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Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students

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The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research

Volume 23 Article 6


Sleepless in College Town: Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in

College Students
Isabella E. Pandolfo
St. John Fisher University,

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Pandolfo, Isabella E.. "Sleepless in College Town: Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students."
The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research 23 (2022): -. Web. [date of access].

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Sleepless in College Town: Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students

This article is an examination of the various causes and effects of sleep deprivation and poor sleep
quality in college students. Using various studies and articles as evidence, this review explores the
causes of sleep deprivation in college students, and addresses the ways in which other parts of one's
well-being may suffer as a result of sleep deprivation. The nature of life as a college student is not
conducive to good quality sleep or sufficient amount of sleep, and the various detrimental factors to sleep
quality, such as napping, technology, and social factors contribute to problems in other areas. According
to existing literature, circadian rhythm-disrupting excessive napping, hyper-vigilance to technology, fear of
missing out, and the social nature of life in a dorm room all contribute to sleep deprivation. Consequent
problems in the areas of physical health, mental health, and academic performance are common. Such
problems include weight gain, immune system deficiency, increased risk for cancer and Alzheimer’s,
stress, anxiety, depression, poor memory and decreased concentration, lower grades and poorer test
performance. Additionally, this review addresses possible solutions to the poor sleep quality that seems
to be inherent in college life, such as sleep hygiene courses incorporated into program requirements, as
well as areas for further research, such as the desire for college students to nap.

sleep deprivation, sleep quality, college students, causes, effects

This article is available in The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research:
Pandolfo: Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students

Sleepless in College Town: Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students
Isabella E. Pandolfo
Abstract: This article is an examination of the various causes and effects of sleep deprivation
and poor sleep quality in college students. Using various studies and articles as evidence, this
review explores the causes of sleep deprivation in college students and addresses the ways in
which other parts of one's well-being may suffer as a result of sleep deprivation. The nature of
life as a college student is not conducive to good quality sleep or sufficient amount of sleep, and
the various detrimental factors to sleep quality, such as napping, technology, and social factors
contribute to problems in other areas. According to existing literature, circadian rhythm-
disrupting excessive napping, hypervigilance to technology, fear of missing out, and the social
nature of life in a dorm room all contribute to sleep deprivation. Consequent problems in the
areas of physical health, mental health, and academic performance are common. Such problems
include weight gain, immune system deficiency, increased risk for cancer and Alzheimer’s,
stress, anxiety, depression, poor memory and decreased concentration, lower grades, and poorer
test performance. Additionally, this review addresses possible solutions to the poor sleep quality
that seems to be inherent in college life, such as sleep hygiene courses incorporated into
program requirements, as well as areas for further research, such as the desire for college
students to nap. Keywords: sleep deprivation, sleep quality, college students, causes, effects

College students are some of the most sleep Causes of Poor Sleep in College Students
deprived people in the country (Otenyo, Napping
2015). In fact, up to 60% of college students
suffer from poor sleep quality (Schlarb et One possible cause of poor sleep is frequent
al., 2017). Poor quality sleep can result from or excessive napping, which college students
a number of things, including delayed sleep often fall victim to. In a 2015 study by Ye,
onset, decreased sleep duration, and 75% of participants reported napping in the
increased number of sleep disturbances. month prior to the survey, with 42.9%
These sleep problems can impact the health reporting having napped at least once per
and daily life of college students. This week. According to the National Sleep
literature review will address the common Foundation, napping, especially at night, can
causes of poor sleep and the physical, alter the sleep cycle by shifting circadian
mental health, and academic impacts of poor rhythms. Since napping after 2 pm results in
sleep in college students, by reviewing and more slow-wave sleep, you might have
synthesizing existing research, as well as trouble falling asleep at a reasonable time
discuss possible solutions and opportunities later that night (Pacheco, 2020). This may
for further research. The review will be lead to negative health consequences such as
organized into two sections, causes, and depression, decreased glucose tolerance and
effects, as well as subsections addressing insulin sensitivity, altered adrenal function,
specific aspects of sleep. and increased evening cortisol levels (Ye,
2015). Lastly, longer naps can cause sleep
inertia, which is the transitional state
between sleep and wake, and often comes

