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Grade 10 DLP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Grade 10 Science Lesson Plan

Quarter 2 Week 6: Mirrors & Lenses

Content Standard: Predict the images formed by the different types of mirrors and lenses
Performance Standard: The learner investigates the behavior of light using appropriate materials and tools.

Learning Targets
At the end of a 60-minute discussion on Lesson 2: Convex Mirrors, Grade 10 Diamond learners can:
a. Identify what is a convex mirror;
b. Describe the qualitative characteristics of images formed in flat and convex mirrors, including their size,
orientation, and nature; and (S10FE- IIg-50)
c. Identify and value real-life applications of convex mirrors.

I. Learning Content
A. Subject Matter: Convex Mirrors
B. Content Outline:
 Review on Plane Mirrors
 Activity 1: You’ve Got a Message in a Mirror!
 Activity 2: Spoon-tastic
 What Is It: Discussion on images formed in flat mirrors and convex mirrors
 Activity 3: Think-Pair-Share
 Assessment

C. Science Concepts
 Sometimes called a positive lens, a convex lens is characterized by its bulging surfaces that is
directed outward making it thicker at the center than on its edges. It is also known as
converging lens because as light passes through it,
 its rays bend inward and converge at a spot located beyond the lens known as the focal point
causing the object behind the lens to magnify or to appear bigger than its actual size.
Image produced by convex lenses can be a virtual or real image.

D. Science Process skills:

Inferring Communicating/ Analyzing

Defining Collaborating Predicting
Observing Explaining Creating

E. Value Focus:
 Willingness to share opinions and ideas to others;
 Eager to learn new things and ideas;
 Participate actively in class discussions and activity.
 Appreciate the applications of convex mirrors to human life

F. Teaching Strategy:
 Socratic Method
 Differentiated Instruction
 Collaboration/Think-Pair-Share
II. Instructional Materials
A. References:
 Self-Learning Module
 Acosta, Herma D., Liza A. Alvarez, Dave G. Angeles, Ruby D. Arre, Ma. Pilar P.
Carmona, Aurelia S. Garcia, Arlen Gatpo, Judith F. Marcaida, Ma. Regaele A.
Olarte, Marivic S. Rosales, and Nilo G. Salazar. Science 10 Learner's Material. 1st ed. Series 2015.
Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-
IMCS), 2015.
 Google Search retrieved December 6, 2023.

B. Visual Aids/ Teaching Aids:

Learner’s Module Instructional Aids projector
laptop Paper & pencil Activity Sheets
Screen projector spoon & mirror coin

III. Lesson Development

Part of the
Lesson/ Subject Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Note/
Integration Assessment
Preliminary (Daily Routine: Checking of attendance, prayer & setting Ask for a student to lead
Activity orderliness inside the classroom) the prayer.
Lesson objectives for today are the following: Call the students attention
a. Identify what is a convex mirror; and instruct them to sit
b. Describe the qualitative characteristics of images formed properly.
in flat and convex mirrors, including their size, The teacher will give the
orientation, and nature; and (S10FE- IIg-50) students few minutes to
c. Identify and value real-life applications of convex think.

Elicit Activity: You’ve Got a Message in a Mirror! Reviewing previous lesson

Materials needed: Pen, Science Activity Notebook and Mirror or presenting the new
What you have to do: lesson.
1.Read the flipped words below by facing the text box in
front of a mirror. Formative Assessment
-Question and Answer

Establishing a purpose for

the lesson.
2.Write the message you deciphered on your notebook

1.What have you observed from the activity?
2. Have you seen any passages or words written in its reversed
form? What do you think is the purpose of it?

Let’s start our lesson with this short activity. Discussing the new concept
and new skills.


Formative Assessment
-Question and Answer

What can you see in the slide?

Have you seen this type of mirrors around?

Describe the shape of the mirror.

What have you noticed with the reflected images in the mirror?

How do you think this diminished image is being reflected?

Let’s all find it out as we discover what are this curved mirrors.

Explore What’s New Let the students do the

Activity: Spoon-tastic! Activity 2.

Materials: Activity sheets, mirror, spoon, coins

Objective: Investigate and compare the images formed in plane

mirrors and in the spoon.

Direction: Rubric:
1) Place the plane mirror on a table and position an object(coin) - Correctly records and
of known size in front of it. analyzes changes in image
2) Observe the image formed and record the changes in the orientation and type: 10 pts
orientation and type of image as the object is moved closer or - Demonstrates
farther from the mirror. understanding of the
3) Analyze the relationship between object position and image relationship between object
formation in plane mirror. position and image
4) Repeat the process using the back of the spoon. formation: 10 pts
Total 20 pts
Processed Questions:
1) Compare and contrast the characteristics of images formed by
plane and spoon mirror.
2) What happens to the orientation of the image formed in plane
mirror when the object is moved closer? How about in the
3) Explain the difference between a real and a virtual image
formed or seen at the back of the spoon.
Explain The students will present and report their results.
The teacher will facilitate with the elaboration of the students
answers in the processed questions.

Elaborate & Discussion on Convex Mirrors Finding practical

Abstraction applications of concepts
What Is a Convex Mirror? and skills in daily living.
A convex mirror is a type of spherical mirror in which the
reflecting surface is the bulged-out portion of the sphere, i.e., in
this type of mirror, the reflecting surface bulges out towards the
incident light source. Because of their shape, the incident light is
reflected outwards (diverged); thus, they are also called
diverging mirrors, and so they are not used for focusing light.

Image formation by Convex Mirror

When it comes to the position of an object in a convex mirror,
there are two options.
1. When Object is between infinity and pole
A decreased, virtual, and an erect picture is generated between
the pole and the focus, i.e. behind the mirror, when the object is
between infinity and the pole of a convex mirror.
The image that is created is small, virtual, and upright.
2. When Object is at infinity
A point-sized picture is created at the principal focus, which is
behind the convex mirror, while the object is at infinity.
The image that is created is greatly distorted, virtual, and upright

Uses of Convex Mirror

Convex mirrors are used in vehicles as rearview mirrors to see
traffic behind them.
Shop security mirrors are made of large convex mirrors.
They’re utilized in driveways, roads, and alleyways to keep all
bikers and motorists safe around curves and turns, as well as in
other situations where sight is limited.

A spherical mirror’s pole is the center of the reflecting surface.

The center of curvature of a spherical mirror is the center of the

sphere created by the reflecting part of the mirror. C is the most
common abbreviation for it.

The principal axis is a straight line that passes through the pole
and the spherical mirror’s center of curvature.

After reflection, incident rays that are parallel to the principal

axis appear to diverge from a common point on the primary axis,
which is known as the principal focus of a convex mirror. It’s
commonly symbolized with the letter F.

The focal length is the distance between the pole and the
mirror’s main focus.

Convex mirrors include magnifying glasses and telescopes.

Evaluation Part 1. True or False
Direction: Write True if the statement describes convex mirror Paper and pencil Test
and write False if it is otherwise.

1. Spoons can be used as convex mirrors.

2. Images formed in convex mirrors were larger in size
compared to actual image.
3. Convex mirrors are also known as converging mirrors.
4. Car’s side mirrors are examples of convex mirror.
5. Images seen in the convex mirror exhibit lateral

Part II. 6-10.

Write other examples of Convex mirrors found in the
surroundings. State proofs or evidences that they are convex

Extend/ Real-life scenarios involving the use of convex mirrors and

Assignment lenses

Activity: Investigate how convex lenses are utilized in optical

devices such as magnifying glasses and telescopes. Write your
answer on ½ crosswise.


Prepared by:


Teacher I

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