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Review Exercise (1) 1. Which The Following Is The Net Ionic Equation For The Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid and Potassium Hydroxide?

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1. Which the following is the net ionic equation for the reaction
between hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide?
A. HCL (aq) + KOH (aq) H2 O (1) + KCL (aq)
B. K (aq) + CL (aq)
+ -
KCL (aq)
C. K (aq) + CL (aq)
+ -
KCL (s)
D. H (aq) + OH- (aq)
H2 O(1)

2. Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps.

(i) ______ is an example of substance which when dissolved in water causes
it to become hard.
B. CaCl2
C. Mg (HCO3)2
D. Pb (NO3)2

(ii) _____ is one of the substance whose dissolution in water causes

permanent hardness.
A. Calcium carbonate
B. Calcium sulphate
C. Magnesium carbonate
D. Sodium carbonate
(iii) Washing soda is added to hard water to replace _____ with sodium
A. Chloride ions
B. Aluminum ions
C. Calcium ions
D. Sulphate ions

(iv)Boiling is an easy way to remove _______ in water.

A. Temporary hardness
B. Permanent hardness
C. Limescale
D. Scum

(v)Which of the following rocks does not causes hardness of watr?

A. Dolomite
B. Gypsum
C. Limestone
D. Bauxite

3. Choose the correct answer from the choice given

i. When sodium chloride dissolves in water _____
A. It reacts wuth water and forms a new compound
B. It separates into ions
C. It forms hydrates
D. It stays suspended in the solution

ii. The reaction between silver nitrate and sodium chride to form silver
chloride and sodium nitrate is an example of a ________reaction.
A. Direct combination
B. Simple displacement
C. Double displacement
D. Decomposition

iii. Which of the following salts is soluble in water?

A. Barium sulphate
B. Lead nitrate
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Lead chloride

iv. When you heat calcium carbonate strongly ________.

A. It forms an oxide
B. It changes its colour
C. It gives off heat
D. It is unaffected by heat

v. Which of the following salts will decompose at room temperature?

A. Ammonium chloride
B. Ammonium carbonate
C. Ammonium sulphate
D. Ammonium nitrate

4. Choose the correct answer in each of the following question.

i. 0.69 g of sodium is equivalent to ______ mole of sodium.
A. 0.13 B. 3 C. 0.3 D. 0.003

ii. The number of molecules in 16.8 litres of chlorine gas at STP is

A. 4.5165 X 10 23 B. 7.5 X 1022
C. 6.022 X 1023 D. 9.033 X 1023

iii. What is the molarity of a solution containing 5.3 g of sodium carbonate

in 100 ml of the solution?

A. 0.50M B. 0.05M
C. 0.20M D. 0.01M

iv. What mass of sulphuric acid (H2SO4)is found in 400 cm3 of its 0.1M
aqueous solution?
A. 2.45 G
B. 9.80 G
C. 4.90 G
D. 3.92 G
v. What volume of hydrogen gas is produced when 0.65 g of zinc reacts
completely exess hydrochloric acid at STP? (Zn = 65)
A. 224 CM3
B. 22.4 cm3
C. 22.4 dm3
D. 2.24 cm3

5. Select the correct answer from the choices given

i. What mass of sold potassium chloride is needed to prepare 250 cm 3 of
0.235M solution? (K=39,Cl=35.5)
A. 9.23 g
B. 31.3 g
C. 15.6 g
D. 4.38 g

ii. What volume of 6.00M hydrochloric acid is needed to prepare 1.5 dm3
of 0.200M hydrochloric acid solution (H=1, Cl=35.5)
A. 1800cm3
B. 125 cm3
C. 50cm3
D. 150.01

iii. A solution is prepared by putting 25.0 cm3 of 1.20M aluminum chloride

solution into a volumetric flask then adding distilled water to make 250
cm3 of solution. What is the morality of the solution? (Al = 27, Cl = 35.5)
A. 0.260M
B. 0.12M
C. 6.50M
D. 1.20M

iv. What is the molar concentration of solution containing 1.75 moles of the
solute in 3 litres of solution?
A. 5.25 M
B. 1.71M
C. 0.583M
D. 1.75M

6. Choose the correct answer

i. The use of electricity to decompose molten sodium chloride into its
component elements is an example of:
A. Electrolysis
B. Galvanization
C. Hydrolysis
D. Electroplating

ii. Non-electrolytes are substances that do not dissociate into_____ when

in molten state or in solution form.
A. Electrons
B. Protons
C. Ions
D. Molecules

7. Select the correct answer

i. The collision theory state that a chemical reaction can only take place
when particles.
A. Collide
B. Bond
C. Break up
D. Are in gaseous form

ii. Compare to chips, powder has

A. A large volume.
B. A large surface area
C. A smaller surface area
D. Less particles

iii. The rate of a chemical reaction can be accurately measured by

measuring the rate of
A. Change of colour
B. Change of temperature of the reactants.
C. Product formation
D. Change of state of the reactants.

iv. The equation below shows a reaction between oxygen and hydrogen
gases to form water: 2H2 (g) + O2(g) 2 H2 O (g)
Which of the following describes what would happen if the pressure is
A. There would be no change in the system
B. More water molecules would be formed.
C. Some water molecules would decompose to form hydrogen and oxygen
D. The gaseous water molecules would condense to form liquid water.

