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Functional Diversity of Crustacean Zooplankton Communities Towards A Trait-Based Classification 2007 BARNETT Marcado Pdfview

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Freshwater Biology (2007) 52, 796–813 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2007.01733.

Functional diversity of crustacean zooplankton

communities: towards a trait-based classification
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada

1. While studies of phytoplankton and terrestrial plant communities have increasingly
emphasised the use of functional traits in ecological research, few have yet to apply this
approach to zooplankton communities.
2. This study reviews laboratory and observational studies on zooplankton feeding and life
history and provides a series of functional trait tables for the North American freshwater
zooplankton. Qualitative and quantitative trait tables highlight areas where data were
more scarce and point to which types of studies could fill in gaps in our knowledge of
zooplankton niches.
3. Data were most complete for the Cladocera across most traits, while feeding information
for cyclopoids was most sparse. Qualitative data that distinguished congeneric species
were lacking for most groups.
4. A regional community dendrogram for common north-eastern North American
zooplankton species was generated and shows that taxonomic differences between species
do not capture fully functional differences based on the traits of body length, habitat,
trophic group and feeding type.
5. The data collected here, combined with readily measurable species attributes, can be
used to generate a multivariate measure of the functional niche of each species found in a
community. Armed with this information, functional relationships that are useful for
ecological studies of lake ecosystems can be more easily conducted.

