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Comprehensive Otolaryngology Update 2023 Comprehensive Otolaryngology 2023

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Comprehensive Otolaryngology
Otolaryngology 2023
Update 2023
April 14- -16,
This course is livestream
This course is only.
live stream only.

Departmentof of
Otolaryngology, Massachusetts
Otolaryngology, Eye
Massachusetts and
Eye Ear
and Ear
Nicolas Busaba,Nicolas Busaba,
• John FACS • John
Dobrowski, MD,Dobrowski, MD, FACS
FACS • Gregory • Gregory
Randolph, MD, Randolph,
• Blake FACE MD, MPH

address the
the practice ACCREDITATION:
This of improving
course patient
is designed care, the
to meet Harvard Medical
following Institute
gaps andgaps and the educational
the educational needs of
needs of general general otolaryngologists.
otolaryngologists. The courseThe will School is jointly
of Medicine accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing
span twowilland
span twodays
a half andand
a half
willdays andofwill
consist consist
didactic of didactic
lectures, panellectures,
discussions, Medical Education
• Provide (ACCME),
Patient-Centered the •Accreditation
Care Council forTeams
Work in Interdisciplinary Pharmacy
panel discussions,
and Q&A sessions and
withQ&Aamplesessions with ample
time to interact withtime to interact
the course with
faculty. Thethe Education (ACPE), and thePractice
• Employ Evidence-Based American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC),
topics faculty. The topics
of the lectures of the lectures
are selected to cover are
the selected to cover
clinical scope the clinical
of practice of to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
generalof otolaryngologists.
practice of general Theotolaryngologists.
panel discussionsThe will panel
challengingwill The Harvard Medical School designates this live activity for a maximum of
clinical challenging
cases that are clinical
chosencases that are chosen
to complement to complement
the lectures and to helptheapply the 17.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim$299
only the credit
lectures andacquired
to help apply Physician: $599 / Resident/Fellow: $199 / Allied Health:
knowledge in the the
to clinicalacquired
practice.inAnthe course
ample to clinical
opportunity for commensurate
Early Bird Rate:with theoff
$100 extent ofiftheir
tuition participation
application in thebyactivity.
is received February 15, 2023.
Q&A willAn beample opportunity
provided at the end for Q&A section
of every will beand provided
duringat the end
breaks when of the
section andandduring breaks when the attendees The American Medical Association (AMA) has an agreement
Registrations for Harvard Medical School CME programs are made of mutual
via our secure
attendees faculty are encouraged to interact and faculty
freely. are main
The two encouraged
clinical to recognition of continuing medical education
interact freely. Thearetwo main clinical foci of the course are paranasal sinus online registration system. To register for this(CME)
foci of the course paranasal sinus disorders and sleep-disordered breathing. Union of Medical Specialties (UEMS). Additional information regarding
disorders website at At thethis
end of
However,and the sleep-disordered
course extends into breathing.
the various However, the course
otolaryngology extends into
subspecialties agreement may beprocess,
found here:
the the registration a $10
processing fee will be added to your registration,
otolaryngologists subspecialties
may encounter that general
in their otolaryngologists
clinical practice. The first credit-system/agreement-european-union-medical-specialties-uems
may and you will have the choice of paying by check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard,
day encounter
is dedicatedintotheir clinical
paranasal practice.
sinus Theand
disorders first daydisordered
sleep is dedicated to
paranasal or American Express).
sinonasal sinus disorders
imaging, diseaseand sleep disordered
pathogenesis, surgicalbreathing:
planning and sinonasal
patient imaging,
advances pathogenesis, surgical
in intra-operative planningand
technology and patient selection,
techniques, advances and
surgical outcomes, If you are paying by check, the online
This course is designed to meet one orregistration
more of thesystem willAmerican
following provide you with
intra-operative technology
management. The andtechniques,
remaining day and surgical
a halfoutcomes, andin head
covers topics instructions andSpecialties
a printable and
for remitting your course fees by check. Postal,
Board of Medical Council of Graduate Medical
and neck oncology,management.
thyroid andTheparathyroid
day and alaryngology,
half coverspediatric
topics in telephone, fax, and cash-payment registrations are not accepted. Upon receipt
Education competencies:
head and neck oncology,
otolaryngology, otology, andthyroid
facialand parathyroid disorders, laryngology,
pediatric otolaryngology, otology, and facial plastics. • ofPatient
your paid
Careregistration, an email
and Procedural confirmation
skills • Medical from the HMS DCE office will be
sent to you. Be sure to include an email
• Practice-based Learning and Improvement address that you check frequently. Your
TARGET AUDIENCE: This course is targeted to Specialty Physicians in email address is used for critical information, including registration confirmation,
Otolaryngology This
and Allied course
Health is targeted(Nurse
Professionals to Specialty Physicians
Practitioners and in evaluation, and certificate.This
All fees shown in USD. to meet the following
IOM COMPETENCIES: course is designed
Otolaryngology and Allied
Physician Assistants). Health Professionals (Nurse Practitioners and
Institute of Medicine Competencies:
Physician Assistants).
• INQUIRIES: By phone (617-384-8600),
Provide Patient-Centered Care • Work Mon
in -Interdisciplinary
Fri, 9 am to 5 pmTeams
(ET) or by email
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this activity, participants will
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this activity, participants • at:
Employ Evidence-Based Practice
be able to:
will be able to:
• Define the pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyposis REGISTRATION INFORMATION*:
DISCLOSURE POLICY: Harvard Medical School (HMS) adheres to all ACCME
• •Demonstrate
Identify aerosol-generating procedures
newer surgical techniques and in an otolaryngology
technologies practice
during endoscopic Accreditation
Physician: $599Criteria and Policies.
/ Nurse/Allied It is$299
Health: HMS’s/ Resident/Fellow:
policy that those who $199have
•sinus surgery understanding of policies and procedures in their clinical
