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Insights Into Epiretinal Membranes: Presence of

Ectopic Inner Foveal Layers and a New Optical

Coherence Tomography Staging Scheme


 PURPOSE: To describe the presence of continuous PIRETINAL MEMBRANE (ERM) FORMATION IS A COM-
ectopic inner foveal layers associated with epiretinal mon retinal condition characterized by fibrocellular
membranes (ERMs) and to present a new optical coher- proliferation at the vitreoretinal interface, above the
ence tomography (OCT) staging system of ERMs. internal limiting membrane, with a prevalence that ranges
 DESIGN: Retrospective multicenter observational case between 2.2% and 28.9%, which increases with aging.1–3
series. ERMs are typically idiopathic, but can also be associated
 METHODS: Clinical charts and spectral-domain OCT with retinal vascular or inflammatory diseases, trauma,
images of 194 eyes of 172 consecutive patients diagnosed tumors, intraocular surgery, or retinal detachment.4 The
with ERMs were reviewed and analyzed. precise pathophysiology of this clinical entity is not
 RESULTS: The presence of continuous ectopic inner completely defined, although the proliferation of hyalo-
foveal layers was identified in 63 out of 194 eyes cytes in the setting of anomalous posterior vitreous detach-
(32.5%) and this morphology was significantly associated ment and vitreoschisis has been suggested as a possible
with lower visual acuity. ERMs were divided into 4 mechanism in the early development of idiopathic ERMs.4
stages. Stage 1 (43 out of 194 eyes, 22.1%) ERMs were Various classification schemes have been proposed,5–7
mild and thin and a foveal depression was present. Stage including the original categorization by Gass, the most
2 (88 out of 194 eyes, 45.4%) ERMs were associated widely used.7 Owing to dramatic improvements in image
with widening of the outer nuclear layer and loss of the resolution and data acquisition speed, spectral-domain
foveal depression. Stage 3 (51 out of 194 eyes, 26.3%) optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) has driven a
ERMs were associated with continuous ectopic inner transformative change in the study of ERMs, providing
foveal layers crossing the entire foveal area. In stages 1, rapid cross-sectional imaging of the retina with near-
2, and 3 all retinal layers were clearly defined on OCT. histologic detail. OCT has become the gold standard in
Stage 4 ERMs (12 out of 194 eyes, 6.2%) were thick the evaluation of ERMs, but despite its universal applica-
and associated with continuous ectopic inner foveal tion, a globally accepted OCT-based classification system
layers. In addition, retinal layers were disrupted. Visual is still lacking.8
acuity progressively declined from stage 1 through stage In recent years OCT studies of the foveal microstructure
4 (P < .001). associated with ERMs have flourished in order to identify
 CONCLUSIONS: The presence of continuous ectopic in- the anatomic changes that may cause loss in visual acu-
ner foveal layers in ERMs is a newly described OCT ity,9–17 including disruption of the inner segment
finding associated with significant vision loss and is an ellipsoid zone and photoreceptor outer segments.9–12
essential element of a novel OCT-based grading scheme More recently attention has shifted to the study of the
of ERMs that may influence visual prognosis. (Am J inner retinal anatomy. In this regard, various reports have
Ophthalmol 2017;175:99–113. Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. shown a significant association of the thickness of the
All rights reserved.) inner retinal layers with vision loss in eyes with ERM.13–17
This study performed an in-depth SDOCT analysis of
the development and evolution of ERMs and identified
novel morphologic features that impacted visual acuity
Supplemental Material available at
prognosis and were critical in the development of a new
Accepted for publication Dec 7, 2016. OCT-based staging system.
From the Retina Division (A.G., R.A.L., J.P.H.) and Retinal Disorders
and Ophthalmic Genetics Division (D.S.), Stein Eye Institute, University
of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Greater Los Angeles
VA Healthcare Center, Los Angeles, California (D.S.); and Retina
Division, Ophthalmology Department, Ramon y Cajal University METHODS
Hospital, Madrid, Spain (M.S.F.).
Inquiries to Andrea Govetto, Retina Division, Stein Eye Institute,
University of California Los Angeles, 100 Stein Plaza, Los Angeles, CA A RETROSPECTIVE, OBSERVATIONAL, AND CONSECUTIVE
90095-7002; e-mail: chart review of patients diagnosed with ERM and seen by