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The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research, Vol. 23 [2022], Art. 6

with confusion, grogginess, and cognitive debt accumulates. This contributes to

deficits. There is evidence that all of these students’ fatigue.
factors can contribute to poor sleep quality Social Factors
because students who reported napping over
2 hours had an average score 2 points higher The social nature of college students’ lives
on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index can also contribute to sleep problems and
(PSQI) than those who reported napping for lack of good quality sleep. Fear of missing
1 hour. Furthermore, 77.6% of frequent out, or FOMO, is one aspect of students’
nappers were the most likely to identify social lives that may get in the way of their
themselves as “night owls” but felt the least sleep. FOMO is the anxiety that something
satisfied with the amount of sleep they got exciting, interesting, or fun is happening
on school nights. elsewhere and you’re not involved in it.
According to a 2017 study, nearly three
Technology quarters of young adults experience this
College students are also avid users of (Adams et al., 2017). Additionally, those
technology and social media, both of which high in FOMO tended to use Facebook
may also prevent them from getting good sooner after waking and before going to
quality sleep. Research has demonstrated sleep (Przybylski et al., 2013). In Adams et
that individuals who excessively use al., a majority of students admitted to
computers and phones in their bedroom have staying up later in order to socialize with
later bedtimes and tend to wake up later in peers on campus and people from back
the morning (Dowdell and Clayton, 2019). home via social media, leaving them restless
Having the world at their fingertips, young and unable to fall asleep once in bed.
adults have developed hypervigilance when Another aspect of the social nature of
it comes to their phones; waking up at night college students’ lives is community living.
at the sound of their notifications and Many students live in dorms and residence
keeping phones close during sleep only fuels halls where people socialize in the halls
this. Some students even engage in sleep while others are trying to sleep. Living in a
texting, which is when an individual sends a social environment can make it difficult to
text while in a sleep state, which is aided by prioritize sleep, because of both the physical
the hypervigilance. In the Dowdell and distractions and the fear of missing out on
Clayton study, 72.6% of students engaged in something happening outside your door.
sleep texting and had lower sleep quality Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students
ratings than non-sleep texting students. In
the Adams et al. study, 67% of the sample Physical Health
reported using their cell phone before going Many do not realize just how important
to sleep (Adams et al., 2017). This has been sleep is, and not getting enough sleep can
linked to difficulty falling asleep, frequent pose threats to one’s physical health. In fact,
awakenings at night, or early wake times. continued lack of sleep can actually lead to
Exposure to device lighting before bed, even death. In patients with progressive insomnia,
if only for an hour to two, also delays the patients just stop sleeping completely after
release of melatonin (Wood et al., 2013), several months, losing many basic brain and
and therefore delays the circadian rhythm. body functions. After 12-18 months of this,
These sleep interruptions, combined with they will die. Additionally, sleep "restocks
their schedules, may affect the students’ the armory of our immune system", helping
sleep duration and quality, chronically to fight cancer, infection, and other illnesses,
depriving them of sleep, and therefore sleep 2
Pandolfo: Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students

