V 22 - Pocket - Guide GS
V 22 - Pocket - Guide GS
V 22 - Pocket - Guide GS
Pocket Guide
Both Bell and Boeing have over 50 years of experience in
V/STOL aircraft design. In 1956, Boeing began develop-
ment of the world’s first tiltwing aircraft the VZ-2.
Its maiden flight was in 1958.
XV-15 (1977)
Drawing upon the strengths of their respective research
efforts during the preceding 30 years, the Bell-Boeing team
VZ-2 (1958) was officially formed in April 1982. In April 1983, the
Concurrently, Bell’s research had focused on tilting the U.S. Navy selected the Bell-Boeing team as the prime
transmissions to achieve the conversion to conventional contractor to develop the JVX aircraft – now known as the
flight. Bell’s XV-3 tiltrotor (begun in 1954) successfully V-22 Osprey.
achieved full conversion from helicopter to airplane mode
in 1958. It continued in flight test until 1966 and did much The V-22 was approved for full-rate production in 2005,
to demonstrate the feasibility of tiltrotor technology. with initial operational capability in 2007. Projected pro-
duction quantities are 360 for the U.S. Marine Corps, 50 for
U.S. Special Operations Command (operated by the Air
Force Special Operations Command), and 48 for the U.S.
XV-3 (1958)
In the 1960s and 1970s, Boeing completed over 3,500
hours of wind-tunnel testing of tiltrotor models. These
models included a full-scale rotor system. Based on its
experience with the XV-3, Bell was awarded a NASA-U.S.
Army contract (in 1973), to develop two XV-15 tiltrotors.
Its first flight occurred in 1977 and full conversion occurred
in 1979. The two XV-15s demonstrated the maturity of
V-22 (1989)
tiltrotor technology and were directly responsible for the birth
of the Joint Services Advanced Vertical Lift Aircraft (JVX).
2 3
Program Events General Characteristics
Performance @ 47,000 lb
Activity Date Max cruise speed (MCP) Sea Level (SL), kts (km/h). . . . . . 250 (463)
Max RC, A/P mode SL, fpm (m/m). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200 (975)
JVX Program Commenced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1981
Service Ceiling, ISA, ft (m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 (7620)
Bell-Boeing Team Formed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 82 OEI Service Ceiling ISA, ft (m), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,300 (3139)
Bell-Boeing Awarded 24-Month JVX HOGE ceiling, ISA, ft (m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,400 (1,646)
Preliminary Design Stage I Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 83 Weights
Bell-Boeing Awarded JVX Preliminary Takeoff, vertical, max, lb (kg). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,600 (23859)
Design Stage II Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 84 Takeoff, short, max, lb (kg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000 (25855)
Takeoff, self-deploy, lb (kg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,500 (27443)
FSD Contract Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 86 Cargo hook, single, lb (kg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 (4536)
V-22 First Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 89 Cargo hook, dual, lb (kg). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 (6804)
Awarded Collier Trophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1990 Fuel Capacity
MV-22, gallons (liters) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,721 (6513)
EMD Contract Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Oct 92 CV-22, gallons (liters) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,037 (7710)
ADM Signed for MV-22/CV-22 Program . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 95 Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Authorized to Proceed with CV-22 EMD . . . . . . . . . . . .Dec 96 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AE1107C (Rolls-Royce Liberty)
LRIP Lots I, II, III Contract Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 96 AEO VTOL normal power, shp (kW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,150 (4586)
EMD V-22 First Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 97 Cockpit – crew seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 MV/3 CV
Completed Sea Trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 99 Cabin – crew seat/troop seats/litters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/24/9
V-22 Pilot Team Wins AHS Feinberg Award . . . . . . . . . .Apr 99
Receives 1999 DoD Defense Value
Engineering Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 99
38 ft 1 in
Operational Flight Training Simulator 18 ft
Delivered to VMMT-204 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 99 5 in
22 ft 1 in 17 ft
Lightweight 155mm Howitzer Lifted Externally . . . . . . .May 99 11 in
First Production V-22 Delivered to USMC . . . . . . . . . . .May 99 15 ft 25 ft
4.2 in 57 ft 4 in
VMMT-204 (MV Training Squadron) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 99
V-22 Completes Initial OPEVAL (pre Block A) . . . . . . . . .Sep 00 Helicopter
Live Fire Test and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nov 00
Operational Pause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dec 00
45 ft 10 in
Return to Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 02
VMX-22 Standup (MV Operational Test and
Evaluation Squadron) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aug 03 18 ft 5 in
4 5
Design Features Modular construction
• Large structural assemblies: forward fuselage, center fuselage,
aft fuselage, ramp, empennage, wing, and nacelles
The V-22 has been designed to the most stringent set of Airframe material
design requirements of any rotary wing aircraft ever built, • Aluminum major frames with graphite/epoxy (fabric and
including safety, reliability, readiness, all-weather opera- unidirectional prepregs) subframes, skins, and main landing
tions, survivability, crash worthiness, and performance. gear door
Airframe construction
The ability to rapidly carry large payloads over long dis- • Machined aluminum and composite frames/stiffened
tances and its self-deployability make the V-22 skins/molded longerons
capable of supporting numerous missions worldwide. Mechanical fasteners
• Subassemblies and skins assembled with compatible
titanium fasteners
Major honeycomb components
• Cockpit and cabin floors, sponsons (fuel tanks and ECS
compartment), fairings and select airframe components
Major fittings
• Predominantly metal: steel, titanium, and aluminum
Lightning protection
• Continuous metal mesh molded into outside surface of fuselage
• Windshield: laminated acrylic/polycarbonate
• Canopy and side windows: laminated hard coat/hard coat
polycarbonate .