0002-9394/$36.00 © 2016 ELSEVIER INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 99
2 retina specialists (J.P.H. and M.S.F.) between January 1,
2010 and January 31, 2016 at the Stein Eye Institute, TABLE 1. Study of Ectopic Inner Foveal Layers in Epiretinal
University of California Los Angeles and the Ramon y Membranes: Exclusion Criteria
Cajal University Hospital was performed. This study was
Exclusion Criteria
approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Univer-
 Any previous intraocular surgery with the exclusion of
sity of California Los Angeles and the Ramon y Cajal
uncomplicated phacoemulsification
University Hospital, and the research project adhered to  History of retinal detachment
the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Cases were iden-  Intermediate or advanced age-related macular
tified by a medical billing record search, using the Interna- degeneration
tional Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related  History of choroidal neovascularization of any etiology
Health Problems, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) diagnosis code  Central serous chorioretinopathy
362.56 for macular pucker.  Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
The inclusion criterion was the presence of idiopathic  Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with history of
unilateral or bilateral ERM. Exclusion criteria are summa- clinically significant diabetic macular edema
 Macular teleangectasias
rized in Table 1. Both paper-based and electronic records
 Tractional and degenerative lamellar macular holes
were carefully reviewed to ascertain demographic and med-
 History of central or branch retinal vein occlusion and
ical information of all the included patients. Best-corrected
central or branch retinal artery occlusion
visual acuity (BCVA) was recorded at each visit and re-  Advanced glaucoma, or optic neuropathy of any kind
ported in Snellen fraction and was converted into loga-  History of inflammatory eye disorders
rithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR)  History of Irvine-Gass syndrome
values for statistical analysis.  Visually significant cataract
OCT images were obtained with the Spectralis SDOCT  History of endophthalmitis or any other intraocular
with eye-tracking dual-beam technology (Heidelberg Engi- infection
neering GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany) and reviewed with  Retinal dystrophies
the Heidelberg Eye Explorer (version using the  Foveal hypoplasia/fovea plana
 History of ocular trauma
HRA/Spectralis Viewing Module (version
 Any other potential cause of vision loss other than
Additionally, 43 patients were also imaged with OCT
epiretinal membranes
angiography (OCTA) using either the AngioPlex Cirrus
5000 HD-OCT system (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Ger-
many), with a light source at 840 nm, a bandwidth of measured manually with the ‘‘caliper’’ function of the Hei-
90 nm, and an A-scan rate of 68 000 scans per second delberg instrument, as shown in Figure 1. In all cases, the
(24 patients), or the AngioVue Imaging System (Optovue images were adjusted to an aspect ratio of 1:1 mm. Mean
Inc, Freemont, California, USA), with a light source at central foveal thickness as measured was obtained with
840 nm, a bandwidth of 45 nm, and an A-scan rate of 70 the automated ‘‘thickness map’’ function of the Heidelberg
000 scans per second (19 patients). All patients imaged Eye Explorer.
with OCTA underwent the 3 3 3-mm macular cube scan- ERMs on OCT were defined as discrete, irregular, and
ning protocol in each eye, containing 245 3 245 scans with hyperreflective lines above the inner retinal surface,
the AngioPlex Cirrus 5000 and 304 3 304 scans with the frequently accompanied by wrinkling of the underlying
AngioVue Imaging System. Each scan was automatically retina with hyporeflective spaces between the ERM and
segmented by the AngioVue and AngioPlex software to the internal limiting membrane (Figure 2, Top, Center,
visualize the superficial and deep retinal capillary plexus Bottom). Retinal layers were identified according to the
of the retina. The foveal avascular zone (FAZ) was qualita- lexicon proposed by the INOCT Consensus.20
tively evaluated in all cases, and the presence of macular- Continuous ectopic inner foveal layers were defined on
foveal capillaries, defined as the presence of polygonal or OCT as the presence of a continuous hyporeflective or
straight anastomotic capillary segments crossing the entire hyperreflective band, extending from the inner nuclear
foveal area, was assessed.18,19 layer (INL) and inner plexiform layer (IPL) across the
Spectralis OCT scan patterns were used for all quantita- foveal region and visible in all OCT scans centered in
tive measurements. All eyes underwent at least 2 forms of the fovea (Figure 2, Top).
OCT imaging at each visit: 19 B-scans administered over Disruption of the inner segment ellipsoid zone was
an area of 20 3 15 degrees with each B-scan spaced defined as a discontinuous ellipsoid band in the foveal re-
242 mm apart and a single high-definition horizontal gion, while the presence of a round or diffuse hyperreflec-
B-scan at 30 degrees. In addition, 51 eyes underwent tive area between the ellipsoid zone and the cone outer
high-density scanning over an area of 15 3 10 degrees segment tip line at the center of the fovea was defined as
with 97 B-scans each spaced 31 mm apart. the ‘‘cotton ball’’ sign, as described by Tsunoda and associ-
The thickness of the outer nuclear layer and ectopic in- ates,21 and was not considered a disruption of the ellipsoid
ner foveal layers (defined below) in the foveal region was zone (Figure 2, Center).


