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Algorithmic Approach To Process Design of Direct Rotary Dryers Coolers

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Algorithmic approach to process design of direct

rotary dryers-coolers

Zdzisław Pakowski

To cite this article: Zdzisław Pakowski (2020): Algorithmic approach to process design of direct
rotary dryers-coolers, Drying Technology, DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2020.1841789

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Published online: 11 Dec 2020.

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Algorithmic approach to process design of direct rotary dryers-coolers

Zdzisław Pakowski
OMNIKON Ltd, Łodz, Poland


This paper shows how the problem of simulation and design of integrated direct rotary Received 13 October 2020
dryer and cooler can be solved in an algorithmic way. In the last few decades dryers and Revised 21 October 2020
coolers are often assembled in one unit to save space and/or energy (process integration). Accepted 21 October 2020
Several types of construction of such units have been proposed. Since the coupling
between models describing both parts of such a unit exists, usually a “trial and error” Double-pass dryer-cooler;
method is used in the design process to get an acceptable agreement with design specifica- two-point BVP;
tions. This work shows how to bypass this drawback. Three exemplary cases are studied to characteristic drying curve
illustrate the suggested approach: (1) countercurrent dryer and cooler, (2) cocurrent dryer
and countercurrent cooler, (3) double-pass cocurrent dryer and countercurrent cooler. The
three cases correspond to typical commercial designs. In addition, an algorithmic way of
dimensioning the drum and its interior is presented.

1. Introduction Considering continuity of all phases allowed for a uni-

On a way to the automated process design of indus- form approach to simulation via a set of differential
trial installations, a need to represent the design equations solved as initial condition problem for con-
procedures in an algorithmic mode is obvious. The current flow or two-point boundary value problem
algorithmic approach allows for further develop- (2P BVP) for countercurrent flow.
ment of computerized simulation and design tools. The simulation and design of rotary dryers and
So far, such an approach dominates in the area of coolers can follow the same approach if they are con-
process design of separation processes involving sidered separately. A problem arises if drying and
multicomponent liquid and gas phases. Tools for cooling sections are integrated in one drum. The
solving installations composed of distillation col- simulation of this case will be the subject of
umns, absorbers, extractors, etc., and ancillary this work.
equipment like heat exchangers, pumps, valves in
the steady and unsteady state exist for more than
40 years now. Less common are tools for operations 2. Earlier work
involving solid phase like drying or the approach Simulation and design of drying systems is a sub-
used by them is over-simplistic. ject of increasing importance, yet progress in the
Computerized simulation and design of dryers development of software for this purpose does not
involves not only thermodynamics of all phases
necessarily follow. As reviews published so far
involved (humid air or other inert gas and wet solid)
indicate[3,4] software for the design of drying sys-
but also the kinetics of moisture release by the solid
tems is still scarce. The same applies to the design
phase and aerodynamics of flow of these phases in the
dryer together with heat and mass transfer between of rotary dryers although papers with “modeling,
them. Having this in mind, the author of this study simulation and/or design” in their titles abound.
developed some 30 years ago a software tool Many of them will be described later in the text.
dryPAK[1–3] that was able to simulate batch drying So far no paper dealing with the design of an
and steady-state drying with concurrent, countercur- integrated system of rotary dryer and cooler has
rent, and crosscurrent flow of both phases. been found in the literature.

CONTACT Zdzisław Pakowski OMNIKON Ltd., Ł

odz, Poland.
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

3. Design of a drum and its interior Table 1. Comparison of computed mean residence times
(in min).
Any rotary dryer design begins with drum dimension- Formula v¼1 v ¼ –1
ing, process calculations follow. Since it is practically Friedman and Marshall 7.48 7.81
impossible to dimension the drum starting with pro- Saeman and Mitchell 7.26 8.79
Karali et al. 8.64 8.64
cess calculations the design is performed by simula-
tion i.e., first, a drum is preliminarily dimensioned,
then a set of process parameters for given specifica- It is worth mentioning that the above models do
tions is selected and process simulation is performed. not consider a role of flights in holding the solid in
If the specifications for the product are not fulfilled the drum.
Works on this subject continue,[7–14] however their
drum dimensions and/or process parameters are
results do not always reflect industrial conditions.[15]
adjusted until a satisfying agreement is reached.
Similarly often quoted Schofield and Glikin for-
Drum dimensioning includes drum diameter,
mula[16] works only below Rep ¼ 20, which is too low
length, rotations, and inclination angle as well as the
for a typical industrial dryer as noted by Kelly.[17] He
architecture of the drum interior. The interior archi-
suggests referring to experimental data whenever pos-
tecture describes the size, profile, and number of
sible. Matchett and Baker[9] elaborated a method con-
flights (lifters). They lift the incoming material up as
sidering the interaction of both flowing phases but it
the drum rotates and gradually unload it to form cas-
is cumbersome in use.
cades of solid particles where heat and mass exchange
Values of residence time computed for L ¼ 10 m,
with the flowing air occurs.
D ¼ 3 m, b ¼ 2.4 deg, N ¼ 4 rpm, ug¼4 m s1,
Drum diameter, length, inclination angle, and 1
dp¼4 mm, Wm¼16.7 kg/s, Wg¼19 kg s for the test
number of rotations per minute, decisive for the resi-
solid (for description see Section 4) are shown in
dence time of solids, undergo several limitations. The
Table 1 for concurrent and countercurrent flow.
following ranges are suggested: 3<L/D < 10 (prefer-
The residence time for a given set of operating
ably 6<L/D < 8), 2<b < 5 deg, 2<N < 10 rpm. Others conditions can be controlled by varying D, L, N, and
will be mentioned later. b. To avoid problems with flight unloading Baker[18]
Since 1920s research has been carried on to elabor- suggests that flight lip’s tangential velocity ur ¼ Rlx
ate formulas for the residence time of granular solids should be in the range 0.25  0.7 m s1.
in rotating drums including kilns and dryers. Several Flights or lifters are fixed to the drum wall by their
empirical and semi-empirical formulas were proposed. base and extend along the drum length parallel to its
For this work the following empirical relationships axis. Their cross-section can be 1-segment (rare), 2-
were used (in chronological order):Friedman and segment (common), 3-segment (the most common).
Marshall, 1949 (modified)[5] Multi-segment[19,20] or curvilinear flights[17] can also
" #
0:3344 0:6085Wg be constructed (cf. Figure 1). Selection of a flight type
s¼L v  0:5 (1) depends much on a processed product type: for
bN 0:9 D Wm dp  106
fibrous, fluffy solids type 1 s, for sticky solids type 2 s,
Saeman and Mitchell, 1954[6] for free-flowing solids type 3 s and multi-segment, and
1 curvilinear flights for many of the above mentioned
s¼L   (2) are recommended.
fH ND tan b þ vkm ug
To force the air to slalom between cascades, the
with typical values of fH and km equal to 2.5 and flights are made short and the next row of flights is
0.001, respectively. offset by a small axial angle to the former one.
Karali et al., 2020[7] For calculation of solid holdup in flights and dens-
22:7=60 ity of cascades, it is necessary to determine a solid
s¼L (3) surface line in a flight at any elevation angle h. In
bN 0:9 D
many earlier works, flight geometry was represented
The air drag force term included in the majority of by lengths of segments and angles between
these equations has signs dependent on the direction them.[12,13,19–23] Translating a flight to any elevation
of airflow. A coefficient v accommodates the direction angle h in this way requires lots of trigonometry. In
of flow: it is equal to 1 for cocurrent and 1 for this work, the flight profile is represented by a flight
countercurrent flow. It will be later also useful in pro- matrix composed of node coordinates x,y in 1  1 size
cess simulation. square. The x-axis is identical with the drum radius

