systems from starting; longer strings reduce this risk.
in favor of 1000 and 1500 V systems. By increasing the string 4) Longer strings can enable a better utilization of the avail-
size (the number of modules connected in series), more power able ground area, lowering land costs per watt.
travels through each wire run, reducing system costs associated 5) Often for single-axis tracking systems, one more module
with wiring, combiner boxes, and installation labor. per string can be added without changing the number
In this article, we develop and validate a method for calculat- of piles or controllers, reducing structural balance-of-
ing the maximum string size by simulating the PV system using systems costs.
historical weather data, datasheet module parameters, and the 6) DC ohmic losses are slightly reduced due to the use of
higher voltages, improving power output.
Manuscript received October 9, 2019; revised December 12, 2019 and January 7) Inverter costs decrease because an inverter with a higher
14, 2020; accepted January 20, 2020. Date of publication February 17, 2020; minimum voltage can be used. These inverters have a
date of current version April 21, 2020. This work was supported by the Durable
Modules Consortium, an Energy Materials Network Consortium funded by the higher nominal ac output voltage, resulting in improved
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable inverter power output at similar electronics costs and a
Energy, Solar Energy Technologies Office. The Lawrence Berkeley National reduced cost of the step-up transformer.
Laboratory was supported by the DOE under Award DE-AC02-05CH11231.
(Corresponding author: Todd Karin.) A rough estimate of the economic impact of increasing string
The authors are with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, size can be made by assuming that the same number of modules
CA 94720 USA (e-mail:; are reorganized into 10% longer strings. A 50-MW utility-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at scale single-axis-tracking system has a total installed cost of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2020.2969788 $1.21/WDC [5]. The electrical balance-of-systems costs make

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see

Fig. 1. Method for using site-specific modeling to determine string size. First, simulation inputs are chosen, consisting of datasheet module parameters, the
racking type (orientation of the array and whether the system is fixed-tilt or single-axis tracking), and the thermal model for cell temperature as a function of
weather data. Next, weather data are acquired for the site of interest. These simulation inputs are used to model Voc over time and, subsequently, produce a histogram
of the Voc values. Several standard values for the maximum predicted module voltage Vmax are calculated based on this histogram. A safety factor is chosen based
on local weather data uncertainty and other uncertainties in the calculation. Using the system design voltage Vdesign (typically 600, 1000, or 1500 V), the longest
acceptable string size is calculated using the equation shown.

up $0.14/WDC, the installation labor $0.11/WDC, and the struc- one standard method for calculating the maximum volt-
tural balance of systems $0.15/WDC. If the system is rearranged age of a PV system is the Sandia PV array performance
into 10% longer strings, the electrical balance-of-systems costs model [9].
will be reduced by 10%. The installation labor comprises site In this article, we thoroughly explore techniques for calcu-
preparation, pile driving, trench digging, wiring, and more; we lating string size using the Sandia model that are consistent
estimate a 5% reduction in installation labor. Structural balance- with 690.7(A)(3). We use weather data from the National Solar
of-systems costs are reduced by 2.3% because of the smaller Radiation Database (NSRDB) [10], as suggested in the Sandia
number of piles and controllers [6]. In total for the 50-MW array performance model [9]. The NEC provides no further
system, this results in a ∼1.6% reduction in capital costs. Using guidance on how to select the maximum module voltage; our aim
standard financial models with up-to-date system designs this in this article is to develop the industry-standard methodology
translates to a ∼1.2% reduction in LCOE [7], demonstrating the for this task.
significant cost savings possible just by reorganizing strings.
B. Discussion of Standards for String Sizing
Several different standards for the maximum module voltage
A. National Electric Code
expected (Vmax ) are compared in this article.
The 2017 NEC section 690.7 includes three acceptable meth- 1) Standard 690.7(A)(1)-ASHRAE is the method used tradi-
ods for calculating the string size of a PV system [1]. tionally, which calculates the maximum module voltage by
1) Method 690.7(A)(1) specifies that the maximum module correcting Voc at standard test conditions using the extreme
voltage should be calculated using the open-circuit voltage annual mean minimum dry bulb temperature from the
corrected by the “lowest expected ambient temperature” ASHRAE database and a POA irradiance of 1000 W/m2 .
and the open-circuit voltage temperature coefficient. One 2) Standard 690.7(A)(1)-NSRDB is similar to 690.7(A)(1)-
acceptable data source is the extreme annual mean mini- ASHRAE but uses the extreme annual mean minimum dry
mum design dry bulb temperature found in the American bulb temperature calculated from NSRDB.
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning 3) Standard 690.7(A)(1)-DAY uses the extreme annual mean
Engineers (ASHRAE) handbook [8]. minimum design dry bulb temperature during daytime
2) Method 690.7(A)(2) is similar to 690.7(A)(1), but pro- (defined as when the global horizontal irradiance is larger
vides a Voc correction factor for mono and multicrys- than 150 W/m2 ) and a POA irradiance of 1000 W/m2
talline silicon instead of the datasheet temperature (data source is NSRDB). This standard avoids using tem-
coefficient. peratures during nighttime when there is little chance of
3) Method 690.7(A)(3) is relevant to PV systems 100 kW or creating a voltage violation.
larger and states that a documented and stamped design 4) Standard 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 is a site-specific modeling
using an industry standard method can be provided by method that uses a maximum module voltage equal to
a professional electrical engineer, further suggesting that the 99.5th percentile Voc simulated over 19 years.

