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Final Final Victory Month Prayer 2022 1

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Happy New Year. You are welcome to another Victory Month Program of fasting and fervent prayers.
We have been doing this for many years now and we have found that it is the best thing to start the
journey of a new year with God. Testimonies abound aplenty on the various wondrous works of God in
the lives of individuals, families, and the Church in previous programs, and He is surely set to do more
in this year.

The theme for this year’s Victory Month prayers is DIVINE VISITATION FOR GENUINE REVIVAL. There is
certainly the need for genuine visitation of God for revival and change now, more than ever before. The
appalling situation of things now in Nigeria and worldwide surely calls for divine visitation and revival
in every sphere of life. We need revival in our spiritual life as we need it in our physical life. We also
need revival in our families as we need it in our country. All these calls for divine visitation.

With divine visitation in a situation, there is bound to be a change. Take the case of Abraham, for
instance. He remained childless for years, but the situation changed when he had a divine visitation.
The Bible says, “The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at
the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day (Gen. 18:1), and while departing, the Lord said, “I will
surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son” (Gen.18:10). Going
further, the Bible says, “Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah
what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very
time God had promised him” (Gen. 21:1-2).

Divine visitation brings down the power of God that overrules the powers of the enemy at work in any
situation. Prayer remains the master key that opens the door for divine visitation. If we can pray, God
will certainly answer, and He will "do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his
power that is at work within us” (Eph. 3:20). Therefore, I encourage every member of GOFAMINT, and
indeed every member of the body of Christ take advantage of the prayer guide provided by this
pamphlet to pray for the visitation of God that will usher us into a revival of new things in this new year.

Wishing you a great encounter as you embark on this 30-day prayer and fasting program of DIVINE

Pastor (Dr) E. O. Abina,

General Overseer.

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The theme for this year’s Victory Month prayers is DIVINE VISITATION FOR GENUINE REVIVAL.
It is a wake-up call from spiritual slumbering to all sleeping Saints as a person can be awake or
asleep naturally, so it is possible spiritually. To be sleeping, the person will be out of fellowship
with God, which portends great danger for those involved.
So many people are in this dreadful condition today; hence we need revival in the Church.
There are many hypocrites, talkative, pretenders, and dramatists. People in these conditions are
in no way acceptable to God. Because they are fake and not real, they are not walking their talk
and are not true to their confession.
God established His Church to be His representative and do His will here on earth, no more, no
less. Those who do not conform to God’s will but are self-willed and personal-interest seekers
have missed the mark. In such conditions, they are not of any benefit to God, the church, fellow
believers, and themselves. That is the reason why we need revival. “wherefore he sayeth,
awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give you light” (Eph. 5:14).
Following are the sleeping conditions for which we covet divine visitation to give us genuine
1. When a believer is not regular in Christian fellowship (Heb. 10:25).
2. When one is not fervent in prayer and study of the word (Jona 1:6, Acts 6:4).
3. When the love of God is not burring in one’s heart (I Cor. 16:22).
4. When one is living in violation of God’s commands (I Cor. 15:34, I Thess. 5:5-8).
5. When one begins to take the word of God with levity (James 1:22).
6. When one is not actively and zealously working for God (John 9:4).
7. When one has reasons to hate and fight fellow believers. (I John 4:20, Joel 1:11-14).
Revive thy work on Lord
This mighty arm make bare
Speak with the voice that wakes the dead
And make thy people hear.
(Hymn 164)

Appreciation to all GOFAMINT members and outsiders who are keeping faith with us in this
annual significant spiritual warfare.
Let us all join hands together with strong determination and dedication to get the job done
once again this year.
Don't forget:
Much prayers bring much power;
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Little prayer brings little power:
No prayer brings no power.
Let us invoke more powers into our lives, families and Church through intensive prayers.
Pray personally, pray with your family and be available in the church for corporate prayers.

Appreciation also to these brothers who contributed their quotas to get these materials ready:
Elder Emmanuel Ajayi, Pastor Dr. Tunde Ojo, Pastor Hassan Bright, Brother Bolaji Taiwo.

Thank you, all.

Pastor Richard O. Usenu
Pastor Joshua BolaTaiwo
Pastor (Eng.) J. K. Akinola
Pastor S. O. Shoretire.


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TEXT: Genesis 35:2-3,7

“Then Jacob said unto his household, and to

all that were with him, Put away the strange
gods that are among you, and be clean, and
change your garments:
3 And let us arise, and go up to Bethel;
and I will make there an altar unto God,
who answered me in the day of my distress,
and was with me in the way which I went.
7 And he built there an altar, and called the
place Elbethel: because there God appeared
unto him, when he fled from the face of his brother”.

It can only be God who stood unshaken with The Gospel Faith Mission International. God had
proved His ownership and Lordship over us. Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, He kept us; there was
no spreading of it in all GOFAMINT. Despite the economic challenges (low income), He increases
us. Our Annual Convention was celebrated after the break of 2020. We are together again,
praise God. We remember those who had gone to be with the Lord. May God comfort their
families. There are many reasons to give thanks to the Lord, for His goodness to our Assemblies
and gracious to our zones. To all GOFAMINT in other nations, God is powerful and presently
present with them. Halleluyah!

Let us sing these songs to show our appreciation to our Creator:

❖ Every living soul, every living soul, praise the Lord…
❖ Hymn 291 “To God be the glory, great things He hath done…
❖ Sing other choruses of praise and thanks
❖ Read Psalm 98 and 100 together

When Noah and his household escaped the flood, he built an Altar of appreciation unto the
Lord- (Gen. 8:20)

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Jacob remembered all the goodness of God, and he went back to Bethel to show his gratitude
unto God – Gen. 35:2-3
GOFAMINT cannot do less than this.

Prayer Points

1. Father, all thanks to you alone for making GOFAMINT your inheritance.
2. Thank you, Father, for this great love you have towards GOFAMINT
3. Thank you for how you cared for us amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. Thank you, father, for the inner strength given to your servant Pastor Dr. E. O. Abina in
the midst of the challenges of life.
5. Thank you for the progress recorded during year 2021 throughout GOFAMINT.
6. Thank you, Jesus, for not allowing the gate of hell to overcome your church.
7. Thanks for your presence in this church, GOFAMINT.
8. Thanks for your provision for each member, assembly, zone, district, region, country, and
the national headquarters.
9. Thank you, God, for the result achieved during our programs including Convention 2021
that was a success.
10.Glory be to your name for your unction and anointing upon every GOFAMINT minister.
11.Thank you, God, for the progress of every department and unit.
12.Thank you, God, for being with the EXCO members, not miss-directing the church.
13.Thank you, God, for journey mercy for all GOFAMINT and for safe delivery of all our
pregnant sisters.
14.Thank you, God, for various blessings, protections, physical and spiritual revival sent by
your power.
15.Thank God on behalf of yourself and family because the Lord is good to us all the time.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: 2 TIM 3:16-17; MATT 5:3-9; ACTS 3:19
It is a great thing to serve the Lord, walking in the light of God. This used to be a chorus very
often sang in the church some years back. It is pregnant with meaning. Anyone who will serve
God acceptably must be ready to walk in the light. A look at the church today clearly shows that
things are no longer the way they used to be, the love of many has gone cold, and individually,
we need divine visitation for genuine revival to get back on track. Wherever there is divine
visitation, different things happen to different people depending on their needs. When God
visits, good and great things happen.

Divine visitation -this is God reaching unto us in a definite, clear, unmissable encounter. It is an
unforgettable experience. It is God’s intervention in the affairs of His people or church (Acts
5:18-19). Genuine Revival: This is true, real, and lasting experience of the presence and power
of God. Genuine revival is an awakening that God causes to come unto His people, be it
individually or corporately- in answer to prayer and as a result of their yearning for a total
turnaround from the life of sin unto a life that pleases God. Revival is an act of God. Revival is
God’s desire for His church. Revival is to call God’s people to order and to bring them back on
Our praying for genuine revival is deliberate. This is because nowadays there are many things
people call revivals that are no revival at all: Revival program has its own unique features:
- Revival starts with tears and ends with joy
- It comes with reproof for the wrongs that are going on among God’s people.
- It comes with corrections that the church must make without delay.
- It comes to give instructions on what the people of God must take urgent actions on as a
principle for daily living as kingdom people on earth.
- It points to a life of righteousness both individually and corporately
Revival reminds us about the place/standard from where we have fallen and how we can rise
and go back to God. and be on track again. Revival reminds the believers:
- Of their spiritual poverty and cause them to cry for restoration and comfort.
- Of spiritual pride and cause them to call on God for grace to be humble
- Revival comes when people are hungry and thirsty after righteousness and pray for
supernatural satisfaction/ filling.

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- Revival comes when the church is praying, yearning, and longing for the purity of heart
and life.
Beloved, personal preparation in this regard is necessary for us either as an individual or as a
church. This will bring the much-needed divine visitation and revival.

As we repent (become sorry for our sins) and are converted (practically changed from our sinful
ways), our sins will be blotted out. We will experience the time of refreshing, which shall come
from the presence of the Lord. It is a waste of time, and nothing but an exercise in futility, for
anybody to expect revival or divine blessing while continuing in sin. If we can pray and be ready,
God is willing to send His mighty revival.

Let us pray;
1. Thank God for giving you the grace to pray this prayer. Pray with seriousness
2. Oh God, forgive me all my sin and grant me unhindered access to Your presence (Isa 59:1-
3. O Lord, cleanse me and purify me from all filthiness in actions, in thought, and in words
that will not allow me to benefit from divine visitation
4. Lord, open my ears to hear your word, heart to receive, and the divine capacity to do it
5. Heavenly Father remove every hindrance from my way and cause me to do your will and
be blessed henceforth.
6. O Lord help me to stay committed to doing your will and obeying your word.
7. Father, help me to behold wondrous things out of your law this year in Jesus’ name
8. O Lord give me a deeper love for your word in the name of Jesus Christ.
9. O lord, help me to maintain a steady focus on your will henceforth
10.O lord give me the grace to take to correction like David of old.
11.O Lord help me to maintain a focus on the cross of Christ in all I do.
12.I will never be disobedient like Lot’s wife in Jesus’ name (Luke 17:32)
13.Heavenly father give me the grace of absolute obedience to your will and of prompt
performance of your word in Jesus’ name.
14.Heavenly father grant me the grace to stand for your will as Joseph did.
15.Heavenly father let your revival fire bless my life and impact me for effective service and
holy living henceforth.
16.O Lord I need Your divine visitation that will:
i. Give me everything I am lacking in my life and family
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ii. Take from me every problem the enemy has put on me and my family
iii. Destroy whatever the devil has planted into my life, marriage and family.
iv. Destroy any generational thorns or tares in my life.
17.O Lord visit me:
i. To connect me with my covenant helpers
ii. To correct everything that needs to be corrected for my life to be correct, right, and
iii. To disconnect me from every wrong connection
iv. To help me to collect my divine blessings.
Closing session for the day:
C. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
D. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: MATT 5:3-9; PSALM 85:6-7

God is the owner of His church. GOFAMINT is not an exception in this regard. Since the beginning
of GOFAMINT, God has been working with us and helping us to move on the path of holiness
and righteousness. Today, we need divine visitation that will:
- Put an end to every form of frustration and stagnation
- Bring manifold blessings, fruitfulness, deliverance and healings.
- Terminate all forms of satanic activities in our lives and Churches.
- Remind us once more of our place in His service and the need to be fervent and dutiful
now than ever before
- Remind us of the expectation he has on us as a church and the need to maintain our focus
on him.
- Remind us that we should not allow anything that will hinder us from doing what he has
called us to do as a church, come what may. Our preparation for divine visitation as a
church would require us to know that revival is for the church while evangelism is for the
world. It takes the church that has caught revival fire to effectively evangelize the world.
Thus, we owe it a duty to pray fervently for divine visitation and genuine spirit birthed
revival as a church. This will further strengthen our church worldwide and put her on the
right footing to fulfill her God-ordained role effectively.

As a church, our preparation for divine visitation includes knowing the following facts:
1. Matt 5:3 revival comes as the church becomes aware of her spiritual state of lack and
calls On God for intervention
2. Matt 5:4 revival comes when the church mourns for knowing that they are not where
they are supposed to be spiritually (knowing they are lacking some basic spiritual
essentials and they pray for them)
3. Matt 5:5 revival is an answer to the prayer of the church for meekness and humility.
Revival comes when the church prays. Revival does not come by accident. Revival comes
on purpose. Revival comes upon the church asking for it. Thus, if revival must come, the
church must prepare for it.

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4. Matt 5:6 revival comes when the church desires it. Revival comes when the church
expresses deep hunger and thirst for righteousness. In answer to that hunger and thirst,
God then come and satisfy the longings of the hungry and thirsty souls
5. Matt 5:7 revival comes when there is the need for mercy. The Bible clearly states that he
that desires mercy from God must be ready to be merciful to people
6. Matt 5:8 revival is needed when people are yearning, desirous, and craving for purity of
heart. In that case, God promised in His word that they shall be filled.”
Revival is an act of God. Revival is an answer from God in response to the prayers and heartfelt
desires of His church. Revival starts with tears and ends with Joy. Before the revival, people have
one reason or the other to be sorrowful over their spiritual state, but after the revival fire
ignition, the people of God will have a reason to rejoice in Him. It is erroneous to view the time
of revival as times of:
- Singing, dancing, and praying for material things
- Preaching to make the congregation happy with messages that promise them blessings,
breakthroughs, and prosperity, without touching on the need for holy living.
Genuine revival will come from God when people are made to hear the word of God, and they,
in turn, respond to the word by doing what the Lord requires of them. It is as they act obediently
on the word of God that they are blessed. As a church, let us prepare our hearts to do God’s
word. God in turn, in His faithfulness, will bless us with His visitation.
Let us pray
1. O God of heaven revive us and keep us focused on the founding vision of GOFAMINT. Give
us the grace never to shift from it.
2. Heavenly Father give us grace for proper preparation for total revival in GOFAMINT
3. Father, remove every barrier to revival in all GOFAMINT assembles worldwide and give
us reasons for joy
4. Lord, roll away every barrier to our revival as a church worldwide.
5. Lord, grant us revival fire in GOFAMINT in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
6. Prepare all our ministers for all-round revival in their respective churches in Jesus name
7. Encourage all GOFAMINT members worldwide to pay the price of revival and be revived,
O Lord!
8. Send down revival, O Lord, and let it begins with me!
9. Heavenly father cause all GOFAMINT churches worldwide to become centers of revival in
the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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10.Heavenly father help our leaders and members not to lose sight of the old landmarks but
to maintain it to the glory of God.
11.Lord, help us to walk with you in keeping with our statement of purpose in Jesus’ name
12.Father, help us to keep our focus on our core values in whatever we do in Jesus’ name
13.Let there be divine visitation that will strengthen our resolutions to be loyal to you, to our
leaders and the church, o Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
14.Revive GOFAMINT worldwide and let there be exponential growth all over in Jesus name.
15.Give us the grace to be heaven-conscious and maintain rapturable posture at all times.
16.Heavenly Father, destroy every hidden sin and satanic seduction, withholding GOFAMINT
from experiencing a genuine revival.
17.O Lord expose all contaminating agents of the devil that hinder the flow of revival fire in
18.O Lord, remove any impediment, driving us far from revival.

Closing session for today:

A. Pray for your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day – As determined by the Pastor.

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TEXT JOHN 5:1-16, Job 42:2; Gen 18:14, Matt 19:26

The presence of God is of great importance in the lives and families of God’s people. Whatever
the situation in which we find ourselves in life, we have this unwavering assurance: that we are
serving the almighty God with whom all things are possible and with whom there is nothing
impossible (Gen 18:4, Matt 19:26). Our God specializes in showing up as needed to help His
children, people, and followers out of their difficult situations. Here are a few examples: The
Israelites by the red sea, Beside the wall of Jericho, David confronting Goliath, The three young
Hebrews before – The great Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel in the den of lions, Elijah in the contest at
Mt Carmel, The bringing of water from the rock and raising of Lazarus from the dead.

Today, many people and families pass through difficult situations beyond their powers and
resources to tackle. Humanly speaking, they are helpless and powerless before them. They need
a divine intervention that brings a simple but true and permanent solution to all these stubborn
and long-standing life problems.

Also, many churches are going through different kinds of destroying storms. Divine visitation is
the answer to all these difficult and killing problems.
Beloved, the Lord who is the answer to all human problems, is still on the throne. He is the one
we are serving. He has not changed. He does not change. He will, therefore:
• Step into our situation individually and corporately
• Meet the need of our lives and families
• Meet the need of GOFAMINT as a church
• Wave into any difficult situation the church faces and give us permanent solutions.
• Answer our prayers as we pray unto Him throughout this month
• Give our leaders as well as all of us in GOFAMINT oil of gladness over our difficult
• Visit all families in GOFAMINT with undeniable solutions to their problems.
Prayer is a two-way communication with God. Prayer offers us the opportunity to engage in a
heart-to-heart discussion and fellowship with God. Therefore, it is an opportunity to pour our

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hearts to our God as touching our situation. Beloved, if you can pray, there is God to answer
you! There is God to give you what you ask for if you can ask.
Some things to note as you pray:
- Ask in faith without wavering
- Say what you mean and mean what you say
- Focus on the faithlessness of God and not the nature and magnitude of your problem
- Believe in the power of God rather than the nature of your situation

GOFAMINT as A Church
GOFAMINT is a church founded by the will of God on a sound footing and a solid foundation.
We should not be disturbed by the billows that threaten our existence at any time. Our
victory is sure as long as we are on the Lord’s side. As long as we focus on what the Lord
commissions us to do, He will always fight for us.
To this end, we are all expected to:
- Cooperate with our leaders to do what will move the church to greater heights.
- Contribute our quota in fulfilling the great commission mandate
- Pray for our church daily and fervently
- Defend our church with our ups and by our lifestyles.
- Uphold our leaders in prayer as they Labor Day and night to move the church forward.
Divine visitation can be provoked through prayer and fasting (2Chro 20:20-25) through sacrificial
giving (Luke 7:1-6), through a life of holiness and obedience (Matt 5:8), through unwavering
faith or trust in God (Esther 4:12-17), through intercessory prayer (1Sam 7:8-13). Divine
visitation will turn every unfortunate situation in our lives into outstanding testimonies.

Truly, God will step into our ugly situations, give power to the powerless, hope for the hopeless,
and help the helpless.

Let us pray

We have an essential duty. It is to pray earnestly for divine intervention. The prayer is threefold:
1. Heavenly father intervene in my life and bring your presence to bear in every situation so
that your name might be glorified.
2. Sweeten my life and situation with your presence as you did in Cana of Galilee, O Lord.
3. O lord let my life and situation be seasoned with the sweetness of your presence.
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4. Ask that God should visit the difficult situation (s) of your life with His power like he did
at the pool of Bethsaida.
5. Pray that God should saturate your life with His presence, power, and glory.

ii. Divine intervention in our families

O Lord with your divine intervention;
6. deal with any difficult situation in my family
7. Put right all that is wrong in my family.
8. I destroy every evil covenant working against the progress of my family
9. ------------------ family (put your family) arise and shine henceforth for your light has come
(Isa 60:1).
10.Pray for the grace, strength, and wisdom for the Christian Journey, for all members of
your family

Divine interventions for GOFAMINT as a church

11.O Lord grant our leaders divine help in carrying out their duties.
12.Heavenly father, step into the difficult situation in GOFAMINT and help us timely and
13.Grant every member of GOFAMINT the grace of obedience and submission to fellowship.
14.O Lord keep your church on track at all times.
15.O Lord help us to maintain our focus on you.
16.O Lord, set ablaze all hidden satanic strongholds that are working against the total
progress of GOFAMINT
17.O Lord destroy all strongholds of our personal weaknesses that are making it difficult for
us to go forward progressively.

Closing section for the day

A. Pray on your prayer requests for 2022
B. Special prayer for the day: Intercession for the matured singles for divine intervention.

