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Nexus between Building Information Modeling and Internet of
Things in the Construction Industries
Baydaa Hashim Mohammed 1,2, *, Hasimi Sallehuddin 1 , Elaheh Yadegaridehkordi 3 , Nurhizam Safie Mohd Satar 1 ,
Afifuddin Husairi Bin Hussain 4,5 and Shaymaa Abdelghanymohamed 6

1 Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Malaysia
2 Medical Instrumentation Department, AL-Esraa University College, Baghdad 10069, Iraq
3 Center for Software Technology and Management, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Malaysia
4 Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi 43600, Malaysia
5 Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 54100, Malaysia
6 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad 10066, Iraq
* Correspondence:

Abstract: The process of integrating building information modeling (BIM) and Internet of Things
(IoT)-based data sources is a recent development. As a generalization, BIM and IoT data provide
complementary perspectives on the project that complement each other’s constraints. Applying the
concept of BIM-IoT in the construction industries which has been termed to have a high-risk factor
could offer an improvement in the overall performance of the construction industries and thereby
reduce the associated risks. This study aims to examine the potential of integrating BIM-IoTs in
the construction industries by examining related published literature. Literature analysis revealed
that the BIM and IoT have been extensively applied individually to several aspects of construction
Citation: Mohammed, B.H.;
projects such as construction safety risk assessment, construction conflict management, building
Sallehuddin, H.; Yadegaridehkordi,
E.; Safie Mohd Satar, N.; Hussain, construction sustainability, and onsite construction process monitoring. However, there is scanty
A.H.B.; Abdelghanymohamed, S. research awareness on the possibilities of BIM-IoT integration in the construction industries.
Nexus between Building Information
Modeling and Internet of Things in Keywords: building information modeling; Internet of Things; construction risk management;
the Construction Industries. Appl. Sci. construction conflict management; construction innovation
2022, 12, 10629.

Academic Editors: Constantinos

A. Balaras and Diogo Ribeiro
1. Introduction
The entire construction process, starting with the location of the building and ending
Received: 4 September 2022
with its management and upkeep is encompassed in the concept of Construction 4.0 [1].
Accepted: 14 October 2022
Governments in many countries are encouraging the building industry to embrace Industry
Published: 20 October 2022
4.0 [2]. To enforce the electronic form of the construction process from project preparation,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral budgeting, building approvals, construction management, and building management and
with regard to jurisdictional claims in the application of these public construction contract principles, efforts are being made
published maps and institutional affil- to consolidate dispersed investment and construction management powers [3]. When
iations. the industrial revolution occurred, people’s feelings, thoughts, and perceptions of the
world changed dramatically [4,5]. Everything from machines to humans to how they
feel, think and see the environment could be altered as a result [6]. The construction
industry has benefited from industry 4.0, which has brought digital technology such as
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
sensor systems, intelligent machinery, and smart materials to the field of construction [7].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
Using building information modeling (BIM), a project’s digital information is centralized
distributed under the terms and
in one place, where it is utilized to maintain track of all the digital information about
conditions of the Creative Commons
a project [8,9]. BIM is the appropriate starting point when it comes to the construction
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// industry. To develop strong and innovative apps, it provides an additional layer of data that may interact and collaborate in real-time throughout the project life cycle [10]. Using

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629.

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 2 of 22

modern BIM technologies, the construction industry can be made more efficient and cost-
effective [11]. With the application of open BIM, existing construction management systems
can be integrated with BIM to enhance its power in the construction ecosystem [12]. Even
though BIM has gained widespread acceptance in the construction industry and is worth
the investment for many firms, few have taken full advantage of its benefits [13].
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new internet breakthrough in which billions of smart
things are linked together [14]. Data can be exchanged between several computers and
digital equipment without the need for human intervention using unique identifiers. It is
possible to provide network users with added value services like ensuring the privacy of
shared data by integrating IoT sensors into internet-connected devices [15]. Using IoT in
the construction industry has various benefits [16]. There are a variety of benefits associated
with this approach, such as enhanced execution monitoring and control, higher quality,
lower costs, and more time saved [17]. Since real-time data analytics are now widely
available for usage in the context of rapid decision-making, it has also been expanded.
Structure monitoring improves crisis management and emergency response capacities as
well. The IoT can help with environmental issues like trash management, pond pollution,
and flood concentration analysis. The introduction of new technology brings with it
a variety of challenges that need to be overcome [18]. Method of introduction, public
acceptance, and lack of information and expertise are all potential roadblocks. construction
projects are relatively difficult with a high risk of failure that comes along with them
severely restricts the potential use of new technologies. Despite these difficulties, the
IoT has been implemented in the construction industry, with one of the most prominent
applications being the monitoring and control of project execution in a variety of projects,
including bridges, railways, tunnels, and onshore and offshore facilities, among others.
A few studies have concentrated on the integration of BIM and IoT to improve in-
novation in various areas of endeavours. Tang et al. [19] reported the integration of BIM
and IoT devices in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector from
the standpoint of domain application and integration approaches, as well as by shedding
light on the present limits and significant topics for future research and development.
Malagnino et al. [20] presented an extensive review on integrating BIM and IoT to create
more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly environments. The authors inferred
that, with the integration of BIM and IoT, the built environment can be better managed, and
the environmental effect of the construction industry can be reduced. Lokshina et al. [21]
investigated BIM, IoT, and blockchain technologies in the system design of a smart building.
The authors viewed these understudies’ technologies as complementing innovations that
may work together to provide the safe storage and management of building-related data
and information and to improve the IoT services offered.
As the integration of BIM and IoT is still in its early stages, it is vital to get an awareness
of the current situation related to its implementation in the construction industry. Vital
questions such as what are the most often encountered BIM and IoT device integration
scenarios? What classification system should be used to classify these application domains?
what is the best way to combine BIM with IoT devices? what are the constraints, both
in terms of application domains and integration methodologies, when it comes to both?
What research gaps that need to be filled, and where should we go from here to conduct
more successful investigations? Furthermore, this study highlights the obstacles connected
with implementing the integration of BIM and IoT in construction projects, as well as
determining the most critical challenges associated with the implementation. To address
these research questions, this study performed a comprehensive review of BIM and IoT
implementation in the construction industry, including a summary of application areas, and
integration methods used in existing studies. The study also examined inherent limitations
and anticipated areas for further research.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 3 of 22
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 22