inverters with a safety margin so that dc input voltages slightly

higher than the specified design voltage do not cause damage.
One tier-1 inverter manufacturer suggested that a typical safety
margin is 50 V, at which point damage may be expected to the dc
link or electromagnetic-interference-reducing capacitors. The
integrated gate bipolar junction transistor bridge will typically
have a higher margin, e.g., 200 V margin on a 1000 or 1500 V
rated inverter, to guard against damage due to cosmic rays [11].
Therefore, exceeding the design voltage by 3–5% would not be
expected to cause equipment damage or a safety hazard on some
inverters. However, exceeding the inverter’s maximum specified
voltage by any amount could cause a hazardous failure and/or
void the inverter warranty. Therefore, we recommend system
design engineers engage with the inverter manufacturer directly
Fig. 2. For a typical PV system, comparison of open-circuit voltage history to determine the precise overvoltage capability of the specific
and operating voltage history assuming the system operates at open-circuit inverter model used.
voltage 1% of the time. Also shown are the standard Vmax values. Simulation
is for a single-axis tracking PV system located in Berkeley, CA, USA, with a
temperature coefficient of βvoc = −0.37%/◦ C. C. Impact of Site-Specific Modeling on String Size
Using site-specific modeling improves string size over that
5) Standard 690.7(A)(3)-P100 is a site-specific modeling from traditional methods. On a grid of locations in the conti-
method that uses a maximum module voltage equal to the nental US, we simulate an open-rack fixed-tilt system, oriented
100th percentile (historical maximum) of the simulated south at latitude tilt, a temperature coefficient of Voc equal to
Voc over 19 years. −0.35%/C (a typical value for crystalline Si), and temperature
When calculating string size, maximum voltage values for coefficients for open racking and glass/polymer modules. In this
690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 and 690.7(A)(3)-P100 should be increased calculation, we use a location-dependent safety factor (SF) that
by a safety factor depending on system design and location, as includes the weather data uncertainty plus 2.0%, as described in
discussed further in Section V. Section V. The improvement in string size by switching from
Due to unpredictable weather conditions, any choice of string 690.7(A)(1)-ASHRAE to 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 standards depends
size still allows a statistical possibility that the design voltage on location [see Fig. 3(a)] but on average results in (9.9 ± 1.2)%
could be exceeded. One way to address this risk is to choose an longer strings [see Fig. 3(b)].
acceptable fraction of time where the system voltage is predicted
to remain below the design limit. We first note that under typical III. SITE-SPECIFIC VOC MODELING PROCEDURE
operating conditions, the PV array operates at the maximum
power point (MPP) voltage (Vmp ), which is typically 20–25% A. Overview
lower than Voc (see Fig. 2). Thus, for the system to produce The site-specific modeling method to determine string size is
a voltage violation, a system shutdown producing open-circuit described schematically in Fig. 1 and summarized as follows.
conditions must occur simultaneously with an unusually cold 1) Identify module parameters from the module datasheet.
and clear day. 2) Specify racking type: fixed-tilt versus tracking, etc.
Typical down-time rates (fraction of time any given array is 3) Acquire weather data from the NSRDB (or other source).
not exporting power) for solar PV power plants are around 1% 4) Simulate Voc at each time step.
[6], and during this time, the array may operate at open-circuit 5) Calculate maximum module voltage (Vmax ) expected over
conditions. In Fig. 2, we show two example voltage histograms: system lifetime based on Voc histogram.
open-circuit voltage and a voltage history assuming open-circuit 6) Determine safety factor SF based on largest uncertainties
conditions occur 1% of the time. By selecting the 690.7(A)(3)- in the calculation (see Section V).
P99.5 Voc and assuming that the 1% down-time occurs randomly, 7) Calculate the maximum string size based on system design
statistically, the system voltage will remain within voltage limits voltage, maximum voltage Vmax , and safety factor.
99.995% of the time (equivalent to a small voltage violation The maximum string size Nstring is the largest integer satisfying
occurring for less than 30 min per year). While a randomly
occurring 1% downtime may be the current norm, curtailment Vdesign
due to high solar penetration may increase the fraction of time Nstring < (1 − SF) (1)
a PV system spends at open-circuit voltage in the future. A
more conservative option for the maximum module voltage is where Vdesign is the system design voltage, typically 600, 1000,
the 690.7(A)(3)-P100 value. or 1500 V.
Typically, no safety hazards or equipment damage occur The system design engineer must make multiple practical
during a small voltage violation. Inverter manufacturers design decisions in order to determine a string size based on this

