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Application of digital twin technologies in construction: an overview of

opportunities and challenges

Conference Paper · November 2021

DOI: 10.22260/ISARC2021/0132


11 3,839

3 authors:

Haibo Feng Qian Chen

University of British Columbia University of British Columbia - Okanagan


Borja García de Soto

New York University Abu Dhabi


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38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021)

Application of digital twin technologies in construction: an

overview of opportunities and challenges
Haibo Fenga*, Qian Chenb, Borja Garcia de Sotob

Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
S.M.A.R.T. Construction Research Group, Division of Engineering, New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD),
Experimental Research Building, Saadiyat Island, P.O. Box 129188, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Corresponding author

Abstract – how the information could be generated, stored, and

Digital twin technologies have been widely used exchanged amongst the various stakeholders in the
among different industries, for which different construction industry. However, digital technologies are
conceptual models and system architectures have evolving with the advent of the Internet of things (IoT)
been proposed. However, the processes are required and Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents such as Machine
to establish a digital twin for intended use cases have Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, etc. The
not been fully studied. This study adopts a systematic evolution of BIM should be carefully considered in
literature review analysis focusing on case studies on conjunction with these emerging technologies [1].
digital twin models, highlighting the practical steps in Artificial intelligence improves the sharing of
developing a digital twin and the challenges faced by information, helping to reduce the cost to the consumers
various researchers in this field. After a rigorous and lesser impacts on the environment, adding 10% to the
selection of relevant literature, a total of 23 scientific United Kingdom (UK) economy by 2030 [2]. According
publications were systematically reviewed. The to Sacks et al. (2020) [3], the digital twin models,
literature focused on recent publications (2016-2021) Automated Project Performance Control (APPC),
to convey updated information regarding the Construction 4.0, automated data acquisition
developments of digital twins in the construction technologies have been emerging areas of research in the
domain. The findings synthesized the main processes AEC industry.
of establishing and using digital twin technologies in National Aeronautics and Space Administration
the AEC industry, including the data acquisition (NASA) has been using digital twin models from earth to
processes, data transmission processes, data modeling control and run simulations of their spacecraft for
processes, data integration processes, and the accurate mapping [4]. The digital twin models in the
servicing processes. Although digital twin models aviation industry are used to twin models of aircraft and
could improve the stakeholders’ decision-making airport models, in the latter to facilitate the tracking and
processes, several challenges regarding data efficient control of luggage. The manufacturing industry
integration and data security still exist in the current creates digital twin models for small components and
applications. The digital twin models require people large factories. These digital twin models are also used
with the right skills to construct them, a large amount for safety and logistics maintenance while maximizing
of funds, and the latest technologies with higher the efficiency of the products [5]. For example, in the
computational power to successfully develop them. automotive industry, Tesla uses this technology to
transmit the performance data from its vehicle to the
Keywords – ‘mothership’. The automotive industry has already
Digital twin technologies; Use cases; Information established synchronous data transmission between their
integration; Stakeholder collaboration; Sustainability cars and factory to improve the efficiency of products [6].
Digital twin models in the health and well-being industry
have been used for planning and performing surgeries,
1 Introduction detecting stress levels and emotional changes, tracking
The advancements of BIM applications have changed fitness, predicting the occurrence of illness, and

38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021)