2. Methodology
2. Methodology
The approach used for the review process is depicted in Figure 1. The first stage
entailsThe approach
the used for
identification ofthe
thereview process isofdepicted
main purpose in Figure
the review 1. The first stage
and formulating en‐
tails the identification of the main purpose of the review and formulating
questions that could serve as a guide. To achieve the set objectives and provide answers appropriate
to that could
the research serve as
questions, a guide.
quality To achieve
databases suchtheasset objectives
Scopus and provide answers
( (accessed
on 2 May 2022)) and Science Direct ( (accessed on (accessed
to the research questions, quality databases such as Scopus ( 2 May 2022))
on 2 May
were 2022)) to
employed and Science
search Directpublished
related ( (accessed
articles. This section on 2 May
details 2022))
the date range,
were employed to search related published articles. This section details the
information sources, eligibility restrictions, and data coding technique. Keywords such as date range,
information sources, eligibility restrictions, and data coding technique. Keywords such as
“Building information modeling”, “Internet of Thing”, “Building information modeling
“Building information modeling”, “Internet of Thing”, “Building information modeling
and Internet of Thing Integration”, and “Construction industry” were employed to search
and Internet of Thing Integration”, and “Construction industry” were employed to search
the databases. The exclusion criteria include those articles that are not indexed in Scopus
the databases. The exclusion criteria include those articles that are not indexed in Scopus
and Science Citation Index Expanded as well as articles published in the last ten years
and Science Citation Index Expanded as well as articles published in the last ten years
(2012–2022). The articles obtained from the search were quickly screened using the title
(2012–2022). The articles obtained from the search were quickly screened using the title
and abstract to identify their relevance. The selected articles were carefully reviewed and
and abstract to identify their relevance. The selected articles were carefully reviewed and
analyzed to to meet
toto answer
answer thethe various
various questions.

Setting goals and

formulating Incorporate exclusion
research questions criteria

Identification of Screening of
articles from articles based on
quality database their relevance

Refined articles to
be included in the

Article scrutiny,
inferences for
future research

Figure 1. Methodology
Figure Methodologyadopted
forthe review
the process.
review process.

3. Results andDiscussion
Results and Discussion
3.1. Research Trends inBIM
3.1. Research Trends in BIMand
Construction Industries
Scopus databasewas
Scopus database wasemployed
employed toto search
search forfor published
published articles
articles related
related to BIM
to BIM and and
IoT adoption in the construction industries as well as the BIM-IoT integration
IoT adoption in the construction industries as well as the BIM‐IoT integration in the con‐ in the
construction industries
struction industries around
around the world.
the world. KeywordsKeywords suchinas
such as BIM theBIM in the construction
construction indus‐
try, IoT in IoT in the construction
the construction industry,industry, integrating
integrating BIM
BIM and IoT andconstruction
in the IoT in the industry
industry and so on were employed for the search. As shown in Figure 2a, the analysis of the
search results shows that there has been a rise in research interest in BIM and IoT adoptions
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 22

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 4 of 22

and so on were employed for the search. As shown in Figure 2a, the analysis of the search
results shows that there has been a rise in research interest in BIM and IoT adoptions in
in construction between 2012 and 2022. However, there is higher research interest in BIM
construction between 2012 and 2022. However, there is higher research interest in BIM
adoption compared
compared to to IoT
IoT adoption
adoption in in construction.
construction.Perhaps,Perhaps,this thiscould
couldbe beattributed
attributedtoto the
fact that IoT applications in the construction industries in a nascent
the fact that IoT applications in the construction industries in a nascent stage and is stage and is grad‐
ually gaining research interest. Figure 2b shows that research interest in BIM adoption inin the
research interest. Figure 2b shows that research interest in BIM adoption
the construction industries
industriesis prevalent
is prevalentamongamong researchers
researchers fromfromthetheUnited
United States,
United Kingdom, and China. Also, researchers from countries such as Australia, Malay‐South
and China. Also, researchers from countries such as Australia, Malaysia,
sia, SouthHong Kong,
Korea, Hong Canada, and Spain
Kong, Canada, andare showing
Spain increasing
are showing interest
increasing in BIM
interest in adoption
in the construction
adoption industries.
in the construction Apart Apart
industries. from China,
from China,therethere
are low research
are low research interests
interests in IoT
in IoT adoptionsin construction
in constructionindustries from
industries other
from countries.
other countries. Compared
individual BIM
BIMIoT andadoptions
IoT adoptions in construction
in constructionindustries,
industries, the the
research interest
research in the
interest integration
in the integration of BIM
of BIMIoTand
in construction industries
IoT in construction is lower
industries is as shown
lower in Figure
as shown 3a. The3a.research
in Figure The researchinterest in
the in the integration
integration of BIM-IoT ofapplications
BIM‐IoT applications in the construction
in the construction industries industries is pre‐ in
is predominant
China, Hong in China,
Kong,Hong Kong, Kingdom,
the United the United Kingdom,
the Unitedthe United
States, States, Australia,
Australia, Singapore, Singa‐
pore, Canada, the Netherlands, and Nigeria. This trend is consistent
the Netherlands, and Nigeria. This trend is consistent with the studies of Bui et al. with the studies of [22]
Bui et al. [22] According to the findings of construction industries
According to the findings of construction industries in developing nations have several in developing nations
have severaldue
challenges challenges due to the socioeconomic
to the socioeconomic and technological
and technological context in context
which in they
which they
operate. A
operate. A dearth of IT‐literate individuals, as well as the absence
dearth of IT-literate individuals, as well as the absence of national BIM implementation of national BIM imple‐
plans, plans,
are just are just
a few a few
of the of the obstacles
obstacles that arethat are hindering
hindering widespread
widespread BIM BIM adop‐ The
tion. The authors inferred that construction industries in developing
authors inferred that construction industries in developing nations rely on subcontracting nations rely on sub‐
contracting information technology services or contracting out
information technology services or contracting out software development. Although BIM is software development.
Although BIM is becoming increasingly popular in developed nations, applications in de‐
becoming increasingly popular in developed nations, applications in developing countries
veloping countries are still rare [23]. Olawumi & Chan [24] suggested some benchmarking
are still rare [23]. Olawumi & Chan [24] suggested some benchmarking models for BIM
models for BIM implementation in developing countries. The concepts developed by the
implementation in developing countries. The concepts developed by the authors include
authors include innovative strategies at the BIM process level, innovative strategies at the
innovative strategies at the BIM process level, innovative strategies at the BIM product level,
BIM product level, and measures of good practices. These ideas were discovered to con‐
and measures of good practices. These ideas were discovered to contain blueprints that can
tain blueprints that can enhance BIM products and processes, as well as related technol‐
ogy, to make BIM adoption
productsand anddeployment
processes, as well asand
simpler related technology,
thus more secure toin make
developingadoptionna‐ and
tions. simpler and thus more secure in developing nations.

