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Designing A Learning Plan

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Designing a learning plan

Analyzing the learners

Stating the objectives (SMART, HOTS, ABCD)

Selecting the appropriate method

Requiring learners’ participation

Evaluating performance
Understanding Prose
Prose is derived from the latin expression “prosa oratio” meaning literally
straightforward or direct speech.

Descriptive prose is a piece of writing which is used to describe things as they are. It
can be a description of specific scenes, settings, or people within a prose writing.


"I was looking up when the first clear thunderbolt struck. It blazed against the sky and
sea; I could see its shape in perfect reverse colors when I blinked. More followed. The
thunder rumbled and stuttered as if it could hardly keep up. There were openings in the
cloud now, as if the sky were torn, and spots of brilliant blue shone above the
shadowed sea."
Narrative prose refers to a piece of writing focused on describing events
external or internal (could be describing feelings and emotions). These events
must be factual and photographic in presentation.

Expository prose deals with explanations or definitions. It aims to explain

and clarify.
A literary prose usually appears in different forms:
Fiction is a product of the imagination of man finding its shape in people's
stories or events. It can be an allegory, romance, and or satire.
Prose Allegory a prose fiction wherein characters, ideas and actions are
implied and represent something else. Personification of characters is
concretely observed.
Fable - a story which uses animals as characters to tell a moral lesson
Ex. The Three Little Pigs
Parable - a story which illustrates one or more instructive lessons
Ex. spiritual lessons told by Jesus in the bible
Parable - a story which illustrates one or more instructive lessons

Ex. spiritual lessons told by Jesus in the bible

Myth - a traditional story written anonymously, which explains briefly a custom

or a mysterious natural phenomenon.

Legend - stories of creation and origins whether about an object, a place or an

Prose Romance -stories of supernatural or magical events, fantastic and unrealistic

Fairy tales - folkloric stories whose motifs are about commonplace expressions and
themes that are typical such as supernatural challenges and restoration with
characters such as cruel king and wicked stepmothers and which mostly have
happy endings.

Folk tales -are stories which consist of one or a combination of many folklore
themes (motifs) pass on from language to language and country to country. They
are also "migratory tales"

Satire are humorous stories used to ridicule human vices and follies evident in its
Nonfiction is writing based on factual, realistic events, and real people
An essay is analytic and interpretative composition that deals on a subject
in a more personal point.
Descriptive essay places the picture in your head; writes a creative story
with a compelling plot; describing an event
Expository explains something; informs and educates the reader about a
particular issue; investigates a particular subject
Narrative tells a story, creates some compelling story on any subject that the one can
Persuasive (Argumentative) sells opinion on some topic; wants the audience to agree;
convincing someone
Process explains how to do something or explains how something works. An example
could be how to get Philippine passport.
Cause and Effect finds the cause of something and the effects it might have.
Compare and Contrast exposes key differences and similarities between two subjects by
comparing them to each other and contrasting them against each other like comparing and
contrasting two oranges or two apples; we can compare and contrast their colors, shape,
size, etc.
Didactic essay gives instruction that is focused on a second-person viewpoint.
Reflective essay describes an experience or event observed or examined where a writer
analyzes past events from the present point of view.
Nature essay writing is a creative nonfiction about the environment and or the narrator's
encounter with the natural environment.
Periodical essay refers to published journals and articles in magazine or periodical.
Biographical essay tells a story of a person's life, his achievements and aspirations.
Critical essay analyzes, evaluates, and or interprets a text where the author claims how
ideas or themes are conveyed
Assessment strategies
Multiple choice questions
Open-ended questions
Essay writing
Creative writing
Drama projects
Reading logs
Exit tickets

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