customizing recommendations for an individual [7], [8]. and future research in Section 5.
The digital twin models also have been used for
transportation management, energy usage optimization,
asset anomaly detection, resource and logistics planning, 2 Understanding digital twins
safety monitoring, event prediction, and running
simulations [9]. These emerging use cases generate a 2.1 Definitions of digital twin
large amount of data from multiple sources, which needs NASA provided the first definition of digital twin in
to be stored and shared while ensuring safety and security 2012. Though the exact definition of a digital twin has
[2]. The digital twin models could be used within a smart not been unified in the current literature, researchers
city, which facilitates connectivity using IoT devices.
could still refer to the definitions from various domains
This helps to enhance the services, utilities, and and industries to find the commonalities. A list of the
infrastructure by testing various transportation scenarios definitions is summarized as follows:
[10], [11]. (1) Aerospace domain: A digital twin is a multiscale,
The current activities related to developing the digital multi-physics and probabilistic simulation of an
twin models in the construction industry are at an early
asset integrated using the sensors and physical
stage. There have been contributions from the academic
models to duplicate its corresponding flying twin
community to exploit digital technologies and BIM in [4].
recent years. This has further led to the development of (2) Infrastructure service domain: A digital twin is a
conceptual frameworks for the digital twin. The dynamic representation of an asset or a process
developments heavily rely on the performance of BIM in a digital form representing all the features in
and integrated IoT technologies. The application of
the built environment [14].
digital twin models would help to address many of the
(3) Manufacturing domain: A digital twin is a digital
construction-related problems. representation of a component or an asset that
Fuller et al. (2020) [10] reviewed the developments helps to optimize the manufacturing process by
made across various industries on digital twin models predicting the performance of the machine [15].
using the emerging technologies and the challenges (4) Healthcare domain: A digital twin is a virtual
encountered by them. Boje et al. (2020) [12] summarized
replica helping to monitor and evaluate in real-
BIM applications and how they could pave the way for time without being in close proximity to the
the concept of semantic digital twin models in the physical object [16]
construction industry. Lu et al. (2020) [13] illustrated a (5) Construction domain: A digital twin is a realistic
clear road map for digital twin developments in the UK, digital representation of physical assets,
which promoted the implementation of digital twin
distinguishing itself from other digital models
models at the city level. Compared to these studies, this
due to its connection to the physical twin [3].
paper adopts the systematic literature review analysis to By summarizing these definitions, the main
summarize the practical steps to develop a digital twin components for generating digital twin models include 1)
and identify the challenges various researchers face in the physical elements/assets, 2) the linked data, and 3) the
this field. This study highlights both the potential and the virtual models. The digital twin models in various
challenges of using digital twin technologies in the
industries more or less have the same features and
construction industry. The various digital models, data
purposes of applications, providing dynamic and real-
sources, and transmitting networks required to create a time information for the planning and control processes.
digital twin are demonstrated. The findings from this Sensor devices such as RFID and laser scanner
systematic review would provide insights into the future equipment are integrated with the digital model to act as
implementation of the National Digital Twin Program a constant source of communication with the real world.
and Gemini Principles in the UK.
By adding artificial intelligence or big analytics, the
This study is not limited to the concepts and digital twin applications could further expand the
terminologies on digital twin models but emphasizes the potential to enable autonomous decision-making.
important processes required to develop digital twin
models within the construction industry. This further
helps in understanding the benefits and challenges faced
2.2 Resolving the misconceptions of digital
by the various researcher. twin and BIM
Section 2 provides a comprehensive summary of the The digital twin technologies have been widely used
definitions of digital twin from various industries. among different industries, for which different
Section 3 describes the methodology of the systematic conceptual models and system architectures have been
review. The detailed findings from the review analysis proposed. However, this gradually led to some
are included in Section 4, followed by the conclusions misconceptions and misunderstandings within a specific

38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021)