FIGURE 1. Optical coherence tomography measurements in epiretinal membranes. (Top) Measurement of the outer nuclear layer
thickness in the central fovea (white star) in stage 2 epiretinal membrane. A straight line is traced with the caliper tool from the
external limiting membrane to the internal limiting membrane. (Bottom) Measurement of the outer nuclear layer thickness in
the central fovea (white star) in a stage 3 epiretinal membrane. The upper limit of the outer nuclear layer is the inferior border of
the ectopic inner foveal layers. The thickness of the ectopic inner foveal layers (black star) is measured tracing a straight line
from the upper limit of the outer nuclear layer to the internal limiting membrane.

The presence of hyporeflective intraretinal cystoid RESULTS

spaces in the setting of ERMs was considered as cystoid
macular edema (CME) of presumably tractional origin, as WE REVIEWED THE CLINICAL CHARTS OF 784 PATIENTS DIAG-
defined by Johnson (Figure 2, Bottom).22 nosed with ERMs, of which 612 were excluded owing to the
All OCT and OCTA images were qualitatively and presence of 1 or more exclusion criteria. Of the remaining
quantitatively reviewed by 2 independent and masked ob- 172 patients (194 eyes) that met the inclusion criteria and
servers (A.G., R.A.L.), and possible disagreements were were enrolled into the study, 97 (56.4%) were male and 75
resolved by a third observer (D.S., M.S.F.). (43.6%) were female. Mean age of the patients was 70.12 6
All the analyses were carried out using the SPSS 8.7 years (range 36–90), and 22 out of 172 (12.8%)
V.15.0 and R package mgcv (R Development Core presented with bilateral ERM. Patients with unilateral
Team, available online at ERM (150 out of 172, 87.2%) were found to have a normal
Descriptive statistics were first calculated for all vari- foveal morphology in the fellow unaffected eye.
ables of interest. Mean and standard deviation (SD) Of the 194 eyes with ERMs, 63 (32.5%) were directly
values were calculated for continuous variables, while scheduled for surgery after the first visit, without further
frequency and percentage were calculated for categorical follow-up, while the remaining 131 eyes (67.5%) were
variables. Parametric and nonparametric test (Kruskal- monitored for a mean period of 22.2 6 18.3 months (range
Wallis, analysis of variance, Wilcoxon signed rank 3–84 months).
test) were used to compare quantitative variables, and The presence of ectopic inner foveal layers extending
x2 test was used to compare categorical variables. Uni- continuously from the INL and IPL across the central fovea
variate and multivariate logistic regression was used to was diagnosed in 63 out of 194 eyes (32.5%), and the OCT
evaluate associations of the ectopic inner foveal layers reflectivity was similar to that of the normal INL (hypore-
with BCVA. In the ERM staging process, the Cohen flective) and IPL (hyperreflective) in the perifoveal region.
kappa coefficient was used to measure interobserver In the majority of the ERMs (182 out of 194 eyes,
agreement for categorical variables. Differences were re- 93.8%), all retinal layers were clearly defined and identified
ported with 95% confidence intervals. A P value <.05 with OCT analysis, while in 12 out 194 cases (6.2%), the
was considered statistically significant. boundaries between the different retinal layers could not


FIGURE 2. Morphologic characteristics of epiretinal membranes. (Top) Stage 3 epiretinal membrane (black arrows). The reflectivity
of the ectopic inner foveal layers (white arrows) is similar to that of the inner nuclear layer (hyporeflective band over the outer plex-
iform layer) and that of the inner plexiform layer (hyperreflective band over the inner nuclear layer). The ectopic inner foveal layers
appear continuous, cross the entire foveal area, and reside above the outer nuclear layer, which is not in apparent contact with the in-
ternal limiting membrane. (Center) Stage 2 epiretinal membrane (black arrows). Stretching of the outer nuclear layer is evident, and
the foveal depression is absent. The inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers appear displaced, but a continuous layer of retinal tissue over
the outer nuclear layer is absent. In the outer retina the cotton ball sign (white arrows) is identified as a hyperreflective area under the
central ellipsoid zone, with poorly defined borders. (Bottom) Stage 3 epiretinal membrane (black arrows). Hyporeflective intraretinal
cystoid spaces are illustrated between the outer nuclear and outer plexiform layers, and in the inner nuclear layer (white arrows).