300 (a)
Number of published articles

250 BIM IoT





2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

Figure 2. Cont.
Appl. Sci.Sci.
Appl. 2022, 12,12,
2022, 10629
x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 225 of 22
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 22


BIM IoT (b)

BIM IoT (b)

of of
Number 100


Figure 2.
Figure 2. (a)
(a) Trend
Trendof ofarticles
Figure 2. (a)
Countries Trend of articles
of Affiliation published
of the research in BIM
(Data and IoTs
obtained fromadoption in construction industries; (b)
Scopus Database).
tries of Affiliation of the research (Data obtained from Scopus Database).
Countries of Affiliation of the research (Data obtained from Scopus Database).


18 (a)

16 (a)


of of



0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

8 (b)

87 (b)


of of



Figure 3. (a) Trend of articles published in BIM‐IoTs integration in construction industries; (b) Dis‐
Figure (a)
3. of Trend
Trend of
(a)BIM‐IoT articles
ofstudies published
articles toinin
published BIM‐IoTs
BIM-IoTs integration
(Data in in
integration construction
from Scopusindustries;
construction (b) (b)
industries; Dis‐Distri-
bution of of BIM‐IoTstudies
BIM-IoT studiesaccording
to countries.
countries. (Data
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 6 of 22

3.2. An Overview of BIM in the Construction Industry

In recent years, digitalization has had a significant impact on several industrial sectors,
enhancing productivity, product quality, and product diversification. Digital technologies
are gradually being used in the AEC industry to design, build, and operate buildings as
well as other construction assets [25]. Other industries, on the other hand, use digital data
throughout the entire process chain. Physical plots on paper or in a limited digital format
are still used to convey most information. When a completed facility is being designed,
built, and operated, as well as during the crucial handovers between these phases, such
interruptions to the information flow are common. The creation and execution of the
physical infrastructure in the construction industry involve a wide range of parties with
diverse backgrounds and areas of competence. To ensure a successful construction project,
these stakeholders must regularly interact and reconcile. Most projects now include the
delivery of technical drawings in the form of cross-sections, elevations, and detail drawings
(both horizontally and vertically). Using software that resembles centuries-old sketching
skills, these images were created. Computers, on the other hand, are unable to properly
comprehend line drawings. Only a portion of the data can be fully analyzed using statistical
methods. Thus, the enormous potential of information technology for project management
and building operations is not fully realized. The inconsistency of different technical
drawings is a significant problem. It is a major problem because the drawings are generated
by professionals from a variety of design disciplines and companies. Due to the rapid
occurrence of inconsistencies, which typically go unnoticed until the construction project is
complete, additional costs can be incurred for ad-hoc remediation on the construction site.
Traditionally, design changes are denoted in drawings by revision clouds. To perform any
downstream analysis, calculation, or simulation, it is necessary to manually enter data from
technical drawings, which increases both the burden and the risk of human error. A similar
scenario occurs after the structure is completed and the owner receives the information. It
takes a lot of time and effort to extract building data from drawings and paperwork into a
facility management system. Previously available digital data has been erased and must be
reconstructed manually at each of these information exchange locations. Employing BIM
in the construction industries allows for far more extensive use of computer technology
in the design, engineering, building, and operation of built facilities. BIM is used instead
of traditional drawings to store, preserve, and communicate data during the design and
construction process. Coordination of design activities, simulation integration, construction
process setup, and control, as well as the transfer of building information to the operator,
are greatly improved by this approach. In construction projects, arduous and error-prone
work is avoided, resulting in increased productivity and higher quality, by minimizing the
amount of human data entry and enabling the re-use of digital information.
Several studies have been reported on BIM applications in the construction industries
as summarized in Table 1. Studies have shown that the construction industry has a high
prevalence of occupational fatalities and injuries due to the dynamic nature of the working
environment. In line with this Lu et al. [26] offered a new quantitative construction safety
risk assessment method for building projects in the design phase using an integrated BIM.
The authors’ findings revealed that a plug-in that connects BIM and safety risk data to auto-
matically evaluate construction safety risk was developed thereby allowing architects and
structural designers to make faster design choices. The role of BIM in construction conflict
management has been investigated by Sacks et al. [27]. The study utilized a questionnaire
survey method to identify the most prevalent factors that influence BIM implementation
in the construction industry. They revealed that time and expense constraints, as well
as poor construction project management scheduling and update requirements, and the
late release of design information or drawings, were the most significant contributors to
many of the problems encountered in the implementation of BIM. Similar to the work
of Sacks et al. [27], Ozturk [28] reported the implementation of BIM in different aspects
of construction projects. Based on the authors’ analysis, data sharing issues, integration
inefficiencies, lack of collaborative design, construction operation, facility management,
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 7 of 22

and communication obstacles in project and construction management were observed to

be the dominant hindrances to BIM adoption in the construction industry. BIM has also
been reported to be vital in construction conflict management as reported by Charehzehi
et al. [29]. The analysis of the questionnaire survey revealed that insufficient monitoring of
construction projects, scheduling and updates requirements, failures to understand and
correctly bid or price of the works, delays in running bill payment, inadequate contrac-
tors’ management, supervision, and coordination, errors and omissions in design that
originate from time, cost, quality, and documentation were the critical conflict factors in
Malaysia’s construction industry. The incorporation of BIM was observed to be capable
of resolving the identified construction conflicts. The effect of implementing BIM in the
Turkish and Chinese construction industries has been investigated by Aladag et al. [30]
and Xu et al. [31], respectively. Using a qualitative research method, Aladag et al. [30]
revealed that the acquisition of firms is the most important driving factor for the Turkish
construction industry to adopt BIM, while “organizational structure and culture” is the
most significant hurdle. Xu et al. [31] on the other hand employed a semi-structured inter-
view and questionnaire survey to identify the most important criteria to adopt BIM in the
Chinese construction industry. The analysis revealed that he most important criteria con-
nected to industrial requirements in order to adopt BIM in Chinese construction industry
are customer demand/contract responsibilities and need for collaboration, coordination,
communication, and interoperability across stakeholders. Besides being used for conflict
management, BIM has been reported to be applicable as an asset management tool in the
construction industry. Based on the conceptual development of Guillen et al. [32], the ad-
vantages of using BIM for asset management were not clearly defined. The methodologies
and application frameworks have to be proposed and evaluated to generate reference use
cases that will allow extending the knowledge about asset management enabled by the
BIM model as the platform for an asset management information system. Furthermore,
the application of BIM in building design optimization for sustainability using particle
swarm optimization modeling has been reported by Liu et al. [33]. The study revealed
that the particle swarm optimization method can expand the search space for optimal
design solutions and minimize the processing time for optimal design outcomes, which
is extremely beneficial to designers in delivering an environmentally and economically
friendly design scheme. BIM has been found helpful in the onsite construction process
controlling the liquefied natural gas industry. Using three-dimensional modeling, Wang
et al. [34] found that extending the BIM solution to the site could help to handle more
real-world issues such as low productivity in collecting information, a proclivity for making
mistakes in assembly, and low communication as well as problem-solving efficiency. The
effectiveness of BIM implementation during different construction phase has been reported
by Fan et al. [35]. From the pilot survey and qualitative method, the authors inferred that
the increased usage of BIM by contractors, the amount of money that can be charged as a
premium will start to decline.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 8 of 22

Table 1. Summary of Literature on BIM implementation in the construction industry.

