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LAQ in paper I


1. Homeostasis- positive and negative feedback mechanism and “gain”

2. Transport across cell membrane
3. Body fluid compartments and its measurements
4. ECF regulation


1. Describe stages of differentiation and maturation of rbc. How is erythropoisis regulated? 15

2. Describe erythropoisis with special reference to :- site of erythropoisis,stages of erythropoisis and
regulation of erythropoisis 9
3. Define Anemia, how is the Grading of Anemia done, give the Classification of Anemia.(10)
4. Whatis wbc? Discuss their role in body defence mechanism 8
5. Define immunity. Describe its types.(12)
6. Define haemostatsis. Describe process of clot formation(8)
7. Describe in brief process of coagulation of blood 8

Nerve muscle

1. Write in short on Muscle Proteins.(10)

2. Describe in detail structure of sarcomere and molecular basis of muscular contraction in Skeletal
Muscle. (10)
3. Define sarcomere. Describe the molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction. Illustrate your
answer with figures.(9)
4. How is action potential generated in nerve? Explain with diagram(8), write difference between
action potential and graded potential(4)
5. Describe action potential in skeletal muscle.what is chronaxie? 7


1. Describe the composition, function and regulation of secretion of saliva (10)

2. Explain the composition of Gastric Juice and Regulation of Secretion of Gastric Juice.(10)
3. Describe the composition, function and regulation of secretion of Pancreatic Juice.(10)
4. Give the composition and function of bile. Add a note on control of its secretion.
5. Describe the intestinal absorption of fats.(15)
6. Describe the intestinal absorption of CARBOHYDRATES
7. Describe the intestinal absorption of PROTEINS
8. Describe motility of small intestinal and large intestine

1. Neural regulation of respiration. (8)

2. Describe the chemical control of breathing.(8)
3. Why o2 dissociation curve get sigmoid in normal person? Explain the factors which shift the curve
for the left (6)
4. Describe transport of o2 in blood. Draw well labeled diagram of o2 dissociation curve -8
5. Transport of 02 and c02 in blood 8
6. What is hypoxia? Describe different type of hypoxia giving suitable examples-8
7. Give an account on source and function of surfactant 10
8. Mechanics of breathing
9. Describe Lung volumes and capacities
SQ in Paper I

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Difference between Primary active transport Mitochondria Measurements of
Primary active Blood volume
transport and Secondary active Lysosomes Active transport
Secondary active transport mechanism
transport Gibbs donnan effect endoplasmic Positive & negative
reticulum feedback mechanism
Gap junctions Golgi apparatus
Molecular motors Apoptosis
Structure of cell

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Primary and IgG Megaloblastic anaemia Land Steiner’s law
secondary humoral Rh blood group Activation of platelets Erythroblastosis
response fetalis
Erythropoisis Hemophilia Blood transfusion
Erythropoietin Rh blood group Antibodies
Functions of neutrophil Sickle cell anemia Complement
Active and passive Intrinsic mechanism of Functions of
immunity coagulation platelet
Abo blood group system Cell mediated immunity Haemophilia
Nerve muscle

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Write a two main Myasthenia gravis Sarcomere Electronic Potential
difference between Pace Maker potential
Impulse conduction in Smooth muscle Action potential VO2 Max
Myelinated and Non contraction
Myelinated Nerve
Fibres Nerve action potential
Write difference Difference between Difference between Strength Duration
between action cardiac and smooth cardiac and smooth Curve
potential and graded muscles muscles
potential. Salutatory conduction Contractile proteins of Properties of nerve
skeletal muscles fiber
Synaptic Transmission Neuromuscular Difference between
and Neuromuscular transmission isotonic and
Junctional Transmission isometric
Excitation contraction Oxygen debt
Myasthenia gravis Muscular fatigue Smooth muscle
Steps of muscle

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Secretin Functions of bile salts
Define the control of
Gastrin salivary secretion.
absorption of fats Enlist the define the
Sham feeding
CCK – PZ Balanced diet
Bile –salts Intestinal motility
Zollinger- Ellison Cephalic phase of gastric
syndrome secretion
Peptic ulcer Deglutition
Digestion and
adsorption of fats
Functions of liver
Functions of saliva
Movements of small