Structural Features
• Sustained cruise speed: 250+ knots
• Self-deploy worldwide
• Unrefueled radius of action: 500+ nmi
Fixed-wing • High level of ballistic
• Cockpit integrated color
displays, avionics to navigate
worldwide, civil and military fields
More than 43 percent of the V-22 airframe structure is
fabricated from composite materials. The wing is made
primarily with IM-6 graphite/epoxy solid laminates that are
• Operate from amphibious ships
• Fold/stow and corrosion
• Hover hot and high Helicopter protection to meet shipboard applied unidirectionally to give optimum stiffness. The
• Carry 15,000 lb external payload assault compatibility
• Vertical insertion/ extraction transport fuselage, empennage, and tail assemblies have addition-
al AS4 graphite fiber materials incorporated during their
Top Level V-22 Design Requirements fabrication. Many airframe components (such as stiffen-
ers, stringers and caps) are co-cured with the skin pan-
els. This technique provides subassemblies with fewer
Airframe fasteners, thus fewer fatigue effects.
A key enabling technology for the development of the
V-22 was the use of composite materials to reduce cost The composite airframe delivers the necessary stiffness and
and weight, improve reliability, and increase ballistic tol- light weight for V/STOL. It also provides additional resistance
erance. The past two decades of extensive research and to environmental corrosion caused by salt water. The com-
development on composite materials in the aerospace posite airframe is fatigue resistant and damage tolerant – a
industry has directly benefitted the V-22 structural design. feature particularly desirable for ballistic survivability.
6 7
Landing Gear Propulsion System
The retractable tricycle landing gear is a crashworthy Two Rolls-Royce AE1107C Liberty engines provide the
design that allows routine operations over field conditions propulsion for the V-22. The AE1107C is a 6,150 shaft
consisting of rocks, sand, dust, dirt, grass, brush, snow, horsepower, two-spool, turboshaft, gas-turbine engine.
The engines are located within the nacelles. The inter-
rain, and ice. Its clearance for boulders and stumps is up connect driveshaft provides safe one-engine-out flight in
to 30.5 cm (12 in). all modes of operation.
Design highlights include: An Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS) is integral to the
• Main landing gear engine installation, and can be selected to manual pilot
- Two hydraulically activated main landing gear control or automatic.
located in the left and right sponsons Fire detection and extinguishing systems are provided in
- Hydraulic master braking cylinders the engine compartments, wing bays and mid-wing
- Manually-activated, cable-operated parking brake
• Steerable nose landing gear A rotor brake assembly is integral to the mid-wing gearbox.
- Hydraulically activated located under the cockpit • Blades
• Hub and controls
floor • Pendulum
- Hydraulic power steering unit provides 75 degree
Auxiliary power
left and right steering authority, which is controlled
by the rudder pedals. Engines
• Inlet particle separator
• A 19.3 mPa (2800 psi) nitrogen bottle provides emer- • Rolls Royce AE1107C
• IR suppressor
gency extension power.