Keywords: biodiversity, classification, functional diversity, niche, traits

simply the number of taxonomic species (Walker,

1991; Hooper & Vitousek, 1997; Tilman et al., 1997;
The human proclivity towards the classification of Walker, Kinzig & Langridge, 1999; Symstad, Siemann
nature has led to the definition and cataloguing of & Haarstad, 2000). Thus, there have been recent calls
species in communities based traditionally on mor- for the use of functional diversity measures – descrip-
phological and more recently, on genetic descriptors. tors of communities based on a new type of classifi-
While this taxonomic classification is essential, it may cation scheme that is applicable to many ecological
not be the most appropriate scheme for many ecolog- questions (Petchey & Gaston, 2002; Norberg, 2004;
ical applications. For example, many studies on the Mason et al., 2005; Mouillot et al., 2005) and inspired
relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem by previous approaches (e.g. Grime, 1977; Reynolds,
function have concluded that it is the ecological roles 1980) including the niche concept.
of the species present that are important, and not Functional diversity is a biodiversity measure based
on functional traits of the species present in a
Correspondence: Beatrix E. Beisner, Department of Biological community. Functional traits are those that define
Sciences, University of Quebec at Montreal, CP 8888, Succ. species in terms of their ecological roles – how they
Centre-Ville, Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 3P8. interact with the environment and with other species
E-mail: (Diaz & Cabido, 2001). In phytoplankton, for example,
796  2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Functional diversity of zooplankton communities 797
these traits usually include body size, tolerance and environment, and if we know what functional traits
sensitivity to environmental conditions, motility, are present in a community, then we should be better
shape, N-fixation ability and Si requirements (Rey- able to predict how communities will shift as envi-
nolds et al., 2002; Weithoff, 2003). In terrestrial plant ronmental conditions change and thereby understand
communities, researchers have included more com- the role of biodiversity more fully (Norberg, 2004).
plex traits like rates of growth, nutrient requirements A functional classification of species should greatly
and water uptake (Walker & Langridge, 2002). enhance our ability to predict how the pulsed and
Similarly, in stream environments, a functional gradual changes of environmental conditions will
approach to invertebrate communities have been affect communities. For terrestrial plant species, a
invoked for examining diversity patterns and for classification strategy has recently been proposed to
biomonitoring purposes (e.g. Statzner et al., 2001; predict changes in vegetation in response to environ-
Bady et al., 2005). mental change (Lavorel, McIntyre & Landsberg, 1997).
There are several methods for calculating functional A similar strategy has also been proposed for
diversity of a community. Recent methods include phytoplankton to be applied to ecological questions
Functional Attribute Diversity, as used in a study of such as the intermediate disturbance hypothesis,
Australian rangelands by Walker et al. (1999), and insurance hypothesis and alternative stable state shifts
Functional Diversity (FD) proposed more recently by in lakes (Reynolds et al., 2002; Weithoff, 2003). For
Petchey & Gaston (2002). Trait variance, measured as example, the intermediate disturbance hypothesis
the width of a trait distribution, has been proposed by predicts the highest diversity of species at intermedi-
Norberg (2004). Beyond the simple measurement of ate magnitude or frequency of disturbance by per-
diversity, Mason et al. (2005) proposed also estimating mitting species with different strategies and
functional richness, functional evenness and func- competitive advantages to coexist (Connell, 1978).
tional divergence, to enable descriptions of niche use Weithoff (2003) asserts that this hypothesis relies on
and competitive interactions in communities. In order the assumption that species are functionally dissimilar
to take a functional approach and to use these new in response to disturbance. For a greater understand-
measures, however, we must have descriptors of the ing of the catastrophic shift with eutrophication from
functional groups present in a community. a vegetation dominated clear state to an alga domin-
The effects of environmental changes on ecosystem ated turbid one, a functional approach can be used to
properties are thought to be largely determined by the determine the gradual changes in attributes of the
range of biological processes carried out by the suite algal community in response to nutrient addition,
of species present in the community (Reynolds et al., leading up to a shift to an alternative state (Weithoff,
2002). Studies that focus on whether biodiversity 2003). Finally, the use of functional diversity for
affects the functioning of an ecosystem (e.g. produc- testing the ‘insurance hypothesis’ provides insight
tivity, total biomass) have yielded results that suggest into the potential ‘roles’ of seemingly minor or
a link between the functional roles of species and redundant species in lake communities (Weithoff,
community responses to environmental changes. For 2003) as well as in terrestrial ones (Walker et al., 1999).
example, Tilman et al. (1997) found that measures of Therefore, the use of functional diversity enhances
functional diversity were more strongly related to our understanding of these important ecological
ecosystem response variables (e.g. productivity, soil phenomena.
NO3, soil NH4) in a plant community than was In aquatic environments, zooplankton play an
traditional species diversity. In another study, Walker important role in structuring phytoplankton commu-
et al. (1999) observed that minor, functionally redund- nities (McCauley & Briand, 1979; Sterner, 1989), and in
ant species in ungrazed grasslands increased in mediating energy flow to higher trophic levels in
abundance in heavily grazed communities, providing pelagic habitats (Gliwicz & Pijanowska, 1989). Until
support for the insurance hypothesis (McNaughton, now, no thorough examination of the potential for
1977; Yachi & Loreau, 1999), whereby seemingly functional classification of zooplankton has been
redundant species contribute to ecosystem resilience attempted. We explore the possibility of determining
when environmental conditions change. Functional functional grouping strategies for zooplankton using
traits of species describe how they respond to the a review of the literature to determine for which
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
798 A.J. Barnett et al.
groups and traits knowledge exists and for which 20· or 32· magnification. The overall mean across all
information is still lacking. We develop here, a lakes for each species was calculated.
functional classification tree for common North Only growth rates, feeding rates and feeding rate
American zooplankton and show that taxonomic regressions with body length that were measured in
relationships are not always sufficient surrogates for published laboratory studies at temperatures between
questions of function. The data reviewed and collec- 15 and 25 C, were included in results tables as they
ted here will be useful both to expand our under- reflect mean summer lake temperatures in this region
standing of traits of zooplankton, and to determine of North America. For copepods, we included only
where future studies can focus their efforts in order to rates for adult females. Information found in the text
achieve a more robust classification method of func- of studies that provided qualitative information, such
tional diversity to help predict ecosystem function in as habitat or food preferences, or presence/absence of
lakes. a defensive strategy was also included. All data were
compiled into trait tables and separated into quanti-
tative and qualitative data tables.
We conducted an extensive search of the primary
Community dendrogram
literature for freshwater zooplankton functional traits.
Emphasis was on studies that focused on traits that Qualitative and quantitative traits that were found for
related to body size, feeding, growth and predator a sufficient number of species (length, habitat, trophic
avoidance. These traits were chosen because they group and feeding type) were used to generate a
describe both an organism’s response to environmental functional dendrogram for the regional species pool of
conditions (e.g. body size, life history, predator north-eastern North American lake zooplankton. In
avoidance, food availability), and their potential effects addition to the full functional dendrogram based on
on ecosystem processes (e.g. feeding rate). the four characteristics, a functional dendrogram
The investigation focused on traits for zooplankton using only body length was generated for comparison
species found in north-eastern North America, where of what information can be gleaned using a very
our research on plankton communities is based. limited estimate of species functional traits. Qualitative
However traits for other common North American measures were entered as ranked categories (i.e. from
species were included in the final analysis. Searches herbivore to carnivore, and from more passive forms
were initiated using online databases: Biological of filtering type through to raptorial feeding). The
Sciences (1960–2006) and ISI’s Web of Science (1981– dendrogram of species for which sufficient traits
2006) using keywords ‘freshwater’, ‘zooplankton’, existed was generated using hierarchical clustering
‘body size’, ‘feeding’, ‘growth’, ‘development’ or analysis from standardised Euclidean distances as in
simply the names of each species. The reference the method of FD calculation proposed by Petchey &
sections of papers found in this manner were also Gaston (2002). These dendrograms were generated
used to search for further data in older publications. using average linkage clustering and unweighted pair
The average adult body length of each species grouping (Krebs, 1999) using the statistical computer
included in the trait table were obtained wherever program P R I M E R (Clarke & Gorley, 2001). FD can be
possible from published studies. When only ranges of considered as a quantitative measure of the richness
body sizes were found, we present the mid-point of of functional traits, or the degree of complementarity
this range in the results tables. For values that we were within a community (Petchey & Gaston, 2002). FD for
unable to obtain from published studies, we included a particular lake community of interest (containing a
our own mean values from zooplankton communities subset of species presented) would be the sum of
in 18 lakes in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, branch lengths in the dendrogram of the regional
Canada. Standard length measurements of zooplank- species pool calculated herein. Dendrograms were
ton (McCauley, 1984) were taken on a minimum of 10 compared with a simplified taxonomic tree for the
individuals from each lake in July 2004 using an regional species pool that was constructed according
Olympus dissection microscope and Evolution Qei to major family and class designations for each species
Monochrome camera using ImagePro software under according to Thorp & Covich (2001).
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Functional diversity of zooplankton communities 799
values better. Maximum values from each study are
reported in Table 1. Because cladocerans do not
The life history information presented was collected undergo metamorphosis, it is often unclear for what
from 126 sources spanning Frank (1952) to Frost et al. stage a clearance rate is being measured. Moreover, it
(2006). The majority of references are from the primary has been demonstrated that clearance rate in cladoc-
peer-reviewed literature, while some (particularly erans is affected by body size. For this reason, we also
qualitative) data were taken from the Great Lakes included clearance rate versus body length regression
Copepod key of the USGS Great Lakes Science Center relationships in Table 1. For copepods, clearance rates
(, and for adult females were used.
other taxonomic keys (e.g. Pennak, 1989; Hebert, 1995; The measures of growth included in the trait table
Witty, 2004). Only traits for which data on more than are generation time for both cladocerans and cope-
25% of all species were found were included. A pods, and rate of population increase (r) for cladoc-
complete list of the primary literature used to generate erans. Generation time is defined as the number of
trait tables is given in Supplementary material. days from hatching until moult into the adult for
copepods, and from hatching until production of the
first clutch in cladocerans. Generation time can vary
Quantitative traits defined
with temperature and food concentration, so we
Quantitative traits are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Two preferentially selected maximum generation times
measures of feeding were included in the trait table determined at 20 C, exceptions are noted in the
for both copepods and cladocerans: food size range Tables. The rate of population increase is typically
(lm) and maximum clearance rate (lL ind.)1 h)1). measured using either life tables or by population
Mesh size (lm) and regressions of clearance rate with growth studies, and results from both types were
body size were sufficiently abundant in the literature included in the cladoceran trait table as separate
on cladocerans to warrant inclusion. columns.
Food size range represents the smallest and largest Stoichiometric ratios of C : P and C : N as meas-
particles consumed by each species calculated over all ured for individual species of zooplankton were also
cited studies. For non-spherical particles, sizes were included in the trait table, as these values will affect
standardised as equivalent spherical diameter (lm nutrient excretion rate and in general capture proces-
ESD) using the equation (length · width)0.5. The ses of material flow and cycling through the zooplank-
studies used to calculate the range of food size ton.
included only those that measured a feeding rate
explicitly, and excluded those that reported food size
Quantitative data results
in relation to some other measurement, such as
generation time. Whenever possible, values were Data for most species were obtained for mean body
from studies that assessed preferred food sizes across length, food size range and clearance rate, but were
several species of zooplankton – the best way to lacking for calanoid generation time and for stoi-
collect such comparative data. Further, for Cladocera, chiometric ratios of many species. Food size range
the mesh size of the feeding appendages provided an tended to vary with major taxonomic grouping
alternative measure of the size of the smallest particle since, for example, raptorially feeding cylopoids
an organism is capable of capturing and this was also generally fed on much larger food items. Cladocer-
recorded in Table 1. ans, which generally filter food, fed on the smallest
Clearance rate is the volume of water swept clear food particles.
per individual zooplankter per unit time. This value A large range in clearance rate was observed both
often remains high and constant at lower food between and within species. The lowest observed
concentrations and then declines with increasing food clearance rate was for the small herbivorous cladoceran
concentrations (Sterner, 1989; Mauchline, 1998). When Bosmina longirostris, with a value of 13 lL ind.)1 day)1,
multiple clearance rate values were reported in a while the highest was observed for the carnivorous
single study, we included only the rate at the lowest cladoceran Polyphemus pediculus, at 20 000 lL ind.)1
food concentration in order to estimate maximum day)1. Between studies on the same species, Cyclops
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Table 1 Quantitative functional traits of cladoceran zooplankton including sources in superscript numbers (see Supplementary material). Max r is the rate of population increase.

