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Pierre Trudeau Essay Thesis

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Crafting a thesis, particularly one centered around a complex figure like Pierre Trudeau, can be an

arduous task. The intricacies of Trudeau's political career, his impact on Canadian society, and the
various interpretations of his legacy require meticulous research and thoughtful analysis. From
navigating the vast array of primary sources to critically evaluating existing scholarship, the journey
of writing a Trudeau thesis demands dedication and expertise.

One of the greatest challenges in writing a thesis on Pierre Trudeau lies in synthesizing diverse
perspectives and historical narratives. Trudeau's policies, ideologies, and personal controversies have
sparked debates among historians, political scientists, and the public alike. As a result, scholars
embarking on this academic endeavor must navigate through a sea of conflicting opinions and
interpretations, striving to provide a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of Trudeau's

Furthermore, the process of crafting a thesis demands rigorous attention to detail and scholarly
integrity. From formulating a compelling research question to structuring coherent arguments
supported by empirical evidence, every aspect of the thesis requires meticulous planning and
execution. Moreover, adhering to academic conventions and citation guidelines adds another layer of
complexity to the writing process.

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In conclusion, writing a thesis on Pierre Trudeau entails navigating through a complex tapestry of
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He War Measures Act gives sweeping powers to the government. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
Share to Pinterest. It made French the official language of the province, the government, and its
services; expanded the use of French in the workplace; and restricted access to English schools to
those children who had a knowledge of the language. Pelletier had quickly persuaded Trudeau to
become his principal partner in the creation of Cite Libre (Montreal) in the summer of 1950. I
timeline figure showing each study. 257 likes. Denver campus on vimy ridge is copied and bar and
pierre trudeau mla essay austin jackson found the potential topics. Trudeau was initially so sceptical
of the Commonwealth of Nations that only the strongest pressure from his staff persuaded him to
attend its Singapore conference in January 1971. Trudeau’s activism waned, however, as his law
studies came to an end in 1943. During his first term, Pierre Trudeau faced a number of difficulties,
including the increase of Quebec separatism and the October Crisis in 1970. The Canada Act, 1982,
passed by the British parliament, ended that body’s power to amend the British North America Act.
Interestingly, his ascent was historic given the fact that he defeated prominent and long serving
Liberals. Trudeau had hoped for a better provincial response. He retired on June 30 and was
succeeded by John Turner. It was at the LSE that he came under the influence of the Marxist theorist
Harold Laski. Get a number of their days offensive with that make my daughter zo while going to
win level british essay. He was the proud recipient of honorary degrees from various universities
including, University of Montreal, University of Notre Dame, Queen’s University, Duke University,
University of Ottawa, University of Macau and so on. Although he would have apartments
elsewhere, Pierre would consider it his home until he moved into the prime minister’s residence at 24
Sussex Drive in 1968. He had a more difficult time getting his other colleagues to accept the wealthy
and idiosyncratic Trudeau, who many believed would be “a disturbing influence.” Writing in the
1980s, Pelletier would admit that he had been. The number of automobiles in Quebec swelled from
41,562 in 1920 to 97,418 in 1925 and would almost double again by 1930, when it reached 178,548.
His efforts to impose English as a language of equal power with French reveals his actual intentions
in regard to national unity. His response was serious and decisive; deeming the FLQ threat an
attempt at insurrection against the democratically elected government, he invoked the War Measures
Act. Signed by Levesque, Ryan, and others, it referred to the “semi-military rigidity. Ny historians
argue that Trudeau was justified in invoking. Say. Erre Trudeau s government passed the O?cial
Languages Act. Relations between the two men and their respective countries are frosty at the
moment — to say the least. The phrase, borrowed from a newspaper article, struck a chord with the
public, and people began to talk of his succeeding Pearson. Caer stated: 3, mentoring dissertation
titles for romeo and reference. The Pierre E. Yle within the Centre: Pierre Trudeau, the War Measures
Act. Suddenly, the opposition to the accord, which all provinces had to approve by June 1990,
gained support from two new Liberal premiers, Frank Joseph McKenna of New Brunswick and
Clyde Kirby Wells of Newfoundland. In March he and Marchand gained control of the Quebec
wing of the federal Liberal Party, which had established its own administration. The Labour Minister
was found dead in the trunk of a car on October 17, 1970. Pierre’s oldest child Justin became the
23rd Prime Minister of Canada in 2015.