8. Select the correct answer from the choice given.

i. Which of the following methods would be most suitable for extracting
iron from its ore?
A. Reduction using carbon
B. Electrolysis of its solution
C. Roasting of the iron ore in air
D. Electrolysis of its molten forms.

ii. In the blast furnace, iron ore is converted to iron metal. Which of the
following statements about the blast furnace is not true?
A. The reaction in the blast furnace produce a lot of heat which keeps the
iron molten.
B. Limestone is reacted with the impurities to form slag.
C. Coke is added to reduce iron oxide to iron metal
D. Coke combines with some impurities in the ore.

iii. A less electropositive metal may be extracted by

A. Ore concentration and electrolytic reduction.
B. Ore concentration and chemical reduction.
C. Ore concentration and purification
D. Ore concentration, reduction and purification.

iv. In Downs cell, the substance considered a by-product is

A. Oxygen
B. Chlorine
C. Sodium
D. Hydrogen

9. Select the correct answer from the choice given

i. Which of the following pairs of compounds will give oxides when heated?
A. Cu (NO3) and Na2 CO3
B. Zn (NO3)2 AND k2 CO3
C. Ca (NO3)2 and Cu (NO3)2
D. Pb (NO3)2 and AgNO3

ii. Sodium hydroxide was added to three different test tubes, X,Y and Z.
blue, green and reddish-brown precipitates were formed, respectively.
The metal ions present in test tubes X,Y and Z in the respective are likely
to be:
A. Ca2+, Pb2+ and Al3+
B. Cu2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+
C. Ag+, Pb2+ and Mg2+
D. Pb2+, Mg2+ and Ca3+

iii. Which of the following is the correct ionic equation that shows the
reaction between sodium hydroxide and dilute nitric acid:
A. NaOH (aq) = HNO3(aq) NaNO3 (aq) + H2O(1)
B. OH (aq) + H (aq)
- +
C. Na (aq) + NO3 (aq)
+ –
NaNO3 (aq)
D. Na +NO3 –(aq) + H+NO3 –(aq) Na+NO3 -(aq) + H2 O(1)

iv. A sample of a solid compound X was strongly heated in a test tube. No

observable changes were noted during the heating. When dilute nitric acid
was added to a sample of solid was added to a sample of solid X, some
effervescence was observed. The gas produce formed a white precipitate
with lime water. Compound X is likely to be:
A. Zinc nitrate
B. Copper (II) sulphate
C. Potassium carbonate
D. Magnesium chloride.

v. Which of the following compounds can be used to remove hardness from

A. Calcium Chloride
B. Aluminum Sulphate
C. Potassium Hydroxide
D. Sodium Carbonate

vi. Which of the following metal nitrates will not give a metal oxide on
A. Copper nitrate
B. Lead nitrate
C. Calcium nitrate
D. Silver nitrate

vii.Which of the following pairs of compounds can be used to test for the
presence of chloride ions in a solution?
A. Nitric acid and silver nitrate solution
B. Barium chloride and sodium hydroxide solutions
C. Aqueous ammonia and silver nitrate solution
D. Nitric acid and sodium chloride

viii. The equations below represent some methods of preparing metal

chlorides. Which equation shows the direct method of preparing metal
A. NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O(1)
B. Zn(s) = 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)
C. 2Fe (s) + 3Cl2 (g) 2FeCl3 (s)
D. AgNO3 (aq) + Na Cl (aq) AgCl (aq) _ Na NO3 (aq)

Model test paper

10. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from
among the given alternatives.
i. Group I elements burn in oxygen to form ______
A. Hydroxides
B. Non-metal oxides
C. Metal oxides
D. Carbon dioxide

ii. Which of the following is not a physical way of separating a mixture?

A. Paper chromatography
B. Filtration
C. Simple distillation
D. Melting
iii. Which of the following solutions will turn pink when
phenolphthalein indicator is added to it?
A. Orange juice
B. Sulphuric acid
C. Caustic soda
D. Drinking water

iv. The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an

atom is called ____
A. Valency number
B. Atomic number
C. Molecular number
D. Mass number

v. What number of Faradays of electricity are required to deposit 4 g of

calcium from molten calcium chloride?
A. 0.1
B. 0.2
C. 0.4
D. 0.3

vi. What type of fire is associated with electrical equipment

A. Class E
B. Class F
C. Class B
D. Class C

vii. 28 cm3 od a gas weighs 04.4 g at STP. Calculate the molecular mass of
the gas.
A. 22
B. 12
C. 43
D. 2

viii. A nitrogen molecule forms covalent bonds. How many electrons are
shared between nitrogen atoms?
A. 2 electrons
B. 3 electrons
C. 6 electrons
D. 4 electrons
ix. The reaction that can proceed on either direction by changing the
condition that governs the reaction is called ______
A. Endothermic reaction
B. Displacement reaction
C. Reversible reaction
D. Exothermic reaction
x. The formula for potassium bicarbonate is KHCO3. How many moles are
equivalent to 25 g of this compound?
A. 0.5
B. 0.25
C. 1
D. 50

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