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New Phytologist - 2019 - Rosas - Adjustments and Coordination of Hydraulic Leaf and Stem Traits Along A Water Availability

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Adjustments and coordination of hydraulic, leaf and stem traits

along a water availability gradient
Teresa Rosas1 , Maurizio Mencuccini1,2 , Josep Barba3 , Herve Cochard4 , Sandra Saura-Mas1,5 and
Jordi Martınez-Vilalta1,5
CREAF, E08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Valles), Catalonia, Spain; 2ICREA, 08010, Barcelona, Spain; 3Plant and Soil Sciences Department, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716,
USA; 4INRA, PIAF, Universite Clermont-Auvergne, Site de Crou€el 5, chemin de Beaulieu, 63000, Clermont-Ferrand, France; 5Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Valles,
08193, Barcelona, Spain

Author for correspondence:  Trait variability in space and time allows plants to adjust to changing environmental condi-
Teresa Rosas tions. However, we know little about how this variability is distributed and coordinated at dif-
Tel: +34 935812915
ferent organizational levels.
 For six dominant tree species in northeastern Spain (three Fagaceae and three Pinaceae) we
Received: 27 July 2018 quantified the inter- and intraspecific variability of a set of traits along a water availability
Accepted: 8 January 2019
gradient. We measured leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf nitrogen (N) concentration, carbon iso-
tope composition in leaves (d13C), stem wood density, the Huber value (Hv, the ratio of cross-
New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646 sectional sapwood area to leaf area), sapwood-specific and leaf-specific stem hydraulic
doi: 10.1111/nph.15684 conductivity, vulnerability to xylem embolism (P50) and the turgor loss point (Ptlp).
 Differences between families explained the largest amount of variability for most traits,

Key words: drought, Huber value, hydraulic

although intraspecific variability was also relevant. Species occupying wetter sites showed
traits, interspecific variation, intraspecific higher N, P50 and Ptlp, and lower LMA, d13C and Hv. However, when trait relationships with
variation, leaf economics spectrum, turgor water availability were assessed within species they held only for Hv and Ptlp.
loss point, water availability.  Overall, our results indicate that intraspecific adjustments along the water availability gradi-
ent relied primarily on changes in resource allocation between sapwood and leaf area and in
leaf water relations.

investments (Reich et al., 1997; Wright et al., 2004). However,

how to exactly describe and integrate complex community
Understanding the patterns underlying the huge diversity in dynamics and predict ecosystem-level responses to environmental
plant form and function across different organizational levels is a changes from individual-level trait measurements remains a chal-
central goal for ecologists. This diversity arises from a combina- lenge (Shipley et al., 2016; Funk et al., 2017).
tion of genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity and results in Functional variability of plants has been frequently collapsed at
adaptations to a range of environmental conditions across space the species level by using mean values, thus ignoring intraspecific
and time (Bradshaw, 1965, 2006). In recent decades, trait-based trait variability (ITV). However, much work has shown that ITV is
ecology has emerged as a renewed discipline with the potential to relevant when making predictions about plant community assembly
be applied to dynamic global vegetation models (Van Bodegom and ecosystem functioning (Violle et al., 2012). This is particularly
et al., 2012; Harper et al., 2016) and improve predictions of vege- the case when we move from global to more regional scales (Messier
tation responses to environmental changes (Lavorel & Garnier, et al., 2010; Albert et al., 2012; Violle et al., 2012; Siefert et al.,
2002; McGill et al., 2006). The use of traits emphasizes species 2015) and from organ-level traits to integrative traits involving sev-
phenotypic values over taxonomic characteristics, facilitating the eral organs, as the latter tend to be more sensitive to the environ-
comparison among species and environments (Westoby & ment and show higher ITV as a result of local genetic adaptation
Wright, 2006). Identifying tradeoffs that appear repeatedly and phenotypic plasticity (Marks, 2007; Siefert et al., 2015). Thus,
because of evolutionary constraints has become a major research incorporating the variability of traits along environmental gradients
topic because they have the potential to reflect ecological strate- among different organizational levels (family, species, population
gies (Westoby et al., 2002; Laughlin, 2014; Adler et al., 2014). and individual) may help to elucidate how traits respond to envi-
One of the dimensions that has received more attention is the leaf ronmental variation and thus improve trait-based models. For
economics spectrum (LES), which highlights the tradeoff example, Reich et al. (2014) showed that accounting for ITV in
between the dry mass and nutrient investments in leaf construc- gymnosperm needle longevity with latitude across boreal forests
tion and the time required for obtaining returns on those impacted significantly on carbon (C) cycling projections.

632 New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646 Ó 2019 The Authors New Phytologist Ó 2019 New Phytologist Trust
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Phytologist Research 633

