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Xi Sample Paper Mcs Annual Exam 2022 23 New

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MAX MARKS – 70 TIME – 3 Hours

General instructions:

 All questions are compulsory except where internal choice has been given.
 Question Nos. 1 -18 in Section A carry 1 mark each.
 Question Nos. 19-23 in Section B are Very Short Answer Type-I questions carrying 2 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
 Question Nos. 24-27 in Section C are Short Answer Questions Type-II carrying 3 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
 Question Nos. 28 - 31 in Section D are Long Answer Type I questions carrying 4 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
 Question No. 32 in Section E is a Long Answer Type II question carrying 6 marks. Answer
to this question should not exceed 200 words.
 Question Nos. 33 – 36 in Section F are based on two cases given. Each case has two
questions carrying two marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.


1. Psychology focuses on the role of psychological factors (for example, stress, anxiety) in the
development, prevention and treatment of illness.
(a) Clinical
(b) Health
(c) School
(d) Organizational
2. The humanistic approach to psychology was developed mainly by Freud. (True/False)
3. Psychologists generally prefer the experimental method to other research method because
(a) Experiments are more likely to support psychologist's hypothesis.
(b) Experiments can show cause-effect relationship.
(c) It is easier to obtain a random sample for an experiment.
(d) Formation of hypothesis is easy in experiments.

4. Which of the following is a goal of Psychological enquiry?
(a) Application of knowledge.
(b) Collection of data
(c) Description.
(d) Both A and C
(e) All of the above
5. The present finding is that both ………………… contribute jointly to the determination of
(a) Motivation and emotion
(b) Intelligence and emotion
(c) Society and environment
(d) Heredity and environment
6. Developmental stages are assumed to be............................... and are often characterized by a
dominant feature or a leading characteristic, which gives each period its uniqueness.
(a) Permanent
(b) Temporary
(c) Stable
(d) Unstable
7. If object A overlaps object B we perceive object A as being closer. Which depth cue are we
(a) Relative size
(b) Linear perspective
(c) Proximity
(d) Interposition
8. Your ability to focus on a TV show while ignoring the noise of your partner nagging about
supper illustrates:
(a) Synesthesia
(b) Selective attention
(c) Sensory attention
(d) Sensory adaptation
9. Which of the following is a gestalt principle?
(a) Intensity
(b) Density
(c) Proximity
(d) Frequency

10. A researcher interested in the relationship between physical stimuli and our psychological
experience would be studying:
(a) Extra sensory perception
(b) Proprioception
(c) Auditory perception
(d) Psychophysics

11. Aarush is extremely afraid of spiders. Yesterday he saw a cockroach and became very fearful.
This is probably due to;
(a) Discrimination
(b) Spontaneous recovery
(c) Generalisation
(d) Extinction

12. A bakery gives customers a free pastry after every 6 pastry purchases. This is an
example of what kind of reinforcement schedule?
(a) Fixed interval
(b) Fixed ratio
(c) Variable interval
(d) Variable ratio

13. ASSERTION (A): Encoding is the First stage which refers to a process by which information
is Recorded and Registered for the first time so that it becomes usable by our memory system.
REASON (R): Whenever an external stimulus impinges on our Sensory organs, it generates
Neural Impulses. These are received in different areas of our brain for further processing.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) Both A and R are false

14. ASSERTION (A): Retrieval is the third stage of memory.

REASON (R): In Retrieval, incoming information is Received and some meaning is derived.
It is then represented in a way so that it can be processed further.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) Both A and R are false

15. ASSERTION (A): The incoming information first enters the Sensory Memory.
REASON (R): Short memory has a Large Capacity. However, it is of very Short Duration,
i.e. less than a second.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) Both A and R are false

16. Fatima can recall with great detail the day of her 10th birthday and all that occurred. What
might psychologists say about these particular flashbulb memories?
(a) The memories were likely enhanced in part by the hormones released during emotional
(b) The memories should last up to 15 to 20 years
(c) The memories are unusually accurate
(d) The memories are stored as procedural memories

17. ASSERTION (A): Mental Set creates a Mental Rigidity that obstructs the problem solver to
think of any new rules or strategies.
REASON (R): In some situations, mental set can reduce the Quality and Speed of problem
solving, in other situations it enhances problem solving.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) Both A and R are false

18. ASSERTION (A): Main sources or causes of frustration are found in environmental forces,
which could be physical objects, constraining situations or even other people who prevent a
person from reaching a particular goal,
REASON (R): Frustration could also be due to personal factors like inadequacies or lack of
resources that make it difficult or impossible to reach goals.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) Both A and R are false


19. What relationship exist b/w Psychology and Law and Criminology?
Give examples of overt and covert behavior.
20. What is the purpose of speed Test?
21. Can a new born is sensitive towards colors?
22. Absolute limen is measured across several trials. It is the lowest or the weakest level of
stimulation. Explain Absolute Limen with an example.
23. Discuss the terms focus and fringe of attention.

24. What are the main propositions of Gestalt psychology?
25. How do experiment and control group differ? Explain with the help of an example.
26. What socio-emotional development takes place during adolescence?
Adolescence stage is definitely a vulnerable period with uncertainties, conflicts, group
pressures etc. Why adolescence is a vulnerable stage? Explain any two abuses of adolescence
27. List different scenarios that affect the resistance to extinction.

28. Distinguish between scientific psychology from laymen’s view and non-scientific psychology
which one according to you should be followed and why?
How can knowledge of the field of environmental psychology be used to promote environment
friendly behavior?
29. How can you distinguish between deductive and inductive reasoning process?
30. Discuss Ebbinghaus Curve of Forgetting.
Suggest a plan to improve your memory.
31. Does culture play important role in all the process of emotions?


32. Discuss various aspects of ethical principles.

Describe the various steps in conducting scientific research in detail.


Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Sunita is 17-year-old; she lives in Mumbai with her joint family. Music always attracted her
therefore she also takes private tuition in Indian Classical Music. She is a student in a convent
school and is remarked as one of the brilliant students in her class. In she plays badminton with
her society friends and later on goes for her drawing classes. She is also enthusiast about
knowing about her family origin whereby she has always showed interest in her extended
family. Comment on the contextual view of development considering above paragraph.
With reference to the above case, answer the following questions:
33. Sunita’s family and tutors are part of her. Identify and Explain the term.
(a) Macro system
(b) Microsystem
(c) Ecosystem
Which system consist relation between parents and teachers, parents and friends of the child?
Who gave the contextual view of development?
(a) Mesosystem
(b) Microsystem
(c) Macro system
34. How Macro system is different from chronosystem?

Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Manya is studying for her final exam in her psychology class. For every 45 minutes that she
studies, she gives herself a mini doughnut, then goes back to studying. Lots of students use
such type of Reinforcement to make them awake and motivated towards studies. There are
several factors which facilitate learning, schedule of Reinforcement is one of them.
35. Identify and explain the schedule of reinforcement is Manya using?
36. Mention various types of schedules developed out of the partial reinforcement. Explain anyone
schedule, other than Manya is using.

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