• Descent conditions
- 3.7 m/s (12 ft/s) for normal operations
- 7.3 m/s (24 ft/s) during a crash landing Fuel system
• Wing tanks
• Cabin auxiliary
• Landing gear loading tanks
• Sponson tanks
- Designed for a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 4.0 • Retractable
Drive system
• Midwing gearbox
refueling probe
• Interconnect driveshaft
• Tilt-axis gearbox
• Proprotor gearbox
Weight distribution kg lb
Main landing gear (ea) 5,595 12,337 Propulsion System Components
Nose gear 4,202 9,264 Proprotor gearbox
Engine Nacelle
8 9
Payload Systems
The V-22 is designed to fulfill the multimission role, with its
large open cabin, rear loading ramp, and a variety of cabin
and cargo systems.
Personnel transport
• Crashworthy seats
- Crew chief and 24 troops
- Folding, removeable seats for loading flexibility
- Inboard facing
• Medevac litter stanchions
- Up to three stations of (3) litter positions each
• External
- (2) external cargo hooks
• 10,000 lb single hook (forward or aft hook)
• 15,000 lb dual-hook
Cabin Seating • Cabin accessible
- Air-drop capability
• Internal
- 300 lb/ft floor loading capacity for up to 20,000 lb of
internal cargo
- Floor tie-down fittings within cabin and ramp
- Flip, roller rails for cargo loading
- 2,000 lb cargo winch, 150 ft cable
- (2) 463L half-pallets, (4) 40 in x 48 in warehouse pal-
lets, and other loading as available
- Light Tactical Vehicles - Several vehicles can be
loaded internally, including the M151 Jeep (top cover
removed and windshield folded), and the M274
Mechanical Mule. The U.S. Marine Corps and The
U.S. Special Operations Command are designing a
family of Internally Transportable Vehicles (ITV) sized
MEDEVAC Cabin Configuration to be carried inside of the V-22.
10 11
Pallet loading
34.00 LBL
Cargo envelope
Cargo envelope
cross section 34.00
troop 58.18 66.23
14 14 10 Sta. 701.50
Sta. 559.00
40 inch x 48 inch pallet 463L half pallet
Sta. 309.00
Note: Dimensions define the shape that must be clear from
sta. 309.to sta. 559, and from sta. 559 to 701.5 in the aft fuselage,
with the ramp floor level with the cabin floor.
Cabin Volume
Vertical insertion/extraction
- Rescue hoist at rear ramp
• Electric hoist, 250 ft usable cable
• 600 lb capacity, > 250 fpm speed
• Emergency cable cutting system
- Two fast rope attachments in cabin area
- Parachute static lines
12 13
Flight Control System
Conversion Conversion
actuator Avionics actuator
Swashplate Swashplate
actuator actuator
Copilot Pilot
control control
Flaperon Elevator
14 15
Helicopter Airplane
Differential collective Flaperon
pitch and lateral cyclic
16 17
The V-22 can perform a complete transition from heli-
Helicopter Airplane
copter mode to airplane mode in as little as 16 seconds.
The aircraft can fly at any degree of nacelle tilt within its
conversion corridor (the range of permissible airspeeds for
each angle of nacelle shift).
Helicopter Airplane
Helicopter 90
Nacelle 60
• Both flaperons deflect downward • Both flaperons deflect downward 50
Angle Conversion
• Downwash effects on wing reduced • Lift, drag increase (deg) 40 coridor
Flap Input 20
Airplane 10
Mode 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Airspeed (kts)
Conversion Corridor
18 19
Hydraulic Systems Master brake cylinders
NLG/nose wheel (4 places)
There are three independent 34.5 MPa (5,000 psi) Engine inlet particle
separator blower
motors (4 places)
swivel actuators
Wing lock pin actuators,
drive, and control valve
hydraulic systems. Systems 1 and 2 are designated as pri- Parking brake valve
mary and are dedicated to the flight control systems. Rotor brake
Electric motor/pump
• Engine start Ramp control valve
20 21
Environmental Control System
Fuel System The V-22 incorporates a modern Environmental Control
The fuel system is integrated into the wing and fuselage System (ECS) to provide for crew and passenger health,
systems and consists of: safety, and comfort over a wide range of aircraft and envi-
• Two wing feed tanks – one in each outboard section of ronmental operating conditions. It also protects the
each wing avionics/mission systems during operation in extreme
climatic conditions as well as under thermal stress.