industry [10]. The very basic idea of using the digital (publication year ranging from 2016 to 2021). The
twin technologies in the construction industry starts with database has the feature of customizing the search
using the BIM-based platforms and collaborative models preferences. The search keywords were “digital twin in
to improve construction and design methods. The construction” or “semantic web” or “artificial
construction documents, specifications, and 3D design intelligence” or “construction 4.0” or “BIM” or “building
models are federated in BIMs instead of using information modelling” to rectify the new advancements
spreadsheets and 2D CAD drawings [12]. To show the about the scope of research. It is also worth noting that
actual reflection of the physical assets at any given time this study considered the terms “cyber-physical model
as in line with the digital twin modeling concepts, the and system”, “virtual twin”, and “smart cities” as a digital
BIMs need to be continuously updated using the twin application when used in a similar context. The
information collected from the sensors or ubiquitous IoT initial search found that 6980 articles were published in
devices. However, there has been a lack of efforts to the field of digital twin applications, out of which 4490
connect BIMs to digital twin models. The associated were published since 2019. Although many articles have
large amounts of BIMs and sensor data could be stored been published on this topic, the authors further refined
in the cloud or in relational databases to be further used the search to journal and conference articles only in the
for data analytics and machine learning applications to “civil engineering domain” by the Web of Science search
support decision-making, e.g., predictive maintenance of engine. Besides, with an in-depth review of the abstract
the HVAC systems [13]. The comparison between the of the articles from the refined search, 23 articles were
use of BIM and digital twin modeling is illustrated in left for the systematic review analysis. In addition,
Table 1. reports from government and non-government
organizations were used as a reference to support the
Table 1. The comparison of BIM and digital twin
triangulation of the literature. This study also included
recent publications on digital twin use cases from other
Building Digital Twin
industries as a reference to help the authors verify and
Information Modelling
Modelling validate the terminologies and concepts.
It is noted that the literature review did not intend to
Purpose Used to enhance Used to enhance
include all the work published on the digital twin
efficiency during operational
applications in the construction industry as this is not an
design, efficiency by
exhaustive review. Also, this review focused on articles
construction, and predictive
published very recently (2016-2021.June) to convey the
throughout maintenance and
most up-to-date information concerning digital twins.
building lifecycle monitoring assets
[17][18]. [19].
Feature Real-time data Real-time data 4 Findings
flow not flow required for
necessarily simulations [21]. The systematic review identified and synthesized the
required [20] main processes of establishing and using digital twin
Data IFC, COBie, etc., Standards to technologies in the AEC industry (Table 2), including the
exchange to support design support wireless data acquisition processes (Section 4.1), data
standard information sensor network transmission processes (Section 4.2), data modeling
exchange [22]. transmission of processes (Section 4.3), data integration processes
information [23]. (Section 4.4) and the servicing processes (Section 4.5).
Main Architects, Facility managers The potential and challenges of implementing digital
users engineers, and equipment twin technologies were discussed in Section 4.6.
developers, and engineers [25].
facility managers 4.1 Data acquisition processes
[24]. The data acquisitions processes aim to collect the data
from various sources in different types and available in
3 Methodology distinctive formats. The data can be the geometric
information, environmental conditions, scheduling
This study takes a systematic literature review parameters, and functional capabilities [26]. The data can
method to synthesize the potential and challenges of be collected using radio-frequency identification (RFID),
using digital twin technologies in construction projects. sensor systems, images and videos, quick response codes
The literature for this research was acquired through the (QR), and related IoT devices [27]. The data collected
academic search engine database (i.e., Web of Science from various sources need to be processed to ensure
used in this study) and focused on the last 5 years systematic data mapping. The data can be processed

38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021)

using data fusion, blockchain, and edge computing environment and the physical elements were acquired
algorithms to be converted into a readable format such as from sensors deployed on the site. The other information
Extensible Markup Language (XML) and My Structured was acquired using MySQL from the space management
Query Language (MySQL) [28]. For example, for the system (SMS), asset management system (AMS), and
digital twin of the West Cambridge site, which has assets building management system (BMS) at the Cambridge
in quite a large number, the data regarding the University [13].
Table 2. Establishing and using digital technologies
Data acquisition Data Digital Data/model Service/objective Reference
transmission modeling integration
QR codes, RFID, WAN, LAN, 3D geometric Virtual Simulation and [21], [23],
IPC, sensors Internet model, environment optimizing model [29]–[32]
kinematic model platform

GIS, Sensing Internet BIMs, CIMs Cloud Monitoring and [12], [13],
images, sensors, computing controlling of the [19], [25]
BMS data physical city
Real-time sensors, Internet, BIMs Machine Anomaly detection [11], [14],
QR codes, WLAN learning, data for built asset [24], [28],
Building analysis, and monitoring in [33]
management simulation operation and
system, space engines maintenance
system, etc.
Geospatial Internet BIMs Cloud Running Simulations [34]–[37]
datasets, computing, big for urban planners
demographic and data
Thermal imaging Internet CIMs, BIMs, Machine Energy planning [38]–[41]
camera, data sets, thermography learning renovations,
IoT sensor map algorithms simulation models
devices, AI

[42], Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) and Low Power Wide Area