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TEXT: EXOD 19:10-11; 1 TIM 5:22


We serve the living God who is a loving father. One thing that God loves to do is to be in constant
close relationship and fellowship with His children. As much as he loves to do this, however, His
holy nature and character would not allow us as humans to come close to Him. The scripture
affirms that God is too holy to behold iniquity (Hab. 1:13)

The right thing to do by anyone who wants to enjoy divine fellowship and visitation is to stay
away from sin. God desires that His relationship with us should keep us away from sin, or else
our sinful life will keep God away from us. It is an act of hypocrisy for someone to be playing
with sin and be claiming to be a Christian.

Following God should be a voluntary thing. It is expected to be done wholeheartedly. It is

something to be done joyfully and with a sense of absolute submission to God. A Christian is
someone who willingly follows God’s terms and conditions. Nothing more, nothing less, and
nothing else.

As much as one desire divine visitation he must be ready to stay away from sin and love
righteousness. He must develop genuine hatred for wickedness. As much as a natural man with
his clear sense of reasoning would not want to stay in a polluted and dirty environment, it is
senseless and unthinkable for anyone who is living in sin and free romance with sinful acts to be
expecting divine visitation.

Our God demands, expects, and deserves that we should be clean within and without. He wants
us to be clean in all our ways- thought, deeds and words!
As people expecting a divine visitation, we should be ready to do the following
• Stay away from sin.
• Stay away from all forms of sinful acts.
• Stay away from the works of the flesh.
• Stay away from anything that does not add value to your Christian life
• Stay away from people, places, and environments that can pollute your firm stand for
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• Have nothing to do with the counsel of the ungodly.
• Do not make a scornful fellow your friend.
Divine visitation is an act of God. It occurs not by accident. It comes by divine prerogative. It is
by God’s choice. However, it occurs when God’s people pray and prepare for it. The benefits of
divine visitation are enormous. It leaves a lasting positive impact on the people visited.

Abraham- he got the much-awaited blessing about the birth of Isaac.

Mary: she got the blessing of being the mother of Christ.

Zachariah: he got the promise of his much-expected miracle child.

Samuel: he got the first-time experience of what it means to be a prophet of God

Facts about Divine visitation

1. It is a sweet and unforgettable experience for the righteous people; who prepare for it
adequately as commanded in scripture
2. It is a sure experience for the people of God from time to time as they ask for it and live
a holy life in expectation of it
3. It should not be taken lightly but should be cherished, and its advantage should be fully
utilized for the blessings of growth of GOFAMINT as a church.
Let us pray
1. In the name of Jesus Christ, I confront every obstacle to divine visitation in GOFAMINT
2. Heavenly Father, forgive us of any sin, be it of omission or commission, that may be
constituting formidable barriers to divine visitation in GOFAMINT.
3. In the name of Jesus Christ, I wage war against every act of unrighteousness, causing delay
to divine visitation in GOFAMINT.
4. Almighty God, deal with every force or voice hindering divine visitation in GOFAMINT.
5. O Lord of host expose every act of Achan in GOFAMINT and deal with it.
6. Fish out and flush out all agents of unrighteousness in GOFAMINT to enable us enjoy
divine visitation in the name of Jesus.
7. Give all GOFAMINT ministers and members the grace to hate sin passionately and to love
righteousness wholeheartedly, O Lord.

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8. O lord of host expose all banners to divine visitation in GOFAMINT as your expose Achan
in those days.
9. Heavenly father grant all GOFAMINT ministers to live and act in keeping with the
statement of purpose of the mission.
10.O Lord grant all members and ministers in GOFAMINT the grace to wage war against sinful
habits in various forms and all places.
11.I confront all forms of hypocrisy in GOFAMINT at any level in Jesus’ name
12.I raise the banner of Jesus against all willful sinners who are hindering the move of God
in GOFAMINT. God, speak to them in the language they will understand
13.Baptize all GOFAMINT ministers and members with the love of God and with hatred for
sin this year more than ever before
14.Holy Father give handsome rewards to all your children in GOFAMINT who are
determined to live a holy life as you did to Joseph in Egypt.
15.I wage war against all forms of deception that make people live in sin in the place where
the truth is preached. Deliver us from the spirit of Judas Iscariot in Jesus’ mighty name.

Closing Section for the day:

A. Prayer on your prayer requests for 2022
B. Ministration for the day as determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: JER. 33:3; MATT. 7:7-11; PSALM 85:6-7
Today we are here to ask God for His help. Today we are here to seek His face earnestly. Our
heartfelt request to God is that he should visit us. Divine visitation is the presence of God that
leaves an unforgettable impact on the lives of God’s people. Divine visitation leaves the people
visited with the blessed results. Divine visitation causes people to experience a renewed
strength for effective service.
The Divine visitation experienced by people of old was what made us know about them today:
- When God visited Hannah, she got the answer to her prayer and a fullness of Joy
- When God visited the boy Samuel, he was launched into his prophetic calling
- When God visited Saul, he re-ordered his life, and he became a servant of God
- When God visited Moses, he re-ordered his life and gave him a ministry of leading the
Israelites out of bondage.
- When God visited Mary, she made the humanly impossible become possible
We need genuine revival in GOFAMINT:
- To make full proof of our ministry as a church
- To express the meaning of our statement of purpose fully as a church and not simply
paying lip service to it.
- To showcase the meaning of our core values as a church to God’s glory.
- To labor collectively as a church to populate the kingdom of God.
- To follow our leaders as they lead us to labor for the growth of the church.
- To determine to work in unity to ensure the effective delivery of our God-given
mandate as a church.
- To maintain our gaze and focus:
a. On Jesus Christ
b. On the work he gave us to do and
c. On heaven at last
Features of Genuine Revival
• Genuine revival about God’s arrival among His people
• Genuine revival comes when the truth is preached, and people are made to see
themselves the way God sees them.
• Genuine revival comes when people respond to the truth preached and turned from their
sinful way of living and unto God.
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• Genuine revival starts with tears and ends with Joy: Godly sorrow leads to genuine
repentance from sin committed. Consequently, God forgives the sinner and brings
blessings, resulting in Joy unspeakable.
Indicators of the Need for Revival
• When there is a sense of departure from our first love for God and the things of God.
• When we now pay lip service to those things of God we sued to do enthusiastically in the
past, e.g.:
1. Prayer meetings
2. Evangelism
3. Follow-up
4. Mid-week activities
5. Transparent Christian living
6. Fasting for personal spiritual development
7. Feasting on God’s word qualitatively
Beloved, when these things become what we cannot do until and unless we are forced, it is a
serious indication that we need revival.

Revival is needed:
• To wake the saints from the state of spiritual sleepiness and make them resume their
abandoned responsibilities. To remind us as a church about the state from where we
have fallen and cause us to go back to it.
• To cause us and call us to go back to our first love.
• To call us to go back to New Testament Christianity.

Let us pray
1. Heavenly Father let us witness a divine visitation that will usher GOFAMINT into a new
dawn of holy living in the name of Jesus.
2. O Lord give us heaven-sent revival that will provide us with a renewed strength and
commitment to effective service in Jesus name.
3. O Lord send us a genuine revival that will set us on fire for you and wake us up to our
duties and responsibilities that will make GOFAMINT grow than ever before.
4. Great God, visit us and bless and make us a blessing to our generation as a church
5. We need a mighty revival that will turn things around for good for us in GOFAMINT in
Jesus name

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6. Let there be a mighty visitation that will revitalize our ministry in GOFAMINT and take us
to a greater level of relevance in Jesus name
7. Send us a revival that will shape and sharpen us for effectiveness in every aspect of our
8. Our heavenly father visit us a church and give us all we need to do your work effectively.
9. Send us revival Lord that will remove all of our impediments to greatness and cause us to
grow and glow.
Help us, O Lord, as a church to:
10.Be ready to live out our statement of purpose.
11.Be ready to practice and manifest our core values.
12.Go back to our first love for God and work for Him wholeheartedly
13.O Lord of heaven let your revival come, which will end all forms of hypocrisy and
ungodliness and cause us to enjoy your presence.
14.O Lord set us ablaze to do your will in all areas of our lives.
15.Almighty father, send your revival and let all our activities and programs to become truly
what they are meant to be henceforth, in Jesus’ name

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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Divine visitation is a deliberate act of God to turn things around for good, and He takes the glory.
Divine visitation is with a purpose. Divine visitation is for God’s will to be done. Today, we are
here to ask God to visit us as a church and turn things around for us so that we may rejoice.

As a church, GOFAMINT is determined to preach the word in full and cause many who are in
darkness to come into the light. To the glory of God, the vision of the church has been kept alive
for over six decades. However, there is yet more to do for God. The church's leadership is
laboring relentlessly to ensure that more grounds are covered. The great commission mandate
is a task that must be done without hesitation.

Our God is great; with Him, there is no impossibility. He can do all things. He remains unchanged.
He is the same always. He can reverse those things which are humanly and practically
• He made the iron to float on the river
• He brought water from the rock twice.
• He caused the red sea to become dry land for His children to pass unhindered
• He reversed the same water back to burry Pharaoh and his soldiers
• He pulled down the mighty and fortified wall of Jericho through the shout of praise
• He made an ass to speak in a clear human language
• He caused a raven to bring food for His prophet in the time of need
These are proofs that there is nothing beyond the power of our God (Luke 1:37; Jer. 32:17, 27;
33:3). And what God did before, He can do again. There is no past tense with God. His power
does not diminish. His authority is everlasting. Praise God!


In a vision, God took prophet Ezekiel on a journey with him to a unique place: a valley full of dry
bones of dead men (v1). The bones were many and very dry (v2) this shows the hopeless
situation that calls for divine intervention, “Son of man, can these bones lives?” (v3).
This was a unique but awesome question from the lord. The prophet’s answer was, “O Lord God,
you know the answer” (v3). The truth is that whenever God asks man a question, the best
answer to such question is always in the hand of God. The solution to the difficult problems
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about our church, our families, and our situation is with God. But sometimes, we border
ourselves answering the questions ourselves rather than taking the problem back to God.

And God said… prophesy unto these bones….

And say unto them… O ye dry bones… hear the words of the Lord (v4):

1. The word from the Lord means much to the problem we are seeking to solve
2. The solution to all problems is in the word of God
3. We are the prophets to speak to the difficult situations of our lives, family, and church
4. We are to speak confidently to our situations
5. We are to tell God specifically what we want Him to do for us; how to do it is not our own
but the word of God, word flowing from the presence and power of God!
6. It is what we say that the Lord will do for us

There is power in Obedience: the power in the word (v7)

a. So, I prophesy as I was commanded …
There was a noise, a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone…
Our God will do a great thing for us in GOFAMINT in answer to our prayers this year and beyond
- He will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves
- He will reverse the humanly irreversible
- He will solve the humanly difficult problem
And we shall glorify His name!
Let us pray
1. Great and mighty God send your revival into GOFAMINT and reverse everything that is
humanly irreversible so that your church can fulfill its mandate.
2. Heavenly father, we need your timely visitation and great revival that will turn things
around as it happened in the valley of dry bones
3. O God of miracle, we need your visitation such as will reverse all things that are working
against our growth and advancement as a church
4. Eternal father turn around all difficult situations for man to handle, and give us great
results in GOFAMINT in the name of Jesus.
5. Mighty God send a revival that will answer all our difficult questions in GOFAMINT and
cause your church to grow exponentially.

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Heavenly Father, send a mighty visitation that will:
6. Bring solutions to all our teething problems
7. Cause our ‘mara’ to become sweet water
8. Bring revival that will wake up all sleeping Saints and weakened Giants.
9. Cause revival to come upon all our programs that have become mere shadows of what
they are meant to be.
10.O God of all possibilities; send your revival and reverse all that needs to be reversed in
GOFAMINT for the church to fulfill her God-given mandate!
11.Send your visitation that will re-order GOFAMINT for greater exploits in Jesus’ name
Heavenly father, send your power:
12.To strengthen the vision of our leaders
13.To reverse the commitment of all ministers and members to doing your will
14.Gracious God, revive our commitment to aggressive evangelism and soul-winning
Closing session for the day
A. Pray on your prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day: People suffering from incurable sicknesses, mysterious
problems, and causeless afflictions.

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TEXT: Luke 5:1-11; Exodus 25:1-9; 36:2-7; 1 Kings 17:8-15; Zech.1:17.


The Lord gave the vision to our National Overseer, Pastor Sunday Adu, several years ago, to lead
us to build what we have come to prophetically call the GOFAMINT NA Gospel City, our own
land of rest, where members would go freely and regularly to feast on the word and meet for
retreats and national programs. In this City, all our ministries and focus groups would have the
space and facilities to serve the Lord without let or hindrance.

To make this a reality, the Lord led our leaders to call us into partnership with Him by giving
what has been termed The Gospel City Partnership Seed. We bless the Lord for this prophetic
move which has over the years ensured a steady flow of income for our operations in GOFAMINT
NA, especially the building of our delegates house in Nigeria named The Haven Suites. Members
participated, the project was completed, we are debt-free, and the Lord was glorified.

According to our National Overseer, “For us to do big things together, it would require
partnership. Partnership seed for us is not just an annual offering but a sacrificial legacy of
wisdom for unstoppable provision for us in GOFAMINT NA.”

Now that we have realized that Partnership is the covenant pathway for our blessing, the Lord
has raised the bar for us with the introduction of the Gospel City Partnership Seed Drive, an
apostolic campaign that seeks to raise $1 million (One Million Dollars) between January 2021
and July 2022. By His grace and the commitment of faithful members who have taken ownership
of this drive, we have so far realized almost $500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Dollars). To God
be the glory! We are indeed in our season of No More Lack and Unstoppable Supernatural

As we look forward to the projected due date to raise the fund in full (July 2022), this vision
requires that we run with it individually and corporately (Hab.2:2). We know God is faithful, who
will make Zech.1:17 our permanent reality: “Again proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts:
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“My cities shall again spread out through prosperity; The Lord will again comfort Zion, and will
again choose Jerusalem.” Zechariah 1:17 NKJV.

We are confident that just as people partnered with the Lord in the scriptures and were richly
and supernaturally rewarded with bountiful harvests, the Lord will do the same for us and much
more in Jesus name.

Our harvest shall come in the “net-breaking, boat-sinking” order as it happened to Peter. Lk.5:1-
Therefore, we must not grow weary while waiting to reap our harvests (Gal. 6:9). “In due
season” assures a definite time of reaping. God is faithful, and He never forgets our sowing.
We shall reap a bountiful harvest in our various areas of desires and expectations in Jesus name.

Our brethren at the international level, since 2017, have been giving their “First Fruit-Like
Offering”, which is their total income in the first month of the year to support the building of
the Gospel City in Nigeria; and our ever-faithful God has been blessing them tremendously.

As we all commit to this prophetic drive “As One”, we look forward to everyone fulfilling their
pledge, even as those who have not yet pledged join the train, for this is what the Lord has
commanded for our blessing.

Therefore, be encouraged and challenged to sow your seed as a demonstration of your love for
the Lord, who is the Giver of all. Sow cheerfully to partner with the Lord. Sow generously in
expectation of a rich and bountiful harvest. Sow with faith and understanding that this project
in GOFAMINT NA is fertile soil. Sow your best, sow sacrificially. Sow because you are a
stakeholder who believes in this vision. Make your giving to the Lord a priority.

Your prosperity will certainly grow and know no end as you respond to this apostolic instruction
and make God’s business your business.


1. Father, we thank you because you are the Giver of all, and out of your generosity, you
have given us all things freely to enjoy.
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2. Father, we bless your name for all your material blessings to us. You feed us, clothe us,
and provide for our daily needs.
3. Thank you, Lord for the laudable vision to build the Gospel City for your glory in
GOFAMINT North America.
4. Lord, we thank you for everyone in GOFAMINT NA who has identified with the vision of
the Gospel City project, as well as the spontaneous responses we have received.
5. Father, we ask today that you baptize us with a higher grace of sacrificial giving this year
that will surpass the past and make our harvest grow all-round, including souls.
6. Father let everyone who has redeemed their pledges either partly or fully begin to
experience and enjoy divine conquest, divine favor, and unstoppable prosperity in Jesus
7. Father, in a supernatural way, enlarge the coasts and increase the network and net worth
of all individuals who have partnered with you on this project in Jesus name.
8. We pray to you, Lord that participation and redemption of the Partnership Seed this year
shall be better than last year in Jesus name.
9. Zech. 1:17 says “….. my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad …” We pray,
Father, that the revelation of your word will motivate our giving this year to drive us to
gospel expansions in North America in Jesus name.
10. Father, we pray that you will use Gospel City Partnership seed to turn us around and
promote us to the level of cheerful, sacrificial, generous, faithful, visionary, and
confidential giving in Jesus name.
11. Father, because we are committed to your project, banish poverty and lack from our lives,
and release us into permanent seasons abundance in Jesus name.
12. According to Job 36:11 and I Chron. 20:20, we pray Lord, that you will stir up our hearts
of obedience to you and our visionary leaders you have directed to lead us into prosperity
and abundance for your kingdom in Jesus name.
13. We receive the grace of sacrificial and faithful giving like the Macedonian church and the
church in Philippi in Jesus name. (2Cor. 8:2-4, Phil. 4:15-18).
14. We prophesy that our giving towards the Gospel City Partnership Seed Drive shall surpass
that of last year, that the Lord will grant us an overflowing response as in the time of
Moses in Jesus name (Exod. 36:5-7).
15. Because we identify with the Gospel City project with our finances, Father, bless us richly
with good health, great wealth and global influence in Jesus name. Lk.6:38.

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16. Exod. 36:1-2. Father raise among us people like Bezaleel and Aholiab who will carry out
the works of the Gospel City with the visionary accuracy, enthusiastic drive, sacrifice,
commitment and excellence they deserve in Jesus name.
17. Father, bless the Chairman of the Gospel City Project Committee (GCPC), Brother Henry
Fadojutimi, and all committee members with what money can buy and what money
cannot buy in Jesus name.
18. Father bless the committee with the wisdom, direction and the right connections they
need to achieve their defined goals to the glory of your holy name.
19. Father compensate members of the GCPC bountifully for the time and resources they
have sacrificed to see that this project is a reality in Jesus name.
20. Because we have decided to be more faithful and generous to this project, we decree as
a. All scattering horns against our prosperity, working against our lifting are burnt and
scattered by the Holy Ghost fire. Zech. 1:19-21,
b. God will use money, fame, promotion, divine connections, and angels to assist our
destiny as He did for Abraham and Joseph.
c. God will help us locate divine helpers who will lead our destinies on the right paths
to the top.
d. As the Lord raised Ahasuerus for Mordecai and he could not sleep until he blessed
Mordecai (Esther 6:1-13), so He will raise covenant helpers for our lifting this year.
e. The Lord will baptize us this year with the grace of giving for our supernatural
f. God will impress our matter in the hearts of those supposed to help and bless us
so that they do not suffer from a demonic loss of memory.
g. This year, we shall not borrow but lend unto nations.
h. We receive divine ideas that will catapult us into levels of greatness and significance
in this land.
21. Father, make us financial pillars in your house, sponsoring big projects for you and making
a positive difference for the Kingdom in Jesus name.
22. Give thanks to God that He will bear you on eagles’ wings this year until you reach your
land of fulfillment, testimonies, and divine opportunities.

Closing session for the day:

a. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
b. Special ministration for the day.
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• Those who have pledged towards the Gospel City Partnership Seed Drive.
• Those who have not pledged but want to pledge and join the chariot.
• Those who have fully redeemed their pledge.
• Those who have either not redeemed their pledge or have redeemed part of it.

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TEXT: I SAM. 30:18-19, II KINGS 6:1-7, JOEL 2:25-26

God manifests His presence through divine visitation to transform lives, homes, communities,
and nations and brings restoration and transformation. God’s presence manifests with various
intensities on different occasions. The intensity of His presence is tangible and perceivable.
Signs and wonders indicate a high intensity of God’s presence. The world and God’s people
especially; had suffered great losses in times past before the prophecy of restoration through
divine visitation was given in the book of Joel 2:25-30. The fulfillment of this was in Acts 2:2-3
signs, wonders, and breakthroughs followed, from the upper room to every living room.

