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Materi Asking & Giving Opinion

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Jika di lihat dalam kamus bahasa inggris,

kata Asking (Menayakan), Giving (Menjawab), Opinion (Pendapat/Opini). Secara
singkat, Asking and Giving Opinion adalah suatu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk
menyakan ataupun menjawab/ merespon suatu pendapat. Ketika kita sedang
berbincang-bincang dengan teman kita tau keluarga kita banyak hal yang sering kita
bicarakan, misalnya menanyakan sebuah pendapat tentang suatu hari ini ataupun
menanyakan sesuatu hal yang lain. Adapun ungkapan yang dapat di gunakan
dalam Asking and Giving Opinion sebagai berikut:

Contoh Ungkapan Asking opinion

 What do you think of…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)

 What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat mu?)
 What do you think about…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
 What are you feeling? (Apa perasaanmu?)
 What your view on? (Bagaimana pandangan mu?)
 What is your reaction? (Apa reaksimu?)
 What do you like? (Apa yang kamu suka?)
 What is your idea? (Apa pendapatmu?)
Contoh Expressing of Giving Opinion

 I think…..
 What I mean is…..
 Personally I think…..
 In my experience…..
 According to me…..
 I strongly believe that…..
 As far as I am concerned…..
 From my point of view…..
 As I understand…..

Agreeing with an Opinion (Setuju dengan sebuah opini)

 Of course.
 This is absolutely right.
 I agree with this opinion.
 I couldn’t agree more.
 I agree with what you are saying.

Disagreeing with an opinion (Tidak setuju dengan sebuah opini)

 I am sorry, I don’t agree with you.

 I am not sure I agree with you.
 I don’t agree with you.
 I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
 I do not believe that.
 By this I mean…..
 I disagree with you.
Contoh Dialog Expressing Opinion

Marquez : Hi Alika, Have you heard about the new cinema in Barcelona.
Lorenzo : Yes I have.
Marquez: And what do you think about it?
Lorenzo: I think that it is good have a cinema in our city. So we don’t have to go to
Madrid in just watching a movie.
Marquez: I am sorry but I am not sure about your opinion.
Lorenzo: Why? Then what do you think about it?
Marquez: You know it is the very first cinema build in Barcelona right? So i think it
will be really crowded because everyone in town will go there to
watch a movie.
Lorenzo: Yes, I think you right about it.

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