Parameters y and x in the regression equations represent clearance rate and body size (mm), respectively. Body lengths marked with an asterisk (*) are mid-points of the range
observed and those without a reference are personal observations of mean size.

Mean Food Max Regression Mesh size Fastest Max r

body size clearance CR versus (setulae generation Max r population
length range rate length (CR in distances) time life table growth expts
Species (mm) (lm) (lL ind.)1h)1) mL ind.)1h)1) (lm) (days) (day)1) (day)1) C : P[30] C : N[30]
Alona affinis 0.8 * 56[2] 17[32]‡
A.J. Barnett et al.

Alona rectangula 10[33]§ 0.34[33] 0.28[34], 0.07[35]
Eubosmina corregoni 0.6 * 1.4–5[4] 0.68–1.6[4]
Bosmina longispina 0.44 196[6] 1.1–1.4[6] 0.32[36]a 156.0[37] 6.1[37]
Bosmina longirostris 0.4 13[8]a, 40[9]b, y ¼ 0.487·1.83[15] 0.4–0.7[12] 6[1] 0.24[38], 0.29[39]– 0.23[41]†– 140.4[42))44] 10.0[42))44]
Müller 125[10], 146[11]b, 0.31[40]
150[12], 170[13],
190[14], 200[15]a,
230[16], 300[17]
Ceriodaphnia dubia 0.8[7] 18[45]b 0.27[45]b 0.27[34]
Ceriodaphnia 0.8[7] 0.2–0.6[12] 6[1] 0.44[46], 0.58[47]b–
Ceriodaphnia lacustris 0.85[7] 0.4–7[4] 106[10,11] 0.24–0.4[4]
O.F.M. 188[18], 321[9]
Chydorus sphaericus 0.46 * 0.4–2[4] 13[12], 131[2] 0.24–0.4[4] 5[1], 9[32]‡ 0.22[39]b–, 0.23[38], 0.28[36]a
Müller 0.27[48]b–
Chydorus brevilabris 0.29
Daphnia ambigua 0.88[7] y ¼ 0.41·3.63[19] 7[1], 8[49]‡ 0.33[39]–
Daphnia catawba 1.7 * y ¼ 0.085·1.74[20] 0.23–0.45[4]
Daphnia galeata 2 * 1.1–20[4]†† 258[22]a, 1375[23], y ¼ 0.26·1.58[20] 0.32–1.0[4]††, 7[1], 12[50] 0.14[38], 0.2[50], 97.5[31,55))57] 6.9[31,55))57]
mendotae Sars 1650[24]** 0.4–0.7[12], 0.29[51], 0.32[52],
0.42[24] 0.35[53,54]–,
Daphnia 1.67 * 350[24], 688[6], 0.5–0.9[6], 7.2[1] 0.36[58], 0.38[59] 82.6[37,42] 6.1[37,42]
longispina 820[25] 0.38[24]

 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Table 1 (Continued)

Mean Food Max Regression Mesh size Fastest Max r

body size clearance CR versus (setulae generation Max r population
length range rate length (CR in distances) time life table growth expts
Species (mm) (lm) (lL ind.)1h)1) mL ind.)1h)1) (lm) (days) (day)1) (day)1) C : P[30] C : N[30]
Daphnia magna 3.5 * 0.6–40[4] 2350[24], 3560[26] y ¼ 0.28·2.2[27]‡ 0.24–0.64[4], 6[60], 8[1], 0.25[38], 0.40[62], 0.29[60] 92.7[55,57,65,66] 5.9[55,57,65,66]
[63]– [64]
Straus 0.46[24] 16[61]‡ 0.44 , 0.58
Daphnia pulex 1.75[7] 326[28], 570[29], y ¼ 0.42·1.61[20], 0.40[24] 6.5[1], 7[67], 0.29[69]–, 0.35[38], 0.25[73] 106.0[74] 7.3[74]
Leydig 1920[24] y ¼ 0.41x3.37[19] 8[68] 0.4[70]b–, 0.50[71],
Daphnia pulicaria 1.75 1.5–30[4] 2080[24], 2483[23] y ¼ 0.39·3.46[19] 0.45–1.4[4], 5[50] 0.33[50,75]– 154.0[55] 5.7[55]
Forbes 0.4–0.7[12], 0.47[24]
Daphnia rosea 1.4[7] 267[22]a, 867[9], y ¼ 0.23·2.74[15] 0.4–0.7[12] 6[76] 0.046[77], 123.5[31,78] 7.1[31,78]
Sars 1067[18], 1190[12], 0.22[41]†–
Diaphanosoma 0.85[7] 0.25–5.00[4] 213[18], 237[9], y ¼ 0.31·3.02[22], 0.16–0.24[4], 6[1], 9[79] 0.32[79] 0.20[34],
brachyurum 271[6], 389[10], y ¼ 0.26·1.27[20] 0.2–0.3[6] 0.25[41]†–
Liéven 390[12] 406[11]
Holopedium 1.04 * 4.0–25[4] 521[9], 2271[6], y ¼ 0.38·0.36[20] 1.2–2 0.155[77] 115.5[31,37] 6.4[31,37]
gibberum 4979 (gnathobasal setae)[4],
Zaddach 1.8–3.9[6]
Sida crystallina 2.55[7] 4.5–25[4] 2920[24], 3800[12], 0.9–2.3 11[1], 16[32]‡
[2] [4]
Müller 9929 (gnathobasal setae) ,
Polyphemus 0.83* >20000[30]
pediculus Linnee

Superscript letters denote values at temperatures other than 20C. a ¼ 15–19 C, b ¼ 21–25 C.

Based on field data.

As cited in Gillooly (2000).
As cited in Sarma et al. (2005)

As cited in Lynch (1980)
**Data are for Daphnia dentifera (part of the D. galeata mendotae complex)
Data are for Daphnia galeata (European species which hybridises with D. mendotae in North America).