Fig. 3. String size increase averaged across the continental US. Simulation considers an open-rack fixed-tilt system, oriented South at latitude tilt, a temperature
coefficient of Voc equal to −0.35%/C, and open-rack polymer-back thermal model parameters. (a) Distribution of string length improvements across the continental
US from 690.7(A)(1)-ASHRAE to 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 without any safety factor included. (b) Site-specific modeling standard 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 results in string
sizes (9.9 ± 1.2)% longer than allowed using 690.7(A)(1)-ASHRAE. The 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 and 690.7(A)(3)-P100 values include a safety factor equal to the
location-dependent weather data safety factor plus an additional 2.0% to account for Voc manufacturing uncertainty, wind data uncertainty, and diode ideality factor

procedure; we provide explicit guidance in Section VI. We from the front surface of the module:
have also developed a convenient freely available web tool [12]
E = f1 (AMa ) [Edni cos(AOI)f2 (AOI) + fD Epoa,diffuse ] (4)
and open-source python package [13] for performing the above
calculation. where f1 (AMa ) is the spectral loss coefficient depending on
absolute (dimensionless) air mass AMa , Edni is the direct normal
B. Calculation of Voc irradiance, f2 (AOI) is the reflection loss coefficient, fD is the
fraction of diffuse irradiance arriving at the cell, Epoa,diffuse is
Module open-circuit voltage Voc can be modeled by the fol-
the diffuse component of the irradiance in the plane of the array,
lowing equation:
  and AOI is the angle of incidence. In this article, the functions
ndiode kB T E f1 and fD are conservatively assumed equal to unity (i.e., no
Voc = Voc0 + Ns log + βvoc (T − T0 ) (2)
q E0 loss) for simplicity. The ASHRAE AOI loss model is used for
f2 [15], [16]. In our calculation of the POA diffuse irradiance,
where Voc0 is the open-circuit voltage at reference conditions, we use the Perez model for the sky component and an albedo of
ndiode is the diode ideality factor, E is the effective plane-of-array 0.25 for the ground component [14].
(POA) irradiance, Ns is the number of cells in series in the mod- In modeling Voc , the most complex part of the process is
ule, E0 = 1000 W/m2 is the reference irradiance, T0 = 25◦ C determining the AOI of radiation onto the PV module. This
is the reference temperature, βvoc is the open-circuit voltage problem has been explored in detail and is fully implemented
temperature coefficient, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and q in PVLIB [14]. For tracking systems, we utilize the built-in
is the elementary charge (see Appendix A for derivation) [9]. algorithms for determining tracker orientation in PVLIB.
The temperature coefficient of Voc is To calculate the cell temperature, we use the Sandia array
βvoc = βvoc0 + Mbvoc (1 − E/E0 ) (3) performance model
where Mbvoc is the coefficient of the irradiance dependence of the Tcell,MPP = Tambient + ΔT + E exp(a + bv) (5)
open-circuit voltage temperature coefficient, typically assumed E0
to be zero. Equation (2) is an excellent approximation over a where Tcell,MPP is the cell temperature at the MPP, E is the
wide variety of operating conditions, but does not apply for irradiance in W/m2 , v is the wind speed measured at 10-m
extremely low (<10 μ W/m2 ) irradiances. Physically, Voc cannot height, and a, b, and ΔT are model parameters [9]. At open
be less than zero, so if the effective irradiance is low enough to circuit, the module is warmer because no power is exported
produce a negative Voc in (2), Voc is simply replaced by zero (see as electricity. In the steady state, module heating from the sun
Appendix A for explanation) [14]. Qin ∝ (1 − η) balances module thermal loss to the environment
The effective irradiance is the POA irradiance modified by Qout ∝ (Tcell − Tambient ), where η is the module efficiency. Sim-
the spectral loss due to changes in air mass and reflection losses plifying, we can estimate the temperature of the module at open