The abilities of Trudeau as a prime minister have been strongly doubted; for certain people, Trudeau
has been a unique leader establishing the national unity of Canada. The decision left an ambiguity
concerning Trudeau’s regard for civil liberties. Bilateral trade has often been the driving irritant in
Canada-U.S. relations. Naturally, each side wants to take more than give. He may also have
considered that it was time to rest on the laurels he had gathered. The two men have had limited
consular access and have been held in prison, while Meng has been under house arrest in Vancouver,
free to move around. The prime minister is miffed that the Trump administration has slapped a
prohibitive duty on Bombardier airplanes, making it all but impossible to sell them in the United
States. In 1965, he along with two other colleagues was invited to run for part seats. Thanks to his
radical views and opinions, it was under his leadership and guidance that rapid transformations
dawned upon the social and the political panorama of the country helping it move forward. Early
Career as well as Politics After finishing his education and learning, Trudeau exercised regulation in
Montreal and worked for the Canadian Privy Council Office. As a result of these and other
comments, Archbishop Paul-Emile Leger of Montreal summoned Pelletier and Trudeau. Levesque
told voters the night of the referendum that there would be another, a comment that infuriated
Trudeau. In answer to the Quebec government’s request, the Canadian armed forces were called in to
assist the police. Trudeau's policies were concentrated on strengthening Canadian unity as well as
private civil liberties. Leontief, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Carl Joachim Friedrich, and Gottfried
Haberler. To Trudeau, Levesque’s anger and his determination to proceed with the nationalization of
hydroelectricity seemed irrational. Towards the last days of his life, he suffered from Parkinson’s
disease and prostate cancer. An outstanding student, he reflected the milieu in which he thrived, one
that was increasingly nationalist, supportive of corporatism, critical of capitalism and democracy, and
wary of British and Canadian foreign policy as it moved hesitatingly forward on the road to war.
Although he had disliked law school intensely, he finished first in his class. Producing even maeves
notepaper whartons. 29. Clep british essay service, my grandma and grandpa and reference. He
remained consistently wary of the Cold War and sympathetic to the view of Le Monde (Paris) and
others that there was a “middle way,” between the fervent anti-communism of North American
governments and the stern communism of Joseph Stalin, a view rarely heard in English Canada or in
the Quebec Catholic Church at that time. Role in jul 25, couple of hrs afterwards vimy ridge.
Marchand, who was a superb political organizer, told Trudeau that he would “handle” Quebec for him
but that Trudeau himself would have to “handle” the rest of Canada. The federal NDP were not
unanimous; four Saskatchewan mp s sided with the province’s NDP premier Allan Emrys Blakeney,
who opposed it on the traditional British conservative argument that parliament must be supreme in
the British system and not limited by the courts. In the first two months of 1977 Trudeau proposed
discussions that would lead to the repatriation of the constitution and entrenchment of language
rights, said he would resign if Quebec voted for independence, and told the American Congress that
only “a small minority of the people of Quebec” supported separation. Head Of State of Canada
Following Lester Pearson's retirement, Pierre Trudeau won the Liberal Party leadership in 1968 and
also was vouched in as the Prime Minister of Canada. He was the front runner of politics of his time
who promised to bring about a generational change. According to Ipperciel (2008) the protection of
rights of individuals, as opposed to the rights of the groups, has been a key element of Trudeau’s
legacy. The Canada Act, 1982, passed by the British parliament, ended that body’s power to amend
the British North America Act. Trudeau made other changes that deeply affected the nation. The
phrase, borrowed from a newspaper article, struck a chord with the public, and people began to talk
of his succeeding Pearson.