The solid surface line is drawn from the flight lip

(apex) at an angle of H to horizon. The other end of
the solid line is found as an intersection with the
drum wall (case 0 in Figure 3) or a given segment of
the lifter.
For computing, the solid surface line one requires
an intersection point of this line and a given segment
Figure 1. Types of lifters: 1-segment, 2-segment, 3-segment, of the lifter profile. The method used here is close to
multi-segment, curvilinear. Solid surface line is also shown. the one presented by Van Puyvelde.[20] The algorithm
starts with case 0 and then continues until n – 1 seg-
thus #1 node with coordinates (0,0) corresponds to ment of the lifter. This routine is repeated for all cas-
the flight base attachment point. A node represents an cade-forming flights in the upper half of the drum.
endpoint of a segment of the flight. There is no limit Having this completed the load on the flights is cal-
for a number of segments. Practically using 6-segment culated. For this, a cross-section area of solids under the
flight makes its profile close to curvilinear. surface line is computed for each loaded flight. The
The flight matrix is scaled to real size by multiply- curvature of the drum in case 0 is neglected and the
ing its coordinates by the ratio of flight length to drum-solid contact line is represented as a straight-line
drum diameter (scaling factor f l usually 0.1–0.15) and segment. The cross-section of a polygon formed by the
D. Additionally y coordinates may be multiplied by solid layer contour is calculated as:
the aspect ratio factor fs to make the flight more slen- " #
der or fat. This allows for the control of flight holdup A ¼ 0:5 ðyi þ yiþ1 Þðxi  xiþ1 Þ þ ðynþ1 þ y1 Þðxnþ1  x1 Þ
without changing other essential parameters. Figure 2
shows profiles of two flights used in simulation of (7)
Case #2 in this study. where n is equal to the number of its sides minus 1
Next, the number of flights nf is selected. Krokida ad x, y are coordinates of its vertices.
et al.[22] suggest the following range 5 < nf/D < 10, The total cross-section area occupied by the solids
Friedman and Marshall[5] about 7 < nf/D < 10 but in results from the drum hold up:
practice the lower boundary can be as low as 3. A mH ¼ 60sWm (8)
smaller number of deeper flights is usually used in
dryers and a larger number of less deep flights in Sm ¼ (9)
qb L
coolers. Usually, a number of flights are too large
when, in a design loaded drum, the solid load on a Summing up loads on all cascade forming flights
flight touches the flight above it. and adding one full load of flight at h ¼ 0 to provide
A flight defined with the matrix in real dimensions for the cascades, the area of the kiln layer on the bot-
can now be placed at elevation angles corresponding tom of the drum is calculated as:
to all flights by transformation of the node coordi- !
nates of the real size flight matrix as shown below: Sk ¼ Sm  A i þ A0 (10)
x0i ¼ xi cos h  yi sin h i
y0i ¼ xi sin h þ yi cos h The degree of fill of the drum is:
The slope of a solid load on a flight is equal to a tan- Sm
j¼ (11)
gent of its dynamic angle of repose H which depends S
on the angle of elevation in the following way[16]: Baker[18] recommends this value to be in the range
ld þ Cð cos h  ld sin hÞ of 0.1  0.15.
tan H ¼ (5) In the same routine which computes A values,
1  Cð sin h þ ld cos hÞ
lengths of solid-drum wall contact are computed and
where added up to the length of the arc of the kiln layer.
Rl x2
C¼ (6) This allows one to calculate a solid covered perimeter
ratio defined as:
The coefficient of dynamic friction md may depend on P
moisture content – this dependence should be meas- lf þ lk
fC ¼ (12)
ured experimentally.[21] pD

Figure 2. (a,b) 6-segment flight, (c,d) 3-segment flight. Figures (a,c) are in 1  1 squares. Figures (b,d) are scaled to real size in
meters for 3 m in dia. drum – please note x-axis inversion. Scaling used: fl ¼ 0.15, fs ¼ 0.7 for 6-segment flight and fl ¼ 0.155, fs
¼ 1.06 for the other.

