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TeenExplnew U2 SHORT A gr1

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Unit 2 Short Test A Group 1 Class 

Vocabulary 1, Listening Score / 25

1 Label the pictures. The first letters are given.

2 The people are

1 He’s 3 He is feeling 4 She is feeling 5 He’s helping
s____________ s__________. a__________. the old man.
with the film.
of ghosts. He’s very

6 The boy was 7 The man has 8 She’s got 9 Her hair is 10 She’s got
in the sun. got a long b__________. s__________. f__________
He’s got b__________. on her face.
a t_________.

Score: ___ / 10
2 Fill the gaps to complete the words.
1 s_y
2 h_p_y
3 sur _ r _ _ e _
4 s _ c _ able
5 f_n_y
6 m _ ust _ _ h _
7 s_l_y
8 f _ _ ng _
9 _ u _ ly
Score: ___ / 9

Extra Task
3 Read the text. Fill gaps 1–3 with the words in the box. There are three extra words.
cheerful    friends    beautiful    twins    careful    teachers
This is a photo of a family. I think they are in a park. The girl is very (1) ____________________
She has got long hair and a very attractive smile. I think she loves her boyfriend. The
woman looks worried, maybe she has got a problem. The man is smiling a lot. He looks very
(2) ____________________. The young boy is with his two (3) ____________________. I think they
are in the same class at school.
Score: ___ / 6

Teen Explorer new 7 Short Test A Group 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2020 1

Unit 2 Short Test A Group 1 Class 

Grammar 1 Score / 25

1 Circle the correct option: a, b or c.

1 I _____ some new shoes on Saturday. 6 Did they _____ their swimming costumes?
a buying b buy c bought a brings b brought c bring
2 I _____ breakfast this morning. 7 We ____ in a very small flat a few years ago.
a didn’t eat a live b lived c are lived
b didn’t ate 8 She _____ the party was on Friday,
c not eat but it was on Thursday.
3 _____ a lot of TV in the past? a thought b think c thinks
a Did you watch 9 Where _____ on holiday last summer?
b Watched you a did you went
c Did you watched b you went
4 My mum _____ a book when I was c did you go
at summer camp. 10 He _____ about his marks at school when
a reads b read c was reading he was a young pupil.
5 Oh no! I _____ my chemistry book at a didn’t care
school. b didn’t cared
a leaves b left c leave c isn’t care
Score: ___ / 10
2 Put the words in the correct order to make past simple sentences (affirmative, negative and
question forms). You can change the form of the verbs.
1 catch / bus / to / I / yesterday / the / do / not / school (-)
2 a lot / have / we / homework / week / last / of (+)
3 to / guitar / brother / me / my / the / teach / play (+)
4 drink / past / coffee / she / the / not / do / in (-)
5 the / like / cake / do / chocolate / they (?)
Score: ___ / 10
Extra Task
3 Translate the phrases in brackets into English. Fill each gap with a maximum of three words.
1 I __________________ (skończyłem lekcje) at 4 p.m. yesterday.
2 She __________________ (nie była) interested in the programme so she switched the TV off.
3 __________________ (Czy mieszkałaś) with your grandparents?
4 __________________ (Słyszałam) a great song on the radio yesterday.
5 I __________________ (nie posprzątałam) my room at the weekend.
Score: ___ / 5

Teen Explorer new 7 Short Test A Group 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2020 1

Unit 2 Short Test A Group 1 Class 

Vocabulary 2 Score / 25

1 Label the pictures. The first letters are given.

1 He looks 2 They’ve got 3 He is not 4 She is very 5 Emma is very

w__________. a l__________ doing b__________. c__________.
house. anything. He is

6 I was 7 The news is 8 My dog is very 9 You need to be 10 The teacher

s__________ s___________. f__________. c___________ was really
when I heard when you walk a__________
the news. on ice. with us.

Score: ___ / 10
2 Fill the gaps to complete the words.
1 be _ ut _ f _ 6 wo _ _ y _ _ g
2 s _ _ ck 7 c_r_l__s
3 a _ no _ _ _ g 8 l _ ze
4 an _ r _ 9 ca _ _
5 lo _ _ n _ 10 lo _ _
Score: ___ / 10

Extra Task
3 Circle the correct option: a, b or c.
David is my best friend. He is in my class at school and he is very (1) ___. He says silly things and
everyone laughs. He is tall and he has got short, (2) ___ hair. He is always very (3) ___ and happy.
He is always positive and he is never (4) ___ with other people. He always thinks of fun things to do
and I am never (5) ___ when I am with him.
1 a traditional b unusual c funny
2 a wavy b windy c sideburns
3 a angry b cheerful c curly
4 a angry b sociable c unkind
5 a hungry b bored c smart
Score: ___ / 5

Teen Explorer new 7 Short Test A Group 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2020 1

Unit 2 Short Test A Group 1 Class 

Grammar 2 Score / 25

1 Circle the correct option: a, b or c.

1 What _____ you doing at 3 p.m. yesterday? 7 I _____ fun at the party so I went home.
a was b are c were a ‘m not having
2 He wasn’t feeling good so he ____ at home. b wasn’t having
a staying b stayed c was staying c was having not
3 It _____ when I woke up this morning. 8 My dad _____ to the radio so I turned it off.
a raining b rained c was raining a didn’t listen
4 They were driving to school when the b weren’t listening
accident ______. c wasn’t listening
a happening 9 They _____ for their friends in the café.
b was happening a waits
c happened b were waiting
5 Why _____ outside the cinema? c was waiting
a was you sitting 10 What _____ in the library at 10 p.m.?
b you were sitting a were you doing
c were you sitting b were doing you
6 She _____ a blue jacket and grey trousers c was you doing
when I saw her.
a wore b was wearing c were wearing

Score: ___ / 10
2 Put the words in the correct order to make past continuous sentences (affirmative, negative
and question forms). You can change the form of the verbs.
1 be / people / watch / outside / they / the  (+)
2 to / she / the / be / on / who / talk / phone (?)
3 the / listen / to / be / teacher / I / not (-)
4 download / he / some / net / from / at / the / music / 9.00 / be / yesterday (+)
5 when / go / you / where / met / I / you / be (?)
Score: ___ / 10
Extra Task
3 Translate the phrases in brackets into English. Fill each gap with a maximum of three words.
1 What __________________ (oglądałeś) on YouTube all through the break?
2 She __________________ (pisała) messages to her friends on Messenger when I saw her.
3 My grandma ___________(napisała) this letter when she was 17 years old.
4 I __________________ (nie krzyczałam) at you. I only wanted to ask you a question.
5 __________________(Czy on się uczył) when you called him?
Score: ___ / 5

Teen Explorer new 7 Short Test A Group 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2020 1

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