Index Area of Application Methodology Findings Reference

BIM and safety risk data are linked
A theoretical together in Autodesk Revit, and a plug-in
Scopus and Construction Safety
framework and a is made to help architects and structural [26]
SCIE Risk Assessment
developed plug-in designers quickly choose design
The study revealed that time and expense
constraints, as well as poor construction
Questionnaire surveys,
project management scheduling and
Analytical hierarchy
Construction conflict update requirements, and the late release
Scopus process, and [27]
management of design information or drawings, were
multi-attribute utility
the most significant contributors to many
of the problems encountered in the
implementation of BIM
Data sharing issues, integration
Architecture, inefficiencies, lack of collaborative design,
engineering, construction, operation, and facility
Scopus and
construction, operation, Bibliometric analysis management, and communication [28]
and facility obstacles in project and construction
management management continue to hinder BIM
A large number of the important reasons
The use of BIM in that cause construction conflict
Scopus construction conflict Questionnaire survey management stem from issues related to [29]
management. the project’s schedule and cost, quality,
and documentation.
Acquisition of firms” was the most
important driving factor for the Turkish
Turkish Construction Qualitative research
Scopus construction industry to adopt BIM, while [30]
Industry methods
“organizational structure and culture” is
the most significant hurdle.
The most important criteria connected to
industrial requirements to adopt BIM are
Semi-structured customer demand/contract
Scopus and Chinese construction
interview and responsibilities and the need for [31]
SCIE industry
Questionnaire Survey collaboration, coordination,
communication, and interoperability
across stakeholders.
The advantages of BIM for asset
management have yet to be clearly
defined. Methodologies and application
The application of BIM
frameworks have to be proposed and
as an asset Conceptual
Scopus evaluated to generate reference use cases [32]
management tool in the development
that will allow extending the knowledge
construction industry.
about AM enabled by the BIM model as
the platform for an asset management
information system.
The study revealed that the particle
swarm optimization method can expand
BIM application in the search space for optimal design
Scopus and building design Particle Swam solutions and minimize the processing
SCIE optimization for Optimization modeling time for optimal design outcomes, which
sustainability is extremely beneficial to designers in
delivering an environmentally and
economically friendly design scheme.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 9 of 22

Table 1. Cont.

Index Area of Application Methodology Findings Reference

With the increased usage of BIM by
The effect of BIM Pilot Survey and
contractors, the amount of money that can
Scopus during the qualitative method by [35]
be charged as a premium will start
constructionphase Interview.
to decline.
It is shown that by extending the BIM
solution to the site via AR’s “hand,” it
Onsite construction may handle more real-world issues such
Scopus and process controlling for Three-dimensional as low productivity in collecting
SCIE liquefied natural modeling information, a proclivity for making
gas industry. mistakes in assembly, and low
communication and
problem-solving efficiency.

3.3. An Overview of the Role of IoTs in Construction Industries

The application of IoT in the construction industry has several benefits (Table 2).
Some of the benefits include better project execution monitoring, effective control, im-
proved quality, cost savings, and time savings [37]. Due to the availability of real-time
data analytics, it has also been broadened to be utilized for quick decision-making. By
establishing effective monitoring of the structure, IoT also enhances crisis management
and emergency response [38]. In addition, IoT has been utilized to monitor and manage
project executions in a variety of construction projects [39]. In terms of productivity, the
construction industry is the least digitalized sector [40]. The incorporation of IoT in the
construction industries has been termed Smart construction [41]. “Smart construction”
refers to the use of cutting-edge technology to improve productivity and decision-making
in the construction sector, and this technique is referred to as “smart construction” since
it makes use of the newest technologies [42]. With the use of digital technology, smart
construction aims to revolutionize the construction industry by improving the efficiency
and effectiveness of construction resources including machinery, gadgets, components,
and labourers [43]. As a branch of intelligent technology, intelligent construction is an
important part of it [44]. Many aspects of the construction business have been transformed
by technological advances such as automation, cyber-physical systems, cloud computing,
cognitive computing, and immersive technologies. IoT, a new concept in digital technology
that is quickly gaining acceptance, is continuously extending the range of applications for
smart buildings [45]. These researchers want to see if the IoT has any impact on how well
smart construction is delivered. Modern construction approaches including offsite building,
lean construction, smart assembly, and so on are examined in this paper [46]. From the
standpoint of current building practices, such as offsite construction, lean manufacturing,
and smart assembly, it also highlights upcoming IoT application themes [47]. On-site and
off-site manufacturing, assembly and logistics in real time, health and safety, information
and communication management, energy management, waste minimization, remote in-
spection, and lean construction management are all topics covered in the paper [48]. Based
on the existing literature, there is a better grasp of how digital technologies may be utilized
to transform the construction process and a strong foundation for future research into
the IoT and smart building. Construction companies have a chance to offer cutting-edge
solutions to the problems raised by the numerous IoT applications.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 10 of 22

Table 2. Summary of Literature on IoT implementation in the construction industry.

Index Area of Application Methodology Findings Reference

Real-world IoT applications in monitoring
construction site health and safety,
Application of
assessing the functioning of structural
Scopus and Blockchain and IoT in
Conceptual analysis parts like bridges, and managing facilities [14]
SCIE the construction
was reported. The authors proposed
using IoT in larger contest in the
construction industry.
The following were identified as key
drivers of IoT adoption in the
Scopus and Trend of IoTs in Conceptual and construction industry: interoperability;
SCIE construction industries Literature analysis data privacy and security; adaptable
governance frameworks; and adequate
business planning and modelling.
IoT and ZigBee wireless sensor network
Solar photovoltaic were effective to study the distributed
power generation solarenergy devices incorporated to
technology and Real-life design and building construction project. The joint
Scopus [49]
building construction Simulation design of solar energy devices and
based on the Internet buildings are of great significance to the
of Things development of photovoltaic construction
The findings suggest that among the
numerous types of IoT applications
utilized by construction industry
participants include social media
platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, and
IoTs in Malaysia Facebook for discussion and
Scopus Questionnaire Survey [50]
Construction industries communication, email for information
and communication exchange, and
website use as a source of reference to
gather data on corporate profiles,
activities, and policies, among others.
quotes on price
Role of IoTs in
The study demonstrated that eco-friendly
Developing energy
bricks made from mine waste had
Scopus efficient organic bricks Experimental Design [51]
decreased thermal conductivity, high
in the Construction
strength, and are light in weight.
Increasing IoT acceptance among
IoTs adoption in contractors in the construction industry,
Constructions and the Malaysian government may take
Scopus Questionnaire Survey [52]
industries located in steps to accelerate IoT adoption in order
East Malaysia to embrace the Industrial Revolution 4.0
(IR 4.0) in the country
Based on the results, the authors created a
communication framework that
Improved Lean
Scopus and automates system–system,
Construction Design Science Method [53]
SCIE system–human, and human–system
management using IoTs
communication activities across the
supply chain and project lifecycle.
Lack of safety and security, lack of defined
standards, lack of benefit knowledge,
Scopus and IoTs in construction
Questionnaire survey poor IOT implementation, and lack of [54]
SCIE industry revolution 4.0
resilience in connectivity are the most
prevalent difficulties in the study.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 11 of 22