Figure 3. Possible cases of solid surface line position on load-carrying flights for a 6-segment (7-node) flight.

This ratio, however approximate will help in esti- as

mation of heat transferred by both phases through the
drum walls. dA
g ¼ qb (13)
Finally, the algorithm visualizes the flighted drum dr
with the solid surface line at each of flights in the
upper half of the drum and the bottom (kiln) layer as and is indicative of how evenly flights unload the sol-
in Figure 4. ids across the drum diameter. The cascade density
This graph helps to assess, if with the current lifter should have possibly equal value across the drum. The
design, the drum is underloaded (kiln layer does not actually used flights (Figure 4) are satisfactory in this
cover any lifter), overloaded (several lifters are sub- respect (c.f. Figure 5) compared e.g., to wide-angled
merged in the kiln layer) or is design loaded (the line 2-segment flights which unload almost completely in
reaches the middle flight top). the first quadrant of the drum cross-section.
It is also helpful to generate a cascade density To make the cascades wider and help in unloading
graph for the flights. Cascade density g is here defined flight lip edge is sometimes serrated or crenelated.

Figure 4. Calculated solid fill in the drum for Case#2 (a) for dryer and (b) for cooler.

It is worth noting that the above-presented model Despite these drawbacks modeling rotary dryers
is simple yet informative. More complex studies on with 1D ordinary differential equations (ODE) is com-
flight unloading are available e.g.,[12,13,24,25] using a mon.[27–35] Sometimes these models are called incre-
continuum approach, and e.g.,[26] using the mental or compartmental, where discrete increments
DEM approach. instead of differentials are used.
If for the assumed geometry the drum is design In a multiscale approach, the grains may be consid-
loaded and the cascade density distribution is satisfac- ered as distributed parameter objects but it is not the
tory one may proceed with the simulation part. One subject of the present study.
has to bear in mind that if the air velocity resulting
from the simulation is significantly different from that
4.2. Governing equations
assumed in the drum design all above calculations
have to be repeated. This supports the idea of an algo- Schematics of a control space for concurrent and
rithmic approach to the drum design. countercurrent cases are shown in Figure 6.
In all cases, the direction of the length axis follows
that of the solid phase flow unless stated otherwise.
4. Simulation of a single dryer or cooler The solid entry end is marked 1, the other 2.
4.1. Assumptions Moisture mass balances in steady-state for solid and
gas phases read: for concurrent for countercurrent
To allow for further analysis using differential equations
one has to assume continuity of both phases and their dX S
¼ wd a (14)
parallel flow. It may not be so easily acceptable for solid dl WS
phase as it is for the gas phase. Solid phase, as it cas- dX S
cades from lifters, flows in a sequence of parallel and ¼ wd a (15)
dl WS
cross flow to the gas phase. Assuming that there are no
dY S
noticeable changes to the solid parameters in the vertical ¼ wd a (16)
direction, which is equivalent to assuming perfect mix- dl WB
ing in that direction, makes the case one dimensional, dY S
¼ wd a (17)
where changes occur only in an axial direction in both dl WB
phases. A serious breach in this assumption is when,
Heat balances are most conveniently written
due to inadequate design, gas phase flows through
using enthalpies of each phase since they account
spaces not covered by the cascades thus bypassing the
for both sensible and latent heat. The specific
solid phase. Although the solid phase has a granular i.e.,
enthalpies for moisture containing solid and gas
discontinuous form the size of grains is small compared
phases are:
to the size of the dryer to allow for considering the solid
phase continuous. im ðtm , XÞ ¼ ðcAl X þ cS Þtm  Dhs X (18)

Figure 5. Flight load and cascade density for (a) 6-segment flight of dryer and (b) 3-segment flight of cooler.

Figure 6. Control element of dryer volume to set up balances (a) concurrent and (b) countercurrent.

ig ðtg , YÞ ¼ ðcA Y þ cB Þtg þ Dhv0 Y (19) dX wdv

¼ (24)
dl wS
Respective heat balances are:
dY wdv
¼v (25)
dl wB
for cocurrent for countercurrent
dim S   dim S   dtm 1
¼ aðt t Þwd hA qlm a ¼ aðt t Þwd hA qlm a ¼ ðqi I qlm Þ (26)
dl WS dl WS dl wS ðcAl X þcS Þ
(20, 21) dtg 1
S   S   ¼v ½qi þJ qlg  (27)
¼ aðt t Þþwd hA qlg a
¼ aðt t Þþwd hA qlg a dl wB ðcA Y þcB Þ
dl WB dl WB
(22,23) where

where hA is the specific enthalpy of water vapor at qi ¼ av ðtg tm Þ (28)

material temperature defined as hA ¼ cA tm þDhv0 : We qlm ¼ Kmv ðtm tamb Þ (29)
will now substitute the formulas for enthalpies in heat
balances and use volumetric heat transfer coefficients
qlg ¼ Kgv ðtg tamb Þ (30)
(av ¼ aa) and drying rates (wdv ¼ wda) as well as
mass velocities for solid and gas phases. Using the v are the interfacial heat transfer, solid-phase heat loss,
symbol will unify notation: and gas-phase heat loss terms, respectively. I and J

Figure 7. Drying related properties of the test solid. (a) Isotherms of adsorption (operating range of X shown by dotted lines), (b)
isosteric heat of sorption, and (c) characteristic drying curve.

