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CHAPTER 2.self and Personality - MCQ

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1. _______identity refers to those attributes of a person that make him different

from others.
a. Personal
b. Social
c. Emotional

2. The totality of an individual’s conscious experiences, ideas, thoughts and

feelings with regard to herself or himself is termed ______
a. Self
b. Ideas
c. Values

3. According to Freud the pleasure principle is active in the _______state

a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego

4. A person who believes that he/she has the ability or behaviours required by a
particular situation demonstrates high ______
a. Self-esteem
b. Self-efficacy
c. Self-regulation

5. A man is unfaithful to his wife but he accuses his wife of being unfaithful to
him. This is a case of ______
a. Repression
b. Projection
c. Reaction Formation
6. When someone says he is a South Indian he is revealing his ______identity.
a. Social
b. Personal
c. Relational

7. Savio says that he is the one who is usually chosen for the games, so he
makes judgement about his value of worth, the term used to identify ones
worth is ______
a. Self concept
b. Self actualization
c. Self –esteem

8. The characteristic ways of responding to individuals and situations is

a. Group
b. Individual
c. Personality

9. The people who prefer to be alone, shy, avoid others, withdraw themselves
in the face of emotional conflicts are called _________by Jung.
a. Extraverts
b. Introverts
c. Sociable

10. Identify the personality types proposed by Sheldon where he classified

people as thin, long, fragile in body build as being brainy, artistic and
introvert is termed ______
a. Mesomorphs
b. Ectomorphs
c. Endomorphs
11. The psychologist who proposed that individual possess a number of traits ,
which are dynamic in nature is _______
a. Gordon Allport
b. Carl Rogers
c. Sigmund Freud

12 .The reservoir of instinctive or animal drives according to Freud is ______

a. Conscious
b. Preconscious

13.According to Freud the moral branch of mental functioning is ______

a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego

14.The instinctual life force that energises the id is called_____

a. Life instinct
b. Death instinct
c. Libido

15. The structure of personality which directs the Id towards more appropriate
ways of behaving and is patient, reasonable and works by the reality
principle is termed_____
a. Ego
b. Superego
c. Id

16.Sheena buys a set of new pens after doing poorly in an examination.

She asserts her behavior by reminding herself “ I will do much better
with these pens”. Identify the defense mechanism?
a. Projection
b. Regression
c. Rationalisation
17.The defense mechanism in which one tries to attribute one’s failures on
someone else is called _____
a. Denial
b. Reaction formation
c. Projection

18. Identify the defense mechanism in which a child who faced abuse by a
parent , later has no memory of the events but has trouble forming relationships
is called ______
a. Repression
b. Regression
c. Fixation

19.The mouth becomes the centre of an infant’s oral gratification, he seeks

pleasure in thumb sucking, biting and babbling. Identify the stage of
personality development
a. Phallic
b. Anal
c. Oral

20. A young boy bullies a young girl because he is attracted to her, consciously,
he can’t face the reality of his romantic feelings, so he expresses distaste toward
her instead of appreciation . The defense mechanism displayed is _______
a. Rationalization
b. Reaction Formation
c. Regression

21.The male child experiences love for the mother , hostility towards the
father. Identify the______ complex.
a. Electra
b. Oedipus
c. Phallic

22.The tendency of a person to go back to an earlier stage of development is

called ______
a. Archetypes
b. Optimism
c. Regression
23 Identify the complex in which a young girl develops sexual feelings towards
her father and shows hostility towards her mother.
a. Electra
b. Oedipus
c. Latency

24. The term personality is derived from the latin word persona which
a. Mask used by actors in Roman theatre for changing their facial make-up
b. Mask worn in greek tragedy
c. Mask worn by Hollywood stars

25.The people who are outgoing, sociable , drawn to occupations that allows
them to directly deal with people is termed _____
a. Sociable
b. Introverts
c. Extraverts

26. By temperament the people are relaxed and sociable but they are soft, fat
and round, the personality types identified by Sheldon is ____
a. Mesomorphs
b. Endomorphs
c. Ectomorphs

27.The highly generalized dispositions that influences the goal around which a
person’s entire life seems to resolve is ______traits
a. Central
b. Cardinal
c. Secondary

28. The traits used in writing a testimonial or job recommendation for a person
is _____
a. Secondary
b. Central
c. Trait
29.People who have strong body build, rectangular and have strong musculature
share the _____types of personality by Sheldon.
a. Ectomorphic
b. Mesomorphic
c. Endomorphic

30.The least generalized characteristics of a person is called _________

a. Allportian traits
b. Gandhian traits
c. Secondary traits

31.The relatively enduring attribute or quality on which one individual differs

from another, they are activated according to the demands of the situation is
called _____
a. Aptitude
b. Trait
c. Central

32.In which level of consciousness the person is aware of his thoughts, feelings
and actions
a. Preconscious
b. Conscious
c. Unconscious

33.The TAT is a ________

a. Projective technique
b. Situational Test
c. Observational method

34.The second phase of the Rorschach Inkblot Test is called ______

a. Inquiry
b. Performance proper
c. Particular response

35.The Thematic Apperception Test was developed by_____

a. Henry and Murray
b. Morgan and Murray
c. Rorschach and John
36. The Rorschach Inkblot test has 10 inblots out of which
a. 5 are in black and white ink, two with red ink , 3 in pastel colour
b. 5with black and white ink, 5 in pastel colour
c. 3in red ink , 5 in white ink and 2 in pastel colour

37.In _______technique the person being assessed is not told about the purpose
of assessment and the method of scoring and interpretation.
a. Personality
b. Projective
c. Self- report measure

38. The TAT test has _______cards

a. 10 black and white cards
b. 30 black and white picture cards & one blank card.
c. 15 red and white cards

39.In ______levels of consciousness people become aware only if they

attend to it closely
a. Conscious
b. Unconscious
c. Preconscious

40.Mogan says he has failed in Maths as he was sick during the

examination. The defense mechanism used by Morgan is _______
a. Repression
b. Rationalisation
c. Reaction formation (Actually answer is projection)

41. A man is unfaithful to his wife but he accuses his wife of being
unfaithful to him. This is a case of _____
a. Repression
b. Projection
c. Reaction formation

42.. The five-stage theory of personality is also called as the______

peronality development
a. Psychosexual
b. Anal stage
c. Electra complex

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