Moses was also a candidate of divine visitation of God’s presence as in Exod. 33:14-15 and the
presence of God with him brought mighty and miraculous restorations in the lives of the
Israelites. The visitation of God to David as he inquired of the Lord during his losses in I Sam.
30:8-19 made him recover all. Joseph’s years of losses were recovered in one day with multiple
breakthroughs when the Lord visited him by His word (Psalm 105:19). Finally, the lost axe head
in 2 Kings 6:1-7 was recovered when God’s presence manifested through His servant Elisha, who
followed the construction team. What is that thing that has been lost in your hand? A night of
divine encounter and divine visitation during this month’s prayers will turn your story to glory
in Jesus name.

As we pray these prayers, be aggressive before the Lord concerning anything you have lost. The
God who brought out the lost ax head from the deep will make a recovery for you in Jesus Name.

1. Begin to plead the Blood of Jesus Christ upon your life to fill every loophole the enemy
has used to rob you of your vital achievements.
2. Bless the Lord that your star is already rising and shinning, and your Cyrus has commenced
operation for the recovery of your much-desired glory this year.
3. Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ upon your life that any area where you have lost your glory
through sin or carelessness will receive divine forgiveness. Pray that the Lord will restore
His garment of holiness upon your life.
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4. Now begin to confess that in the Name of Jesus, all the areas where people have written
me off for one reason or the other will begin to turn around, positively for you; just like
Esther the Queen was lifted from the level of a slave girl to the throne.
5. Declare that the miracle of Mordecai, who was on the verge of execution when the Lord
turned around his captivity and brought him into honor before King Ahasuerus, will open
for you. Your needed book of remembrance will emerge.
6. Lord, let your golden scepter be stretched unto me for divine favor of my upliftment and
progress (Esther 5:2-3).
7. Cause every filthy garment the enemy has placed upon me to be removed and burnt to
ashes. In replacement, put upon me rich garment (Zech. 3:4).
8. Because the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former, Lord let your honor
lift me higher than I’ve ever achieved in life.
9. Oh my God, give me the grace and boldness to always update my knowledge and skills so
that I can be relevant at all times in Jesus’ name.
10. Father help me always take appropriate steps to recover all my losses before it is too late.
11. Oh Lord, increase my faith in you so that I can always pursue, overtake and recover all my
12. Using Isaiah 60:1, declare that the God of Grace and Glory will cause you to rise from
obscurity into limelight this year, and by the following year, 2023, you will be as the
13. Let all weapons of captivity fashioned against me be disgraced in the Name of Jesus Christ,
and I command healing and restoration to my spirit, soul, and body in Jesus name.
14. Spirit of the Living God fall afresh upon me right now and cause every part of my system
to receive spiritual correction and restoration in Jesus Name.
15. Command the winds of God to bring back everything the enemy had scattered or hidden
away in your life.
16. Because the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former, (Haggai 2:9), Lord,
let your honor lift me higher than I’ve ever achieved in life.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: MATTHEW 25:1-10, ROM 13:11-14 (AMP)

Prayer is still the most potent power to change situations and any circumstance, no matter how
seemingly impossible. However, a time is racing fast at us, when the “saints” or sinners will pray
but, the response will be: “… I say unto you, I know you not” – Matt. 25:12. What a sad note!
This statement shall not be our portion in Jesus name.

If there are prayers to pray harder, desperately and clearly, without exaggeration; they are those
prayer points. They are passionate prayers, calling the saints (five wise virgins) to awake, watch
and take heed, keeping the fire (oil) on their altars burning, and never burnout (Lev 6:12-13) or
quench by fire extinguishers of the present age. It is also a clarion call to the carnal and careless
believers (five foolish virgins) to cry desperately for the extra oil when it is too late! (John 7:38,
Rev 3:18).

Any moment from now, the trumpet of midnight shall blast. Too late then for the five foolish
virgins who engross themselves carelessly in the affairs of this world (2Tim 2:4-5)

Both the warning “green light”, “yellow/Amber light” of the world are spent already, and the
“Red alert” (Danger light) has almost dashed into the dying minutes.

Grace and mercy shall soon be over, not available on earth anymore. While the Holy Spirit is yet
at work, before that awful and terrible midnight cry sounds unaware, both the ten virgins, as
“sleeping saints” and giants, are warned to awake from the sleep of death (Psalm 13:3). If prayer
has become a burden to you, sins you have once had zero tolerance for are now enticing you,
you have lost your first love, zeal, passion for God and His word, passion for the lost souls, no
appetite for fasting and personal vigil, your faithfulness to God, His work, to the church, to your
spouse, to the government are cold already: you now compromise a little in your dressing,
conversations, joke-cracking, backbiting, no regard for undefiled bed or your virginity, boasting
of your gifts and possessions; are now creeping in, little exaggeration, lies, unforgiving spirit,
lusting, give or take bribes, holding on to unrefunded due debts or unfulfilled vows and
promises. You need to cry in repentance (Rev 2:5), Awake (Rom 13:1 -11, AMP), and buy the oil
freely now; soon, it will become too late. (John 7:37-39)
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Let us pray
1. Lam. 3:22-23. Father, I thank you for your available grace that has kept me alive till today,
when I can still pray as a wise virgin.
2. Mal 3:1-4, Eph 4:21-32: O Lord, you know me and my works. Purge me by your refiner’s
fire of all the wrongdoings, still manifesting in my life to quench your fire in me. (Spend
at least 5minutes to settle your case today).
3. Holy Spirit, baptize me totally into Christ and make me whole spiritually, fit for your
permanent dwelling place forever.
4. Holy Spirit destroy by fire, every craving of carnality fighting against my spirit, soul, and
body in the name of Jesus.
5. I receive my total victory through the precious blood of Jesus. I am sanctified by the blood;
soul, spirit, and body. I am empowered by the Holy Spirit.
6. Sing this song: ‘Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning…” use Matt 7:7, 11 to pray and
ask for sufficient power of the Holy Spirit to fill you without measure for the journey
ahead (Acts 10:38, 1Kings 19:5-8).
7. I receive supernatural strength to stay awake and stay strong till the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
8. Heavenly father, deliver my soul from the sleep of death, keep me awake and alert till I
go with you (pray it for members of your family and your Assembly)
9. Restore to me the needed gift, grace, power, passion, thirst, and love I have lost through
my slumbering.
10.Father keep me burning till the end in Jesus name.

Closing session for the day

A. Pray on your prayer request for 2022
B. Ministration for the day: The weary who needs fresh oil, and those who need
restoration of the first love

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TEXT: I JOHN 4:17-21
The greatest and the best virtue in life is love. Everyone needs and desires love. Every good thing
of life comes into existence through love. Love brings blessings, while hatred breeds destruction.
God is love, according to the Bible. This is practically manifested in His attitude of giving, giving,
and giving! He made sure the world was very good before giving it to man (Gen. 1:3) He handed
all other creatures to human being free of charge (Gen. 1:26). Many of the things which many
of us claim as our possessions were actually owned by God but lovingly given to us starting from
our entire body system and many other possessions of ours. “The earth is the Lord’s and the
fullness therefore….” (Psalm 24:1).

As if all these were not enough, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to the world, to suffer, and die to
redeem mankind back from our sins (John 3:16). Again, God is still ready and willing to give us
all good gifts in addition to His beloved Son that He gave us “He that spared not His Son, but
delivered Him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things (Rom. 8:32)
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of
light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17).
“That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh His sun to rise
on the evil and not just on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matt.

The above-quoted scriptures and many others show us God's loving nature, attitude, and
actions. The love is unconditional and comprehensive. God’s love made us, kept us, sustained
us, and made us what we are as individuals. Without God’s love, we would have been nowhere
to be found.

We are told to be children of our Father in love. Unfortunately, many of us are far from being
so. We give so many reasons why we cannot show our brothers and sisters agape love. Our
primary excuse for not showing love was that those brethren are not good. We forget that we
are not told to show love to those who are good but to both evil and the good. Love is meant to
emanate from others to us; it is the other way around. “But I say unto you, love your enemies,
bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully
use you and persecute you” (Matt. 5:44).
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Love comes from God and is demonstrated to you; the same is expected to flow from you to
other people, not necessarily from others to you. The excuse that we cannot love some people
because they are not good is untenable. Let us go all out to demonstrate the love of God in our
lives to both the lovable and the unlovable people.

1. Thank you, Lord, for your love to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.
2. Thank you for all the loving gifts you have given to us in all spheres of life.
3. Rom. 5:5 Kindly release the spirit of love into our hearts a-new that we may be your true
agents of love on earth.
4. Help us, Lord, to forgive and forgo all errors committed against us by our fellow brethren
and fellow beings
5. Lord, baptize me with the spirit of love and let love emanate from me and flow to all and
sundry in Jesus name.
6. Help me, Lord, not to hate any human being in life again, no matter any evil committed
against me.
7. Grant me your spirit with which you said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they
8. Help every GOFAMIT member and minister to see themselves as agents of love in Jesus
9. Help us to make every GOFAMINT assembly house of love.
10. Help each of us to bear the fruit of love to attract more people into the church.
11. Help those set of people in our midst who have inherent spirit and nature of hatred to be
set free in Jesus name.
12. Change each and every one of us from the legalistic spirit and attitude to that of tender and
loving heart to one another.
13. Holy Spirit release the grace of love upon each of us in Jesus name.
14. Holy Spirit, expose and disgrace all agents of Satan sowing seeds of discord in our midst in
Jesus name.
15. Break all barriers of ethnicity and status, which the enemies are using to block the free flow
of love, unity, and fellowship in our midst in Jesus name.
16. We release the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit upon every one of us and upon every assembly as a whole in Jesus name.
17. Dear Father, make us true image of your love on earth in Jesus name.
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Closing session for the day:
A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: 3 John 2, Ps. 46:1-7

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou

mayest prosper and be in health, even as
thy soul prospereth.”

Our father the General Overseer Pastor Dr. Elijah Oludele Abina is a tested and trusted man of
God. We are all proud of him, for he is God’s chosen leader; nonetheless, he needs more of our
prayers than our praises. He is interested in returning all praises to God. Our prayer for him
today is that he should experience God’s time to time visitation and blessings. This covers our
father's spirit, soul, and body and his entire house (family).

The General Overseer carries the whole burden of the Mission on him; his desire is how the
Mission will progress and be at peace; his prayer is the Mission’s prayer. Each day he prays for
a certain set of people. Surely, he needs our prayers to remain strong, relevant and continue to
experience joy in his family. And that his children will be blessed, protected from the wicked
people. His grandchildren shall be blessed, serving the Lord! Let us make it a point of duty to
pray for Daddy in our family every day. The major thing in G.O.’s heart is the progress of
GOFAMINT today and tomorrow; all will be well in Jesus name.

Let us pray

1. Thank you, God, for all your goodness towards General Overseer and his family.
2. Thank you for not allowing him to be put to shame.
3. Thank you for You are his present help in time of trouble.
4. Thank you, God, for being his comfort, strength, and everything to the entire family.
5. We pray that there shall be a divine visitation of power upon the G.O. & his family.
6. There shall be a divine visitation of favor upon the G.O & his family.
7. There shall be a divine visitation of solid protection upon the G.O. & his family.
8. There shall be a divine visitation of blessings upon the G.O. & his family
9. There shall be a divine visitation of all-round progress upon the G.O. & his family.
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10.There shall be a divine visitation of goodness upon the G.O & his family.
11.His children and grandchildren shall make him happy.
12.Divine visitation to finish strong and better; come upon the G.O. now in Jesus name.
13.The G.O desires GOFAMINT of no tribalism, but of unity and love; God should grant this
request in Jesus’ name.
14.Oh God, grant unto our father long life, sound health, sound mind, and prosperity.
15.No arrow of death against the family any longer.
16.In the end; daddy G.O and his household shall make heaven together in Jesus name.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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DAY 13: FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 2022
TEXT: LUKE 8:2-3, PSALM 112:1-10
Helpers, supporters, and promoters are key figures in any organization or human endeavors,
being undertaken, either physical or spiritual. They serve as pillars that hold such an
organization. The visions, callings and anointing upon men of God can only be fulfilled with these
“Pillars” of people.
It is interesting to read in the Bible that some people served as pillars in the ministry of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Any anointed minister without such supporters will suffer serious setback and
We have cause to give glory to God who favored us in GOFAMINT in this regard. We have men
and women who served as pillars upholding the ministry of our church from inception to date.
Our church may not be able to boast of having financial ‘gurus’; yet, we appreciate these
wonderful and humble brothers and sisters who have been supporting the ministry of our
church with their resources over the years. We cannot thank God enough for these brethren,
neither can we appreciate them enough. Their supports have enabled our leaders to fulfill their
God-given visions to a large extent
Some people gave large sums of money; those who donated landed properties, bought vehicles
and other equipment for gospel proclamation; those who sponsored our programs like
Convention, City-wide Crusades, HOSAM, NACECO, etc. Those who built churches and donated
to us, etc.
We are using this forum on behalf of our General overseer, Pastor Dr. E. O. Abina to show our
gratitude to this set of people. Some of them had passed on to glory; others are still alive. We
are proud of them all. May God continue to bless them and members of their families.

1. Let us shout seven powerful Hallelujahs to God on behalf of our brethren who have been
sponsoring GOFAMINT ministry. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!!!
Hallelujah!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!! Hallelujahs!!!!!!!
2. Dear Lord, we thank you for making these wonderful brothers and sisters (dead or alive,
known or unknown) a source of blessing to the ministry of our Church.
3. Dear Lord, we are proud of them, and we know you are happy with them as we do.

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4. Because these people have blessed our church, we pronounce them blessed, through and
through in Jesus name.
5. Num.23:23. We decree, no enchantment or divination against them in Jesus name.
6. Because these people have paved the way for the progress of the church, we pronounce
that their seeds are blessed in Jesus name.
7. Ps.112:7. We command the establishment of these brethren, and we decree that they
shall continue to be remembered for good in Jesus’ name.
8. Ps.112:8. No evil power shall be able to afflict them in Jesus name
9. Ps.112:9, Dear Father, establish them in righteousness and prosperity in Jesus name.
10. Keep them increasing in goodness and godliness and never decreasing in Jesus name.
11. Dear Lord, give us more supporters, sponsors, and promoters of your work in GOFAMINT
in Jesus name.
12. Grant all GOFAMINT members increased grace of giving to your work.
13. Bless all tithers in our church to provoke the non-payers in Jesus name.
14. Bless all first-fruit-like offering givers and inspire non-payers to join the chariot.
15. Raise for us financiers of our ministry from within and without.
16. Use people to meet the financial needs of our ministry in all countries of the world.
17. Raise more sacrificial givers to hasten our ministerial work and fulfill our General
Overseer’s vision of world evangelization in Jesus’ name.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the Pastor.

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TEXT: ISAIAH 41:5, 42:4-10, GEN 10: 2

Our fields in Europe still comprise the United Kingdom, Belgium, North Cyprus, Turkey, Ireland,
France, and Italy to a prospective degree. The COVID-19 pandemic made most of our fields in
Europe operate online fellowship for most of the last two years. The same thing goes for our
fields in Asia (including the Middle East) and Australia. The pandemic came back last year with
the delta variant, which hit some of these nations hard. In India especially, some of our members
went to be with the Lord, while the Lord restored the Pastor's health, whom himself was
infected by the Virus. The United Kingdom field is making progress, and they are consolidating
on the existing assemblies through online and recently resumed physical meetings. The
Northern Ireland field is progressing well, while Belgium is also returning to her physical
meetings after the lockdown. North Cyprus is also doing quite well, while on the Asian front, our
UAE church is doing fine, operating within the protocols provided in the country for COVID
Our Australia field held her 2021 Convention online for the first time, which was very successful.
Upon all, we thank God for giant strides despite the challenges of the COVID pandemic in these
fields. More divine visitation is needed this year, especially to consolidate existing fields and
advance to other nations in these continents that we are yet to reach.

1. Using Acts 1:8, let us bless the name of the Lord that the Great Commission of our Lord
Jesus Christ is receiving our positive responses even to the uttermost part of the earth,
like Australia.
2. Finances have always been a major challenge of our taking the mandate to these foreign
nations, especially due to the weakness of our local currency Naira. Pray that the Lord will
raise financial support for us in the foreign nations where we are.
3. Let us pray for our members in these nations that they will occupy strategic sections of
the economy of the nations where they are.
4. Asia is the most populous continent globally, and when the Middle East is co-joined, they
are the world's most troubled spot. Let us pray that the Lord will raise a significant harvest
for us in this continent.
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5. Pray for more open doors in Asia and Middle East for GOFAMINT so that the word of the
Lord will take effect in more nations through our ministry.
6. Pray for our church in Belgium that the Lord will give them an open door into this heart
of the European Union for evangelical breakthrough and church growth. Ask the Lord to
give our Church in Belgium a new lease of life for a supernatural turnaround.
7. Europe is currently facing a major threat of Islamic insurgency from the immigrants of
war-torn countries in the Middle East. Let us pray that the Lord will use our church and
other churches there to harvest these souls into the Kingdom as they enter Europe.
8. Let us pray for our prospective fields in France and Italy to receive covenant help of
support this year. Declare that the Lord will give us the gates of these nations to possess
for Him.
9. Remember Israel, which is just about recovering from the COVID lockdown, that our past
years of missionary expenses over that land through GOFAMINT pilgrimage would not be
wasted but will yield a bountiful harvest of re-establishment of the field this year in Jesus
10.Pray for our churches in the UK that the Lord will consolidate them in love, unity, and
evangelistic expansion and that they will have open doors of ministry to more cities in the
11.Let us thank God for the church in Northern Ireland as they have continued paying their
tithes of tithes. Pray that their threshing will reach unto the vintage, and the vintage will
reach unto the sowing time for a bountiful harvest.
12.Let us pray for our GOFAMINT pilgrimages ahead, as soon as the post-COVID enabling
environment resumes, that it will give us more in-roads into such nations like Greece,
Spain among others.
13.Let us remember all the several countries in Europe (over 40) that our Church has not yet
reached, including such powerful nations like Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Netherlands,
Hungary, Norway, etc., that the Lord will provide strategic open doors to advance there
through our members in diaspora.
14.Let us remember our Church in North Cyprus, Turkey, that the Lord will speak favor into
their ways, as young men, to possess the gates of their enemies.
15.We had successfully planted our seed church in Istanbul, Turkey's capital, through our
leaders' prophetic declaration on the 2018 pilgrimage when our team stayed overnight
there unexpectedly. Let us pray for an anointing of apostolic growth on our young Pastor
the Lord had sent there.

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16.Pray that our UAE church will be an arrowhead of the GOFAMINT BAM ministry and
missions to the Islamic strongholds of the Middle East and Asia. Pray for unction upon the
young pastor and his team.
17.Let’s remember several nations in the Middle East that we are yet to reach, mainly
because of their Islamic stance against the gospel, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon,
Iran, etc. Pray that the iron curtains they have placed against the gospel will begin to break
down to enable the gospel entry through GOFAMINT.
18.Pray for our church in Australia that the Lord will continue to visit them with His mercy,
and as they also begin to sow tithes of tithes for other needy Missions, that the Lord will
prove His good word towards them and make them prosper.
19.Pray for our Australian Mission field that the Lord will grant them grace and special
unction to advance into more areas of the Australian nation, New Zealand, and Papua
New Guinea.
20.Let us thank God for our Australia field for having a breakthrough during the COVID
lockdown to run their Convention online for the first-time last year, and successfully.
21.Pray that covenant help will come the way of Australia this year for success in staff
residency and administrative logistics, more especially as they continue paying their tithes
of tithes.
22.Our foremost Asian field is the Philippines, but it has also been the most challenging field.
Let us pray that the yoke over this Mission field be destroyed this year by the anointing
of the Holy Spirit.
23.It is the desire of our father in the Lord, the G.O, Pastor (Dr) E.O. Abina, that our church
advances to many other areas of Asia like Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Japan,
etc. Let us pray that the Lord will fulfill this desire of his heart, using the GOFAMINT next

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the Pastor.