A related challenge is to understand how trait covariation communities (Skelton et al., 2015) and may provide stronger
changes at different ecological levels (organizational levels and insights into the drivers of forest dynamics than the more com-
spatial scales) (Levin, 1992; Chave, 2013). Previous work has monly measured ‘soft’ traits (Brodribb, 2017).
shown that correlation patterns are not always conserved across If trait variation across scales in commonly measured ‘soft’
scales. For example, several studies have failed to find some of the traits remains poorly understood, knowledge is even more limited
central LES tradeoffs, defined across species means at the global regarding hydraulic traits. A recent meta-analysis found that 33%
scale, when working at smaller spatial or organizational scales of the variation in P50 was contributed by differences within
(Wright & Sutton-Grier, 2012; Laforest-Lapointe et al., 2014; species (Anderegg, 2015). However, part of this variability could
Niinemets, 2015; Messier et al., 2016; Anderegg et al., 2018). be a result of methodological aspects (Cochard et al., 2013) and
This is because traits that appear closely coordinated at certain several individual studies have shown low plasticity in embolism
scales may have different sensitivities to scale-dependent drivers resistance across climatically contrasted populations (Maherali &
of variation, which can effectively decouple them at finer scales DeLucia, 2000; Martınez-Vilalta et al., 2009; Lamy et al., 2011,
(Messier et al., 2016). These results have important implications 2014; Lopez et al., 2016). The degree of coordination between
for trait-based ecology: if we want to predict species responses to leaf economics traits and hydraulic traits is also a leading research
changing environmental conditions, we need to elucidate subject. A universal ‘fast–slow’ whole-plant economics spectrum
intraspecific trait covariance structures to understand the adaptive that integrates resource use strategies (for water, C and nutrients)
value of trait combinations in different environments. At the across organs has been proposed (Reich, 2014), but the evidence
same time, we should be cautious when interpreting trait rela- remains mixed (Brodribb et al., 2007; Blonder et al., 2011;
tionships across species as fundamental tradeoffs among func- Markesteijn et al., 2011; Mendez-Alonzo et al., 2012; Sack et al.,
tions and strategy dimensions. The study of trait correlation 2013; Li et al., 2015).
networks is a step forward in formalizing multiple factors shaping To address these critical issues, we studied the variability of a
an integrated plant phenotype (Poorter et al., 2014; Messier set of hydraulic, leaf and stem traits along a water availability gra-
et al., 2017) and allowing comparisons across scales. dient in six dominant tree species in Catalonia (northeastern
The complexity of trait variation has usually been condensed Spain), focusing on the following questions:
in a few easily measured (‘soft’) traits that are not necessarily good (1) How much trait variation is observed and how is it dis-
predictors of demographic rates (Poorter et al., 2008; Paine et al., tributed among levels of organization? We hypothesize that dif-
2015; Yang et al., 2018). For example, leaf mass per area (LMA), ferences between families (Pinaceae vs Fagaceae) will explain the
one of the most commonly measured traits, is usually weakly largest part of trait variability in this temperate system, although
associated with growth rate, especially in adult plants (Wright ITV will be substantial, especially for more integrative traits such
et al., 2010; Gibert et al., 2016). Moving from ‘soft’ traits to as KL and Hv.
more mechanistic (‘hard’) traits that have a clearer physiological (2) How do traits vary along the water availability gradient
basis and are likely to be stronger determinants of fitness should within and between species? We hypothesize that hydraulic traits
improve our capacity to elucidate vegetation dynamics under will be more closely linked to water availability than are other
changing environmental conditions. This is particularly the case stem and leaf traits. Most of the trait changes along the water
for drought-related impacts on forest function and dynamics availability gradient will entail species substitutions and, thus, the
(Skelton et al., 2015; Sperry & Love, 2015; Brodribb, 2017), strength of trait–environment relationships will be weaker within
which are expected to increase in most regions of the Earth under than across species, reflecting lower capacity for functional adjust-
climate change (Allen et al., 2015). ment within species.
Several studies have related hydraulic traits to plant perfor- (3) How are traits coordinated across and within species?
mance under drought in terms of growth and mortality rates Across species, we hypothesize the existence of a general ‘fast–
(Rowland et al., 2015; Anderegg et al., 2016; Choat et al., 2018). slow’ strategy at the whole-plant level that combines LES and
Hydraulic traits define the efficiency of the plant water transport hydraulic traits (e.g. low LMA will be associated with high KS
system, usually defined in terms of stem-specific hydraulic con- and high vulnerability to embolism). At the same time, we
ductivity (KS) and its safety against failure under drought stress, expect that intraspecific correlation networks may differ from
typically characterized as the water potential at which 50% stem those across species because relatively weak evolutionary or
conductivity is lost as a result of xylem embolism (P50). In addi- physiological tradeoffs can be reversed as a result of plasticity
tion, allocation to sapwood cross-sectional area relative to leaf within species.
area (the Huber value, Hv) regulates supply capacity per unit of
water demand, and it is thus a key component of plant hydraulic
Materials and Methods
architecture (Mencuccini & Bonosi, 2001). It has been shown
that plants can respond to drier conditions by increasing the resis-
Study site and sampling design
tance to xylem embolism (e.g. Blackman et al., 2014), decreasing
the leaf water potential at turgor loss in leaves (Bartlett et al., The study area included all the forested territory of Catalonia
2012) and/or increasing their sapwood-to-leaf area ratio (northeastern Spain), encompassing 1.2 million ha, c. 38% of its
(Martınez-Vilalta et al., 2009). Thus, these hydraulic traits can be total land area. Catalonia is very diverse both topographically and
used to describe the range of plant hydraulic strategies in diverse climatically: mean annual temperature ranges from 18°C (at the

Ó 2019 The Authors New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646

New Phytologist Ó 2019 New Phytologist Trust
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634 Research Phytologist