TABLE I suggest fback = 0.15. This typically results in a ∼1.2% increase

in Voc for snowy locations and a ∼0.3% increase in Voc for
non-snowy locations.


To validate the Voc estimation tool, we compare the simulation
predictions with field-measured data for multiple deployed PV
systems. The mobile performance and energy rating testbed
Values are found by simulating backside irradiance using view-factor models at three
different locations and selecting the backside irradiance fraction that most closely predicts
dataset contains a total of 33 different modules deployed at
the rise in max module voltage. Ground type examples are taken from [22]. three different locations: Eugene, OR; Golden, CO; and Cocoa,
FL [23]. Each module is connected to a current/voltage (I–V )
tracer that acquires a full I–V curve every 5 min for one to two
years. Additional details are given in Appendix B.
Tcell,MPP − Tambient We simulated Voc using the PV system parameters and weather
Tcell,OC = Tambient + (6)
1−η data from the NSRDB and compared the results to using colo-
from the temperature at the MPP. We note that for the first cated weather stations. Fig. 4(a) shows a histogram of Voc values
several minutes of any system shutdown, the voltage will still over the time period for a single module, finding that simu-
be determined by the MPP temperature due to the thermal mass lations based on the NSRDB slightly overestimate Voc , while
of the modules. those based on local weather are more accurate. In comparing
Bifacial modules may be treated similarly, except that the simulated versus measured 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 Voc across the 33
irradiance E is increased due to backside illumination [17]. different modules [see Fig. 4(b)], we find an average fractional
Because of the log dependence of Voc on irradiance, the backside difference
irradiance only increases Voc slightly (typically less than 1%).
f = (Simulated P99.5Voc )/(Measured P99.5 Voc ) − 1 (8)
The cells in bifacial modules may be warmer than those in
monofacial modules due to the absence of the reflective white of (0.5 ± 0.5)% for multicrystalline Si (mSi) and monocrys-
backsheet and the increased thermal insulation present in a talline Si (xSi) modules when using NSRDB data. The direction
glass–glass module [18]. While this temperature rise might of this error is such that a design based on site-specific modeling
completely compensate for the increase in Voc due to backside would be less likely to see voltage violations.
irradiance, we ignore this effect due to a lack of empirical In order to determine the origin of this Voc overestimate,
evidence in the literature. we also simulated Voc using the local weather station data
While backside irradiance can be calculated more precisely [see Fig. 4], resulting in a more accurate estimation of Voc
using view-factor or ray-tracing models [19], [20], a simple with a fractional difference of (−0.3 ± 0.4)% for mSi and xSi.
approximation is accurate enough for string sizing calculations. This empirical comparison demonstrates the excellent predictive
Since open-circuit voltage goes as the log of irradiance, by power of site-specific modeling.
assuming that the backside irradiance is proportional to the
frontside irradiance by a factor fback , the increase in open-circuit
voltage becomes an additive constant. From (2), the additive V. SAFETY FACTOR AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
increase in open-circuit voltage due to backside irradiance is With 690.7(A)(3) methods, it is important to add a safety
ndiode kB T factor in order to account for the uncertainties in the calculation.
ΔVoc = Ns log (1 + fback ηbifacial ) (7) This is in contrast to 690.7(A)(1,2) where the standard practice
is to neglect a safety factor since the calculation is inherently
where ηbifacial is the efficiency of the backside of the module rel- conservative.
ative to the frontside (typically around 0.7). We emphasize that A summary of the sensitivity analysis is shown graphically
(7) applies either to an instantaneous Voc or to calculated Vmax in Fig. 5. We provide explicit guidance on how to combine
values such as 690.7(A)(1)-ASHRAE or 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5. this information into a safety factor in Section VI. The largest
Prior work has found that ground albedo is one of the strongest uncertainty in the modeled maximum voltage is the quality of
drivers of backside irradiance [21]. We simulate bifacial PV the NSRDB weather data, which leads to a variable safety factor
systems in three locations using a view-factor model [19] for depending on location. We further note that due to the standard
different ground albedos. Simulations use a bifaciality of 0.7, a overbuild of inverters (see Section I), there can be a built-in
row height of 1 m, a row width of 1 m, a ground coverage ratio of additional safety factor not accounted for here.
0.28, a horizon band angle of 15◦ , a backside PV row reflectivity
of 3%, and a frontside PV row reflectivity of 1%. For each albedo,
we find the fback that closely predicts but still overestimates A. Quality of NSRDB Weather Data
Voc ; see Table I for results. In locations with high wintertime To determine the accuracy of the NSRDB temperatures used
albedos (snowy locations), we suggest to use fback = 0.5, and in the Voc calculation, we compare the mean yearly minimum
in locations with wintertime ground albedos less than 0.25, we dry bulb temperatures between NSRDB and ASHRAE data