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DAY 15: SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 2022
TEXT: Psalm 144:12


Divine visitation is when God breaks into the natural realm of man to super-impose His authority
to deliver such from his current situation. Divine visitation is when God visits humanity Himself;
that is, the Supreme God of Heaven decides to pay the created a special visit. A time of divine
visitation is the period when your expectations are delivered miraculously; your long-overdue
promises and prophecies come to manifestation, and your delayed testimonies become the
latest news. When God steps into any difficult situation in a man's life or a people, it compels
an alteration of the existing natural principles and protocols. This is called a divine interruption of humanity by Divinity.

Jeremiah 4:23-24 shows a sample of divine visitation which culminates in supernatural

manifestations. A wilderness and barren land become a fruitful place. God will do it again today!
In Luke 1, Zechariah said God brought light by allowing the ‘Dayspring from on high’ to visit the
earth, bringing light into darkness, granting us a Savior, so that we being delivered from the
hands of our enemies, can serve God in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives.

There is an urgent need to experience divine visitation concerning our young people. The
alarming rate at which our youths and students are being exposed to all manners of ungodly
influences and acts calls for urgent divine intervention. Today, fraudsters are now the celebrities
they want to become like; innocent young girls are being recruited to become executive
prostitutes; drinking and smoking dangerous substances are now like playing football in an open
field. Parents and the Church are losing grip on the attention of the teenagers and youths
because the social media has become a god in the hearts.

Many of our students are not serious with their academics, believing, ''you can be rich without
certificates'' or ''you can always find an easier way out.'' Many are merely desiring to rule their
world without serving their world; they want to have gold without having God; they desperately
want to see the workings of God without walking with Him. The devil takes advantage of their
desperations, thereby digging a pitfall for them. This is why we need divine intervention.

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We need God's visitation and intervention to bring down the holiness, power, and glory of
Heaven upon our youths and students for them to impact GOFAMINT and the entire world
positively. There is the need for the opening of floodgates of Heaven to bring down upon them
blessings that money cannot buy, nor human influence guarantee. We need God's visitation to
overrule the enemy's powers at work in the lives of our young people today because they are
our tomorrow. God needs to stamp them with an eternal value that is a fulfillment of that
petition in the Lord’s Prayer, “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

Following the example of David’s petition in Psalm 42:1 that says, “As a deer pants for flowing
streams, so pants my soul for you, O God,” we are encouraged to express our longings for God’s
intervention in the matters of all our young people and students. Several times, the Psalmist
prayed, especially in times of warfare, “Arise, O Lord…” (7:6; 9:19; 10:12; 17:13; 132:8) and
especially in times of warfare. This is a cry for God's intervention. Another cry for God’s visitation
is when God’s people cry, in the face of evil, “How long…?” (Rev. 6:10). Finally, in Exod. 19:10-
16, God tells His people that “For the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the
people upon mount Sinai…” This is that day! In humility, we will plead with Heaven to come
down and change the ''sorry state'' of our youths and students to ''Glory Status.''

1. Thank You, Father, for all our youths and teenagers. You did not allow them to die before
our eyes nor perish in our hands.
2. Father, we plead on behalf of all our young people; whatever they have done against the
covenant of this Church and Your Kingdom, LORD, forgive and pardon them.
3. Father, we ask for Your visitation now; break into the hearts of all our youths and students
and evacuate every seed of sin and ungodliness; implant Your Holiness.
4. Father, fill all our youths and students with the Spirit of the fear of the LORD, resulting in
the manifestation of God's Holy nature in them; God's abiding presence with them; and
God's glory in the name of Jesus.
5. We speak into the lives of all our teenagers and youths, at home and in school, to be
liberated from all filthiness of the flesh and of the heart in Jesus name.
6. Father redirect the steps of every embattled youth and student back to You LORD Jesus
and grant them a ''Welcome Back Package'' of Restoration. (Luke 15:11-32)
7. Father empower every youth and student with supernatural wisdom and excellent spirit
for their supernatural turnaround.

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8. LORD, By the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom, enthrone every youth and student into
the realm of noiseless breakthroughs in Jesus name
9. Father, endue every youth and student with the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby
positioning them for the full delivery of their blessings in life in the name of Jesus. (Zech.
10.Demonic horns sent to scatter our young people or cause disharmony, break, in the name
of Jesus!
11.Father destroy every spell and judgment of the wicked restraining the marital, spiritual,
financial, health, academic breakthroughs of our youths and students in GOFAMINT, in
the name of Jesus.
12.Whatever the enemy has stolen from our youths and students, either lawfully or
unlawfully, be restored by fire in the name of Jesus!
13.You spirit of ''Thou shall not excel'' wrestling with the destinies of our youths and students,
you are a liar, scatter by fire! In the name of Jesus. (Gen. 49:4)
14.Thou gates of hell assigned to dispossess our youths and students from their inheritance
in Christ and GOFAMINT, be pulled down by fire! In the name of Jesus Christ!
15.Father invest Your jealousy upon all our young people in GOFAMINT. They must not fail
in life; they must not be slaves in life; they must not stray in life; they must not be stained
in life; they must not be slain in life, in the name of Jesus!
16.Father, let every youth and student of the Gospel Faith Mission International experience
a higher dimension of spiritual growth this year, resulting in supernatural breakthroughs
in all facets of their lives in the name of Jesus Christ.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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DAY 16: MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 2022

Before focusing upon our GOFAMINT field in the Americas, let us consider the global impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic on these continents.
The Americans have never had it so bad in their history to have lost so many of their citizens to
the cold hands of death, as it happened in 2020/2021 before the advent of COVID Vaccination.
Not even in war times have they lost so many citizens as to this pandemic; why this? Despite
their being the best and first among equals in technology, economy, and medical science, yet
the pandemic caught them pants down! The book of Habakkuk we read showed that this is
God’s anger, and divine visitation is needed for restoration and the onset of revival. The on-
coming generation in the Americas is fast becoming like what happened to Israel after the death
of Joshua. “… and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, not yet
the works which He had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). God must raise for them the “Men of
Issachar” tribe in those continents who will teach the people what should be done that there
might be divine visitation and restoration.

This is where our GOFAMINT North American field will come in, as the church with the word for
their world. We must pray this prayer with passion for our North American field so that they will
be God’s chosen instruments of revival for these continents.
True to their calling, the Theme of the North American Convention in 2021 was “The Permanent
Revolution for Bumper Harvest” as the North American field is positioning herself to be used by
God in this respect, may supernatural prosperity come mightily upon them to spread the
kingdom in accordance with Zech. 1:17 in Jesus Name.

Finally, our daddy G.O, Pastor (Dr) E.O Abina, has also saddled them with the key assignment of
advancing to South America, especially by first penetrating the land of Brazil for planting the
GOFAMINT Church solidly there; the South American continent has 14 nations with a total
population of 415 million. Brazil must therefore become our beachhead to these nations in Jesus

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As of 2020, there are 12 countries in South America viz: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. French Guiana
is an overseas territory of France and not an independent country. In this American
subcontinent, where the predominant language is Spanish, Portuguese is only spoken in Brazil.
This country, Brazil, is the most populous, with approximately 210 million residents. Brazil is
followed by Argentina, with a population of approximately 41 million.

1. Let us pray that the mercies of God through the Blood of Jesus will come mightily upon
the Americas for a divine visitation that will lead to revival.
2. As we know that most of the old-time revivalists of the past couple of centuries came
from North America, let us pray for mercy and forgiveness on the part of this continent
and restoration from their backsliding.
3. The prosperity gospel that rocked the Christian world today also came from North
America. While the Kingdom’s merits of it are quite laudable, most people globally tilted
towards the worldly and ungodly aspects. Let us confess the sins of men of God all over
the world that aided the propagation of this lopsided gospel.
4. Now, let us pray that God eases the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like the Azuza
Street Pentecostal revival of old in California started, God will begin a fresh divine
visitation on the nations in the Americas, especially the USA.
5. As the GOFAMINT North America had prophesied a bumper harvest during their 2021
Annual Convention, let us back them up in our prayers that their words will not fall to the
ground (I Sam 3:19).
6. It is the burden of our North American field that the 5-fold ministry be fully restored
among them for global harvest. Let us pray that the Lord will confirm this vision.
7. The next generation in the Americas are currently in the same dalliance as we saw in
Judges 2:10. Let us pray that the Lord will revive His works among their youths especially
and cause a divine visitation for a positive turnaround.
8. Let us pray for the GOFAMINT NA that their proposal to grow their field “younger” will
receive divine backing for Kingdom advancement.
9. Let us prophesy upon our NA field that the Lord will make them competent to rise to the
challenges of end time revival and global harvest.
10. Pray also for our NA field that they will continue to be the “Japhetic” and “Jabezic”
generation for many of our other Foreign Mission fields.
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11. Let us pray for our AGO (FM), Pastor Sunday Adu, for a fresh unction upon him as he steps
down this year from the office of the National Overseer (N.O) to face fully the duties of
our Foreign Mission fields, especially the non-Africans.
12. Let us also pray for the newly chosen N.O and his Assistant, Pastor Taiwo Fagbuyi and
Pastor Ebenezer Ikemebomeh, respectively, that the Lord will pour upon them a double
portion of the anointing for service as they step into the shoes this year.
13. Let us pray that the burden of our father in the Lord, Pastor (Dr) E.O. Abina, to have the
GOFAMINT planted in Brazil this year will be fulfilled through the instrumentality of our
N.A field.
14. Pray that the field that will be planted in Brazil will be self-supporting, self-financing, and
15. Let us pray that the Lord will surprise the NA field with abundant finances as they target
One Million US Dollars ($1,000,000) to start their own Gospel City Project.
16. Let us pray that with the success of prophetic entry of this field into Brazil this year, the
GOFAMINT will spread like wildfire into other nations of South America.
17. Our North American field also covers Canada, and right now, we exist in only two locations
there. Let us pray that this field will blossom this year for more Church planting, and God
will grant us a strategic inroad into Canada.
18. Let us pray for our current 2 Assemblies in Canada that they will receive the grace of self-
support, self-propagation, and sustainability.
19. Let us pray that grace will speak for our churches in North America that they will win souls
of both indigenous white and colored Americans into our churches to share the rich heritage
of the Word ministry.
20. Let us pray that the Lord will raise covenant missionary helpers for us in GOFAMINT, through
whom we will ride into the Continent of South America.
21. Pray that the Lord will provide the finances in hard currencies to take the gospel to Brazil
and thus destroy the roots of the high level of immorality there.
22. That the Lord will grant the language breakthrough for our Church, GOFAMINT, especially
in Spanish, French, and Portuguese to these nations.
23. Pray that the Lord will break the barriers erected by a high level of immorality and sexual
promiscuity in these nations through the anointed word Ministry we carry.
24. That none of our members will fall prey to the spirit of error and immoral pleasure ravaging
these nations but will stand strong and secured in the Holy Spirit.

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Closing session for the day:
A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: 2 Pet.1-22
The Church of Christ is sacred and the most formidable entity on earth. The influence is strong
on earth and in heaven!
Heaven admires her, the world respects her, and Satan fears and hates her. He hates to see the
Church doing well. The well-being of the Church is Satan’s undoing. Therefore, he has arranged
and organized a formidable program by which to render the church powerless and useless.
Heresy, sinfulness, permissiveness, and falsehood are the handiwork of Satan sent into the
church to weaken and deflate her of her power.
The church must not allow those Satanic instruments to stay and thrive. This set of people in
the church are threats to progress and divine expediency.
In our Bible passage today, the Holy Spirit used Apostle Peter to expose the evil deeds and
activities of such Satanic agents in the church. We are duty-bound to expose, fight and render
them useless in our church.
They aim to:
1. Rid the Church of her God-given power
2. Disrupt the sweet fellowship between God and His people
3. Block the flow of power and blessings.
4. Make us a people of no repute on earth.
We can deal with them and destroy their antics.
Let us remember the story of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram in Number 16.
We remember Nathan and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, in Leviticus chapter 10.
We remember Aaron and Miriam in Numbers chapter 12.
We remember Balak and Balaam in Numbers 23-25.
We remember Sanballat and Tobiah in the book of Nehemiah
We remember Ahitophel and Absalom in 2 Kings chapters 14 and 15.
We remember Ananias and Sapphira in Acts chapter 5.
We remember Simon and Elymas the sorcerer in Acts 8 and 13.
The list is endless in the Bible. Their portion is destruction in Jesus name.

1. Thank you, Lord, for your church in the world at large and GOFAMINT in particular.
2. Thank you for the sure promise that the gate of hell shall not prevail.
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3. We plead the blood of Jesus upon our lives individually and collectively, purify us, oh Lord.
4. We pray for those living ignorantly in error, kindly forgive them and correct them.
5. We come against the spirit of error and heresy in the lives of all GOFAMINT members and
ministers, destroy them all in Jesus name.
6. We bind and destroy the spirit of heresy in the ministries of our ministers through the
length and breadth of GOFAMINT in Jesus name.
7. Psalm 21:10: Destroy the seed of corruption from among your children in our church in
Jesus name.
8. Psalm 21:11: Render all Satanic agents in our church powerless and disable them from
performing their mischievous devices, oh Lord.
9. 1 Cor.10:21, We decree condemnation and judgment upon all those who eat and drink
on devil’s table and come to eat and drink with us on the Lord’s table in Jesus name.
10. Stop all workers of evil from their evil works in our midst oh dear Lord.
11. Dear Father, grant the spirit of repentance upon all sinners in our church oh Lord.
12. Dear Lord, expose all hardened sinners and break their hearts in Jesus name.
13. Expose evil secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies of our church in Jesus name.
14. Stop all hypocrites and manipulators and remove them from their positions.
15. We command a stoppage to the efforts and activities of anyone using diabolical means in
their ministrations in Jesus name.
16. We bind and remove all “Balaams,” “Simon the sorcerer,” “Elymas” and all such demonic
agents, wanting to use GOFAMINT as a cover to perpetrate evils
17. We wipe out all deceptions in our church at all levels in Jesus name.
18. Send the light/3ce. Jehovah send the light into our Church.

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“Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.
Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth
in one day or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her
children.” – Isaiah 66:7-8A.

The best thing that can happen to any church is the Almighty God to visit and dwell in that
church. Our local assemblies can never be the same again after a divine visitation. The change
and transformation we need in our lives, family, church, and nation will surely come when God
visits us.

For GOFAMINT to experience rapid growth, we need divine visitation. Divine visitation is not a
one-off thing. Divine visitation is not meant to be a one-time experience but a continuous
experience all through our lives. Abraham is the best example of someone who experienced
continuous divine visitation in the Bible. God didn’t just visit Abraham once, but several times
in Abraham’s lifetime. From Genesis 12 to Genesis 22, there are at least eight different instances
when God visited Abraham. We pray that GOFAMINT will continuously experience divine
visitation for open heaven and growth in Jesus Name.

God revealed to Abraham the next step he needed to take in his life by divine visitation. This
year we need such clear and specific directions from God. When God visited Abraham, he made
Abraham understand that he had no business being in Haran at that point in his life. Divine
visitation reveals where you ought to be, what you ought to be doing at specific times in your
life. We pray once again that God will visit GOFAMINT and reveal to us the next step we need
to take, the next major thing we need to do to experience open heaven and growth in Jesus
Christ's name.
We must take this prayer seriously because it is the heart cry of our father in the Lord, the G.O,
who witnessed the initial exponential growth of this church at inception, but now sees us

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flattening out like a plateau in our growth curve. The Lord must help us re-engineer that feat by
our next generation through apostolic discipleship multiplication.

1. Let the glory of this church be returned by fire in the name of Jesus.
2. Let the glory of excellence and visibility return to GOFAMINT in Jesus name.
3. Let the glory of the latter house be greater than the former in Jesus name.
4. Every power of reduction and failure over GOFAMINT be scattered by fire in the mighty name
of Jesus.
5. Oh God, arise and enlarge the territory of your church in the name of Jesus.
6. Let every gate of hell against the GOFAMINT be broken in the name of Jesus.
7. Let the presence of God overshadow your church O Lord in the name of Jesus.
8. Father, let signs and wonders become the order of the day in GOFAMINT as we worship you
every day in the name of Jesus.
9. Let every worker and minister in GOFAMINT be a career of your presence at every service in
the name of Jesus.
10. Father, let every minister be empowered with the Holy Ghost to minister in truth and spirit
in the name of Jesus.
11. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mighty hand behind the continuous growth
of GOFAMINT worldwide.
12. Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for divine visitation in our midst throughout the year,
resulting in signs, wonders, and diverse miracles.
13. Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy all interference of the devil against the continuous
growth of GOFAMINT.
14. Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for unusual strength and fresh oil upon all GOFAMINT
ministers to drive the church growth agenda.
15. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you send your reaper-angels to draft multitudes of
men and women into GOFAMINT in the name of Jesus.
16. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you breathe Holy Spirit upon all our flyers and
tracts, turning them into anointed sickles of harvest, thereby drafting multitudes into
GOFAMINT in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in GOFAMINT to be noised abroad as in the day
of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into the church.
18. Father, in the name of Jesus, release your reaper-angels to take over our harvest fields,
appearing to all our contacts in visions and revelations, thereby drafting them into this church.
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19. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Mystery of the Passover Blood, let every captive
ordained for eternal life this year be released and established in this church.
20. Father, in the name of Jesus, let your master reaper angel cast his sharp sickle into our
harvest and mission fields to reap every soul ordained for salvation thoroughly.
21. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, we cast out every evil beast
seeking to manipulate our new converts, new members from being established in this church.
22. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be manifestations of apostolic order of signs, wonders,
and mighty deeds in our services all through this year, resulting in a massive influx of souls into
this church.
23. Father, in the name of Jesus, let GOFAMINT continue to experience supernatural growth
after the order of the Acts of the Apostles, thereby turning this church into a city without walls.
24. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Blood of the Lamb, we destroy all interferences of
the devil against the continuous growth of GOFAMINT.
25. Father, in the name of Jesus, invade all our services with notable miracles, thereby drafting
multitudes into our church.
26. Father, In the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, we disarm all forces of opposition
to the continuous growth of this Church.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.


TEXT: ISAIAH 18; ACTS 8:37-39

Again, Africa is on the center stage of God’s mercy in this dispensation. It is worth appreciating
God from this angle before looking at the GOFAMINT fields in Africa and what we can do to
advance the Kingdom on our various African fields.
The COVID-19 pandemic took a devastating swipe on continents globally, and bookmakers
predicted Africa to be the worst hit in terms of deaths, especially because of our poor
governance and health facilities.

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As the Lord would have it, His mercy spoke for us in Africa because we had the least count of
infectious and deaths globally, despite our poor and worsening health facilities. Our answer can
be found in the book of Isaiah 18 referred to above. The Lord took His rest here in Africa (vs. 4),
and the people of the land brought presents unto the Lord of Hosts (vs. 7). Isn’t it any wonder
that while other continents were still reeling in strict protocols of lockdown and non-gathering,
African churches gathered unto the Lord during this period, for “…… unto Him shall the gathering
of the people be” (Gen 49:10).

This is a great privilege for African nations, and it is far more important than money. Covenant
wealth will surely come to us as we diligently remember God and observe doing His will and
keeping His Covenant. (Deut. 8:18). Africa, however, currently faces the scourge of Islamic
terrorism and militancy, and we must therefore engage them in spiritual warfare with the
weapons of our warfare, which are not carnal. (2 Cor. 10:4).

Out of the 52 nations in Africa, GOFAMINT has only gotten her presence in less than 20 of them
both in Anglophone and Francophone nations. Most of our challenges in these nations had
always been with the scarcity of finances. We must pray that every scattering horn against our
lifting be shattered and frayed by heavenly carpenters in Jesus Name (Zech. 1:21). GOFAMINT
must be empowered financially as a foremost Missionary church to evangelize and reach the
unreached peoples in Africa. God must provide the resources for us to take the Gospel to every
nook and crannies of Africa. God ordains GOFAMINT to take the lead in ending the gospel
poverty in Africa. To achieve this, God needs you. Begin with the prayers below.