 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Functional diversity of zooplankton communities

Table 2 Quantitative functional traits of copepod species including sources in superscript numbers (see Supplementary material).
A.J. Barnett et al.

Mean body Food size Max CR Fastest generation

Species length (mm) range (lm) (lL ind.)1 h)1) time (days) C:P C:N

Acanthocyclops robustus Sars 1.14 114–562[80] 13.4[81], 13.9[82], 14.8[83]a,
16.5[84], 18[85],19.8[86]
Acanthocyclops vernalis Fischer 0.72 12[86]
Cyclops scutifer Sars 0.88 0.25–5.2[87]
Cyclops vicinus Ulianine 1.63 6–31.7[89))91] 28.5[92]a, 59[93], 1200[91]a 23[81], 25.1[82]b, 26.3[94],
27[86], 31[95]
Diacyclops bicuspifatus thomas Forbes 0.84 15–100[96] 213[97]a, 7500[96]a 92.4[31,98] 5.2[31,98]
Eucyclops speratus Lilljeborg 0.80
Mesocyclops edax Forbes 0.93 <900 lm rotifers[99] 2708[100] 17.2[101] 107.6[31] 5.7[31]
Tropocyclops prasinus Fischer 0.55 6.5–80[102] 380[102] 16.8[103]a, 41.4[104]
Thermocyclops crassus Fischer 0.89 9.7[101]b, 23.5[81], 27.7[86]
Diaptomus minutus Lilljeborg 0.89 [102] 6.5–80[10,11,102,105,106] 487[106], 571[102], 790[11]b, 805[10]
Diaptomus oregonensis Lilljeborg 1.14[102] 3–80[102,107] 1356[102], 1666[108]
Epischura lacustris Forbes 1.53 30–80[102,105,109] 667[102], 966[105] 116.6[31] 5.2[31]
Leptodiaptomus minutus Lilljeborg 0.84 131.3[31] 5.8[31]
Leptodiaptomus sicilis Forbes 1.07 5–50
Onychodiaptomus birgei Marsh 1.44 [102]
Skistodiaptomus oregonensis Lilljeborg 1.26 2.5–30[107]
Skistodiaptomus reighardi Marsh 1.06
a b
Superscript letters denote values at temperatures other than 20 C. ¼ 15–19 C, ¼ 21–25 C.

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Functional diversity of zooplankton communities 803
vicinus was observed to feed at 28–63 lL ind.)1 day)1 an attack from a predator. The ability to produce a
on algae (Adrian, 1991; Santer, 1993) and helmet in Cladocera was also included as an anti-
1200 lL ind.)1 day)1on rotifers (Rabette, Thouvenot predation trait.
& Lair, 1998). Feeding type is the manner in which species or
Generation time tended to be shorter for cladocer- groups obtain their food. Cladocerans have been
ans than cyclopoids, but again observed values varied divided into four classes based on DeMott & Kerfoot
considerably both between and within species. The (1982); (1) Daphnia-type (D-type), where filtering is
most extreme example was for Thermocylops crassus in from a stationary position with filtering apparatus on
which generation time ranged from 9.7 days (Wyng- the third and fourth legs, (2) Sida-type (S-type), similar
aard et al., 2005) to 27.7 days (Maier, 1994). to D-type with the exception that the filtering appar-
Stoichiometric ratios (C : P, C : N) for freshwater atus is located on the first five legs, (3) Bosmina-type
zooplankton have recently been summarised in two (B-type), characterised by a horizontal active swim-
major studies (Elser et al., 2000; Frost et al., 2006) and ming and less developed filtering apparatus on
these values were included here. Unfortunately, only thoracic appendages and (4) Chydorus-type (C-Filtra-
values for common cladoceran species and four tion) where feeding is predominantly by scraping
copepod species appear to have been determined so algal particles from periphyton. Amongst the cope-
far. pods, raptorial predators like cyclopoids actively
capture and kill prey, while stationary suspension
feeders are more passive with less frequent swim-
Qualitative traits defined
ming. Finally Epischura lacustris is differentiated from
Qualitative traits found that were sufficiently com- both raptorial and stationary suspension feeding as it
mon to include in Tables 3 and 4 were habitat, trophic swims continuously while creating feeding currents,
group, optimal productivity conditions, feeding type thus being characterised as a ‘current cruiser’.
and selectivity, for both copepods and cladocerans, The last qualitative trait in Tables 3 and 4 is
and preferred food size category, predatory escape selectivity, a relative estimation of how selective an
response and helmet forming capacity, for cladocer- organism is towards its food. Raptorial feeders are
ans only. The habitat in which each organism was generally considered to be more selective than filter
most likely to be found was categorised as either feeders, but there are also relative degrees of selec-
littoral or pelagic. Trophic group was divided into the tivity exhibited within the filter feeding Cladocera
traditional herbivore, omnivore and carnivore categ- species. The degree of selectivity can be defined based
ories with the addition of herbivore–omnivore and on how active a species is in seeking out food
carnivore–omnivore. This addition was used to dis- of a particular quality, through selective filtering or
tinguish between copepods such as Mesocyclops edax, particle rejection.
that is more carnivorous, and Tropocyclops prasinus
that is more herbivorous. In this study, feeding on
Qualitative data results
non-photosynthetic protists was considered herbivo-
ry, in order to distinguish between those species that The qualitative trait matrix contains a number of trait
feed on protists (e.g. Daphnia spp.), and those that feed variables available only for some taxonomic groups
on larger organisms like rotifers and crustaceans (e.g. (Tables 3 and 4). For example, the ability to form
Polyphemus spp. and Mesocyclops spp.). Optimal pro- helmets obviously does not apply to copepods. Based
ductivity conditions characterised the lake trophic on our biological knowledge of many of these species,
status at which optimal competitive ability is achieved qualitative traits were often assumed to be the same
by each species. For example, chydorids are more within a genus, or sometimes within a family or order.
successful in very productive lakes while daphniids The majority of trait information in Tables 3 and 4 is
are generally more successful in low productivity considered to apply to the entire genus, although
lakes with high quality food (Tables 3 and 4). Food exceptions mentioned specifically in the literature are
size was used to describe broadly the relative food cited. The preferred food of most cladocerans is algae,
size category preferred by each species. Predatory and thus there is no trophic group distinction given
escape response characterised how a species evades between cladoceran species as all are thought to
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813

Table 3 Qualitative functional traits of cladoceran species including sources in superscript numbers (see Supplementary material). Traits without a reference are personal
A.J. Barnett et al.

observations. Trait attributes obtained by generalisation of a group is indicated with a ‘†’.