On the evening of 28 Feb. 1984 Trudeau took a walk in the snow outside his official residence on
Sussex Drive. For the duration of the state emergency, the police, assisted by the army, were allowed
to detain suspects without charge in order to question them. The same Trudeaumania which had
occurred when Pierre first became Prime Minister in the 60’s also emerged when Justin ran for Prime
Minister in 2015. Prime Minister Lester Pearson selected him as the Minister of Justice in 1967,
where he focused on changing Canada's criminal regulation system. The Canada Act, 1982, passed
by the British parliament, ended that body’s power to amend the British North America Act. He had
an older sister named Suzanne and a younger brother named Charles Jr. Yet as the months passed, the
Commons Foreign Affairs Committee at Westminster noted vociferous opposition in Canada. He
was successfully elected to the safe Liberal riding of Mount Royal, a seat he held until 1984. And
George H. W. Bush and his wife attended the wedding of Mulroney's daughter Caroline. In June
1971 the path led to Victoria, where the federal government and the premiers agreed on the Canadian
Constitutional Charter, a compromise that, understandably, satisfied no one but which offered
resolutions to the differences over a formula to amend the constitution, language rights, social
spending, and the entrenchment of individual rights. Also at LAC are some records from his period
as justice minister, held in the Dept. Iting tips; Terms? Ree days later he invoked the War Measures
Act and a nation waited with civil. Erre Trudeau fought for a united Canada with a strong federal.
See Gallery crise octobre octobre 1970 politique politique federale trudeau crise octobre Suggest a
correction. Some had said Trudeau was inflexible; his pragmatism was evident in the government’s
creation in 1973 of the Foreign Investment Review Agency, which the left had long advocated.
History: Pierre Trudeau defending his use of the War Measures Act to stop the FLQ. Erre Trudeau;. I
War Measures Act. At would be a good thesis statement for writing an. Although the match boosted
his stock with the electorate, friends believed that he was searching for the elixir of youth. Trudeau
not only dominated the domestic reforms of the country but its foreign and economic policies as
well. Book reports. Ad analysis, 2008 a sizable eco-system. Moreover, the prime minister advised
that Bourassa did not want backbenchers “to sit around too long.” They were “falling apart.” This
concern reflected Trudeau’s belief that the Quebec Liberal Party was not united in its opinions. When
introduced in the budget of 1980, the National Energy Program was presented as a means of
securing the supply of a scarce resource that all expected would soar in price in succeeding years. His
foremost work in the new capacity was fighting for universal health care. Initially, the Liberals
soared in the public opinion polls across the country as the constitution, which had been so important
in bringing Trudeau forward, once again became a major issue. Charlie was a nationalist, supportive
of the Catholic Church, the French language, and Quebec’s place within the Canadian confederation.
He came to believe that it had played an important part in limiting extremes while simultaneously
affording the opportunity for political experimentation and the correction of social inequities. Native
Montrealer Trudeau fully embodied the bilingual and bicultural nation he was born into. PRIME
MINISTER (1968-1984) On April 20, 1968, just three years after joining the Liberal Party of
Canada, Pierre Trudeau became the 15th Prime Minister of Canada. By this time, Charlie had largely
abandoned his commercial law practice in favour of a business career. Retired Life, Personal Life,
and also Death After retiring from national politics in 1984, Pierre Trudeau went back to exercising
law and committed himself to composing and advertising ecological causes.
The image of Trudeau as the promoter of national unity was false, being based on a new form of
nationalism, which was not based on equality among people but rather on the establishment of
common cultural characteristics for all Canadians (Dufour 2003). Such initiative cannot be justified
even if it is well planned and necessary since there is always the risk of other violations of a
country’s Constitution to follow. Gradually, Trudeau found others in Ottawa who shared his concern
that the government’s policy towards Quebec was one of drift. Rime Minister Pierre Trudeau
pledged to refine and limit the. In a still-controversial decision rendered on 28 Sept. 1981 the
Supreme Court of Canada held that Trudeau’s method of proceeding was legal but unconventional.
Hertel placed the revolution within the anti-bourgeois and anti-democratic traditions in Catholic
thought. And in spite of the Trudeau ideal of the Just Society, aboriginal Canadians continued to
endure troubled times. This photo was taken aboard the campaign plane where such antics were
considered off the record. Caer stated: 3, mentoring dissertation titles for romeo and reference.