southern coast) to 3°C (in the Pyrenees) and annual rainfall varies b ¼ 3:140  0:00222 ð% clayÞ2  3:484
from 400 to > 1500 mm (CDAC,  105 ð% sandÞ2 ð% clayÞ Eqn 1
acdc/). We selected six of the most dominant tree species in
Catalonia (three Pinaceae and three Fagaceae), accounting for where less negative values of b indicate sandy soils with lower soil
c. 75% of the total forest area (Gracia et al., 2004; see also Sup- water retention capacity.
porting information Table S1): Pinus sylvestris L, Pinus nigra Forest structure data for each plot were also available from the
J.F.Arnold., Pinus halepensis Mill., Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus last Spanish forest inventory (IFN4) that was conducted over the
pubescens Willd. and Quercus ilex L. For each species, 15 plots same time period as our sampling. Forest structural data included
from the Spanish forest inventory (IFN) were resampled in which total plot basal area, stand density, mean DBH and the 90th per-
the target species was dominant (minimum 50% of the total basal centile for height of all trees in the plot. Climate data were
area), maximizing the water availability gradient occupied by obtained from the Climatic Digital Atlas of Catalonia (Ninyerola
each species in the study region. Water availability was quantified et al., 2005), a collection of digital maps at 200 9 200 m resolu-
as the precipitation to potential evapotranspiration ratio tion including average annual radiation, mean annual tempera-
(P : PET), for the spring–summer period (see later). Five plots ture, minimum annual temperature and annual precipitation for
per species were sampled for each of three species-specific P : PET the period 1951–2010. PET values were calculated according to
ranges following a stratified random design (dry, corresponding the Hargreaves–Samani method (Hargreaves & Samani, 1982)
to P : PET < 33rd/66th percentile and mild for the rest) (Figs S1, and used to estimate P : PET for the spring–summer period and
S2). Plots with the two highest stoniness values and those that P : PET for the summer period.
had been managed during the last 14 years according to previous
IFN surveys were discarded. Leaf traits and wood density
Within each plot, five nonsuppressed canopy trees of the
target species with diameter at breast height (DBH) > 12.5 cm Standard protocols (Perez-Harguindeguy et al., 2013) were
were randomly selected, all within 25 m of the centre of the followed for all trait measurements (Table 1). Previous-year
plot. All samples and data were collected from May to Decem- needles (conifers) and current-year leaves (broadleaves) were
ber 2015. To minimize phenological variation in traits within selected to measure fully expanded leaves. Before measurements,
species, species were sampled sequentially (P. halepensis, mid- twigs with leaves were cut under water and placed into flasks
May to end June; Q. pubescens, end June and July; F. sylvatica, with the cut end submerged in deionized water in the dark
August; P. sylvestris; September to mid-October; Q. ilex, mid- overnight.
October to mid-November; P. nigra, mid-November to mid- Leaf mass per area is a measure of biomass investment in leaves
December). From each tree, two branches (one for leaf per unit light interception and gas exchange (Poorter et al.,
measurements and the other for hydraulic measurements) were 2009). For LMA determinations, 20 leaves were randomly
sampled from the exposed part of the canopy in the top half selected, scanned and their areas were measured with IMAGEJ soft-
of the crown. Sampled branches were at least 70 cm long for ware (Wayne Rasband-National Institute of Health, Bethesda,
Pinus spp., 150 cm for Quercus spp. and 80 cm for Fagus, to MD, USA). Afterwards, samples were oven-dried at 60°C and
account for differences in the maximum length of xylem con- weighed, and LMA was calculated as leaf dry mass/fresh area.
duits (see later). Branches were transported to the laboratory The Hv is the ratio of cross-sectional sapwood area to sub-
inside plastic bags under cool and dark conditions and mea- tended leaf area, and it can therefore be viewed as the ratio of
surements were taken within 24 h. hydraulic and mechanical investment costs over the expected
gains obtained by leaf display. Leaves from terminal branches
(65 cm long from the tip) were oven-dried and weighed, and
Environmental variables LMA was used to convert the total dry weight of the distal leaves
At each plot, four soil samples (20 cm deep) were taken using a of each branch into total branch leaf area. In order to calculate
soil core at the four cardinal points at 5 m distance from the cen- branch level Hv, and to make values comparable across species,
tre of the plot. The topsoil (O horizon) was removed to exclude maximum leaf area was estimated, taking into account species
the organic deposit and litterfall, and the four samples were phenology and the time of sampling. Sapwood area was obtained
merged. The following variables were measured on each pooled through measuring total xylem area on digital images of stained
sample: N-NO3 concentration (colorimetric method; Keeney & (safranin-astra blue) 15–20 lm thin sections in IMAGEJ (Wayne
Nelson, 1982), phosphorus (P) content (available P-Olsen P; Rasband-National Institute of Health).
Olsen & Sommers, 1982), soil humidity (gravimetric soil water We used leaf C isotope composition (d13C) and leaf nitrogen
content; Gardner, 1986), organic matter fraction (organic C con- (N) concentrations to further characterize leaf functioning. Less
tent estimated with acid dichromate oxidation method; Nelson negative d13C values suggesting lower discrimination against the
& Sommers, 1982) and soil texture classes defined by the USDA heavier 13C are indicative of greater stomatal control and water-
system (sedimentation-Robinson pipette; Gee & Or, 2002). To use efficiency (Farquhar et al., 1989), whereas higher leaf N con-
integrate the different components of soil texture into one single centrations are usually associated with higher photosynthetic
variable, the exponent of the Saxton equation (Saxton et al., capacity because of the high N content of photosynthetic
1986) was calculated as follows: machinery (Evans, 1989). Leaf d13C and N were determined

New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646 Ó 2019 The Authors New Phytologist Ó 2019 New Phytologist Trust
14698137, 2019, 2, Downloaded from by INPA - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Phytologist Research 635