Table 2. Comparison of computed volumetric heat transfer

enthalpy, it follows that specific heat capacities used
coefficients. must be integral averages between reference (0  C)
Formula j ¼ 0.1 j ¼ 0.15 and actual temperature.
Luikov 0.359 0.532 It is worthwhile to keep all material coefficients and
Hirosue et al. 0.475 0.477 functions pertinent to the solid either in one file, specific
Arruda et al. 0.811 0.811
for a given product or as a record in a library of solids.
Two of them: specific heat of dry solid cS and isosteric
terms are associated with the drying rate share: heat of sorption Dhs are explicitly present in the govern-
I ¼ wdv ½ðcA cAl Þtm þDhv0 þDhs  (31) ing equation set. Others are used either in aerodynamic
or in drying rate calculations. Among them, sorption
J ¼ wdv ðcA tm cA tg Þ (32)
isotherm of the solid is the most important. An equa-
The sign convention applies: qi is positive if it tion of temperature-dependent sorption isotherms (one
enters the solid phase and wd is positive if it leaves of many available) in the form
the solid phase. Please note that balance equations for ue ¼ f ðtm , XÞ (33)
the solids may become second order if axial dispersion
of flow is considered. obtained either from approximation of experimental
data or from the literature survey provides informa-
tion on the type of moisture (free or bound) encom-
4.3. Material and kinetic coefficients passed by the product moisture-content range. If the
It is convenient to have a library of thermodynamic product contains a lot of free moisture one can
functions describing physical properties of water in apply high air temperature in cocurrent flow. For
liquid and vapor state, the properties of air and of air bound moisture drying is slow and temperatures
and water vapor mixtures. Since in modern dryers hot must be lower unless overheating and burning
may occur.
air or flue gases at dryer inlet can have temperatures
Temperature-dependent sorption isotherm equation
of up to 700  C using constant, temperature-independ-
allows for calculation of the isosteric heat of sorption
ent properties is not justified. In fact, using tempera-
from the Clausius–Clapeyron equation:
ture-dependent properties is recommended at all
times as it does not impair the execution time much Rg dð ln uÞ
Dhs ¼  (34)
with modern computers. From the definition of MA dð1=TÞ

Solid in dryer
Air in dryer

Moisture content, kg/kg

Temperature. °C
0.04 200

0.02 100


0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

Length, m Length, m

Figure 8. Computed profiles of M.C. and temperatures in cocurrent case.

For the test solid used here in examples its sorption Hirosue et al., 1988[38]
isotherms and isosteric heat of sorption are shown in 0:12
Figure 7. The sorption isotherm equation also allows av ¼ ap pdp2 n0:75
pl for npl < 1:5  108 (36)
for finding the equilibrium moisture content Xe by
back calculation. Necessary thermodynamic functions av ¼ ap pdp2 n0:5
pl for npl  1:5  108 (37)
also include dew-point temperature, saturated pressure S
of water vapor, humid air viscosity, heat conductiv- where
ity, etc. ð100jÞ1:37 Fr 0:41 S
The solid property file must also contain the equiva- npl ¼ (38)
lent particle size or particle size distribution data, par-
ticle sphericity, skeletal and bulk density, the angle of and
repose and/or dynamic friction coefficient, particle  
N 2
pD 60
density dependence on moisture content (if available), Fr ¼ ap pdp2 n0:5
pl (39)
and upper temperature limit for thermolabile solids. Dg
For calculation of the kinetic terms (interfacial heat Arruda et al., 2009[33]
and mass fluxes) a heat transfer coefficient and drying
rate are required. For the heat transfer coefficient, two av ¼ 0:394ðwg Þ0:289 ðwm Þ0:541 (40)
approaches can be found in the literature. In one it is It is worth noting that the volumetric heat transfer
assumed that gas-particle heat transfer involves only coefficient is defined per empty drum cross section S.
particles falling in cascades and is described by usual A comparison of the above equations for humid air of
gas-particle relationships (e.g., Ranz-Marshall) and all tg ¼ 250  C, Y ¼ 0.02 kg kg1, ug ¼ 4 m s1 in a
effort goes into the determination of the area of con- drum of Figure 4(a) is shown in Table 2.
tact between falling particles and air. Such an Wall heat transfer coefficient necessary to calculate
approach is represented e.g., by Langrish et al.,[36] and heat losses is usually calculated as that pertinent to
Hirosue et al.[37] the gas phase only.[33,39–41] Several authors suggest
In numerous studies, however, the volumetric heat using the McAdams equation for flow in tube, using a
transfer coefficient is used instead (cf. early works of hydraulic diameter of drum, Le Guen et al.[41] suggest
Miller et al., Mc Cormick, Mykelstad, Friedman, and a method based on yet another equation for flow in
Marshall quoted in Baker[18] or e.g., Arruda[33]). tubes. Arruda et al.[33] developed an empirical equa-
In the first approach, results are more universal
tion for the overall transfer coefficient for the nonin-
since they do not depend on the experimental drum
sulated drum:
interior architecture. The other approach produces
results specific to a given set of experimental data. Kgamb ¼ 0:022ðwg Þ0:289 (41)
The following working formulas, giving consistent where heat loss is calculated based on the entire drum
results, were selected for this work (in chronological
wall area and gas-phase temperature only.
order): Luikov, 1970[38]
In this study, it is assumed that both phases are
av ¼ 0:0161ðwg Þ0:9 N 0:7 ð100jÞ0:54 (35) losing heat. The overall heat transfer coefficients are
calculated as follows: for gas phase – McAdams equa-
tion is used, for solid phase – a constant value

Figure 9. Computed profiles of M.C. and temperatures in countercurrent case.

