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Unit 3 Standard Test

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Unit 3 test

5 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w Present

simple. (10 marks)
1 1.04 Posłuchaj rozmowy Matta i Anny.
Babies are born in hospital every day.
O czym głównie rozmawiają? (2 marks)
1 I hope you w_______________ the competition!
a their first school teachers
b what they liked about their first schools 2 You can l______________ to drive when you are
c their first days at school older.

2 Zakreśl właściwe odpowiedzi. (8 marks) 3 After they graduate, they g_____________ jobs.
4 In this country, teenagers often l______________
1 What does Anna say about her first school?
home and go to university when they’re
a It was in a big city.
b There were about 80 children at the school. eighteen.
c There was only one school in her town. 5 The pop singers soon b_______________ very

2 The story that Anna’s teacher read was rich and famous!
a scary. b funny. c sad.
3 How did Matt feel when he started school? Language focus
a upset b lonely c excited
6 Wpisz was, wasn’t, were lub weren’t. (12 marks)
4 What does Matt say about his first school?
a It was small. 1 Jack and Saskia ___________ in my class. I sat
b There were 100 children in his school year. next to them.
c It was in a town. 2 I went to their flat, but they ___________ at home.
3 ___________ the film good?

Vocabulary 4 It was my first day, but I ___________ nervous.

3 Które z przymiotników mają pozytywne 5 ___________ the tickets expensive?

znaczenie (), a które – negatywne ()? 6 The competition ___________ very difficult, so I
(5 marks)
worked really hard.
upset  3 lucky ____
7 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj formy twierdzącej czasu
1 lonely ____ 4 nervous ____ Past simple czasowników z ramki. (10 marks)
2 scary ____ 5 cute ____ become carry do live play
4 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki.
1 We ______________ football yesterday afternoon.
(5 marks)
2 My dad ______________ my bag for me.
become do get go to graduate start
3 They ______________ in Bristol for six years.
I don’t go to school at the weekend. 4 My aunt ______________ a teacher last year.
1 Pedro and Louise are going to _______________ 5 I ______________ all my homework last night.
married in July.
8 Zamień zdania na zdania przeczące w czasie
2 Many students will _______________ from
Past simple. (8 marks)
university with a degree.
I bought a present. I didn’t buy a present.
3 We _______________ exams every summer.
1 I went to the cinema last night.
4 I want to be a businessman and
_______________ my own business.
2 I enjoyed the party.
5 You need to pass these exams if you want to __________________________________________
_______________ a professional journalist.
Unit 3 test
3 My dad left school when he was fourteen. Alexandra Burke was born in London. true
__________________________________________ 1 She first sang on stage when she was five.
4 The film started at seven o’clock.
2 Another family relative was also a singer.
9 Napisz pytania w czasie Past simple. (6 marks) ___________________________________________

1 you / go / into town / yesterday 3 She didn’t go to school when she was
2 George / leave / his wallet / on the bus
4 She didn’t win the 2005 X Factor competition
because she wasn’t very good.
3 they / buy / any new clothes / this morning
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
5 She was the X Factor winner in 2008.
10 Napisz zdania w czasie Past simple. Użyj ago
oraz okresleń czasu w nawiasach. (4 marks)
they / move / to Greece (a year)
They moved to Greece a year ago.
1 I / do / an exam (two hours) 12 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. (10 marks)
A (1) How / What / Why was your weekend?
2 he / see / Jo (three days)
B Not (2) bad / good / worse, thanks.
A What (3) do / did / does you do?
B I went surfing.
Reading A Was it (4) happy / well / good?

11 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które zdania są B Yes, it was. When did you (5) ago / then / last
zgodne z jego treścią (true), a które – nie (false). go surfing?
Popraw błędne zdania. (10 marks)


Alexandra Burke was born in London in 1988, and started 13 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj właściwej formy There
singing when she was only five. She first appeared on stage was lub There were. (5 marks)
in Bahrain at the age of nine. She sang with her mother,
who was also a professional singer. Alexandra enjoyed 1 _______________ a big party last summer. ()
singing on stage and she wanted to become a singer. 2 _______________ about 50 people. ()
She left school when she was sixteen and started a 3 _______________ any bands. ()
professional career in music. She worked very hard, and she 4 _______________ a disco. ()
also performed in some big concerts to raise money for 5 _______________ lots of snacks. ()
She first entered the TV talent competition 14 Napisz o pierwszym dniu ostatnich letnich
The X Factor in 2005. She didn’t win because the judges wakacji. Wykorzystaj poniższy plan. (5 marks)
thought that she was too young to be a successful pop star.
But they said that she was a great singer, so Alexandra Paragraph 1: What time did you get up? What
entered the competition again in 2008. This time she won! did you do first?
Her first song, ‘Hallelujah’, was number one in Britain for Paragraph 2: What did you do after that? Who
three weeks. She became famous! did you meet? Where did you go?
Paragraph 3: What did you finally do? How did
you feel?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100

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