Trophic Optimal
group productivity
Species Predatory escape response Habitat conditions Food size Helmet Feeding type Selectivity

Alona affinis Leydig Littoral[1,2] Herbivore[2] No C-Filtration

Alona rectangula Sars
Eubosmina corregoni Baird Reduced swimming[111,112]† Pelagic[113]† Herbivore[15]† Large[5] No B-Filtration[41]† Moderate[15,16]†
Bosmina longispina Leydig Reduced swimming[111,112]† Pelagic[113]† Herbivore[15]† Large[5] No B-Filtration[41]† Moderate[15,16]†
Bosmina longirostris Müller Reduced swimming[111,112]† Pelagic[1,113]† Herbivore[15]† High[114] Large[5] No B-Filtration[41]† Moderate[15,16]†
Ceriodaphnia dubia Richard Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[115]† Herbivore[113]† No D-Filtration[41]†
Ceriodaphnia reticulataJurine Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[115]† Herbivore[113]† No D-Filtration[41]†
Ceriodaphnia lacustris O.F.M. Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[115]† Herbivore[113]† All[5] No D-Filtration[41]†
Chydorus sphaericus Müller Littoral[1] Herbivore[2] High[36]† Small[5] No C-Filtration
Chydorus brevilabris Frey Littoral[1,115] Herbivore[113]† High[36]† Large[5] No C-Filtration
Daphnia ambiguaScourfield Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[1,113] Herbivore[114] Low[29,114,116] Yes[21,117] D-Filtration[41]† Low[15,16]†
Daphnia catawba Coker Rapid swimming [111] Pelagic[3] Herbivore[112] No D-Filtration[41] Low[14,15]
Daphnia galeata Sars Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[1,113] Herbivore[113]† Low[29,116]† Medium[5] Yes[21,117] D-Filtration[41]† Low[15,16]†
Daphnia longispina Müller Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[1,113] Herbivore[113]† Low[29,116]† No[117] D-Filtration[41]† Low[15,16]†
Daphnia magna Straus Rapid swimming[112]† Ponds[21] Herbivore[113]† Low[29,116] Small[5] No[21] D-Filtration[41]† Low[15,16]†
Daphnia pulex Leydig Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[1,113] Herbivore[113]† Low[29,116] No[21] D-Filtration[41]† Low[15,16]†
Daphnia pulicaria Forbes Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[113]† Herbivore[113]† Low[29,100,116] Medium[5] No[21] D-Filtration[41]† Low[15,16]†
Daphnia rosea Sars Rapid swimming[112]† Pelagic[1,113] Herbivore[113]† Low[29,116]† No[21,117] D-Filtration[41]† Low[15,16]†
Diaphanosoma brachyurum Liéven Pausing and jumping[112]† Littoral[113]† Herbivore[113]† High[114] All[5] No S-Filtration[41]†
Holopedium gibberum Zaddach Pelagic[113]† Herbivore[113]† Large[5] No S-Filtration[41]†
Sida crystallina Müller Littoral[1,2] Herbivore[2] Large[5] No S-Filtration[41]†
Polyphemus pediculusLinnee Pelagic[30] Carnivore[30] No Raptorial[30]

 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Table 4 Qualitative functional traits of copepod species including sources in superscript numbers (see Supplementary material). Trait attributes obtained by generalisation of a
group is indicated with a ‘†’.

Species Habitat Trophic group Optimal productivity conditions Feeding type Selectivity

Acanthocyclops robustus Sars Pelagic[118] Omnivore[118] Raptorial[88]† High[102,119]†
Acanthocyclops vernalis Fischer Pelagic[88]† Omnivore[88]† Raptorial[88]† High[102,119]†
Cyclops scutifer Sars Pelagic[118] Omnivore[88]† Raptorial[88]† High[102,119]†
Cyclops vicinus Ulianine Pelagic[120] Omnivore[88,90] Raptorial[88]† High[102,119]†
Diacyclops bicuspifatus thomas Forbes Pelagic[96] Omnivore carnivore[96,121] Raptorial[96,121] High[96,121]
Eucyclops speratus Lilljeborg Littoral[118] Omnivore herbivore[122] Raptorial[88]†
Mesocyclops edax Forbes Pelagic[115] Omnivore carnivore[123] Raptorial[123] High [99,123]
Tropocyclops prasinus Fischer Pelagic [118] Omnivore herbivore[102] Raptorial[102] High[102,119]†
Thermocyclops crassus Fischer Pelagic[88]† Omnivore herbivore[88]† Raptorial[88]† High[102,119]†
Diaptomus minutus Lilljeborg Pelagic[115] Omnivore-carnivore[124] High[29]† Current-cruiser[102] High[102,119,125,126]†
Diaptomus oregonensis Lilljeborg Littoral[127] Herbivore[118] High[29]† Stationary suspension[102]† High[102,119,125,126]†
Epischura lacustris Forbes Herbivore[118] High[29]† Stationary suspension[102]† High[102,119,125,126]†
Leptodiaptomus minutus Lilljeborg Herbivore[118] High[29]† Stationary suspension[102]† High[102,119,125,126]†
Leptodiaptomus sicilis Forbes Pelagic[118] Omnivore[102] High[29]† Stationary suspension[102]† High[102,119,125,126,128]†
Onychodiaptomus birgei Marsh Pelagic[118] Herbivore[118] High[29]† Stationary suspension[102]† High[102,119,125,126]†
Skistodiaptomus oregonensis Lilljeborg Pelagic[115] Omnivore[129] High[29]† Stationary suspension[129]† High[102,119,125,126]†
Skistodiaptomus reighardi Marsh Pelagic[118] Omnivore[118] Stationary suspension[102]†