Fig. 4. Comparison of measured Voc with simulation. (a) Histogram of Voc for a single module type in Cocoa, FL, USA (other locations/modules not shown).
The simulated Voc using NSRDB weather data slightly overestimates Voc , where the simulation using the local weather data is more accurate at reproducing
observed Voc . (b) Comparison of the simulated and measured 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 values using two different weather data sources using measured data from three
locations. Simulations using NSRDB tend to overestimate Voc by (0.5 ± 0.5)% for mSi and xSi (as compared to measured values), while simulations using the
local weather data underestimate Voc by (−0.3 ± 0.4)%.

Fig. 5. Sensitivity of 609.7(A)(3)-P99.5 value with respect to the major uncertainties in the calculation. The length of the bars represents the average deviation
for a monofacial single-axis-tracker Si PV system in three locations: Pheonix, Seattle, and Chicago. Positive deviations (shown in red) imply that the true P99.5
Voc will be higher than the simulation predicts with using standard assumptions and necessitate the inclusion of a safety factor. The air temperature sensitivity
arises from the error in the NSRDB database of −2 to 6.7 ◦ C. Voc manufacturing uncertainty occurs because not all modules in a production line will have Voc
with exact specification. The wind speed limits show the impact of changing the wind speed to 50% or 150% of its value in the dataset. The diode ideality factor
represents the difference between using an ideality factor of 1.1 or 1.3 (1.2 is reference). Ground albedo is studied from 0 to 1, with 0.25 being the reference.
Shading modifies the irradiance so that the first and last hours of the day have zero irradiance. Isc degradation shows the impact of a 0.75%/year degradation in
Isc due to, e.g., encapsulant discoloration or soiling (simulation time is 19 years). Voc degradation shows the impact of a −0.15%/year Voc degradation. βvoc0
uncertainty shows the impact of increasing or decreasing the Voc temperature coefficient by 5% relative (reference is −0.35%/◦ C). The AOI loss model shows the
impact of assuming no loss from the top glass layer, as opposed to the reference case using the ASHRAE angular reflection model with an AIM parameter of 0.05.
Open-circuit temperature rise shows the impact of ignoring the increased temperature at open-circuit conditions; default is to include this effect. Spectral mismatch
shows the effect of a ±2% spectral mismatch occurring uniformly over time.

