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Purposive Communication Syllabus

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Medina College Ipil Incorporated

Don Andres, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy


Second Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023


An intellectual learning center of individual devotes to hone the holistic Medina College Ipil Incorporated pursue to generate highly skilled, well-
growth with professional commitment sustaining local, regional and global rounded and morally upright graduates that can compete to global competitiveness and
development. contributes to society development.

Medina College Ipil Incorporated a culturally diverse learning institution
seek to continue a dynamic and transformative program that enable students to
grow professionally, socially-responsive and spiritually inclined guided by these
 A relevant education that welcomes and respects the social differences
and religious freedom in the course of integrating their faith-life;
 An academia that offers innovative academic and responsive education to
prepare the graduates to be competent professionals for national and
global competitiveness; and
 A safe space that pursue to develop the students’ awareness of their civil
and social responsibilities and taking pride in cultural heritage across
neighbouring region and national.
Program Objectives and its Relationship to College Goals:
a.) Continuously enhance faculty competence and capability through continuous training and development for 
 
effective teaching  
b.) Enrich the program and curriculum keeping abreast with current trends and practices in education; and     
c.) Provide the necessary and up-to-date education facilities and teaching.     

1. Course Code :
3. Pre-requisite : None
4. Credit : 3 Units
5. Course Description :
Purposive Communication is a three-unit course that develops student’s communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through
multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context. It equips
students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize the importance of
conveying messages responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and insights that students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors, their
chosen disciplines, and their future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-based output for various purposes.

Course Learning Outcome and its Relationships to Program Educational Objectives:

Course Learning Outcomes Program Objectives

a b c

At the end of the semester, the students would be able to:   

A. Agree on a working definition of globalization.   
B. Differentiate internalization from globalization.   
C. Determine the challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century.   
D. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of regionalism.   
E. Explain how globalization affects religious practices and beliefs.   
Course Outline:

Course Objectives, Desired Student Outcome-Based (OBA) Evidence of Course Program Values MODE OF DELIVERY
Topics, Time Learning Activities (Teaching Outcomes Objectives Outcomes Integration
Allotment Outcomes and Learning (Assessment of Note: Which ever mode of delivery
Activities) Learning is applicable to the students, adapt
Outcomes) a flexible learning delivery as
appropriate to the required
Topic 1: MEDINA VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (3 hours) FACE-TO- FACE- FACE-
Discuss Vision- Students can: Lecture/ Lecture/ Lecture/
Mission of the Medina Individual participation Rubric scores from: A, B, C, D A, B, C Internalizati Discussion Discussio Discussio
college Ipil Inc. 1. Identify the areas in class discussion to on n n
of vision- mission assess the quality of - Oral recitation
1. Vision- of Medina College involvement using:
Mission Ipil Inc. Giving
statement 2. Explain the aims - Guide Questions importance
2. Syllabus/ of Medina college - Rubric to the ideas
Course Outline Inc. in training - Guide sheets of others
3. Expectations/ prospective
Requirements teachers.
to accomplish 3. Relate the
the course. teaching profession Respect of
subject taught to the what others
vision- mission of can do
Medina college Inc.

Topic 2: -Understanding 21st Century Communication (12 hours) –PRELIM

Students can: Pair share Presentation of A, B,C,D, A, B, C Internalizati
 Communicatio Group Discussion Creative Output: E on
n Processes, 1. Explain the
Principles, and principles and -Group
process of Giving
communication; -Individual importance
to the ideas
2. Elucidate how of others
communication -Reflection
skills help resolve
problems, better -Formative test Appreciatio
understand new n
concepts, and aid in
your profession -Summative Test

3. Frame a slogan Respect

about how the
knowledge of the
process aids people
in communicating

 Communicatio
4.Write a reaction Recitation
n and
paper on Group Activity
Globalization communication
challenges in a
global atmosphere
and methods for
effective and
ethical global
 Local and 5. Cite examples on Group Dynamics
Global how to enhance
Communicatio one’s ability to
n in Multi- communicate with
people from diverse
Cultural cultures

6. Create a three-to-
presentation about
various cultural
modes of
communication of a
certain country

7. Apply the Class sharing

 Varieties and varieties and
Registers of registers of spoken
Spoken and and written
Written language in the
Language proper context.

