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(1) Two terms tenure of US President was fixed in:

Amendment was approved by states in 1951::22 amendment

(2) The US Senate comprises:

(b) 100 members

(3) The term of US House of Representative is:

(a) 2years

(4) Gerald Ford was US President by:.

(c) Succession

Gerald Ford's tenure as the 38th president of the United States began on August 9, 1974, upon the resignation of president Richard
Nixon, and ended on January 20, 1977.

(5) The quorum of the House of Commons is:

(a) 40 members

(6) The Labour Party was founded in Britain in:.


(7) The Speaker of the House of Commons owes allegiance to:

(c) No Party

(8) The judges of the Indian Supreme court are appointed by:
(b) The President

(9) Indian Parliament is:

(b) Bicameral

(10) The USSR was dissolved in:


(11) Perestroika was introduced in SU by:


(12) The objective Resolution was adopted in:

(c) 1949
(13) The number of abrogated constitutions in Pakistan is:
(b) Two

(14) The Eighth Amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan:

(c) Made the President at par with President.

(15). The Fifth Republic was enforced in France in:


(16) Debre served France as:

(a) Prime Minister

Michel Jean-Pierre Debré was the first Prime Minister of the French Fifth Republic. He is considered the
"father" of the current Constitution of France.

(17) Article 3 of French Constitution makes government office and parliamentary mandate:
(b) Incompatible

(18) The French Constitutional Council comprises:

(c) 9 members

(19) The Bolshevik Revolution took place in:

(b) 1917

(20) The Soviet Union Comprised:

(a)15 Republics

Q - Fill in the Blanks.

1. The former USSR had 15 Union Republic

2. Presidium of the Supreme Soviet consisted of 23 members.

3. Switzerland has 23 Cantons.

4. Peer is the title for the members of House of Lords.

5. Cabinet Government thrives under the cloak of Ministerial Responsibility.

6. England can never be ruined except by a Cabinet .

7. Every Lord had a right to vote by proxy which was abolished in 1868.

8. Before Reduction of Power in both Houses Pears could only be tried by pears in cases of felony
and treason.

9. The judicial Committee of Privy Council was set up by an Act of Parliament .: Judicial Committee Act
10. Country is the largest Local government division in England.

11. In France, Arrondissement do not play an important part in the system of Local Government.

12. The American Confederation of 13 States was created on 17 September, 1787 .

13. The American Constitution vested Residuary Powers with the States.

14. The American Sovereign is a sovereign who Rules .

15. In USA total number of electoral votes is always 538 .

16. The US President can declare war only with the consent of Senate .

17. Committees are called as Mini legislatures.

18. Misuse of the privilege of unrestricted freedom of debate in US is known as Yellow Journalism .

New York Times Co. v. United States: 1971

19. The Objectives Resolution was passed by the 1st Constituent Assembly in 1949.

20. The present Constitution of Turkey (1982) was drafted by the Legislation.

Constitutional Law Paper - 2002

Solved MCQs

(1) The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 consists of:

(a) 280 Articles, 12 Parts, 6 Schedules.

(2) The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 was enforced on:

(c) 14th August, 1973

(3) Objectives Resolution was passed on:

(b) 12th March, 1949

(4) According to law, the highest Court of Appeal is England is:

(a) House of Lords

(5) Lord Cruzan in 1923 was not chosen by George V as Prime Minister because he (b)

(6) The number of Privy Council members is:

(b) 330
(7) A public bill when introduced by a private member of English Parliament is called:
(c) Individual member bill

(8) Originally the House of Representatives consisted of:

(d) None of these

(9) The US President can declare war with the consent of:
(b) Senate

(10) In United States President Pro Tempore preside over the meetings of the Senate in the
absence of:
(b) Vice President

(11) By what majority from each of the central legislature, the Supreme Soviet can amend
the Constitution:
(b) Two third

(12) Soviet of the Union and the Soviet of the nationalities each have an equal membership
(d) None of these

(13) After how many years, local bodies elections are held in England:
(a) Three

(14) In English legal system, the smallest unit of local authority is called:
(a) Parish

(15) The President of France can be impeached only for:

(a) Misconduct

(16) Into how many departments, France has been divided:

(b) 90

(17) According to the US Constitution members of the President’s Cabinet must not be
members of:
(b) Congress

(18) In how many classes the whole of US Council Service has been divided:
(d) None of these

(19) A person Elected to a House in Pakistan cannot sit or vote until he has made before the
House an:
(b) Affirmation
(20) The legislative lists mentioned in Article 70(A) of the Constitution of Pakistan are:

(a) Federal Legislative List and Concurrent Legislative List

Constitutional Law Paper - 2003

Solved MCQs

(1) Highest court of appeal in U.K is:

(c) House of Lords

(2) Smallest unit of Local Government in U.K is:

(d) None of these (Parish)

(3) The US Constitution is:

(a) Rigid

(4) If both the US President and Vice-President die, the next to succeed is:
first, the president pro tempore of the Senate, followed by the speaker of the House.

(5) The final interpreter of US constitution is:

Supreme Court

(6) The French commune can be compared to Pakistan’s

(c) Municipal Committee/Union Council

(7) Which of the following term is not associated with debates in the House of Commons:
(d) None of these

(8) Which of the following is not an official in the administration of justice in England:
(a) Justice of Peace

(9) The number of amendments so far made in the US Constitution is:

(d) None of these (27)

(10) Which of the following is not member of Council of Common Interests:

(b) Governors

(11) Which of the following is a member of Cabinet in England, but not in Pakistan:
(d) None of these
(12) The Head of State in Pakistan is:
(b) President

(13) Voting age in different states of USA are:

(a) 18 and 21 years

(14) The inaugural session of the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was held in
(b) From 14th to 18th August, 1947

(15) Dual citizenship is a feature of:

USA Constitution

(16) The present Constitution of France was adopted by:

(a) Legislation

(17) The Presidential electors in USA cast two votes, one for the president and the other
(b) Vice-President

(18) The Constitution of Russian Federation was ratified in:

(a) 1993

(19) Under the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan, total number of Electors in Electoral College
(d) None of these (80000)

(20) Subject matter of Articles 189, 201 and 203-GG of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 is:
(b) Precedents

Constitutional Law Paper - 2004

Solved MCQs

(1) The voting age in U.S. is:

(a) 18 years

(2) The number of members of Electoral College in USA is:

(b) 538

(3) There is in US:

(b) Bi-party System
(4) The membership in Electoral College of Washington DC stands at:
(c) Three

(5) The US Constitution has been amended:

(d) None of these (27)

(6) The Magna Carta was signed by the British King in:
(a) 1215

(7) The Glorious Revolution in U.K. took place in:

(b) 1689

(8) The Parliamentary Elections continued the demise of Liberal Party in:
(b) 1923

(9) The right to voting in U.K. was extended to women in:

(a) 1928

(10) The quorum for conducting business in the House of Lords in U.K. is:

HOC :: 40

(11) Pakistan became a Republic in:

(b) 1956

(12) The National Assembly of Pakistan consists of:

(c) 342

(13) Pakistan so far has had:

(a) 3 Constitutions

(14) The French Revolution took place in:


(15) The Constitution of French Fifth Republic was adopted in:

(b) 1956

(16) The USSR was established in:

(c) 1917
(1 7) The USSR comprised of:
(c) 15 Republics

(18) Mr Leonid Breznev become President of USSR in: .

(c) 1977

(19) India got independence on:

(a) August 15

(20) Indian Union comprises of:


Constitutional Law Paper - 2005

Solved MCQs
(1) The seat of Indian Supreme Court is at:
(a) New Delhi

(2) The lowest tribunal of regular court system in France is:

(c) Justices of peace

(3) India's State Executive consists of the ----- and his council of ministers:
(c) Chief Minister

(4) Three categories of citizens recognized by Indian Constitution are by:

(a) birth, descent, registration

(5) Which of the following courts was not recognized by the Constitution of former USSR:
(a) Military Tribunal

(6) Article ---- of Constitution of Pakistan deals with definitions:

(a) 2

(7) Judiciary was separated from executive in Pakistan under Article ---:
(b) 175

(8) Punishment for high treason has been provided in:

(a) Constitution of Pakistan

(9) Total number of general seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan is:

(10) --- has he right to speak in the parliament of Pakistan:

(b) Attorney General

(11) Constitution of Pakistan has ------ Articles:

(d) None of these (280)

(12) The State of Pakistan exercises its power and authority through:
(b) President

(13) In Practice the election of US President is:

(a) Direct

(14) The term "suffrage" means:

(c) the right to vote

(15) American Constitution has:

(c) 7 articles, 21 sections

(16) ----- was forced to sign Magna Carta Act of 1215:

(a) King John

(17) Central administrative system is controlled by —-—— in Britain:

(b) Cabinet

(1 8) The first Prime Minister of England was:

(a) Walpole

(19) King is more personalized and attractive symbol of:

(e) National unity

(20) Choice of British Prime Minister is made by the:

(a) Parliament (House of Commons)
Constitutional Law Paper - 2006
Solved MCQs
(1). The convention for not contesting US Presidency for the 3rd time was set up by:
(b). Theodore Roosevelt

(2). The 50 States of the USA send_____ members to the Senate:

(c). 100

(3). The USSR consisted of ______ Union Republics:

(c). 15

(4). USSR constitution of 1977 is know after:

(c). Brezhnev

(5). Supreme Soviet was in reality a:

(c). Rubber Stamp

(6) The Indian Constitution provides for:

(a). Direct Democracy
(7). Constituent Assembly of India passed Objectives Resolution on:
(b). 22nd January, 1947

(8). Powers of two houses in India as regards non-money bills are:

(c). Imbalanced

(9). French Constitution puts restrictions on:

(a). Judicial System

(10). Constitution of Third Republic came into force in:


(11). French Ministries are notorious unstable due to:

(c). Powerful President

(12). Tactics to prevent the passage of bill are known as:

(a). Filibustering

(13). The life of the House of Common is:

(a). 5 Years

(14). The President Judicial System of England was evolved in:


(15). The Parliamentary commissioner is similar to:

(c). Chief Whip

(16). The Constitution of Pakistan was authenticated on:

(c). 14th August, 1973

(17). Prime Minister of Pakistan is appointed by:

(a). National Assembly

(18). A Magistrate is empowered to Punish for contempt of court under:

Contempt of Court Act

(19). Ordinary term of officer of Chief Election Commissioner in Pakistan in:

(d). None of these (5 Years)

(20).The control and command of Armed Forces in Pakistan lies with:

(d). None of these (President is Supreme Commander)

Constitutional Law Paper - 2007

Solved MCQs
(1) The essence of the Presidential System of government is that, in such a system:
(a) the executive is independent of the legislature
(2) in which of the following states could all amendments to the constitution be made
without references to the units:
(c) Former USSR

(3) "Federation is nothing but a political contrivance intended to reconcile national unity
with maintenance of the state rights" was said by:
(a) Dicey

(4) In the USA residuary powers or reserve powers are:

(b) Left to the states

(5) The "due process of law" is an essential characteristic of the judicial system of:
(b) India

(6) Dicey's principle of the "Rule Of Law" implies that:

(a) No body is above law

(7) "Parliamentary Supremacy” is a definite feature of political system in:

(a) U.K

(8) The Soviet constitution of 1918 came into force in :

(b) 10 July,1918

(9)The Soviet constitution of 1977 comprised:

Nine parts and 174 articles

(10)Which one of the following statement about the Supreme Soviet of erstwhile USSR is
not correct:
(c) Majority of its members are from working class

(11)The Highest Court Of Appeal in Brittan is:

(c) House of Lords

(12)The French Constitution of third republic consisted of:

(13)The most important feature of local government in France is:

(c) The extreme type of centralization

(14)The most important committee of the Indian Parliament is:

(a) The public Accounts Committee

(15) The term "equal protection of law" used in article of 14 to the Indian constitution was
borrowed from:
(16) The Legal Sovereignty in India Lies in the:
(People of India)

(17) Which of the following can impose reasonable restrictions on the fundamental rights of
Indian citizens:
(b) Parliament

(18) The first step taken in the formation of constitution was the passing of the Objective
(b) 12th march 1949

(19) The constitution of 1973 consists of

(d) None of these

(20) Under 1973 constitution of Pakistan the cabinet is the real executive of the country it
is headed by:
(b) Prime Minister