 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Functional diversity of zooplankton communities
806 A.J. Barnett et al.
be predominantly herbivorous (Table 3), with the littoral herbivores (except for Leptodiaptomus sicilis)
exception of Polyphemus. Cyclopoids were all classi- while the bottom half of group 1 is mainly pelagic
fied as raptorial feeders in the five studies where herbivores (Eucyclops speratus excepted). It appears
qualitative data was obtained (Table 4). Other traits, that herbivorous habit and smaller body size distin-
such as preferred food size and productivity condi- guish group 1. Group 2 contains the remaining
tions for optimal growth, were found for some copepods, all of which display omnivorous–carnivor-
cladoceran species but not for cyclopoids. Data are ous tendencies. The cladoceran Polyphemus is also
sparse overall for some variables such as the produc- found in this group as it is carnivorous. Group 3
tivity conditions of optimal growth and qualitative consists of the larger pelagic cladocerans and contains
food size. all Daphnia species with the exception of D. pulex and
D. magna – both of which are pond/littoral species
and fall into group 4 along with the other littoral,
Functional community dendrogram
large Cladocera. Finally, Diaphanosoma brachyrum
The major groups in the taxonomy-based tree of 36 forms group 5, as it is an S-filtration species but its
species constructed through simple clustering of much smaller body size appears to warrant its
species by genus, family, class, etc. (Fig. 1) are similar separation from S-filtering Sida.
but not identical to the dendogram generated using While the dendrogram generated using body length,
length, habitat, trophic group and feeding type habitat and trophic group grouped some related taxa
(Fig. 2). Five major groups emerge from the FD together, the dendrogram generated using only body
dendogram (Fig. 2), with one species (Diaphanosoma length showed no tendency to group species of a
brachyurum) forming an entire group. Group 1 on particular genus or family together (Fig. 3).
Fig. 2 is a mixed group of smaller herbivorous
Cladocera and herbivorous (occasionally, herbivor-
ous–omnivorous) calanoid and cyclopoid copepods.
The upper half of this group is composed of mainly In order to apply a functional perspective to
zooplankton communities, we must first establish
Sida crystallina
whether function can be adequately estimated for
Diaphanosoma brachyurum commonly encountered species. Given the large
Holopedium gibberum
Polyphemus pediculus
Onychopoda Chydorus brevilabris
number of studies on zooplankton life history, mor-
Chydorus sphaericus
Branchiopoda Alona affinis phology and physiology over the past few decades,
Bosmina longirostris
Bosmina longispina one would expect that a functional classification could
Eubosmina corregoni
Daphnia catawba be developed. In this review of the literature, we have
Amomopoda Daphnia ambigua
Daphnia rosea pieced together the various studies and data therein
Daphnia pulicaria
Daphnia pulex for common North American species of freshwater
Daphnia magna
Daphnia longispina
cladocerans, and calanoid and cyclopoid copepods. In
Daphnia galeata mendotae general, most data were available for cladocerans
Ceriodaphnia reticulata
Ceriodaphnia dubia while there were fewer studies on freshwater cope-
Ceriodaphnia lacustris
Skistodiaptomus reighardi pods. This bias reflects the ease of culturing and
Skistodiaptomus oregonensis
Onychodiaptomus birgei studying cladocerans, and especially Daphnia species,
Calanoida Leptodiaptomus sicilis
Leptodiaptomus minutus because of their relatively non-selective filter feeding
Epischura lacustris
Copepoda Mesocyclops edax behaviour and nutritional requirements (Pennak,
Eucyclops speratus
Thermocyclops crassus 1989). Their feeding differs from that of copepods,
Tropocyclops prasinus
Cyclopoida Cyclops vicinus which actively capture and ingest individual suspen-
Cyclops scutifer
Diacyclops bicuspifatus thomas ded food particles (Koehl & Strickler, 1981). Further,
Acanthocyclops vernalis
Acanthocyclops robustus longer generation times and sexual reproduction lead
to culturing difficulties which bias studies away from
Fig. 1 A taxonomic tree of the species used to create the
functional dendograms in Figs 2 & 3. Taxonomy is based on
freshwater copepod species.
Thorp & Covich (2001). Branch lengths are for representation Feeding preferences and rates are important char-
only and do not represent quantitative values. acteristics of species that ideally would be included in
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Functional diversity of zooplankton communities 807

Onchyodiaptomus birgei
Leptodiaptomus sicilis
Chydorus brevilabris
Chydorus sphaericus
1 Alona affinis
Bosmina longirostris
Bosmina longispina
Eubosmina corregoni
Eucyclops speratus
Thermocyclops crassus
Tropocyclops prasinus
Skistodiaptomus reighardi
Skistodiaptomus oregonensis
Leptodiaptomus minutus
Epischura lacustris
Diacyclops bicuspifatus thomas
2 Polyphemus pediculus
Mesocyclops edax
Cyclops scutifer
Acanthocyclops vernalis
Acanthocyclops robustus
Cyclops vicinus
Daphnia longispina
Daphnia catawba
Daphnia pulicaria
Daphnia galeata mendotae
Fig. 2 A functional dendrogram (FD) Daphnia rosea
Daphnia ambigua
generated by hierarchical clustering 3 Ceriodaphnia lacustris
Ceriodaphnia reticulata
analysis of the standardised Euclidean Ceriodaphnia dubia
distances of each species based on four Holopedium gibberum
Sida crystallina
functional traits (body length, habitat, Daphnia pulex
5 Daphnia magna
trophic group and feeding type). A Diaphanosoma brachyurum

dashed line indicates the split that defines 4 3 2 1 0

five groupings (numbered) of species as
discussed in the text. Distance

Chydorus sphaericus
Bosmina longispina
Bosmina longirostris
Tropocyclops prasinus
Eubosmina corregoni
Chydorus brevilabris
Leptodiaptomus minutus
Diacyclops bicuspifatus thomas
Diaphanosoma brachyurum
Ceriodaphnia lacustris
Polyphemus pediculus
Cyclops scutifer
Daphnia ambigua
Thermocyclops crassus
Eucyclops speratus
Ceriodaphnia reticulata
Ceriodaphnia dubia
Alona affinis
Mesocyclops edax
Acanthocyclops vernalis
Skistodiaptomus reighardi
Leptodiaptomus sicilis
Holopedium gibberum
Acanthocyclops robustus
Sida crystallina
Daphnia magna
Daphnia longispina
Daphnia catawba
Cyclops vicinus
Daphnia pulicaria
Daphnia pulex
Daphnia galeata mendotae
Fig. 3 A functional dendrogram (FD) Onychodiaptomus birgei
Daphnia rosea
generated by hierarchical clustering Epischura lacustris
Skistodiaptomus oregonensis
analysis of the standardised Euclidean
distances of each species based solely on 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0
body length. Distance

