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4Q Science G8

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Science 8-Fourth Quarter Examination

Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What is the best treatment for a person who suffers lactose intolerance?
A. Take antibiotics C. Take lactase supplements before eating food that contains dairy
B. Balanced diet. D. Practice healthy lifestyle.
2. What happen during the assimilation process?
A. Absorbed nutrients are delivered into the cell.
B. Breaking down of food into tiny pieces.
C. Elimination of waste product of the digestion process.
D. Absorption of nutrients from the digested food.

3. How does the enzyme amylase help in the absorption of nutrients?

A. It helps in the digestion of proteins.
B. It helps in the digestion of fats.
C. It helps in the digestion of carbohydrates.
D. It helps in the digestion of lipids.
4. It is characterized as loose bowel caused by an infection of bacteria that we get from the food we
A. Diarrhea B. Peptic ulcer C. Gastritis D. GERD
5. How saliva helps in the digestion process?
A. It reabsorbs nutrients from the food we eat.
B. It contains the enzyme amylase that helps in the digestion of starch.
C. It absorbs nutrients and distribute it in the bloodstream.
D. All of the above.

6. What happens during telophase?

A. The spindle fiber is formed.
B. The spindle fiber did not disappear.
C. The chromosome is at the center of the poles.
D. The chromosome is at the opposite poles of the spindle.

7. What is the correct order of the stages of mitosis?

1- Metaphase 2- Telophase 3-Anaphase 4- Prophase
A. 4,1,2,3 B. 2,3,1,4 C. 1,2,3,2 D. 4,1,3,2
8. In both mitosis and meiosis, sister chromatids separate during anaphase, but there are______
haploid daughter nuclei produced by meiosis compared to ___ diploid nuclei by mitosis.
A. 6 & 3 B. 4 & 2 C. 2 & 4 D. 3 & 6
9. What will happen if something goes wrong during meiosis?
A. defective gametes C. chromosome does not duplicate
B. undergo another phase D. gametes do not acquire chromosomes
10. Human gametes normally have ______ chromosomes.
A. 23 B. 26 C. 46 D. 47
11. Which branch of Science that deals with the classification of living things into groups that show
phylogenetic relationships?
A. Ecology B. Botany C. Zoology D. Taxonomy
12. What is the basic unit of classification among organisms?
A. bacteria B. plantae C. phylum D. species
13. Which is the highest category of classification?
A. class B. domain C. family D. kingdom
14. Which of these taxonomic levels is the broadest?
A. order B. genus C. family D. class
15. Which is NOT a level of classification?
A. family B. genus C. prokaryotes D. species
16. What concept of species you are using if you see two organisms that are closely of the same
physical appearance and are capable of interbreeding?
A. Genetic concept of species C. Ecological concept of species
B. Biological concept of species D. Morphological concept of species
17. What level of biodiversity is most commonly equated with the different kinds of organisms?
A. Genetic diversity C. Ecosystem diversity
B. Species diversity D. Morphological diversity
18. Which of the following choices correctly describes the biological concept of species?
A. This concept does not apply to asexual organisms.
B. Members of a species have a single gene pool.
C. Members of the same species can interbreed.
D. All of these choices describe the biological species concept correctly.
19. Which of the following explains species richness?
A. It is the number of species in the community.
B. It is the number of endangered species in a community.
C. It is the number of resources each species has in a community.
D. It is the number of species in a community and how they are distributed among other
20. Why is biodiversity important to ecosystems?
A. It increases at each level of the food chain.
B. It helps populations adapt to ecological changes.
C. It reduces the number of insects in a given ecosystem.
D. It allows animals to feed permanently from one type of plant.
21 What is the probability of producing the phenotype XXYYZZ, in a cross
. XxYyZz XxYyZz?

A. 1/4 C. 1/32
B. 1/16 D. 1/64

For number22 and 23:

Identify who are the parents of mixed up new-born babies in a hospital.
A. Baby 1 (Type B) Mrs. Dela Cruz Type B Mr. Dela Cruz Type B
B. Baby 2 (Type Mrs. Duhaylungsod Mr. Duhaylungsod
O) Type A Type AB
C. Baby 1 (Type Mrs. Delacruz Type A Mr. Dela Cruz Type B
D. Baby 2 (Type Mrs. Duhaylunsod Mr. Duhaylungsod
O) Type O Type AB

