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1030 Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 65 Issue 10

review. J Cataract Refract Surg 2013;39:292‑4. Underwood LD. Calcific band keratopathy associated with the
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6. Bernauer W, Thiel MA, Kurrer M, Heiligenhaus A, Rentsch KM, 8. Freddo TF, Leibowitz HM. Bilateral acute corneal calcification.
Schmitt A, et al. Corneal calcification following intensified treatment Ophthalmology 1985;92:537‑42.
with sodium hyaluronate artificial tears. Br J Ophthalmol 9. Feist RM, Tessler H, Chandler JW. Transient calcific band‑shaped
2006;90:285‑8. keratopathy associated with increased serum calcium. Am J
7. Taravella MJ, Stulting RD, Mader TH, Weisenthal RW, Forstot SL, Ophthalmol 1992;113:459‑61.

Ultrasonographic evaluation of inferior‑nasal fundus, and severe forms (Types 1‑3) also involve
the posterior area.[6] It may not always be associated with its
transition from normal to ectatic anterior counterpart: iris coloboma.[5] Like PS, it is characterized
area: A comparison between myopic clinically by scleral ectasia. However, the overlying choroid is
absent, and the retinal layers are defective and evidenced by
staphylomata and coloboma an intercalary membrane.[7,8] Both hypermetropia and axial
myopia may be associated, and unlike PS, CC may have
Anubha Rathi, Brijesh Takkar, Pradeep Venkatesh, systemic associations.[5]
Nripen Gaur, Atul Kumar Both PS and CC are associated with early onset nuclear
sclerosis and cataract. [9,10] At such a stage, differentiating
them on an ultrasound (USG)‑based posterior segment
Choroidal coloboma and posterior staphyloma are two clinically evaluation (PSE) is challenging. We compare the USG findings
distinct entities, with choroidal excavation being a unifying
of the transition zone from normal to ectatic area in cases with
feature. They are associated with early onset cataract which
PS and CC and explore our findings as a new USG sign for
can make ophthalmoscopy difficult. This report studies the
transition between the normal and ectatic area in these cases
with ultrasound. We evaluate “posterior hump” as a sign of Methods
differentiation between these two conditions.
Key words: Choroidal coloboma, ocular ultrasound, posterior This is a masked prospective cross‑sectional case‑series. The
study was conducted in accordance with the Declarations of
Posterior staphyloma (PS) is sine qua non of pathological Helsinki at a tertiary eye care center of northern part of India.
myopia. [1] It is characterized by disproportionate scleral Informed consent was obtained from all the participants.
ectasia with stretched conforming retinochoroidal layers. Consecutive patients with dense cataract sent for USG
Conventionally, it has been classified into multiple types PSE to our dedicated ocular sonography services were
depending on location, although it usually involves the included in the study. Fundus evaluation was not possible
posterior pole of the eye. This outbulge, however, is a major in these patients due to lenticular opacity. Patients who had
risk factor for visually impairing maculopathy. PS can also be undergone previous ocular/orbital surgery and those detected
seen independent of high axial myopia.[2] to have other ocular pathology on USG were excluded from
the study.
Choroidal coloboma (CC) is a developmental disorder,
widely believed to be related to the defective closure of the For all the patients, USG was done by a single surgeon (AR),
embryonic optic fissure.[3‑5] A typical CC is present in the who was unaware of the clinical details. During the PSE,
standard USG B‑scan (EZ scan AB 5500+, Sonomed, NY.,
USA) was done and longitudinal and transverse scan images
Access this article online
recorded. These eyes consequently underwent cataract
Quick Response Code: Website: extraction, and postoperative fundus evaluation for assessing the diagnoses was done by another surgeon (BT). A total of
27 eyes of 20 patients were detected to have diffuse choroidal

PMID: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
*** Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Dr. R P Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical

For reprints contact:
Sciences, New Delhi, India
Correspondence to: Dr. Brijesh Takkar, Dr R P Centre for Ophthalmic Cite this article as: Rathi A, Takkar B, Venkatesh P, Gaur N, Kumar A.
Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, Ultrasonographic evaluation of transition from normal to ectatic area:
New Delhi ‑ 110 029, India. E‑mail: A comparison between myopic staphylomata and coloboma. Indian J
Ophthalmol 2017;65:1030-2.
Manuscript received: 23.05.17; Revision accepted: 08.08.17
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October 2017 Brief Communications 1031

excavations on USG due to CC, or myopic PS were included was found to be specific in 87% of the cases. The positive
in the study. Later, all the USG images were independently predictive value of the sign was 86%, whereas negative
evaluated for the presence of the USG sign by another predictive value was 100%. The positive likelihood ratio was
surgeon (PV) who was masked to the clinical findings. 7.5, whereas negative likelihood ratio was found to be 0. All
Primary outcome measure was an analysis of the transition these tests indicate the detection of posterior hump on USG
zone between the normal and ectatic area for the presence of to be a robust sign of CC.
a posterior hump [Fig. 1].
Data were tabulated on a Microsoft excel sheet and
Table 1: Summary of comparison between the two Groups
analyzed using SPSS version 22 software (SPSS Inc, Chicago,
Illinois, USA). Clinical examination was considered as the gold CC PS
standard and comparison was done for the presence of the USG
n 12 15
sign between PS and CC with univariate Fischer’s exact test.
Mean age (years) 39.75±16.10 49.0±7.43
Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and likelihood ratios
were also calculated. Male:female 1:1 7:8
Hump detected on USG (P=0.0001) 12 2
Results Correct diagnoses (P=0.49) (%) 100 86.7
USG: Ultrasound, CC: Choroidal coloboma, PS: Posterior staphyloma
The mean age of the 20 patients was 44.89 + 12.70 years and
13 were male. A total of 27 eyes were included in the study,
of which CC was noted in 12 eyes on postoperative fundus
examination. Of these, iris coloboma was absent in five Table 2: Evaluation of posterior hump as a diagnostic
eyes (41.66%). A summary of the comparison between the two sign for choroidal coloboma on ultrasound
groups is presented in Table 1. The posterior hump was found Diagnostic test
to be present at the edge of all the cases of CC and in 13% of
the cases of PS (P = 0.0001). Correct diagnoses of the choroidal Sensitivity (%) 100
excavation on the basis of USG had been made in 100% of the Specificity (%) 86.67
cases of CC and 87% of the cases of PS (P = 0.49). Positive predictive value (%) 85.71
Negative predictive value (%) 100
The evaluation of posterior hump on USG as a diagnostic
sign for CC is presented in Table 2. The sensitivity of the Positive likelihood ratio 7.50
sign for diagnosing CC was found to be 100%, whereas it Negative likelihood ratio 0

a b

c d

Figure 1: Ultrasound images of the posterior hump. (a‑c) The posterior hump has been marked with white arrow at the edge of the choroidal
excavation. (d) Large choroidal excavation can be seen without a posterior hump
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1032 Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 65 Issue 10

We included only two types of choroidal excavations and
therefore, validation of this USG sign should be done by future
larger‑sized studies in a general setting. We chose myopic PS
for comparison with CC as we needed a disease which did
not have other apparent USG signs. As there are no other USG
signs to differentiate CC from PS, Bayern’s theorem cannot
be applied to calculate posttest probability for this USG sign.
Further, the impact of this difference between CC and PS on
intraocular lens power calculation is beyond the scope of this
study and needs evaluation.

Detection of the posterior hump at the transition of normal to ectatic
region on USG is useful for differentiating CC from PS in cases with
insufficient optical media. Its utility in evaluating diffuse choroidal
excavation should be evaluated with future studies.
Financial support and sponsorship
Figure 2: Fundus photo montage of an eye with posterior staphyloma Nil.
detected to have the posterior hump. The border of the staphyloma can
be visualized (white arrowheads) along with myopic maculopathy (white Conflicts of interest
star). The optic disc is seen to be tilted (white arrow). Inset is the There are no conflicts of interest.
ultrasound image of this eye and the “pseudo‑hump” has been indicated
with white arrow References
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