8. Analyze media
 Evaluating messages and/or Group Dynamics
Messages images using Key
and/or Images Concepts of Media
Literacy framework
of Different
Types of Texts 9. Create a
Reflecting multimodal
Different advertisement of a
Cultures cause-oriented

Course Objectives, Desired Student Outcome-Based (OBA) Evidence of Course Program Values MODE OF DELIVERY
Topics, Time Learning Activities (Teaching Outcomes Objectives Outcomes Integration
Allotment Outcomes and Learning (Assessment of
Activities) Learning
 Topic 3: CHAPTER 2 FACE TO- TO-
Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology – ( 9 hours )- Midterm FACE FACE

Students can: Rubric scores from: A,B,C,D, E A,B,C Internalizati Lecture/ Lecture/ Lecture/
on Discussion Discussio Discussio
 Preparing 1. Discuss the Lecture n n
Multimedia community, the Pair Share -Creative
government Triad sharing presentation -Giving
institutions, importance
business to the ideas
 Preparing establishments and -Group outputs of others
Pecha Kucha recreational
Presentation facilities which can -Oral participation -Activeness
serve as learning
 Blogging centers; -quiz

2. Use a variety of
CHAPTER 3 teaching -
Communication for methodologies and Cooperation
Various Purposes procedures in order
 Informative, to undertake
Persuasive, and lessons attainable in Group Dynamics
Argumentative the present Socratic Method
Communicatio classroom Pair share
 Public 3. Organize a
Speaking comfortable and
 Making pleasant physical
Inquiries environment for
ease in mobility and
flow of learning

4. Prepare a list of
all government
institutions and
private industries;

5. Relate to
community leaders
for joint
undertakings and
mutual assistance.

Course Objectives, Desired Student Outcome-Based (OBA) Evidence of Course Program Values MODE OF DELIVERY
Topics, Time Learning Activities (Teaching Outcomes Objectives Outcomes Integration
Allotment Outcomes and Learning (Assessment of
Activities) Learning
TOPIC 4: Chapter 4 Communication for Work Purposes – ( 9 Hours)- Pre-final FACE TO- TO-
Students can: Group Dynamics Graded presentation A, B, C, A, B, C Internalizati Lecture/ Lecture/ Lecture/
Text analysis of Creative Output D,E on Discussion Discussio Discussio
 Communicatio 1. Determine the Graded recitation n n
n for Nurses: rights, duties and Group Dynamics -display of students Cooperation
Writing Basic obligations of Socratic speaking skills and
academic Lecture collaboratio
Patient Notes
community Pair Share -Individual n
 Communicatio (learners, teachers, Graded Recitation Checklist
n for parents and on- Socratic Giving
Journalists: academic staff; Discussion -Quiz importance
Writing a Lead to the ideas
 Communicatio 2. Identify selected -assignment of others
n for Tourism: UN programs and
projects affecting
Tour Guiding
education; and Respect
 Communicatio
n for Teachers: 3. Express interest
Storytelling in the importance of
 Communicatio basic laws on
n for Business education and their
and Trade implementation.
 Writing
Business and
 Communicatio
n for
 Communicatio
n for
 Communicatio
n within a
Company: The
Minutes of