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Functions of surfactant Describe kusumaul
Central chemoreceptors Describe respiratory
center in brain
Pulmonary stretch Dysbarism Layers of alveolar
receptors capillary
Transport of O2 from Chemical regulation of Ventilation
atmosphere to the respiration perfusion ratio
Factors affecting gaseous Compliance of lungs
exchange at the
respiratory membrane
Hypoxia Acclimatization in hot
Compliance of lungs
Acclimatization in hot
Chemical regulation of
LQ in paper II


1. Describe Parkinsonism under following headings: Definition, Cause, Clinical features , Physiological
basis of its Treatment (10)
2. Discuss somatosensory area of cerebral cortex (6)
3. Describe the structure and innervations of muscle spindle.-6
4. Describe the mechanism of transmission of impulse through chemical synapse.-9
5. Describe the connections and functions of cerebellum. Give an account of Decerebrate rigidity.8
6. Classify memory. Give the molecular basis of intermediate long term memory.-7
7. What are receptors? Describe the classification and properties of receptors.-8
8. What are synapses ? Describe the classification and properties of synapses
9. Describe stretch reflex.-8
10. Describe regulation of posture 7
11. Describe the origin, course and termination of Corticospinal tracts. What is the effect of their
12. Enumerate descending tract . discuss Corticospinal tracts.
13. What are proprioceptors sensations? Describe the functions of proprioceptors and the pathway of
proprioceptive impulses.-10
14. Discuss the mechanism of speech.-10
15. Describe the structure and function of muscle tone.-8
16. Write function of hypothalamus 9
17. Describe thalamic nucleus its connection and functions . write note on thalamic
syndrome 10
18. Describe anterior spinothalamic tract 8
19. Describe functions of cerebellum(8)
20. Describe mechanism of transmission of impulse through chemical synapses -9
21. Discuss Brown –Sequard Syndrome-7
22. Describe physiology of emotions -7
23. Explain the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure

Special Sense

1. Discuss how do we appreciate different colours-8

2. Describe mechanism of colour vision. 8
3. Draw a diagram of visual pathway. Depict common lesion in visual pathway and abnormality in field
of vision cause by them (7)
4. Describe the pathways for Taste.-8
5. Describe mechanism of hearing -8
Cardiovascular system

1. Enumerate properties of heart. Describe conduction of impulse in heart-9

2. Describe blood pressure under following heading:- (10) Defination, types, short term regulation,
variations -10(Aug 16)
3. Draw a well labeled diagram to show pressure changes in the left side of the heart during cardiac
cycle.Define Cynosis and give its cause.(10)
4. Describe conduction of impulse from sa nodeto ventricular muscles (12)
5. Give a account of special junctional tissue (conducting tissue) of heart 7
6. Draw a normal ECG And describe different waves and interval (10)
7. Describe phases of cardiac cycle. Describe pressure and volume changes in various events of cardiac
cycle (15)
8. Define cardiac output. Discuss dye dilution method of determination of cardiac output(12)
9. Describe dye dilution method of determination of cardiac output 8
10. Define venous return. Describe factors affecting venous return.(8)
11. Draw a labeled diagram (circular) of the cardiac cycle showing atrial and ventricular events and their
timings. Marks the heart sounds(no description required) (8)
12. Enumerate the short term, intermediate term and long term regulation of arterial pressure. Discuss
short term regulation of arterial pressure.-7
13. Define shock. What are the types of shock and give their causes.-10
14. Describe long term regulation of Arterial pressure 7

Renal system

1. Discuss the mechanism of formation of urine -6

2. Draw well labeled diagram of jg apparatus and explain it functions 6
3. Define Glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Describe one method of determination of G.F.R.-8
4. Describe the filtration of plasma at glomeruli.-9
5. Explain with suitable diagrams, functions of Proximal Convoluted Tubule.-15
6. Discuss acidification of urine.
7. Describe mechanism of concentration of urine. Write note on role of urea and ADH
8. With the help of suitable diagram describe the mechanism of renal :- 9
a. Reabsorption of sodium ions.
b. Reabsorption of Bicarbonate ions.
c. Acidification of urine.