calculations of functional diversity (e.g. FD). We chose tion (Peters & Downing, 1984; Sterner, 1989; Mauch-
to include clearance rate and food size range here, as line, 1998), body size (Peters & Downing, 1984) and
these were the two most commonly reported standard temperature (Burns, 1969; Peters & Downing, 1984).
measures in the literature. The wide range of We attempted to account for these differences by
clearance rates between studies, however, makes it selecting maximum clearance rate values at one
difficult to choose a single clearance rate to include in temperature (20 C) and low food concentrations,
FD calculations. Clearance rate is known to be affected and we accounted for variations with body size by
by a wide range of factors, including food concentra- reporting only values for adult female copepods and
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
808 A.J. Barnett et al.
clearance rate versus body size regressions for cla- stable isotopes, may be particularly fruitful for the
docerans. Clearance rate, however, also varies with characterisation of the food sources of zooplankton
food type (Bogdan & Gilbert, 1982; Sterner, 1989), within lakes of interest in the near future (Bearhop
food quality (Sterner, 1989; Gulati & DeMott, 1997), et al., 2004), and such information could be included in
predation pressure (Williamson, 1986), hunger (Stem- an expanded functional classification scheme.
berger, 1986; DeMott, 1995; Mauchline, 1998), length The mesh size of filtering apparatus in cladocerans
of experiment (Mauchline, 1998) and the time of day (Table 1) can be useful as a predictor of food selec-
the experiment was run (Schoeneck, Williamson & tivity, but this may not always be the case. While there
Stoeckel, 1990). These various factors probably ac- is a correlation between uptake efficiency for small
count for the wide range of clearance rates for several food sizes (bacteria) and filtering apparatus size
species in the trait tables. Despite this considerable (Brendelberger, 1985), some exceptional species, like
variability, an examination of the range of observed Bosmina, do not feed efficiently on food sizes predic-
values may still provide valuable insights into the ted from mesh size (DeMott, 1985). Furthermore, ‘soft’
relative feeding rates of individual species. algae (naked, gelatinous flagellates) are more likely to
Ingestion rates (food quantity consumed per unit be ingested by filter feeders than ‘hard’ algae (diatoms
time) may also prove to be a useful trait for FD and dinoflagellates) (DeMott, 1995). An alternative to
calculations. Many studies of copepods in particular, using quantitative mesh size measurements is to
however, report ingestion rates as the number of food follow the more qualitative groupings suggested by
particles consumed per unit time, rather than a rate of Geller & Müller (1981) and DeMott (1985); (1) high
mass or carbon ingestion, limiting the comparibility of efficiency bacteria feeders, (2) low efficiency bacteria
studies. Ingestion rate also varies with experimental feeders and (3) presumptive macrofiltrators. How-
conditions, as noted above for clearance rate, making ever, we did not use this classification because mesh
ingestion rate difficult to include in FD calculations at size is a morphological feature that is more readily
present. Reported feeding rates in our review have not measured on preserved zooplankton that would
been adjusted by the mean body size of each species. typically be collected and used for FD calculations.
This is because the goal of an FD calculation is to For FD calculations, a measure of population
provide a measure of the overall niche space occupied growth rate is most informative, but this information
by a community of organisms. The actual feeding is only available at present for some species of
rates of zooplankton are thus necessary to determine cladocerans. Generation time was the most common
what the overall effect of a particular community standard measure of growth available in the litera-
might be on its resource. In addition, FD calculations ture. These values are also known to be dependent on
are sensitive to highly correlated data (Mason et al., food quantity and temperature (Hart, 1990; Peterson,
2005). Thus it would be inappropriate to include both 2001; Sarma, Nandini & Gulati, 2005), predation
body length and biomass-adjusted feeding rates in a pressure and food quality (Sarma et al., 2005). By
single calculation since individual biomass is most selecting the shortest generation times at 20 C, we
usually calculated through length–weight regressions. attempted to account for these variations as much as
As mean body length is the more reliable trait, we possible, but discrepancies between studies were still
have included that in our FD calculations. apparent, sometimes making it difficult to select one
In terms of feeding preferences, some issues arise value of generation time per species for FD calcula-
when data are collated as we have done. In comparing tions. Clutch sizes was also available for many
across studies, it was clear that the characterisation of zooplankton species although, per se, clutch size does
cyclopoids as carnivores (Sterner, 1989) was not not reflect the rate of population increase and is of
supported. Studies on Tropocyclops prasinus and Meso- limited value in FD calculations. Egg production rate
cyclops edax reveal that, while both are omnivorous, the per female, in number of eggs produced per day or
former is more herbivorous (Peacock & Smyly, 1983) carbon produced per day, would be more useful for
while the latter is more carnivorous (Confer, 1971), and FD calculations, although these measures are not as
algae are an important component of the diet of both common as clutch size in the literature.
juvenile and adult cyclopoids (Brandl, 1998). The use of Stoichiometric ratios are increasingly being used to
newer food web determination techniques, such as characterise the role of species in communities, as
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Functional diversity of zooplankton communities 809
they give insight into nutrient cycling (e.g. Elser et al., The decision as to which traits to include in the FD
2000; Frost et al., 2006). Given all the caveats and dendogram was therefore a difficult one. Quantitative
issues with calculation of feeding and growth rates, traits were plagued with the issues of discrepancies
and given its strong connection with ecosystem effects between studies, and the lack of data for several
of species, stoichiometry seems particularly to offer a groups of species. Furthermore, as functional mea-
good measure of functional traits in freshwater sures like Petchey & Gaston’s (2002) FD are affected
zooplankton. by the use of measures that are correlated, it would be
Productivity conditions for optimal growth was one redundant to use correlated measures (Mason et al.,
qualitative trait for which some information was 2005) such as body size and clearance rate predicted
available. However, this trait should probably be from body size regressions. It would be preferable to
considered together with other habitat characteristics, use only one of these measures at a time. Because of
as there are also important top–down features that these concerns, we opted to include body length as the
will affect zooplankton. DeMott, Edington & Tessier only quantitative trait, and habitat, feeding type and
(2004) demonstrated, for example, that the presence of trophic group as qualitative traits.
predators, as well as refuges, played a more important The dendrograms in Figs 2 & 3 provide an example
role in determining zooplankton species presence and of the how a suite of traits can be used to generate a
abundance in lakes than did bottom–up nutrient functional dendrogram for a regional species pool.
effects. Thus, while these productivity conditions The dendrogram based on four functional traits
remain useful for determining the food niches of (Fig. 2) more closely resembled taxonomic groupings,
zooplankton species, studies determining the pred- although with some significant exceptions, than did
ator or refuge niches of zooplankton would be of the dendrogram constructed based on body size alone
benefit. (Fig. 3). This is not surprising as morphological
Finally, an important difficulty with the collection structure is often related to function in zooplankton
of traits from the literature stems from changes in and, thus, although we argue that taxonomic identi-
species classification after taxonomic re-evaluation. fication (based largely on morphology) is not suffi-
For example, B. longirostris was considered a common cient, it should still have some relationship with
North American species until De Melo & Hebert function. The important results lie in the exceptions
(1994) analysed allozymic traits and re-analysed observed where closely related sister-genera and
morphology with an electron microscope and showed other related taxa do not cluster together in the