be clearly identified owing to significant alterations in the layers anomalously crossing the central foveal area. The
normal retinal anatomy. The presence of a foveal depres- foveal depression was absent, and widening of the outer nu-
sion was only present in 43 out of 194 eyes (22.1%). clear layer was often less pronounced if compared with
These specific morphologic features were essential in stage 2 ERMs. In stage 3 ERMs all retinal layers were
developing a 4-stage classification scheme of ERMs, with clearly identified on OCT (Figure 3, Center-bottom;
clinical and prognostic relevance, as illustrated in Figure 3. Supplemental Video, available at
Stage 1 (43 out of 194 eyes, 22.1%) was defined as the Finally, stage 4 (12 out of 194 eyes, 6.2%) was defined as
presence of a mild ERM with negligible morphologic or an ERM complicated by significant retinal thickening and
anatomic disruption. All retinal layers were clearly identi- remarkable anatomic disruption of the macula. Continuous
fied with easily distinguishable boundaries (Figure 3, Top). ectopic inner foveal layers extending from the INL and IPL
In all stage 1 eyes, the foveal depression was identified, and crossing the entire foveal area were again identified.
although it was shallower than the unaffected fellow eye Retinal layers were noted to be significantly distorted,
in patients with unilateral ERM. disorganized, and not clearly identified with OCT
Stage 2 (88 out of 194 eyes, 45.4%) was defined as the (Figure 3, Bottom).
presence of ERMs associated with more progressive retinal In the ERM staging process 2 masked graders indepen-
distortion. While the foveal depression was lost and a char- dently evaluated all the OCT scans of the included
acteristic stretching of the outer nuclear layer was present, ERMs, and the interobserver agreement was 89.12%
all retinal layers were defined and clearly identified with with a Cohen kappa coefficient of 0.82 (excellent agree-
OCT (Figure 3, Top-center). ment).
Stage 3 (51 out of 194 eyes, 26.3%) was defined as the BCVA correlation was performed and was greater in
presence of an ERM with continuous ectopic inner foveal stage 1 (0.025 6 0.06 logMAR, 20/21 Snellen equivalent)


FIGURE 3. Proposed optical coherence tomography staging scheme of idiopathic epiretinal membranes.

TABLE 2. Baseline Characteristics of Studied Epiretinal Membranes (N ¼ 194)

Stage 1 (N ¼ 43) Stage 2 (N ¼ 88) Stage 3 (N ¼ 51) Stage 4 (N ¼ 12) P Value

Age (y) 69.1 6 7.5 70.8 6 9.4 70.2 6 8.7 68.5 6 8.7 .664a
Central foveal thickness (mm) 321.6 6 60.1 412.4 6 49.8 497.37 6 64 639.25 6 93.5 <.001a
Outer nuclear layer thickness (mm) 169.89 6 66 267.47 6 58 230.77 6 61 - <.001a
Ectopic inner foveal layer thickness (mm) - - 161.55 6 63 - -
Cystoid macular edema 0/43 (0%) 2/88 (2.3%) 7/51 (13.7%) 5/12 (41.7%) <.001b
Ellipsoid disruption 1/43 (2.3%) 10/88 (11.4%) 11/51 (21.6%) 9/12 (75%) <.001b
Cotton ball sign 3/43 (7%) 21/88 (23.9%) 11/51 (21.6%) 0/12 (0%) .034b
BCVA, logMAR (Snellen) 0.02 6 0.6 (20/21) 0.14 6 0.13 (20/27) 0.33 6 0.17 (20/43) 0.61 6 0.26 (20/81) <.001c

BCVA ¼ best-corrected visual acuity.

Analysis of variance test.
b 2
x test.
Kruskal-Wallis test.

and 2 (0.14 6 0.13 logMAR, 20/27 Snellen equivalent) regression model (P ¼ .001). This significance was further
and significantly better than eyes in stage 3 (0.33 6 0.17 confirmed with a multivariate linear regression model
logMAR, 20/42 Snellen equivalent) and 4 (0.61 6 0.26 controlling for other possible causes of reduced BCVA,
logMAR, 20/81 Snellen equivalent), with a P value such as tractional CME, central foveal thickness, and
<.001 (Table 2). disruption of the ellipsoid zone, suggesting that the sole
The presence of ectopic inner foveal layers was signifi- presence of ectopic inner foveal layers may be an indepen-
cantly associated with lower BCVA in a univariate linear dent risk factor for lower visual acuity (P ¼ .001).


FIGURE 4. Optical coherence tomography angiography of idiopathic epiretinal membranes and unaffected fellow eyes. Foveal avas-
cular zone and deep and superficial retinal capillary plexus are imaged with 3 3 3-mm scans. (Top) Stage 1 epiretinal membrane. Vari-
ation of the foveal avascular zone is minimal, but is slightly reduced upon comparison to the unaffected fellow eye. Mild deformation of
the vessels owing to epiretinal membrane traction is noted. (Center) Stage 2 epiretinal membrane. Reduction of the foveal avascular
zone is evident, and is significantly decreased if compared with the fellow eye. The deformation of the vessels and their displacement
toward the foveal center is remarkable. (Bottom) Stage 3 epiretinal membrane. The foveal avascular zone is nearly absent. Severe
deformation and displacement of the vessels is noted.