Demonstrate influenced
Early the $100
Bird Rate: contentoff of a CMEif activity
tuition (e.g. is
application planners,
received faculty, authors,15,reviewers
by February 2023.
• Discuss a surgical
practice treatment
to deliver planand
effective for patients with obstructive
safe otolaryngologic sleep
care apnea
in the era(OSA)
of and others) disclose all relevant financial relationships with commercial entities
based on the understanding of airway anatomy and areas of collapse leading to OSA Registrations for Harvard Medical School CME programs are
so that HMS may identify and resolve any conflicts of interest prior to the
made via our
COVID-19 secure online registration system. To register for this course, please visit
• Demonstrate understanding of middle ear pathology and optimal middle ear surgical activity. These disclosures will be provided in the activity materials along with
Apply measures in their practice to reduce the risk of spread of the course website at
disclosure of any commercial support received for the activity. Additionally, faculty
COVID-19 infection among patients and staffDefine the phenotypes
• Discuss the work-up of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma with an unknown otolaryngology. At the end of the registration process, a $10 processing fee
members have been instructed to disclose any limitations of data and unlabeled or
and endotypes of CRS with and without nasal polyposis
primary including the role of PET scan will be added to your registration, and you will have the choice of paying by
investigational uses of products during their presentations.
• •Demonstrate
List the inflammatory
current statemediators and cellular
of the art thyroid nodulemechanism
work-up. of various check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express).
CRS endotypes If REFUND
you are paying by check,
POLICY: the online
Refunds, less an registration
administrative system
fee ofwill
will be you
ACCREDITATION: with instructions andreceived
a printable
twoform forprior
to theyour
startcourse fees byRefund
• Discuss the role The Harvardin
of biologics Medical School isofaccredited
the treatment CRS with by andthe
without for all cancellations weeks of the course.
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide Postal, telephone,
requests must be fax, and cash-payment
received by email. No registrations
refund will be are notshould
issued accepted.
nasal polyposis
continuing medical education for physicians. Upon
occurreceipt of your
less than paid registration,
two weeks an email
prior. “No shows” areconfirmation
subject to thefrom the HMS
full course fee and
• Apply the knowledge acquired about endotypes and phenotypes of PGME officewillwillbe
sent toonce
sure to include an email address that you
Harvard Medical School designates this live activity for a maximum of no refunds has started.
in devising a tailored treatment plan check frequently. Your email address is used for critical information, including
18.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit
• Interpret paranasal sinus imaging, identify surgical anatomy based registration confirmation, evaluation, and certificate. All fees shown in USD.
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. DISCLAIMER: CME activities sponsored by Harvard Medical School are offered
on imaging and intra-operative landmarks, and recognize anatomic solely for educational
Through an agreement between the American Medical Association and the
variants that may increase risk of operative complications INQUIRIES: By phonepurposes and do not
(617-384-8600), Monconstitute anyto
- Fri, 9 am form
5 pmof certification
(ET) or by of
European Union of Medical Specialists, physicians may convert AMA PRA competency. Practitioners should always consult additional sources of information
email at:
• Define
Category the roletoofan
1 Credit™ intra-operative navigation
equivalent number duringCME
of European endoscopic
Credits® and exercise their best professional judgment before making clinical decisions of
sinus surgery
(ECMECs®). Information on the process of converting AMA PRA Category 1 any kind.
DISCLOSURE POLICY: In accord with the disclosure policy of the
• Select
Credits™ tothe appropriate
ECMECs® can besurgical tools
found at: and devices such as balloon-sinus Medical School as well as standards set forth by the Accreditation Council
dilation, tissue spacers, and packing material to improve outcomes for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), course planners, speakers, and
• Recognize intra-operative This course
complications is designed
during to meet
endoscopic sinusone or content reviewers have been asked to disclose any relationships they have to
of the following American
and develop plans Board of Medical
to safely Specialties and Accreditation
handle them· companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling,
Council of Graduate Medical Education competencies: or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. In addition, faculty
• Perform work-up of patients presenting with SDB, order appropriate
• Patient Care and Procedural skills • Medical Knowledge have been asked to list any off-label uses of pharmaceuticals and/or devices
testing, and recognize the role of DISE.
• Practice-based Learning and Improvement for investigational or non-FDA approved purposes that they plan to discuss.
• Discuss surgical treatment options for patients with OSA based on the
understanding of airway anatomy and areas of collapse as determined REFUND POLICY: Refunds, less an administrative fee of $75, will be issued
by office examination and DISE leading to OSA for all cancellations received two weeks prior to the start of the course.
• Develop a tailored upper airway surgical, recommend treatment, and Refund requests must be received by email. No refund will be issued should
select patients that are candidate for UAS cancellation occur less than two weeks prior. “No shows” are subject to the
full course fee and no refunds will be issued once the conference has started.
• Discuss the work-up of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma with
an unknown primary and recognize the role of PET scan DISCLAIMER: CME activities accredited by Harvard Medical School are
• Define the role of HPV in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma offered solely for educational purposes and do not constitute any form of
including prognosis and impact on treatment choice and algorithm certification of competency. Practitioners should always consult additional
sources of information and exercise their best professional judgement before
making clinical decisions of any kind.