using a PDZ Europa ANCA-GSL elemental analyser interfaced shoots (Martin-StPaul et al., 2014). An initial cut was applied to
to a PDZ Europa 20–20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Sercon allow xylem tension in the branch segment to relax before mea-
Ltd, Crewe, UK) at the UC-Davis Stable Isotopes Facility (Davis, surement, avoiding artefacts associated with the cutting under
CA, USA). Samples were previously oven-dried at 60° C for 4 d, tension (Wheeler et al., 2013). After the segments were cut again
grounded with a Retsch MM400 ball mill (Verder Group, Haan, to their final size (c. 2 cm in length), their proximal ends were
Germany) and placed in tin capsules for analysis. C stable isotope connected to the tubing system of the XYL’EM, which was filled
concentrations were expressed in relation to the Pee-Dee Belem- with deionized filtered water with 10 mM KCl and 1 mM CaCl2
nite standard. that had been previously degassed using a membrane contactor
Leaf osmotic potential (W0) was measured with a VAPRO (Liqui-Cell Mini-Module membrane 1.7 9 5.5; Charlotte, NC,
5500 vapor pressure osmometer (Wescor, Logan, UT, USA). USA). After measuring the initial conductivity, the segments
Leaves were wrapped in foil to limit condensation and evapora- were flushed once at 0.15 MPa for 10 min (for Quercus spp. and
tion, submerged in liquid nitrogen for 2 min and sealed in a plas- F. sylvatica) or held in the solution under partial vacuum for 48 h
tic zip bag under ambient conditions. After letting them defrost, (for Pinus spp., as flushing conifer segments often results in the
they were put inside a syringe and squeezed until 10 ll of sap pit membranes being permanently pushed against tracheid cells
were obtained. Finally, W0 was used to predict the leaf water walls) in order to measure their maximal conductivity (Kmax) as
potential at which leaf cells lose turgor, closing their stomata and described earlier. The values of Ki and Kmax were used to com-
ceasing gas exchange and growth (Ptlp) (Brodribb et al., 2003), pute the percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC). The
according to the equation described in Bartlett et al. (2012): previous measurements were repeated a second time on a differ-
ent set of stem segments after branches had been dehydrated on
Ptlp ¼ 0:832W0  0:631 Eqn 2 the bench to obtain PLC estimates at lower water potentials. The
timing of this second measurement was adjusted for different
Wood density (WD) is considered a central trait shaping the species and branches (between 2 and 8 d) to cover a wide range of
wood economics spectrum (Chave et al., 2009). We measured PLC values. The tubing system was regularly cleaned using 10%
WD on one stem core per individual extracted using a hand bleach solution for at least 20 min to prevent microorganism
increment borer (5 mm diameter; Suunto, Vantaa, Finland). The growth and, afterwards, flushed with a degassed solution. Addi-
core was sealed in plastic tubes upon collection and taken to the tionally, we used the apical part of each measured twig segment
laboratory under cold conditions. Fresh core volume of all wood to measure water potential (Ψ) with a Scholander pressure cham-
was calculated after removing the bark by the dimensional ber (Solfranc Tecnologias, Tarragona, Spain).
method, measuring its total length and its diameter using a cal- To fit vulnerability curves to each set of PLC and water poten-
liper. Cores were then oven-dried at 100°C for 48 h and weighed. tial measurements, the following sigmoid function was used
WD was calculated as the oven-dry mass divided by fresh (Pammenter & Willigen, 1998):
PLC ¼ 100=ð1 þ expðaðW  P50 ÞÞÞ Eqn 3
Hydraulic traits
where Ψ is the water potential, a is the slope of the curve (and
Before hydraulic measurements, maximum vessel length was esti- thus determines the rate at which conductivity is lost as water
mated using the air infiltration technique (Ewers & Fisher, 1989) potential declines), and P50 determines the position of the curve
on eight 2 m branches per species. We pumped compressed air on the abscissa and gives the pressure causing 50% loss of con-
(c. 0.15 MPa) through the branches with their basal end ductivity. Parameters were estimated by fitting a separate nonlin-
immersed in water and successively shortened the stem until bub- ear mixed model for each species, using the NLME R package
bling was observed. Because compressed air at low pressures can- (Pinheiro et al., 2018). The model accounted for individual
not pass through vessel end walls, the bubbling indicated the nested in plot as a random effect on coefficient P50. Preliminary
presence of open xylem conduits. The resulting estimates of max- analyses confirmed that this model structure provided the best fit
imum conduit length were used to decide the minimum length to the data.
of the sampled branches (see the Study site and sampling design In addition, all distal leaves of each segment were removed to
section earlier). determinate their area as explained above. Leaf-specific hydraulic
Vulnerability curves were established by measuring the conductivity (KL) was calculated as Kmax divided by the distal leaf
hydraulic conductivity of stem segments at different water poten- area supported. Similarly, stem-specific hydraulic conductivity
tials, using a variation of the bench dehydration method (Sperry (KS) was calculated as Kmax divided by cross-sectional sapwood
& Tyree, 1988; Cochard et al., 2013; Choat et al., 2015). area.
Hydraulic conductivity was measured using a commercial
XYL’EM apparatus (Bronkhorst, Montigny-les-Cormeilles,
Statistical analyses
France) as the ratio between the flow through the stem segment
and the pressure gradient (5 kPa). The initial hydraulic conduc- To assess trait variability, the quartile coefficient of dispersion
tivity (Ki) was measured in three subsamples (segments) per (QCD) was calculated for each trait as the ratio between half the
branch that were excised underwater at the terminal part of the interquartile range ((Q3 – Q1)/2) and the average of the quartiles

Ó 2019 The Authors New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646

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14698137, 2019, 2, Downloaded from by INPA - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
636 Research Phytologist

((Q1 + Q3)/2). QCD was used as a more robust measure of dis- represented as nodes and their correlation as the edges linking
persion than the coefficient of variation (CV), as the latter is not them. Two indicators of network centrality were calculated for
appropriate for datasets including isotopic measurements (Bren- each trait: the degree (D), defined as the number of edges of a
del, 2014) or log-transformed data (Canchola et al., 2017) (see node and the weighted degree (Dw), defined as the sum of all sig-
also the Table S2). To understand the distribution of variability nificant coefficients of correlation of a node (Table S5). In these
for each trait, we used different sets of linear mixed models, latter analyses, all traits were loge-transformed to improve the lin-
always fitting separate models for each trait. In the first ones, fam- earity of relationships. All analyses were carried out using R statis-
ily, species and population were introduced as nested random fac- tical software v.3.3.2 (R Core Team, 2017).
tors to assess how trait variability was distributed among these
different levels of organization. In the second ones, models were
fitted separately for each family, and included only species and
population (nested) to assess trait variability among and within
Magnitude and distribution of trait variability
species (within each family). All variables were checked for nor-
mality and loge-transformed whenever required to ensure nor- Most trait variation occurred between families (Pinaceae vs
mality. Fagaceae), with the exception of KL and Ptlp for which the contri-
Before exploring the effect of environmental factors on trait vari- bution of family was close to zero (Fig. 1b). Pinaceae tended to
ation, three separate principal component analyses (PCAs) were have higher LMA, Hv and d13C than Fagaceae, whereas the oppo-
performed to summarize soil, forest structure and climate data site was true for leaf N, WD, KS and P50 (Fig. S4). Overall, the
(Fig. S3). As before, all variables were checked for normality and proportion of variance explained at the intraspecific level (among
loge-transformed if required. For further analyses, the two most and within populations) was, on average, 23.11% (Fig. 1b).
orthogonal variables showing the highest axes loading in each PCA Within Pinaceae, KS, KL, Hv, WD and d13C showed a higher vari-
were selected as integrated measures of environmental predictors. ability within than among species, whereas in Fagaceae this was
Coefficient b from the Saxton equation (Eqn 1) and soil P were only the case for Hv (Fig. S5). Other traits, such as P50, showed
selected to describe soil characteristics, mean tree DBH and total substantial variability within families (4.51 MPa range within
plot basal area to describe forest structure, and spring–summer Pinaceae and 3.84 MPa range within Fagaceae) but most of this
P : PET and annual radiation to describe the climate. A first mixed variance occurred across species (Table S2; Fig. S5). KS, KL, LMA
model for each trait was fitted starting with the ‘saturated’ model, and Hv were the most variable traits, whereas d13C, Ptlp and WD
including all six environmental variables as fixed explanatory vari- showed the least variation (Fig. 1a).
ables (without interactions). We included plot nested in species as
random effects on the intercept of the model. Preliminary analyses
Trait responses along a water availability gradient
showed that including a random species effect on the slopes did not
improve model fit. This model was simplified stepwise, removing Traits responded differently to environmental factors (Table 2).
the least significant term until a minimal adequate model with the Regarding soil properties, only soil P concentration showed a sig-
lowest Akaike information criterion (AIC) was obtained. Models nificant effect (positive) on LMA. As for stand structure, mean
within two AIC units were considered equivalent in terms of fit and DBH had a strongest predictive effect across all models. Plots
the simplest one was selected (Zuur et al., 2009). with larger trees on average were associated with lower LMA,
To explore specifically the variability of each trait along the lower WD, lower Hv and lower KL. Stand basal area did not have
P : PET gradient imposed by our sampling design, a second significant effects on any trait. Finally, regarding climatic vari-
mixed model was fitted for each trait. To separate the intraspeci- ables, high annual radiation was associated with leaves with high
fic from the interspecific component of trait responses to P : PET, LMA and high (less negative) d13C. Plots with higher P : PET
we split P : PET into two additive variables which were included values had trees with more negative d13C, lower Hv and less neg-
as separate fixed factors in the model: mean P : PET at the species ative Ptlp. Overall, environmental variables at the plot level were
level and centred P : PET. The latter variable was calculated as not strong predictors of trait variation, as shown by relatively low
the difference between plot P : PET and the average P : PET for values of the marginal R2 (variation explained by the fixed effects)
the corresponding species. We also included plot nested within (Table 2). The fact that conditional R2 values (Table 2) were nor-
species as a random effect on the intercept. As before, preliminary mally much higher indicates that a large proportion of the vari-
analyses showed that including a random species effect on the ance in all traits is explained by differences among species and
slope did not improve model fit. Model selection was carried out plots not captured by the environmental variables included in
as described earlier. In all cases, the residuals of the selected mod- our analysis. Similar results were obtained if we used PCA axes as
els showed no obvious pattern and were approximately normally fixed factors describing environmental variation in models
distributed. Linear mixed effects models were fitted using the instead of individual variables (Table S3).
LME4 package (Bates et al., 2015). When we specifically explored the variability of each trait
Finally, to characterize trait coordination within and between along the water availability (P : PET) gradient, considering both
species, statistically significant correlations among traits were species means and plot-scale deviations from the means (centred
graphically represented using trait covariation networks with the values), higher marginal R2 values and generally stronger effects
IGRAPH package (Csardi & Nepusz, 2006). Traits were were obtained (cf. Table S4). Significant relationships between