References Di Sciullo, Vincent “Globalization, Ethnicity, and Politics of Identity: Quebec’s
Resistance to Cultural Homogenization.” McGill International Review 1.1(2011): 27-34, accessed
February 12, 2012. In 1978, under their new leader, Charles Joseph (Joe) Clark, chosen in February
1976, the Conservatives began to move up in the polls as public attention turned back to the faltering
Canadian economy. If the economy was perplexing, Quebec was disappointing for Trudeau. Many
would agree that Trudeau's most dramatic accomplishment was to patriate the Constitution; however,
his strong federalist stance did not cut much ice in his home province. T it pales in comparison to the
War Measures Act in the effect on individual. His romance ended when Segerstrale refused to
convert to Catholicism. Navigation menu This website uses cookies to personalize your content
including adsand allows us to analyze our traffic. Enthusiasm for Trudeau and the Liberals was
reinforced when he suddenly married 22-year-old Margaret Sinclair on 4 March 1971. Trudeau was
taken into consideration a Liberal statesman and is known for his charming leadership, his advocacy
for federalism, as well as his assistance for specific civil liberties as well as flexibilities. Trudeau had
been irritated by the earlier decision of Sharp, the secretary of state for external affairs, to agree to
the reading of the FLQ manifesto by Radio-Canada. R Measures Act by Prime Minister Pierre Elliot
Trudeau. Style within the centre: Pierre Trudeau, the War Measures Act, and the nature of prime
ministerial power. Later on he admitted he had not known about the Holocaust at that time and he
regretted his decision not to enlist in the military. In a play he wrote in 1938, performed at Brebeuf,
he satirized the tendency of his compatriots to patronize Jewish merchants and, implicitly, supported
the Achat Chez Nous movement. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many
CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. Pierre Elliott Trudeau Essays: Over 180,000 Pierre Elliott
Trudeau Essays, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Term Papers, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Research Paper. Her
father, Phillip Armstrong Elliott, an Anglican of loyalist stock, had married Sarah-Rebecca Sauve, a
French Canadian Roman Catholic, and, as was required by the Catholic church for children of
interfaith marriages, Grace was raised as a Catholic. To his critics who complained about the
treatment of Quebec in the constitutional discussions, he pointed out that Quebec mp s had
supported the Constitution Act, 1982, and that in June 1982, 49 per cent of Quebecers considered
the legislation “a good thing.” His government’s other policies had not fared so successfully,
however. Relations between the two men and their respective countries are frosty at the moment —
to say the least. Initially, the Liberals soared in the public opinion polls across the country as the
constitution, which had been so important in bringing Trudeau forward, once again became a major
issue. Trudeau quickly went to work and displayed an astonishing discipline that shocked
bureaucrats who had heard the many rumours about his playboy lifestyle.
Trudeau used his position, as Canada’s prime minister in order to promote national unity. Union
strife, low productivity increases, and a weak American economy combined to cause a string of
budgetary deficits and a declining Canadian dollar. Free pierre trudeau Essays and Papers -
123HelpMe com. But soon all noticed that the conduct of business was growing ever slower. The
Globe and Mail (Toronto), which, like nearly all Canadian newspapers, had supported the
Conservatives, editorially declared the win “a personal victory” for Trudeau, a tribute not to
“Trudeaumania. The constitution was finally proclaimed by Queen Elizabeth II on April 17, 1982.
Certainly some who advocated the accord believe it was, although others suggest that Trudeau
merely turned people’s attention to its flaws. Trudeau had been irritated by the earlier decision of
Sharp, the secretary of state for external affairs, to agree to the reading of the FLQ manifesto by
Radio-Canada. Bitterness would linger long, but patriation went forward. The phrase, borrowed
from a newspaper article, struck a chord with the public, and people began to talk of his succeeding
Pearson. Still, Trudeau remains the Liberal leader and even the prime minister against whom his
successors are measured. Ssay on the Referendum Pierre Trudeau attacks the Canadian. A
spokesperson for the committee said they intend to address calls for a boycott on Thursday. Patricia
Smart and Dorothy Howard (Toronto, 1991) and Margaret Trudeau, Beyond reason (New York,
1979). The Liberals carried only two seats in the provinces west of the Ontario border, but in Quebec
they won an astonishing 74 of the 75 seats and over 68 per cent of the vote there, the greatest win
ever in Canadian political history. For the duration of the state emergency, the police, assisted by the
army, were allowed to detain suspects without charge in order to question them. The cabinet included
Leo-Alphonse Cadieux in national defence, Pelletier as secretary of state, Jean-Luc Pepin in industry
and in trade and commerce (later combined as one ministry), and Marchand in forestry and rural
development (the following year he would become minister of regional economic expansion). The
47-year-old bachelor announced his plan to decriminalize homosexual acts between consenting
adults, allow for easier divorces, and permit abortion if the mother’s health was endangered. Going
into the world of politics was the next logical action for Trudeau. However, his strong anticlericalism
abated when it became clear that the church itself faced enormous strain in adapting to the rapid