4.2 Data transmission processes Network (LPWAN) are good alternatives due to their
After data are systematically acquired, they need to transmission efficiency. Moreover, the IoT devices help
be transmitted for modeling. The transmission of data exchange data from the physical assets to the virtual
from the real-world physical asset to the digital replica models, and in turn, the virtual models are updated
and vice-versa is the most critical part of developing a according to the data input from IoT devices [9].
digital twin model. This phase provides insights into the Lu et al. (2020) [13] developed a Wireless Sensor
physical element and helps to automate the system Network (WSN), which was supported by IoT devices
wherever applicable. A two-way mapping (i.e., a along with QR codes for managing the network of asset
transmission) layer is required between the physical asset information for the transmission phase. The IoT devices
and the virtual model. used in this study were Monnit wireless sensors with a 1-
The transmission of the data could be done using min heartbeat. These sensors were used to capture data
short-range technologies such as Wireless Fidelity (Wi- regarding the temperature, humidity, and motion at
Fi), Near Field Communication (NFC), Bluetooth, etc., different locations. The data were uploaded to the
and for wider ranges, the third-generation (3G), fourth- gateway nodes using radio frequency, which were
generation (4G), Wide Area Network (WAN), Long eventually sent to the Sensor Manager through the
Term Evolution (LTE) wireless telecommunication internet from the gateway nodes. QR codes were scanned
technology could be used [20]. Wireless Local Area by the maintenance personnel using the App Redbite
Network (WLAN) is the most widely used technology, Solutions [13] to update the information and transfer it to
but it has security issues. According to Silva et al. (2018) the asset management platform. The data from the asset

38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021)

manager and sensor manager were eventually collected important role in the decision-making processes.
and updated to the AWS DynamoDB for communicating Moreover, regular feedback should be fed into the KEs
with the digital models. from the people and professionals to enhance the FM
4.3 Data modeling processes In the following case study, the digital twin models
were used for various servicing scenarios:
The data modeling processes consist of developing (1) Monitoring the ambient temperature and
3D or nD models in Building Information Models (BIMs) humidity of the working spaces.
or higher-level city information models (CIMs) (2) Maintenance planning optimization by using
representing the physical elements in the real world. The data from the building management systems and
digital replica of a physical asset for the digital twin failure/maintenance logs.
needs a definition. The definitions for digital replica can (3) Allocating resources by prioritization of the
be composed of data from BIMs, Geographic maintenance tasks.
Information System (GIS), IoT sensors, asset (4) Energy planning at an urban level for achieving
management systems, weather data systems, low carbon output.
cost/scheduling/safety management platforms. However, Similar applications on future projects having
the data should be aligned to the intended use of the identical attributes could be done to contribute to the
digital twin. initiative of the National Digital Twin. These servicing
The digital models could be done using use cases assisted the stakeholders’ decision-making
photogrammetry, drones, vehicle-based scanning devices, processes and enhanced the relationship between the end-
laser scanners, and digital cameras for generating highly users and buildings. After reviewing multiple case
detailed models. Besides, the digital design models of the studies, it was found that the data acquisition, data
proposed site, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing transmission, modeling, data integration, and servicing
(MEP) components, and BIMs could be created using processes compose the whole picture of digital twin
Autodesk Revit and other BIM authoring software. modeling. However, the specific methods to conduct
each process differ and depend upon the intended use of
4.4 Data integration processes the digital twin models.
Once the modeling processes are completed, all the
associated data are stored, analyzed, processed, and 4.6 Evaluating digital twin applications
updated as changes occur. Since a large amount of
heterogeneous data are generated and used, it is essential 4.6.1 Potential of the applications
to have appropriate storage and integration. It is evident The data collected from digital twin models can be
from various literature that researchers have used used for emergency and crisis planning and managing
different platforms to ensure an effective and secured assets [26]. The data updates from the digital twin models
data management system. Cloud storage has been help to portray the issues and constraints to various
considered an effective option. The dynamic linking of stakeholders, such as predicting the conditions of a
different knowledge engines (KEs) to the physical physical asset, predicting energy consumption while
elements helps gather the information continuously. The maintaining the environmental codes, monitoring the
KEs are driven by the target domain knowledge, and the structural health of the infrastructure assets, predicting
information is stored under them. The KEs are dependent structural life. When combining the data with AI
upon the intended use of the digital twin. algorithms and data analytics, these digital twin models
The digital models created in BIM software could be are useful for forecasting or back-casting. In those cases,
exported to Industry Foundation Class (IFC) files. The the future state of an asset can be determined and
IFC files could be integrated with the data stored in the compared against a desirable planned state.
DynamoDB, which translates data at a semantic level; a Besides the predictions, the digital twin models help
relationship between the data in DynamoDB using a set stakeholders choose the right design solutions for a
ID and the objects from the BIMs based on the globally structure with low carbon emission and clean energy.
unique identifier (GUID) was established to do so. Specifically, the iterated possible design solutions could
be quickly produced to facilitate the generative design
4.5 Providing services via the digital twin when simultaneously considering the environmental,
cost, and schedule benefits.
When data are integrated and stored properly, the
The data updates are also helpful in monitoring the
knowledge from the KEs is interpreted, enabling the
construction workforce in real-time, which continuously
exchange of information between the physical assets and
provide feedback about the construction workforce when
the model. End-users and FM professionals play an
exposed to risks related to the body segments.