New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646 Ó 2019 The Authors New Phytologist Ó 2019 New Phytologist Trust
14698137, 2019, 2, Downloaded from by INPA - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Phytologist Research 637

(a) (b)

Fig. 1 (a) Quartile coefficient of dispersion of

the studied traits across all measurements of
the study; (b) variance partitioning across
different ecological levels of organization.
‘Within’ denotes variance between
individuals of the same population. Traits are
ordered (left to right) from higher to lower
total variation in (a), and from higher to
lower percentage variation within species in
(b). LMA, leaf mass per area; N, leaf nitrogen
concentration; d13C, leaf carbon isotope
composition; WD, wood density; Hv, Huber
value, sapwood to leaf area ratio; KL,
leaf-specific xylem hydraulic conductivity;
KS, stem-specific xylem hydraulic
conductivity; P50, pressure causing 50%
xylem embolism; Ptlp, leaf water potential at
turgor loss point.

Table 1 Traits measured in this study. Trait correlation networks

Trait Symbol Units Trait coordination differed within- and among- species
(Fig. 3). When species means were considered, LMA and Hv
Leaf mass per area LMA kg m2 were the traits showing highest values of centrality across
Leaf nitrogen concentration N mg g1
Leaf carbon isotope composition d13C & species (Table S5). These two traits were positively related to
Wood density (stem) WD g cm3 each other and tightly linked to leaf N, d13C and P50, so that
Huber value, sapwood to leaf area ratio Hv cm2 m2 higher allocation to sapwood area relative to leaf area was cor-
(branch) related with a greater construction cost per unit leaf area, lower
Leaf-specific xylem hydraulic KL kg m1 s1 MPa1 N, higher water-use efficiency (less negative d13C values) and
conductivity (branch)
Stem-specific xylem hydraulic conductivity KS kg m1 s1 MPa1
higher cavitation resistance (more negative P50). Ptlp and KL
(branch) also showed a positive relationship. Surprisingly, KL and KS
Pressure causing 50% xylem embolism P50 MPa were unrelated across species, although a consistent, positive
(branch) relationship appeared when species were analysed separately
Leaf water potential at turgor loss point Ptlp MPa (Fig. 3).
[Correction added after online publication 8 February 2019: the units for When analysing trait coordination within species, the strong
Leaf mass per area in Table 1 have been corrected.] LMA–Hv relationship observed across species was only signifi-
cant in one species (Q. ilex). At the intraspecific level, the negative
P : PET and traits across species were consistent with the results correlation between LMA and –d13C and the positive correlation
reported in the previous paragraph, but we also found a positive between KS and KL were the only relationships present in all cases
relationship between P : PET and P50 (which was only marginally (Fig. 3). KL showed the highest centrality in two out of the three
significant in the previous analysis) and a positive relationship measured gymnosperms, whereas it was never central in
with leaf N concentrations (Fig. 2). Importantly, trait–environ- angiosperms. On the other hand, LMA was the trait with the
ment relationships were scale-dependent and when these patterns highest centrality in two out of three studied angiosperm species.
were analysed within species, we only found significant relation- However, caution is needed when considering these results,
ships between centred P : PET and Hv and Ptlp. In these two owing to the limited number of species sampled within each fam-
cases, the relationships had the same (negative) sign but shallower ily. When centrality was expressed as a simple count of the num-
slopes than the corresponding relationships across species (Fig. 2; ber of significant correlations (D), d13C and Ptlp also appeared
Table S4). Similar results were obtained when the mean DBH, particularly important, especially in Fagaceae (Table S5). Finally,
the strongest explanatory variable in the initial mixed model (cf. taking into account the overall network, P. sylvestris, F. sylvatica
previous paragraph), was included as a fixed factor in this latter and Q. ilex were the species showing more correlations among
model (not shown). traits and the highest Dw (Table S5).