Statistically significant differences in central foveal in stages 1 and 2 and highest in stages 3 and 4, with statis-
thickness were encountered between the 4 subgroups. tically significant differences between the 4 groups
Retinal thickness was lowest in eyes with stage 1 ERMs (P < 2.001, Table 2).
and was greatest in eyes with stage 4 ERMs (P < .001, OCTA was performed in 9 eyes with stage 1, 18 eyes with
Table 2). stage 2, and 14 eyes with stage 3 ERMs. In stage 1 ERMs
The prevalence of tractional CME and ellipsoid disrup- variations in the FAZ size were minimal, while in stage 2
tion increased according to the ERM stage and was lowest and stage 3 ERMs the FAZ was significantly reduced if


TABLE 3. Natural History of Epiretinal Membranes During the Follow-up Period: Epiretinal Membranes Without Anatomic Signs of
Progression to Later Stages

Stage 1 (N ¼ 23) Stage 2 (N ¼ 67) Stage 3 (N ¼ 15) Stage 4 (N ¼ 3)

Central foveal thickness (mm)

Baseline 328.35 6 67.7 401.9 6 39.2 469.9 6 73.6 690 6 155
End of follow-up 334.13 6 69.6 408.06 6 44.3 480.13 6 73.5 735 6 129.7
P valuea .47 .1 .03 .1
Outer nuclear layer thickness (mm)
Baseline 177.56 6 71 257.45 6 46 222.9 6 70.3 -
End of follow-up 171.4 6 67.5 268.4 6 57.5 223.13 6 70.3 -
P valuea .6 .04 .8 -
Ectopic inner foveal layer thickness (mm)
Baseline - - 135.7 6 52 -
End of follow-up - - 146.06 6 51 -
P valuea - - .15 -
BCVA, logMAR (Snellen)
Baseline 0.02 6 0.07 (20/21) 0.13 6 0.12 (20/27) 0.21 6 0.17 (20/32) 0.9 6 0.36 (20/158)
End of follow-up 0.02 6 0.07 (20/21) 0.17 6 0.13 (20/29) 0.27 6 0.13 (20/37) 1 6 0.27 (20/200)
P valuea .99 <.001 .018 .31

BCVA ¼ best-corrected visual acuity.

Wilcoxon signed rank test.

compared with the unaffected fellow eye (Figure 4, Top, progressed directly to stage 3. No cases of ERM regression
Center, Bottom). Notably, this finding was more pro- were noted.
nounced in stage 3 ERMs, in which the FAZ was nearly The progression to more advanced stages was associated
entirely absent in certain cases (Figure 4, Bottom). with a substantial and statistically significant drop in
Macular-foveal capillaries were not identified in any of BCVA in all cases, which was particularly evident in those
these cases. OCTA was also performed in 2 stage 4 membranes that progressed from type 2 to type 3
ERMs, but the scans were excluded from the analysis owing (P ¼ .012), as shown in Figure 7 and Table 3.
to poor imaging quality. Interestingly, during the follow-up period the thickness
The majority of eyes with ERMs in which surgery was of the outer nuclear layer increased significantly in
deferred (108 out of 131, 82.5%) failed to show signs of eyes with ERMs that evolved from type 1 to type 2
morphologic progression to later stages during the mean (P ¼ .008), while in eyes with type 2 ERMs that
follow-up of 22.2 6 18.3 months (Table 3). Incidence progressed to type 3, significant thinning of the same layer
of tractional CME and ellipsoid disruption did not was identified (P ¼ .011), presumably owing to the devel-
change significantly in the 4 groups (P ¼ .5 and opment of ectopic inner foveal layers (Table 4). The
P ¼ .125, respectively), but in stage 2 ERMs the pres- thickness of the ectopic inner foveal layers was not
ence of the cotton ball sign was significantly higher at assessed in stage 4 ERMs, as the measurements were not
the end of the follow-up period (P ¼ .02). Functionally, considered reliable.
even in the absence of anatomic progression a slight but
statistically significant decrease in visual acuity was
registered in ERMs stage 2 (P < .001) and 3
(P ¼ .018) at the end of the follow-up period, as DISCUSSION
demonstrated in Table 3.
Anatomic progression to more advanced stages was THE TRACTIONAL STRESS INDUCED BY ERMS CAN INVOLVE
described in 23 out of 131 ERMs (17.5%). Specifically, 9 all retinal layers, causing a broad clinical spectrum of macular
out of 32 stage 1 ERMs (28.1%) progressed to stage 2 complications that ranges from increased retinal thickness
(Figure 5, Top), 10 out of 77 stage 2 ERMs (13%) with or without macular schisis to the formation of lamellar
progressed to stage 3 (Figure 5, Center), and 2 out of 17 and full-thickness macular defects.21–25 Causes of visual
stage 3 ERMs (11.1%) progressed to stage 4 during the reduction include macular distortion and/or edema,26 but
follow-up (Figure 5, Bottom). In 1 case, it was possible to an accurate prediction of vision loss may be elusive.
record the gradual evolution of an ERM through stages 1, Factors such as ellipsoid zone disruption9–12 and
2, and 3 (Figure 6). Finally, in 1 case a stage 1 ERM alterations in the photoreceptor outer segment length27