• Two sponson tanks – one in each forward sponson bay
• Eight wing tanks – 4 in each wing between the wing feed The ECS includes:
tank and the mid-wing area. • Pneumatic power system
• Retractable aerial refueling probe • Onboard Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS)
• Onboard Inert Gas Generating System (OBIGGS)
For extended range operations, up to (3) mission auxiliary
tanks (MAT) in the cabin, or (2) MAT and an aft sponson • Cockpit and cabin heating and cooling
tank can be used. Electrical, plumbing, and vent connec- • Avionics air conditioning
tions are provided for the installation of the internal cabin • A pneumatic wing deicing system
The pneumatic system supplies low-pressure (3.5 kg/sq
cm, or 50 lb/sq in) compressed air to the ECS. The ECS
Base full-fuel configuration Extended range configurations distributes conditioned air to the cockpit and cabin, and
partially conditioned air to the O2N2 concentrator, wing
deicing boots, and avionics cooling air particle separators.
Compressed air for the pneumatic system is supplied by
the Shaft-Driven Compressor (SDC). The SDC is mounted
on the mid-wing gearbox and operates when the APU or
engines are running.
Cockpit and Avionics
V-22 Fuel Configuration
The V-22 Integrated Avionics System (IAS) is a fully inte-
grated avionics suite using a combination of off-the-shelf
Number of Usable Fuel Fuel Weight
Tanks per Tank per Tank equipment and specially developed hardware and soft-
ware. The functionality integrated into this system is as
(gal) (liters) (lb) (kg)
Wing Feed Tanks 2 88 334 600 272
Fwd Sponsons 2 478 1,809 3,250 1,474 • Controls and Displays
Wing Tanks 8 74 278 500 227
Total - Standard All Tanks 1,721 6,513 11,700 5,307 Provides aircrew and maintenance personnel with the
resources to monitor cockpit information and control air-
Mission Aux Tanks Up to 3 430 1,628 2,924 1,326 craft functions.
Rt Aft Sponson (Optional) 1 316 1,197 2,150 975
2,037 7,710 13,850 6,282 • Mission Computers
Provides for dual-redundant processing using primary
Fuel System Capacities (JP-5 or JP-8)
and backup advanced mission computers that process
and control all functions of the IAS.
22 23
• Navigation • Interface Units (IUs)
Provides primary navigation data. This data is gathered Provides the capability to control and monitor the aircraft
from the inertial navigation sensors and radio navigation and its avionics systems that are incompatible with the
sensors. MIL-STD-1553 data bus protocol.
Navigation data includes: position, heading, altitude, The IUs provide the capability to communicate with
geographic frame velocities, radar altitude, radio naviga- ARINC-429, RS-422, and other discrete signal devices.
tion (data such as distance and bearing to ground sta-
tions), and marker beacon station passage. • Vibration, Structural Life, Engine Diagnostics (VSLED)
VSLED is an onboard system designed to capture and
An optional enhanced suite can include Terrain record vital aircraft data for enhanced safety and main-
Following/Terrain Avoidance (TF/TA) Multimode Radar tenance. An active vibration suppression system is also
and traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS). onboard to detect and suppress cockpit and cabin vibra-
• Communications
Provides for internal and external radio control and inter-
communications, VHF/UHF radio communication, SAT-
COM, and IFF.
• Turreted Forward Looking Infra-Red System
Provides for reception of infrared energy and its conver-
sion to video signals (to assist the aircrew in piloting and
• Digital Map
Provides a real-time, color, moving map imagery on the
multi-function displays. It may be operated independent-
ly by both operators. The aircraft’s position is shown with
respect to the display, and multiple overlay options are
24 25
Shipboard Compatibility
The V-22 is designed to operate within the space limita-
tions imposed by the flight deck, hangar deck, and aircraft
elevators of the U.S. Navy's amphibious assault ships as
well as compatible with the limited maintenance facilities
aboard these ships.
26 27
Survivability Features
The V-22 design has numerous inherent and intentionally
designed survivability features, as itemized below.
Reduced Susceptibility
• Performance
- Speed
- Range
- Altitude
- Maneuverability
• Defensive Warning System
• Threat Warning and Countermeasures
• Tactics
- Night
- Low-level
- All-weather
• Signature Reduction
- Infrared - 95% reduction compared to CH-46
- Acoustic - 75% reduction compared to CH-46
- Visual
Reduced Vulnerability
• Systems Protection
- Redundancy
- Isolation
- Separation
- Armor
• One Engine Inoperative Capability
• Dry Bay and Engine Fire Suppression
• Ballistic Tolerance
- Composite Structure
- Hydraulic Ram Protection
- Self-sealing Fuel Bladders
- Nitrogen-Inerted Fuel System
Improved Crashworthiness
• Energy Management
- “Broomstraw” Blade Failure
- Mass Remote Design
- Controlled Wing Failure
- Anti-plow Bulkhead
• Crashworthy Fuel System
• Ditching Buoyancy, Stability and Emergency Egress
• Stroking Seats and Shoulder Harness for Troops and Crew
Operating Environment NBC Power, wiring, and connections
provided for seven stations for
NBC protective garments and
The V-22 has been designed to operate within the speci- masks (three are located in the
fied set of environmental conditions summarized below. cockpit and four located in the
Exposure to Solar Radiant energy at a rate of 355
Radiation BTU per square foot per hour or
104 watts
per square foot (1120
W/M ).