0.200 kW m2 K1 is used. This value depends on the In Equation (45) Xe is equilibrium M.C. found using
size and heat capacity of the solid particles. In fact, the sorption isotherm. The f(U) function used has
heat transfer from the solid phase is transient and here the following form:
using a steady-state approach is only an approxima-
tion. For each phase, their respective transfer areas of f ðUÞ ¼ (46)
the drum are used: (1-fc)pDL for the gas phase and 2:023  1:0189U2:5
fcpDL for the solid phase. For the ambient airside a and is shown graphically in Figure 7(c).
value of 0.020 kW m2 K1 was applied. Thermal In simulations, all coefficients are determined
resistances of the drum wall and insulation were locally for a set of temperatures, humidities, and air
also considered. velocities at a given distance from the entrance. It is
The drying rate in the governing equations is worth writing a routine that will perform these calcu-
defined as: lations when needed.
mS dX For all calculations in this work, a test solid has
wd ¼  (42)
AS ds been used. The test solid is free-flowing, monodisperse
and has equivalent particle diameter dp ¼ 4 mm,
The entire range of solid’s moisture content is div-
sphericity w ¼ 0.9, particle density qp ¼ 2050 kg m-3,
ided into free (I) and bound (II) moisture range with
Xcr as the separator. In free moisture range, wd can be bulk density qb ¼ 1150 kg m-3, heat capacity (dry
calculated as basis) cS ¼ 1.0 kJ kg1 K1, coefficient of dynamic
friction md ¼ 0.85. Its sorption isotherms, isosteric
wdI ¼ kY ðYsat ðtm Þ  Y Þ (43) heat of sorption, and CDC are shown in Figure 7.
Mass transfer coefficient kY is calculated from the
Lewis analogy as kY ¼ a/cH. 4.4. Solutions
In bound moisture range, wd is calculated from any
of three empirical approaches: (a) TLE-thin layer For all examples in this study the specifications are:
equation (e.g., Page equation – cf. Henderson[42]), (b) solid duty WS ¼ 60 t h1 (dry basis), initial M.C. b1
CDC – characteristic drying curve (Keey and ¼ 5%, final M.C. bs < 1%, initial solid temperature t1
Suzuki[43]) or c) REA-reaction engineering approach ¼ 10  C, final solid temperature tms < 30  C. Hot air
(Chen and Putranto[44]) or theoretically by solving is heated by a gas burner (please notice increased
moisture transport equations in the solid (in multi- humidity). Cool air is ambient and has temperature
scale approach). tamb ¼ 15  C and R.H. u ¼ 60%. Drum walls are made
In this work, the CDC approach was used. In the of carbon steel 12 mm thick and the drum is insulated
CDC approach wdII was calculated from Equation (44): with mineral wool 15 cm thick.
wdII Below, for illustration only, results for a concurrent
¼ f ðUÞ (44)
wdI and countercurrent dryer are shown. The concurrent
where case was solved as an IC (initial condition) problem
with a typical ODE solver, the concurrent case was
X  Xe
U¼ (45) solved as a 2P BVP using a BVP solver. The comput-
Xcr  Xe
ing time of countercurrent is about 20 times larger.

Figure 10. Schematic of an integrated dryer-cooler of Case #1.

Data set: tg ¼ 280  C, Y ¼ 0.026 kg kg1, WB ¼ The first case leads to countercurrent flow in both
19 kg s1, L ¼ 7 m, D ¼ 3 m, N ¼ 3 rpm, b ¼ 2.4 deg. sections the other two have cocurrent flow in the
Drum internals are identical to these of Figure 4. dryer and countercurrent in the cooler. While in the
Please note that here and in all cases that follow the second case both parts can be basically solved separ-
drum length is only the active, lifter-fitted part of the ately, the other two require finding boundary condi-
entire drum. The distribution section at solid entry tions at the midpoint. These cases will be
and separation zone at the solid exit must be added in discussed below.
mechanical design (Figures 8 and 9).
As one can see, the final moisture content is higher 5.2. Countercurrent dryer and cooler – Case 1
in countercurrent due to condensation of some mois-
ture from the air on cold inlet solid. It is not so if the This unit has recently been introduced for drying and
product enters the dryer warm. Final product tem- cooling white sugar. In this unit both hot and cold air
perature in countercurrent is higher than in concur- are introduced at the end opposite to the solid input,
rent and it will be more difficult to cool the product however hot air enters via a central pipe that extends
to specifications. Similar computations can be done along the entire cooling section and releases hot air
for the cooler. that is admixed to air exiting the cooling section
(Figure 10).
In this case, the profiles of solid moisture content
5. Simulation of dryer-cooler units and temperature are continuous but profiles of air
5.1. Cases under consideration humidity and temperature are not. Although the case
is countercurrent it cannot be solved by a typical 2P
Drying followed by cooling is a common way of proc- BVP solver. Additional conditions are necessary to
essing wet granular solids like sugar, fertilizers, wood account for the discontinuity.
chips, etc. Separate dryer and cooler are a popular For this purpose let’s introduce variables represent-
solution, moreover, they can be of different types e.g., ing parameters of each stream (X, tm, Y, tg) on both
a rotary or fluid bed dryer is used for drying of sugar sides of the midpoint – left-hand side (indexed L) and
and dense bed plate cooler is used for cooling. In this right-hand side (indexed R).
case, they are simulated/designed separately. Using this notation, the following set of equations
Building a dryer and cooler in one shell is another, can be written:
space-saving option. One also cuts costs on ducting 2 00 1 13 0 1
and rotary valves. Fluid bed dryers-coolers due to a 6 BB C C7 B tmL C
6ODEsolverBB tm1 C, 0, LD , NS, derDC7 ¼B C
lack of moving parts are probably the easiest to be 4 @@ Y1 A A5 @ YL A
merged. For some time, rotary drums have also been tg1 NSþ1, 2:::5
used to accommodate dryer and cooler. At least three (47)
constructions exist on the market: (1) hot air inlet 2 00 1 13 0 1
pipe going axially through the cooler and releasing air XR X2 T
6 BB C C7 B tm2 C
at the midpoint of the drum, (2) hot and cold air 6ODEsolverBB tmR C, 0, LC , NS, derCC7 ¼B C
4 @@ YR A A5 @ Y2 A
inlets at opposite ends of the drum and common air tgR tg2
NSþ1, 2:::5
exit at the midpoint of the drum, and (3) drying
drum is encased axially in a cooling drum.[45] Their
schematics are shown in each case below.