Ó 2019 The Authors New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646

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638 Research
Table 2 Results of the linear mixed models examining the relationships between traits and environmental variables characterizing the soil, the climate and the stand structure.

New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646

LMA Log N Log(d13C) Log WD Hv KL KS P50 Ptlp

Fixed parts
Soil P 0.08 0.08 ni 0.08 ni ni ni ni ni
(0.02 – 0.13)* (0.17–0.01) (0.00–0.17)
Log (b Saxton) ni ni ni 0.05 ni ni ni ni 0.03
(0.01–0.12) (0.13–0.07)
Log (DBHmean) 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.14 0.14 0.08 ni ni
(0.12 (0.00–0.17) (0.00–0.24) (0.19 to 0.03)** (0.26 to 0.01)* (0.24 to 0.03)* (0.16 to 0.00)
to 0.01)*
Basal area 0.05 ni ni 0.01 ni ni ni 0.08 ni
(0.10–0.01) (0.06–0.09) (0.03–0.20)
Annual 0.06 ni 0.23 ni 0.09 0.07 ni ni ni
radiation (0.01–0.10)* (0.33 (0.01–0.20) (0.02–0.17)
to 0.13)***
Log (P : PET) ni ni 0.25 ni 0.27 ni ni 0.18 0.36
(0.09–0.41)** (0.44 to 0.10)** (0.35 to 0.02) (0.53 to 0.20)***
Random part
r2 0 0.009 0.001 0.009 0.178 0.153 0.087 0.071 0.024
s00, PLOT:SP 0 0.009 0.001 0.002 0.065 0.039 0.036 0.193 0.017
s00, SP 0.005 0.084 0.002 0.035 0.134 0.216 0.521 0.775 0.053
R2 marginal 0.02 0.01 0.22 0.01 0.14 0.03 0 0.02 0.14
R2 conditional 0.94 0.91 0.84 0.8 0.59 0.64 0.86 0.93 0.78
Observations 444 444 444 444 439 444 444 444 425

A different mixed effects model including all environmental variables in the fixed part and plot nested within species in the random part was fitted for each trait. The model’s standardized coefficients
including confidence intervals (in brackets) are shown. Significant correlations (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001) are shown in bold. Information on the random effect variances (r2, total; s00,
PLOT:SP, within-species; s00, SP, cross-species), the proportions of explained variance by fixed effects (R2 marginal) and explained variance by fixed and random effects (R2 conditional) is also pro-
vided. DBHmean, plot mean diameter at the breast height; b Saxton, b Saxton coefficient; soil P, soil phosphorus content; P : PET, precipitation to potential evapotranspiration ratio; ni, not included in
the best model; LMA, leaf mass per area; N, leaf nitrogen concentration; d13C, leaf carbon isotope composition; WD, wood density; Hv, Huber value, sapwood to leaf area ratio; KL, leaf-specific
xylem hydraulic conductivity; KS, stem-specific xylem hydraulic conductivity; P50, pressure causing 50% xylem embolism; Ptlp, leaf water potential at turgor loss point.

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Phytologist Research 639

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Fig. 2 Relationship between water availability (in terms of the precipitation to potential evapotranspiration ratio, P : PET) and (a) leaf mass per area, (b) leaf
nitrogen concentration, (c) leaf carbon isotope composition, (d) wood density, (e) Huber value, sapwood to leaf area ratio, (f) leaf-specific xylem hydraulic
conductivity, (g) stem-specific xylem hydraulic conductivity, (h) pressure causing 50% xylem embolism and (i) leaf water potential at turgor loss point. The
black regression lines give the overall cross-species relationships, and the coloured lines give the corresponding within-species relationships, when significant
(P < 0.05). Variables were loge-transformed whenever required to satisfy normality assumptions. LMA, leaf mass per area; N, leaf nitrogen concentration;
d13C, leaf carbon isotope composition; WD, wood density; Hv, Huber value, sapwood to leaf area ratio; KL, leaf-specific xylem hydraulic conductivity; KS,
stem-specific xylem hydraulic conductivity; P50, pressure causing 50% xylem embolism; Ptlp, leaf water potential at turgor loss point. [Correction added after
online publication 8 February 2019: the units for LMA on the y-axis of panel (a) have been corrected.]

especially in more integrative traits (KL, Hv). Most study traits

responded to water availability, with increasing N, P50 and Ptlp
We found that traits varied primarily between tree families but and decreasing LMA, d13C and Hv with P : PET across species.
that ITV also accounted for a relevant amount of total variation, However, at the intraspecific level, we only found trait variation

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640 Research Phytologist


(b) (c) (d)

Fig. 3 (a–g) Trait correlation networks across

species (n = 6) (a) and for each studied
species separately (b–g). Solid black and grey
dashed edges show positive and negative
correlations, respectively. Correlation
strength is represented by edge thickness.
Only significant correlations are shown
(P < 0.05). Traits identified by red circles
(e) (f) (g) show the highest centrality value in terms of
weighted degree (the sum of all the
significant coefficients of correlation of a
node). All traits were loge-transformed
before analysis. LMA, leaf mass per area; N,
leaf nitrogen concentration; d13C, leaf
carbon isotope composition; WD, wood
density; Hv, Huber value, sapwood to leaf
area ratio; KL, leaf-specific xylem hydraulic
conductivity; KS, stem-specific xylem
hydraulic conductivity; P50, pressure causing
50% xylem embolism; Ptlp, leaf water
potential at turgor loss point.