1. Let us give thanks to God, who spared us from the evil predictions of bookmakers on the
COVID scourge and bless Him for His mercy.
2. Let us plead the Blood of Jesus for further mercies on the consequences of the evils being
perpetrated by African leaders.
3. Let us put a halt to every demonic yoke being placed on the people of Africa and ask the
Lord to shine the light of the Gospel across the dark continent.
4. Pray that Africa shall be saved and respond positively to the Gospel to fulfill the prophecy
of end-time harvest.
5. Let us pray that salvation shall arise from Africa at this season, and the Lord will make
Africa the gun for the final global harvest.

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6. Pray that through the instrumentality of the Word of God, the Lord will use GOFAMINT
to break down all the evil walls of Islamic terrorism and jihad in many nations of Africa.
7. Pray that believers will remain faithful despite severe persecutions, especially for those
in Nigeria, Sudan, and Somalia and other nations in North, East, and West Africa, where
Islamic persecution and terrorism against Christians are high.
8. Let us pray for our long-established fields, such as Ghana, Benin Republic, and Liberia, to
become strong pillars of financial support to the other weaker Africa fields.
9. Let us pray for the AGO (AM), Pastor (Dr) S.O Okomolehin, as he tries to rally round
finances for the African fields, that he will receive covenant support for them.
10. Pray for our Egypt field, being mentored by Pastor Bola Taiwo, that they will become well
footed in that Arab nation and thus become the source of evangelization to the Maghreb
nations such as Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, etc.
11. Let us pray for our francophone countries that the Lord will raise them as strong disciples
with the word ministry, and they will advance into more francophone nations where we
are yet to reach.
12. South Africa had been the worst hit in Africa on the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us pray that
the Balm of Gilead will bring needed succor and healing to them.
13. Let us thank God for our GOFAMINT church in South Africa that the Lord had not allowed
us to lose even a soul to the pandemic. Let us pray that the field will become financially
viable this year.
14. Pray that God will bless GOFAMINT financially to help with the procurement and supply
of Bibles of various local languages to areas where they’re needed, and access to
education so that the present and future generations can read them.
15. Also, pray that the church will reject the prevalence of Prosperity Gospel, which is
eclipsing the attention of the African church from the true gospel and discipleship.
16. Pray that GOFAMINT missionary arm will become more intentional in church-planting
methods, accepting the call of Christ to go to new frontiers in Africa and conquer them
for God and win their souls for Christ.
17. Pray for God to continue to send dreams, revelations, and visions to reveal Himself to
people in regions where the gospel is needed, as it has been happening in some areas for
decades now. Let the hunger for God and His word be prevalent in the hearts of men.
18. Our Gambia field is at an advanced stage of proper footing and registration. Let us pray
for the favor of governmental agencies to accelerate the process.

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19. Pray for our existing Francophone African fields, Benin Republic, Togo, Burkina Faso, Cote
d’Voire, Gabon, Cameroon, that that the light of God will shine all over them by the Word
in Jesus Christ name.
20. Ask the Lord to make our Francophone fields to be self-supporting and self-propagating,
especially to the other Francophone nations we are yet to reach.
21. From our East African field in Kenya, let us pray that the Lord will open doors of opportunity
for us in South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and several other Anglophone
22. Pray that covenant helpers will arise for GOFAMINT to fulfill the propagation of the gospel
in all African nations, especially those nations that are neither Anglophone nor
Francophone, such as Mozambique, Angola, etc.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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DAY 20: FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2022

Moses in Exodus 33:15 knew the importance of such. He thus felt they would live a life of defeat
if they walked without God’s presence. Thus, he told God that they would only wish to leave the
place they were in if God’s presence would be with them. Jesus also said in John 15 that we
could only bear fruit if we abide in Him (v4).

The Psalmist longed and thirsted for God’s presence (Ps 42). If there is one place that Isaiah got
transformed completely and set him on the sincere path of serving God, then it was when he
came to God’s presence. His sins were exposed; he felt dirty and cried for God’s mercy to change
him. God touched him with a live coal, and he could change. What benefits do we get from His
presence? As we behold the fiery eyes of Jesus in his presence, the Holy Spirit transforms us
from one glory to another. In God’s presence, we receive mercy, healing, a revelation of our
sins, purging our sins, joy, favor, honor, glory, and protection from the wicked; evil tongues,
among many others. I pray that every GOFAMINT member will thirst and hunger for this.

Let us cry in this prayer as the Psalmist did in Psalm 51:10-13:

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit.
13 Then will I teach transgressors thy way, and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

Hunger is a sign of life in a believer. One of the first symptoms of illness is the loss of appetite.
When hunger is gone, people are increasingly open to more sicknesses and weaknesses.
Genuine believers are hungry, and that hunger is placed in their hearts by the Lord Himself,
drawing them into His presence.

1. Lord, visit the foundation of my life and turn my bitterness to joy today in Jesus Name.
2. Let my life, family, business, and church experience divine visitation in Jesus Name.
3. I receive a visit that will change the story of my life for better in the name of Jesus.
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4. God shall visit me, and I shall be lifted in the name of Jesus.
5. Oh Lord, visit all our assemblies for Divine turn around.
6. We seek your presence in our lives, homes, and assemblies, O Lord my God.
7. Create in us a hunger to be where you are always
8. I receive grace to walk with you in your presence; may I never walk alone in life
9. Reveal my hidden sin o Lord, grant me a repentant heart.
10. I repent of every sin … mention them. Wash me, forgive me, and purge me in your presence,
o my God.
11. Let me find joy, love peace, rest, direction, favor, and strength in your presence.
12. Show me the path of life o Lord in Jesus name
13. I abide in the secret place of your presence, and I will be protected from the plots of my
enemies. Hide me secretly in your pavilion from the tongues of men.
14. Do not cast me away from your presence, o Lord I beseech you; and do not take away your
Spirit from me.
15. Let every mountain in my life, family, church, place of work, etc. break into pieces in your
16. Let the wicked who pursue, surround, stand against, or even rise against me stumble and
fall in your presence in Jesus name.
17 Oh Lord, let your presence make me whole. Let your Spirit transform me from glory to glory
in Jesus name. Let me live, bear fruits and serve you in your presence always.
18 Let our families and homes begin to enjoy the tangible manifestation of God’s presence from
now on and let it change the spiritual climate of our churches as in the times of the early

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: EPH. 4:1-16, ACTS 2:1-41, 2 CHR. 5:13-14

What the church needs today is not “mere religious jamboree(s) or programs (as it is being done
in many circles today) “so that the Gospel is made convenient for the sinners” all these are
human reasonings’ and doings. Such will not stand the test of eternity.

What the church actually needs today is Divine Visitation from Heaven. Jeremiah said,
“Therefore the showers have been withholden and there hath been no latter rain ….” Will thou
not from this time cry unto me, My Father, thou art the guide of my youth…. Will he reserve his
anger forever?” (Jer 3:3). We have long been without visitation from Heaven. A visitation that
sends both errings and lukewarm believers and sinners on their knees; pleading for mercy- I
mean Divine conviction, that brings true restoration and conversion. We need Holy Ghost
Visitation, starting with the church, where true and lasting revival will break out. This will bring
about thorough purging that the church needs today from every overt and covert iniquities-
starting with the Ministers, then to other members of the Body.

Lack of transparent and honest life, traces of pride (both spiritual and physical), selfishness,
arrogance, filthiness of life, loss of purposeful living, and loss of flaming passion for Christ’s cause
and the perishing are the bane of this hour. There is a need for Revival Fire to burn off all that
hinders DIVINE FLOW in and through us. A divine manifestation of TRUE and UNFEIGNED LOVE
in us and the DISCERNING of the Body of Christ will plunge us into the realm of the Super-
Supernatural. When the church is awakened from her slumber and alive unto her
responsibilities, she will be able to affect the world for Christ. We need God’s Visitation from
Heaven, a Divine Revival that will bring sinners flat on their faces, crying for God’s mercy and
salvation. When this happens, the church will once again take up her role as Agent of
transformation in a dying world and set the stage for the return of the King.

1. Let us thank God for His Provision of warfare, word, and worship for our revival and
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2. Let us also thank God for the enabling power of the spirit that transforms us to His
3. Father forgive us in all areas where we had substituted the fire on the altar with the
politics of position-seeking in the church.
4. Lord re-unite your church again and let the cleansing fountain of Your Blood purify us and
purge us to offer the sacrifices of righteousness to the Lord (Mal 3:3).
5. Every satanic spirit and strategy of lukewarmness; comfort zone tendency and
compromise; be bound and burnt by the Holy Ghost fire.
6. Father, restore and rekindle the fire on our family and personal altars for the coming
harvest of souls.
7. Lord, restore our vision for the perishing world and let there be a godly thirst to see the
supernatural power of God at work again in converting the sinners.
8. Father let all our activities and programs henceforth be birthed in prayers and deep
intercession for the perishing souls.
9. O Lord ignite a new flame of love within our hearts and purify our hearts for perfect and
complete obedience to Your word in Jesus Name.
10. Father help me always desire Your word more than my physical food, and quicken Your
word for performance in me, O Lord.
11. O Lord let my spiritual understanding be opened to know the hope of my calling and be
ready to humbly serve the Body of Christ instead of seeking an official position.
12. Father anoint Your servants more and more for harvest through exploits, signs, and
wonders in Jesus Name.
13. Let the anointing of unity and agreement in prayers come upon us as was in the days of
the early Apostles (Acts 4:33-37, Acts 12:1-16).
14. Let the divine visitation of God to us bring a glorious habitation of His presence among
15. Let climate of grace and favor locate our church for apostolic growth, as evident in Acts
16. O Lord let the divine visitation that engenders revival bring our church to the realm of
transformation of our communities.
17. Let us pray that as the GOFAMINT is the church with the Word for the World, the Lord
will repackage His word in our mouths for transforming the world.
18. Father in Your mercy make our GOFAMINT church be at the forefront of Your souls
harvest agenda in these end times.

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19. As we commit ourselves to glorious revival, O Lord, let there be a supernatural strength
and unity among the ministers and workers, and we shall not break our ranks (Joel 2:7)
20. Let us begin to worship God that His glory and His presence will envelop us for the
sustenance of the coming revival.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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DAY 22: SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022
TEXT: JUDGES 6:7, ESTHER 4:14-16, 2KINGS7:9, ACTS 8:4, 1:8, ISA 62:6-7

Praying for revival has a very costly price attached to it. The church history is replete with high
prices paid by individuals or groups to tap into the abundant rain of revival (1Kings 18:41-44)
Elton True blood captioned the task of soul-winning this way: “There is no chance in an army
campaign for victory, whose 98% of its soldiers are not only untrained but uninvolved.”
The unprecedented landmark set by the Early Church and exemplified in the early days of
GOFAMINT; served as a model to revive us in soul wining. Until we follow their steps, no revival
as expected. Their model follows six keys operations:
1. Soul winning was done by EVERYONE as a major business of the church (Acts 5:42; 8:4).
Both Leaders and followers without exemption did it.
2. Soul winning business was done EVERY DAY – (Acts 5:42). It was not on specific days or
months. As a business, it runs every day to reproduce disciples. We thank God for
February and October innovations by our Leader, the General Overseer. But when revival
fire is kindled, no one is spared, and no day is sacrosanct.
3. The business was done EVERYWHERE – Market, Streets, in the Bus, House to House, in
the Prison, Hospitals, Schools (Matt 25:34-40).
4. It was to EVERY SOUL – small or big, rich or poor, male or female (1Cor16:19 – 22).
5. It was done by Seizing Opportunities (John 4, the Samaritan woman)
It was a way of life for all disciples, not a program. It was natural with EVERYONE (Jer.
Today, if you have not won a soul to the kingdom this year, you are a mere convert,
whatever title, years in the church, or position in the church.
6. It was the Major Priority and Primary Business of the church. Unless we focus on disciple–
making, the business may suffer setback.
There may be no revival of soul–winning, particularly where it is evident that said 95% of
believers today never won a soul for Christ since being converted.
Major actions that can trigger revival
i. Ensure intentional change of our priority and make soul–winning the primary focus
ii. Ensure every member grows to be a disciple – only disciples produce disciples or
multiply themselves. Our attendance can double if we are all disciples – 2Tim 2:2
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iii. Operation “shows your convert” can become a policy, even as obedience to eating
iv. Re-focus and reinforce our regular and consistent prayer to God to raise true
laborers – (disciples) (Matt 9:38).
v. Make me a responsible soul winner this year; which is another probational year
(Luke 13:6-9).
Let us pray
1. (Rom 9:1-3) O Lord, baptize all Ministers and Members in GOFAMINT with the fresh fire
for deep passion and concern for the perishing souls as of old.
2. Holy Ghost send us again to the “upper room” for an unusual encounter with Pentecostal
fire to reach out with power, signs, and wonders that will daze the world again.
3. Father, help our leaders at all levels, lead the business of souls wining with examples, and
grant them the willpower to spend and be spent on soul-winning, as the church's priority.
4. Holy Spirit send fire into our bones that will melt our heart with passion that has no peace,
till the gospel is preached – Jer. 20:8-9.
5. Father, make me a die–hearted soul winner in the year 2022 that will not rest until at
least a soul is won to the kingdom (Gen 30:21, Exo 23:20a)
6. In your church this year, I shall not be barren; I shall produce souls by your grace to the
kingdom (Pro 11:30).
7. Today, I consume by fire every spirit of lukewarmness, unconcerned attitude, and spirit
of weariness standing my way of fruitful soul–winning.
8. O Lord help me to stay focused and make soul–winning my top priority in life to win the
prize in eternity (Dan 12:3).
9. I receive sufficient grace to keep the fire of soul - winning burning in my life and in my
assembly and help me to finish well and finish strong (1Cor 9:27).

Closing session for the day

A. Pray on your prayer request for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day: For those who want to be very faithful and fruitful in
the work of soul winning, willing to win at least a soul in 2022.

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DAY 23: MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022
TEXTS: Zech.4:1-14, Luke 5:1-10
Human beings on earth struggle a lot to make ends meet and achieve goals. Christian life and
ministry are inclusive. Not so many usually achieve their goals and desires in life. Many are tired,
discouraged and despondent. Although most of our desires are good and legitimate, they
remain elusive. One major factor for human failure on earth is its mystery and spirituality. They
are not seen or known, yet they are closely connected with the situations of our lives.
What we need to get out of the precarious conditions is divine visitation. Let us see one of such
examples in the Bible and the resultant effect.
“And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the
heat of the day, and he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him; and when
he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,
And said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy
servant: Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest, yourselves
under the tree: And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye
shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, So, do, as thou hast
said. And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah and said Make ready quickly three
measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. And Abraham ran unto the
herd, and fetch a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress
it. And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them;
and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat. And they said unto him, Where is Sarah
thy wife? And he said, Behold in the tent. And he said, I will certainly return unto thee
according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the
tent door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age;
and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Therefore, Sarah laughed within
herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? And the
Lord said unto Abraham, wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying Shall I of a surely bear a child,
which am old? Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee,
according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed
not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.

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In divine visitation, the divine presence illuminates the surroundings and changes the
atmosphere positively. Strange elements are exposed, and evil powers are decimated. Right
connections are made, and everything falls into the proper proportion.
Do we have to go for divine visitation before making it in life? Yes, human power is not enough.
“Not by might, not by power….” Education either formal or informal is a major and essential tool
for success on earth. Yet, because of the spirituality connected with our world, the intellectual
ones still fail to achieve their aims—the spiritual controls the physical in our world. God did not
want us to go and succeed in the world in our own power. As it is clearly stated in Psalm 127:1,
“Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it…...” He wants us to go in
partnership with him. “And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest”
(Ex. 33:14). Moses understood this, “and he said unto Him, if thy presence goes not with me,
carry us not up thence” (Ex.33:15).
Divine presence turns situations around from ordinary to extra-ordinary, up-side-down to down-
side-up, and from problems to miracles. All the Bible's great characters were ordinary human
beings with fair shares of earthly troubles like ours. It was the divine presence occasioned by
divine visitations that transformed their lives. (James 5:17)
Let us not be contented with only talks about the greatness of God’s power; let us desire divine
visitation to experience and demonstrate the reality of God’s power with our lives. Every area
of challenges in our lives is an invitation for divine visitation.

1. Thank you, Lord for creating us to walk in partnership with you and carry your presence
on our lives.
2. We apologize to you for not allowing the fullness of your power in our lives before now.
3. Dear Lord, come over and take over fully in our lives.
4. Turn all stumbling blocks to stepping-stones and problems to solutions and miracles in
Jesus name.
5. Ps.63:1, Dear father, we are hungry and thirsty for your power and glory in our dry land,
come to us in Jesus name.
6. Ps.61:2, We want to experience your presence, your power, and your glory, do not deny
us, oh lord.
7. We present ourselves as empty vessels, fill us to over-flowing with your anointing, oh
8. Father release your power upon me and let it touch every part of my being; spirit, soul,
and body in Jesus name.
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9. Dear Lord, I believe your word that I can do nothing without you and that I shall do greatly
with your presence. Release the power for exploits upon me, oh Lord.
10. Change my ordinariness to extra-ordinary and my natural life to super-natural in Jesus
11. The world must see your glory, fill my life that I may show-case your glory to them in the
highest proportion, o Lord.
12. I covet the grace you released upon Gideon in Judges chapter 6, release same upon me
to go and deliver the people of my generation.
13. I covet and request for the grace you released upon Peter in Luke chapter 5, which
changed his fruitlessness to abundant, repeat same upon my life oh Lord.
14. We decree that no more failure in all our endeavors from now in Jesus name.
15. Arise, oh Lord, in my life and let your enemies be scattered.
16. I arise and shine spiritually, ministerially, and financially in Jesus name.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: JOB 10:12; 2 SAMUEL 23:14-16

You have granted me life and favor, and your visitation has preserved my spirit”
(Job 10:12 NLT)
And David was then in a hold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then in
And David longed, and said, Oh, that one would give me drink of the water of
the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!
And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines, drew water
out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, took it, and brought it to
David: nevertheless, he would not drink thereof, but poured it out to the LORD.
Missions remain the heartbeat of God Almighty. He has not ceased to be the missionary God
that He is. In the Old Testament, God spoke through the Prophet Isaiah, saying, “I looked, but
no one came to help my people. I was amazed and appalled at what I saw. So, I executed
vengeance alone, unaided, I passed down judgment.” (Isaiah 63:5 NLT) While there were many
times God’s people were not willing to cooperate with God’s purpose, it has always been God’s
perfect will that man should be a fellow laborer with Him. So, apart from some of the Old
Testament prophets, God sent His only begotten Son and the Holy Ghost to enable us to
participate in His fellowship to the end that He might send us to accomplish the great work of
redemption of the world.
The redemption and transformation of God’s creation depend on our commitment to God’s
mission. We thank God for GOFAMINT Mission through which many nations and tribes have
been called to the fellowship of Jesus Christ our Lord. Like Joshua, while we may be celebrating
our victories, the truth remains that there are yet many lands to be possessed. Hence, as we
wait upon the Lord this season, we must cry to God for His intervention and breakthrough in
our mission fields and missionaries for their total good and breakthroughs.
In times like this, we need divine visitation in all our mission fields, which will bring life where
there is deadness, refreshing where there is dryness and revival where there is rut (dull routine).
We trust the Lord to empower our missionaries with His fullness to break every limitation and
rise above obstacles. Missionary work is so challenging and replete with several difficulties that
if there is no unceasing supply of resources, the missionary might become weary and the task
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undone. There is a need for constant intercession and regular giving of material and moral
support to our mission fields and missionaries.
As we intercede this year, the Lord will use your prayers and, subsequently, your gift to advance
the course of the mission in Nigeria and the rest of the world.

