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Prefinal in Intro To Linguistics

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Mary’s College of Borongan

Pre final Examination in
Introduction to Linguistics
February 18-19, 2019
Name : ___________________________________ Score:____________________
Course & Year : __________________________ Date: _____________________

Test I. True/False
Directions: Write TRUE if it is true, FALSE if it is false. Write your answer on the space
_____1. In signed languages, movement of a hand shape for verbs can indicate subject or
object agreement.
_____2. In normal individuals Broca’s area is in the left hemisphere of the brain but Wernicke’s
area is in the right hemisphere.
_____3. Deaf speakers of ASL use the same hemisphere of their brains to make linguistic signs
as they do to gesture and to point.
_____4. At the end, both Heather Artinian and her mother decided to obtain a cochlear
_____5. There is evidence from disorders that language and intelligence are doubly
_____6. Whereas hearing aphasics typically suffer damage in the left hemisphere, sign
language aphasics typically suffer damage in the right hemisphere.
_____7. Synapses are junctions across which neurons are excited, inhibited, or modulated.
_____8. Signed languages obey the same general combinatory principles of phrase structure
as spoken languages do.
_____9. Sign language aphasics show very different kinds of symptoms than hearing aphasics
_____10. Most left-handed people process language using the right side of their brain, and
about half of ambidextrous people do.
_____11. Linguistics studies language structures and functions from a prescriptive point of view.
_____12. All languages are constantly changing.
_____13. The number of active vocabulary is likely to be higher than the passive vocabulary.
_____14. Children’s vocabulary reflects the frequency of words used by the adults.
______15. Children not only acquire the words from adults’ speech but also they learn the
same meaning.
_______16. Vertical development is reason of overgeneralization.
_______17. A new born baby learns new words inductively.
_______18. The New England dialect is typical of rhetoric pronunciation.
_______19. Appalachian dialect tends not to use multiple negations.
_______20. Ethnicity does not influence language variation.
_______21. Chicano English is spoken by second and third-generation of Mexican descent.
_______22. African- American English tends to use habitual “be”.
_______23. Super stratum languages never borrow lexical words from substratum languages.
_______24. Language death tends to happen to a super stratum language.
_______25. Language contact is always indirect.
_______26. Language borrowings are often bidirectional for Ad stratum languages.
_______27. Jargon is a particular language with particular features on the syntactic level.
_______28. Jargon is used only by a particular group, profession, or a field.
_______29. A dialect cannot be different from another dialect of the same language in the
syntactic level.
_______30. If someone speaks English differently in terms of lexical choices and syntactic
structure, we can say she/he has an accent.
Test II. Multiple Choice
Directions: For each item, write the letter that best fits the statement. Write your answer
on the space provided.
________31. A child at the age of five has at least—active vocabulary.
a. 5,000 b. 7,000 c. 2,000 d. 1,000
________32. Which type of words do the kids learn first?
a. Item of food c. name of flowers
b. Name of animals d. all of the above
________33. Referring to all the men by “daddy” is an example of—
a. Over-generation c. assimilation
b. Differentiation d. none of the above
_______34. By the age of seven, a kid knows---
a. More than 6,000 words c. more than 10,000 words
b. More than 4,000 words d. more than 2,000 words
_______35. A child first includes a word in its mental dictionary and gradually learns the
semantic features. This phenomenon is known as—
a. Natural development
b. Vertical development
c. Horizontal development
d. All of the above
_______36. _____provide the foundation for _________ and the outcomes of _______help us to
refine and even replace our _______ overtime.
a. Theories, scientific studies, scientific studies, theories
b. Scientific studies, theories, theories, scientific studies
c. Scientific studies, theories, scientific studies, theories
d. Theories, scientific studies, theories, scientific studies
_______37. Which type of studies, helps us to learn about the kinds of language capabilities
that infants have when they arrive in the world and how children use this skill to learn
a. Speech comprehension
b. Speech perception
c. Language comprehension
d. Language production
_______38. A study that examines the average number of words and the average length of
utterance of a child’s fictional story is most likely what type of study?
a. Speech comprehension
b. Speech perception
c. Language comprehension
d. Language production
_______39. You present a child with four pictures, asking him to point to the picture that
matches the sentence, “The boy walked the dog.” This task measures—