sources [8]. For each location in the ASHRAE database, we regions of the country. For systems in these locations, a lower
find the closest data point in the NSRDB database and calculate safety factor may be used due to the greater certainty of the
the extreme annual mean minimum dry bulb temperature. Of temperature data.
the 8118 points in the global ASHRAE dataset, we kept 1756 A histogram of the temperature difference between these
points that were within 5 km of an NSRDB data point and in two data sources [see Fig. 6(b)] shows the degree to which
the USA. The temperature difference between the two datasets the NSRDB temperature data are consistent with ASHRAE
for ASHRAE points in the continental US is shown in Fig. 6(a). values. On average, the NSRDB overestimates the minimum
The weather data are more accurate in the less mountainous temperature by 1.9 ◦ C, with 95% of locations having an

Fig. 6. (a) Difference between the NSRDB and ASHRAE mean yearly minimum design dry bulb temperature at locations of ASHRAE weather stations. On
average, the temperatures agree to within (1.9 ± 2.8)◦ C. (b) Histogram showing design temperature differences between the NSRDB and ASHRAE. For 95% of
ASHRAE locations in the USA, the NSRDB design temperature exceeds the ASHRAE temperature by less than 6.6 ◦ C. This temperature uncertainty is used to
find a safety factor using the module’s temperature coefficient of Voc .

overestimate below 6.7 ◦ C. Using a typical temperature coeffi- calculate the fractional change in 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 due to
cient for silicon solar cells of βvoc /Voc0 = −0.35%/◦ C, a safety different uncertainties for a single-axis-tracking monofacial xSi
factor of 2.3% would correct weather data quality inaccuracy PV system with a temperature coefficient of Voc of 0.35%/◦ C
for 95% of locations in the US, and we suggest this safety at three locations (Pheonix, Seattle, and Chicago), summarized
factor if a location-dependent safety factor is not used. The in Fig. 5.
location-dependent temperature error in Fig. 6(a) can be used 1) The Voc manufacturing uncertainty was estimated to be
to justify a lower safety factor for locations where the NSRDB on the order of 1% based on a literature search: finding
design temperature agrees closely with the ASHRAE design standard deviations of 0.7% [27] and 0.5% [28].
temperature (these data are also available in the python pack- 2) Wind speed is notoriously difficult to predict from gridded
age [13] and web tool [12]). weather data. The impact of wind speed errors was found
by changing the wind speed in the input data to 50% or
B. Climate Change 150% of its original value, leading to a ±0.5% change
in Vmax .
Most climate models predict that extreme cold temperatures 3) The diode ideality factor is an important parameter of
will gradually disappear. By mid-century, current 1-in-20-year solar cells that is not provided directly on the datasheet.
temperature minima are not projected to occur at all in a Suggested values of diode ideality factor are 1.1 for mono-
higher emission scenario [24], making voltage violations less c-Si, 1.2 for multi-c-Si, and 1.4 for CdTe. An additive error
likely. The projected increase in the yearly extreme minimum of 0.1 in the diode ideality factor leads to a ±0.4% change
temperature ranges from 2 to 5.5 ◦ C per 55 years across the in Vmax .
continental US [25]. Over a 35-year lifetime of a solar power 4) Errors in ground albedo do not significantly change Vmax
plant, this corresponds on average to an increase of 0.6–1.8◦ C for a monofacial system.
in minimum temperatures and, therefore, to a decrease in the 5) The impact of morning shading was simulated by as-
maximum module voltage of of 0.2–0.6%. suming that the first and last hours of the day have no
irradiance, finding a change of −0.3%.
C. Degradation 6) Some locations have larger extreme minimum temperature
fluctuations than other locations. This can be quantified
Multiple degradation mechanisms can cause Voc to degrade
by comparing the extreme annual mean minimum dry
as the module ages. However, in a review of over 1000 studies,
bulb temperature with the 20-year return period extreme
which measured Voc degradation, Voc degradation was not found
minimum dry bulb temperature. Gulf-coast states and Cal-
to be significantly different from zero even though individual
ifornia have extreme minimum temperatures that are only
studies are on the order of −0.15% per year [26]. For the
moderately colder than average, while parts of the desert
purpose of string size estimates, we do not suggest using a Voc
southwest and midwest have infrequent but anomalously
degradation rate in the calculation.
cold periods (see Fig. 7). When using 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5,
the propensity for some locations to experience anoma-
D. Other Uncertainties lously cold weather can be accounted for as an addi-
We compare the sensitivity of the 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 value tional safety factor by multiplying the cold temperature
to different assumptions and uncertainties in the model. We fluctuation magnitude by |βvoc |/Voc0 .