changes in Quebec as the economy became more sophisticated and modern communications,
especially television, transformed daily life. He tried to establish a separate economic advisory group
to counter the Department of Finance, which he distrusted. Macintyre — a job interview using
technical and work was two times acknowledged for sites via google around the moncton high it. In
1961, as the modernizing decade later called the Quiet Revolution began in Quebec, he became a
professor of constitutional law at his alma mater. Thanks, encompasses the majority measures tacked
on. Med Pierre Laporte! Just before Canada's involvement in the Second World War, the War
Measures Act was reenacted as. These are ready-to-use Pierre Trudeau worksheets that are perfect
for teaching students about Pierre Trudeau who was the fifteenth Prime Minister of Canada. Join the
mailing list to receive daily email updates. The group denounced the lack of realism in Quebec
politics, argued that the traditional nation state was obsolete, and announced their refusal “to let
ourselves be locked into a constitutional frame smaller than Canada.”. And George H. W. Bush and
his wife attended the wedding of Mulroney's daughter Caroline. For the first time, French speakers
enjoyed equal access to federal government services through the right to access them in their native
Such approach leads to the further assumption that cultural identity of groups of people should not
be protected. In other words, political decisions can be often opposed to local social frameworks and
concepts, such as ethnicity. While retaining the notion that provincial and federal governments had
clearly delineated responsibilities, he shared the assumption, common in Ottawa, that Keynesian
economics provided the federal government with the opportunity and the responsibility to intervene
in the economy to assure prosperity and security. After two years he resigned and became the gadfly
of Quebec's Union Nationale government, writing essays which denounced the undemocratic roots
of separatism, tweaked English Canadian political assumptions and hymned a multi-ethnic Canada.
There would be no further action because the government’s mandate ended in 1979. His condition
worsened when his youngest son was killed in an avalanche. In feedback, Trudeau conjured up the
War Measures Act, which gave the federal government sweeping powers to keep public order and
also safety. Head Of State of Canada Following Lester Pearson's retirement, Pierre Trudeau won the
Liberal Party leadership in 1968 and also was vouched in as the Prime Minister of Canada. Although
Trudeau hesitated between being a “philosopher” of the revolution or a “man of action,” he certainly
chose action in the streets during the conscription plebiscite of 27 April 1942 and especially during
the federal by-election in Outremont in November 1942 when he gave a fiery speech, reported in
detail in Le Devoir, which ended with a call for revolution. It was in his third term at the office that
abolishment of death penalty was implemented. The Pierre E. R Measures Act by Prime Minister
Pierre Elliot Trudeau. A bibliography and marking scheme are both included in this assignment. The
American president doesn't have policies; he has impulses. Navigation menu This website uses
cookies to personalize your content including adsand allows us to analyze our traffic. See the fact
file below for more information on the Pierre Trudeau or alternatively, you can download our 23-
page Pierre Trudeau worksheet pack to utilise within the classroom or home environment. Htm the
very first time we’re playing a terrifying ordeal that canada vimy ridge. Then, in a fateful evening
gathering, nine premiers made a deal with Chretien for patriation. LAC holds fonds that are
exceptions: the detailed, well-organized collection of Alastair William Gillespie (R1526-0-6), and
those of Arthur Laing (R11858-0-3), Otto Emil Lang (R10981-0-6), and Paul Joseph James Martin
(R9118-0-6), all of which have important documents. He may also have considered that it was time
to rest on the laurels he had gathered. When he wrote his memoirs, he would defend the action, first,
as the only one possible when the “more interested parties,” the Quebec premier and the mayor of
Montreal, pleaded for federal assistance and, secondly, as a step necessary to “prevent the situation
from degenerating into chaos.” The cabinet record and other evidence support his later claim that he
had worried about the implications. He was elected as Prime Minister Lester Pearson’s parliamentary
secretary. Charlie was a nationalist, supportive of the Catholic Church, the French language, and
Quebec’s place within the Canadian confederation. The most impressive reform on the domestic
front introduced by him involved the implementation of official bilingualism, following which all
Federal services were to be offered in French and English. It went on to become one of the most
successful Canadian books ever published. Wearing a scraggly beard, Trudeau played a small role,
marching in a head-cloth and shorts. Pierre’s youngest son Michel was killed by an avalanche in
British Columbia in 1998. Pierre’s oldest child Justin became the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada in
2015. History: Pierre Trudeau defending his use of the War Measures Act to stop the FLQ. His other
successors as Liberal leader, John Turner and Paul Martin, in many ways framed their political
approach in opposition to that of Trudeau. The Quebec election of November 1962 with the Liberal
party’s slogan “Masters in our own house” and its major issue, the nationalization of hydroelectricity,
placed Trudeau in a role he had often held, that of a critical voice without a party.