Course Objectives, Desired Student Outcome-Based (OBA) Evidence of Course Program Values MODE OF DELIVERY
Topics, Time Learning Activities (Teaching Outcomes Objectives Outcomes Integration
Allotment Outcomes and Learning (Assessment of
Activities) Learning
TOPIC 5: Communication for Academic Purposes ( 12 Hours) - Final FACE TO- TO-
Students can: Lecture Graded presentation Internalizati Lecture/ Lecture/ Lecture/
Graded Discussion of Creative Output A,B,C,D,E A, B, C on Discussion Discussio Discussio
1. Determine the Lecture n n
 Avoiding rights, duties and Lecture Group Cooperation
Plagiarism obligations of Pair-Share and
academic Discussion -Individual collaboratio
community Discussion n
(learners, teachers,
 Writing a parents and on- -Reflection Giving
Research academic staff; importance
-Formative test to the ideas
Proposal: The
2. Identify selected of other
Topic Proposal
UN programs and
 Writing a projects affecting -Summative Test
Research education; and
Proposal: The
Method 3. Express interest
 Writing a in the importance of
Literary basic laws on
education and their
 Writing a
Analysis Paper
 Academic

Schedule of Examination:
Preliminary Exam - March 16-17, 2023
Midterm - April 16-17, 2023
Pre-Final - May 16-17, 2023
Final - June 16-17, 2023
End of Classes - June 30, 2023

Attendance and Online/Remote Class Activity Participation 10%

Major Examinations 40%
Task Performance (T/L Activities) 30%
Problem – Based Learning/ Project – Based Tasks 20%

TOTAL 100%
In order to pass this course, a student must be able to obtain a rating of at least ____80%____ derived from the following fulfilled requirements:
1. Attendance and Online/Remote Class Activity Participation
2. Major Examinations
3. Task Performance
4. Problem – Based Learning/ Project – Based Tasks

Rubrics for the following requirements will be made available/will be sent thru individual E-Mails.
Students of this course are expected to:
1. Observe the rules and regulations of the institutions regarding the proper decorum, attendance and the general requirements for a/an _______ student as per
stipulated in the Students Handbook;
2. Equip oneself with relevant, updated and current news and information;
3. Conduct self-paced learning for the basic accounting and financial terminologies and concepts prior to attending this class;
4. Possess extensive knowledge on Word Processing and Spreadsheets as a means to process tasks and activities;
5. Participate actively in all of the discussions and exchange of ideas to earn points for this course using English language as a means of communication;
6. Assert one’s own point of view during the discussion or may initiate discussion/topics relevant to the course without prejudice, bigotry, biases and
discrimination and consider individual differences;
7. Monitor their E-Mail/SMS inboxes for announcements, assignments and comments. Hence, all students are required to register in group;
8. Observe proper citations when utilizing published or unpublished works to avoid violations of Intellectual Property Rights;
9. Share insights to improve Rubrics for each Requirement;
10. Submit required tasks in a neat and presentable manner; and,
11. Prepare, accomplish, submit, present and perform all assigned tasks and course works required in order to pass this course.
** The Professor in-charged of this course is also expected to exhibit the same above-mentioned expectations.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

JINKY A. OBIDO, LPT _______________________ ANGEDINA M. DAYANAN, RN, MAN

Instructor Dean, College of Pharmacy School Administrator


Skills Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 SCORE

Organization The student presents The student presents The audience has difficulty following The audience cannot understand
information in logical, information in logical presentation because student jumps presentation because there is no
interesting sequence which sequence which audience around with the information sequence of information.
audience can follow. can follow.
Mastery of Student demonstrates full Student is at ease with Student is uncomfortable with Student does not have grasp of
Topic or knowledge by answering all expected answers to all information and is able to answer information; student cannot answer
Content class questions with questions but fails to only rudimentary questions. questions about subject.
explanations and elaboration. elaborate.
Eye Contact Student maintains eye contact Student maintains eye Student occasionally uses eye Student only reads the report with no
with audience, seldom contact most of the time contact, but still reads most of report. eye contact.
returning to notes. but frequently returns to
Rubrics for Elocution Student uses a clear voice and Student's voice is clear. Student's voice is low. Student Student mumbles, incorrectly
Reflection correct, precise pronunciation Student pronounces most incorrectly pronounces terms. pronounces terms, and speaks too
Paper of terms so that all audience words correctly. Most Audience members have difficulty quietly for students in the back of
members can hear audience members can hearing presentation. class to hear.
presentation. hear presentation.
Above Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations

4 3 2 1

The reflection explains the The reflection explains the The reflection attempts to The reflection does not address
student’s own thinking and student’s thinking about his/her demonstrate thinking about the student’s thinking and / or
Reflective Thinking learning process, as well as own learning process learning but is vague and/or learning
implications for future learning unclear about the personal
learning process

The reflection in-depth analysis The reflection is an analysis of The reflection attempts to The reflection does not move
of the learning experience, the the learning experience and the analyze the learning experience beyond a description of the
value of the derive learning to value of the derived learning to but the value of the learning to learning experience
Analysis self or others, and the self or others the students or others is vague
enhancement of the student’s and/or unclear
appreciation for the discipline

The reflection articulates The reflection articulates The reflection attempts to The reflection does not
multiple connections between connections between this articulate connections between articulate any connection to
the learning experience and learning experience and contentthis learning experience and other learning or experiences
Making Connections content from other courses past from other courses, past learning
content from other courses, past
learning , life experience and/ or experiences, and / or future learning experiences, or
future goals personal goals, but the RUBRICS FOR
connection is vague and / or VIDEO
Skills Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 SCORE
Organization The student presents The student presents The audience has difficulty The audience cannot
information in logical, information in logical following presentation understand
interesting sequence sequence which audience because student jumps presentation because
which audience can can follow. around with the there is no sequence of
follow. information information.

Mastery of Topic or Student demonstrates full Student is at ease with Student is uncomfortable Student does not have
Content knowledge by answering expected answers to all with information and is grasp of information;
all class questions with questions but fails to able to answer only student cannot answer
explanations and elaborate. rudimentary questions. questions about
elaboration. subject.

Eye Contact Student maintains eye Student maintains eye Student occasionally uses Student only reads the
contact with audience, contact most of the time but eye contact, but still reads report with no eye
seldom returning to frequently returns to notes. most of report. contact.

Elocution Student uses a clear voice Student's voice is clear. Student's voice is low. Student mumbles,
and correct, precise Student pronounces most Student incorrectly incorrectly pronounces
pronunciation of terms so words correctly. Most pronounces terms. terms, and speaks too
that all audience audience members can hear Audience members have quietly for students in
members can hear presentation. difficulty hearing the back of class to
presentation. presentation. hear.



CRITERIA Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 SCORE

Depth of reflection Demonstrate a conscious Demonstrate a thoughtful Demonstrate a basic Demonstrate a limited
and thorough understanding understanding of the writing understanding of the writing understanding of the writing
of the writing prompt and prompt and the subject matter. prompt and the subject prompt and the subject
the subject matter. matter. matter.
Use of textual evidence Use specific and convincing Use relevant examples from Use examples from the text Use incomplete or vaguely
and historical context examples from the texts the texts studied to support to support most claims in developed examples to
studies to support claims in claims in the paper, making your writing with some partially support claims with
the paper, making insightful applicable connections connections made between little connections made
and applicable connections between texts. texts. between texts.
between texts.
Language used in the Use stylistically Use language that is fluent Use basic but appropriate Use language that is vague
paper sophisticated language that and the ability to vary language and some attempt or imprecise and has limited
is precise and engaging and sentence structure. to vary sentence structure. awareness of how to vary
varied sentence structure. sentence structure.