Let us Pray
1. Father, thank you for the vision for the mission you have given us and how far you have
helped us accomplish this vision.
2. Thank you, Lord for all the exploits that have been accomplished through this missionary
vision given to us.
3. Lord, sharpen our vision for mission this year and rekindle our commitment to the Great
4. We pray for a fresh visitation upon all our missionaries, leaders, and workers, a visitation
that will give birth to unlimited breakthroughs in all our mission fields in Jesus name,
5. Lord encourage the discouraged, satisfy the frustrated, and fill our missionaries with a
fresh anointing for breaking new grounds in Jesus name, Amen.
6. Lord, heal the wounded, strengthen and reinforce the weak in Jesus name, Amen.
7. We pray for the afflicted and the persecuted, intervene on their behalf and grant them
breakthrough and divine preservation in Jesus name, Amen.
8. Heavenly Father, we call for divine enlargement in GOFAMINT, let all barriers to spiritual,
numerical, territorial, financial, and ministerial enlargement be broken in Jesus name,
9. Daddy let the spirit of spirit of holiness, the fear of the Lord, knowledge, understanding,
wisdom, counsel and might fill all our missionaries and Leaders in Jesus name, Amen.
10.Lord, we call for all round growth in all our missionaries and mission fields.
11.Daddy sharpen the skills of our missionaries to be more effective in their primary
assignment of proclaiming the gospel and discipling the nations in Jesus name, Amen.
12.Let the divine water of refreshing flow in all mission fields and water the effort of every
missionary this year for increased output and productivity in Jesus name, Amen.
13.We receive divine wisdom for the excellent administration of missions in GOFAMINT for
outstanding results that will glorify the Lord in Jesus name, Amen.
14.Father give us a new song of joy and breakthrough in all our mission fields and put
laughter in the mouths of all our missionaries.

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Closing session for the day:
A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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Members of the Executive Council are men with proven qualities carefully chosen to work hand
in hand with the General overseer to steer the church's ship forward. We appreciate the
qualities and characters that qualified them as apex members. We also value the efforts and
contributions of each one of them towards the growth of our church. The fact remains that they
need to do more for God and the church. That is why they need more power from above to do
more (John 15:8)
Human power is not enough to do the work of the Lord. “It’s not by might, nor by power, but by
my spirit, saith the Lord” (Zech. 4:6). Our Executive Council members need divine visitation to
impart power, sound mind, and love, which is required for their effectiveness. So far, so good,
the achievements of the Exco members (past and present) cannot be over-emphasized. One of
such significant efforts is how they led the church to purchase, possess and develop the Gospel
City to its present level within a short time. This and more are the result of our prayers for them.
There will be more results, actions, and achievements with more prayers for them!

1. Thank you, Lord, for the life of our General overseer. Who is the chairman of the Executive
Council of GOFAMINT.
2. Thank you for leading and directing him to choose the right people to lead the church.
3. We appreciate you, Lord, for each Exco member past and present; for the various ways
you had used them.
4. For the sake of the entire members of GOFAMINT, visit our Exco members, oh Lord.
5. Grant them the spirit and wisdom of men of Issachar to guide and lead us in the right way
oh Lord.
6. Do more for our General overseer to lead the Council right and choose the right people
into the Council when necessary.
7. We commit all the sessions of the meetings of Exco to your hand, make it Holy spirit affairs
at all time, dear Lord.
8. Whenever there are naughty and difficult matters to iron out, Holy Spirit manifest and
lead them right.
9. Grant them the spirit of unity for maximum results in their deliberations and actions.
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10.Dear Lord, let there be divine input in their programs and projections to move the church
11.We bind and destroy all plans and purposes of the powers of darkness over our Executive
Council in the mighty name of Jesus.
12.Dear Lord, let the hosts of heaven join the Exco members for supernatural advancements.
13.Release upon each of them the spiritual resources required to take the church to the next
14.Meet all their personal needs and their families, oh Lord.
15.Holy Spirit, be the supreme chairman of the Council and help our General Overseer and
other members to hear you clearly to walk, working with you closely.
16.Protect them and their families from all kinds of dangers and calamities, oh Lord.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TOPIC: O Lord, Bless and Preserve The Families Of Our Late Heroes in GOFAMINT
Text: Isaiah 44:1-4, Ps. 71:9, 21

Praying for the families of our late Heroes can never be too much. These great men and women
were used tremendously in preaching the gospel of our Lord and establishing many assemblies
that had turned to become Zones, Districts and Regions; they spent and were spent for God’s
It is the foundation laid by them we are building upon; we are proud of them since they have
their families left behind, we are ready to pray for them for their good works are still speaking.
If we fail to pray for their families, we will be ungrateful to man and God. We cannot easily
forget their rugged evangelism, exemplary life of love, doing the church building work together,
giving out their property to support God’s project, and digging deep into the scripture, and many
more works were done by our great men and women. They were great in faith.

Prayer Time

1. Thank God for our great men and women who had passed unto glory
2. Thank God for the selfless life they lived
3. Thank God for their works are fruitful
4. We appreciate God, for their works are not destroyed.
5. God, let their families be protected from dangers.
6. Arise oh God and fight their battles for them in Jesus’ name
7. Oh God, heal those who are sick among them
8. Destroy any battle of life that face them in Jesus’ name
9. God send Your blessings upon them so that they will not lack any good thing.
10.Oh God, arise and deliver them from any problem facing them now
11.In any area they need assistance, Father answer them speedily
12.None of them will die prematurely in Jesus’ name.
13.Power to follow God than your parent receive it in Jesus’ name
14.Oh God, help GOFAMINT to care more from Assembly level, District, Regional and
National level (we can do better)
15.Father let the families left behind serve God together with love in GOFAMINT
16.We shall all make heaven together, at last.

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Closing session for the day:
A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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DAY 27: FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2022
TEXT: ACTS 13:1-13
There are some vessels of honor whom the Lord has chosen to work closely as ministers
with our General Overseer. Like the Bible passage we read today, some key ministers gathered
themselves to seek the face of the Lord in fasting, to pray, and to praise the Lord. God was
interested in such gathering; it became a divine appointment. God met them directly and gave
them specific direction on what to do about His work. He ordered that Barnabas and Saul be
separated for His special assignment for them.
We also have some come core ministers whom God has assigned through our General
Overseer to work with him (G.O) for the progress of the Church. They are The Deputy General
Overseer, The General Secretary, The General Evangelist, The Assistant General Overseers, the
Assistant General Secretaries, The Assistant General Evangelists, Management Committee
Members, Finance Committee Members. This set of people needs much of our prayers. They
work in the spiritual, ministerial, administrative, and financial sections of the Church to move
things forward. We are indeed indebted to them because they work almost 24/7 to get things
done and get the church going. Many of them are professionals, no doubt, yet their works' scope
goes beyond human senses and imaginations. It requires divine assistance. What to do who to
do it, how to do and when to do them! Not putting square pegs in round holes. They need to be
prayerful like our General Overseer and like the men of God read in our Bible passage today.

1. Dear Lord, thank you for choosing these leaders to man the different sensitive offices in
our Church.
2. Help these leaders to give themselves to prayers and the leading/directive of the Holy
3. Help them imbibe the spirit of unceasing prayers like our G.O. in Jesus Name.
4. Grant each of them gifts and the anointing commensurate with their assignments in Jesus
5. Help each of them establish and maintain a healthy relationship with the Holy Spirit.
6. Help each of them be faithful and loyal to the General Overseer.
7. Let their lives and ministries take a supernatural dimension like the mighty men of David
in the Bible.
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8. The Deputy General Overseer; Let him not be weary. Let him not be tired. Let him soar
high with Eagles wings in Jesus name.
9. Enable the D.G.O. to do the assignment you ordained for him in Jesus name.
10. Keep him and every member of his family safe and secure in Jesus name.
11. The General Secretary/Assistant General Secretaries/Holy Spirit, be the Senior partner
with these leaders who are saddled with the administrative work of our Church in Jesus
12. Renew their strength spiritually, mentally and physically in Jesus Name.
13. We bind the spirit of error and release the spirit of excellence upon these leaders in Jesus
14. Grant each of them the discerning spirit to always decipher, between the right and the
wrong in any situation and circumstance.
15. The General Evangelist/Assistant General Evangelists: Release upon them the
phenomenal Evangelistic anointing like Evangelist Philip in Samaria for the end-time
harvest in Jesus name.
16. Use these your servants to take our Church’s soul-winning work to greater heights O,
17. Assistant General overseers; Let each become like Joshua to Moses and Timothy to Paul
in their relationships with the General Overseer; Pastor (Dr.) E. O. Abina.
18. Make each of them be impact-maker and Kingdom-builder of repute in Jesus name.
19. Make each of them enjoy a measure and a type of the ministerial grace of our General
Overseer in Jesus name.
20. Management and Finance Committee members: Grant each of them high-powered
spiritual and natural resources to make them relevant, useful and functional members of
their committees.
21. International Headquarters Staff: Make each of them spiritual, resourceful, and needful
in the affairs of the Church in Jesus name.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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DAY 28: Saturday, JANUARY 29, 2022
Text: Acts 6:1-8

As a church, we owe it a debt to appreciate God for giving us our founding General Overseer,
Late Pastor R. A. George, and the present General Overseer, Pastor E. O. Abina, as our leaders.
The growth and progress of GOFAMINT thus far are hinged on these two personalities. This is
not underrating the efforts and contributions of their co-ministers. All our leaders all over have
played great roles to the glory of God and for the success story of our church. May God bless all
of them and the members of their families, either dead or alive.

The G.O.s were the chief visioners and missioners who led all others to do all we have done.
Now, our church at every level needs to move forward. At the international level led by the
General Overseer, at national levels, led by the National overseers, Regional led by R. P.s,
Districts, by D. P.s., assemblies led by the local assembly pastors, Departments, led by H.O.Ds.,
Ventures, led by the Chairmen and the Directors.

By His grace, we know that the Holy Spirit is the one that appoints people into offices, and He is
the enabler, not personality, education, connection, age, ability, and people’s expectation. The
Lord does not call the qualified, but He qualifies the called. In this season, we trust God for His
mighty hand to be on those He has called into one office or the other for the abundant grace to
deliver, and for the work to prosper in their hands.

Our General Overseer was able to lead us right and well, not by accident. It was because he has
the qualities and qualifications required to lead. He is relevant, vibrant, enlightened, spiritual,
anointed, studious/knowledgeable, hard-working, etc. We cannot thank God enough for him.
If our General Overseer was blessed with the right qualities to lead us right, we trust that the
same God would help every leader in GOFAMINT to succeed as the oil flows from the head.

A good church leader must combine charisma with character. Charisma is the gift of the spirit.
It is the required tool to build the church. All leaders must earnestly desire and pray for the gifts
of the Holy Spirit. No assembly will remain the same under a Holy Spirit-filled and gifted pastor.
As much as we may like to pray for the progress of our church at all levels, the best thing is to
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pray for the leaders manning these different sections. They are the angels as well as the
gatekeepers of the church. The growth of grace and gifts of God upon their lives is the automatic
growth of the church under their different jurisdictions.

Lord, give us anointed ministers for the progress of our churches at all levels in GOFAMINT.

1. Thank you, father, for your call upon our founding General Overseer, Late Pastor R. A. George;
thank you for the growth of the vision you gave Him thus far.
2. Thank you for leading and guiding him to choose Pastor Elijah Oludele Abina as his Deputy,
who eventually became his successor. We are better for it.
3. Thank you for making us go from glory to glory in GOFAMINT since Pastor Elijah Abina took
4. Thank you for your presence, your word, your anointing upon the life of our leader, Pastor
Oludele Abina.
5. Let the grace which makes things happen positively in the ministry of our G. O. be released
upon all GOFAMINT leaders at all levels, oh Lord in Jesus name.
6. Visit every leader at every level in GOFAMINT with relevant gifts and anointing commensurate
with their assignments in Jesus name.
7. Help every leader understand the blueprint and goals attached to their assignments and help
them to pursue them with vigor, oh dear Lord.
8. Encounter every leader in GOFAMINT with the right vision and necessary tools to move
forward, oh Lord.
9. Make each of our leaders result-oriented, not routine ministers in Jesus name.
10. Like Oliver Twist, we want more blessings from our General Overseer, Pastor E. O. Abina.
Use him to lead us to conquer more lands, oh Lord during and after his lifetime.
11. Have a personal encounter with our National overseers to envision and empower them to
take over their different countries and the neighboring ones for Christ.
12. We approach the throne of grace on behalf of each and every one of our Zonal Pastors. Grant
them the spiritual wherewithal to take their different Zones to the next level.
13. Pray specifically, mentioning the name of your Zonal Pastor and ask for great grace for great
accomplishments in their Zones.
13. Dear Lord, empower our Zonal Pastors and help them to lead the churches under them to
greater heights.
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14. Pray and mention the name of your Zonal Pastor for spiritual, ministerial and economic
empowerment for the success of the Zone.
15. All our assembly pastors shall know their God and do exploits in Jesus name.
16. Mention your assembly pastor's name and ask the Lord to visit him with the gifts of the Holy
Spirit for the benefit of all the members and the growth of the church.
17. All our H.O.D.s will enter into the realm of supernatural and move their departments to
greater heights.
18. Release the grace and gifts of Aholiab and Bezeliel (Exodus 36:1) upon all the leadership of
all our committees and ventures to carry out the purposes of establishing those ventures to
make the leaders happy.
19. Dear Lord, change all the changeable leaders in our church by transforming them or
replacing them if transformation is being resisted.
20. Dear Lord, make our ministers flames of fire and let them be assets and not liabilities to the
church and the members.

Special prayer for the day:

The leaders to come forward to be prayed for by the entire church for divine empowerment.

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DAY 29: SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022
TEXTS: Lamentations 5:1-2; Lamentations 3: 21-25; Psa. 122:6; Zephaniah 3:17



God is sovereign, and nothing comes as a surprise to Him. Whether we face fluctuating
economics, threats from abroad, unrest at home, moral decay, high crime rates, political
challenges, spiritual bankruptcy, or other troubling circumstances, our Heavenly Father is not
caught unawares. Through the effectual and fervent prayer of the church, we are able to stand
in the gap and tap into God’s wisdom and strength for divine intervention and supernatural
turnaround. And our God, who hears and answers prayer, stands ready to respond to our needs
when we humbly ask for His intervention in the affairs of men.

America is our Jerusalem (Psa.122:6); and so we must pray for her; and as we pray for this great
nation, whose pledge of allegiance recounts that we are “one nation under God,” and whose
currency states that it is “in God we trust,” we want all Americans, including immigrants, to
encounter the God who rules over their country. “He who forms the mountains, creates the
wind, and reveals His thoughts to man, He who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high
places of the earth—the LORD God Almighty is His name.” - Amos 4:13 NIV

We shall unite our voices and faith to pray for the following seven centers of influence in our

1. GOVERNMENT (I Kings 3:28; I Tim. 2:1-2; Exo. 18:21; Prov. 11:3; Rom. 13:1-2)

Federal Government: We must pray for our President, Vice President, Cabinet
Members, Congressional Leaders, and Supreme Court Justices.

State Government: Pray for our Governors, Executive Leaders, Legislative Leaders, Judicial

Local Government: Let us remember our Mayors, City Counsels, Police Chiefs, Fire
Chiefs, County Officials, etc.

2. MILITARY (2 Chron. 32:6-8; Isa. 43:2; Deut. 31:6; Rom. 13:1; Rom. 1:8-10)

3. MEDIA (Phil. 4:8; Prov. 8:10-11; Prov. 2:1-15)

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4. BUSINESS (Exo. 31:3-4; Psa. 132:15; Phil. 2:3)

5. EDUCATION (Prov. 2:3-6; Exo. 18:20-21; Phil. 1:9)

6. CHURCH (Col. 2:6-8; Matt. 22:37; John 17:23; I Pet. 2:11; 1 Cor. 13:6)

7. FAMILY (Mark 3:25; Rom. 12:9-13; Mal. 4:5-6)

He is the One who gave us this promise in 2 Chron. 7:14: “If my people, who are called by My
name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then
I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” As we humbly and
diligently seek Him, we shall be changed, and we shall see transformation in America through

Prayer Points

1. Lord, our sins testify against us as a nation; cleanse and purge us in your precious blood
(Num. 14:19, Jer. 14:7).

2. Father turn us from the fierceness of your anger and show us mercy in the name of Jesus

3. Father help our leaders at all levels to do your will and fulfill your purpose for their
election and appointment in Jesus name.

4. Father bless our leaders with wise and godly counselors who will give them honest
wisdom and encouragement in Jesus name.

5. Lord, pour out a spirit of cooperation between elected leaders to benefit the citizenry in
Jesus name.

6. Father give our leaders clarity to know what issues are most important to address and
apply their energies to. Help them to overcome the spirit of distraction and confusion in
Jesus name.

7. Father, soften the hearts of our leaders at all levels to see, hear and understand the needs
of the communities they serve in Jesus name.

8. Father help our military personnel to make wise and righteous decisions based on Biblical
principles rather than personal career gains in Jesus name.
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9. Lord, let all military personnel see you working in their daily lives, that you are with them,
whether they are in the field, at home, or abroad in Jesus name.

10.Father protect the families of service members and give them the strength and peace that
only you can give as their loved ones serve our nation in Jesus name.

11.Comfort the spouses who are separated or bereaved due to military jobs—keep their
families strong in Jesus name.

12.We say NO to terrorist attacks, whether homegrown or foreign. America is safe in Jesus

13.Father teach us to use the news channels and social media in America as tools for
development, rather than violence and ungodly practices in Jesus name.

14.Father raise Kingdom people who will bring funding to entertainment media to fund
wholesome things and speak the truth of God in Jesus name.

15.We permanently ban social media content that promotes ungodliness and practices that
could bring God’s judgment upon this land in Jesus name.

16.Father strengthen the Christians in the media houses and spaces to boldly stand for
Biblical truth in the writer’s rooms, board meetings and creative processes in Jesus name.

17.Father touch the hearts of business owners in America; let them be of great character,
integrity, humble spirits, and honest actions, in Jesus name.

18.Father strengthen the American Dollar. Let the American economy pick up, and let life be
easy for everyone again in Jesus name.

19.Father stir the hearts of parents to take an active role in their children's academic,
spiritual, and emotional formation in Jesus name.

20.Father, guide school boards to be wise in choosing curriculums that uphold the truth of
the Word of God. Let ungodly curriculums be thrown out of all our schools in Jesus name.

21.Father set young people free from the hopelessness, despair, depression, anxiety,
loneliness, and substance abuse that have taken over our cities in Jesus name.

22.Almighty Father let your Church rise again in America and be your voice that brings light,
joy, and answers to a nation that is fast falling into apostasy in Jesus name.

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23.Father burden the Church with urgency to share the Gospel with passion and the power
of the Spirit to evangelize America again in Jesus name.

24.Father visit us in America and let the fire of Revival burn again as in the days of old in Jesus

25.Father intervene in the affairs of marriages and families going through challenges and
bring stability and peace to them in Jesus name.

26.We pray for the strength and grace of endurance for single parents and grandparents
stepping in as parents in Jesus name.

27.We weaken, defeat, cast out the spirits that undermine God’s definition of marriage in
America in Jesus name.

28.Father strengthen families who also serve as caregivers for medically fragile family
members. Give them good health, send help and encourage them in Jesus name.

29.Father, we are tired of the high rate of violence, drug abuse, and suicides in America. We
decree a de-escalation and elimination of such trends in Jesus name.

30.We decree that COVID-19 and its mutants and variants shall lose its power and spread no
further in the nations of the world in Jesus name.

31.In the name of Jesus, we decree an end to the onslaught of the enemy against Nigeria and
the nations of the world. We uproot the powers behind banditry, kidnapping, ritual killing,
corruption, and other vices in Jesus name.

32.Father give us leaders after your heart in Nigeria. Let us experience a new dawn in our
polity in Jesus name.

33.We expose and expel sponsors and agents of destabilization who have held Nigeria to
ransom over the years. Father put a permanent end to their reign in Jesus name.

34.We proclaim by faith Jesus shall reign and rule over Nigeria in Jesus name.

35.Give thanks for answered prayers.

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022

B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the past
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DAY 30: MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2022
TEXT: PSALM 85:6-7
We need to intensify our prayer for revival. We should be fervent in prayer. We should be
intentional about it. Today our prayer, and that very earnestly, is that God should usher
GOFAMINT into her era of glorious and divine visitation where every worshipper of God in the
church both the leaders as well as the led; ministers and the members; male and female, old
and young, will experience the unforgettable, undeniable manifestation of the presence and
power of God for all round transformation.