Fig. 7. (a) Distribution of extreme cold temperature fluctuations in the continental US. Data are calculated from the NSRDB. The extreme annual mean minimum
dry bulb temperature is the average of the coldest temperature each year. (b) Histogram of cold temperature fluctuations in the continental US. The histograms
for NSRDB and ASHRAE datasets are similar even though the NSRDB is uniformly distributed, while ASHRAE stations are nonuniformly distributed across the
USA. Using NSRDB data, 99% of locations have an extreme temperature fluctuation under 11.2 ◦ C.

VI. GUIDANCE FOR PV SYSTEM DESIGN 3) Temperature rise at open circuit: The module temperature
rise due to open-circuit conditions should typically be
In this section, we provide explicit guidance for designing
strings according to NEC 690.7(A)(3). included in order to accurately predict the voltage during
1) Choice of standard: Use the 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 voltage system shutdowns. However, if an extra degree of caution
is desired for the first several minutes of a shutdown
instead of the 690.7(A)(3)-P100 voltage unless one of the
following conditions is met. where temperatures have not risen yet, do not include
a) Open-circuit conditions are expected to occur more temperature rise in the modeling.
4) Bifacial modules: The extra voltage rise due to a module’s
than 1% of the time (> 88 h per year).
b) Equipment (e.g., inverter) damage or safety hazards are bifaciality can be calculated using (7). Use a backside
irradiance fraction from Table I.
expected if system voltage exceeds the design voltage
5) Diode ideality factor: If the diode ideality factor is un-
by 3%.
c) A more conservative design is desired. known, suggested values are 1.1 for mono-Si, 1.2 for
multi-Si, and 1.4 for CdTe.
2) Safety factor: An appropriate safety factor can be deter-
6) Nonstandard technologies: The methods in this article
mined by summing the following uncertainties.
a) Determine the air temperature uncertainty for the lo- should only be applied to crystalline Si and CdTe modules
mounted with fixed-tilt or single-axis tracking. Appli-
cation of interest from the data available in Fig. 6, the
web tool [12] or the Python library [13]. If the location cation to niche technologies such as concentrating PV,
is highly mountainous, ASHRAE data points are too perovskites, organic PV, and others is not recommended.
sparse or a simpler method desired, use a standard
weather temperature uncertainty of 6.6 ◦ C. Multiply VII. CONCLUSION
this temperature uncertainty by the absolute value In this article, we have validated a method to determine
of the module temperature coefficient of open-circuit maximum string size consistent with NEC 690.7(A)(3) using
voltage (in %/◦ C) to find the safety factor. site-specific modeling. We suggest safety factors based on the
b) Add 1.0% due to Voc manufacturing uncertainty. largest sources of uncertainty in the calculation. On average,
c) Add 0.6% due to wind speed uncertainty. this technique allows for a 10% increase in string size over
d) If the diode ideality factor is unknown, add 0.4%. traditional methods and a 1.2% reduction in LCOE, a substantial
e) If the 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 standard is used and extra improvement achieved simply by reorganizing modules into
protection against overvoltage is desired, add a safety longer strings. This analysis is implemented in a freely available
factor due to cold weather variability. Find the dif- web tool [12] and an open-source Python package [13]. We
ference between the mean yearly minimum dry bulb suggest that this work should be added to future editions of the
temperature and the 20-year return period extreme NEC as a suggested method for designing systems of all sizes.
minimum dry bulb temperature (NSRDB data avail-
able in Fig. 7, web tool, Python library, or ASHRAE
data from [8]). Multiply this difference by the absolute
value of the module temperature coefficient of open- The dependence of Voc on irradiance and temperature [see
circuit voltage (in %/◦ C) to find the additional safety (2)] is derived in this section from basic principles. While the
factor. final derived equation is familiar, it is helpful to demonstrate the