The reflection in-depth The reflection is an analysis The reflection attempts to The reflection does not
analysis of the learning of the learning experience and analyze the learning move beyond a description
experience, the value of the the value of the derived experience but the value of of the learning experience
Analysis derive learning to self or learning to self or others the learning to the students
others, and the enhancement or others is vague and/or
of the student’s appreciation unclear
for the discipline

Virtually free of Contains only occasional Contains several (mostly Contains many and serious
punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, and common) punctuation, error of punctuation,
capitalization errors. The capitalization errors. The spelling, and capitalization spelling, and capitalization
Mechanics and essay followed the essay had few formatting errors. The essay did not and it interfere with the
Presentation appropriate format and errors follow the format. meaning of the essay.
presentation for assignment.


Exceeded Expectations Met most Expectations Met some Expectations Did not meet Expectations
(4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts) (1 pts)

Lyrics The song lyrics are The song lyrics are good. The song lyrics are somewhat The song lyrics are not
outstanding. The words memorable. coherent. coherent. The words not
The words memorable. The song lyrics The song lyrics memorable.
The song lyrics are enthusiastically received are well received
are enthusiastically received By the audience. By the audience.
By the audience.
Creativity The student composed an The student composed an The student composed is not very The song composed is not very
original song with clear theme. original song but there are original song, but there are some original song. The message is
some elements are not elements are not excellent. not conveyed.
Information The writer expressed factual The writer expressed factual The writer expressed factual The writer expressed factual
Information and incorporated Information in a creative Information in manner Information in manner
at showed manner and incorporated two that showed little effort. The that showed no effort.
Least three problems and one problems and solution showing performance of the song did not
solution in a creative manner, acceptable effort. The meet expectations.
showing acceptable effort. The performance of the song meets
performance of the song was expectations.
Organization The writer The writer The writer The song was organized and
clearly organized Lacked one of the following: Lacked two of the following: difficult to follow.
information, used mostly clearly organized clearly organized
correct information, correct information, correct
grammar and spelling and used grammar and spelling and grammar and spelling usage, and/or
legible handwriting usage, and/or legible legible handwriting

Mechanics The essay The essay The essay The essay

contains few, if any contains some errors, contains numerous errors, contains serious errors,
errors, in the conventions in the conventions in the conventions in the conventions
of the English of the English of the English of the English
language language, but does little to language, but may interfere language which interferes
understanding interfere with understanding in the understanding
that slang may be used in a with understanding
song or rap

Criteria Beginning Developing Very Good Exemplary

1 2 3
Organization Fails to identify three (3) poetic Attempts to identify three (3) Identifies three (3) poetic Clearly and accurately
devices in a song/poem and poetic devices in a poem/song devices used in a poem/song identifies three (3) poetic
explanations of the effects of and attempts to explain the and explains well the effects it devices used in a poem/song
the poetic devices are missing. effects it has on a has on a reader/listener. and explains in depth the
Provides a poor biography reader/listener. Provides a brief Provides a good biography effects it has on a
account of the poet/song writer. biography account of the account of the poet/song reader/listener. Provides a very
poet/song writer. interpreter. detailed biography account of
the poet/song interpreter.

Depth of Thought May not demonstrate depth of May demonstrate inadequate Demonstrates some depth of Demonstrates depth of thought.
thought. depth of thought. thought.
Creativity/Visual Aids Makes a poor use of Makes satisfactory use of Makes good use of PowerPoint Makes excellence use of
PowerPoint fonts, presentation PowerPoint fonts, presentation fonts, presentation theme, and PowerPoint fonts, presentation
theme, and graphics/pictures do theme, and graphics/pictures graphics/pictures go well with theme, and graphics/pictures
not go well with the don’t necessarily go well with the chosen poem/song. are relevant to the chosen
poem/song. the poem/song. poem/song
Oral Presentation Delivery Has very little or no eye Has limited eye contact, low Has some eye contact, voice
contact, extremely low voice voice projection, and projection, and facial/body contact, voice projection, and
projection and facial/body facial/body expression. expression. facial/body expression

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

JINKY A. OBIDO, LPT ________________________ ANGEDINA M. DAYANAN, RN, MAN
Instructor Dean, College of Education School Administrator

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