a. Language production
b. Pragmatic perception
c. Language comprehension
d. Speech perception
_______40. The notion of _____ claims that all learning is the result of operant conditioning
a. Connectionism b. behaviorism c. modularity d. functionalism
_______41. Debbie, a one-and-a-half-year-old, is thirsty and wants a drink. What model states
that because her mother will not always know when she is thirsty and offers her a drink?
Debbie, will learn how to express this intention using language?
a. The Survival Model of Language Acquisition
b. The Discrepancy Model of Language Acquisition
c. The Intentionality Model of Language Acquisition
d. The Competition Model of Language Acquisition
_______42. Which theory posts that children are born with linguistic competence and that
mistakes and omissions in their speeches are indicative of performance difficulties and not a
lack of competence?
a. Semantic bootstrapping
b. Modularity theory
c. Syntactic bootstrapping
d. Universal grammar
_______43. A clinician reads an article about the link between production and perception of
/s/ in preschool children. She then decides to use more perceptual tasks in her work with her
client who is having difficulty articulating /s/. This is an example of:
a. An ASHA requirement
b. Overextension
c. Clinical expertise
d. Evidence-based practice
_______44. Sociolinguistics is most appropriately defined as which of these?
a. The scientific study of vocal sound
b. The study of human behavior
c. The scientific study of language usage
d. The study of animal vocalization
_______45. The linguistic term “code-switching” refers to which of the following?
a. A speaker’s use of more than one language dialect or register in an utterance or
b. A type of cryptology
c. The use of jargon within a language
d. Using a secret or exclusive language in certain circumstances
_______46. A person who speaks three languages fluently is most properly referred to by which
of tense terms?
a. Magna lingual
b. Bilingual
c. Extra lingual
d. Multi lingual
_______47. Which of the following would not be considered a part of sociolinguistics?
a. The study of the sounds in spoken language
b. The general perception of a dialect within a society
c. The study of the attitude of people towards certain speech characteristics
d. The study of socioeconomic and/or political power factors and their influences on
language change
_______48. Which of the following is not a dialect of English?
a. Pennsylvania Dutch
b. Gullah
c. RP, or “BBC” English
d. Boston Brahmin
_______49. Which of the following languages was not widely spread as a result of colonialism?
a. French b. Spanish c. English d. Swedish
_______50. English is most closely related to which of the following languages.
a. Latin b. French c. Norse d. Frisian
_______51. To what does the term “lingua franca” refer?
a. A shared language primarily used for business, education or political reasons
b. Speaking bluntly or directly
c. Speaking French
d. A dialect spoken in the Franconian of Germany
_______52. “Pidgin” most closely refers to:
a. An extinct native American Language
b. A rudimentary language used primarily for business/trade interactions
c. People who speak multiple dialects
d. A language group in Central Africa
_______53. The study of how language use changes according to social context is:
a. Historical linguistics
b. Cultural anthropology
c. Intercultural communication studies
d. Sociolinguistics
_______54. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states:
a. Socioeconomic position influences language use
b. Language is an outgrowth of non-verbal communication
c. The form and content of language influence speakers behavior, thought processes
d. Society and culture determine the content of language
_______55. The technique of analyzing the similarities and contrasts among words within a
domain such as kinship terms or animal names is known as:
a. Code switching c. componential analysis
b. Morphology d. syntax
_______56. Changing from one language or dialect to another according to the context in
which one is speaking is known as:
a. Code switching c. Creolization
b. Syntax d. ethno semantics
_______57. Both gorillas and chimpanzees seem to be able to ___in a rudimentary way,
although they do not seem to do so in the wild.
a. Understand and manipulate symbols
b. Form human verbal sounds
c. Produce syntax
d. Understand video-taped or recorded Call systems
_______58. The ability of human language to produce messages in different times and places
from the objects or events that they refer to is known as:
a. Duality of patterning c. displacement
b. Arbitrariness d. productivity
_______59. Language in any form of communication that involves:
a. Symbols, displacement, and productivity
b. Sounds, symbols, and words
c. Symbols, grammar, and call systems
d. Duality of patterning, displacement, and productivity
_______60. Which of these finds out how a certain set of people use a language at a given
a. Diachronic linguistics
b. Comparative linguistics
c. Synchronic linguistics
d. Historical linguistics

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