Mecagear Sy 1000
Mecagear Sy 1000
Mecagear Sy 1000
"MECAGEAR SY 1000" has a high viscosity index allowing
Thanks to its natural lubricity "MECAGEAR SY 1000" oil
an excellent machine operation both at low or high temperatures.
allows a complete safety in gear operation under severe
Shelf life of "MECAGEAR SY 1000" is significantly conditions like those working in cement plant, iron and steel
increased thanks to its excellent thermal stability industries, paper mills etc.
"MECAGEAR SY 1000" ensures a good protection against
The use of "MECAGEAR SY 1000" contributes to cost
corrosion of ferrous and non-ferrous parts.
cutting thanks to the reduction of maintenance operation.
"MECAGEAR SY 1000" is specifically formulated to obtain
a low friction coefficient ensuring both integrity and protection of
the equipment.
Characteristics MECAGEAR SY 1000
Nature synthetic
Colour Blond
Density 1.07
Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s 1056
Viscosity at 100°C mm²/s 170
Viscosity Index 282
Flash Point OC °C 250
Pour point °C <- 35
FZG > 12
Above details are issued from a production average; they are not specifications
"MECAGEAR SY 1000" oil is not compatible with other oil type neither with other PAG type. This oil having a strong detergency
capacity, it is recommended to set up the product in clean circuit and gears.
"MECAGEAR SY 1000" has a strong solvency on paints and elastomers. It is necessary to use bi-component paints and specific
elastomers. For temperature lower than 80°C, NBR elastomer can be used, for higher temperature the use of Viton (FKM) elastomer is