FIGURE 5. Cases of epiretinal membrane progression to later stages. (Top) Case 1: progression from stage 1 to stage 2 epiretinal
membrane. After 4 years of follow-up, the retina is thicker, and the foveal depression is lost. Small intraretinal cystoid spaces are


FIGURE 6. A case of epiretinal membrane progression through stages 1, 2, and 3. (Top) At baseline a stage 1 epiretinal membrane is
noted. The optic pit is present and no ectopic layers over the fovea are identified. Vision is 20/20 Snellen equivalent. (Center) Two
years later, the optic pit is lost, the epiretinal membrane is thicker, and stretching of the outer nuclear layer is present. A cotton ball
sign has developed but there are no ectopic inner layers across the fovea. Visual acuity remained stable. (Bottom) In the same eye-
tracked optical coherence tomography scan, a continuous layer of ectopic retinal tissue across the fovea is illustrated. The ectopic
inner foveal layers are continuous with the inner nuclear and inner plexiform layers (with similar reflectivity) and reside above
the outer nuclear layer, which appears shallower. The cotton ball sign is still present. Visual acuity dropped to 20/30 Snellen equiv-

have also been correlated with lower preoperative and post- irregularity index as a valid tool for postoperative visual
operative visual acuity. prognosis in eyes with ERMs.17
More recently, the role of the inner retinal layers in vi- The present study confirms that the inner retinal layers of
sual acuity loss has been studied more closely, as these the macula may be especially sensitive to tractional stress
more proximal layers may be the primary affected site of and illustrates that ERM formation may significantly alter
ERM-associated mechanical stress. Ganglion cell–inner the inner foveal microanatomy. We propose that the chronic
plexiform layer complex thickening was significantly asso- anteroposterior and centripetal traction caused by the ERM
ciated with visual acuity reduction in various reports,15,16 may induce the displacement and reorganization of the inner
while some authors have proposed the inner retinal retinal layers, creating a continuous floor of inner retinal

noted in the inner nuclear layer. The ellipsoid zone is preserved. In this case the visual acuity remained stable. (Center) Case 2: pro-
gression from stage 2 to stage 3 epiretinal membrane. After 3 years of follow-up, ectopic inner foveal layers continue across the entire
foveal area. The outer nuclear layer appears thinner, and is no longer in contact with the internal limiting membrane. The ellipsoid
zone is preserved. The visual acuity decreased from 20/20 to 20/40 Snellen equivalent. (Bottom) Case 3: progression from stage 3 to
stage 4 epiretinal membrane. After 3 years of follow-up, the retinal layers are disrupted, with ill-defined borders. The epiretinal mem-
brane is thicker, with clear signs of traction affecting the underlying retina. There are alterations of the external limiting membrane
and the ellipsoid zone. Visual acuity remained stable.