For more information and registration:

For more information and registration:
Comprehensive Otolaryngology – Program Schedule 734717-2302

FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2023

Nicolas BuSaba, MD, FACS, Mark Varvares, MD, FACS,
8:00–8:20 am Welcome - Introduction
Gregory Randolph, MD, FACS, FACE, John Dobrowski, MD, FACS
8:20–8:40 am Covid-19 and Aerosol Generating Procedures in the ENT Clinic. What is the Evidence? Benjamin Bleier, MD, FACS
8:40–9:00 am Surgical Anatomy of the Sinuses Neil Bhattacharyya, MD
9:00–9:20 am Sinus Imaging: How to Get the Most of Radiology Hillary Kelly, MD
9:20–9:40 am Epistaxis Management 2023 Alice Maxfield, MD
9:40–10:00 am Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Pathogenesis, Medical Management, and Role of Biologics George Scangas,MD
10:00–10:20 am Q&A Nicolas BuSaba, MD, FACS
10:20–10:40 am Morning Break
10:40–11:00 am Surgical Pearls for Frontal Sinus Surgery Alessandro Varini, MD
11:00–11:20 am Management of Benign Sinonasal Neoplasms Stacey Gray, MD
11:20–11:40 am ESS: Management of Intra-Operative Complications Ralph Metson, MD, FACS
11:40–12:00 pm Smell and Taste Dysfunction - Evaluation Eric Holbrook, MD
12:00–12:20 pm Q&A Nicolas BuSaba, MD, FACS
12:20–1:30 pm Lunch
Moderator: Regan Bergmark
1:30–2:30 pm Panel: Challenging Fess Cases Panel: Stacey Gray, Eric Holbrook, George Scangas, Alessandro
Varini, Alice Maxfield
2:30–2:50 pm Otolaryngologist Work-Up of Sleep Disordered Breathing Noah Siegel, MD
2:50–3:10 pm Role of Nasal Surgery in OSAS Nicolas BuSaba, MD, FACS
3:10–3:30 pm Office Procedures to Treat Snoring John Dobrowski, MD, FACS
3:30–3:50 pm Q&A John Dobrowski, MD, FACS
3:50–4:30 pm Afternoon Break
4:30–4:50 pm Soft Palate Surgery for OSAS: UPPP and Various Surgical Modifications B Tucker Woodson, MD
4:50–5:10 pm Upper Airway Stimulation for OSAS: 2023 Update Phillip Huyett, MD
5:10–5:30 pm Functional Rhinoplasty and Nasal Valve Surgery: Surgical Tips to Improve Outcome Robin Lindsay, MD
5:30–5:50 pm Hair Transplant and PRP: Evidence-Based Essentials and Surgical Pearls Linda Lee, MD
5:50–6:10 pm Office Based Sialoendoscopy: When and How Rahmatullah "Wais" Rahmati, MD, MPH, FACS
6:10–6:20 pm Q&A John Dobrowski, MD, FACS
8:20–8:40 am Meniere's Disease: An Update Matthew Crowson, MD
8:40–9:00 am Management of Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Elliott Kozin, MD
9:00–9:20 am Stapedectomy: Technique and Surgical Pearls Alicia Quesnel, MD
9:20–9:40 am Chronic Otitis Media and Tympanomastoidectomy David Jung, MD
9:40–10:00 am Ossicular Reconstruction / Endoscopic Middle Ear Surgery Daniel Lee, MD, FACS
10:00–10:10 am Q&A John Dobrowski, MD, FACS
10:10–10:30 am Morning Break