38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021)

Particularly in dangerous sites such as nuclear power it could lead to trust issues. The digital twin models
plants, a constant real-time update about the installation should be used following a common data transmission
work is necessary to protect workers from hazards and and exchange standard.
minimize human interventions. Installation and maintenance of the sensors on a
The digital twin models allow the involvement of the construction site is a concern to a few. There are always
wider audience in assisting urban planning and designing chances of sensors getting damaged or stolen from
practices by utilizing the data such as the preference of construction sites. Moreover, these devices generate a
citizens and material usage prioritizes. Since the data are large amount of data that needs to be stored, filtered, and
collected from the citizens or the end-users, the digital matched with the BIM models. Besides, the physical
twin models could efficiently bridge the gap between the assets in the construction industry need to last for decades,
people and buildings/cities. This would provide the making the lifecycle maintenance a critical task.
required agility and customization whenever needed. At The construction industry is complex and involves
the city and urban level in general, digital twin models multiple stakeholders; therefore, all the project members
link the various buildings and citizens together to must work collaboratively. Furthermore, the involvement
generate a unified federated model to ease the of multiple stakeholders might lead to a longer time to
convenience of managing the city developments. construct the physical asset and digital twin models. The
digital twin models require people with the right skills to
4.6.2 Challenges of the applications construct them, a large amount of funds, and the latest
Across the literature, it is noted that the basis for technologies with higher computational power to
developing digital twin models for specific use cases is successfully develop them.
the data, and data integration is critical for a successful
implementation of the digital twin while being linked to 5 Conclusions and future work
the physical assets. However, the major challenge
remains the integration of data from multiple technology Digital twin-related topics have recently gained great
sources in different formats. attention in the AEC industry to improve data processing
The data required for the digital twin models are productivity. This study conducted a systematic literature
stored in disparate systems, and at times, it is challenging review to understand the practical steps to develop a
to determine whether the data from one machine is the digital twin application to enhance construction
same as on the other. The data sources are usually integration and the challenges faced by various
heterogeneous. Furthermore, there could be a difference researchers in this field. Firstly, a comprehensive
in the nomenclature of the database from system to summary of the definition of digital twin from various
system. The synchronization of data to ensure continuous industries was provided. Secondly, the method for
feedback loops is also a challenging task. Since the systematic review was presented, and 23 articles were
digital twin models monitor the assets in real-time, it is narrowed down for detailed analysis. The results
necessary to have a continuous stream of information presented the main processes of establishing and using
without any breakdowns. The quality of data collected digital twin technologies in the AEC industry, including
should meet the requirements of the intended use. The the data acquisition processes, data transmission
quality of data can deteriorate while extracting it from the processes, data modeling processes, data integration
source or while transforming it. processes, and the servicing processes. In the end, the
The digital twin requires data to be transmitted from digital twin application potentials and challenges were
the physical asset to the digital replica in real-time, which summarized. In the future, the digital twin applications
involves a significant amount of cost and time. These should consider the collaborations among different
economic aspects have not been justified. Many studies stakeholders to ensure the proper time for model
have linked the IoT with the digital twin as the devices development. The ACE industry should focus on the
are getting cheaper and their applications more user- training and development of skilled professionals
friendly. Nevertheless, the problems of linking the IoT specifically for digital twin applications. The related
data with the digital models persist. The formats of BIMs parties should also pay enough attention to the budget
and the semantic web data of the IoT devices still need to planning during decision makings.
be further standardized and developed to integrate the
data. However, in terms of data standards, the
manufacturing, aerospace, and healthcare industries have Acknowledgments
made more significant progress in this field. This research was partially funded by the External
Digital twin models are exposed to cyber threats; thus, Engagement Program at New York University Abu
data protection and privacy are key priorities [43]. Since Dhabi (NYUAD).
the data is sensitive, it needs to be protected; otherwise,

38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021)

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