Ambient Temperature -65° F(-54°C) to 125°F (+52°C) Bird Strike The windshield is capable
Pressure Altitude Method 520.0, Procedure III, MIL- of resisting the impact of a three
STD-810; Temperature, Humidity, pound bird at 275 knots.
Vibration, Altitude
Humidity Method 507.3 of MIL-STD-810; Rain and Wind 8 inches per hour minimum. The
Humidity aircraft is designed to withstand
45% RH at 21oC damage in winds of: up to 60 knots
95% RH at 38oC with wing ready for flight and blades
80% RH at 52oC folded; up to 100 knots with both
20% RH at 71oC wing and blades ready for flight;
up to 60 knots from any direction
Tropical Exposure Combination of Temperature, with blades folded and wing stowed.
Humidity, Rain, Solar Radiation,
Hail Strike Able to withstand 1 inch hail
and Sand/Dust requirements allow
stones in multiple aircraft
the V-22 to operate in a conditions - in-flight, take off and
Tropical Environment. landing, taxi and hover, and
Vibration Method 514.3, Procedure I, parked.
MIL- STD-810; Vibration Snow Snowload capability of 20 pounds
Shock Method 516.3, Procedure I & V, per square foot on horizontal
MIL-STD-810; Shock surfaces. This is assuming aircraft is
Sand and Dust Method 510.1, Procedure I, not operating and will be cleared of
snow between storms.
MIL-STD-810; Sand and Dust
Particle concentrations of 1.32 X Icing Operation at full mission capability
10 pounds per cubic foot in in icing conditions, ice fog, and
multidirectional winds of 45 knots. hoarfrost up to moderate
The upper nacelle intensities down to -20oC
ambient temperatures.
blower will withstand particle
concentrations of 4.0 X 10
Lightning No Category 1 effects due to
pounds per cubic foot. damage to or temporary upset of
Category 1 CFE and GFE from a
Water Resistance Method 512.3 of MIL-STD-810; severe lightning attachment with a
Leakage (Immersion) 200 kAmp first return stroke with
Mold Growth Method 508.4 of MIL-STD-810; a peak rise time of 1.4x10
Fungus Amp/sec to the air vehicle.
Salt Mist Method 509.2, MIL-STD-810; No Category 2 effects due to damage
Salt Fog to or permanent upset of category
2 CFE or due to damage to
Salt Spray Sea salt fallout up to 200 parts Category 2 GFE from a lightning
per billion. The aircraft’s components attachment with a 50 kAmp first
operate reliably after exposure return stroke with peak rise time
to Method 510.1, Procedure I, of 3.5x10 Amps/sec to the air vehicle.