sequentially from one stage to another and that the develop-
ment of ectopic inner foveal layers was accompanied by a sig-
nificant drop in visual acuity. This fact may be clinically
relevant with prognostic implications and may influence
the surgical decision in ERM patients, as lower preoperative
visual acuity has been significantly associated with limited
postoperative functional recovery.35
In the present study, the OCTA analysis in eyes with
ERM showed marked alterations of the FAZ, ranging
from a slight reduction in the area of the capillary-free
zone to the near-complete disappearance in eyes with stage
3 ERMs and ectopic inner foveal layers (Figure 4). The ar-
chitecture of both the superficial and deep retinal capillary
plexus appeared to be altered, presumably owing to the cen-
tral displacement of vessels.
The absence of an FAZ has been demonstrated in fovea
plana and foveal hypoplasia, in which there is bilateral
anatomic absence of the foveal pit with persistence of the in-
ner retinal layers over the fovea.36 In these conditions,
FIGURE 7. Best-corrected visual acuity correlations according
to epiretinal membrane stage. Asterisks represents the
macular-foveal capillaries crossing the fovea may be identified
maximum value of the BCVA in that subgroup (ie, 0.1 with OCTA (Figure 8, Top), as reported by recent papers.36
LogMAR). By contrast, we did not identify the presence of
macular-foveal capillaries in any included case, suggesting
that the displacement of the superficial and deep plexus
tissue extending from the INL and IPL across the central may be mainly mechanical, without the formation of
fovea and referred to as ectopic inner foveal layers. anastomotic capillary segments (Figure 8, Bottom). This
Previous studies using autofluorescence,28 color,29 is in contradistinction to the study of Cicinelli and asso-
infrared,30 and red-free31 fundus imaging demonstrated ciates, who observed a cohort of 10 patients with various
that ERMs commonly result in centripetal forces and ocular pathologies and described 2 cases of macular-foveal
contraction of the posterior pole. However, such reports capillaries in ERM eyes.18 However, the small size and
described the gross movement of the macular region, the heterogeneity of their study population, as well as
without analyzing the tractional effect of ERMs on the the lack of a fellow-eye control group, may have biased
different retinal layers. this analysis.
It is unclear whether mechanical forces alone are suffi- In contrast to fovea plana, which is a bilateral finding,
cient to promote the ectopic inner foveal layers, or if other all the fellow eyes in our study without ERM imaged
concurrent pathologic mechanisms are necessary. Retinal with OCTA illustrated a physiological pit with a normal
injury can activate Müller cells by various mechanisms FAZ in the absence of macular-foveal capillaries,
and can trigger different signal pathways, leading to prolif- supporting the hypothesis that in the setting of an
eration and migration or reactive gliosis.32 Recent in vitro ERM the presence of ectopic inner foveal layers is an ac-
experimental studies in animal models have demonstrated quired condition.
that Müller cells may activate and proliferate in response to The pathophysiological mechanism leading to vision
tractional stress over the retina.33 High levels of extracel- loss in the presence of ectopic inner foveal layers is
lular signal–regulated kinase (ERK) have been found in speculative, but may lead to new interrogations on the
the INL of guinea pig and rat retinas after mechanical visual significance of the foveal pit. Physiologically,
stretch.33 ERK is a protein downstream in the mitogen- the outward displacement of the inner layers during
activated protein kinase cascade, which regulates Müller foveal development creates a clear optical zone over-
cell proliferation and neuroprotection.34 According to lying a region of higher cone specialization, which
this hypothesis, in the setting of an ERM the development may facilitate the development of a central area of
of ectopic inner foveal layers may result from the combina- greater visual resolution.37
tion of both physical displacement of the inner retinal However, the functional advantage of the foveal pit is
layers and Müller cell–driven proliferation. challenged by the cases of fovea plana in which visual acu-
The presence of ectopic inner foveal layers is the keystone ity is preserved. Some authors proposed that neither the
of the proposed OCT-based staging scheme, which classifies development of a foveal pit nor the FAZ is necessary to
ERMs into 4 stages with distinct morphologic and functional achieve good visual acuity.38,39 Nevertheless, these
characteristics. The observation of our study population assumptions are based on the study of congenital
over the follow-up period illustrated that ERMs can progress conditions in which the development of a pit never


TABLE 4. Natural History of Epiretinal Membranes During the Follow-up Period: Epiretinal Membranes With Anatomic Signs of
Progression to Later Stagesa

Stage 1 to Stage 2 (N ¼ 9) Stage 2 to Stage 3 (N ¼ 10)

Central foveal thickness (mm)

Baseline 330.7 6 32.03 413 6 55.2
End of follow-up 399 6 56.8 442.4 6 47
P valueb .012 .005
Outer nuclear layer thickness (mm)
Baseline 153.11 6 41.3 273 6 79.7
End of follow-up 247.5 6 55.8 213.4 6 63.5
P valueb .008 .011
Ectopic inner foveal layer thickness (mm)
Baseline - -
End of follow-up - 120.9 6 31.3
BCVA, logMAR (Snellen)
Baseline 0.022 6 0.04 (20/21) 0.09 6 0.13 (20/24)
End of follow-up 0.08 6 0.07 (20/24) 0.27 6 0.14 (20/37)
P valueb .039 .012

BCVA ¼ best-corrected visual acuity.

Statistical analysis was performed only in epiretinal membranes progressing from stage 1 to 2, and from stage 2 to 3.
Wilcoxon signed rank test.