Figure 11. Simulation results of Case#1. Axial distributions of: (a) M.C. of solid, (b) air humidity, (c) temperature of both phases,
and (d) air velocity.

XL ¼ XR (49) (Equations 24–27) – specific for dryer derD and

cooler derC. Since the wall of the hot air carrying pipe
tmL ¼ tmR (50)
is well insulated an interphase heat flux is neglected
WBD YL ¼ WBC YR þ WB0 Y0 (51) (but may be considered if necessary, as in Case #3).
WBD ig ðtgL , YL Þ ¼ WBC ig ðtgR , YR Þ þ WB0 ig ðtg0 , Y0 Þ The result of numerical integration is a matrix of
NS þ 1 rows and 5 columns. The columns contain
local distance from the entry in column 1 and values
Equations (47, 48) represent a numerical solution of the corresponding parameters (in the same order as
of the initial condition problem for a given vector of in initial conditions) in columns 2 through 5. By tak-
ICs. ODEsolver is a numerical tool (a function) avail- ing the values corresponding to columns 2–5 of the
able e.g., in commercial math solvers (MathcadV,
last row one obtains a transposition of a vector of
MATLABV). Owing to the considerable stiffness of
parameters at the end of the integration domain.
simultaneous heat and mass transfer balances using a Equations (49, 50) account for the continuity of the
solver for stiff equations is recommended. The list of solid-phase parameters at the midpoint. Equations
arguments of a solver contains: a vector of initial con- (51, 52) are mass and heat balances at the midpoint,
ditions, start (0) and end (L) values of the integration closing the discontinuity of the gas phase parameters.
domain, number of steps NS, and name of the func- The set of equations contains 12 unknowns. Each
tion providing RHS of the governing equation system of Equations (47) and (48) is equivalent to four

Figure 12. Schematic of an integrated dryer-cooler of Case #2.

independent equations. Thus, the set practically con- operates properly. They are in no way an indication
tains altogether 12 equations which make its degree of of how close the simulation reflects the reality. This
freedom equal to zero. A common numerical nonlin- will very much depend on the quality of material data
ear equation solver can solve the set provided that and the kinetic parameters used and fulfillment of the
reasonable guesses for each of the 12 unknowns assumptions of the model itself.
are made. Please note that drying also continues in the cooler.
Although the set contains embedded 8 differential This is due to elevated solid temperature after dryer
equations to be solved at each iteration the overall and low humidity of cooling air. Therefore, drying
computing time is in order of a minute on a common down as low as Xs in the dryer is not recommended
laptop computer. since it usually causes overheating and thus difficulties
In this case drum diameter is D ¼ 3.3 m, length of in cooling. However, it may not be so if the product
the dryer section LD ¼10 m and length of the cooler is hygroscopic or cooling air is humid. One may
section LC ¼ 8 m. The following values resulted from encounter rewetting in the cooler as it sometimes hap-
drum fill calculations: for the dryer: s ¼ 7.14 min, mh pens in sugar processing. The direction of moisture
¼ 7144 kg, j ¼ 0.126, fc ¼ 0.355, ur ¼ 0.366 m s1, transfer is determined by using Equation (43).
Two indicators of performance were calculated for
for the cooler: s ¼ 8.62 min, mh ¼ 8617 kg, j ¼ 0.133,
the dryer part: volumetric evaporation rate and unit
fc ¼ 0.382, ur ¼ 0.365 m s1.
heat consumption per kg of evaporated water. They
The following set of inlet values was used.
are 26.2 kg m3 h1 and 7659 MJ kg1, respectively.
Hot air Cold air
WB0 ¼ 8 kg s1 WBC ¼ 22.2 kg s1 5.3. Cocurrent dryer and countercurrent cooler –
tg0 ¼ 450  C tg2 ¼ 15  C Case 2
Y0 ¼ 0.039 kg kg1 Y2 ¼ 6.36.103 kg kg1
This design also combines a dryer and a cooler in one
drum. However, in midpoint there is an exhaust port
The results of simulation for the test solid are
provided for exit of the gas phase from both dryer
shown in Figure 11. and cooler. The entry point of hot gas is at solid inlet
The final obtained values for the solid are: and that of cold gas is at solid exit. In this way, the
b ¼ 0.948%, tm ¼ 29.99  C vs. specifications bs ¼ 1% dryer operates cocurrently while the cooler works in
and tms < 30  C. At this point, it is recommended to countercurrent. Using cocurrent in the dryer chamber
check the accuracy of numerical computations. For allows for much higher air temperatures, which is
that purpose, relative errors of overall moisture mass convenient for cold solids of high moisture content.
and heat balances are verified. They are defined as a The layout of the unit is shown in Figure 12.
ratio of all inputs minus all outputs to all inputs. For Basically, such a unit can be designed as an inde-
the above calculations the relative error of mass balan- pendent dryer and cooler. Having a set of all ICs for the
ces is DM ¼ 3  1011% and heat balances DH ¼ dryer the set of governing equations (24–27) can be eas-
–1.9%. The error DH is always larger than DM since ily solved and exit parameters for both solid and gas
heat loses are calculated a posteriori using the com- streams obtained. The values of X and tm after dryer
puted temperature profiles. Please note that these can now be used in solving the 2P BVP in the cooler
errors only indicate that the numerical algorithm and the final X and tm found. Taking into account that