Table 2. Cont.

Index Area of Application Methodology Findings Reference

A multi-dimensional IoT-enabled
IoT enabled Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Experimental Design
Scopus Prefabricated platform (MITBIMP) for achieving [55]
and Fabrication
construction real-time tracking in prefabricated
building was achieved
The results indicate that power
availability, cost, limited customer
IoTs in Nigeria demand, and issues with online security
Scopus Questionnaire Survey [56]
Construction Industries and data volume are the most significant
barriers to the adoption of the Internet of
Things in the construction business.

The technological potentials and obstacles to combining IoT with Blockchain in the
construction industries have been examined by Elghaish et al. [14]. The concept dealt
with a real-world analysis of blockchain and IoT in the construction industries based on
the analysis of various studies. The study revealed that real-world IoT applications in
monitoring construction site health and safety, assessing the functioning of structural parts
like bridges, and managing facilities are feasible and enhance project performance in the
construction industry. The authors proposed using IoT in a larger context in the construction
industry. The application of IoT in solar photovoltaic power generation and building
construction projects has been reported by Wu et al. [49]. The study revealed that IoT and
ZigBee wireless sensor networks were effective to study the distributed solar energy devices
incorporated into building construction projects. The joint design of solar energy devices
and buildings is of great significance to the development of the photovoltaic construction
industry. The effect of IoT implementation in Malaysian construction industries has been
reported by Mahmud et al. [50]. The study which employs a questionnaire survey method
revealed that social media platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook for discussion
and communication, email for information and communication exchange, and websites are
used as a source of reference to gather data on corporate profiles, activities, and policies,
among others. quotes on price were among the numerous types of IoT applications utilized
by construction industry participant [51] investigated the role of IoTs in developing
energy-efficient organic bricks in the construction industries When compared to regular
bricks, the heat transmitted from the outside to the interior of the walls of the model room
created with IoT-perlite bricks was at least 2 ◦ C lower. Lower thermal conductivity leads
to energy savings, and research showed that IOT-perlite bricks saved 8% of energy. The
study demonstrated that eco-friendly bricks made from mine waste had decreased thermal
conductivity, high strength, and were light in weight [52] investigated the adoption of
IoTs among contractors in East Coast Malaysia construction industries. The questionnaire
survey analysis revealed that attitudes, awareness, preparedness, and impediments are
all factors influencing changes in IoT adoption among contractors. The construction
industry’s significant association with IoT adoption was observed to have been expanded
appropriately. The study also provided some important recommendations for increasing
IoT acceptance among contractors in the construction industry. Dave et al. [53] investigated
improved lean construction management using IoTs. Based on the analysis of the results,
the authors developed a communication framework that allows them to automate different
communication tasks completely or partially across the supply chain and the lifespan
of building construction projects by the leveraging system–system, system–human, and
human–system communication. Gamil et al. [54] reported IoTs in the construction industry
revolution 4.0. The findings of this study show that the lack of safety and security, lack
of defined standards, lack of benefits knowledge, poor IoT implementation, and lack of
resilience in connectivity are the most prevalent difficulties in this study. To find out if
construction workers are aware of the benefits IoT may bring to construction projects, this
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 12 of 22

study also investigated their knowledge of IoT and whether or not it can be implemented
and expanded in such projects. Ghosh et al. [17] analyzed the trend on IoTs in construction
industry. Based on the analysis, the primary implications of IoT adoption in the construction
sector have been highlighted as high-speed reporting, total process control, data explosion
resulting in deep data analytics, and severe ethical and regulatory requirements. The
following were identified as key drivers of IoT adoption: interoperability; data privacy
and security; adaptable governance frameworks; and adequate business planning and
modelling. IoT enables prefabricated construction has been investigated by [55]. The
authors offered a multi-dimensional IoT-BIM platform for achieving real-time tracking in
prefabricated building construction. For the purpose of designing the IoT-BIM platform,
design considerations for an RFID Gateway Operating System, visibility and traceability
tools, data source interoperability services, and decision support services were provided.

3.4. Nexus between Building Information Modeling and Internet of Things

As a result of advancements in technology, building systems have gotten more compli-
cated than ever before to account for things like advanced technologies, security concerns,
and eco-friendliness. Hence. Integrating BIM with IoT will help to overcome these chal-
lenges and helps to proffer lasting solutions to the concerns.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) combined with real-time data from IoT devices
creates a strong concept for improving construction and operating efficiency [57]. Integrat-
ing real-time data streams from the constantly growing number of IoT sensing devices
to strong BIM models opens up a world of possibilities. Nevertheless, considering BIM
and IoT device integration research is still in its infancy, it is necessary to comprehend
the current state of BIM and IoT device integration. BIM and IoT data provide unique
views on the construction project that balance each other’s limitations. At the construc-
tion component level, BIM models provide high-resolution representations of the project.
Whereas data collection for a construction project can be enhanced using an IoT platform
that provides real-time and recordable status from actual construction and activities. An
extensive study by Tang et al. [19] shows that BIM-IoT integration in the construction
industries is applicable in four different domains namely: Construction operation and
monitoring; health and safety management; construction logistics and management; facil-
ity management. The details of the BIM-IoT integration possibilities are summarized in
Figure 4. The specific applications of the BIM-IoT integration in the construction operation
and monitory domain include onsite environment monitory, resource monitory, communi-
cation, and collaboration as well as construction performance and progress monitory. In
the health and safety management domain, the specific applications are health and safety
training as well as onsite monitoring for health and safety. The construction logistic and
management domain has automation in fabrication and lean construction as possible areas
of BIM-IoT integration. While the facility management domain has building operation and
maintenance, building performance management, energy management as well as disaster
and emergency response as possible areas of BIM-IoTs integration opportunities.
Various ways to facilitate the integration of IoT and BIM systems have previously
been presented in the literature. Wan & Bai [58] presented the integration of BIM and
IoT in construction logistic management. The study evaluated the new characteristics
of building logistics management in the context of big data, developed a collaborative
logistics management system with data-driven and BIM technology and assessed the
collaborative logistics management solution based on big data. Malagnino et al. [20] opined
that integrating BIM and IoT could produce a smart and sustainable environment. The
authors suggested a modular design for integrated BIM-IoT systems based on their analysis.
The authors include several blocks for the insertion of data from BIM systems and IoT
middleware. All data were collected into a Central Control Unit, which is composed of
several highly specialized sub-blocks that facilitate data collecting, storage, sharing among
the unit’s other blocks, presentation, and the application of Artificial Intelligence algorithms
to fine-tune acquired data. Liang & Liu [59] investigate the integration of BIM and IoT in the
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 13 of 22