along the water availability gradient for Hv and Ptlp. Finally, trait within and among species, remains to be elucidated, particu-
coordination was scale-dependent and we did not find clear evi- larly considering that in our study KS and KL did not respond
dence of a single, dominant axis of variation reflecting a fast– consistently to water availability. On the other hand, Ptlp
slow, whole-plant economics spectrum. showed very low variability in comparison to other hydraulics
traits, also in agreement with previous findings (Mencuccini
et al., 2015; Bartlett et al., 2016).
Magnitude and distribution of trait variability
Not surprisingly, trait variability was mostly distributed across
Our results show that traits differ substantially in their variabil- families, reflecting the contrasting trait syndromes between
ity along the same environmental gradient, with an order of angiosperm and gymnosperm clades (Wright et al., 2004; Chave
magnitude difference in the quartile coefficient of dispersion et al., 2009; Carnicer et al., 2013). Our results also confirm previ-
between the most variable (KS and KL) and the least variable ous findings for hydraulic traits, with higher Hv, lower KS and
traits (d13C and Ptlp). The high variability of KS and KL agrees higher resistance to embolism in conifers relative to angiosperm
with previous studies across species (Maherali et al., 2004; trees (Becker et al., 1999; Choat et al., 2012; Gleason et al.,
Martınez-Vilalta et al., 2004; Gleason et al., 2015) and may be 2015). The high proportion of variation attributed to the family
caused by their high sensitivity to small differences in wood level for KS is explained by xylem conduit properties, as unicellu-
anatomy (particularly conduit diameter), which varies substan- lar conifer tracheids are substantially narrower and more than an
tially across and within species (Tyree et al., 1994; Sperry et al., order of magnitude shorter than angiosperm vessels (Sperry et al.,
2008). The higher variability of KS relative to KL probably 2006). Besides the direct effect of these different dimensions on
reflects that the latter is normalized by water demand in terms KS, the fact that we measured relatively short segments implies
of leaf area. More generally, however, the ecological implica- that our KS estimates corresponded mostly to lumen conductivity
tions of this high variability in xylem transport capacity, both for the Fagaceae and to total conductivity (lumen and end wall)

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Phytologist Research 641

for Pinaceae species. Interestingly, the family effect disappeared higher at drier sites as a result of water stress adaptation through
when xylem conductivity was normalized by leaf area (KL) increasing wilting resistance (Schulze et al., 1998; Cunningham
because conifers also tend to have more sapwood per unit leaf et al., 1999). Regarding the relationship between N and water
area (higher Hv; Fig. S4) (see also Becker et al., 1999). availability, contrasting results have been reported. Although
Intraspecific trait variability contributed to a substantial some studies have reported that species from drier sites present
amount of the total variance (from 6% to 42% depending on the higher N leaf concentration to enhance water conservation dur-
trait). This is consistent with a growing body of evidence showing ing photosynthesis (Wright & Westoby, 2002), others have
that ITV is relevant (Albert et al., 2012; Laforest-Lapointe et al., found no general relationship (Killingbeck & Whitford, 1996;
2014), especially when we move from organ-specific traits (leaves, Vila-Cabrera et al., 2015).
stems or roots) to more integrative traits involving several organs Vulnerability to xylem embolism was lower (more negative
(e.g. KL, Hv) (Siefert et al., 2015). Studies addressing ITV in P50) in species occupying drier sites, consistent with the notion
hydraulic traits are less frequent (but see Martınez-Vilalta et al., that cavitation resistance is a key determinant of species distribu-
2009; Wortemann et al., 2011; Lamy et al., 2014; Hajek et al., tions (Maherali et al., 2004; Jacobsen et al., 2007; Martınez-
2016). In line with our results, Hv and KL have been reported to Vilalta et al., 2012; Choat et al., 2012; Blackman et al., 2014;
be among the most plastic hydraulic properties in pines (DeLucia Trueba et al., 2017; Li et al., 2018; Skelton et al., 2018). Simi-
et al., 2000; Martınez-Vilalta et al., 2009) whereas other traits larly, another key drought tolerance trait, Ptlp, also showed a sig-
such as P50 usually show low plasticity (Maherali & DeLucia, nificant relationship with P : PET across species, with lower
2000; Martınez-Vilalta et al., 2009; Lamy et al., 2014; Lopez (more negative) Ptlp associated with drier habitats, allowing the
et al., 2016). Further studies are needed to investigate whether maintenance of leaf turgor and gas exchange under drier condi-
these patterns are generalizable across other plant families. It tions (Brodribb et al., 2003; Lenz et al., 2006; Bartlett et al.,
should also be noted that we probably underestimated the magni- 2012). This did not, however, prevent an increase in water-use
tude of ITV because we did not cover the whole species distribu- efficiency (less negative d13C values) and increased allocation to
tion range, species were sampled sequentially to minimize sapwood area relative to leaf area (Hv) at drier sites, consistent
phenological variation within species, and we always selected with previous reports (Warren et al., 2001; Martınez-Vilalta
healthy-looking mature trees with sun-exposed branches accord- et al., 2004, 2009; Gebrekirstos et al., 2011). Interestingly,
ing to standard trait sampling protocols (Perez-Harguindeguy species hydraulic efficiency (KS, KL) did not vary consistently
et al., 2013). These factors, however, would also affect total trait along the water availability gradient. Overall, our results across
variation and it remains unclear what their impact would be on species suggest that increasing tolerance to hydraulic dysfunction
the percentage contribution of ITV. in drier sites implies increasing C costs per unit leaf area in terms
of leaf and sapwood construction.
Importantly, trait–environment relationships were scale-
Trait responses along a water availability gradient
dependent (Anderegg et al., 2018) and, as hypothesized, rela-
In agreement with findings reported in other studies (Vila-Cabrera tionships within species were generally weaker than across
et al., 2015; Anderegg et al., 2018), trait–environment relationships species. Hv and Ptlp, two of the three traits with higher per-
were not very tight, suggesting that unaccounted species-specific dif- centage ITV, were the only traits that responded to P : PET
ferences and/or other plot variables not included in our study were within species. These two intraspecific relationships had the
stronger drivers of trait variability. Mean DBH was the strongest same sign but shallower slopes than the corresponding relation-
determinant of trait variation. Specifically, plots with larger trees on ships with P : PET among species, which probably reflects
average tended to have lower LMA, WD, Hv and KL, in line with lower capacity for hydraulic adjustment within than among
previous findings (Laforest-Lapointe et al., 2014; Gleason et al., species as a result of relatively fixed drought response strategies
2018). The effect of P : PET, our target environmental factor, was at the species level. This result highlights the importance of
significant or marginally significant for d13C, Hv, Ptlp and P50, but Hv and Ptlp in shaping plastic responses along water availabil-
not for LMA, N or WD when controlling for the effect of other ity gradients. Lower leaf area per unit of sapwood (which
environmental factors. This indicates that hydraulic and water- reduced water demand) and osmotic adjustment may be
related traits responded more strongly to water availability than did needed to balance water and C costs under reduced water
LES or other stem traits, as hypothesized. availability in the context of relatively constant hydraulic safety
When we assessed the overall response of each trait to P : PET, thresholds within species, measured here as stem P50. This is
without accounting for the effect of other environmental vari- consistent with the view that P50 is an (evolutionarily) canal-
ables that covaried along the environmental gradient studied, a ized trait buffered against genetic and environmental variation
higher proportion of trait variance was explained, because species (Lamy et al., 2014). Overall, adjustments along the water avail-
means were explicitly included in the model (Table S4). In this ability gradient in the six species studied rely more on changes
broader assessment, LMA and N were also related to water avail- in stomata closure and resource allocation between sapwood
ability, besides the hydraulic/water relations variables identified and leaf area than changes in hydraulic safety and efficiency,
in the previous analysis. Wetter sites were associated with species consistent with previous results comparing pine populations
with leaf traits related to acquisitive resource strategies (low LMA (Mencuccini & Grace, 1995; Mencuccini & Bonosi, 2001;
and high N). Several studies have shown that LMA tends to be Poyatos et al., 2007; Martınez-Vilalta et al., 2009).