Our greatest need today is obviously bible-based, Holy Spirit birthed revival. We need messages
from above that will tell us what the Lord requires of us. We need the power of the Holy Spirit
that will convict sinners of sin, convince men of the presence of God and convert people to live
for God.

Genuine revival is what we need. It is that brings visitation of God to us as a church, as a people,
and as individuals that will make us hear God’s voice clearly. Come closely to God, love God
dearly, and hate sin genuinely. We are eagerly longing for genuine revival such as will make us
both individually and collectively give ourselves voluntarily to do the work of God without
waiting for human commendation, applause, or reward.

Revival is spiritual renewal, spiritual awakening, and restoration to the old path of total
commitment to God.
- Swimming in the ocean of brotherly love without any form of deception
- Flowing in the spirit of Christian unity
- Living in earnest expectation of the coming of the Lord
- Laboring for Christ wholeheartedly and joyfully; knowing that our labor is not in vain
We need revival in our midst and in the church of God, such as will deal with hatred, bitterness,
and lack of love among brethren. We need revival that will change our testimonies to emphasize
spiritual blessing and effectiveness in the vineyard and service of the Lord.

Revival is a spiritual thing, but it affects every aspect of the church when it comes. When it
comes to GOFAMINT, it will affect all church programs, activities, and projects.
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Our church programs will have magnetic force:
1. They will attract earnest seekers and worshippers
2. The church will be filled up in the mid-week and Sunday services.
3. There will be great conversion in our churches
Evangelism will no longer be a program for a select few – who are volunteers for evangelism but
will be taken for what it is: Evangelism is for all who are truly saved souls in the church. Those
who have been saved must, as a principle and as duty, rise for the salvation of others. Revival is
about soul-lifting and Soul raising. Revival is a moment of sober reflection on the will and the
word of God.

Revival – such as we are praying for will bring about a complete departure from lifeless
preaching; centered merely on earthly things to the things of the kingdom and eternity.
The leadership of the church has given us a great statement of purpose and a well thought out
core values. We need revival that will make us wake up and begin to live up to these purpose
and values of the church. May the Lord give us revival.

Let us pray
1. Heavenly father, lunch us by your grace into a blessed era of glorious and divine visitation
in the name of Jesus.
2. Mighty God, lead GOFAMINT into a glorious era of divine intervention in Jesus’ name.
3. Gracious God, GOFAMINT as a church needs your visitation. Send us mighty revival and
bless us this year than ever before.
4. Prophesy: GOFAMINT, enter into your era of glorious divine visitation.
5. GOFAMINT, enter into your era of greater heaven-sent revival.
6. GOFAMINT, enter into your era of great renewal and rest on all sides.
7. Heavenly father, give every GOFAMINT leader and member the grace, zeal, and
commitment to live for you and work for you in Jesus’ name

Pray for yourself

8. O Lord, help me to love you supremely and to live for you wholeheartedly
9. O Lord give me the grace to work for you with my total strength and all resources I have.
10.Visit all our assembles in GOFAMINT and grant that your presence be felt in all our services
and programs this year than ever before.

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11.O Lord send us genuine revival: an undeniable visitation of God that will cause us to see
ourselves the way You see us and make necessary corrections that will make us fit for
Your plan and purpose.
12.Lord, revive us and let us do your will and come back to your will for our lives and be
13.O lord send us revival in GOFAMINT that your people may rejoice in you
14.O Lord send us Holy Spirit birthed revival in GOFAMINT that will cause GOFAMINT to
return to those good old days of
- Love among the brethren
- Commitment to Holy living
- Commitment to aggressive evangelism
- Commitment to aggressive follow-up
15.O Lord send a revival across the length and breadth of GOFAMINT and let it begin with
me (Put your name)
16.O Lord launch us in GOFAMINT into the era of multi–dimensional breakthroughs in all

Closing session for the day:

A. Your personal prayer requests for 2022
B. Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

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TEXT: JOB 1:5, GEN 35:2, PS. 12:7

Job 1:5
“And it was so when the days of their feasting
were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them,
and rose up early in the morning and offered
burnt offerings according to the number of them all:
for Job said, it may be that my sons have sinned,
and cursed God in their hearts. Thus, did Job continually.”

Family can be considered in various forms based on antecedents. There are several kinds of
family, we shall discuss three of them:
1. Surrendered family
2. Negotiating family
3. The born against family

1. Surrendered Family is the family where Jesus is embraced. The father works and controls
the family in the fear of God, he does only what Jesus approves, and the wife surrenders
to her head in the fear of God. The couple jointly trains their children in the way of God.
God blesses the family; the children are blessed and become great in life. You cannot
serve God and regret.

2. Negotiating Family is the family that has chosen a way of life that Christ cannot change.
They do whatever they like. They are ready to say no to the leaders' simple correction or
instruction. If you are not prepared to negotiate with them; don't expect their

3. The Born Against Family is the family that stands against the things of God; the father
becomes a chain smoker, drunkard, warmonger, gambler – what a godless family. The
mother loves the world and all its enticements, and she will exchange parties for church
services; the children are confused on which way to follow.
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Which of these families represents yours?

Before we could experience a meaningful Divine Visitation, we should correct our family errors.

The present world is becoming more dangerous, hasting to destruction. Divine Visitation will
only happen to those ready to pay the price.

When divine visitation set in, the devil will bow out of the family; success will come, the blessing
will start, the spiritual blessings and growth will happen, the fire of revival will spread.

1. Is our family godly?
2. Is the father showing us a good example?
3. Is the mother a caring mother?
4. What are the faults of the children?
5. What are the unhappy situations in our family?
6. Are we ready for Divine Visitation? If so, we need to work on every error of our family.

Job 1:5, Gen 35:2

Job 1:5
“And it was so when the days of their feasting
were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them,
and rose up early in the morning, and offered
burnt offerings according to the number of them all:
for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned,
and cursed God in their hearts. Thus, did Job continually”.

Gen 35:2
“Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were
with him, put away the strange gods that are among you,
and be clean, and change your garments:”

You need to fast and pray more

You need to concentrate yourself to God afresh
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Prayer Points

Prayer of Thanks and Cleansing

1 Thank you, God, for the great love you have for our family
2 Thank you, God, for your constant provision.
3 Thank you, God, for good protection that covers the whole family
4 Thank you for the progress in daddy and mummy’s work
5 Thank you for the progress on the children’s study/programs
6 Father, for the sake of Jesus’ blood, forgive us all our shortcomings.
7 All barriers that will disturb your divine visitation, father, remove them by the blood of
Jesus Christ.

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Prayer for the parents

8 Divine Visitation of God, visit the work of our parents for progress, visit their spiritual ,
and make them strong.
9 Let heaven open for them and let them enjoy the constant blessings of God.

Prayer for the children

▪ May the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all stains of sin and receive power to go and sin
no more
▪ Whatever barrier sin had brought into the life of children is removed in Jesus' name.
▪ Children of this family shall be great in life.
▪ Among your mates, you shall excel.
▪ Receive divine visitation all round in Jesus’ name.
▪ Power of the wicked shall not overcome you.
▪ Go and succeed in life.
▪ Power to serve God to the end receive it now.

Bring up other prayer points for the family.

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TEXT: Ruth chapters 1-4.

We may not have the luxury of time to read the entire bible passages quoted above, let us make
efforts to bring out some salient points to grasp the heart of the message.
In Chapter 1: Naomi, Elimelech, her husband, and their two sons left Bethlehem for Moab power
because of famine that broke out in Bethlehem. The meaning of Bethlehem is the house of
bread. Unfortunately, there was a famine in the house of bread. Sometimes, that is the irony of
life; some problems come up when and where it is least expected. But this should not shift our
focus. They went to Moab to search for a better life. Instead of a better life, however they
suffered a great loss. The three men in the family, Elimelech, the father, and the two sons died.
It was a great disaster in the family; the remaining three women, Naomi and the two daughters-
in-laws. The family lost virtually everything, but they did not deny God.

In chapter 2, after the death of the three male family members, only two of the remaining
women held on to their faith in God and embarked on the journey back home to Bethlehem. On
arriving back home, things were rough and tough. Their lives were very bitter. However, they
started a new life from scratch. The women had a solid and rugged faith in God. They were
determined and focused. This teaches us that today's bad condition does not necessarily
indicate a barrier to a better tomorrow. If we are focused on God and work in his ways, the end
shall be better than the beginning.

In chapter 3: Having endured and survived the hardship, they found themselves in the new life
they just started, they discovered that it was time for them to move forward and go to the
next level. Naomi was inspired to instruct Ruth to take certain steps of faith to lead them into
their rest. Ruth obeyed, and the efforts and actions paid off for them. Ruth had a divine
connection with Boaz, her husband-to-be. One step led to the other. Before you know it, their
captivity had been turned around. With their rugged faith and determination, they made it to
the promised land of rest.

Points for discussion:

1. What did Elimelech and his family members do wrong that led them to this disaster?
2. How can we compare the step taken by Elimelech's family to leave Bethlehem and go to Moab
to those who left GOFAMINT for one reason or the other?
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3. What can we describe as scarcity in the house of bread, generally speaking and in our specific
4. As children of God, is there any room for disaster in our lives; What are the factors that can
lead to disaster in
the lives of believers?
5. According to 34:19:
(i) Why should the righteous suffer afflictions?
(ii) What assurance do we have from God in any likely affliction?
6. What are the good lessons we can learn in the life of Ruth and Naomi in this story?

1. Dear Lord, make our family a house of sufficient bread, spiritually and naturally in Jesus name
2. Help us to maintain our strong faith in you, no matter what challenges we face in life in Jesus
3. Father, prevent each member and our family as a whole from taking wrong steps at any stage
of our lives.
4. Dear Lord, help each family member lead disciplined and godly lives to prevent unnecessary
5. Strengthen and renew our faith that we may be working with you without wavering in Jesus
6. Dear Father, let not any members of our family part way with you like Orpah, no matter what
happens in Jesus name.
7. Grant us the grace like that of Ruth that each member of our family may cleave to you to the
end of our lives.
8. Direct the path of every member of our family right according to your divine purpose in Jesus
9. Heal our individual and collective wounds in our family, oh Lord.
10. Give each member of our family divine connection that will link us with men and women
you ordained to serve as our angels, oh Lord.
11. Holy Spirit, lead each of us into our land of rest and destiny in Jesus name.
12. Let us intercede on behalf of each member of our family.

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TEXT: PSALM 85, HABAKKUK 3:2, ISAIAH 64:1 &1 JOHN 1: 5-9

It is no secret that the Christian family's sanctity is under threat, thus robbing us of one of our
core values. The danger is that when the family fails, children grow up in brokenness. Outside
of redemption, a broken child will become a broken adult. A broken adult will, in turn, raise
broken children. The cycle continues to come back until broken. The only way is through divine
visitation and prayer of revival for the family. This is placing it all in God's mighty hands.

Revival is a sovereign act of God that renews God's people through repentance and a fresh
baptism in the Holy Spirit with major effects on the whole family, homes, or communities where
it starts. The fire of the Spirit then spreads out, consuming all in its path! For God's people, it's
a fresh discovery of Jesus and a fresh baptism of Holy Spirit fire. Yet, it is also God's response to
the heart cry of his people in prayer for their nation, their cities, their towns, their villages, their
local communities, their neighbors, and their unsaved family.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was never meant to end; the Spirit fell, and
thousands of people were converted to faith in Christ. Yes, it all began at Pentecost over 2000
years ago, but time and again God's people have lost their way and in his mercy through the
centuries; God had stepped in and revived them again and again; sending times of refreshing
and fulfilling his promise to pour water on the spiritually dry ground; He is still doing so around
the world today and He will do it in your home in Jesus name. God fulfills and keeps his promise
in Ezekiel 34:26 "And I will cause the shower to come down in its season; there shall be showers
of blessing."

I am reminded as I write of an old ‘Sankey’ hymn which has the chorus:

“Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we see, Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the
showers, we plead!”


1. Some argue there will be no revival, and it is useless to spend time praying for it. If that
were true, I ask, 'why is it in the scriptures, and why did the prophets of old plead with
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God for it?' Isaiah cried out to God with the words, "Oh that you would rend the heavens
and come down that the mountains would tremble before you!" Is that not a cry for
renewal and revival? Isn't the Psalmist cry in Psalm 85: 4, "Restore us again, O God our
Savior," a heart-felt plea for revival? Didn't Josiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah, among others,
see renewal and revival in their days? Yes, they did! Why? Because God is merciful and
loves people, and none of us know when we have passed the point whereby judgment on
a nation and a sleeping Church has been reached and cannot be averted, we hear and
read of revival throughout the history of the Church! Why has God given revival again and
again if there is no promise?

2. Christians homes today must do a regular spiritual workout with honest self-examination
conducted in the searchlight of Christ’s all seeing, ever gracious love. In the meantime,
there is a constant need to pray for renewal and revival, for where there is renewal, there
will be revival, and where there is revival, there is always renewal!
In all the revivals I have ever read about, there were at their hearts the spirit of prayer!
The passage often quoted from the Old Testament when Christians speak of prayer about
revival is that of 2 Chron. 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name will humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear
from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land. If your home receives the Holy
spirit revival, all blessings will abide.

3. Considering the heart cry of the Psalmist and his quest for revival in Psalm 85:6, what do
we think are the causes of this problem, and how can we sustain the spirit of revival when
God eventually answers us? Remember He said in verse 8 that, “…He will speak peace
unto His people, and to His saints, but let them not turn again to folly.” Please discuss.

1. Oh Lord, let your revival start in our home from today.
2. We ask that the Holy Spirit visit all GOFAMINT homes with fire and power in Jesus Name.
3. Lord, send purifying fire into all GOFAMINT homes to burn up every dirt, filthiness, and sins
that are holding them down from experiencing God’s blessings, in Jesus name.
4. Oh Lord, visit the GOFAMINT homes with the power to heal the sick and cast out devils in
Jesus name.
5. Holy Spirit, baptize GOFAMINT homes afresh with the love of God, in Jesus name.
6. Oh Lord, my home awaits your revival of blessing.
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7. Lord, baptize our homes with the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ
10. Lord, raise and renew our parents with fresh fire, passion, and vision for Christ and His
kingdom, in Jesus name.
11. Nothing will be impossible for my family and me because I am in Christ, and I can do
everything through him.
12. I will succeed and not fail because Christ dwells richly in me.
13. Help our homes not to take the blessings and favor you’ve blessed us with; for granted in
the name of Jesus.
14. God almighty, let success manifest in every area of my life so that your name can be glorified
15. Let the finger of God bring solutions during these prayers to the following problems in our
homes in Jesus Name. (You can mention others you know)
(a) evil associations
(b) carelessness and lack of planning
(c) weak family altar
(d) unsaved members of the family (mention names)
(e) poor knowledge of the Word of God
(f) procrastination
(g) unprofitable imitation of other homes

16. I command every evil wind directed against my family to be re-directed away by the Holy
17. Let every problem emanating from the issue of finance, in-laws, and relatives receive divine
solution now in Jesus Name.
18. Let God arise and scatter all the enemies responsible for the various problems of my home
in Jesus Name.

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Ps. 119:145-152

In 1 John 2:13-14, John painted the ideal state of Christian youths as being spiritually strong and
fervent: “… I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God
abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” The youths in the church should be
strong in the Word of God that enables them to conquer the devil, break strongholds of lust and
depression in their own lives and be strong enough to help others stand spiritually. Ideally, they
should be the front line of the church ministries. Unfortunately, in 21st century Christianity, we
have youths born again but remain infant Christians for years. They are lukewarm in the church
and hate evangelizing or living their faith. They are not active in the church service, and they
cannot even discipline their own spiritual lives. This calls for spiritual revival among our youth.

Following Paul in 1 Cor. 3:1-3, when the youths behave as infants spiritually, it means they are
worldly and immature, leading them to jealousy, quarreling, and many underlining effects that
partly result in the exodus of youths out of the church. "Oh, for a revival that will turn the
professed people of God back from their idols of sin and worldliness to serve the true and living
God... The revival we need is a revival of holiness, in which the consecration of the whole being
is to the service of Christ … A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent
of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work....”

Revival means sustaining life, restoring to life or health; cause to grow; restore. Something alive
will be growing and bear fruit. When we are revived, we will be fruitful Christians – full of the
fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control).
Revival is "the awakening or quickening of God's people to their true nature and purpose"
(Robert Coleman); it is "the return of the Church from her backslidings, and the conversion of
sinners" (Charles Finney). In essence, it means "to rekindle," as in starting a fire that had been

It is important to note that true revival starts with a hunger and thirst for more of God and also
for the move of God. The Psalmist expressed this hunger in Ps. 63:1-2. Hunger is a major key to
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growing spiritually. Hungry people eat and nourish themselves for growth. The Bible says,
"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters "(Isa. 55:1). God desires that this latter day's
church would be greater in glory and power than our founding fathers' early day's church.
Therefore, GOFAMINT youths must hunger, thirst, and long for God and His righteousness. And
through rigorous, fervent, and desperate prayers, contend for a fresh outpouring of the Holy
Spirit upon GOFAMINT youths for a mighty revival. God desires that every GOFAMINT youth
experience a revival; the personal revival sparks the fire of collective revival that may set the
entire GOFAMINT on revival fire.


Mike Bickle remarks that "most modern-day surveys indicate that up to 85 percent of all people
who get saved are converted before age 30, and most before age 25. One preacher described
young people as "kindling," which helps set fire to "old logs." A few biblical and historical
examples can substantiate this.
1. Joshua and the generation under 20 possessed the Promised Land (Deut. 1:39).
2. David, the young hero, fought and defeated Israel's dreadful enemy, Goliath, as a youth
(1 Sam. 17:33).
3. Josiah, the boy King who started a revival, "… and he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem
of the high places ..." (2 Chr. 34:3).
4. Jeremiah, the young prophet used by God (Jer. 1:6, 7).
5. John the Baptist and his radical message. "Now John was clothed with camel's hair and
with a leather belt ... and he ate locusts and wild honey" (Mark 1:6).
6. Jesus Himself began His ministry at about 30 years of age. The disciples who followed
Jesus probably ranged in age from 21 to 35, and many others followed Him, including
teenagers and children. From these young leaders, the Lord established a Church that
"turned the world upside down."
7. Martin Luther, a young man, was joined by Philipp Melanchthon, a 21-year-old scholar,
as they lectured to hundreds of University students during the years of the Reformation.
8. George Whitefield began to preach at age 21 and was one of the greatest preachers of
the 1700s; he and often spoke to crowds of over 30,000 people with no amplification.
9. D.L. Moody began outreach to young people in Chicago (1858). He started a Sunday
school for youth in a vacant tavern which soon grew into a church filled with young
believers. This was the launching pad for one of the great ministries of the 1800s.
10. Evan Roberts, at the age of 26, said to his college principal, "I keep hearing a voice that
tells me I must go home to speak to our young people in my home church." So began a
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sweeping revival in which 100,000 people were converted in five months throughout
Wales - A movement known as the Welsh Revival (1904).
In the US, we had the Azuza street revival, In Wales, we had the Welsh revival, and we have
continued to see the outpouring of the fire of God all over the world and in different times. God
is no respecter of places and times. God can do what He did in Wales for us in GOFAMINT,
especially through our youths. Therefore, every GOFAMINT youth and student should get ready
for a season of revival through God’s visitation like never before in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Unfortunately, we expect our youths to spark the fire of revival; they are leaving God and the
church? Why leave the church? Whatever our reasons, it calls for earnest prayer for revival. "Oh,
for a revival that will turn the professed people of God back from their idols of sin and
worldliness to serve the true and living God.... The revival we need is a revival of holiness, in
which the consecration of the whole being is to the service of Christ … A revival of true godliness
among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first

We need to pray for revival among our youths. We need to pray that GOFAMINT youths must
see the glory of God in their generation (Ps. 90:13-16). Experiencing God's glory responds to the
hunger for God, and unless they have the hunger for God, they cannot encounter God for
revival. We need divine visitation that produces genuine revival because youths' behavior has a
spiritual cause, which is why the battle for their souls should be intense. Paul rightly captures
the behavior of today's youths and then warns the church in 2 Tim. 3:1-7.