30 31
V-22 Flight Performance 20,000
Sea Level - ISA
The V-22 is capable of sustained cruise speeds in excess ort
e off
of 275 ktas and an unprecedented V/STOL aircraft mission 16,000 n-O
Cruise speed for 99% best range
20 min landing fuel reserve
radius. Standard day capabilities are shown in the figures Short
57,000 lb max GW
Take OL
below. off/Ve
Payload - lb
rtical )
12,000 Land
Ve ing (S
rt TOV
ica L)
l Ta
14,000 keo Mi
ff / ss
Ve ion
Hover out of ground effect ≥ 50 ft rt ica (1) MAT Au
0% torque margin 8,000 l La xil
Integral Fuel
nd iar
Auto flaps ing y Ta
Zero wind (VT nk
OL s:
12,000 (2) MAT
(3) MAT
10,000 0
100 200 300 400 500 600
Mission Radius - nm
Pressure Altitude - ft
Internal Payload Mission
V-22 Block B Aircraft Baseline Mission Definition:
F.E. = 33.0 sq ft
External Load F.E. = 28.0 sq ft Warmup: 10 min at Idle Power
14,000 Takeoff: 1 min at 95% max power (HOGE)
6,000 We = 33,835 lb Outbound Cruise: V99br, airplane mode
Sea Level / STD FUL = 1464 lb Hover to Drop PL: 5 min at 95% max power (HOGE)
OWE = 35,299 lb Drop External Load
Fuel Capacity = 11,700 lb Return Cruise: V99br, airplane mode
Land: 1 min at 95% max power
4,000 10,000
Reserves: 20 min at Vbe at 10,000 ft
Payload - lb
Sea Level/Std: 51,688 lb
3000 ft/ISA +20C: 48,418 lb
3000 ft / ISA +20C
+1 MAT
36 40 44 48 52 56 2,000
Hover Gross Weight (OGE) - lb x 1,000
Hover Performance
V-22 Standard Day Hover Envelope (OGE) Radius - nm
24,000 Sea Level - ISA
35 ST (1) A
Pressure Altitude - ft
20,000 No OL eria
45 55 16,000 rm refu
al ling
ST with
ta ll
Payload - lb
16,000 bing
o fu
12,000 (1) MAT
Maximum continuous power VT Mi
12,000 Autoflaps OL ss
Airplane mode (84% NR) Au
(2) MAT
8,000 an
8,000 ks
32 33
Multiservice Configurations
Mission equipment
• Single and dual point external cargo hooks
• Advanced cargo handling system
• Fast rope
• Rescue hoist
• Paradrop static lines
• Ramp mounted defensive weapon system
• Up to (3) mission auxiliary fuel tanks
• Dual avionics MIL-STD-1553B data buses
• Dual 64-bit mission computers
• Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible, multifunction displays
MV-22 U.S. Marine Corps • Inertial navigation system (3)
The V-22 is being developed and produced utilizing incremental, • Global positioning system
time-phased upgrades (“Blocks”). • Digital map system
• Block A - safe and operational • SATCOM
• Block B - combat capability improvements plus enhanced • VOR/ILS/ marker beacon
maintainability • Radar altimeter
• Block C - mission enhancements and upgrades • FM homing system
Block B will be the first Block to deploy. • Dual VHF/UHF/AM/FM radios
Inherent features • Digital intercommunications system
• Turreted Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) system
• Composite/aluminum airframe
• Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder
• Triple redundant fly-by-wire flight controls • Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) system
• Rolls-Royce AE1107C engines • Troop commander’s communication station
• Interconnect drive shaft • Flight incident recorder
• 5000 psi hydraulic system • Missile/radar warning and laser detection
34 35
V-22 Top Tier Suppliers
Supplier System
CV-22 U.S. Special Operations Command Honeywell ECS system and compo-
nents, LWINS, VF genera-
The CV-22 is being developed and produced in parallel with the
tor, CDS, FDP, TCAS,
MV-22 configuration in incremental upgrades (“Blocks”)
SDC, IR suppressor, heat
• Block 0 - MV-22 Block A plus basic special operations exchanger
• Block 10 - MV-22 Block B plus improved special operations ITT AN/ALQ-211 (SIRFC)
• Block 20 - MV-22 Block C plus mission enhancements and Moog Flight control actuators,
upgrades vibration suppression actu-
MV-22 Block B and CV-22 Block 10 have the same propulsion ators
system, and 90% common airframe. The primary differences are
in the avionics systems. MRA Structural components
36 37
Studies and Analyses
Numerous major studies and analyses have shown that
the V-22 is more cost and operationally effective than any
helicopter (including compound helicopter designs), or any
combination of helicopters.
38 39
Flight Crew and
Maintenance Mechanic Training
The V-22 Training System is comprised of fully integrated
aircrew and maintainer training and training devices.
Safety, proper procedures, and effectiveness are stressed
within all training courses. They are designed to meet the
needs of initial entry and transition personnel. The Bell-
Boeing training strategy takes advantage of a full suite of
training services and equipment developed specifically for
the V-22. These include:
• A Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) Level-D equivalent full
flight simulator (FFS),
• Level 7 equivalent Flight Training Device (FTD),
• Suite of Part Task Maintenance Trainers
• Interactive audio/video computer-based training (CBT)
devices, and
• Computer-based presentation system supporting
instructor-led training.
Multimission Capabilities
The V-22 is a highly flexible, multipurpose aircraft capable
of performing many missions. The U.S. Government,
Bell-Boeing, and commercial analysis companies have
evaluated the suitability and effectiveness of tiltrotor vari-
ants for over 30 different potential missions. These poten-
tial missions are summarized in the following list:
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