construction safety risk of underground engineering construction. The authors analyzed

the new characteristics of BIM and logistics management in the era of big data and IoT,
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
building the logistics collaborative management platform based on big data13and of 22
technology, as well as an evaluation of the logistics collaborative management platform.

Opportunities for BIM‐IoT

Integration in construction

Construction Construction
Health and safety Facility
operation and logistic and
management management
monitory management

On‐site Health and Safety Automation in Building operation

training prefabrication and maintenance

On‐site monitory Building

Resource monitory Lean construction
for Health & Safety Performance

and collaboration Energy

performance and Disaster and
progress monitory emergency

Improved and efficient

construction project platform
construction industries

Figure forBIM‐IoT
Opportunities for BIM-IoTintegration
integrationinin the
the construction
construction industries.

3.5. Geographical
Various ways Distribution and
to facilitate Major
the Themesof
integration of IoT
BIMand andBIM
IoT Studies
systems have previously
beenStudies on in
presented technological
the literature.adoption
Wan & Baiof [58]
and IoT have been widely
the integration investigated
of BIM and IoT in
in construction
different logistic
countries management.
as shown The 5.
in Figure study evaluated
There the newawareness
is significant characteristics of build‐
of BIM and IoT
ing logistics management in the context of big data, developed a collaborative
adoption in Malaysia as indicated by the number of research articles published. Rahim logistics
management system with data‐driven and BIM technology and assessed the collaborative
logistics management solution based on big data. Malagnino et al. [20] opined that inte‐
grating BIM and IoT could produce a smart and sustainable environment. The authors
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 14 of 22

et al. [60] investigated BIM awareness among Malaysian contractors. The objective of
this study was to investigate the level of understanding that Malaysian contractors have
regarding the role that BIM plays in achieving sustainability on all fronts, including the
economic, environmental, and social fronts. A survey included 133 different contractors,
ranging from grade G1 to G7. The findings showed that most respondents were aware
of the contributions that BIM makes toward environmental sustainability, in addition to
the contributions that BIM makes toward the other two pillars of sustainability, economic
and social. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the stakeholders in the construction sector
and give information that is based on reality as part of a process to generate a better un-
derstanding and wider exposure, and to convince them to apply BIM innovation. Othman
et al. [61] in their study reported the level of BIM implementation in Malaysia. The purpose
of this study was to examine the adoption of BIM by Malaysian business organizations.
Based on the findings, only 13% of the 268 respondents in the public and private sectors
reported utilizing BIM in their organizations, indicating that Malaysia is still far from where
it should be in terms of BIM implementation, according to the study’s findings. There was
a lack of awareness, expenses, delayed adaptation, the lack of a clear guideline to assist
organizations and policymakers toward BIM implementation, and the fact that BIM was
not mandated in adequate time were identified to be the causes of the slow adoption. Roger
et al. [62] investigated the adoption of BIM in Malaysia from the perspective of engineering
consulting service firms. The findings demonstrate that the organizations have a BIM
concept that is consistent with industry standards; nonetheless, the primary impediments
to implementation are a lack of well-trained employees, advice, and government backing.
Nonetheless, the enterprises were ready to embrace BIM within two years, citing market
needs and competitive advantage as the key factors. The adoption of IoT in the Malaysian
construction industry has been reported by Ibrahim et al. [63]. The findings revealed that
IoT adoption in the Malaysian construction sector is growing but still lags behind other
Asian countries. The authors further revealed that the adoption of IoT will have a bright
future with encouragement from the Malaysian government and backing from the Depart-
ment of Public Works and the Construction Industry Development Board since both the
private and public sectors are aware of the benefits of doing so. Apart from Malaysia, BIM
and IoT adoption have been investigated in other countries such as Vietnam, the United
Kingdom, United Arab Emirate, Taiwan, South Africa, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Palestine,
Nigeria, New Zealand, South Korea, Kenya, Jordan, Iran, India, Hong Kong, Ghana, Ger-
many, and Finland. The main theme of the various studies centered on BIM integration,
the barrier to IoT adoption, BIM adoptions, BIM contributions, BIM effectiveness, BIM
uptakes, hindrances to BIM implementation, IoT adoption, and evaluation of BIM. Among
the various themes, BIM and IoT adoption has been widely investigated.
Figure 6 shows that the major themes of the studies of BIM and IoT in the construction
industry are diverse. However, the barriers and adoption of the implementation of BIM and
IoT in the construction industries are the most pronounced. Other themes such as factors
affecting BIM and IoT, augmented reality and BIM integration, and level of acceptance is
sparingly investigated.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22

Figure 6 shows that the major themes of the studies of BIM and IoT in the construc‐
tionFigure 6 shows
industry that theHowever,
are diverse. major themes of the studies
the barriers of BIM of
and adoption and IoT
the in the construc‐of
tion industry are diverse. However, the barriers and adoption of the implementation
BIM and IoT in the construction industries are the most pronounced. Other themes such of
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 BIM and IoT in the construction industries are the most pronounced. Other themes such 15 of 22
as factors affecting BIM and IoT, augmented reality and BIM integration, and level of ac‐
factors affecting BIMinvestigated.
is sparingly and IoT, augmented reality and BIM integration, and level of ac‐
ceptance is sparingly investigated.