Figure 13. Simulation results of Case#2. Axial distributions of: (a) M.C. of solid, (b) air humidity, (c) temperature of both phases,
and (d) air velocity.

in the cooler a certain drying or rewetting of the solid XL ¼ XR (55)

can occur the final required M.C. of the solid may not
tmL ¼ tmR (56)
necessarily be equal to the required value. This would
call for repetition of the dryer and then cooler computa- The set contains 10 unknowns and, as explained
tions. To avoid such a trial-and-error procedure with earlier, has 10 equations. In this case, v in derD is 1
two separate pieces of software, one may resort to a and in derC is 1.
method similar to that presented above. The drum architecture of both parts was identical
In this case, the coupling of the two sets of equations to that of Figure 4. The following values resulted from
is only the equality of solid moisture content and tem- drum fill calculations: for the dryer: s ¼ 7.14 min,
perature at the midpoint. The set of equations in now: mh¼7144 kg, j ¼ 0.126, fc¼0.355, ur¼0.366 m s1, for
2 00 1 13 0 1T
X1 XL the cooler: s ¼ 8.62 min, mh ¼ 8617 kg, j ¼ 0.133, fc ¼
6 BB tm1 C C7 B tmL C
6ODEsolverBB C, 0, LD , NS, derDC7
4 @@ Y1 A A5 ¼B
@ YL A
C (53) 0.382, ur ¼ 0.365 m s1.
tg1 tgL The following set of inlet streams values was used.
NSþ1, 2:::5
2 00 1 13 0 1T
XR X2 Hot air Cold air
6 BB C C7 B tm2 C WBD ¼ 19 kg s1 WBC ¼ 23.8 kg s1
6ODEsolverBB tmR C, 0, LC , NS, derCC7 ¼@ C
4 @@ YR A A5 Y2 A tg1 ¼ 250  C tg2 ¼ 15  C
tgR t
NSþ1,2:::5 g2
Y1 ¼ 0.023 kg kg1 Y2 ¼ 6.36. 103 kg kg1

Figure 14. Schematic of an integrated dryer-cooler of Case #3.

The results of simulation for the test solid are The set of governing equations has to contain the
shown in Figure 13. coupling terms and because in the cooler solid phase
The volumetric evaporation rate is 45.0 kg m3 h1 has inverted direction of flow and heat loses to sur-
and unit heat consumption per kg of evaporated water rounding air have to be considered the set is now
is 9.38 MJ kg1. rewritten as:
– for dryer

dX wdv
5.4. Double-pass cocurrent dryer and ¼ (57)
countercurrent cooler – Case 3 dl wS

Combining dryer and cooler in one drum largely dY wdv

¼v (58)
extends the unit length. To eliminate this flaw, a dou- dl wB
ble-pass dryer/cooler has been designed. In this dtm 1
design, the dryer drum is encased axially in a cooler ¼ ðqi  I  qm Þ (59)
dl wS ðcAl X þ cS Þ
drum of larger diameter. The entire unit has about 1=2
length of the dryer-cooler unit of one-pass design. In dtg 1
¼v ðqi þ J  qg Þ (60)
this design lengths of the dryer and cooler sections dl wB ðcA Y þ cB Þ
must be equal, which may not be so in the other – for cooler
two designs.
dX wdv
The inlet of all phases is at the front end and the ¼ (61)
exit of spent air is at the other end. The solid leaving dl wS
the dryer drum falls into the cooler drum and is dY wdv
¼v (62)
transported backwards to the front end where it exits dl wB
the cooler. Since the solid is transported in two dtm 1
opposite directions in one drum its transport can not ¼ ðqi  I  qlm Þ (63)
dl wS ðcAl X þ cS Þ
be accomplished by inclining the drum. Instead of
classical lifters transporting spiral vanes are used. The dtg 1
¼v ðqi þ J þ qg þ qm  qlg Þ (64)
unit layout is shown in Figure 14. dl wB ðcA Y þ cB Þ
From the point of view of flow of both phases, we where
have cocurrent in the dryer and countercurrent in the
qi ¼ av ðtg  tm Þ (65)
cooler i.e., a case identical to Case #2. However, when
high air temperatures are applied in the dryer e.g., by qm ¼ KmDv ðtmD  tgC Þ (66)
using a built-in gas burner, a strong thermal coupling
qg ¼ KgDv ðtgD  tgC Þ (67)
by heat flux through the dryer wall occurs. In this
case, the set of governing equations must be solved qlm ¼ KmCv ðtmC  tamb Þ (68)
simultaneously for the dryer and the cooler. At the qlg ¼ KgCv ðtgC  tamb Þ (69)
midpoint (at dryer end) a condition of continuity of
X and tm must be fulfilled.

Dryer Dryer

Solid moisture content, kg/kg

Cooler Cooler

Air humidity, kg/kg




0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

Length, m Length, m
(a) (b)

300 4
Dryer - solid Dryer
Dryer - air Cooler
Cooler - solid 3.5
Temperature, C

Air velocity, m/s

200 Cooler - air

0 2
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

Length, m Length, m
(c) (d)
Figure 15. Simulation results of Case#3. Axial distributions of: (a) M.C. of solid, (b) air humidity, (c) temperature of both phases,
and (d) air velocity.

