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Embracing Equality Advocating For The Implementation of Same

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Embracing Equality: Advocating for the Implementation of Same-

Sex Marriage in the Philippines.

In the Philippines, same-sex marriage relates to the equal rights and equality for
LGBTQ+ persons. Same-sex marriage should be a law in the country that will ensure
the rights of the same sex couples are recognized. The term “same-sex marriage”
denotes the marriage of two partners who are both male and female persons. Equality
of treatment under the fundamental law of civil rights of the members of lesbians, gays,
bisexuals, and transgender people. Affirming same-sex marriage in the Philippines
promotes inclusiveness, diversity, and human rights.

Discrimination and inequality are promoted by same-sex marriage denial. The

principle of equal rights means that every individual who loves another one must be
allowed to enter marriage. Same-sex marriage should be outlawed especially in the
Philippines taking it closer to total equality among its citizens. Many countries like
Canada, USA and few European states did not suffer any negative outcomes after they
legalized same sex marriages. On the other hand, these countries have witnessed
higher levels of social acceptance with minimal negative impacts on societal relations or
traditional matrimony. In a study by Zhu and Smieliauskas (2022), the economic
impacts of marriage equality, LGBT human rights including same-sex marriage have not
impacted the institution of marriage or any aspect of society in the U.S. In the same
study, researchers also compared marriage rates, divorce rates and the outcomes for
children raised in same sex marriages in thirteen out of the fifteen states where
marriage had already been legalized. Research has demonstrated that legalization of
marriage among gays is socially and economically beneficial. It leads to wider social
approval, curtailing stigmatization and discrimination of homosexuals, and it improves
health and general welfare for homosexual persons. A study that was published in the
Journal of Health Economics showed that LGBTQ+ youth experienced lowered rates of
most mental disorders following legalization of same sex marriages in different
countries worldwide. This study highlights the positive effects of mental health for
sexual minorities who relate with depression and anxiety regarding improvements in the
mental welfare of sexual minorities on account of the legislation of same sex marriages
(Chen & Van Ours,2021).

The Philippines is a party to international conventions on equality, human rights

and non-discrimination which find reflection in national legislation including provisions
of the Philippine Constitution. The current laws violate constitution by denying same sex
couples a right to marriage. The legal framework should be compatible with
constitutionalism and the international bill of Human Rights. The state shall fulfill its
obligation to uphold the rights to life liberty and security of person of every individual
without regard to sex, sexual orientation and gender identity as stipulated in article II
section 11. The right to marry and start a family is protected in international human
treaties like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International covenant
on civil and political rights.

The public opinion in the Philippines is changing, although slowly turning to

approval of homosexual marriages. New surveys also point to increasing acceptance of
gay’s marriage among the Filipinos. According to a CHR poll conducted in 2020, 73% of
adult Filipinos opined that homosexuality was acceptable. A recent social weather
station survey indicated that the Philippines has the highest percentage of citizens
supporting LGBT people in Asia. The survey indicated that the Philippines had the
largest percentage of citizens supporting LGBT people in Asia. More than 83 percent of
all the respondents said that they favored gay rights and gay Greater acceptance and
understanding of same-sex relationships have been achieved due to increased visibility
and representation of the LGBTQ+ community in different societal spheres (Commission
on Human Rights, 2020).

Allowing same-sex marriages is not a violation of religious freedom or religious

customs and practices. Firstly, it is important to differentiate between a civil marriage
ceremony and a religious one. The same-sex marriage has been successful in countries
where it has been in operation by keeping a distance between Church and State
allowing the churches to dictate what marriage is all about which will be based on the
beliefs of an individual religion. It cannot force religious organizations to conduct same
sex marriages since these are against certain religious teachings. It offers nothing more
than recognizing and protecting legally registered partnerships among members of the
same sex in civil terms.

To sum up same sex marriages are key in attaining equality and freedom from
discrimination based on sexual inclinations among the LGBTQ+ persons. It coincides
with constitutionalism, standard norms of international human rights and an expanding
approval of same-sex marriage by the community. Using same-sex marriage in the
Philippines, then it provides for inclusiveness as well as acceptance which helps to
protect the rights of all these persons regardless of what their sexual orientation or
identity happens to be.

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