Ó 2019 The Authors New Phytologist (2019) 223: 632–646

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642 Research Phytologist

does not allow associations resulting from fundamental con-

Trait correlation networks
straints to be disentangled from those arising from indirect rela-
To our knowledge, our study is the first attempt to test tionships through third variables (in our case driven by changing
simultaneously the covariation between traits related to leaf water availability), which should constitute a priority for future
economics (LMA, N), xylem hydraulics in terms of safety research.
and efficiency (P50, KS), allocation (KL, HV) and traits related
to leaf gas exchange (d13C, Ptlp), at both the interspecific and
intraspecific levels. We found weak evidence for the existence Conclusion
of a unique coordination between hydraulics and more stan- Our study shows that plant adjustment along a water avail-
dard leaf and stem traits, which would be required for the ability gradient involves many different suites of traits, and
existence of universal, resource use strategies at the whole- highlights the importance of ITV for understanding the
plant level (our last hypothesis, cf. Reich (2014)). In our capacity of plants to buffer against environmental changes.
study, species with conservative leaf economic strategies (i.e. The availability of individual/plot-level trait data coupled with
higher LMA) presented a safer xylem (lower P50), possibly to environmental and site information will allow more accurate
support longer leaf life spans (Wright et al., 2004). However, model parameterization and, therefore, better predictions of
this interpretation should also consider that species occupying species’ responses to global change (Moran et al., 2016). We
drier sites are also likely to be exposed to lower water poten- show that, within species, plant adjustments along a water
tials, which would affect their hydraulic safety margins and availability gradient rely more on changes in allocation (Hv)
possibly result in higher hydraulic risk in drier locations. On and leaf tolerance to low water potentials (Ptlp) than on
the other hand, although higher LMA species also showed changes in xylem safety or efficiency. Finally, we show that
higher Hv, this pattern did not result in any relationship with the use of trait networks could accommodate the intricate,
xylem transport efficiency (either KS or KL). This lack of a multivariate relationships shaping plant strategies to a much
universal ‘fast–slow’ whole-plant economics spectrum is rein- greater degree than approaches based on bivariate relationships
forced when we assess trait covariation at the intraspecific (Poorter et al., 2014; Messier et al., 2017). Scale-dependent
level. We provide evidence that rather than a single dominant trait covariation networks can provide powerful insights when
axis of ‘fast–slow’ plant economics spectrum, multiple combi- assessing the architecture of plant plasticity and its limits
nations of traits are possible depending on the species and under changing environmental conditions.
the environment. Caution is thus needed when interpreting
the comparatively simple trait covariation structures revealed
in global studies using relatively few traits (Dıaz et al., 2016), Acknowledgements
and comprehensive assessments including wider sets of traits
may improve our ability to represent the patterns underlying We thank Carles Batlles and Ingrid Regalado for their valuable
the huge diversity in plant form and function. field work and N uria Serra, Pau Agost and Julieta V. for field and
The increase in water-use efficiency (estimated from d13C) laboratory assistance. This research was supported by the Spanish
with increasing LMA was the only correlation present in all Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) via com-
studied trait networks. This relationship is commonly petitive grant CGL2013-46808-R (FUN2FUNproject). TR was
reported (K€orner et al., 1991; Hultine & Marshall, 2000) and supported by a FPI scholarship from the MINECO. JMV bene-
it is probably a result of an increase in length in the internal fited from an ICREA Academia award.
diffusion pathway from the stomata to the chloroplasts reduc-
ing carbon dioxide supply at the site of carboxylation (Evans Author contributions
et al., 1986). We did not find support for a tradeoff between
hydraulic safety and efficiency across species and only in two JM-V, MM and TR planned and designed the research; TR and
cases within species, consistent with a recent global synthesis JB performed the measurements with contributions from HC,
that found that many species presented low safety and low MM and JM-V; TR analysed the data; and TR wrote the first
efficiency (Gleason et al., 2015). At the intraspecific level, of draft with contributions from JM-V, MM, SS-M, JB and HC.
the two traits that responded to water availability at the
intraspecific level, Hv was typically loosely linked to the rest ORCID
of the trait network (except in Q. ilex), whereas Ptlp retained
a more central role. Higher leaf tolerance to low water poten- Josep Barba
tials (more negative Ptlp) was associated with higher water-use Herve Cochard
efficiency (less negative d13C) and higher leaf construction Jordi Martınez-Vilalta
costs (higher LMA) in most species, suggesting an adaptation 7298
to drier and hotter conditions (Wright et al., 2005). It should Maurizio Mencuccini
be noted, however, that our results on trait coordination 1477
across species should be considered with caution, as only six Teresa Rosas
species were measured. In addition, our experimental design Sandra Saura-Mas

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Phytologist Research 643

embolism – bench dehydration. Prometheus Wiki. [WWW document] URL

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