Revival is a product of divine visitation; that is, the visitation of the Holy Spirit, a quickening, a
bringing to life. It is God rending the heavens and coming down, the hills melting like wax before
His presence. It is water being poured out on the thirsty and floods on the dry ground. It is a
turning from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, a casting off of the works of
darkness; thus, the light of the world (Christians) burns brighter and thus aids the Church to be
without spot or wrinkle until the glorious day of His appearing (Ps. 64:1-12, Matt. 5:14-16). At
revival, every Christian and the church at large will be saturated with God and experience a true,
proper, and correct relationship with God whereby it's spilling out into the community
transforms lives.

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Revival cannot be put together, manufactured, or produced. If it can be planned, orchestrated
and be turned on or off, then it cannot be revival. Revival cannot be worked up, but it needs to
come down (divine visitation). Revival is not an organized event, though out of an organized
event, such as passionate prayers born out of intense hunger for righteousness, revival can
break forth to revive dry and weary souls, transform saints, save sinners and change entire

Revival is not the romantic ideal which many Christians make it out to be. Revival can be
traumatic by nature; it really rocks the boat and sifts and shakes Christians in the church.

The blessing of revival is to cut free and deliver, for the cleansing, purging, sifting, shaking, and
restoration of the Church. Judgment always begins at the house of the Lord (1 Pet. 4:17). Revival
can be a solemn commotion and a divine disorder all at the same time; with some rejoicing that
the Holy Spirit has come whilst others are on their faces before a holy God, weeping and
confessing their sins, looking to the cross and pleading for pardon in fear of the wrath to come.


(Discuss each point using the Bible references)
1. Sincere personal spiritual inventory (2 Cor. 13:5; Rev 2 & 3, Isa. 59:1-2). Look at yourself
like GOD sees you (Ps. 139:23, 24); look at your sin and see it like God sees it – an
abomination, filthy, wicked; look at your efforts for the Lord and see them for what they
really are – pathetic; and check your attitudes and see if Christ is in your thoughts, or lust,
and hatred and revenge, and pride and impatience, and bitterness, and stubbornness
2. Genuine repentance of every known sin (Rev. 2:5; Isa. 55:6-7). All Scripture and Revival
history shows that a true Revival begins with "Deep Repentance". Though revival is always
the Lord's work, true repentance is always our duty! It is necessary to repent of all known
sins against God fully. Get on your knees before Him and empty yourself before Him. Pull
everything out of your hidden places, your secrets, your heart, and your soul! Those sins
that readily come to mind, repent of them, then ask God to bring to your mind sins that
you commit that you may not even be aware of. Ask God to reveal any other sin you are
not aware of.
3. Godly Grieving or Sorrow. “For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night.
Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight. You will
be proved right in what you say, and your judgment against me is just” (Ps. 51:3-4 NLT).
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You should get upset over your sins and be genuinely sorry to God for hurting Him most
of all.
4. Forsake all questionable habits and activities (Rom. 14:23). What kinds of habits do you
have that are sin? Are you in the habit of using foul and vulgar language? Are you addicted
to food, lust, sleep, drugs, or drink? Ask God to clean up your mouth. Ask Him to help you
get free of drug addiction. Ask Him to help you keep food and sex in the proper
perspective and help you stay clear of things that so easily beset you and ruin you like the
TV, bad friends, and bad music. Strongly decide to part with those sins, immediately and
permanently, that is, rooting out the roots of sin in your life. (Check for things to root out
of your life: Heb. 12:15-16, 2:1, 1 Tim. 6:10).
5. Reconcile with all. You should make right any wrongs between yourself and others (Mark
11:25). This is where you replace everything you have rooted out with good seeds. Do you
need to apologize to someone in your family? There may be something between you and
a family member that goes back many, many years. That may be the one thing, the one
piece of business you need to take care of to experience personal revival. Seek their
forgiveness. Offer your forgiveness! Never hold a grudge more than biblical stipulation.
6. Engage in prayer and worship (Matt. 8:2; 9:18; 15:22-25). Seal all that effort with time in
prayer and praise to God. How long has it been since you got away from everything and
everyone and spent time with God in prayer? Maybe you have gotten to the point where
you no longer have quiet time. You don't spend time in prayer, and you rarely ever open
your Bible during the week. Ask God to help you renew your commitment to prayer and
Bible reading. Plead that God will help you keep the freshness and sweetness of Christ
complete in your life! Come away to your prayer closet every day.
• Let all else be set aside for a season to pray.
• Deal with yourself for now. Think not even of the other brethren and their collective
need for a fresh touch.
• Let your appeal be built solely upon His mercy
• Wrestle alone with God for the needed blessing.
• Pray with these Scriptural passages: Hab. 3:2, Ps. 80:18-19, 85:6, 143:10, Lam. 5:21,
and Isa. 64:1.
• Your prayer should be
 Selfless prayer (no mention of what you may need, only that it is a reviving
of your heart and soul)!
 Earnest prayer – strong determination!

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 Holy prayer – the dumping and cleansing of your life (spirit, soul, and body)
so that true, honest prayer can take place in a clean life.
7. Believe and expect revival (Mark 11:24). Wait expectantly like a groom does for the bride
to come. Revival comes, not when the guest preacher arrives, but when God personally
shows up and is allowed to do His work in our hearts, lives, homes, and minds!

1. Youths should passionately pray for themselves to encounter true revival.
 Pray against external influences responsible for youths’ ungodly behaviors.
 Pray for God’s enablement to live righteously and be examples to other youths in
conduct. (1 Tim. 4:12-13).
 Pray that you as a brother may be as a plant grown up in your youth, and as a sister,
maybe as pillars sculptured in palace style (Ps. 144:11-12).
 Pray to receive grace to be sensitive to and heed godly counsels and never be in
the group of youths that often shun advice (Prov. 1:8-10).
 Pray passionately as Jesus taught His disciples; “But deliver us from the evil one.”
(Matt. 6:13)
 Pray that your eyes of understanding be enlightened to know the hope of your
calling in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:18).
2. Ask God to bring deep conviction of sin, spiritual brokenness, and a holy fear of God
among GOFAMINT youths.
3. Pray for deep cleansing, genuine repentance, and spiritual power to engulf GOFAMINT
4. Pray for Youth and Campus leaders to experience a mighty move of God for spiritual
awakening that will positively impact all youths and students of GOFAMINT.
5. Pray that God will bestow spiritual hunger on GOFAMINT youths and draw them to
fervent intercession.
6. Pray also that God will grant GOFAMINT youths the genuine faith and the fervent desire
for prayer that go far beyond mere congregational prayer programs.
7. Pray that God will bring loving unity in our churches and deep harmony between our
leaders as a shining example for our youths to emulate.
8. Pray for healing among all our members (at the church and fellowship levels); also pray
for the grace to stop all forms of jealous competition that drive the Holy Spirit from the

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9. Only God can give a genuine burden for souls; pray that God will fill GOFAMINT youths
with a passion for seeing people saved.
10.GOFAMINT youths, receive grace and passion for aggressive soul winning revival.
11.Pray for God to give GOFAMINT youths a passion for missions and church planting.
12.Many churches are dying for lack of soul winners, teachers, and church workers. Pray that
God will call many of our youths into ministry, missions, and church active workers.
13.Pray that God will pour out His Spirit like a mighty purifying flood to purify the “motives”
of all GOFAMINT youths from seeking revival for selfish or ambitious reasons.
14.Pray for a mighty move of conviction and salvation upon all youth and campus
communities for an unprecedented harvest of souls to God’s Kingdom.
15.History can repeat itself again. Specifically, pray for God to pour out His Spirit in a fashion
even greater than He did in America in 1858 and Wales in 1904 (where 100,000 souls got
saved in five months in Welsh revival) and Jamaica in 1860.
16.Ask God for a 21st-century experience of the Pentecost day encounter on all GOFAMINT
youths across the globe.

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Divine visitation refers to when the heavens and the earth collaborate. The superior heavens
decide to show mercy and visit the created earth. Divine visitation can bring about
reconstruction (Jeremiah 4:23-24), where a wilderness, barren land becomes a fruitful place.
When God visits, past promises and prophecies are turned into reality. Tangible results are seen.
When God visited the earth, prophecies given hundreds of years before were fulfilled.

Divine visitation is the answer to every form of frustration and stagnation in your life. Every
divine visitation always culminates in supernatural manifestation. When God steps into any
difficult situation in your life, His mighty acts, signs, and wonders are inevitable.
When the divinity decides to visit humanity, evidence abounds. These pieces of evidence are
what we call the result. May all our women receive results that terminate in insult in Jesus name.

Divine visitation always brings supernatural manifestation. When God steps into any difficult
situation which human beings think is impossible, miracles, signs, and wonders follow. Gen 3:8,
Isaiah 64:1.As we pray for all our women today, they shall continue to experience God's
visitation and revival in all ramifications of life.


1. Women generally carry some pieces of baggage of unnecessary emotional feelings and
actions that need to be dealt with and cleansed to allow a free move of the Holy Spirit
among His people. Let us use the case study in Acts 6:1-4 to discuss how it affects church
politics. How can it hinder the work of revival? How can divine visitation address this

2. Women are generally over-sensitive on issues, which can lead to some relationship
breakdown among them. How do we tackle this issue?

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3. Using Matthew 7:1-5 and Titus 2:1-5, how can we help our women to serve God
successfully and be exemplary models to the younger ones coming up?

4. Women like Priscilla (Acts 18, 1 Cor. 16:19) are worthy examples as agents of revival. What
can we learn as women from her life to motivate and sustain an atmosphere of revival
among us in GOFAMINT? Do you think our women are good enough materials for the
ministry of pastoring, teaching, and evangelizing?


1. Father, I thank you for my salvation and all its riches at work in me, in Jesus name.
2. Father, I thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit that is in me, in the name of Jesus.
3. Father, by the blood of Jesus, wash all our women from all forms of sins and strengthen them
by your spirit, in Jesus name.
4. Father, let the Holy Spirit fill all GOFAMINT women afresh for fresh unction and power in the
name of Jesus.
5. Father, let every unbroken area in the life of GOFAMINT women be broken and revive and
renew me, in the name of Jesus.
6. Father, incubate all GOFAMINT women with the fire of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, every anti-power bondage in the life of our women; break by fire, in Jesus’ name.
8. Father, let all strangers flee from my spirit and let the Holy Spirit take control in the name of
9. Father, revive my spiritual life and move it to the mountaintop so as to reflect your power,
in the name of Jesus.
10. Father, revive all GOFAMINT women and let the heavens open and the glory of God fall
upon them, in the name of Jesus.
11. Father, let everything quenching the fire of God in the life of our women come out and die
and let them be revived, in the name of Jesus.
12. Father, cause everything inside of us resisting God to expire by fire and let us be filled afresh
with your revival spirit, in the name of Jesus.
13. Father, increase my spiritual capacity to pray, fast, study your word and be obedient to your
instructions in the name of Jesus.
14. Father, revive all our women afresh with your spirit, God’s principles and values of
righteousness, love, and justice, in the name of Jesus.
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15. Father, ignite my spiritual life afresh to stop fishing in unprofitable waters, in the name of
16. Father, release Your tongue of fire upon my life and burn away all spiritual filthiness present
within me, in the name of Jesus.
17. Father, make me hunger and thirst for righteousness and everything that exalts your holy
name, in the name of Jesus.
18. Father, engrave me to do your work with this revival spirit, regardless of the mockery of
men, in the name of Jesus.
19. Father, place your heart within my heart O Lord and set me apart for your work, in Jesus
20. Father, let the Holy Spirit breathe afresh upon us and establish righteousness both in our
hearts and family, in the name of Jesus.

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TEXTS: Matt. 3:1-17, Like 3'1-23

Divine visitation is the greatest experience that any person can have on earth. It never left the
life visited the same way it met it when it occurs. For any man's life to remain in one condition
is a sign of lack of divine visitation. We need to challenge ourselves when the lives of the
attendees of our church programs remain the same.

The life, the ministry, and John the Baptist’s environment was a spiritually contagious and
electrifying one. No one came around him and remained the same again. There were many
unusual occurrences under his ministry.

(i) The base of his ministry was in the wilderness, yet multitudes of people flocked to him there
- Luke 3:4.
(ii) He preached a raw and undiluted message of the word, and people paid rapt attention -Luke
(iii) People willingly confessed their sins under his ministry. Matt. 3:6
(iv) People were willing and enquiring to know the truth under his ministry. Lk. 3:19
(v) He extolled Jesus, not himself, in His ministry. Lk3:16-17
(vi) Multitudes of people, which included Jesus, were blessed under his ministry. It was there
that heaven opened, a voice came from heaven, and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus. Lk.

While introducing Jesus, he described Him as the one "whose fan is in His hands and he will
thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner, but he will burn up the chaff
with unquenchable fire." (Matt.3:12).

The above description of the life and ministry of Jesus by John is supposed to be the model and
ideal church standard for us. Let us deliberate on this verse of the scripture leading us into our
prayer vigil.
1. His fan is in his hand to thoroughly purge his floor. What does this mean?
2. What is the wheat to be gathered into barn and what is the chaff to be burnt with
unquenchable fire?
3. In what way does John's ministry demonstrate the above description?
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4. This scenario be repeated in our lives, ministry and church today?
5. What happens when things remain stagnant in a church and what happens when the fire
6. How can we ignite fire in our lives and in our church?

1. Dear Lord, let your power and presence fill my life.
2. Dear Lord, help us lead disciplined, dedicated, and holy lives to usher us into revival.
3. Purge us of all spiritual irritations preventing your presence and power in our lives.
4. Grant all Ministers of GOFAMINT the true mind of Christ.
5. Destroy all egoism and self-centeredness spirits in the lives of all our ministers and the entire
men-folks in GOFAMINT.
6. John 3:30: Help us, Lord, to lift Christ and relegate selves in our actions, oh Lord.
7. Purge our lives and assemblies with your fire and make us pure and holy, oh Lord.
8. Turn each of our assemblies to revival centers, oh Lord.
9. Make our Ministers firebrand and their ministrations fruitful, oh Lord.
10. Make all our workers and ministers flames of fire to set the church agog, oh Lord.
11. Let your presence be made known and real in all our services all over GOFAMINT, oh Lord.
12. Let all our pastors experience true revival and use them as instruments of revival for the
13. Let the Holy Ghost fire burn in our hearts, in our midst, and consume all chaffs, oh Lord.
14. Turn all our assemblies to centers of your blessing like that of John the Baptist in Jesus name.
15. As the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit fell upon Jesus under John’s ministry, let all our
assemblies become open heaven arenas, oh Lord.

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The saying is basically true: we are either going forward, standing still, or falling behind. Sadly,
this is also true in the Lord’s church. The problem is that many congregations have become
complacent and comfortable (the prelude to standing still). Once we are standing still, everyone
passes us by, and we begin to fall behind.
In Philippians 3:12-14, Paul believed in moving ahead. We can’t rely on our past laurels or past
reputation. There was a time when GOFAMINT stood tall among other Pentecostal Churches in
Nigeria. The years where we have the biggest auditorium in the southwest, if not in the whole
country then, years where they knew us as the church of Amen... but today it's like the speed
has drastically reduced.

Moving forward is the only way to avoid decline and failure as a church; we need to think about
what it takes to move ahead. We must never be satisfied with the past or believe that what we
are doing in the present is all we can do. 2 Peter 3:18.

To achieve all that God will allow us to do, we must move forward to meet future challenges.
Through God's Divine visitation into our church, our church will take back his lost glory and
become more relevant in this generation. We need to move forward numerically, financially,
etc. it takes supernatural visitation for GOFAMINT to move forward. As we pray today,
GOFAMINT will receive accuracy and speed to move forward in Jesus Christ name.


1. The GOFAMINT Timeline reveals that we had exponential growth within the first 30 years
of our establishment. Subsequently, our growth plateaued up till the time our G.O, Pastor
(Dr) Elijah Abina shouted out to us that we were not growing! What do you think is
responsible for this?

2. The GOFAMINT Sunday School used to be the enviable and exemplary tool for our growth
in the early years of our establishment. Why do you think it is not doing the same now as

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before? Have we missed out on some things we used to do through our Sunday Bible
School then, now?

3. Our choir ministry was made up of highly skilled and matured men and women of God,
and the level of commitment then made such ministries/churches like the Deeper Life,
RCCG, Mountain of Fire, etc., come to our Church to get trainers for their own churches.
Today, many of them have overtaken us. What can you say is responsible? Could it be
because they have more money than us?

4. Our church was the first Pentecostal organization to widely use Land rover Jeep to preach
the gospel in crusades all over the country. (Our old faithful Land rover of the Late G.O,
Pastor (Dr) R.A George). No wonder our Church was the foremost indigenous missionary
church then in Nigeria.

5. Finally, our Church, GOFAMINT, was the first to build the biggest auditorium in
Southwestern Nigeria (the International Gospel Centre, Ojoo, Ibadan) for the use of
gospel ministries and churches all over Nigeria.

All the above feats were performed by our founding fathers, who were young then, and had
little education, unlike today's young generation. What do you think they possessed that today’s
generation needs to re-engineer if they have to equal the feat of the fathers?

Do we believe that the present generation can equal this feat, talk less of surpassing them?
What can we say that Haggai 2:9 means for us in this regard? We must pray for supernatural
visitation and revival if this has to be possible.

The early Pentecostal founding fathers were committed youths who were well discipled during
their early days, so they knew what it meant to deploy the youths on the harvest field, like the
300 foxes of Samson in the harvest field of the Philistines. (Judges 15:4-5). As we pray in this
season, the Lord will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers in the spirit of Elijah. (Luke

1. Father, we thank you on behalf of GOFAMINT worldwide for all blessings and growth we have
enjoyed since this church started

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2. We glorify God for all our leaders both last and present at all levels for how you have been
using them to build the church.
3. Let's appreciate our father in the Lord, Pastor Dr. Abina for the grace God has given him to
move the church forward.
5. Every gate of hell again GOFAMINT; expire in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. Oh Lord, move GOFAMINT forward today by fire
7. Restored all our lost glory in the name of Jesus
8. GOFAMINT, move forward numerically, financially, spiritually, etc.
9. Oh Lord, announce GOFAMINT in the committee of churches.
10. GOFAMINT will not lose its standard in this corrupt generation.
11. Let there be Divine visitation that will move GOFAMINT forward by fire.
12. GOFAMINT will not die; GOFAMINT will not scatter in Jesus Christ name.
13. Father, help the GOFAMINT Churches to be more committed to the work of preaching the
gospel and let signs and wonders follow us everywhere we go in the mighty Name of Jesus.
14. O Lord, raise our next generation to catch the spirit of the fathers in evangelism, discipleship,
and commitment.
15. Lord, give our next generation the grace and wisdom to surpass the founding fathers'
evangelism and soul-winning feat as they employ the modern tools available today for harvest.
16. Father, help our youths to saddle themselves with the seven hills of civilization to preach the
gospel and win souls to the Kingdom. (These hills are, Education, Family, Religion, Commerce &
Industry, Sports & Entertainment, Science & Technology, and Politics).
17. Our father in the Lord, the G.O. Pastor (Dr) E.O Abina, in anticipation of this impending
harvest through this next generation, has set up a 5-Year Development Plan Committee, headed
by our DGO, Pastor (Dr) E.T. Oluwayemi. Let us pray for a unique anointing of the Holy Spirit
upon them to fulfill this vision of our leader.
18. Let us pray in accordance with the prophecy in Haggai 2:9 that the glory of the latter house
through this next generation shall surpass the former in all dimensions.
19. O Lord, may we never be weary of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and may Your word
continue to become like fire in our bones in Jesus Name.
20. O Lord, open the eyes of our understanding to know the hope of our calling (Eph. 1:18), and
make us walk like Men of Issachar in times like this (1 Chr. 12:32) for the growth of our Church.

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