circulating glucose, regulates our appetite, associated with increased sleep disturbances
and maintains a healthy gut. Regularly and sleep medication use, and depressive
getting less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep can symptoms were associated with increased
damage your immune system, which can daytime dysfunction. Overall, ADHD-IN,
double your risk for cancer, and is a factor in anxiety, and depression symptoms were
whether or not you may develop each associated with significantly higher
Alzheimer's (Walker, 2018). When one is PSQI scores. In the same 2020 research,
tired or sleep deprived, they may notice that Lorenzetti reported significant correlations
they make unhealthy and impulsive food between sleep quality, insomnia severity,
choices or have more intense craving. This and sleepiness and increased total mood
is because sleep regulates our appetite and disturbance, perceived stress, and depressive
ability to feel satiated, and therefore helps to symptomatology. This tells us that sleep
control body weight. Epidemiologists have problems may be correlated with the
observed in their studies an increase in symptoms of numerous mental health issues
cardiovascular events in participants with and therefore, this is a negative effect of
only 5 to 7 hours of sleep per night (Afandi poor sleep quality. However, there are
et al., 2013). According to research by possible critiques to this conclusion. For
Lorenzetti in 2020, studies have indicated one, it is important to note that sleep
that sleep restriction, which was problems, or excessive sleep resulting in
operationally defined as sleeping poor quality sleep, are already symptoms for
approximately four hours a night for 10 numerous mental health issues, namely
nights, resulted in elevated cortisol levels. depression and anxiety. Additionally, poor
This can lead to increased sympathetic quality sleep could worsen existing mental
activation, keeping individuals up at night health issues. Furthermore, it is possible that
and delaying the release of melatonin, both of these are from where the association
delaying sleep onset latency, or time it takes between sleep problems and mental health
to fall asleep, and decreasing sleep duration. issues arise.
The resulting consequence is poorer sleep Lastly, another detriment to mental health
quality, leading to sleep deprivation. when an individual is not getting enough
Mental Health and Cognition sleep is in regard to cognition. Lorenzetti
(2020) describes how results of sleep studies
Many college students who are sleep
have consistently shown that sleep
deprived also run into struggles with their
deprivation increases reaction times and
mental health and cognitive function.
poor performance in attention and vigilance
According to Afandi et al. (2013), sleep
tests. According to Walker, sleep improves
deprivation of less than six to seven hours
our ability to learn, memorize, and make
per day can lead to serious impairment of
logical decisions, and allows our brains to
cognitive and psychomotor function. This
navigate the social world we live in. Sleep
includes reduced concentration, memory and
also enhances our ability to make new
poor thinking, and daytime dysfunction.
memories, and sleeping well before, during,
Additionally, in the sample of a study by
and after learning can help us protect newly
Becker et al. (2018), ADHD-HI symptoms
acquired information. Without sleep, an
were significantly associated with increased
individual’s brain becomes less effective at
sleep disturbances. ADHD-IN symptoms
absorbing new information and the ability to
were significantly associated with poorer
retain recently learned information is
sleep quality and increased daytime
impaired (Dowdell and Clayton, 2018).
dysfunction. Anxiety symptoms were

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The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research, Vol. 23 [2022], Art. 6

