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Opinion Kls 11

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What’s your opinion

Asking and giving Opinion adalah ungkapan yang di gunakan untuk menanyakan, menjawab atau
merespon suatu pendapat. Dalam opinion opinion biasanya terdapat beberapa kata kerja antara
lain believe ( percaya), reckon (memperhitungkan), think (rasa/ pikir), adoubt (meragukan), assume
( berasumsi), agree ( setuju), atau don’t agree ( tidak setuju)

 Asking opinion
 What do you think of .....?
 What is your opinion....?
 What dou you think about....?
 What is your idea?
 How do you feel?
 How do you think?
 Please give me your opinion?
 Give me your comment?
 Do you have opinion?
 How about this?
 How do you like?
 How was the trip?
 How do you think of my idea?
 What are you feeling?
 What your view on?
 What do you like that?
 Do you think is it good?

 Giving opinio
 In my opinion
 I personally believe
 Its my comment
 In my view
 As far I know
 I think....
 I think that
 I think I like it
 In my opinion
 From my point of view
 My comment is ...

 Agreeing
 I agree with you
 I agree with your opinion
 That’s a good point
 I think so too
 I couldn’t agree with you more
 Exactly! That’s what I had in mind
 Absolutely! I’m on your side
 You’re right
 Of course
 Neither do I

 Disagreeing
 I disagree with your opinion
 That’s true, but....
 Your opinion may be right, but.....
 I know what you’re saying, but.....
 I am sorry, I don’t agree with you
 I don’t belive that
 I think you are wrong
 I don’t believe that
 I am not sure i agree with you
 I can’t say i agree with this, and here’s why....

Contoh dialog
o Hi, angga. What’s happening?
o nothing much. I’m just watching a debate on TV. It’s about banning smoking in public
o Oh, yeah. I heard that policy was going to be applied. So, what do you think about it?
o Well, i don’t think people should be allowed to smoke in public places, so I support the ban
o Really? I’m surprised. I’m a smoker, so I should have the right to smoke whereever i want.
o But don’t you think that non-smokers have right, too?
o Sure. You don’t have to smoke if you don’t want to. What’s the problem?
o Well, i think that I should have the right not to breathe secondhand smoke.
o So why can’t you just go outside if it bothers you?
o I could ask you the same question. Why can’t smoker just go outside if they want to smoke?

1. Children below 17 should be given right to drive a motorcycle
 I agree with your opinion
2. Parents must giving smartphone to their children
 I couldn’t agree more with you
3. The novel version of twilight is better than its film
 Yes, I agree. The novel version has many details of story hidden from film
4. Instant noodle is good for your health
 I agree what you are saying
5. Smoking should be banned in public places
 I totally agree that smoke should be banned in public places

Tugas 1 : translate this dialog into bahasa

Situation: Trevor and Matt are discussing issues of banning
smartphone in the school.
Trevor : Have you heard about our school’s plan to ban smartphones in the school?
Matt : Yeah
Trevor : What do you think about it?
Matt : Well, I think that’s fair enough.
Trevor : why do you think so?
Matt : you see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in our class. Remember

yesterday’s history class? Our teacher got very angry because was interrupt by

smartphone ringing many times. This may happen again and again.
Trevor : Eh… Yea…
Matt : Another thing is… Smartphones have caused a kind of stupid competition.
Trevor : what do you mean?
Matt : you know, Everyone seems to compete to have the latest model.
Trevor : Yes, I feel that too.
Matt : So it’s a good idea if the school doesn’t allow students to use their smartphone in

the school.

Definis opinion: opinion is the way you feel or think about something

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