Constitutional Law Paper - 2008

Solved MCQs
(1) The French Constitution of 1791 was replaced by:
(a) The constitution of 1794

(2) The French constitution of fifth Republic consisted of:

15 Chapters and 90 Articles

(3) The Magna Carta 0f 1215 contains:

63 clauses

(4) “The English constitution does not exist” who said it?
(b) Tocqueville

(5) The term ‘equal protection of law’ used in Article 14 of the Indian constitution was
borrowed from:

(6) The constitutional reforms of the 1919 act came into force in:
(c) 1921

(7) The executive government of Britain consists of :

(a) One part

(8) The parliament act of 1911 as amended in 1949 has reduced considerably the powers
(a) The House of lords
The Act abolished any power of the House of Lords to veto any public Bill introduced in the House of Common

(9) An important feature of The American constitution is that it is:

(c) Federal

(10) USA has two party system; that is

(c) Democratic and Republican Party

(11) The weakest second chamber of the federal legislature is found in:
(c) Britain

(12) Pressure groups first originated in the political system of

(a) USA

(13) American Supreme court is:

(c) Nominated by the president with the consent of the Senate

(14) France is associated with:

(c) Administrative law

(15) When was the constitution preceding its disintegration enforced by USSR?


(16) In which countries constitution ratification of certain amendments by the state is not
essential for changing the provisions of the constitution?
(c) Erstwhile USSR

(17) Indian Federation is mainly based on the pattern of federal system found in:
(a) Canada

(18) Which of the following federal countries has the lengthiest and most elaborate
(a) India

(19) Which of the following article is considered as the supremacy clause of the US
(c) Article 6

(20) Which of the following article in the constitution of Pakistan 1973, declares that
“Islam shall be the state religion”?
(b) Article 2

Constitutional Law Paper - 2009

Solved MCQs
(i) What is the constitutional title used for the British head of State?
(c) Monarch

(ii) Parliamentary system of UK is the product of:

(b) Conventions

(iii) Which Act of parliaments protects the Independence of judiciary in UK?

(a) Bill of Rights

The fundamental concept of judicial independence came into being in England and Wales in 1701 with the enactment
of the Act of Settlement.

(iv) The office of the British Prime Minister is the creature of:
(a) Customs

(v) The English Common Law is based on:

(b) Precedents

(vi) How many US Presidents actually faced impeachment?

(b) Two

(vii) The Bill of Rights became part of US constitution in the year:

(c) 1791
The Petition of Right, passed on 7 June 1628::: the Bill of Rights 1689.

(viii) On what date the electors for the election of President are elected under the US
(a) 1st Tuesday of November, leap year

(ix) An Amendment in the US constitution becomes effective on its approval by the

congress and a minimum special number of states which is:
(c) ¾ States

(x) What is the maximum continuous period a person can be president of USA.
08 years
In the United States, the president of the United States is elected indirectly through the United States Electoral College to a four-
year term, with a term limit of two terms (totaling eight years) or a maximum of ten years if the president acted as president for two
years or less in a term where another was elected as president, imposed by the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States
Constitution, ratified in 1951.

(xi) What is term used for upper house under Indian Constitution?
(a) Council of States/Rajya Sabha

(xii) The federating units of India are called:

(c) States

(xiii) Who appoints the governor in India?

(a) President

(xiv) The Indian Government at national level is called?

(c) Union Government

(xv) The Prime Minister of India is:

(c) appointed by President

(xvi) What is the commencing day of Pakistan Constitution 1973?

(c) 14th August 1973

(xvii) Which Article of Pakistan Constitution 1973 deal with ‘Islamic Way of life’?
(Article 31)

(xviii) The Northern Areas of Pakistan are under the control of:
(c) Federal Government

(xix) Article 184 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973 provides for:

(a) Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court

(xx) What is the ordinary life of a gubernatorial Ordinance under the Constitution of
Pakistan 1973 ?
(b) 3 months

A gubernatorial ordinance is a legal instrument issued by a governor, typically when the legislative body of a state or
province is not in session. It has the force of law but is temporary and subject to review by the legislature. The specific
powers and limitations of gubernatorial ordinances vary depending on the legal framework of each individual state or


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