assumptions typically used in calculating Voc . We begin with the By evaluating (13) at reference conditions, incorporating (11)
Shockley diode equation, modified by adding the standard diode and subtracting, we find
ideality factor ndiode  
    ndiode kT E
qV Voc = Voc0 + log
I = IL − Is exp −1 (9) q E0
ndiode kB T    
ndiode k IL0 Eg
+ log − (T − T0 )
where I is the cell current, V is the cell voltage, IL is the q Is0 kT0
photocurrent, Is is the reverse saturation current, and T is the  
ndiode kT αIsc
absolute temperature in Kelvin [29]. The photocurrent is + log 1 + (T − T0 ) (14)
 ∞ q IL0
dΦγ (ω)
IL = qA α(ω) d(ω) (10) where Is0 is the saturation current at reference conditions. For
Eg d(ω)
silicon PV, a typical value of αIsc /IL0 is 0.05%/K [33], making
where α(ω) is the absorption coefficient of the cell, Φγ (ω) is the argument of the log in the third term of (14) close to unity
the number of photons incident with energy ω [30], and A is for common operating temperatures. Therefore, to an excellent
the area of the cell. approximation, the log can be expanded and combined with the
Equation (10) shows that the photocurrent is proportional second term, leading to the well-known equation [9] for open-
to the incident light intensity. In addition, the photocurrent circuit voltage
increases with increasing temperature because as the bandgap  
decreases, more photons are absorbed [31]. The standard first- ndiode kT E
Voc = Voc0 + log + βvoc (T − T0 ) (15)
order approximation of this effect around a reference condition q E0
where we have identified the temperature coefficient of open-
E circuit voltage
IL = [IL0 + αIsc (T − T0 )] (11)
ndiode k IL0 Eg αIsc T
where E is the irradiance reaching the cell, modified by spectral βvoc = log − + . (16)
q Is0 kT0 IL0
losses and reflection losses, E0 is the reference irradiance of
1000 W/m2 , T0 is the reference temperature of 25 ◦ C, αIsc is Most commonly, the temperature-dependent term in (16) is
the temperature coefficient of short-circuit current, and IL0 is ignored. For typical silicon PV modules, this leads to an error in
the photocurrent at reference conditions [9], [32]. In (11), αIsc predicting Voc of less than 0.01%. We note that for certain devices
has units of A/◦ C to agree with the convention in PVLIB [14], with higher values of αIsc , the effect can be much larger [34].
while in [9], normalized 1/◦ C units are used. Using the AM1.5 For the purpose of calculating Voc for string sizing, we ignore
spectrum and Eg = 1.1 eV, the photocurrent has a value of the temperature-dependent term in (16) and assume that βvoc is
IL /A = 35 mA/cm2 [29]. The ideal saturation current Is is constant, similarly to other treatments [9], [14].
typically provided as an empirically measured parameter.
An expression for the open-circuit voltage can be found by
setting I = 0 in (9), resulting in
ndiode kT IL The field-measured I–V curve is processed to obtain the
Voc = log +1 . (12)
q Is open-circuit voltage with a typical uncertainty of 0.4 V (with
Note that Voc is zero if E = 0. At standard test conditions module Voc0 ranging from 21 to 223 V). The module parameters,
(25 ◦ C and 1000 W/m2 ), the ratio IL0 /Is0 ranges from 1 × 108 including open-circuit voltage at standard test conditions, tem-
to 1 × 1015 for modules in the California energy commission perature coefficients, and diode ideality factor, were measured
(CEC) database (with mean value 8 × 109 for crystalline silicon on the individual modules after deployment. We note that the
cells) [14]. Thus, for all practical nonzero irradiances (i.e., precision and accuracy found in this comparison may be due to
greater than 10 μ W/m2 ), the 1 can be ignored in (12). With the fact that the individual modules were characterized, rather
this approximation (as is conventional), a correction must be than using generic datasheet parameters.
applied in any numerical calculation to ensure that Voc does not Proper handling of missing data points in the measured data
go to negative infinity when the irradiance is zero, for example, (measurement only occurs during daytime) is important to not
by replacing all negative Voc by zero. bias the 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5 value. First, we linearly interpolate
Combining (11) and (12), we find up to two missing data points to account for short lapses. Small
changes to the number of interpolated data points do not change
ndiode kT E ndiode kT IL0 the results. The majority of missing data occurs during the night,
Voc = log + log so missing values are set to a Voc of zero. Some periods of
q E0 q Is
  daytime data (8–19%) are also missing from the series; these
ndiode kT αIsc
+ log 1 + (T − T0 ) . (13) days were removed before calculating the 690.7(A)(3)-P99.5
q IL0 value.

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