The following set of equations is to be solved: separately for gas and solid phases. For the dryer, the
2 00 1 13 0 1T Arruda correlation ( Equation 41) was used and only
X1D X2D gas-phase heat transfer qg was considered with qm
6 BB t C C7 Bt C
6 BB m1D C C7 B m2D C
6 BB Y C C7 BY C being null.
6 BB 1D C C7 B 2D C
6 BB t C C7 Bt C The following set of inlet streams values was used.
6 BB g1D C C7 B C
6ODEsolver BB X C , 0, L D , NS , derDC7 ¼ B g2D C
6 BB 1C C C7 B X2C C
6 BB C C7 B C
6 BB m1C C
t C7 B tm2C C Hot air Cold air
6 BB C C7 B C
4 @@ Y1C A A5 @ Y2C A WBD¼ 15.8 kg s1 WBC¼ 20.58 kg s1
tg1C tg2C
NSþ1, 2:::9 tg1D¼ 250  C tg1C¼ 15  C
(70) Y1D¼ 0.023 kg kg1 Y1C¼ 6.36.103 kg kg1
X2D ¼ X2C (71)
The results of simulation for the test solid are
tm2D ¼ tm2C (72) shown in Figure 15.
The volumetric evaporation rate for a dryer is
The set contains 10 unknowns and has 10 equa- 43.1 kg m3 h1 and unit heat consumption per kg of
tions. In this case, because of differing geometry of evaporated water is 7.85 MJ kg1.
drums and lack of other information, residence times Thermal coupling between the dryer and cooler via
and heat transfer coefficients were calculated equal for the inner cylinder wall is not much significant in this
both dryer and cooler assuming that they are identical example. With this coupling considered the results of
to those of Case #2 dryer of length L ¼ 7.5 m and the following terminal values are b ¼ 0.765% tm ¼
b ¼ 2.4 deg. Contact overall heat transfer coefficients 28.2  C and without b ¼ 0.711% tm ¼ 26.9  C. It is vis-
for the cooler were calculated as in former cases ible that the temperature of the solid at exit differs

only by 1.3  C. However, with higher inlet air tem- ig specific enthalpy of humid gas phase (kJ (kg
perature (say 400–600  C) the difference would be dry air)1)
im specific enthalpy of wet solid phase (kJ (kg
noticeable although not computed here.
dry solid)1)
The same approach can be used in popular cocur- J mass flow associated heat flux, Equation
rent triple-pass dryers[46] if thermal coupling is to (32) (kW m3)
be considered. K overall heat transfer coefficient across drum
wall (kW m2 K1)
L section length (m)
6. Conclusions l current length (m)
lf length of solid-wall contact on a loaded flight (m)
Considering the problem of simulation and design lk length of arc of kiln layer (m)
of integrated dryer and cooler in an algorithmic way MA molar mass of water (kg kmol1)
allows for solving the model of the entire unit in m mass (kg)
one step. Moreover, an additional routine for design mH solid holdup in drum (kg)
N rotation rate of drum (min1)
of the drum and its interior may be added. This will NS number of integration steps (–)
eventually allow for the construction of dedicated nf number of flights (–)
software for rotary dryer–cooler systems simulation npl number of airborne particles per unit length of
and design. As the presented examples of three, the drum (m1)
P0 ambient pressure (kPa)
most common designs of such a combo indicate the
q heat flux (volumetric) (kW m3)
systems of equations to model them can be solved R drum radius (m)
reasonably fast. The same approach can be easily Rg universal gas constant (kJ kmol1 K1)
used for simulation of other combinations like e.g., Rl radius to flight lip (m)
a double pass dryer-cooler with secondary solid r current drum radius (m)
S empty drum cross-section area (m2)
entry at the end of the dryer, triple-pass rotary dry- Sk cross-section area of kiln layer (m2)
ers with coupling by heat transfer through two Sm drum cross-section area occupied by solids (m)
cylindrical walls, etc. The remaining problem is the T absolute temperature (K)
reliability of kinetic coefficients and material prop- t temperature ( C)
W mass flowrate (kg s1)
erty data. These require more research and/or w mass velocity (kg m2 s1)
laboratory work. Hot issues include the influence of wd drying rate (kg m2 s1)
moisture content on the dynamic friction coeffi- X moisture content (dry basis) (kg moisture (kg
cient, the influence of flight design and airflow vel- dry solid)1)
ocity on the solid residence time, general-purpose Y absolute humidity (kg moisture (kg dry air)1)
correlations for heat transfer coefficients: gas-par-
Greek letters
ticle, gas-wall, and particle-wall in rotating drums
with lifters or transporting vanes, to name a few. a heat transfer coefficient (kW m2 K1)
ap single particle heat transfer coeffi-
Nomenclature cient (kW m2 K1)
b inclination angle of drum (rd)
A cross-section area of solid on a flight (m2) v (1) – for concurrent, (-1) – for countercurrent (–)
AS evaporation area in Equation (42) (m2) U dimensionless moisture content, Equation
a characteristic interfacial area of contact between (44) (–)
phases (m2 m3) u relative humidity (–)
b moisture content (wet basis) (%) Dhs isosteric heat of sorption (kJ kg1)
c specific heat (heat capacity) (kJ kg1 K1) Dhv0 latent heat of vaporization at 0  C (kJ kg1)
cH humid heat of air cAY þ cB (kJ kg1 K1) j fraction of drum cross section occupied by sol-
D drum internal diameter (m) ids (-)
dp equivalent particle size (m) H kinetic angle of repose (rd)
f ratio of drying rates in CDC, Equation (43) (–) h angle of flight elevation (rd)
fc fraction of drum perimeter free of solids (–) md coefficient of dynamic friction for moving par-
fl flight scaling factor (–) ticles (–)
fs flight aspect ratio (–) q density (kg m3)
g acceleration due to gravity (m s2) w particle sphericity (–)
hA enthalpy of water vapor (kJ kg1) s time in Equation (42) (s)
I mass flow associated heat flux, Equation s mean residence time (min)
(31) (kW m3) x angular velocity of drum (rd s1)

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