22 Which baby belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz?

23 Which belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Duhaylungsod?
24 What do you call an individual that is a heterozygous at two genes?
A. Pure breed C. Monohybrid
B. Hybrid D. Dihybrid
25 Brown eyes, blue eyes are
A. Haplotype C. Phenotype
B. Genotype D. Alleles
26 He is known as Father of Modern Genetics
A. Albert Einstein C. Charles Darwin
B. Gregor Mendel D. John Dalton
27 A trait that masked other traits is
A. Homozygous C. Dominant
B. Heterozygous D. Recessive
28 It is used to solve genetic problems.
A. Diagramming C. Punnett Square
B. Test Cross D. Probability
29 The passing of traits to the next generation.
A. Heredity C. Serendipity
B. Progeny D. Genetics
30 Codominant is an expression of alleles in
A. Dominant only C. Recessive only
B. Both Dominant and D. Parental Generation

31. Which branch of Science that deals with the classification of living things into groups that show
phylogenetic relationships?
A. Ecology B. Botany C. Zoology D. Taxonomy
32. Which of the following arrangements correctly shows the correct taxonomic rank of organisms
from the broadest to the most specific?
A. species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain
B. species, genus, family, order, phylum, class, kingdom, domain
C. domain, kingdom, phylum, class, family, order, genus, species
D. domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

33. Which of the following statements about eukaryotes is correct?

A. They are tiny and unicellular in nature.
B. They are also referred as microorganisms.
C. They are larger in size because of the greater number of cells their bodies hold .
D. They have no discrete nucleus with a membrane and other specified organelles.

34. Which of the following contributes to high biodiversity?

A. proper usage of resources C. overhunting
B. invasion of species D. pollution

35. Which supports high biodiversity?

A. Kaingin system B. dynamite fishing C. pollution D. none of the above

36. What do you call this process when bacteria known as denitrifying bacteria are, under conditions where
oxygen is absent, able to convert nitrite to nitrogen gas (N2), which is ultimately released into the atmosphere?
A. Water cycle B. decomposing C. nitrogen fixing bacteria D. Denitrification

37. The rain replenishes rivers and lakes not only by falling directly from them, but by seeping into the ground
and forming springs, through this process called.
A. Filtration B. infiltration C. water vapor D. evaporation

38. A network of food chain is called

A. Food pyramid B. food web C. energy pyramid D. Restaurant

39. What do you call an organism, that cannot make its own food?
A. heterotroph B. autotroph C. phototrophs D. producers

40. Animals obtain their carbon by eating plants, they release carbon to the environment
when they decompose dead plants and animals this happens during?
A. Water cycle B. nitrogen cycle C. carbon cycle D. phosphorus cycle
41.What do call a bacteria that return nitrogen as a gas back to the atmosphere?
A. denitrification B. decomposition C. transpiration D. a&b
42. Animals release carbon dioxide through the process called?
A. respiration B. inhalation C. infiltration D. Transpiration

43. Nitrogen is essential formation of the following

A. amino acids B. nitrogen bases C. proteins D. all of the above

44. What concept of species you are using if you see two organisms that are closely of the same physical
appearance and are capable of interbreeding?
A.Genetic concept of species
B. Biological concept of species
C. Ecological concept of species
D. Morphological concept of species
45. Which of the following choices correctly describes the biological concept of species?
A. This concept does not apply to asexual organisms.
B. Members of a species have a single gene pool.
C. Members of the same species can interbreed.
D. All of these choices describe the biological species concept correctly.
46. Which of the following explains species richness?
A. It is the number of species in the community.
B. It is the number of endangered species in a community.
C. It is the number of resources each species has in a community.
D. It is the number of species in a community and how they are distributed among other
47. Which of the two communities is species richness greater: Community A with 50 species that can
all be found equally within 10 km radius of the area or community B spread across the same area that
has 50 species also but 5% of the individuals are very rare species?
A. Community B with rare species.
B. Community A where species can be found equally.
C. Species richness is the same in both communities.
D. There is not enough information given to answer the question.
48. Which of the following community has the highest species evenness?

Species Community 1 Community 2 Community 3 Community 4

Ant 20 25 15 20

Beetle 15 1 15 20

Grasshopper 12 1 15

Earthworm 1 15 20

Millipede 10 15

A Community 1 C. Community 3
B Community 2 D. Community 4
49. Using the same information in number 48, which of the following community has the low species evenness?
A Community 1 C. Community 3
B Community 2 D. Community 4

50.Look at the picture, which of the following statement is true.

a. It shows rare species.
b. It has low species evenness.
c. It has high species evenness.
d. It shows unequal distribution of species.

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