occurs and, in such context, the elongation and packing of and we were able to confirm the presence of continuous
cones and other adaptation phenomena may negate the ectopic inner foveal layers in all scans through the central
need for a clear optical zone in the fovea. fovea. Moreover, the eye tracking system was applied in all
The present study allows the analysis of this issue from those eyes with progression to stage 3 ERMs and illustrated,
a different perspective, as in our case the presence of in all cases, the development of the ectopic inner foveal
ectopic inner foveal layers occurred in patients with a layers across the fovea in a precisely aligned B-scan at base-
presumably physiological pit prior to ERM formation, line and follow-up.
in which the foveal cones developed without any over- In conclusion, this report gives new insights into the
lying retinal tissue. In stage 3 and 4 ERMs, the ectopic pathophysiology of ERMs and the visual significance of
inner foveal layer interposed between the afferent light the optic pit by describing a previously unreported clinical
and the photoreceptors, and may obstruct or degrade entity referred to as ectopic inner foveal layers. The pres-
the visual image projected on the cone photoreceptors. ence of this acquired condition, the pathophysiology of
Moreover, the chronic displacement of the retinal layers which is still poorly defined, was associated with significant
may cause photoreceptor damage and deformation, vision loss and is the centerpiece of a new OCT-based
contributing to the visual alterations and distortion in grading scheme of ERMs that may influence the surgical de-
eyes with ERM. cision in these patients.
The analysis of surgical results in those eyes that un- Larger, prospective studies with longer follow-up are
derwent pars plana vitrectomy and ERM peel was not necessary to support our hypothesis and reduce bias, while
the objective of this descriptive study, and will be further investigations are required for a better understand-
assessed in a future study. However, preliminary evidence ing of the pathologic mechanisms leading to the forma-
suggests that the ectopic inner foveal layers may persist tion of the ectopic inner foveal layers. Improvements in
even after surgical ERM removal, as illustrated in OCT resolution and OCTA technology will be useful
Figure 9. tools for this purpose. Furthermore, the analysis of surgical
Limitations of this study include its retrospective nature, results will be critical to explore possible postoperative
the limited follow-up, and the lack of high-density macular functional and anatomic differences between the 4 stages
raster scanning and OCTA for all cases. It is possible that of ERMs.
the normal foveal anatomy may have been missed by the We hope that our results and proposed staging scheme
standard 20 3 15-degree macular raster, biasing the ERM will encourage future study so as to achieve a broader
staging process. High-density tracking was, however, consensus, and ultimately improve the management of
performed in stage 3 ERMs in a significant subset of eyes ERMs.


FIGURE 8. Morphologic differences between foveal microvasculature in fovea plana and idiopathic epiretinal membrane. Foveal
avascular zone and deep and superficial retinal capillary plexus are imaged with 3 3 3-mm scans. (Top) Case 1: optical coherence
tomography angiography in fovea plana. In both eyes, the foveal avascular zone in absent. Macular-foveal capillaries crossing the
entire foveal area are identified. The morphology of the vessels is similar in both eyes. (Bottom) Case 2: optical coherence tomography
angiography in stage 3 epiretinal membrane (right eye) and unaffected fellow eye (left eye). In the right eye, the foveal avascular zone
is severely reduced, although still present. The ectopic layers are present across the entire foveal area, but no flow is seen in the center
of the fovea. Macular foveal capillaries are absent and the vessels appear displaced and stretched, and their morphology is different
from the fellow eye. The foveal avascular zone in the fellow eye is normal.


FIGURE 9. Postoperative multimodal imaging of a stage 4 epiretinal membrane. (Top) Preoperative optical coherence tomography.
The retina is thickened, with disrupted retinal layers and the presence of intraretinal cystoid spaces. The ectopic inner foveal layers
are continuous across the entire foveal area. (Center) Postoperative optical coherence tomography. Twelve months after pars plana
vitrectomy with epiretinal membrane and internal limiting membrane peeling, the ectopic inner foveal layers are still present and
continuous across the entire foveal area. The thickness of the retina and the ectopic inner foveal layers is decreased. (Bottom) Post-
operative optical coherence tomography angiography of the vitrectomized eye (right eye) and the unaffected fellow eye (left eye). At
12 months from surgery, the foveal avascular zone of the vitrectomized eye is severely reduced but foveal capillaries are notably ab-
sent. The morphology of the retinal vessels appears distorted. The foveal avascular zone and the retinal vasculature in the fellow eye
are normal.

vent Blindness (RPB), New York, New York, USA. Financial Disclosures: David Sarraf: consultant for Bayer (Leverkusen, Germany), Genentech
(San Francisco, CA, USA), and Optovue (Freemont, CA, USA). Research grants from Allergan (Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ, USA), Heidelberg (Heidel-
berg, Germany), Optovue (Freemont, CA, USA), and Regeneron (Tarrytown, NY, USA). Speaker bureau for Optovue and Novartis. Marta S. Figueroa:
consultant for Alcon (Fort Worth, TX, USA), Novartis (Basel, Switzerland), Allergan (Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ, USA), Bayer (Leverkusen, Germany).
Jean Pierre Hubschman: consultant for Alcon (Fort Worth, TX, USA), Pixium-Visium (Paris, France), Allergan (Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ, USA), and
Avalanche Biotechnologies (Menlo Park, CA, USA). The following authors have no financial disclosures: Andrea Govetto and Robert A. Lalane III.


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