that this species was located only in California. In the functional dendrogram. Group 1 (Fig. 2) was a good
rest of the North American distribution, it has been example of relatively unrelated taxonomic species that
divided into two species; Sinobosmina liederi and were grouped together in the functional dendrogram.
Sinobosmina freyi. Functional information on these Here a mixture of unrelated herbivores consisting
newly defined species is obviously lacking but prob- of smaller Cladocera (bosminids, chydorids) and
ably overlaps significantly with that of B. longirostris. copepods (Eucyclops, Onchyodiaptomus, Leptodiapto-
In addition, due to a re-evaluation of the taxonomy of mus) were classified together. Similarly, carnivorous
the genus Daphnia, the taxonomic status of Daphnia species made up another important group. The group
rosea is now under question (Hebert, 1995) and, thus, most closely related to taxonomic classification was
data for this species may no longer be applicable in group 3, which contained most of the Daphnia species
future research. Furthermore, our study was limited but also other pelagic cladocerans. Thus, considering
to the collection of traits of crustacean zooplankton a zooplankton community in terms of its ecological
and did not include rotifers, the latter being an functioning should lead to a different diversity calcu-
important food web link to microbes, as well as lation than one would obtain using traditional taxo-
competitors and prey for crustacean zooplankton nomically based diversity indices. Our dendrogram
(Nogrady, Wallace & Snell, 1993). Thus, the determi- based on four traits provides a starting point for such
nation of similar parameters for rotifers may also be functional calculations and usefully classifies species
useful for estimates of zooplankton functional diver- based on their ecological roles.
sity and the study of the drivers of diversity, niche use The number of traits included can significantly
and ecosystem function. affect the FD measure (Petchey & Gaston, 2002). From
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
810 A.J. Barnett et al.
the dendrogram calculated using body size alone ties may be very useful, especially when predicting
(Fig. 3), the resulting classification does not resemble how community function, in addition to structure,
at all the taxonomic one, and probably does not may change under future altered conditions.
provide an accurate functional descriptor of the A practical approach to constructing functional
community either. It is therefore evident that the classifications would combine traits that can be readily
functional dendrogram and estimate of FD can measured. For example, multiple sampling through
depend on which characters are included in the time of a lake undergoing a seasonal succession
analysis. Petchey & Gaston (2002) demonstrated the provides snapshots of the zooplankton community.
importance of choosing a suite of traits that function- Measurements of length can be used to infer feeding
ally characterises the community without overempha- rates and food niches to a certain degree, while
sising functional complementarity; too few traits generation time, population growth rate and age
underestimates the level of complementarity, while structure can be useful measures of the responses to
too many traits results in a measure that is effectively predation and environmental changes. Stoichiometric
the same as species richness. We show here the two values can be applied to the community to determine
extremes in what is currently possible to calculate for fluxes of major nutrients through the food web. With
zooplankton FD based on our review of the literature the data compiled in this review such an approach can
to date. The ultimate test of which characters to use in now begin, with at least a minimum of characteristics.
combination to calculate FD will be determined by the Again, it will be important to test this classification
combination that best represents a particular ecosys- scheme experimentally, to see which combination of
tem function of interest (e.g. total biomass of traits most accurately captures changes in community
zooplankton) or most responds to an environmental function under varied habitat conditions.
gradient (such as a gradient of total phosphorus for In summary, this study provides a synthesis of
example, Barnett & Beisner, 2007). Blackburn et al. available functional traits of zooplankton species
(2005) conducted such an analysis for the purposes of based on approximately five decades of laboratory
determining which functional characteristics of a and observational studies. Data were most abundant
community of invasive predators were most respon- for cladocerans, particularly Daphnia species, while
sible for driving bird species extinct on islands. They most lacking for calanoid species. This information is
tested all 211 possible combinations of 11 functional useful to those who wish to estimate functional
traits for predator communities to determine which diversity for North American freshwater zooplankton
provided the highest explanatory power for extinc- communities based on taxonomic information of
tions. Such an analysis can also be conducted for community composition. It also outlines the limits of
zooplankton communities to determine which func- our current understanding of niche use by zooplank-
tional traits contribute most to their responses or their ton species, and points to a more integrative
function in particular lake ecosystems (Barnett & functional approach to compiling new data on
Beisner, 2007). zooplankton that would be beneficial to the ecological
To obtain Petchey & Gaston’s (2002) FD of a lake study of lakes. The use of functional measurements of
community containing only a subset of this regional diversity in capturing ecological function of aquatic
pool for north-eastern North America, one would ecosystems has yet to be explored in detail, but work
need only to sum the branch lengths of those species from terrestrial systems shows that such an approach
found in the lake in our dendrogram. Not only do should provide a greater understanding of the mech-
these dendrograms provide an example of how these anisms which determine community composition and
traits can be used, they show how taxonomic related- response to major environmental shifts.
ness does not relate directly to function, even when
we have had to assume in some cases that species
Supplementary material
within a genus have similar qualitative characteristics.
Large taxonomic differences may not necessarily The following supplementary material is available for
imply large difference in the ecological roles of species this article:
in a community. Therefore, a more functional Appendix S1. List of references used to generate
approach to diversity of lake zooplankton communi- functional trait matrices.
 2007 The Authors, Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 52, 796–813
Functional diversity of zooplankton communities 811
This material is available as part of the online article Brendelberger H. (1985) Filter mesh-sizes and retentions
from: efficiency for small particles: comparative studies with
10.1111/j.1365-2427.2007.01733.x (This link will take Cladocera. Ergebnisse der Limnologie, 21, 135–146.
you to the article abstract). Burns C.W. (1969) Relation between filtering rate, tem-
Please note: Blackwell Publishing are not respon- perature, and body size in four species of Daphnia.
Limnology and Oceanography, 14, 693–700.
sible for the content or functionality of any supple-
Clarke K.R. & Gorley R.N. (2001) PRIMER v5: User
mentary materials supplied by the authors. Any
Manual/Tutorial. PRIMER-E Ltd., Plymouth, U.K.
queries (other than missing material) should be Confer J.L. (1971) Intrazooplankton predation by Meso-
directed to the corresponding author for the article. cyclops edax at natural prey densities. Limnology and
Oceanography, 4, 663–666.
Connell J.H. (1978) Diversity in tropical rain forests and
coral reefs. Science, 199, 1302–1310.
The authors thank NSERC and CFI (Canada), FQRNT De Melo R. & Hebert P.D.N. (1994) A taxonomic
(Québec, Canada) for funding to BEB, the foundation reevaluation of North American Bosminidae. Canadian
of the University of Quebec at Montreal for a post- Journal of Zoology, 72, 1808–1825.
graduate scholarship to AJB, and a GRIL postdoctoral DeMott W. (1985) Relations between filter mesh-size,
fellowship to KF. Thanks to M.L. Longhi, M. Maezo feeding mode, and capture efficiency for cladocerans
feeding on ultrafine particles. Ergebnisse der Limnologie,
and G. Méthot for field and lab assistance and to
21, 125–134.
R. Vogt, W. DeMott, A. Hildrew and an anonymous
DeMott W. (1995) Food selection by calanoid copepods in
reviewer for helpful comments on the manuscript. response to between-lake variation in food abundance.
Freshwater Biology, 33, 171–180.
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