Endocrine system

1. Describe synthesis of thyroid hormones(T3 & T4)- 6

2. Describe function of thyroxine(7)
3. Enumerate the hormones secreted from anterior pituitary and write the function of growth
4. Describe the hormones regulation of blood calcium level.-8
5. Describe the regulation of blood glucose levels.-8
6. Describe in brief synthesis and function of cortisol.-8

Reproductive system

1. Describe spermatogenesis (10) Aug 16

2. Describe briefly the hypothalamo- hypophyseal influence on Testicular Function.-15
3. What is sex differentiation? Describe the process in brief.-8
4. Describe in brief menstrual cycle 8

SAQ in paper II


2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Write a two main Summation of Brown –Sequard Syndrome Pre Synaptic
difference between stimuli inhibition and Post
Slow pain and Fast pain Synaptic inhibition
Nuclear Bag fibers & Cerebral Referred pain Touch receptors
Nuclear Chain Fibers circulation
Sensory Ataxia and C.S.F. Conditioned reflex
Cerebellar Ataxia
Presynaptic inhibition Facilitation of neuron Circadian Rhythm
and post synaptic
Adaptation of receptors Afferent inputs to
Discuss connections and Reciprocal
function of Thalamus innervation
Classify memory. Discuss the Broca’s Area
mechanism of long term Wernike area
memory. Touch receptor
Describe REM sleep. Learning
Describe pain pathway REM sleep
Discus the mechanism of EPSP and IPSP
speech production.
Mechanism of heat loss Difference between
Mechanism of heat gain upper and lower
motor neuron
Difference between UNNL & Tabes dorsal is
Broadman Area
Differences between Spino cerebellar
extrapyramidal & Tracts
pyramidal systems.
sham rage. Withdrawal reflex
Papez circuit Inverse stretch reflex
Alzheimers diseases Prefrontal lobe
Hydrocephalus Differences between
Brocas aphasia pyramidal and extra
Wernikes aphasia pyramidal systems
CSF Wernicke’s area.

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Write a two main Write down the differences
difference between between sympathetic and
Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the
Parasympathetic Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic tone
Organization of sympathetic
Organization of parasympathetic
Special Sense

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Write a two main Retina Visual receptors Describe Errors of Refraction and
difference between their corrections
Rinnie’s Test and
Difference between Photoreceptor Reduced eye Presbyopia
Rods and Cones potential
Light and dark What are Cochlear Microphonics
Argyll Robertson Pupil Pathway of taste Draw a schematic diagram of the
sensation retinene rhodopsia visual cycle
Rinne’s test in hearing Accommodation Draw a schematic diagram of
retinin rodopsin visual cycle
Astigmatism Colour blindness Write down functions of middle
Taste buds Olfactory pathway Frequency analysis by Cochlea
Pupillary reflexes
Vestibular pathway
Auditory pathway
Give an account of mechanism of
accommodation in eye. What is
amplitude of accommodation?
Receptors for taste
Dark adaptation

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

First Heart Sound and Heart sounds Variation in heart rate Pace Maker potential
Second heart sound
Sinus arrhythmia P-R interval Stroke –Adams Alpha and Beta
syndrome. Adrenergic receptors
Frank starlings law Cerebral circulation Difference between Characteristics of
Laminar blood flow & Coronary Circulation
turbulent blood flow.
Cardiac vector Starling’s law Laplace law Define Cynosis and
give its cause.
ECG recording in unipolar Action potential of
lead cardiac muscle
Reynold’s number Normal ecg

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Tubular maximum (Tm) Renal threshold JG apparatus
Micturation Inulin Clearance Test
Ant diuretic Measurements of Blood
hormone volume
DIURETICS Describe artificial kidney.
Definitions and normal values
of GFR , Renal plasma flow,
Filtration fraction, Tm G and
tubular load.
Peculiarities of renal
clearance test
Splay (Renal)
Autoregulation of Renal
Blood flow

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Write a two main Adison’s disease Goiter Name functions of gh.
difference between How dwarfism differes
Diabetes Mellitus and from critenism
Diabetes Insipidus
Sometomedins Ant diuretic hormone Cushing’s syndrome
Cretinism Myxoedema Diabetes Insipidus
Melatonin Posterior pituitary Acromegaly
hormone Gigantism
Prolactin Estrogen Rennin- AT- Ald axis
Oxytocin Action of Insulin SIADH
Somatostatins Action of Gh Insulin
Action of thyroxin glucagon

Reproductive system

2 marks 3 marks 4marks 5 marks

Immunological test of Corpus luteum Female Contraceptive
pregnancy. Methods
Copper T. Estrogen Define the functions
of testosterone. What
Oral contraceptives happens if their
deficiency of 5 α
Principal of genetic Role of LH and FSH in Testosterone
inheritance menstrual cycle
Turner syndrome Down’s syndrome Puberty
Klinfelter syndrome Lactation Estrogen
Functions of Progestrerone
Spermatogenesis Maternal changes
during pregnancy

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