10:30–10:50 am Avoiding Complications in Otologic Surgery D. Bradley Welling, MD, PhD, FACS
10:50–11:10 am Eustachian Tube Dilation: When and How Dennis Poe, MD, PhD
11:10–11:30 am Work-Up of The Dizzy Patient Steven Rauch, MD
11:30–11:40 am Q&A Nicolas BuSaba, MD, FACS
Moderator: Ronald Devenecia
Panel: Challenging Cases:
11:40–12:40 pm Panel: Felipe Santos, David Jung, Dunia Abdul-Aziz, Alicia
Middle Ear And Mastoid Disease, And Auditory Rehabiliation
Quesnel, Daniel Lee
12:40–2:00 pm Lunch
2:00–2:20 pm Pediatric Congenital and Genetic Hearing Loss Margaret Kenna, MD
2:20–2:40 pm Update On Pediatric Otitis Media and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Leila Mankarious, MD
2:40–3:00 pm Evaluation and Management of Pediatric Neck Masses Andrew Scott, MD
3:00–3:20 pm Management of Pediatric Airway - An Update Gillian Diercks, MD, MPH
3:20–3:40 pm Pediatric Chronic Ear Disease - Role of Endoscopic Middle Ear Surgery Michael Cohen, MD
3:40–4:00 pm Peditric OSA Donald Keamy, MD
4:00–4:10 pm Q&A John Dobrowski, MD, FACS
4:10–4:30 pm Afternoon Break
4:30–4:50 pm Management of Benign Laryngeal Lesions Phillip Song, MD
4:50–5:10 pm Laryngology Office Procedures Ramon Franco, MD
5:10–5:30 pm Voice Evaluation / Videostroboscopy / Voice Therapy Glenn Bunting, MS, CCC-SLP
5:30–5:40 pm Q&A Nicolas BuSaba, MD, FACS
SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 2023
8:20–8:40 am Head And Neck Radiology - Role of PET In H+N Cancer - Thyroid Ultrasound MaryBeth Cunnane, MD
8:40–9:00 am Unknown Primary: Work-Up and Management Jeremy Richmon, MD
9:00–9:20 am Management of the Neck in Head and Neck Carcinoma Derrick Lin, MD, FACS
9:20–9:40 am Surgical Tips in Optimizing Surgical Outcome During Parotidectomy Daniel Deschler, MD, FACS
9:40–10:00 am Optimizing Margin Management in Oral Cancer Resections Mark Varvares, MD, FACS
10:00–10:10 am Q&A Greg Randolph, MD, FACS, FACE
10:10–10:30 am Morning Break
10:30–10:50 am Vocal Fold Paralysis: Work-Up and Management Matthew Naunheim, MD
10:50–11:10 am Head and Neck Melanoma Kevin Emerick, MD
11:10–11:30 am Skin Malignancy: Repair of Facial Defects David Shaye, MD, MPH, FACS
11:30–12:00 pm Q&A Greg Randolph, MD, FACS, FACE
12:00–1:00 pm Lunch
1:00–1:20 pm Management of Parathyroid Gland Disease - Hyperparathyroidism Leslie Eldeiry, MD
1:20–1:40 pm Work-Up and Management of Thyroid Nodule Paul Konowitz, MD
1:40–2:00 pm Thyroid Gland Surgery: Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring and Surgical Pearls Greg Randolph, MD, FACS, FACE, Marika Russell, MD, FACS
2:00–2:20 pm Update on Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Peter Sadow, MD, PhD
2:20–2:40 pm Q&A Greg Randolph, MD, FACS, FACE

For more information and registration:

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