Number of articles
KOREA Number of articles
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure Geographical distribution
distribution of
Figure 5. Geographical distribution of BIM and IoT studies.

benefits of and barriers to BIM implementation

benefits of and barriers to BIM implementation
level of acceptance of BIM
level of acceptance of BIM
Factors affecting BIM adoption
Factors affecting BIM adoption
Factors affecting IoT adoption
Factors affecting IoT adoption
usage of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for…
usage of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for…
Hindrance to BIM implementation
Hindrance to BIM implementation
Integrating Knowledge Management with BIM
Integrating Knowledge Management with BIM
critical factors hindering BIM implementation
critical factors hindering BIM implementation
Augmented Reality and BIM integration
Augmented Reality and BIM integration
level of BIM acceptance and implementation
level of BIM acceptance and implementation
Factors affecting BIM adoption
Factors affecting BIM adoption
Barriers to implementing building information…
Barriers to implementing building information…
IoT adoption
IoT adoption
BIM adoption
BIM adoption
BIM implementation
BIM implementation
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
Figure 6. Major themes of the studies on BIM and IoT.
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Major
thestudies onon
studies BIM and
and IoT.

3.6. Theories Employed for BIM and IoT Adoptions

As it can be seen in Figure 7 that the TAM, TOE, IDT, HOT-Fit, and Institutional
theories have been employed to gauge the amount of BIM and IoT acceptance by both
people and organizations. TAM which was propounded in 1989 by Davis is one of the most
extensively used acceptance theories. It discusses the importance of attitude, intention,
and action in embracing or rejecting innovations. External factors, according to this model,
impact Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and attitude. Attitude results in
behavioural intent. Using the Technology Acceptability Model, Acquah et al. [64] examine
As it can be seen in Figure 7 that the TAM, TOE, IDT, HOT‐Fit, and Institutional
theories have been employed to gauge the amount of BIM and IoT acceptance by both
people and organizations. TAM which was propounded in 1989 by Davis is one of the
most extensively used acceptance theories. It discusses the importance of attitude, inten‐
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 tion, and action in embracing or rejecting innovations. External factors, according to this
16 of 22
model, impact Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and attitude. Attitude results
in behavioural intent. Using the Technology Acceptability Model, Acquah et al. [64] ex‐
amine the extent of BIM acceptance in Ghana’s construction sector. Hypotheses were con‐
the extent of BIM acceptance in Ghana’s construction sector. Hypotheses were constructed,
structed, a questionnaire was designed, and a survey was performed among construction
expertswas designed,
based and constructs.
on the TAM a survey was
et al. [65]among construction
employed the TAM asindustry
experts based on the TAM constructs. Chen et al. [65] employed the TAM as a theoretical
theoretical basis for investigating the willingness for IoT adoption in Taiwan’s construc‐
basis for investigating the willingness for IoT adoption in Taiwan’s construction industry.
tion industry.





Figure 7.
Figure 7. Overview
BIM andand

Similarly, the
Similarly, theIDT
which was
was popularized
popularized by Rogers
by Rogersand York in 1995
and York inis1995
also is
one of one
of most widely
most widelyusedused
acceptancetheories. The IDT
theories. Thetheory’s construct
IDT theory’s incorporates
construct ob‐
servability, complexity,
observability, complexity, compatibility,
TheIDT IDT theory
theory was
was adopted by Saka et al. [66] as a foundation to investigate the drivers of
adopted by Saka et al. [66] as a foundation to investigate the drivers of sustainable adoption sustainable
of BIM inofNigerian
BIM in Nigerian construction
construction small small and medium‐sized
and medium-sized enterprises.
enterprises. Accordingto the
to the findings, organizational preparedness is of the highest significance
findings, organizational preparedness is of the highest significance for the proliferation for the prolifer‐
of BIM in SMEs. Also, the independent drivers, which are the most significant, com‐
ation of BIM in SMEs. Also, the independent drivers, which are the most significant, comprise
prise BIM features, and internal and external environment drivers, and therefore repre‐
BIM features, and internal and external environment drivers, and therefore represent the
sent the BIM adoption as a complex socio‐technical system. In a similar study, Le et al.
BIM adoption as a complex socio-technical system. In a similar study, Le et al. [67] also
[67] also employed the IDT as a basis for investigating BIM implementation in the Viet‐
employed the IDT as a basis for investigating BIM implementation in the Vietnamese
namese construction industry. The findings revealed that the BIM team functions as a tool
construction industry. The findings revealed that the BIM team functions as a tool that
that facilitates BIM implementation; nonetheless, there was a contradiction between the
facilitates BIM implementation; nonetheless, there was a contradiction between the duties
duties of the BIM team and the organization.
of theBesides,
BIM team and the organization.
the TAM and IDT theories, the TOE has also enjoyed some level of popular‐
ity. The TOE can TAM
Besides, the and IDT
be defined theories,
as the the TOE has
enterprise‐level also enjoyed
innovation some
process. Thelevel
The TOE can be defined as the enterprise-level innovation process. The
works classify characteristics into three categories. The first dimension is technological, TOE frameworks
the secondcharacteristics into three
is organizational, and categories.
the third is The first dimension
environmental. is technological,
Relying the second
on the TOE theory,
is organizational,
Saka and the third
and Chan investigated is environmental.
the profound barriers to BIMRelying on the
adoption TOE
in the theory, Saka
construction of and
Chan investigated
small and medium‐sizedthe profound barriers
enterprises. to BIMindicated
The findings adoptionthat in the
the construction
barriers to BIM ofadop‐
small and
medium-sized enterprises.
tion are socio‐technical and thatTheSMEs
have indicated
the desire tothat the barriers
accelerate to BIM adoption
BIM adoption by con‐ are
centrating moreand that internal
on their SMEs have the desireChen
environment. to accelerate BIMestablish
and Yin [68] adoption by concentrating
a study model
more on their internal
that incorporates environment.
the important Chen
success and Yin
elements [68] establish
linked a study model
to BIM technology, the that
incorporates the important success elements linked to BIM technology, the construction
firm, and the environment in the Chinese construction sector, based on the TOE theory. The
authors discovered that BIM’s relative benefit was a key driver in its acceptance, whereas
its complexity was a deterrent. Furthermore, management support was a crucial factor
in BIM adoption. Organizational preparedness, on the other hand, was important for
engineering consulting businesses but not for construction companies. Surprisingly, no
persistent substantial influences of any environmental variables were found by the authors.
The institutional theory which was propounded by Scott et al. [69] has been used
for BIM and IoT. The theory focuses on the function that the institutional environment
plays in creating behavioural changes and attaining social legitimacy. Isomorphisms
are the foundational building blocks of this theoretical framework. Institutional theory:
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 17 of 22