According to Lorenzetti (2020), working Discussion

memory capacity decreases when sleep is Possible Solutions
restricted. Cognitive deficits in college
students can pose problems considering the Sleep deprivation in college students is
rigorous academic problems and schedules undoubtedly a problem. However, there may
they may be involved in. be opportunities to get students sleeping
more and sleeping better. In a study by
Academic Performance Baroni et al. (2017), a group of students
A major consequence of sleep deprivation participated in a sleep course designed to
and poor sleep in college students is the teach cognitive and behavioral strategies for
possibility for academics to suffer. Poor poor sleep hygiene, and then put those
sleep quality, together with shortened sleep strategies into practice. The practice of the
duration, late bedtimes and rise times, and strategies taught were measured using
inconsistent sleep and wake schedules, has individual assessment of sleep behaviors and
been shown to negatively affect academic sleep hygiene via sleep logs. Students
performance in young adults. In the Ye learned how to use a worry diary to address
study, students who reported being frequent, anxiety that could possibly keep them up,
long, or late nappers had either a lower GPA and the course also addressed historical and
or were more likely to oversleep and miss or cultural elements of sleep, anatomy,
be late to class, the latter being at 62.7% of physiology, sleep disorders, and dreams.
the sample. According to Afandi et al. Controls were enrolled in a child and
(2013), poor academic performance, often adolescent psychopathology course that did
resulting in poor grades, was also associated not have a sleep education component.
with sleep deprivation to less than six to When looking at the students’ sleep logs,
seven hours a day. According to Becker, there was a trend of higher total sleep time
poor sleep quality, shortened sleep duration, and greater sense of feeling well rested in
and delayed sleep onset latency can have a the sleep course students compared with the
significant impact on college students’ control group. Control students who dropped
daytime functioning. These sleep difficulties the course had significantly higher PSQI
put students at risk of poorer academic scores than those who continued
functioning, emotional dysregulation, and participating. Additionally, the sleep course
increased daytime sleepiness. In the sample students who dropped the course had
of a study by Okano et al. (2019), longer significantly lower scores on the
sleep duration, higher quality sleep, and Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire
more consistent sleep were associated with (MEQ) compared to those who completed
better academic performance. Additionally, the study. Lastly, sleep course students felt
longer sleep duration and better sleep quality their sleep onset latency was shorter, and in
during the full month before a midterm were a follow-up, their MEQ scores were higher.
more associated with better test For reference, lower MEQ scores indicate
performance, rather than just the night evening preference while higher scores
before the exam. Furthermore, sleeping well indicate morning preference, and higher
while the information on the exam was PSQI scores indicate poorer sleep quality.
being taught may be more crucial to These results indicate that interventions that
performance on the exam due to the address poor sleep by combining sleep
cognitive effects of sleep mentioned earlier. education and cognitive behavioral
That is, good sleep may assist in the storage strategies have the potential to improve
of information in long term memory. sleep problems or problematic sleep 4
Pandolfo: Causes and Effects of Poor Sleep in College Students

behaviors. Adding a sleep education such as napping, technology, and their social
component to college curriculums may help environments. Any of these factors can
students in achieving their goals in the contribute to college students so commonly
healthiest way possible. not getting enough sleep and this has many
consequences on physical and mental health,
Further Research
as well as academics. Sleep deprivation can
While research on sleep in college students damage the immune system, make one more
and sleep in general is well established, susceptible to infection, cancer, and
there is always room for further research. Alzheimer's, disrupt glucose circulating and
One topic of possible interest could be why regulation of appetite, and impact gut health.
college students nap and whether napping Additionally, sleep deprivation can lead to
could suggest underlying sleep disorders. impairment of cognitive and psychomotor
Could a frequent napper have a sleep function, such as deficits in concentration,
disorder? Additionally, few studies have memory and thinking. Sleep deprivation is
looked at whether or not behavioral also correlated with many mental illness
strategies and sleep education improve symptoms. Lastly, academics may be
mood and anxiety. Furthermore, it could be affected as well, with students being late to
beneficial to conduct more studies that class, earning lower GPAs, and doing worse
examine the impact of interventions for both on exams. These effects of sleep deprivation
sleep and mental health and whether in college students can be remedied with
intervention type needs to differ depending education on the importance of sleep and
on the specific sleep and/or mental health how to maintain good sleep habits and
problems present (Becker, 2018). hygiene. The hope of such education
Conclusion measures is to bring awareness to the
susceptibility of college students to become
With their rigorous schedules and dedication sleep deprived and encourage preventative
to academics, college students need more action in taking back control of their well-
sleep than ever before. However, they are being, starting with their sleep.
increasingly sleep deprived, and this may be
due to the various aspects of their busy lives,

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The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research, Vol. 23 [2022], Art. 6


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Baroni, A., Bruzzese, J.-M., Di Bartolo, C. A., Ciarleglio, A., & Shatkin, J. P. (2017). Impact of
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Journal of American College Health, 66(1), 41–50.

Becker, S. P., Jarrett, M. A., Luebbe, A. M., Garner, A. A., Burns, G. L., & Kofler, M. J. (2018).
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Dowdell, E. B., & Clayton, B. Q. (2018). Interrupted sleep: College students sleeping with
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Published by Fisher Digital Publications, 2022 7

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