Shortly after the passing of his son Michel, on September 28, 2000, Pierre passed away. T it pales in
comparison to the War Measures Act in the effect on individual. Pierre went on to have another child
named Sarah in 1991 with a woman named Deborah Coyne. Dec 12, 2010. Response Trudeau
invoked the War Measures Act. Even though he fretted about the federal government’s strategy,
Trudeau took no part in the Quebec referendum campaign of 1995. After being swooned over by
women and given babies to kiss during the election campaign, the new Prime Minister now faced a
serious political challenge. The amused miners called him St Joseph; the police arrested him. In many
countries, the efforts to promote such policies face barriers due to the co-existence of conflicting
interests. Despite the uncertain nature of his start at Cite Libre, Trudeau became closely identified
with the magazine in the 1950s. After he learned that another student thought he was “Americanized,
Anglicized,” he wrote in his diary that he was proud of “my English blood which comes from my
mother.”. When he wrote his memoirs, he would defend the action, first, as the only one possible
when the “more interested parties,” the Quebec premier and the mayor of Montreal, pleaded for
federal assistance and, secondly, as a step necessary to “prevent the situation from degenerating into
chaos.” The cabinet record and other evidence support his later claim that he had worried about the
implications. The reversal prompted an angry denunciation of Pearson in Cite Libre, where Trudeau
echoed Vadeboncoeur’s memorable description of Canada’s Nobel Peace Prize winner as the
“defrocked prince of peace.” Other disappointments came with Cite Libre, whose expanded editorial
committee bickered constantly. When World War II broke out, Trudeau dismissed it and continued
with his studies. Breadcrumb Trail Links We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Brought in
the War Measures Act that allowed the police to arrest. Although she spoke and wrote French, she
preferred English, which would be the language of the Trudeau home. Ronald Reagan and Brian
Mulroney got along famously. The Conservatives had shifted to the right during their brief period in
office and Liberals recognized that their platform for 1980 should move to the left. At the end of the
1920s the family moved from a modest row house in Outremont to a much larger but unpretentious
dwelling there that could accommodate not only the Trudeaus but also a maid and a chauffeur.
However, this view comes to an opposition with the following fact: the 1969 Act, as promoted by
Trudeau, violated the rules of Canada’s constitution. Although the match boosted his stock with the
electorate, friends believed that he was searching for the elixir of youth. Trudeau obtained
Levesque’s consent to a national referendum on the constitution, which split the Quebec premier
from his allies. Experienced ministers were at first delighted at the daring of being asked to examine
the necessity for Canada's membership of Nato. Trudeau’s old rival Ryan, now the Quebec Liberal
leader, took charge of the No side and Jean Chretien, minister of justice and attorney general,
represented the federal government in the campaign. The charter would have far more impact on
Canadian law and society than even Trudeau had anticipated. Trump, the 45th U.S. president.
According to high level sources who know absolutely nothing, Mr. Trudeau did not give Mr. Trump a
stuffed Snoopy. In the case of Pierre, he became a confidant, a confessor, and an inspiration in the
early 1940s, even though his superiors moved him to Sudbury, Ont., because of his unorthodox
approaches to religious teaching. His vehemence in promoting the Rassemblement angered his friends
both in the Quebec wing of the CCF, known since 1955 as the Parti Social Democratique du Quebec,
and among the reformers who believed they were taking control of the provincial Liberal Party. The
following year the Official Language Act, also known as Bill 22, retreated from bilingualism in
Quebec. Johnson’s thrust forward met a well-conceived counterattack.

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