contributing to a theoretical research program The study of changes that occur because
of pressure exerted by an outside entity is known as coercive isomorphism. The goal of
mimetic isomorphism is to replicate the hierarchical structure of an existing organization
in the expectation of achieving the same levels of success as other organizations. The
phenomenon that is known as normative isomorphism refers to the pressure that comes
from regulatory authorities and practitioners interested in licenses and certificates. Based
on institutional theory, Osman et al. [70] investigated BIM adoption for quantity surveying
firms. The authors opined that by boosting the effectiveness of BIM adoption, organizations
require direction and proper techniques. Quantity surveying organizations will be better
able to commit appropriate resources to reach their objective if they grasp the major criteria
for BIM adoption. Similarly, Institutional theory served as a basis for investigating the
barriers to BIM adoptions in SMEs as reported by Saka and Chan [71].
The least studied theory based on the literature is the HOT-fit. The HOT-fit theory was
initially introduced by Swedish academics in the 1980s to enhance the level of safety in the
nuclear power sector. The HOT-fit idea draws a line of differentiation between individuals
and the organization. Humans are rigorously considered as individuals due to the fact that
their relevance is based on their abilities, expertise, experiences, and existing relationships
with other people, all of which are essential to complete a job or altering a business process.
This ‘human’ factor considers not just an individual’s cognitive, psychological, and social
traits, but also their biological and cognitive makeup. An organization is a representation of
the formally and informally ordered and structured way the task is carried out. Therefore,
job descriptions, hierarchical positions, duties and powers, policies, company objectives and
strategies, rules, procedures, cultural elements, and linkages between system components
and subsystems are all considered to be a part of the ‘organization’ element. In terms of the
‘technology’ component, there is the possibility of categorizing technical systems as either
main or secondary. Primary technical systems are those that pertain to manufacturing
equipment, whilst secondary technical systems are those that pertain to administration
and processes. Based on the HOT-fit theory, Papadonikolaki et al. [72], investigated an IoT-
enabled platform for the production of housing in Hong Kong. This study allows significant
stakeholders to have a better understanding of the external and internal circumstances of
prefabrication development in Hong Kong.

3.7. Critical Factors Influencing BIM and IoT Adoption and Implementation
A wide range of various factors for BIM and IoT intention to adoption have been
investigated in the literature. These factors of BIM and IoT cut across different sectors
such as energy management, construction monitoring, health-and-safety management, and
building management. BIM and IoT integration research, on the other hand, is still in its
infancy, with most studies being theoretical and conceptual in scope.
Figure 6 summarizes the various factors extracted from the literature reviewed and
subsequently used for the development of the hypotheses. BIM and IoT in construction
industries are beneficial, and a framework for considerations during deployment and use
has been developed. To begin, it was necessary to recognize these factors. Following
the review of the prior literature, the factors have been extracted from the models and
frameworks in implicit ways. As shown in Figure 6, Several studies have looked at the
aspects that lead to an organization’s adoption of BIM. BIM adoption has been boosted by
a variety of factors and techniques in the past. Research on BIM adoption has focused on
the relative advantages, technology, organization, environmental, human, compatibility,
complexity, trialability, perceived risks, top management support, organization readiness,
organizational size, and cost, which are the primary factors in an organization’s ability to
implement BIM and IoT as shown Figure 8. The elements that influence BIM adoption are
mainly people, processes, technology, strategic IT planning, and collaborative process. BIM
adoption is driven by a combination of technological, organizational, and environmental
factors. Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework provides the basis for
this aspect. TOE is commonly seen as the most important factor influencing a company’s
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 18 of 22

decision to embrace new technology. As shown in Figure 5, compatibility which was

considered in 11 articles is the most widely investigated factor in BIM and IoT. Besides,
factors such as relative advantage, complexity, and top management support were also
widely investigated as indicated by the total number of articles. However, human factors,
normative pressure, and communication beviour were less investigated. Several authors
have reported the various factors that influence BIM and IoT adoption. Ahmed [73]
identified 11 critical factors that influence BIM adoption and application within the UK
architecture sector. The factors, willingness to adopt BIM, communication behaviour of
an organization, observability of BIM benefits, compatibility of BIM, social motivations
among organization’s members, the relative advantage of BIM, organizational culture,
top management support, organizational readiness, coercive pressures, and organization
size. According to the findings, the relative advantage of BIM is the aspect that is most
influential and crucial across all three stages of the adoption process namely, the awareness
stage, the intention stage, and the decision stage of the BIM adoption process. Using
the Chinese construction industry as an example, Chin and Yin [74] developed a study
model that incorporates the critical factors that linked BIM technology, the construction
firm, and the environment. According to the findings, a key factor that facilitated BIM
acceptance was the relative advantage, whereas a factor that inhibited BIM adoption was the
complexity. In addition, top management support was a crucial factor that contributed to
the adoption of BIM. However, organizational preparedness was significant for engineering
consulting businesses but not for construction firms. Ezeokoli et al. [75] identified 12 factors
that influence BIM adaptability in construction projects in Nigeria. The study revealed
that most of the BIM potential is not being utilized because of a variety of factors such
as incompatibility between different software platforms, a lack of industry knowledge
and awareness, industry structure and culture, a lack of appropriate technology and
infrastructure, implementation costs, and individual/personal disposition. McCartney [76].
Liao et al. [77] identified 21 critical factors that hinder BIM implementation in building
projects in Singapore. Among the various factors identified, lack of executive19vision
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 22 and
training was recommended to have top management priority

13 13

8 8
7 7
6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5

Figure 8.
Figure 8. Number
variousextracted factors.
extracted factors.

4. Conclusions
The concept of combining building information modelling (BIM) with data sources
coming from the Internet of Things (IoT) is a new one. BIM and IoT data, for the most part,
offer complementary perspectives on the project that balance each other’s limits. The anal‐
ysis of previous studies reported in this study revealed that using the BIM‐IoT idea in the
construction sector, which has been identified as having a high‐risk component, could
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10629 19 of 22

4. Conclusions
The concept of combining building information modelling (BIM) with data sources
coming from the Internet of Things (IoT) is a new one. BIM and IoT data, for the most
part, offer complementary perspectives on the project that balance each other’s limits. The
analysis of previous studies reported in this study revealed that using the BIM-IoT idea
in the construction sector, which has been identified as having a high-risk component,
could improve overall performance while lowering the risks associated with operations
and procedures. This fulfilled the goal of this study which is to establish the feasibility
of integrating BIM-IoTs in the construction industry and give recommendations based
on the available data. BIM and IoT have been widely employed in construction projects
for several purposes, including construction safety risk assessment, dispute management,
building construction sustainability, and on-site construction process monitoring according
to literature trends examined. On the other hand, there is a lack of research awareness of
the prospects of BIM-IoT integration in the construction industry which could become a
hot topic in the quest for an innovative construction industry.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, methodology, software, formal analysis, writing original

draft preparation, project administration, B.H.M.; review, and editing, visualization, supervision,
funding acquisition, H.S., E.Y., N.S.M.S., A.H.B.H. and S.A. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and in part by
the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia under Grant (FRGS/1/2020/TK0/UKM/02/9 and
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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